. - 1 SawaasaaaaaMaiBaaaaaBaasaafaBaBsMaajla ,,tm. .j-m wmt.m tr m North Carolina, is published daily, excev1 aondar. at 700 per year. $4 00 fur six months. H 15 tor three months, $1 00 for one month to me 'HDScribcrs. Delivered to city subscriber at in -me of 15 cenU per week for any period (mm our ti iu one year. r . . rdS ViBKLY. STAR; le pttbllsned every Kriday a. iruin at $1 so per yenr, $1 DO for six months . 50 ui for three months. a u v tf RTI&ttK BXf&S DAILY.-Jn3 ii ne day. $1.W; iwo oAys; $LTC;Thia-days,$Vti0f nr says, 3.w;avo nays, a&ou; ono week, $4.00: o week, $8.50: tareo weeks, $8.60; one month. iu.wj; two uuauu, i i.iAi; inree months, $ S4.UU; t monum, tw.wj twelve months, $60.00. Tea ir of solid Nonpareil type make tote eaoare. All announcement of i iaira, rFpstial-BJ4j lop, Pic-Nics, Society Meetings. PeliUcai Meet- I;, Ac, will he charged rugular tulvomain rale No advertisements Inserted in Lcat coiacnn t y price I 7 I i - $ , , Notices chderheaa efTriy 110111" j rbiitu per me 1 or urat insertion, and 15 cents jir line for eacn absoquent insertion. Aavertisesasnts Inserted once a weo In Dally will ve charged. $0j per fcaart for each-lnstEthnw: 5Sv iry eth days thiefe roorthe of daily rate Twtco a eek, two thirds of daily rate. Notices of Marriage or Death, Tributes of He roect. Resolutions of Thanks, Ac are charged for . as ordinary .advertisements, .but only half rate; when paid for strictly in advance, ax mis rate so couta will par for a simple announcement of t&ar 1 luge or Death. idvertiaementa to follow reading matter, or to occupy any special place, will be charged extra ac rordhig to the position desired. Advertisements on which no specified number of insertions ia marked will be continued till forbid," f the option or the pnJbnshev. and ,hargedop to the date of diacontannane. i. - Advertisements discontinued before the time con tracted for ha expired, charged tranalcnt rates for the time actually published, . Advertisements kept under the head of "New Ad ertisementa" will be charged fifty per coat, extra. Amassment, Auction and, Official advertisements ma dollar per saoare for each Insertion. All announcements and recommendations of Can dida tee for office, whether in the shape of comiun rticauona or otherwise, will be charged as advertise ments. Remittance mmst.be made by Check, Draft, Pos ral ltaBwOrdeEpresstor in Registered Letter.. Only aach 'remittances will be at the risk of the publisher. Communications, unless they contain Important ae ws, or discuss briefly and properly subjects or real interest, are not wanted: and. if acceptable in every other way, they will invariably be rejected if the real name of the author Is withheld. Contract advertisers will not be allowed to exceed 1 heir space or advertise any thing foreign to their regular business without extra charge at ransient rates. . , . , Payment tor trasaleut advertisements moat be nade in advance. Known parties, or strangers with proper erence, may pay monthly orquarte-rlv. ac cording to contract. Advertisers should aJway specif r the issue or ls rutut they desire to advertise in. Where no Issue is itAcned the advertisement will be inserted in the Daily Where an advertiser contracts for the paper to be sent to him during the time his advertisement is i, the proprietor will only be responsible for the nailing of the paper to his address. jMormng tar. KVEIST1NG EDITION. l O-UAY AND I O-nORKOW VLen thou art by I kuow not why I love thee, but 1 love ihee not 8 deeply; But wbea thou art none, And I am alour, I marvd tbat I beld Ihee then s eheiply. Tbey smtie ftSd U!k. They t;1a"oc, ibey walk, la fain regret 1 piclore nod r member; A. s wuli 1 miht UtCiil ibe ligbt O J uub amid the darkness of December. Ab, cruel fate ! Tlial all loo lalo loam ue gulden value tf nur -iiit That it mo-t gn Bf-Ti- e know lit -.v pasd'D at-t-i it was tn bave our trea uitf l'crver-ie aro vve, I'nti blind t ) see '3Tb it ui ein-in mes ouly lead tu soimw, Enjoy tu day, A'bde yel yuu may; Why until to-day becomes in-1110; row ? Frank LesiWa Illustrated Ntwzpaper. Wlvue ox is gored mi k s a vasi diffcituce vi)i suiaii people, aliiiougb the circum n may b ibe saint-. Wub ud "prin- cijlr? t- priDxiilr, yesierday, l-d.-ty and f'jievr " h ij as wrong iu Loh the party t)imin(i'iis uww us it was iu 1872 and 1X74 Wunaie Brief Mention. Gfi. Barrlnger'a recent -atlck ou Dr. W hi Hi, we uodertaod4 is based on ibe fact Ujt Mr. NU Alkiaauw, who is toooisg as an independent candidate for Uongress, tbat ibe Legislature bad, in the re fuodm bond bill, allotted ft part of the twx received from licenses to sell spirituous Hq-iurs to the payment of ioierest on the nevv f.-ur pr cttijt.' bonds.: Tiiw, it ap jieir. is the uosirnsTaTJtial basitf the as !.ut upou DrTVVortb'a jnteKiily a the rWaie Treasurer. And yet Qeu. Barrintr mi lawyer Llow be coufd ever see iu this ot the Qeneral Assembly ay cause lo tmpeacb Dr. VVoctb'a ioltRrity as au officer we cannot eompreheod. But, then, Gen. ii irnuger is a Republican, and Buy mao who can be sx absurd as to be a. liepubli Ciu iq Nortb OaroHna ought to astonish no ...Lie when, ha puts naught and naught to gether aod makes 329 Raleigh Tfetos and Observer . i-oi.i raiJAi. foi.