HE MORNING STAR fly W91. II. BCILVARD, , BLISHKD DALLY MOJCPT MONDAY RATES O 8CB80HUT1O IH aUVaNOB ,ne year, (by mail) postage paid,. ft jw 4ix months, " " " 4 k rhremonUiB, ' " " ...3 46 jae month - " M l 00 to City Subscribers, delivered In any Dart of the city, Fifteen Cents per week. Our City Agents are not autnonaea to wuwi iur i r more than three mentke ;n advance. MORNING EDITION. Entered at the Poet Office at Wilmington, N. C, as second class matter. " OUTLINED A very destructive fire at Lurinbnrg; loss from $40,000 to $50,000; twenty-one buiidings burnt. The refunding bill has been amended by the committee. Seostor McDonald introduced a bill to tax le.al tender Treasury cotes. General ; -Nr- v.t .i,. au VSLIOD iu A.ua otuvn. luai lev, . . m n . .. . ... la fceoaie mr. i . . canning s creaenuais 83 DeDaiur irum uvuisiana, were reaa ana i r T . I fi;ej Allen & Co., New York whole- I 9ale dealers m tobacco, &c. haye failed. Thp. American Public He&Jlh A sso- I . ... " xt. " I ciaiioa convened ia New Orleans yester day; about 100 delegates were preseut. A boy was killed and another severely wouoded at Reynold's Cotlon i Com presa at Norfolk, Va , by an accident to the engine. Gen. Ord has been retired fium the army on account of age. A cyclone visited Cattbage, Ho., Saturday; many building were destroyed and some lives 1 si. B. G. Arnold & Co , coffee dealers of New York, have made an as s'goment; liabilities over one million. New York markets: Money 63 per cent ; roiton easy at 1212i centj ; aouthern tjjur dull at $5 256 75; wheat, ungraded I $i I2il26i; corn dull and iTc lower; ungraded 5760 cents; spirits turpentine firm at 4545Jc; rosin quiot $1 80 1 85. John Sherman's chances for the U. S. Senatorship from Ohio are said to lie the best of all. We have -seen recently several " urdiai notices in the papers of the hrge cities of Father Ryan's poems. The latest from New York is that Judge Black's letter causes tremen dous cjmruotion among the railroad men. Fanny Davenport is accused of wearing her cheap-john clothes when she appears in the smaller places. "Henmagnificent wardrobe" is re served for the big places. Hie South Carolina Legislature is bird at work. The Soloos mean to adjourn sine die before Christmas. A short and buny session, with work systematically and efficiently per formed, is their aim. A good ex ample for North Carolina. We may have something to say to-morrow concerning a secret body knowo as the "Aryan American?"," ihe purpose of which is to destroy the present government and set up an Empire. It bad its beginning and and headship in New England where secession originated and the slave trade flourished. Col. Aleoc. K. McClure, the editor-iu-cbief of the Philadelphia Times, will visit the South, soon, as we learn from Col. Forney's Progress. That paper says: "Kdowo personally or by repute to all ibe public mea of the South for his large aad catholic views of the situation, he will be welcomed by all classes, not only as a practrcvT philosopher, but as a sincere Inecd." i 1 t ni 1 1 .1 e m. t . 01. iucuiure puDiisnes iue iairest 1 (iod one of the ablest) Northern pa- . . . per mat comes to tuis ouio. xue South will treat him well and he will no dU give . kiodly aod, we may hope, a favorable account, of what he .. , . , . . fees in his correspondence with bis uaner. enormous congregation at- tended the Baltimore Cathedral on last Monday morning to hear Father but was finally adopted after haying J I, , i . i . J.J Rvan thfi noPt-nrieat Hfl nreached nyan, tne poet-priest, lie preacnea again at nigh, to an immense gather- ing. His sermons are described as beautiful, almost poetical. The Bal- timore American savs umore American says . "At tbe close of the miss Father Ryan ascended the pulpit and at oace commanded the reverential respect of his audience by bia dicnifierr anri imnnain? annearance. Father Rvan haa lnnir. flow infflock which I hang down to his shoulders of rich brown f color, and they gave to tbe broad face of me speaker an appearance of marked in tellectuality. He wears glasses when read ing. 'His appearance was that of a hale, hearty man, who bears bis age lightly. His manner was quiet and reserved, his voice musical and melodious and well modu lated." Just as we predicted. "Bildad" writes to the Riohmond State from Washington concerning tbe reappor tionment of representation as follows: "Republican Congressmen diecourage Carolina at its next session to enact the idea that a reapportionment for repre- a jaw prohibiting both the mannfac sentation in Congress will be made by the , d 8ale 0f alcoholic liquors, as ruriyBixin congress, iney mina mere is no necessity to harry tbe matter as the new apportionment would not go into effect for taree venra and thp TiVirtv.fiAventh Conirress in which they will have a majority can do j -V5SSSonr C Ject were entered upon now, they say, it uigbt crowd out other more necessary legislation and force the President to call w8688.!011- TherK-".8ome ?l l,n?fm: However, who see no objection on the latter score because it would put the organiz.tion ad fat patronage of the House of Repre- ntativea into Republican hands that much 8er " t-ae uemocrals should insist and I lake no denial. I rn , . 