. .,..rw,(.X.:'! fbe railrod9 will engross their due share .,t ueutiou ly ibaGaoAal Aafemblj ftev , darters aaJ amendments 1 o7d -oues will ,c iUc urder uf the day. The question of , rilruad commission authorised to Untk after the public interest tod see iuat the r,ilrods do not violate their, Tcbflers oor IDui.aa)tUe.JtklcXlU punHc will .robbly be considered. A school law will tf0w ikatbejlflaer -tor. i(t assemble, weTiope that anything ; that m iv be aaid by oar correspondents likely i iuj. prt a griafrJWWtJhitboaAM f ealicra wilt be laid before the public. It ia ibe mo9t important queaiion open ftriie cujsiun, and if the existing 4ciMaiu Jcfecli tbat can be remedied by amend? I tn-oi, lb augreateai uuproyecains. vughi, to be freely aiscussea. Lt ua setk to popularize education ia tbe Stale aud ex tend its benefits, being sure that every in terest of toe people win oe promoted by Hie establishment ofpublic schools on ao eiiended sctla? atad5j rti emolpym"S of IU ,:e competent Tencners. We snould -skeu-' uf neighborhood to the impor iiuCJ uf tiie muvemaol, andeolist the sym pathies or mi earneji people to ,4s success .T-fc v iU ki . Air. trotttle, Un ilisiorian, ias wr;.;i-i' -'I jdAlQ UjdIU a Very nl i-r;nj 1 .it-; in praise or li- timiet. About half uf Qneeft Victoria's ,. ,-iei deCi:iaoin of or touabaods i--eadotof L Pd ranvMleV grand" :-.-trr. - U w -eijteeiMhai Sir Garnet tVulacr will b jieo to B,uih Africa t quell iLe-Jalel o8urrc4iir' tbe &;rs iu toe tranavaau GLaa. Sir Federick ' Roberts doesuH rnft)M b$ a pWaf for bis aervices in Afghanistan, tie is 1 compara- tiTely ioor m-o, auu 4 eel a (bat be cannot i) i)(icr!y support the dignity of a peer. K..o puoiisoer, worked iu a priutiug 1. irk- wuuu aj b yjiQa fceeao bis col e? tou -e at Uurlingtor, Vt., With twelve ctn-. hi mi packet, kirn m $300 in debt when li ii'i i ualed. M.ile. Beruhardt eviJ entity is 1 , k- . upua oy toe people 01 xjuiCflgo aa .uiii s- eiug. The aai of Mtwo ticke.a ;o i liiiitaih engagemcut- cod ou v'-!vjl7 linn and arxted $7,000 Cli i- t ..eiVtJsl Sii uf tllik fc-in-l pv:r mule 1- C nl cpy . There m to b a oejblena war uiade upon th rantsrd stiver doIir by tue subsidize! gold ou pre -is uf ibe JP tat. lucre is uo room f r a UoubL Indiaaapoia sentinel, Item . There fa no si eh thtirg ai" 'un- .:erutiu ' tou much in the iiaitatiun or a ielxea.- It !ivfc-a9 thour Senntof fen- i.r'.ou's civil jwjt vice btll would fall uuder 1. 1- i bjdioo. The beat systems of Ibis Mu-i tu ibewvfM are' growths, out ere i! ) m. Hitald. ItuL Rep Interest ia immigration is be- onuiug videeprcad. laruaawu( th Suu.h, an. I, though the Icgikliures t-kc h d of ue.-ufj ci BioiirJv uod dtV ne far too li'.llr ouuey iv the support of tneir ageoip, iit:v aft- -ax4 iv cuticateU 'o a is-r 1 a I V-sr. Jjni2Ja Erpubliean, Jnd. Hep. b ft .9 I f : M. kifiiLfiMw. Jefft-rson Davis will iu tj hurope. - - ."Since wiiliur; the above I regret . u ntu ibat Charley, the httfe sin of Dr. !iitxir, bad Jus face bAdy bxtten by bia t . i -ii' 'v. v.. '..' ".i -u.i) 1 i."" ' iiuiuK uui k, uui uj iuc aauiiui in i.iment of Dr. McQill and Dr. Drewry lie . .mi of. dapger. but badly disfigured. Cor intntaona Slats. --r,A Mr. RicbardsoB, of Cressoo, MieijfrMpptv is rtw largest, eotton planter in the Wvtid aod ia tea cotton king of Amer- icn. He has worked bard all bis life, and is stfll working He ts believed to Itave ccuiaa!aled front 11500.000 to 30,00O,- iJ. &igltlJuuiued:fiattda are employed to the c-tU4i factories he owns, three-. fuu;h of whom, are women, tbe remaa)io t urth afe meD and boys. He works 400 1-tns exdltUXX) spindles. Cotton. N. TTPinanciat CaroDtclo. Friday, r. M., Dec. 31, 1830. Tbe cooveuient of the crop, as iodi- c.ueJ by oar telegrams from ibe South tonight, is given below. For the week .fading this evening, (Deo. 31), tM total receipts have reached 196,435 bales, against 237,980 bales last week. 238.490 bales ibe pre vious week, and 243,137 bales three weeks since, p3a&athe total receipts since the 1st. of. -September, 1880, 3,- 454,099 bales, against 3,166,855 bales for the same period' of 1879,'showiDg an increase sine Septeber 1, 1880, of 237,244 baies. The