ming Star. : WILMINGTON N. C Thursday Kvkving ' Oct. 28. 1880 MORNING EDITION. T H E LATEST NEWS. FROM ALL PAKTS OF THE "WORLD I II K OlHFlELO-aOURf LETTER. R HP UBL1CANS TB.YI2rG .TO FIX TUB RE- SPONSIBILITY-i-ABBSST-OF A BROOK- TVS SSTTfiS ON THE CHABGK OF FOKGEEY. By Telegraph to toe Morning Star. New York. Ootdber 27. Kennard Phi Id. a lonrnalist. was arreated in Brook lyn to-day on the charge of forgery, in con- oection wiln me uarueia uuiueao n, mill u arraigned In the SoDreme Court this afternoon. Hia counsel baa already applied for his discharge on habeas corpus. Another report states that the arrest was mA ip on the chanro of counterfeiting post- nfflr iics ddod a warrant granted m the P.-.'nral Court. Later Philp was arrested in the lobby of iho Park Theatre, Brooklyn, while in conversation with ex-Sheriff Daggett, the Republican leader of Kings county, and uiher gentlemen. The arrest was made by Detective Stewart, of New York, upon a warrant issued by Judge Noah Davis, Pre siding Justice of the Supreme uourt, wnicn charges the prisoner with a malicious libeL Phiip and the officer, accompanied by Wm. Vecfcer. came over to police head- Quartets in this city. After a. brief deten tion here he was taken to the Supreme Court. Judge Davis being temporarily absent he was detained in the District At torney' office. He will be arraigned be fore .ludee Davia later in the day. Howard Phi'.p waa arraigned at 3 o'clcck tin tvenin? before Chief Justice Heal Li vi5. of the Supreme Court. His count eL Gen. Roger A. Pryor, objected to the prosecution reading the affidavits on wh Ch the order of arrest was obtained, but tie Judiio overruled the objection. District Attorney Bell then read an affidavit by Cc J. Georee Bliss, who testified that he exam ined a fac simile copy of Ihe letter, with oihers in his possession from Gen. Garfield, aud pronounced it a forgery. That he compared a photographic copy of the letter with the wntines oi the accused, ana on information and belief thought, ha waa the author of it. : Amaaviia aworn so oy woaepn E. Payne and Albert F. South worth, ex perts in handwriting, were read and were of similar DurporL Attached to the affida vits was the original copy of an article for publication written by the accused: A mo tion waa then made to have the warran dismissed on the ground that the affidavits were hot strong enough to support it. ine motion was denied by Judge Davis, who held that the publication of an article after its authenticity is denied, which tended to bring odium on the supposed author, was a criminal libel, Ihe examination was so journed until 11 o'clock to-morrow morn lug, the prisoner furnishing $5,000 bail to appe-ir. TU1 EPISCOPALIANS. ST DAY S SESSION OF THE GESEKAL CONVENTION RESOLUTIONS ADOPT ED AMENDMENTS TO THE BOOK OF COMMON PBAYEB, AC. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. New York, October 37. The last day's session of the Protestant Episcopal Genera) Convention opened in the House of Depu ties with religious services. Tbe Commit- t-: on Canons reported a resolution declin in j !o concur with tbe House of Bishops in changing the existing canon with regard to the reinstatement of (clergymen who have aoiodoaed tbe cburcb. Tbe resolution was adopted. Rev. -Or. Beers, of tbe Joint Committee on securing a Missionary Bish- P for each Territory in which there la not at present a bishop, reported in favor of tbe proposition. The report was- adopted, together with a resolution appointing a conmittee of twent-one to act as an aux iliary to the Board of Managers of Mis sions, and to create a missionary bishop f uinl. Tne resolution from, the Committee on Amendments to the Constitution declaring .t uiexpedient at tbe present time to amend t jc constitution so as to require futuro leg islation to be by canon, was adopted. Uou. Mr. Burgwyn, of Pittsburg, from t'-e Committee of Conference on the disa greement of tbe two Houses as to the reso lution concerning the ratification of the amendation of the book of Common Prayer, reported that they bad agreed to restore one portion of the clause stricken out by the House of Deputies at its session of Tuesday. This was the clause forbidding Uie use of any prayers other than those in the Prayer Book. Rev. Dr. Phillips Brooks, of Massachu setts, presented a minority report, in