1 HE-IIOEIHlIG-STiftT UATBSOi' AOVtmaiainu. Dm Aouar one day , . twA Sa i two Aa in ai n r IhreedJa... sm roar daws a no BU3H1D tAH.Y BXCXPT MOKbYrt back o ausataurruMi ut avMi me year, Dy biw ikbmkb .-t. -i syear, (by mail) postage paid, ru-ee month. " " ..... .. 4- month - " 1 To at Sabeerlbera. delivered In. ui next of the cay, Fiftee Cents per week. Onr Citj Agwtokre no t authorised to causes for morn than three awUt ;n advance. MORNING EDITION. Bettered it Um Poet Office at Wilmington, N. C, ywanMm matter, j A. Brooklyn editor was arrested y ester day charged with forgery in connection with Garfield's Chinese letter. The Iadiao Chief Victoria was killed by the Mexican. Two BritUu steamerB, cotton laden, at Galveston, wet edif covered to be on Are; but little damage was done. "TV. P. Freeman mortally wounded at Arlington. Texas, Monday, by a man named Palate r, whose house he was pillaging; Gas Barney mortally wounded by Fred Mc Clown, at Whitney, Texas. Mile. Bc!iibfdi airiTcd at New Yoik yctterday, Bd was enthusiastically received. A chick factory in Brooklyn has been des troyed by fire; loss about $750,000. The Supei visor of Marine Hospitals re ( t.mmvadi the appropiiation of $6,000 for tbe ( pair of ike hosplul in this city. Tb aggregate amount of insurance on the B;o.klyn Are Is $39.7,000. The Bank wf Franeo will raite its rate of discount t dy; four milliAo francs in gold were with 4rwa yesterday. Tbe Women's Na- Hal Christian Timt-racce Union is in ,t?niuu at Bo too, wtb 87 delegates from all parts at tb country. The rs ported oaibifcak at Cabol is cocflxmed. The iiy f Hamburg is declared in a stale of luiuor aifgti. Thirty thousand Kurds kitv- invaded Persia. Nev? Yoikmar- kt- y : Money 2f3$ per cjiI; cotton firm at 11 I 1611 5 16 eta; southern flour quiet aud a'eady at $4 90J 85; wheat foTerish Mid uuheitled; ungraded red 1 15$1 20; i.ik i-enrd steady but cl.d a chade tao.e: and less active; ungraded 55J68c; . mi mrpriitine steady at 43 cents aiked; i. sin ndy at $1 85. We urge every Democrat in New Hanover lo "do his level best" for the couuly ticket. Work bard and In? sure you vote. There is s strong and growiug impression that Hancock will carry ludiaua. A great change in his favor 'n oing ou all over the country. i'lio Virginia darkeya are paying ilivir poll tax. Money from outside enables them to do it. Perhaps John Slit-rmau ts scattering his Treasury note as ho did in Indiana. liaruum says Uanoock will carry Coiiutcticiikby 5,000. Jewell says Gurtield will carry iv by 10,000. Bar iiuui concedes three of tbe four Rep resentatives to the Hadieals, whilst Jt-weil says they will get all. Let New Hanover and Pender re suive to elect Mr. Worth to the Sen ate. Good hard work can accomplish wonders. lie will make a faithful Legislator. Every Democratic voter should help on the good work. 1 be census will be completed, it is no iv aaij, by the meeting of Con grats. ThU will allow tbe new ap pointment to be made at once, so that theTchaige can go into effect in 1382. Sach is the Washington talk. Democrats of the Thud District,, remember that the Democratic a&cea daney in the next House' of Repre sentative may depend on one vote may depend upon your vote. Then do yoar utmost to secure the election of Mr. Sbaskelforii. The following" explains the compli cations in Louisiana which we find in an exchange: "Goveraoff Yfikz having decided to keep the registration Mists open-In New Orleans until OcKibexSOA, the Republicans, bold- 4 tog that accord leg to law the book! should t closed tsrr days before election, nave decided to prosecute under United 8tates law ail who illegallyregiaterafter that time." The New York Herald opposes the Democratic nominee for Mayor. Of course. It has been antagonizing Hancock for weeks. A - paper that can in any way help such a corrupt knave as Garfield would support hardly an honest Democrat for Mayor at a lime lika this.;: i.-. ; The Radical postmaster1 in Wash ington, one Ainger, tried to help Qai held out by lying. He said the "dating stamp" on tbe Chneae letter was a forgery as the stamp on the lt-itor was ool used in January when the '-forged letter was supposed to have been stamped in Washington thai on April IStb last a new stamp was adopted three months after and the forger bad nsed that. This looked fair bat it was false. The Wauhirigton Post qayt the statement s false. It says; "We have in our potseedon envelopes kiampsd at the Washington .pottcfSce be-f-'f April 13, and.the arrsogement of the ittmn and flgnies Is exactly like the txr rogenM)Dt on the fsc-simile. "So it would appear that Mr. Ainger not, as b sutea, cbaaged the form p stamp; or