fIHt. 1 Mi laa -! tK4 tl r rr4ri atetee," Nw York l!trki. Nsnv Orlmaxs, January i5.por ,,. dri lion si oca oearly fifi0 ,,! v h araikaU a frcw man out t KeJtral prison, Mr. JefY.raoo vtvi, first aoi lam lridaat of lha -southern Coo fvl racy, i about to I oiru th caatra ot discussion. For :!. than lea year ti ourmu v, ept by hnn caroi.-e-ly, amj Iiiu hi. b-ii rd of htm ,t. iht hi oarue ),rr end ir eroveo lolo tu gmMg pu j J. of im Norther., r-ditu' or ,rn ort the boui or , .,.. oulhru mjixi.u - Mr. 1 tU ,, , c.Mxi to l& Iruu ib hia , rv ot fcMioo aoJ tU war of -, ioo that 14, a drfoc a well bj t b icory aaa lost btii agreaaiva i, iL . etitboniAtivr, must com- ,ti m 1 vsry wid attention. Iq vttw - . w I .no mmri oi to loriQCOCQlOg ' j i)i it jiuiui utsbed character . twDmM mtarUQg to know sorae- .tl iof Mr. DtuM history for lha y', .iscad, '.bw coaoaer of hi re rch ri.J writing. cd the indaeo la.J inspirations aodr which ha :i k. prjrl hi dlaotf nd jaaliS- . uo of tn rnoait S'ntic civil war molru titn. I. raxf bt prtntid tht Mr i tv rtirraat h Nn purely I'nU '.ijry. .-v a9 cioN ti to war i i -i iih Srt ptc m the ytn , u y Cfiction of hi pOple, i t a. n bore tbe Urgvr bare of . i.h'fn i-iii4'i U(J hatred. Ha ,.! bu ino.t polvnlial .,:i.r a oatharn 3ir had he iu ii I to eater the irtai, but he . . , .ui to aoderataad from th 6rt i m, htr the head and itim of the . rn'in tiiurelit would n.t become i : t. ipo-tult with tb vtctoia r over tn email dti! of 4.1'Miannt. The letdrr of the -,j i-.!ir i arm e, (ieoerat Lr, tmd 'u ro governed oy trie tacae m.' 1''my, od uo persuajioa , r tn 1 iced tixrtx to enter actively ;ti .,) p i m.,; I't ft.r he eurreodered ut as. Appocnttioz. Mr. . . on h been abolate. W ithou'. fjr-uiij in ccii bie he ha hi ilut .uti fter a political r j.u'.ioq toai urpfvi iq i ca por- ii:c evea the wr ue!r, it may be i .i tht to nithr friend nor foe t !; n otT-rcd a iic or uttered a . v xionetrancv. lhi policy of with-1-41 on the part of Mr. Davie hia eveo to hie buioi affair. i,i 1 h bt) 4blimtd into a eort ; bnealiou. He c a. een bit . tt ewept away and h. ratd no hi i i to at-ay them; he hj tarnrd ty from aeine opportuoitiee fre made for hie behoof, and it :c be literally eaid of biro that uo i i m- received it from the band of a , Jinan he ha had QO home. He hie 4,'.,rntd between Memphie, Nrw )rirn, a u d ieiaei p pi City, living i. J i n tt y . rt vatic it aiturnov. I. i Wnowo to ht fneode that Mr. ha bea very poor eioce l -To. iicu" yJlr ao, 1 learn open the ry b"t authority, tt came to the k . of tiov. CoJ'jaitt, of ifor;ii, ttxat the x 1'reeideot w 4a actual ned of fande. CJov. Col- p it at otice tuietl cooealted (Jov. ltaup. au.J otner, sdi $t)H) 4 rtteeJ at ooor. and other, am a fund of I'fci ti ni to lr. liavie vr.a it f m tAteii tba; rauJ lely oioo,j hie e- letter in a had ben - co i J e a i u e. t rvj ita acia way Uit if turned it could Qot find the original eabecribere. it were re us tit to Mr. 1'avie r-ii i to a dijjniSed bat apprecia tive letter, MJiQS that uoder the cir ,: init.ance he would he compelled i rtatn the amount eenr, bat that .: u beonptioo cuu'. not be re p Ld or ex leaded, a. he coald ooo--"i to receive aothiojf more, adding tat there were haadrede of father iee childreo and widowe who deeded oM4 than he did. In the eame iru Mr. Davie had declined all teetimooiaie or beoelle, aad avoid ), e heo poembie, even pablio recog nition. He haa attended oo ooovtn tioo or meelinjre, delivered Do a i Jrveeee except a few casual epeechte to crowd thatcaobl him at hotele, i t which he eaid aa little aa poxeible. He ha refaeed all offer to lecture, having had repeated effera to eoitage for a eeaeon at 100 a eight. With tem and onaaaailable parpoee he fcM preserved hU iiUoc, aUodiog aloof from all dvecoenion or tzetta meat, eeekia eeclaaioo to the eeoee oi .J 1 r trn j ratbar thaa of rtrat, hoi4tn for years ani year, ihroajrh s'.orm aai ealca, a tSara that bad one b a all lira aoJ doargy, aimost as J ttab aoJ caotioolsss aa the raooa meats that staaJ over tba meo who ltHjioJr bla I aad rah i p. MArxaJALA roa mar oar. U taait 00 1 bw appoJ tbat Mr. Itvie baa bwwo iJU or ixiaclivadariog a s retirscoaol. For mora tbaa ta years ha baa Jevotad bicosalf to tba collection o( matariala for writing bi tdstory o( tba ConftHjsrata CvOYtra- trten