i 1 ,.t'BLIBRS innuunv".- - his MORENO STAR, theol V in North .CaU WjfSftemSSSS jreeli to one year. , , v oiorain? at $1 P-1 -.enta for three months. ilO.00; two months, jawi k .,T An VrY 1 months 40.0O twelTe months, $60.00. len - iTofid Nonpareil type make one aquare. All announcements of Fairs, Festivals, Balis, .lops, Rc-Nics, Society Meeting, Political Meet nSAc.; will be chared regular advertising rates. No advertisements inserted in Local Column at cy price. Notices under head of "City Items" 2U cents per tne for first insertion, and 15 cents per line for each uUaeqaent insertion. Acvertisements inserted once a week in Daily will w charged $1 00 per square for each insertion, tfv otalrday, three fourths of daily rate. Twice a woek two thirds of daily rate. Notices of Marriage or Death, Tributes of Re spect, Resolutions of Thanks, fcc. are 'Charged for sa ordinary advertisements, but only haH rates when paid for strictly in advance. At this rate 60 cents will pay for a simple announcement of Mar riage or Death. Advertisements to follow reading matter, or to jccuDy any special place, will be charged extra ac sording to the position desired. Advertisements on which no specified number of insertions is marked will be continued "till forbid," at the option of the publisher, and charged up to the date of discontinuance. Advertisements discontinued before the time con tracted for haa expired, charged transient rates for :ae time actually published. Advertisements kept under the head of "New Ad vertisements" will be charged fifty per cent, extra. Amusement, Auction and Official advertisements ,na dollar per square for each insertion. An extra charge will be made for double-column ,t triple column advertisements. AH announcements and recommendations of can didates for office, whether in the shape or commu- aications or otherwise, will be charged as advertise nents . ftrin!frf.jiTiMf mnet frf made bv Check. Draft. Pos tal Money Order, Express, or in Registered Letter. Only such remittances will be at ie risk of the Eatmsner. Communications, unless they contain important aews, or discuss briefly and properly subjects of real .ntereet, arc not wanted; and, if acceptable in every ther way, they will invariably be rejected if the ' eal name of the author is withheld. Contract advertisers will not be allowed to exceed their space or advertise anything foreign to their regular business without extra charge at transient r(;s- . . . , Payments for transient advertisements must be in advance. Known narties. or strangers with proper reference, may pay monthly or quarterly, ac- ;oroi2g to contract. Advertisers should always the issue or is- u7heeaivemewm be ifseredthe Daily. Where an advertiser contracts for the paper to be sent to him during the time his advertisement isin, the proprietor will only be responsible for the mailing of the paper to Ms address. 34 I SjlZZlltXQ &IUT. By WILLIAM II. BERNARD. WILMINGTON, N. C: - Wednesday Evening, Dec. 15, 1880 EVENING EDITION. AiuEBicAN sNOBOCKicy. Mr. Frederic Gregory Forsyth, the originator of the Grand Aryan-Blue-Blood Combination Show of the Nineteenth Century, has been heard from. He writes a communi cation to the Baltimore American on the "Aryan Order." He makes an explanation or its design which has been misrepresented, according to the founder. He says: "The purpose of the order, which is a social one, declared in its constitution, ,is 'io promote social virtues; to reprobate fashionable vices and follies, and this, to the degraded vision of those who feed the minds of the American public, is 'soob oery.' "Our process of realizing a state of ideal virtue is by imitation by imitating the grandest examples the human race can of fer n9; and if any of those examples have occurred among our own as do occur ws record the examples as a stimulus to those who believe themselves to be pos- sesstju or gooa ana magnanimous attn- bute9. "But this process of imitation must be gin with childhood, when the mind ia im--pressible and the form undermined. It is, therefore, in course of time our intention to establish for our children a university in which paid instructors are not to teach, but those of us who have the love of work in our hearts, united with care for the well being of our charges." We copy what Mr. F. G. F. haa to say that our readers may have a further understanding of this great Combination -of Aryan Americans that is to electrify the world, trans form human nature, make society of ideal purity, and insure the highest