IvVENING EDITION; UbUB BTIt'i :- S RALrn UEDTHORNE. - - r j -, . . Oh. sweet Blue Eyes, by ltevei'aime I love vour beauty well; You've k ndled id ray li-nri flinae ThHl naught can ever quel'. . gaz into your limpid de pi 1 1 I joy enough for me; Fur there a 8ul that never slet-pa So pUialy Ion see. , I'vo seen lite fairest diadems, A. llod of ''ft111 oul-lelling, But never yet have pair of. geu s So beautiful a setting. , While dazzhrjg by your splendor all, Give but one ray to me; And when your fringed curtains fa, I'll dream sweet dreams of thee. TWINKLING!. lie who.seeks a nomination for nilirt! and finds it not is like unle him who (iiiempia to sit on a chair that has been sud denly jirked away. ffaekensaek Republi can. - The papers make a great pother i,mit tbe number of people who escape at ,.lrod accident, wouldn t they have n ed iust tbe same had thete been no doDi 1 Boston Iramcripf. The sale of "gold" brick, made t i. . . e..: i. : . . v T r t pure gold, and from e corn that is c U ,cil the sample to ueessajeu. The Elmira Free jRVtells this Will you oblige rne.jtva light ?' II. IC R i,i one centiemen j. ItiuBO. indignautlyr yi'tr- take me ioichiignt i rocessioo ?" - The total aggregate of the debts ,,f ilio Siaies .-f the Uni6n at the present i hi. . as ijiveo t y the Bureau of Ststialiea, i- f?50.7321OSl, and ihe l il 8 t-std value ,, r 'I nd per.on il prntly is staled to be fi.i 244.585.7ftS. "Any good shooting on your i , u- a-k-d Ibe hun'er of ihe raer. -v. ...i,d," replied the Mgru-u'lurist; ii . V- a drive-well eau down in the : v.r meadow, a cloth fiedd er at the t, ii.-c, a candidate out in the ban , and two itamps down in the stockyaru- Climb iis-ni over the fence, young man, load I o'h barrels, and sail in.n Haxekeye. Thomas Hughes says thai the orii ii.i "f lii "Tom Brown" was Dean Ex King Amadeas is now on a i.iur in England, bujing up horses for the f..y,l stables of Ilaiy. The Doomsday Hook of Irc Nnl credits Mr. Charles Stewart Parnell with 4,993 acre.', valued at 1,430 a year. M. Dumas is described as. a tall vigorous man, with blue eyes, a clear, jiiie complexion, and silvered hair and iMMjst ache. Adirondack Murray's first lec u t- iu Boston will be given November 8, u, Free Trade and the National Policy r lie Future."" Co!. Nicholas Smith, who mar i i Mi. -a Ida Queley, has a son named lit !.cc GueltJy, dropping tbe Smith en ' - . ik- t dtughter named Nicboba Sji. h. George Munroe, a publisher of Ne v "it rk, baijecdowed a cbair of history, Hi ical economy and rhetoric at Dalhousie i;-lltt:e, Halifax, N. S , the incumbent of ww,eh will be Rev Jobu ForresL OHillUU IfKUV Fifteen new school houses have b u completed in Montague county, Tex., ibiuibe last six monihs. An elegant new steamer is being i.uiit to run on the line beiween Ntw York, I 'oil K !, FeinaDtlina and Jnckaonville, Ihe Commissioner of Immigra i o.i . I Florida thinks that 18.000 people iitvt; immigrated to that Slate within two y srs. Some English capitalists own G00.0C0 acres of land in Alabama on tbe hue of the Alabama Great Southern Rail road, which are very rich in timber and mint rata and which they intend develop ing. For tbe present chief attention will I given to developing the mineral re sources of these lands, which are almost boundless, but the farming interests will nut be neglected. Justice Smith said, on opening his court at Coonorsville, Tenn.: "William deory Smith ts arraigned for assaulting his father. " The magistrate bad, on tbe pre vioua day, knocked his father down with a dub, and it was himself that he was now arraigning, tie continued : "Tbe evidence a conclusive, and I am not sure but I ought to seod myself to jail for ten days. But as ibis is my first offence, and I cer tainly had a good deal of provocation, 1 will simply impose aflne of ten dollars." DRAMATIC NOTES. Mr. Tom Keene, the new tragic ur, is laid to be backed financially by Cole, tbe rich circua manager. Tbe man ner in which he has been advertised in the West seems to give a color of probability to the story. Miss Eva Sothern, the only JaughteJ of the well known actor, has been offered an excellent theatrical en gagement, but aa she is a ward of tbe Court '( Chancery, it will be necessary to make application to the Court before she can ccept the engagement. Clara Louisa Kellogg suoceeded so well in Vienna that she has secured a four months' engagement at St. Peters burg. To pass the critical ordeal of tbe "fourth gallery" in Vienna is a feat any artiste may well be proud of, and we con sratulate our greatest . American singer upon her success in passing the severest le8t f the most critical capital in Europe. Richmond State. Novelties ! HAVB JC8T EECEVXD A LABQB ASSORT I MENT O? Willow Ware, tonisiin of Travelling and Plc-NIc Baskets, Work Baskets, store and Offlco Baskets, rersian Unch Baskets, Palm Leaf Baskets, Straw Beilcnle Satin-lined Work .baskets, Katbroidered r.ZSSQ irclndim? some veryAne Utraw Col ?Vket" or tyiea nd !. which are offered for sale very cheap at nov 5 If LiT0 Book m Muie store. The Latest. 