lonung Star. TWlNKl'IGi. The Watch oa lh liiml uarl- ... .i.r mt-lin Dw-Ct. j w x . iniii who oa t-l ibe oli (ll,u'. ku v- wh ltd, r be ill v u.ln lit; ik'uv .. . - Daring the past yar i vlve L ,jd tl'lo: . it l TU I III l " v -f - y O - A ruUhwP Mrt. is U-rnt inl in :'"u'Uu 2,2 1 luBfr I - Mutilated coins arc becoming ,re oumerous, and inerchaos omipUm '"' ,1,- nnnovuBce, as tbe bnks sdcI the , .vortices will not lake them . t i . During me las. year ninety-six ls were built m the biate of Mtue, m ,'iuJiu 8b'P9' 8 br(iUl3- 3 l"g". M jj )oers, 10 steamera aud y bloop?. The areteVionage was ooly 35.847. The exchanges at the New v L Clearing House during -1880 reached ,Ve cuuriDOuVaum of $83,614,443,223. Tbia ,..ue UnrJ laiger tbau the business of iV;;; l ti exceeded any previom year. - Daring the past year 7,817 ves ,. ,1(iTJItNevti Yorfc. front foreign " , i3 .ttiuaL 8.077JO 1879. Thtjaumber I s,i.vU,fi4ai6lM poets w aa lol- J'.w, : a1tifpa,; ,027, egaioat 9.993 u 1ST9 ; soiHbfrn porta, 3.830, against 3.351 - Tt:e people of California pay 12 250 tK-ft tur S-ale aOif (peat Ruverninenl , "ry ycat",!tDd tbe Sti Francisco Bulletin ' u s 'lis 'B'" sioieut tor tbe benefit of the I i,. r.l goveromeot iu that State at $7,000. ikiO . )e-r inakiog $19,250,000 aunual tix ,,,, r $31 33 for each mio, woman and cii i i : tj 'be State. K WAT1C -jNOTE. - Anuie Uioltrn?iiV recently tin- ,,acd p ay is entitled, "Tbe Miuist. i'd II, U3tkceper. ... . r ft 1 . .:. Alias Jllinnie naun. acuoruin? 10 1 . v.p Free Press. b7met with a T.ril- i,n t u 1 ess wherever abo li-is appealed in Ge " ,y mi , 4 1 1 11 i-.n'.atrice. was at last accounts in make a concert V . , , ifi'l was about to . ... h Au-un and Geimmv. riaeue. I inslci; "d Leipiiic being o;i tbe ro;e. - Of". lr. Iartly Campbell's new .: ui .. M i rnldine, the New York Times s : 1 - it.. .1 .i.id play, cor dots it re lie 11 it '-" 'tie wiiter, but it contains . ,., - i , -..i-ii iuj, iytupaihet c scenes 1 , i--i-.rs'.iuj; chiriictera. The , , ., , .. j t : 1 .i? ihf spt cl-i.r inevitably ct I (j v. I t-r 11 li-i W i. Mi-p (.ienevieve vVard arrived 'ii N v V " k l r-nw LiTeTfKwt on the steatn e U n last week. Mis Ward baa just ,1 s itril tsUCC"'! ul tuijaeenieni in L.)D ,. i .i 1 1 1 1 - n ;e if Annie Mie On the u 11 ; 1 e fi -t cei fonnance of the play uk I'.i't-t-p- of Wa'e-. wbu ws preseDt, 1 r her mrHion by sending her lr nr-mine around to Mi. 9 Ward's dressing loom vviib ihr itque.-l lht the actress ai 1 -utjuernie bt rumi upoj it bor ujf't lrogres - .viialur coutinuen to have , all be ..ah vva lor reelection Irt-ni Mas- .i liu-ell.i. Senator Conkling is reported iiv Hi. Dubuque (Ion) Herald to have M..UU..I SeCrrt-.iy "SdlUiZ KB & "profet 'I mul ! : i ijjiiti ." Loan, the celebrated Chief of ti.e Inli"ii six N-itiou, has a lineal de-r- . ud ! tht- euipJojr of tbe Govt mment, A S t - r . a c!eik m ihe Interior De- ; i t tit- II I - Tne German Government has iTnt-d ii oouioa to Cap!. James W. (Jol- i.m. H, e United Stales Fish Coniruisiion, i. t.iablisb a fishery in L ipland, and it is u .de-wood be will accept. i-hiLf dcnUYe VVard is credited wi-b baviogaaid: "I tbiok I am as good a pa'tver as Mile. Berubardt and 1 have done n.inetbiog in the way of sculpture, aDd per-bp- I can speak six o"r seven languages, but these ihinijs can have nothing to do vtub my merit! a3 an actress, and I do not appiove of seeking self-advertisement by euch indirect means." !OIITHER.1 IXBTIH. Patrick Henry'a great grandsoD, in '.lie LMersOO uf W. H. Good well, now be- rtes tyrants and tyranny from behind the h-t ., the Alexandria. Vs.. iail. His crime wa, druakeooeaa. Judge Boiling Baker, one of tbe U:si lawyers in Florida, died io Matlland Ust weet. Ue was a Dalive of Virginia, nd was Auditor of tbe Confederate Trea sury Department. Nearly one million dollars have beea raised id 8t. Louis to aid io tbe con-, a ruc-.ion of the St. Louis & Texas Narrow Gauge Railroad, now being built from Tex arkana to Waco, Texas, sod which it is designed to extend from the former point to Cairo, Illinois, there to connect witb the rrow-gauire railroad to St. Lonia. Prsspsrosi Vlrlaia Cities. Tte .manufacturing interests of Hichtaond, Va., are assuming large propouioni. The statistics of 1880 show 702 manufacturing establish ment, in that city, an increase of 137 over previous year; number of hands employed 1632, an increase of 2, 739; capital in business $8,692,62G, an increase of $1,869,724, and an aggre gate of sales, despite the lower prices which ruled, , of $24,704,892, an