podlisheb's ANNotNtu HbN i . -,nftiwrxio star-the oldest daily nwp- i ilI - - TV" .4-l. rt.tlv BTCflUl week to one year THK WEEKLY STAR la puhUenea every rtm., aaonaatSl SO per year. iM for aix months . 50 rest for three months. ADVERTISING RAT S3 (DAIXY).--Ono Ur: darTaieO: two days, ALTO; three days, W, uVdayT3.00; five days, " .J!' iwo weeka, 6.50: three week, $8.60; one montn, 7aV two moathe, 117.00; three XDXxnU4-U, SfswoSK Ki waive aoutha.l80ja.jren Mneaaolld Nonpareil type make one square All .nnouncementa of Fairs, Festival. Jopa, Pic-Nica, aociety Meetings, Political Meel nAc., wlUbe charged regular adveroaing ratea. Noisdvertisemeota inserted la Local Column at any pnec. Notice outlet head oX ' 'City Items" 30 cents per line for firsHnaertion, and 15 cents per line for each sabsequent insertion. ao vertisements Inserted once a week 1a Dally will -w-fchiirad $t 09 per square for each insertion. St try other day , three f oartaa of daily rate. Twice a .?eok, two ihirda of daily rate. NottoseMafAagecr Deeia. Tributes of Re speaTtteVautiomoTThanka. Ac- are charged for iTord advertiaenianta, but only half rates when paid for atrictly in advance. At this rate 50 cecu Wui par for a simple announcement of Mar riage or Death. AdrerUsementa to follow reading matter, or to 'occupy any apodal place, will be charged extra ac cording to the position d aired. Advertisements on which no specified number of tnaertioaa ia marked wiU be continued "till forbid," at th option of the publisher, and charged up to the data of dlaoontinnanoo Afl rfa mMMaw niiraMiMaaw mo hmre wui rctd for haa expired, charge transient rate for the time actually pabttaaed. Advertlaemaxita kept under the head of "New Ad- reniacmenu" will be J Axaaaemeat, Aacttoa and Oflicial adTerUaemeou one doiUr per aquara for each Jaaertion. An extra chanre will be made for double-column artripjiiiidTertiaementa. ' All aaaoncamentt and raooTniTwidatloiiw of can- didatea for emce, whether in the ahape of commu- uioaUomaor otherwiae, will be charged aaadvertiae- taenia. Remittances mast be made by Check, Drart, Pos- tai Money uraer, juprese, or m nwumreu www. dniT.nrh remitiAnoea will be. at the risk of the Comm anicationj . unlesa they contain important aewa, or disease briefly and property subjects of real mtoreat, aro not wanted; and, if acceptable la every other way, they will iunriahlr be rejected if the real name of the author ia withheld. Contract adiattl i a will not be allowed to exceed thair apace or advertise any thing foreign to their regular boainesa withevt axtra charge at transient Paymeata tor iriflaawt advertteeaaenta muat be made in advaac. Knows partiea, or atratrs with proper reference, may pay monthly or quarterly, ac- AdverawaK.eclfytheiaaneoria- auea tkey desire to advertiM in. Where ao iseue ia earned the adrerbaement will be inaerted ia the Daily. Wage aa adrergser coavaacta for the paper to be sent to him dazing the time his advertisement at in, the aamaieior will oajy be reepoBaihie for the off tMMwtoBn sdtfresh. riaUAl WLLMIXGTOX, X. C: Saxtsaat MoivsrrsG, Jan. S, 1SS1. ris sTsa5Ks at ksiagk. .ccording to the brief synopsis of tb otessise of Gov. Jarris he makes ;xm itapoTtaat recocBmeiidatiODS. Th Stax woald emphasize its hearty ar.ijroTl o his views coneerniog an increase of the school fund. It is ab surd ta expect gTeater school privi leges without a larger appropriation. Money is Lacking, and it is tbe duty of tbe Legislature to raise it. The more intelligent people will indorse any judicious action that looks to giving the children of the State the very best school advantajes possible. I , made great two towards Public sentiment has strides within a year or arger provision for tbe education of ..J.I..U : I LUtj hVI J I ovcB. wUu CL LnJiil. WlSC UUilC V I will meet with the resDonse that ia wm meet wun me response mat is desirable, we have no doubt. We are , a T.u . .u gratihed that the Orovernor, recog- nizing the importance of making more liberal provision, recorcmend, an increase of the school tax. Now let the Legislature do its doty. Tt n e - ,l ' I uuc urjycruur a roiereuco to tue 1 colored people strikes us as eminently