exports for the week ending this evening reach pt lotal of 115,099 bale, of whieli 60.394 were to Great Britaml,760IfxiijdB6,940 to rest of tbe Continent, while the stocks as made up this evening are now 974,- 164 bales. From the foregoing statement it will be seen that, compared with tbe correspondiDg week- of last season, there is an increase in the exports this week of 39,932 bales, while tbe stocks to-night are 93,772 bales more man they were at this time a year ago. The Hartford Democrat contains the following: Last week the children at publio school No. 3, near Carsin's nun, proposed to play ghost, and se lected AonU Sicable, a little girl about lUveara of!araJma'tbeir victim. They ' accordingly ofanized, and wnnout the' ' WOWTwere or AQoie posted one of tbeir s amber , in the pines enveloped in a sheet. To this plee they ld tb aosospecting little gui, ana si a eivea signat-tuu uueei figurernrk3? itliffiearance. The children who were 10 the plot rail and nauooed nihofltl" and with them ran little, Aanie, poUeviiw: she had een a real ghost, ' She reached the school room door and fell insensible, literal! O- friVrKf An a1 tr Aftth " Sh She was taken WJaej father's house, near tsruetftbVMxt asr. r rf - g w NtWSPAPia FOR SALS. A well ertaalfchM WTliHa 1Tiiiiii Iiimi In . Yflfe growing town oa the bneof a prominent wsaA4or:aala -tmrnm aaaa. For an paper. apply Ca tbe editor of tkia THE GREAT SAUCE OF THE WORLD; Signature la on every bottle ofGEICITlirK WUKUbSTbRSHIRE SAUCE. Xmparla the most delicious ftasto and zeet to I ' EXTRACTS of s LETTER f 1 a MEDIflAI. t . 1 jh. TLEMAN Wi May, 1W.L GRAVIES, ctaco ia highly rnoT & vox. ,li lan, the most pa able, aa well as the Bora and used throughont tho 'world, JOHN DO N O ArS (SONS , AGENTS FOR THE UNITED STATES,- n J2i v ii.waaa(i 1 ' 1 J "7 -i oawry ttt fccp, Appetite and Ittrctigth Retarn. when Hostatter'e Stomach RHeraJa tb i sysle- statically nsed by a bllhraa VippUc aofferer. Moreover, since the brain avmnatliiees cIomIt with tbe stomach and rtt associate onraas, meltyer aid we bowels, aa their daanimaut is vecttfafThv 1 acuon or tne oitter. mental d nipnTTnS"rprn(r( u v ubi amnremeniniuTinMni . . . - Jal Deod&Wly 'tatfaa " wnl , Onlv Veetab!er6mD6lind'h acts uirecuy i4pcririe i-,iver, anqL cures Liver Complaints, Jaun! dice, Biliousness,. Malaria, Gosi- tiveness, Headache'. Itassrstei!- f . -t - '-.-r ! l;l gestion, strengtnens tne systeirL , regrilatesthe bowels, punfieSthi THE GREATSAU1 a,-. r 1 1 "T. 1 - .ciRam.' . iiu'i . r-- r."r.-. rT.irf ci-' t m-.kt- "t -ji, . t. j fob SAZ.B S7jFAi.&ITiebtMT..f e99eod6m tntai a1 ' MirM, I " 'TJ. .VJ -,?T If : ! you aro a r off ot net aAd-brta i t-iiataUMa-awav tftf" worV to' os- sttmolaiita and me Hop Ittac If yoe are 7oen aa ' Ir-rp" or riuifdpa i aw Hop Bk tncfrtm anj W it if 7o are m. off, off ei-inff from ried or atni aoorneaia aaca- 1 mm retr on tara. wnoever ya Thooaands die aa- wtoenexer you naaUy from noa form of Kldnat aac joit eeaa ci imtr or dboaaa that mifbt Bare beenjirevented a axmeiy naeoi nop Blttara. RmmifM. cruiiua rytmlmt Blaint, naaae: braai of ttw afnia a, Ton will be ble ;nre for of 108 tobaeeoi Hpp.BttWrij II yea are ana I ' Seldbr drafl - Iglata. r art fia" LSQrvBOixaa lovstdrttofVtrj it It mar aaieioMi Ufa. Itfcaa affiLSti A Toronto, Oat. avao nun dreda. jal eodlm&W tathaa A Positiye G4i WnbOTbMedialnes, Allan's Scinbls ILedieated 3oTii ! ' Patented October 16, 1870. One box Nol will cava aav eaae in fans cava -or torsv Nol .9 will care the most obstinate case.no matter Nn naoaeooa doses of etroebtr. cbdalbi.. or" oil iof saBdalwood. that are certain to produce dyspepsia by destroying theeoanftfs of taaetoioacn. Price si bU. aoia ny au uruggists, or aiauea receiptor price. m For ruruer yerwaiars seaa roraroaiarv- P. O. Box 1631. J. U. ALiAiAcI VU., : 8 Ost,, ewI jjrork delleoddm aatatb ALL ABOUT a .1. IX you waat to know all about the Garden Spot' of The.Westera Courier It la a TWCTTT-KIGBT COLUMN WREKIiY; foil of intereetine reaamg imcieri ana aeyesra taaintewetaof estern North Carolina. (A THJf COfJRlSll Henderaonville, N , CL ;,. in i 1 .1 i 1 1 h i fi 1 'CL The Camden Journal i TS THB OZjySST BSTABI HRD PAP. A Kershaw aoaat, al aadaaaaaejeteatfveeiri amoaataa MarCaanta, Farmers and all classes; of buataoss men in tne county. 