. TT. .. - 3. JsP - -,t ., j - hi Jim Jii a are. mm a-. , , "W 2 Iff n U su Bin JK IJG i- VII ltiri. VENING EDITION. THE KVBtflNtt STAB. RICHARD nSNRY 8T0DDARD Along the grassy slope I sit. And dream of either years-; My heart ia full of soft regrets. My eyes of tender tears. The wild bees humrried about the 6pot, ine sneep oeua iinRleU far, Last year when Alico sai wan me Beneath the evening ur. The same sweet star is o'er me now. Around the same soft hours; Cut Alice moulders in the dust With all the last Tear's flowexp. sit alone, acd only hear The wild bees on (be ateep, And distant bells that seem to fl at From out the folds of Sleep. Electric Eilsbtlos by Incandescence. Scientific American For some months it has been pretty i ; a? . i generally recognizea in inis country iha?, so far as laboratory test9 on a considerable scale can determine the gmeral applicability aud economy of a novel invention, there could be no serious doubt of the ultimate success of electric lighting by incandescence. At Menlo Park a number of Edison Umps have been kept alisht for months together, furnishing as near an approach to perfection in the quality of tho light for interior uses as one could ask for, and proving the durability and economy of the lamps. Applied to the steamship Columbia the lamps have made the voyage from Npw York to Oregon around Uape Horn thoroughly de- monstrating their efficiency and en durance under very trying conditions. - With much labor and ingenuity Mr. Edison has reduced the manufacture of his lamps to what miy fairly be 1 1 1 1 called a commercial oasis, luagmg dv the scale of the manufacture the aim- pncity ui tuts piuucsaca luvuiveu, auu the uniformity and cheapness of the resulting product, fie has erected a large factory for lamp-making, and trained a numerous corps of glass blowers and other workmen for the w rk iti hand. He has built a machine shop, and constructed in it many cost ly and powerful dynamo machines and other apparatus needed in estab lishing the working plant of central stations for operating, in this city and elsewhere, piactical systems of e metric lightning. He has surveyed c -riain sections of this city prepara tory to the general introduction of his tamps, and has made extensive pr- pnraiions for exhibiting the light .1 Menlo Pork on a scale so large as t demonstrate beyond cavil the practical value of his system for j:-i.t-ral aud economical illumination Meantime other incandescent r.c lamps, nuoh as Maxim's and eleo- y v v u t iii j u 1 j va te yw have been on trial in New York aii-l Philadelphia, developing results calculated to confirm the belief trial interior lighting by electric in-candt-Hcence has got a long way be yu:d ihe experimental stags of de velopment, and will pass to that of practical application on a commercial scale as rapidly as the inertia of vest el interests and popular customs cn l.e overcome. There are, forex-a-nplf, about ono huudred Maxim in-i-. audesceut lamps in operation in ih Equitable Insurance Building in thi" eiiy. iiiie all this certain and tubstan uial prgiess has been making in this -c Mintry, both to demonstrate the 1:1 ; iliiy and economy of this method of !:i:l)injg houses and to insure its ulti rnaiu if not speedy adoption, the -fitruians and practical men of E.iglaud have lost no opportunity to assert the utter futility of any efforts in this direction. The ignorance and incapacity of Americans who, like Mr. Edison, have presumed to argue ihn feasibility of electric lighting by incandescence, have been ridiculed unsparingly, with much parade of mathematical formulae and alleged experimental demonstration; and not a little mock sympathy has been waited on the deluded followers of ihe incandescent " Will o-the-wibp" winch was leading so many Ameri cans astray. It is not a little amusing, there fore, to witness the sudden conver sion of these decriers of electric in candescence to a fervent belief in the applicability and economy of such a system of lighting, simply by a single exhibition by an Englishman of what appears from the description furnish ed to be a close imitation of Mr. Edison's lamp, that is to say, the lamp which Mr. Edison, with charac teristic effrontery, has been patent ing as his own. As usual, it turns out that Mr. Edison has merely copied, with phenomenal exactness, an invention which an Englishman made years and years ago, but Nirangsly neglected to make public until some time atter Mr. Edison's alleged 'Jovention had attracted world-wide attention. OtJTIlElZIV ITE1H. We heard a well-informed citi f.'to yesterday, in speaking of the future of Norfolk and her present prosperity, pre dict that in ten years Hampton Roads would be the