iast and timely. The true DeoDle of I the State the law abiding, reflscting people eherisb none but kindly feelings for tbe lately liberated race, aud they will be glad to cooperate in allehTorts that tend to their eleva tion and prosperity. Equal rights and equal justice under the law is what all intelligent men are ready to concede, and they will indorse any legislative action that will promote the real interests of the negro intel lectually, morally and pecuniarily. Tbe better class of negroes through out the South are becoming more thrifty and enterprising. Iu every State there are hundreds of worthy, industrious, frugal colored men who are increasing their possessions and are adding to the material prosperity and power of the State. W shall have something else to say, nojloubt, of the message when we have received tbe text. A CAW REVISION NEEDED. SSWrk.W aMed at lhe variene eewions oft the ! Legislature" and they testify the taer weekfor any pertoo from . :f if will A raviainn ef (V C.t- 1 : I . uo va laws ..uuw in order. Any. one who remembers wuat Das been done during the last two or three sessions of the Legisla- ture to amend the laws, and the time aod oney expended over Battle's Revisal, will be ready to believe that the statatA lawaof North Carolina are iu a condition to need overhaul- jthereis so much for the Leg- islature to do during the session of a pressing public importance that we uo not euow that it will undertake to coutinuexhe old and agonizing work of amending Battle's Revisal, but if it does enter -npon that expensive business then it will be well to have lHia!Maw8 fe,vUed by com- nftssTbe? Tbe Wilson Advance has a modest and limel editorial nn v ravWri-nrt r ' " . --v. . nr o. Am euitors are lawyers, and ate familiar -with the difficulties nnrl it,- . vi. wuo luuuiacraoie uuumeun or me last t ;kf i: m v ikul i w i - ; yars and "repealing ciausen .u i ninatorv acts which have oeen ' I - ure881l vision. We oanriOl dtf'betTBr tiran to copy the following. The Advance says: . ,r "No more important matter We arts saih- fioH an fnamrft their attention. I U6 l"8 For to them ihey are tuacoiea rr-r me pru- leciioo of iheir lives, Iheiriioeriyaou loe.r n.nnUtlU A klinR (078 OI IOC ll UI which be is governed is therefore a mailer orparamouDi importance 10 every m. A nrt .nvoniprnment which Withholds SUCH knowledce or fails o render U easily acces The preseoi Legislature could not, we think, render a more accepiaoie swficoiuiuo pie thao to appoint lhe Chief Justices of ihe Supreme Coun aud two of me aoiesi iinn of the statute laws now in force in the State, and provide a liberal salary for their eAvniroo ' services. THE KAILROiU CNTBOVKBf. The papers are still discussing the merits of Black versus Curtis on the lis great railroad question. "It IS DeiU, e T j 0 and, correctly It may be, that J cage Blacvfl position is wrong because he r a88Ume8 a fal8G premise and U,pon it . . , t. builds a sopbistioal argument. In his svlloffism be assumes that a rail- uib bjiiuioui roa(j j8 a public highway" in the r . , sense that a turnpike road 18 a pub- ... T , i , lip. hicrhwav." It 18 Said that the laws governing the two are not the same. The Louisvilie Courier-Journal has been dealing with tbe question with considerable force. It not only meets Black S argument, DUt It nqas . , . Curtis e position not mUCQ more BOUnd. It says the ground he takes is untenable, because the Dartmouth College case will not answer his pur pose. The subject is of sufficient interest and importance to tne puu- lie tojrequire all the light possible, and we therefore copy a portion of what the Courier Journal says of the rights of property and the rela- tion of the corporation to the Stale, j It .says: I "The State caDcot take the property j I ruin one muiviuuai auu Kirs it iu luwuci for his private use, eveo when it is cetiafa the second party would so manage it as io make it of much greater benefit to the public Tbe State cannot even force A to sell bis property to B at a fair valuation if A is to derote ft to his own nsei The State, by tbe exercise of the right of emN oenl domain, can lake private properly and devote it to