1 . It offers to the Merchants 1 t Wilmington a aesir :, tke-eoaatry la whld 1 Medlata Cor io wvaxoateitx y aw UbersI terms wJJJMjsad. advanua. . , ... . 4awf, roaiBWHM madiuiiiaaah'X arTI I r nrm j 9 adVarttatas cpanoc Ksur Stetoi feb S7 r -ttrrtrwS a Fropi t9"Our qaouuoai, 15 s&oaid bo anaeretooa r-o. 13, htew4f4prt9e genejaJ). jnai. in. an amauoraera nigner prices nave to be cnargec 1 jiI; iujjaapnjiiiy,(t) -i:iFMtte. rr- tit ,:.f" 1 J". ."10. ie BACON North Carolina, 16 b r 1 ID ii' 1 iiWMMBml v snoaiaera,..... . . 't tfcry Baited. wi' im trt i DWiuaBn.f....,, - VXCO px BA RKinJplrTuTarpeatiiie, I ! 8eajaaaiUak,.i,....j4l.iiJ6ott..ftl7ri New New York, each. I 00 1 NewWty, eaek..i.:J...I?J to'Ja) 1 I lcSBBOT&'actory'w' uainr.ereamw 00 6 -.5 C ' 1 am. i ucuvi-A'M'i 9 " errbM:".!-.: JUckatvLMo., V bbL 4W Wt UN O -do Pwk bbla o.. ;i..tW !OoO0 1! PerevUnOqaop, V I0OU t RurliaTtinmhala. " 4f : i inn miiwi. Bone Meal, 00 00 45 00l i'Qn6t f uFtoom. t tin r NavasaaGnano. ! Oomni mplete MMftvte 00 DO O TO B0 00 OiOik 55 90 60 Berger A Bnta's Paoeph, " gxcellenaattoaJartUler noUB PtoeTjrjarJ,. . Super. NCTthefiVw'WiM . . . . Kxtrado. l - bbl .Family " bbl 1 ' ' offin2lllB-Hxtra, hhi . . . . 0 00 425 5 00 5 26 5(50 7 00 - 1- . . Pamlly, ttbal 0OJO.ff35 .Hi; SX.Jf&miiT, y ppt 6 50 11 18 68 ft . 70 57o an j, nea mm riw..,. . . Peas, Cow, V bushel HAY-astern," "tW ibe. . . 1 '. . 70 O 1 ifi 1 30 O 1 36 1 90 Q 1 25 Western, w iihj x.. : ftortli RiverlO0 HOOP lRQV- K jWk. IfiES 00 A W .LAHD-r Netthern, v" -.itvfl - 16 north Carolina, 9 lUarounar, Si w.. ....... 7 to LIMB fj bbl 110 sattSjiSiSttn i . 6 30 oli TJotJgh BdiePlaTilc,if M ...f li WJ1 ' T5 Op reetiauaoargpaa,acaoroag to enantTd TaJtti-. .t.r.Ll ia. ftsoo 13 00 6 15 OB (0O 40 ureeei jnoopaa. aoanuooa. gumin and Boaroa, , , com-, niMi.a B-n.:.". ;;'...L.... . I mat,aauWerWep Oahwu h hrtal ' New eroB Cnha,otf V-,gai., .PortoSioatthda....,....,f,... ' wagai-Hoaae. w wu.. , -F - . bWs. gal... J-f W'aViio'af "i 00 J1XJ0 a.eroeene, ih r-ill ' Aim . Deck and bpar. ec caL.w. loo ua 14-i FOUVTUx'-UUckensaiverown. - f :.S PKAiTOTB aiijmsaeJ ...... ;j. ... oW "ttiyMeX POSB Tiiaiti t 1 - - .41. . . 00 00 .O-lSt IRK f, - u b, 1? inrh... iBuoryvv a " 1-' I aaii- ....iu,juuu... Llvnoalsisaca,,.... 4dskoo.. nark .- t. Ajaancai-w Baoa.,., . i; ar ae,T'mt.- aa a- ar I gr-;ir;if. laaa w . .i . . TIM HHHflTlima. .T.T 9 00 ft 11 0C Mill Fair,- V. .r... . : . , . Caauaoa Mlai.iv.t . 7 $0 ft 8 00 S 0fr ft S 50 4.60 ft 60D . LaferfoTto Ordinary, V M..i - North CfrretrhaJW tfal". . ' IN ft 6 00' I 00. IVOOrnwsishedV V - waabeorm .: . Barry Wool , ... . t , . ; j '.SO .18 ft.;, 30 triXiOTINQTON ' HOWEI JXAlEljKKI l.xckang taight) on NewTorlft . . , uasaora,., . .., ' PMlaSrphia, f - Weatern.OUlea.1....-..- Srchii TigeaO days I cept . Bank ofNew Hanover Stock,, M P . AM I.IWI.I m ' .......... IIIW I IVavafltaOuaaoOo. - ..v.i.... i w.C. BiiQ-IdRxkmoaw.a.w...n . Do! ' '" -8fcaw1lJ.'-.-.f'. I IK ' T. M?W. B.KBMda77fdan'il6 ' ' CaroOM Central B. K. Bonds, 8 Wt.. .80 New HanTeT txrantr. ... 5 arc.-... 87. w. w. Kaureaawtocx . iHpxtn Carolina B.JBL n ... o80--. ' WliGaaLitOo. V.... ,.45 WDmimrton Cotton Kins 95 Baiik of New Hanovet. ..111 : . : .tutkortzed CJapl tal S l,04JO,0O0. 30OKK) p&MU . cjapuai paid in Strrplus Fund A- JOHN DAWSON ' ' C. Hi tJT2)MAN ..iy :'i;.jm- D. R. MTJRCHISON ISAAC BATES, ... ... o. i DONALP MoBAB t as. a-.lsab: . B. FLTTTia B. BOKDKN ' H. VOLLRRS 1... 1 ! " OKAS,, M STKDMAN;r Preaidentli : ' ISAAC SAtSS, Vice President Si. DvAtdLCBCaahiey 1 . ! akgji t iMiJ ' T.-Piill -If .'II! 1800.09 .ffcms, BANK; OF NSW HAItOYKB BQILDINQ, . r rWUaatBTBTtdila, R.C ' t 1 .:: . ,2, ' -t .U.:n ; 1 CQital BepBesentedrOver aWOOO, mm i i 1 'I' 1 I M:lK .ttrtl ' BTrV TfDTJGH 0 KTCff ' AT BBST vASBV. - f ... '.. ,, !..,; , t.!' il F ltAIX XJrn,tn ore, in osRB, Oern, Cargo, boaheiiiiu-i. Oorn.mlxea'gnsheyn baga. Oats. f TiMBifl.'