.... , n ii tt..'.- -. .i . ... i --. r .,w 1 VamVirfhir. I MiW ,.. UUai,,l..a''',.fr-.rf..W-.jaa .v . i HE II0BIIIHO8T&S: By Witt. II. 11 ll ;LISIIS1 If BxVKll uATSi- or ir-r,. - . l iKLUi .. . .muLHe " r. .H i r T'J City Subartofi odivuiixl a. i,. i,fcr Kifteeu Cool wet-X uat ott.. du f Hi. Authorised U.ertlltar.i ror nM.r. truti'Otr- u-t MORNING .JUMTION. , nu.red at the Post Once at WUmineUi ., N. cv a second class manor I OI'TI.INI t. Alissouri Legislature oTerwUelmiojily Democratic; seven of tbe Representative Districts reported doabtfuL Rtdical Governor's majority in Tenotssee 15,000 " r.;..,Mv-i.,. mftioriiy " v ww.wv. White, Republican, defeats Turner, Democrat, in Ninth, a Rain. A raiK road accident in Texas; one killed, three seriously and ten or twelve slightly injured. Soow at Marshall, Texas, on tbe 5lh. A Mr. Booefouaii frozen to death fire miles from Fort Worth. The eject ment of con-aulhorized religious bodies lock place in France on tbe 6tb. - Wbile ParncII was addressing a large meet ing on Sunday in Ireland, a platform fell, severely crushing several persons; some one hil sawed one of the supports. A laud lesgue meeting was held at Lowell, jlasa.; assistance in money will be sent lo Ireland. The Turkish Government is rep iriag to close tbe Dardanelles in. case of i-tnergei-cy. Tbe Nihilist prisoners o.i tiial at St. Petersburg acknowledge belonging to the revolutionary party. It id denied that Chinese are employed in factories at Paterson, N- J. A col ored barber h been elected to Congress iu the First Aikansas District. A Re pjUlioau elected to tha Tcuoessee Legisla ture is ineligible, having been convicttd of incest. New Tork markets: Money iia.l ...rn,nl-rnlt.nnniPl.t llffftlli nl.. r- I s. ntlti-m nour uuiy active, common to i tni! extra $5 C05 55. good to choice $5 60 7 CO, wheat, ungraded red $1 121 12; i-..rn 2z better, ungraded 58J59fc; -i-inu turpeutine dull at 4oi45ic; rosin quiet t $1 80. Hancock beat Garfield 238 more voles in New Hanover than Jarvis beat Buxlon. Gen. W. 11. Cox 48 elected iu tbe Third District by 1,313 majority. Laihiim'd majority in tbe First Dis trict is over 500, but the exact vole not been received. Col. Armfield is tlelcted ia ted in the Seventh by over 2,300 majority. Major Clem Dowd's majority in the Fifth is thought lo be 3,900. North Carolina has .turen Democrats in the House cerlainX liie Democratic prty had gae l plice he ould not believe iu Bob Inger- ioll'i Speech. We knew Bob preleuded not to believe iu a bell, but we did not know before ho also Tejected the Klysiau Fields, where honest Demo crats wander afler this life. Bob is light. The graud old party will o jasi where Bob will not be able to L-ntt-r. We Lake it that Governor Jarvis majority will not be les than 7,500. Ii may even be as much as 8,000, but e auppose tbe former figures will be near the mirk. Tbe Ualeigh New gives the fol lowing: "Seventy-one counties that cast ia 1876 200,588 votes and gave Vance 7,492 ma j miy, now give Jarvis 4.228 majority. Tbe oilier iweniy-tbree counties, ctsting ia' 1876 32.000 votes, gave Vance a majority ..r 5.626." How parties will stand in the next m i, - i a,. House is not known precisely. The Republican papers claim it by vary- . ... . i..g but sufficient majorities lor party needs. The Washington Post, how- I .aoi, oamruaj.gav i-ub iui- ca n 146, Democrats 145, Greenback" Bra, ' " . " erg 3. The Greeubackers are Re publicans. This will give the latter two more than a controlling majority. Tlaro are 293 members in all. The Senate will be Democratic in all probability. There are dark hints among cer tain papers in New York that Han cock is elected and not Garfield. The Republican papers intimate very pointedly that unless New York is counted for Garfield by Congress thero will be fight and no mistake. Whilst we have no doubt that the Radicals spent millions and polled thousands of fraudulent votes in New v.u .i u - u.. aiuue, we nave no luea vuero i no idea will be any tronble. The country Mbmltted to the great steal of 1876, wnenu bad first rate cause for a a A grand fight, and there will bo hardly a email scrimmage now. I Awrtbjf the New York Ztae, Garfield will have a popular majority f "7A oaT f Tr,-ati t 76,287. Some of oar Democratic exchanges North of us have been claiminff over 100 000 In New Yoik iimtngover 100,000. in new 101 x Grace ia elected Mayor by not more thao ,,900, d the reeling .geioet Kelly is on the