public use. That great right bas been invoked by every road in the country. These roads, if they bad been private property in the sense con tended for by Mr. Curtis, bad no claim of mis cnaracier on me otaie; ana u tne oiaie takes the private property of individuals and devotes it to tbe service of corpora tions, U ceases to be private property If, on the contrary, the road is private property, then tbe Slate bas lhe same authority over ii as it has over tbe properly of other ctti- BOUTCi iul uyciiT ui muci 111- I z;s, and when emergencies arise it can J take il and devote it lo tbe use - of lBe public. Again, slmost every road in the country has been Ternment: the States, counties, districts I k. mAA , i;k I yu tiiuuiipamrea uaiv oiuwu luuai aiv i J iZ. yu,,U4Us 4" . y4- Jt"wn cannot be tn any justice tmpoted for the bene- fit f private individuals. It is an exercise of the highest sovereign power, which can 0Dly inT0ked in behalf of tbe public, 1 never for Vie benejU of private individv- 'I'T.l'ES'C' w'hout exception, been the beneficiaries I or Duraensome taxation, nave lost tbe cna- I racier which Mr. Curtis gives them. They fKnnnl rlim fhp nriviloiroa wilhnn) alfVial same time, assuming the obligation, which . . . " v restnpon public works established by pub I ,ic aatDOri 7 afld intended for the pubWc f USe. I This puts the case very strongly, it United States, and very nearly ,di must strike all. It shows that a VKiing. the United States Houpe.of . , . , , . rr rn t n no I i n rL nvrvaii in AnvAai tinn I b. v,- VFFVo...M yar in the popular vote and in Con to tbe Curtis theory. It seems to gress. All that is needed among the reduce tbe railroads to a sort of Democrats of the country is honest quandary. How can they deny the leadership wid perfect union among r . . . , , . , themselves. And these seem easy to Government the right to deal with aUain iQ v1qw q the Ume beore their property if they insist it is them and the tremendous warning private, if at the same time tbey argue just behind them. JFbrhey's JPresB . that tbe Government by right of The only right which Great eminent domain bas taken the pri- Britain has i to govern, the Boers is , , , that of might. The subjugation and vate property of individuals and used annexation of thtransiatl republic it for railroad purposes, converting : . :. . e , . .. I ii iuiu privato property I or aaia rail I rn.ric9 tk A ,. I vauoi auo viiiumuail ITUZCMf Bays. I 3 ti,;. k r . . t. railroads, of tbe right to take private prop1 erty, wbicb can be taken only for public use, is an essential factor in this question. Law is the growth of circumstances. The power of texio the people, which ia grow- ing Dy raurosa consoiidalton a Dower I easily exercised- far-beyootf what Go- ernment would daretodo willevolvelaw J to fit the public need." Before this question is settled there j 11 be a tremendous contest. The nK n '. 1 - .1 : : 1 1 .. 1 ..ku .a.nu Wujpuiwui rel 16- gaily every attempt to rob them of by what tbey conceive to he their vested rights. They will not agree that property that has been built and equipped by private" means and en- terprise shall be regarded simply as a turnpike road, whilst they,ill not oppose just and well-considered le- gislation. Since :Prepa,mg the above the New York Chamber of Commerce has had a meeting, aud a special committee on railroad transportation bas .made an elaborate report. It contains one statement that will arrest the attend tion of the Congress and the coun- try. It is not new to the readers of tbe Star, as a similar statement was , a e in an article. copied som. days ww..u! since.i it is that, tne magnates can take , mav tniUK DrODer. seven tV-tiirfl mil. ju e . . . la. . t . . . I lars from the pockets of tbe to iiuu uuiiara irum T nA nnnvaio ri r rna farmers by simply advancing freight rates fiveVcents on the hundred fpoiBdst Thiafct will strtfgth the handa-'those who ate 'snstaia mglthe (rtll of .Representative Ii iratir-of Texas, which DroBTseaTo CD 9 . 