.r. ..... I340 00 wo oq;:o OO ft. .i.t'aW'n .Oi aa . am t 'is; o 5 00 ft 00'CS ;00 ft J 96 ft 1 13 OC. a . a Hi .If :ii ruhi j i'..f.;.iiuui.i Lprcas.i P constantly en band all gmdas of ejaaa Blca y inm OOMMONr ;FAjN0 Also 'DbSB-iA goBd' cneaj 'and 'feab' food . for ji Horses, Cows, Hogsi, . Artgoodal4iat Chalatop ptka,Mr .t I NtWWdoD GILES A CO.. 4,SlfJt; - ,,Staia bit ?TiTlAvr.fT7R''- " ii Wwil ki lilllj 31K :1 L .B Li a iv Xbti jCnraUTe i Cap. " i CMwiMa wkh lotto It& bUtiBt4ie not eham- .i ,MArftA - . A- H..t li.. i t i M I ) : I I 'Pis the Bkltzzb Apiifflifirr', a baW ictofenraib,! And a iced by excess. It temprs tbj ho, ttoj Iqgeed system relieve uorrects the roul stoma , ue ie liver controls. im liffirmtttediaaiiiaavtew nrsanaehlaTea, Ana a cioua rrom tjMWfa or,i. rraua.n Such are the effects 6r taIUUlot'b Eniarx Skltesb AnsiajrTt&e portable representative o.f uve gamous uettaer Bpnngj ana toe mqst agreeable ana emtient nr alteratives. 1, , v - bOLD B: ALL KRrM6l9TB. ' ! Jy4JDeodW 8w . tathea 1mc8p j J. xV.: , ....... r : rr: rrrntrlTj ' T h e fTo rn i rtfeSt ikr dJ'u ; -ai'i..i PDBUSHED IXMLY AST) WEEKLt Vfi- TTT Mitt ni -! ii'i"w':iJ 1 ; v ii; BlXlfontHs m 00. 14 i m .irW'rlHfift' . . Ob Month : r -. 1 35 1:00 -i;; wiBKt.y 9e, Xeax;po8tagepaid, i ! 60 f6ntaeV: 'reqiiB-' I'M 5A :ii ill-'; Notion -ofilJie'Pre: A TbeTAB;? decidedly one of .the. beatj.ttapei the fttate. as bright and newsy aa ver, , IkBjj T.jf uteaia . newsy as. jcver, , . fcbSf Vf, Vilm igi8TMJw.eBtelbe4 oa rtaAwelfth at. rT 'a 8 dmlvJionrnai OfBows "iv etanae -vip icad." Concord Register'. ; The Wllmlnc ogton Star nas entered Its twent fifth volume. There is no better paper pablist in the State. Lenoir Topic. The Wilmington Stab has entered npen Its thir teenth year . it is one of the beet papers in the StAle.Warrmton Gazette i i The Wilmington Star has entered its thirteenth Sear. It has become one of the leading papers, ef ie South. Oxffra reQht. j J The Wilmington Stab is not only one of the bbet edited papers in the State, bat for freshness) ol news and typographical appearance cannot be beat en JuJconRejarWiJ . j The Wilmington Star Is one of the very best fa- pers in the Sonth, in every department from typpg-" raphyup to editorial abUHy, ai d: lndepenaence-r. fetersourtj i yay inaexJippeat. I I Ia - We like the Stab because it is thoroaghly ble. candid, fearless, and so wail and ably e re. newsy, spicy, and W fact a perfect newspaper. Long may the Stab twinkle. Mt. Aim Visitor. Although at the head of the press In this State la all that makes a paper, iralua ble to the reader, still it continues to improve: It is a Stab of the first magnitude. May Its lastre never wane. The Frte Wa Baptist. j fhe Wilmlngtpbi (N. C) Morhino Stab Is a L mo- 1 newspaper, in. Indeed, we think we do not e: rrratfl its merits when we sav it is the newsiest nlar) paperpnbliehed in the Souths Richmond(Ya.) ReUahus Herald, ' . j i . 1 1. . . ' i i The Wilmington Stab has now entered uponllts thirteenth year and twenty-fifth volume. One) of -the best conducted and edited papers in the Sooth, and, as a North Caixdinian, we are proud of it. Tarboro Southerner. ; The Stab is so well and favorably known In this section of the State that we can say nothing of ich4ta thoaaaqdaof deader do not alread tJEnew. ' Hl itt-eyery pepcloe ef beat dailies -fa the Sonth. Sooesonian. ' ' The Wilmington Stab hss entered on Its tweata year. It is a most excellent newspaper, well edited'. a compendium of all the news of the dsy, and an honor to its city, to North Carolina and to Worth Carolina Journalism. Charlotte Observer. . Tkat meciAfioefft 'beaming Stab bad. completed its twenty-secona vomme. it is one 01 tne n brilliant, erudite and sparkling dailies south of Potomac. The system In the get up of the paj BurDa,wem-T-maroon atuaurner. The Times cannot say a word too good for the Wilmiogten Stab. It has Just reached one of its many birthdays. As a newspaper it is a favorite ' with tba fiaata rrreiw itnci ia nnuhlLafter fr the neo- ple. Long and prosperous life to it Beidsrille ivnts. .Why is it that ail the papers with tbe name 5for are sdeh bright little journals T The WUmutg ton (N.C.) Stab, the Washington Star, Fredericks - bnr& Star. New York Star, tor example. There mnet be