development of the species. Surely, d fcociety or Order, be it called the sacred Order of Empire" or the o, ai. n . , - imignty vvcangdoodlers of the Universe," should be well thnnaht nf , u u wtu mouguioi wnen it proposes, not, to overturn it Em .pirea or throttle Republic, really, ito famish "the grandest exam- t hi i . ill i iirniL'n rav - uc grauuebi exam- pies or tne numan race" "to realize" as it were, "a state of ideal virtue," and to have a University in which old such lessons will be taught as shall u. , . maiio us pupns superior to "all the mou x fcU, uu renaer in inem impervious to the assaults of l a a.eeuetjs sucn as amict "tne lower orders" of this mundane sr,h and to crpt nn a nA and to get up a good time" general- ly which has been long looked-for by the ages' But really the whole thing is too funny. It is enough to make a sick ( tu t. monkey laugh to hear American snobs prating of aristocratic blood, when it takes but about three revolu- Hon nf tho. n,haa) i j t.o.sof the wheel to land the ordi- nary blue-blood on a dung-hill amid his ancestors. None but fools aad dreamers could ever think of such flttr 3 00; five days, $S.60; one week, $4.00. 'S&Tti Tsb; ttasoweej. tS-60; one month. reeued, eent,mental at the head of this aoti-BUmarok ?E5T Is Z glraT JiZ aouDie-aistiiied tom-foolery. This party, and she is a staunch Roman standing of the civil service order world's grand examples of heroism Catholic. By making war on the with wiiich I entered upon my usurped and true greatness have not come Jews the anti-Bismarck party hopes dujes- . it::"rT ffi char rs r -- ssi cloistered aisles, but from the mid- terests," but how, we confess we do sonal or partisan considerations have die classes of society where virtue not understand. German politics are been strengthened by my observation and honor prevail, and where endur- about as perplexing to the American ad' experience in the Executive ance and fortitude ftnH nt;anna a - i-. omoe. Entering upon this office as I "luae and Patience are as American politics are to some of aA hrnini, .uf .afi o-uo American m US nOtlfifi thA ' - " of Mr. G. F. C.'s letter says im pressively: "The unknown heroes of the coal mines,, the common Bailors, chevaliers of the police and fire department, obscure clergymen, the mute, inglorious Miltons and bloodless Cromwells of 'the-lower orders,' that the Aryans would not condescend to notice, might furnish grander examples of forti tude, patience, faith, incorruptible integri ty and devotion to duty than can be found in the books of the peeracp. These are the true "unpaid professors" of the great Uni versity of Human Life; and if the haughty, sway-backed, cold-nosed Aryans would sit humbly at their feet, they would learn something good for them to learti and for get much that, for their souls' health, they ought to forget. It is difficult for the average American to look upon the pro posed 'Aryan American' order, and the proposed HeraldsUo)lege, and the 'Sacred Order of the Empire,' as other than a huge joke. But already there are enough of re putable names in it to show that the plan has touched one of the weak spots in American character that ingrained flun kyism that delights in titles and pedigrees. The whole thing is stupid and not worth noticing. We were led to sap pose first that it was a seoret order that meant to destroy if possible our liberties, but it is only the disordered development of a fellow who would rather be the son of Charles IL, or some other debauched King, by one of his mistresses, than the son of an honest, horny-handed yeoman and a pure, good woman, who could not boast of "blue-blood" in their veins. America has no place for aristocrats. TheY are as much OUt of place OU OUT soil, where "an honest man is the . -ij a noblest WOTK Of (jrOd, as Ideas OI a . f . Strong trOVernment are OUt OI place . , , c r, i,,, i TUr the lfead of a I resident-clect. 