1 1 1 K VOL. XXVII.-NO. 65. The Washington coTrespondejat of the Philadelphia Presa, Radical or gan, says of the payment o.f U. S. deputy marshals used is the election in November: "The Democrats declare that they will make no provision forthe payment of the special Depnty Marshals. The Renubli- cans wi 1 endeavor to have those officials wno are lawtuiiy appointed to execute the Statutes nairl fnr thi ei-viwa - ITor. fore the Democrats have presented a solid I front in their rpaistaroo in th riiiinn r.f I i .- V riT. .. .. -wv... , i iue election laws, rne sonattv rr tne nariv I in lhe House wil, be broken 'hVn ThVrT. ... . . . . uiy marsnai issue again comes to the front. A nQnioer or. Southern Democrats, among Slephensi Emory Bpeerand .Feltoa of CI ""T,. Thev decur; "ntiiS the election laws formftrt a nromin.nt l.,,- in the recent camnaiom. anri ia mtlnriiv ---"-"'" """x of the States announced their emphatic approval or tne existing laws, to refuse, to pay a class of officials wh jse appointment is tresDiy sanctioned by the people would oe to disregard their duly as Representa tives, it seems probable that enough Democrats will vote with the Republicans to pay the marshals to defeat the Demo cratic programme." According to Representative Spring er, Gen. Garfield in 1877, came very near dying or apoplexy superinduced by entering the breakers at Atlantic City. Mr. Sprineer aavs: "The time selected for the sea-bath was early in the morning, so that the water felt quite chill to the touch. Gen. Garfleid is a man of full habits and inclined to apo plexy. As he was not familiar with sea- bathing, he omitted the neceesarv formula of first thoroughly wetting and cooling his I neaa oerore entering the water. He walked I into the breakersraduallv, standing up in the waves as tbey broke over his body. The sudden cooling of the lower part of his body drove the blood, as, from a force pump, to his pram, suddenly he put his nsna to bis bead nd feu back as if shot, As be fell be lay backward upon the shelving sands, with the waves throwing a cloud of foam and spray over bis stalwart ngure." lie wa cared for at once by Rep- resentatives Jdpnnser aud Hiscook I who saw him fall arid afttr ir.tpnaA wno saw turn tan, ana atter intense rubbing and doctoring, be was re- I SiOreQ. I T r urog urif Ki 11 a f r.i r 1 1 sr r f & Q fiAil . ' . tor six pertormances m &t. L.ouis that handsome Mary Anderson received. , , j. 1 , tt 1 -i I out uiu not iue r rencu woman pne it uu in New York? For four weeks she reoeived $99,000 neily an average of $25,000 a week. But our Southern girl has the beauty. nortb Carolina Conference of lU e K. Cborch (onili. Winston Leader. FOUETH DAY'S PROCEEDINGS. in. Rev. Mr. Lafferty, editor of the Richmond Christian Advocate, ad dressed the Conference on the Inter- e8ta of the Southern Pulpit, the Advocate, Sketches of Virginia Preachers, etc. Mr. Lafferty is a rare man, full of genius, talent and fun I ' . t , I lhe examination of charaoter was oompietea. ah passea ana an seemea 1 to have done a t?ood year's work. I S T nrtnola. nna nf iho xrnn n r, men, was aisooniinuea at nis own request. j. M. Davis, whose health had faileJ, was placed in the Supernume rary relations. 1 . " 1 1 a 0 The following deacons of one year I were approved and passed, viz: N. JC. I ni.I w t Mnrb-i0 n w I a- a "r tI TRP.1 HardlSOn, A. K. Iyer, J. X$. Uarpen- I ier ana J. j.. ijyon. rv. j. oeamaa 1 it m t r mf t I and IS. &. JNorton failed to be exam- ined and were continued in the third year The Committee on Education pre- aeoted I their report No. 1 od Daveo- Purt w" VU"C5D- """B" remains the property of the Confer- eQ0(, but notning oan be done at tn aA it finnnoi.llr , r-, ... afui.1l lirMflnted a -tianae. atirnnir report. I which elicited considerable debate , Deen Sllgniiy ameuueu. 6Tnll;n w Wllrn T). T) . f h y. giDia and North Carolina Christian Church, wasntrodaoed and address- ed the Conference with a pleasant o-rAPtino- n"8 3 reeuuf?' . ine nisugp repBu w wuiub ur. pily chosen, warm and eloquent. 