MOM . 'fi MORNING 8TAR. IS) WTI. II. BEKKAKU L'K1.WHD DAILY KXOXPt Mv.Nl..t uTu or uaomiTTKMi in 41ini:i , yor. (by mail) foige paid, ,a month. - rx months. - its ' To"eUT Sabrlbrm, delivered in ui;pn or the Fifteen Genu per week. Our City goats -rc i"t authorised to COiJcl for none than three mn tb . c .dvance. ntl st tha Post Office at Wllmlngtos. N. t, sm u second class matter. " OUTL.I. . Mioor, the abscoodiog Fredericksburg btnker, carried off upwarda of $70,000. The completed census returns have been reported to Congress. House committee on Military Affairs reported iJTersely od the bill to place Geo. Graoton tbe retired list of the army; the Elections committee Jeclare Bisbee entitled to his (,.t as Representative from the Second dis trict of Florida. Gen. Hawley was yesterday elected U. S. Senator by the Coooeciicut Legislature. A murderer (U uSeo from jiil aad hanged by a mob 4i Piochf, California- The Atlantic Oil Refjoer y, near Philadelphia, was burned yesterJsy. with maoy thousand gallons 0( ii, wharves aod other properly. BiyrJ hs h;en relected U. S- Senator from Delaware. Got. Ludlow, of New Jersey, was inaugurated yesterday. Euieuu Hale was elected Senator from ANiur. Senator Johnson, of Virgiaia, ban prepaied an address in reply to the re crntly published interview with Gen. Mi- i, , . Michigan Legislature elected 11 P Baldwin as Senator Chandler suc- Clj),ir. New ork markets: Money 5(5 per cent ; coltun quiet at 1113-10 12 1-115 cents; southern flour dull and unchanged; wheat heavy and itc lower, ungraded spring 98c$l 04; corn is again in t.uyt-rV favor, ungraded 5355c; spirits i,irr..tuie lower at cents; rosin ,:u i .-I ek at $1 751 82. A couundrum : Is Best really after anything except to get possession of in-- Atlantic and North Carolina K iii road ? Utiil estate io New York is ad iHL'ii u. Soino receut sales of im proved property show a decided eo Laocemeut of values. O. O. Howard intimates that at West l'oiot the negro and the white uiau shall htTequal. Ilia management iu his new place will prove as great a failure as bis management of the Kreedmeo's Bureau. 1 he Legislature should move with -rcat caution on the railroad ques tion. The people may have wrongs to redress, bat this does not justify the. assumption that the railroads have no rights to maintain. lu 1S78 there were 10,478 failures iu the Uuited Stales. la 1879, there re (5,058. In 1880, 4,735. 11.1 is encouraging. The total liabil ities were only $65,752,000, against 193,149,053 in 1879, and $234,383, 132 in 1878. Capi. Bogardua, the "shootiat," is to be in Richmond to-day. Since we read of what Dr. Carver and that oiher fellow could do with the rifle we have lost our interest in Bogar .dus. We do refer to the celebrated "Bogardas boot," for editors' offices. The New York Herald calls Ire land the "Niobe of Nations." This s pretty, but picture Niobe swinging shillalah to the tune of "Wearing of the Green." One Byron, now forgotten by the Herald, said the time thing about another people some sixty years ago or more. Senator Don Cameron has been tendered the Secretaryship of War. He declined "with thank?," prefer ring to remain in the Senate. What has Don ever done to prove he is a man of ability? He and old Ananias, his father, have been able to run the Pennsylvania machine, but what else has Don done that showed smartoes even, much less high ability? It will be a relief to star-gazers zud persons given to seeing double, to learn that a number of astrono mers declare that there is no imme diate prospect of strange sights in the heavens. Persons of uneasy consciences, who are afraid of being alone, will be glad to learn that an early ending of the world is not looked for by men of a scientific turn. If we may trust the Washington papers, the coming theatrical star is Miss Elanor Calhoun, a grand daugh ter of the great John C. Calhoun. She won a splendid triumph in Wash ington last week. The Herald said : "But there U, aboYa all, about Miss Cal houn that spell of youth and freshness that must captivate even the jaded theatre-goer and make him know what enthusiasm means once more. There is a young girl who has come to us out of the West, though with the credential of an old South Caro lina name, and we think we may fairly say that she has taken the town by storm. In Mantel Rcchat, on Thursday night. Miss Calhoua scored ber third triumph, less pro nounced than in The Hunchback, but what would have been a striking one if expecta tion had not been excited to so high a pitch by ber previous performances, la all the strong scenes she created a profound impression. rrn VOL. XXVII.