sometmng in a name alter an jttaimona (Fa.) State. , . j 1 ' i The Wilmington Stab, we are pleased to notice, still continues on the high road to success. We es teem the Stab very highly, regarding it as one of nneverv nest or onr eaxnangea, sma coneiaer it peer or any journal puDuenea in tne soutn. uzr Torn free Lnsnx Tin Wllmtn trtrm Stab, now fakinsr the .: mldnigKt Associated Press reports, and hai beSilea increased the amount of its readins matter. The Stab is an excellent Daner. Its DrosDerity is tot' aurprising since it la so deserying. ChariotU Qd- know, and as a newspaper, la our opinion, tne very: best, has entered upon its twelfth year. In evyrr , particular tne hub comes rauy- up ta ua mauci as the principal daily in our chief commercial city . Leng may it twinkle. Alamance Gleaner. The Wllmtagtbn briaiiai entered upori Its lith volume, and we are pleased to notice still continues on tbe road to success, we esteem tne stab vary highly, regarding i (tsonb of the very bast bewsaa pers that comes to this office. Its news columns are always a little fuller than those of any other, of our exchanges, and lsp cdltoBtakdepartment is con-1 Humble In its begiiinlngs. aa wiia Inseparable from an enterprise Begun amm tne wreearor rortunetaat attended the collapse of jthe Southern Confederacy, i tbe stab has steadily waxed cntU it now beams respkndent in the fall glow of a constantly bright ening prosperity, as a newtpaper u nas rew equais, aHfciwtrperlo, for ptopUaWielsbtion and ju dicious arrangement, and we are proud to rank it among oor moat acceptable exchanges. EUlsboro Recorder, f&he Waihgton MOaStsa 8taW J9"dupn tneanirteentn year or its existence, ana we tase this opportunity toaooxratalate HnMa-its.Drosae- riiy aad deserved popularity. , Tbe remarkable eac- eesa ot!the8TAal due t tta atrfctatteation to foaslne8a.lv The boast of tke Stab (rightftUte too), is that it al wars, baa thenewe. and tali ia tke nrst thing in Journalism, ; Otharwlas the paper ts fall tnat the term of (aaod newaoaiMr" imoliea andilts corps of editors aadreportera are tborou2hi3r. edu-- eatea newspaper-men Jtat tks naaitaroi, moral influence of Ul&'Stab aevar be tetajded. andjmay its eenlal. euterfnrlaine oraarletor anloraanr more napwr. xsrs:of: useulafia&-T6ciJ&&or. Messenger, -.i ; -.,',, ' , ,1, ;, ... -i 1 xw S .1 '! (i si-. . ' -BirBSCBlBaTO ,3 0 wm vj.i,.,wi-.vi -raj?' - i best, thb cHijtsyiSJrtara pa- PRR in copy." ' Address, eniiiMsitDr,1 .i ian-d't'-nm tfM ,J.iW-fl ;o.l jiii;i.! s, -71:' : The;nadit4i 1 It THB OLDEST NBWSPAPKR PTJBIA8HBD B tbe Pee Pnaaaraiea nalur the wealthiest ana most itorosDerous and Wholes&ieMe tar and toiuoee woo afo soppec feinrtle. in. 'exeenekt Tme. so. aat with a laree and Influential elaas of marenants. !Wr,.'i ' i Marion.fi. a North Carolina. The Ladies'Paperilt.ias Si il-vt f.S:. s luouI,im- i"! I family newspaper,; Pdy J,0ft per aanu . Sub- mCELLANEOUB. i:' THE MORNING STAB 'M it; ntlllt.lo:J ! lif- Oil t Steam rxinung Souse. a. i flwiil ! tl 'W :iW 'HJii il it: ' i m Qumxa STAB imLI)iXO, TM1NUES3 STbjB&Ts jfOST 'PSD PRINTING. iA i?00, NEWSPAPJSB A MES CAN TIL A . i a 44 1 , . , . - nTTi,! ')ii,ii j ; ' PRINTING AND BINDING. ' i n CxAP FOR CA&EL. 1 - ALSO, - TgOCATBiGAL. P08fXRSPMa$. I 1: t 1 -t? CAXDS. DODQK&a. 1 Oft &!PEAfjSBIp) SMuMAtM:AQAP WORK BXSUUTSDm qtriOSiHi TIMA .if i ,'UJ w.v;-, AND, BSTTRTgJ JUAN Bl ' f ! ANYtmX9VJW $, j "' WILMINGTON. ?' I -. ; 1 '.'! IO I FIRST CLASS ; WOSRZ AND) JA W PRIONS UQRNINQ STAR STEAM PRINTING ' BOUSE!' PRINCE8B BTBEETj : JH;; u.ii-.- WILMLNQTO. j ODS J?r Jfii PX0PTLT ATTENDED .TO AiVD WOBK SENT TQ AN21PAB1 OF TBE UNITED ST A TES, 47. fta't . i ii'i . ' , ...'