sup port or which he said he saw no reason why the House of Deputies should recede rrom its action of the previous day. "The right," be said, "to use extempore prayers was inalienable, and any attempt to re strict it would be odious to a great part of the Church." On a vote being taken the report of the minority was rejected by the following vote : uiergy syes Zb, noes 12, (eight dio ceses atvided); .Lay ayes 11, noes 25. The majority report was then adoDted and the subject will now be passed to dio cesan conventions lor ratification. KOKKIGN lrTTBIiI.IGKIGK. MEETING OF THE 1EISH LAND LEAGUE THE OUTBREAK IN AFGHANISTAN HAMBURG IN A STATE OF 6IBOX THE INVASION OF PERSIA. I By Cable to the Morning 8 tar.l Dublin, October 27. At the weekly meeting of the Land League yesterday, Jno. Dillon member of Parliament for Tippera ry, presiding, letters were read from Justin McCarthy and Frank Hugh O'Donnell.both members of Parliament, expressing a desire to join the League. A resolution was passed reciting that "is view of prosecutforis of the League we call on the Irish race throughout the world to answer coercive measures by resolute organization, and we request Mr. Davitt to remain in America for the pur pope of directing a great responsive move ment among the Irish people in the United States. London, October 27. The most recent official intelligence leaves no doubt that the district around Cabul is in a slate of dis turbance, and the home officials thus ac count for tbe break in comunicatioo be tween Cabul and Simla. " The Kurds invading Persia are reported to be fifteen thousand strong. They are fn three divisions. Tbe first division is thirty miles from Tabriz, which is in danger. The inhabitants are barricading tbe streets. Tbe Persian troops number 9 000. Berlin, Oct. 27. It is said that, ihe federal Council to-day approved a motion tor the proclamation of a minor stale of siege at Hamburg. General Grant spoke at Rochester N. Y., yesterday. Senator Conkliog and others aiso spoke. Tbe steamer Illyrian, from Liverpool, at Boston, reports that she fell in with the fhipa Isaac Webh, from Antwerp fqr New York, partially dismasted and in a sinking condition. Took off the crew, twenty. four in number, and brought them to port. So aAHA OBRNHABDT. HSR AEBIVAL AMD RECEPTION AT NEW YOBS. lBa Tassnepb 19 tbvMtttfnSotkr I New Yoiac;0ctobtt'S7J-i-Tlie firnpua French tragedienne, Sara Bernhardt, waa teceived iLu mornio by a JUoial,r friends? wba WenLidtitibe,hy-iet the steamer Amerique. &.bp$ssp nd accom panied tbe party, wSiOO immediately ou reaching ihe dock struck up "The bells go a riDRfoir for Bara."- 'Hearty' greetings weie exchanged between Manager Abbey and 4111. Bernhardt. ' At a breakfast which had been prepared -for ber an exquisite piece o "China ware waa placed Jbaf ore.4Jio actress and an appropriate reception rpeich was made by Prof. Villa, on behalf, of the Circle Artlstlque Franchise In New "Yoik. Mile. Bernhardt replied aa follows: "Gen- llemeo: fhad do idea that my coming to America would have drawn forth so much kindness. I expected to meet a few friends.; wbom X had already learned to know and esteem in France, but I am entirely dumb-, founded by this' enthusiastic reception. With my heart I accept your kind offering. I shall cherish it while I live, and shall endeavor to prove to you that Sara Bern hardt has a heart as true as beats io the breast of any woman- Herd! Merci!' Merc ; ' ' The Madame, aa she is called by all those who surround her, was evidently much surprised and pleased with' tbe attention shown her. Mile. Bernhardt and her party were at odco driven to the Albemarle Hotel, where Bhe took possession of the quarters which bad been prepared, for her. WASHINGTON. TROUBLE WITH TUB BAILWAY SERVICE MARINE HOSPITAL MAIL BER VICE BBCOMM EN D ATI ON OF THS SUrEBTISOB. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. Washington, October 27. The Super-, intendent of Railway Mail Service to-day wrote a letter to the' KichmOnd, Freder icksburg & Potomac Railroad 'Company, saying that if they establish steamboat service between Washington and Quanlico and thereby increase the amount of time required in transit between Washington and Richmond, and if the Southern liDes at Richmond or Northern lines at Wash ington break connection with this road,' then it will be necessary to send the great Southern.