increase.. Justly or rtK.m: , - . e otherwise he u made a scape-goat of tbe party. The special to the Phila- riaiJk m- "The Tammany Democracy have issued n address to their brethren throughout the country lamenting the defeat of General tiancock as a great national calamity and f I I. M 11 I! II H I! ' s II li I I a VOL. XXVII --NO.'41. &tw itiuiinie U to f mud, ikn o luaiz iiioo of Uboriu men I i xupn trt of Ibis thi aik tb( til ut of Jew Ttrtk citybc crutintz-'! Anil compared whU Uie Tal?f 1876 wbeu ibe Democrats c tsl 112,530 ballots and tbe Re publicans 58.531 la 18S0 he' Democrat's cast 133.103 aud Ulie Reoublicana 81.726. abowise as Republican iaoreasa, of ,23185 ana a jjemocratio increase or 10.573. Tbe lodependeot press of the city of New York J is assailed and made partly responsible fdr I tbe disaster. Tbe address, aisa declares I tbat the nomiiutioa of Mr., Grace did now i ieaaea Hancock's vote." pirits Turpentine The Oxford FreeLixwseh ro- tlirnAfl tr its nM ii flannri mmii ita nlrl bead. . , . tnariotte ftaathe "lwo Ur- phans" last week, and Is to have "The Galley 81ave" this week.; v , N Raleigh Evening Star: The worst election joke we havo beard ia that of the old gentleman comiag down, from tiranvuie to electioneer for Urant. , He te - ported bis neighborhood as 'solid" forthe narioite uoserver : rroieesor linaand Sother V . BaUev ,5 this city, has been appointed Professoe of AJtcieat liaoguages in the Agncwturaj jrad AiecnaQicai Uollege ol Alistlssippi. in Oxford Free Lance: Granville county is certainly welt blessed in th6 mat ter of newspapers, this being the sixth, pub lished witbtn its limits, uxiora has bow four, viz: the Free Lance, lorch LigM,,(he Orphan' FrUnSOxdntitn: Henderson has two, vix: the Border Review and the lobaa- eonist Wilson Advance: Ed. Farmer. who killed bis brother last week,, an, ae- wu"r FlWfW" Wtnsa B Advance, is stUlatlarge. Ue was last, see a Saturday night by responsible, parties at Baits X Roads. He baa threatened to kill bis mother, brother and his two, brothers" in-law, and the people in that vicinity keep their guns ia readiness prepared to .give him a warm reception when be puts iu, an appearance, lie is tbe terror of the whole neighborhood. . , - ; Hillsboro Observer: The case of R. L. D. Henry against W. C. Bald win, which took np three and a half days of our Super lor Court, in which was in volved the title to six acres or land, -valued at $2 50 per acre, was decided on Friday J night in" favor of Henry, be ; being repre sented in court by Graham & Ruffin. Jos. A. Graham and A. W. Graham. Baldwin was represented by C R"Pan8h.JbhriMJ Morniog and James B Maaon.ii.THe cost in this case amounted to $325 00, to say .li 1 . ... . i - . r r 1 ?"nV55 L'1 Inw ,ws' Vl 1 uru LfUsrDcr. latesville Landmark: If, the Democrats have carried North Carolina it bas beeo in spite of tbe Democratic State Executive Committee, which, during the last weeks of tbe campaign, unconsciously stood between tbe wr y and victory, bv conceiving tbe enorteous idea that Maj. Latham's district was tbe State of North Carolina. Since our last issue two of our physicians, Drs. U. Kelly and 17. M. Campbell, have suffered strokes of paraly sis ur. k.euy una ay -ooigfti . das wees:, Dr. Campbell last Mondayftefirbon. Tbe foimer gentle man, alter having rallied, has bad a relapse and is confined to bis bed i tbe latter bas almost entirely recovered from the effects of his stroke and is resting quite comfortably. - Raleigh News: Sheriff John R. Wyatt. of Alleghany county, yesterday brought down from the far west Joshua Uolloway, wuitn, convicted of manslaugh ter, and sentenced to twenty years' im prisonment. - Battle Bryan, sheriff. 01 burning gin house, six -years; Clinton Daccy, forgery, three years; Robert Jen? I kins, larceny. '4 wo -years. t Twenty I drummers Ucenses were issued fom tbe I Stale Treasury last week., -This is the I largest number issued during any one week I this year. The ynoa or xjortn uaro-f 1 una fflWH iu tuia umi ,ut;, . . a 1. as. .Aw WamamMmw 10th inst- Tbe. at ten df nee WW no doubt i k.. tk. aaiu ..iatAaaiia Ana I 11 (Q'auirHia naw iriuwnia wuv f It will aonttooe until Monday ! f Elizabeth City &onomist:2$elxl:, lv evarv house on our coast presents a busy 1. scene of activity, tbe women and children making netsv ib J. men building baueriesj J2JUffg etUng ready foj fishing and ducking, which commenced orj the it of Nnvembetr.H ?Wild fowl are iVw