-NO. 100. An eccentric person named Thos. Dowse had a golden lamb in front of his business house as a sign, for he was a leather dresser. Some of the Harvard boys (bo lived at Cambridge, Mass.) broke the lamb's head and this so angered the old gentleman that be changed his will and left his $100,000 to other institutions, in stead of Harvard, which otherwise would have got it. Spurts Turpentine. Rider R. K. Hearu has revived the Fret Witt Bapiitt. published at Fremont- Mr. H. S. Blair has retired from the Hickory Carolinian. He has our best wishes. Hickory Press: The longest rab bit tale we ever beard of 300 rabbits were caught in the space of one square mile on the farm of Mr. Sutlltmyre, near this place. Greensboro ProUstant: We have had a very serious loss this week in the death of one of the compositors of this office Charley Addertou, of Lexington, N. C. Salem Press: At John Willard's sale corn brought 60 cents per bushel, and wheat $1 2ll 25. We bear or sweet potatoes and pumpkins being fn zen all over the country. Warreu News: Mr.W. B.Cheek'a store bouse, with goods, was burnt yes terday morning about 5 o'clock- He thinks it caught from the stove pipe. We learn that there was some insurance. Warrenton Gazette: The Ra leigh & Gaston railroad has reduced its passenger fare to 3 cents per mile, first claaa, and 3 cents per mile for second class fare, when return tickets are bought. Ashboro Courier: Tue Poplar Branch Gold Mine, four iniiea west of this place, the properly of Thomas Winslow, was sold for $3,000 to a Northern com- paoy. We learn tnal tney will put up ma chinery and commence wrk soon. Ilichmood (Va.) Recorder: Prof. Ucinbsrt's Female Institute, at Tnomasvillp, N C. is having a very suc cessful sesaiou. lie bad forty boarders some days and will probably have twice as many when he can arrange to take them. Raleigh Visitor: Archibald Taylor, of thia county, familiarly known in this city as "Baldy Taylor," died at his residence oo Saturday morning last at quite ao advanced age. Dr. Skinner re ceived a dispatch yealerday, conveying the bad intelligence thnt his sou, in New York, watt dtueiously ill. tie lefi yesterday afteruoi.ii to a'.tei-d bis ttedtide. Charlotte Observer: The Demo cratic caucus of tue Legislature has decided togtveibe public piloting to the Raleigh New-Obterter. It is reported that the price has been raised. There appears to have been do contest, as tbe vote was taken by acclamalioB. The eceue at China Grove day before yesterday, when the pas-pt-i ger train ran off, wg very animated. Tue fai t mail being right behind the pas seoger, tbe women and children stamp ded. Ooe fellow, in ILe excitement of the occa siku, dropped a two-moDilis-old baby as be scrambled op an embankment. Tbe Washington correspondent of the Ilaleigb Neu-Oberver thus refers to some forlorn victims of the exodus fever: A dozen Noiib Carolina pilgrims, headed by oue David Hargrave, recently appeared in out s reels, returning to their home near Macon, Warien county, penniless, almost hire of clothing, friendless and utterly for lorn. Both of the men and also the two women of the tattered group - had taken tbe word of a broiber-in-law of one or tuem and "gone west" to Butler county, Ohio, last March, in the expectation of finding there a Buck-eye paradise. Instead they soon discovered that there was little chance for such as they in that bustling, pushing, self seeking Yankee community, and set out to return to native land, aban doned homes and only friends. When they reached hete their eight children were cry ing for bread, and they had not even a stone to give them. Goldsboro Messenger The At lantic & North Carolina Railroad Compa ny announces its readiness to pay off all of its interest accruing on tbe tint day of January. It is a good sign when such eminent physicians as Dr. & 8. Satchwell come to the conclusion that they have not yet attained perfection io their profession, and that there is still room for improve menu He left for New York last week for tbe purpose of attending a full course of medical lectures at tbe Medical University. We have no further news concerning tbe new Midland Railroad Company. There appears to be no doubt that Mr. Best has formed a new syndicate and relies upon the Midland charter to carry bis projects to success. What this project is remains to be seen. Those interested in tbe new scheme preserve a considerable degree of reticence in tbe matter, but there seems to be a tacit understanding that the first ob ject aimed at is to get possession of the At lantic ik North Carolina Railroad. Greensboro State: On Wednes day night, the 5th insL. tbe store of Mr. James M. Sutton, located at Gibonsville, in Guilford county, was entirely destroyed by fire, together with all its contents, con sisting of a general variety of goods. The fire was discovered about 11 o'clock, at night, and when discovered the flames bad made such progress that it was