'fha Arlvisnrv Comroittea on the . f ik. k f tw rrtt Ipo-p. reDorted that an ample sum had f tA 4. amnia am y,aA hen seoured to oav the entire debt. The Committee on Temperance j .u-: . Ti.;. kua A I made their report. warm discussion. Finally it was adopted without amendments. After a preamble of some length, the fol lowing are the resolutions: Resolved 1st, That we, the North Carolina Conference of the M. E. Church, South, in annual session as sembled, do hereby respeotfnlly me- morialize the Legislature of North ,aa UMn tha hftlinf- of this a KSU f V1 ts, tt.wu.m wfc-w " v State. Resolved 2d. That we. the mem- ber8 of thi8 conference do pledge oorselveato uee a.l proper effort, to circulate petitions, and procure Blgn- ers to the same, said petitions to be forwarded to some person to be des- ignated by this body, whose duty it , L'm .:.u f. shall be to present them, with a cer- titled copy of this action to the Le- gialature aforesaid. T. C. WUliams, of Warrenton, was appointed to present tbe memorial to the Legislature. WILMINGTON, Spirits Turpentine Shelby Aurora: Cleaveland county willconsume no less than one thou sand Tennessee hogs during the next twelve montn. Stokes county, a good one, has I ceased to raise its own cork. It keens its I smoke-house in other States. Bad for I Stokes. i?Afir.fAn f T,,tr,f, I ' 7 J uuuonuuio nSSEK ZZE1' & YmlJ I A " . . J " I m Milton Chronicle : The hoe . rr I cnoiera prevails to an alarming extent in I .rersen and Caswell. Ve bear of a num Raleiirh Visitor- Father White I who has served St. John's church in this ci WUtfaUjr wd acceptably for the 'tt3 low wl" leave ,Q a lew UBy8 lor I n npw riplrf nr lohnr I Elizabeth City Economist: The I railroad, when it starts in a few weeks, will give a new boom to the fish trade of the Albemarle, and new prosperity, we trust. to our hardy and adventurous fisherman. uanbnry Jxeporter: Work on the C. F. & Y. V. R. R., in this county, goes Draveiy on, though we are informed that the authorities have made a requisition on the President for twenty ot the convicts at work here to go to the Western road. Rev. J. Rumple has been doing a capital work for the county of Rowan. His history of that county is valuable and interesting, and we hope will be printed in pamphlet or book form. The articles are appearing iu the Salisbury Watchman. Warsaw Brief Mention'. A negro was found dead on Sunday morning about half mile below Mt. Olive. We learn he had been at the village the evening be fore, ana naa drank to an excess, ile was subject, too, we learn, to sudden fits of cone. A sad aooident occurred in Franklin county on Friday. John Person, aged fourteen years, son of Mr. Pressley C Person, liviug near Franklinton, went out gunning. Not coming home in thy evening, search :was made and the body was founa in the woods with almost the entire top of the head blown off by an acci dental discharge'of the gun. T" 1 O ,jl T T T,nnahm a colored cr0 oa lhe pUnta. tion of Dr. Jos. H. Baker, made 25i bales 01 coa 0 one norse. inere IB BUCq a thi rUnnine a matter in the eroand. This contesting business has grown exceed- nrop Ihirlaan t.nn4As4 Onm'f "Riivtnn crowd be induced to contest? Kinston Journal: We heard of two or three cases, several days ago, where Pities n Kinston had committed larceny auu iuijuci y nuu luc uucuac usu uccu uuu doned and the prosecution ceased on pay ment of damage. The parties concerned ought tS remember that there is such an offence as compounding a felony, and that they are subject to indictment for their acts. 'Washington Press: At this writing we don't know of a single house for rent, and the demand grows all the time. Peter Small, colored, had his arm se verely cut in a cotton gin at Co). Wharton's farm, on Saturday last. Of late we frequently hear the future of our young men discussed, and from what we hear the prospect of many is to be feared unless radical changes take place. Winston Sentinel: Judge Mc- Koy did a commendable act in ordering all convicts sentenced to imprisonment or imprisoned for fines in our county iail to UK NUh IO WUU UUk liiO DUU19 Ul IU- debtedness or sentence upon the railroad, The editor of the Mount Airy Visitor counted twenty-seven wagons passing through thai town in one day last week. Oil their Way tO Winston . All loaded With produce, Reidsville Times: Mrs. Lewis Neal, the young and charming wife of Mr. Lewis Neal, in Yancey ville, died last Tues day morning from the effects of a severe burning sunday night, one oad gone up Btairs to retire, and kneeling by the fire to say her prayers, her night dress caught and she ran down stairs, her dress ablaze, and by the time it was put out she was so badly hOPrit - - tri rftn9(l hr death Tneadar morn- jDg, Warrenton Gazette: Dr. Ed gar Williams tells us of a terrible outrage committed in FrankUn county, on Friday nigbtlast, on a Mr. George Allen, an old JSKSiffSSaS!; A party or parties, it