t. Tba two tnot tcoportaol poiols of 1 e work for, atar all, tba cooati littioaal argucasot, arbicb will doabt Usm bw fioa, bacama r aJjudicaia after a cartaio flaa raorniog at Ap poca Uot will be lbs diacasatoo of tba pa ac a rao vera eats aod tba defence of tha policy ot tba Davia adcaiatatra tioo aa oppoaad to tba 5tpbao, Brown aad Tooraba poliej. Tba fifat i vastly tba moat important potot- Tba book is agrsssira ia ita gtoa ral taaor aad malotaioa with ao ehstsa dronoeee all tba poiota that wera pat to tba arbitrament of tba woasi. Mr. Davis) writes coociaaly, tif mr, aad naoggta to cootao a tbaa half of bia arstaolaroa wilb ibe oaaaaa of daar00 aad bia jaitt- at 10a for it. Tba raat of tt ta de voted to a oaf rativa of tbt straggly pr Horning i itb eoaimeoi to paring that It throws tight oh tho tt6i.ta. ; ni P'pftw of ao adrnioiatration Hat pruih.l "ui tba winR ao J left no archive Mi. Durtaii thoroughly ati-fird with hi work. "My work i done." ha "and on that work I ata willing that the cause aad the authority rny bj jadged." fUerp, Appetite and trcnata Reare !lee tloaiitur' 8tom& BlUere U itHt. vMJeailr -d by a bUle depepie eeCerve. Hononr, etace tike braia rrwoeUUeee dcieel wlia U Mooaeca aad Ii aeeocute onae. Lbe Beer aad ' bowvle ae taetr autantDMl L ractiaed h th actio oT tae mtter. aaveUkl deepoadeacy prodaced rue Mie by ail Practfeta aad DeaTere caer3r. l4l Dweaair tatbaa am T . eae l I ai wfe. a re Hop 1 Tee will be Mop Bittere trrara yy lire arj ui It mer eeveyewr NEVER FAIL life, tt aa. IT. I emUavBW tsCta ea A Positive Cure irAoal MedSciaee, Allan'a Sclabla Mtdlcated Eouinfii ! ruii'.l v-otr 1. H s, Oae box Mel U1 care aay csee la foar oAts ae !. a4 a rl:l eurt clw taxt eikeiiiaata cam to avalter Mi t44JM dee ot e5e. copaiba, or oil nf eeaeieuud. thee are certeia U pradace drvpepaia deetrevta the eoeilnf ot the atuaach. rrk (1 V fcu y ii uta((tu. or ssaiied oa rrmi ft ot pt'jem to 'arthr pertlcslert eo4 r.jr eirca' r. T Bo till J C AlXaM t" . I" 1 1 oti q aetata sJ JaAo Nr lork . Sundries. Berreie POTATO I a. Barty Roe aad Prolilc; AfrLXJt. :o ONIONS. TV R.N I PS . TU3VK ail gradre; L'UAK, aa grades: RlCa. waole aad aalf: PORTO K H O ORANOKA, COCO A N I TS. 1200 275 50 25 10 150 Tfercee. Tabe aaa Balt or uakd. (10 Ti" BCTT,Jl" 150 MVkT- "30 90 ued7 aad toilet; r n Caste Kaickerboefcar OlX. leJV l-l" liansere or A pooi '. n rte aad Osaradl I A ea Jeaee MIX BBtA u watbvio. ea4 ererrthiat foaa4 ree aele ia a Large ea4 waoteeale Uroeery eetsoriaaaaeot. ADRIAN A VOLLE.HA, 9 I. Cor. aad Doch frool 81. SCUPPERIMONC A.HD F L 0 WE E 8 WINE MAVCrACTCRADBY White ville Wine Co. wHrranLUi. s. c. ffy 5aai?les and prices oa appltcatioa.. Send ta yoar orders for the boIUa 7 iitir A LA SOB STVCS or Sash, Doors, Blinds. A50 ALL KINDS OF MILL WOUK, LUMBER LATHS, &c, rvn 1ALA VUT caiAr. AT ALT ATT KS, ITUCX A Ocx. Facvoav: rn or WM1 si. luUU Matt, aser Bed Cross st. ALL ABOUT WcstemliCarolina U jqa vent to kaow aU aboet Ue -0ren Bot"o ta aoata, se4 for epedssesi copy of Tho Western Courier. 1th. a TWKNTT-ItUnT COUTM?! WIHLT. fJ!, laUrMtlar res ling saute, aad derrted to iiTT iT ss s Weetera Caroitaa. AAArees Beadersoavtlle. W . C. f w -rtm Mmu4 1 1 liTtmr 1 1 aae Nop BU II aea r wi e aav I f4t- m a tt ta. 1 1 im Mini ie 1 1 tu i U fam rm e mX y ea'w1 OQjtyraw ' Hl I (ll a It t re as km r?iie JH1Umw I Thy a iia'i'r aBtPBBeaaveaqgaaC aflBVaVHaHMla(wia i - I'M a ateolaaa U sjr1,-'i a-re ca- II LICK. aruwiuuaou,nuau4 bouaaerstood re; hai Im tkoliul prtcea gSMvallyr .ia sneaia. a nuJl oraca aicbar priMa aava to k ckarcM. UTKU. baooinq oanay Standard, BACON North Carolina, 100 UK ioo lu IS O 13 DO S O 10 II O M exo v exo i 7KO 8 XO 6 o S 8b omidere, a , aidea.ll. C. choice, , Blde, Saoeidere,.... Dry Bait4 BUfeeW B 8 hooioera .......... ...... .. BUf-Un vrvtcht... aggTTt HtlrtuTerpeettBe, coc4 Hjind, eaea New New Tee, eec. ..... Baas wax BAICIB MnimtBjxtoe. M.... Noetacftt. .................. dOTTaH Morth Oerotts. V B Nonhero, f) D cajipr ra - Wjcm. Taitow.aj t Ajrnndj. E CH t3UZ NortWn ractery 9 ujry,craw atU, W Ourrxx Java. V B IUO.W B Uor.t a OOR.N MX1L 9 DubUMct wtton Tia VIMUe dom aancH hetiac.-4. w rd Tm, bac. BOO0 rUd-M ack erei . No. V. bll'. No. l. v M W HackereCHe. I, 9 bat. MO.I, W Mbhl o..w bbl. Mallet. 