W1ZMINGTON, N. Tuesday MoKJriNG.Kovembfcr 9, 1S80 MORNING EDITION. THE LATEST N K W S. - - V"" - at. -- - - FROM ALL PASTS OF TH. WORLD fwatttlUN imriiLLi ht THE TURKS PREPARING TO CLOSE T11K r a PT A yrET.T.'gg TBI All OF RUSSIAN NIHILISTS LAND MEETINGS IN IRE LAND -EI GOB O US PROSECUTION' F THE FRENCH DECREES, &C IBj Cable to the Morulas Star. London, November 8. A dispatch from Marseilles says that the siege of tbe Abbey of tbe Premontre Fathers continues and troopft still sarroand the monastery. The authorities do not intend to break open tbe doors, bat will continue the siege a month if necessary. The Fathers declare they have sufficient provisions and will not yield. At Cbambery tboTrappists of Tamie were dis persed on the 6th inst.. by a body of seven brigades of genadarmerie and fifty troops of the line. Several land meetings were held in Cork on Sunday at which the prosecutions of in dicted members of the Land League were Land Leaguers were opposed by a powerful body of fanners and farm laborers, who were led by Mr. Walsh, a former member ef the Land League. Walsh's party stormed the platform, and after a desperate conflict Walsh harangued tbe meetidg, de oounciag the Land League. A dispatch from Madrid says that the ex pelled French monks are flocking there. The nobles are offering them their palaces, and town councils are giving them other convents and vacant buildings. A Constantinople dispatch says: luc I'orte is making tremendous efforts to be in a position to effectually close the Darda nelles at short notice. A dispatch from St. Petersburg says that at the trial before a military tribunal all the Nihilist prisoners acknowledged be longing to the revolutionary party. One named Sheraieff admitted that be partici pated in the preparation of the mine under the railway at Moscow, in December, 1879, and two others recounted proceedings in connection with the mine on the Llmphero pol railway. HEW YOHEi BLErfMle 8PAUKR. THE POST'S AETICLE ON FINANCIAL MATTERS. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. New York, November 8. The Pott's noanciai arucie says: Aiinougn me United States Treasury will continue to pay 103 for any of the 6 per cent, bonds which mature December 31st next, that may be presented, yet the main dependence of the money market during tbe next eight vctt9 will ha irnld imnnrta. Them ia nn doubt that foreign gold will be imported; but what there is doubt about is whether it will come in sufficient amount to keep the bank reserve from falling to a point which will compel the contraction of bank loans. The banks, on a volume of $335,000,000. iuans. aie within a million and three- quarters of that point, and this too with the spirit of speculation at the Stock EJf change rampant. Currency is leaving the ciiy iu considerable amounts for the West and South, cotton and notk trarip.n rpnra- sentingtbe mast urgent demands, and it will cause no surprise if the money market becomes decidedly active. Quotations to day on call loans is 34 per cent. For time money 5 per cent, is bid Prime mercntile paper is 46 per cent." OHIO. A 11 OK BIBLE TEAGEDT AT BATES VILLE. JBt Telegraph to the Morning Star.l Batesvtlle, November 8. A horrible tragedy became known here yesterday morning. Frank M. Birdenbaugb, a wealthy young German, who three years mio married n. rlantrhter of neinhKntinn ca O rvk 1 U farmer, came home late Saturday night in tuxicated and entering tbe room where his wife and child were sleeping, assaulted them with an axe. His wife's skull was crushed by a single blow, and then he cut bis son's throat with the edge of tbe axe. lie then went to a ronm whpm Mn Stephens, a visitor, and her child and ser vant were sleeping, and