to tor. WLLMJ2TG TON, N. C. TiifMOAT iloaxoro, Jao. 27, IS 31 THIC LATEST NKWS. raOH ILL PAS.T3 OF THK W 0 ELD et trrto roa coirjrrixa tui ei e- rot. VOTE 4CalTTKO IX aKJtATE 8X1,1.1 ITTRODCCED TUB ELKC- romi focT RtsotCTtox taim tr Tii e uocss the repcmj- as rttxtvcarrxa to peevest a VOTE OX THE rBBTIOt QCESTtOX t f T : t U atdreiae; Star 1 SENATE. WA-sunuro:. Jaa aery 3 Mr IoIU mbaiautl e reaoiatioa a fallows: fbmkwmi, That tn Seoai Will be rtaJy to netlft tn Hjo.s Of RtprvMOUtivM la the roate Cnam&er oa WetSaeaday. February ia, t IJ o'clock M . for ia papea of bia prtMOl el the opeaiag eai coaatiag at the votes f jr Prvsttfent eai View Prtst Jai of t UaHed Suur; t&a: two persons b ftppoiati uUri oo Lit pert of tae Sea en,, to oal list of tae vowe for President aa Vic President of Ua Ueiteni SexitK taey snail b declared; last; tae result shall be delivered to the Preaidsal of tae ieoate, wao snail aaaouace U lUU of la rot, watch snail be entered oa tie Joaraai, aad if it softU appear taat choice aa beea suede afreeaoly tJ La Cooetitatioa such aairy oa La Joaraal shall be deemed aaf dcieot dcJerLoa thereof. Mr Wrai objected to the prtscot coa idrtioa of the rmeolaUoo. ai u wm ;a;d over aai ordered U b printed. BU:e wtr introduced aad referred at tollOVI: Bf Mr. Mjrg-aa. to ctteod Lb postal sarvice to foreign countries. Referred to committee oa It USct end Post Roads. Bf Mr. CaUi. for Lb improvement of cer um river sad harbors ta Lb State of Flori da. Tabled aad ordered to b prtated. Mr. Cell forwarded to tb CIrk tb cre dQtiJ of tiM colleague, Cbaxta W- Joce. ict4 for Lb lira cocaauacieic Mrcb 4tb. t.l. Rid tad a:vi. Tb laduui La4-la-TrIty bill i tba ukto ap tad dlciuiMi i sec Iatb. bat at 4 35 Lb 5a: wiiboui aciioa oa it, wtai iato txicatiT wmoa, aad bo tba doors m ropai, ftJJoorai. HOC3E OF REFREdlLNTATlVEa. A oxotioa to dip0M witb tb cooraio Dmr wm dfauU 40 U IJ. aad tb kfr. m tb rtgulax order, directed tb c:rk to flatab Lb rsdic of Lb bill wbicb w podiaf at tb ipirtJOo of tbe tut ojoraia bour. Hr. Moo7. of Mi.iiaippi, cbiicaa of lit cooaaiiu oa Foatodcc aad Fot r, report! bck Lb rtjolouoo dircct m ib cooaoiitt to uiqur iato tb tip .Jiocy of csUbliaoioj UJTpbic poaUl f(n uadr Lb ornajo of Lb failed ad also iaiotb coat of rtprodaciof fcihtiea tor Lraaamiittaj UlTpbic met tqaal to Lbo aov poaaecd bj tx iuj corpormtioo ; aad iato Lb coat of opraLia tb ruse, aad ftiatiat tb com miti to Mod forproa aad paper. 11 mm calwadir. Mr. BckaU, of Iadi3. cad up ib rcojJaUoa propcia a Jot at rul for couat . n tb Uctorsl toui Mr pr. of GorxiA ajitcd Mr. Mii to jiid to b-m to CA-1 ap Lb cootestcd clctioa cm of YU MrtJ0. Mr. Fild. of MiMiiuippi, boped tb ta Una would aot do tNL Tb nport ia ta; cam bad jait ba preoud. aad tb ((jo boaIl b allowed two or tbr dy to tmla it. Vfur iai tm tpat ia a iia at:mpt : r r at torn datarsaiaatioa ia rtfroc :.) tb tim to b eooaaaMd ia dbt. Mr. prr aotic tbat b would call up tb Uctioa r.m to-morrow tftr tb moraiB a:r. Mr Co 6 6. of ladlaaa, from tb commit tt oa Appropriate, reported Lb D jtrict i Colombia a9propnLioa bill, wbicb wu riri to b petaud aad recommitted. Hr BkaU Lba demaaded tb preeicae I ii:iioa oa Lb Morgvt eictorai reeoiatioo- Mr. Coafer. of Mbia. rt:d tb ques tion oC coaeidertioa ia fetor of Mr. Field. Tb ecu by dieleioQ stood 119 to 1 10 ia tf r of Uklair. tb electoral reeourloa. t-Mr. Stepba. Feitoa aad 8pr, of (jMjrf-,, voted wttb tb Kepabikeae. X ot br yea aad ar rv4:ad yea t ID. uft ti ia faeor of taiiaf ap tb el torei nmoUiUuo. Tbu wm etict prij except tbaX