if he bW? TlODdsb; ne has to neglectful of hladtxtyas to permit cletki to use an old stamp down to AP'il 13, when he gays the change was VOL. XXVII. NO. 31. The Demopratio leaders in New. York express entire confidence in the result in that State. They are in high hopes and the fight is red-hot. The New York correspondent of the Philadelphia Times of the date of the 25th inst., writes: "The ons thing apparent above all is that new Hie and vigor and earnestness have been imparted to the campaign by the Democrats. The sober4hlnking members or the national Committee who are not given to speech unless they have honest convictions te express, say today .hat Hancock's chances have improved very much within the past four or five days and he is likely to be eiected. They point lo ract mat in roll oi itorlbern stales wntcn Hancock has an even chance of carrying has been swelled very much, now em bracing Maine, New Hampshire, Connect! cut. New York, New Jersey, Indiana Cal ifornia, rievacra ana uregoo. rtew xors, New Jersey and one more are all that is necessary t win the battle. One of the most confident men at headquarters to-night was Samuel J. Handall. There ts no brag and bluster at Democratic headquarters, as there is with the Republican leaders. The Dsmecrats are quietly but earnestly watch ing every sign ol the times and are missing no chances, l ne very Deal speaxers in tne party ate bow at work in the State, and mere than a hundred meetings a night will be held this week. The Democrats con flJeotly expect 80.000 majority in New York Slate." An immense congregation was pro sent in Richmond at the funeral ser vices of the late Rev. Dr. Planter. The services were solemn and impres sive. Addresses were made by Rev. Drs. Prestou, Hoge and Curry. Dr. Hege made a most teuching address. Dr. Curry is described as being pe culiarly eloquent. We make room for the following from the Dispatch's report : "His fiptcial admirers were wont to call him god-liks that he was a representative of Nature's nobility. Truly it was so pre eminently with Dr. Plumer, with his state ly step, eagle eye, massive brow, erect stature, eraccful cairiage, snewr locks and flowing beard. "He did not remind him ef Moses, but he always associated him with Abraham. Tbe heathen wools' have worshipped him and deified him. Verily, the slements were so mixed in him thai Nature might stand up before all the world and say, This was a man ! "Dr. Cuny next spoke saoet eloquently of lh marvalloua proper tioa between tbe physical and intellectual ' man. He de rUed Dr. i'lumur as caving pessessea tne ifrplicity of child, tbe tenderness of a siri. and tbt lierourn oi a martyr. He re ferred a'.ao In th mutt beautiful words to the rare sad a wet partnership of mind and heart which was found in Dr. Plumer." Gai field condemued the bad spell- a aar a . . Y . ing ot tne Morey letter, xl was a "bungling band" that did it and he could not spell "companies. Bat the New York World shows that bad spelling will not do, as Gsitield slips sometimes. The World ays : Ii is also tru that the word 'pedigree' is miawritten 'pedidreV in .a letter from General Gaifleld of which tbe authenticity is beyond question. 'Spelling comes by nature. The Washington correspondent of the Baltimore Spvrites on the 24th instant: A ganllemao whoee veracity has never been questioned, and a warm personal friend of General Grant, n authority for the assertion that after the Chicago con vention Gcnoial Grant said Garfield could not be eltc:ed, and after the Cincinnati convention1 that Hancock was aa honora ble, safe man, and would be elected." . The New York dry goods market is thus epitomized in a letter of tbe 23th inst. : "In dry goods the trade movement to day was slow, but the market has a firm under tone. Cotton goods generally are strong, and several makes of low grade brown and bleached are advanced by the agents. Prints quiet. Ballon solid are advanced ioent. Men's wear woollens in moderate demand and foreign goods quiet." THE STATU CAOIPAIGd. ft We are pleased to learn as we do from the most authentic sources, that there will be less "scratching' at this eleotion than there -has been for several years. Lumb&rton JRobe. soman. Salisbury will have a gala day of it Thursday in the shape of a rousing Democratic mass meeting, with Hamilon, Leach, McRae, Vance and Ransom for speakers. Two bands of music StatesviHe and Concord. The Rowan Artillery, the Salisbury Rifles, and the ilredell Blues will occupy a place in the procession. Charlotte Prcb$. "I'm. so confident," eaid an exult ant Democrat the other evening, "that Hancock is going to be elected that I dejn't worry