-s Democratic legislation saved nearly $100,000,000 for the country during the past four years. Republican robbery and extraTsgauce wasted nearly $250,000, 000 on Ibe Navy alone, during Oram's Presidency, and there is nothing 10 show for it. Gren, .GatntV talk about, Han cock, throagtithe medium of the Rev. C. H. Fowler, seema to be accurate in motive, but inaccurate in fact. As far as it is his torical it stands contradicted; as far a it is personal Grant admits it in a half-and-half iortof way. It does no credit to the ex Pi tsident. Philadelphia Record; Ind. The difficulty .fdth ,Dr. Fowler seems to be fbaV fie Was ignorant of the facta himself, and remembered very imper fectly what was told bim, and then rushed bis statement into print without revision, or verification on-a : rather indefinite and coDtingeflt permission, wbicb applied not to tbat statement huT to what bad been really said. JV'ew York Iribune, Rep. TWIKKUNG. A man marched into VVilmiog ton, Del , jeAiJipC the gun, knapsack, cap ad belt of soldier, but wearing sot a utCM of clothing. He was a lunatic. When the Mrariditf sihe North Carolina distiller, equixmetb there ia blood in the moan, and the raider-must beware J of his seal p. Richmond State. In i860 tTie number of luoatics in England was S8,058.' Now it la 71;191, increase of no less than 87 per cent. Du ring the same period the population in creased only about 28 per cent., about one-third of the rate of which lunacy edrJ "Here ia a sketch," said the poet Unto the editor ray, ''That I tossed me off in an idle hour To PMfrthfttfmeawty.?, , Here ia a lab,?, we the answer. In a blaad and trailing way, -With which; I frequently toss me "off " 3'ixpoetsiD a day." 5tt Lore in Chicago Iribune. Iu New York ou-i Friday even 4u latf illpp. Horatio Seymour delivered one of his bn.adly philosophicil addreBaes, defJuiug the points at issue between the Dnocrats fcgdjtbe Rejj-ubacans. Mf. Sey mour dwelt especially on the evils to be ap-: prebended Trom centralization tendencies and made an eloquent appeal in behalf of Gen. Hauctick ns a statesman, soldier and patriot. Hon. Jeremiah S. Black, whose certificate ia Garfield's favdr was abun-utjyquott-dj. bj iReiican journals a ratfrhirrBo ag&Hias fenrowed up bis vigor ous exposure of that humbug by taking the stump in the interest of the Demodmcv vigor and tbe pungency of bis written con tributions to the discussion since the can- (Vsaabeiran-. ; -: ...... ; -rr .George Ba.ucroitti :the ihistorian, says Washington was six feet two inches tall. Uen. Hancock is the same height. Miss Eve Sothern,iMr.,SQUiQfft!8 are about lo enter the dramatic profession. A banquet was given in Montreal last Thursday aigbt to L. H. Prechette, the Canadian poet, to celebrate his recent cap ture of tbe chief prize of the French Acade my. Letters were read from Oliver Wen- dell Holmes and John G. ..WUtier t Mr. Aldnca. eeceittij sentt vs corxespoaoeni wno evtncea some eurioaity: concerning the after-life of Richard Shack- ford and Margaret, a copy of "The Still water Tragedy," inscribed "With the com pliments uf Mr. and Mrs. Richard Shack ford." t SOIJTHGItlV ITl2!tIS. The - public schools : ot";Jdlum bus, Ga., are attended by 513 white and 542 colored children. ; Already over 300 students have entered at the University of Virginia, and 400 are expected. Tbe McCormick tele escope fund is growlngn:ce1y, the amount now necceaary to raise being less than $10, ooo. - - At Americas, Ga., a young man went to bis wedding under ihe influence of l;quor, when tbe-aboat-ftr be bride re fused to proceed farther, and announced the engagement canceled. HAS NEVER FAILED when used according io tbe printed direction! inclosing each bottle, and is perfectly safe even in the most inexperienced Jma&. IS BECOMMENDED By Physidan, by. Jtf&sfcaflrfesv.by Ministers, by MecAcmics,bj Mine in Hospitals, BY KVJfiRTBQPY, PA IU mil CR aAtnrlbBxxrttB! rAlil IVlLLIltl.for Concbs, Sore Throat, Chills, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cramp, Cholera, giuX aU Bowel CbmpiainU. TTe have ImiirmeT parties in iUIpcjaioX theTrorjkl who have used P AXIi HTLXJSHr internally with never-feiling success m esses of sickness of almost every nature. PAIN KfLtER I ,1551 to tha Woria & tdCtHeAaCb, Ba Sickness, Fain tn. the Baeb, PiB tn ttts Bide, IthewilMrtlarit-arid' Henralgla. - - Its equal Jiavina vever t&beatjound : PAIN KILLER cases of Cotav Bruii brings epoedy and per- sxanent reuei ib au cases of Cats, Bmlsea-gpimtaiay'gcaiday Sievere xsnrxLS, etc. -. J3AIM iyiri Ctfithe well-tried and I Alii l I LLtn trusted friend of the t'armen ElaauraiM in fact all classes wanting b'arnaen Planter, aitor , Mecluuile. and in cr a cure ana sue modlcin -whloli --will always be at hand, iid enn be freelwvtsed tntanaUveri tcrnally without fear of harm, aoa with, -. rtalnty of relied I t ; s t 3 A Iff Ltl I raisaKedclhtfChestftt 5 AII4 IvlLLtn itself, and few vessels r oris. . . dhave-apmeelafi every KactoTv. Machine- nop ana Mill, on every irarm ana jfiamannn, :id iu every. Household, ready. for Immediate -is not only for Accidents, Cuts, Bruises. i .rm sty Hxit In pasa nf HiuMn Rin'bnAsa nf n'v iin1. i k t- X i i - No family can safely be without this Invaln-i-le remedy in tha house, ,11s prico. brings ft .. ithln the reach of all, ana it will annually save many tunes its cost in-l actor's bills. For sale by all druggists at 2dc SOe and PERRY DAVif"6-SON, PROVIDEWCt, R. I. ,.io.