1 bbU do k bale. N.C Bemac, BoesW aax. tMST rriUKaVov- rererlaa Uaaaav, touu t Baaa-b'enoeeaata, Caroaaa rrdl!or. ' OroeadBoma. " BoaeMeaJ. " rioex, II a vaeea Ueaao, Complete Maaexe Waaaa'e iTioepbate WaadoPaoapbata. Beryer Bata'a Paoepb, -BieaUaaaa Oottoa FertUJaar ruoua rma. bbi Beper. Norther. W bM j x at VKI i M W. 'W .... ramlly 9 bbJ Oty Min-aUUa, 9 bbl F nail j. bbl.. . Ix. Family. 9 bbl .. OLDX-f l OLAXS Oora.ta etore, la oaca. Oora.Caryo. 9 baabei. Oora.aaUed baabaUa baca. Oata. m baabei Red Bae ProoT.... lvaa,Oow. 9 oabeJ HIDEa Oreea. fa.. HATiaetera. 100 Weetera. 100 North Rlrer, 9 100 dUOP IKON a) too . .... ... LA KD Northern. 3 B North Caroline. LIMB bbl LUaBXi-Cm STBAaJUwvD BaJp8taS,reeawed. Mfl.. Roaah Bdjre Plaak, fj M ft... WeetladUQtfvyee.accordlai to qaaltty. Baft Diaeeia Ploortaa. eeaeoaed. . 18 00 13 00 II 00 18 00 IS 00 OM04 O 1 00 a is po o noo a-nm aad Uoaroa, coxa bos, m n MuMiMia. -MeweniCabs-hhds New crop Cuba, a,bbU gal. Forto RSooJibds. bbls Bagar Hoosa, ah da a gaj. kMAt gal.. 8 yrap, bla, 9 gai.... NAIL8 Oat, 10d basis. 9 aag. OELB Ki a. at gal. Lard, 9 rJ. aoala.a gal....;.". 1 1 ii. Bnl Tar, per gal Deck aad bpar.pcr gal roULTKT Cblekeaa.itvmjtrov BpHftg. Turkeys P BAN UTS w baaael.... POTATOES Swoev, 9 bnehel. Irtah, 9 rOHX Nort'. im.City Mess... Prima. sbl Ram. V bbl. B1CX Carol Btoaxh, bash LGo Coaa try. 9 City. 9 BOP B SALT A. .as. 9 oashel Liverpool. Vsack, LUboo, 9 aack Amartcaa. 9 sack SUGAR Ca be, 9 Porto Rico, 9 A Coffee. B 9 C 9 a Bx. C 9 t Crashed. 9 bOAP Northern, 9 UINQLJCS Oootract, 9 M . Coaasaoa. 9 M Cypress Maps 9 M. Cypress Hearts 9 M. . . iTAvis W. O. BbL. 9 M . . R.O EM.,1 M TaIXOW-ai TlMBma-Bklpetng. fi M .... Krtra Shipping MlllPrlava,aM Mill Fair. fM Ooonoa MQl laf erlov to Ordinary, 9 M . WHISX-AT Northern, fl North Carolina, 9 ral . .. WOOL Cnwaehed, 9 Washed, sj Barry Wool VlLniROTOn DOUBT niBKEI Kxcaaage (sight) oa New Tork, y disc' Baltimore, X " Bostoo, If PhUadslphla, i( - Western CI ties, H " Kxehanre 30 days 1 9 eecL Bank ofN.w Hanover Block M rirtt Natlceval Beak, 90 wavaeaa Oaaao Oo. ISO . C Bands Old sTx-Coapaa Si Do. ruaalng I Me ..11 Do. Do. Do. New 4'a. 80 Special Tax 4 M. C. Railroad 3 Do. W. A. W. R.B.Boads7 fe (Gold Int). 116 Carolina Central H. R. Bonds, 6 9c. .80 WU. CoL ev Aag. K. R. " K ITUmlaa-Ua City Boada, aew aye. ...98 we 94 Jfsev Oaaover County ...eaje 91 S W. A W. Railroad Stock 80 IfoctA Carotins R. R. 80 WU. Gee Uxht C(X TUaUitsa CMloa Mills 96 Bank of New Hanover. Autborizod Capital SI, OOO.OOO. Cavah aTapltal paid In 300,000. Surplus Fund f30,OOO. DIRKC1 ORS. JOUN DAWSON O. H. MURCSISON DO HALO McRAI B. VOLLAKS B. B. BB2IX3XK8 a M. BTXDMAH ISAAC BATXS, JAB. A. LXAK a r. UTTLX C. B. BORSXZI J. W. ATirssos CHAS. M. 8TIDMAN, Preaideat. I8AA0 BATXS, Vice President B. d. Waxxaob. Cashier augSO-tf Atkinson & Itlanning's Imuran co Rooms, BAMK OF SIW HAHOVXB BUILDING. vrilaalngtOB, tl. C. Fire, HariiiB aiT"Life Companies, AxxregaU Cajittal Bspfsssotsd Over $100,000,000! lS iT-tf e The Camden Journal. JiSiu&i Aer TJivrtda), at Oamdm 8. C, Tseni n LTl EST ST ABXIS HXX PAPXB IN X Ksrsaaw eoonty. aad has ssxteeislvsdrcu aaaoag taa Msrchaata. Farasara aad all diss as of lnnlnsis aaan la the soaaty. xXogge as tA MeechaWls ar WUaartoo i deslr able Medloaa fat Aavavtlsfa. taa ssaatry in which luJjcnlatesrtsrnf rmtH-i,ttThTmMT'' liul WttmZ sUvav.aadUa WllBviagtoa, Co lembiaaadAagasUaUtlioaa, ' Ubiaranarmsasaaasdsaraa unaa aaairlag to advartlsa. YT" "?&t312 hay. te,f Iatora and Praarietor. MISUKLLANEOtJS. The (VlortilngStar FUBLII LHKll DAILY AlfD WEEKLY SotscnpIioB Bates Id AArance DAILY UTA-K, Una Year, postage paid, $1 00 Biz Koatha " " 4 00 Three Month " 3 83 One Monti - " . .. 1 00 WtKKLT STAR. One. Year poetage paid, f 1 50 Blx MoQtoa. ' 1 00 Three Month " 5fl Notices of the Press: The Stab la decidedly one of the beat pa pen in the State, aa brteht and neway aa ever. Lone life to It. Salem Pre. The WHmlaston Stab aaa entered on lta twelfth year ae rood a paper aa any people should want. CKariotU Democrat. The WnmtnctaB Braa has entered on ita twelfth year. Aa a dally journal or newa it stanae Tip head." Gtmeord RcxUr. The Wllmlnrtoc Stab haa entered it twenty- fifth volnme. There ie no better paper published la the Sutet Lmokr Topic. The Wilmington Stab haa entered npen lte thir teenth vear. It la one of the beet paper in the Btate . Warrmttm &attU . The Wilmington Stab haa entered lta thirteenth vear. it haa become one or tne leaaine papera er the BoatY Ozfbni TordOiaht. The WDmlnctOB 8tab la sot only one of the best edited paper la the Btate, bat for frehneea of newa and typographical appearance cannot be beat en Jacitcm RtporUr. The Wilmington Stab la one of the very best pa pers in the Bouta. in every aeparnnent rrom typog raphy up to editorial ability aid Independence. We Like the Stab because it is Uorouehlv relia ble, candid, fearless, and so well and ably edited, newsy, spicy, and In fact a perfect newspaper. Long mar the bran twinkle. Ml Airy Visitor. Althooeb at the head of the press In this State in all that makes a paper valuable to the reader, still it continues to Improve. It la a 8tab of the first mairnitnde. May ita lustre never wane. Ttu Fr4 WiU Baptist. The Wilmington (N. C) Moairaa Stab la a mo dal newspaper. Indeed, we think we do not exag gerate lta merits when we aay It is the newsiest (sec alar) paper published in the South. Richmond( Va.) RdCaitM Htrald. The Wilmington 8tab has now entered upon its thirteenth year and twenty-fifth volume. One of the best conducted and edited papers in the South, and. aa a North Carolinian, we are proud of it zaroort) txmtAm-nsr. The Stab la so well and favorably known in this section of the Btate that we can sat nothlne of which its thousands of readers do not already know. It is in every respect one ot the best dailies in the South. Sobttomia. The Wilmington Stak has entered on its twelfth year. It is a most excellent newspaper, well edited a conpeDdlum of all the newa of the day, and an honor to its city, to North Carolina and to North Carolina ioarnallam. Ctariotts Oojereer. That magnificent beaming Stab baa completed its twenty-second volume. It is one of the most brilliant, erudite and sparkling dailies south ot the rototnac. The system in tne get np or the paper sure eases them 1 i ail. i Tarboro Southerner. The Tim$ cannot aay a ford too good for the WUmlngtan Stab. It haa Just reached one of ita many birthdays. As a newspaper it is a favorite with the State press and is sought after by the peo ple. Long ana prosperous life to it. Brtdtvill ZVaes. Whv is it that all the papers with the name of Star are auch bright little Journals t The Wilming ton (N. O ) stab, the Washington Star, Fredericks bura Star. New York Star, tor example There must be something in a name after all Richmond iVa.)StaU. The Wllmingkm 8 tab, we are pleased to notice. still continues on the high road to success. We es teem the Stab very highly, regarding it as one of the very best of oar ex charges, and consider it the peer or any journal pnnusnea in the south. ux- ford Frm Lane, The Wilmington Stab la now taking the regular midnight Associated Press reports, and has besides increased the amount of its reading matter. The Stab la an ex cell eat paper. Its prosperity Is not surprising fines It is ao deserving. Ckartottt Ob- Tbb Moaims Stab, ene of the beet dailies we know, and as a newapaper. In our oninloa. the very best, has entered upon Its twelfth year. In every parucolar the Stab comes fully np to the mark as the principal daily In our chief commercial city. Leag may It twinkle. Atamanet Gisantr. Tba Wilmington Stab aaa entered upon Ita 13th volume, and ws are pleased to notice still continues 00 the road as success. We esteem the Stab very highly, regarding it as one of the very beat aawspa pars that comes to this office. Ita news columns are always a little fuller than those of any other of our exchanges, and its editorial department is con ducted with much ability .ManjaU Blad. Humble In lu beginnings, as waainaeparable from a began amid the wreck of rommetnat , tba collapse of the Southern Ooniederacy. the Stab has steadily -waxed" until it now beams resplendent in the full glow of a constantly bright ening prosperity. Aa a utwtpaptr it has few equals, aad no superior, for appropriate selection and ju didoae arrangement, and we are proud to rank it among onr most acceptable exchanges. HWsboro Ssoordm Tbs WOmlngtoa Mourns Stab haa entered upon the thirteenth year of its rrrtT"1 and we take this opportunity to eongratulats It upon its prospe- 1 popularity, ins reaxaraaoie auc- eeee of the Stab la das to lta strict attention to bastaess. The boast of the