9 A regulate railroad charges. The com mittee recommended that the Reagan bill be sustained W.tfee Chwiiber fa Gommgroe It als. . reuomfuwixitfd, mai me otaies ua urgeu, luiuugu . . . el,;.i-tlire- lo define what were public rights. We note trse hj beeauae the railroad queatioii I - -t I js destined tr te one of ihe great tfre great question. The ipeeoh of Queen Victoria to the British Parliament if. as we sup- ge(J wonlj be a Very important I . official document. It foreshadows the policy of the Liberal Govern ment and contains suggestions as to those measures which the Parliament will be asked to grant. She asks for an increase of powers that law may be enforced and order preserved in Ireland. She declares her anxiety to retfove all grievances and to improve Ireland 'condition by judicious legis lation. To this end she recommends the extension of the Irish Land Act, developing its principles and powers in a way to meet the crying necessi ties and special wants of Ireland. lo accomplish this certain obstructions must be removed that limit the tenure of land ownership. She also favors local government for the counties of Ireland, founded upon representation. This is a step certainly in the right direction. What are the piectse fea tures of this plan of local self government we are not informed an yeU VVe must hope that there are wi8dom and justice enough in the pre8ent Parliament to devise suoh measures as shall pacity Ireland aud bring her that immunity from wrong and that right of self-government which she demauds, and without w3iQ)s there can be no long-oontiuued. rest to the land or prosperity and content to the people. Conger has blown his horn to some purpose in the U. S. House. He has blown himself into the U. S. Senate The music Conger toots from his brass instrument appears to please the auricular appendages of (he av- praafl Michio-ander eraSe Micniganaer. CDBREHT COfljBBNr, It is better to unbend tbe bow . . . . I at times. A razor resisting the none to cive it edflte will sharpen ftself if ai f for a few weeka. fami,y u: j-j.-ki- mA tired, breaking the thread, and re- I fQ; K Ft i mr, iuoiug vvr 10 uiauancu - w u aw c ww or j ana wnen it is aiartea 11 win -sew t- ht ff The most odmuleriDf -all W"; m 1a?1 ?P A Lth enginery -man-r-needareau A month bf idleness, or, rather, relaxation, often adds years to life. Richmond Uo-oo part of tbe American people will ibis plain. . tratb grow tnnr mntHlv thnn amnnv th muMi. . . " - ' " " rPUHM a . 1 1 "l V uuiy; nf tka Snnth their tremendoaa uuua . luur oa., mi iraue, population and-railroada, but also hat arkilaknUinntlu RAnatn nf iKn iwepresentatives, tney must oain every - v. . by Sir Bartle.Kjcerei was land piracy, J a 'ni 1: r t 1 pure auu oiiupio. xue putiuy-ut uvu- conSlield waa to Dlav- the bollv to , ,. , " I wards all weak powers. Whenever I insult and outrage could be. offered with impunity they were dispensed. Among the meanest and most servile creatures whom Beaoonsfield em- ployed was Sir BartleTrereT Craeltv jt:1'-- aL' j..!j.AlUn. .n0nn. ..a.mn.. n.n'.. BU. ww"ruwJJWr?5,,4-I? nn. tra't8, alni8lrioDiifl;n9otb J TAS attory of which will Qpnsti-J tQUs me vmQd?M cnapiers ia nusn oisiory. xne 4aio. i ; WM WM - ftrirrw, HttmAaA innumerable atrooities. TTaA- itigton Port . . sOUTHE WLJf XE HI 1823, ekfghihlt andkiinR wert ttcefient lo ixew Uileana and ticiDlty. Congressman Reagan; of Texas, and ex-Postmaster General el the late Con-, federacy, is 68jnan eWrHewas born in m I T i - a . m w " ' The New, Orleans & Texas Pa- ciflo Railroad has recently purchased a site for a depot in New Orleans for $ 150, 000, aod, His stated, expected to spend $2,000,000 In the next twelve moDtaaJcr deDots. shoos, tracks. &c. s-i . ' Tn n i r Captain J?anlknerWilO Ja agent of the moat important Texas, railroad, and baiL or theirtmigratloh bu- Biness, say that-the emigraticfn roiri Oeofii - gla to Texas ha greatly deereaaeafor the blU "S I" 400 to 500 : a month, but fothe otter BSAUUea and more, on ucjr uoo oeen since pe nas nsa aovthlni? H ; - ucbq woes ee au ubu anyti do with emigration.-AT W. Grafy. j- .u m-w . x . a greatcaiiroad wnoie yeant would narmy ge overlfjO a T TT a CVLM "agavsWTHia weath- OE0UflBBUOrt noil The keen, lhe diamond- Judice r6tn J ftBU,i; .fite.uaiii flut-erl t ; oa iLe I footh lcb- spf f wr m! f 1 f - f Dea lawlyUeacaW The eyeatbataoaght life's my stern ecf, W ufr daring glanen fromjrfatcb uo depi i Ar.Jv rrHrcAtftfsToAe.r.l,'n ' -! A Mlrmifiileued conTu-iid. j,i-!lt. We cMWr-PtT tter" bmw thfr queenof such wide TBure- v '' " 1 A.a seldom in hi. 