Meear. Fi:o3. pcr aad Jpboe of Georgia, Toted ia tb oUTe wita Lb Hepabiicaa. Of tb Greece 5ckt. Ladd an 4 Sueeae rot4 ia tb nirnau. eaj Jooea, Lowe. Raaweil of H rtb Caroliaa, Marcb. Gii:e. Wcteer tad Y M-'acn la lb aesatiev. Mr. Beckaeil daaadd tbe pre- etoue i4eatiuo. Mr. Coor moeed a call of tb Hout. Tb paaJter taied tbat tb motioa wj cut ia order, tiac Lb Ut rote talea etow ti morw tbaa a qioruoa peeeeat. Mr. Cooler appeeied from tbe decuioa of tb cbir. Mr Bioaat moved to ley tbe ppl oa lq Ubi. Tb Hepablicoa tbea abuiad froea juo ad left Lb Uoae wttboat a qao rum. Tbi. of coarw. compCd aaocber cail of tb Uoae. Ia tbi wj Lb Hepab 4cae coauaaed to CilibaaUr a a til 4 o"Cicck. After baif a doaeo roll caJU Lb tloo re foemed ulf ia exactly Lb aan aitattloo b it bad ba ibrvw boara prtrioaaly. Mt. Mr. Reaaa of Texvt, expreseed it ia Ujue mriy west ap for a wbile eai tba cam dowa avia. Tb tactic of tb lUpabiicao eid wr to eeewer to tbeix aarne oo call of tb Uou. bat to rtaaia iiat a do a ta Mi. ii ut ubi tb appal, tba learia tb "" witboat a quorum. aad forciat a call of ta tloew. At AU a aaoiioo to adjourn m defeated - 137. oaya 2k Aaotbcr call of tb Houe we ordred. aad tbea at 3 10 tte (.in e l oaraed. TKXAS, -ri arts OPti iiorsr at w. DESTROYED IT riBC. lay Talaraoft aa u Morula w i UALTasrojT. Jaa. 2tl -A disp.tca to ta, .w from Marlia nys Staan sew com plt4 Opr lioos was dlacoreraj 00 (.,, yesterday. aa4 ia tea miaau was wrapped io lama. Tb lower toey was occupied by Stuart siooa. sad i A. Soloeaoo dry CmmIs. Loa oo Lb boildiai $10,000 la' area for 3v0t:i) toooa lasard' for i.owx Tb fsiiioj of xtl9 WMI eraaaa la tb soof of two .torts occupied -ouatsfo I " . ,J sJMA Loaac bv ih rurrl of coodA. aa-" ai'i -T .v 7 .m I3O.0OO: BB aKanVa,VA l. tWtt ISEFTECIXAL lAtLy a. amrATo. 'Oft L', iB TalaaTsph slwMwatatt1 UAXUiwaca). Jaanary 1H x aiatU u, eta4 aao fat C- sL Beaaio wj ukf2 t-dsy a foiiows: Olivwr BO. Waaac. m Qruw 87. Batrl 1. Mc Vast: a t. Saowj,, Aer i Uawtu 4, Aioo I. Cortia l AdJoja4 aatil I'voaorrow. VOMBIUN IfirlLLIUXIFI. tt oca e or couxoxs tx seasiox aix XtOITT DEBATE COXnXKD TO TUK tXUJlt V EVREJLV MR. GLADT0XE DECXJtRE.4 Dl CAXXOT ACCEIT A OMfKOHUE BEJOICIXGS IX IRE LAX D OVER RESULT OF THE STATE TRIALS I By Cable to U Hmlnf &Ur.) Loxxxur. Jao. 28. 9 P. IL Tt Ilouie of Coamoai wee etill la aeaaioa at 1 o'clock tbit afttroooo. Tb diacaaaioo la coofloed priaclpally to tb Iriab membr. wboare repeatedly ceiled to order, bat lb debet L kooU bamored. flibt Uoa. L. Felrpley. drpaty irveeker. ba telieeed tb paker. Premier Gladttooe rteoteted tbe Uuum at twenty miootes peat 10 o'clock, aod wee loudly caecrcd. Ribt Hoo. M. K Furetcr. Cbicf Secre tary (or Ireland, baa beo abecot four boors dariot lb o'gbL Tbe Cvojervatiecs are alio workloj by relay. Mr. Gladttooe, aboat 1 P. M.. declared tbat be coald oot accept a compromie. bat if a eot b cow takao oo Lb raaio qaeetloo tb adjourned debate oo Mr. For ter bill would b rcaamed to-morrow. to- dev'e eittio barioc virtually goa. L)rlJX. Jo 24 A ooo as tbe result of tb Stat trials was kaowo ia Duo car ver tb towa wee bri'liaotty illomioated aad beads paraded tbe strreis. Meolioo of lb Lraverxre' oamee wee cbeered, aod tbe aarroucdioc bill r- ablaxi tor tweo ly mil. Las do. J a a. 24 Tb IIwuj of Cru mooa ia still siltia. Albalf.peet 10 o'clock ibis caorolog tbe repeated motioa for adjaroraeat was moved by lb Home Hale aad succcsefally reeiated by tb government witb tb aaia Laac of tb Coaser rati Tea, wblcb early ia tb veleg waa promUed to Sir Stafford Nortbcote, tb