in- crease of $1,218,243 The foreign exports aggregated $2,328,742, an inoraaaa nt tAAA TA.A rtmnared with the orevioa. vear. Whilst Richmond i increasing her manufacturing in- dustries, Norfolk, Va., is becoming prominent as an exporting city. Dar- ing 1880 Vbere cleared from that city 'ZtZTtV- soes vainer! at 118.092.756. The re oeipu of cotton at Norfolk for 1880 aggregated 687,803 Dales, an increase of 131,241 . bales over the previous year. ; The oot ton exports were 323, 523 baleb. valued at $17,510,724, against 232,816 bales, valued at $11, 778,181 in 1879, an increase of 83, 708 bales, valued at $5,732,543, in favor of tlie year jdst closed. In 1870 the valaeof heiootton exports from Norfolk was only $675,870. Bait. Sun. Coal and Wood. JCrs-r FOrteW THAT WE HAVE MOVED taOU premises corner of Water and Mulberry reU; where exeepCOAL;woOD. SHTNGLES, BRICK and POWDER" at lowest cash prices. O. G. PARS LEY, Jr., Ttf Cor. Mulberry and Water sts. mm wm mm mm a. i w m jamrnm i tfl H II " -' ai 1 si. I. ,i lLi CELEBRATED HUl life Sleep, Appetite and Strength Return vhea Hoetetter's Stomach Bitten is syste matically used by a biltoua dyspeptic sufferer. Moreover, since tbe brain sympaudses closely with the stomach and Its associate organs, the liver and tbe bowels, as their'derangement is rectified by the action of the Bitters, mental despondency produced by that derangement disappears. For sale by all DruggUta and Dealers generally. ja 1 DeodJbWlr tathaa arm DR.SAMFOii'S IL i JUIGOBATOS Only Vegetable Compound that acts directly upon the Liver, and cures Liver Complaints, Jaun t,.,. i rn dice, BlllOUSneSS, Malana, COS- tiveness, Headache. It assists di o-estion, strengthens the system, reeulatesthe boyels, purifies the blood. A Book sent free. Dr. v Sanford' 162 Broadway,' N. Y. 1 FOB . SALE BY, ALL. nBUGQIaTS.' e 39 eod6m tu th aa nrm ened nnr Btimolanta and O; e tore -rain nerve and Hop Bitter;.. If yoa are yotm ait. jjcretion or disslpa p idnfflA. old or waste, use Hop B. suffering frcm any ln tion ; If you are mar- 'Oune t auseruig mm oor health or Unyntoh aen, rely on HOP oa a. sea 4. mav Whoerer you "Je. vtMne-rer 7 on feet that your ijnem meeds cleoiwrlng. ton luff or ttmn)t1ng, without intorioatinff, Thouaaadsdie an BuaJly from aolno oi PL i q nor jtt mlsbt been prevented timely use of HopBltter take HOP Bitters. " HTeyouehf- D. I. C. N or urinary ctjb piaint, diaeeae of the atomaeK, is an absolute and irresista ble - u r e for hotoeU, blooa. drunkenness , Hvr or use ox opium, tobacco, or narcotics. - Ton will be cured If you use Hop Bitters If jou are sim 8oldbydraS sists. Bendfor Circular. ply w e K KUU low piriti, try it i It may bop snrns rro co JSrtCT,H. T. A Toronto, Oot. life, it nas saved hun dreds. Jal eodlmW tu th aa A Positive Cure Without Medicines, Soluble Medicated Bougie i ! Allan's p.tpntAd October 16. 1876. One box N o 1 will cure any case in four days or lees. No 2 will cure the moat obstinate case.no matter 0fNniu0ou?dno.'or cubebs, eopalba, or oil of sandalwood, that are certain to produce dyspepsia by destroying the coatings of the stomach. Pricejl 50 SoldbyaUDiiiggiata,orioaUedon receipt of price. . . - For further psrticulars send for circular. P. O. Box 1531. J C. ALLAN CO., delleod6m satuth 83 John st New gork. AT GEORGE MYERS , 11 A 13 SOUTH FRONT ST.. vavan a H RIVALS EVERY WEBsI OF THE CHOICEST FAMILY GROCERIES, Delaware Canned Fruits and Vegetables, Ferriss' Sugar Cured Pig Hams, Light Strips and Shoulders. MW STOCK OF CHAMPAGNE WINES, Blue Grass, Poney and Clnb Whiskey, Imported and Domestic Cigars, For sale at LowPrlcee" j tV GEO. MYER, Nos, 11 and 13 South Front st. Jan 4 tf Fresh Oysters p very day at M0Z2Tt SalOOn.' poa5tf P.T-I ALL AJsiA'JJ- WestemHortLCaroiiaa If you want to know slUbwUtthef-Gaxden Spot" of the South, send for a -specimen copy of The "Western Courier. it is a TWENTY -BIQH1' "GOlUUMB . WEEKLY, full of interesting reading matter, and devrted to tte latneau of Wssxem North, OaroUasi AdTai COURIER COMPANY, Hendersonvilie. N . C. The CamdeiL Jouxnal, PubHthed Every Thurutaj at Camden, 8. Tg THE OIJWT-KSTLISHKP- APJ A Kertnaw conmiy, mama aa V9 Urootntmul if yoaaroa of boalne,wek- 1 iimu. of let- . . by the strmln of I ratoilingOTOTmiQ &Xmm iToid 1 I nlar1 - work, to rea Ji ta xotte TSve I lb, a A1 fmvDi t iUIIILUl'll D LU r 11 - - - ' i it, .v- a li 13 1 NEVER II i ! i- a I I II t H HA 1 1 II l ll ll ll Ul tlgEfiOQjBgS ecifctuauup ..nni the laTercnantSt-Farmers and all classes bItoffMU?eerchan1s bi Wllmfngtbn a'dosaV able Mediw fee Advertising, theeenatzartn wWsh febrr' Ed'tora and Proprietor. WHOLES A LK PRICES. fMOat qaoiadona. It Baoold ba onaerBtooa to kt aaaali orer blier prtbai tare to be chaizetL BAGGING Ganliy i . titan dard. ...... BACXJN--North Carolina. 