tifi MORNING STAR. Uy WW. II. UU!VAUU. I.'BLIBURD DAILY XXCXPT UOUUAVH. KATKS OF SCBaMmUTIOM IK AUVXNCM jr.e year, 0y mail) postage paid,. nx months, " " " . j-onse months, - - .)T,tiaonOi " " (7 uu 4 Uo 3 15 1 00 To City Subscribers, delivered in ay pan or the ity. Fifteen Ce&ta per week. Oar City Agent are lot authorized to collect for more than throe month e n advance. HORNING EDITION. Entered at the Post Office at Wilmington, N. C, as Become, -ciasa matter. J OU1X.1NK&. A railroad accident occurred on the Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fe Railroad, Texas, by which twenty-one persons wera injured. Ten cow-boys and fifteen Comanches bad a fight; seven persons were killed and wounded; tbc boys were banged and ea caped, leaving the wounded behind. By order of Judge Hill, U. 8. Court, War- er county (Miss.) the Election Commtsion- er?. and Chairmen of the Democratic Ex ecutive Committee?, have been arrested upon cW.jc3 relative to the late election, A coademaed man in Virginia was mirried and baptised at Salem Two hundred and fifty persons were lost in the Oacle J J3eph disaster Toe Alba- mans have abandoued their eutreQChments. Sir Theodore Martin was elected Rec tor of St. Andrews' University. Par liament will not be summoned unless some unexpected emergency arises; it will be prorogued further until January. The Ralis have been very disastrous ud a Urge Lura'itr of vessels have beeu lost. The grand jury are still investigating the Morey Chinese leiter, at New York. -Tne SjcreUry ot ih : Navy has order ed the removal of the British steamer Snslriiigbam from the Norfolk Navy Yard. A great siorm hisoccurtei on .he coail of Scotland. A schoouer from BitJ, Me., fir t'urt Royal, S. C , d.r-iuded near Capo Hatieras and went to pieces; ouly oue mia uf the crew was -aved. Eight steamers if the 1 -veuue s ivicj arc to Ciuise aloai the Ail mtic coat to assist vessels iu distrtSi T-v ireaues .villi Chiua h .vj beeu eiued aud will be siTiinuied te Co ires as suu as a uiej'.-. Tue Iidepcn Jeui R-j- jjubii.ai AnKii-ttioa of Njw Yo k ua?e prese tted G :i Girik-ld wim uu address in which ceriaij mjusures of civil service re f jtm are suggested. New York mar kets: Money 46 per cent; coilou nomi nal at 1218 cts; southern Hour firm at $5 407 25; wheat heavy and 23ceuls lower, ungraded red $1 211 SI; ci.rn a thade lower at 55(ilfc; spirits turpeutiue urm at 45i46c; rosin firm at $1 S01 85. The cold weather throughout the North has caused cjrain lo tako a rie. Navigation on ibo Hudson uod the canals of New York is closed lor the winter. iknnhern members of CoDtjress aro beginning to put in their appearauce at Washington. Out of a total vote of over 9,500, Ot0 ttTat Greouback fraud, Weaver, received less than 300,000. iresident-eled Garfield has beeu taking lessons at the White House, lie is training for the tirBt term. Iho ineicury fell to zero at Dau-viil.-, Va., ou Wednesday. People ivout into wiuter quarters here at 2U decrees above. Gun. Garfield is said to listen to all suggestions about his Cabinet, but keeps bra own counsel wisely. He does not commit himself. This is a ool start. When Beauonsfield is not engaged i u aiakiog history read like fiction he tries bis hand at making fiction read like history. He is more successful .in the former. The Virginia Methodist Confer ence (il. E. Church, South) hasjuBt closed its annual session at Lynch burg. It meets next year at Char lottsville. Bishop Keener, of New Orleans, presided. Old Simon Cameron has fixed it for 1884. He says Garfield will be his own successor in 1884. Grant, he say?, is not a candidate for 1884. Ob, no, Grant was never a candidate. It is a part of his plan never to be a candidate. But be ' runs all the same. Mrs. Estelle Anna Lewis, a really gifted Southern woman, has just died in London. She was highly praised by that acute and admirable poetical critic, Edgar A. Poe, more than thirty-five years since, as the reader can see by referring to a pa per on her poems to be found in his works. The following we find in the Baltimore Sun: "Mrs. Estelle Anna Blanche Lewis, the poetess, died suddenly in Loudon, Tuesday night, of heart disease. Mrs. Lewis, who was the daughter of Mr. J. N. Robiason, a gentleman of fine estate, was born near this city in April, 1824. Mrs. Lewis was of great personal beauty, aa ber portraits re veal, and she was married at the age of seventeen to Mr. Sydney D. Lawn.a Brook lyn lawyer. In that city and in Europe, chiefly in England, she has since resided. Her home in Brooklyn was a