myself About the result any. longer, Why,? the4tber evening I was in company with eight gentlemen, every one of them Re publicans, who, when polled, said they Were going to vote for Gen. Hancock.' Lenoir Topic. VanoeRansom, Fowle and Merri mon are all in the First District, where Latham, ernigan, Whedbee and a host of dthera are making a f splendid canvass. This is the only Democratic district which the Re publicans hope to carry. We will beat them there as well; as in tho Third. The activity of the county canvassers has imparted a new phase to tbe campaign all over the State. These will draw out a full vote, and bar majority in the State will hardly be less than 20,000. News and Ob server, Parsoant to appointment, made WILMINGTON, through circulars issued in this city yesterday, General Thomas LCling man spoke in the courthouse last night. He was greeted by a large audience and made 1 a good speech. Governor Jarvis delivered an excellent speech early yesterday morning in front of the Gaston House, and was listened to by a large number of oar citizens, of all politi cal parties. Shortly after, the Gov ernor left for Bayboro, where he was to fill an appointment yesterday. New Berne Nut Shell. United States Marshal Douglas was introduced and made iho first speech. Those who went for fun got it right there. He had learned his speech tolerably well, bat not so well that he was not in mortal fear lest he might forget it. Nobody re members what he said, all were so bnsy noticing how he said it. Those who have Eard Sol. Smith Russell recite "The Boy Stood on the Burn ing Deck," in imitation of the school boy, will understand as when we say that Bauby presented himself as the exact counterpart of the miserable scholar. StatesviHe Landmark. The editor of the StatesviHe American says it was authoritatively denied in that paper that Judge Buxton ever declined to issue the writ of habeas corpus. Eliza beth City letter: Senator Ransom's speech, which occupied . about three hours, waa listened to with the most marked attention by all present, in cluding many prominent Republi cans.' Republicans who heard the distinguished speaker say that it was one of the best they ever heard. Mr. J. Edwin Moore, after the barbecue, delivered a splendid speech in his usual happy and earnest style. All were pleased with tbe speech. He is one of the best speakers in Eastern Carolina. Your reporter never wit nessed more enthusiasm than now exists among the Democraoy in this section. Latham's majority in this district is an assured fact. Raleigh Netes and Observer. Spirits Turpentine. Mr. Lovick Hanoock, at Pol locksville. had his left arm terribly lace rated by cotton gin, as we learn from the New Bernzan. Raleigh News and Observer : Imprisonment for debt in North Carolina was abolished in 1808. The western Baptist Convention met last week at Waynevllle. The Convention raised In cash ami pledges $300 for the purpose of educatiuK youcgminislers at Judsbn Col lege. Rev. M. Bowen, of Hendersonvilie, was president, and Charles iu. L.ec, of Ashe ville, secretary. Raleigh Visitor : Miss Liza Weber, one of the Rentz-Saotly Novelty Company, is quite ill at tbe Central Hotel in this city. A colored prisoner who was sentenced te thirty years in the peni tentiary, made bis escape from that insti tution Saturday night last Mr. Tate and family, ot VYlsoeecn, ana jar. vaner and son, of KIrkendalle, all of England, have arrived In our city, and expect to lo cate here permanently. New Berne Nut JShelL- We learn that the brig Robert C. Wright, Capt. R. H. Clark, of Baltimore, Maryland, with a cargo of coffee, bound from Rio Janeiro to Baltimore, went ashore a few days since on pur coast, eight miles north of Cape Look out. The vessel was beaten to pieces, ana. with the cargo, is a total loss. The beach is strewn with the wreck and cargo. We learn that the captain and eight men took the email boat and with great difficulty saved themselves from watery graves. Wadesboro Times: We are sor ry to learn that one day last week Master Clifton Bennett, son of Or. J. JN. .Bennett, had the misfortune to fall out of a tree and fracture both bones of one of his fore arms; A shooting affair took place on the Oheraw train last Thursday night We did not learn the particulars, but it seems that a negro on the train got into a dispute with a colored, brakeman, and shot him. The negro made his escape from the train before be could be arrested. About 13 o'clock Friday night a fire was discov ered in the storehouse of Mr. W. F. Gar riss, occupied by Mr. Lemuel Bailey as a grocery. The building was entirely con sumed, and nearly all of Mr. Bailey's stock.. He