BtaB (rightfully too). Is that it always has the news, aad this is the first thing In Journalism. Otherwise taa paper Is all that the term of zood newsitaaer" implies, and its corps of editors and reporters are thoroughly 'edu cated newspaper men. Mar tae healthful, moral lnflasncs of Us Stab never Iw retarded and may lu venial, eateryrising proprietor enioy many more happy years or uawfuiness. GoUsooro Mutmurer. The Lincoln Progress IB tba only paper published in Lincoln county and has an sxteastve circulation among the Mer chants. Tanners and all rlaaere of business men in the State. It oi! era to the Merchant of Wilmington a de sirable medium for advarUalng their baalness throughout Weetera North Carolina. Liberal terms will be allowed on yearly adver- tlaeaaeats Subscrintioa price, 1 00 per annum In address H. XnLANK. Kditoraad Proprietor. Ill I ei A 1 A A A. I 11 Vientrai IfrOieSLant I A WXZELT BXLIGIOU8 AND FAMILY NEWS XV , paper aad the organ of the Methodist rrotes tant Church In North Carolina, ia pubU&hed at ,N. C Terms, 14 00 per annum, m advance. The eligibility of Its location, the number and ae tivity af its agents, and the constantly increasing de mand for It among the mora solid classes of readers In various sections, siva the CENTRAL peculiar claims upon the patronage af the adTsrUAng public. Verms very ravoraoie. consult your basin ess inter sts, and address the editor J. L. M3CHAUT, Greenssoro, N. C Sare Your Motier-in-law. SJBSCSIBS TO The Evening Visitor, rpHE BEST, THE CHEAPEST EVENING PA PER In North Carolina. The Ladles' Paper; Unas no politics; no axe to grind; ia rapidly growing; good advertising medium. Send for specimen copy. Address, The Evening Visitor, Raleigh, N.C. I Still Insist rpHAT I AM NOT '.THE GERMAN .BARBER. but one of them, and second to none in the city. My Satoa aaay always be found neat and eomfor taals, aad pauita Warkmaa who are-ever ready to waltoa my patrons and friends. Baspectfuny, H. TREMPERT, Jaa 16 tf No. 9 8 Front st. MISCELLANEOUS. JOB PRIRITIWC. THE MORNING STAR Steam Printing House, UORN1NO STAR BUILDING, PRINCESS STREET,. MOST THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED PRINTING OFFICE IN THE CITY. FINE BOOK, NEWSPAPER dk MERCANTILE PRINTING AND BINDING, CHEAP FOR CASH. ALSO. THEATRICAL POSTERS. PROGRAMMES .A TICKETS. INSURANCE PRINTING, BILL HEADS. CIRCULARS CARDS, DODGERS. STEAMSHIP, STEAMBOAT AND RAILROAD WORK EXECUTED IN QUICKER TIME I AND BETTER STYLE THAN BJ ANY OTHEROFFICE 7A WILMINGTON. FIRST CLASS WORK AND LOW PRICES THE MORNING STAR STEAM PRINTING HOUSE, PRINCESS STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO AND WORK SENT TO AN i . PART OF THE UNITED STATES, CO. D. SMALL ORDERS EXECUTED WITH 'J HA SAME PROMPTNESS AS LARGER ONES. The Best Paper. Try It. Beautifully Illustrated 35 til YEAR. The Scientific American. rnmt SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN is a large Firat- JL Class Weekly Newapaper of Sixteen Pages printed in the most Deauoiui style, rituiruBaUjX ILLUSTRATED WITH SPLENDID ENGRAV INGS, representing the newest inventions and the most recent advances in the Arts and Sciences ; in cluding New and Interesting Facts in Agriculture. Horticulture, the Home, Health, Progress, Social Science, Natural History. Geology, Astronomy, The most valuable Dractical papers by eminent wri ters in all departments of Science, will be found in the scienunc American. Terms, $3.30 per year, $1.60 half year, which in cludes postage. Discount to Agents. Single co pies, 10 cents. Sold by all Newsdealers. .Remit by postal order to MUNN CO.. Publishers, 37 Park IIUW, 41CW A WA. D ATVIITa la connectlc IT A. 1 Hill 1 O. SCIENTIFIC . Messrs. Mums & Co. are Solicitors o Row. New York. in connection wiin me AMERICAN of American and Foreien Patents, have had 85 years' experience. and now have the largest establishment in the world. Patents are obtained on the best terms. A SDeclal notice is made in the SCIENTIFIC AMERI CAN of all Inventions patented through this Agen- cy, with the name and residence of the Patentee. hv the immense circulation inus given, puouc at tention is directed to the merits of the new patent, and sales or introduction orten easily eneciea. Any Derson who has made a new discovery or In vention, can ascertain, ran ot ghabsb, whether a a tent can probably