Startling tar. yflLMINQ TON, N. C. . Wednesday Morning, Deo. 8, 1880. MORNINGJSPITIQN. THE LATEST NEWS. FROM ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD CONGRESS. CONTINUATION OF HOUSE PROCEED INGSTHE SENATE JOINT EE SOLU TION RELATIVE TO COUNTING THE ELECTORAL VOTE A QUESTION OF PRIVILEGE RULING OP THE SPEAK -EE REPUBLICANS FILIBUSTERING, &C.y AC Br Telegraph to the Morning Stir. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Washxngtox, December 7. A call of the House having been concluded without the presentation of any reports, Mr. Bick nell called up. as a question of privilege, the Senate resolution relative to counting the electoral vote. Mr. Keifer raised the point of order that the resoultion did not present a question of privilege. r- u Debate ensued, in which Messrs. isics nell and Springer maintained that what ever related to the constitutional right of the two Houses to declare the electoral vote was a question of privilege. After some further debate, the Speaker said that the uniform practice certainly the recent practice goes to the extent of avowing that the two Houses do count and have counted the electoral vote. If the Chair were to refuse on technicalities to al bw an adjustment between the two House as to the government of the Houses when in joint session, it might lead to confusion, chaos and perhaps commotion. In the opinion of th9 Chair it makes no differ ence by whom the votes are counted. If done by the two Houses it is the highest duty they have to perform; if done by any other person it must be done in the pre Bene of the two Houses; so that any rule relating to a joint meeting is a question of the very highest privilege, and he must so rule. Mr. Bicknell then demanded the previ ous question, and the Democrats refusing to allow the Republicans unlimited time for debate, the latter filibustered to pre vent action. J?or a time it seemed as it the House wouldf come to a dead-lock, but Mr. Bicknell finally withdrew his demand for the previous question and Mr. Keifer de livered a written argument against the pending measure, whieh he characterized as a mgaame of usurpation and fraud, and one which might lead to bloodshed and war. At the conclusion of his speech the subject went over for the present and the House adjourned. FOUElliN IN 1 fcilililtiKPICK. AFFAIRS IN IRELAND EXTENT AND POWER OF THE LAND LEAGUE AC CUMULATION OF A EMS THREATEN ING LETTERS TO PAENELL MME. 1 U1L.S' ILLNESS THE GREEK QUES TION, &C, AC. I By Cable to ihe Morning Star. LOSD3N, December 7. A dispatch from Dublin to the limes says: "A Dublin gen tleman who has aGres of laud on the bor ders of this county, has received a letter warning him that he must join the League before Saturday or take the consequences. Toe most recent development in Boycotting is in the country towns, where shopkeepers and even peddlejaare required to produce tickets showingthat they are members of the League or they will not be allowed to buy or sell. Even Orangemen in some places are obliged to join the League rather than lose their business, property or lives. The organization becomes daily more perfect in its details. The accumla uoq ot arms in the country is regarded with much apprehension. One house here supplies 240 revolvers weekly to different parts of the country. Mr. Parnell received two threatening letters during his stay in Waierford, one of which accuses him of destroying the coun try to benefit his own pocket. The proprietor of the Sligo Cliampion ha3 been committed for trial on the charge of publishing a notice calling on a tenant to relinquish his farm. Mme. Thiers, widow of the late ex President of France, has beeu very ill for some time past, and her death is momenta rily expected; but the report of her de cease yesterday was premature. Ex-Queen Isabella has ordered her bookers to invest largely in Panama Canal shares. Paris, December 7. It is seml-officially ated-that the reports that Greece has con sented to renew direct negotiations with Turkey are incorrect. It is also stated that the Powers have commenced an inter change of views on the Greek question, and will probably endeavor to obtain for mal engagements from both countries not to resort to arms, but to rely on the diplo macy of Europe to effect an equitable com promise. The