. .. , - i . SMALL, ORDERS EXECUTED , WWE 2 1 SAME PROMPTNESS AS - LARGER ONES. The Best Paper . Try U. Wtft EAK. TheaSeieiitiiic American. atlned4aihe-moet amnj style. PROFPisBLYi - 1 1 LLUSTaATSD WITH , 8PLKNIJID KN T INGS, presenting the newest layenUons and ' I most recent advances In the Arts and Bclencee ; ; New and Is Wreetfnir .Facta ln JU&eaSx uoracanaxai itne .Momev eaiut, rrogteea , i , science. Natural History. Geology. Astronomy; The most valuable practical papers sy eminent wrj- - ters in ail eeeartmeatsor beienee, wuj oe roana in the ScientiSc Amerteaav . use : Texma. $3.20 peryear,, si. Wh&U year, which tn- eludes bestaze. mBcpunt to Agents, single co- ales,' 10 centa, Bold ay all Newsdealara. Remit b postal order to MUNH A CO. . PabUsheta, 67 Pbr 1 Knw. Mew Vark. Messrs. aran Skxioj ace bo orators ot . jvnvican and Foreign Patent, baye hadA years' experience, ana now naye tne largest esiaDiianment in tna world. Patents are Abtafnedori the eert terms, A aseeial notice U made fa the 1SCIKNTIFIQ AlMSRI' CAN of aU tovcofcfaH patented tbroagk ttOa Agen-.; cy, with the name and residence-of tie Patentee, By the bnmease circnlstion'- ikhxuf given, pabBc at tention la directed to: tka merits of ike new patent, ana aaiaa-ojiqtmacni, of en (aasuy eaectetty AnV person who bas made a aew discovery or veatian, eaa aacertata," n ovaiak, whether a natenfc can pruotwux os uauawo, sy muaxi lu Midsh & Co. We also send van our Band Boofe about - the PentPLawt Patents, Otroatar Trila- ueiceoste. aaa aew- rcnreaj wita nmis I for procoxlcz advances on. inventions. Address 'for I thft Paoerl or concerning Patents. ' ' f - - - ' ItTJNW & OO.St Park Rowi New.Yot Branch Office, cor. F. , A ttklttaw Washlagtoa,I.C. THE 81A1B8VILLB, IRELVSLL fiO.Jf. C rI8 T5 1 ... - n , s ,.. . i I Itls tbe only l)emeMUc PaDerUBnsned la Ire" Ucoantj, 1 Its Oiallbn m Alexander, Wilkes, Ashe, AJla- rhanyiYadkiB, Davie and Iredell, U U larger than knaxoiaav swo papers in tna. acaie o Sued: and ie rapidly acquiring a strong foothold Forsythe, na It is the only lpe to "Western North Oarekna tiuiteadOTaaBaatiJLBr CAirvaeiao Aoawr, and taaa Kept constaauy Heiore taa peopia. unuar van system a raDidlv increaaiiie circulatiou Is the restlt lnaMngijheTaaaABS ; 's;:' '' XHBBBSXADYKaXkSIWGcHIBfllCM : 's ?i-:-.-t' -A r : APlAKKSSv WaiANlIlfXlllt,9 ; ; StaiesaUle N.a AND uor aw1 gun. THS AMERICAN SPORTSMAN'S' 1 JOURNAL AWBJBKLYP, FnlLD SPORTS. ' P. NATtfRAL His TOBYiFI8Rv GLTUBJLPROTRCTjpN O ON OF GAMS, PRKHJiK V ATIONV Ir FOltSBTS, YACHTING AND BO ATTNg,' ' RfFLK PRACTICB7 AND AU ' OUT-DOOR RBCRB h TIQMS : AND STUDY Pbie ia the onlv Journal hi theCeuntrv that fully supplies the wants and necessities of the ' Centleman - Spxsrtsman. - TRRMB $1 00 a x"caf. :' 8enJ for Specimen Copy V 111 FUii J-VP. BA1., UW OO. iWM Post 0flee Box lkt. V"' oeptJr7-tf v - ' : S?-M !.-i.'j-.', : Tnx: JTALiEIGII OKriitidn Advocate, MJdfttbll-hedby BUCliJpfii. -i'Ealeifli.N.C . '. 'I' i Z Is the organ ofaboat 6000 Hethedists in North scribeab anea, A4vrtiaMMrUtaakbecaL. (4. laaSltf .-. t. ,.t Ktni." i- 'til - ' :.-vfi .- - i-.j PnbUaoad at -.u 1 . f - - it l imencopy. .mjStf l( i a i j I rWwew& waeJUeigbt, page, religious, ilXimOXT),LlNES. I W llminff ton & Weldon V ... Wijmjgn, i.a,W-.W880. in fHJ ri:ii;D lt;j CaAa1Siei(Cliebl.Ui.l Wlhx(ing- . 'r.':- -' .0' iJH .'Li J.. To, rp anyO. 4'so'b'. Al ?T Amveat Wmatagton, Front 8t Depots U' M' Paseeiifeet' Trail B OW cob A 1 Weldoa Uailiotid iwilLrtni as fodlwe; ' FiflT" Thbot)h MaiIi Air PssKNnt ' TaiiKr ' nesey othwWfyt aeHraeyi 'aod-aeMa'at la 1 be :' Train Ao.! 4f North "will stop feV 'iytMy roins. snnzaw. oonin aanineiuii-wii, :ieOletmrWtteop,Tt9Cigjlo a: rateNb:1 46 Will 'fto'n Shfv'W .fx Mottnwi6old6bord an MagnoIlaJ 'a 4i Night PASSaxa,,"MAt,,'aam"J!xprSb' Ti Hi. hiaave Irlbnlin, Front rjepotit'lrlS1 1PJ M : Airlvaat WelAm.-y i ,. . ;i A... .m liUAJ M' Leave WeMqn.u.; . . , ...; ; - M jiarlsaayCmfton, Fronjt, HfleDOf, 3 ad leave Kcnrv louiit for TsiboM at o ar P a. Oauy. Sad Te! ay. TTihrsdattuia Bfttarflav at .w 'HKW-i r. leave Tarnaro at wausa. mii-jau-r.-aaai moiir . iTain Jio. jmaxes cjoae connecooa don toi aHointt c-6al5. -H rtit , 1 .rail r kichmond, and daily except SuadajtcM .V'H"h. Train No. 4uuajuaiicjmond an too. and makeaTcloee connection dail mond. and 'daffr except Sjrtardav nlehta fori all points north of Richmond. Train xso. 43 qaaa idalfen imrtiiiaaea close caaaectiM lac, aH nolnts rliorth. via Richmond and Washington. "AttSnPrun olid1 WtweaelTflmlairton kdd Washington, anahave yollinan Jgalece-jBleefeas: POPBXJen'l Pasisenger I'lU' ! J!f. I !! ) '!'.!' 1 1 1 ' s 1. 