10w- Hit 13 O 15 is a u ixa 8 Hams, V S(new) Shoaldere, V Wea, H. O. choice, U ...., W e s tern . Smoked . . Hanu r..,........., Sides, V tt. Shotrido rs, Dry Balied- .. . stdoaV &v .... .. Shoulders tar Live weight UAKKJCLS 8plnta Turpentine-, -cond Hand, each.......... Now Now York, csch 1 65 uo 00 21 7 60 30 a 1 75 1 bS 1 W) 050 New City, -ach. ......... ....I BaaWAX ? a I BttlCKS vUiaifljtUKi. M.... Northern I 14 00 B0TTKB North Carolina. V Northern, 9 CANDLES Mporin. Tallow, V t Adamantine. (9 lb 15 33 Q 83 ib 12 10 15 14 28 16X 17 75 25 110 19 O llXQ 0 O 0 O oo a 10 o 26 O 15 1 75 7 l oo a CuaasE Northern Factory V Dairy, creacay . 8tate, ft CUKFK3 Java. . Rio, 9 Lajmavra. aa fi.... COKNMKAL tf.bu&heUa eackfl COTTON TIKS Vlbdle......... DOMK8T1CB 8heettE,4-4, V yd Yarn, V bimcn EGGS PIBH Macierol, No. 1 , V bbl... o. 1, bbl . MackerelNw. , bbl No.l.VMbbl MaerulTNo.l.pbbl Hulleta. bbl do Pork, bbl N.C. Herrtiig.Koo,!! 6eR.... Dry Cod, ySKTiLilXXKS ' Peruvian ttaano, M s Battgh'sPhoephate, " Carolina Fertilbser. ttround Borne. ' Bone Meal, " ' Flour, - " NavaasaGaano, " Complete Manure " Whann'a Phospnate ' Wando Phosphate, Rmr A Bntl'B PnOTOlX. 3j a 35 IS 00 8 50 8 60 4 fiO 6 50 8 00 CO 5 00 5 sa 20.00 1000 9 00 5 00 7 00 825 700 tJ 40021 9 67 50 63 50 00 00 60 00 45 00 50 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 45 00 00 00 57 00 40 00 45 00 00 00 67 00 00 00 70 00 00 00 70 00 SO 00 00 00 55 90 60 00 0 00 4 25 500 5 25 50 7 00 7 50 9 00 6 00 6 60 6 00 6 36 Sxcellensa Cotton Fertilizer FLOUB Fine, hbl. Super. Northern. bW Itxtrado. " gbbl Family " bbl CltyMina-Kxtra, hbl.... .. .Familr. V bbl.., . sx. Family, flbbl... r iTK-tt Tn 6-50 6 75 13 70 58 57 60 87 72 6 13 1 35 125 1 20 11 68 67 55 573 O 00 70 4 12 1 80 GRAIN Corn, in atpre, in o&rs, Oorn.Cargo ygv Corn.nuxea uuwiw,m Oats, baahel Ked Buss Proof Peaa, Cow, bushel -. . . HIDS8 Green, 9 S HAY-3iaBtern,V 100 a. ....... WesUrn, 100fl b North River, 100 HOOP IKON ton.. LARD Northern , North Carolina, LtMB V bbl . LUMBSB Citt STmamBAiTO shir, Stuff. resawed, Mrt.. 1 20 1 15 &&5 00 90 09 iu 00 10 1 13 1 25 18 00 15 00 30 00 16 00 dasi, dire PlanX. m M fi... WeBtlndlargp,aeordlng to quality, V Mrs rtrAMM Flooring, seasoned 18 00 IS 00 13 00 00 37 00 00 25 00 18 00 23 00 ScantiiBJC and Boards, com-. 15 00 man, v t rv j kuLABBBS New cp iCuba.hhas 40 40 41 46 27 27 80 8 25 14 145 100 18 20 2-2 2-i 18 1 00 70 60 New crop Cuba, bbis V gai. Porto Rieo,hhds bbls Sugar Houae, Wdi, V JJl. r bbla.V ?al... Byrup, Soil, gai......... NAILSCut, lOd basja. V keg.. OILS Keroeene, gal Lard, gal... Unseed. gal Roein, gal Tar. per gal - DmIc anfi apar.per gal 40 0 00 002 1 10 o 90 15 00 00 30 ft 8 75 40 tott r t h Y Cnickens.uve WE .. spr Tarkeys P4ANTJT8 uasbel.... . ... POTATOES Swoct, 9 bushel.. Irish, f h :, PORK Nort rn, City Mess... - 40 0 00 2 75 00 00 17 50 00 00 15 00 00 00 14 00 X 7 33 90 Prime, m Rump, tbl.... RICK Carolina, 9 Bough, 9 bah RAGS Country, 9 City, V HOPE BALT Ai .! m , bushel Uvorpool, V saci, Lisbon, fJ sack American, V sack SUGAR Cuba, !.... Porto Rico, tt A Coffee, 9 - B " 13k 1 14 00 00 00 00 0 0 10 BX 8 9 10 6 5 00 3 00 4 50 IX 32 75 86 . S5 75 10 10 8 9 10 6 7 00 2 30 5 00 C $ BX.C- 1 Crushed, V ft HAP Northern, .... p HJN GLK8 Contract , M Common, 9M CypreesSaps V M, Cypress Hearts fX. BTAVBd W.O.BbL,M B. O Hhd-,M TALLOW TQCaaR Shipving, 9 M CO IS 00 10 00 ' 5 12 00 13 00 9 00 7 50 5 00 4 50 1 00 1 00 M, 0 18 7 50 15 00 00 00 S62 13 00 14 50 t3 11 00 8 00 O 6 50 5 00 600 3 50 Q 26 O 33 20 i Shinning. Mill Prime, M Mill Fair, H Common Mill Inferior to Ordinary, f? M WHISKEY Northern, gal ... North Carolina, 9 gal... WOOL Unwashed, ? Washed. Barry Wool TTlIilrllNOTON mOHBf AABKEI Exchange (sight) on New York, diact. caiumore, a Boston, X. PhlladelphU, X Western Cities, X Kx change 30 days 1 V cent. 96 SO 125 Bank or N ew Hanover Stock First National Bank, Nsvassa Guano oo. W. C. Bonds Old Bx-Conpon SS Do. Funding 18S6 12 Do. " 1868 12 Do. New 4'b 80 Do. Special Tax 4 Do. to N.C. Railroad..., 93 W. A. W. R.R. Bonds 7 c (Gold Int). 116 Carolina Central R. R- Bonds, 6 fc. .80 WU. Col. A Aug. R. R- " Wilmington C1& Bonds, new 6 VC....95 a 8e 95 j m ao. Q71 waffies :S8 WIL Gas Light Co. " Wilmington Cotton Mills 95 Bank of New Hanover. Authorized Capital $1,000,000. Cash Capital paid In $300,000. Surplus Fund 50,000. DIR ECl OBS. JOHN DAWSON D.