killed Mrs. Stephens and her child. The servant girl was awakened and sprang toward the door, but was knocked senspipca nH left fnr dead. Upon recovering consciousness she gave tbe alarm, and the neighbors came to tbe house. It was not till morning that the marderer was found, in a tobacco house, with his throat cut. He is not fatally in ured. Jealousy, drunkenness and insanity re supposed te have led to the commission f .1 I , T me uornoie crime. All the raiL-uads between Chicago and. St Louis are telling limited -tickets' at one dollar. , The 6'eamer 'Gallia, from Liverpool, brought (450.000 in, specie to New York yesterday Gatli'-ufd ujr.ri y inO.cgou ia 547, with lw cwu.iiea t i.-nr from, which will probably incrthe it to COO.. Nearly ihree-quartets of themiuiou town f CiiigL-iD, U't', were destroyed by fire 5iii.y i-ifcl.'. $50,000. P.uftoMjr A. J. Cordon, of Locust Dale M liurv Srhool, Virginia, died suddenly 8n d y wiiile titiciiditig church iu Cul-!'-ppt-r O'-e f ltK u:ilh of tbe IfeHde Paper (.: ni.nny. r-itua c I in (JnsoM, Conn., wt iit'flro t ! I litif Sunday nuh Loss oc.rly $85,000. T'le rnniur tbat llliinccM lulinr wua hfina , - w introduced into i.k nod u'Ler mills of Pateisou. New Jeis. y, is met with an in dignant denial from the manufacturers there. Collector Clark, of Atlanta, Georgia, seized, on the 16th inst , in Clayton, Rabun county, Georgia, three mules, two wagons, a quantity of illicit spirits and four illicit stills. The advisory committee of the Demo cratic National Committee, consisting of Messrs. Barnum, Hewitt and Cleveland, were in private session yesterday at their iaie ueaaquariera. it was uuaersiooa mat tbe only wotk before tbe committee was the auditing of certain bills of expenses incurred during tbe campaign. HORSFORD'3 ACID PH03PHATE in nervous dieeascs. W. A. Hammond, M. D., late Surgeon General U. S. Army, said, that under the use of arsenic and Horsford's Acid Phosphate, a young lady recovered her reason, who bad been ren dered insane by a dream. f Brooklyn Solid S TO GOOD THINGS TO EAT. ANOTHER lot of Cakes and Crackers just in, all kinds; Pre serves, all kinds, 1! X cents per pound. Fresh Lot of Candies, Oranges, Lepjous, Cuoanuts, Apple?, Cabbai.es, Onions, Potatoes ai.d freeh Bgijs Coffees roasted every othor day and thj boet To sold in this city. N. C. Roe Herring, The iifilciaor Opbiiifig qtiotatiutix lit! vf are poetfd at the Pjmluco Etch I' ire I ii! if at 1 P. M.f Hfil refer to ptici hi ini im-i i STAR OFFICE. Nov. 8. 0 P M. .SPIHITS TUKPENT1NE Tti mvL-1 ws qu-'ixi dull hi 42 c ins p-r W Uh smiU 1 1 Salt s later in the day at 4 a -; ROSIN The market wasfdull i f 3i t, .i Strained, and steady at 1 40 (or - i Strained. No Biles to i eport . TAH The maiket was firm ai -Id per bbl of 280 lbs, with sales ai quo'ii:!. CRUDE TUilPENTINE Murke; uut with rtnlix i pored at $1 80 for Ilart ,n 2 80 per bbl for Yellow Dip and Va i.. COTrON The market was tir.n. :ih sales of 100 ba'ej on piivate lums, and 150 do. on a basis of 10f cents per loj for Middling Futures for November opened barely' steady in New York at 10.83 cents, and closed dull at 10 83 cts; January opened barely steady at 10 92 cents and closed dull at 11.04 cts. Tbe following were tbe official quotations here; ' i ' '.''-''' '.' -i ir'A - V MIS0KIJ.AMEOP8. ; Fjtn tflintTCP M fipopT I ttf.l advanced ic in afternoon. Oats ective, A 1 . - - . r' ' ti m and higberiCOIo cash; 3Hc January. 32 U KC t - St -3 2i ! cf l vrV'tt r..., "' Poik f iily HctlveB(itf bade higher fet mmZ l. c W " W - ? - NOW OPKN AT $13 i5UCK)Lardaitlyt,vci and a 4 : , ; ' iiHd-tbeaijigio-JJulkrneata steady- - j - -j - . . ' I n..,i raJfdi-detoand1;bbMtderM4 60; short " - J IlVfll. JVL. IKI -A. T' Z ' S !.i t 5TCi JVkUkey . Vt'ady and un- i ' 5 ?C!Sfi?