be obtained, by writing to Lush A Co. We also send ran our Hand Book about the Patent Laws, Patents, Caveats, Trade- Marks, their costs, ana new precurea, wain nines for procuring advances on inventions. Address for the Paper, or concerning Patents, MUNN & CO., 37 Park Row, New York. Branch Office, cor. F. & 7th Sts., Washington, D.C bov I tf THE LANDMARK, PUBLISHED AT 82A1E3VILLS, IREDELL CO., N. CJ IS THE Leading Newapaper in Western North Carolina, It is the only Democratic Paper published in Ire dell County one of the largest and wealthiest conn ties in the State and has attained a larger loca. circulation than aay paper ever heretofore published in the county. Ita circulation In Alexander, Wilacs, Ashe, Alle- ghany, Yadkin, Davie and IredelL is larger than that of any two papers in the State combined; and is rapidly acquiring a strong foothold in Forsythe, Surry, ttswan ana western AtecxienDorg. It is the only paper in Western North Carolina that employe a Bbsbzab Cahyassirs Aosht, and thus kept constantly before the people. Under this system a rapidly increasing circulation is the result making the Lahdbauk THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM IN WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA. AOD&2SS, LANDMARK," SUteeville. N.C. Forest and. Stream, AND ROD AND GUN THB AMERICAN SPORTSMAN'S JOURNAL A WKKKLT PAPBR DKVOTED TO PTBLD SPORTS, PRACTICAL NATURAL HIS TORY, PISH CULTURE. PROTECTION OF GAME, PRESERVATION OT FORESTS, YACHTING AND BOATING, RIFLE PRACTICE. AND ALL OUT-DOOR RECREATIONS AND STUDY. This is thaanly Journal In tne Country that fully supplies the wants and necessities of the Gentleman Sportsman. TERMS $ OO a Year. Send for Specimen Copy Foraet A: Straaun FHMIslilnc Co., Ill FULTON ST., (Old No. 108,) New York. Post OBlce Box S8SS . sept 37-tf THE RALEIGH Christian Advocate, Edited and Published by BLACK & REID, Raleigll. H. C Is the organ of about 69,000 Methodists in North Carolina, and has the largest circulation of any pa per in the State. It gives the markets, secular and religious news. Is a weekly, eight page, religious, family newapaper. Only $1.00 per annum. Sub scribe at once. . Advertising rates liberal. 1an8 tf The Favetteville Examiner, A Weekly Democratic Newspaper, Published at FAYETTEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA, Terms 100 a year In advance. Send for a spe cimen copy. my 9 tf RAILROAD LINES. WilxiilngtOQ i& Weldon RAILROAD CO. Omaa be Qaa'x. SDraauiTaanaae, ( Wilmington. N. C, Nov. 37, 1880. 1 Change of Schedule. OK AND AFTER NOVEMBER 8. 1880, AT 4.1S P. M., Paaeeneer Trains en the WUmlng toa A Weldou Railroad will ran aa follows: Day lVaU and Express Train e. Daily Nos. 47 North and 4S souib. Leave Wilmington, Front St Depot, at 6:40 A. M Arrive at Welion 1:40 ?. M. Leave Weldon 8:40 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington, Front 8t- Depot, 9:65 P. M. Fast Tkboush Mail anb Passknobr Trains Daily Hoa. 43 Nobth and 40 South. Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot, at 8 OS P. M Arrive at Weldon i.a a a. m Leave Weldon B.8 0P. M Arrive at Wiimineton. Front St. Depot, 10.10 P. M imvc Uuimsu,.. " ' Train No. 49 North will atop only at Rocky Point. Rnriraw. South Washington. Maznona. Mt. Olive, Goldaboro. Wilson. Rocky Mount, Enfield and Halifax. , , Train No. 40 Sooth will stop only at Kocky Mount, Wilson, Goldaboro and Magnolia. Niaar PABSXNOXB, Mail and Bxpbksb Tbaik Nos . 45 Nubxjb Asm 49 South. Leave Wilmington, Front ftt Depot, at 4:15 P. M. Arrive at Weldon 4:15 A. M. Iava Weldon 1:4-5 A. M. Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot, 8.10 A. M, Trains on Tarboro Branch Road leave Roclcj Mount for Tarboro at 6.30 P. M. Daily, and Tues day, Thursday and Saturday at .5.00 A. M. Return ing, leave Tarboro at 9.50 A.M. Daily, and Mon day, Wednesday ana vriaay at su r. au Train No. 47 makes close connection at Wel don for all points North daily. All rail via Richmond, and daily except Sunday via Bay Line. Train No. 45 runs via luenmond and Washing ton, and makes close connection daily to Rich mond, and daily except Saturday nichts for all points north of Richmond. Traia .No. 43 runs daily andma&es close connection for aU points North via Richmond and Washington. All trains run solid between wilmlnetoff and Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleepers attached. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Sup't. A. POPE, Gen'l Passenger Agent no 33-U General Sup'ts Office, aVILSXINGTON, COLUMBIA fc All' OUST A K. B. COMPANY, WILMINGTON. N. C. Nov. 27. 1880 Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER NOVEMBER SS, 1830. at 3 45 P. M., the following Passenger Schedule will ba run on this road: DAT PaSSE.IOBR.MAIL AND EXPHESS TRAINB.DAILT Nos. 42 Wxst and 43 East. Leave Wilmington... 8.40 A.M. Leave Florence 1:05 P.M. Leave Florence 3 45 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington 7:43 P. M. NIGHT EXPRE88 TRAINS (Dally)- noi. 40 west and 47 nasi. - Leave Wilmington 10:35 P. M. Leave Florence 3 :00 A. M. Arrive at C. C. & A. Junction 6:00 A. M. Arrive at Columbia 6:10 A. M. Leave Columbia 10:00 P. M. Leave C. C. & A. Junction 10:30 P. M. Leave Florence S:00 A. M. Arrive at Wilmington 6:30 A. M. and E&ston. Passengers for Columbia, and all points on G. & C. R. R., C, C. & A. R. R. Stations, Aiken Junc tion, and all points beyond, should take No. 40 Night Express. Separate Pullman Sleepers for Charleston and for Angusta on trains 40 and 47. All trains run solid between Charleston and Wil mington. JOHN F. OIVINB. Gen'l Sup't A. POPE, Gen'l Passenger Agent no3S-tf CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILROAD CO, OmOB GXHXBAXi StTFKBlMTBJNlJKHT I Wilmington, N. C, Dec. 12, 1880. f Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER DEC. 13, 1880. the following Schedule will be operated on this R allroad: ASSENGER AND EXPRESS TRAIN: Daily except Sundays r nrnmtnnn t Q .1 n a mr "- j Arrive at Charlotte at 6:10 P. M. JN0' 3' J Arrive at Wilmington at -3:20 P. M. Trains Nob. 1 and 3 stop at regular stations only, and points designated in the Company's Time Ta ble. PASSENGER, MAIL AND FREIGHT 1 Leave .Wilmington at ."...5:80 P.M. No. 5. Arrive at Hamlet at 1:26 A.M. ) Charlotte at ouo A. a. ) Leavo Charlotte at 7:30 P. M. No. 6. Arrive at Hamlet at 1:36 A.M. " Wilmington at y:45A. M. No. 5 Train is Daily except Sunday, but no con - nection to Raleigh on Saturday. No. 6 Train is Dally except aataraay. SHELBY DIVISION, PASSENGER, MAIL, EX PRESS AND FREIGHT. Wa o (.Leave Charlotte 8:35 A. M. 1 Leave Shelby 1:85 P.M. 1 Arrive at Charlotte 5:35 P. M. No.4 Trains Nos. 5 and 6 make close connection at Hamlet to and from Raleigh, except as above, and at Charlotte with Trains 3 and 4 on Shelby Division. Through Sleeping Cars between Raleigh .and Charlotte. . V. O. JOHNSON. de 13 tf ' General Superintendent. CLYDE'S New Tork and Wilmington Steamship Line. The Steamer BENEFACTOR, Capt. JONES, y-ILL SAIL FROM NEW FORK. Saturday January 22 -Shippers can rely upon the PROMPT SAILING of Steamers aa advertised. El For Freight Engagements apply to THODIAS E. BOND. Superintendent, Wilmington, N. C. Tneo. G. Eger, Freight Agent, new xorx. fr. P. Clyde & Co., General Agents, dec a tr ao jiraaaway.xiew xora. FOR THE LOCAL & POLITICAL NEWS OF THE FIRST DISTRICT, Subscribe for THE FALCON. A Democratic Newspaper. PUBLISHED AT ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. rysent to any address to January 1, 1881, for ONE DOLLAR. m y 26 tf MISCKLLA ifKO US;, 1 THE SUN FOR 1881. . Everybody reada Taa Strw. Ib Ibe edit Ion of thl newapaper thronghootthe year to oome trryhndr will find: . I. All the world's aewf, ao preset) te J tbat lbs reader will get the greatest amoanoT Information with the least unprotUble expeaanre of tlase and eye sight. Taa Sim long ago dlecovered the geldf n mean between redundant fullness and unsatisfac tory brevity. II. Mnch of that sort of newa which depends le upon ita recognlaed importance than opon its in tereet to mankind. From morning to morning Tbb Eua printa a continued rtory of Ibe Uvea of real men and women, and if tt-elr deeds, plans, loves, hater, and troubles. This slcry I more varied and more interea'iog than any rotnsnee ibat was ever devised IIL Gool writing in every column aud fresh ness. originality, acoaracv, and decern m lu 'he treatment of every subject. IV. Honest comment. Tbb fun's bahlt U to speak oat fearlessly aboat men and tbinga. V. Equal candor in dealing with etch political party, and eooal readinesa to cemmend wbat i . .. . 1 l. . 