v.: -, $ fa. . A I 4 5 WILMINGTON N. C: Thursday Mousing, Deo. 16, 1J580. MORNING EDITION. THE LATEST NEWS. FROM ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD CONGRESS. CONSIDERATION OF THE BILL FOE THE ESTABLISHMENT AND SUPPORT OF ED UCATIONAX INSTITUTIONS THE FORTIFICATIONS BILL DEBATED AND PASSED IN THE HOUSE. -By Telegraph to the Morning Star SENATE. Washington, December 15. Tbe Senate resumed the consideration of the bill to apply a part of the proceeds of the sale of public lands to public education and for the establishment and support of educa tional institutions. Senators Burnside, Mori ill and Brown spoke in Bupport of the bill, alter which it was informally laid aside to be called up to-morrow, when it is hoped a rote will be reached upon it. The Senate then took up the bill appro priating $4,750 to pay Samuel A. Lowe for services and expenses of a clerk of the Territorial Legislature of Kansas in 1855. After a long debate the Senate, without action on the bill, went into executive ses sion, and when the door3 were reopened adjourned. HOUSE OF REPRESKN TATIYES . Mr. Baker explained the provisions of the Fortiflcations bill, which he said was, ex cept in one point, identical with that of last year. He called attention to the de plorable condition of the country's seacoast defences, and said that in the event of war with a foreign power it would be impossible ble to put any our seacoast cities in anything like an adequate condition for defence in less than two years. Mr. Randall, of Fensylvania, discredited tbe idea that we should have war within the lifetime of the gentleman from Indiana. Mr: McCook said that during the first hundred years of of its existence as a na tion this county naa sixteen years ui war. Mr, Reed, of Maine, said tbe condition of the' seacoast defences of the United States, inview of the prosperous condition of the country, was disgraceful in the ex treme. No Dart of the seaboard conld be successfully defended even against a third-rate European power. The navy was not the best thing to meet daDger with, and hesides that an adeauata navy would coat more than the fortifications. Mr. Eilis , of Louisiana, said that the ships of any foreign power could enter the harbor of New lork in perfect safety and levy contribution a thousand limes greater man the sum asked by toe umei or via nance for the manufacture of heavy can noo. When war should break out there would be no time to improvise defences War might break out any time. Cuban cruisers were firing on American ships every two or three months. He hoped the incoming' administration would listen to no apologies but adopt a policy which would teach all nations, and especially Spain that the American flag must be everywhere respected. Mr. Reean, of Texas, favored the strengthening of fortifications.aod dwelt on tbe necessity of providing suitable defences for Galveston harbor. JSMr. King also alluded to the importance of strengthening the defences of Southern porta, which might now be entered and destroyed by Spanish men-of-war. Gen eral debate then closed, and the bill was read for amendments. Mr. Johnston, of Virginia, under direo lion of the Military Committee, offered an Hoiendment making the first section appro priate $500,000 instead of $100,000 for strengthening sea coast defences. Mr. Randall, of Pennsylvania, spoke at length in opposition to the amendment. He was opposed to any increase of appropria tions under the fancied apprehension of war. There was no danger of war and the country might better rely on diplomacy. Mr. Johnston, of Virginia, supported the amendment. He thought that the country snould prepare for war in time of peace The spectacle now presented by the harbor detences of tne country was disgraceful. Mr. tJlount, of Ueorgia, argued against ail amendments and agreed with Mr. Ran dall that there was no danger of war. Foreign powers had all they could attend lo at home. Finally discussion closed and tbe amend ment was rejected by "a vote of 90 to 50. Other amendments were offered, but all were either rejected or ruled out. The committee then rose and reported the bill to tbe House, when it was passed. Mr. Gibson, of Louisiana, from the corns miltee on Mississippi Levees, reported a bill appropriating $1,800,000 for improvement of the Mississippi river, which was ordered printed and recommitted. The House then adjourned. WASHING I ON. SEXAIOB PENDLTf's BILL TO REGU LATE CIVIL SEBVICE REFORM CON FIRMATION OF APPOINTMENTS. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. Washington, uec. 15. The bill intro duced in the Senate by Senator Pendleton tc-day to regulate the civil service, pro vides that all appointments in the several departments, with some few excep tions, snan oe made after open and competetlve examination. Tbeie exam inations are to be under the direc tion ana management of a board of ave commissioners, to be appointed by the President and to be known a3 the "Civil Service Examination Board." All appointments and promotions are to be made in the order of merit, after due ex amination, and the Board shall also pre scribe by general rules what misconduct or iuefficiency shall constitute cause for sus pension or removal. All male citizens shall be elegible to examination and ap pointment. Tbe Senate in Executive session to-day confirmed the nomination of Col. W. B. Hazen as Chief 8ignal officer, with the rank of Brigadier General, and of Col. Nel son A. Miles as Brigadier General. ELBCTBIC SPARKS. The Census Bureau reports the result of the second enumeration in three townships in South Carolinashowing a loss of ten in one, and a gain of 93 and 5i in the others. Albert and Jack'Lae, who were return ing te-their homes in Bullock county, Ga., ia a wagontajnpd ten miles from Savan nah. They were found insensible yester day morning, having been kno'eked in the bead while asleep and robbed of $300. Al bert will die, but the other ia recovering. Charleston Rani More. lUarliei, December 14. The receipts were 160 casks spirits tur pentine and 236 bbls rosin. There was a firm market for rosins. Sales of 500 bbls at $1 55 per bbl for C D. $1 60 for E. $1 65 for F; $175 for G; $1 80 for H; $2 15 for i l?Z?ir K;. ? 75 ,for M'' 00 fr .N ; $3 25 for window glass. Spirits tur pentine in demand. Sales 2,000 casks at 42c tTJk n- Crae turpentine is valued at $3 80 per bbl for yellow dip, and $1 80 for -scrape. VOMBIGN JNTJBLIjIOBlIIOIB;...,, SUCCESS OF THE PANAMA CANAL EN TERPRISE ANOTMER IB1SH LAND LORD BOYCOTTED GREECE i - AND TURKEY FAILURE IN THE MAN CHESTER TRADE, &C. I By Cable to the Morning Star. 1 London, December 15. A dispatch from Paris says the success of the Panama Canal enterprise is enormous; the organiza tion of the undertaking is in full swing. The marriage of the Princess De Garooka with the Czar of Russia will be declared legal, she receiving the title of Duchess of Holstein Gottork, and the children will be princes and princesses of that title. The Czar and his family will retire lo Lividia, remaining Emperor in name, the actual au thority however residing in the Czirewitch. W. & W. Skemplay, yarn agents and merchants at Mancheier,uave failed. Their liabilities are ttated at 90,000. The terms of tbe Frankfort note relative lo the Greek question have been decided upon. In the note tbe Powers aro asked to recommend Greece to enter upon a path of negotiations instead of resistance to armaments. Mr. Wm. B. Jones, an English and large land owner, residing at Lisselone,' county Cork, writes to the 'limes that be has ex pended 25,000 on the improvement of bis property, and has hitherto enjoyed good relations with bis tenants, but because be refuses to accept Griffith's valuation his tenants have been deterred by threats from paying their rents. He is threatened that his grave will be dug opposite his door. His laborers are compelled to leave, and noae dare ljuy bis produce, because when it is sent to market it is surrounded by a howling mob. When Mr. Jones, on Tues day tried to ship eighty head of cattle and sheep to Bristol for sale, a number of large shippers informed the Steamship Company that they would cease their dealings with it if the cattle . were shipped, and the company consequently refused to take them, as also did a Clyde shipping com pany. Finally the drovers refused to tend the cattle, which, after straying through the streets, were finally driven by the police to the Great Southern Railway, and that company forwarded them to Dublin by train, in spite of the efforts of the "Boy cotters" to prevent the company from