- 36 Market Street I f !. ranh to tte Mornlnz Star.l r l I ' 1 ' .( ti 'u'l iCceipt 4 016 ti cs; , "f" quid at 10J Cei t- tfi r pi S'' f, iviiuii. dui a' lli c N-m-l I " ' N- v n . 0 !t ( !' i.'IU !, . r c' n sS54 i alis, Plii!--i-i, du I Hi ni 1(' o.ih m l r. r.tit.ih 7 HtM Ihi-h- N w Driej, f., ju mi,.d deiiind it 10f ctt u t rect-ipis' 8 fc3 H; Mot iir. nim at 10J rents uel ,ecei i-i p 4 672 lali'; Mt-m phi, quie- at 10 els net receipt 4,809 bales; Aueuuta, quiet at 10 cents net r ceipts 1.D&L bales; Charleston, uuctucged at 10 916 cf nts act receipts 4,053 bales All the Laleat Novelties in DRESS GOODS, CLOAKS. SHAWI..N stapleIc faimcy iRY GOODS FaMer adverliwment in a fow days. Huyorn will fin. I it to thnr im. n nC cents p lb The fattest and largest Mackerel for fl?e cents you ever saw. Loose Piekice. Piciled Pigs Feet, Pickled Beef and Pork. FERRIS' HAMS, SHOULDER AND STRIPS, in fact everything yon can think of good to eat. Remember we always guarantee oar prices as low as the lowest, and d. liver poods promptly. Respectfully, Jas. G. Stevenson & Co. Ordinary Good Ordinary Strict Good Ordinary. 9 Low Middling 9 Middling lOf Good Middling PEANUTS Sales reported at 3040 cts for shelling stock, 60 cents for Ordinary, 60 cents for Prime, 70 cents for Extia Prime, and 80 cents for Fancy. Market quiet. iflCBIPTKt uuiluii 203 bales. Spirits turpentine. . .' 78 casks. Rosin. 744 bbls.1 Tar . 1M Crude turpentine . . . .. . .7 .7. 893 " ! COri ON AND NAVAL STORKS WEIKLY 8TATEHI KN I'. RECEIPTS For Vie week ending Nov. 8th, 1880. Cotton. Spirits. Rosin. Tar. Crude. 6,804 1,514 6,779 873 1,625 RECEIPTS From Nov. 1st, to Nov. 10th, 1879 Cotton. Spirits. Rosin. Tar. Crude. 4,987 2,852 10,885 490 3,744 EXPORTS For the week ending Nov 8th, 1880. Cotton. Spirits. Rosin. Tar. Crude. i)v Cable to tho Morning Star.) Liverpool. Nov. 8. 5.15 P. M Cotton Upland 1 m c, November and December delivery 611-16d; January and February vu oj;ainrcu anu April o il-oza; April and May delivery 6 13 32d. Futures weak Long clear middles 44s. Nev York Naval Store Market, November 4. Spirits turpentine There is little change to ttfe market, with trade moderate; sales or to DDIs in merchantable order m An iia closing at 4545i cents. Rosius have do varied iu price, with little trade for the market. The following are the quotations: Btraincd at $1 80; good strained 1 85: No. 2 E F $1 902 05; No. 1 G H 2 25 2 60; good No. 1 i $2 752 85; low pale K $3 003 12; pale M $3 37; extra pale N $3 62i3 75; and window glass W t4 00 a t . vuy pucn at $i oo. rar is quoted nominal at from fS 253 50 Sign of the Show Case with the Shoe malcer. TLf Y STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES ALWAYS complete. Call and examine. Satisfaction guar anteed to enstomers. Now la time to supply yoor families. A fall lino of those CHILDREN'S SCOTCH 80LB- in lm unci hnttnm Kiohia U killl. Convince yoarseives of the fact. A new lot of those SCOTCH ROLE GAITERS jnst received. Don't forget the eld number. C. ROSENTHAL, ftlARKET ST. not a JOB PRINTING. to call od or order of oc 10 tr 36. Market Street. i w int lmuim. ine excitement i P. L. Bridgers & Co. AGAIN Cbarletuon Naval store fflarttet November 6. There was a dull market for nidi no anH there were no tiausactious reported. Pre vious rates were somewhat . nominal at $1 45$1 CO for C D, $1 00l 70 for Hi HI 75 for F: 1 85 fur O: 2 fnr H 49 vk for I; 2 50$3 55 for K; $2 80 tor 41; f3 00 for N; $3 25 for window gluss. Spiri. its turpentiue in demand, bales at 4U ctB per gallon. THE MORNING STAB The First in the Field Steam Printing House, MORNING ST AM BUILDING, PRINCESS STREET. MOST THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED PE1NT1NQ OFFlCB IN THE CITY. JUST ARRIVED. Goois for Ciiristmas M tke Holidays. UNPARALLELED Uomes'c. 1.625 Foreign, 1,600 Total.. 