- maila .by acme Hber route. of. routes. Supervising General Ham d too, of the United Slates Marine Hospital Service, has lust completed his annual report. It recom mends the establishment of hospitals at Baltimore, New Orleans, Cairo, Vicksburg, Norfolk, Galveston, Savannah and Pitts burg. Special appropriations are also recommended for repairing and altering marine hospital buildings as follows: Key West. Florida, $8,080; Mobile, $1,515, and Wilmington, North Carolina, $6.000.. KBNTVCRY. THE MUBDEB OF P. II. TALBOTT HIS WIFE AND CHILDREN ARRESTED FOB THE CRIME. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. St. Louis, Oetober, 27. About a month ago Dr. P. H. Talbolt, a prominent citizen of Mayville, Missouri, and editor of the Greenback paper published at that place, was shot through the window of his resi dence and killed while he was retiring for the night. Yesterday bis son Albert waa arrested on tbe charge of committing the murder, and Mrs. Talbolt, the Doctor's widow, and Ed. Talbott, another son, and a hired man named Whetb, were also ar rested as accomplices. A preliminary ex amination is going on to day at MayviUe. IS E W YORK. FAILURE OF ANOLD-- COFFSS HOUSS WITH LABQB T.riTCTTJTTKft. -r' f By Telegraph to the Morning Star.l New York. Oetober 27. C. Risley & Co., of 77 Wall street, a thirty years old coffee house, failed lovdayand made an as-; signment to Morgan S. O'Brien..' They make only one preference and that to a twelve thousand dollar creditor. Their liabilities arc about $3,000,000, assets about $400,000. Tbe cause of the failure is shrink age in tbe value of coffee held a long lime, and out-of-town failures. BjtilZIL. INUNDATIONS LOSS OF LIFE AND PBOPEETY, C. - I By Telegraph to the Morning Star. Rid Janeiro, 'October Oth. There have been great inundations in tbe Santa Catba nna colonies, caused by tbe overflow of the river Stajaby. Tbe loss of property is immense. A hundred houses, many mills 'and a? the bridges were destroyed, and the' crops 'carried away. Great distress pre- avis among tbe colonists. A few lives were lost. . " The aggregate amount of insurance on tbe building, stock and machinery of the burned-ont Clock Company of Brooklyn ta $395,CQ0. HORSFORD'B ACID . PH03PHATE In an old and obstinate case of .Dyspepsia. x gave tiorsioru s A.ca rooepnate-lo in old and obstinate case of Dyspepsia, with tbe most haDDV result' He la now better than he has been in years. -' A. K. Webstkb, M. D. . St. Joseph, Mich. f liUtnrldation Correspondence News and Observer. Princeton, tf l C.Jbot. 25, '80. WeJ the undersigned, certify that in a public speech made by ex-Congressman W. A. Smith, at a ReDublican mass meeting ins,;, thisi 'placooo the 15Mi ldst., he said : "That if he heard of any negro votmsr the DeinadTatic ticket, j he (Smith) would give him one hundred lashes.. " ; (Signed) J. HHowsxl, B. J. Langlby. Personally appeared before me. J. H. HowelLiD. H. Howell and B. JY Langly, and made ,oath that the above statement is true". This Octo ber 25, 1880. . William Richabdson, J, P,,, This is all true, and I think snould be known. I did not hear the Manor's speech. . ;:E. J. Holt, Chairman Dem. Ex. Com. BoonrHill Township.; Excelsior. npHK PEOPLE'S BUTCHER COMPAN AN- toeooce that they keea at the e w M ar k.et f the finest no round aaywnera; and for the next fe ;ew days they t Rrrra Vin- as aVV.a W wui nave on nana an assortment of Extra ftt-v&JSSii i -ttgatto-tif I unsettled land favoring buyers under the. oaaoiWyWrnfe JW? . .m,. 1 ... ..imi--&d&W2l8SV' l oc2S8t iT mm VtSHrtm.-v.aa i"VLD NEWSPAPERS, SUITABLE caa be hod at the star SMce I a M fA. U7aW.l.a MVA. COMMERCIAL W I LMINGTONMA IrJhi Tbe Ocif(orrdtdhi 'jjptXMbiit below are posiedat the Produce -Excbnge daily at i P.Jk. pd refer l-Ptis WMUyWi ,M STAR OFFICE. Oot. 87, 0 P. M. SPIRITS TURPNTNErTbe! market opened firm at 41 cent's per gallon, with sales reported of ICS casks at that pricei being an advance of 1 cent on last iepoits. ROSIN The market was firm at $140 for Strained and $1 45 for Good strain til wwiu&mamA W MO; TO TAR Tbe market opened firm at $2 30 bid per bbl of 280 lbs, with sales at quota tions. : CRUDE TURPENTINE Market hteady, with sales reported at $1,80 for Hard i adj 3Wlief iUlU eilowipaird'tiWo COTTON The market was dull, with tales of 350 bales on a basis of 40i cents per lb. for ld'diia'g'; alsS sates late last evening and : not pf evlobsly reported J of 80 bales at ihe, . same .price. Futures for November opened quiet and steady in New York at 10.70 cents, and closed steady at 10.80 cts; January opened quiet and steady at 10.96 cents and closed steady at 10 94 cts. Tbe following were the official quotations here : Ordinary cents i lb Good Ordinary ....... Strict Good Ordinary. 