i A X aW tar. WILMINGTON, N. u Saturday-Morning;,. Nov. G, 1880. MORNING-EDITION. THE JLATJE8T MKWiS. FBOH ALL PASTS OP THE WORLD THE ELECTION . A DEMOCRATIC MAJORITY OP ONE IN THIt TJ.'s. SENATE THE HOUSE BE PUBLICAX CJaXJFOMNLe. STILL IN DOUBT- THE KXWYOSX MAT OKA LTY OFFICIAL BETTJBNS FBOM IOVJA, ILLINOIS, ETC - By Telegraph to the Morning Star. j Waehtkgtoh, November 5. A. epeeial lo the Star from New York aaya: "It is admitted at Republican headquarters, that Ike Democrats-Wh Lave a majority of one in the Senate. 1. f II.ll ; ; .Jmillut Ihn XBUUUBjUy MJ.mil Ik 19 oumuivu House will be Republican by a majority of tea to fifteen. There is s:ma talk in this city in regard to the possibility that Mr. Dowd may yet be shown to be elected Mayor, and as tbe report spreads it creates considerable excitement. Tbe general belief, however, is that Grace is elected." - Tbe best attainable information shows tbe probable election of tbe following Con gressmen In close Districts in various parts of the country: Lewis, Republican, in tbe Ninth District, Illinois; Hazeltine, Green back Republican, ia the Sixth District, Mississippi; White, Republican, in tbe Ninth District, Kentucky. CALIFORNIA.. Ban Francisco, November 5 This morning's papers make the vole of Cali fornia practically a tie. This change from last nightTreport is due less lo any turn in the reports of precincts than to a revision of tabulated statements. These differ con siderably, and there are evidences of loose wotk feufflcient lo discredit all eslimates Uadoubtedly tbe estimate of 2,000 of last night was too high, and the best opinion -seems to be that Garfield will have a plu- a a SVS a "V fS rainy or irom ouu io iuuu. Nevada will give Hancock about 600 majority. y TENNESSEE. Nashville, November 5.- Rat or ns from 78 counties out of 94, give Hawkins, Re publican, for Governor, 83,104; Wright, Democrat, 67,641; Wilson 49.844. Tbe con a ties to be heard from gave Hayes a majority of 2,000 over Tilden in 1876. : Tbe Legislature as far as heard from, will stand as follows: Senate Republicans 7, Democrats 6, Repudiation Democrats 4, dis tricts in doubt 8. House Republicans-28, Democrats 16, Repudiation Democrats 10, districts in doubt 11. A Republican gain of 19. ALABAMA. Mobile, November 5. Herodou, Dem mocrat, for Congress, in tbe First District, has about 3,000 majority. The official vote has not yet been made public. MINNESOTA. St. Paul, November 5. The State com plete gives Garfield 40,000 majority. The Legislature stands as follows: Senate He1' publicans 85, Democrats 10. House Re publicans 85, Democrats 15, Independents and Greenbackers 10. ILLINOIS. Chicago, Nov. 5. Sixty six out of 102 counties in Illinois give Garfield 37,612 raijonty, a Republican gain of 20,967. This indicates a majority in the State of 50,001 IOWA. Dej Moises, Nov. 5. The Republican Slate Committee estimate the Republican majority in Iowa at 80,000. Only four counties out of 99 in the State give a ma jority for Hancock. ELEGTUIV SPARK!. Kowell leads io tbe walking match at IvOUUOO. Clara Morris, the actress, is sick with malarial fever. The Democratic National Commii'.ee will meet in New York on Monday next. Tbe British steamer Sandringbam is ashore near Cape Henry, N. C. Sae is cotton laden, from Galveston for Glasgow. A Patterson (N. J.) special says that tbe Barbopr Flax Spinning Company haa set half a dozen Chin a me" n to work in its mill, thereby exciting much indignation among the other workmen. A band of men numbering 100, partly armed and marching in military order, traversed an estate nearTrulee, Ireland, last night, forcing tenants to move and not to pay above a certain amount of rent. In the Philp trial at New York yester day, experts were examined for tbe de fence bat nothing of importance was elicited. A further hearing was adjourned until Tuesday next, when new evidence for tbe defence will be offered. Eagliih has been interviewed. He feels no chagrin at the result; thicks tbe Demo cratic party will survive the defeat, and that prosperous times, business satisfaction and a disposition to let well enough alone will account for the Repnblican success, setting aside a lack ' of harmony in New York, tbe October election in Indiana and some other thicgB. New Tori. Comparative cotton state ment. NkwYork, Nov. 5. The following is the comparative cotton statement for the week ending this date: 1880. 