centre of re finement, and in bis best days was a favo rite resort of Edgar Allan Poe, Mr. Lewis being one of bis warmest friends and most generous vindicators. Her first volume of poems, the 'Records of the Heart,' was published in 1844, her last publications "en me tragedies or Wappno in 1868, and the "Kino'H filpslflupm1 in IrtflO The VOL. XXVII. NO. 56. The Republican majority in the next House seems lo be growing smaller, bat tbey have a majority. probably, which has been secured by (once and fraud. They intend to get nd of Democrats if they get control and in the old way. In 1865 they dropped forty-five from the roll at one time. But more of this here after. We think it about certain that the Democrats will have the Senate, in spite of all rascally efforts to prevent it. The recent storms have been very disastrous. Avery large number of vessels are known to have been lost. The sinking of the iron screw steamer Oncle Joseph, caused by a collision, with the drowning of two huudred and fifty persons, is a startling and saddening visitation. We suppose many hundreds have gone down into the deep sea and found "watery graves" within the last few days. xue iNew xorx preacnera on Thanksgiving Day let fly at the pro posed "Passion Play." Petitions for signatures were circulated. The people do uot mean to be insulted with such a graceless display if they oau prevent it. Let all such uuseem- ly exhibitions bo kept at Ober-Am- mergan. Does Mr. M. P. Haudy's change of base from the Philadelphia Times, Independent, to the Press, vigorous Radical, indicate a change of poli tics ? He edited a few years ago the Richmond ( Va.) Enquirer, and made it a capital paper. Spirits Turpentine. Charlotte has a private dramatic club. John Young was cut badly in several places by Louis Parks; both Char lotte negroes. John S. Hampton has taken chtrge f the Ktleigu Star. Mr. John S. Ky, iheedi;or, tellies. A colored woman named Emma Jih-itln, aL Charlotte, tried to take her life by aa overdose of morphine. Warsaw Brief Mention : We regret to learn thai Nathan Waters, Esq., uf Magnolia township, died at bis residence on the 10th iul. Mr. Waters had been alfiicted for some lime. The Secretary of the North Croliua Agricultural Society has published in the Kaletgb JSetet Observer the award of premiums at the late Jfair. tie stys the premiums will be paid at bis office in Ra leigh on application New Berne Nut thell: We learn that a horrible fate befell Melissa Willi?, a fallen white woman in this city, on Mouday night. She bad been drinking freely and became intoxicated to that de cree that she was Insensible to cold, as well as the pain uf death, and iu this con- d it ion lay down where she was exposed to the bitter weather and was frozen to death. The Chatham Record says the importance of one or two votes was illus trated in several instances at the late elec tion. At this place me vote lor governor was a tie each candidate receiving 211 voies. In Guilford county the vote stood 2,251 for Jarvia and 2,248 for Buxton. In Wake county Mr. Smedes was elected to the Legislature by only 17 majority in a vote of nearly lu.uuu. in ferson county each of the two Legislative candidates re ceived exactly the same number of votes. In the town of Fayetteville the constable was elected by one majority. Winston Leader'. The demand for dwellings cannot be supplied in Win ston. Messrs. F. &. IL Fries are building a three-story brick cotton factory iu Salem, opposite the one now occupied by them. The prospect of the build ing br the Midland Railroad has advanced the price of real estate in Winston. The Winston Light Infantry netted $300 at their fair last week. Mr. John Griffith was accidentally shot by Mr. George Lambeth while out bunting on last Friday; some shot struck bis face and bands, but will not prove serious. Goldsboro Messenger : The dwelling-house of Mr. James N. Wood, about two miles from Goldsboro, on the Snow Hill road, was totally destroyed by fire Monday uisbt. The fire was acciden tal. About $390 in money, which Mr. Wood had stored away up in the loft of the building, was also burnt, and the fur niture more or less damaged, .boss partly covered by insurance. . -L family' of negro exodusters. returning from Hancock county, Indiana, passed through Goldsboro a few days ago en route ior rut county, their former home. Tbe party consisted of Oliver King, his wife and children, and had been on tbe road seven weeks getting here. They bad wagoned it through the country, but sold the horse and wagon at Greensboro and