-,,4 aj i- Proixrletors - - ap eodJbWIy, c.i traw? taui i i 1 1 mi ini.ji I l ui i i rm T. To Harried J.adies,, JF YOU WISH JPP5 grBrNffTS AND Woolens made white. light and soft have them. cleaned at : WILSONQTQIT DySINQ JB8TAB., oeiOtf Market Bti betitd aad 8t ; Orders ! Carriages for fanulles, BaKKteateaeemalf.fi fl Phsetona eomf iron, .-: Repairs for everything In the line, Wortdag constantly at oc 1 0 tf McDOUGALL A WILLIAMSON. PERRVMiS' Sir: UlUE9A,U,rRIQES. i troar gH0??8?!?)!. Sent ho!u.1e prices generally. In .ju&kln? 0 orders higher prices have to be chargea (aioaa QAlirQ-Onnny f00 11s 23 U HACON-Nortb Carolina. j uams, fi K(ecw)......, . Shoulders, abJes;iC.. choice, B . is, western Smoaod Hams ; Sides, th . i . i Vi ;4 . ... ... . . , Shoulders,..... ........ Dry, Baited ., . i s&M .vf ..... ! 'ShOuldetsV....iiv;i. USSF Live weight 0 0 2xa itUfiJUbpirtfpoatujB, oocona nana, eacn. ..-,. . . Now New York;' each.' ..... 00 o 00- 00 1185 1 65 1 90 23 9r New City, each..u AU...vJ. SSW AX 9 I sci i I Northern.. wt 00 14 00 dCTTSR Morth Carolina. 19 St. 15 a 20 1 Mortnem, y OANDLfiS Sperm. 9 t. TalloWibvw4!.vv;i..v....i 23 & 18 & nxa o o a to- 10 S3. O is a 83 36 13 10 i Adamantine. 9 lb UH&Saa Northern Factory V ft -uairy,creami J 8tate,lb CUK FJtB Java. is 13 UU : 1 ruo. v in 1, J.ie3?7??' ;vj-.-! 70 75 7 00 75 3 35 & 110 a is ta 2000 a io so -1 enoioo a. 6 00: DOMESTICS Sheetins,a-4. 9 yd J tarn, 9 bancn CO I 16 UU pNb: U9'H bbl ....... Mackerel, No. S, bW. .... NaTtVtJwbbl MacXereUNo.S.sj bbl Mallets. bbl N. O. Herring, Hoe. W kee.. .. 8 off 00 00 6 50 o 7 oo 3 75 S 50 8-6-O-4-00-- 00, Jfr, 6 t Peruvian Jnano,0H b I 6T Bangh'aPhosphate, 00 00 Carolina Fertiliser. u I 45 00 62 60 60 U0 60 00 40 00 45 00 57 00 45 00 07 00 70 00 70 00 00 00 60 00 5 00 6 00 9 00 900 6 CO Ground Bone. w " ' 00 00 ; Bone Meal, " 00 00 " Flour, ,..; 00 00 i NavassaQuano, -V " 40 00 ! Complete Manure" " , 00 00 ! Whann's Phosphate - 00 00 ) Wando Phosphate, : , : Dp 00 i Berger A Buta's Phoeph. 44 60 00 ! Kxcellenaa Cotton Fertiliser 55 90 FLOUR Fine, 9 bW, ........... 0 00 Super. Northern, ft bbl 5 75 i Kxtrado. . " 5 bbl...... 6 35 ' Family 5hbl 7 50 I City Mills Sxtra, bbl 6 00 i .. . . (Family, V bbl... 5 75 Sz.Famlly. bbl... 6 35 6 00 650 13 JLTTSJ... 11 tftAIN Corn,in store, in oaQS, I Corn, Cargo, bushel... .i 67X 59fl Corn, mixed uBhei,ln bags. 65S 50 80 4 13 1 15 1 10 1 00 i Oa.ta. m hut Peas, Cow, V bushel .. HIDES Green. 9 - Dry, V &.... dAY Eastern, 9 100 ft s.. I Westera, 100 tt s . . North River, 100 B. HOOP IRON V ton LARD Northern, 9 & I North Carolina, V . IMS B bbl 80 00 90 09 00 1 10 18 00 15 00 13 00 18 00 13 00 00 37 10 25 I4(JMBRR CiTT SlaAaSAWXD DUipoiau.,retnou, im ait.. I Roucrh Bdee Plank, M ft... SO 00 16 00 18 00 23 00 ? Wetlndla(3arg5es,aoordingj i toaualltv. v A.rt.. ....... i DreeaeoFloorine. seasoned.. Scantllmc and Boards, com' 15 00 MOLASSES New eniCuba, hhds 40 , 40, 41 46 97 27 80 3 50 -IS .18 -so New crop uuDa, DDia v gai. Porto Rico,hhds bbls.. ; Sugar House, hhds, gal.. . bbia gal... 00 00 35 00 40 000 11 1 10 90 15 2ALS Cut, lOd baaisi s keg!! COLS Keroeener-v gai ' or Lard, 9 gal. unseed, v gai......M Rosin, gal Tar.tper gal oo a oo 30 13 8 .. eft fa sa 2 -18 J 00 -80 3,75 POULTRY Cure, en n,iivi rKA m 1 1 I Jill, uuruuu.... ... . . . .i -65 f Irish, V Bbl ii ri-. . ppRKNortharti, City Mess..; f?5 e0-0O47 53 Thin, v i- ! OQ TO o 00 DO prime. -Q 00 00 f 11 00 00 00 - 10 00 ! Rump, ti bbl....-.-.. ....... RlCE CaroUn-i, a 73f 1 15 IX 14X 00 00 00 7M Rough, Dasn. 50 IU S3 75 85 ?5 75 a.QS Oountr, .J City. a Bt)P2 SALTA - a, ?? bushel ! Llvcu , .ool, V sacic, ! Lisbon, V sack i American, 9 sask StTQAR Cuba, 4 EortoHlco, V A Coffee, ?Ji Jb ! B " 1 C 9 ; BX.C- a ! Crushed.. 9 & bAP Northern, fjl B t BXNGLES Contract, M Comimoa, m.... ... . I CypressSapsf? M, i Cypress Hearts 9 M. . . . StAVBS W.OsBbL,3M.. 0 0 10 83i X 11 11 11 9X 10 isa 6 7 00 3 30 5 00 7 50 ...1 a eh 5 00 3 00 4 50 00 IS 00 10 00 00 00 6tf 13 90 13 0) 9 00 7 50 5 CO 4 53 1 00 1 00 30 30 18 15 01 00 06 00 00 1)4 13 OJ 14 50 R.O. Hhd., S3M TtMBSR Shipping, f M.... 3;Extra Shipping i MillPrime,ta M.... ... ! MillFair, 'm , 1 Common Mill Inferior to Ordinary, 9 M tpaSKEY Northern, gal . i North Carolina. gal.. WOOL Unwashed, fj Washed. fa 11 oo O 8 00 660 5 00 5 00 3 50 36 33 30 Barry Wool WILMINGTON HXONB'X lOABKBI Srchange (sight) on New York, a dlsc't. Baltimore, " Boston, X " I . Philadelphia, M " f r Western Cities U " Exchange 30 days 1 ft cent. BankofNew Hanover Stock ! 