1879. Net receipts at all United States ports daring week: 252.657 223,706 Total receipts to this da 1,632,451 1,387,038 Exports for week 149,501 135,146 Total exports to this date. 839,940 654,921 8tock in all U. S. ports. 704,271 585,503 Stock In all Interior towns.... 116,741 70,683 Stock in Liverpool ... 407,000 296,000 American afloat for Great Britain. 251,000 236,000 Weekty Ueport of tbe Liverpool ioc fn Trade. LBy Cable to the Morning Star Liverpool, Nov. 5. The weekly cir cular of tbe Liverpool Cotton Brokers' As sociation aays: Cotton was in moderate re quest, botioa. Monday there was an in creased trade demand, which has since continued. Quotations were firm at last week's rates except for American, which was in (air request but in free supply, and pricf,8 id- loww- 1 Sea Island a small business waa done at uncharged pnc2V ?atar,f8 Pened quiet and Ihe EhJh v-dQl1 and inanimate througboat the week, with small fluctua. tiooa. Prtces average l-16d. lower. Charlotte Press-. They sat down oa Paal B. Means over ia Cabarrus with 700oajorityf iwWclrboated'Mhe Govern HOKSFORLVS; ACID PH03PHATE shtmldbe used ivhen you are sufferine from mental or physical exhaustion. f latmna fi New Yortt Kifti Stores mark! KnTtmber 3. "?; Spa its TurptntJntTflere' laf a 'ettady J market, but trade for the day light; mer- cban;able order rtuott-d at 456451 Rosics j two not materially "changed, wi'h liable light. Quotations as follows : Btraioid at fl 80; good Btraiotd f 1 85; No. 2 hi- b $1 902 05; No. 1 G 11 $2 252 CO; gopd No. 1 I $2 752 85; low pale K $3 00 3 12; Pale M $3 87i-' extra pale N $3 02 S75; and window glass W $4 004 12t City pitch, at $185. Tar is quoted nominal at trora $3 003 5O. XlltCOlAIIiS The mails close arid arrive at the City Post Office as follows: . close. Northern through mails 7:45 P. M. Northern through and way mails 5:30 A.M. Raleigh ..5:30 A. M. and 5. -00 P. M. Mails for the N. C Railroad, and routes supplied there from, including A. & N. C. Railroad, at 5:80 A. M. Southern mails for all points South, daily 8 A.M. and 7:45 P tr-r-w - . r t v M. western maustu. v. nyjaauy (except Sunday) Mail for Cheraw & Darliaeton 5:00 P. M. Railroad 7:45 P.M. Mails for points between Flo rence-ana Charleston, a a. M. and. Fayetteville.andofficeson Cape -m 1- . rw a 7:45 P. M.' f ear xuver, anesaays ana Fridays LOOP M. Fayetteville, via Lumberton, daily, except Sundays.... 5:00 P. M. Onslow C. H. and interme diate offices, Mondays and Thursdays 6.00 A M. Smithville mails, by steam boat, daily (except Sundays) 10:00 A. M. Mails for Easy Hill, Town Creek, Shallotte and Little River, Mondays and Thurs days Wilmington and Black River G:00A. M Chapel, Mondays, Wednes- davs and Fridays 5:00 A M. OPEN FOB DELIVERY. Northern through and way mails ... 7:00 A.M. Northern through mails. 9:30 A. M. Southern mails 7:30 A..M. Carolina Central Railroad. . . . 10. -00 A. M. General delivery open from 6:00 A. M. toI6:00 P. M., and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30A. M. Stamp Office open from 8 A. M. to 12 M., and from 2 to 5 :30 1'. M. Money order and Register Department open same as stamp office. Stamps for sale at general delivery when stamp office is closed. Mails collected from street boxes every day at 3.30 P. M. Take Notice ! This is the only Lottery ever voted on by thepeoplc of a State, and under a late decision of the U.S. Su preme Court at Washington, is the only legal Lottery now in the United States, all other charters having been repealed or having no existence. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A POKTUNB. BLKVKNTH GRAND DIS TRIBUTION, CLASS E,, AT NSW ORLEAN8, TUBS DAY, NOV. 9. l&S0-12Gil monthly Drawlne Louisiana State Lottery Company. This institution was regularly incorporated by the Legislature of the State for Kdaeattonal and Ckarl- table purpoeea In 1868, FOB TUB TERM OF TWKNTY-FIVB TBARS. to which contract the In- violable faith of the State ia pledged, which pledge haa been renewed by an overwhelming popular vote, securing ita franchise in the new constitution adopted December Sd, A. D. 1379, with a capital of $1,000,000, Xm which it has since added a reserve f and of $350,000. ITS GRAND SINGLE NUMBER DI3TRIBU TION will take place monthly on the second Tues day. It never scales or postpones. Look at the following Distribution : CAPITAL PRIZB, $30,000. 