'a mote tmlri ilKngui Bui Mill our beartBwee befcvy f Ue She wrought to wumaoUood Judgeuoi! UAb nf O niu it is eath VV bo litis he vm acwd fcuflu( blaoM. Weep for llle "pjjyyexoiorUl breath, ; Literary World It is stated that tbe late George ElKJt left manuscripts which although in complete, will yet in part be published. Professor iiicbard A. Proetor, the reoowued oglish astronomer, will ar rive in San Francisco, ;CaT, bo the 25th of this mrVrrlh, aoti' tnakef a farewell lecture luUrHfaioagb ibis couuuy. The; site selected for the memo rial lo the laie Priuce Louis Napoleou in 8u Georb'4 Chapel, Windsor, is the space betweeu the pillars of tbe nave in toe south aisle; near the mooumeDt io Qaeeu's Victo ria's father, the Duke uf iLeol. A duel with sworoW has taken place between M,. Qraux and M. D. Infre ville, nephew of Madame De Bremont, io consequence of a Tetter from Madame Graax to M. Lnisant, fri con'rection wilb tbe charges against M Emil de Girardio. M. Graux was wounded below the eye. Gilbert and Sullivan are com ing back to this country next August to tuperinieud tbe production of their long piomiseo uew opeia The pay of the actor McCul lougb, duiiug his ri cent engagement at tbe Ftfth Avenue theatre. New Yoik, was about fSO.OCO. Successful actnrin a fort night can Dearly double Betcber's salary for .a year. But it requires bigh culture, peculiar talent and much labor. Geuevieve Ward, the American actress, says i hat every America n actor who bas appeared In London daring the fiast year bas been a great success, because bey are regarded ns a novelty and give life and vigor, wbicb meets with prompt re sponse Tbe enneor Jjear over his cruel daughters, -a ird the' anathema of Ayl mer over the murder of his mother, as de livered by Furrest in the . tragedies of Shakespeare aod Conrad, wefe two of tbe grandest invectives in human annals; but then oo man ever rendered these sweeping malediotiora like Edwin Forrest. Jbrnejf'a Progrm. Wow is Yo urTime Brown Roddick 45 market 8troet, DSSIRJE TO ANNOUNCE. THAT WE have been aaaking some very heavy purchases for so) me tune oacK in cotton goods, and are (miiMMrallA tk. r.ml .d.. TO. Save determined to MAjrJs no advance in I OUR PKICES, and are really retailing acme of Ue Goed-BELOW New York nwketoaotations. I NOW IS V1TTR -TTMK TO RTTV t We offering a 9-4 Bleached Sea iaiaqd Sheet- "K ' ioc. m evr f ora ny tne case at same priCtS. Bleached' Shirting Cc and upwards. Oor Stock embraces all the Popular Brands. Unbleached COttoa from 6c up. Rockingham A 8c per yard. Homespun, Check and Ginghams from Sc. 1 We have determined to onload oor shelves and eonntrrs before the New Tear, and are offering 8 FECIAL INDUCEMENTS in the following De partments ; LADIES', GENT'S A CHILD'NS UNDERWEAR, HOSIEBT-ANX OtOVES, ' ' ' ' I pajtSS GOODS, TABLE DAMASK. NAPKINS, l aoe wchus. obavatsl tb a, LACK PIGBFJ8, CRAVATS, TIES, Ac. Onr space will admit of no more. Call and see for yourselves. We an alive to, all changes. BROWN RODDICK, 45 Market St. deStf Qloaks, Shawls, DOLLMANS, Blankets. 3"ARB OFFESBD AT REDUCED PRICES. nTT. " : ,""" , A FULL STOCK. . I AND at th closest prices for cash, j E. II. IIcINTIEE. Jan 4 tf , " Coal and Wood: .iiy4 -y- v auvau totbrpr brick and po wdejj at lowest cash prices. M&rwSej sk Pe ruynBHcr wariQ. 2000 Tons No. 2 Peruvian Guano, 1 1 For Sale by Williams & Llurchison. JanGtr r4xHB MANUFACTURERS blf THESE CELE A brated PJowh haar gwen ns 4hemtroLof them in this section of the State far.tha numt tnnr mara This seseon we nave perfected arrangements wttb I them that enables as to sell them lowtsr than ever before and orders direct to " as we gaaranteo ' to atve j.tb iowstcaah prtoga- jwtftfbo -"iairtseatreot. , .mimMrmp CU1- ''' . 