saved onlv about thirty dollars' worth. No insurance on either. The second J annual fair of theDixie Agricultural Asso ciation opened formally on Monday, and the indications are that it will be a grand success. Lumberton Robesonian : We are pained to learn, as we do at tbe hour of going to press, of the death of Ira T. Wyehe, which occurred last Sunday night At the parsonage at Lagrange Circuit. A true and noble man in all the relations of I life, The Cape Fear Baptist Associa tion in its vom session, conveneu wiu iue Western Prong Church, in Columbus county, on the 21st. The body was handsomely-: entertained by the friends and brethren In the neighborhood, and every thing passed off pleasantly, tbe only thing occurring to mar the occasion was tbe up settine of Rev. Haynes Lennon's buggy by f a reckless man driving his horses at full speed, and running Into it, throwing Mrs. Lennon therefrom, and injuring her serious ly, both externally and internally. Mr. N. Malloy fell dead at bis residence on last Friday, tbe 22d inst. He was in the 81st year of his age. At this writing (Monday) the condition of D. B. Morrison, Esq., is critical. He ean hardly survive another dsy. Charlotte . Observer: .The con-, structlon of the extension of the Northeast cfn Railroad through Rabun Gap to the North Carolina line, seems" to have been agreed upon. The line has been perma nently located And the estimate of the total 08t by the engineer Is $340,000, or some thing over $6,000 per mile, not counting the cost of cross-ties. The connection with the Air-Line is made at Lulu. A colored employe at the Reduction Works nad two fingers torn off yeaterday by get ting them caught between rollers. But for a fortunate presence of mind be would have lost his arm. A gentleman offers to Iia one of a hundred who will give $5 each 4 for sufficient evidence to convict any of the parties wno participated in cuiuug mo un dies and saddles of tbe country clubs Friday night. -MiflsEllaL.Markey, of this city, h.n in Philadelphia sometime studying I elocution, and expects to return to Char- foue by the 1st of November soon after , . .: j ,; . j : 4 1 1 . i ! ' ' 1 -;- ; : ; N. C. TBtURSbiiY. OCTOBER 28. 1880. which, she will give a public reading in the opera house. A difficulty occurred between John F. King and a man. named Moore yesterday afternoon, in the lot in the rear of the Central Hotel, occasioned by an insult oroceedihf from King. Moore knocked Kine down with a rock, andget- trne on ton of him cut him in several places about the face and neck, with a knife. At this stage of the proceed ines King sot Moore's 7 nose in his mouth and sank his teeth in it so vigo rous! v as to summarily end : the fracas. While the imposing ceremonies were in progress at King's Mountain on the 7tb a very quiet little ceremony was going on at Fort Defiance, in Caldwell county. At this noint are interred the remains of Gen. William Lenoir, a participant in the battle: and one of the most prominent men,in the early history of the State. There also still resides a granddaughter of his. Miss Sarah Lenoir. This lady is far aorancea in years. but is still vigorous in mina ana ooay, ana s oent the sweater Dart of that day in deco rating and beautifying the grave of her distinguished ancestor. THE CITY. NEW AOVStBTISKWKNTS. Muhson Shirts, &c. Hakbisok & Allkn Hats. Mekttcq Second Ward Dem. Club. J. C. Mtjnds Cigars, cigarettes, &c. Masokic Meeting St. John's Lodge. Mbetctg Stockholders W. & W. R. R. Meeting Stockholders W. C. & A. R R. KkBCHHKB & GaXDBR Bbos. Apples, mullets, powder, &c Local Dote. Don't forget to register. Cotton receipts yesterday 1,020 bales. The near approach of tho elec- tion.begins to affect business. An adjourned annual meeting of the Chamber of Commerce will be held today. The magistrates are still "lay- ins: on their oars." waiting in vain for "something to turn up." Several former Wilmicgtonians, now holding positions in Washington, have already come home to electioneer and vote. Only a few more days in which to register, or to see that your name is properly on the books in the ward in which you now reside. That was a good old fashioned Democratic meeting in the Filth Ward .Tuesday night, ana much good was no doubt accomplished by it. There was only one trifling case for the consideration of the Mayor yester day morning, and that was disposed of without tbe formality of a trial. Don't forget the meeting at the Court House this evening, under the auspi ces of the Second Ward Democratic Club, which will be addressed by Mr. John C. James. . Mr. C. C. McClure, of the South ern Bell Telephone Company is in the city, whilst on a