Cootervaiive leader. Mr. Parnell arrived ia tb House sbortly af;r 10 o'clock tbi mornlo aad'waj eo tbasiajtically received by bus supporters. It i inpceMibl Lntail bow loot tbe ttrvg gl will cootiaa. Mr. Dilloo, Home Hale member for Tipperery. is cow speakinf. Lo5Dox. Jaa- 24. A St. Petersburg dis patch to Heaters Telegram Company tbia eveoloj. says a report be retcbed bere tbal Gea. tfkobeloS'e forces bate stormed Geek Tepe. Tbere are no details of tbe actioa. Ia tbe Home of C-mmooe to-dy. tbe pccbcs of tbe Irib members were mostly rambliot aad aaiotereetiog Mr. Dawtoo, member forCrlow boroogb. said tbtt Mr. Foster was aekicg to Lmpo laws agaiast wbcb tbe country would tie j sum Mr. Gledttoae ' speecb. m wbicb be de clared be could aot accept tb compro mise, was ia reply to tb sagestioo of Mr Paroeil, tbat a diviaioo mixbt now b lakeo if tba government would eree to poatpooe debate oo Mr Foster's bill until Tburs dsy. Mr StaHord Nortbco:e intimated tbe io teotioo of tbe CooscrvatiTes to continue tbe seaetoo if necessary. Tbe Uoum divided el 3 o'clock, P. M.. aad Mr. Gladstone' motioa to give prece dence to Mr. Forster's protection bills was carried br a Tote of 2ol to 53 Tbe Home tbcu adjourned until Toure dav. Tbe 7iwvs. io ao editorial articla this morolox says: "Tbe Dublio Uial is suQ- cieot to sbow lb belpleaaoesa aad loade qaacy of tb ordinary law to rtpreaa all Uiegal organ ixitioo and agitatioo of large dimensiooj, bat Lbat tb perplexity of tbe Dublio jury will oot prevent Efiglisbmen from formiog tbeir own conclusions ia re gard to tb real cbaracter of tbe aiuiloo. If ao supplcxaeatsry legislation ia fortb comiog. tb miscarriage of tbe Dablia trial will b btiled ia some quarters as establish ing and aaoctiooiog iiceos." Mr. Gladstone, replylog to tba corres poodcot wbo Inquired aa to lb truth of tbe rumor that be i about to eater tbe Home of Lords becau of ill bealtb. says it is per fectly groaodlesa. Tbe ttU&t, ibis eveoiog. says tbe bors armory aad Wbue Tower coataioiag tbe armory at lb tower of Loodoa. have been cloned to tb public ia obedieac to icstruc lioc to the Vt ar OCce, issued oa account of epproodd Feolsa disturbaacea. Loxdos. Jaauarr 26, 6 P. M. Gea. SkobeloiT telegraphs from Geek Tepc, oo tbe 31:b. aancuociog that tbe Husaians oo tbal dsy captured Geek Tep aad Geagil Tap, after oio hours' dcsperal flgbliag. aad that tb Tckka Torcomaos are to full retreat. "Tneir Io," ha says, "u lm meas. Tbey were pursued aad cut dowa for a distance of Cf.cea rerals. Our rtcto ry Is com pi t. We captured a quantity of arm, aomaailioo aad prisoners. Oar loe is oow being ascertained. Oar troop foccbl beroicallr-" WAMIMuro.1. .NOUt.XATIOX OF BTASLET MATTHEWS FOB JCSTICE ACTREME COCBT. By Talrrapb to lb Morsla Star ! Waswisoto. Jaa. 26V The Preaideol at tb followiog oomlaalloos to lb Soat to-dsj. 8ualy Mattbw. of Ohio, to b Assoclat Jostic of lb U. S. So prm Court, rure JusLic Swsjoe, re H0d. ifacb Msrtio, to b Surreyor Gorai of Florida. Seaator Jooea, of Florida, has returned to v, aabiog'ujo aad waj ia his scst tody. x Saator Gordoo, who has beeo siop p0ic ber a few days, oo bis way to Nw lork. left Washinctoo Lo-o!bt wuh his family for lbat city, where he will remain omtim oo railroad bosioe before re tareiof to Georgia. ClllllQO. A NEW TELEURAPH CO VTA N Y TO HE OBr.AXltED, AC. kBy Tlrapb to tba Morning ts.J CatCAOo, Jaa. 25. Liceose to orcaoixe a ow talegraph compaay with a capital of on miilioa dollars, wu received by coo n 1 for tb eorporatioa yesterday. A meet io wUl be held La a few