sup plying a train. Mr. Jones is unpopular because of his writings in the periodical press in opposition to public works. The police promised to protect the laborers if they would remain with Mr. Jones, but they refused. The Land League will sup port the laborers who left the estate. The family of Mr. Jones are attending the re maining cattle, protected by armed police, and the house is guarded at night. New York Havel Sioree IHarKci December 13. Spirits turpentine is without important change, with demand light. At the South there is a firmness, and abroad steady mar kets; merchantable order quoted at 454c, (Jobbing 461c); a lot of 50 New York bbls sold at 45f c. Rosins quiet and unchanged; last quotations: Strained at $1 80; good strained at $1 85; No. 2 E F $1 95 a2 i5: No. 1 G H $2 20&2 35; good No. 1 1 $2 502 65; low pale K $2 802 87J; pale M $3 003 12; extra pale JN $3 25 3 50; and window glass VY $3 7o4 UU. Tar at $3 253 50. New York Peanut Market. Journal .of Commerce, Nov. 14.1 Peanuts have a moderate inquiry and prices steady. The quotations for Virginia are 3&a4c for prime; 4a44c for extra Drime. 4(a4ic for lancy. ana 4ioc ior hand-picked. "I have been using Tutt's Pills for Dys pepsia, and una tnem tne oest remeay i ever tried. Up to that time everything I ate disagreed with me. I can now digest any kind of food; never have a headaohe; perform my duties as bookkeeper with sat isfaction, and have gained fifteen pounds of solid flesh. The value of these pills cannot be over-estimated." W. C. Schullze, Columbia, &. C. f THK ITl AILS. The mails close and arrive at the City Post Umce as follows: CLOSE. Northern through mails, fast, 7:00 P. M. Northern through and way mails 5:30 A. M. Raleigh 5:30 A. M. and 4:30 P. M. Mails for the N. C. Railroad, and routes supplied there from, including A. & N. C. Railroad, at 5:30 A.M. Southern mails for all pomts South, daily 8 A. M. and 7:45 P. M. Western mails (C.C. R'y) daily (except Sunday) 4:30 P.M. Mail for Cheraw & Darliagton Railroad 7:45 P. AL Mails for points between Flo rence and Charleston, 8 A. M. and 7:45 P. M. Fayette ville.andofBceson Cape Fear River, Tuesdays and Fridays 1:00 P M, Fayetteville, via Lumberton, daily, except Sundays.... 4:30 P. M, Onslow C. H. and interme diate offices, Mondays and Thursdays 6.00 A M. Smithville mails, by steam boat, daily (except Sundays) 10:00 A. M Mails for Easy Hill. Town Creek, Shallotte and Little River, Mondays and Thurs days 0:00 A. M Wilmingtoe and Black River Chapel, Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays 5:00 A. M. OPEN FOR DELI VERT. Northern through and way mails 7:30 A.M. Northern through mails 9:00 A. M. Southern mails 7:30 A. M. Carolina Central Railroad ltf:30 A. M. General delivery open from 6:00 A. M. toJ6:00 P. M., and on Sundays from 8:30 to y:3UA.. M. Stamp Office open from 8 A. M. to 12 M.. arid from 2 to 5 :30 P.M. Money order and Register Department open same as stamn omce. Stamps for sale at general delivery when stamp omce is ciosea. Mails collected from street boxes everv aay at o. ou tr. ol. The Camden Journal. PubUsJud Every Thursday, at Camden, 8. 0., 18 THE OLDEST-ESTABLISHED PAPER IN Kershaw conntr. and has an extp.n 1 v h rrn i nH. .ti among the Merchants, Farmers and all classes of business men In the county. It offers to the Merchants of Wilmington a deslr able Medium far Advertising, the country in which itcirculates, being connected with that city by steam cr on the Wateree Elver, and the Wilminen c.n lombia and Augusta Railroad. LiDerai terms will be made with those desiring' to advertise. Subscription price, $3 50 per annum. r es, FRANTHAM ft HAY, feb 7 f Editors and Proprietor. The Lincoln Progress Published Saturdays at Lincolntcm, H. C. IS the only paper Dubllshed in T.inmin and has an extensive circulation among the Mer chants, Farmers and all classes of business men in the State. It offers to the Merchants of Wflminonn . . sizable medium for advertising thnir hnafn. throughout Western North Carolina. Liberal terms will be allowed on yearly adver tisements Subscription price, $2 00 per annum in p tfiflr v h. DLAKR. gdltorand Proprietor Removal. I HAVE REMOVED FROM NO. 7 1 NO. 9 South Front Street. 