came nere on me cars. Oliver aayr he is a few hundred dollars worse off than ne was wnen ne ieit nu county last winter, but that he is pro foundly tbankrui to even get oacK again on Worth Carolina soil. He has no use for Indiana and proposes to spend tbe remain- rier nf hla life In the old North Hlalo. Fayetteville . Examiner: Mies Mary Jane ..Davis, born near St. Paul's, Robeson county, died on me siu uciooer, at tbe residence of ber brother-in-law, Malcom Currie, near Pine Bluff, Ark. She was educated at Fayetteville and at Floral College, and was at the time of her death 37 years of age. The greater part of the lands of Cumberland, especially those lying east of the Cape Fear river, are peculiarly fitted for tbe production and Eowth of the befit quality of tobacco, tads of heavy loam, with good clay sub stratum, identical with the soil of Granville what could be better? Why do not our farmers make tbe experi ment ? Prof,. Ledoux can analyze the sod. -rErarjtWng ccsiflettO,becf air was a grand success. Tbe weather was inclem ent, but the number of persons if attend ance was very large, and tbe articles while not so numerous were very credita ble and of the best quality. Floral Hall exhibition was very fine, and very full. Morning WILMINGTON Agricultural Hall was meagre in the num ber of entries, but was especially good so Tar as it went. The racing Was verv cood and, as will be seen by tbe regular premuim ist, the society gave very liberal premiums. Ihe meetms of the stockhol ders of the Atlantic & North Carolina Rail road at New Berne did not result in a sale The following resolution was unanimously adopted: Hesolved, That it is the sense of me stockholders of the Atlantic & North Carolina Railroad, in special meeting as sembled, that their road should be leased to tbe Wilmington & Weldon Railroad, or other corporations or individuals, upon such terms as may seem best to tbe private stockholders and to the State. A resolu tion expressing preference for the proposi tion ior a lease was also adnp-ed We give it as we find it in the New Berne ira Shell : The following was offered by Major John Hughes: Resolved, That with tbe lights now before us, we desire to ex press preference for the proposition for a lease or mis road to K. K. Bndgers and J. F. Divine for the sum of thirty-tbree thou sand dollars per annum, provided that the Wilmington & Weldon Kailroad shall be- come'security for tbe payment of tbe ren tal A stock vote being called for, the vote resulted ayes 1,024 votes, represent ing i$,34U snares; nays 6t3) votes, repre senting 7cu shares. Raleigh iVcws- Observer: Mr u. o. Liumsdec, who was injured more than a week ago by a gun, is nearly well. We learn that the reason why Gen Leach's vote is not so larsre as Mr. Bus- bee's is that tbe county of Tyrrell omitted the names of Messrs. Leach and Everett in making up their returns. The col ored Grand Lodge of Masons, which meets in this city December 14, will bold its sessions in the hall on the fourth floor of the Bagley building. More than 150 Idelegatea are looked for. And we concur with the Stab. An editor of a daily paper ought to be conver sant with a great many subjects before he oegina nis editorial Hie, because after he gets into harness his opportunities for ac quiring general knowledge are restricted. Wilton, Granville county, correspon dent: Last week seems to have been par ticularly fatal to aged females in Brass- field's Township, to-wit: Mrs. Gideon Perry, aged 70 years, died on tbe 17th of goitre. MiS3 Nancy Insco, 78 years of age, fell and fractured her clavicle; death en sued in a few minutes. On the 18tb, Mrs. Barbara Preddy died instantly from aneur ism, aged 90 years. On the 19th, Mrs. Elva Friechie died in two hours from tbe bite of a bull dog: aged 87 years. On the same day, Thomas Melville. Esq., aged 64, was thrown from bis buggy and transfixed by a stake near the roadside; death resulted before be was found; and at last accounts, G. Washington Rogers, Granville's lately elected misrepresentatlve, was lying in articulo mortis. Z Charlotte Observer: It is per haps not generally known that there is a law on tbe North Carolina statute books prohibiting the shipment of patridges, dead or alive, out of tbe State. J. B. Uret- ter. Deputy Tj. 8. Marshal, left Greensboro yesterday with five white men and one ne gro, who were sentenced by tbe Federal Courts a'. Asheville and Statesville, to terms in .he Albany penitentiary, for vio lation of tbe revenue laws and other offences against the general government. Two