1 1. I . . ! praiseworthy or to rebt bemocrat or Republican. reocae wumi is uiamanir in VI. Absolute independence ol partisan orgaulst tlons, but unwavering loyalty to true eemocra lc principles. Tbb Sea believes that the Government which the Constitution gives us la a good one to keeD. Ita notion of dutv ie to resist te It utmost power the efforts of men la the Republican party to set op another form of government In place of that which exists. The year 1881 and the years immediately following will probably decide thl supremely Important contest. Taa Pun believes that the victory will be with the people aa against the Kings ror monopoly, me Kings ior piunaer. ana the Rings for Imperial power. Our terms are aa follows: For the Daily 6mf. a four page kheet or twenty eight columns, the price br mail, post paid. Is ( & cents a month, or $6.50 a year; or. Including the Sunday paper, an eigat-page sheet of fifty six col umns, the price la 05 cents a meath. or $7.70 a year, postage paid. The Sunday edition of Thb Svn is also rurnishfd separately at $ a year, postage paid. The price of the Wkskxt Sub, elht pages fifty six columns, is $ I a year, postage paid. FoWclubs of ten sending ft 1 0 we will send an extra copy fret . Address I. W. ENOLANl), Publisher of Tax Sua, New York City. MARBLE MONUM EIMTS AND Grave Stones. FiRST -CLASS WORK AT LOWEST NEW VOKk PRICES. DESIGNS SENT BY MAIL. WOKK PACKED AND SHIPPED. AT OUR RISK TO ANY PART OF THE SOUTH. RICHARD WATIIAN fc CO,, ST Lafayette Place, New York. Wathan's Monumental Designs, In book form. rot sale to the Trade. dec 4 DAWtf PRESCRIPTION FREE Fr the speed y Co re of Semla al Weakness, Lost Manhood, Prematare Debility, Nervousness, Despondency, Confusion of Ideas, Aversion to Society, Defective Memory, aad all Disorders Brought on by Seerst Habits aad Excesses. Any druggist aaa the Ingredients. Address, DR. JAQUES A CO., 130 West Sixth 8t 01H0IHHAH, OHIO. feb.lB lyDAW N. A. STEDUAN, Jr. Attorney and Counsellor at Law. KLLZABETHTON, BLADEN COUNTY, N. O. Office Up stairs, in Brick Building, occupied bi BinaldlAOo. Special attention to Claims. Col lections on sums Of S100 and upwards made for Five Per Cent. If without suit. Drawing oeeoa. Mortgages, c,cs specialty. ap b-uawtr High-Bred Dogs. English, irish and Gordon hkttickm. of the Choicest Breed, with gnarantec-a podlgr. r For sale by B. P. WELMii. nov7 DAWtf .nk. Pen Lowell Machine Shop, Lowell, Mass., MANUFACTURERS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION OF COTTON MACHINERY Of moat Approved Patterns and with Recent Improvements. Paper Machinery ALSO, TUItBINE WHEELS, Shafting and C caring. Hydraulic Presses and Pumps. Elevators, &c. PLANS FOR COTTON AND PAPER MILLS. C. L. HILDRETH, Sap'U LOWELL, MASH. WM. A. BURKE, Tree., mh 3 tf 8 Pemberton Square, Boston. JNCeURAGS HOME INSTITUTIONa Security against Fire THE NORTH CAROLINA HOIEMS INSURANCE CORIPAN1 RALEIGH. N. a This Company ooatmuea to write Policies, st fa rates, on all clsssos of Insurable property. All losses are promptly adjusted and pal A Tat "HOME" is rapidly growing In public favor, aad appeala, vflth confidence, to insurers af property ta North Carolina. EsT" Agents in all parts of the Stale. JOHN GATLING, President. W. S. PRIMROSE, Secretary. PULASKI COW PER, Sapervlsor. ATKINSON s MANNING, Asaurra, aag 1-tf wumlnaioa. N. c. The Biblical Recorder PUBLISHED BY Edwards, Bronghton cV Co. RALEJGH, N. C. REV. C. T. BAILEY. Editor. REV, H. HATCHER, Associate Edlter. Organ af Nortli Carolina Baptists In Its 44th Tear. EVERY BAPTIST SHOULD TAKE IT Al an Advertising Uedinm Unsirpaaaad Only 98.00 par Ysar, Address docSS-tf BIBLICAL RECORDER, Raleigh. N. C. WILMIHGTON MEfiGBAHTS WILL FIND THE LAURIHBURO EHTERPBISE THE BEST MEDIUM THROUGH WHICH TO ADVERTISE FALL AND WINTER GOODS among the people of Robeson, Richmond aad An son counties, in North Carolina, and In the border counties of South Carolina. The ENTERFJU8B has a large and increasing circulation In tba Pee Dee and Cape Fear sections of this State; having obtained a large ctceolatfaa La the latter daring tbe six months It was published La FsvettevlUs before its removal to Laurirburg, and In tbe termer within the last two months. - Advertisements will be Inserted by the month, quarter and year at reasonable rates; Address n. i. McDurfic DAWtf Laurinburf, C.

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