3rd dnn trnm H i.nmnia Corner. I am not the only German Barber fi town, but have the Neatest shop and can a'.wayf ' e found at my poet, with polite and No. 1 Assistants. oc iu tr h. C. PRBMFBBT. WILMINQTO N M A K K K 1 . ' Toe official or ' Opening quotations below are posted at the Produce Exchange daily at 1 P. M.r and refer to prices at that hour. STAR OFFICE. December 15, C P.M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE The market onened firm at 421 cents Der eallon. with nfilflB of 170 casks at that Drice. being an ad vance of ic on last reports. ROSIN The market was firm at $1 42 for Strained and $1 47 for Good Strained, with sales of 1.000 bbls Good Strained at $1 47-per bbl. TAR Market steady at $1 55 per bbl of 280 lbs, with sales of receipts at quotations. CRUDE TURPENTINE Market firm, with sales reported at $1 80 for Hard and $2 80 per bbl. for Yellow Dip and Virgin. COTTON The market was steady, with sales of 250 bales at 11 cents per lb for Middling. Low grades unsaleable. Fu tures for December opened barely steady in New York at 12.03 cents, and closed easy at 11.94 cents; February opened barely steadv at 12.28 cents, and closed easy at 12.25 cents. The followng were the quota tions of the day here : Ordinary cents lb, Good Ordinary 10i " " Strict Good Ordinary. 10 " " Low Middling 1015-10 " Middling 11 f Good Middling " " PEANUTS Market quiet, with sales re ported at 2030 cts for shelling stock, 40 cents for Ordinary, 50 cts for Prime, 60 cts for Extra Prime and 70 cents for Fancy. RECEIPTS. (Joltou 1430 bales. Spirits turpentine 265 bbls. Rosin 1697 " Tar 244 " Crude turpentine 49 " ' m :f ' C m a ty Telegraph to the Mornini? Star. Financial. New Yoke, December 15 Evening. Money G per cent. Sterling exchange 47 1. Governments partly higher; new fives 111; new four and a halt per cents 111; new four per cents 113i. State bonds inactive. Oommeretai. Evening uotton quiet ana sieaay;sai s 647 bales; middling uplands 11$ cents; Or leans 12i cents; consolidated, net receipts 33,332 bales; exports to Great Britain 18,765 bales; to France 4,U03 bales; to the conti nent 12,265 bales. Southern flour quiet and unchanged. Wheat heavy and lljc lower, with a very moderate export and fair speculative business; ungraded spring $1 05. Corn heavy abd ic lower; un graded 5659c. Oats heavy and about ic lower; No. 3, 431c. Coffee firmer and in better demand; Rio ,1013c. Sugar dull and rather weak; French Island 9 916c; fair to good reflniDg 77ic; prime 7Jc; refined easier and quiet; standard A i 9c. Molasses in moderate demand and unchanged. Rice steady and in moderate inquiry. Rosin quiet atfl 801 85. Spirits turpentine steady at 45i cents. Pork dull and entirely nominal; old mess export $13 50; middles dull and weak; long and short clear $7 377 45. Lard heavy and about 5c lower at 8 72i8 50. Freights firm. Uotton .Net receipts aao bales; gross receipts 10,340 bales. Futures closed easy, with sales of 159,000 bales at the following quotations: December 11.94 cents; January 12.08 ceol8, February 12.25 cents; March 12.4112. 42 cents, April 12. 56 12 57 cts, May 12.68 cents. June 12.7S12.80 cents, July 12.8712.89 cents. Baltimore, vec. lo. lour dull, as follows; Howard street and western su per $3 754 25; extra $4 505 25; family S 50 6 25; city mills super $3 754 25; extra $4 505 25; family $6 506 75; Rio brands $ 6 256 50; Palapsoo family $7 25. Wheat southern lower and quiet; west ern lower.closing steady; southern red $L 10 1 16; amber $1.181 24; No. 1 Maryland nominal; No. 2 western winter red on spot $1 16i; December delivery $1 16; January delivery f 1 17$1 18; February delivery fiaiil aif; Marcn delivery fl iWi 1 23J. Corn southern lower and fairly active; western quiet and firm; southern white and yellow 54 cents. Oats dull and lower; western white 4243c; mixed 41 41c. Provisions quiet and weak. Mess pork $13 75. Bulk meats loose shoulders and clear rib sides, none offering; do packed 58c: Bacon shoulders 6c; clear rib sides 81c; hams 9illc. Lard refined in tierces G-Jc. Coffee firm; Rio in cargoes, ordinary to fair 1012c. Sugar firm; A soft, 9fc. Whiskey firmer. Freights quiet. COTTON S1AIIKETS. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. Lec. 15. Ualveston, firm at 11 cts net receipts 2,472 bales; Norfolk, quiet at 11 7-16 cents net receipts 4,785 bales; Baltimore, steady at 11 cts net receipts 269 bales; Boston, firm at 12 cts net re ceipts 604 bales; Philadelphia, quiet and firm at 12? cts net receipts 4,251 bales; Savannah, steady and in lair demand at 11$ cts net receipts 12,092 bales: New Or leans, quiet at Hi cents net receipts 200 bales; Mobile, steady at llf cents net re ceipts 4,592 bales; Memphis, steady at 11 cents net receipts 996 bales; Augusta, firm for better grades at 11 cents net re ceipts 3,676 bales. FOREIGN MARKETS. By Cable to the Morning Star. Liverpool. December 15. 4 P. M. Cotton Uplands, 1 m c, December and January delivery 6 25-32d: Januarv and February delivery 6 27-32d. Sales of American cotton to-dav were 1,730 bales. 5.15 P.M. Uplands, 1 m c. December delivery 6 25-32d; February and March de livery 6 2732d; March and April delivery 6Jd; April and May delivery 6 2932d. Fu tures weaa. The Biblical Recorder PUBLISHED BY Edwards, Brougiiton & Co. RALEJGH, n. c. REV. C. T. BAILEY, Editor. REV. H. HATCHER, Associate Editor. Organ of Norm Carolina Baptists In Its 44th Tear. EVERY BAPTIST SHOULD TAKE IT As an Advertising Medium Unsurpassed Only $2.0O per Year. Address BIBLICAL RECORDER , Raleigh. N. C decaa-tf FOR THE LOCAL & POLITICAL NEWS OF THE FIRST DISTRICT. Subscribe for THE FALCON. A Democratic Newspaper. PUBLISHED AT ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. Ev Sent ts anv allrau tn Junnnrv 1. Iftfil fn. ONE DOLLAR. m y SC tf Port Almanac December 16. Sun Rises. pi Sun Sets. . . . High Waterf0mithville)..;. . 7.05 A. M. 4.48 P. M. 7.04 Morn. -11.04 Morn ;-. 9h. 43m. iWilmineton) na.,o r . , - S -".ARRIVED Stmr Elizabeth;' Bisbee,' Smithville, mas ter. ' Stmr John Dawson, Paddisjn, Point Cas well, RPPaddison. Stmr D Murchison, Robert, Fayette ville, Williams & Murchison. CLEARED. Stmr Elizabeth, Biebee, Smithville, mas ter. Stmr D Murchison, Robertson, Fayette ville. W ilhams & Murchison. Schr Addie E Snow. iThorodike, Provi dence. R I. A Y Wilaou; vestel by E Q Barker & Co. t Ger barque Anna, Seiwerls, Glasgow, Pateraon. Downing & Co. Nor barque Madonna, Pedersec, Havre; vessel by C P Mebane, cargo by Robinson oc iviny, KXPOIITS. COASTWISE. Providence Schr Addie E Snow 084 feet lumber. FOREIGN. -109,- Glasgow Ger barque Anna 3,218 bbls rosio. Havre Nor bbls rosin. barque Madonna 3,686 MARINE DIRECTORY. litMt or Vessels in the Port or WU rainston, N. C. Dec. 16. 1880.: This list does not embrace vessels under 60 tons. BARQUES. Kosoios (Ger.) 402 tons, Westerbe"rg, E Peschau & Wesierrrfann Eleizer (Nor.) 274 tons, Zackariassen, C P Mebane Ragohild. Nor, 197 tons, Hansen, C P Mebane Therts i (Ger.), 390 tons, Hansen, E Peschau & Westermann Hatiio H ., 403 tons, Cochrane, A Sprunt & Son Carin (bwed.), 340 tons, VVesterlund, Heide & Co Agatha (Nor.), 3G0 ions, Rohr, C P Mebane Madonna (Nor.) 4G2 tons, Petersen. C P Mebane Friedrich Perihes (Ger.), 475 tons, Kantz ner, E Peschau & Westermann Opuir (Nor.), 433 tons, Christiansen, Heide & Co Anna (Ger.), 3C3 tons, Siewerts. E Peschau & Westermann Amaliti & Hcdwifj (Ger.), 329 tons. Gehm. E Peschau & Westermann Ockel (Ger.), 444 tons, Wallenstein. E Peschau & Westermann Arctic (Nor.), 2C3 tons, Hansen, Heide & Co Chailes Northcote (Nor.), 414 tons, Errick- sen, it, irescbau & Westermann Minciora (Nor.) 294 tons, Henricksen, C P Mebane Stanley (Nor ) 633 tons, Ellingsen, C P Mebane Polycarp (Nor.) 498 tons, Jensolsen, C P Mebane Cato (Nor.) 343 tons, Kroger, C P Mebane Elene (Dao.), 430 tons, Dahle, Heide & Co BRIGS. Herman Frederick (Ger,), 280 tons. Niever. E Peschau & Westermann Heli03 (Ger), 356 tons, Burgwarls. E Peschau & Westermann Bomto (Br) 193 tons, Mitchell. E G Barker & Co Chiuline Neilsen (Swed ), 281 tons, Peter sen, Heide & Co Albcrtiu Meyer (Ger.) 266 tons. Zelck. E Q Barker & Co Eazabeth Scott (Br.), 231 tons. Milone. E G Barker & Co Doian (Nor.,) 3C2 tons, Deidricksen, C P Mebane Eugene Hale, 413 tons, Lord, E G Barker & Co Busy Bee (Br.), 330 tons, Graham. E G Barker & Co SCHOONERS. EH Dry mmond, 296 tons, Higeins. Northrop & Cumming and E G Barker & Co Clara, 25 tons, Cramner, repV, Geo Harries & Co 1 nomas R Pillsbury, 414 tons, Pixcher. JS G Barker & Co Addie E Snow, 103 tons, Tborndyke. EG Barker & Co Zeta Psi, 234 tons, Geyer, Colville & Co Levinia F Warren. 