colored men got into a difflculty at the Richmond & Danville depot yester ¬ day,-when one struck the other in the back of the head with tbe sharp point of a cot ton hook, tearing the skin loose and making an incision about an inch long. At a social gathering at the residence of Mrs. Austin, in Sharon township, night before last, Mr. Willis Johnston, a young man about seventeen years old, took tbe floor for a dance. He had scarcely taken his position when he was stricken with Saralysisand sank down upon the floor, iefore the physician arrived be lost con trol of tbe muscles of tbe left side of his body, and at last accounts was in a very critical condition. Mrs. Benfield, who was assaulted by ber husband, Pin key Benfield, in Caldwell county last week, and severely cut with an axe, has since died. Benfield is acknowledged to be insane, and would have been in tbe asylum but for the fact that it is generally understood to be full. About tbe highest honor ever sought by the press of North Caro lina is to be elected reading or en grossing clerk of tbe Legislature. Headquarters of the western JMorin Carolina Railroad have been established at Salisbury, the superintendent's and secre tary and treasurer's offices having been moved from Morganton. jars, ss&i Gray died very suddenly of congestion at tbe residence of her husband. Sunday eve ning, between 7 and 8 o'clock. Sun day morning the wife of Gen. W. H. Neal expired at bis residence in Steel Creek Township. Mrs. Neal was far advanced in ? pears, tbe couple probably being tbe oldest n the county, having been married nearly sixty years. NEW ADVKBXISBJTIKIN XM. MtrKBON Ulsters, $12. Hall & Pkaksall Flour, &c. W. H. Sterling Branch office. J. C. Munds Drugs and chemicals. P. Gumming & Co Horses aod mules. mayor' Conn Dauzy Frank, colored, was arraigned on the charge of assault Bnd battery. Tbe evidence was of a character to establish an affray between himself and the prosecuting witness, the result of which was that a fine of $10 was imposed on each of the com batants. Duacan Macks, who was arrested by Mr. J. EL Savage, watchman at the W. & W. Railroad depot, Thursday afternoon, com ing out of tbe yard with a lot of material in his possession, which he was probably taking to a junk shop, was arraigned on suspicion, and ordered locked up to await further developments. And Still Tbey come. Yesterday we had occasion to examine another curiosity in the shape of a potato, in the possession of Mr. Henry Haar, cor ner Seventh and Chesnut streets, and raised by Capt. ' F. M. Wooten, just beyond the eastern suburbs of the city. It is in the shape of a snake, with bead crested and ready to strike, and tbe tail tapering off to a point and twisted into a semi-coil. Straightened out it would measure nearly two feet in length. In the folds of ye ser pent was clasped a bouquet of flowers, complimentary to ye agricultural editor. Hot drinks should be avoided in the day time during cold weather, as tbey have a tendency to weaken the lungs and affect the throat. Take Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup for all cases of Coughs, Colds and Hoarse ness. Price 25 cents a bottle. N. C. SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 27, 1880. Arreat and Return of Two or tne Kacaped Penitentiary convict. Information having been lodged with Justice Gardner to the effect that the no torious Henry Crews and two other con victs, who were among the party who es caped from the guard in Jones county two or three weeks ago, were at a house about four miles from this city, warrants for their arrest were placed in the hands of Officers C. H. Strode, J. W. Whitney, Daniel Howard and J. A. Ashe, who started out on Tuesday afternoon last to endeavor to effect their capture. Arriving at the bouse in question, which was tenanted by colored people, tbey found a number of children and one man present, the latter being a stranger to them. The questioned the fellow and he indignantly denied ever having been in the Penitentiary or know ing anything about any escape. Notwith standing his asseverations, however, it was determined to fasten the "bracelets" upon him as a matter of experiment, which was done, and then one of the party, while the others were looking around to see what else could bo disco vered, examined bis clothing and found indisputable evidence of his identity as an escaped prisoner in the striped penitentiary garb which he wore beneath a plain suit of citizen's clothing. He was thereupon marched to the city and lodged in jail, and it was