'pOTOUfcTTKa-AcrTHX DISTB-ESSTHQ HAN 'iotJ wU1 fondsh the best Meal, SVm,NewCorn' fcra Family an4 Extra bli .ILrPni.Bew WhiU Wheat. Whit Com, & h Xed Oatst Wheat aa4 Cora Bran ,jms. Hay, chope, 4e., at lowest prices G. BONSY & SONS, 05-u at the Capo Fear Mills. rn?.TT7A'rTTi'riTTa - 3 V 01 CELEBRATED; Meets the requirements of tho rational medical phi losophy which at present prevails. , It is a perfectly pare vegetable remedv. embracing thntlir imnfr. tant properties of a preventive, a tonic, and an al terative, It fortifies the body againBt disease, inti gorates and revitalizes tbe torpid stomach and liver, and effects most salatarv chance in the entire system, when, in a morbid condition. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally.) Bno 3 Deod&Wly tathsa nrm j ; art Beat Medicine em Madaj i Hope, .Buehu,r Man- drak .ad Dantfellon. with au thsbwt and BMC mrattve profMrties ot all other Bitters. make fiooai-u finer, Liver adUtendHeatth Brstnrlng Resju ACWtS; Kodlsaaasa ipoflrihly hUBr'erJst jwhsBe Steers are kdo varied aad perfect are their OuygiTt atwUfcsalTlteth2ataaiaflnB. ToaU whoa wmaoymeBtseaBsa lrreeulari tyoCtaebowelaorVvrinaiy orsjansror who re croirsaB AppetSnW Toale and mild Stimulant, Hop Btttara ara lnT.bte. wltfl out Into- o mastrr nbrtjuat tHags r, symptoms are what tbe towau frattT?111 Hop Bit tera. DoattwUwattlUre iok bu if yxm TnlTfnnlharl nr mlaiaaliki.atthiaj at oatstt. Itmay juwllfit haT av e d amadred. aaMvfflasyiifwMalattrvoi k euarhb Pa not maMt iMbtyaia trtaada aflarS mat, aad aw heV0 " Mop B v drogsitd Ad Bout oa or famUy ahoaldk R.KOJbaa rLTuskml of opium, Sobaeao aarootiea. All for Circular. Send. - ItochegterW.Y aoJeodlmJkW ttCtasa 'nrnt Only VegetalJe Compound that acts directly upon thd Liver, and cures Liver Complaints Jaun dice, BiliousnessMalaria, Cos- tiveness, Headache. It assists di gestion, strengthens the system, regulates the bowels, purifies thp blood. A Book sent free. Dr. Sanford 162 Broadway, N. Y. FOB SALE BYALL. XXBUOOZST&i". Je 39 eod6m ta th sa nrm Groceries ! Groceries ! i JS ASSIGN SB OF TaOiH. McKOY I DB- 1 ,r '. sire to stae to thitraJlaff pittite that at the Old Stand cf Boatwrigh: & McKoy. nndcr my direction and supervision, VI have, for sale. TUB HOST COMPLETE AND W"LL SBLKCfTjnjfsTdcK of Good Presh Uroeeries held to day in the city of Wilmington. I will sell LOWKR TSaN ANY OTHER HOT7SB in the city, as I am eompelled to- sell for easb. , ! Those who are indebted hDneetly to the old inn of Boatwright & McKoy and Thos. H. McHoy, will, I tnut,withoat delay come forward and seltle. I am tare this appeal will hot be in vain. W. B. McKOY.l oc 31 lw Assignee. Carpets. TCST IN 8KVKRAI NSW AND BLBQANT patterns. Costoaers will remember that my prices are the lowest for FIRST CLASS GOODS. ; Beceived this Day I QUITS A VARIETY QF 2JSW THINGS IN Dress eeois- asi .TrtoiBgs, ; Elegant BLACK SILK FRINOES, CLOAKINQS and SACQUINGS In great variety, " '" '1 A large stock of CLOAKS and DOLLMANS to arrive in a few days. Hcspectfallyr K. HI. Flelntlrc. ocaitf Wilmington Dyeing EstaMita&iit, I . - j . ' MARKET. BETWEEN 2 SID AND 8itD STREETS. E. H. KING, Proprietor! f oc 81 , v WE SELL A No. t COOK SToVe WITH 86 pieces 0 furniture for $14 03, and throw Jn a row of Pins-.' Heating Stoves, an : immense stock, low down. Oar variety la . tmearlaled. Plated and Battania ware, a t oll assortment goods nviBg;onVf 1 Oar Davev. suu grunimB, uat goea noBoera "Poms. ocSltf PARKER 4 TAYLOR. 1 I r 1 1 171 IV) a 'j aj i n .. ii . a it Out quotatfbfcVtt saoaid bdimderstood re rant the wholesale prices generally, Jit makrnt qj small orders hlgncYprices have to be chargeo! Standard. BACON North Can 1 Shoulders,! to Sidee.N C. choice, Western tunoteed . Hums . . .:. j.."..;... Sides, $ S ShoclderAV. i i'v.. Ury Salted- HidtsB"F... hoalden- TP .-? .-fKv; ti tt.it'' Lilvc weight , ARRKj.ivr-Sptrit Tnrpcnlln SetoudHrrd,uaeh........ : Suw New Yorfc, eaci . .. Ne; Civ ...each,. ........... rflf Sib WAX-A-W lb. V. '.I BU10KS Wilmington. K Northern . - jmvn-nn -r T 1 1 "i ou i i jKtt ixori.n uarouaa. w a CAJTOLBS-oormv .. t... xauov, h Adamantine Km.. . CHEESE Northern Factory 9 2 nun, cream State. m.. xwrFaa-5rav4, 9 .. . .. . Rio. a ...... ......... Lagnayra. ,,h.. . UORN MBA!. f.bnshel,ln sacks wttok Tins yi&oie. DOMESTICS 8heetln2.4-4. vd e 'xaroi ir Dsmco-.Vi.s. KGQS FISHKackerc, No. 1,9 HO. 1, fi XL DM MacketeirN. 1, bbl. . . . No.,f? fbbl..... MackereUKo.ti hbl-. .. . -. Mullets. bbl N. C Herrtnt,iBoe,f? ke iij wu -t m , PeravlanGoano, V 1000 tB BangVsPhoeBhate, " Carolina Fertiliser, " Ground Bose, w . " Bone Moal, Floni, " NavassaOoano. " O 62 60 60 00 50 00 40 00 45 00 57 0D 45 00 67 00 70 00 70 00 00 00 60 00 425 5 Op 7 qp 900 Complete Mrare Whann's Phosphate' Burger BuUao6ph." Bzcellenza Cotton' FertiUaer FLOOR Fine V bnl.y.v Bsper. Northern, 9 bM Kxtrado. bbl Family bbl City MJUa Extra, bbl.... . Family, bbl... Ex. Family, 9 bbl... QRAIN Corn, in store, in cage. Cere, Cargo, basheL. rjorn,mixeaw Daaaei,in omga. Oats, bnabal. . ...... ..... Peas, Cow, ? bnshe) HIDES Green. V m Dry, V - HAY Eastern,? 100 ms Western. 3 100 s North River, V UW HOOP IRON w ton.. LARD Northern, 9 S North Carolina, 9 LTMB S bbl........... LUMBER Cm StsAmBawbd ShlpBtns.resawea, w art.. Roar hBdse Plank, w M ft... 18 00 15 00 13 00 18 00 WostIndiaCargcee,accordljig to qaanty. v " Dreaaea Flooring, seasoned I Bcantiins and. Bourne, com-j mon, 9 K It a MOLASSES New cp iCuba,hhds New crop CnbaiDWs p gal.. Porto Kicomns " bbls.. ......... Sugar Honse, hhds, 9 gal- bMs.ft ual.. NASSJaX iSa'w' keg! JILS Kerosene, V Kl - Lard, 9 gal. ...-. unseed, w gai........... 1 Rosin, V gal.. .w....... Tar. rper gal... Dock and boar. per gal... POULTRY Cnlckena,ilve,grown ;. . apnag.. . Turkeys ... PEANUTS V tmsuel.... POTATOES Sweet, boBhel.. Irish, 9 bbl..... ..... PORK Northarn, City Meas.... Thln,bfl Prime, 9 -bl -- Samp obi RICE CaxoUtu. Bough, 9 bosh RAG8 Country, 9 t Ctty, 9 60 2 75 17 63 00 00 15 00 14 ! 7X i oo- ixa 1x0 una 00 00 00 00 0 o 0 10x0 i7w tlX KOPB SALT Al- ;u, 9 boshei Uverjool, 9saok,. . Lisbon. V sack...... ts ,75 American 9 sack SUGAR Cuba, 9 m. ....... rgnuaiGVi w.. .......... . A Coffee, 9 llj m . . . . . . -. i U SB i-.O 9 m , b.c ' m 10 10 .8 O & o o 9 Orashed, V I .11 6" 5 00 00 4 50 00 IS 00 10 00 00 00 6W 12 00 13 0Q 9 00 T 50 5 00 4 50 1 00 1 00 20 30 18 MAP Northern, 9 8HXNQLB8 Contract, 9 M Common, 9 M. ............. . OypressSape 9 M, Cypress Hetrts 9 M. .... .... STAVES W.O.BbL,M R.O EbdH9U . Cypress, 9 M. TALL6W 9 TTMBBR Shipping, 9 M -ttTtra Shipping Mill Prime, 9 M. MlUFalr,9M Common Mai Inferior to Ordinary. 9 M : 6M 700 233 5 DO 7 W O 15 P0 00 DO OOOOO O V4 n ts 00 14 50 9 11 00 800 60 5 CO 500 28 96 32 30 WHISKEY Northern, 9 gal North Carolina. 9 gal WOOL Unwashed, 9 X ..... Washed. 9 Barry Wool WIIiIflNOTOR AIONB1 AABKKI Exchange (sight) on New York, .... Xdisct. xtainmore,. a iioeion,. Philadelphia, . Western Cities, X Exchange 30 days 1 9 cent. Bank ofNew Hanover Stock 94 First National Bank........ . 76 NavassaOaanoOcv ' 125 N. C. Bonds OldEx-Coapbn 23 Do. Funding 186 8 DO. " 1888 '8 Do. New 4's 68 - Do. .Special Tax 4 Do. to N.C. Railroad. ...80 W. A. W. B.B.Bonds7 Wc (Gold Int). 112 Carolina Central R. R. Bonds, 8 9c. .60 WiL CoL A Ang. R. R. " 00 Wilmington City Bonds, 7 9c S5 old 6 9c 85 " new 6 9c. ...85 " .8 9C 85 . New Hanover County. 0 9c. .... ....85 (Cor. Int) W. w. Railroad stock 05 North Carolina R.B. " 70 WiLtes Light Cow M ..,.45 Wilmington Cotton Kills 95 Bank of New Hanover. Authorized Capital $l,OOO,p0. Cash Capital paid In 300,000. Surplus Fund 50,000. DIREG1 ORS. JOHN DAWSON D. R. MURCHISON DONALD MoRAR H. VOLLERS B. R- BRIDGER8 C. M. S TED MAN ISAAC BATHS, JAS. A. LEAK S. F. LITTLE B. B. BORDEN J. W. ATKINSON . CI1A8. M. STEDMAN, President. v ISAAC BATES, Vice President 8. D. Wauuoe. Cas&ier ' ang SO-tf Atkinson & manning's . Insurance Rooms, BANK OF NBW HANOVKS BUILDING, , Wllaalngtont N. C. Fire, Marine; ailLife C&mpanles. gregate Capital Represented ell-tf Over $100,000.0001 The Favetteville Examiner 1 Weekly Democratic Newspaper, Published at FAYETTEVILLE, jtfORTH CAROLINA, .... By Terms $3.00 a year in advance. Send for a spe cimen copy, my 5 tf n es is rf. pUhai i 1 i AUJ.IJ , '!! ik I 0 tt is b K Ck 10 I . J tsia ii 0 if 1 & IX , j 0 ct w .1 . 0 t, .. a a fx ' 1,66 " 1 00 .a 1 be ..: 00 8 1WI I ' 01 . aa T 50 ta 9 50 .30 & 14 00 in ct. n 122 Q St 18 O 6 11 If I 0 o 1W' ..1 00 a 1? . J 10 a it ..I K O 80 " 1 : I 70 76 1 75 & 8 35 1 a v ......I 1 OU ' O I ID I .1 co a ii I bbLiiiia w a 20 00 I ;8 50 10 50 ft 00 1000 -4 , in 00 a e 00 d 50 O 1 00 8 50 876 .w..i sw o top 1 00 a 6M If J- J - ' N ill .... 