85 -First National Bank, 75 NavassaQuano Co. " 135 N, C. Bonds Old Ex-Coupon S3 i uo. runaingi9........,kM e Do. " 1863..... -8 Do. New 4's....T... 4i68 Do. Special Tax 4 Do. to N. C. Railroad 60 4. . A. W. R.R. Bonds 7 c (Gold Int) .113 Carolina Central R. R. Bonds, 6 lc.. .60 WU.Col. Ang:B.R. " 00 Wilmington City Bonds, 7 c 85 ; " oldfj)e 85 ; new6e....85 I M 8c .85 tw Hanovor County-.;.. e.... 85 (Cur. , A W. Railroad Stock 65 Int) I "North Carolina R. R. " ....70 Wll. Gas Ugh tOn. " ,.45 Wilmington Cotton Hills ......95 I C. - . -i . . i j l i ait l "1 ' '. ' . Bank of New Hanover. Authorized Capital $l,0OO,0O0. tjasli Capital; paid In . &JO,000 Surplus Fund $0,OOO, DIREG7 OUS. C M. ST5DMAN ISAAC BATES, JAS. A. LEAK B. F. LITTLE . E. B. BORDEN JOHN DAWSON R. MTJRCmSGN DONALD MoRAS " s VOLLERS K R. BRIQGERS . . jj W. ATKINSON CHAS. M. 8TEDMAN, President I ISAAC BATES, Vice Prosident. Si D.; Waixaob. Cashier augSO-tt THE RALEIGH r t Ghristian Advocate, I Edited and Puhlisbed by BLACK & REID, Ealeiji. H. C. t& the organ of about 61,000 Methodists in North Carolina, and has the largest circulation .of any pa - per in the State. It gives the markets, secular and religious news. Is a weekly, eight page, religious, family newspaper. Only $2.00 per annum. Sub scribe at once. . Advertising rates liberal. , Ian 34 tf , iM;laiji -ifr-.tA-'1 ? i i-' -: ' BANE OF NEW HANOVER BUILDINGi Aggregate Capital Represented Over $100,000.0001 Jell-tf 70 60 I 85 145 I 120 J 1 15 f WfiiiPii -P-C6ijaiiies.: AUSCELtiANKOUS. rep V2 13 15 6 10 13 10 9' I OP A FAR HIQHBB CLASS than any other pro prietary medicine of the day stands Tarrant's Effervescent Seltzer Aperient Andfor this reason: it is an exact counterpart of One of the most valuable natural medicines in the wori?. we refer to the great Seltzer Spring ol Germany, to which thousands of the1 dyspeptic, the bl ions, .the rheumatic, and the yicUms of venal diseases resort annually, and return to their homes Convalescent or cured. The Aperient is one of ant ana oy rar tne most Euccessrui or all tne efforts nade to reproduce. In a portable form, the popular mineral waters of Europe. . s f , , . 4 . , see inat you purcnase oniy tne genuine article. fcOLl BY 'ALL DKTJGQIS'f Si -sep 30 Oeod&W 2w : tu thea tmcSp frit eliflo riling: PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY Subscription Rates In Adraiice DAILY STAR, One Year, postage paid, $7 00 . " Six Months , " 4 00 " ThreeMonths" 3 35 ' One Month " - " ....... -1 00; WEBKLY STAR, One, Year postage paid, f 1 50 Six Months, .'.. . 1 08 Three Months " 50 Notices, of the Press : papers In Long life e State, as brtoht and newsy as ever. to it. Salem ireu. I The Wilmington Stab has entered on its twelfth year as good a paper as -any people should want. Charlotte Democrat. i The Wilmington Stab has entered on lis twelfth rear. As a daily journal or news ii sianaa -ay lead." Concord Register. The Wilmington Stab has entered its twenty-; Ifth volume. There is no better paper published m the State. Lenoir Topic. I -- -.. ' -i - The CTilmineton Stab has entered noon its thir teenth year. It is one of the best papers in the y&xa. worrenton pazeae,. The Wilmington Smaahaa entered its thu-teenth. year. It has become one of the leading papers ef the South. Oxford Torcmiaiu. I Tbe Wilmington Stab is not only one of the best edited pavers in tbe State, but for freshness of; ews and typographical appearance cannot be beat-' en JacKton nevorter. 1 The Wilmineton 8tak is one of the very best pa pers in the South, in every department from typog- mnirvnri to editorial aDinwr af a inaepenaesoe. Fetenburq(Va) Index-Appeal. I We like the Stab because it ia ttorouchly relia ble, candid,' fearless, and so-well and ably edited, newsy, spicy, and in fact a perfect newspaper. Long. mar tne stab twinxie. ou..awv rmwr. Although at the head of the press in tills State In all that makea a naner valuable to the reader, still it continues to Improve. It is a Stab of the first magnitude. May its lmstre never wane. The tree WW Baptist 1 The Wilmington (N. C.) Mobbxho Stab is a mo del newRDaoer. Indeed, we think we do noiexae- gerate its merits when we say it is the neweiett (see-H ITl . I .1 Uam.K IM.