1 he Amprinnn ravo trnlv iftertcuii av a ""V" "Take the lordlies', most blue-blooded ,. . -cv,r ar,,, vm, find as pedigree in Europe, and you will una as large a proportion of ucmitlgated 8C0U0- drels, debauchees, idiots, lunatics, cowards, fl(.fnrmities. fools and brutes with good clothes on, as in any other grade of life." "Now, that we understand precisely 1 what sort of an aristocratic Aryan ... dreamer this tellow J?orsytD is, we -r---j ; - . , , , ; , A . dant harvests, with profitable em arfi rather 3 ad that he started his , " 1 -tU " i "Sacred Order of the Empire." It I will serve as a sort of big molasses I 4 Tr m;Y,nMnt u nf I " 3 , . u thi enftha mhn Intra c irfiof T nn 1 1 a n n oaa I and sounding titles, and thus will be I gathered into one Order all ot the r.ii i . j i leuowswuo truo m a.um.j, auu, 39 AbramVenable once said, who, nice tne luxuriant potato-vine,oave an i that is valuable connected witn tnem lying beneath the soil. We have enjoyed the reading of the supposed message of Hayes so much that we cannot agree to with hold such parts as we are able to make room for from our readers, wisnmg tnat ttiey may e as muon entertained by the irony and truth- I fulness of the composition as we have latter rains which made such remu been. It is well done, and no candid nerative harvests possible. It will , ... nr be a gratification in which all Chris man can deny the hit. We copy the tian feople share to know that this more readily because it will serve to lamented officer, with wise fore remind the readers of the Star of thought, left a largo stock ot care some of the very extraordinary fea- fol,y assorted weather on hand. tures of the Hayes Administration upon which we have bad occasion to comment so often. In something: a over two and a half months the de facto will quit forever the Presiden tial Chair to which he was never elected, and which he has held by the long suffering and continued forbear ance of the Democratio party. If the Radicals had been circumstanced in all respects in 1876-77 as the Dem ocrats were, they would have precip itated a conflict, the end of which no man was wise enough to foresee. I Some of the papers on one of the Southern fast mail lines do not seem I well oleasfid at tho P.hano-fl. Tf it. I had not been for the personal exer- r tions of a gentleman not connected with this line the probability is there would have been but one great South-' t- . a.i-.- :i t: t.i, I w" ia" "a" iiuo aiio Aiiauuu , rw. On th,aiin0 nWflmoJaanDg tDfl campaign not a single , . I , . & much desired and the people all along """S " a I It are deli&rhted to have it. Tf a fast I are delighted to hav it. Tf a faHt mail 8hoald give dissatisfaction to imnnrtftnt nonta nn ann,u. important centres on another line anA tu .a. make application for a return to the slow tifne table no doabt the Postoffice iWrtmant wonld hr x - ostomce department would near ,am fn,Ki rr, , North Carolina who stilL hanker after tha ennd nIH fnnr.lirroo Btarra I CI v . mw.mv owm&w I i aflVS nn,l whn hoi,ovotr,a 01 "uuuuo auueuuu whip over the "spanking leaders" and tooted his "winding horn" was a greater man than George Washing- ton or "Kurnel" DeLancev Kane Lancey Kane. Bismarck is disclaiming all con- nection with the war now being waged against the Jews of Germany! T s . vjiciuiaujr It is now said that the movement against the Jews originated with those who are known to be the ene- mi gs of Bismarck. Th Emnrfl. i. w M SB V VMau I t 'vu rrimtnn .TAni in a well ; -a a - P iQi npr. considered discussion of legal adver Using, makeaa sugge8tior,thatvthe members con Com county paper one time a statemeat of every dollar they have expended. It says properly, we think, that they should fix the schedule of priceM- at reasonable and just rates, soaa to provent excessive charge od the part of the papers. It says: "If there is any one public thing that the people are interested in more than all oth ers it" is in the question of what goes with the taxes they pay. They want to know it all along as the taxes are being used, and the idea of posting up at the court house door, once a year, an itemized exhibit of county finances is supremely ridiculous." We have been reading, with ex ceeding pleasure, the quaint sayings, the bright humor, the clever sketch ing, the tender reminiscences of "Uncle Keraus," and have found the adventures of "Brer Rabbit" and "Brer Fox" and the remainder of the characters of the fables really delightful. There is a rich store house of genuine enjoyment in this new Southern book. We are glad, really, to see how cordially it is liked in the North. The best papers aro loudest in their praise. Till. HATES' IftKSSAUK. Or Wutt Would Have Beeu, If me rrutb were Told. r We are happily enabled to give to our readers in advance of all contem- Doraries. the following remarkable State paper. Md. Washington ost. Fellow-Citizens of tub Senate and House of Repebsentati ves : I I finnoratnlate von on the continued and lcoreaslDg prosperity of our coun- rv. Bv the favor of Divine Projpi- J .iui,ii- dence we have been blessed, during tu0 naat vatir muu Kpahh. with abnn- piuyineiib