1 THCSZ TERKIBLE HEADACHES, GSNXRX' TED by obEtrncted Eecrcttons.kad to which ladles are epc daily subject, can always be relieved, ajnd their recorrenco prevented, by tbe nse of Tar- RANT'S EFFERVESCENT HELtZBK AEK- RISN.T. , PROCURABLE AT ALL DRUG STORES no 2 Deod&W 2w ; tu th sa tmc3p The Tl orni ngStar PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY Subscription Rates In Adraice DAILY STAR, One Year, postage paid, $7 00 Six Months " . .... 4 00 - ThreeMonths" " 2 25 ' One Month " 1 00 WEEKLY BTAR. One, Year postage paid, $1 50 Six Months. " 100 Three Mouths " " j 50 Notices of the Press: -Tiff Sxait rs decidedly one of the best papers in Long lif 0 the8tote.s bright and newsy aa ever. to z.JScuem tress. Thn wtlm!nffton Stab has entered on its twelfth year as eooa a paper as anypeopie snouiu ww, -vnxaruxu jjemocrau The Wilmington Stab has entered on its twelfth year. AS a a airy journal 01 news- ib buuiub uy head." Concord Seguter. ThA wiimtnotan Star has entered its twenty - fifth volume. There is no better paper published in the StAta. Lenoir TotHe. Th wiimJ-nDnn Stab has entered npen its thir teenth year; It is one of the best papers in tne state. tYorremon uaxeuc.. The Wilmington Stab has entered its thirteenth year, it nas Decome one ' vuo loaum ipe 01 the South. Oxford TorcfuurM. The Wilmington Stab Is not only one of the best, ' edited papers ra ine state, doi ior irewuie ui news and typograpnicat appearance cannot oc Dcat en Jackson Reporttr. The wrimlnirton 8tab is one of the very beet pa pers in the 80a th, in every department from typog raphy up to editorial ability ard independence.- retersourq (va ) maex-Appea. , ; w!inr the has because it is thoroughly relia- hl t-AnAM. fearlaM. and so well and ably edited. .newsy, spicy, and in fact a perfect newspaper. Long may the stab (Winiue. jnt. awv y mur. aiiiinnsti at the head of the Drees in this State In all that makes a paper valuable to th reader, still it eontlnneB to Improve. It is a Stab or tne first magnitude. May its 1 astro never wane The Free Wiu&wust. The Wilmington (N. C) Mobhino Stab is a mo del newspaper. Indeed, we think we do not exag gerate its merits when we say it is the newsiest (sec ular) paper published In the tioulh.JacAtnona ( ya.) IHUaious Ueraltl. The Wilmington Stab has now entered upon its thirteenth vear and twenty-fifth volume. One or the best conducted and edited papers in the South, and, as a North Carolinian, we are proud of it. Tarboro soataerner. Thn Krm in ao well and favorably known in this section of the State tnat we can say nouung ox which its thousands of readers do not already Know, It is in every respect one of tne best dailies in. ine South. J The WllmiBgton Stau has entered on its twelfth year. It is a most excellent newspaper, wen euaea a compendium of ail the news of the day, and an honor an its rttv. to North Carolina and to North Carolina iournallBm. Vutrtoue votener. That maenlllcent beaming 8tab has completed its twenty-second volume. It is one of the mom brilliant, eradite and aoarklinir dailies south of the. Potomac. The system in the get up of the paper! surpasses tnem ail. uvtrooro oouwemer. The Timet cannot say a word too good for the Wilmington Stab. It has jusi reached one of its mnv hirthilavH Aa vnnmuDa it is a f avortte with the State press and is sought after by the pep- pie. Long and prosperous life to lUJsncuptu yvntM. Wlivlaft Chat all tha nanera with the name of Harare each bright little Journals ? The Wilming ton (N. C.) Stab, the Washington Star, Fredericks burg Star, New York Star, tot example. There most be something in a name after all IHehtiUma (Va.itstau. The WIrminirton Stab, we are pleased to notice. still sontinues en the nigh road to success. : W es teem the Stab very highly, regarding It as one of the very best of our exchanges, and consider it the 1 peer of any journal published in the Souui. iat- fora jrree jjCtnee, Tfia WTimtnvtnn Rtu la now takhfe the resnlar midnight Associated rress reporxs, ana nas ireauci liMM-outed the. imonnt nf ita readine matter. The Rwinlann tv(w11ent naner. Its TiroaoerltV is not surprising eince it is so deserving. Charlotte Ob server. Tins MoBirnra Star, ane of the best dallies we know, and as a newspaper, in our opinion, the very heat, has entered noon its twelfth year. In every particular the Stab cornea fully np to the mark aa tne principal uuij m our cuuu conwicrew jt Leng may it twinkle. Alamane Rear.