3.225 756 300 000 2.9C0 834 000 834 33 00 33 756 3,200 EXPORTS From Nov. 1st to Nov. 10th, 1879. Cotton. Spirits. RoBin. Tar. Crude Domea'c, 2.110 810 2.284 215 50 Foreign, 3.408 000 5.959 000 00 215 50 no7 tf Brook! yr. Removal. A HAVE REMOVED MY LIVERY STABLE from Princees street to Fifth, between Knlberry and Walnnt streets, where I will be pleased to eun plr the wanfa of my friend and the public. Prices will be made to Bolt the times nov7 tf B. SCOTT. Ladies' Shoes, RECEIVED TO-DAY AN ELEGANT ASSORT- ImproTed Last, medium Heel and Plain Toe: latest gtjle. Alao Lkdiea' and Misses Basket-Top French Heel and Box -Toe Shoes. Boys' Shoes of various styles at Terv low Briecs. THOMAS H. HOWKY, no 7 U So. 47 North Market . Call and See. J1MBERGER,SWISS AND SAP-SAGO CHSESB Dutch Herrings. Sonced Pig Feet, new Luise Beans. Beef Tongue. Fulton Market Bae', Carrots, C011?. Mackerel, Cranberries, Oranges, Lemons! and a full line of Family Groceries low for cash. T. vni i ioa no 7 il 26 and 88 South Front street. Total.. 5,518 , 8,10 8,243 8TOCX3. AsJiore and Afioat November 8. 1880. Ashore. Afloat. Totals. Cotton 12,574 6.902 19.478 Spirits.... 5,249 COO 5,249 KOStn 115,531 800 116,631 Tar 810 000 810 Crude 1.420 000 1,430 STOCKS. Ashore and A float November 10, 1879. Cotton. Spirits. Rosin. Tar. Crude. 13,170 14,648 120,615 4.341 1,807 QUOTATIONS. Norember 1, 1879. November 1, 1879. Cotton.... lOf Hi Spirits 47 87 Rosin $1 45ai 50 $1 30 1 35 Tar $1 65 $1 50 Crude $2 75 $2 25 Bostou Boot, Sboe and Leather mar ket. Commercial Bulktin, Nov. 6. A very confident and wholesome feeling prevails in regard to tbe coming trade, and a few orders for women' sewprf wnrtr for men's calf and hnff irnnria r. .u.. . . r - w au Lauf being received. Tbe present prospect is that prices will be established on about tbe same level as for tbe season just closing. Tbe leather market is moderately active and steady, and thoue-h confining their purchases of many classes of stock to immediate requirements, there seems to be no reason to expect any mate rlal decline in values for some time to come. MARINE. StapNotice. l ALL PERSONS ARB HEREBY cautioned against trusting or harbor ing any of the crew of the Morwe Xjsrguux Barque "HOPE," Stoesen, Mas- ir, irom ZJoroeanx, as no debts of their contracting will be paid by Cap tain or a P. MXBANX, Consignee. J8 no 6 St TENNESSEE. A REPUBLICAN LEGISLATOR INELIGIBLE ON ACCOUNT OF CRIME POSSIBLE EFFECT ON THE SELECTION OF A U. S. SENATOR. IBy Telegraph to the Morning Star. Memphis, November 8. Some excite ment pervades political circles over the dis ixiTery wai xiooen Ai.cK.enna, one of tbe ten Republicans elected to tbe legislature from tbia county, is ineligible, having been convicted of incest for marrying his wife's ttrand-daughter. McKenna was pardoned ty Gov. John C. Brown, four years ago, but It is claimed baa never applied to be restored to tbe rights of citizenship, and tbl he is therefore disqualified from hold ins office. It ia HtatnH that a irhfi..ta sii be given to W. B. Wiliston, a Democrat, who received tbe next highest vote. This change may posslbly determine the selec tion of aU. 8. Senator, as the complexion of tbe Legislature ia very close. AUK ANSA.. A COLORED REPUBLICAN ELECTED TO CONGRESS IN THE FIRST DISTRICT. By Telegraph to the Mornint? st.r i Memphis' .November s ti, turns indicate the election of Johnson, co lored. Renablicao. tt (nnr.rno. .