-R. MUBCHISON DONALD McRAB H. VOLLERS B. R. BRIDGE RS C. M. 8TEDMAN ISAAC BATES, JAS. A LEAK B. F. LITTLE E. B. BORDEN jj. W. ATKINSON CHAS- M. 8TEDMAN, President ISAAC BATES, Vice President. 8. D. WallaCX. Cashier sag 30-tf Atkinaon .& Manning's Insurance Bpomi, . BANK-. OF NEW HANOVER BUILDING, : WIlmlnKton, N. C. Fire, Marine aiFLife Coipanies. egate Capital Represented Over $100,000,000 1 ell-tf RICE. -y-E BUY ROUGH RICE AT BEST CASH pnees, and keep constantly on hand all grades of clean Rice from COMMON to FANCY. Also DOUSE A ffpQ, cheapand ; heajtlry food for Horses, Cowa. Hogs, &e. All goods sold at Charleston prices. ' . ' : . .1 NORWOOD GILES & CO., de I tf proprietor's' Carolina Rice Mills. 0., of - MISCELLANEOUS. The Curative Cup. C .owned with foam is the goblet, but 'tis not cham pagne, Source of headaches, and heartaches, and gastric distress; , i , Tte the' BrLizKK Apxbknt, a balm for the brain. And a cure for the vtls produced by excess. It-tempers the blood, the clogged system relieves. Corrects the foul stomach, the liver controls. New life from the draught every organ achieves, And a cloud from the mind of the invalid rolls. Such are the effects of Tarrant's Bttsbvisoknt Skltzeb Apxrikkt. the portable representative or the famous Seltzer Spring, and the most agreeable and efficient of alteratives. SOLD BY ALL . DRUGGISTS. ? jy 1 Deod&W 2w tuth sa tmcSp The IVlorningStar PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY Subscription Rates In Almce DAILY STAR. One Year, postage paid... " Six Months " " . Three Months" " .. One Month " .$7 00 . 4 00 . 2 25 1 00 WEEKLY STAR. One, Year postage paid, $1 50 - Six Months, " 1 I 00 Three Mouths " H 50 Notices of the Press: The Stab is decidedly one of .the best papers In the State, as bright and newsy as ever. Long life to IU Salem Press. The Wilmington Stab has entered on its twelfth year-as good a paper as any people should want. Charlotte Democrat The Wilmington Bta, has entered on it , twelfth Sear, as a aany jourum w ead." Concord Register. The Wilmington Stab has entered lts itwenty flfth volume. There is no better paper published in the State. Lenoir Topic. The Wilmington Star has entered upon its thir teenth year. It is one of the best papers in the State. Warrenton Gawette . m.. TTTtiiniftn 9. v. rh mtftTtA its thirteenth year. It has become one f the leading papers ef the South. Oxford TorcMtau. The Wilmington Stab Is not only one of the best edited papers in the State, but for freshness of news and typographical appearance cannot be beat en Jaauon Meporier. m.. tmitnfnirfnn Rtir is one of the very best pa pers in the South, in every department from typog raphy up to editorial ability arl independence. Petersburg (Va ) Index Appeai. We like the" Star because it is thoroughly relia ble, candid, fearless, and so well and ably edited, newsy, spicy, and in fact a perfect newspaper. Long mar the stab twinkle.-iff. Aim Visitor. , Although at the head of the press in this State i in A... . n.wr vninAhle to the reader, still it ct,nUnueto improve. It is a Stab of the first magnitude. MayltslHStre never wane. The Free WiUBastitt. The Wilmington (N. C.) Mornino Stab is a mo dl newsnaDer Indeed, we think we do not exag ?ei5!w.?1; o ihori' v it is the newsiest (sec- 5lar)paper published in the Honth.Richtnond(Va.) Beaawus jueraui. The Wilmington Stab has now entered upon its tVlrtaonth VOAT ft nil Lwentv-fifth volume. One or rtrr . Ijm caWteA naners m the South, and. as a North Carolinian, we are proud of it. Tarboro Southerner. .rr.- o ta n1 favorably known in UUB ... . . OIVr. o.".: Tinthinor of seciion ,u.o m o, txTn. wmcn its tnousauoi r; It is In every respect one or tne nest oauieo in mo South. Robesonian. m,.. Tiriins1 Hn.r. im fmtp.red on Its twelfth t. tT o-rooiwuit newsnarjer. well edited' J .jinn nr .ii tha tiawh of the dsiv. and an .nrWtv.to North Carolina and to North Carolina JoumaiiHm. uaartoue wrow. im.. ..in TuMminc Stab has completed its twenty-second volume. It is one or we most brilliant, erudite and sparkling dailies south of the i ubi. in nir , , vn . - . Potomac. Tne system in u geui t"- suroasses them au. u arooro ovuwierner.i Tbe Times cannet say a vord too good for the rmia .. a.T itiiii inn. nttcnea onrwi lis nmiiuiKwii . j - , . many birthdays. A. a newspep u nv ,avo with tne state press ana w 'nZZiZn. pie. Long and prosperous life to IL-rReiastolU limcM. Why la it that all the papers with tl name er papers with the name ef journals ? The Wilming iincrton Star. Fredericks- ru ank hrlrrht 1 )triA innrTiRIH 7 TUB Tf UWIIUI.