impossible to save any of the stock. Tbe two young men one of whom was me son or toe pro prietorbad some trouble to make their escape. Tbe latest report from Ra leigh is that Buford and Best have fallen out, and that Best has put him self beyond communication, taking with him all tbe books of tbe company. The fiftieth session of Greensboro Fe male College opened last week under the most favorable auspices, notwithstanding the very Inclement weather. Right Rev. Bishop Keane, of Richmond, Va-. who has control of tbe Church of North Carolina until tbe appointment of a Ticsr Apostolic of tbe same, has appointed Rev. Father Moore as superintendent of the Church in tbe Western part of tbe State. Rev. Father Moore will make bis residence in Hickory, and will attend the Missions in the various parts of his district from there. Charlotte Observer : The stock holders of the Odell Manufacturing Com pany have decided to put in about $7,000 worth of new machinery, such as cards, &c. Tbe company's new machinery and buildings have cost them, since tbey com menced operations in July; 1877, $45,428. .Tbe new county of "Durham will probably go through. It takes off portions of Orange, Wake and Granville, and starts with over fourteen thousand population, WILMINGTON, three thousand more than tbe exaction of tbe law. There promises to be a weak fight against it. Orange county is not agreea ble, but Major Graham informs me that there will be no great opposition. It takes off tbe New Light township from Wake, the only live nest of . Democracy she bad and for this some of ber peo ple are warmly opposed to it. The announcement of Mr. Best's en terprising and magnificent schemes for in ternal improvement made in this issue of the Otarvsr would gladden with hope and stir to their depths all patriotic hearts, were it not for a most unfortunate . suspicion of their insincerity. His scheme to build a railroad from Goldsboro to Charlotte or Salisbury is entirely too stupendous. Mr; Wm. A. Waterhouse, of the Augusta (Maine) Standard, favored the Observer with a call yesterday. He is down South for the first time and thinks of settling somewhere on tbe Alr-Line road. He does not think that tbe Maine liquor law is a success and says that it has been used there for corrupt political purposes. He thinks North Caro lina would not do well to emulate Maine's example. Bill Williamson, well known in tbe community, was committed to jail yesterday by Justice Waring, for selling a mortgaged crop, which is made a criminal offence by the North Carolina law. Senator Wade Hampton passed through the city yesterday evening. He came in on the afternoon Richmond & Danville passen ger train too late to catch the regular Columbia train, but he being desirous to reach borne on account of serious sickness in his family, a special was gotten ready, and he, with s number of other passengers who had been left, proceeded to Columbia. NEW ADVEBTlSBIflENlS. Louisiana State Lottery. Mtjuds Cod Liver Oil, &c. M son Cardigan Jackets. At Auction Bananas, fcc. Haix & Pkarsatj. Prepared Lime. Local Dot. The receipts of rosin for the two a days last past footed up 8,283 barrels. Monday was quite pleasant, but the cold wave struck us again during the night. Sportsmen have been killing plenty of robins in tbe vicinity of Wilming ton lately. The first shad of the season was caught Monday, near Federal Point, by Messrs. W. E. Davis and son. Nothing for the Mayor's Conrt yesterday morning, except a few cases for the non-payment of license taxes. Mrs. Russell, wife of Hon. D. L. Russell, member of Congress from this District, is reported quite ill at the Ebbitt House, Washington. Our business friends should bear in mind that the mail is taken out of the Market house box every afternoon at 4 o'clock, and never any later. Receipts of cotton, yesterday 446 bales. By the way, the receipts of cot ton for tbe week ending Monday last show ed an increase of 1,406 bales over the cor responding week last year. Tbe "body of the late James Heaton was taken up from Oakdale Ceme tery, yesterday, for removal to Newbern, where it will be placed by the side of the mortal remains of bis father, the late Hon. David Heaton. Mr. John Bloom, son of the late Mr. J. T. Bloom, brother of Mr. H. H. Bloom, of this city, who perished in the Indian Creek disaster, has been appointed successor to bis father as Mail Agent on the Western Division of the Carolina Central Railway. After careful inquiry we are glad to be able to say that tbe report in cir culation in this city on Saturday last, to the effect that the two Autry brothers, from Bladen county, had lost their lives from a raft about four miles above this city, was perfectly groundless. , The Observer claimed that Mecklenburg would come second this year in the amount of her State tsx. We show ed that New Hanover led Mecklenburg by $1,601 27 ; and now the Observer comes back at us with "But how about the $12, 000 school tax?" The school tax goes to tbe county not to the State; hence we said nothing about it. The Slate tax was under consideration. Organization or a Brtncb of tne JrUh Una ttsiae. Pursuant to a call in yesterday morning's Stab, signed "Many Irishmen," about fifty Irishmen and others interested in the cause assembled at the office of Mr. F.H. Darby, president of the Hibernian Associ ation. On motion of Mr. Darby the meet ing organized permanently by the election of tbe followingo fflcers : President John Barry. 