100,000 TICKETS AT TWO DOLLARS EACH UALb' TICKETS, ONB DOLLAR. LIST OF PRIZES. 1 Capital Prize $30,000 1 Capital Prize 10 000 1 Capital Prise . i'ooo 2 Prizes of $2500 io00 a rrii.ee or luoo a 000 20 Prises of 500 lOloOO 100 Prices of 100 10 080 800 Prizes of 50 " 10,000 500 Prizes of 20 ' "" 10 000 1000 Prizes of 10 10000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES: 9 Approximation Prizes of $300 ,700 9 Approximation Prizes or 200 1,800 9 Approximation Prizes of 10J 900 1851? Prizes, amounting to (110,400 Responsible corresponding agents wanted at all prominent points, to whom a liberal compensation win te paid. Write, cle&rlv RtAtiTKr f nil aAAnwu fn. r.v,v. lormation, or send orders by express or in a Reds- tawxA J " .tf s-i a Ti .. ... . - uvvi vi muuir vuei ujr uuu aoaressea on ly to id. A. DAVPHIR. New Orleans, Louisiana. or same person at . 319 BROADWAY, NKWYOBH. All oar Grand Extraordinary Drawings are under i BB?rYlBori andlmanagement of GENERALS r i . Duuaau&iui ua j uual a. kahi.y oc 13 D2aw4wiW we sat New Crop Bice. Tierces and bbls Carolina R1CB, JQ Bags prime RIO COFFEE, 1000 GOOd FI'OUR' JIQQ Bbls Refined SUGAU, JQQ Bbla Cuba MOLASSES, . 2QQ KeS NAILS. At Low Prices. HALL & PEARSALL. oc27 DWtf A LARGE STOCK OF Sash. Doors, Blinds. AND ALL KINDS OF MILL WORK, LUMBER, LATHS, fco., POR SALB VERY CHEAP. AT ALTAFFER, PRICK A Co., Factory: Oytick Foot ot Walnut et. Nutt, near Red Cross st. oc 31 t f Lamps, Lanterns, &c. KKROSBNTS OIL, LAMPS AND LANTERNS, Wicks, Burners, Shades. Chimneva. Oil it ik cents; OU at 85 cents per gallon. Ready Mixed sale tow at voiors,c, ror n . ' GEORGE A. PECK'S. nov tf 25 South Front fet For Sale. 500000 ah80"8,1"0- extractors y V JJ V V and builders wUl save money by soe irg us . ' . gQQ bales Q K Timothy HAY, SCODImshela Black Seed and ellow feed Oats 50 bbls fresh Pearl Hominy, 100 bashel ew Pa, Wheat Bran, Ac. ww ifeas, PRESTON OUMMIN6 A GO.. i 4 tf Millers and Grain Dealers. No Change. I AM HTIT.T. AT aTV OT.n OKaum . where I keep a .fall supply of Carriages! now openisg a large stock of Harness, Bridles and Halters, and keep constantly .WTUihtemyllrte of business at low r. jwyuig uuuts au BBon nouce. H- HAYDEN'S Factory; oc 31 tf Third, bet. Market and Princess st COMMEliOiA k r Tbo 4jiliq4al or openiog quotutioua beUpw are posttd at tbu Produce Exchmive dajiy at 1 P. M., aud refer to prices at Hint hour. STAR OFFICE. Nov. 5, 6 P. M 1 SPIRITS TURPENTINE The m-tikt-t o pened flim ai 43 cents per gallon, wjtu advance of lie on last reports. f ROSIN. Tbe market was dull at (l AO for Strained and $1 45 for Good Straiuod. No sales to report. TAR The market was firm at $2 40 ikr bbl of280 lbs, with soles at quotations, i CRUDE TURPENTINE Market fiiln. with Bales reported at $1.80 for Hard ami $2 80 per bbl for Yellow Dip and Viigi. 'COiTTON. The market was jaiet,wiih sales, of ,125 bales on a basis -of 10 cejits per lb. for Middling. Futures for November opered steady in New Tor k at 10.80 cebts and closed steady at 10. so cents; January opened steady at 10. 85 eta and closed steady at 10.93 cents. The following were tbe ojli ciat quotations here: Ordinary Good Ordinary Strict Good Ordinary. 9 Low Middling 9 Middling. 