- ton (N.C. ) stab, tne wW toStar, K York -Stor7for example There mast be something in a name after all Richtnond (Va J State. The Wilmington Stab, we are pleased to notice, ..j,, t)i. kioh mail tr aueceaa. We es- teem the Stab very highly, regarding It aa on 6 of the very best of our exchangee, and consider it the peer of any journal published In the South. Ox- fora Jfree mjiovx. g hum tabini? the resslar XJIO VT UlUUtKKVU - ' "as " . - midnight Associated Press reports, and has besWea increased the amount of its reading matter la an excellent paper. Its proBperity is not I u ke5t constantly before the people. Under thi ieing since it is so deserving. Ctawtttf Ob- I gygjn a rapidly increaring circuiatiou is the result Stab la an surprising terver. Ths MoBirnre Stab, ene of the best dallies we i aa a nmnmiiwr. inonr oDinlon. the very best, has entered upon ita twelfth year, Jto every particular the Stab cornea fully up to the mark as tne principal uiy " XiZZZ Leng may 11 iwuajo. iuww wi-w . rrrv. A ixrilm1-nn Rl haa AtltAPed nuon its 12th volume, and we are pleased to notice Btill continues on the road to success. We esteem the Stab very highly, regarding it as one oi tne very uco "wi" perB that comes to this office. Ita news columns are always a little fuller than those of any other of our exenanges, ana us eauon&i "BiIU' ducted with mucn anuiiy. jawrywwit 1 Humble In its beginnings, as was inseparable from an enterprise begun amid the wreck of fortune that attendetfthe collapse of the Southern Confederacy, the Stab haa steadily 'waxed"- until it now ,beams i fn Hia rnii oinw nf a constantly brurnt- rTrOlrlTi all ITsi t ua us sir a t w n w - A(ni nPAanoHtv A at A iJMlffTVTTWJr it h&fi I6W eQlliaXB, and no superior, for appropriate selection and Ju dicious arrangement, and we are proud to ranKit among our most acceptaoie excuauxen. Recorder. iru wiiminrtnn VnmnmRTAs has entered upon the thirteenth year of its existence, and we take ki. nnnnrtnnitr tn mtncrratnlatA it noon its prospe rity and deserved popularity. The remarkable sac cess of the StabIb due to its strict attention to business. The boast of the Stab (rightfully too), 4 a k.ii ali awa haa thfl imh. and this Is the first thing in Journalism. Otherwise the-paper Is all th.f iln, form nf wcrooit nfflaniMr" imnlies. and US lu"" "" -7 : --t-x- j influence I its genial, enterprising proprietor enjoy many more happy years ui uBeiumeea. wkmwuiv jkmww Save Yoir Motlier4ii-lav. SUBSCRIBE TO The Evening Visitor, rpHE BEST, THE CHEAPEST EVENING PA PER in North Carolina. The Ladies' Paper; it has no politics; no axe to grind; Is rapidly growing; good aaverusmg medium, oena DKw... copy. Address, j ' The EveniDg Visitor, Raleigh, N.C. The Harion Star. THE OLDEST NEWSPAPER POLISHED IN the Pee Dee section, one of -the wealthiest and most prosperous in the State, offers to Commission and Wholesale Merchants and Maniacturers, and to those who nave adopted the plan of Belling by sample, sa excellent medium .of wmmunlcauoa with a large and iBflamtial class of merchants, me ch&nics.planters and naval; store men, whose pat ronagels worth solicitation: Advertisements and BnsineBB Cards Inserted on liberal terms. Address!;,! ... " THE STAR, sept S3 tf Marion. 8 . C. MISCELLANEOUS. JOB pmwiiiwG. THE MOENINGK STAB Steam Printing House, M0RN1NO STAR BUILDING, PRINCESS STREET. MOST THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED PRINTING OFFICE IN THE CITT, FINE BOOK, NEWSPAPER & MERCANTILE PRINTING AND BINDING, CHEAP FOR CA&H. ALSO. THEATRICAL POSTERS, PROGRAMMES B TICKETS. INSURANCE PRINTING. BILL HEADS. CIRCULARS CARDS. DODGERS. STEAMSHIP, STEAMBOAT AND RAILROAD WORK EXECUTED IN QUICKER TIME j AND BETTER STYLE THAN Blr ANY OTHER OFFICE 7A WILMINGTON.. FIRST CLASS WORK AND LOW PRICES THE MORNING STAR STEAM PRINTING HOUSE, PRINCESS STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO AND WORK SENT TO AN PART OF THE UNITED STATES, C. O.D. SMALL ORDERS EXECUTED WITH 2 HE SAME PROMPTNESS AS LARGER ONES. The Best Paper. Try It. Beautifully Illustrated. 35th YEAR. The Scientific American. rpHB SCIENTIFIC AMJSKIUAJM is a mrpiiu" I class Weekly Newspaper of Sixteen Pages printed in the most beautiful style, i-Koruaisjx rJTVfrrr.urTu.T WWH KPf.TCN DID ENGRAV- ujuuoiMii"'. r. .