2t ' . WX.f5MMX$ rVWBSi r - w'?"3 PARKER A TAYLOR. r oaneroua than havaavsimAJr rorau, ana uteuircmr, davb emt MISCELLANEOUS. DLlI !J -I ItaveyoncauehtacofdJL Gi XI V m Are yon unable to raisa the paie p.r lle yoqan oppression m the hipga-vwi aahortcreatMkJto yon have hflt of coafirhine on 1 vine down? A aharo rain now" and then in the region of the heart and shoul ders? A chilly sensation down the back? If so, to aVagereaa SUghtcolda," M neglecteoften resultin consumption, when uarenteay UeffaroxBu&l would have averted li von can pet the rcrnedv-which the test of twenty-yearn aaa prevoa m neTHaamu wm.mm - eflrTiB ' !' i Ml mi I I irTa i iiii.m J nabi Balaam war diacoyareiL.-,,. TIITr i V Df7 rTTiT r A T IT Win enable yon to raise the phlegm, cause . pleasant Bleep and Ton will wake Mffie:-' Children love iL NefampVahoWdbewittioufcf aft uuiu ujr uiucgiBW aaaw v cxu ay a wiwvf Principal office 35 Murray $t. ew "Yiork., r- mended tor the -care" of all i diseases of. the stomach, liver and, bowels.! "They purify the blood, lcrcnth'apptltei cause the" body to Take on JFfcglk; d; by thejlr Tonic Action onihe DigostivcOrgaltsrBfegnlarStoohi are produced. As n enre foirCbiUa and Fe ver, Pyajpepalo, BMt Tnsitflaic.be, BIMwnsi Golte CoautipatUavRfceamariam. Piles? Palpltatton of the Heart? Pain In tbe Side? Back and Loins, and' Femle TpretraW 1 art ties, they are without a. rival. If yon do not 44 feel very" well,' a single pill at bed time stimulates the stomach, restores the appetfte,'' and Impart vigor to the system. Pnce25c Ofttce, 35 Murray St., New York. W&ITK FOB, TDTT'S MANUAL fJtEB. ap is eod DW1t tn th sa nrm Apples. Apples. ftQ Bhls A No. 1 BALD. APPLES. For saleiry- I desltf KEftCBNWCALDKRSKOS. Bacon and LariL gQ Boxes P. 8. SJDKS, Boxes and: half Casks SaW. SIDES, Tabs LABn.' For sale by de 31 tf KBItCUNER A OALDBH BfiOS. Cheese. Cheese. IflA Boxes fine CREAM CHEESE, 1UU deSltf For sale' by KBRCHNBR A CALDERBKOS. Cornr Oats, IleaL JQQQ Bushels CORK . 2000 Bu9hel8 OAT8 fjQQ Bushels Water Mill KZAL, For sale by . Ode 31 tf KERCHNEit A CALDKR BBOS. lSt; FurnltUT 1881 WE GREET ALL OF OUR CUSTOMERS AND friends with a happy New Year, and return thanks for the Large and Liberal patronage ex tended to us in the past one. . Onr Stock, both In Ware Kooma aad lturtnr im the Largest ever ettered In the State, and at as low prices aa any Manufacturers in the country. Please examine Stock or send for price list be- iu.o piacwg your oraers. Ja 8 tf D. A. SMITH A CO. :28TE Popular Monthly Drawing of the CoiffluHWBultt DistrMofi : Cofiipi; At ltlacftuley's Theatre, lathe dry of LouiBTille, on ' Monday, Jan. 31st, 1881 These drawlnes occur mohthlv fSundavs nnt. ed) under provisions of an Act of the. General As- lumKlv tt R.ntM .V. InjiMtinMdn. . V . . ii; "L waciu. act. and has k- YER BEEN REPEAIiED ' The UnlteS States Clreult Court en March SI ren dered the felknrbuc docisiono -z 1st. THAT TBS COMMON WEALTH DISTRI. BUTION OOMPAlriFlSUSGAL. Sd. ITS DRAWINGS-ARE-FAIR. The Company has now on -hand a large reserve fund. Read tbe Hst of prizes for THK JANUARY DBA-WlHG. 1 Prise $000liO0Prias$MO'-ach $10,000 Pfjae 'SffSS5 Meachia:ooo 1 Prise . . B,OW- SOo Prises aOeaeh lkooO Pio3J,9CDf,IIe" "each ISOOO rxixM iuussocnp- n . 900' 1.960 Prises Whole Tickets, $. ' $114,400 ST 110018, 9OO. MM.. . . .9, ClX . . aenii aaoney or Dana urart m letter, or send by BxDresa. DON'T 8KND by RKOismantRn r.r : TER Oft POaTOFFICE ORDER. Ordera of $ uu ujiTKiw, uj &iHm. can 09 sent, ac qur ex? Address aiiiorders to K. M. BOARD MAN. Journal Unndbifr.l lxnTvrr.i.a ir i jan 4 eoiw tn th aa -r m i "TpjEoX OIHj TJTSrT Jas. C. Stevenson London Layer Raisins, flat quarters, two creoas,80e Assorted Nuts, 16Kc per lb ; Freeh New Currants, ec per lb; Nobby Mixture Candy, 2to i er lb; No 4 Nice Pure Mixture, 16c per lb; Finest French Candy. 35c, or 3 lbs for $1.C0; Cooking Batter, to arrive by steamer to' day; 25c; Elegant Va. Valley Butter, in rolls, 30c per lb; Small Sugar Cured Hams at t2c per ib ood article Laguayra Coffee, 6 lbs for.1 AppleffenY; Sfcper lb very tilcorTneat8. AU Goods FKESfLsmdbht-thmonth, -Above are my regular priceaw and are not set for UW VIHIMU . 2. AWLoff?