busiest harbor in the country. Another said that if the people of Norfolk were level-headed our population in 'wenty years would be 300,000. Norfolk Virginian. Large numbers of Western em igrants are arriving at Savannah, Ga., en route for the oraojc groves and soft cli mate of Florida, where they propose set Ming permanently. Tne emigrants em tnace men, women and children. The Florida papers are enthusiastic over the future of the State, and ex'eod a cordial welcome to the newcotnors. Col. James L. Pugb, of Barbour county, wko will succeed Mr. Pryor as United States Senator frura Alabama, said io accepting the Democratic cancunomi ontioo: "W wU plant ourselves on local self-government, crystalife the solid Soolb and never go back on the Northern De mocracy. Everybody in the eolid South ia satisfied." nC' CELEBRATED Meets the reanirementa. rf tho ratfnnai msii! nw luauyu j wuica a present prevaus. it is a perfectly uuia vcKvtaoie remeQT. emoracin? tnetnrea lmnnr. tant properties of a preventive, a tonic and an al terative. It fortifies the bodv uralnat disease, invi gorates and revitalizes the torpid stomach and liver, and effects a most salutary change in the entire system, when in a morbid condition. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally, no 3 Dood&Wly ta th sa una DnSftflFOBD'S Only Vegetable Compound that acts directly upon the Liver, and cures Liver Complaints, Jaun dice, Biliousness, Malaria, Cos- tiveness, Headache. It assists di gestion, strengthens the system! I m rrcni atpstht hnwp c rmririecthp blgod A Book'sent free! Dr. SanfordXi 62I Broadwav N.Y. FOB I SALE lBYJALLlRTJGaiSTS' e 39 eod6m tn th sa nrm I The it and Best Medicine ever Hade. A 00 drak and Dandelion, wltb aU the best nd moat e wto profjeraas on. mix outr nnh greatest Blood Purifier, Liver makes Resu Agent mbuwwm rteaan. oesconng eano. Ho disease kaapoadbrylon? exist where Hop Bitten are 1 mil penect aretneir 01 CieygiTBeuVavifiCTtothagladbllnB. To ail whose ewnoqoynientaeanse lrregrtilarl tr of the bowels or nrinarr organsror who re quire n A 1 n w I wik Tnrf- ami miM Sthntilant, HopKtteraarinTmluaiMwrcnouv inxox Moatins Ho matt or symptoms la use Hon Rit- are what the disease or ail ten. Dome wait until Ton ick bat If roa only feel bad ex rniaerah)eV ueethem at once- It may tare your life.lt aved hundreds. tSOO will be paid to aa they will nov 'let your friends coreorheltit Do not suffer ,but se and arfie m Hop B Remember, Hop Bitters Is He, dragged drunken noscraxn. bat tne and Best Modicine erer made ; the "IHYJ and Hon and no person or family should bo without them. D. I.C. is sa absolute and Irresistible c for Drunken newt, use of opium, tobacea narcotics. All sold by dmggists. Send, i tor urcuar. Mvp nan sus Rochester Jt.Y and Toronto, 10 eodlm&W trCUOsa nrm . Ague Cure Is s purely vegetable hitter ami power ful tonic, and is warranted a speedy and certain cure for Fever and Ague, Chills nml Fever, Intermittent or Chill Fe ver, Remittent Fever, Dumb Ague Periodical or Bilious Fever, and all malarial disorders. In miasmatic dis tricts, the rapid pulse, coated tongue, thirst, lassitude, loss of appetite, $ain in the back and loins, and coldness of--the spine and extremities, are only premonitions of severer symptoms.whicli terminate in the ngiiH paroxysm, succeeded! by high fever and profuse perspiration. It is a startling fact, that quinine, arse nic and other poisonous minerals, form the liasis of most of the "Fever and Aguo Preparations," Specifics,'! SyTrps,,, and Tonics,- in the marieet." Tlloprepara tions made from these mineral poisons, "although they are palatable, and. may break the chill, do not cure, but leave tho malarial and their own drug poison in the system, producing qrrinism, dizziness, ringing in the ears, headache, vertigo, and other disorders more formidable than the disease they were intended to cure. Ayek's Aoue Ccrb thoroughly eradicates these noxious poisona from the system, and always -cures the severest cases. It contains no quinine, mineral, or any thing that conld injure the most delicate pa tient; and its crowning excellence, above its certainty- toure, is that it leaves the system a free from disease as before the ' attack. For Liver Complaints, Aran's Ague Ci:ke, by direct action ou tho liver and biliary apparatus, drives out tho poisona whielt prodnce these-complaints, and stim ulates the system to a vigorous, healthy condition. "Wot warrant it 'when taken according to directions. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass. SOUJ CT ALL DBUGGI8T9 EVEBYWHEKE. apSeodly suwafr .nrm . The Ilarion Star. mmt nr-TYRST N BWUPim PUBLISHED IN JL tne Pea Dee section, one Of the wealthiest and at thtfisate, laeaate. oscnvavmnuiuBeiuM ii ti ifmsaiints 'ssiiii siniiMfirtarrrn ana thnaa who have adopted the Dlan of selling by S 1 aample, an excellent -medlnia of eommaaication wif Ji a large and iflnanHai cl&ss of merchants, me chanics.planters and naval store sen; whose pat romvfi worth soUeltation. Advertfsetaeats and Basiness Cards inserted on liberal tennav" - DBnuiB Addregi THB STAR, ept SS tf Marion. H. C. Oar ojyjtaaoas, it saouid bo understood , rep seat the t holes&la prices generally. In m&klne a soaU orders higher prices havo to be charsroo. aKTICUUBB. BAGGING Qunny btandard. a&.CON North Carolina, HamB.aj a(new) Shoulders, 9 fi Bides, N. a choice, ) fi 00 12 13 u 9 to Western Smoked dams Sides, $j ID Ihoaid-jra, Dry Salted !ltdt,l ft. 0 0 u u e liSXF bivo weight I !v ncitja apunisxcrpontUJe, Sacond Hand, each Sew Now Tora, each. ..... 05 uo 00 31 r so 30 15 23 18 73 i: Mi 22 He CKj , Cttctl ll-JKSWAX S fi Bxuu&jj w uraiaKton, 9 a 1 Northern, 9 50 14 00 Buixjuv-orxnjaxouna, ft B Northern. J) ft CANDLES Spenn, ?i Tallow, .fi Adamantine, lb.. SO 33 6 IS 10 0 & 0 & 00 c 10 o 28 18- 70 C (2XKBSNorthern Factory B . - iMirywereama & 8tate, .... OOJrTKsWava, aft Hio, t Lagnayra, fc 14 80 m 75 2 25 COSN UKAL 9 JasheWn sacks WTTONTlKS gdle DOMESTICS Sheeting, 4-4, yd 1 75 7 1 0) to 16 W 8 CO 9 00 tarn, v Doncn EGGS FISH-I4aerei,NoVlV'bbr. No.1, X bbl Mackerel, No. S, 9 bbl No. , 9 X bbl Mackerel, No. 8, 9 bbl , Mallets, fjbbl do Fork bbls N. O. Herring, Boa,y keg.. .. 1 1U 13 sa 20 00 10 50 1000 5 00 o 50 8 00 CO 8 00 00 87 50 00 00 45 00 00 00 ' 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 65 80 0 00 6 00 7 00 835 600 400 6 ygRTlLUKRH Penman Guano, V 30C9 Bi Baogh'sPbosBhate, " Carolina Fertlllier, " Ground Bone. dBone Meal, " " Flour, Navassa Guano, M Complete Manure " " Whann's Phoephate ' Wando Phosphate, Berger As Buts's Phosph. " Exeellensa Cotton Pertlhaer 62 50 60 00 60 00 40 00 45 00 57 00 45 00 67 00 70 00 70 00 00 00 60 00 4 25 FLOUB Pine. 9 bbl Super. Northern, 9 bbl 4 CO 6JfO 7 50 6 00 5 75 5 00 7 00 900 6 0 600 650 jtxsra oo. v 001 Eamlly " V bbl City Mills-Extra, 9 bbl m iPamlly, 9 bbl... Zx.ramily, 9 bbl... 6 35 11 70 64 67X 50 00 & 4 12X& 1 15 1 10 1 00 80 00 strra 13 GRAIN Corn.tn store, in nags, Corn, Cargo, 9 bushel....... 74 65 7i) 52. 85 75 , 125 1 20 1 15 90 09 10 10 1 25 uorn,nuzea dusuuu augo. Oats. 9 bushel Red Ross Proof.... .......... Pe&a. Cow. 9 bushel HIDES Green, 9 B Dry. V HAY Eastern, ? 100 J&s... westera, v iw n HUOP IRON S ton.. ... LARD Northern, ft.... 9X North Carolina, v s... 00 1 u 18 00 15 00 13 00 18 00 13 00 00 37 00 00 25 00 40 000 11 1 10 90 15 00 00 2a 8 75 40 40 0 00 CO GO 09 00 LTMB bbl LUMBER City 8BaxSW3B BMP Staff, resawea, 9 m rt. . Rouffh Edtro Plank. M ft... 30 00 O 16 00 13 00 32 00 Weetlndla (Cargoes, according to quality, v m rs DreaseaPioorinz, seasoned.. Bcantlln and Boards, com- an -Star 15 00 MOLASSES New CP ;Caba, hhds 40 New crop Cuba, ddis gai.. Porto Rico,hMs hhls 40 & & 4i 6 27 27 ao 3 50 12 145 100 13 20 22 2- 18 1 00 70 80 2 75 Surar House, hhds, f3 gal. bbls.V sjal... Bvrap. bls. V xal & & & & NAILS Cut. lOd basis, 9 kez.. OILS Kerosene, 9 Kl Lard, gal... Linseed. gal Rosin, V gal Tar. per gal Deck and Spar, per gal POULTRY Cnles:ens.nve,grown spring.. Turkeys PEANUTS 9 bushel. ... ....... POTATOES Sweet, 9 bushel.. uuu, if u ...... .... PORK Nort - jrn , Oity Koes 17 50. j Prime. nbi 6J Id UU 14 00 Rump, obi R1C3 CsjoJViih, 9 & 00 00 7V 7X Kouch, V uoKh I CO IMG 1 14 00 86 00 00 fl 0 0 10X& 10 8 1 25 RAGS Country, 9 - 1 IX 22 75 90 5 75 City, K - v ROPE SALT Aiin, 9 bushel Liverpool, J sacK, LlBbon, 9 sack..... American. V eack SUGAR Cuba, J Porto rtico, 9 A Coffee, 9 B " 9 S C 9 Bx.C 2 11 18 ;9X 11 6 7 00 3 30 9 11 6 5 00 2 00 4 50 00 12 00 10 00 5 12 00 13 00 9 00 7 50 6 00 4 53 1 00 1 00 30 80 18 fcOAP Northern , 9 s SHINGLBS Contract, 9 M . . . . Common, H CypressSaps 9 M, Cypress Hearts SU, 5 00 7 50 STAVES W.O.BbL,$M... ., S O liiula V - TALLOW 9 TIMBER Shipping, 9 H 15 00 00 00 6 13 00 Extra Shipping Mill Prim, M Mill Pair, mis. Common Mfil Inferior to Ordinary. K 14 50 11 oc 8 00 650 5 00 500 3 50 26 33 30 WHISKEY Northern, 9 gal . ortn Carolina, 9 gai WOOL Unwashed, 9 Washed. V Burry Wool WlIiHIINQTOIf OIOREI niBKEI Exchange (sight) on New Tork, dlsc't. Baltimore, Boston, X " Philadelphia " Western Cities " Exchange 30 days 1 9 cent. Bank of New Hanover Stock 94 First National Bank, 76 Navassa Guano Co. ' 125 N. C. Bonds OldBx-Ooupon 23 do. running i8o s Do. " 1868 S Do. New 4's 68 Do. Special Tax 4 Do. to N. C. Railroad 80 W. A. W. R.R.Bonds7 ec(GoldInt).113 Carolina Central B. R. Bonds, 6 9c. .60 Wll. Col. ft Aug. R. R. " CO Wilmington city nouns, 7c ss " new 6 c..I.85 8 c 85 New Hanover County . . . 