dss, when an or f aalzatioo wUl U effected aad books open- vi v muniiuiigB o StOCK. Cukjmo. J an nary 24- Th Kning Juvrnai leaxas from a trujtwortby source) lbat Lb loos: established firm of Nield Littr Jt Ox, wbo ar leading wholes' aoo retail ary cooes mercbaots of Ibis city is about to dissolve. L 2 Leiter golos: oot,' aad tb ow firm bint ortoixtd as Mar ual. XMd A Cox 1 e- ss a . TstnaUBKK. T1IK LJUitSLATUBE SCCCESDel IN ELECT INO f. . a EN ATOM. l9y TaHpspa to tha Morals 9ur. NssaniXB. Jan. 24. The thirtieth bal los for Senator stood Jackson 70. May osrd 25, How 1. As soon as Mr. Jackson was dec.'ared elected b was lifted oot of hi seat aad tscorud to th stsod, where h said he would do whatever lay la his power to allay all sectlooal agitatioo and btiat prosperity to lb count rr. Ha wool.1 aot ooly repreteot th State, but the Unitrd rtu: (a tbe broadest seas of tbe word. " " HHwaawaajBaas. paaa -syajaaiM FINANCIAL, NEW YORK STOCK M A RX ET BTROSU AND UIOUER AT OPENINO DOWN WAED TURN AT CLOSE. (Br TaUarraea to U MorsB a tar J Saw Yoke, Jaaoary 24, 11 A. M. Tbe slock market opnd strong and Ceoerally bifbr. aad sutarqaeaUy sd-ff- P cet.. the latisr Lake "7 A " esur a: Cic0, Darlloztoa dt Qly. Ceetral Psclfla aad Peoria, D eatur Seaamli biag also promment la Lewi,. V !Uo BJOfotot caosed pua to take a downward ujra. TIIKBBUKKIf SAIL. A PA8JEXOKB COACH THROWN FROM : .THE TRACK AMD IKVEJiAL PERSONS PaSOEROCSLT IXJTJBKD. IB7 Tecrapb to tbe ataram Sur.l COLCMBCt, January 25. A. dispatch from lllllersborr to Lhe.iAM, JHrpalch says the CSacloaal! express train struck a broken rail, three miles north of that place, to-day. Tbe engine aod two cars passed orer ia safety, but the coach Jumped tbe track, rolled down a ateep embackmeot aad was badly wrecked. Eleveo pertoos were badly injured, several of tbem daa eeroutl?. KLKVTHIUSriRK. . Tbe score io the walking match io New York at 3 o'clock stood: Hughes, 230; Cox. 272; Albert. 2631; Howard. 2S5t; Yeot 2t ; Cbnoe201. Tbe New Jersey Legislature In loiol ses sion yesterday declared Win. J. Sewell elected aa United States Senator for six years from tbe 4th March next. Offlcial dispatch to tbe Journal from Md isoa. Wis., says the Hoo. Phlletus Sswyer. waa to-day formerly chosen by a joint con vention of th Legislature to succeed the Hoo. A ogus Cameron in tbe United States Senate. A deputy United Stales Marsha! left Bos ton yesterday for New Orleans, baring in custody Oscar Rice, who ia wanted in that c ty for the embexxlement off 13.000 wbile Internal Rerenoe Collector ia Louisiana four years ago rbarltiica Naval atcraa Ulirkti, Jtaaarr 34. Tbe receipt were 83 casks spirit turpen tine aod 693 bbls roaio. Borne 000 bbls rosin were sold at $1 43 per bbl for C D, $1 50 for C, $lMforF; $1 63 for G; $1 90 for U; $J forI; 3 32 J for ; $3 62t for M; 2 87 J for N; aod $3 23 for window class. Spirits turpentine firm; sales SO casks at 43i ceois per gallon for regulars. Crude turpentine is valued at S3 80 per bbl for virgin aod $1 80 for scrape. n York Naval aioraa 51arkl Jaaaarr 84. Spirits Tnrpentloe There is a strong maiket. wiih a moderate demand; sales of 75 bbla io merchantable order at 48c, closing at 47i43c Rosins are steady and quiet Closing quotations : Strained at f 1 ?5l 77 J; good suaioed at 1 80 I 8Jf ; No. 2 E F $1 903 10; No. 1 G H $3 20&3 30; sood No. 1 I $3 40 2 50; low pale K 3 75; pale M $3; extra pale N 13 25; aod window glass W 13 503 73. Tar quoted at $3 40&2 50. N a w York Paajsail Itlarkst. Journal of Commerce, Jan. 25. Peanuts Demand ia moderate and prices steady. The quotations for Virginia are Sf 4c for prime; 4Q4vc for extra prime, 4K) 4c fr fancy, and 4(5c for band picked. HORSFORD'S ACID PHOSPHATE acta with decided benefit in cases of inna- tritioo of the brain from aboae of alcohol. Ten Dollars Reward JpOS WHIIL LOST OFF ON Of THE ONE HUNDRED BOOOIESJatt received by GERHAROT A CO. N. B WftJ foond. )ma 3 tt s Opera House." A fasaioeabl a41ae aniaiblad last week. To arltaas tba encbaaluig tlav. Ta ladlaa. 