tour of inspection, looking to arrangements for perfecting the work of exchanges. The Rev. T. Page Ricaud will, by .the request of many, repeat his lecture oaiVTlie Importance of Character and hof to form it," at Fifth Street M. E. Church, on next Sunday night. We are sorry to learn that Mr. F. U. Darby, our energetic Chairman of the County Executive. Committee, was taken suddenly ill yesterday afternoon, and had to be conveyed to his residence in a carriage. In a match game of base ball at the corner of Seventh and Orange streets, yesterday afternoon, between the "Sun rise' 'club, Capt Isaac Smith, and the "Sunset" club, Capt. Georgia Grant, the former scored 24 and the latter 20. Several of the Radioal big guns orated here Tuesday night, including "Aunt Nancy," "Greasy Sam" Watts, and Geo. B. Everett. The latter is said to have made the speech of the occasion. "Aunt Nancy" was very always if. bitter, as "sbe" A Vegetable varieaity. From Mr. H. Hollingsworth, of Magno lia, we have a curiosity in the sweet potato line, and a little ahead of anything in the way of a vegetable wonder we have ever Been. The largest part of the potato is not more than one iheh in diame ter, but it is twisted and tied Into a knot of veryjnear the dimensions of an ordinary sized man's two fists put together, suggest ing the idea of a snake tied Into an appar ently inextricable knot, with the head pro truding at one side or end and , the tail at the other. It is something on the order of the potato from Brunswick, noticed a day or two since, the difference being that this is much. larger and the folds or intertwin ing much more multifarious and intricate. Blr.Bbjackeirora ( LoefcweoaVs Foil jr. Through two or three gentlemen that were present at the speaking at Lockwood's Folly,' Brunswick county, onJTues day last, we lesra that Mr. Shackelford, our, candi date for Congress, made a very decidedly f avorable impression, creatiogaaore enthu siasm among the people than has been ac complished by any political speaker for years. We have the strongest assurances, in f set, that a good report will bft heard from this section of old Brunswick when the vote is counted on Wednesdsy next. Compliaaentavrf . .: We omitted to mention in our last that several of the Scandinavian and other ship ping In port had their spars and tigging gaily decked out with, flsgs and streamers on Tuesday last, ia; honor of the marriage of a daughter of Mr.' 0. P. Mebane, of this city, which took place daring the afternoon. Star LAST NIGHT'S SIBBTINO. SPEBCBfiS BY MBESBS. SHACKELFORD AMD- McLEAN-A LARGE CROWD-GREAT KN THU8IASM, Ac. The largest, most enthusiastic and suc cessful meeting of the Democracy except one that has occurred this campaign, was held at the stand on the corner of Third And Dock streets last night. The number of people present and the general interest manifested in the affair most gratifyingly indicated that the work of, the past few weeks is beginning to bring forth the re suits expected, and that our people are be coming, thoroughly aroused to the issue at stake. The Cornet Concert Club, followed by quite a lengthy informal procession march ea from tbe furcell House aoout nine o'clock, and, arriving at tbe stand, ren dered delightful music, after which Major D. J. Devane arose and introduced Mr. John W. Shackelford, our can didate for CoBgresa, taking occasion in so doing to earnestly urge tho necessity of active, unceasiug effort on the part of tbe people, and alluding gracefully to the claims of Mr. Shackelford for the kindest consideration of the audience. Mr. Shackelford came forward amidst loud calls and cheers, and he gave a speech that caught the attention of tbe crowd im mediately, and well pleased them through out the hour that it was continued. It was a speech thai all could comprehend, and the earnestness of tbe speaker, his fund of anecdotes and apt quotations kept every body amused and entertained. Alluding brkfly in commenting to tbe labors of the canvass he had made with the Republi can and Greenback candidates, he ee lightened us on the topics they discussed and the satisfactory manner in which tbe discussions bad resulted to our benefit. He denounced the Republican party in North Carolina, and reviewed its history, bring ing in Judge Buxton's connection with its infamous career, and said its acts in North Carolina were typical of the party wherever it had been in power; contrasted tho difference in the course of the Democratic party since It had been in power, and showed tbe tran scendent importance of retaining it in control of affairs; announced that if elected he would do all in his power to advance the