-ho INGS. representing tne newest ibycuuuuo-iu most recent auvances m m3 uw uiuw-, eluding New and Interesting Facts in Agncuiiure Horticulture, the Home, Health, Progress, Social Science, Natural History, weoiugy, The most valuable practical Papers by eminent wri ters in all departments of Science, will be found in the Scientific American. ... . Terms. $3.20 per year, $1.60 half year, which in- r.lnlea noatase. discount ut "-""f, . .t- -ies. 10 cents. Sold by all Newsdealers. Remit by postkl order to MUNN & CO.. Publishers, 37 Park pies, iu cents. Dostal order to 1 Row, New York. T) AlTITIWfn 0 In connection with the PATENTS. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN ffessrs. AluS & Co- are Solicitors of American 3 xnA uatsnta nova niioAn visru& ca lva ivuvwi and now have tlargest establishment in the u -D-.oto . nVitnM nn the best tenni. a spiainoUcTis VT.Vrl. . . .i laH t h rnn crh this Apftn- V&JS OI ail iBYeuuouo nw- . .T " Dota.Tf a !.v. .. .nil maidence of the Patentee. By the immense circulation thus given, pabUc at- tsntinT. t h rw t.Mi to tne menu oi mo uw vavau.. . .: . j I ulna or Introduction Often easily eu.ta.M3u. . I r . -hn ha made a new discovery or in I ..S JTZ ..T o ohabm. whether a rcu,. r' -rvr-c--; bo writing to patem can uruunuij m , -j y , kusN & Co. We also Bend fbkk our Hand Book. fJ.? th 'PatATit Laws. Patents. Caveats, Trade- I uo-k-n their natii. and how precured, with hints I ar rawnHnc ari varices on inventions. Address lor I .. Panor orRnncernine Patents, . MTJNN & CO., 37 Park Roi New York. Branch Office, cor. F. & 7th Sta., Washington, D.C. novltr THE LANDMARK, i PUBLISHED AT 81 AI E8 FILLS, IREDELL CO., iV. 6 IS THE reading Newspaper in "Westero North Carolina- It lfl the only Democratic Paper published la Ire dell County one of the largest ana weaiuuea. coun ties In the SUte and has attained a larger loca circulation than any paper ever heretofore published in the county. IU circulation In Alexander, Wilkes, Ashe, Alle u v.bH. nawia and Iredell, is larger than that oi any two papers in the State combtoedand 1b rapidly acquiring a strong foothold in Forsythe, Surry. Rowan and western Mecklenburg. It is the only isper In Western North Carolina nmiunra AasKT. and that employs a mMTis; the Lasdsauk. THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM IN WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA. ADDRESS, LANDIBARK," Statesrille. N.O. Forest and- - Stream, 1 AND '! ROD AND THE AMERICAN SPORTSMAN'S JOURNAL . nmcvT.yPA'lER DBVOTED TO FIELDJ SPORTS, JPBACTIOAL NATURAL HIS TORY. ITlnn lUiii una. ""1ii2iiIvl GAME, PRESERVATION OF FORESTS, YACHTING AND BOATING, RIFLE PRACTICE. AND ALL OUT-DOOR RECREATIO. NS AND STUDY. im,i. i- h rmlv Jonrnal In theOeustry that fully supplies the wants and necessities of the Gentleman Sportsman. TERMS $4 00 a Year. ; Send for Specimen Copy Forest streaua i PublisWnc Co., HI FULTOS ST.,(OuNo. l0S, w New York. Post Office Box m. aeptS7-tf THE RALEIGH Christian Advocate, Edited and Published by BLACK I' BHD,' Baleil.B.C Is the organ of abeut 69,000 Methodiats In North ,.. tha larcrnot r.ircnlation of any pa- per in the State. It tfTesthe markets. Becmlar and rellgiouB news. Is a weeklt. eight page, religions. family newspaper, vmy i "" scribe at once. : Advertising rates liberal. Ian 24 tl The Favetteville Examiner, Wccitiy Democraticewspaper, H -Fs3isssd s if FAYETTEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA, "By Terms 3.00 a year m advance. Send for a spe Jmen copy. my 5 tf HAILKOAD LINES. Wilmington & Weldon RAILROAD CO. om oGsK'i.8opaaiirSHiiT, ' Wilmington, N. C, Nev. 27, lf80 I HBBHMSIiaSK Change of schedule. OT AND AFTER NOVBMBBR 28, 1880, AT 4 15PM rpassenger Trains en the Wilmlng. to VTeidoV RaUroJ will run as follows- Day Mall and Express Train, Dally -No.47Noriband48 sbuiu. Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot, at 6:40 A. M- Arrive at Weldoa "-. p Aallvudnn, Front sL De'pi, 9:55 P. M. S-ast Thboush Mail anb Passbngkb Trains Dau-Nos. 43 North and 40 South. Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot, at 8 03 P. M Arrive at Weldon bIuP.M itrtvw st WUmin'gVon: Front SC DeVot,' 10.10 F. M -w-t- wo. An worth will stop only at Rocky. 1IUI1 . , , . U.nnnKa Alt. Pomt.Burgaw.Soutnwasnmgwu. n7i 01ivetGqldsboro, wuson. xv, i?"- c ui Hton onlv at Rocky n--. Wo. An Rnnt.h will BlOO uiuy unnnt Wilson. Goldeboro and Magnolia. Nioht Pabsbkokb. Mah. and Exprbss Tbaih Noa. 45 North and 42 South. Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot, at 4:15 P. M; Arrive at Weldon : . ArreTti&ngton,' Front St. Depot, 820 A M. Trains on Tarboro Branch Road leave Rocky day. Thursday ana oaturaay t?