is supposed, entered his store for the purpose of robbery, knocked him in the head, making severe contusions and probably fracture of the DlkUU. DBiuiusjr uiuiuiuc uo nam uuwwu V ' fnr nna Tin Jiianf(rirn ,v iwv prmntr. He left a wife aad four children, and went t'em -mil r . l nrt I i on whu xueu rcruieuier, agou av, wuwuaa dark hair and eyes, wears number 3, shoes, BiX feet high or more, and weighs about 200 pounds, but does not look like he would weigh that much; is a raw-boned man, and when he left home had on a pair of No. 11 home - mada Bhoea, and wore off an old suit of homenade jeans, good front teeth and jush on each side ofhia mouth, but they have been filed. Ia talking he uses a by word Benumbed, and has a short black mustache. Mr. Thomas Broom, of Union county, was Kinea a iew aays ago. ine Monroe Express says: "When about a quar- e m r ier OI B mug irum jui. wvuui b uuuoc, lud dog treed a squirrel, and Mr. Broom was walking around tbe tree looking for tbe squirrel with his gun cocked, when the dog ran by him and it is thought struck the hammer of the gun, causing it to explode, the whole load of. which entered Mr. Broom's body just under the right arm. As soon as the accident happened he was conveyed home by his friends, but lived only about an hour. Mr. B. was about 24 years of age, and was a son of Mr. Burton Broom. He leaves a wife aud one child." Jndge Manning was born in Edenton, N.O., the 14th of September, 1825. He is the youngest of six brothers, only two of whom besides himself are now living, William H. Manning, of Gates county, N. C, Senator elect from the First Senatorial District, and Dr. Joseph Man ning, of Louisiana. He received bis early education at the Edenton Academy, of which he was afterward Principal. On completing his education at the State Uni versity, he entered the legal profession. He filled positions of trust and honor in his native town and county, and removed to Louisiana in 1854 has filled several posi tinnoof trust in that State, among them that of Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, g - . . - , , J K S-i'PiS rion. Judge M. has been appointed to y N. C WEDNESDAY. succeed Spofford, deceased, in the U- 8. Senate. Goldsboro Messenger: Mr. Ran som Lee, of 'Bentonsvillovtownship, John ston county, one day last week, had the misfortune to have his band badly lace rated in Messrs. Lee & Bnead's cotlon gin. Two of his fingers were cut off. The funeral of Bey. Ransom Rose, an old and esteemed citizen of Fork township, who died -vesterdav. wil' be preached to-day. by Rev. John N . Andrews . We welcome Col. Wm. A. Allen, of Duplin, as a citizen of Goldsboro. His law copartnership with Mr. Isler commenced with the 1st in at. The local receipts of cotton here this present season, up to December 1st, foot up 17,616 bales. This is strictly local re ceipts cotton actually sold here. Several thousand bales received by our Goldsboto buyers via the railroads, bought by them in neighboring towns are not included in this count. Compared with last year we find that the receipts to December 1st, 1879, foot up only 11,518 bales, showing an increase the present season or o.uvs Dales, and yet not two-thirds of the crop, has been marketed. The receipts for the year will probably exceed 30.00U bales. THE CITY, NEff ADVBBTISB1HBNTS. Monson Holiday suits. W. P. Oldham & Co. Douse. Munds Drugs and chemicals. p. Cumhing & Co. Peanut 8. Cronly & MoRRisAuction market bouse. Local U6ta. Receipts of cotton yesterday 1,120 bales. No cases for the Mayor's Court yesterday mCrning. There was a difference of 28 de grees between the temperature here on Monday at 3 P. M., and yesterday at tbe same hour. Many of the firemen reside in It,. , . . . v. ... 1 v j that the alarm bells in that section may be sounded hereafter in case of fire. We learn from Capt. Johnson, superintendent, that the first morning mail train on the Carolina uentrai usiiway win commence running on juonaay next. The Thaliau Amateurs expect to make their next appearance on Friday evening, tbe 17th insu, u Tiiesion Upper Room, in a new aud enlet tailing drama. The annual meeting of 4he stock holders of the Navassa Ouano Company of Wilmington will be held at their office in this city to-morrow (Thursday) morning, at 10 o'clock. No cases of importance were disposed of by the Superior Court yester day. Tne Bar was reinforced by Capt. Swift Galloway, Solicitor for the District, Judge Cantwell, and others of our local lawyers. .... ,. There will be a skating contest at the City Hall during the holidays, a fine nickel-plated, ironibottom, adjustable pair of skates to be the prize to the champion skater, the contest to be between youDg mep. There will also be a prize match between the ladies. The average receipts from mar kets for the last seven years, to which al lusion was made by Alderman Foster on Monday night, should have been $624. 