299 tons. Johnson. J H Nell N H Barrow, 253 tons, Taylor, Geo Harries & Co Katie Collins, 286 tons, Mathis, Geo Harriss & Co fannie R Williams, 36o tons, Shearer, Williams & Murchison Ber F Lee, 389 tons. Marts, Geo Harass & Co Edith R Seward. 244 tous. Tall. Geo Harriss & Co btarligut, tons, VVtbster, Geo Harriss & Co M A Folsom, 207 tons, Roqe, E G Barker & Co Caijelon, 68 tons, Asbury, E Kidder & Sons Taylor & Mathi3, 280 tons, Cheeseman, Geo Harriss & Co Notice. If the signal letters of anv ves sel in port are displayed by the U. S. Sig nal Umce, the vessel so designated should sena asnore ior teieram. MUSICAL CHRISTMAS GIFTS. Most acceptable ctfts to platers or singers will be w Touowmg ciegantiy Douna dookb. BPAny one mailed post-free for the nrlcn h uieuuuiicu. ROBERT FRANZ'S SONG ALBUM. GEMS OF ENGLISH SONG. HOME CIRCLE. Three volumes. WORLD OF SONG. PIANO AT HOME. 4 hand collection. SHOWER OF PEARLS. Vocal Duets. CREME DE LA CREMB. 2 Vols. OPERATIC PEARlS. GEMS OF STRAUSS. GEMS OF THE DANCE. CLUSTER OF GEMS. SUNSHINE GF SONG. Each of the above in Cloth $3.50; Fine Gilt 3.00. STUDENT'S LIFE IN SONG. $1.50. CURIOSITIES OF MUSIC. $1.60. BEETHOVEN. A Romance by Rau. $1.60. RHYMES AND TUNES. Xmas Off'g. $1.M. 8ULLIVAN'S VOCAL ALBUM. $1.50. FAIRY FINGERS. For Piano. $1.50 Oliver Ditson & Co., BOSTON, CHAS. H. DITSON CO. J. E. DITSON & CO. 982 Chestnut St., Phil. Wed & Sat 843 Broadway, N, x. de 4 dw tf ALL ABOUT Western North Carolina If yon want to know all about the "Garden Spot" of the soutn, sena ior a specimen copy of The Western Courier. It is a TWENTY-EIGHT COLUMN WHKTCT.Y full of interesting reading matter, and rievrtod tr, the interests of western North Carolina. Address THE COURIER COMPANY, Hendersonville, N. C. At o. 11 and 13 Front St. IS OBFKKIKQ FRESH GOODS IN FAMILY SUPPLIES suitable for the Holiday Trade In greater variety and LOWER PRICKS than has been known tor a long time. Be has marked all goods to eait the HARD TIMES. Don't bay untl you hare enquired his prices and examined the goods. JSO. L. eoatwriqht 11 and 13 North Front St. Notice This! J The Celebrated "ROSE BUB" Batter, the finest made, 45c. GMlt Edge Table Batter, 85c. or three lbs to: $1; Good Table Batter, 35c; Cooking Batter 25c, in tabs and firkins at lower figures. JNO. L. BO AT WRIQ RT, 11 and 18 North Front St. Seedless and Loose Muscatel Raisinc, Crown, Dehesia and Locdon LAYERS- WhoJep, Halves and Ouatters. Lowest figures on these. Citron, Turkish Pranee, New Currants. Malaga Grapes. New NUTS of every kind! CANDIES in every variety. New Layer FIGS in boxes from one to ten lbs. Jellies, Preserves, Fruit Batters and Mince Meat in barrels, half barrels and Pails. All for Christmas use at LOW DOWN CASH PRICES. JNO. L. BOATWKIGHT, de 12 tf 11 and 19 North Front St. Take Notice ! All correspondence should be with H. A. Dauphin as below. In all cases the TICKETS themselves are sent, and never circulars offering certificates or anything else instead. Any one pro posing to offer anything else by circular or other wise, on his own behalf or that of the Company, is a swindler. A SPLENDlU OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORT UN B. ELEVENTH GRAND DIS TRIBUTION. CLASS .A, AT NKW ORLEANS . TUESDAY. JAN. 11, 1882 -128 m Monthly urawiis. Louisiana Slate Lottery Company, This institution was reeularlv lnco mora ted hv the Legislature of the State for Educational and Chari table purposes in 1868, FOR TUB TERM OF TWENTY-FIVE YEARS, to which contract the in violable faith of the State is pledged, which pledge has been renewed by an overwhelming popular vuie, securing iib irancmBe m ue new constitution adopted December 2d. A. D. 1879. with a canltal of $1,000,000, t which it has since added a reserve rand or xssu.ooo. ITS ttKAND SINGLE NUMBER DISTRIBU TION will take place monthly on the second Tues day. 11 never scans or vosvoones. Look at the following Distribution : CAPITAL PRIZE, $30,000. 100.000 TICKETS AT TWO DOLLARS EACH HALF TICKETS, ONE DOLLAR. LIST OF PRIZES. 