9S Low Middnirg. 10 Middling 10J . Good Middling:...".. PEANUTS The market continues Quit1 and steady, with sales reported on a basis of 3040 for shelling stock, 50 cents for Ordi nary, 60 cents for Prime, 70 cents for Extra Primp, and 80 centa for Fancy. HEOEIFTRi (Jetton Spirits turpentine. Rosin. Tar Crude turpentine . . 1020 .. 24 .. 114 65 . . 33 2 hales. caakak i.bls.V - ! fTIC ItliKK to. : . lit) Telegraph to tie Morning Star. f v Financial. . New' York, October 27 iveuiug. Money 2J3i per cent. Sterling exchange 481 J. . Governments quiet but firm; new fives 103; four and a half per cents 110;; foflr per cents 109$. , State bonds nominal. Oumiaerctai. Evening Cotton firm; ealea to day of 1,360 bales; middling uplands 11 1-16 cents; Orleans 11 5-16 cents; consolidated ott re ceipts 35,110 baits; exports to Great Britain 13,247 bales, to France 9,202 bales. South ern, flour qniet and steady; common to fair extra $4 905 50; good to choice do $5 55 G 85. Wheat feverish and unsettled, opening a shade better but afterwards tbe advance was lost, closing rather more steady at ilc decline; ungraded red $1 15 1.20 Corn opened steady but closed a shade easier and less active; uograded 55f fi6c. Oats heavy and lc lower; No. 3. 3? 37t cents. Coffee unchanged and quiet. Sugar dull and unchanged; refined more active and firmer, fair to good refining 7$ 7Jc; standard A 89tC. Molasses dull and unchanged. Rice in good demand and unchanged. Rosin steady at $1 85. Spirits turpentine steady at 43i cents atked. Pork dull, unsettled and nominal at $15 50 15 75 for export; middles quiet and steady; long clear 7Q7fci short 8?c; long end abort 8c. Lard higher and strong with a fjur trade at $8 408 45. Freights quiet. : ;dtton Net receipts 570 hales; gross 6,211 bales.: Futures closed steady, with sales of 08,000 bales at the following quota tions: October 10.7910.81 cents, Novem ber 10.80 cents, December 10.83 cents, Jan nary ia9410.95 cents, February 11.08 11.09 cents, March 11.23&11 25 cents, April ll.S8l 1.40 cents, May 1 1 .52tl.54 cents; June 11 6611.68 cents. Baltuiobjk, October 27. Flour steady and more active at the following prices: Howard street and westers super $B 50 4 00; extra $4 255 00; family $5 25 6 25; city mills super $3 754 25; extra $4 255 00; family $6 256 50; Rio brands $6 126 37; Fatapsco family $7 00. Wheat southern steady; western opened higher but closed lower to sell; southern red $1 05 1 12; amber $1 07l 18; Ho. 2 western winter red on spot and October delivery $1 121 13; November delivery $1 13i 1 13h December delivery $1 161 16; January delivery $1 181 18. Southern ;corn Bteady; western steady . and quiet; southern white 5354c;. yellow 56c Oats dull and lower; western white 3738c; mixed 8638ic. Provisions higher for mesa pork and easier for other stock. Mess pork $20. Bulk meats loose shoulders and clear rib sides none offering; packed 5f8fc Ba conshoulders 6tC; clear rib sides 9c; hams 1213ic. JLard refined 9c. Coffee firm; Biocargoesbrdinaryto fair 1214c. Sugar lower; A soft 9c. Whiskey quiet at $1 15. Freights dull dull aud nominal unchanged. Wheat steady and in fair de- I mandtiNo. 2 Chicago spring 99i99ic . CiMnatrn ortrinor QQi3iPXia I cash; $1 OOf November; $1 01 December; Mo. 8 do 9l91ic. - Com easier: ovc cash; 8939fc November ;40i40fc December. Oats easier ; 2&c cash ; 28c November; 28fc bid December. . Pork unsettled and gener ally lower at $18 75$19 00. Lard fairly active and a shade higher at $7 90. Balk meats fairly active and a shade higher; shoulders $4 80; abort .rib? $7 50; clear $7 50. i Whiskey steady and unchanged. . .ST. Loots, October 27. Flour dull and 'unchanged. Wheat opened firm and lower; No. 3 red fall 99c$l 00 cash ; ' $1 00f I P0November; . $1 031 04 December. Corn lower; 89i80ic cash; 39ftc Novem ber; 39c December. Oats lower; 29c cash; 29J29fc November; 30301c