10 Good Middling cents ?p lb, i PEANUTS We note a decline in this article. Sales reported at 2030 cents for shelling stock, 40 cents for Ordinary, 50 cents for Prime, 60 cents for Exlru Prime, 70 eta for Fancy. itKCEIPra. Uollou 1061 bales. Spirits turpentine 91 catiks. Rosin 469 bb)s. Tar 197 " Crude turpentine 249 " i.. ii rrit .nisi'hn tUy Telegraph to tae MorahiK Utar.l Financial. New York, November 5 Kvouiugj Money 23i per coot. Sterling exchange 481. Governments weak and lower; new fives 111?; four and a half per cents UOj; four per cents 109$ State bonds generally dull Oommereiai. Evening Cotton quiet but steady; sales to-day of 703 bales; middling uplands 11 cents; Orleans Hi cents; weekly receipts: net 7,030 bales, gross 47,095 bales; exports to Great Britain 0,346 bales; to the conti nent 2,603 bales, to France 1,616 bales; sales for the week 6,423 bales, stock 83,038 Kalao Mnn thorn flour llnrlinrifrfH tnd mn erately active; common to fair extra $4 90 5 50; good to choice do $5 556 85. Wheat feverish and unsettled, opening f c lower, but subsequently recovered from tbe decline and closed about tteady; on graded red 95c$l 18 Corn iic bet ter with a moderate trade; ungraded 66 57c. Oats about c better and more ac tive; No. 3, 88ib9i cents. Coffee on changed. Sugar in fair demand and firm; Muscovado 7e; centnfugnl 88 3-wc; fair refined steady and quiet; prime 8fc; refined quiet and unchanged. Molasses quiet and unchanged. Rice steady and in moderate inquiry. Rosin quiet and tin- changed. Spirits turpentine stronger at45 48 cents. Pork stronger and more active at $1515 25; middles stronger and : in good demand; short 8c; long and short 7c. Lard a shade stronger and fairly active at $870 bid for November. Freights about steady. Cotton Net receipts 1,308 bales; gross 15,048 bales. Futures closed steady with a sale of 6.300 bales at thef olio wing quota tions : November 10.80 cents; December 10.83O10.ei cents, January 10.03 cents, February 11 0511 06 cents, March 11.19 4711 On nnp Anril 11.S5l7h11 &A lunla May 11. 4611.47 cents; Jane 11.581.60 cents. Baltxmobx, No v. 5. Floor steady; trade moderate; Howard street and western super Art -t. m strv a a nvev a aa. -m l i i 90 OOX04 uu; extra f mh&o uu; iamiiy $5 25 6 00; city mills super 3 754 2; extra $4 505 00; family $8 S56 60; rfo brands $6 126 37; Patapsco family $7 00. Whotnntlurn eaaior hnt tint nnnlthlv lower; western lower.closing easy; sootnern red fl 051 13; amber fl 08 20; No, 1 Maryland $1 15 1 16; No. 2 western winter red on spot and November ide livery $1 14tl 14; December delivery $1 16fU6; January delivery l 18J 1 19; February delivery $1 20T1 20. Corn southern steady; western on spot firm, futures neglected ; southern white, 5254c; do yellow, 51 54 cts. Oatsfrrm; western white 38i39c; .mixed 36c. Provisions quiet and lower for job lots; no round lots selling. Mess pork $15 5015 75. Bulk meats loose shoulders and clear rib sides none offering; packed 58c. Bacon ouuuiuersou; uiearriu eiuea ofo; namsxi 13Jc. Lard refined 9ic Coffee dull nd lower; Rio cargoes, ordinary to fair lli 13ic Sugar lower and quiet; A soft 9fc. Whiskey unsettled at $111011 13. Freights higher and firm. I Chicago, Nov. 5. Flour quiet and nn- 1 changed. Wheat fairly active but a shade higher; No. 2 Chicago spring, $1 Olfo cash; $1 05 December; $1 04c January. Corn steady and in fair demand; 39c cash; 45 45ic May. Oata in good demand and a shade higher; 29xC cash; 34fc May. Pbrk unsettled and generally lower at $13 1p5 $14 00. Lard fairly aetive and a shade higher at $8 05. Balk meats irregular; shoulders $4 55; clear $7 55. Whiskey steady and unchanged. 8t. Louis, Nov. 5. Flour quiet and 'un changed. Wheat fairly active and -lower but stiffened at close; No. 2 red fall $1 3li 1 Olfc cash; $1 04$ December; $1 06i 1 07i January. Corn firmer and slow; 39i 39c cash; 89f39ic January. Oats higher; 29Jc cash; 80ic bid December. Whiskey steady and unchanged. Porkqhiet at $14 00. Lard quiet at $8 00. Bulk meats dull and nominal. Bacon, nothing doing and no stock. mrrrun kiaukktn. By Telegraph to tko Morning Star. Nov. 5. Galveston, steady at 10 cts net receipts 4.G62 bales; Nnrfnlir free at 10 9-16 cents net receipts 5'980 bales; Baltimore, quiet at 10f cents-4-net receipts bales; Boston, dull at 11 J cnts net receiDtsS68 h&laa; Philarlolnhio at Hi cents net receipts 821 bales; Savan nah, steady at 10$ cts net receipts 96,723 bales; New Orleans, easy at lOlents-net receipts n,.o Dates; inoDiie, easy at 101 centa net receipts 2,445 bales; Memphis lower to sell at 10 cts net receipts 8.058 bales; Augusta, quiet at 10 cents net I re ceipts 2,873 bales; Charleston, easy at'10 cents net receipts 7,888 bales. ; Weekly Receipts. Galveston, 65 314 bales; Norfolk, 34,299 bales; Baltimore. 