death is announced of Gen. lieffye, the inventor of the mitrailleuse. John Clare Sewell Read, who went to America recently to inquire into American agriculture, in addressing a farmers' club id London, said he would not fear Ameri can competition in wheat twenty-five years hence, as an exhaustion of the land would ensue in that lime, and the cost of production would increase; but in regard to beef there were serious prospects of competition from the vast herds of cattle in the far West. Mr. Read said he deemed it likely that the American .nation would become the greatest in the world. NEW YORK. FAILURE OF A HOUSE IN THE COFFEE TRADE WITH LARGE LIABILITIES SUBSCRIPTIONS TO THE PANAMA CANAL. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. New York, Dec. 7. B. G. Arnold & Co., of 125 Front street, the largest dealers in coffee and teas in this city, and probably in this country, made an assignment to -day to J. Lawrence McKeever, of 128 Front street. The suspension, it is believed, was caused by shrinkage in values of coffees andjeas, of which the house carried a heavy stock. The liabilities are estimated at upwards of one million dollars. Re ports are current that they will be able to settle their obligations in full. Subscription books of the Panama Canal Co. were opened to day at the offices of the several bonkers in this city. Subscrip tions were reported as coming in rapidly, but for the most part in small quantitiep. William Williamson, of Richmond, Va., was robbed in New York, last night, by two disreputable women. He claims to be iu the mercantile business, and that be is visiting New York to purchase goods for houses in Virginia and Philadelphia. The American Public Health Association met at New Orleans yesterday. About one hundred delegates were present. A reso lution was adopted recommending legisla tion making it a criminal offence to know ingly communicate contagious diseases. Steamer Benefactor hence, arrived a New York yesterday. JVllSSOCitl. A CYCLONE DESTRUCTION; OF PRO PERTY AND LOSS OF LIFE. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. St. Lotjis, December 7. A special from Carthage, Mo., says a Bevere cyclone passed over that section Saturday evening, de molishing a large number of buildings and resulting in some loss of life. A farmer named Quimby and two daughters of ,Mr. Newman were among the fatally injured. The town of Marshfield, which was nearly destroyed last summerf was visited by this storm and great damage is said to have been done, nearly all of the northern part of the city being blown down again. The storm was accompanied by thunder and lightniog, the electric shocks being very violent ELECTKI U SPARKS. Two buildings were burned at Omaha a liquor bouse and a saddlery store loss $14,000. The AUantic2& Pacific Telegraph Co. have declared a quarterly dividend of f pf 1 per cent. A train on the O. & M. Railroad, near Greendale, 111., was thrown from the track by a misplaced switch. Two passengers were killed. The cylinder head attached to Reynold's Cotton Compress, at Norfolk, Va., blew out yesterday, killing' one youth and severely wounding another. Col. D.J S. Stanley, Twenty-second In fantry, has been ordered to San Antonia, Texas, to assume command of the Depart ment of Texas, until further orders. Brig.-Gen. Edward O. C. Ord, U. S. A., being over 62 years of age, has, by direc tion of the President, been retired from ac tive service and ordered to his home. A passenger train on the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad was thrown from the track by a broken rail near Atchi son, Kansss. A mailsgent wa9 burned to death and the conductor was badly in jured. Several cars were burned. Boston Boor, Sboe and Leather mar ket. Commercial Bulletin, Dec. 4.1 The tone of trade is, if anything, a trifle less buoyant to-day than three weeks ago. But the general outlook is promising, and any tendency toward an advance in leather would bring to the manufacturers a flood of orders for boots nd shoes. The leather market is moderately active and sieady. Buyers are still taking all seasonable grades with as much freedom as their present re quirements will admit of. The week's sales of sole leather, and of buff, grain, goat, kid, calf and sheepskins, will foot up a fair ag gregate; but there