4llhta4. ware aaxtoee to aaek. w hare ia gaaUeisaw oetsiaad sack array, It Is do aawrat, foe ksows, a vary ooa. Taat tay war lu4 aad faraUhed by OTIS A BON. jaa 16 Lf Horses and Mules. J CRT RECEIVED. AND TOR BALE LOW. 1 MULES, aoeod aad well broke. Good FARM HORSES.: jaaUDAWlw D. L. GORS. RICE. V Tt BUT ROUOn RICE AT BEST CASH prr. esd kreo cnnatanHy oa hsad all grades of cleaa Klee froia COMMON to FANCY. Also DOUSE A rood cbaap aod healthy food for Horace, Cowa, Qof, Ac All roods sold ai Cbsrlesto price. NORWOOD GILES A CO . at I U rroDrtstor'a Carolina Rica Mills. THE LANDMARK, PUBLISHED AT 87A1&3VILLS, 1RSDKLL CO., X. C a vox LeAdliJ? Hewipap.! la Western Horth Cakroli&jv ItUibcdrDmeratlraservabllshed la Ira- a all Coaaty oo of la Urgi aad waaltbiast eooa Uaa la ta Stat aad has attained a largar Iocs CLmiUllno Uaa aay papar na baxetofora pabUabad la tbacoaatj. Its etreulaXloa ta Aiaxaaasr. WtUcas, Ashs, Aila xbaaj. TadAla, Davta aad IredalL Is Largar tbaa Out of aay two paper ta tba But comb Load; sad 1 rapidly aeqairUcastroex foothold la Forsyth, It t Lb only paper ta Neeth Oara&DS thai asspiors a Raasxs isxam Castvassim Aaaxr. aad Lhas kspt eoaataotly bef ore La peopl. Uader tbi aatsss a rapiaiy im leamna ctrcaiaUot u is the reams aiatlnc taa tub nKsnr ADVjBBTiaiif q nBDiDn Ut WXSTXBI NORTH CAROLINA, AODRX&fl, "LANDKABK," ataaaartUa. H.C. Forest and Stream, A5D ROD AND GVN TUX AMERICAN BPOBT8MAJT8 JOURNAL A VTirXLT PAPSK DEVOTED TO riXhH BPORTH. PRAOTICAL NATURAL H13 TORT. FWH CULTURE. PROTECTION OF GAME, PRESERVATION OF FORESTS, YACHTING AND BOATXNOw RIFLE PRACTICE. AND ALL OCT-DOOR RECREATIONS AND STUDY. Tata t the ooly Joonal ta tha Oveatrr that fallr tppllaa lAa waata aa4 narawalUn of the GwDtlenuui ports man. TERMS 1 00 a Year. 8a4 for Bpactaea Copy Paraat At airaawa Pwallaatlaia: G.. Poat OflSca Box l&n. aeTMi The Marion Star. rpnW OLDEST MEWEPAPSR PUBLISHED IM JL Ua Pa Daa aacttoo. ooa of tbawaaHaiaat aad aaoaepeoaparooj U taa 4 tata. off an to Ooau&iacloa aa4 WaoiMalaMarctiaaU aa4 Maaaiactarwa, "and to taoaa who bar adopted taa pUa of saUlx br aaayita, aa axeaUaas aMdna ot aomaaaaioo wUh a Um aad raSnaarlal daae of aaatxhaata. saa rhanlrajilanlaea aad aaral store saaa, whoaa aai roaaceta won aorirtiaUoa. AdrartUaaaaU and Bnainaae Carta laawrud oa U aaral Ural. Addraaw THE "rTAJL -P"t Marioaua.C. Seed, Seed, Seed. I.HAVB p STORE A COMPLETE STOCK o VEOaTABLE aad FLOWER 8KXD. aJl I? Oajaloa. (Nootd Sad oa bajmUo work ) Cail aad saod roar orders to J. H. HARDCrS , ,t Orr aad S4 Store, J" ,s lt New Market. OOMM-EKC1AJL. 3 L. g., . . r ; s ' v ; The offlcial or opening quotaliooa bel vt are posted at tbe Produce Excb uo daily at 1 P-M., aod refer to price at tbal bour. STAR OFFICE, Jan. 26, 0 P. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE. The mar ket opeoed firm at 44 cents per gallon bid, with sales reported of 100 casks at that price, bciog a decline of ic on last reports. HOSIN The market was firm at $1 37 for Straioed and $1 50 Good Suaioed, witb sales as offered. TAR Market steady at 1 40 per bbl of 230 lbs, with asles of receipts at quotatious. CRUDE TURPENTINE Market Aim, with sales repotted a) 1 80 for Hard and 3 00 per bbl for Yc.low Dip and Viigio. COTTON. The maiket was quoted quiet, with small sales reported on a basis of 11J ceots per lb. for Middliug. Tbe following were tbe olticial quotatious of tbe day: Ordinary 7f cents lb Good Ordinary J Strict Good Ordinary. . ' " Low Middling... 10 13-16 " Middling 1U ti Good Middling: " " PEANUTS Sales reported oo a basis of 2030cisfor shelling tlock,40 eta lor OH nary, 60 cents fur Prime, 60 cents for Extra Prime, no J 70 ceuts for Fancy. Market' quiet. nUCEIFTS, tAJllUU Spirit Rosin. Tar.. Crude 151 bales. 63 bbls. 1631 " a 126 " turpentine. turpentine, . lil.ltllOil'lt ttlHKI. by Talesrapb bo tbe Morning Star.) Finaruial. Nkw Yobjc. January 26 -Noon. Money strong at 55 per cent. Sterling ex chaoge 08Jyyf. Stale bonds dull. Gov ernments quieL Evening Money 45per Cent. Sterling exchange 9Si- Governments quiet and firm; new firea 101; nev four and a half per cents 112$; four per ceots 1 12-. Slate bonds moderately active. Qjmvurrcuii Wxw York, January 20. Noon. Cotton quiet, with sales of 567 bales; middlings 11 13 10 cents; Orleaos 12 1-10 cents; fu tures steady, with Bales at the following prices: January 11.62 cts; February 11. 66 cts; Marcb 12.85 cents; April 12.02 cents; May 12.16 cents; June 12.23 cents. Flour dull. Wheat firm. Corn dull. Pork firm at $13 25 for old. Lard strong at $9 60. Spirits turpentine 48 cents. Roain $1 75. Freights steady. Evening Cotton quiet and steady, witb sale to day of 847 bales; middling uplands 11 13 10 els; middling Orleans 12 11-10 cts; consolidated net receipts 16,188 bales; ex ports to Great Britain 7,222 bales. Southern flour unchanged with a moderate demand. Wheat a shade strooger, with but little bet ter export Inquiry ; ungraded spring 98c $1 10. Corn ic better and more active; ungraded 53t56c Oats stronger and fairly actire at 41fc for No. S. Coffee quiet and unchanged. Sugar doll, weak and unset tled; centrifugal, 96 degrees test, 8 3-16c; fair to good reflnjng 7j7c; prime SJc; refined more actire. Molasses dull and nominal; Porto Rico 3548c; English Islands 3340c; New Orleans 3552o. Rice in fair demand and unchanged. Hosin steady at $1 751 82,. Spirits turpen tine steady at 47,48 cents. Pork higher aod moderately active; old mess $13 50 13 75; middles stronger; lone clear $765; short $3 00; long aod short clear $7 80. Lard about 12c higher, closing strong tod more actire at 9 70. Freights firm. Cotton Net receipts 507 bales, gross 11, 873 bales. Futures cloaed barely steady, with sales of 117,000 bale at tbe following quotations: January 11.6311.05 cenis.Feb ruaxy 11.6511.60 cents; March 11.86 cents; Apnl 12.0112.03 cents, May 12.1412.15 cents; June 12.26 cents, July 12 3612.38 cts; August 12 4112.43 cents; September u.wBiz.uu cents. Baltimore, Jan. 23. .Flour dull, as follows i Howard street and western su per $3 253 73; eitra $1 004 73; fam ily $5 006 00; city milla super $3 25 3 75; extra $4 004 75; family $0 25 o oo) mo oranas so iZQ$q ; Falapsco family $7 60. Wheat eotbern steady; western a shad better and ataady; south ern red $P 1B"1 17; amber '$1 201 23; No. 2 western winter red oo spot and Jan uary delisary $1 16t1164; February de lirery $1 171 17i; Harch delivery .