1st Vice President John Dyer. 2d Vice Presidents Thomas Monks, 3d Vice President Dan Quinlivan. Secretary James Corbett. Treasurer Dan O'Connor. We understand that the organization has made a very promising start, and will no doubt be the means of rendering material aid to the cause in which they are enlisted. -wswsfssw A Trip Down in River. Our distinguished guests, Gen. Imboden and Mr. Hyndman, alluded to yesterday as being here for tbe purpose of examining into the facilities offered by our port as an outlet for the vast coal and iron deposits of Southwest Virginia and Western North Carolina, went down the river yesterday on the Government steamer Woodbury, Capt. Harper, accompanied by Mr. Henry Nult, F. W. Kerchner, Gen. M. P. Taylor and Mr. Bacon, engineer in charge of the go vernment works at the mouth of the river. They did not return until a late hour. N. C WEDNESDAY. BOA It U OF ALDBftitlBIf. Abstract of Proceeding; In Called session. Tbe Board of Aldermen met in called session at the City Hall yesterday afternoon. All the members of the Board were present. Tbe Mayor stated that he had called this meeting for tho purpose of giving the City Attorney power to draw deeds for property sold for city taxes, and receive a communication from the Board of Audit and Finance relative to the market ques tion. Alderman Myers, Chairman of tbe Com mittee on Ordinances.offered an Ordinance, which was adopted, empowering the City Attorney to make the necessary deeds of conveyance to the city for all real estate sold by him for the non-payment of taxes, and upon, which the said taxes are still due and unpaid, and making provision for tbe redemption of the said properly within two years from the 1st of January, 1881. A communication from tbe&Board of Au. dit and Finance, disapproving the contract with the Wilmington Market Company, was read, as also the opinion of tbe City Attorney pronouncing the contract illegal. The Board of Audit and Finance, in their communication to the Board of Al dermen, say : "We return herewith the contract with the Market Company referred to this Board for approval. It is returned without such approval, as we believe' it to be illegal. We are opposed to tbe mode and manner pro posed.of paying for the markets. We do not think it right or legal to barter away for a term of eighteen years an unknown portion of the city revenue for tbe purpose named in said contract, and especially when. the barter iscoupled with conditions that will seriously interfere with tbe privi leges of the citizens of Wilmington not only venders of fresh meats, but commis sion men and grocers. Tbe conditions 'of tbe sale of the property to the city are, that all revenues derived, from the rents of stalls, license taxes of butchers, and other dealers in perishables, as well as fees for weighing beef cattle, for a term of eighteen years shall be collected and retained by the Market Company; and for the purpose of enlarging this fund, ordinances are to be passed and rigidly enforced, prohibiting the sale of all marketable articles and per ishable articles within four blocks in any direction from the market house named. The more strictly these oppressive laws are enforced to tbe inconvenience of many merchants and citizens, the larger the sum paid by the city for the propeity. Desiring to have legal information in a matter of so much importance to a tax paying commu nity, we sought and obtained tbe opinion of the city attorney, which is berewith en closed. If, as be believes, this contract canuot be legally entered into, and it should be so decided by tbe courts, there is no provision made for the return to tbe city of any of the revenue collected by the Market Company, or their successors, or the pay ment of any city taxes during its undisputed continuance." Alderman Divine offered tbe following, which was adopted: Retolved, That the facts set forth in the objections to the market contract by the Board of Audit and Finance are not suffi cieut to lead this Board to change its action in the matter. Alderman Myers moved that tbe Board of Aldermen ratify its action