is no speculation, and but little present tendency toward higher prices. New York ftaval Stores market December 3. Spirits turpentine The market opened with 45c bid and 45$c asked for merchant able order, but by the close was freely of fered at 45c. Rosins remain quiet and prices not quotably changed. Below are the quotations: Strained at $1 751 80; good strained at $1 80 1 85; No. 2 E F $1 90 2 00; No. 1 G H $2 152 35; good No. 1 1 $2 502 65; low pale K $2 802 87J; pale M $3 003 12 ; extra pale N $3 25 3 50; and window glass W $3 754 00. Tar at $3 75. Raleigh News-Observer: Judge Hugh L. Bond is in the city, having ar rived yesterday, and will sit with Judge Brooks at the Federal court this week and next. About fifty plans are proposed in regard to the paving of the Btreets. Only one thing is needed to make several of them feasible, and that is money. During the month of November last there were iu this city and township, with a pop ulation or 14,500, 22 deaths. Of this num ber 8 were white and 14 colored; 11 were males and 11 females; 12 infants and 10 adults. Mr. Stephen G. Worth, of the Slate Fish Commission, arrived here yesterday with a quantity of German carp. There are for distribution in this section of the State. Six hundred and fifty of them wete placed in Taylor's pond, whence they will be taken as needed- Deputy Collect or Waller D. Moore, on Friday captured an illicit distillery- at Lipscomb's Mill, Orange county, seven miles from Durham. About half a dczen complaints have been made of intimidation, etc., in this district, but in nons of these cases have any bills been drawn for the grand jury of the Federal Court. The cases of com plaints appear to be from several of tbo surrounding counties. None of them ap pear to amount to much. At the present term of the Circuit Court the num ber of whiskey and tobacco cases is more than one hundred. Granville leads in the number of these, and Wake, Harnett, Johnston and Hertford follow. There are an unusual number of cases for counter feiting, no less than six cases being under consideration. Most of the coins counter feited were nickel, half-dollars and dollars. Quarters were counterfeited in only one case. Forest and Stream, AND ROD AND GUN. THE AMERICAN SPORTSMAN'S JOURNAL A WEEKLY PAPER DEVOTED TO FIELD SPORTS, PRACTICAL NATURAL HIS TORY, PISH CULTURE, PROTECTION OF GAME, PRESERVATION OF FORESTS, YACHTING AND BOATING, RIFLE PRACTICE. AND ALT. OUT-DOOR RECREATIONS AND STUDY. This Is the only Journal In the Country that folly supplies the wants And necessities of the Gentleman Sportsman. TERMS ft 00 a Year. Send for Specimen Copy Porttt fc Stream FnMlablng; Co., Ill FULTON ST., (Old No. 108,) New York. Poet Offlce Box 388s . sept 27-tf The Biblical Recorder3 PUBLISHED BY Edwards, Broughton &, Co. RALEIGH, N. C. REV. C. T. BAILEY, Editor. REV. H. HATCHES, Associate Editor. Organ of Norm Carolina Baptists In its 44 in Tear. EVERY BAPTIST SHOULD TAKE IT As an Advertising Medium Unsurpassed Only $2.00 per Year. Address dcc23-tf BIBLICAL RECORDER , Raleigh. N. C WILMINGTON MERCHANTS WILL FIND THE LAURINBUEO ENTERPRISE THE BEST MEDIUM THROUGH WHICH TO ADVERTISE FALL AND WINTER GOODS among the people of Robeson, Richmond and An son connties, in North Carolina, and in the border counties of South Carolina. The ENTERPRISE has a large and increasing circulation in the Pee Dee and Cape Fear sections of this State; haying obtained a large circulation in the latter during the six months it was published in Fayettevtlle before its removal to Lanrirburg, and in the former within the last two months. Advertisements will be Inserted by the month, quarter and year at reasonable rates . Address d. i. Mcduffie, Laarinburg, N. C. D AWtf WILMINGTON M A i ' . 'i r. The official or opeomg quotations belw are posted at the Produce Exchange daiiy at 1 P. M., aod refer to prices atlbat bour. STAR OFFICE, December 7, 6 P. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE The miket was Sim and active at 42 cents per gallon, with sales reported of 1,000 casks at tbat price. , ROSIN The market was firm at $1 35 for Strained and $1 40 for Good SiraiDed, with sales as offered. TAR Market quiet at $1 75 per bbl of 230 lbs, with sales at quotations, being a decline of 25 cents on last reports. CRUDE TURPENTINE-Markel sieady, with sales reported at $1 80 for Hard and 2 80 per bbl for Yellow Dip and Virgin. COTTON The market was quoted steady, with sales of 400 bales ou a basis of 11 cts per lb for Middling. Futures for December opened steady id New York at 11.90 cents, and closed easy at 11.86 cts; February opened steady at 12.25 cents, and closed easy at 12 16 cents. The following were the official -quotations here: Ordinary cents $ lb Good Ordinary Strict Good Ordinary. . . 10 " " Low Middling 11 15-16 " Middling llf Good Middling " PEANUTS Sales reported on a basis of 2030 cents for shelling stock, 40 cents for Ordinary, 50 cts for Prfrne, 60 cents for Extra Prime, and 70 cents for Fancy Market quiet and steady. RBCEIPTSi Cottou 1126 bales. Spirits turpentine 276 bbla. Rosin 1451 " Tar 506 " Crude turpentine 389 " tnm jjrrir n . n t I By Telegraph to the Morning St.1 Financial. New York, December 7 Eveniug. Money G3 per cent. Sterling exchange 473. Governments stroog; new fives 101-J-; new four and a half per cents llOf; new four per cents lllf. State bods active. Commercial. Evening Cotton easy; sal s 803 bales; middling uplands 12 cents; Orleans 12 cents; consolidated net receipts 36,174 bales; exports to Great Britain 14,305 bales, to France 99 bales, to the continent 13,737 bales, to the channel 1.625 bales. South em flour dull, heavy and lower; common to fair extra $5 255 60; good to choice do $5 656 75. Wheat irregular and unset tled, closing without decided change and trade very moderate; ungraded red $1 12 1 26. Corn dull and ltc lower; un graded 5760c. Oats in buyer's favor and dull; No. 3, 43c. Coffee dull and nomi nal: Rio 1013. bugar quiet, steady and unchanged; refined firm and in fair de mand; standard A 99c. Molassess un changed and in fair demand. Rice steady with a fair inquiry. Rosin quiet at $1 80 1 85. Spirits turpentine firm at 4545ic. Pork steady and moderately active; old export $13 7514 00; middles unsettled and easier; long clear 7c; short 7f c; long and short $7 40. Lard 1012ic higher, closing strong and fairly active at $8 77 j 8 80. Freights steady. Cotton Net receipts 441 bales; gross receipts 4.122 bales. Futures closed easy. with sales of 114,000 bales at the following quotations: December 11.8611.88 cents; January 11.9912. 00 cents, February 12.16 t!2 17 cents; March 12.3212.33 cents. April 12.4612 47 cents. May 12.5912.60 cents, June 12.6912.71 cents, Julyia 78 12 80 cents. Baltimore, Dec. 7. Flour dull and heavy and without quotable change, though concessions woald be made if there was a demand, boulhern wheat steady; western higher and strong; southern red $1 12 1 18; amber si 2Ul 2U; jno. l Maryland $1 25 bid; No. 2 western winter red on spot $1 19fl 092; December delivery $1 19 bid; January delivery $1 221 22i; Feb ruary delivery $1 2T1 25; March de livery $1 271 27. Corn southern steady; western higher and firm; southern white and yellow 55 cents- Oats lower and quiet; western white 45c; mixed 43c. Pro visions quiet. Mess pork $14 50. Bulk meats loose shoulders and clear rib sides none offering; packed 58c. Bacon shoulders 6c; clear rib sides 78c; hams 10llc. Lard refined in tierces 9c. Coffee quiet; Rio cargoes, ordinary to fair, ll18c. Bugar easier A soft, 9c. Whiskey sieady $1 191 20. Freights un changed. Chicago, Dec. 7. Flour steady and un changed. Wheat unsettled and generally lower; No. 2 red winter $1 03; No. 2 Chi cago spring $1 05f cash; $1 06f January; $1 07$ February. Corn unsettled and gen erally lower; 4040c cash; 41$c January; 41 Jc May. Oats firm. Pork active, firm and higher at $11 7513 25. Lard active, firm and higher at $8 408 45. Bulk meats in demand, active and prices ad vanced; shoulders $4 25; rib $6 85; clear $6 75. Whiskey sieady and unchanged. St. Louis, Dec. 7. Flour dull and lower; double extra $3 703 90; choice to fancy 15 005 75. Wheat unsettled and lower; No. 2 red fall $1 031 03 cash; $1 05 1 06 January; $1 081 09f February. Corn lower; 4242c cash; 414lc January; 4142c February. Oats high er; 3334c cash and December; 35c bid January; 3737fc May. Whiskey steady at $1 13. Pork firmer at $13 25 asked cash. Lard firm at $8 50. Bulk meats held above buyers' views; no sales. Bacon dull and unchanged. COTTON MARKETS. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. Dec. 7. Galveston, easy at llf cents net receipts 3,127 bales; Norfolk, easy at 11 cents net receipts 6,927 bales; Balti more, quiet at llf cents net receipts bales; Boston, steady at 12 cts net re ceipts 1,413 bales; Philadelphia, quiet at!2 cents net receipts 808 bales; Savannah, quiet at Hi cents net receipts 6,403 bales; New Orleans, easy and in fair demand at lift cts net receipts 8,837 bales; Mobile, quiet at 11 cts net receipts 2,837 bales; Memphis, quiet at llf cents net receipts 3,430 bales; Augusta, dull at 11 cents net receipts 1,452 bales; Charleston, dull at Hi cents net receipts 3,160 bales. KOftBlUN fflAKKKIS By Cable to the Morning Btar.l Liverpool, December 7, 4.30 P. M. Cotton Uplands.l m c.February and March delivery 6 25-32d. Sales of American cotton to day were 8,150 bales. Meats long clear middles 87s 6d. 5.15 P. M. Futures dull but steady. London, Dec. 7, 4 P. M. Spirits tur pentine 83s 9d34. FOR THE LOCAL & POLITICAL NEWS OP THB FIRST DISTRICT, Subscribe for THE FALCON, A Democratic Newspaper. PUBLISHED AT ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. E9Sent to uii nHAraaa ta .Innnarv 1. 1RR1 fn. ONE DOLLAR, m y 28 tf MARINE. Port Almanac-December 8. Sun-tti8t;;& 6.59 A.M. Sun SetsVjvuSli..... 4.46 P.M. Uigh Watet.SmithYille),v. . . .12-18 Morn. ;?'WilmiipnfS. 4.18 Morn. )ayffLU jj. . 9h. 47m. ARRIVED. Stmr Elizabeth, Bisbee, Smitbville, mas ter. - .: ' . Steam yacht Passport, Harper, Sinith ville, master. Stmr Gov Worth, Worth, Fayelteville, Worth & Worth, Stmr Wave, Robesou, Fayelteville, Williams & Murchison. Nor barque Ragbhild, 197 tons, Hansen, Ramsey, England, C PMebane. CLEARED. SteamyachtPassport.Harper.Smithvil.e, master. Stmr Elizabeth, liisbee, Smiihvilk-, mus ter. Stmr John Dawson, Paddison, PointCas well, R P Paddison. Stmr Wave, Robeson, Fayetteville, Williams &Murchison. Stmr Gov. Worth, Worth, Fayelteville, Worth & Worth. Schr Bowdoin, Rannall, Port au Prince, Hayti, Northrop & Cuoiming; vessel by E G Barker & Co. KXPOKTS. FOREIGN. Port au Prince Schr Bjwdoin 264,28a feet lumber 43,000 shingles. MARINE DIRECTORY. LUt of Veeel in ttie fort of Wil mington, N. C. dec. 8. IS80. . This list does not embrace vessels under 60 tons. BARQUES. Tutrts (Ger.), 390 tons, Hansen, E Peschau & Weslermann Hattie H., 403 tons, Cochrane, A Sprunt & Son Carin (Swed.), 340 tons, Westerlund, Heide & Co Agatha (Nor ), 380 tons, Robr, C P Mebane Madonna (Nor.) 452 tons, Pe ersen, C P Mebane Friedrich Perthes (Ger ), 475 tons, Kantz ner, E Peschau & Westermann Ophir (Nor.), 433 tons, Chiistiansen, Heide & Co Anna (Ger.), 363 tons, Siewerts,' E Peschau & Weslermann Amaliii& Hedwig (Ger.), 329 tons. Gehm, E Peschau & Westermann Onkel (Ger.), 444 tons, Wallenstein, E Peschau & Westermann Arctic (Nor.), 263 toes, HanBen, Heide & Co Lliailes Northcjte (Nor.), 414 tons, Errick StiD, E Peschau & Westermann Minciora (Nor.) 294 tons, Henricksen, C P Mebane Stanley (Nor ) 633 Iods, Ellingsen, C P Mebane Polycarp (Nor.) 498 tons, Jensolsen, CP Mebane Cato (Nor.) 343 tons, Kroger, C P Mebane Elene (Dan.), 430;ons, Dahle, Heide & Co Rektor Stesn Nor., 283 tons, Alveberg, Heide & Co Europe (Br.,) 350 tons, Paterson, Downing & Co BRIGS. Helios (Ger), 356 tons, Burgwarls, E Peschau & Westermann Bjnito(Br) 193 tons, Mitchell, E G Barker & Co Cbriitine Neilsen (Swed ), 281 tons, Peter sen, Heide & Co Albertin Meyer (Ger.) 266 tons, Zslck, E G Barker & Co Elizabeth Scolt (Br.), 231 tons, Milone, E G Barker & Co Doian (Nor.,) 362 tons, Dcidricksen, C P Mebme Eugene Hale, 443 tons, Lord, E G Barker & Co Busy Bcc (Br.), 330 tons, Graham, E G Barker & Co SCHONERS. E H Drummond, 296 tons, Higgins, Northrop & Cumming and E G Barker & Co Clera, 275 tons, Cramner, rep'g, Geo Harriss & Co Bowdoin, 265 tons, Randall, E G Barker & Co and Northrop & Cumming Thomas R Pill8bury, 414 tons, Pixcher, E G Barker & Co AddieESnow, 103 tons, Tborndyke, E G Barker & Co Zeta Psi, 234 tons, Geyer, Uolville & Co Levinia F Warren, 299 toos, Johnson, JHNeff N H Barrow, 253 toes, Taylor, Geo Harms & Co Katie Collins, 286 tons, Matbis, Geo Harrias & Co Fannie R Williams, 365 tons, Shearer, Williams & Murchison B.r j F Lee, 389 tons, Marts, Geo Hariiss & Co Notice. If the signal letters of any ves sel in port are displayed by the U. S. Sig nal Office, the vessel so designated should send ashore for telesram. New York and Wilmington Steamship Co. EXTRA STEAMER ! Steamship Gulf Stream WILL SAIL FROM NEW YORK, WEDNESDAY, DEC. 8TH, 4 P. M. FROM WILMINGTON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14TH. T. E. BOND, de 1 tf .Sup't. Holiday and Fancy Goods. 