6 9 c 85 (Cur. Int) W. W. Railroad Stock 65 North Carolina R.R. " 70 W1L Gas Light Co. " ,.45 WUminston cotton uius m Bank of Hew Hanover. Authorized Capital $1,000,000. Casta Capital paid in $300,000 Surplus Fund $50,000 DIB EC 1 OR S. JOHN DAWSON D. R. MURCHI3Q O. M. STEDMAN ISAAC BATES, .IAB. A. LEAK tf. F. LITTLE S. B. BORDEN DONALD MoRAB H. VOLLSKS R. R. BRIDGERS J. W. ATKINSON CHAS. M. STEDilA.N, President. ISAAC BATES, Vice President. Wxixacx. Cashier aug 20-tf 8. D. Atkinson & manning's Insurance Rooms, BANK OF NEW HANOVER BUILDING. Wilmington, W. C. Fire, Marine anf-Life Companies. ate Capital Represented Over $100,000,000 1 ell-tf The Camden Journal, PuSti&hed Every Thursday, at Camden, 6. 0., IS THE OLDEST-ESTABLISHED PAPER IN Kershaw county, and has an extensive circulation among the Merchants, Farmers and all classes of business menia tne county. It offers to the Merchants of Wilmington a desir able Medium for Advertising, the country in which it circulates, being coraectedwiththat city by steam or on the Wateree River,-and the Wilmington, Co lumbia and Augusta Railroad. Liberal terms will be made with those desiring to advertise. Subscription price, $3 50 per annum. AAA as, FRANTHAM HAY, feb 87 t Ed'tors and Proprietor. qiaisqiSliLANEoUfs. li 18 15 8 10 15 10 1H 2 Tarrant's Saltzer Aperient- A cure for Indigestion frightful, A babbling beverage delightf ai ; A remedy for every ailment O'er which the Bilious make bewailment, A laxative, though mild, effective, A tonic, neryine and corrective: An anodyne and sudorific, A wonderful bauds cpecetic EmbodyiBg every rare ingredient That Mother Nature deemed expediant. With kindly liberal land to fling Into the famous Seltzer Spring, no 16 Deod&W 2w tu th sa tmc3p e MomingStar PUBLISHED DALLY AST) WEEKLY Snliscription Rates In Alliance DAILY STAR. One Year, postage paid, $7 00 ' Six Months " 4 00 Three Months " " 2 25 M " One Month " " 1 00 WEEKLY KTAK, One, Year postage paid, f 1 50 Six Months, " 1 00 Three Months " 50 Notices of the Press: lyi papers In the State, as bright and newsy as to it. Salem Frets. Liong ine The WilmiHgton Stab has entered on its twelfth year as good a paper as anypeopie enuuiu want. Charlotte Democrat. The Wilmington Stab has entered on its twelfth rear. As a dally journal of news it stands "up lead." Concord Register. The Wilmington Stab has entered its twenty- fifth volume. There Is no better paper published in the State. Lenoir Topic. The Wilmington Stab has entered upon its thir teenth year. It is one of the beat papers in the State . Warrenton Gazette. Tne Wilmineton Stab has entered its thirteenth year. It has become one or tne leaning papers 01 the South. Oxford TorcUxQhl. The Wilmington 8tak Is not only one of the beet edited oaBers in ine estate, out lor wanness 01 news and typographical appearance cannot be e&t cnJackton Eeporter. The Wilmington Stab is ono of the very best pa- Twn in the South, in everv department from typog raphy up to editorial ability aid independence. Petersburg ( Va ) Index Appeal. We like the Stab because it is thoroughly relia ble, candid, fearless, and so well and ably edited. newsy, spicy, and in fact a perfect newspaper. Long may the stab iwinsue. jui. Airy yvsvwr. Althonch at the head of the press In this State In all that makes a paper valuable to the reader, still it continues to improve. It is a bTAB or the nrst magnitude. May its lustre never wane. The Free Will BodOsL The Wilmington (N. C.) MoBxrae Stab is a mo del newspaper. Indeed, we think we do not exag verata its merits when we sav it is the newsiest (sec ular) paper publiehed In the South. Bichmond(Va-) Jieiiawus Jtlercia. The Wilmington Stab has now entered upon its thirteenth Year and twenty-fifth volume. One of the best conducted and edited papers in the South, and, as a North Carolinian, we are proud or lt.- Tarboro Southerner. The Stab is so well and favorably known In this nnrtion of the State that we can sav nothing or which its thousands of readers do not already Know. It is in everv respect one of the best dailies ia the South. Sooesontan. The Wilmington Stab has entered on Its twelfth year. It Is a most excellent newspaper, weu eoiiea- a compendium or an tne newB 01 we oay, uiu an honor to its city, to North Carolina and to North Carolina iournaliamu Charlotte Observer. That magnificent beaming Stab has completed its twenty-second volume. It is one of the most hrnuanc ernaite ana snaraumg aamea souui ui mo Potomac. The srstem in the get up of the paper surpasses them all. Tarooro aoutnerner. The Times cannet say a word too good for the Wilmineten Stab. It has inn reached one of its many