$1 18 1 18J; April deMrery $1 191 19; May delivery $t 191 20. Com aouthern Xeadyj,wetero about steady and quiet; southern white 5853 cts; yellow 53 cents. Oat quiet and firm; southern 45 cts; white 4344 cental mixed 4343 cents. Pro visions firm and moderately actire. Mess pork $13 0013 25. Bulk meats loose shoulders and clear rib sides none offering; packed 571c. Bacon shoulders 6c; clear rib sides 8Jc; bama 1011 cts. Lard refined $9 75. Coffee easier; Rio cargoes, ordinary to fair 11 13 cents. Sugar dull and weak; A soft 9c. cents. Whiskey dull at $1 12. Freight dull and easier. Chicago. Janaary 27. Flour steady and unchanged. Wheat active, firm and higher; No. 2 ChioEt spring 98Jo cash; 99c Feb- raaxy; i mtffli wc march. Com fairly oV .hade blher; 86c cash; 30f Sole February; 87c Mircb. Oats fairlv active and a shade higher; 8030c cash; tc off February; 80fcj March. Pork strong and higher at $18 6018 T5. Lard strong and higher; $9 259 SO. Bulk meats actire, firm and higher; sbonlders $4 50; rib $7 15; clear $7 40. Whiskey aieaay sum ancaaogea at s l uy. Closing' calL Wheat, No. 2 Chicago spring, 99i99c February; $1 00fl 00J Apnl. Corn 86fc February ;4141Jo May Oats 54t0 old tOie asked February. Pork $18 57i18 GO February. Lsrd, $9 25 bid aod $9 35 asked January. J8t. Louis, January 25. Flour firmer but not quotably higher. Wheat higher; No. 2 red fall $1 01J1 03 cash; $1 02a 1 02 February; $1 05il 05 March. Corn hlgher;4Hccssh;88381cFebruary;884c March. Oats dull; 32fc ct,. Febru ary. Whiskey lower at $1 00. Pork higher at $18 40 bid. Lard hlghef and nominally at $9 15. Balk meats higher: shoulders ti 854 40; rib $6 95; sides $7 15 ($7 zu. liacon pigQex; shoulders rib $7 647 65; sides $7 85. $5 25; f :UTTUN : (Tl A H K HTM , By Telegraph to tte Morning Star.l January 20. Galveston, easy at 11$ cts net receipts 1.814 bales; Norfolk, steady at 111 cents net receipts 2.80S bales: Balti more, qolet at 11 cents net receipts 416 bales; Boston, dull at 12 cts net receipts 638 bates; Philadelphia, dull at 13 cents net receipts 160 bales; Savannah, easy at 11 7-10 cents net receipts 8.S53 bales; New Orleans, quiet at llj cents net re ceipts 4,610 bales; Mobile.quiet at Hi cents net receipts 488 bales; Memphis, quiet at 11 1 cents net receipts 1,218 bales; Au gusta, wssk at 10i cents net receipts lOti bales; cnarieston, quiet at in cts net re ceipts 1,683 batea 1 .., FOBBIBN Dl ARK ft rx 1B Cahla. to the Meaai 4aj LiTEitPOOL, 3 tnuary, t&fflftofrQQlton Shade easier; uplands.6Hiffi 6d; sales 8.000 bales, of which?' D00t: bales I were for speculatioo and export ; receipts 1,200 bales, all American. Uplands, 1 m c, Janaary and: February deli very, 6 17 32d ; Februarv . and Match delivery. 6 5-16dr March "and April delivery, 66 19 - 82dt Aprtl and-Blay delivery, 6 2l-330fq;j May andjvjuue delivery, 6 ll-16d; Jane and Jul delivery 0 25 Sid; July aod Au gust delivery 6fd. Futures weak. 1.80 P. M.--LTpland8 0 9 -lOd; Orleans 62d. Futures fin. 4 P. M. Upland!, i in c, May and June delivery 6 2 l-33d. Sales of American cotton to-day 6,600 bales. i I 5 P. Mr Futures closed steady at to day's lowest prices. London, January 20. Spirits turpentine 85s 3d35s 6d. MARINE. Port Atmanae-January 27. Sun Rises 7.05 A. M. Sun Sets 5.22 P.M. High Water (Smitliville) 5.89 Even. (Wilmington) 9.29 Even. Day's Length. lOh. 17m. ARRIVED. Steamslwp Benefactor, Jones.Ncw York, T E Bond. i Stmr Elizabeth, Wilkinson, Smithville, Joseph Bisbee. Stmr D Murchison, Roberts, Fayette ville, Williams & Murchison. Schr Mahaska, 118 tons, Merriman, Bal ttmoie, kamte tt Kercbner & Calder Bros. SchrLotla, 216 tos, 8troud, New Lon don, master, witb gusno toCarolica Central Railway. Schr Snow Storm, Morse, Little River, naval stores to D L Gore. Schr Minnie Wafd, Moore, New