as taken at the regular meeting of December 6th, 1880, in accepting the contract with the Wilming ton Maiket Company. The motion was carried, Aldermen Bowdeo and VonGlabn voting in the negative. Aiderman Foster moved that the old market house be sold to Jos. Stern berger, at his bid of one hundred and thirty dol lars, tralesa a more favorable bid be re ceived by the Mayor, chairman of the com mittee on Finance, by 12 o'clock M. to-day (January 19th, 1880). The motion was carried, Aldermen Bowden and VonGlabn again voting in the negative. Alderman Myers offered a series of ordi nances establishing the new market bouses and regulating tbe sale of meats, fish, vege tables, etc., which were adopted, and the Board adjourned. Exporta of Bosln. Mr. Oscar Meier, broker, 9 South William street, New York, sends us a statement of the exports of rosin from the United States' from January 1 to December 31, 1880, es follows : j Aberdeen 3,851 barrels; -Antwerp, 23, 149; Amsterdam, 6,997; Bremen, 9,929; Belfast, 5,526; Bristol, 4ft784; Denmark, Sweden and Norway, 612; United King dom and Cork, for orders, 10,838; France, 23,951; Granton, 11,515; Goale, 7,325; Glasgow, 50,213; German1 Baltic,. 38,731; Hull, 16,570; Hamburg and Harburg, 109,- 748; Traly, 49.600; London, 72,031: Liver pool, 81,973; New Castle,'. 9.236; Rotter dam 68,600; Russian Baltic, 49,795; Portu gal and Spain, 7,772; Africa, South Ameri ca and East and West Indies. 54.396. To tal for the year 751,179 barrels. The stock of rosins on hand the 1st of January, 1881, at the places named, is given as follows : New York, 67,657; Wilming ton, 122,895; Charleston, 33,076; Savannah, 58,618. Total 251,746 barrels, no HoneaTT-""" The sad news came over the wires from Abboltsburg, yesterday morning, to tbe effect that most unfavorable symptoms bad been developed in the case of Mr. W. E. Hill, who was so badly injured in the steam saw and planing mills in that place on Saturday evening last, and that no hopes were entertained of; his recovery. Kev. C. M. Payne, of Ibe Second Presby terian church, Mr. John Cdlville and a number of lady friends of the family went up on the regular train yesterday morning. Further telegrams, as well as a gentleman friend, who arrived here on tbe 350 train yesterday afternoon, confirmed the sad in telligence and left no room to hope for any but tbe worst results. P. S. Since the above was in type we regret to learn that Mr.' Hill died at 7J o'clock P. M. on yesterday. It is under stood that his remains will be brought to Wilmington for interment. Star JANUARY 19. 1881. OallF Weather Bulletin. The following will show the state of tbe thermometer, at the stations named, at 3 DO P. M. yesterday, Washington mean time, and also the amount of rainfall in inches .for tbe twenty four hours ending daily at 3 P. M., except Tuesday, when it is . 48 hours, as furnished by Sergeant James W. Watson, Signal Officer at this Station: Tem. R. F. Weather. Atlanta 44 .25 Lt rain Augusta v 45 .22 Lt rain Charleston 48 .00 Th'tng Charlotte 36 .00 Cloudy Corsicana... 36 .40 Cloudy Galveston 46 1.02 Cloudy Havana 79 .00 Clear Indianola... . 39 .53 Cloudy Jacksonville 63 .00 Fair Key West 80 .00 Fair .Mobile , 68 .24 Lt rain Montgomery. .... 59 .17 Lt rain New Orleans 73 .00 Cloudy Punta Rassa 78 .00 Fair Savannah 70 .36 Cloudy Wilmington 48 .00 Cloudy Cedar Keys 73 .00 Fair Pensacola 63 .47 Hazy Tbe following are the Indications for the South Atlantic States to-day: Partly cloudy weather and areas of rain, northeast to. southeast winds, a slight rise in temperature and in the northern portions falling barometer. A Hanging Postponed. Jim Black, the colored man who was arrested by Officer Simon Richardson, in this city, some months ago, on tbe charge of murder in Marion county, South Caro lina, and who was subsequently tried, con victed and sentenced to be hanged on tbe 10th of December last, is still "in the land of the living and on praying ground." It seems that the Governor afterwards re spited him to Friday last, January 14th, and all the preparations had been made to carry out the law, religious services having been held, and his mother and sister having bid him good-bye and left him, not expect ing to see him again, when a telegram was received from Gov. Hagood again respiting him until the 18th of March, in conse quence of some clerical errors in the papers, It is thought be will certainly swing next time. He killed a man named Eli Wilcox during a quarrel, shooting him with a pistol, on tbe 9th of February, 1880. Historical and Bclcntlne Socle?. Dr. Thos. F. Wood will deliver his promised lecture before the New Hanover County Historical and Scientific Society, in this city, on next Monday evening, the 24th inst. His theme will be "North Caro lina as a Field