abundant in Currituck Bound, and the wbratle of tbe dock, the bCnk of the cooej ana mo wuuuv wuuut.w uw naaiii;ui4 i e.erv iarti. T.vlur and Hampton killed I 438 ducks in two days ia October, 18th and I i9tb. Tbe Inderxjndent Fish Cmry commenced fishing for rockfish last week, rub . nrn.nppt for . npofnl I Ar : r:WMrZ --:C7- son ibout fou? fishings a day. ,Tbey eftfcS I -Kr t.n IhnnunH HAnnit om(t rlaWR.i I The season for catching rnekaah Uatt until th miMlA af December.! .' .'' ' V ! I CkJJm W V aw-aar-a. vvw rf -i . - Kinston Journal: A negro! named Henrv White who was tried at the anrinir term of Lenoir Superior Court: f urvana died on TuewtosrolffuU- iThH ury made a mlitrlal Id his ,casV, alid thlTpfhse-; cuting Witoesa, osran iggmx, soeviaewys swoie to a He that the grand jury, ai ine i same term, found a true bill against' her for! wnellfd in ?i?i months awaitini trial, and only released a ,eW .JSrbSenSSitA me ' 5SaSTKftoa?SiSew are not ' g mrmtm altVU W n iv mtm j aiw w - tbe county of Edgecombe, brought up three 1453, Buxton 1397, Shackelford 1356, Can convicts, all colored. Their names and ft(jav 122a Carx. Democrat, is elected to offensej are as follows: Sam Shields, .v D . 1, , , aware of tbe fact, that Trenton is not the ! majority. I only village ln the JkBlh- . MONTGOMERY. I Li daSVw f"40"' 1ii:rirr.T.tJr.U "i aM . w vnn v rinnr mm iwiii iiiiii mm mm. w iinLtvrnri irenton ido ow uotus, ii iumj i - growiag village or-roiKv4iMtv: xnere i arA air atdrea and 49 teasn eins Within 1 tcortioo Willi VTlBli BLUCUDU IH bUD 1UIIAIWU SCB V V WM a a Thenratlibelca8e-we suppose, ever 1 tried in Lerwlt, caine beforwxror vourt last j n p. Collins, of Pitt, Indicted for seeding him a libelous letter,-and .with a strong Stl5;u..T tent lob. . M.Dortch, f orjther pecutlon, msdeluw-fetf speech we bavftl-heard ae- j -Vjoiwrn for tears; The jnry returned a ftt6tiivmK,'!t' 6008601 tfte.iwieima6n judgment was Batpended wuhe payment of costs J Mrs. Wetberington, wife of Robt Wether- TfJ ifl&&tl marl bole, filledwith wateriu a Jfit,9f insanity. -Wet-are to baye a "pccjal mct theSupejOduri fofTI-nefr c.vit caaw. menclBr DecAmiSth and hoIdm2twgce.vi-S,:8hU69 taken from bis marl bed nNense river. J. Kenned j"!Wpom lJOO; bnsbels Of rice from five acres, and even: then irwas not carefully harvested. . tv V I I : - t i . : - - rt ft ci tin 'vm. I3i 'iO.-'.nSlii VI bMINGTON, I ; PI 1,' PUKSlIBNTJAt AUD GOVBHNOHS in. r,.4,VV niUA tlin vniu'ig Da hoiin it in i,he various distrlo 1st '.'tfancofcliGflel.-; Janrla. Bnxton 6.710 7.B46 6,653 J6; S,MM .J5.029 8,894 12,169 ' 7.082 S.BW 788S, 11,815 : 9.6 159i 9,580 15,801 8,57 4,587 83143 78.861 . s.sss 16.945 9,873 15,393 8,748 4UL.... 6th 6th 7ch 8th...... IS 030 9,933 15,474 .4,545 IX, 163 6.998 84,075 .. TO.532 , 6 058 78.861 As far as heard from Hancock leads Rtitl vntoa and .Taruiu loola - 1 UMIU isO.'' . - I " HanoocK beats Garfield 2.2 71 votes J more than Jarvis hantii Rnztnn. Han. , , ... . , 0. . ... , cock's maqntjjn jhe State will be about 8,600 more than Jarvis's, we I sunnosp. I - 1 - "' ! ; 3 I . . BISECTION BUTVBNS, ah the returns under this head marksd which have been already published, or may hereafter be published, were sent specially Jo the Secretary of State by the Register of. Deeds of the various coun ties : DAVIE Official. MccK3vitiE, November 5. Hancock 97o, Garfleld 890; Jarvis 913, Buxton 898. Congress Furches, Republican, 918; Arm- field, Democrat, 847. J. A. Williamson beats McCoikie, Republican, for Senator, and Roberts, Democrat, beats McGuire, Republican, for the House. For Judges, Bennett beats McLean 305 and Gilmer leads Headen 44. FOLK Official. Hancock 335, Garfield 430; Jarvis 330, Buxton 429. Congress Vance 321, At kinson 343. ."The Radicals bjave carried the county ticket by a reduced majority. HERTFORD Official. Winston, November 5. Garfield 1140, Hancock 983; Buxton 1131, Jarvis 959. Congress Grandy 1032, Latham 915. forjudges, Bennett, Democrat, 891; Mc- Lean, Republican, 1137; Headen, Republi can, 1136; Gilmer, Democrat, 889, The Republicans elect their Legislative and county ticket. HARNETT- Official. Hancock 1028) Garfield 702; Jarvis 995, Buxton 711. Congress Shackelford 993, Can ad ay 691. John Blue is elected Sena- tor, and D. E. Green, Democrat, to the House. SAMPSON Official. Demo ratic .majorities Hancock 482, Shackiord 471, Oites 476, Boykin 484, f TJulbreth 459, Hill (Sheriff) 250. The vole for judges was