188U CELLULOID CASES. FLORENCE CASES, containing Comb, Brnsh and Mirror. Toilet Sets, Christmas Boxes, Vases, Jewel Caees, Ac. WM. H. GREEN, dc5 Wholesale and Retail Druggist. A. David -yyiLL BEGIN TO OFFER ON MONDAY, Dec. 6th, and continue for one week previous to the v opening of enr Holiday Goods for gentlemen's Christmas Oar entire Stock of Cloths, Cassimeres and Ready Made Clothing for GENTS, at a redaction of 10 to J 5 per cent, on oar Merchant Tailoring, and from $31 0O to $5 OO on Ready Made Salts. A. DAVID'S, de 6 tf Corner Front and Princess ttg . The Marion Star. rpHE OLDEST NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN jl me ueo aBuuun, one or tne wealthiest and mostprosperoas In the State, offers to 'Commission and Wholesale Merchants and Manufacturers, and sample, an excellent medium of communication - 1a,a an A InAnonH.l .1. . i . YVAl a WCO uu mullwuiuu UMB Ul HTOrClUUlUS, Die ronago is worth solicitation. Advertisements and Business Cards inserted on liberal terms. Aaareee TUS nTAR, ept S3 tf Marlon, 8 . C. Hake No Ilistake ! Jno. L. Boatwright, At So. 11 and 13 Front St., Q JS OFFERING AT PRESENT THB MOST COM plete and freshest assort u en t of First C asa Family Supplies u eyer offered in this city. To the Ladles he would call attention to his Fine Stock of Choice Dried Fran, both Imported and Domestic, as well as all Choice Articles used in the Culinary Department, preparing for Christmas. Especially would he recommend his Celebrated Brand of Triple Purified "Pride of the Pantry" Flour, the best in use Also THE "ROSE B(JD" BUTTER. AU who desire a really delicious article or ' Batter will get it by purchasing this brand, In preparing for Xmas.if the Ladles will call upon him he will guarantee please them in all they may have to purchase. Respectfully, JNO. L. B0ATWEIGHT, de5 tf 11 and 13 North Front St. Groceries, Bagging, &c. 5QQ Half Rolls BAGGING, 1, and 9 lbs. 1000 BandleB New ptd TiKs lOQ Lbs Bagging TWINE. For sale low by de 5 1 f WILLAM S A MU RCHISON. 10000 KaCfS SAL,T Mar8haI1 Fine and Llver 200 and BbIs M0LA8SE3, For sale low by de 5 tf WILLlAMo & MURCHISON. 1000 Bbl8 FLOUR' a11 radefl 1000 Sacki CORN' 250 Bbl88UGAR 00 Bag"cos'FEB' For sale low by de 5 tf WILLIAMS fc MURCHISON. 100 60X68 ud Half Bbls SNUFF, 150 Boxe8 CANY, 100 80X08 TOBACCO, 200 30X69 CANDLES For sale low by de 5 tf WILLIAMS A MURCHISON. 200 80X08 SOAP 200 80X68 8TARCH- 2oo Caees LYB inn Boxes POTASH. JLvU For sale low bv de 5 tf WILLIAMS A MURCHISON. JAILS, HOOP IRON, GLUE, CHEESE, CRACK era, Wraping Paper, Twine, 4c, For sale low by de 5 tf WILLIAMS A MURCHISON Grand Display OF Christmas Goods! rpHE LARGEST AND FINEST SELECTED Stock of HOLIDAY PRESENTS eyer brought to the city, and are now on exhibition. All my goods are new and for sale at very rea sonable prices. HEINSBBRGER. A cordial invitation extended to alL de5 tf To-Morrow J WILL COMMENCE TO OPEN MY ELEGANT stock of HOLIDAY GOODS, consisting of many new and beautiful novelties in Swiss Carvlng.Orien tal Ware, Japanese Goods, Ac, Ac de5 YATKB' BOOK STORE. Xmas Goods. FULL STOCK HAVE BEKN A MONTH LAYING IN A stock of goods for the Christmas trade, and nave now en route a large supply. I am determined to have everything complete and at the lowest prices. My goods are of best qiality, selected for the best family trade, and the prices will be set low down, regardless of old stereotyped prices. My prices are from my own invoices, original and in dependent. I aek attention to some New Crop New Orleans MOLASSES. It is the best made, looks like old times. Beautiful bright Syrup for Buckwheat, no glucose, at 60c per gallon, God Cooking Batter, 35c; 01eomarrine S5c. Domestic Sardines lic per box. Raisins in whole, halves and quarter boxes. Currants, Citron, Nuts of all kinds. Cocoa Nuts, Prunes, Apples. Oranges, Preserved Cherries. Pineapples, Peaches sold by the lb at 15 c: you can bay fram a lb up. Fire Crackers, Oyster Crackers, Pearce's Soda Crackers. Ginger Snapps, Lemon