37i, instead of $624,372, as it appeared in the proceedings of the Board. rpu "v -r. . .iur. j.uoiuaa vs. jjuubiug wni elected Constable of Wilmington .Town ship to fill the vacancy occasioned by tbe nonfulfillment of the requirements of tbe law by J. C. Smith, the. newly elected Re publican Constable. Mr. Bunting makes a faithful and reliable officer and bis elec tion will give entire satisfaction. In connection with our report of prisoners sentenced to tbe Penitentiary by the late Criminal Court, in our last, we in tended tbe community to be especially informed that the David Bryant alluded to was not tbe colored porter by the same name employed by Mr. J. H. Neff, but the word "not" was left out, thus defeating the object bad in view. Mr. Neff's David Bryant is a very worthy young colored man, and we make this statement justice to him. The Fire fllonday Nlgbt. The fire Monday night occurred at tbe stables of Mr. Josiah H. Jones, on the corner of Ninth and Chesnut streets. Mr. Jones says he has no idea bow it originated. The horses were all gotten out without damage except the one in tbe stall in which the fire started, which was a valuable dray horse, the property of Messrs. Hall & Pear sail. He was badly burned and will pro bably die; or, if he should live, his injuries are of such a character that he will never be of any service hereafter. But for the promptness of persons residing in tbe neighborhood and the opportune arrival of several gentlemen on their way from a church meeting, the stables and their con tents, with, perhaps, much other property, would no doubt have been destroyed. To Return to Wilmington. The masy friends of Rev. Dr. Yates and Rev. T. Page Ricaud, not only in their re spective congregations, but among the community generally, will rejoice to learn that the Conference has returned them to labor for another year in our. midst, the former as the pastor of Front Street aad the latter of the Fifth Street Methodist Church. Police Arrest. John Berry, colored, charged with care less driving, was arrested yesterday after noon and recognized for his appearance before the Mayor this morning. Wm. Quince, colored, was arrested for Tf U.' KM.UWW, W1U1DU. TT OO Pt WW...- - suiting a police officer while on duty He will also have a hearing this morning. Star DECEMBER 8. 1880. POOR l&TJUINBVRG. Nearly all tbe Bnalneee Part of tbe Town Attain In Aebea. In another column we give the first hur ried account by special teleeram in refer ence to the terrible misfortune which has again overtaken the neighboring town of Laurinburg, in Richmond county. Since then, by telegram and otherwise, we have fuller particulars of the great calamity. lhe ore originated in the store 01 Mr. T. A. McDoueal. and. there being no water or pnrrinpa tr rniwnilh lha Hcvnn plrnr flamoa . ... . . . & . .. iney spread wun almost inconceivaDie rapidity, resulting in tbo destruction of eighteen stores, two or three dwellings. Bunsby's Hotel and other email build ings. The following are among the victims McCaekill & McLean, two- story building and part of stock. Insured on stock for $5,000 in Liverpool and Lon don and Globe, through Messrs. J. W. Gordon & Bro., of this city. They saved a greater portion of their stock, in a badly damaged condition. W. D. James, two story building, owned and occupied by him as a grocery store, said to be insured. James Lytcb, two-story building occupied by Neil 1 Graham. No insurance on stock; building insured for $1,100 in Fire As surance. A. jj. mccaii as uo. ; DuimiDg owned by T. 6. Bundy, who lost the resi dence occupied by him in rear of above, I together wun a email store, w. a. gxc- . . 11 1 - a ae& I Lean, harness and boot-maker; insured for $1,500 on stock in the Queen and $300 in the Watertown, through Messrs. Atkinson & Manning. Covington store, occupied by W. A. McLean, as a grocery; $800 in Watertown. Andrew McLaurin, two store houses occupied by J. H. Parker, stove sealer, and James Croucb, liquor dealer. M. G. McKay & Bros., store houses occupied by themselves and others; I 1UBU1CU I : : 1 for $1,003 in the Fire Assurance. Frank Fountain, store owned and occupied by him. A. Monroe, store and hart of atnek. FT. P. "NTorthron. ntnra ocrnied bv n. a. McAllister, who loat hta I entire stock. T, . , -j . A. McDougal, stock said to be ineured. Jule Morgan, store and residence, owned bv J. F. and M. D. I Clark. W. H. Murphy, stores owned and I occupied by himself and Cowan Brothers Arch. Cameron, losses in stock said to be insured. There are a few other sufferers, no doubt, whose names we