about tbe same as above, The debt amendment was carried and the asylum amendment lost. GATES Offickl. Democratic majorities Hancock 487, Jarvis 491, Latham (for Congress) 500. A Democratic gain of 50 over the vote of 1876. Vote for Senators and Representa tives same as above. MOORE Official. Hancock 1478, tjfarfleld 1367, Juivia uo DCU"lo BUU House. TR1N8YLVANI A Official. nt xr k a tj- t Am Garfield 284; Jarvis 892, Buxton 284. Con- greas Vanee. Democrat, 505; Atkinson, rj.Mnj( 157. Twa TdArvinrlnt 13 t""r ------ , .rMRiarrits ectfld to tbe Senate and . Hohae. CATAWBA Official. Nevmir. NnnmW ft HanMlr 1SS3. n..wit9i. y;t. uuvr Rrivtnn fitff n G; Jrrla ISuT, Buxton 61ff. 1. McD. Ypffng, Democrat, is elected to the House. Congress Myers 523, Dowd 1794i - - . - , Mtn-usrsi T " . - """c and Headen 439, j r. - rjuwviv uwmai, tr.t iii"n.wi.in iioa.Tr!Bianrt! 1 trAima JHiLii a!.. . I W TT I- la t II DM. TITiaaAlAat . . " ' . . . . I ureenDacner. a. winmngnam ana r-arisn, i Pf to Senate, iebetween f Tinman TlAmrvorat nrl Wtnntflad. Inde- L fj for Homic. r V ' I MWVUi - i aV wn w - . 1 "ncoejc aua, .uarnera vn aarvis a, Buxton 419. Coawrresa--.Vance 941, Atkin- I - XS cMw t.Wvo' a inrWaAnrieit ' and MATjftfmUrr esderf2J4. Dem 7rr" - r - z:t, ocraticuegiaiawvoanucwuniy uwicicvito. OtTRRtTrjCK Official. I " Hancock 974. Garfield 864; Jarvis 988.! Buxton 826. CongressLatbam, uemo- .?ahl ic Legislative ticket elected by a large Tbot. November 4. -Hancock 719, uar, congrefls i j o-.'Sz-teivjtH ", t. V vuwu wu, ju Mjw).va w Marntlvn nnrt eoUn'tv ticket elected. : DAviDWOfacial. ,r - Hancock 1781 i Garfield 1864;J Jarvis 174g r3axton 1887. Copgress Scales, Demoerak; 17.KeiochpubUcanv 1416; Winston, Greenbacker,-292. Lewis Hanes, Republican; elected to Senate and Wall and ThbmiB.'&pubtidahs, to the House. ,KDANBtniT,-Novembe4-Hancock 1344, mfflwtf 12; Jarvis 1180. Buxton 966- CpDgress Scales, Democrat, iaid. Keogh, Republican, 887, Winston, GreenbackeTj 36V Irnoeratic Legislative and county iroke't electeo;; CUMBERLAND Official. Hancock 2109 Gacfield 2137; Jarvis 2079, BuB)ln3rfGoreiowShacliel ford 210JL, Caaaday 2133, Kornegay 11. 1$$Wif$tt. Blpbkliepub Kcaufor Benatd.'nnd Rose and Towiwend, Democrats, are elected to the House. '-;! i S -4 i'i ' . .... y v - w r .. 'w- : t N. 'C TUESiDAXWOBMP880a. ., RANDOLPH Qfflcial, ' Abhbobo, November 5. Hancock 2005, Garfield 1811; Jarvis 1976, Buxton 1834 Congress Scales 2001 ; Keogb 1765. Dem - oer&tic Leeislative and county ticket elected. HAYWOOD Official. Waynesvillb, November 5. Hancock I 932, Garfield 607; Jarvis 959, Button 440 zuugress v aui;c u-xt, uu 'v a&iubuu 170. Democratic Legislative and county ticket elected. - ROCKINGHAM Official . Hancock 2403, Garfield 1539, Weaver 31; Jarvis 2361, Buxton 1502. Congress Scales 2313, Eeogb 1485, . Winston 51. I Democratic Legislative and county ticket I elected, MACON Official. Fbanklin, November 4. Hancock 746, Garfield 335; Jarvis 789, Buxton 267. De mocratic Legislative and county tickets elected. BURKE-Offlcial. Hancock 1125, Garfield 792; Jarvis 1076, Buxton 816. Congress Vance 1007, At kin80n 077f Loe 3. DemocraUc Legisla- live and county tickets elected. CHATHAM Official. PrrraBOBO', November 4 Hancock 2206, Garfield 1884; Jarvis 2159, Buxton 1888. Congress Cox 2147, Bledsoe 1816. Democratic Legislative and county ticket elected. 8TANLY Official. Hancock 887, Garfield 575; Jarvis 873, Buxton 606. Congress Myers 414, Dowd 829. All other Democrats elected CABARRUS Official. Hancock 1499, Garfield 1054 Jarvis 146-5, Buxton 1057. Congress Dowd 1375, Myers 966. Foil, Independent, is elected to Senate, and Means Heilman, Indepen dent, to House. LENOIR Official Kinston, Oct. 5. Hancock 1132, Gap- field 1353; Jarvis 1083, Buxton 1370. Con greas Kitchen, Democrat, 1095; Hubbs, Republican, 1859. R. W.King, Repub lican, is elected Senator, and W. W. Dunn, I Representative. NORTHAMPTON Official. Hancock 1514, Ga field 2085; Jarvis 1512, Buxton 2041. Congress Kitchen 1453. Hubbs 1452. Republican Legislative anfl county ticket elected. JOHN8TON Official Hancock 2059, Garfield 1631; Jarvis 2063, I Buxton 1707. Congress Cox 2151, Bled I 80e 1603. Judges Bennett 2064, Gilmer 2065, McLean 1336, Headen 1557. Dem ocratic Lag:slalive and county ticket elec ted. .Tlaj jrltlea lu Tblrd Oltrlei. Shackelford. Canaday. Ntw .Hanover (official) 836 Brunswick (offl 196 Carteret. .. Onslow. . 375 101 43f 471 ' Duplin Sampson (official Columbus (official)..... 