and Vanilla Wafers and Drops, and many other varieties of Cakes. Mixed Stick Candles ltc to 30c per lb. The finest French Candies, all fresh, at 85c per lb, or 3 lbs for $1, consisting in part of Almonds. Burnt Almonds, Walnut Taffy, Caromels. Don't forget to call. 3T" in the ruth of business I am compelled of ten to employ inexperienced help, and hope my friends will make some allowance for errors, which are sometimes unavoidable, and oblige one who does his nest to serve his customers right. Jas. C. Stevenson MARKET STREET. Miss S. A. Strock JJAS THE MOST STYLISH MILLINERY GOODS in the city, as her Agent in Few York is able to send her the LATEST OF EVERYTHING. In the Lessmaa Houfe, six doors from Marset Street. no S tf Fine Mountain Beef. WILL OFFER TO-DAY SOME FINE T V MOUNTAIN BEEF, Jast received. Also LAMB. MUTTON. Ac, at Citizens' Market and Fourth Street Market, near Boney Bridge, se 29 tf T. ATWATSON A CO. The Central Protestant A WEEKLY RELIGIOUS AND FAMILY NEW 8 paper and the Organ of the Methodist Protss tant Church in North Carolina, is published at Greensboro, N. C. Terms, 3 00 per annum, in advance. The eligibility of its location, the number and ac tivity of its agents, and theconst&ntly increasing de mand for it among the more solid classes of readers In various sections, give, the CENTRAL peculiar claims upon the patronage ef the advertising public, 'rerms very favorable. Oonaolt your business inter eats, and address the editor . J. L. MICHAUX, Greensboro, N. C. CHBI8TLIAS AND HOLIDAY FBESEKTS. rf "H ' " : '. ' ".' NOW OPEN AT Gfck. ZMI. .A. T Z ' S. A large assortment of Dresses, Cloaks, Shawls Blankets, Ulster and Wrapping Ma terials, Bedspreads, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Gloves, Collars, Cuffs, Ties, .Housekeeping Goods, Men and Boys' Wear. Everything useful as well as ornamental, aud all Helling at verv low prices at Hvl. IsL . KATZ'S, de tf Christinas is Coming ! B UT WE ABB ALREADY HERB WITH A choice lot of Fancy and Substantial GOOD3 FOR THE HOLIDAYS. Te the Ladles we c tier Beautiful Xmas boxes Raisins, Currants, Citron, e Prunes, Lemons, Oranges In any stylo and quan tityFresh and tempting. Make your fruit cakes now age improves them. Mason's JELLIES and PRESERVES by the pound. Fancy Cakes and Crackers . To the Gentlemen we offer MUMMS' EXTRA DRY CIGAR-1 , FLOWER OF KEY WEST PRINCIPE SOLON SHINGLE PILOT & EDITH VIRGINIA GLADES WHISKEY, STUART'S RYE CAPE FEAR BUMGARDNKR From a pint to a barrel. Oar Mr. Thomas still keeps (he bottles clean and well filled. We have in more Substantial Groceries Ferries' Hams, B. Hams, S. C. Shoulders and TouRues, Fresh Buckwheat, and to muke it more palatable, Goiden and Silver Drips, N. O. Mo lasses, &c. Pinhead Oatmeal. Dutchhead, Eng. Dairy, Young America and Extra Cream CHEESE, Oar stock is complete and daily replenished. We will always hare what you call for. Come and see us. Polite attention guaranteed to all. Respectfully and truly, V. L. Bridgers & Co. North Front 8treet de 5 DAWtf All Sorts QF PLAIN AND FANCY Candy, Crackers and Cakes, CANNED GOODS, CREAM CHEESE, PEACHES, CHERRIES, PRUNES, Ftro Crackers. HALL & PEARSALL. de S DAWtf I27TH:; Popular Monthly Drawing of the Commonwealth Distribution company. At Blacauley's Theatre, In the city of Louisville, on Friday, Dec. 31st, 1880. I (These drawings occur monthly (8undays except ed under provisions of an Act of the General As sembly of Kentucky, incorporating the Newport tnnungrana newspaper vo., approvea A.rru a, 1S78. er-THia IS A SPECIAL ACT, AND HAS KB VKU BEEN REPEALED. The United States Circuit Court en March Si ren dered the following decisions : 1st THAT THB COMMONWEALTH DISTRI BUT ION COMPANY IS LEGAL. d. ITS DRAWINGS ARB FAIR. The Company has now on hand a large reserve luna. eaa tne list 01 prices lor THB IDECEMBER DRAWING. 1 Prise ...... .$30,000 100 Prizes $100 each $10,000 1 Prixe 10,000 S00 Prises 60 each 10,000 1 rnze 5.000 600 Prlxos SO each 11.000 19 Prises $1000 10.000 1.000 Prises 10 each 10.000 vj rrues dw iu.wu 9 Prises $800 each. Approximation Prizes, $3,700 9 Prizes 800 each, " ' 1,800 9 Prizes 100 each, " " - 9O0 1,960 Prizes. $112,400 Half Tickets, $1. 