1 r : j? 1 General Sup'ta OlllCel ' WltMINeTON. : K. C.-Novfe7. 183-. eorSchejfoM ON AND AFTBWNOVaatBBK-18,-1980," a I 45 P. M., the jajleasiiiiai Paooonger Schedule fir be run on thisjrqMt o i s DaI Day Passbooks. Mail and Bxfbxss Trains. DAliLf NQS, 42 WEST AITS 43 KA8T. i Leaye Wilmlnaton.... ...... .r, 8.40 A.M. Ivemrerice..:. .... ...... . ...... . 1:05 Vt M. LeaTOFhxeaoa. 3 45 PJM. Arriya at W4mlni$oa 7:43 Pj M. Leave WUmlnirUm 10:25 PJ X, Leave Florence,-,. ...,..."..,...-. ,3;00 Al Mv L Arrive at gVnraMB a .. ... ia j . . 6;WAJ Arrivaatce.- A. JmrcHonV. Al m Arrive at Ooiumbia.w. . a .... . t a . i ... . 6:lOAJ M ya jlumbia., ...... ,..v, . Leave Florence . . rfXra. J M. ArtveatWUmtDgtoa, ,..;d.' 0 Aj MT I.'-flhJlsjTraJn sopsonly at BrlnWey', Whltevllle, Flemineton, pair Bluff Marion. Florence, TJm- iwiicv. Vy. A. ilUilUUUll, ............ JI monsvuie, maysvuie, sumx e. MaVSVlBe. Btfmtef. Ckmden Junction andKastoai - d '.: ; b rnnsmiirri for fain nibsa. anil nil points on C. R.. V.j4jtoMfVm, Aiken J unc 4 tion, and all points beyond, should take Noj 40 jniKut isxprees. Separate Pnilmaa Sleepers- for Charlcaton and: for Augusta on trams 40 and 47. ' ' All trains ran solid between CJttarieston and WU mlngteh. . . , Jr.- U1V1NK. : , H5en'l Sept. ; A. POPE, Gen'l Passenger Agent. - noS8-tf .. :.!-. '. ; ' I ' 1 1 I 1 ! ',' 'i"M' i i CAEOLINi CmiTRAL RAILROAD 50, vFlUffbiBll, Wr C, Dec. 12, 1880. nut 'in : -t I Change of Schedule. j VN AND AFTKR 0BI3L HtSBS, thai fpUowb r Schedule will beoperatadjoa Jis R aUroad: ASSKNGBB AND i BXPRKSSi TRAIN : . . , ... .. ... . - V M ;. V ! , . Daily .except Sundays . . j ....9,-10 AJ M. ....6:iaPiM. No. 1. Leave Wilmington at. Arrive at charlotte at. lLeve-Charlotteat.w,.... t.. I. m. r a i . wi i . ... Leave-Charlotte at. . . ,'A M. No, I oinit) .Mi iijiuuKtuu m. ....... . arm r. m. oily; ieTa- Trains Nos. 1 and 2 stop at regular stations and points designated in, l he Company's Time PA88BNGEB, MAIL AND FBBIQHT. 1 Leave iWiimineton at. .... . .5:30 P. M.1 .1:26 A.M. No. & V Arrive at Hamlet at. . . ... .1:26 A, M, Charlotte at. ..8U5 AJM.,:, .7:8 p iv. ' lieave barlotW af . . L. No. A Arrive at;Hamletat.'......v... h2tAiM. I. ?; WilBUngton at.....,9!46 A.M, No. 5 Train Is Dafly except Sunday, but' 'no' cpa nection to Rateigh on Hatarday . '(.'' . No. 6 Train lsDally except Saturday . ; SHBLBT DIVISION FASSTOGKF, MAIL; - ' PRKSS AND ' FRBlQIITi 1 " ILeave Charlotte.... , . . iU JO. a .it. . I . r I Arrive at uneiDy.... . ...12:35P.M. "'V i ILeave Shelby....,. SPM. 5 Pj Ml j aaa a a v w caw vissw w w TralnaHea. & and 6 make dose onnectkU at TTamlet tn and from 'Rftlelcrh nrnt u hnv. And 1 at Charlotte with Trains 3 and1 4 on Shelby Division. ; -a nrongn" Bleeping vara oecween xsaieiga .ana Oharlotte. ..1 .t V. U, JOHNSON, 1 rrde.12 tf General Superintendent. . 1 CLYDE'S New Yofk and Wilmington S t e a m s hi p Liner Tlie Steamer , : 1 r : GDLF S"3l55AM, Capt. IXGRA.ITI, V-1LL SAIL FSOM TTEW FOBS, Friday Deeefttber 31, 1 Bar-Shippers can rely upon the PROMPT SAILING . of steamers as advertised.13 . For Frelgbt Snpagemente apply : to iv 1 ; .' - THOHIAI B. MtOIl.v ' Superintendent, ( WifmingtOtt,N.O. TtlwO. O. Ecei, Freight Agent, ' NewYpik. kV. iP Clyde & Co, Gsceral Agents, . . .. decStf ,85 Broadway, New York. .. 1 j....x:jii 1 '. ' ''l ' : " ''"' ' 1 FOR THErLOOALft POLITICAL Nil W& OF TRST JTMBTBICT. Sabserlbof or ' n,,,ri 1 1 - A Aemocratic 0 ewepaper. rjBVjISHBD 'AT ELKABETH'CTTY." N, ,C . i. 1 1 i.. .aji.iu .i... aimi - TBaiii ,i any nuim kv unvy.i 1001, iur ONS DOLLAR, -t ' at yM U kn- I -XZtii r ZS- iWHBKSS7A Mil I II III I Ofll h OU8. HF SUNOB 1881. Itton of thU liewpeijtbfiJtijtiSlIttw'ViaV taai;jvc4rbody will Had: ,A11 Ute worjd'a !'