further ascertained that his name was Jim Borden, and that he belongs in Franklin county. About 8 o'clock tbe same evening, at the house of EmelineCroom,mother of Henry Crews, in this city, another of the convicts, was arrested by tbe same officers, in the person of E. Walker alias E. Barker alias Charles Davis, sentenced for ten years from this county for breaking into the Cape Fear Tobacco Works building, in this city. He, loo, was lodged in jail, and Thursday morning they started for Raleigh in charge of Officers Strode and Whitney. Crews kept out of the way of the officers and has probably left the neighborhood. We have refrained from mentioning the above facts sooner from piudeutial rea 80 y 3. Tne sensation ot morning Bob bery and Snictde. Tbe little town of Mt. Olive, on the Wilmington & Weldon Railrond, was tbe scene of considerable excitement Thursday morning. First, the early risers discovered that Mr. Robert Kornegay's store had been broken open during the night and plun dered to some extent, the object of the thief, however, having evidently been money; but the cash drawer, which was found torn from its fastenings, contained but little of ihe "needful" and the safe was too much for the thief's capacity. The next scene on the programme, which was a very melancholy and tragical one, occurred about 9 o'clock. Willie Soutball, son of Mr. George Southall, of Magnolia, Duplin county, shot himself in the fore head, dying instantly. He was a machine agent, had just driven into town in bis wagon, and bad not been there five minutes when he stepped off behind a building to himself and committed the rash a Deceased was about 22 years of age and was well known in this city, having been n the employ of Mr. J. W. Zimmerman about two or three years ag . Deatb of a Former Wllmiustonlan. The Staunton (Va.) Spectator announces the sudden death, on Monday last, at the Virginia Hotel in that place, of Mr. Elisba Shepperson, formerly of this city, where be was well known and much respected, be ing engaged in tbe insurance business. At the time of bis death, which was caused by heart disease, be was em ployed as bookkeeper by Messrs. Burke & Bradley, of Staunton. The Spectator says: "He bad been rather complaining for several days, but was much better Monday and wrote a letter to a lady in Eastern Virginia, to whom he was soon te have been married; but whilst the boy car ried it to the poatoffice be breathed his last. He was a quiet, unobtrusive gentleman, and greatly respected by all who knew him." Mr. Shepperson was about 06 years of age. Tbe Joins Tbankaslvlns services. Considering the very inclement weather, there was a pretty fair attendance at the Lutheran church on tbe occa sion oi the oint services on a nanus giving day. The exercises were opened by he reading of the Introits and the opening hymn by Rev. Dr. Bernheim, followed by the reading of the 103d Psalm by Rev. Dr. Yates, and tbe offering of prayer by Rey. Dr. Wilson. Rev. Dr. Yates then read the second hymn, which was followed by an earnest, impressive sermon from Rev. T. Page Ricaud, upon the 2d verse of tbe 03J Psalm "Bless the Lord, oh my soul. and forget not all His benefits." Rev. J. B. Taylor then led in prayer and read tbe last hymn and pronounced the benediction, thus closing the services of the hour. Tbe Wood Famine The scarcity of firewood in this city continues to be a source of anxiety and is really becoming a very serious matter, as there will necessarily be much suffering among those unable to pay the exorbitant prices now demanded for fuel. Cannot our jrailroad and steamboat lines come to tbe rescue of our suffering citizens, and, by furnishing transportation at reasonable rates, induce persons to bring wood to the city for sale ? "It disagrees with me." A common re mark. If you take Tutl's Pills you can eat anything you like and feel no bad effects. Tbey act specifically on tbe liver, stomach and bowels, causing a free flow of gastric juice, which is essential to good digestion and regulates the bowels when all other medicine fails. CARD. The report that Messrs. BATES, way, iNew xork, naa discharged a number of their employees on account of their politioal principles, is wholly untrue, and not warranted by any act of the firm, they having made no They have ever extended me courteous and liberal consideration as a South ern man, and I sincerely appreciate No firm doing a Southern business could afford to assume such an arbi trary position, and no Southern salesman could so far compromise his dig nity as so