iur an uur pcupic, auu wau contentment at home. Without in- tending to detract irom tue creaiT. due to Divine Providence for the larger part of these blessings, it is O r ... . DroDer that I should acknowledge the great debt due to the Honorable Se- cretary ot tne ireasury tor nis vaiu- anm fionneration. inaeeu il is iiaruiv A.Kot if h hfi nut I ., d h labor of the hua- bandman would have beeu deprived or many ot its rewaras. curing nis administration ot the important and responsible duties to which he was aro havn VAn favnrp.l with of the Legislature should j appointments in order to protect them sider. It is to require the County 1 from ihperntentiary. tl may Urge I : A.,t:n.. :i v, mniior t hat. 1 was missioners to publish in the j j.uu, "v.;y . r four successive crops of great plenty bas bolng called upon by ray es and value. I cannot express in words teemed fellow citiz-ns of that beauti the depth or sincerity of my regrets ful c,tJ to address them, I remarked: over the untimely deprivation by "It is gratifying to note that en death of Chief Signal Officer A. J. ouraging progress has been made at Mver. To him more than to any other Administration has been indebted for the early and uea. xiazen, wnom i nave lately ap pointed nis successor, will, l am sure, by frequent consultations with Secretary Sherman, be able to so fructify the incoming crops as to add to the clorv and broaden the esteem in which the Republican party is held by the American people. The occurrence of the twenty- fourth election of Chief Magistrate will be followed on the 4th of March next, by the inauguration for the twenty-third time of the people's choice. I cannot refrain from con- eratulatino- vou and throueh vou graiuiawng you, auu iiirougu you the country, on the immediate, gene- f oil 0O(j citizens in the result nor can I T fnKoar trt zloirr. frtr rr.Tr AHm n a. I tration a large proporJ10D of the credit due to the active participants I there n. Dur ins the entire, canvass . I t my aDinet advisers, togetner witb l i, : . i menl an5 bureaus, cheerfully abandoned their respective duties and labored for the success of the Rpnnhlifan nnminPAH Wronnonflrr iue jjiiuiiiptai iicauo ui ucpan- I Rennblican nominees. Frenupntlv. -r . . . I official of the nrst or second rank ooqm h fonnd at tho (mtal. rt nffima r,f t hA firor. nr aonnn ronlr zealous ware thav in tha omnrl nftnsi salmis wpr t.hfiv in tb cmnrf (.niA At one time it was estimated that not less than one-half of the entire This, I may add, was but a 8mail proportion of the assistance rendered f, rp . ,,. , "T"."" "IUJr "uc UIU ployes of the Government, who, it is unnecessary for me to remark, are reaaited for their arduous labors not tne revenues wnicn are collected tive of political attachments. Being the only member of the Ad- ministration not subject to removal, 1 J0 without egotism, the lrint f beiug thl 0nIy p.ers.0n who refufled t finh8cnb or 8ubmit t assessment. In order, however, that unwilling contributors might have no accessible pretence for refusing to fP111? l.he 3Q8t demands of duly authorixed canvassers, I so ar- ranged the public business as to be able to absent myself from the Capi- tal dng the entire campaign. In this way I avoided the annoyance of lilf M IllilllTI I.IIIM IIIHIIIIMIIIH NHruilTMH rr olerical force of the Government carorQ11y conserve tne salary ot the Speculation is active and a buoyant tone rpHK nbw furniture store op beu were actively assisting in, or saeaci- rigQtfal olaimant to the office whose characterised the dealings .A bends & monrob, sontheaat corner Mar- -.- . - . . . I omnlnmnnfi T Ytoirr, a 1 , I . . I Ke- oecona otB., Wilmington, N, C. offers an nna t nirpnr.incf t.n firmr.iner nanvaoo I "'"iu'"vijvo . ua,o aj iuuu uu iuvdu, i i extra aieconnt or n ! a laree number of men, who were fe- i quired to commit acts- of a punitive, 0aracteiv it wa8 obligatory upon me ; t ;rni, them -Ayith Government isaarreeablv com pi pledges of ray party friends ana representatives. The Hon. J ohn Sherman, and the": Hon. Ed. F. Noyes, both of .Ohio, who re presen ted my fnterests respectively in the disputed States of Louisi ana and Florida, embarrassed me by . -.u nf,,., their bargains with Messrs btearns, McLin, Cowgill, Dennis, Anderson, Wells, Casanave, Kenner, Jenks and many ot.hfiis who were considered necessary to the nuooessful abstrac tion, eugorgemeuL or false count of the votes in tbose States or the suc cessful forgery or alteration of their returns. Owing to the unwillingness of the great bulk of the disloyal pr Democratic party V submit to a re versal of the popular will by which, on the face of the returns, Mr. Til den's election was assured, I wasotill further embarrassed by the demands of persons, found to bo necessary at , t .U 4 every suDsequeni stage ui iu g.eau conspiracy, for remuneration. The Hon. John Sherman, who en cineored the stupendous fraud by r .u ,u., xr tiou's history, the fairly expressed will of the people was successfully set aside, was entrusted with the mauigement of the financial depart.