- .L. V . . , vT- . -fi".w ia me r irsi Arkansas District, by l.COO, over Poindex- t iuou, .isuuiucrai. uonnson is a barber residing in Augusta, Ark. His candidacy electron. WBe" Pf,r 10 lLe A special from Little Rock says the Re publican State Central Committee of Ar kansas claim tbe election of two Reoubli- .gressmen iviurphy in tbe Fourth fhf?lea LB lbe Third. Oistricta-wlth S'.S i1- Publican, - AlOLl lUk. The American Committee of Bible Revi sion announce , to the American public Sit cluing marginal aderT Th'iT Ir published jor approved by the Univerattv presses of England, will be recoea led hi tbemas tJxe authorized ediUooTW i? tca is given ia view of the ear'ly pubiica linn rf ih. 1SJ rr ; . ' MUUUCa- mow tnuuucut, as revised A collision occurred on the Seaboard Railroad near Weldon Saturday mrtr S Petersburg. Three care were wrecked and The NewIHat Store. TITY STOCK IS COMPLETE IN ALL OF THE Latest Styles or Gents.' Children,' Ladies and Misses' Ua's. Also nice line of Qento' uraieh.iiie Goods. Call and examine before purctusin?. JOHN M. ROBINSON, oc 17 tf Market St. , next door to Mcllhenny's. FresH HocloiiE Bird Seed. Canary bird seed, drugs. medicints. cioars, BHUSHfcS. &c, Ac., for sale by VvM. H. GREEN, nov7 Druffglst. Market street. McD. & W. ii-PINE LINE OP TOP BUGGIES JUST FIN Ished and ready for sale. CARTS and DRAYS cwriage, i rimming and paint shops conatanUyln oc 31 tf McDOUGALL WILLIAMSON. P. H. Hayden's JS THE PLACE TO GET YOUR LAP ROBES, Horse Blankets and Boots. Carriages, Buggies and Drays made and repaired at his factory, on Third street, between Princess and M.rkes. Come and get the worth of your money, no 7 If Light. WE OFFER THE GREATEST VARIETY OF Burners. AC . of an v Hnn.a i. it,. -t. n ' Kf1Sl,fiht n me 8Bb3ect et it by inqair. GILES A MURCHISON, : notf 38 and 40 Murchison Block. Now Eeceiving, 300 BBLS APl,LBS CH0ICK VARIETIES, IN large obis direct from Northern markets. Mast be sold; call early. t,s. "KNOKRSON ACO.. p0-2!- Office near Steamer's Wharf. John Dawson & Co. X BADTHEHABDWARB TRADE IN NORTH Pay cash on the spot, handle the best goodsvand at as low prices as any House la the country. AH ther w.wwm v. DIIAift . ( 19. "1 and 83 Market 8t , no Ttf Wilmington. N. O. Price Reduced. TP1 LADIKS ARB INFORMED THAT MRS. A. VIROINIA A. ORR haa redoced the ericeof IItSIUR1? to TWENTY-FIVE CTS Rrairn"" i :w tx-fivm CTS Rt,7 ur kdjsi or rroac, on unurch l" oct 1 tf By Telegraph to the Mornint; Star.) Financial. New York. November 8-Rvfmncr Monev 24fin4 oer cent. Sterling prnluniiP 480 for sixty days. Governments firm; new nves coupon 101; new four and a ! half per cents coupon 1111; new four per vcuie coupon iwf. Dtaie oonas auil. Oommsreial. Evening Cotton quiet; sales to-day pf 101 bales; middling uplands 11 cents; Ox leans Hi cents; consolidated net receipts 40,193 bales; exports to Great Britain 20,787 bales, to the continent 12,900 bales. South ern flour fairly active and a shade firmer; common trtVair atIfb fT7hi Kn. nnnA fv " vv, (UUU V choice do $5 607 00. Wheat ilc bet ter, with a moderate business, chiefly spec ulative; ungraded red $1 121 12. Coral 2c better and fairly active; ungraded 58 59cf . Jats iaio better; No. 3. 40g4l CtS. fJoSFee dull. wak nH nnminol. cargoes llil4ic; job lots ll15xc. Sugar Arm. with a fair inquiry; Mslado 8fc; fair to good refining 7j7fc; prime 7c; re fined firm and ia fair demand; standard A 8fc Molasses quiet and unchanged. Rice steady, with a fair jobbing trade; Rangoon 3c in bond. Rosin quiet at $1 80. Spirits turpentine doll at 4545 cents. Pork a shade firmer, with a fair export inquiry at $15 0015 50. Lard without impor tant change and trade moderate. Freights firm. ? Cotton Net reeeintn 1 433 haloa. 