637 Bladen (official) Cumberland (official). .. Moore (official) 136 Harnett (official) 299 Pender (official). .... ... 321 31 233 1617 3154 1617 Shackelford's maj'ty . NEW AUVKUTISKffflKNTtf. Munsoh Our new stock. A. V. Tbtjst Agents wanted. Fabkbb & Taylob Stoves, &c. J as. C. Murds Patent medicinea Miss S. A. Stbock Millinery goodr. Xucal atota. The Almanao predicts snow for to-day. ' L'Arioso Club give their first hop of the season at Germania Hail lof ... tu. 11 : i Two trifling cases were d!spose4 wl w J muuiaw jvowumj tBO form.m ot -1, to idniriea wo Xtt SBSWer tO inquiries W . . f m elate that it was on the night or the jwov Wmnmli that Ih. (IKunlirnl Dnnr" fn heralaat year. -LL - - - ! AaeiTeceipta tfcoitoii inw vno 1st to (he 10th of i November. 1879 looted up 4.987&eirthffiD a5 vS.w .mntd -ev ""w?.Ji'gf,"J r to 6304bAlesi shovf itfg an increase for 1880 ofMlii . : Through some unaccountably d goss carelessness, the communication n oul88ue orSttnday on .q, mter SuprjJy" was iriade to appear as Ue prof duction of "Thomas F. Cloud It was wriuul, M mott o! iu leaders oo doubt sup- posed, by Dr. Thomas F. Wood. Opera Bue ;; ;;,';.-' The Old Plantation Minstrels make their second appearance before a Wilmington audience this evening; at the Opera House, Although amateurs, their first performance was a pleasing entertainment, and showed that the troupe was above the average of professionals even. To-night they promise a far more attractive pro naliBKxti.BaprmeCir. We haobeen handedl by a member of theTegiff ittMo'm it was artAiwB the foUowmgraung ef tlie Supreme Court; whichrlAKt!CMtBc thrbfeaslon St.-MBrkfA'ot CQun8el hereafter filed for tie use of the cort ntt be printed and should contain a-'coiiclse jtatemeht of the f act necesatis; th errors fssjgned; butvorai ArgnmepU wll be beard and written briefs' may be read io place or as part ttereof as heretofore." ciau. . 13 V 1 loi sill ilf O I i: It. 4. BOA O, O I A tX KRIT1BN . Abstract o rreee4las;a of A.dj4traed meiiaraor Aldermen met, pursuantto adjournmedf, yesterday afternoon, at Uie City Hall, for the purpose of acting npon the report . of .the CommiUce on Water Works. .S1. ; j-'. .., Alderman Hill moved that tho report of tlie committed be'adopled.and that the con traci 10 suppiy me city wnn water worxs be awarded lb Messrs J. A. Cloud & Co. a. 1 , .. , , After fu discussion of the matter, tbe motion of Alderman Hill was unanimously adopted. Oh motion, a gas lamp was ordered to be placed at the corner of Church and Third streets, and oil lamps were ordered -to bo Placed at.I?dck and Eleventh streets and Dock and twelfth streets. I A petition from John G. Borneman for permiEsion to- erect a wooden building on Market street, was referred to the Commit tee on Fire Department, with power to aot. Oo motion, the Board adjourned . i Firemen's. JParaife. ", Toe Cpe Fear, Steam; Fire; Engine Com pany, No: 8,: manned by colored firemen, celebrated their ana versary yesterday by a parade on the public streets, beaded by a band of music. The handsome engine was beautifully decorated With wreaths of ever- greens, while the nodding plumes of the hor 8es added to the general effect of tbe procession, which was, altogether, quite an imposing one. At sight a splendid collation was spread for the firemen at their' hall on Ann street, which was partaken of with a zest becom ing the bsppy occasion. Since its organization the company have given their , services at one hundred snd nine firet at one of which they were mi 3 OH duty for oyer forly-one hours and have, besides, "turned out" atninetyafbur "false alarms." " " ' Finb street mr K. en nren . The services at the Fifth Street M. E. Church on Sunday morning last, in con nection with the baptism of tbe Chinese youth, alluded to in our last, is said to have been exceedingly impressive. Tbe young man, whose Chinese appellation was Soon assumed the Christian i name Tn baptism of Charles Jones. Considerable religious interest was manU fested at the various services at this church during the day, and at night a mate of one Of the vessels in port was, we learn, happily converted. A series of meetings will be held by the' Pastor, Rev. T. Tage'Ricaud. Postponed. - The trial of C. H. Grant, - charged with disorderly conduct at the polls on. election day, which was to have come off to-day, has been postponed until Thursday morn ing next, in consequence of the fact that the City Attorney k Mr. Darby, has been summoned from the City by telegraph and cannot be here until tbe time specified BIVKBAHB KUU1NE. : a fT.t 1a.T.)i ntitk a. un wu ,n"u wu, nUbu naa in tow of the steamer D. Murchuon, ran on . ' . a snsg near Kelley 's Cove, about fifty miles . j "V, Up the Cape Fear river, on Sunday aftetv noonlast. and sunk, mtfta.n J3urf, which arrived here on Sunday, left that night about 1Z o'clock lo render assis- taoce in . recovering the cotton, and the , . . n . 