-, ment of the Go.vrnrnent, a position in which lie li3s acquired distin guished prominence and a large for tune. His relations with one of the priuoipal National banks of the city of New York have enabled the mana gers of that powerful institution to amass a million and a half of dollars in a single year technically de- scribed as profits and has made ot the Honorable secretary a million aire. Very few public bervauts re strioted as to salary to an amount barely sufficient to defray the ordi nary expenses of living nould,-in so short a space of time, acquire a gi gantic fortune, unless powerfully endowed by the Great Creator of all things with rare financial skill or genius under God carried us safely through rebellion, I have to announce tUttt ,vllu utJ ouigiu eA.uptiuu, every "".v T"1""" .. x ,oeiueuua' am, Hu-ciiueu, ui ioo, nas oeen rewaraea. - 11 -V 1 WOUie l 1 tn Ot iU2USt, attJOlUni iae ooaih. lne labor system has been re-organized, race prejudices antl antagonisms have diminished, the passions of the war aro subsiding, and concord and patriotic National sentimeuts are reluming. In my second message to your honorable bodies, at the last session, I also said r,, , , Ihe recent Congressional elec- tions have furnished a direct and trustworthy test of the advance made J in the nractical rfl-Rstahlishmpnt nf the right of suffrage to the liberated race of the Southern States. All i - disturbing influences, real or lmagi- narv bav,e been removed from all of these States." I do not now recall the emergencies whlcu seemed to demand the expres- 81on of 8uch eentiments, but I have no d0QDt tfaey were considered at the t,me sufficiently exacting. At the present moment ot communication 1 am as imperiously required to utter ,, . - 3 , . A:varaa equally positive and wholly diverse opinions. Continued opposition to tD0 fuu and free enjoyment of the riSIllH O I ClMZeUSUlD COUierreQ UDOO I the colored people still prevails in several o . tne late slave-holding I ates. x migni auaie upon tnis topic r on tnnAnrnninnf lAntU V n wah :,r " . J win iiuL consiuer il necessarv. Those who do not aSr.ee with one or the other of the opinions I have advanoed, have no recognisable demands upon m7 time. If I have per- " 1 j- ,tt tl,Q om,Jni, n. v M. ; uwu'-w uo u,lttlUBU l ueir uaru" earned wages by self-constituted as WSUX, IO UB uraiDea Of IDeir 1181X1- sessors in the assumed interest of a VJ 1 Jf neglected to pro- aently husband my resources and This, although not written by my own Hand, is, notwithstanding, a much more truthful doenmpnt than much more truthful document than any that has yet appeared, from the Executive Mansion, over the signa ture of Rutherford B. Hayes. December, 1880. Bacon. Bacon. Boxes D. S. Smofced SIDES, For sale by; de 12 tf KERCHNER & CALDER BROS. Flour, Meal, Corn. Q00 BblsIFLOUR, g00 Bushels MEAL, K fifi Bags COKN. For sale by KERCHNER & CALDEU BROS. de 12 tf Chccfie, Coffee, Candy, &e. j00 Boxes Cream and Factory CHEESE, 150 Bag8 C0F,fCB' 00 Boxes CANDY, 0 Bbls APPLES, pJ0 BblsSUGAR8, Soap, Lye, Potash, Candles, Crackers, &c, o. For sale by de 12 tf KERCHNER Sb CALDER BROS. I m.j a. m urn a w I S Common men will iiut, wiluouu uuusu.ii luueuLivea, en- I A; . n J I rrv ' uiiuauuary Bna f Anew lotof those k a. l : - r i X' iui ma. x luuui ca. au iiici ch.sc i iier i nnn i onus wr ia nnvti l u i ? . t . i counter areat oerils or hazard extra- 1" reoruary iael.ve.y 6 27-32, 6f and0 27-32d; Just received. Don't " . . 1 , . . . auwcascui i poi "'i iiiioaioaiuoi, uu i JjeorUSrV ana March le Vflrw fi 0.SO7R7fi . ordinary risks; and, theretore, witn counties reporting, an average decrease of March and April delivery 6 15-16a629-32d' tiT E? a due eense of my responsibility to 17 per cet; Louisiana. 