18.856 bales. Futures closed dull, wifb sales of 52,000 bales at the following quo tations : November 10.8310.85 cents; De cember 10.8010.81 cents, January 10.90& W.91 cents, February ..1L04&11.0S cents, Mar9h 11.17(li.l8 cents, April U.8L ctoi May ll.4411.45 cents; June 11.5611.57 cents. . Baltimore, Nov. 8. Flour steady and quiet; Howard street and western super $3 504 00; extra $4 255 00; family $5 258 25; city mills super $3 754 25 extra $4 505 00; family $6 256 50; Rio brands $6 126 87; Patapsco family $7 00. Southern wheat stead v and ctlv. aAM higher, closing easier; southern red $1 08 1 14; amber $1 101 20; No. 1 Mary land $1 17; No. 2 western winter red on spot and Norember delivery $1 15il 15J. December delivery $1 17fl 18; January delivery $1 20 ; February delivery f 1 22r Corn southern steady j western strong aid higher; southern white 5152 cents lo yeiiow oo0J5cta. Uata quiet but steady western white 8738ic; mixed 36SZc' Provisions steady. Mess pork $15 50 15 75. Hulk meats loose shoulders and clear rib sides nana ofrarinw nti-A Kth. Sic Bacon shoulders 6c; clear rtbsidaes 8ic; hams lli13d. Lard refined Sic Coffee dull and abcut romina;Rio car goes, ordinary to fair 11 ,i8c. Sugar easier; A soft 9Jc. Whiskey quiet at Si is for job lots. Freights dull. BlA St. Louxb, Nov. 8. Flour easier bat not quotably lower. Wheat higher ; No. 2 red fall $1011 02c casji and November: $1 06$1 06f January. Corn higher and active I40I40Iccasb;S940c December and J anttary; Oats higbei; but slow; 3fUta 30ic cash; 31ic December. IWhiakeystea dy at f 1 10. Pork dull at fl4 00 asked Card quiet :t.tSwketf andT SO 1Jd walk meats dall and nominal uatould era f4 65; aides $T 63foryoBng meaC Bacb-i sides lower; rib 881e. ; - 'sl changed. Wheat active, firm and 'hfahiir. No. 2 Chicago sprlng.fi 03 bid cash; fl 05' tort Almanac -November 9. Sun Rises. . 64 A. M. Sun Sets 4.57 P M High Water (Bmithville) 12-45 Mora! " " (Wilmington).... 4.45 Mora. y Length....... ioi. 25m. ARRIVED. Stmr Elizabeth. Bisbee, Smithville, master. Stmr John Dawson, Sherman, PuintCus Well. R P Paddison. Stmr Waye, Robeson, Fayetteville, Williams & Murchison. Stmr A P Hurt, Worth, Fayetteville, Worth & Worth. Scbr Julia Elizabeth, Ingram, Harbor Island, Master. Scbr Womioir. in? m , m G Bai ker & Co. CLEARED. Stmr Wave, Robeson, Fayetteville, Williams & Murchison. Stmr A P Hurt, Worth, Fayetteville, Worth & Worth. Stmr Elisabeth, Bisbee, Smithville, mas ter. MAK1NE DIRECTORY. Mat or Teaaeln in tba TPort or xvn aalneton. fl. c.. Nov. 9. I88O. ; (.This list does not embrace vessels under 60 tons. BARQUES. Mary Emily (Br.), 193 tons, Jones, xt A 8Pruot & Sjn Hope, Nor, 633 tons, Stvesen, C P Mebane A M Schwe:gard (Nor.) 429 tons, Johosea, CP Mebane Forsette(Nor.), 415 tons, Knudeen, ' Heide&Co Carl Max (Nor.), 294 tons, Reyer, E Pescbau & Westermann Geo Davis (Brt 643- tons. Camnbell. ' ' A Sprant & Son xiuruieru vueco ar.), tons, Andrews, A8prant&Sdn J ubinai (Nor.) 378 tons, Jensen, J3G Barker & Co Atlantic (Ger.), 398 tons, Sbvaring, , E Peschan & Westermann Embla (Nor.) 388 tons, Simon son, C P Mebane Nordensbj ild, Nor, 473 tons, ' CP Mebane JerbnenCNor.VS?! tons, Svendsen. juiaf.ueT.), oaa tons, xobb : T -E Peschau & Westermann KettdBVig (Not.), 344 tons, Evensen, Heide &Co Flid, (Nor.,) 839 tons, -, " CPMebaae Lucie Rad maim (Ger), 447 tons, Meyer, E Peschaa & Westermann BRIGS. Ry no, Nor, 286 tons, Sovenscii, CPMebaae Stella (Br.) 445 tons, Robinson, . . . . . ;,K G Barker & Co 8 V Merrick. SSultfs, Lippincott, H; ' Geo Harriss & Co SCf ONERS. ; Lena Hunter, 287 tons, Dole, Harriss & Co Jiva ijijeouaru, no ions, Macumber, v E G Barker & Co Imogene Diverty, 188 tons; Reed, . . . . Geo Harriss i& Co uarieioo ttsr.j. oo ions, Aloofy, E Kidder & Sons Mary E Van Cleaf, 256 tons, Thorndike E G Barker & Co Charley Bucki, 242 tons, French, ; EG Barker & Co E F Cabala. 