for the Naturalist," and the lecture will no doubt be both instructive and interesting. The public are respect fully and cordially invited to be present on the occasion. fflagiatrate's Court. John Wynne, colored, was arraigned before Justic Millis, yessterday afternoon, charged with carrying a concealed weapon. The evidence not being deemed sufficient to convict, tbe defendant was discharged. A Swedish barque, name unknown, is reported at the quarantine station with small-pox on board. LIST OF IiBXTBRS. Remaining in the City Post Office, January 19, 1880, unclaimed: A Thos Ashford, J H Alexander. B John Bennett, Jim Barlow, Willie Beasley, Capt Whitey Berry, David Bry ant, Hannah Blunt, Maggie C Beneman. C Emma Croom, Jane Cole, Willie Jane Carter, Irven Coslan, James P Chapman, Julia Conner, Shade Conner, W C Cow ane. D Hester Davis, Henry Day, Jane Da vis. L W Davis. E Henry Evans. F Haywood Faison, Fosdick, John Fai son, Jarah Fagans. G Hill Green. Philip Gleason, Nancy E Green. H Madam Hall, Hannah Hicks, Henry M Hall, Joseph H Hall. : J Sallie Jones, Mamie Jones, Hannah Johnson. Emma Jones, N A Jackson, Al fred Johnson, Alfred Judge, Benjamine Judge. KVallie D Kerr, Thomas H Kent, W F Keith. L Linda Lepsicomb. Wm Livingston, Albert J Lewis, Thos E Lord, P Lineham, Giles E Lennon, Jas Lenore, Hardy D Lee. M Maggie M Miller, Lucy Mack, C P Majers, George Massey, ueo jaorria xua Morris, J Metzger & Sou, John E Morris, W B McRimmons, D W Mathews, Duncan McFadden. N Mary J Nixon. P Anna L Price. EL Pierce. Eddie Price, John Prldgen. N,M Patterson, F M Pette way, Thomas H Paul. R C A Rowell, Carolihe Reels, Fanny Roberts. Harriet Ross. John rt Kone. 8 Addie B Soutberland, Julia Sanders, Sam 8tewart. W D Smith. Daniel Smith. T Georce Ta'vlor. Glennie Treslyan. Thomas L Tart, Pudolph Teith, Sallie R Trast. W Patience Wright. Burgess Williams, G Wilson. Geo R White, Geo D Williams, John A Wilson. W F ife b a. Weston. Persons calling for letters in the above list will please say "advertised." ii not called for within thirty days they will be sent to the Dead Letter Office. Ed. R. Bkink, P. M. Wilmington, New Hanover Co., N. C. Saved a Doctor's Bill. Geo. M. Walter, MABsnnirAr of the Adams Exnress Co.. Balti more, Md., says: "Having used Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup lor me past ten years m my family, I wish to say that I consider it tbe best Cough Syrup I ever used. It has cured my children of Croup several times and saved me many a doctor's bill. f FIRST ROUN OF QUARTERLY MEETINGS for the Wilmington District of the Methodist E. Church, South : ; Bladen, at Boole Chapel ! 15-1 KliiaboUi, at Klizabetlito wn , Jan'y S4 S3 Wilmington, at Fifth Street; Jan'y 2930 Wilmington, at Front Street Feb. 6 6 Smith vUle .. Feb. 8 9 Whiteville, at Whiteville ... Feb. IS 13 Waccamaw Mission, at Bethesda Feb. 1516 Brunswick, at Bethel.. Feb. 1930 TopaaU, at Wealeyan Chapel Feb. 3687 Onslow, at Tabernacle.....;.. M ch 6 6 Clinton, at Andrew Chapel. M'ca 1113 Cokesaury, at Hall's Jcto 19-20 f9The District Stewards meeting will be held at 10 o'clock: A. X., oa too 3d of February, in Wil mington, at the Parsonage of Front Street Chinch. A full attendance desired. L. S. BURKHEAD. Presiding Elder. i WHOLE NO. 4,189 KlVfill AND RIAKINB. The steamer A. P. Hurt, which ar rived here yesterday morning, reports only about twelvej;feet of water now oo the shoals. Tbe work of raising the steamer Gov. Worth is expected to be commenced to-day, under the supervision of Capt. S. W. Skinner, who has the contract for the work. A pocket full of money amounts to little w hen health is gone. To enjoy life, a good appetite, tound digestion and elastic limbs, take Tutt's Pills. Then, if you are poor, you will be happy; if rich, you can enjoy your money. They dispel low spi rits and give buoyancy to mind and body. XHK MAILS. The mails close and arrive tU the City Post Office aa follows: CLOSK. Northern through mails, fast, 7:00 P.M. Northern through and way mails 5:30 A.M. Raleigh 5:30 A.M. Mails for the N. C. Railroad, and routes supplied there from, including A. & N. C. Railroad, at 5:30 A. M. Southern mails for all points ,South, daily 8 A.M. and 7:45 P. M. Western mails (C.C. R'y) daily (except Sunday) 8:10 A. M. Mail for Cheraw & Darlington Railroad 7:45 r. M. Mails for points between Flo rence and Charleston, 8 A. M. and 7:45 P. M. Fayette ville, and offices on Cape Fear River, Tuesdays and Fridays 1:00 P M. Fayetteville, via Lumberton, daily, except Sundavs.... 8:10A.M. Onslow C. H. and interme diate offices, Mondays and Thursdays 6:00 A M. Smithville mails, by steam boat, daily (except Sundays) 8:30 A. M. Mails for Easy Hill, Town Creek, Shallotte and Little River, Mondays and Thurs days 6:00 A. M Wilmington and Black River Chapel, Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays 5:00 A. M. OPEN FOB DKLIVEKT. Northern through and way malls 7:30 A. M. Northern through malls 0:00 A. M. Southern mails . 