18 counties reporting April and May delivery 6 31-32tffi 15-ifhi.' the party which saved .the nation in f. decrease or 15 per cent; iexas 68 coun- May and June delivery 7d; June and July ih rt f irri ,r,r h5oh l.le8 ,ve an averayc increase of 30 per cent; delivery 7 l-16d. Futures onened derJ. i,3A THE LATEST NEWS. FROM ft LL PARTS OF THE WORLD CONGRESS. (.By Telegraph to the Morning Star SENATE, . Washington, Dec. 15. A number of bills were introduced and referred, among which was the following: By Mr. Hill, of Colorado, for the retire ment of small legal tender notes. By Mr. rendleton, to regulate llie civil sei vice auu uromoie tne eiuuieucy mereoi. A,go a prohlbii Pederai offlcers. claimants and contractors from making or receiving assessments or contributions for ... j . t. . aa .t. r ponucai purposes. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Mr. Beale iqtroduced a bill declaring roads between all life-saving stations post roads. Referred. Mr. iieuora, or uoioraao. introduced bill for the retirement of small legal, tender I notes. Referred On motion of Mr. Goode, of Virginia,' Senate bill granting a pension ot $100 a month to Mrs. Julia G. Tyler, widow of the late President Tyler, .was taken - from the Speaker's table and passed. The morning hour having been dispensed with, Mr. F. Wood moved that the House go into committee on the Funding bill, I miu uuiuuji pendlDg whicn Mr Bakert of iD(Lt from the committee on Appropriations, re- ported back the Fortification bill, and an- tagon-.z-d Mr. F. Wood's motioU with a motion logo into committee oo that bill. Mf. Wood making no objection, Mr. Bakei's motion was agreed to and accords icgly I t)o House ai 12 40 went into Com mittee of the Whole, ..Mr. Converse, -of Ohio, iu ihe chair, upon the Fortification bill CO I ON CltOE. REPORT FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, i by Telegraph to the Mornint; Star. Washington, December 15. The fol lowing statement, showing the condition of the cotton crop, was issued by the Depart ment of Agriculture to-day: There is a decline in the return of De cember 1st, compared with that received November 1st. The continuance of rain and very cold weather in November low ered the estimates of the States bordering on the Mississippi river. Che followiog ia a summary of the reports for the month by States: In North Carolina. 43 counties re- port an increase in the crop as compared with last year of 14 per cent.; South Caro- Una, lb counties average an inerease of 9 per cent.; Georgia, 57 counties an average increase of 5 per cent.; jporting an average decline of 7 per cent; Tennessee; 23 coun ties report iu average decrease of 15 per cent. TEXii. DESTEUCTION OF COTTON AND COTTON SEED EAILHOAD MATTERS. By Telegraph to the Horning Star. Galveston, Dec. 15. Seventeen car loads of cotton were burned on the Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe Railroad, six miles above Areola, Monday. A dispatch to the News from Cuero, says liucnei s gin, together with one hundred bales of cotton and five carloads of cotton peed were burned Monday, causing a loss of $13,000, on which there was no insur- e News Uag lhe following from Pales- tine: A rumor prevailed in this city yester- day to the effect that Jay Gould had pur chased the International & Great Northern Railroad. This is denied by its President, II. 8. Hayes, who says a contract has been made between the Missouri, Kansas & Texas and the International & Great Northern, under which the former road would connect with the latter at George- town, aud thence would use the Interna tional & Great Northern Railroad track to San Antonio, from which point they would conjointly construct the road to Larendo. WASHING ION. NOMINATION TO THE SUPBKMK COUKT BENCH. LBy Telegraph to tlie Morning Star.l Washington, December 15. The Presi dent sent the following nominations to the Senate to-day: Judge Wm. B. Woods, of eorS',l to D Associate Justice at the United States Supreme Court, vice Justice g. . re8iDed He i8 now UnItea 8tatM nircnit .TndffH or ihfi Fifth prising the States of Alsbama, Florida, UCU1S', 4M.ioaoiHF' xcA.no. no waa K&m? Schuyler, of New York, to be Charge d'Affaircs and Consul General at Bucharest. NBW YORK. STOCK MARKET HEAVY PUECHASJNQ MOVEMENT. By Telegraph to tho Morning Star. -"vv xoiut, lec. io, i. New York, Dec. 15, 11 A. M. The stock market opened strong and under the fovorirur influpriRfi r a heaw nnrrhaslni movement the entire list recorded an ad vance, the improvement ranging from $ to 2 per cent., Iron Mountain, Union Pacific, gfs central leading the upward movement. V1KGINU. CONVICTION FOB VOLUNTARY MAN- SLAUGHTER. LBy Telegraph to the Morning Star. Danville, December 15. Scott Thomp son, on trial for the murder of