6& balaa: Rontnn, S .'lift. hafaa. tk;i-ji phia, 1,483 bales; Savannah, 40,298 bales- sn vncu, i, DBiea; JXLODlie Q6j04R uaies; naneston, Baiesv : , 1 fBvDletoiaeMoreioe ' , Livbbfooih Not. '6. 5.15 K M. 0)it6n foturea steady. : London, November 5,4.30 P.M. Spirits turpentine 833 8d33a Cd. MARINE. iber 0 6.29 A. hi. UigiTw?rmliit'ep,iil0.4 Even! " WXM UWianittgtoriJ,. 2.49 Morn. uay awigr .;rrf iuu sum. Slmr ElixaWhUbeei, Hnuthviile, mas ter. " sitnir John Dawson, Sherman, Point Cai weiU II P Paddo. Scar Mary Wheelor, Davis, Calabash, N C; i.val aturvslb D L Gore: '' Sthr AiTj!yl-: Li-wis, Shalloite, naval stores .o Kf rclmt-r & Calder Iin. CLEARED. Sinn ElisjiiLu ih, iiisbec, Smi;hvilW;, dis- ter. : ; - Sebr Atiute. R Iawi, Lewis, Savanna LnMai, JnmaiCH, N ibrop & CuQiminig; vesst l by Etr BaTkof& U'. -chL HBrJS. A heeler, ;Dvis,, OalAbah, Sctir Atgyle, Lewi9, Shalloite, Kerchcjer & Calder Bros. Schr Jos Souther, Boston, Mass, JasUl Chad be ura 4s. Co : . ' BXPOKTS. Boston Sebr Jos Southein 811,006 ft et lumber. FOREIGN. ; Jamaica Schr Annie R Lewis-185,783 feet lumber, 50,00a shingles. I .TIAltlXC DIRECTORY. i Llat or Veaneln In the Port or Wil mington, N. Cm Nov. 5. I88O. This list does not embrace vessels under 60 tons. BARQUES. Hope. Nor. 633 tfSns. Stveseu. CPMebaiie A M behwe'garj (Nor.) 429 tons, Jobnsajn, C P Mebane Forseiie (Nor ), 415 tons, Kuudsen, . Heide & 0o Carl Mai (Nor.);294 tons, Reyer, " E Peschau& Westermann Geo Davis (Br) 643 tons, Campbell, j A Sprunt & Son Northern Queen (Br.), 37S tons, Andrews, A Sprunt & Son Jubiubl(Nijr ) 378 tons, Jensen, . EG Barker & Co Atlantic (Ger.), 398 tons. Shearing, E Pcschau & Westermann Embla (Nor.) 3S8 ton, Simonsen. C P Mebioe Nordt-ii&k ji'ld, Noi, .473 tons, CP Mebane Jerbuen (Nor.) 271 tons, Svendsen, Erna (Ger.), 582 tons, Yohs, E Peschau &. Westermann KnuJtv g (Nor.), 844 tons, Evensen, j Hcidc &:Co Flid, (Nor.,) 339 Ions, -, C P Mebaao Lucie Radmuun(GerU 447 tons, Meyer, : E Peschau & Westermann Ryuo, Nor, 236 tons, Soveflaen, , C-P Mebane Stella (Br.) 415 tows, Robinson. :i E G Barker & Co 8 V Merrick. 335 tons, Lippincott, Geo Ilarrias & Co 6CHONBRS. Lena Hunter, 287 tons, Dole, HarrissfcCo Mary Bear, 168 tons, Chad wick, j Geo Hariiss &'Co Annio R Lewi?, 217 tons, Lewis, S EG Barker & Co Clara, 275 tons, Cramner, Geo Ilcrriss & Co Joseph Souther, 881 tons. Watts, J II Chad bourn & Co Eva L Leonard, 115 tons, Macumber, EG Barker & Co Imogeno Diveily. 188 tons, Rted, , Geo Harrisa fc Co Carleton (Jit.), 68 tons, Albu, J E Kidder & Sons Mary Ji Van tlosf, 2oG tons, Thorn dik. v EG Barker & Co Charley Buck!, 242 tons, French, J E G Barker & Co E F Cabada. 253 tons, Foster, Geo Harriss & Co THE LANDMARK, : PUBLISHED AT 81A2XSVIZLB, LRBDKLL 00., JV. 6 THE Leading Newspaper in Western IToxth Carolina- it u the only Bemocratic Paper published la Iro- aell CoBntT Ann of thn Uroaat mwtA MnKlttut J - TTTTll ,11 ITWIl ties in the State and has attained a larger Iocs circulation than aay paper ever heretofore Doblished in the county. It circulation In Alexander, Wilkes, Ashe. Alle ghany. Yadkin, Davis and Iredell, ia larger than is rapidly acquiriDg a strong foothold in Porsythe. Sorry, Rowan and western at ecklenborg. It is the only paper In Western North Carolina that employs a Rtctoab CaxvAssnrci Aourr, and grapdhicreasing circoUUo is the result THE BEST AO VBRT1SINO ISEDIUlll IN WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA address. " LANDMARK," SUtesvflle. N.C: der y-tf The Biblical Recorder. " PUBLISHED BY Edwards. Broughton d& Co, RALEJGH, N. O. , ; KBV. O. T. BAILEY, Editor. REV. HATCHER, Associate Editor. Oim of: tttl1 : Carffiiia Baptists In lta 44th Year, EVERY BAPTIST SHOULD TAKE IT As an Advertising Medium B'nsnrpassed only 92.0Q per- Tear. Address ' dcc53-tl BIBLICAI. RECORDER , Kalelgh. N.C fllMI6Tf!lt1MERCB4HTS : ; . will find THE LATTRIoTBURG ifiNTBRPBISE TflE BEST MRinifTvr '.,,1 a Jja, V UA. THROUGH WHICH TO ADVERTISE FALL AND WINTER GOODS among the people of Robeson, Richmond and An son connUos, in North Carolina, and in the bofder counties of South Carolina. The ENTERPRISE has a large and increasing circulation in the Pee Dee and Cape Fear sections of this State: havina obtained a large circulation in the latter during the six months it was published in FayettevUle before its removal to Laurii burg, and m the former within the last two months. ionner Advertisementa will be inserted by the month quarter and year at reasonable rates . Address ; ' II. I McnUFJFIE, .DAW tf Laurinburg, N. p. FOR THE LOCAL & POLITICAL NEWS OF THE FIRST D18TRICTi 5. ..SmDMrfta toir? .1 PUBLISHED AT KUZABBTB? CITY, N C." rJSr ,,3r addre,,B to January 1, 188l". for Port ttbifttt j veu Hun (tet-!:i.V-f- . 