&MAnyfnf 1 aiiuy-papvr fjumieucu ui uig ovum. r w- Mdiaimis Herald. The Wilmington Stab has now entered upon its. thirteenth year and twenty-fifth volume. One of: the bt conducted and edited nanera m the South. and. as a North Carolinian, we are proud of it. Tarboro Southerner. ' The Stab la so well and favorably known in this section of the State that we can say nothing of which ita thousands of readers do not already know. It is in every respect one of the best dailies la the South. Bobeeonian. , . The Wilmineton Sta& has entered on Its twelfth year. It is a most excellent newspaper, well edited..: a compendium or all tne news or tne oay, ana an honor to Its city, to North Carolina and to North Carolina lournaUsm. Charlotte Observer. I That magnificent beaming Stab has completed I its twenty-second volume, u is one or tne most brilliant, erudite and sparkling dailies soath of the Potomac. The system in tne get up or ine paper surpasses them all Tarboro Southerner. The Timet cannot say a word too good for the, Wilmington Stab. It has jusi reached one of its many birthdays. As a newspaper it is a favorite with the State press and is sought after by the peo ple. Lone and prosperous life to K. Jieuunue Timet. Why is it that all the papers with the name ef Star are such bright l ittle Journals i The Wilming ton OH. C.) 8TAB.the Washington Star. Fredericks burg Star, New York Star, for example There must be something in a name after ail SHChmond iVa.) State. i ! The Wilmington Stab, we are pleased to notice, Btiil eontinues on the high Toad to success. We es teem the Stab very highly, regard irg It as one of the very best of our exchanges, and consider it the peer of any journal published 1n the 8outh: Ox ford Free Lance - ! The Wilmineton Stas 1b now takinsr the regular midnight Associated' Press reports, and has besides- laoreaseatne ameum or its reaomg mnier. -iiw-Stab is an excellent paper. Its prosperity ia not. surprising since it Is. so deserving. Charlotte Ob server. .' "' ' - Thx Morkiho Stab, ena of the best dailies we. know, and as a newspaper, in our opinion, the very best; has entered upon its twelfth year. . In every particular the Stab come fully up -to the mark as - tne principal aauy in our owi commaum Long may, it twuiUe. .A&inaanctf Gteaner. The Wilmineton Stab has entered upon Its 13th- volume, and. we are pleased to notice still continues on tne roao to success. Awe esteem, tne btab very highly, regarding it as one ofthe very best newspa pers that comes to this office. ' Its news columns are always a little fuller than those of any other of our exchanges, and Us editorial department is con ducted with much ability .Morqanton Blade. , Humble in Its beginnings, as was in separable from ah enterprise begun amid the wreck of fortune that attended the collapse of the Southern Confederacy,' the Stab has steadily '-waxed" until it now beams resDlendent in the full elowof a constantly bright ening prosperity. As a newspaper it has few equals, . dlcions arrangement, and we are proud to rank it among our most acceptable exchanges. EUUboro Recorder. The Wilmington konimre Stab has entered upon the thirteenth year of its existence, and we take this opportunity to congratulate it upon its prospe-J rity and deserved popularity. The remarkable sue-: cess of the Stab is due' to . Its strict attention to business. The boast of the Stab (rightfully too), ia that it always has the hews, and this is the first thing in journalism. Otherwise- the paper: is all: that the term of "good newspaper" implies, and Its . corps of editors and reporters are thoroughly edu cated newspaper 'ahen May ihe healthful, moral influence of the Stab never be retarded, and may its genial, enterprising proprietor enjoy many more mtppy years of usefulness. GWd6oro Mmenaer. Ttie:liiHc . , . ... ......... .r. .:, IS the only paper published In Lincoln county and has an extensive circulation among the Mer chants. Farmers and all classes of business men in the State. It offers to the Merchants ef Wilmington a de sirable medium . fori advertising' : their business throughout Western North Carohna. -! 1 ; Liberal terms will be, allowed : on yearly adver tisements . Suhecrintion price, $3 00 per annum ' lit S A Hi 'S 4 :i i iiiJL vti.-ii - ' i'dreaa .-H. DbLANK. ' SaitorAnd Proprietor i ThrilaJdUm Star rfHtf bJCRST SirfeAPER" X : the Pee Deoieca(u6eef tSevrualthieat anCt most prosperous in the State, offers to Commission and Wholesale Merchants and Manufacturers, and to those who have adopted the plan of eelling by aamnle.' an excellent mriinm nf eommunlciiLian with a large and influential class merchants, mer , Chanica.planters and naval store men, whose pat ronage is worth solicitation. Advertisements and BasmessCelnserted on liberal terms. Address THE.8TAR, sept 32 tf Marion, 8. C, 123 ft MISCELLANEOUS. -.Tr .- mni ., uWmTi, , nil I j1 -, , J ... ,11 l,mU-A3. Lowell nachin&f Shops i . uJl ....Hi :.H.iui. . . .... MANUFACTUKEBB OF S a YBR DESCRIPTION boTrfeisiicsiiBEEY Approved Patterns and with Recent Improvements.! the ." I ' .. . ;XLSp,'.; -' ihttftln? aud earlngi iljrdrttulle Presses, art Ppjnps. Elevratttrsvikc. PMHR vnii1 '(Wiypnv - inn Dinmi iinta rv;' ; c.;itBiLDSBp't. ;J; i ! .. - LOWELL, MASS. WM. A.!BURK Treas.:, mh 3tf S Pcmberton Sa.uaro, Boston. . btNceiraA pM,iNSTrrimoNb; .lpRTH CAROLINA uoiHE insuiiawcij coraPAy L :lti : I This Cempany coattauustii sjilii Policies, at fa ates, on all classes of hasarabla oroperty. iAll losses are promptly, adjnsted and paid. Tht HOME" Is rapidly growing in public favor, and poala, withoonfldence,! to Jneureraof property lr ; orth Carolina. EW Agents in all parts of the State. JOHN GATLINGi President. W. S. PRIMROSE. Secretary. PULASKI COWPEB aperYiaor. . . , . ATKINSON A MANNING, AaaH-re, ang l-tf i ' " - Wihnineton. N. ). Received This Day, jQ GASES ROBDERBR & CO. DRY BOWZtf CHAMPAGNE. FRESH FROM BOND, At Importer's Price. ? i GEO. MYERS, Agent. 