birthdays. As a newspaper it is a favorite with the State press and is sought after by the peo ple. Long and prosperous life to vJUWvum Utmes. WhT lnit that all tho naners with the name of Star are such bright little ioumals 1 The Wilming ton (N. C.) Stab, the Washington Star, Fredericks burg Star, -New York Star, for example There must be something in a name after all JBichmond iTaJi State. The Wilmington Stab, we are pleased to notice. Mil armtlnnes on the htch road to success. We es teem the Stab very highly, regarding it as one of the very best of our exchanges, and consider it the peer of any journal published In tho South. Ox ford Free Lance. Thn Wilmington Rtaw is now taking the regular midnignt Associaiea rress repono, ana use increased the amount of its reading matter. The Ktih 1a an excellent norter. Its Prosperity lS not surprising since it is so deserving. Charlotte Ob server. Thx Mobhtks Stab, ne of the best dailies we know, and as a newspaper, in our opinion, tne very heat, has entered nnon its twelfth rear. In every particular the Stab comes fully up to the mark as tne principal oauy m our cmei cdduuhuiu utjr. Leng may it twinkle. Alamance Gleaner. The Wilmlnrton Star has entered noon its 12th volume, and we are pleased to notice still continues on the road to success. We esteem the Stab very highly, regarding it as one of the very best newspa pers tnat cornea to tnis omce. m news ouuuuib are alwavs a little fuller than those of any other of our exchanges, and its editorial department is con ducted with much ability. Msrqanton Made. TTnmhle in Its bednninira. as was in separable from an enterprise begun amid the wreck of fortune that attended the enllanse of the Snnthern Confederacy. the Stab has steadily waxed" until it now beams resplendent in the full glow of. a constantly bright ening prosperity, as a newspaper it nas iew cquais, and no unnerior. for .nnmnriste Selection and JU- dicioas arrangement, and we are proud to rank it among our most acceptable exchanges. HUlsaoro Recorder, The Wilmington Mourns Stab has entered upon the thirteenth year of its existence, and we take 'annate 11 upon yrwum- The remarkable suc- its strict attention to business. The boast of. the Stab (rightfully too). is that it always has the news, and this is the first thins in ionrnalism. Otherwlfca the Paper is all that the term of "good newspaper" implies, and its corps of editors and reporters are thoroughly edu cated newspaper men. May the healthful, moral influence of the Stab never be retarded, and may its genial, enterprising proprietor enloy many more happy years of usefulness. Qoldsboro Messenqer. For Sale Low, VWO 1-HORSE TRUCKS, ONE ALMOST NEW, Both in thorough order Con be bought cheap.; Apply at my 20 tf THIS OFFICE The Central Protestant A WEEKLY RELIGIOUS AND FAMILY NEWS- IX paper and the Orean of the Methodist .notes tant Church in North Carolina, is published at Greensboro, N. C. Terms, sa 00 per annum, in advance. The elieibllity of its location, the number and ac tivity of its agents, and the constantly Increasing de mand f orit among. the more solid classes of readers in various sections, give the CENTRAL peculiar claims upon the patronage of the advertising public, Verms very favorable. Consult your business inter ests, ana aaaress tne editor J. L. MICHAUX, Greensboro, N. C. MISCELLANEOUS. Lowell Machine Shop. Lowell, Mass., MAN U FACTU RBR3 OF & VERY DESCRIPTION OK COTTON MACHINERY Of most Approved Patterns and with Recent improvement. Paper machinery ALSO, TTJi&BlIVE WHEELS, shutting and Scaring, Hydraulic Presses and Pumps. Elevator, &c. PLANS FOR COTTON AND PAPER MILLS. C. L. HILDRETH, Snp't. LOWELL, MASS. WM. A. BURKE, Treas., mh 3 tf 8 Pemherton Square, Boston. JNCOURAQB HOME INSTITUTIONS. SecHiity against Fire. THB NORTH CAROLINA HOBIE INSUHANCE COBS PAN RALEIGH. N. a This Company continues to write Policies, at fm rates, on all classes of ins or able property. All losses are piomstlv adjusted and paid. The 'HOME " Is rapidly growing in public favor, and appeals, with confidence, to Insurers of property lu Mertnoaroiisa. tja? Agents In all parts of the State. JOHN GATLINO, President. W. S. PRIMROSE, Secretary. PULASKI COWPER, Supervisor. ATKINSON & MANNING, AeaHve, aug 1-tf Wilmington. N. O. Received This Day, 50 CASES ROEDERER & CO. DRY BOWZY CHAMPAGNE1, FRESH FROM BOND. At Importer's Price. GEO. MYERS, Agent. CA CASES FRENCH BRANDY, OU PROM BOND THIS DAY And for sale at Importer's Prices only $i.ou ror a Bottle or Imported French Brandy, At UBO. MYKKS'. OR Tubs GILT EDGE BUTTER, aCO 30 CENTS A POUND, Choicest Grass Butter. WINES and LIQUORS, of best grades. Atropuiar races. OEO. MYERM, my 27 tf Noe. 11, 13, 16 