- - The WDmlnston Stab has entered upon its 12th I volume, and we are pleased to notice still continues l on the road to success We esteem the Stab tery highly, regarding it as one of the very best newspa pers that comes to this ofiiee. Its news columns rn itlwava a little fuller than those of any Other Of our exchanges, and its editorial department is eonr UUUKU IUUHI MIUU .wnfWHin , J Humble la Its beginnings, as was inseparable from an enterDrlse becun amid the wreck of fortune that attended the oolupse of the Southern Confederacy the Stab has steadily "waxed" untu it now.oeoma resplendent in the full glow of a constantly ongnt- ening prosperity. A-nnetetpoper it nas iew eaaus, AnH nn unnprinr. for. Aimronriate selection and Itt- dicioaa arrangement, and we are proud torank it among our most acceptable exchanges. musporo necoroer. The Wnmlngton Hoawtm Stab has entered upon the thirteenth year ot its existence, and we take this opportunity to congratulate It upon its proepe- rity and deserved pop pmianty. Tne remaraaaio dne to its strict attention to cess of the Stab Is due to business. The boast of the Stab frightfully too), is that it always has the news, and this is the first thing in journalism. Otherwise the paper is all that the term of "good newspaper" implies, and its corps of editors and reporters are thoroughly edu cated newspaper men. May the healthful, moral innuence 01 tne stab never ne retaraea, auu way its genial, enterprising proprietor enjoy many more happy years or usefulness. aotasoorp Metmqtr. For Sale Low. jpWO 1 -HORSE TRUCKS, ONE ALMOST NBW, Both in thorough order Can bo bought cheap. ! Apply at ii9- my 20 tf . .; The Central Protestant i . .. A WEEKLY RELIGIOUS AND FAMTLYNKwS- xA. paper and the Orsan of the Methodist Protes tant Church in North Carolina, is published at wireensDoro, n. u. Terms, cx uu per annumin advance. The eligibility of Its location, the number and ae tivitv of its asreats. and tbAeoBBtanAlvinereaaing de- maan loritameng ue more solid classes oi reaaera In various sections, give the CENTRAL peculiar claims upon the patronage ef theadvertisTng public, i-erms very favorable. Consult your business Inter esrs, ana Baarass tne eanor , -vu'.- J. L. MICHAUX, Greensboro, N. C. Lowell Hachine Shop, MAJNUiraxrrUKlSttOlf KVKHx DESCRIPTION COTTON II A0HIHEEY Approved Patterns and wtl Recent Improvcmcqu, er Rahiriery U ' ' ! 'ALSO, 'l ' TVUUiXE, WO EELS, ftballfJng and CaoajruiSt H jdraullc Presses and Pnmps ; . s Elevators. Ac. . . I.. : ) -ri i . . ...... , PLANS FOR : COTTON r AND PAPER MILLS. 1 . C. L. HILDRBT1I, Sap't, : j 1 '''I' LOWELL, MASS. WE A. BURKR, Treas.v: mh 3 if .8 Pemberton Sqoaro, Bofltoa. JNCOURAGB HOME ' fNSTrfTJTIONB. ( Security against Fire. THE NORTH CAROLINA UOIOLE INSCBASiCE XPAJVT ; i RALEIGH.; N. C. ; This Cempany continues to write Polidee, at fa rates, on all classes of insurable property. AH losses axa Dtomativ adinated and paid. The HOME" is ranidlv trrowine in public favor, aad appeals, witb confidence, to insurers of property 11 Mortnoaroiina. ' Agents Inall parts of the State. JKM'l . 1 ' 1 i 7 JOHN GATUNG, President. W. S. i'lUMKUSK, secretary. PULASKI COWPER, Supervisor. ' ATKINSON A MANNING, AmkkvsJ angl-tf 5 stes. -v.- WUminston. N.l;. Received This Day, K CASES ROEDBRER & CO., : DRY BO WZY CHAMPAGNE, FRESH FROM BOND, ' At Importer's Price. i GEO. MYERS, Agen. 50 CASES FRENCH BRANDY. FROM ttOMD THIS UA1 And for sale at Importer's Prices Oniv Jll.BOforaJ $1.60 for a Bottle of v . - - n 3 imponea i;rencu cnuiuj, ram At ' GEO. MYERS. 25 Tubs GILT EDGE BUTTER, 30 CENTS A POUND, Choicest Grass Butter. WINES and LIQUORS, of best grades,. At ropuiar rrices. GEO. MYERBJ my 27 tf Nos. 11, 13. 16 South Front it. 1 - The Best Paper. Try It. Beautif ally Illustrated. S5th TEAR. The Scientific American. rinHB SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN is a large First- X Class Weekly Newspaper of Sixteen Pages printed in the most Beautiful Btyle, PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED WITH SPLENDID ENGRAV INGS, representing the newest inventions and; the most recent advances in tne Arts ana oaencesi in cluding NeW and Interesting Facts In Agriculture. Horticulture, the Home, wealth, Progress, Social Science, Natural History. Geology, Astrondmy. The most valuable practical papers by eminent wri ters in all departments of Science, will be found in tbe Scientific American. ! . Terms. $3.20 per year, $1 60 half year, which in cludes postage. Discount to A cents. Single-, co pies, 10 cents. Sold by all Newsdealers. Remit by postal order to MUNN CO.. Publishers, 37 Park Row, New York. .. s Tl A. rnritTfna In connection with' the CLL LlEi Ot SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN ssraTMuBK fc Co. are Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents, have had 35 years' experience, and now have the largest establishment In the world. Patents are obtained on the best terms. A uneclai notice is made in the SCIENTIFIC AMERI CAN of all Inventions patented through this Agen- r witn tne name ana resmenco or ue rateatee. y the immense circulation thus given, pablie at- Gention is curectaa 10 tne merjts or uic new paieni, and sales or introduction often easily effected. ; Any person who has made a new discovery or In vention, can ascertain, wbmm w bbmwi, wneuser a patent eaa probably be obtained, by writing to Mubx A Co. We also send r&xa our, Hand Book about the Patent Laws, Patents, Caveats, Tmde. Marks. their costsv aad how. procured, with hints fet procuring advances on iuventions. Address for the Paper, or concerning Patents, i MUNN ft CO.. 37 Park Row. New York. Branch Office, cor. F. A 7th Bts., Washington, D.C. bov 1 tr Forest and Streani, AND : ROD AND GUN. THE AMERICAN SPORTSMAN'S JOURNAL A WEEKLY PAPER DEVOTED TO FIELD SPORTS, PRACTICAL NATURAL HIS TUKx , avian uuAiTUius, rwri'sirriwH ur GAME, PRESERVATION or FOSBSTSj YACHTING AND BOATING, RIFLE PRACTICE. AND. ALL -OUT-DOOR RECREATIONS AND STUDY. This is the onlv Journal in tne Country that fully supplies tne wants ana neceeBiuee 01 tne - Gentleman Sportsman. TERMS-$4 00 a Year. ' Send for Specimen Copy a7orat A: stream PabUsolnc Co., ... nnr mrm art in yjn 1 no New York. Post Office Box 2881. sept 27-tf ALL ABOUT WesternKorthCarolina If you want to know all about the "Garden Spot' ot tbe soutn, send ror- a specimen copy wr . The We3tern Courier. It is a TWENTY-EIGHT COLUMN WEEKLY, full of interesting reading matter, and devcted to the interests of Western North Carolina. Address THE COURIER COMPANY, Hendersonville, N . C. TnE RALEIGH Christian Advocate, Edited and Published by BUCK & REID, RalelH. H. C. 1 Is the organ of about 69,000 Methodists In North Carolina, and has the largest clrculationjof any pa per in the State. It gives the markets, secular and religious news. Is a weekly, eight page, religious, family newspaper. Only $2.00 per annum. Sub- scnoe at once. Advertising rates liberal. . lanfttr ! The Camden Journal, I PuWhed S Tkundajitai Camden, & C.t T8 THK ' OLDTKSTABLIBHED PAPER IN A Karchaw eountv. and has an extensive drcalation among the Merchants, Farmers and all classos of business men tethewtyv-" - Ttnffm to the Merchants of Wilmington a desir able Medina far- Advertising, the cenntry in which ltcirculates, being eea&eciea witn tnat city oysteam ex on the Wateree-' River, and the Wilmington,; Co lnmhiaaridAnirustaRaCroad. lilberai terms wiu so bhh wum uose aesirmg to advertise. - . M-Mt?. ryu-ix; ' Burisxptton ,pnce, $3 ouperannum. 4 nnr ea, . f-uuiioab aaAi, feb27f Ed'tors and Proprietor. WUmingtoxif & Welddn OirrKia or Gaai. BuraaiMVdjrusv, F l " . vrumlnarton, N. O, Sept 18, U80. 1 .1 hmnMiiM jlkMawBMs Change of Schedule. j N AND AFTEK ETTEMBER 19. 180, AT J 8.49 P. M.. Paswcuger Trains en tbe Wllrapii? ton Weldof Railroad will run aa follows- ir Mall and Express Trams, iiiir Nea. 4T tvortto and 48 Kouib. j Leave Wilmington. Front 8t Depot, at ft . 60 A. a Arrive at Weldon TJ I.y Wnldnn t:40 P.l M, Arm at Wilmington, Front St. Depot, 9:63 fJ M. Nisht Pabsbbsxb. Mail, amp Sxfaass TaAiSS Dajxt Nos . 45 Nobth akd . 42 South. Lea re Wilminsrton. Front St. Depot, at 8:40 r. Mf A .. t Wclrinn . SAO A.iH IxMnWalilnii '2:I5AJM Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. pepot, 840 Aj M. nvin on Tarboro Branch Boad leave Rocky Mount for Tarboro at 5.10 F. M. Daily, and Tues- lu. Thnntdav and Satordav at 5.05 A M. Retara- in?. leave Tarboro at 10.00 A M. Daily, and Moa- Am arnAmnmAm.w and Vrtdav at 8 tO P. M. Train No. 47 makes close connecuon at wei don for all points North daily. All ran .via Richmond, and dally except Sunday via Day lob. Train No. 45 runs via Richmond and Waehfcg toq.and makes close connection daily to Rich mond, and daily except SaturdaftamUhts for; all points north of Richmond. Both trams run sotld: between Wilmington and Washington, and have ruiiruan Palace Sleepers attacned. JOHN F. DIYJNK, -General Sup't, A POPS, Gcn l Passenger Aaent. j se 80-tr General Sup'ts Office,, WILMINGTON, COXVfflBlA 4t JC GUST A R. O. COMPANY . WIIJUINGTON. N. C. Sept. 19. Change of Schedule ON AND AFTER SEPTEMBER so, 1830, at TO.13 P. M . the followlait Paasengor bchedulo miil ba run on Jhla, road: DAT PA?3S!IOa,MAIli AMD BxPBKSB THAUfS.DAILT Nos. 4i Wkst and 43 East. Leave Wilmington 9:00 A Leave Florence 1:80 P. M M. Leave Florence 3:60 Yi M Arrive at Wilmington . . 