. sa piacUXl&ai the ieaderlgetrtntMtlt(mcint6 InlealnaUoa with the least unprofitable expenditure of time and eye tight. Thb Sex lobg ago discovered tbe gelden II. Much of that sort or news which depends le upon its recognlzsd importance than npon its in tertssVt mafclBrtll iomMaelngo morolng AT I Thx Fun prints STCmlnoe 1 i-tory of tbe lives of J.'f'to,lea baaafHind-atwW-hwyKU mora ..L lil 11 1 ii n - '- 1 awM rr that M. J waaeve&dc viced.. - . M. 1 ' W " Qpptwrttiig ii c veri cortma. ah.l frsh lSS6Sea?"aw t Abiolata laOsdMideaewwf iMUHaatocanlaa tlnna k.1 ...nl.. lnnlr, IA trA 1 1 1 I 1 1 principles Tbs ttabe1tevetaatibaovraaMat which the ConstUarioa givea. as .la a good one to keep: Its notion of fttttyis to reeha w IU atmoat kwB tha eAxaa of jaanji . ikn Mepwbitct partt f tmtatiafalelr-fofleHnrwM ' briaeablr !tM this gatweraelr lapaftana epnteatii 4n BawtdsalteTea tnat tne victory wiu oe witn tne pvoaia . ae.jagaiaM the Rings for monopoly, the Rings for plhtdar, aad 1 the1 Mags tor knyrialvpawen: 1. . 1 or th nallv Kiric aronr ntN fDCet or lwcntr grftcoHrfineplP wotKmbath. iMtS4a feailarjhunaeaig the ittaadwvpaprianjetaJt-aateant ft Jfietaeol- MIS( ib at. wffi'.wit' iaac )mn i. 1 nmtiB Uul nrtcft la I na 1 ",1. Z., T a jtxmm a moain. or 91.7 u a k . iraVAnAVaTiXioaTrtai aaU I. tmMiMd spameiv a- yeeruaBjre aa.ia,,-iS DA VVIUUlur, id a a jaaa, wucwa aa. a ren'MUAbg fl9w Wtllaeod aWcSwWc fret . o-iq siyamaraaan iinac Wlf awl uajfi. , ,., ,ufiUharpflraiJu,ewo)b t ty ii t J y i. j 'jvjw saofia .aoiJssai raw 1J' . a . r in ; 1 1 Jri m r7 o ni ti'm E IU T s Cravd .Stories. FlBTrOLA&8 .W41R-(Ar LaW3X irSW. VOK PRICKS. DBHTGrNHSKnTBT MAILT WORK i i: PACTBPiAN-&fllw4UiJat pObRlSK, mV 4iT D4TMP A TK mnt fj rTIPll . 7 W&than'a Monnnusiiuil Designs, In book Jorm,fi rot i.l.'.l tl-,v.l-Hr uX- .'xLi.i.j lmUK.J E -nor thesiwedT Core of gemlaal Weaaaeaa, Lost X Maahood,PremathnTebnUKlltveaesa, ye8pmiiey, 4X)nfatHoa er Ideai ivemlea to Society. Seisetiva.MaauMTi aad all PiMrdera Brought on by Secret Habftl and x ceases. Any drarakt kas ike lagiadleataU Atfdra . i. c 13d Waat 61xh fiMUXCTjnUIia reb.io 1 V&SV ixj eii ff mi adJad w sJt. . l.:Jj L-. .-- ir. Attorned Wnrf tJottnkeHor fit "!Uv. MLiTA2lBrHTON,(' BLAtmat cKHnrrtr, n. o. VlUVQU CWBUD, U Ulll.. HUUIUJII n.Ufl1IU 11 Rlnaldl'Ooi ' ' , Special attention to Claims. .Collections on aumt of '$100 and upwards made tor Ftve- Per Cent, if wlliouteutt Drawing ei- aiortfag:iAc., specialty.. : v . : m WMIWtr CiNGLISH, IRISH AND QOR1X2N BSTTKRa. of the' Choicest Bxeedwltii gMra'uloea joahres- For eaTeby ! P, WKJtR, : BOVT-BAWU , j .; Vor. HpB Lowell Iilacliine Shop. Lpwell. Mass., i i. T ; : . lMANUFA(n tiRKR3 OF BVBKV DKflORlPTION OF COTTON MACHINERY ' i iOf'xaost Aeproved Patterns sad wttb Recent improvaaaeuta. Pa p 0 r JVJao hlo e ry - -sxso, - TUUBINE WIICBLft, .... .! .1.1 Shafting. and GcaFinM.IIyilrsullo ,, trosscs and Pumps, ' Elevrators; Scv. PLANS FOR COTTOS AND PAPER MILLS. C L. HILDBKTH, Snp't, 1 . . 1 LOWSLL, MAHM. WM. A. BURKK, Troas., mh3tf . . SPembertoo Square, Boaton. Hie; Biblical Recorder PLl8HXDBY . Cdwaar4ls.JBJnpikShten 4 42n. . RALKJQH, If. C. ' BRV. C. T. t&JLXT. IMftor; " RBV, H. , HATCHSB. Associate Bdltar. Organ oMoftRarolifia Baptists In Its 4th Vcar. fiVKX BAPTIrHPTJIJ) TAKE IT As an Advertising Xtodium tTitsrirpasaed Onlt. ?2.00 per Year. Address dcc33-tf BIBLICAL BJSOORDAR . r Ralelgb, N. O ENC8URAGB BOMS UUITITtmPSIB. SMii-ity flaijist Tin TOT NORTH CAROLINA HOME INSrpAHCE CORTPAN 1 V SALCOHt SfJOL - TliiaCtempafayeeirtiaueeWwtTtePailcHa, at fa ratea, on all classes of liLsasaMepreaarty. . AS fosses are piomptly adjnstad' and paid. Tae HOMS " 1a rapidly grewing In public favor, aad appeals, wtthconadenoe, to nca,4o maorars of y la Korvaoarousa Agents in all part of tbe Btata.'1 JOHN GATLING. President W. 8. PRIMROSE; Socrbtary. PULASKI COwT'SBrSupearleor. ATKINSON MANNING, Aaam, augl-tf wihnlnsrton.ii.fi WILMINGTON lERCHlHTS ' : wiLLrdrt),i;;,;;;.,1:; THE LAUBHTBTTBQ llIiTEEPHI8E rrKOUGH'lFHteHTO AbYntTrBB X i .! maAJU. ANDSnMTBJIQOODB among th people oi Roboson Blcknoad ea4 An son counties, in North CaaoUna. and in the border Counties of South Carolina. The ENTERPRISE has a large and increasing clrculatioa la'taa Pa Dee and Capo, J'eat aeettoas) of tale ttatef having oouiaosia large circatauow in tee iattar aanag ta six months U was uubUsbed in Fsyettevtlla before 1tiTeaovml lb Laorli: buixY' Snd -Bt tko1 rormar Wlthta the sasktwoHiaatkaj .iyi. 1 ; AdvertisemeBts will.be inaertad W the moata, quaftef anafjreaf at reaaonable ratos. Addreas lcIWtf - Lamrlabarx. IC C. PRESCRIPTION FI1E