117.., nkiit, n v, n.n ..et.k. day rorning, at 4 o'clock,' left With the same purpose in view early in the fore- noon. The steamer was bound for this city, and the flat had on it about 300 bales of cottoo, the damage to which will proba bly not be materials . . The mails close andt arrive at the City 4?ost Office as follows: f closb. i ISTprihern through mails. . . . . .' : 7:45 P. M. Northern through and way !i VXtiUS. ... ..... i.i'i .i . a 9:80 AM. Raleigb..i...,5:30 A. M sand 5jQ0 P. M. Mails for the it-XL Railroad, , . r A v VAtitaa' annnlinn wtAviA-' ' from, . including IBl.' '& IX. C. Railroad, at. . t-Ai . .' v:':. . . 5:80 A. M. auu ivuea duuuuu uuio- - f SouUiern'xaailsf ofJ all; points South.vlailv. . ..8 A. M. and 7s45 P. M. Western mail8(C..C. R'y) daily (except Sunday). ... . . . . . . . 5 :00 P. M. Mail for ChefaWoV DarliBgtotf j- Railroad; . ... t-'. i-.'v.i 7.45 P. M. Mails loo points between 'Flo-. . ren.ee and -yliarleston, jc A. - Fayetteville.andbfficesdhCape Fear CKiver, Tuesdays ana . Fridays,.... . . .v.l.. i w. . . : j 1 :00 P.M. Fayette ville,' via, Lnmberton, , . i ? dailv. except Sundays 5:00 P.M. OnslbW O. H. 'and- interme.1 - ; diate offices, Mondays and! j hursdsys. ..... .... fl.OO A,,M. Smithville mails, bv steam?. . . - . . . I jM-fi!' urcek; bhauotte iftbd1 iiittie 1 : Rtvnf i Mondm nrtrt 'j'hnro. .. . , , davs. . . . . . . . ... ...i H oy ax. Wibiiingtot: and! Black River tjoapei. jaonaays, veane- davs and Fridays.1 . .'i. 1; .V' 5:00 Ai M. k OPEN YOB : XELIVBltY. Northera through v and way tnaHn- ..- . r 7.-00.A M. Northern through mails. . . .'. .' , 9 SO, A. M SoutberriTrialls. . ; . .--.v... . '.-SO-A,. CaroUria Central Railroad. . . 10 OO A. M. ' Generic delivery open from 6i00 A; M. to!6;00 P. M-i and on Sundays from 80 Co Stamp 0fl3.ee open from A. M. to i2M and f rom to P.M.1 Money orderand lgiste4lMpattmes Open BStme as" qstamb uaoeuii qflnuu jif-.t .-.-( ft---.) m fflfaaltaleaaefde Vfheh ftamp,omcew;Cipseq , , ?3 -r a,t ' MailsSlIeSsdlrbm " seet' We$$er I 'A'deir'ni elsstfo J&Wt&tiF digest tiea.ottnd eejruoyaiit tpirltri vacate "l.S?l&i Snce yo i of theif wonderful effect. ' f " 1 WHOtETNO: 4,130 Dally Weaibor Bulletin, The following will ahow the' stato of the thermometer, at the stations samed, 3.00 P. M. yesterday, Washington mean time, end also the amount of rainfall in inches lor the twenty-four hours ending at 3 p. M., as furnished, by Sergeant James W. Waiaoo, Signal Officer at this Station: Tpm p " Weath Atlata. i , . .i. . . ' : 04 06 Clamiv R. F. .00 .00 , .00 -v tmjsuai.f . oo har!!fKn- 5 Charlotte..;... i.i - 04 opraicana. , , . . - 08 GalvestonT:. C5 rClea Fair1 5Fair' Havana, . . KeWrtt16' " Mobile. Vs. ...' Montgomery. . . T pQaljaJJJ" ' ' Savannah..?'.'.!! -84 55 84 55 57 53 79 58 58 63 5U .00 ja 'Cloudy .00 .-,Cloudy .00 "? Cloudy .00 1 OJoudy .00 Cloudy .uu tjiouay .00 Cloudy .00 Cloudy .00 Cloudy I Wilmington Cedar Keys. . .Ql Cloudy Pensacola . . . 09 1 Cloudy The following are tbe Indications for the Middle and South Atactic States tb-dayi Cloudv anrf thrMiinin wpathor S , occasional Tight rains, southeast to south- east winds, lower barometer, stationary or higher temperature. . The "Claro Fibre" Advertised in the Stab, is nothing more rlor1 feis thsn our own nativo pine straw,' which has been I shipped North, manipulated, and returned to tbe South again for sale possibly to manyoftbo persons who gave it away -to the gatherers. It is said lo possess famous medicinal virtues, however, and for mat tres stuffing bas no equal in its new state. Corruption in our national affairs has tbe same effect on the Government that a sc- I vere Cough or Cold has unou tbe human eystra Ffolitical reform in the former and "uuuj(u Djiup iu iuu inner caae I w,-l ramaAv tho ooila A II iho 1 . !. will remedy the evils. All tho druggists sen u ior cents a bottle. f CITY 1TJB9I&. THE MORNING BTAK can alway be had at the following place In the city : The