1 Capital Prize $30,000 1 Capital Prize 10,000 1 Capital Prize 5,000 2 Prizes of $8500 5,000 o razee ui iuw 5.000 SO Prizes of 500 10.000 100 Prizes of 100 10,080 w nue? qi OKf 10,000 600 Prizes of 80 io nno 1000 Prises of 10 lO.OOO APPROXIMATION PRIZES: 9 Approximation Prlaes of $300 3,700 5i Approximation Prizes of 100 1,800 Approximation Prizes of T5 900 1.857 Prizes, amounting to $110,400 Responsible corresponding agents wanted at all prominent points, to whom a liberal compensation For further information, write clearlv. trivine fnll address, send orders by express or Registered .ueuur ur inouey uraer oy mail. Addressed only to m. a. UAUfHin, New Orleans. Lonuiana. or M. A. DAUPHIN, at No. 319 BROADWAY, NEW YORft.. All our Grand Extraordinary Drawings are under the supervision andiman ement or ubnbkals u T.AUiswAKuand JBAL A. EARLY. de 1&-D3aw4w&w we sat THE LANDMARK, PUBLISHED AT 81 A 1 E8 VILLE, IREDELL CO., N. 6 -IS THE Leading Newspaper in Western North Carolina. It is the only Democratic Paper nubliBhed in Ira- dell County one of the largest and wealthiest conn ties in tne state ana nas attained a larerer loca circulation than any paper ever heretofore published in tne county. Its circulation in Alexander, Wilkes, Ashe, Allo- nany, x aojun, uavie ana ireaeu, is larger than tiat of any two papers in the State enmhinnH ni io rapiuijr w;4uuuig n buvuk luotnoia IX JTOrsytne. a Unnrnn nr r, nrnw. VjT 1 1 ' It is the only paper In Western North Carolina tnat employs a xusoflar uanvasbiks Ahikt nnt thus kept constantly before the people. Under this Bysiem a rapioiy increasing circulation is the result making the Landmark THE BEST ADVERTISING HIED 11791 IN WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA. ADDRESS, "LANDMARK.)' State aville. N.C. Forest ana Stream, AND ROD AND GUN, THE AMERICAN SPORTSMAN'S JOURNAL A WEEKLY PAPER DEVOTED TO FIELD SPORTS, PRACTICAL NATURAL HIS TORY, FISH CULTURE, PROTECTION OF GAME, PRESERVATION OF FORESTS YACHTING AND BOATING, RIFLE PRACTICE. AND ALL OUT-DOOR RECREATIONS AND STUDY. This Is the only Journal In the Country that fully supplies the wants and necessities of the Gentleman Sportsman. TERMS (1 00 a Year. Send for Specimen Copy Foreat & stream PnplIablnK Co., Ill FULTON ST., (Ou) No. 108.) . New York. Post Office Box S831. sept 27-tf iBISmflBlND Mi 2-.. t-'V w NOW A large assortment of Dresses, Cloaks Shawls, Blankets, Ulster and Wrapping Ma terials, Bedspreads, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery Gloves, Collars, Cuffs, Ties, Housekeeping G-oods, Men and Boys' Wear. ivcij butug usDiui i3 wen as prices at 1SL. 1SL. do4 tf We Start this Week WITH ANOTHER LOT OF FANCY GOODS, to which we ask especial attention. A large and choice selection of Pure French Candies, comprised partly as follows: MAK81I MALLOW DROPS, Cream Dates, Cocoa Nut Bon Bone, Choc olate Drops, Nougat, ic. Delicacies. Celery Salt. Worcestershire Sauce, Salad Dress ing, Frenoh and English Mustard, Toronto Catsap. An elegant breakfast or fcnpperdleh, Souced Pig Feet, kfreah and nice, just opened and on retail. Don't forget us this Xzias. Wc are the Head Centre for all Family Supplies, and guarantee prices to bo as low, if not lower. than elsewhere. We cordially invite the Ladies to examine our Christmas stock It is complete.? Respectfully and truly, P. L. Bridgers & Co. North Front Street de 13 DAWif Branch Office. rpHE CITIZENS OF WILMINGTON ARE RE A spectf ully notified that a branch office of the Wil minrton Telephonic Exchange has been estab lished at Messrs. J. C. 8tevenson A Co's Grocery bio re. on jrourtn street, lust north or uonev .Bridge, wnere messages win be received and sent. raruea in otner parts or tne city who may wish to communicate with any one in "Brooklyn" can do so by leaving messages at the Central Office, and those in "Brooklyn" who wish to communicate with any other part of, the city can leave messages at tne urancn umce. rromDt delivery iruaran taea. cnarges almost nominal. W. H. STERLING, noJ7 1' Manager Telephonic Exchange. The Latest. TO COUNTERACT THE DISTRESSING HAN cock defeat we will furnish the best Meal. ground from New Corn, Extra Family and Extra Super Floor from new White Wheat, White Corn, Biacs ana atixea uata, wneat and oorn Bran, una, aay, unops, die, at lowest prices U. BOH BY at BONS, no5 tf at the Cape Fear Mills. The Beautiful QOODS AT YATES BOOK STORE ATTRACT His Store Is crowded from merning till night A call will satisfy you that this is the place to bnv nice Christmas Presents, A fall line of Band's Amaa uaros and raneie, de 12 tf The