have been un able to ascertain. In this connection we would state that Capt. V. Q. Johnson, Superintendent of tbe C. C. Railway, has notified the pro perty owners at Laurinbnrg that if they will put up fire-proof buildings in the place of those destroyed he will have the hauling of the necessary brick done at half-rates. The people of the afflicted town have the sincere sympathy of our people in the mis fortune which has befallen them. We I, . , . I hope the energetic merchants and others I ... . . , will soon be in a position to resume their business. PENDER COUNTY. meeting of Ootinty Commissioners. The Board of Commissioners of Pender county was duly organized on Monday last, as required by law. Present,Daniel Shaw, G. W. Shaw and Jas. H. Alderman. The election of Chairman resulted in the choice of Daniel Shaw for one year. The. official reports of the officers of the rnuntv were nresented. acceDted and or- I , , , dered to De recoruea. A good deal of school business was transacted, some relief extended to the outside poor, and a few persons relieved from payment of poll tax. A large batch of claims were audited and ordered to be paid. The annual exhibit of.lhe expenses of-the unly was Presented, from which it ap- peared that the expenses of the county have decreased fifty per cent, under the management of the present board. W. T. Bannerman, Clerk Superior Court, presented his bond, which waa ordered to be registered and placed on file. A. E. Taylor, Register of Deeds elect, ni-MPnJArl a hnnrl. and was granted until the 17th of December, 1880, to give addi- tional sureties. John W. Rowe, County Surveyor, failed tO appear, and the Office Was declared Va- cant. Eli R. Williams, Sheriff elect, upon af fidavit, waa given until the 17th of Decem ber, 1880, to present bis official bond. Various constables' bonds were ac cepted. John D. Powers and the Chairman were appointed a committee to examine the books and accounts of the Sheriff, acting in the capacity of Treasurer of the.county, in accordance with sec. 1, chap. 33, laws 1879. conference Appointment. From a private .dispatch received by a gentleman in this city, yesterday, we learn that the North Carolina Annual Confer ence closed its session on the 6th instant, ! and that our Wilmington delegation expect to reach home on Wednesday night. Two new districts have been formed, viz: Statesville and Warrenton. Revs. A. A. Bosbamer aod R. F. Bum pass go to Raleigh . Rev. W. S. Black is Presiding Elder of the Salisbury District. Rev. W. S. Robey goes to the Goldsboro station. No change in the appointments, for Wil mington. 100,000 witnesses will testify, to the vir tues of Dr. Tutt's Pills. Wherever Chill and Fever, Bilious Diseases or Liver Affections prevail they have proved a great blessing. Readers, a single trial will con vince you that this is no catch-penny med icine. Ten years' test has established their merits. WHOLE NO. 4,154 Dally Weaitier Bulletin. The following will show the state of the thermometer, at the stations Darned, at 3.00 P. M. yesterday, Washington mean time, and also the amount of Ainfall in inches for the twenty-four hours ending daily at 3 P. M., except Tuesday, when it is 48 hours, as furnished by Sergeant James W. Watson, Signal Officer at this I Station: Tern. R. F. Weather. I Atlanta 36 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .04 .00 .00 .00 .5(1 .00 .00 .00 Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Fair Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear I AUgUBta. 44 47 3-2 62 57 55 66 Charleston. 1 charlotte Corsica n a Galveston Jacksonville , Key West Mobile 52 Montgomery 40 New Orleans 54 Punta Rassa . 02 Savannah 48 Wilmington 38 Cedar Kevs 55 Pensacola 54 The following are the Indications for the South Atlantic States to-day: v Stationary, followed by falling barome ter; falling, followed by rising temperature, westerly winds, and clear or pirtly cloudy weather. You need not' neglect vour businees when troubled with a cough or cold, if you only use a reliable remedy at once. Dr. .... i Bull's Cough Syrup is tbe best remedy we anow or. rrice only 20 centB. t CITY 1TJB9I9. THE MORNING STAR can alwavs be had at tne following places in the city: The Purccll House, narna news atana. ana tne btati umce. NEWSPAPER FOR SALE. A well established and prosperous Weekly Newspaper, located in a thriving, growing town on the fine of a prominent Railroad, Is offered for sale. Terms "cash. For terms and particulars apply to the editor of this paper. Opinion of Eminent Dr. II. K. Walton. Anr.inn- lia, Md. Colden'a Liebiz's: Extract of Beef and ionic invigorator, ia a moat excellent preparation. It is par excellence. Superior to Cod Liver Oil or any thing ever used in wasted