remain in suoh employ. no 27 It Representing Local Dote. Cotton receipts yesterday and the day before 1,933 bales. We had the pleasure of a oal yesterday morning from President Battle, of the University, who is here on a brief visit. Judging from the number of horns on the streets Thursday, some of the boys must have mistaken Thankgiving Day for Christmas. A branch of the Wilmington Telephonic Exchange has been established in "Brooklyn" at the etore of Messrs. Stevenson & Co., just north of Fourth street bridge, where messages will be re ceived and Bent for a small charge. Thanksgiving Day in Wilming ton was very dreary, gloomy ana uncom fortable, and a great many parties were dis appointed in their t-x pec tali on s, although not a few braved tbe mud and rain and went into the woods anyway, regardless of the weather. dally Weather Dalletln, The following will show the state of the thermometer, at the stations named, at 3.00 P. M. yesterday. Washington mean time, and also the amount of rainfall in inches for the twenty-four hours ending at 3 P. M., as furnished by Sergeant James W. Watson, Signal Officer at this Station: Tem. 47 R. F. .21 21 .03 .20 .04 .13 .00 .00 .00 .00 .13 .00 .00 .09 .10 .00 .09 Weather. Cloudy Cloudy Lt rain Cloudy Lt rain Lt rain Clear Clear Fair Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Fair Lt rain Lt rain Clear Cloudy Atlanta. Augusta 48 Charleston 54 Charlotte 37 Corsicana 86 Galveston 59 Havana 83 Jacksonville 67 Key West 85 Mobile 64 Montgomery 52 New Orleans 55 Punta Rassa 79 Savannab 57 Wilmington 44 Cedar Keys. , . 67 . 67 Pensacola Tbe following are tbe Indications for the South Atlantic States to-day: Stationary or higher barometer and tem perature, northerly winds, cloudy weather with rain. Change of Schedule The fast train on tbe Wilmington & Weldon Railroad goes into effect at 3:40 V Xf )n.mnrrniB QnnHatA Iha 9.ftth inot. There will then be three trains per day on this road, and the schedule will be as fol- ows: Trains will leave Wilmington at 6:40 A. M., 4:15 P. M.. and 8:03 P. M.;and will arrivo at Wilmington at 8:20 A.M., 9:55 P. M., and 10:10 P. M. Tbe fast mail will Btop only at such sta tions as per time in scneduie, ana win make the run from Wilmington to Weldon in 5:39 and from Weldon to Wilmington in 4:50. On the Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta road there will be only two trains, as here tofore, one of which will leave Wilming ton at 8:40 A M., and arrive at 7:43 P. M., and tbe other will leave at 10:25 P. M., and arrive at 6:20 A. M. The Li ate D. P. Foster. Tbe remains of Mr. D. P. Foster, who few days ago, died at Florence, S. C, a reached here Wednesday evening, on the Southern train, and were interred in Oak dale Cemetery on Thursday afternoon, from tbe residence of his son, Maj. H. H. Foster, 'on Mulberry, between Seventh and McRae streets, Rev. J. B. Taylor, of the First Baptist Church, conducting tbe funeral services. Finer Woode Stock. A note from Cerro Gordo, Columbus county.inf orms us that nine hogs were killed at Dr. J. M. McGoogan's place, on Tues day last, tbe net weight of which aggre gated 2,266 pounds, which is considered by Messrs. J. J. Baldwin, H. W. Folk and J. F. McMillan, who testify to the fact above stated.as pretty good forpiney woods hogs. RlVUR AND M AMINE. Barque Alhambra, Cornielsen, hence, arrived at Bremen on the 22 d Inst. Schooner Katie Miller, Scull, from Wilmington, Del., with a cargo of railroad iron, bound for Galveston, Texas, went ashore one mile south of Hatteras Inlet, N. C, at 8 o'clock A M., 22d. The crew, con sisting of eight men, were saved in tbe schooner's boat. The.vessel is bilged and will probably prove a total loss. Schr. Fannie R. WiUiams, Shearer, from Navassa November 8th, for Wilming ton, N. C, sprung a bad leak after leaving Navassa and was compelled to put into tbe Mole, Castle Island, (Bahamas), and threw overboard a portion of her cargo of guano. T- JS - A WORLD OF GOQD. One of the most popu lar mitiinei new before the American public. Is Hop Bitters. You see lt everywhere. People take it with good effect, lt builds them n. It ia not as pleasant aa some other Bitters as lt is not a whis key drink. It is mere like the old faehkmed bone set tea that has done a wona or rood, ir yon aont eel just right try Hop Bitters. Kanda News, tar WHOLE NO. 4,145 REED Jb COOLEY, of 345 Broad- discharges whatever to my koowledcre. J their confidence and esteem. VV. S. CLINTON, North Carolina and South Carolina ci'rir i'jri$jti. THE MORNINU UTAH can always