& iiowew.or this week T, Citroh at S5c per lb. aseortnient of fine Cakes and -Crackers can't xelied. ONLT, Mvas be excelled. Sugars are offered low enough to please any one. Call on me and I will trv & norvn 7ir.i.Aat!' tionsly and properly. - " " F""V m. JAMBS C STEVENSeN. P. 8. Thirty Barrels APPLES expected to day. deal tf At A; David's. a wis uitBAiajr INDUCEMENTS EVER Offered to tbe public All Our Ilafcfia ciist, folly 90 per cant, less than any House dare offer. Come early and secure those splendid bargains. AtiMtl At Cost It 1 A. DAYID. ja 3 tf Corner Front and Princess Bs. Mi SAi MISCEIJiANEOUS. t3T"A!l correspondence ehould be with M. A. Dauphin as below. In all eases the TICKKTH theiase,lve) areae.t, andt neyer jcircalara off erlng certJflcates'of anytHng mac 14stdd. Any one pro poaiaato oger-ABj-thing.f.lf hy r.i,rrnlrtr.tr oihe -wiseon his own behalf or thajLof the Cj?iany. 1b a swindler. I at KriiDnuiir1 vrruniunn I j n wiK ajOBTiaSi fKLSYWH tiBAND D1S- mil I DtTfltTlVY " n m An m mmm o n. . . m. . i i This institution was lnoorporated by the . Lejdslature of the tttate for ucatlonal and Chaxi- Uble purposes In 1868, FOK THB TERM OF TWKNTY-FIVB YBAKS. to which contract the l... violable faith of the StaU, is pledged, which pledge has beea renewed by n overwhelming popular vuus, iwuriiig us jrancntse in tne new constitution adopted December 2d. A. I. 1879. with a canitai of SMpO.OOfi. ta which it has since added a reserve runaor faau.ooo. ITS GRAND 8IKQLB NUMBBR DI8TRIBU TIOM will take nlace monthly on the tactmA Tnw. day. It never scales or postpones. ; Look: at the following Difltribution : . - OAPtTAl. PRIZri, $30,000. lOOOOa TICKBT8 AT TWO DOLLARS EACH i HALF TICTBTSONB DOUJtR. LIST OF PRIZES. 1 Capital Prize $3O,0C0 10,000 5,000 -5,000 5 000 10,000 10,060 10,000 10,000 10.000 1 Capital Prize 1 Capital Prize. i.. 3 Prizes of $a5f.... o rnze or 1000. 20 Prizes Of 600....... ... .. 100 Edzes of 100 toardae of eo... BOO Prises of 20.. lOOOPrlzesof 10.. : r. APPROXIMATION PRIZES: 9 Apprexlmatloa Prizes of $200 2,700 9 Approximation Prizes of 100. 1,800 9 Approximation Prizes of 75 900 J.867 Prizes, amounting to , ,..$110,400 Responsible corresponding agents wanted at all prOTnbjenpomts, to whom a liberal compensation ; For farther information, write clearly, giving full address. Send orders by express or Registered Letter or Money Order by mail. Addressed only to M. A. DAUPHIN, . New Orleans, Louisiana, or M. A. DAUPHIN, at No. 819 BROADWAY, NEW YOK.. All oor Grand Extraordinary Drawings are under the supervision and.management of GENERALS G T. BEAUREGARD and JtjB AL A. EARLY, de 15-D2aw4w&W we sat MUSICAL CHRISTMAS GIFTS. Most acceptable Rifts to players or singers will be le following elegantly bound books. lar'Any one mailed post free for the price here u. ROBERT FRANZ'S SONG ALBDM. UKM OJf BNGLOSH BONG. HOME CIRCLE. Three vblumes. WORLD OF SONG. PIANO AT HOME. 4 hand collection. SROWRR OF PEAKLS. Vocal Duets. . UKKJH.B. us tiA CRSME. 2 vole. OPERATIC PBARU9. GEMS OF STRAUSS. GEMS OF THE DANCE. CLUSTER OF GEMS.: SUNSHINE OF SONG. Eachjof the above in Cloth $2.50; Fine Gilt 3 00 STUDENT'S LIFE IN SONG. $1.50. CURIOSITIES OF MUSIC. ,$1.50. BBRTHOVEWJ1 A Romance by Ran. $1.50. RHTMSS AND TUNE& Xmaa Oil'g. $1.50. SULLIVAN'S VOCAL ALBOM. $1.50 FAIRY FINGERS. For Piano. $1 5D Oliver Ditsdn & Co., BOSTON. CHAS. H- D1TSON & CO. 843 Broadway, N. Y. de 4 daw tf .T. E. DITSON & CO. 922 Chestnut St., Phil. Wed & Sat Orocoriese Bagging, &c. 5QQ Half Rous BAGGING, IJtf, and" 2 lbs 1000 BandleB New and Pcd ties." I Q Q Lbs Bagging TWINE. For sale low by , WILLAMS A MURCHISON. de5tf lOOOO SaCl SAL?, Mar8aftU F.he and Llver- 20'Q fcs ad Bhla MOLASSES- i For sale low by deStf WILLIAMS A MURCHISON. 