Decem ber. Whiskey steady at $1 10. Pork dull at $15 25. Lard nominal. ,Bolk meats easy; shouldersJ$4:9Wrlbf7 W; brides' $7 80. Bacon lower; shoulders $5 25; rib $8 62,; sides $8 808 87f CUrniN nAHKErs. : i-j .!' By TsJegraph to' the Morning Star. UCl. JY. tiaiVestOB, easy at ill cents f -net repeipt8-4.oales; Norfolk, Steady .nni . ii.i:i.,i...n.i.f I ok xyt ycuko uck rcucipts i,oo uiw,obih- i morefatiiet at 10f cents net receipts 299 bales; Boston, idnll at lit cents net re ceipts 499 bales; Philadelphia, dull at 11 ceutatit receipta . palesj - Savannah, easy at I0i cents net receipts 7,056 bales; New Orleans, easy at Jl cts net receipts 5,801 tales; Mobile, weak at lOf cents net receipts 1,761 bales; Memphis, quiet at lOf cts net receipts 3.S43. bales; Augusta, steady at? 10i cts net receipts 2,282 bales; Charleston, ,.- steady, at , 10 cents net ; re-, cefpts rJ,20tV bales. -ti' -iV t :'-,i - Tiew York Ivayal. Btorea nartxet, Oetober 125 Jfafato Ttuntine-There is little doing, andf-with southern advices tame prices are unsettled and easier; merchantable order is held at 14c. Rosins The market is still 3CMolIotlnK are the quotation!:. $triiied . at H60? good strained 1 85;N6: 2JES P CUy pitch at a quod ptha cairitkun Naval' Siarn - fllarMat Tne reoeipta were 184 cask spirits tui. 1 aiiliiMt amr-ntfptilrt&in-.w'The market waa general qu,aMj?WlthOUt reporteu aales. The last rates -for - rosin , were as folh.wfrll 70 Tor O D, $1 80 for Ei $1 85 for F; 2 10 tofOit 25 for.H: t 37 for I ; 2 55 Aot 'sKi'tlr S tor M; 3 00 for N; f3 25 jLWiudow sfas;: Spirits tur pentine dullj. b sales reporWtT. Ctude tur pentine ialnlint3'.5Q;rei4l 'Q' j e1" iow. dip fej.UTg35a? New; Wor( PeanattfjaarBet. IJourDaffmerceOc 20.1 A light rjPUsifWsBTy bbted and uo hvumgoiu pni'ea me uuoiak'uua. fui n- : r,... . . . .. IT:- Iginia ar i3i4c fof ptinief Aie TCr extra prime, 4i4c for fancy, and,55xc for b and -picked... j tWVabteto'ihgbtar.l UyRobhetUMrr:- -5.15 P Ml CottonUplands,, m ut May and Jane de-i livery Aid.4 Futures Very dull 1 Sales of cottoyn to-day include 6,600 bales 'American. Turpentine 33s 6d. MARINE. I'on Almsuio-Ueiober 28. 8un iUses; i. X V. (A PSOA.'M; Sun Sets.. 5.08 p. M. Iigb Water (Smithville). ..... 2.59 Even. 1" (Wilmington). . 0.59 Even. Day's LmgmA.U.. I0h. 48m. ARRIVED. Eliztil eth, liibl.te, Smuhville, mas- S mi ter. ! Stmr North Slate, Gieen, CypreeB, Worth & Worth. 1 Slmr'Jobn Dawson, Sheiman, Point Cas .vf ell, R P Paddiaon. i Scbr Joseph Souther, 881 tons, Watts, Savannah, Jas H Chadbourn & Co. , Br barque Northern Queen, 878 tons, An drews. Para, Alex Sprnnt & Son. CLEARED. . iStmr Elizabeth, Bibce, Smithville, mas tor. iitmr North Slate, Green, Cypress, Worth & Worth. Brig Ambrose Light, Hatch, Port au Prince, Hay i i, E Kidder & Sons. Nor barque Ebent z -r, Soreusen, Bristol, England, Palcrson, Downing & Co. Br scbr Blanche, Dojle, Liverpool, Pat erson. Downing & Co. Br brig Mary Lester, Griffith, Liverpool, Williams & Murcbison. KX FOHTS. FOREIGN. Hayti Brig Ambrose Light 208,089 feet lumber 58,950 cypress ehioglt-a. Bbibtol Nor barque Ebenezer 500 casks spirits turpentine, 2,177 bbls rosin. . Liverpool Br scbr Blanche 1,350 bbls tar,' 475 do rosin. Br brig Mary Lester 700 bales cotton. m Aiiure DIUECTOH.T, Itlas or Teaaela In tna rrt ar sll asilnKton fl. C. Oct. 37. 1880. IThis list does not embrace vessels oader 00 tonr. BARQUES. Embla (Nor.) 388 tons, Bimonsen, CPMebane Chailee (Ger.), 318 tons, Laugboff, EG Barker & Co Jerbuen (Nor.) 271 tons, Svendsen, ifirna (Ger.), 583 tons, Y08S, E Pescbau & Westermann C P Mebane Glaeier, 311 tons, irmall, E G Barker & Co Enudsvig (Nor.), 344 tons, Evenscn, Ueide&Co Flid J (Nor.,) 334 tons, Niehcn, CPMebane Korafarer (Nor.) 420 tons, Kcicersten, i C P Mebane Chatham (Nor.) 281 iocs, Horn. J& G Barker s Co Qijbia. Nor., 351 tons. Jewell, Heide & Co Lucie Radmann(Ger), 447 tons, Meyer, Jfi I'esciiau it westermann Ebenezer (Nor.), 343 tons, Sorensen, OPMeban Abraham Skalle(Nor ) 342 tons.Gregeneea - CP Mehane iMafcnus Huss (Swed) 533 tons, Tiulio, ' Heide & Co BRIGS. 8 V Merrick. 