be hod at tne following placeB In tho city : The Purcell House, tuuiw swb)uuui. ana inn bta umcc NEWSPAPER FOR SALE. A well established ana prosperous weekly Newspaper, located in a .wiving, growing i own on tne line e of a prominent uauroad, la offered for sale. Terms 'cash. Por terms and particulars apply to the editor of this paper. From eminent Dr. H. R. Bonson. Hemebis. Tenn "This ia to certify that X have made use of Colden's Lieblg's Liquid Beef and Tonic Inrigorator in sev eral cases of consumption and general debility, and have foand it to act admirably in each evtes as a numuveyooa, ionic ana tlimtuant." t, Gbxkn a Flaxkh, Agents. Wilmington MRS. WINSLOW'S 800THING SYRUP. Rev. Sylvanus Cobb thus writes in the "Boston Christian Freeman" : We would by no means recommend any kind of medicine which we did not know to be good particularly for infants. But of Mrs. Wins low's Soothing byrup we can speak from knowl edge; in our own family it has proved a blessing indeed, by giving an infant troubled with colic pains, quiet sleep, and its parents unbroken rest at igni. Most parents can appreciate these blessings. Here is an article which works te perfection, and which is harmless; for the sleep which it affords the infant Is perfectly natural, and the little cherub awakes as "bright as a button." And during the process of teething its value is incalculable. We nave frequently neard mothers say they would net be without it from the birth of the child till it had finished with the teething siege, on any considera tion whatever. Sold by ail druggists. 25 cents a bottle. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OPERA HOUSE. TWO NIGHTS ONLY, Monday and Tuesday, Nov. 29 and 30 On Monday Cyril Searle's "Drink" Company, sup porting the Distinguished Artiste, Eose Eytinge, Chas. Keade's Dramatization of Zola's great novel "L'AsBommelr," entitled TUESDAY NIGHT: T . TT T fl QfTD A W i Miss Rose Eytinge as Amande Chandocc. Tickets on sale at Heineberper's Livo Cook Store. Admission SI. Para net Circle l'c lery 35c No charge for reserved seats. nozo&t Branch Office. rJUB CITIZENS OF WILMINGTON ARE RB epectfully notified that a branch offlco of the Wil mington Telephonic Exchange has been estab lished at Messrs. J. C. Stevenson A Co'a Qrorerv Store, on Fourth Street, lust north of Boncy Bridge, where messages will be received and sent. Parties In other parts of the city who may wish to communicate with any one in "Brooklyn can do so by leaving messages at the Central Office, and those in "Brooklyn" who wish to communicate with any other part of the city can leave messages at the Branch Office. Prompt delivery guaran teed. Charges almost nominal. W. H. STERLING, no37 1' Manager Telephonic Exchange. Ulsters ! $12 50 AND UPWAKD' MBN S SI23 A fresh stock of Gents' Business Suits by Rail yesterday. Light and Dark Cassimcre Suits, in both Frock and Sack shapes, at MUN SON'S, nov 97 it Clothier and Merchant Tailor. Flour ! Flour! 1400 0000 FLOUR.. PLANT'S EX TRA and other well known brands or FAMILY and EXTRA for sale hj HALL A PEARS ALL. J-UPONT'S POWDER For sale by HALL & PEARSALL. ao 27 DAWtT Mules and Horses. GOOD HORSES AND FOUR GOOD 8KB- YICEABLE HORSES. Also New Corn. New Corn Meal and New Pearl Hominy. PxuEsTON GUMMING CO.. no 38 tf Millers and Grain Dealers. James G. Munds, JRUGGIST, 35 NORTH FRONT STREET Patent Medicines. Chemicals and Drugs, pnre and fine Perfumery and Toilet ai tides in great variety, Fine Segars. prescriptions compounded at ait hours, no S5 tf Horse, Dray and Harness at Auction. QN SATURDAY MORNING AT 10 o'clock. we will sell at Exchange Corner, an A No. 1 Horse, Dray and Harness, sound and In order no35 St Auctioneers. ZOLA'S MAGDALEN FERAT1 AND ALBINB 1 By the author of "NANA.. ZOLA'S NANA 1 NANA I NANA ! ZOLA'S NANA ! Complete and unabiidged. OLA'S L'ASSOMMOnt I AND By the anther of MIBTTK I 'NANA." ZOLA'S ALBINB 1 ZOLA'S ALBINB ! By the author of "NANA. " ZOLA'S CLORINDA I AND ZOLA'S HELENS I By the author of "NANA." ZOLA'S HELENE! AND ZOLA'S 'ALBINB I By the author of "NANA." For sale at noS5f HEINSBBRGKR'S. 4TCslTil.VC It rill nil. . 0t4 fcjaahi om oaf, ,.V.,T II 90 " twodarV..;.) IT l Lares A,'.. it IH M fottxday,...-.! soe avs 6rt..'- Onl week;.:.. 00 Tvimu: 6 M Three wsoki;:: IM On month;;: 10 00 Two month,:. 17 00 ' Three mouths....... .-...14 00 Blx months, ... 