7 :30 A. M. Carolina Central Railroad 4:00 P. M. General delivery open from 6:00 A. M. to6:00 P. M., and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30 A. M. Mails collected from street boxes every day at 3.30 P. M. Stamp Office open from 8 A. M. to 12 M., and from 2 to 5 :30 P. M. Money order and Register Department open same as stamp office. Stamps for sale at general delivery when stamp office is closed. TRIBUTE OF RESPECT. At a meeting of the Board of Magistrates of Pen der County, held at Burgaw on the 10th instant, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted : Whereas, since our last meeting, by the inscruta ble wisdom of our God, our friend and companion, DAWSON T. DURHAM, a most useful and hon ored member of this Board, has been removed from oar midst, therefore. Resolved, That while we bow in humble submis sion to the omniscient will of Him who doeth all things well, we cannot but deplore, with deep and abiding grief, the mournful void of a loved and trusted friend, whose spirit of truth and soul of worth and noble, generous life have enshrined him forever in the livliest affection of the heart. Resolved, That, by the death of Dawson T. Dor ham, this Board has lost a meat trasted counselor, the State a most valued citizen, the church a pious, useful member, and his family the devoted hus band, the tender father, the truest friend. Resolved, That we tender the a filleted -family our sincerest sympathy, our high appreciation of the noble virtues of their loved and lost, and our ear nest belief that he has exchanged a gloomy world of sorrowing toil for the radlent realms of celes tial happiness, in which Hope paints for them in the glowing colors of a sublime and immortal faith the glad reunion and the eternal rest. Resolved, That the Chairman of this Board cause these resolutions to be recorded in our book of re cords, to request their publication in the Wilming ton Stab, Daily Review; and the Raleigh Christian Advocate, and a copy sent to the afflicted family of the lamented deceased. . C W. Mc CLAMMY, ) JNO. D. POWERS. VConimittee. T. H. W. McINTlRB, ) CITY ITEMS. THR MORNING STAR can always be had at the following places in the city : The Purcell House, Harris' Newsstand, and the Stau Office. A RARE BARGAIN. A well established and prosperous Weekly Newspaper, located in a thri ving, growing town on the line of a prominent Railroad, Is offered for sale. Terms easy. For terms and particulars apply to the editor of this paper. FATHER IS GETTING WELL. My daughters say, "How much better father is since he used Hop Bitters. He is getting well after his long saJTering from a disease declared incurable, and we are so glad that he used your Bitters. A lady of Roches ter, N. Y. Utica Herald. A MILLION OF DOLLARS AS A NEW YEAR DONATION. The New Year opens brightly in a business outlook (taking reports from all points into consideration), and it suggests to the reader many reasons for. thanksgiving none greater at this time than the return of general prosperity to the Southern States and it causes every one to recollect that the existence of that great monument of philanthrophy, Thk Chabttt Hospital of New Orleans, was due to the $1,000,000, secured by the wise action of the authorities of Louisiana, from the bonus paid by the Louisiana State Lottery, The affairs of the lottery will be explained by writing to M. A. Dauphin, No. 819 Broadway, New York City, N. Y., or to the same person at New Orleans, La. WHO IS MRS. WINSLOW t As this question -is frequently asked, we will simply say that she is a lady who for upwards of thirty years has untiringly devoted her time and talents as a Female Physician and nurse, principally among children. She has especially studied the constitution and wants of this numerous class, and. as a result of this effort, and practical knowledge obtained In a lifetime spent as nurse and physician, she has compounded a Sooth ing Syrup for children teething. It operates like magic giving rest and health, and is moreover sure to regulate the bowels. In consequence of this ar ticle Mrs. Winslow is becoming world renowned as a benefactor of the race; children certainly do bis up and bless her; especially la this the case in this city. Vast quantities of the Soothing Syrup are daily sold and used here. We think Mrs. Winslow has immortalized her name by this Invaluable arti cle, and we sincerely believe thousands of children have been saved from an early grave by its timely use, and that millions yet unborn will share its benefits, and unite in calling ber blessed. No mo ther has discharged her duty to her suffering little one, In oar opinion, until she has given It the bene fit of Mra. Winslow'a Soothing Syrup. Try lt, mo thers tkt it now. Ladies' Visitor. New York city. Sold by all Druggists. 