0 CASES-FRENCH BRANDY, FROM BOND THI8 DAY ipoi Only $1JS0 fox aBoUle of Imported French Brandy, At i-UBO 1 ?5 Tabs GILT EDGE BUTTER, ,; 30 CENTS A POUND,. Choicest Grass Batter. WINES and LIQUORS, of best grades. , . . . . At ropuiar rrices. HBO. MY BR, my.27tf Nos, 1U13, 16 South Front st... the Best Paper. Try It. BeantifaUy.inBjBtrated- a5tli.YEAat. The Scientific American. IHE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN is a larze First- IL Class Weekly Newspaper of Sixteen Pages printed in the most beautiful style. PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED WITH SPLENDID ENGRAV INGS, representing tbe newest inventions and the most recent advances in the Arts and Sciences ; in cluding New and Interesting Pact in Agriculture. Horticulture, the Home, Health, Progress, Social Science, Natural History. Geology, Astronomy. The most valuable practical "papers by eminent wri ters In all departments of Science, will be found in the Scientific American. . Terms. $3.30 per year, $1.60 hair year, which In- inaes prostage. Anscount to Agents, single co des, 10 cents. Sold by all Newsdealers. Remit by itai order to uuNN . CO.. publishers, 87 .Park . w. New York. I A fPT? TOr'T'Cf I comiecuon with ' tht ii. J. Xlll X Or SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Lesars. Mobk A Co. are Solicitors: of American and Foreuni Patents, have had 85 years' experience. and now have the largest establishment In the world. Patents are obtained on the best terms. A special notice is made iu the SCIENTIFIC AMERI CAN of all Inventions patented through this Agen cy, with the name and residence of the Patentee. By the immense circulation - thus givenv public at- -tentton is directed to the merits or the now patent, and sales or introduction often easily effected. t Any person who has made a hew discovery or In vention, can ascertain,-bxh or chabob, whether a patent can probably be obtained,, by writing to Kmra A Co. We also send rasa our Hand Book about the Patent Laws, Patents, Caveats, "Tradtv Marks, their costs, and haw -procured. -with hints far procuring advances on inventions. Address for the Paper, or concerning Patents, j MUNN A COTSt Park Row, New Tork. . Branch Office, cor. F.-b 7t 8 ts., Washington, D.C. , aovltf : ...- Forest and . Stream, A i - - . i. C.4,'.. ROD AKD GUN. TBI AMERICAN SPORTSMAN'S JOURNAL j a weekly paper devoted to' Field sports, practical natural his i tor yj" fish culture, protection of j game, preservation1 of 'forests, - ; yachting and boating. rifle . j ... PRACTICE. AND ALL OUT-DOOR RECREATIONS AND STUDY. .:,,--n ... -.: f This is theonly Journal in the Country that fully shppHea the wants and necessities of the . 1 Gentleman Sportsman. " TERMS $1 00 a Year. Send for Specimen Copy Poreat & stream l?Dllielllna: Co., ? Ill FULTON ST., (Old No. 103,) j ;; - NewYork.' j Post Office Box 3833. sept 27 -tf FOR THE LOCAL & POLITICAL NEWS OF THE FIRST DISTRICT; Subseribef or T.H E FX tO DN, A Democratic Newspaper. PtJBLISllED ; AT ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. (tTSent to any address to January 1, 1881, for OpSDOLLAR. m j 26 tf :hefCeiitial Pirdtestant WEEKLYRELIGIOUS AND FAMILY NEWS- paper and the Organ of the Methodist Protes tn f fihnw.h tot- TJnrth OamHna, ia published at I reensDoro, m v. Terms, $3 00 per annum, in advance. . . frh eliodhilitw ef its-location, tha nmaber and ac tijrity of its agents, snd the constantly increasing de mand, for it among Ihe more solid elassea of readers In various sections,, give the CENTRAL peculiar claims upon tne patronage or tne aa varus. ng puouc lirmavery favorable. Consult your business Inter esta-andaddres the editor . j . - J. L. MICHAUX, 1 Greensboro, N. C. ! j. THE BEST MEDIUM IHROUGH WHTCHTo"ADVERT3E jng the people of Roheson, Richmond and An- nigeuth CvoliaMma. JNTERPRTSg obtained a large clrcoiation In the latter during the sik months it was pubiiehed la, Fayettoville before ltF removAl ta .Uwrinbarg, 'and . in the f owner. within we last two morons, kdvertiaemeats -will be Inserted bv the month. qartor and year at reasonable fatea, .vddress ,; , DAWtf Laurinburg; N, C, -RAILROAD LINES Wilinit6n:&:Weia6n ! RAILROAD GO! 1 i I'lti- : . : - . i Omas ov Gtatt. SnraawTairoeaT I . . i : Wilmington. K. C, Sept. 18, lt80. f , i ; : . Clmnse tf siclicdulo. ir AND AFTER 8EFTKMBHB 19; 1S80. 6.40P. , M., P assent ;r Trains en tne wuminjr will run as followsr ton A Weldoc Railroad )Day Wall and Express Tralna"ttiy Noa. 47 North and 48 gontb. eare Wilmington, Front St. Depot, at 6 .50 A. M veat weidon ia - va Weidon 8-:40P."M; e at. Wilmington, Front St. Depot, ;53 P. m. lam . PAflSKHsaa. Mau. and Kxpaas Tkais ..CailtNoj. 45 North and 43 South . . . . Lwve Wilmington, Front St. Depot, at 8:43 P. Arrive at Weidon... . 