'v-Lft JOB RRlnlTIWC. THE MORNING ST Aft Steam Printing House, HORNING STAB BUILDING, ' J'BlJfOJSSa 8TRKET. MOST TUOEOUQIILY EQUIPPED 1'IilNTlNO OH'ITICB IN THE CITY. VINE BOOK. NEWSPAPER 6 MER CAN Tilth. PRINTING AND RINDING. ClfEAP FOB CASH. ALSO. THEATRICAL POSTERS. PROGRAMMES A TtCKETS, INSURANCE PRINTING, BILL HEADS, CIRCULARS CARDS. DODGERS STEAMSHIP. STEAMBOAT AND RAILROAD WORK EXECUTED IN QUICKER TIMh AND BETTER STYLE THAN Bi ANY OTHER OFFICE IS WILMINGTON. FIRST CLASS WORK AND LOW PRICES THE MORNING STAR STEAM PRINTING HOUSE, PRINCESS STREET, f WILMINGTON, N. C. ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO AND WORK SENT TO AN1 PART . OF THE UNITED STATES, C. O.D. ! SMALL ORDERS EXECUTED WITH 2 HA SAME PROMPTNESS AS LARGER ONES. The Best Paper. Try It BeautifuUy Illustrated. :5th YE A It. The Scientific American. rpRB SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN is a large First -X. Class Weekly NewsDaoer of HixtMii Paomi printed in the most btauaful style, PKOKUHKL.Y lLLiUSTKATKi) WITH 8PUCNt3l ENQRAV- M O mmw. U.TWUVUOMUU UQ most 1 cent advances In the Arts and Sciences; in uuuuiK new wui uuwesung iracis in Agriculture, Horticulture, the Homo. Mealtk. Protrreas. Rcm I Science, Natural History. Geology, Astronomy. The most valuable practical papers by eminent wri ters in all departments of Science, will bo found in the Scientific American. Tflrmi SJLSfl imr var 1 tut Vilr i.w i eludes poataee. Discount to A go cts. Slnsle fco- postal order to MUNN A CO.. Publishers. 87 Pari wrt Maw Wta1r piua, iu lsuib. oina oy aunewsaeajere. uemltby .. x uoiiBnurs, si fara Tk A 111 I.Wrmn Id mnnwHnn with tha AI JUJH X O. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Mes&ra. Mumm A Co. are Solicitors of American and Farfcim Pn.tent.a- hwa k vh and now hare the largest establishment in the world. Patents are obtained on the best terms.' A nACial nntine la mala in lha RiT PluTlB'ln a wbt CAN of all Invention natAnt-jut ihiah K . cy, with the name and residence of tha Patentee. By tbe immense circulation thus given, public at tention is directed to the merits of the new patdnL and sales or introduction of tea easily effected. Aay person who has made a sew discovery or In vention, can ascertaji, rau ot CHaaea, whether a ESSL' pt?hlJ? to w w w. it v uou wnw rau OUT nano IKKK about tbe Patent Laws, Patents, Caveata, Trade Marks, their coeta, and how preeored, with hints far DruMririff ftrivunrm nn InvonHnn. & am . the Paper, or concerning Patents, FNN CO., 87 Park Bow, New York. Branch Office, cor. F. St 7th Sta., Washington, IXC. aov I tf Forest and Stream, AND ROD AND CUN. THE AMERICAN SPORTSMAN'S JOURNAL A WHRKI.V PAPUII mr7rrntrr ika FIELD ' SPORl'S, PRACTICAL NATURAL HIS TORY. FISH CULTURE. PROTECTION OF GAME, PRBSERVATI6N OF FORESTS, YACHTING AND BOATING, RIFLE PRACTICE. AND ALL OUT-DOOR RECREATIONS AND 8TUDY. This is the only Journal in the Country that fall supplies the wants and necessities of the Gentleman Sportsman. TERMS $f 00 a Year. Bond for Specimen Copy Portal Ac Stroataw. Pobllsblnar Co.. Ill FULTON ST., (Old No. 103 Posi Offlw Box last . eept -U ALL ABOUT Western North Carolina If you want to know all about tha "Garden Spot' of wo ouuui, sena ior a specimen copy 1 The Western Courier. It In ft TWRKTY-RIflnT x-kT mru llmmn.. full of interesting reading matter, and devrted to hit wKicew ui n coMjru nor en Carolina. Address THE COURIER COMPANY, Hendersonville, N. C. THE UA LEIG H Christian Advocate, Edited and Published by BLACK & REID, EUtHL H. C. T the ttrmm nf ahnnr. e.1 mv Vokjii.. i Carolina, and haa tha lunroat ulnnl.Hn. f - . - vuvuwuuu ui aii r ua. per in the State. It gives the markets, secular and religious news. Is a weekly, oight page, religious, farnllv newananej-. Oni aa m nmrZZ.r dr scribe at once. AdTertising rates liberal. Ian 34 tf The Camden Journal. PuMtshed Every Thursday, at Camden, 8. 