or Impaired consti tution, and an excellent preventive of malarial aiseaBes. Gbhxn A Flanker, Agents. Wilmington. ONE EXPHRTKNOR FROM TWATIV 'T hud I been sick and miserable aoloag and had caused my uoBuona bo maco itoudio ana expenee, bo one seemed to know what ailed me. that I was com pletely disheartened and discouraged. In this frame of mind 1 got a bottle of Hop bitters and I need them unknown to my family. I soon began to im prove and gained so fast that my husband and fa mily thought it strange and unnatural, but when I iy i told them what had helped me, they said 'Hurrah for Hop Bitters ! long may the prosper, for tfcey PPy.' "The Mo- nave made mother wei ther. Home Journal. IN THE SACRED NAME OF CHARITY. Tbe care of the sick, the homeless, the weary ones of earth's children.tmaimed.truahed, bruised.burning with fever, torn with disease, is the highest mis sion or man on eartn. Tne support of the world renownea jnamy Hospital in mew orieane nas oeen dt legislative enactment ana constitutional recognition placed for twenty-five years from 1868 on a liberal subsidy secured from the Louisiana state Lottery uompany. The next, or Urand Semi- Annual Drawing takes place on Tuesday, December itcn. wnen xoiGt.rxju is aistrmutea in prizes to bold ers of $10 tickets or fractional parts thereof, full information of which can be had of M. A. Dauphin, No, 319 Broadway, New York city, orsame person at New Orleans, La. Write at once. A DOWN TOWN MERCHANT, having passed I several sleepless nights, disturbed by the agonies I and cries of a suffering child, and becoming con- I Trinrrl ttaHr. Mra Winalnnr'a Rnnthlncr Mvrnn una vinced that Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Bvrup was Just the article needed, procured a supply for the child. On reaching home and acquainting his wife wiw wnai ne naa aone, sne rerusea to nave it ad ministered to the child, as she waa strondv in favor of Homoeopathy. That night the child passed in Bunenng, ana the parents without sleep. Heturalng nome tne aay loiiowwg, tne ratner rouna tne oaDy still werse, and while contemplating another sleep less night, the mother stepped from the room to at tend to some domestic duties, and left the father with the child. During her absence he administered a portion of the Soothing Syrup to the baby, and said nothing. That night all hands slept well, and the little f eUow awoke in the morning bright and happy. The mother was delighted with the sudden and wonderful change, and although at first offend ed with the deception practiced upon her, has coa- unuea to use tne csjrup, ana sunering crying eaoies and restless nights nave disappeared. A single trial of the Syrup never yet faUed to relieve the baby. I and overcome the prejudices of the mother. Bold I ij an iiiiKKioie. o u a uutuc. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, in. CROSLY, Auctioneer BY CRONLY & MORRIS. The Market House. Tne Old Market House at Auction. fTX TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14TH, 1880, AT 12 o'c by order of the city authorities, the MARKET V blVIA JH., VTC irui ecu, at juwubuo wi 1W , HOUSE as It now stands in the centre of Market between Front ttreet and the river. To be sold as a whole, the only reservation being the Bell Fix tures. Terms cash, . purchaser to give bond with sufficient surety to remove the entire building by Jan. i, 188L aes4ttn lutn mn .tin. DOUSO! DOUSe! DOUSe! WB HAVE ARRANGED WITH MESSRS. T V Norwood Giles & Co to dispi Norwood Giles & Co to dispose of all their DOUSE and SOUGH RICE at Drices so low none I can complain. The public will find this by far the I cheapest food, and best change for stock that can be had in this market. de8 it W. P. OLDHAM A CO. Holiday Suits JpOR MEN, YOUTHS AND CHILDREN. ELEGANT SUITINGS TO ORDER. MUNSON, dec 8 It Clothier and Merchant Tailor. Pea Nuts. "PRESTON CUMMING & CO., DEALERS IN PEANUTS, Clean, grade, polish, repack and shell. A select stock always on hand. Orders solicited. PRESTON CUMMING A CO.. Millers and Grain Dealers. de8tf Fancy Goods T7KR THE CHRISTMAS AND HOLIDAY X1 Trade. I have a full and complete assortment now in Store and to arrive, which I offer at low prices. JAMES C. MUNDS. Druggist, de 8 tf 15 North Front St. Cook Wanted. FIRST-RATE COOK. WHO CAN BRING UN exceptionable references, may secure a good situa tion by at ilying at the residence of the under if th, Detween Dock and Orange streets. WM. H. BERNAKD. signed, on de? nac 9t Ship Notice. ALL PERSONS ABE HEREBY cautioned and forewarned from credit ing or harboring any of the Crew of the Br. brig BONITO. Capt. Mitch ell, from Bowline, as no debts of their contracting will be paid by Master or B. G. BARKER A CO., Consignees. de7 St - BATES OF ADVBBTIIINA um sqasN m uay...... .... 