253 toes, Foster, Geo Harriss & Co A S Snare, 254 tons. Snare, , - , , nnn E G Barker & Co Oliver Crosby, 300. tons, Hutchinson, , E G Barker & Co FINE BOOK, NEWSPAPER 6 MERCANTILE PRINTING AND BINDING, CHEAP FOR CASH. ALSO, THEATRICAL POSTERS, PROGRAMMES t TICKETS. INSURANCE PRINTING, BILL HEADS, CIRCULARS CARDS. DODGERS. STEAMSHIP. STEAMBOAT AND RAILROAD WORK EXECUTED IN QUICKER TIME AND BETTER STYLE THAN Bi ANY OTHER OFFICE A WILMINGTON., FIRST CLASS WORK AND LOft PRICES Attractions for he .Ladies. BOXES OF EXQUISITE fERFUMES AND : : : . SOAP, exactly eufted for Christmas - ' and JJew Year Presents. - - . 'r. .iiSv - ' Qire as a eauY Nothing charged for showing goods. - ALSO, , " Another arrival or Cakes and Crackers, rrcsburg's Drops, Ginger Drops, ieen Drops, Batter. . ... -. ,-5- , Eeotch and Cream PUotaV. In additioa to thto, Oat Meal, fresh and new; doli dons Dutch Dead Cheese. A new sopplj of those justly celebrated MUM'S CICIAItS. OP TUB ELECTION is ovan. But Hint occaaloncd by Hie rmii In filling: the orders or our Mi. rons for truck loads and rar loads or t !Bht und Ilenvy ir. ccrlcs atlll contlnuca at the v . corner Front and Iock Ms Adrian $c Vollers nov 8 tf THE MORNING STAR STEAM PRINTING HOUSE, PRINCESS STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. ft39"We will agala call the attention of oar Groceries, &c. 800 Rolta 00110,1 nA0Q,Nfl 1500 BodIc,, New Pcd y.011 k 800 Lb BagfR TWINE, 1000 Bbl8 FLOUn " Kradc. 400 30X08 Sm0ked Dt 3U HOSH. 200 nhd8'dBblB New Crop Coba ai.d . Vf X f lro New Orleans MLaKh, 1200 69 NAIL3 to . 9QQ Bales UOOPIUON. 25Q V 8UOT, all sizes, 500 COS,pK11' Pa-1'. 250 Bbl BUQAK era10" 125 80X08 AMOrtc1 CANDY, '125 TUbfl IUrC Llir LAK,)' Coxes BTARcn. 125 Ca LYB' 200 BoxcBSOAr' JQQ Boxes TOBACCO, JQQ Boxes and Ualf Bbls HNUKF. On A Gross MATCUE8, d V J ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO AND WORK SENT TO AN! PART OF THE UNITED STATES, C. O.D. friend, and patron, to our EXritA. VANILLA orif SSSSJ Sfi. HTpTee.0WlCudncu.,,,:;.'-rk SMALL ORDERS EXECUTED WITH 2 HA SAME PROMPTNESS AS LARGER ONES. The Best Paper. Try It. Beautifully Illustrated. U5tb YEAR. CREAM TABLE CHOCOLATE. Ouly a email supply on aaad. Selling faster than we can ob tain it. Remember onrr aaotto, "We will never: be excelled or undersoM." P. L. Bridgers & Co. no4DAWtf ocsf tf For m1 Inw bi wiluams a MUflcniaoN The Scientific American. fTR H ft'TITVTfUn iafROTrtlWf..1.MAll a. rn.-M.rn. m mm Ltiutiai in mm lafim n iniL. ! A Class Weekly Newspaper of Sixteen Pages 1LLUSTBATED WITH SPLENDID EN QUA V- most recent advances In the Art. and Sciences in cluding New and Interesting Fact, ia Agriculture. Horticulture, the Home, Health, Progress. Social me most vainable practical papers ay eminent wn- I ;.. Hew Crop Bice. Tierces and bbl. Carolina SICE, 150 BS" Prime 810 COFFKB' 1000 BbU QooA FL0UR QQ Bbls Eeflned SUOAR, JQQ Bbls Cuba MOLASSES, At Low Prices. the Sr.ient1Ai Amsrlmn Terms, f 3.30 per year, fl 60 half year, which In cludes postage. Discount to Agents. Single co rroo, tv uhub, ouiu uj oil newsaeruers. Jsemltb postal order to M.UNN CO.. Publishers. 