Pnrcell Iloac, Harris' Newsstand, and the Bta. Office. Eminent !Dr. Wm. P. Btentrt, Marine Hospital Port of Baltimore, writes : "I take pleasure in re commending Oolden's Liebig's Liquid Extract of Beef as a most excellent Tonlo and invlgorator of the system. I have tested It with universal eoct Gbxxn & Flxnrsr, Agents. Wilmington. NEWSPAPER FOR SALE. A weU estieushed and prosperous Weekly Newspaper, located in a thriving, growing town on the line of a prominent Railroad, Is offered for sale. Terms rcash. For terms and particulars apply to the editor of this paper. . GET OUT DOORS. The. close confinement Of all factory work, elves the ooerativc nsiud fimw. I poor appetite, languid, miserable feelings. Inactive i I liver, kidneys and urinary troubles, poor Wood.aud ' -1 all the physicians and medicine ta the world cannot1 f doors or ne Bop dally fr and rosy cheeks in them. They cost but a trifle. See another column . Christian Recorder. be BDunaance ox neaicn. etrnsmne .. i ' t.j.. WHO IS MRS. WINSLOW t As this question Is frequently asked, we will simply say that hs 1 a lady who for upwards of thirty years has untiringly devoted her time and talent a a Venule Physician and nnrae, principally among children. She has especially studied the constltnUon and wants of this numerous class, and. as a result of this effort, and practical knowledge obtained in a lifetime spent a nurse and physician, she has compounded a Booth- in? Rrrnn for rJltldmn trnthlno. Tt Anaretaa IIV. I majdc giving rest and health, and is moreover sore vj rcKuiate toe Doweis. in conseananm or una tide Mrs. Wlnslow 1 becoming world renowned as a benefactor of the race; children certainly do sm ITPUllI hi AMI hftP! M1UM.11 fa thl. . In .hi. I clty Vast quanUtle of the Boothlnjr Brrnnue DAJI.T sold and used here. We think Mrs. Wlnslow I naaunmorwisener name Dy, nils lnvaiuable artl- cle, and we sincerely belisve thousands of children J8 f1lffvriIm.aafarlTK?rYe lK ttalr use. and that millions yet unborn will share its benefits, and unite in calling her blessed. No mo- ther has discharged her duty to her suffering little one, in our opinion, until she has givm it the bejoe- j ctg1Boby aUJDrngg 85 cent a bottle. I " I kluss OnMj tyrtle Grove Sound, on the 7th in loY KLL18S, widow of the late I Bxant. Mrs. FAN! : The funeral wfll take place from the residence ef Mr. C. O. Morse, on Myrtle Grove Sonnd,early thl CPaday) afternoon. Tne Mends and acqualntaa- cesof the family are respectfully Invited to at- tend. . 8WANN. In Moor county, on the Snd In stent V. W, SWANN, aged 66 years. NEW ADTEliTISEidENTS. History or tHe Unitei States at a Glance, A HISTORICAL. GEOGRAPHICAL, POLITI cal and Statistical Publication on a new prin ciple, containing a vast amount of information In. the most convenient form. A thorough knowledge I of the above subjects, ad muck else, can b more I V61! aS?UIrfd bTA wr ftf? y any etiwr. no StD&ltW ; . Whitehall SU, Atlantay Ga. , Miss ;S. A. Strock JJAS THE ; MOST 'STYLISH MILLINERY GOODS in the city, as. her Agent ia New Tork ia able to send bar tbe LATEST OF EVERYTHING. In the Lessmaa House, six doors from Maraet Street." , , . notf OiirlTew Stock & CLOTHING IS. ON THE WAY, AND WILL BE OPENED THIS WEEK. MUNBONi ' nov 9 It Clothier aad Merchant Tailor. At Parker; & Taylor's t'hky have the fullest STOCK OF I -av I - . ! , I-!"' i n. vv n li.. TT .1 .1 ... ut.i.iii i i ntentin the Southern market. Their prices ar low and Quality warranted. Have yon seen their Lamb uooaar jouee Biggins, isniuuua -ita , roc foor MaU, BirdCages. Call at 19 Front street, no 7 If Patent Hedicines ..j . , ' : : i I fV ALL KINDS, PUKB DRUGS, FIBB CUB Ml- A, , "I.l.:... ,i cals and Toilet and Fancy Article of every descrlp- uvu a Jk- aa ovaav wj JAMES & JCTJNDS. Druggist. ; ' " no norm rront ex. Prescriptloris compounded at all hours, day or. night. B09tf .il. ii V TtaMA VhWiAb araaWn a4aaaHatl Mt1rl lataPlll yn HIT HHUiva iamu uw vm mmmmm, m By the gosetp she sends around. tales are told ttotanrprtse aad alarm.; , v f. iiiS2jSl Which are fals i 141 Cfc&U IIUn Va v mm rale and devoid or a grouno. sa when she tells every one, furnished by DYER ft SON. Tourists .1 A- ls i :jMt&Jumtwkm I A 4Trelin Bs , fue at r 10Tnd ReVaU HeerEsiblishmeni no n tt mallard & BOWDKN.' j tMMt O&IjB OB d7. os o7 t tv ""-" tWO &17,..." r'l.l.i.". I 7t .-,.., IOWViJt,....v"...."...,r" w " . -u" ...TWMU..i..m -i'u' '6 60 Thxaawaeaa,..,.',. "6 60 1 mm monux. , 10 on " .. Two month,.. ........ .17 00 .. " ' VThrM month,. ,'..,.. ..!... .. 84 00 " - Six month,... 40 W " Oaf jar,... V.U... M 00 , 1317-Contract AfljcilbKtoootatakeii at Vf1 rtiwumy lew tatoav iv... if, I y . Ta lino ll4NcpxeU type max onBqnar. NEW ' ADVERTISEMENT. at O P E R A - TI O Ul S E . ' ..... . .; fl , .1- ,4- ONE NIG-HT ONLY! SECOND APPBABAMCK OV TUB OLD tVKV- TATIUN M1HMTRBJJ9. thavooosMot tkaflrtJer Owiiur to th tucoea at 1 itnt O rrrormacca of the above nam organisation, they will make 1 ) their Beeoad Appearanoa oa TUXSDAT, WOVSM ttKK 0l&. In a far mora altrafiUTO lTocrimm far mora aUraeUvo lYoeramma ttan the first. Thy bare mad Mversl Ulent4 addltloaa to their Troapa, and claim that ther ar cond to no amateur orgmnisatkm of thl kind la th South . y aara oaptx, mi :rraL Old Face but Haw Attraction. . Beaerved Seat on te at Ualaaberawr. without extra charge. Uonaral admlten tOei Oallarv t5c. Door open at 7; oonuanoal8 Q'odu. po7tt lfl. CRONLK, Auctioneer. BY CBOKLT MOKH IS ' - ...... . t, Mortocrt Sals cf Real Estate ifi Wil- BY VIBTUB 09 A DBBO OValORTUiQK with power of aato, axaeated ttba aadacatcned by John I. Bolme and wire, on.th lt day or w I offleo of tha conntr f New HnoTCf. DooJ poieaotr, ittu, anareniera u u Kf jiaw" wcw unover, uouKXX, I oafl "111. 1 Will Mil to Lha hlrhJllt hlddftf. fnr raak J at tho Market Bon, in th city of WUmtocton. at 11 odocat a. am . , on vmm su aaj v hot per, 1880, the valnaM property aerlbd 1a aid aaort gage, ' betaa; th lot n tba aorttrw! oonrar of jroarta and Chesnct Ueef. and now Meaptad bv aldBolm. 'lha paiehaserwU! and be reqalrad to pay the parchi two honr of the cloe Of aaXa, er will par ror . paper. mrcUaaa roooej within aaXa. or other arraniro- meatslor tho aalowul be mad. . WALTBB V HTIKLE. noS ood td sa ta th Mongairte. Fancy Butter. A. H AVNO MADE ADR RaSMKVTB W1TD A Fonn y lvaala ereanw ry to an their eekoi led ROSEBUDBUTTER I z 7 I . . ' . ' 1 ' lining- ntr-. I tak a pktf nro In Informing my frioLd and all connolsrcurs In !B TJ T T iEJ . ',r,4iy that aftor to-morrow I wUI b able to furnish them daily with tbe Identical articl same a 1 uicd In the city of Philadelphia, and onctblng (entirely new here. Thl Hatter has A he reputation of bavin; niYcr been excelled IN THE WORLD. JN0. L. BOATWRIQHT, no 7tf n and 1 3 North front Ht. Corn! Coral Com! Hay, Hay,; Hay. ' V .QOQ bushels pni-tEwurne M'tLLTRO CORN, 25Q 0AiBd CHOICE EAbTERN JUAV, i Juat received and for alo by B. F. Mitchell & Son. no 7 3t ' t 1 Removal. J HAVE REMOVED FROM KO. 1 TO NO. 0 South Front Street, 3rd door from Solomon' rner. I am not the only German Barber la town. but have the Neatest Hhop and tan alway b found at myi ly post, with polite and Wo. 1 Assistant. OClOtX U. (A FKIULrXBT Coal and Wood. j-ON'T FORGET THAT WE HAV. MOVED to the premlce. corner of Water and Mulberry street, where we keep OOALfWoOD. SHlNGLkS, BRICK, and POWDER at owt cash prloa. ' - . G. rARHLkT.Jr., ocS7tf CVr. Mulberry and Watwr at. Silk and SthT Hats ! TJMBRBLLAS OF EVERT QUA1TTT ! ' Good IS -Rib at tbe iJowekTYlces I HARRISON X AtLkV," no7tf "'" Walter. : : j .:. !'. i ):; Carpets !" nrowh A noddick, 45 Market at. ... . , . i. . ." ' 1 THE LARGEST AS80RTMINT OF CARriTS outh of New York. , J , I I Gents' Fancxf ock., A lob lot of the above af 15c t worth 80c, a decl dedban?arn. i.i ti-i .. -i . . "6ROfN 4 RODDICK. . ' - I ;i li.- 4o Market St. Colored Horder Ilaudkervliler. W are offertoa? a ' fall Una of OOLORXD BOR DER HANDKEBCHIEFS foe ladle aad genla. All tb latatnoveltiMor.tberaaKMa. nuuws Kuuiwa, 050 tf 1 1 48 MarkM Jit. ' J Td The Public T ' T. i-i IT- t ' T-.-1 HE UNDERSIGNED HAVING FORMED A eo pwtnrahlp awAar ' the naaae : t SOUTUEB LAND A CO.. for the pmrpo of carrrinr. on a LIVEKY. BOARD AND 1ALB STABLK, an Iwln- ms atreet. onrjoalte the Ooera Hanaaa, deair to In- treet, opp itkepnblie patronage, firm Ur7ublli of th tuk aad vrnftmrnt a abare of tteirpatros. ' . W. bOyTHKtLABD, -.! 1 -'): MaViUiriWIial.ll'l' IV. B. Personal attention glvn to the ewe of Horse placad with Am. Will obas-oawti). NESDAYNEXT, . , , nor7 8t Jn6tElSc6iv,ed:H 1 FINE 'AfiibkhtP tJto. Horse Blanket. Harneaa. Badalea. Trnnka.'atc., , and for. sale low oaai -ji ?ii ilLijdw oe ik It E'fml uswtAAtfi mm vaa JiampsLimtenxiJ, TrtdsKWM ott; 'iaaJnJlNTi rJTttos. Jnt foVeTerTbodT'. uie.YlinUh, Cek-nsdc,, tpr Wt tf ! ! ' as booti Front fet

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