interests of Wilmington, strive to secure appropriations for the improvement of her harbor, and also to render adjacent streams and rivers navigable, that they might act as feeders to her future greatness; asked that our people should remember that the result in this district might decide as to which party would have the majority in the next House of Representatives; ap pealed to the Greenbackers who had left tbe Democratic party to return to tbe fold, and not, by drawing off votes from him, help to elect a Republican; touched on National and State issues, and warmly counselled the election of the candidates of the Democracy; urged that our business men devote next Tuesday to the good oi the country by closing their stores and work ing for tbe success of tbe Democratic ticket. Concluding, Mr. Shackelford, said that his election depended -on the efforts of the citizens of Wilmington if they but did their duty success was assured. Princi" pies, not man, were the issues, and he begged all Democrats to sink their differ ences and help to maintain the principles they had so long cherished by votiag for the candidates of the party .Thanked the audience and retired.. . Three cheers were then proposed and enthusiastically given for John W, Shack elford. After a lively air from the band, Mr. J. H. Currle took tbe stand, and in a neat Ut ile speech introduced D. H, McLean, Esq., of Harnett, Democratic candidate for Dis trict Elector. This gentleman briefly alluded to. bis con nection With the people of our section, the warm ties that bound him to our city and inhabitants, and then commenced a stirring address in behalf not only of the Presiden tial candidate whom, he directly repre sented, but as well in futberanee of the claims of our State and Congressional nomi nees. He touched briefly, gracefully and forcibly upon all tbe leading points of the contest and was listened to most attentively. He .is a yotisg man of fine presence and ex.1 ceptional ability as a speaker, and his effort last night was warmly praised on all sides. It was lit the nature of a running fire all along the line, and had. a dash; and sparkle Aout it that created the greatest interest and enthusiasm. Mr. McLean con cluded with a warm endorsement of Mr. Shackelford's proposal for the closing of stores on Tuesday and the devotion of the day to the success of the great Democratic party, jand thanked tbe crowd for their kindness and courtesy. The meeting then adjourned amidst tbe utmost enthusiasm. The party in this city is certainly greatly to be congratulated on tbe success of the demonstration and the good it will da neetlnk id tba lrat Var4 Vff STtot. There will be a grand rally of the Do mocracy of the First Ward tonighW By invitation, Messrs. . Shackelford and Mc Lean will address the Democratic Club of that Ward at a Stand on Fourth street, just north of Bpney bridge. The Firsl Ward will rally to a man. Members of other ward clubs land citizens generally areia vited to attend and hear these distinguished speakers. Uiv.-. s- r 1- '' T :.. ... .... It would make a ston'6 image; turn green with erjvy to observe the expreaBiOn of pro found disgust that settles down on tbe face of the doctor when he hears his patients praising Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. t WHOLE NO. 4;120 WILMINGTON WATatBS WOHKR. CONSIDERATION Of THE XATTXfi IN COM- MITTKE BIDS SUBMITTED ACCEPT ANCB OF THE PROPOSITION OP MISSES. J. A. CLOUD St CO. The committee appointed at tbe last meeting of tbe Board of Aldermen and isoara oi Audit ana f inance under a resolution of Aldeiman Foster to take into consideialion the bids submitted for the erection of water works in tbe oily, met yesterday afternoon at the City Hall. The committee consisted of Mayor Fish- blate and Aldermen Divine and Foster, and Messis. Norwood Giles. D. G. Worth ana R. J. Jones of tbe Board of Audit and Finance. The various bids submitted were discussed, and, after deliberation, a sub committee was appointed lo notify Mr. J. A Cloud of the favorable consideration of the bid submitted by him for tbe firm of J. A. Cloud & Co., of New York city, and Mr. E. Kidder and associates of Wil mington, and at king him to meet tbe full committee this afternoon to adjust some minor differences and form the basis Of a contract to be reported to the joint commit tee of the two boards tepresented, for ac ceptance and signing. The proposition or bid submitted by Mr. Cloud is for the erection of first-class water works, of tbe most improved descrlplion.in this city, and to be completed in or before the first day of June next. According to the terms of tbe contract there are to be sixty double and fifteen single hydrants, giving one hundred and thiriy-five open ings for hose attachments, for the use of the city, at an annual rental of $5,250: and water lo be furnished to private consumers at a moderate rate as compared with cities of the same size. The city to have the option of purchase, when tbe works are completed, or at equal staled periods there after. The water supply ia yet to be se lected ; to be hereafter determined, by an alysis and investigation, with the object of obtaining tbe best water that Is available. Daily weaifter Bollecin, The following will show the state of the thermometer, at the stations named, at 8.00 P. M.