1000 BDtB'FIi0'lTI':aU rads' QQ Sacks CORN. ! gQjQ BagaCOFFKB. For sale low by de5tf WILLIAMS A MURCHISON. i JQQ Boxes and Half Bbls SNUFF, 150 Boes CANDY J 00 Boxes TOBACCO, 20Q Boxes CANDLES. ; For sale low by j de5tf WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. j 2QQ BoimSOAP' - 200 BoxM ?VABCH' ' 200 Cues L7S 100 60x64 F0TASH 1 i For sale krw by : deStf WILLIAMS A MURCHISON. j(AlL9, HOOP IKON, GLUE, CHEESE, CRACK rs, Wraping Paper, Twine, Ac. " , .. For sale low by degtf: WILLIAMS A MURCHISON. BEAT IT ! Til YOU CAN. PARLOR, CHAMBER, OFFICE, X Library, Dining, Marble Top and Kitchen Fur niture. Mattresses, Carpets, Oil Cloth, Wardrobes, Lounges, Sideboards, Fancy Furniture, suitable for xmaa Presents, Wholesale and Retail, at the New Furniture tori -of BEHRENDSA MONROE. B.K. Corner Market and Sd Streets. Wilmington, N.IC. The- largest stO ck at prices ; Justifying the above temark. , de 2j tf "fi'i ir -Jb ;,. Crown," PATENTED SPECIALTIES mt , - Hi CROWN" GOODS. The Reinforced Band Collars, The Entire Seam Cuffs, The celebrated "Crown Button Hole " The finest Cottars and Cuffs made, . - , OHN dyj:r & SON, janStf - Tailors and Furnishers.' Bid You iO ET ONE Orf OUR ILLUSTRATED CATA, vju logues ana price ust or cooiang ana Heating BtovesT Send forone . ' . ,- FOl TFTR irnr.TTi A V4 i : Berviceable articles' for the hohsehold In large de: 19 tf F. Mf KING'S A CO. Mio latest.; DI8TRK8SING HAN- rnrnlsh the best Mealki B ape Flw from JVbw; White Wneat, Wht Corn, Black and Mixed: Oat, Wheat1 and Corn Bran, Grits, HSfcChopaJAai at lowest prices hh, ' NE1 lis no5tf at the Cape Fear Mills. MISCELLAN E0US. Knickerbocker Gin. JjAVINO BEEN APfOlNTBD THg 80cJt Agents for the Bute ef North CWohna kno j" Marion, Darlington, Sutotcr, Ch...te,ae!d JA Marlborough counties in the ht te of Booth Vo Una. wc are prepared to Oil orders f4.r brated "je (VI. Knickerbocker Gin auui.iurcu i.y m spis thleu . Verwhoyi tiUerB, Leiden, ( ear bl, dmn ADKiaN ir VOlLiKs, 8. K. Oor and I ock Kr.u.t tret. I. Fire Crackers, ORANGES, NUTS, APPUC:t LEMONS, CANDY CITRON. COCOA NUTS, c. for tbe Holidays For sale by de 19 tf ADRIAN A VOLLSR8, Watt Plows, Watt Plows, Watt Plows. For sale by GILES A at ORCHIS s 3j A 40 Mnrchlun hUm de 19 tf 32 Market St. 32 S Sign of the Show Case with the Shoe maker. jyj Y STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES ALWAYS complete. Call and examine 8atlsfsctlon guar anteed to customers. Now is time to supply yoat families. mi A full line of those CHILDREN'S HCOTCU SOLE, in lsce and buttons. Seeing is bellevl r a Convince yourselves of the fan. Anew lot of those SCOTCH SOLB OAITKHH just received. Don't forget tbe eld number. C. ROSENTHAL, 3S IHAItKET T. no 7 if SCUPPERIMOIMG AND FLOWERS WINE MANUFACTURED BY White ville Wine Co. WHITEV1LLK, N. t T Simples and price on application. Send in your urders for tbe bollO.v.. at dc9 tf Notice. JOTiOJCIS HEREBY GIVEN THAT APPLICA tion will be made to the General Assembly, si iu next session, for tbe passage of an act to perfect the organization of the Carolina Central Railroad Company, and to empower said Corporation to U eue certain Mortgage Bonda. de3 83d Notice JS UErtKBY GIVEN THAT APPLICATION will be made lo the next General Asaembly of tbli State for the passage of an act to Incorporate the Clarendon Water Works Company. daS SOd For the Inner Man. rpHB OLD AND WELL KNOWN CITIZENS' MARKET is still supplying IU customers wilb the finest Beef, Pork, ttaatage 'and other meat. Lowest prices. T. A. WATSON CO., dels tf Proprietor. For Sale at Low Prices. 30Q Rolls and Half Rolls BAGGING. 1000 Arrow nd Delu TIKd- 100 80X68 D 8 nd Smokftd BACON, KAA Bbls FLOUR, all grade, lAfl Bags COFFEE, BO bbls SUGAR. 1UU 600 kegs NAILS. tffifi Bdls HOOP IRON, 1.000 New and )UU Second-Hand-ertBIT-BARRBLH, t)AA Cases Soaps, Lye, Potash. Bnaff, OUU Tobacco, boda, Crackers, Cheese Lard, Ac, Ac no 19;tf WORTH A WOBTB. A LARGE STOCK OF Sash. Doors, Blinds, AND ALL KINDS OF MILL WUhK, LUMBER, LA I IIS, &c, FOR SALE VERY CHEAP, AT ALTAFFKR, PRICK A Co.. Factory: Foot of Walnut st. de 19 tf Omen: Nutt, near Red Cross st. JNO. W. GORDON. W. i. eOKBOR. Jno W. Gordon Ml Dro., General Insurance Agents. Representing oyer $80,000,000 Assets i uti:, ja2 tf LIFE, 84 North Water St I Th6 AAallCOln PrOrOBS PubUsTwd Saturday 4Linolnlott,Ii. 0. . IS the only paper pubnabed InTJneotoeowaty and has an extonalve circulation tbe Mar chants. Fanners and all classes ef business men in the BUM. ' . 4 .. Ife offera to the MtrchanU ef Wilmington a a. anrable mediant for' advertising their 'business throughout Western' North Carolina LOherai terms will be allowed on yeany butw- tlsements Bnbacrlotioa priee. ft M par aanua lnM. . AtMreaa ' ft! DstAint. Editor aad Proprtotor.