Scott Han kins, was yesterday convicted of voluntary mansiaugnier, ana tue penalty nxed at im KENTUCKY. BOILER EXPLOSION ONE PERSON KILLED AND SEVERAL INJURED. LBy Telegraph to the Morning Star. Louisville, Dec. 15. A boiler explo sion in Fabel & Son's soap and candle fac tory exploded yeatorday, killing Phil. ?!SS&tfSH2Z "SS? injuring another. BLECTBIU SPABKS, The Republican Convention at West Lebanon, New Hampshire, nominated Hon. Oasian Roy to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Congressmaaelect Farr. Mayor Priner, Democrat, waa re-elected Mayor of Boston yesterday by about 900 maiorfty. The Board of Aldermen eon- SSI? 8eveD Democrat8 ft0d five Repub- Removal, I HAVE REMOVED FROM Vo. 11 NO. 9 South Front Street, 8rd door from H Ji onion's Corner. I am not the only German Barbei ti town, bnt have the Neatest Shop &nd can a'ways v e found at my post, with polite and No. 1 Assistants, oc 10 tf H. C. PRBMPERT i tin i , j i a : c n i - i COMMERCIAL. W I L M I U .T ( ) N M A 1 J K K T. &TAi OFFICE December 15. 4 P. M. - fSPlBITS TURPENTINE The marke t Opened firm at42f cems per gallon, with sales of 150 casks at ' ihht jrice, lHipg an advance of on last repor's KGSIN The market was firm at $ 1 42 for Strained and $1 47 for Good Strained, with sales of 500 bbls Good Btrhined at $1 47 per bbl. TAR Market steady at $1 5o per bbl of 2801bs, with sales of receipts at quotations. CRUDE TURPENTINE Market firm, with sales reported at $ 1 80 for Hard and $2 80 per bbl. for Yellow Dip and Virgiu. COTTON The market was steady, with sales of 250 bales at 11 cents per lb for Middling. Low grades unsaleable. The following were the quotations: Ordinary cents lb, Good Ordinary 10 Strict Good Ordinary. 10 . .. Low Middling 1015-10 " " Middling 1 1 f " Good Middling PEANUTS Market quiet, with sales re ported at -2030 cts for shelling etock, 40 cents for Ordinary, 50 cts for Prime, eo cts for Extra Prime and 70 cents for Fancy. -t?t orrir . mAit p - . Hy Telegranh to the Morn Ink; Star, i Financial. Nkw York. Dec. 15 N.mi. Money strong at 0 per cent. Sterling exchange 477480i. Stale bonds dull ami nomi -nal Governmenis quiet. C-jmnicrciLt. Cotton firm and quiet, w. ith euies of 793 bales; middlings ll cents; Orleuus 12 cts; futures steady, with sales at the following prices: December 11.93 cents: JanuHrv a i 12.10 cents; February 12.2u cents; March 12 42 cents; April 12 58 cents; May 12.71 cents. Flour dull and heavy. Wheal hetivy aod lc lower. Uorn dull and a ehade lower Pork dull at $13 75 for old. Lard steady at $8 75. Spirits turpeutine 45 cents. Rosin $1 80 Freights firmer. . MKBINN MARKETS IKy Cable to the Mornlnz fctar.l Liverpool, Dec. 15. Noon. Cotton Strong; middling uplands 0 11-lGd; mid- dling Orleans 6 13-10d: sales 20 000 hnlps of which 3,0J0 bales were for speculation ana export; receipts 4,y50 bales, of which 4,850 were American. Uolands. I m r December delivery 6 13-16d; December bnt the advance has since been partially Lard 46s. Pork 06s. 1.30 P. M. Uplands Cjd; Orleans 6J. Uplands, 1 m c, January and February de livery 6 13-16d; May and June delivery 6 31-32d; June and July delivery 7 l-32d Julyand August delivery 7 1-lGd. Futures dull. j 1 La Lar ii ...ijpWi AS AH ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE, are incomparable. They stimulate tho TORPID LIVER, invigorate tho OUS SYSTEavr, give tone totheDIQES TI V3D QROAITS, create perfect digestion and regular movement of the bowela. AS AN ANTIMALARIAL They have no equal ; acting as a prevent ive and cure for Bilious, Remittent, Inter tritt.nT. Typhoid Fevers, and Fever7 anA Agne. Upon the healthy action oFtho ' tomach and Liver depeodw, almost wholly, the health of the human m -r-. DYSPEPSIA, It ia for the cure of tins disease and its a tendanta, SICK-HEADACBjj"EKV-OU3NES8. DESFOlfPFJJOir, CON STIPATION, PILES, &c that the8o Fills have gained such a wide reputation . T-Io remedy waa ever discovered that acts ao speedily and gently on the digestive cr i?ana, giving them tone and vigor'to "as -simUate food. This aooomplished, tho NERVES are BRAUJilU. the BnAriM ho- xu ox-, wm jtemeay iairiy ana you will gaiq a Vigorous Body, Pure Bloodi Sti-ong Nerves, and a Cheerful mind. ' Price 83c. .33 Marray St., N. Y. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Oray Hair ob Whiskers changed to a Glossy lack by a single appUcation of this Dtk. It im parts a Natural Color, and acts Instantaneously Sold by DruRffisiaor sent by express on receiptof $ 1 Offic.35 Murray St., New York, ap 13 to sa ood DAWly ta nnn Fire. have Buffered at the late Lanrinbur? flro nri .h I TMtr Mitt tr. oil n... .wiT I to refurnteh. The Largest Stock of Marble Tod and medium Furniture In the State to select f t om, SSSSBSiSiM rellAble Just the Thing For You ! The Endowment Policies of the ASwX5SJ T5FQ ?A1f IN THK land as Uit tho thine I Thev Mmnlato nonrm.- I my and the disposition to save something for the Tr..n, dt, .i.ii, ii u iujuriiitcioriBe ume, i fSA?10 Company 's Bond to be paid at ma- turity, as pro Tided in the policy. ocuu iur sample policy. JNO. W. GORDON & BRO., Agents, de 13 tf 34 North Water St. New York and Wilmington , , . . SteamshiD Oo. . " . , ,T Steamship Gulf Stream WILL BAIL FROM NKW YORK, WEDNESDAY, DEC. 8TH, 4 P. M. FROM WILMINGTON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14TH. T. E. BOND, .Sup't. de7tf MISCELLAN EOUS. For Sale, Two Valuable Tracu oi In Auoti County 'pUKIKriT THACT CONSISTING ok 1 (40) acres, more or )e6. (H J tblrw , 01T are well wooded. Ilea partly within il ' wl"li limtuof theu)wncf Wadeboo and uL7r,,,,r' the 'Marshall l-lac. On thl. u i .kDo" awemnn with eight rooms with n,." !"-tory bulldlnfrs, all In good lepalr. Then, .7 oyi Of VArv fine muti.. . . i l thU lot. fornuiilv occumud I h0 Uwoihn Marshall, etandlng as It doei at th. h"?- Oli principal street of the town.u bcann. ,of Ul and most desirable res.donce, command n J p1" ylewof the sarroandlHg couutrj for m ,fi"' The second tract, contalnlns mm f. .t8."Wi lucres, more or less, lies (3) three iniT.i. . Bd' 'i w wiu vuurnw road u. .. . . ui the old Marehall homestead. 1 hi'. iL r.ml Jones Creelt. and contains some flno h Zu.J . " On It Is a good dwelling, wlih neceasary lm Ings lncludlDK barn, stables, cotton til T bu,l good farmtngTand, well adapted to gSw'l?0 , u aDd all other products raised in thl?seri wll"" pabhc road to town Is one of the best In t h Tw andia never bad at any Hme of the ?JLWB?' tract will be sold In throe lots, one coiuhi ono 109 aod the other 800 acros. more o "i. "R "l Both thesa places will be sold at public h theOoart House in Wadesboro fa t. f, CUuB 18th. 1380, unless sooner disposed of n?" ale. ul al Private For terms and farther particulars atnl t C. MARSHALL, Wadesboro. N. C w o 2?JAh 32 Wjarket St. 32 iff 2 - m r.. f f Sign of the Show Case with the Shoe maker. Tl j Y STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES ALWAYS complete. Call and examine. Satisfaction cuar famines0 CUStmCr8' Nowl8,imeto 'apply your DAfal Hne of th0Be CUlLDRKN'S H(;0TC1I BO LB, In lace and buttons. 8oelnK Is bdlevlo. Convince yourselves of the fact. SCOTCU ROLK a A ITru . forgot the old number. OSENTHAL, ItlilI ST. ON MONDAY 1 WILL RECEIVE A LA KO K VAHIKTY OK SACQUINGS AND CLOAK GOODS. Black and CoPd Silk Velvets, KOK SIC I UTS AND TKIMMIMH. All at Mou Reasonable Pri:e:- BJW IH!TTOs. AND MANY OT1IKK NICE THINU. E. M. McINTIRE. de 12 tf ew Raisins, ORAjSTGES, Fancy Candy. Canned Goods, &c. HALL & PEAltSALL. dc 14 D&Wt. University of North Carolina AT CHAPEL HILL. JNSTRUCTION IS OFFKKEU IN J'HREH regular courses of Btudy. Special courses arc ir vlded In Mineralogy, Chemistry and other kIohcc relating to Agriculture. Schools of Law, Medicine and Phannscy are fully equipped. The next term begins January 31 and ends Juno 2d, 1'81 ToUl expenses, Including tuition, to fl2V Address, . . de 2 Hon. KEMP P. BATTLK. LI.. SCUPPERIMONC AND T7T.nWP.Pfl WTNE A JU V AJ mj .... man ufac i u k&u XX7. , . , . , , TTT n White ville Wine Co, WHITKV1LLH, n. c. Samples and pricos on application. Al 135" Send in your order for the bolldayi.AJ d9 tf - Notice. AJOTICKI3 HEREBY GIVEN THAT API' rV LICA- tion wiU be made to the General Assembly, at it neit session, for tho .pasaageof an act to perfect the organizaUon or the Carolina central iw'7 ComDanv. and to empower said Corporation to If sue certain Mortgage- Bonds. de3 33d Notice 13 HEKEBY GIVEN THAT APPLICATION will be made lo tho next General Assembly of th" State for the passage of an act to Incorporate tbo Clarendon Water Works Company. dc3 30d The Old Scarborough House,' NO. 8 SOUTH WATER STREET. WILM NO TON, N. C, is still open under the proprietor ship of ROBERT J. SCARBOROUGH, fDre,c"f be had at any hour of the day or night, the bcnj WINES, LIQUORS, Ac. OYSTfilib of the quality, either Stewed, Fried or Raw. , From and after this date the House will b seP' open Day and Night. no 10L!g Ten Dollars Reward ! JpOR WHEEL LOST OFF ON OF TH ON HUNDRED BQGGIES Jatt received by GERHARDT A CO. N. B. Wheel found. 5 tf