65 Tickets, $100. Whole Tickets. tS. 87 Tickets, $50. Remit Money or Bank Draft in Letter, or send bv Express. DON'T SEND BY REGISTERED LET TER OR PObTOFFICB ORDER. Orders of $5 ana upward, by Express, can be sent at ourex- erase. R. M. 'BOARD MAN, (Courier-Journal uilding,) LOUISVILLE, Ky., and Nos. 807 A 3o9 Broadway, NEW YORK. aec l eoaAw ta th sa A Choice Assortment QF CELLULOID, FLORENCE, ZAFFA AND Infant Toilet Cases, Christmas Boxes, Toilet Sets, Vases, Cologne Bottles. Powder Boxes, Mirrors. Colognes. Extracts. Soaps. Ac. for the Chrintm trade, at J. H. HARDIN'S Apothecary, 5 tf New Market. Queen Anne, T7 AST LAKE, AND OTHER STYLES OF FINE jlim tunc Walnut Chamber Baits. Sideboards, Bugues, Bookcases, Library Cases, Ac. A fall line of goods for Holiday trade. Elegant Folding Chairs, Patent Rockers, Writing Desks, Veloci pedes, Boy's Wagons, Toy Perambulators, Ac Call and examine oar stock and prices. D. A. SMITH A CO., de 5 tf Furniture Dealers A Manufacturer. 36 Market Street. What he Said!" "Salts made to order, for Jim and for too That will fit jast as well as mine. ' And men's fine furnishings styl.b and new In varieties large and fine. Can be had at UYEK'8. ihe year around Where the beat and cbeapeat Roods are'found ne 31 tf Blazes How Gold ! THAT'S 6t, BDT JUST YOU DO AH MANY have done, go down to the Old Stand whtrc thev keep the Best of Heating Stoves, aod you cud find an assortment there f rem which yon can select something that will make home cheerfal ' nr mony." ' Gaiety," "Orion." "Giant." "Joker ' Trump." all "Kcho" com'rt to the frecalne ' no23tf PAHEEK A TAYLOH 8. Your Old Overcoat QAN BE CLEANED OR DYED, HAVE NEW Buttons and Binding, and be made good at tew at WILMINGTON DYJSlNG E8TAB.. noietf Market, bet SdanJSdSi. The Latest. -po COUNTERACT THE DISTRRHSINU II AN X cock defeat we will furnish tbe be.t Mel grouna from New Corn, Extra Family and Kurt Super Flour from new White Wheat, White Corn Black and Mixed Oats, Wheat and Corn linn' Grits. Hay, Chops, Ac, at lowest prices G. BONKY A BON8. at the Cape Fear Mtllx Guns. Pistols, &c- JjMNB BREECH LOADING GUNS, SMITH 4 Wesson New Model Pistols, Ely's Blue 8hellp. Also Union Metalic Shells, both grader, I'rlnnri Wads, Shot. Ac, for sale low by GEORGE A. PKCK'H. nov31 tf as South Front St The Favetteville Examiner, Weekly Democratic Newspaper, rnblished at FAYETTEVILLE, NOHTII CAKOLIN , By JEZr. K-ZBIR-A-lSr Terms $2.00 a year In advance, tend for n't clmen copy. mv 6 if Saye Your Mother-ia-law. SUBSCRIBE TO The Evening Visitor, THE BJMT, PER in NMlA t THE CHEAPEST BVENINO I'A Carolina. The Ladles' Paper; II hn no politics; no axe to grind; la rapidly Kruwinit; good advertising medium. Send for specimen copy. Address, The Evening Visitor, Ralclgb, N C Ten Dollars Reward 1 pOR WHEEL LOST OFF ONE OF TUB ONK HUNDRED BGGGIBS jurt received by GERIIAUDT A CO ae 5 tf N. B hccl found. Open To-Day. J D. NUTT A CO., DRUGGIST. COUNKH Front and Princess SL Full line Patent Medlclnct . Chemicals, Ac. Smoking and Chewing ToUreo, Cigarettes, Cigars. Special attention paid to filling Physicians' Prescriptions de 5 tf "Drive" Wells. WE ARB DOING A LARGE IN AND OUT town trade in these cheap popular source of water supply. Can be pat down by any one In a few hoars. Cost about half as much as Curb Wells and are Infinitely better. -Did you get one of onr Stove Catalogues? F. M. KING A CO . de5tf Wilmington, N C. lTIcrry Xmas THE NEW FURNITURE STORE OF BKH RENDS A MONHOK, Southeast Corner Mar ket and Second Sts , Wilmington, N. C will hold morning services, evening services and all diy 'rr vices for the benefit of their customers from now until Xmaas. Tbe largest stock cf Walnut Furni ture, Wood Top, Marble Top, Tip Top. Toy Cradle" and Cradles that are no Toys, to be sold Wholee and Retail at lowest prices. We invite al). de 5 If Fresh Oysters JgVERY DAY AT Mozart Saloon. no 30 tf O For Sale at Low Prices. 300 1000 100 500 100 300 300 Rolls and Half Rolls BaGGlNO. Bdla Arrow and Delta TIK. Boxes D. B. and Smoked BAlH-H. Bbls FLOUR, all grades , Bags COFFEE, 60 bbls 8UOAR. 600 kegs NAILS. . Bdls HOOP IRON, 1.000 New and Second-Hand SPIRIT BAKKSlJ Cases Soaps, Lye. PoUsh, Hnnu. Tobacco, 8oda, Crackers, Cnee Lard, Ac, Ac. no l:tf WORTH WOKTU. OLD NEWSPAPERS, SUITABLE for Wrapping and other purposes Can be bed at the STAR OFFICE! IN ANY VUAf

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