3:&0 A. M Leave Weidon 3:15 A. M. ve at Wilmineton, Front St. Depot, 8.41 A. Mi Trains, on Tarboro Branch Road leave Rocxy ount for Tarboro' at 5.10 P. M. Dally, and' Tues- y, Thursday ana saturaay at o.uy m;- ueturn leave Tarboro at 10.00 A. M. Dailv. and Mon. iy,, Wednesday and Friday at 8 30 P. JL , Train No. 47 makes close connection at Wei- on for ail points North dairy, air Tarr -via iebmond, and daily except Sunday via Bay Lute. Train No. 45 runs via' Richmond and Wasninir- on.-and makes' close connection dally to Klcn- inond. and dailv . except Saturday ntehts for all points north pf Richmond. . . . f Both -trains run solid between Wilmington and Washington, and have Pullman Palace sleepers attache!. ............ JOHN F. DIVINE, General Supt. A. POPE, iGen'l Passenger Assent. eeiiO-U . . Qeaeral SupCts Office, trfunriNCTON, coli ibuia & at OUSTA. ls'. n! cowman. WILMINOTtiN Sept 19. 1880 Change of Schedule. ,N AND AFTER SEPTEMBER 15, 1890, at 10.13 I O U vllAn.4- 13.....iM. U.hinlA nil) . r M. , JU... Ill, JUI1U1T1DJJ X ASDCUgl W ... pa run on tnis roan : Dat PASsssoaa.M ail. and Expaxes Teains.Pailt Nos. 42 West akd45 Baet. tve Wilmington ave Florence. 9 .00 A, M 1:20 P. M. . . 3:50 1". M . 8:30 P. M. 'fit A INN (Dally)- Bave Florence Arrive at Wilmington NIGHT EXPRESS .. Noi.48 Went aud 47 East. Leave Wilmington 10:13 P.M. Leave Florence 3:80 A. M. Arrive at C. C. & A. J unction 5:45 A. H. Arrive at Oofambia.... . 5:55 A. M. Leave Columbia 10: 00 P. M. teveO. C. & A. JuncUon 10:83 P. M. ve Florence 3:30 A: M. Arrive at Wilmington. ... 6:80 A.M. I Thie Train stops only at Brlnkley's, Whitoville, Flemlngton, Fair Bluff, Marion, Florence, Tim monsyifle, Maysvillc, bumter, Camden Junction and Easton. I Passengers for Columbia, and all points on O. A C. R. R., C, C.4A.R. R. 8tstlons, Aiken Junc tion, and all points beyond, should take No. 43 Nieht Express separate rniiman Sleepers for Charleston and for AuguBts oa trains 47 and 48. All trains run solid between-Charicstoa and Wil- mlngton. JOHN F. DIVINE. ? nch'I Huu't. A; POPE, Qcn'l Pajscnger Agent. se SO-tf !AR0LIHA CENTRAL RAILWAY CO. QTTICX GKHBBAZi SUTSBlNTKHOKsTT WUmington, N. C, June 16, 1680. Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER, JUNEi 1 J, 1880. the. following t Schedule will be operated on this Railway: PASSENGER, MAIL AND EXPRES8 TRAIN : 1 Leave Wllmmgtos , 1. Arrive at Hamlet t n at 6:00 P. M. at 1:35 A.M. I Charlotte at 7:00 A. M. ( 1 Leave Charlotte at 8:30 P. M. No. 3. VArrrve at Hamlet at ........ 1:37 A.M. I " Wilmington at 9:00 A.M. 'No. 1 Train lis Daily except'Sandajs, bat makes np connection to Raleigh on Saturdays. No. 3 Train is Daily except Saturdays . SHELBY DIVISION MAIL, FREIGHT PAS t 8KNGKH AND EXPRESS. I Leave Charlotte I Arrive at Shelby.... No. 3. 8:00 A. M. 13:00 M. No,4 Leave Shelby Arrive at Charlotte . 3KMP. M. 6:00 P. M, ' LOCAL FREIGHT A ACCOMMODATION. iJeaves WUinagtou.............. 6:45 A. M. Arriyes atLaurinbnrg 5:10 P.M LfcavesCharlette.... 4:15 A.M. Arrives at Laurinburg. ... ............ 4:00 P. M. Leaves Laarinburg 5ao A. M. ATriveB at Charlotte .... 4:30 P. M. Leaves Laurinburg. ...; 6:00 A. M. Arrives at Wilmington. 4ris P. M. These Trains leave .WUmliurton and Charlotte Thesdaya, Thursdays , and Saturdays ; Laurinburg, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. ;Cloee ceanectioa at Hamlet to and from Raleigh, aad at Charlotte.' via statesvllkv to -all points m Western North Carolina and to Asheville, (Also via Spartanburg to Hendersonvllle, adjacent points and Asheville. Passengers for Asheville via either route, leaving Wilmington at 6 P. M-, will arrive at destination at 7 P.M. next day. .Sleeping'-Car accommodations on Through Trains to and from Charlotte and Wilmington iThrooglr sleepers will also be run to and from Raleigh and Charlotte. i - V. Q. JOHNSON, je 17-tf General Haperintendent. i CLYDE'S New York and Wilmington Steamship Line, The Steamer B8ENEF ACT j Capt. JOMES, rlLL SAIL PROM NEW OR. FORE, Satnrdar.-Oeiober 10 lar-Sblppcrs can rely upon Ue PROMPT SAILING i of Steamers as advertised. .jH -For Freight Engagements apply to TITO.TIAS E. BONO, Superintendent, Wilmington, N. a Tbeo. G. E&er, Freight Agent, L i NewYork. W, p. Clyde & dec 9 tf Co., General Agents, 35 Broadway, New York. ALL ABOUT Western North Carolina i 1 '" 1 " If you want to know all about the "Garden Spof'of the South, send for a specimen copy of The Western Courier. 