1 00 1 76 f 50 a 00 50 00 M 8 M 10 00 IT 00 14 00 40 00 M 00 " two aayew... threeaajr,.... it m roar days, five days...... one week,.... Two weeks, " " Three weeks...... " ' Oae month,... Two monthe, " " Three months, Six months, , One rear....... w 1 teoV mm rt. a' m mmm umnmnmmta taken at nroeoi Ten lines selld Nonpareil type maze one square. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. (Mow is Your Time Brown tc Roddick 45 market Street. WK DK81RB TO ANNOUNCE TOAT WI hiT been miking eome Terr bear parcbevea for aome time back la OOTTOrr GOODS, aad are now prepared to meet the pretest adrancew We hare determined TO MA KB NO ADVANCE IN OUR PBICKS, and are really retailing of these Goods BELOW New Terk market qaotaUosa. NOW IS YOUR TIME TO BUY 1 We ra offering a 9 a Bleached Saa Islaud Sheet ing; at J 6c, quoted In New York by tbe ce at ran e price. Bleached fcnirtint rc and npwaida Onr Stock embraces all the Popular FrenJr. Unbleached Cotton from 6c op. Rockingham A 8c per yard. Homespun, Checks and Ofngbaros from So. We have determined to anloid oor .helve, and counters before the New Year, and are offering SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS In tbo following De partments : LADIES', GENT'S & CHILD'NS UNDKRWBAH, HOSIERY A'D GLOVES DRESS GOODS, TABLE DAMASK. NAPKINS, LACE FICHUS, CRAVATB, Til S, Ac. Our space will admit of no more. Call and see for yourselves. We are alive to all changes. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market 81. de 5 tf A Full Line of HOLIDAY AND CHRISTMAS GOODS ON HAND, CONSISTING IN PART OF CHANGES, APPLES, LEMONS, RAI3INS, CITRON, NUTS. (ANDY, CAKES, COCOANUTB, JELLY, PR KLES, CURRANTS. PRUNES, EXTRACTS, Fire Crackers, &c t2T Order early and Avoid the ruik and the liability of detention. JEl ADRIAN A VOLLER8, Wholesale Grocers, P. B. Corner Front A Dock 81 de5 tf Fine and Stylish gTIPP AND 80FT HAT8I bilk, Aljsacca and Gin?. UMBRELLAS t LOWEST PRICES I n AHK1HON A AlXKN, Hatter. ce 5 tf After HPHRSE ANNUAL PREMIUMS HAVE BgliN J. paic of p paid, the asmr 1 can lose nothing la cafe of lapse of policy In thu Union Mntnal life Insurance. Company, (Directors' Office 158 Fremont Street. Boston Mass ), as all its policies arc eecuredby tbe MAINE NONFORFEITURE LAW. Thi company Is thirty years old, has over $7,)00.000 aeta, and ha paid over $18,000,CO0 to policy holders in death claims and endowments. JNO. W. GORDON A BKO , Agent. de&tf S4 North Water rU Ship Notice. All persons are hereby cauUoned and forewarned against trusting or harboring any of tho crew of tbe Br. brig ELIZABETH SCOTT. Capt. js Milne, from Qoeeastown. aa no debts oi meir contraction win De paia vj either the Master or E. G. BAHKER A CO.. dc5 3t Consignee. Still Receiving. Brown & Roddick WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A HANDSOME line of SCOTCH PLAID GOODS, which we effer at 1SJ.C per yard. Handkerchiefs. TB ARE NOW PREPARED TO 8BOW TUB VV Largest Line of HANDKERCHIEFS ever BUOnU AAA WIS) Vl"A AAA ia VtU w U luciuw. uvui stitched, Col'd Border, Ac, suitable for Holiday Presents. dec 4 tf Buggy for Sale. JEW TOP BUGGY, SIDE BAR, VERY HAND- some. msde to order and of the very best material . To be sold because owner has no nse for it, and at a considerable dleconnt on cost. Apply to no 11 tf nac P. H. UAYDEN. P. H. Hayden's TS THE PLACE TO GET YOUR LAP ROBES, Horse Blankets end. Boots. Carriages, Baggies and Drays made and repaired at his factory, on Third street, between Princess and Market. Come and get the worth of your money, no 18 tf McD. & W. A FINE LINE OF TOP BUGGIES JUST FIN- lahed and ready for sale. CARTS and DRAYS turned out complete every week. Blacksmith, carriage, trimming and paint shops constantly in motion. w no8tf McDOUGi JALL & WILLIAMSON. Look to Your Interest ND18TOP AT MALLARD BOWDKN'S, where the largest assortment of Harness. Bridles. Saddles. Collars. Trucks. Traveling Bags ever brought to this city, are ube seen and bought for tbe least money. Try them and be convinced. Maaa f act wing and repairing done with neatneas and dispatch no 28 tf Mo. 8 South Front tt. Breech Loaders. FINE BREECHLO ADING SHOT GUNK OF all kinds and price. Large assortment of English Mnule Loading Guns, Sheol's Primers, Cartridge Belts, Bags. Ia fact a complete assort ment of Sportsman's goods. We guarantee to give you good goods, and as low prices as any Uense in the country. JNO. DAWSON A CO. ne S3 tf 10, SI A 13 Market Street. Removal. I HAYS REMOVED FROM NO. t TO NO. 9 Booth Front Street, 8rd door from Solomon's Corner. I am not the only German Barber In town, but haye the Neatest Bbop and can always be found at my post, with polite and No. 1 Aaatotaata. oc 10 tf H. C. PKEMFKKT