25 cents a bottle. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Bananas at Auction. yiLL SELL ALL REMAINING ON BOARD Bchr. Julia Elizabeth, this dsy, Wednesday 19th inst, at 10 o'clock A. M. Sweet Oranges, tl 50 per IOj from vessel; Pine Apples, 10 per ozen. jan 19 If L. S. L. iJitXT DRAWING OF THE Louisiana State Lottery TAKES PLACE FEBRUARY 8. CAPITAL rise, S30.000.- Whole tickets, $3 00; HalTes, $1 00. Address Lock Box 372, Janl9tf Wilmington, N. C. n A TKS o r A T M K l M I fi i. tii ttqoare one day W, .". . two days,.,.. .....iv. $1 OS 1 Ik sou S 50 4 00 50 8 50 10 00 17 Oil 14 OU 40 W 00 OU tares aaya,,..:. t oar day a, " tve days....... One week,..,.. Two weeks,.. i. ' Three weeks,... " " One month,.... " Two months,... " Three months,. I i six months, -. One year. I3f Contract Advertisements taken at propc tlonately low rates. 1 Ten lines salld Nonpareil type make one square. NEW ADVERTISEMENT The Supreme Novelty T RANKIN HALL, OVER LITTLE GIANT Steamer. One week only, commencing ou Mon day evening, January 17 THE BOHEMIAN OLASS BLGWKKf, Prof estors Woodroffe, Carting and Company, wlili their $50,00) collection of Wonders la Qlaas of Centennial Fame, including the superb model of the Centennial Corliss Engine, built of BOuO piece of glass and operated by steam. Rare gists erna ments presented free to each audience. Levees every evening at 7. 8 J. Grand distribu tion of ornaments. Matinees WKDNBSDAY au4 SATURDAY at S.80. Popular prices of ad ml asiou 35 cents. Children under 1, 15 cents. P. 8. Grand Baby Show on SATURDAY EVEN ING, January 91. M. H. WALSH, Manager. Ian 13 St li. H. NILS 8, Agent. Cardigan Jackets, JUDYS' CAES. SUITS. LINEN HANDKKK chlef t. Tenth's Nobby SuUs felling Low at M UN SON'S, jan 11 lt Clothier and Merchant Tailor LEE'S PREPARED Agricultural Lime Cotton, Peanuts, Yl heat. Corn AND VEGETABLES OF ALL KINDS. For sale by HALL & PEARSALL. Jan 19 D&Wtf Norwegian Cod Liver Oil, JgXTRACT MALT, MALTINB. VEGKTINK. A full line of Fine Cigars. For sale by JAMES C. MUNPS, Diuggist. 85 Noith Front bt. Jan Dtr Corn ! Corn ! Corn PER ECFI'R 0. B. GIBSON. 5500 Bus. Prime White Now landtag and for sale by B. F. Mitchell & Son. Jan IS 3t 9000 BUsn&LS PRIMK W1JITE COKN just in per Schooner "fiubbt," asd low grludini; into the "Beet Bolted Meal in the city." PRESTON CUMMING A CO.. Millers and Grain Dealers, Jan 18 tf and Dealers in Peanuts. rjMIE PARAGON WRITING PAPER PACEKr The Good Luck Packet. The Climax Packet, The Climax Cabinet. For sale at HEINUBEKUSK'. THE HANDY POCKET PEN BOX, Full of Pens. Price 10 rts. A new ecpply of Automatic Penci l. Price Sr eta For sale at eTHE LIVE BOOK 8 TO It K. Jaa 18 tf Trusses, gHOULDER BRACES, BAN D AX) E 8 , SUPPOKT- BRS, RUBBER GOODS, An elegant line may ! found at WM. H. flKKEN'H, Wholetale and Ketail DrugUout?, jan 18 tf Market Street. Still Receiving. Brown & Roddick WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A HANDSOME line of SCOTCH PLAID GOODS, which wo offer at 12 c per yard. Handkerchiefs. WE ARE NOW PREPARED TO SHOW TUU Largest Line of HANDKERCHIEFS ever shown in this city Embroidered, Hemed, Beni stitched, Col'd Border, Ac, suitable for Holiday Presents. ' dec 4 it Notice. APPLICATION WILL BE MADE TO THE General Assembly, at its approaching sea. Ion. for a charter for the Wilmington Market Company, -io 14 SOt STIRRING." Carts in constant repairs.' Carriages and Buggies for sale. Drays msde strong and fine. Timber Wagons made to order. Horseshoeing a specialty. Jan 16 tf McDoUGALL St WILLIAMSON. We Can Furnish YOU;wiTH A NOBBY TURN-OUT AT ANY time. If you want a Horse or a Mule we can fill your order In a eatiafactery manner, aa we kees them on hand for sale or exchange. J. W. SOUTHERLAND A CO.. jan 16 tf Opposite the Theatre. A LARGE STOCK OF Sash. Boors, Blinds, AND ALL KINDS OF MILL WohK, LUMBER, LA I US, &c, FOR 8ALE VERY CHEAP, AT ALTAFFER. PRICE A Co., Factobt: Onioi: Foot of Walnut st. Nntt, near Red Cross at Ian 16 tf I Still Insist rpHAT I AM NOT .TUX, GERMAN BAKBBK. but one of them, and second to none In the city My Saloon may always be found neat and comfor table, and polite Workmen who are ever ready to wuivu iuj iunnu ioa inaui. I Resnectfullv. U. O. PREMPERT, No. 9 S Front ak Jan 18 tf "Opera House."' A fashionable audience assembled last' week. To witness the enchanting play. The ladies, delighted, were anxious to seek. Where the gentlemen obtained each array, It is no secret, for knows, every one. That they were fitted asd furnished by DYER A SON. Jan 19 tf ,V-

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