335 tons, Lippineott, Geo Harriss & Co Trambiq (Br.), 220 tons, Morris, i A Borant & Son Cora Green, 249 tons, Philbrock, Hi G Barker & Co Mary Lts'.er (Br.), 188 tons, Griffith. CPMebane Ambrose Light, 214 tons. Hatch, EG Barker & Co SCHOONERS. Lena tlunter, 287 tons. Dole, Harriss & Co Mary Bear, 168 tons, Chad wick, Geo Han las & Co Sandy, Hook, 127 tons, Johnson, Geo Harriss & Co Annie R Lewis, 217 tons, Lewis, ' E G Barker & Co Clara, 275 tons, Cramner, Geo Herriss & Co UarD6XS J USI ILeCeiVfiCl. . " ' CRUMB CLOTHS. RUGS, i Oil. CLOTflS AND HATTING $. .i,'t.. " SB) . ? All for sale at iVJS'TP YORK POLICES. Bcaalliol Sacqninga and t lothlnga In Black and Colors. ! LADIES1 AND CHILDREN'S UNDBRWKAB, ALL S.'Z 2S AND PRICES. EespectfaRy, ';Wt;Ml!IcIiatiFe. t OC31 tf -f HistflPTinf ttfri MM StatfiS at a frtonnn 1 a j wt SRICAL. BOGKAJHICAI, POLITI- ciplo, coniainlag a vast amount of information l I the mveaW f o?? A t& of the ahova aablaets. and mih BtioT7l ZSS: I mu Dwumw uuuwuim UO a BOW DnD. I TPorf1 i v nirx W thi thot. k t I Uv Send for Oucmlara. Agents wanted In every countv" m . v, AMwcjj, ouie AseiiL' oc 7 StB&ltW 4 vVAftehall St., Atlaata,.Qa. Tie Iftttoai 'TTfTB HAVE BEEN RECEIVING AND NOW offer to the public Af) nerent Btyck vpfair:.aj ans -frvirv Different Styles New Suits forts CO, and 1UU upwards; , :-; i- ; ; . QA .Different Styles "You the SulUfor $3 86. sad . VJ tipwards ' . . :,..-..:( . . tr n uuzerent styles cnudrea and School . Boys OU Suits for $3 CO, and upwaisX !r 77 that we do as 'wesay;r ; . :-. K.i: j . Ctothierand Merchant Tailor, acS6 tf : Cor. -Proat and Princess sts. tk iook saonr wiaoowa wm. cnnvinm n. BreechIcding! tSniiW SON. - archiapaBtock.,. .m- m rsMS STtM owikmS v. a B j-. . j i. -. - nxiiES ak MUBCITI WL x1 eaav VAtvuiuOf t r - - . FIRE! FIRE1 ALL TH ttOODS bllidiD T Hahn'o, 30 Llarkot si " . . . f ?.;'Jl' " On Saturday night mast be eold at onca and t Your Owii T6 . Tbe damaged goods consist of ; 'f ' ; ...... t Jf . Mft 8HlRTS,; til AWLS, DBESS QOOXk. KID -a f - ws GLOVES. PARASOLS. DMBBKL- - a i : ' "" ' .'...t..V.i r'nikuiti ' fats l- LAS, AC V, AC.?,. 4 w. H " And nnmerona other Bmoi:e(.arjIclea, fnca jau l1 socks, - cravats; Sack ties. -A SBrBBMKMBBR ihcee goods .mast be ol4ieEl .: '' ,t at YOUR OWM FR1CBI.JEI. , K W r. ' .n ' m'X'" AT 38 Clarket St. It oc37tf To my Friends andl&H tomers. T AM ROW DAILY KfcCKlVINQ FALL stock of BOOTS AND bUOKri. conaUttag of a the Latest Styles, My past stack aad nsaccsa. speak for Ihemselveo, and I only ask arcatjnnBce. of y oar farore so liberally beetowad Oa mei .PlaaMi call and examine my stock as regards quality and prices. No trouble to show iho gaodi. 5Will bi pleased to see yon one and ail. Respectfully, .:. -it' if c. se 12 tf Slim of the Show Casa. Awake! Awake!! Awake I !! THE MEW FURNITURE SfOHB.OP BEH BBNDS A M UK ROE, Southeast Comer Market and 3d St.. appeals to the dealers in and cenramers of farnitare for their aasistanee. Wince their ad vent in Wilmington, N. C, they have used their best endeavors to -restore to Wilmington the Whole-' ale and Retail Farnitare trade, which had gone'tor Northern cltiee. They have now concluded to otter a general stock of furniture 6 per cent- lower tnen can be bought in New York, and aa- fbls ox neeessitv eat their mamas tber are aa North Carolinians to examine their coeds and prices before sending y oar orders to Northern cities, and if we are lower for the same class of goods, elve to North Carolina what belongs to North Caro lina. 1 ocMtf. Miss- S, A. Strook - J8 TO BE POUND SIX BOORS WEST OF M AS ket Street, in the Lcsaman Bouse, where , she is showing the most Btjlleh goods in tbe city, Mrs. Birocc oeing m new xora selecting insm. ocMtf Hop Bitters,- rpUTT'H LIVER PILLS. KENNEDY' MEDI- cal Ltsoovery. Malt and Cod Liver OIL Hyatt's Life Balsam, Mexican Mustang Lincmentr' 4" WM. 11. GKSEN. oc4tf Drngglst. 1 .1; , y , , I Hare Just Returned i FiOM TBB WESTERN PART OF TBE BTATB with a floe stock of HUMAN HAIR, which! will make up in the latest styles atpnees that mast" suit. Combings and old hair worked oyerr and darkened or lightened. Aleo. ao stock of Mil linery and notions Jaet received, en Market' be tween id and 8d streets, next Wil. -Dying Eattb Ushmeat. -T - ! ocWlf MISS LOU. HTUABT.: Hew Crop Bice. fjQ Tiewee and bbls Carolina RICE, ' JQ Bags prime RIO COFfEE, - AAA Uhls Good FIX)UR, 1. V VI V . -2 ' 100 Bbla Refiucd bUGAK' , ; ; . JQQ Bbls Cuba MOLASSES, . " 2QQ Kegs NAILS. f - At Low Prices. : HALL & PEARS ALL. ocST pAWtr - " A Coal and Wood. TrvON't FORGET THAT WE" El AVE MOVED. . -a-' .. .. ., ,t, to th premises, corner of Water and Mulberry streets, where we keen COAL. WOOD. SHIMOrJUL I nnfnn . 