-"V, . . i7" h?J. We Tarboro at 9. 50 A. 1. Daily, and Mon . auta d, Wednesday and Friday at 8 OTP. M. Train sno. it majtOT."rc r" ,, rr; ' n ' -".. .ii it,tji North daily. All rail via Richmond, and daily except Sunday via Bay toe. Train No. 45 runs via Richmond and Washing ton, and makes close connection dally to Rich mond, and daily except Saturday nights for all points north of Richmond. TraiH No. 43 . runs dally and makes close connection for a'l points North via Richmond and Washington. All trains run solid between Wilmington and Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleepers attached. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Bup't. A. POPK, Gen'l Passenger Agent. no3S-tr General Sup'ts Office, WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA & AU GUSTA R. R. COMPANY, WILMINGTON. N. O. Nov. S7, 1680 taMMBIMlL Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER NOVBMBBR 38. 1830, at 3 45 P. M .the following Passenger Schedule will ba run on this road: DAT PASSBXeBR.MAIL ASD KXPBXSS TRAINS.DArLT Nos. 42 Wkst and 43 East. 8.40 A.M. 1:05 P.M. 3 45 P. M. 7:43 P. M. Leave Wilmington Leave Florence Leave Florence Arrive at Wilmington . . NIGHT EXPRESS TRAINS (Dally) Nos. 40 Wen and 47 East. TjWlmlnffton 10:25 P.M. 3:00 A. M. Leave Florence Arrive at C. C. & A. Junction Arrive at Columbia 6:00 A. M. 6:10 A. M. 10:00 P. M. 10:20 P. M. 2:00 A. M. Leave Columbia i i. . T M eavc v.. v,. a, a. uiuivi.. , ii ivis. Arrive at Wilmington This Train stops only at Brinkley's, Whiteville, Flemlngton, Fab- Bluff, Marion, Florence, Tim monsviile, Maysville, Sumter, Camden Junction and Baston. . Passengers for Columbia, and all points on G. a C. R. rTTc, C. & A. R. R. Stations, Aiken Junc tion, and all points Deyond, snouia iaive nu. Night Express. . Separate Pullmaff Sleepers for Charleston and liJVp Ul fc krv r inmiota An trnina Af anrl 47. LUf. een Charleston and Wil .JOHN F. DIVINE, Gen'l Sno't. All trains run solid between Charleston and Wil mington. A. POPE, Gen'l Passenger Agent. no38-tf CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILROAD CO. SAliSiV.i Om.cs Gbkxbal Stjpxkin tsisht I Wilmington, N. C, Dec. 12, 1880. f Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER DEC. 12, 1880, the following Schedule will be operated oa this R ailroad: ASSENGER AND EXPRESS TRAIN: Dally except Sundays. A , ) Leave Wilmington at 9:10 A. M. No- f Arrive at Charlotte at 6:10 P. M. I Leave Charlotte at 5f No. 3. fArrlTe at Wilmington at -3:20 P. M. Trains Nos. 1 and 2 stop at regular stations only, and points designated in the Company's Time Ta ble. PASSENGER, MAIL AND FREIGHT. 1 Leave .Wilmington at . . . 5. V Arrive at Hamlet at an at 5:80 P. M. No. 5. V Arrive at Hamlet at i a. m. J Charlotte at ...8:15A.M. 1 Leave Charlotte at 7:30 P. M. No. 6. V Arrive at Hamlet at 1:26 A. M, Wilmington at 9:45 A.M. No. 5 Train Is Daily except 8unday, but no con nection to Raleigh on Saturday. No. 6 Train Is Daily except Satarday. SHELBY DIVISION, PASSENGER, MAIL, EX PRESS AND FREIGHT. 1 Leave Charlotte 8:35 A. M. No-3- f Arrive at 8helby 18:35 P. M. r a I Leave Shelby 1:35 P. M. No-4- f Arrive at Charlotte 5:85 P. M. Trains Nob. 5 and 6 make close 'connection at Hamlet to and from Raleigh, except as above, and at Charlotte with Trains 3 and 4 on Shelby Division. Through Sleeping Cars between Raleigh .and Chftrltte- V. Q- JOHNSON, "de.13 tf General Superintendent. CLYDE'S New York and Wilmington Steamship Line. The Steamer GULF STREAM, Capt. IXGRAm, V1LL SAIL FROM NEW FORK, Friday, December 31. sy shippers can rely upon the PROMPT SAILING of Steamers as advertised. JkW For Frcigbt Encagements apply to THOMAS E. BOND, Superintendent, Wilmington, . u. Ttaeo. . Eger, Freight Agent, New. York. W. P. Clyde & Co., General Agents, dec 9 tf 85 Broadway, New York. FOR THE LOCAL & POLITICAL NEWS OF THE FIRST DISTRICT, Subscribe for THE FALCON, A Democratic Newspaper. PUBLISHED AT ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. t9Sent to any address to January 1, 1881, for ONB DOLLAR. m y 36 tf .vMISOEaJaACTOUS., 1 rK. THE SUN FOB 188L ' Everybody reads Ths SuK. ' In the edftlon of this newspaper throughout the yoar to come i very body wlUfind: I. All the world- news, present 1 thai lbs reader will get the greatest amount of luferstailen with the least unproiubla expenditure of time and eyo tight. Thi Sun long ago discovered thegslden mean between redundant fullness and untatlsfac tnrv brevity. II. Much of that sort of news which depends lets upon its recogrfzid Importance than apon