87 Park How, Mew York. T) A rTtTjl"M"rTtO In connection with the JTJXXJSia JL Q, SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Messrs. Mu$h & Co. are Solicitors or American inn Vnroiim Vmtmitm Im ha A - i - : " and now have the largest establishment in the world. Patents are obtained on the best terms. A special notice ia made ia the SCIENTIFIC AMERI CAN of all Inventions patented throueh this Aaen- frr. with tho nam a mrA MullAn. n. .v. . Uy the Immense circulation thus given, nubile at- ocS7 DAWtf tention is directed to the merits of the new patent, and sales or introduction often easily effected. . aiit nerann vhn haa mailo a mmmt Am. vention, can ascertain, nn or ohabob, whether a patent can probably be obtained, by writing to MtjwhACo. We also send nnou HandBook auuui. uib f Muifc uwb, x-aienta, caveats, Trade Marks, their costs, and hew procured, with hints for procuring advances on inventions. Address for MUNN & CO., 8? Park How, New York. Branch Office, cor. P. & Tth Sts., Washington, D.C. IlnUets, nullOts. gQ Bbls A. o. 1 MULLjrrs, ffM sale by" , . f KEHCHNEB ACALDEK BBOH. Appiei, Appicil. 4 5Q Bbls Selected Baldwin APPLE?, For sale by KKHCHMSH CALDSB BROS. Forest and Stream, AND BOD AND GUN. THE AMERICAN SPORTSMAN'S JOURNAL A WEEKLY PAPER DEVOTED TO J8RTSlJLaACTICAL NATURAL HIS TORY PISH CULTURE. PROTECTION OP GiSS5?SSHVAT"0N OP FORESTS, YACHTTNO AND BOATING, RIFLE ' PRACTICE. AND ALL OCT-DOOR RECREATIONS AND STUDY. This is the only Journal in the Country that full supplies the wants and necessities of the Gentleman Sportsman. TERMS ft go a Year.; 8end for Specimen Copy Bacon, Lard, Flour. 1Q0 Boxes D S SIDES, 100 7111)0 LARD QAA Bbls FLOUR, V7 Vf For sale iy KEBCHNER A CALDER BKOS. no7kf Coffee, Sugar, Rice. 150 Ba8 coffjeb 1 K Bbls SUGAR, C.Kx C. A 4 O and Granulated, fQ Bbls RICE. For sale by KEROHNER & CALDER BROS, I Ixevr Books. Life, by Geo. W. Cable. TUB QRAWDISSIMJTS, A STORY OF CREOLE W. B. rlcKOY, ASSIGNEE OF THOMAS H. McKOY jyAKfiS A SPECIAL APPEAL TO TllOhK who are indebted to BOATWBIUHT A MCKOY, and to THOMAS U. MCKOY, to eome forward ..! settle, ir you who are Indebted to the above flrmt Will only respond promptly to UU appeal, f.oru my anowlrdge of affairs I will be enabled lo p.y A every dollar ho owes. Will you do yoordoiyliko men and give me joor assistance. Major UcKoj has rent to you all bli oirralar, which uplulni. II o7lw " HVIB 40 DIPPBRRNT KUIDS COOK AND for lllnatralAA' ratalooaa and arica llak Thaie i( meaeyto be saved. s i. mu amu its , dot tf Wilmftogtw, N. C. 1,000 DALES G. B. TIXOTnT HAY IN MTOKK, Coin and Oats in propartioa, Peas, Feed of all kinds and half-million best Hard Brick for o cheap. frkstotT cum Ming aco.. no7U , MUlars and Grata Dialers. 7 T RICKS WITHOUT STRAWS. BY THE AtJ- thor of a Fool's Errand. Tlie THE OLDEST rJEWSPATPffllr PUBXISHED IN the Pee Dee seion, we wSand ta"iPfpa?al v pMtoffers to Ooinmlflsion wTs i T z.c rz t wverwaemcota ard BaainesaCards tnferfod on Uberal terms. i 'f44w" TAB STAR, ? teplHtf Marion, 8. C. Foraat Sc stream Pnbll.blna- o. PosiOBiceBox8W. septrT-tf Till: RALEIGH Christian Advocate, Edited and Published by BLACK & RBID, RalelEl. H. C. ia luc uigu or bdoui ta,uju Jiethedlsts in North i Cazollna- and haa tha Unuat v . t Kivoa uw mwroi, seen tar ana I deaMWi thia wmv . .t,. rellfrtona news, la awirw oi, t.. .nrr. I eaeoa tnis weeK at the family newspaper. Only $.00per annum. Sab-' scribe at once. Advertising rates liberal. L08T FOR A WOMAN. A NOVEL, BY MARY Agnes piemmiaAV , I8SY, BT AUTHOR OF ROUTLEDGB, Just out and fer sale at HEINSBERaiR'S, BOvT a . ; i Live Book Store; TenHajority fF GENTS' HUB DYED OVER - TH08E WILMINGTON DYEING ESTAB.i : lanMtf I nn7tr arrirt hft m iim ai. A LARGE STOCK OF Sash. Doors, Blinds, AND ALL KINDS OF .MlLtV WohK, LUMBER, LAIiiS, Ac, FOR SALE VERY CB BAP, ' AT ' (); ALTAfFBR,' FKJCX A Co.. Faotoht : a, Foot of Walnut St. no itfi Nutt, near Red Crovi ft. Books OF EVERY DK83RrjLb43bN8TAN iXY ON band. RTATlMKtR7l 'mM mAmrmA alrvrV lacllklillii mnv nAvaltbi 4n . - FANCY GOODS Chronoa, Fraaa, Kaad. Albums,' Faner Baetesta, Btblea, OoM Po aud Pencils, lakatande, Ac., Ac nov 7 If Stationer and Hook VWr. n ' v