0., IS THE OLDESTrKSTABLISHED PAPER IN lfArahais innn mv.A I... l i . . . . um ui dA.u3iioiyc uircoiiuaon among the. Merchants, Farmers and all classes of business men in the county. m It Oifera to tha If niwhanta n ttt,ii . . ! able Medium for Advertising, thentryto whSi itcirculates, being coanecUdwith that city by steam . . V ni,Wiuug vTuziunKioa. UO lumbia and Augusta Railroad. ' I Liberal terms will ha maila tth . . advertise. "- Subscription price, $S 50 per annum. os, i ian TULAJa A HAY. feh'f Editors and Proprietor. The Favetteville Examiner, A Weekly Democratic Newspaper, j Published at FAYETTEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA, By Terms $3.00 a year In advance. Send for a arte, cimencoi.y. my 5 tf FALL A1U O . .. " r- M:srr 13 a w 1 3f ' " ' " 83TA181B. i ---- - j&fi tiiliifllmlitrtdst Novelties in fiISSlOO S??iABICY bRY GOODS duller !id.vHiBleiii)iw day. Buyers will find it to th to call oti or order of oc 10 tf. Ill 1 II ' '' I Facts and Figures, 'iur -: . 1 . f .ntc: if ick 3 ?J 1 WE DESIRE TO ANNOUNCE THAT WE ARB -ftarypwpaMdfortlMyALLANO WINTER MBNTS this feasor ttairire aavoj-ver doiio aero- iui irrtr. tt c uvtiT nn year pTircBaeea tn saali 1 thnaaffordin oue punm a mesh tatcer and moro IWWB IWWlMfKiUf VVIC IEVU UUU IVZIBVILT. Wo hare justfiwaraed after an -abveaoo of two month l th .Mortheni matketAr during Wbich time onr faeUlUas for examlBtas tbe Latest Impor tatloBS haVe-be8B'tasnrpass4, hence-wo can Her our coctomors not only the LATEST ATYLES. but by more recent parehaaes. 1 " - We wspeetfupr lavito your attenttbrl'to tno above r ACTS, and wHIlbe sJad t demonstrate tbe fame by FIGURES to all WW will- favor ua with a call dorinc theensoiax week and uramiaxar AMPLE Bilks. Cloaks, " G!oyc8, "Yelrets,. Mikbooa. -Laces,. ureaa uooas, unens. ' rrrimmi&sps. --u omMaes, . ? OorseU, .A Biaaketa. Hoeierr. T t 7.LiMinM. ineasuoods, Unens Shawls,, Carpets, Ladies Gents and Childmis Urderwear Am 3rtt kV cl. av . KK-V. , WW Cbf. GW. Brown C: Roddick 45 market trcLi ' WHOLIAtE AND, itKTAII Seed Cotton. 500 000 LB8' 8KaDCOTTON WANTED for which a fair price will be paid IN CASH. I Apply at W1LLAUD, an 86 ra North Water 8t . Wilmington. N. O. Fresh Celery. rpBNDSS FRESH CELERY, LARGE CALlFOK Pears, Sweet Florida Oranges, Malaga Grapes, Choice Candies, and everything nice. Call and be suited At 8. G. NORTHROP'S oc33tf Fruit aad Confectionery Stores. Apples, Apples. , 2g Bbls Selected Baldwin APFLES, For sale by ' . KKRCHNER & CALDER BROS. Cheese, Cheese. 100 Boxes Cream and Factory CHEESE, For sale y . . a KZRCHH2B A CALDER BEOS. Oriental Powder. I ' BIPP BLASTING and MUSKET. For sale by oc S3 kf KERCHNER A CALDER BROS. BXullcts, 8Iallct. 100 Bblfl A No" 1 MULLfiT8' For sale by KERCHNER A CALDER BROS. The Ilarion Star. I THB OLDEST NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN uw 1 urn Kcugu,gnB or vne weaiuuest and most prosperous in the State, offers to Commission and WhalaafclA y - - lim.aWIHUVI D, BUU ' ' " .w wwa. au fasataa, wa oouau UJ ample, an excellent medium of communication with a large and Influential class of merchants, me- wMUM.Hmiwri aim unym siore men, wnose pat ronage is worth solicitation. Advertisement and Business Cards inserted on liberal terms. Address THE STAR, ptMtf Marion. B.C. For Sale Low? TWO 1 -HORSE TRUCKS, ONB ALMOST NEW, Both in thorough oider Can bo bought cheap. Apply at my SO tf THIS OFFICE The Central Protestant A WEEKLY RELIGIOUS AND FAMILY NEWS MM...Jk.AUM..t .k. . ....... . . lpgr " vnta o uav meuioaisi rroies tant Church In North Carolina, ia published at amuBuwv,n. j. Terms, 13 00 per annum, in aavance. The eligibility of its location, the number and ae tlYity of its aganta, and theconstanUy increasing de mind f ftrtt uimiv IKa aAlul l..u. ' In various sections, giro the CENTRAL pectliar claims upon the patronageef the adyertiang