1 1. '." .... ..... ttts a TWENTY-EIGHT COLUMN WEEKLY, fall of interesting reading matter, and derated to the interests of Western North Carolina. i , Address i , TUB COURIER COMPANY, J j Hendersonvllle, N. C. . f-i . " ;. ,( , . . I . I liNGLlSH. IRISH AND GORDON BETTERS, of the Choicest Breed, with guaranteed pediereea Foraalebr -" -r- B. P. WXLSH, BOv7DWtf York,Peni. . N. C ; i j. ... . .. si ,v; . . :xitffljMg Mil is COTIMIN viwni in oosu ooxrer. wuna Llk.. Clno Paevor AiMOowts) Lss Money than any AT 01 tfi Ill 3 ui ?i --tltIJ 3 I xneseiaaoaiaeaaraauKW er tos tnMrHU, SS U J worrmamMpaad natoa are mm reel! A, Baraea44a4 prwuliuna a all Vm Stat falrQeorrla i la fit. Ttsaa. eta: Cpwrd of 8000 ft . Onn are to mutant nw la the onthern states, over 1009 barter been told la U7S. PrToo List of Clna, Foedera and Oondeneera Boxed ready for shipment and delivered at our factory. Prtaeof P"" wlt -I PrleswtUl B1 oS. olf lOpoder M t rMWr and or Court en . . Uaetdaoser. SOsaw 70t S1SO OO t K " T ISO 11 OS 144 SO SO" 100 00 in 60 l00 . sft " lit 60 . U 00 17 M 52 " m oo io oo m ot ' Cios mot . rs 70 ' mo ot toe os tt oo 80 " 180 00 I taw got ty Terms Bivn on Application -sn s tbe Taylor CHa; During thyarur&t sra nmoml tothla ' place, whore we have bsea erRlnsirely smtTstrad la mans. ' faoturtng Ulna err slnoe, - with lone erperiMiwn, tbe best laaor tawtng maoltbierT aad sklllml rnAnm, w num.. II adrsntJwros noteiikjyed by sjiy oth toe mna rartarer la par une, zor producing ue bkst wotk rr tbe Thademaadlmstyearwaaaa.rrnet that bmj-Iv suo wast money. r too orders rcuuuiMau uniuiHi, uu, wo uaT, aouiueu oar t capawityandliopeto bw sJatetonuMtt all demands, still It la v sex jrour oraera in Munnli let irirlBir mtmm mnlmmin. 1. My. lastim for llltmtrstort mmtols from ovw W ii v, ntwii Nia plantnrs. Pnasiiia. Kngln tutu uuiptow uuiuu iuiuuaM witonaexuad, s nil rose BROWN COTTON GIN 00 HXW lOSTDOlf, OOKUL JOBN DAWSON A CO., Agents, mh ifi D&WCm Wilmington, N f P!0Hflii iVORK. a BIRMIUr.HAW, ENPJ.AND, Irtcc In Uiitflikittl. $78.75, AU0.J5, $100.00. 15.(H. tlW. S68.O0 ilivercd in New York, duly clnslve : and all charges o 1103.38, tin.79, $131.97. $150.53. $13438. f3i8.no i The shove may H, ordered "Fall Choke," "M dinm Choko,' or Cylinder Bore, at thoiH price s i we aro now malting Small bores of Nos and 30 range, which are scarcely Inferior In to. the larger bores. 14, Ii Weight of SO-Bore from 5Sf lbs. 1416 ' kw i - 7 jj " 10 ... 8M " Our -Giant Grip" Action has boen aardel a li ploma of Merit at the Paris Exhibition. I Send for Ulnstrated Sheets. .We respectfnlly refer to the following I'onlkmirn who have.pnrchaf ed and are now nslup our uao i Hon. Walter L. Klecle, M . OV," Rockingham. If( b papt. D. R. Murchlson. WllmtoKton. N. O CoL B. F. Little. Little's Mills, N. :. ; James A. Leak, Bed.. Waflesboro, N. O Wm. U. Bernard. Esq., WHmlnpton. N. O 3. A W. TCI.UCY, Pioneer Work. BU Mary's Hiiifw. oct 3 DAWtf Birmingham, Itngiwn.i i GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. TRADE MARK THE GREAT. TRADE MARK BMULIKU REM EDY. Annnfall fng cure for Sem inal WeakriMS, - p r matorrhea. . Impotency. and an diseases' that "Jf follow, as a -se- flnimM fvf k 1 a9. IEF0RE TAIIItLMernqry, Unlver AFTER TAKII0. sal Lassitude. Pain In tho Back, Dimness of Vision. Prematnre Old Age, -an many other Diseases that tead to Insanity or Consumption, and a Prematnre Grave. i tarFull particulara in' oar pamphlet, which wa desire to tend free by mail to every one. BfThe Specific Medicine la sold by alt Drnfjjlsi at $1 per packago, or six packages for $5, or will be st nt Tree by mall on receiptor the money, by ad dressing THE GRAY MEDICINE fO , I No. 10 Mechanics' Block, Detroit, Mich, cold In Wllmlacton hv fi H If W W Jk VI i u u d i Wholesale and Retail, and all UrnKgista trrv' Where. mli C DAVVly , HAEBLE tVl O R! U Rl E IM T S AND Grave Stones. FIRST-CLASS WORK AT LOWEST NEW YUH PRICES. DESIGNS SENT BY MA I U WORK PACKED AND SHIPPED, AT OWf TtlMK TO ANY PART OF THE SOUTH. RICHARD VrxxilAN A CO., 5T Lafayette l'Jtcsttw Vrk. i Wathan's Monumental Iteaigaa, In hook form.fa sale to the Trade. doe 4 DA W t f PRESCRIPTION FREE Tlor the speedy Cert of Semi a al Wr ak aast. Lost - aaaood.rret aabood. rreaiatare Drbllltv. Ksrvadsaeas. Dsspoudenert Coafasloti of Ideas. Avrrsloa to , Coa etlve Society, Defective Msatory, and all Disord era nrrarii oorht oa bv Kecrat Habits and Excesses. Any Aragglst has the lagraisaiar Adaraaa, - OR.JAQUC3 A CO.. 130 Wast Qixth fit, CU10IS1I1TX, 0H1 . feb;i5 lyDAW H. A. 8TEDEIAN, Jr. C- . .1 ....... ... I Attorney and Counsellor at Law, ELIZABETH TON, BLADEN COUNTY, N. O. !Offlce--Ujrstairs, In Brick Building, ccupled by -Special attention to Clalma. Col lecUotis oa aams of ilOO and upwards made for Fire Per Cant. If without suit Drawing Deeds, Mortgagee, specialty. , apS-Dawtf The Favetteyillo Examiner, Weekly Democratic Newapapcr, Published at PAYETTEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA, By jTerms $3.00 a year In advance. clmen copy. rVtnd frtr a rie my 6 If The Camden Journal PuMshed Eyw ttvndoj,, oi Uan&k, 6. ., IS THX OLDEST-ESTABLISHED PAPER IN Kershaw county, and has an extenslveclrculaUua among the Merchants, Farmer and all classes of business men tn tha county. . 1 1 offer to taa Merchants Of Wilaalnjrtofi iwif ahla Medium far Advertising, tha eoantry la which ltdrcnlataa.be ine ooanectad with that til t avaiaaia t on the Wateree River, and tha WUmlngtua, Oo lumMa and Augusta Railroad. ' 1 " - Liberal terms will be mad with those deatHng im advertise. - - Bobaeriptlon price, $3 60 per annnm. ' " -ss, KRANTHAM BAY, fob 37 1 . Kd'tort and Proprietor, hi a Bad

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