Central Protestant A WEEKLY RELIGIOUS AND FAMILY NEWS jtm. paper and tne orean or tne Methodist Protea tant Church in North Carolina, is published at Greensboro, if . C. -rerma, ss ou per annum, in advance. The eligibility of Its location, the number and r tivity of its agents, and the constantly increasing de mand for it among the more solid classes of readers tn varisna sections, give the CENTRAL peculiar cuums upon me patronage ei tne aavertia.nsr Dobiic. Verms very favorable. Consult your business inter ests, nd address tne editor . L. MICHAUX, Greensboro, N. C Tie Favetteville Examiner, A Weekly Democratic Newspaper, Published at FAYETTEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA, By Terms 13.00 a year In advance. Send foraane- cimen copy. my B tf Breech Loaders. WE WILL RECEIVE ANOTHER LOT OF those fine Braer.h Tvuullnv Rhnt anna TnA. day; also a fine assortment or reloading instruments ; ammunition of every description. We also have a good stock of Muzzle Leading Guns, cheap and good. Examine our stock ; we guarantee to suit the most particular. JNO. DAW HOW W , de 10 tf 19, 31 A 33 Market Street. HOLIDAY PRESENTS. OPEN AT uruameniai, ami ail He litig at very I JZ J T Z ' S. 36 Market Street, Groceries, Bagging, &c, 500 n'lf E011' 0A0QIN0. I. MO 8 II.,, 1000 Bttndle' Ncw ttna 'td TIES, 100 Lbs BaKg,UK twine- For ale low by WILL A MS A MUKC11IHON. do 5 t f 10000 BALT- M"reba" Flnc Hhdi and Bbls MOLABHEH For sale low by de6tf WILLIAM? A mmoillHON. 1000 1000 250 500 de 5 tf Bbls FLOUR, a!) ttrudon. Sacks CORN. Bblfl HUQAK. Bags COKFEE. For sale low by WILLIAMS & MUUCUISON. 100 150X68 Dd UaU BblB SNUr-K, 150 BoxesCANDY' 100 80X68 T0BACC. 200 Boxe" candlk8 For a!e low by deStf WILLIAMS A MUncilIttON 200 Bo8 SOAP, 200 50X68 starci1- 2oo Ca8CB 100 Boxc8 potasu- For sale low by williams uvnnmox. debit JAILS, HOOP IRON, GLUE, CHEESE, ('HACK era, Wraping Paper, Twine, Ac. For ealc low by 3e5tf WILLIAMS A MUKC'lllSON Wow is Your Time Brown & Roddick 15 ITInrlict Street. W B DESIRE TO ANNOUNCE THAT WB have been makinc some verv heavy iturrhuwi- for some time back ia COTTON GOODS, and arc now prepared to meet the present advance, we have determined TO MAKE NO ADVANCE IN OUR PRICES, aDd aro really retailing nomo of these Goods BELOW New York market qnoutloun NOW IS YOUIt TIME TO BUY ! We are offcrine a 9 4 Bleached Sea Inland Shed ing at 25c, quoted in New York by the canv alramc price. uieacncd tsmrUnz Cc and upwards. Oar stock embraces all the Popular Drande. Unbleached Cotton from 6c up. Kockingham A 8c per yard. Uoraeepan, Checks and GlnghamH from H . We have determined to unload our ttir and Counters before the New Year, and m oftrrl? SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS In the tatovUH Vr partmente : LADIES', GENT'S A CUILD'NS VJKOEMWBAK, HOSIERY AND GLOVKS. DRESS GOODS, TABLE DAMASK. NAI'KJNH. LACE FICHUS, CRAVATS, TIBS, Ac. Our space will admit of no more. Call and rt for yourselves. We are allT to all changer. BROWN A RODDICK. 4S Mark ht de 5 tf. Your Old Overcoat QAN BE CLEANED OR DYED. HAVE NIW Buttons and Binding, and be made good a dot at WILMINGTON DYJtINO ESTAB.. no 16 If Market. boL Sd an J Sd St a Fresh Oysters JVERY DAY AT Mozart Saloon. no 25 tf Blum's JjARMER'S AND PLANTER'S ALMANAC run the year 1831. Turner's JORTH CAROLINA ALMANAO FOK m year of H81. Wholesale tnd retail at HEINSBERUKR'?.. Live Book Storer de 13 tf For Sale at Low Prices 3QQ Rolls and Half Holla BaUittlNO. 1000 Bdls Ajrow and Dt" tibs' 100 00X68 D- s' and 8moked bac0'n' QQ Bbls FLOUR, all gradea, 1AA Bags COFFEE, 60 bbla BUUAR. lUU &00 kegs NAILS, . r r r u.ii. iiiri inrtitf 1 fWl New and JUU 4. . . . . . . u ii BDtuiT liAKKKbrt, 300 nu flnim I.a Pntaab. noun, Tobacco. Soda, Crackers, Lard, Ac, Ac no 19f WORTH A WOKT1I- The Marion Star. . . ? rpHK OLDEST NEWSPAPER FUlUao"" most prosperous In the State, offers to Ooauauwj"- lMW VVaAVU WUV VI waw ww ,V A W WAVU VUV VI aaw jnK to those who nave adopted T1 T 1 . T HV.WVMV V VIMU MS . - . the plan or seinnk ' sample, an excellent medium of conuennicauK with a large and Influential class of aaercfiani, d chanics.planters and naval store men. who pa ronageis worth sollcitaUon. AwtbKmcnU aro Busineas Cards inserted ea Hberel terms. Address THE HTAR, sept S3 tf Mirloi.B.l..