-yesterday. Washington mean time, and also tbe amount of rainfa.ll In inches for the twenty-four hours ending at 8 P. M., as furnished by Sergeant James W. Watson, Signal Officer at this Station: Tem. R. F. Weather. Atlanta 70 74 72 72 57 60 82 62 .00 .00 .00 .00 1.46 .23 .00 .78 .00 .00 .00 1.65 .00 .00 .00 .00 .86 Cloudy Fair Clear Fair Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Lt rain Fair Cloudy Fair Fair Fair Cloudy Clear Clear Fair Augusta Charleston Charlotte. ... Corskana Galveston Havana Indianola Jacksonville 70 Key West 83 Mobile 78 Montgomery 74 New Orleans 74 Punta Rassa 79 Savannah 73 Wilmington 74 Penaacola 72 f The following are the Indications for the South Atlantic States to-day: Northeast to southeast winds, increasing cloudiness, possibly rain, generally lower temperature, aod stationary or lower ba rometer in the southern part. Wager a on UaneaeM, We are informed that the following four bets on the Presidential election were made in this 'city yesterday, and the money put up: One hundred dollars that Hancock will carry New York. One hundred dollars that he carries New Jersey. - One hundred dollars that be carries Con necticut. One hundred dollars that be carries Cali fornia. B1VBH AND niKINB, The Norwegian Barque Nordtnrtjold, from Bermuda for this port, and consigned toMr. C. P. Mebane, was reported in be low yesterday afternoon. The opinion seems now to .veryjgen- erally prevail, among those conversant with the facts, that tbe schooner W. P. Cto, which sailed from Philadelphia for this port on or About tbe 30th of Septem ber, was lost in the gale of Friday, the 8th of October. The Revenue Cutter Ooffaz brings news that pilots report that tbe vesi sel In question was off Hatteras on the evening of the 8th, and that she stood off as the gale freshened and was not sighted any more. It baa now been three weeks since the gale, and lt is likely that if she had survived it she would have been heard from ere this. The home port of tbe IF. P. Cox is Newbern, N. C, snd she regis ters 138 tons. The proper time to use Dr. Tutt's Liver Pills is when you have Nausea, Loss of Ap petite, Yellow Cast ot the Skin, Rush of Blood to tbe Head, Cold Extremitea, Ring ing itf the Ears, Pain in the Back, Side and Shoulders, High Colored Urine, Vertigo and Biliousness. They afford prompt re lief. As. a family medicine they have no equal. ' f A DOWN TOWN MERCHANT, baring passed several sleepless nigra ta, disturbed jr the aqraihi and cries of a suffering child, and becoming eon Tinced that Mrs. Wlnatow's Soothing Syrup was )ast the-article needed, procured a aapptj for the child. On reaching home and aaqnalntlns: hU wife with what ha had done, she refused to have it ad ministered -to the ebild, as she was strongly i favor of Homoeopathy. That night the chud passed In BUfferlnfeSttd the partnts without sleep. Betarniog home the day following, the father foond the baby still werse, and while oentemplattng another sleep less night, the mother stepped from the room to at tend to some demeatlo douee, sad left the father with the child. Paring her absence he admlalatered a portion of the Aoothutg Syrup to the baby; and said nothing. That night all hands slept welL aad the. little fellow awoke in the morning- bright and happy. The mother was delighted with the sadden and wonderful change, and although atom offend ed with the deception practiced npoa her, has con tinued to use the Syrup, aad sofferugcrytat babies aad restless nlgata hare disappeared. A tingle trial of the Brno never ret rsuea to renew the baby. and overcome the prejudices of the mother. Sold by all Druggists. 25 cents a bottle. Sva oayv.i Ua9r (,... v -Twewif..,.. Three weefca, OmM Month,... Two months,: Threw avmths,.,. . SBO , 4 00 e so . s so . 10 00 . It 00 M 00 o te M 00 i aux menus,. At I W Contract AdverttsAasnU taken at propor tlonately low rates.