1 Tl. rv k . 1 . . . .oouiK uuirunuu at lowest caaa prices . O. G. PARSLEY, Jr., ocSfrtf , Cor. Mulberry sad VTater atar Inf ants' Shoes. An BLfeQANT ASSORTMENT OF INFANTS' French. Kid Butto , Childrens'. Basket Top 8aoes of every lmaglna- Tasseled Bhoes. 1 ble style at very low prices. "THOMAS H. HOWRY, No. 47 North Marketi oez7tf Black Seeds Oats. i nin a b seed oats, 1000 i W OATS, 801 Ralaa ft W Timnlh. nn KM- .u tj 1 i TTXTfirJf a Yrl.tLyiJZ' D?1f, lren r 1 Prune orn Wht Brn Pease. 1 .r.ttJsaY.?! t.UkJUH8 A CO.. . I " : atiiierB and Urain Oeaiers. f " I Hirvays Sonlething New. A LARGE STOCK OP 8 THAW GOODS. Flower Baskets, School Lunch Bags. Straw Hand Satchels, Ladies' Work Baskets; Wall Pockets, Scrap Baskets, Ac. Also an eiegaat has wi j? aucjr jrrsmes ana jsaseis, unromos and fancy goods. A thouBarrd School Books, ,intne puDiic and private echoolaof 4hia locality. f- 7. . ...... wwao, .utwura i suitable for use YATEa-lf o c24tf Fresh Celery. jrDBR. FRESH CErY,XAMCAF6lf. Pears. Swret Florida Oranraa. wreb Florida Orangea. Malat'Graea?. uidies. And averythiiig nice. Call and bo Choice .Candies, and averythig alee. : t " At' '8. Q. NOWraROl8 - i oc 33 tf " Fruit and Confectionery Stores. FORTHIj! LOCAL & POLITICAL NEWS J stair iiiliw Hdifi Vi OUUDUtlUV 1W uuuuwav jauAAunxa uill, n. i. I w- mw vlt ."j wuiw. w u auuu i a, iooi. iui i ONKDOt.L4B. VySWtr Mb FALL AHID jvEr Jul, S2i.nlnii iliiL-jwaaswo'J 1 V,. MT Vt hi tatAf.'."a j-;'i.i;;,3. VMjs i. 'M i'. '' GOODS; APLeA-FAlVlCY DRY GOODS. r Fuller jidyertiBeraeitJh a" fow days. to.oall ou or order of- I a- in A joe 10 tf- - a. j P. L. Bridgers & Co. o-t tR''Tiii IB PUBLIC TUAT th, aerer HAVU an4 never WILL eeUth.lr C.iVe Fear Whiskey for one cent less than $7 0J per gal- loo. It is a :knowledged by all to be the best ever -brought to North Carolina. .0 ; i Stewart Bye and Virginia Glaies I are rtill holding tbelr own at $t 00 ; 5 Years Old WaRTKLL is improving at $3 03. MANONGAHBLA, a splendid article at only f 3. r TUSCALOCSA, a pore By Whiskey, only ft 60. I; L, Bridgers & Co. i Keep the mo3t varied sssortment of Liquors, both Imported end Domestic, to bu. foand Uxthe State, and claim and can PROVE that they sell double the aWonnt by too bottle of any home in the city. ' NO MORE STRAWS AND FL1E8. x, Mr . L. P. , Thomas f noes all the bottling and never allows ono to be filled without first washing and drying it t1'!1- Bridgers & Co. etatl pnorc Cigars than any Loubc in thetlty. HOMM'S EXTRA DRY, PRreciPEs, PILOTS AND EDITU, A isaUy good CIGAR, two for 5 cen't. . I IMPORTED: A full lice of Imported Cigars aiwaj s kept on Lend. Undersold. We will not be underrold on Groceiles, bbt& heavy and fancy. New Store. Havojdone mors bnflnevs states moving Into New Store thaa ever before. Saturday Hight. 1 : ! i i III. -tjija to oBTe (wo more wieras on Baiursay tugnt so that all ean be waited on promptly. P. L. Bridgers & Co. oc 97 OAWtf --1 Second-Hand Pianos. rpWO SECOND-HAND PIANOS. ONE MANU- faKturedby Knabe and one by Bradburg, at very great .Mrgalas; nasd but a very short time and i really almost aa good as new; fully warranted In jyery respect. Must be sold to make room for t . new ones. Please call at i HEINBBKRQER'S OcWtfj Live Book and Music Store. . i- Answer to Dyer's Enigma. Tho monarch Shlrt" and "Paiis" collar, ' Aadavvfiae end" Tie. for oaly ons dollar; xnen toere s ooston uarters," you must nave a For Ui ers's "Nothing" more useful for gentle- new we give yon justice, witn "menus" on theWMM, Broelauataig that "Ths pen is mightier than the BWUru. ) 3. i ; OOt X4 U C - - - - a -j . '"" i Tourists AND AXL PERSONS J WArTTlNGJ it BUNKS ; j.a. ansjiTmveiimj mga can no rnrnuned at ths ioweai prices iromoar aew stocat just amrsd. i Oar Wholesale sad Retail Harness Establishment can c oe oasx iot xatei Dtyiesaaaiiesc uooas- Ipri the least nmun No R Amith ffmnt flt I oc 94 tf I , MALLARD BOWDXN 4 I QnioCSets. T wrrr. itavw ivurnBsnw iiiniiiiv . J WtTX HAVE IN STQRB OJI VOoDAY AN- x i. ...ii.-.-m.u &..n.ii.l.t' other Bnpair;erWhM,pJilOA; growth) rbose la need had oettcif purcaaawasrly! 