40 0C " On7ar, (K tS-Coo tract Advertisement taken at troo tlonately low ratea. Ten line Mild Hon pare li type mak one aqoar. NEW ADVERTlMENTr -- ltl. CRONLlf, Auctioneer. BY CTIONLY A MO It H K Mortgagee's Sale of Real Estate in Wil mington, ty virtus of a dbkd of moktoaob Jjwlth power of sale, execated to tha undersigned bv John L. Holme and wire, on lb lit dir of November, 1809, and registered In the KrgUter' office of the county of New HanoTer. Book XX, page lit, 1 will sell to the hlfiheat blddor. for cash, at iho Market Home. In tbe city of WUmloetoe. at 11 o'clock A. f ., on the 30th day ot Noreiuler, 1880, tbo valuable property described in said mori- ?a?o. belns tbe let on tne norinwrat corner or Fourth and Chesnut street, and now occaptod by aid Hoi men. The Durcbavcr will ear for pap and be required to pay tbe pnrcha money within two hour of the close ol sale, or other arrange meets for tbo aa!e will he made. WALTER L STEELE, no6 cod tda fa tu th Mortr. aireo By consent of all Interested, ibe Venn of Kale have boon amended as follows, to wit : One third cash and balance In two (I) annual pay ment, with 8 per cent, lnlerr'l Ttilo reeived nntU float payment. W. KnTKKLK. no St eodtda MortKSKor. Brown & Roddick 45 ITIarkct Mr - l. HDIRy GOODS, Wholesale and Kclnll. WE CALL TUB ATTENTION OF TUB GKN era! public to the following ladnccmcnts we aro offering for this week, and are CcUjnnlnod to make lt an oblect for all to give as a call before making any purchases in our particular line. Our facilities for buying are as good as lhoo of my house in tbo country, and oar dlaporlilon to efl on a small margin fully accounts for tbo very nig ral patronage or the past. We tubjoln a short IUl. as onr space wui admit no more: HI It (All wool) uasnmore rrom ooc to f lis; Colored Cashmeres from 18c to 75c: Plain and Rrockaded Dress Goods from 15c ior. V 1'andkerchlrf PJaidr, 14 Udkfs to the Dirt. Cc per iidkf; Fancy itoib uocaj irom ixc upwaros; Trimming Silks ana balin lu all trio Uu-.l color - lne; clock blllc veiveu; A new lot Cretonnes 25c. regular prlco MHc ; Ladles' Cloaks, latest style, all price; Heop Skirts. 50c, 75c and f 1.25; Felt Skirts 60c to 4 50; Blankets from 2 to $13 a pair; Spanish Laco Fichus, Scarfs and Tier; Cords and Spikes; Cord and Tassels; bilk Fringes Ladles', Gents' and Children's Hosiery, Glove and Underwear. A Job Lot of Ladles' Black aad BJal Don, tne. worth 00c, cheapest for the quality ever shown In the city, CARPETS. We offer by far tbe largest assort ment of the above ever offered In this city, and our prices just tha same as quoted In New York. we nave several iod uoiu in nnswis, uiovr. Handkerchief. tc, but spaco will not admit of further particular. no 21 tf 45 Market HI. Merchant Tailoring. fN OUR PIECE GOODS DEPARTMENT 18 Ex hibited the largest stock of Imported and Domes tic Fabrics ofanyhoussln the Btato. W havo just received anew Slock, bought very low, and we will give our creditors the advaotno of It Thoso.ln waiting can now be snttod. Give me call before buying elsewhere. no 21 tf I idling Merchant Tailor and Cloth If r Cheese and Mullets. 150 No 1CRKAM cnKKsa. yp Bbls Large Mullet. For sale y Bno 21 tf KEKCI1NER J CALDBU BKOS. Racou, Kitltuiid Flour JQQ Boxes D. S. SIDE, 3000 fcack" L1VKRIOOL SALT' 1000 BblB PLOUK For sale by no 31 tf KERCHNSR A CALDER BKOrt. Water Ground ITIcal. QQQ Busbols WATER MILL MEAL. For sale by no 21 tf KERCH N Bit A CALDBU DUOS. Powder, Powder, Pewder. 2Q0 Kegs RIFLE POWDER, 00 Keg BLASTING POWDER, HllA"1dKKg Sporting POWDER. For salo by KERCHNKR A CALL) Kit DRUM. no 31 tf Carpets rpHE LARGEST STOCK OF CARI'kTS SOUTH of New York. Worsted Fringes A job lot of tho above which we are offering at tc per yard. L.adlc' Illnck and Mate, toadies' HOSE at a great Bargain, 25c and 3'c.werth 50c and 00c a pair. BROWN A RODDICK, no 14 tf 45 Markrt M. A Pleasant New Home. JU8T PUTTING UP ANOTUKR LOT OF those excellent Llicht Running Machine ' Noo dles for otner machine on hand, Hperm Oil. Ac. Old machines taken In exchange. Now Ladle get yon a New Home for th winter. My beat wlabe to yon all. J. B. PARKAR, n24 3t 34 Market BUx-t Fresh Oysters J VERT DAY AT Mozart Saloon. no35tr Buggy for Sale. JEW TOP BUGGY, 81DB BAR, VERY II AND- some, made to order and of th very beat material . To be sold because owner has no are for It, aud at a considerable discount on cost . Apply to nolltf nac . P. U. 11ATDKN. 600 T COMMON BEDSTEADS. WHICH WK OFFER to the trad at Bargains. Tbe best stock of Chamber and Parlor Fnrnltir ersr exhibited in thta city. Elegant Folding Chairs, the best aawort ment we have ever bad now In stock. If you want bargains In Reliable Goods call on o. B D. A. SMITH CO., no i tf Furniture Deal r. I i