-1 f Ten lines selld Sonparail type make one aqaara. CITY ITJGW. WeraarantcenokeUargeees made tbaa Black, weli's Durham Long Cut aad Ctfretettre. NAWSPAPXg VOR SaLB.A welt csublkthed ana proeperoas weeuy nswrpepar, located- to a tarmnjr, growing town oa tne iw line of a nromlnent jtauroaa, ia onei ered for tale. Teraia'csah. Pre terms ana particulars apply to the editor or this paper. From JCmlnent W. L. Almon, President Medical College, Halifax. M. Ai Oelden'a Ueblg's Liquid Extract of Beef aad Tonic Invigorate Is In tsj ca ble for fever. Indigestion, waarneaa. and cannot be eurpaared for female complaints Qun M Furnasa, Agents, Wilmington. Tho hoalthleat. finest and purest amoks black well's Durham Long Cut and Clgarettea, "DOITT KMOWjSr'-UAlK viaLUaV' VThey cured me of Ague. Biliousness and Kidney Complaint, aa recommended I bad a half bottl left which I need for my two llitlo girls, who lbs doctors and neighbors satd could not be cared. 1 would have lost both of them oae nlgnt If 1 ban aot given them Hop Bitters. They did tbem to much good 1 contlnoed their use until they were cured. That Is why 1 say jou denotkDow half the value of Bop lutters, and do not reeommsod them high enough." B., Kocbesier. N. V. Hie other column. American Rural Home. Connoisseurs pronounce thorn very flno - lilack well's Durham tong Oatndagarettos. BOBSK KOTAS. "For Colic and drubs lo my mules and horses I give them about balf a bottle of tbe 11a aid Sunmona Liver Megulator at a Urns. 1 have not lost oae that I gave it to. Ton ean rccota mend it to every ;one mat naa a lock as Ming lbs best medicine known for all vomplalnta Skat borro flash Is heir te K. T. TAY LOU, Agent tor Graagers of Ueorgla.' "My mode of nlng Simmons Liver Beaulatortor horses is as follows : one tes'poonful of tbe pow der, Blmmons Liver Regulator, in a mssh three times a week. For Coagh, Hide Bound or Pneumo nia lt will be found invaluable In ruch complaints aa above named. In using It with my chicken a for Cholera I take a package ef ibe Regulator, mix It with the dough and feed lt to them once a day. By this treatmeat I have never lost from Chicken Cno lrra or Uapes a single chicken la the last flvo years. T Q. BACON, Adgeflcld, Oa." Beats the world Black well's Durham l-on('nt and Cigarettes. naUHlED. WOMACK MXBAMK On Tuesday afternoon. Oct Sftth. by Rev. Joseph R. Wilson, D. D , air. B. T. WOMACK.OT Danville, Va.. to M Us hi SKY TANCAY, daughter of Charlea F. Mebane, of this city. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Secretary's Offlco, WILMINGTON A WBLDON RAIL ROAD CO. WTurraaTorr. W. C., October 7th, i860. rpBS FORTT FIFTH ANNUAL MSKT1NO OF the Stockholders of the Wilmington A Weldon Railroad Company will be held io Wilmington, at tha office of the Company, on Tuosday, tbe 161b of November next. J. W.TnOMPHON. oc38 tdm Secretary . Secretary's Office, WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA A AUGUSTA R. It. Wa nmaTos, N. 0., October t7th, 1E80. rpBK ANNUAL MESTING OF TUB STOCK holders of the Wilmington, Colombia A Augusta Railroad Company win be held at the office of lb Company, in Wilmington, oa Tuesday, lbs lSlb of November next. J. W. TUOMPbON, oc38tdm Secretary. Second Ward Democratic (M THB REGULAR WEEKLY MEETING OF TBE Second Ward Democratic Club will take place at the Court Bouae this evealng at 8 o'cieck. The meeting will be addressed by Jno. C. James, Esq. The public are Invited to attend. uy eraer or rresiaent, S. I?. KING, ec88 lt Review copy Prer ldebt. St. John's Hall, W Urn lngten, N. C, S8th OcL , 1 8 TUB REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING OF St. John's Lodge, No. 1, F. A A.M., will be held this (THU R DAT) Evening, at 7 o'clock. ocvSlt JAME8 a MUND8. Bec'y. Knox's Silk Hats ! OTIFP AND SOFT HATS I IO LOWEST PRICES I HARRISON ALLAN, Batters. OcSSstf "y B HAVE A FULL LINE OF BBIBTS AT 75c and tl.M. full line of Qente' Underwear, Collars , Caffs, Scarf a. Ttea, Handkerchiefs, and the beet Merchant Tailoring stock in the city . uhkoim, oesStfe Clothier and Merchant Tailor. Jas. C. Munds, offers CIGARS, CIO ARBTTI 9 and Smokers' Ma terial at popular prices every day at 35 North Front Street Apples, Apples. Bbls SelecUJ Baldwin ArrLEP, For sale by KBRCBNER A CALDER BROS. BIuIlcfA, Bfalleta. 1 Oil Bbls A. No, 1 MULLETS, For sale by KERC9INER A CALDER BROS. Cheese, Cheese. 100 BozM CYc"m and rcU"y cnsKHK, For aalS by KBRCBNER A CALDEK BtOH . Oriental Powder RIFLE, BLASTING aadMUrKET. For sale by KERCONEB A CALDER BRUM. oc33tf Have You Seen Our 16 BIB UMBRELLA f . ( BROWN A RODDICK nave Yon teen the JEAN DRAWERS WB MANUFACTURE? BROWN A RODDICK, liavo'Toa fleentlio NEW CORSET WE RETAIL AT 75 CTSf BROWM BOD0ICK. Have Yon Seen That JOB LOT RUFFLING AT 50 CT8. A PIECE f an 99 tf BROWN A RODDICK.