public. laiut.Liix, vuiuwuii Tmr numnah tBtCT uu MWim WAV VUlbUff f. L. MICHAUX Greens oro. N. C. The Lincoln Progress IS the only paper published in Lincoln county and haa an extensive circulation among the Mer cliants. Farmers and all classes of business men la Tt ntfara tit thA afaMianta tt VDtTtm l .i.. - . - VcKodd thhtWeSNof bustaessUpATLOFS AND FURNISH IKS. MB!1.N ! tisemenU SubscrioUoa price, $3 60? amiS T.lraAr! trms will Kaa aallaaawaww . . a Hdreae DBLAN-i . Wtnr and Pro rr Vt or High-BredDoffs, ftfiSS5lJBa- SETTER?. - --. wiua Kuaranwea peoigrees. For sale by X. F. WELSH. York, perm aovTBAWtf "LD NEWftTAPm arTrranT.il T Can be hod at the STAR OFFICE: - IN ANT QUANTITY t , i i i 36 Market 8 tree t CLOAKS, SHAWLS Pir iitti h,L 36 Market Street. Announcement. ON ACCOUNT OF tha marrlaj.o of OBr Mr. Munroo e have thU day hunled In onj Rooster. THE NEW FURNITURE STORE or Him RENDS A MUM ROE, Houtheaat Com, Market andSdSt.. WllmlnKton. N. C. offer. the stock and best designs of Furniture at Whoi..,i,. or Retail lower than any Nouacln the Stale oc 81 tf Tourists A ND, .ALL ,PBR8ON8 WANTING TKUNKn J.. . 11 wiu um new sioca junt arrived OmrWOlesale and RcUll UarneM ErtablMmi.-bi can't be beat for Latest Htylea and Best , ,,, ,, the least money. No. 8 Mouth Front Ht OC 31" MALLARD A BOWDJtN Groceries, &c. QAA Rolls Cotton SAGGING. WVJ 1 V. 8 and y w ii 1500 BnT,dles Ncw mi rcd T"s. QQQ Lbs BogginK TWINE, 1000 BW PLOUR a" KrdcB. 400 110X08 8moked nd DrT lt MIHK, 9 A A Hhds and Bbls Now Crop Cuba ar.d NowOrtoans MirLAMHKH, 1 2Q Q Keff NAILS, 4 to 40, QQQ Dales HOOP IRON. 2 Q Bags SHOT, all aleen, 5QQ BagaCOFPEE.alJ eiad, 25 Q Bbla SUGAR, all grades. 125 BoxeBA8,orU5dCANDY '125 Tub" Pnre LAKD 150 Cox" 8tarcu' 125 Cac LTE' 200 Boxca&OAI j QQ Boxes TOBACCO, 100 Boxcfl and Utdt Ubl HNUr", OA A Groan MATCUK8, aw V V Wrapping Paper, Twlno. Hoda. Candler, (?r k aa IATrN , I war . ers, Pepper, Ginger, Bptco. Water BuckcU, a c For aaln low o bv OC SI tf WILLIAMS A MURCUISON To my Jr'rionds and Cus tomers. JAM NOW DAILY KECilVING MV TAIL stock of BOOTS AND BHOE3. conslrtlkff . li the Latest Styles. My past stock and miucrco speak for themselves, and I only ask a continuance of your favors bo liberally bestowed on mo. I'leam. call and cxamlno my stock as regards quality i.i prices. No trouble to show the t&oAi. Will hi pleased to see yon one and all. Respectfully, C. ROSENTHAL, 33 IT1 A It It ET ST. ; Sian of la bbow Cac. se la t.' Coal and Wood. JONT FORGET THAT WK HAVE MOVHU to tbe premises, corner of Water and Maltx nj streets, where wo keep COAL, WOOD, BH1NU1.K8, BRICK and POWDER at lowest eaah prices. Lax, Jr., oc37 tf Cor. Mulberry and Water n. For Sale at Low Prices. 300 1000 100 500 100 300 300 Rolls and Half Rolls BAOUINK Bdls Arrow and Delta TIES. Boxes D. 8. and Smoked 1!AU.V,. Bbls FLOUR, all grade, Bags COFFEE. GO bbla bUUAU. 600 kegs NAILH, Bdls HOOP I HON, 1.000 New nnJi Second-Hand SPIRIT BAKKELm. CaaaaSosps. Lya, Potaah, HuuS. Tobacco, soda, Crackers, Cbcono. Lard, Ac, Ac WORTH WO HTM. se 13 tf A Large Supply (f GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWER anil RnmitK'R AtTOIN avillll' on hand. Will kII low to Ua trad. J. H. HARDIN. FlVSCi Iptlon Dragglat, OcSltf New Marke t ImmensQ Gains AND INCREASE OF CLOTHING KECK1VI this week, which, we will dispose of to th public at ruinous 'prtoea aa follows! Mass' Hotu for f4 60; Youths' Salts, $3 60; Boys' Bella, I ve ; ChUdrcns' SulU, $3 00. Fuji Returns of our stock en' be had by calling at an sarljr 1 at our store. -A.. JDJTXID, noS Cieiklar and Mertbaot Tailor. Dyer & Son, Boeka, Cbost froteetora. -.i MaUn paika Dot" Acarfsse 18 oaaU. Underahirta for YB earns. in An Kaglea coUway made of that old style ' . CottOA maaoal Drawara marla tn oftrlar. OC SI I' ' Cotton Flaaoal Drawers made to order, oc ; Furniture and Bedding. K A A COMMON BEDSTEADS RECEIVED TO i)JJ day, Loutis-as, Sofa. PaHor Holts. Oeuuc TaMes. Btagere'sleska, OflceTaMee, BMeeoardn. Black Walnut and Cottage Chamber Salts, ac tresses of all kind! of our own maetfaoture. stock lslargroand Weeanno'be endarsord for n liable goods. D. A. SMiTH A CO., oc 94 tf No. 43 North Front ritrwt SI.