South Front at. The Best Paper- Try It. Beautifully Illustrated. :j5th TEAR. The Scientific American. rpHK SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN is a large First X Class Weekly Newspaper or Sixteen Pages printed in the most beautiful style, PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED WITH SPLENDID ENGRAV INGS, representing the newest inventions and the most recent advances in tne Arts ana sciences ; in cluding New and Interesting Facts in Agriculture, Horticulture, the Home, Health, Progress, Social Science, Natural History. Geology, Astronomy. The most valuable practical papers by eminent wri ters In all departments of Science, will be found in the Scientific American. Terms. 8.20 per year, SI. 60 half year, which In cludes postage. Discount to Agents. Single co pies, 10 cents. Sold by all Newsdealers. Remit by postal order to MUNN A CO.. Publishers, 37 Park Row, Mew York. aow, stw lunt. PATENTS. Messrs. Mcnh A Co. a 1 in connecuou wim ui I, SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN are Solicitors or American and Foreign Patents, have had 85 years' experience, and now have the largest . establishment in the world. Patents are obtained on the best terms. A special notice is marie In the SCIENTIFIC AMERI CAN of all Inventions patented through; this Agen cy, with the name and residence of the Patentee. By the immense circulation thus given, public at tention is directed to the merits or the new patent, and sales or introduction often easily effected. Any person who has made a new discovery or in vention, can ascertain, ran or chabox, whether a S stent can probably be obtained, by writing to Ivsx A Co. We also send rsu our Hand Book about- the Patent Laws, Patents, Caveats, Trade Marks, their costs, and hew procured, with hints fer procuring advances on Inventions. Address for the Paper, or concerning- Patente, MUNN A CO.. 87 Park Row. New York. Branch Office, cor. F. fc 7th Sts., Washington, D.C. nov I tr Forest and. Stream, AND BOD AND GUN. THE AMERICAN SPORTSMAN'S JOURNAL A WEEKLY PAPER DEVOTED TO FIELD SPORTS, PRACTICAL NATURAL HIS TOJtr, Irion uuliI ukjs, rittrijsvi-iuxi ur OAJnJf, V K nag rt V ATIOJH UIT JTV.tUSB'rS, YACHTING AND BOATING, RIFLE PRACTICE. AND ALL OUT-DOOR RECREATIONS AND STUDY. This is the only Journal In the Country that fully supplies the wants and necessities of the Gentleman Sportsman. TERMS $1 00 a Year. Send for Specimen Copy Forest Ac stroauna Pnbllalilnar Co., Ill FULTON ST., (OU No. 103,) New York. Post Ofice Box 3331 . sept 37-tf The Biblical Eecorder PUBLISHED BY Edwards, Broughton A. Co. RALEJGH, N. C. REV. C. T. BAILEY, Editor. REV. H. HATCHER, Associate Editor. Organ of Nortn Carolina Baptists In Its 44th Year. EVERY BAPTIST SHOULD TAKE IT As an Advertising Medium Unsurpassed Onlr 92.00 per Year. Address BIBLICAL RECORDER , dcc23-tf Raleigh. N. C. THE RALEIGH Christian Advocate, Edited and Published by BLACK & REID, Mail H. C. I ia the organ of about 69,000 Methodists in North Carolina, and has the largest circulationof any pa per m tne otaw. t gives ma jjwhw, bwuw buu religious news. Is a weekly, eight page, religious, famliw ncuKsnanar.. Only S3. 00 per annum. Sub scribe at once. r AnverueinK rates-uoerBi. ibumu ' Coal and Wood. J-ON'T FORGET THAT WE HAVE MOVED to the premises, corner of Water and Mulberry streets, where we keep COAL, WOOD, SHINGLES, BRICK andPOWDEit at lowest cash prices.' u. u. pakhi.kx, dr., oc27 tf Cor. Mulberry and Water eta. KAILROAD LINES. Wilmington & Weldon RAILROAD CO. OVKGB 07 GWX. StrPSHIirTXjrDBWT, I Wilmington. N. C, Sept. 18, 1680. f Change of Schedule. AS AN1 AFTER SEPTEMBER 19. ISM, AT J fi.40 P. K , Passenger Trains en the WVralnK- ton & We'dM Railroad will run rouows: Day Mail aod Krpreno Train". Itaiiy No. 47ortaoai aoiiiu. Leave Wilmington, Front S. Depot, at C .50 a. Arrive at Weldoa 12:50 P.M. Wvlilnn 3:40 P. m. Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot, :63 P. M. Nifivr Paesenqeh. Mail ajtd Kxpbbss Tbaibs Daily No. 43 North imd 4i South f Wdmlnntnn. Vmn t. Kt. Dnnot. at 8:40 P. Arriva at Weldon .. .. 8:50A.M- Leave Weleon 8:15 A.M. Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot, 8-.40 A. M. Mount for Tarboro at 5.10 P. M. Daily, and Tues- aay, xnursuay ana oHmruajr u.w a. u. , wui ing, leave Tarboro at 10.00 A. M. Daily, and Mon day, Wednesday and Friday at 8 80 P. M. rv.ifi a7 mnlrM rJnae connoctlon at Wel- Arm tnr fill nntnta North dailv. All rail via Kicnmond, and dally except Sunday via Bay Liae. Train No. 45 runs via Richmond and Washing- . i -1 i HMn.AM1.n .1. ,r lllfn. mond, and dally except Saturday ntehts for all points north of Richmond. Both trains run solid between Wilmington and Washington, and have Pullman Palace sleepers atuicjiea. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Sup't. A. POPE, Gen'l 1'assonger Accnt. se HO-tr General Sup'ts Once, wfK,iniNGXN. cojLrinnfA at OUST A iZ. it. COEIl'ANy, Zll WILMINGTON. N. C. Sept 19. U80 Change of Schedule. i.N AND AFTER SEPTEMBER S5, 1830. at 10 13 KJ P. M., the following Passenger fccheduio win be run on this road : Dat Passbhobb.Mail and Express Tbainb.Pailt Nos. 42 Wkst ano45 East. Leave Wilmlncrton M Leave Florence 1:30 P. M. Leave Florence 3:60 P.M. Arrive at Wilmington - - 8:0 P. M. NIGHT EXPRESS TUAIMN (Dally) Nos. 43 Went and 47 Bant. Leave Wilmington 10:13 P.M. Leave Florence 3:80 A. M. Arrive at C C. & A. Junction 5:45 A.M. Arrive at Columbia 5:55 A. M. Leave Columbia 10:00 P. M. Leave C. C. & A. Junction 10:30 P. M. Leave Florence S:30 A. M. Arrive at W Umington 0:30 A. M. This Train stops onlv at Drink!ev. Whitol!!r. Fleming-ton, Fair Bluff, Marion, Florence, Tim- monsville. Mays vine, fcumtcr, Camden Junction and Easton. Passengers for Columbia, and all points on G. & U. ft. K., u., v. B A. K. K. Stations, Alton Junc tion, aud all points beyond, should take No. 43 Night Express. Separate Pullman Sleeper for Charleston and for Augusta on trains 47 and 8. All trains run eoiid botwecn Charleston and Wll -mington. JVH2i F. 11V1NH. Gen'l Snu't A. POPE, Gen'l Patenter Ag.-nt seSO-tf CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILWAY CO. Ornoi GnrEnAi, Sutzbih vn uaa t Wilmington, N. C, June 16, 1880, Change of Schedule. o N AND AFTER JUNEI18, 1880, the following Schedule will be operated on this Hallway : PASSENGER, MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN : 1 Leave .Wilmington at 6:00 P. M. No.l. V Arrive at Hamlet at 1:25 A.M. ) Charlotte at 7:00 A.M. ) Leavo Charlotte at 8:S0 P. M. No. S. VArrtoo at Hamlet at 1:37 A.M. I " Wilmington at a :00 A.M. No. 1 Train 'Is Daily except'SundajB. but makes no connection io itaieign on oaiuraays. No. a Train is Dally except Saturdays. SHELBY DIVISION MAIL, FREIGHT A PAS SENGER AND EXPRESS. , (Leave Charlotte. 8:00 A. M. 13:00 M. w . I Leave Shelby J-4' J Arrive at Charlotte . . . 3:00 P. M. 6:00 P. M. LOCAL FREIGHT A ACCOMMODATION. Leaves Wllmlngtoa Arrives at Lauiinburg .. 6:45 A. M. .. 6:10 P. M. .. 4:15 A. M. .. 4:00 P.M. .. 5:30 A. M. .. 4:30 P.M. . 5:00 A.M. Leaves Charlotte Arrives at Laurinburg Leaves Laurinburg Arrives at Charlotte Leaves Laurinburz Arrives at Wilmington 4:15 P. M. These Trains leave Wilmineton and Charlotte Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays; Laurinburg, jtonaayB, weaseaaays ana jrnaays. Close connection at liamiet to and from rcaieurh. and at Charlotte via Statesvllle, to all points in Western North Carolina and to Asheville. Also via Spartan bunr to Henderson ville. adjacent points and Asheville. Passengers for Asheville via either route, leavtnir Wilmington at 6 P. M., will arrive at destination at 7 P. M. next day. Bleeping -Car accommodations on Through Trams to and from Charlotte and Wilmington Throueh Sleepers will also be run to and from Raleigh and Charlotte. V. . JOB.NSOH, Je 17-tf General Superintendent. CLYDE'S New Tork and Wilmington Steamship Line. The Steamer mmmlmy- REGULATOR, CaDt. DOANE, WILL SAIL R0to NEW TORK, Katorday, NovemberL20. Shippers can rely upon tho PROMPT SAILING of Steamers as advertised. For Freight Engagements apply to THO ITI AS E. BOND, Superintendent, Wilmington, N. C. Tbeo. . Eser, Freight Agent, Mew xorx. W. p. Clyde & Co., General Agents, dec tr 95 iireadway, new zora. WILMIHGTON MERCHANTS WILL FIND THE LAURINBURG ENTERPRISE THE BEST MEDIUM THROUGH WHICH TO ADVERTISE FALL AND WINTER GOODS among the people of Robeson, Richmond and An son counties, in North Carolina, and In the border counties of South Carolina. The ENTERPRISE lias a large and increasing circulation In the Pee Dee and Cape Fear sections of this State; having obtained a large circulation in the latter during the six months It was published in FayettevUle before Its removal to Lanricboifh and in the former within the last two months. 'Advertisements will be inserted by the month, quarter and year at reasonable rates. Address n. I. BXcDUFFIE, D&Wtf V 'v.- laurinburg, N. C.J - ,'-ivi. CLaaW3aa&Ca " MISC THE BROVII COTTON GIN Cleans th Sees better Rune Lighter, Glne Paster and Ooets Loo a Money than any other Qln In the Market. Every machine fully and legally guarrantood. Thoso maolUnos are made of the best matri-ials, and th workmanship and flnlsh are unexcelled. Bare been awarded premiums at all the State fair, Oeorgia AUIiam., Toxaa, etc Upwards of COOO of our Gnu are In constant uao la the southern states, orer 1S0S kai ti been sold in UTS. Price List of Cine, Feeder and Oondenaara Boxed ready ror shipment and dellTorad at oar factory. ff i M i f m,f) i g Tl- t - J j 1 3 ti- Price with Prtoswlth BImm. I7Vnlor 8e"Jn?1-r Self F-dram4 or Ctmdnr. OondonaDr. aOsaw 474 00 $100 00 S1K 00 86 " 87 M 11 00 144 W 0 " 100 00 ISt M U 00 ii " llltbO liS 00 170 AO 60 " K0O0 100 00 IWt 00 0 " 140 00 1MO0 SM0 00 70 " M0 00 r 00 ia 00 80 " ISO 00 131 00 SH4 00 W Termss elven on Application. 