8:20 Pi M. NIGHT EXPRESS TRAINS (Dally )- Nos. 48 West and 47 Kasf. Leave Wnmlngton 10:13 P.M. Leave Florence . 2:20 A M. Arrive at O. C. A A. Junction. . Arrive at Columbia 6:46 AM. 5:65 A M. 10:00 p; M. 10:80 P, M. :2:30 A.M. Leave Columbia.. Leave C. C & A. Junction... Leave Florence. .;. Arrive at WVmingtoo.w. (X :30 A.M. This Train stops onlv at' Briukiev'a. Whltovllle. Flemington, Fair "Bloxf. Marion, Florence, Tim moneville, Maysville, Sumter, , Camden Junction and Easton. Passengers foroommbla. and all points on G. A C. S. B., C, C. A A. R. R. Stations, Aiken Junc tion, and all points beyond, should take No. 43 Night Express. separate ruuman Hieepers ror cnaricston ana for Aagirsta on trains 47 and 48. All trains run solid between Charleston and Wil mington . JOHN r. LUVUNB, Gcn'l Sup't. A. POPE, Gen'l Passenger Agent, se 0-tf CABOLIHA CENTRAL RAILWAY CO. aaMsaitssi)!' Owns jQaBwaar. SoTxaiMTaaunrT r Wilmington. N. a, June 16, 1880, Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER JUNBfll, 1880, tha following Schedule will be operated oa this Hallway: PASSENGER, MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN : 1 Leave Wilmineton at. 6:00 P. M. .1:25 AM. .7.-00 A M. No. 1. Arrive at Hamlet at. .. ) Charlotte at. ) Leave Charlotte at 8:20 P. M. No. 2. V Arrive at Hamlet at 1:2TAM. I Wilmington at 9:00AM. No. 1 Train lis Dally exceot'Sundavs. bat makes no connection to Raleigh on Saturday s. No. 2 Train is Daily except Saturdays. j SHELBY DIVISION MAIL, FREIGHT A PAS SENGER AND EXPRESS. 8:00 aI M. 12:00 M. . 2:00 P. M. . 6:00 P. M. I Leave Charlotte.. ( Arrive at Shelby. . No. 3. . i ucmva outuujr i t ak.ii.. LOCAL FREIGHT fc ACCOMMODATION. Leaves Wilmington 6:45 A M Arrives at Laarinburg 5:10 P. M- Leaves Charlotte. . . . ... 4:15 A. M, 4:00 P. M. .... 6:30 A. M. .... 4.-20 P. M. .... 5:00A.M. Arrives at Laarinburg. Leaves Laurtnburg Arrives at Charlotte.. . Leaves Laurinburg Arrives at Wilmington. 4:15 p M. These Trains leave Wilmineton and Char Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays; Laurinh, Mondays, weanesaays ana jmaays. . Close connection at Hamlet to and from Baleigh, aad at Charlotte via StatesrUle. to alt points in Western North Carolina and to AshevUle. Also via Spartanburg to Hendorsonyiiie, adjacent points and Ashevillo. Passengers for Ashevillo via either route, learins Wilmington at 6 P. M.. will arrive at destination at 7 P.M. next day. Sleeping -Car accemmodatlons on Throngh Trains to and from Charlotte and Wilmington . Through Sleepers will also be run to and from Raleigh and Charlotte. V. U. JOHNSON je 17-tf General Supnrlntendeat CLYDE'S New York and Wilmington Steamship Line. The Steamer R E G- U L A T OR, Capt. DOANE, SAIL FROM NBW FORE. 8atnrday November 6. Shippers can rely upon the PROMPT SAILING of Steamers as advertised. For Freight Engagements apply to THOMAS E. BOND, - Superintendent, . Wilmington, N. C. Tneo. G. Bser, Freight Agent, New York. W. P. Clyde A Cq., General Agents, 85 Broadway, New York. dec9tf The Lincoln Progress IB the only paper published In Lincoln county and has an extensive circulation among the Mer chants, Fanners and all classes of basin ess men la the State. It oners to tne mercnanu ex Wilmington a de sirable medium for advertising their baslnes throughout Western North Carolina. Liberal terms will be allowed on yearly adver tisements Sahscrintion price, $2 00 per annua 1p dreaa . , v u. uiuans. . - - Bdiaoranrt Prorrytct ;Mirh-BredDofrfl. PhrnTJSH. IRISH AND GORDON aXTTERC. Of the (Nicest Breed, with guaranteed pedigrees. , . , rot sate oy - S. P. WELSH. aov7 DAWtX ,sSb York,Penn. JOL ! n ti -t -. i liscmAANEotrs?" - Cleans the de4kbter, lcunl Llchter, Qine Fasxef and Coats Lees Money tan any other Cln In the Market.' Every machine fully ana legally arvarranteed. o . J iiiL1-1 it ft Tbeao machines are mad ' ' isf ttW-BSst tii.li, aad tk worlQBiaaahtpaadBuamBiaaBed, XUvcbaea awardad promlnmi' at all the State fain, Oorgla 1 '-tf1". Tczaa, eta. Vpwmt&M of1 tool bf ' tir fOzyt art in eobatuit dm in Prioe Lletof Cine, reedersf artd OeoUeneere Bocod ready for ahHmaa Bad aaavatWd idtmr taetory. IZIi Prloa wfth' I ;PrtoswiUi MQlMlwas, itadenaer. SOaaw 7I OS $U)S M : : mat 00 M " H7 M . US OS., , ,44 M to ios oe - iaa o- ' " ' ia 60 126 00 1 oo law UrTerma cfven on ApplIoatfOri.1 From IMS to UBS w manfa-tard Ola ONiwih adr ttka firm bjum'c SV K TATiai A fcXV, ru LKHOira. Batmra l-Co., fcail tnd whkt uUid fMamfwa, Oa.. ead OLZMOn. kj wrwwui Imd kaova aa tbeTmytor nUfT Trluiin ' uta, intnna; r ' r Wa Mnw baao aocnaaalvialmi.aaj na eraralnoa. w'MrlorvK nnr S la i laotorlne Ulna vraral Ulior aarhur laanlnai t cnrparl"! tha brat mry. ana wa. oby any otbot ttiwrvort lot lajLWe ftamrm advantageaDOtanioradby aoy out or luawufKo matia itaau ika.t tu mrmumr in our line, for prodniif Uiemarworh forutuiiriMw;, Xhe daaaaod laat Toy waa ma ajaaS Skat naarij SM ordara ronuunoa aaniun, uu i we nara aouniaa oar mn.nuxrturiiur capaxitty aiut hope to ba ahta-So mS all Samaaila as III III. the wisest plan to set jr our order Ir earr. Bend for lllnstratod wuBplilet (Plrlrurltow voluntary trntlnumiala fn)moTer6001yoLatirprt'Siw plantora. lYaaarii, Knglaaa and oomplete OuCHt ruftnihed whon deatrad. Addraaa ' ' BROWN IXTTTONf GIN CO JOHN DAWBOBA COwAganta; mh IS DW5m WllnUngton. M V. . I , &BAT S SPECIFIC MEDICUfB- i . v . . . TRADE MARK THE GREAT TMAAB MARK SNGUSa BEN DY. AnanfaU. tng cure for 8em- laal WaaknoaaJ vi. .Spermatorrhea. 5,1 u uiacaaca tnat follow, aa a a nnonn Sr Kelfl AhntrfL as rinaa of UFBBE TAUIa.Meaory, Cryer. AfT TAIIIB. sal Lassitude. Paia In tha Beck, Dims nas af Vlalon, PvawnaftiM iA A araa mw.A m man w k A rilu a.. ik.i m tiuBMM vsa smVj, aafaus; WtaPl SJtVUm7Wm 1.1 1 lead to Insanity or Consumption, and" a ' Prom store Grave. 'T , . . iu awFuIl particulars la one baaiDhhA which wn desire to send free by mall to every one. OrTrbe Specific Medicine Is sold hv all Crturata at 1 per package, w six peckagss fer f5i will Iki sent free nor mall on receipt or the snotiev. by ad- dressing THE GRAY' MEDICINE OO . no. 10 Mocnaaicr nior.it, Dotroit, sum. Sold in Wilmmeton hv GRBBlf A PLANNBH. Whelesals and HetaiL and. ell Drmmrtets every where. ,,. ahDAWIy MARBLE f.i o N u r,i E ni t s AND, Crave Stones. FIRST-CLASS WORK AT LOWEST NEWYOKh FKIUKS. UBBIUNS KENT BY MAIU WOKK PACKED AND SHIPPED, AT OUR RMK. TO ANY PART OF THE SOUTO. . HICIIARD WATIIAN A- CO., ST Lafayette Flaee. New York. Wathan's Monumental DtiBigtiW, In bok tntva.tot sale to tho Trade. doc 4 DakWt f PRESCRIPTION FREE For the speedy Care otSralaal Wakfa, I-ot ' Maahood. rreaiatarelMMIItTi HarveBaaeaa. VkMpoadeBev. Coafa loa -mt ldraa, Ayrraloa to tieeiatv. y, iHic 'ocUve Memery. aad all DIaordar Bronaat ea b hteabr Secret Habits aad r.x esases. Any druggist has the Iagredleats be iarrvaMMta. as areas,1 130 Wart Qixtk St, CUJ0I5HATI, o'fiia feb;i5 lyDAW N. A. STEDMAN, Jr. Attorney and Counsellor at Law. ELIZABETH TON, BLADEN COUNTY. N. V. Office Up stairs, in Brick Building, oocnplod by RinaldiAOo. Special attention to Clalma. Col 'ectiens on soma Of tlOOand opwsrds made for Five Per Oent. If without sutt. Drawing Deeds, Mortgages, 'Ac.ta specialty. ap6-DAWtf THE LANDMARK, PUBLISHED AT : ' B1A1K8VILLB, IREDELL 00., N. 0 -18 THE , Leading: Newspaper In "frettem Vortb Caroliniu It Is the only Democratic Paper published la Ire dell Countyone of the largeal and wealthiest conn ties in tbe State and baa attained a larr Iocs Circulation than any paper evex heretofore pebllahod in the county. , Its circulatloa in Alexanaar. Wllkce, Ashe, Alle ghany. YadkJa Davie and lrdsU is larger than that of any two papers in tha State combined; and is rapidly acquiring a Strong foothold in Forsythe, Surry, Rowan and western Meeklenbmrg. ! It is the eely, paper in Waatexa Nerth Oareima that employs m Rbsbxab CAKVASsnie arar, and thus kept constantly before the people. . Under thl system a rapidly increasing cirenlaUow M tne result makirig the Ijutdmabx i. . j . TUB BRITDVjKaTlllOMEl)! I'M IN WESTERN- NORTH CAROLINA ADDRESS, dor 9-tf "UNDHABR," WUtosvllle, N.Ct The Biblical Kecorder. PUBLISHED BY ' Edwards, Uronffliton St. Ca, RALEIGH, H. a TBXV. O. T. BAILEY. Editor. REV. H. HATCHER, Aasoclate Bolter. Oman or Kortu . Mia .Baptists In Iti 44th Tear: EVERY BAPTIST- SHOULD TAKE IT As an AdYextiaing 2&dinm Unsurpassed Only 93. OO per Tear. Address BIBLICAL RECORDER , docSS-tf Raleigh. N. C VILIIKGTOH HEECHABTS WILL FIND ' THE LAUAIVBUSQ laSTEBPI8E THE BEST MEDIUM , ... rpHROUGH, WHICH 10 ADVIRTTST ' L ' FALL AND WINTER GOdDA among the people of Robeson, Richmond aad ab ioneoantiaa.laNarth.CoUna, and in tbe border counties of South Carolina. The ENTERPRISE has a Urge aad in eras sing sircmlatioa ta tbe Pes Dee andCape Fearseetions of this Stats; having obtalaed a urge drcul atlas m tbe latter daring Iba stsnuiritha tt was publlabod la rayetaoaiUe .before its removal to Laoiixborg. and In tbe former within tha last two months. Advertlsssasats eriU bo-inserted by the month, quarter and year at rtasonabla rates.. Address DAWU , ,u Laorinbarg. N. C. NTT SV-. r. "0 o r m 3 ' 3 x 3