1 as they arogoing to be very high. HADlSS. thecarjr OC84tf Brick! Brick! ' For sale by O. G. PARSLEY, JR. Se34tf That's Settled. JSlEtL THE BEST AND CHEAPEST BTOVESbth Cooking and Heating. Oar Lamp goods are superior. Bird Cages of all kinds. Toilet Bets, Beautiful Door Mat,;? Trays -Wooden : w bib, -nosiB, iuu nua. loctltri J jJPABKER TAYLOR L l ' Ul'T I.I J! '.IL 1 " . . iMoD, & W. A FINK IINBOK.feMriGGIESrSfa'rrNt . -i a 1.m J . iWZ'U 'CSixiVia unaioi carriaKe. innsuiw-anaAiiAt hmk;Mniuiillvn. I wvuuii, i - . - . . octtf MOOftkArJ MxLV -tr-nmTPr? rnnns KA - TZ S, 36 Harket Street. u r " t 0LOAKS, SHA W LS. Buyers will Uud it lb their iuierem 36 Market Street. Facts and Figures. Brown & Roddick 45 fflnrkei MriM, WE DkSiBK TO ANNOUNCE TUAT Wl AKB fully prepared for th FALL AND WINTEK TRAD K, and will oOmt URBATJUt iaoUca MENTH this season ibaa ws bars svsr doas kmu tofsre. We have this year parcasd mimi DOUBLE ths amcaat of stock ws asually carry Urns sfforalng oar patrons a mack lartor and mote varied assortment to select iron than ?ormerly Ws have Jmsa rstaraod artsr aa abMacs of' two moaths ia tba Nonksra martrsts, doriac whicb Urns our facllltiss for examlstnj ths LatM Inpor taiions have bsea usorpassesV saaos ws eaa offer our customers not only tbe LATkUT MTTLka bat aUto MANY OF TUB AD V ANT AU EH to h u'd by more recent poirhssss. Ws rcspectfuJJT isvits roar atUaUoa to Us above FACTS, and will lbs glad t dsmonstrats thm m. woo during ths ensuing week sad sxsalas our Astri.k BTOCa of wui iavar mi . -.n Kllks, Velvets. sUabooa, Laces, Cloaks. Drsasesoda, Trlmnrlnrs, Corsets, UlOTFS. Umi, IHlBMStlCI. Blaakeu. Shawls, uosisrr. Casslnterns, Carpets, Ladies' Gents' and ChiMn n's Utidurwcar Ac. AC Ac. Brown ft Roddick 45 Market Mrcel. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ocMtf John Dawson & Co. LEAD THE HARDWARE TRADE IN NORTH Carolina, buy direct from Lha UiuIicium pay cash on ths spot, handle tbe best goods, and at as low prices as any Uooae la ths country . All thcr asks is an examination of tbelr stock . ID. tl and as Market K. . oc Mtf Wilmington, N. V. The New Hat Store. jyY STOCK IS COMPLETE IN ALL OF TUB 1 .a test Styles of Gents, Ch'Mrcos.' Ladtrs aud Misses' Bats. Also nice line of Gents' rurnttbti Goods. Call and examine before purctualng. JOHN M. ROBIN HON, ocntf Market St., next door to Mcllhrany' Our Own Ulake. E XTRA SUPER AND EXTRA FAM1LI Flour In bbls and 1-16. t sad H bbl Sacks Wo meal. Pearl Grits, Mixed sad Walts Cora. W'baat sad Corn Bran, Shorts, Chops, Bay, Oala. I'm vender, Ac. Black Seed Oats. U. BON STY Jk BONH, QC17 tf at ths Caps Fear Mills Just Eeceived. A FINK ASSORTMENT OF LAP KOBE. Horao Blankets, Darness, Saddles, Trsnks, Ac . sad tor sale low for cash i GERBABDT m CO. : One Door North D. A. Bank JkOe. i oc4tf 49 North Front Btrset, Good Companies I Fair Eales ( Prompt AdjtutznenU I John W. Gordon & Bro. GENERAL Insurance Anentx ni A.jEiters. Eepresentlng over1 $80,000,000 Assets LIFE, FIR AND MARLNK, i M North Water St. WILMINGTON, N. C oc SI tr Seed Cotton, Kfifi flniiLIW. SE0X)TTOrTWANTU n for which a fair price will be paid XM OASU. Apply At ' mrs a w a na an acta North Wktar St.. Wilsatatrton, W. C. Kerosnnc OU 15c per.Bajloa. MY CUSTOMERS AHD THE PUtCJO GENI rally are hersbv aotlaed that frosa this dsu until farther notice my pries Tor KEROSENE OIL WILL BE AB LOW AS THE LOWKST. Bead oc youx cans sad they will ba a 114 at 1M per tallon ba a 114 at 1M per rail oc 13 tf -' 9 Booth Front kt. 1 1 By Ekpresss ,ACE FICHUB. LACE TIES.XACE CAMBK1C M uanaaercaiera, BUk llaadksrcblsrs, flsss Doylas, Table Daaask sad i . ; the best stock of Towsls sad ixrwiuig ia tas en All cheap. . .. . - myStf JOHN 4. HEDBJCB. Arrived! A 1 HE FIRST t i NSV Bi Oj BtOI S of the season at oca tr MOZART SALOON. ' F'tigilT CLOTHES DYED IN DARK WIN tcr colors daring the past three weeks at ths WILMINGTON DYEING K8TAB., bcti tf Market St.. bet. td and Sd. a . 'FmeLTduntaluBeef. TX7E WILL OFFER TO-DAY SOME FIN I r v i MOUNTAIN BEEF, last received. Also LAMB. MUTTON. Ac. at Citlaens' Market aad Fourth Btrest Market, near Boney Psidsa. t-t ' sa 1U,M T. A. WATBON A CO. 'uriwwH ' ' ' oves. SORT YOU WKXT rSJCBS MAM 4irpurposefytolso(aarai--ito bsaadai w5 f roM- gaaraates ALWAjaaaa a rsaWuaumnaii anavahaafl nlhani.iimAf kuuiM tas iiipairatfPS saTajnayaar n - , i-,JL 'JO iu 4a- i ......

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