1 i From 1R43 to U68 we miinntwDrMl Olnaat Colombna. n.. under the firm name of K, T. TiTUidOo., artsrwarda rxxMOKS. Biovi & Oo.. ana mad. what u than knowa as the Taylor Gin, Dminfrtha year 1814 w rttmortxl totals plaoa, where we hare been exclusively engag-ed ta num. factoring' Utns ever slnoa. With lonjf experience, the beat labor saving machinery aad akll led work men, we poawui advantairos not enjoved by an other roanafarinrnr In our line, for producing the aitsT work for the uiast money. Aae aemwia ihutw wm bo a1 v". nfMu-17 miv orars remained unfllled, but we have doubled onr maji uf aHu rtua canacitv and hone to be able Oo meet aJl demanda. atlll It ia tbewiaost plan to gat your orders lr nrfy. Bend for Ulnntratrd piunnTT lot srlvlna: ne volutUary 1emUmim4alm from ovor too Urn, entrpiiidn nlantera. Preoana, Kiurlans ana ooaipiDwuuuit mn.imii.i yiu;n uoirea. Aaareae BROWN COTTON JIN CO NSW LONDON. OONK. JOUN DAWSON A CO., Agents, mil 16 DJtTVCm rilmln.toii. N C. MARBLE O tU U KJ E W T S AND Grave Stones. K1UST -CLASS WOKS AT I-OWEST NEW YOICII PKICKM. DBSIONH SENT BY MAIL WOIIK PA(,'KED AND HIUPPED. AT OUK RIHK. TO ANY PART OF THE SOUTH. RCirllAUn WATH , N A '., 67 Lafayf'ttn Iac, New Vorli. Wsthan's Mnnnmi-fil iwitmr. In lHxk f.irm.foi rv!c Ul tbc Trade. It 4 D.tU'if PRESCRIPTION FREE IJtor the speed t Cu re of Kern I a alW eak anas, lost Hanhood, Premature lability, hervoasaoss. Despondencv, Confotloa of Ideas, Aversion to Socletr, Defective Memory, and all disorders Drought on by Secret Habits aad lix cesses. Any druggist has the I agredleaU. Address, DR. JAQUES A CO., 130 Wert Biith Bt, ClflCISHATI, OuTQ. fcb.15 lyUAW N. A. BTEDMAN, Jr. Attorney and Counsellor at Law. KLtZABETDTON, H.A2N (XMJNTY. N. C Office Up stairs. In llrlck Ilnlldlnr, Hrni'ted 1 Rlnaldl A Co. Special attention to Claim. Col "ectlwne on sum of flOOand upwards nnlu for Five Per Cent. If without suit. Drawing !!. Mortgagea, Ar., pociaity. uuawif Hicrh-Bred Doors. NGLISU, IRISH AND GORDON SETTERS. of the Cholc.' t Dreed, with rcaranloue podlgrurs for sale by tt P. WELSH. n?l lUV'f Ynrt. rnr THE LANDMARK, FUBLISnXD AT 82 A2 ES VILLE, 1RIWEL1. CO., N. (. 13 THE - Loading1 Newspaper in Western North Carolina Itls tho only Democratic Paper pobllubcd la Iro dell County one of the larirost and wcalthlost coun ties in the State and has attained a larger Iocs circulation than any paper ever borctoforo pnbl lsbil in the county. Its circulation In Alexander. Wilkes, Asho. Alio ghany. Yadkin, Davie and lrodell. is 4argor tbsn that of any two papers In the State combined; sud Is rapidly acquiring a strong foothold in Forytlic. Burry, Rowan and western Mocklonburg. Itls tho only paper in Western North Carulma that employs a HKOfman Canvabsimu Abnt. and thus kept constantly beforo the pooplc Under thH system a rapidly increasing circulation is tho rcmiit maklna tho LaNnMAE TIIGBESTADVEUTlKlNfl ITI It I 1 1 TO IN WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA. ADDRESS, l.ANO.71 AIll4,' HtJUxwrvUlc. N.O- doc u-tf The Favettevillo Examiner, A Weekly Icinocrftllc Kcmpupcr, Published at FAYETTEV1LLE, NOHTII CAROLINA, By Terms 2.00 a year in advance Send for a spe cimen copy. my 6 tf ALL ABOUT Western North Carolina If you want to know all about the "Garden Spot" of tne aoutn, son a ror a specimen copy of The Western Courier. Itls a TWENTY-EIGHT COLUMN WKKKLY. full of Interesting reading miller, and devf i"! to the Interests of Western North Carolina. Addreee TUB COURIER (XJMl'ANY, Henderson Vlilo, ti ". FOR THE LOCAL & POLITICAL NEWS OF THE FIRST DISTRICT, Subscribe for THE FALCON, A Democratic Newspaper. PUBLISHED AT ELIZABETH CITY, N. O. fVScnt to anv address to Jannarv 1. 1HH1. for ONE DOLLAR. m y S6 tf The Lincoln Progress PubtiiKod Saturdays at Linoolnion, N. C. IS the only paper published In Lincoln county and has an extensive circulation among the Mer chants, Farmers and all elnsere ef basiness men In the State. It offers to the Merchants ef Wilmington a de sirable medium for advertising their buxUae-e throughout Western North Carolina. Liberal terms will bo allowed on yearly adver tisements SuhscrioUon price, $1 M par arm am In . . "irn. v u. uiub. CdHorand Proprieio

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