Us In terest to mankind. From morning to moralng ThsEtjn prints a conUnnel rtory of the lives of real men and noai. d. and f eJr"dedB, plasa. loves, hate, And troubles fhla Urj Is more varledand more iatewsilag ihu any romance tbat was ejrer devised I1L Good writing in very eolomu. and frh ness, ortgioallty, accuracy, and deccfam. In tbe IV Hoiert ceVient. Tbs Sim s saWti.to speak out fearlessly about men and IWsm. pv Equal candor In dealing with each political nartv and equal readiness to eemmend what i plsyeCrthyqoTto rebeke what U blamable In Democrat or Republican. ...j., I IT, ' -" k , " .h lnvITtY to true Democratic Absolute lnuepenutaiw y "":i Ti Rr7-?helieve. that the OOTernment I which Wconstltution givea ta s goB :ose to kUV VWUBMw- n - . . , . . . keep. Its notion of duty is 1 resist i jm w--v power the efforts or men la tne.-iMpuuuwi k to set up another form of government la place of that which exists. The year .4?' immediately following will probably decide tats supremely important contest. Tss Bum bsllevos that the victory wiU be with tbe people aa against the Rings for monopoly, the Kings for pleader, and the Rings for Imperial power. Our terms are as follows: .... . For the Dally Sun, a four page sheet of twenty eight columns, the price by mail, post paid. Is SS a.a n ADth n W H J m TIT sir uaa luuuuuia w 8nndfty paper, an eigJt-page she of I umns, tne price u von- - poitaw paia. i..Uo-far.l.bd l ae Dunaay wn tun aon.rstei st l .20 s vear. postage paid. the price of the Wbsxi.t Sun. eUbt pages, ftrty i. ai s vear. nostaee paid. For clubs of ten sending $1 0 we will fanexlra cpy f rei . Address 1. W. BNOLANU, Publisher of Ths Bus, New York City. MARBLE MONUMENTS AND Crave Stones. FIRST -CLA88 WORK AT M)WK8T TORs 'prices, designs sent By"maIL. wpRK PACKED AND SHIPPBDTURRISK. TO ANY PART OF TH BOUTU. RICHARD WATHjrfc 5T IiSfayette Plaee, New- Karti. Wathan's Monumental Designs, In book J!iil sale to the Trade. WWU PRESCRIPTION FREE Despondency, CeafSrioB sf WtM. A '22. Society. Defective Memory, sad sll WlMiars BnlWt on by Secret HttlU is f druggist has the Ingredients. AdJj!Vj 130 Wettl&h Bt, CuSniTI, dftm fob.15 lyD&W N. k. 8TEDMAN, Jr. Attorney and Counsellor at Law. KLU5ABETHTON, BLADEN COUNT. N. V. Office Up stairs, in Brick Buildinr. ccnpled by Rinaldl&Co. , . v Special attention to Claime. Col icUna on sums of 100 and upwards made for Five Per Cant, if without suit Drawing Deeds. Mortgages, c,;a specialty . High-Bred Dogs, English, ihish and gordon 8bttki. of the Choicest Breed, with gusranteea pedlgre-s. For sale by B. P. WBLMH, nov7 D&Wtf York, ftmn Lowell Machine Shop, Lowell, Mass., MANUFACTURERS OF BVEKY DESCRIPTION OF COTTON MACHINERY Of most Approved Patterns and with Recent Improvement. Paper Machinery ALSO, TURBINE WHEELS, Shafling.and Gearing, nydraullc Presses and Pumps. Elevators, dec. PLANS FOR COTTON AND PAPEH MILLS. C. L. HILDRETH, Bup't. LOWELL, MASS. WM. A BURKE, Tress., . mh 3 tf 8 Pemborton Square. Boston. The Biblical Recorder PUBLISHED BY Edwards, Brougliton A. Ck RALEIGH, N. O. REV. REV. T. BAILEY. Editor. HATCHER, Associate Edlter. Organ of UortH Carolina 4 Baptists In Its 44tli Year. EVERY BAPTIST SHOULD TAKE IT As an Advertising Medium UMurpsaed Oalr 92.00 per Year. Address BIBLICAL BKWKBsa, doeas-tf kaleia-h. N. JgNOOURAGE HOME INSTITUTIONA Secuity against Tire. THE NORTH CAROLINA II03IE INSURANCE CO HP AN 1 RALEIGH, N. a This Company eoatinaes to write Policies, at fa rates, on all classes of inaurabls property. All! losses are promptly adjusted sad pati. The ICE " ia rapidly growls, la public fsvor, sad lis, wlthconftdsnce, to insurers ef property is "HOME' sppeala, North Carolina. pmr Agents in all parts of the Btate. saM . JOHN GATLING, President. W. 8. PBIMR06K, Secretary. PULASKI OOWPSR, Supervlsoe. ATKINSON MANNING, Assan. aug 1-tf wihaUnstoa. M. . WILMINGTON MERCHANTS WILL FIND ' ' i THE LA.TJRINBURG EHTJBBPRISB THE BEST MKDlUal T THROUGH WHICH TO ADVERTISE FALL AND WINTER GOODS among tbe people of Robeson, Bicaatoaa sad An son counties, in North Carolina, sad ta the border counties of South Carolina. The ENTERPRISE has a large sadlnoreasiBg circulation an tbe Pee Dee and Cape Fear sections of Uls SUts;bvlg obtained a large circulation la the latter daring the six months It was published In PayettevDle before its removal to Laarlsborf, sad it tbe fevaser within the last two monttis. , v f . ' .w AdvertisemeBU wiU be iaserted Vy the mosth, quarter and year at reasonable rates. Address II. I. McDTJFjeiE. D AWU Lsnrlnborg, N. C.