River, naval stores to Hall & Pearsall. Schr Charlotte Ann Pigott, Little River, naval stores to A Martin. Schr William, Moure, Shallolte, naval stores to A Martiu. Schr Mary Wheeler. Davis. Litlle River. naval stores to D L Gore. CLEARED. Stmr Elizabeth. Wilkin&on, Smithville, Joseph Bisbee. Stmr D Murchison, Roberts, Fayette ville, Williams & Murchison. Schr E F Cabada, Shaw, Philadelphia; cargo by James H Chad bourn & Co and A Y Wilson; vetsel by George Harriss&Co. Nor brig Gazellen, Wiebge, Queenstown or Falmouth for orders, DeRosset& Co Schr Snow Storm, Morse, Litlle River. D L Gore. Schr Minnie Ward, M .ore, New River, Hall & Pearsall. Schr Charlotte Ann Pigott, Sptncer, Lit tle River, A Martin. Schr William, Moore, Shallotte.A Martin. Schr Mary Wheeler, Davis, Little River, D L Gore. RXPORTS. COASTWISE Philadelphia Schr E F Cabada 196, 966 feet lumber. FOREIGN. 8UEEN8TOWN OB FALMOUTH FOR ORDEES or brig Gazellen 1,200 casks spirits turpentine, 600 bbls rosin. MARINE DIRECTObV. List or Vessels In the Port or Wli oaiHK(oa( N. C, Jan. 27. 1880. This list does not embrace vessels uuder 80 tons. BARQUES. Framat (SweJ.), 336 tons, Holmquist, Heide & Co Runer (Nor.) 380 tons, Langfeldt, Master Tborgoy (Nor.,) 331 tons, Andreasen, Heide & Co GAlaiier(Nc-r ) 207 tons, Ancersen, C P Mebane Von der livydt (Ger.), 484 tons, Michaels, E Pcscbau & Westermann Anna (Ger,), 3S2 tons, Lange, E & Wcsteimann Gambetta (Nor.). 302 tons. Ellveldt, Heide & Co Edmond Richardson (Br.) 292 tons, Turner, CP Mebane Titatiii (Nor.), 303 tons, Albertsen, Heide & Co ConstantiDe von Riencke (Ger.), 823 tons, Fretwursl. E Peschau & Westermann Louise Dorothea (Ger.), 227 tons, Yoss, E Pescbau & Westermann Margarita (Pa,n.), 352 tons, Brasch, Heide & Co Israel (Swoc.), 323 tons, Taflin, Heide & Co Flora (Nor.) 296 tons, Krceger, C P Mebane Sirene (Ger.), 500 loos, Cal;ie. E Peschau & Westermann Glac:er, 312 tons. Small, . E G Barker & Do Cnmilla (Nor.) 423 tons, Sorensen, CP Mebane Express (Ger.), 273 tons, Fretwurst, Heide & Co Margailte (Dan ), 186 tons, Hansen, Heide & Co Kosmos (Ger.) 403 tons, Westerberg, E Peschau & Westermann BRIGS. John Shea. 390 tons, Nickerson, Geo Harriss & Co Mary E Pcnnell, 251 tons, Mitchell, Geo Harriss & Co Gazellen (Nor ), 262 tons, Wiebye, C P Mebane Marie Louise (Swed.), 237 tons, Jensen, Heide-& Co Cora G:eea, 243 tons, Phjlbrook, K G Barker & Co SCHSJONERS Clara, 275 tons, Cramner, rep'e. Levinia F Warren, 29U tons, Johnson, Geo Harriss & Co Fannie E Lawience, 316 tons, Bowen, Geo Harriss & Co Alice ilearn, 342 tons, Fennywell, fcreo Harms & Co E F Cabada, 253 ions, Shaw. Geo Harriss & Qo Cumberland, 413 lo Webber, Geo Haniss & Co A D Lamson. 448 tou9, Smith, Geo Harriss & Co Julia Elizabeth (Br.,) 80 tons, Ingram, Master Ida M Eldridge, 330 tons "Fisher, Geo Harriss & Co Warren J Crosby, 114 tons, Atwood, E G Barker & Co H B Gibson, 94 tons, Sturges, B F Aliichell & Son James A Brown, 174 tons, Ambrose, , Master W H knight, lg7 tons, Tawas, Geo Harriss & Co Charlotte Jameson, 320 tons, Jameson, w Geo Harriss & Co G M Brainard, 212 tons, Knneston, Master Lucy M Collins, 167 tons, Curtis. T t E G Barker & Co William Jenkins, 105 tons, Redding, E G Barker & Co Notice. If the signal letters of any ves sel in port are displayed by the U. S. Sig nal Office, the vessel so designated should send ashore for telfceram. The Camden Journal. Published Every Thvrsday,at Oamdm, & 6., rl THE OLDEST-ESTABLISHED PAPER IN I Karehaw coaraty, aad has an extensive circulation I ableMeaUaapfe ' AafertisfiA. the eaatrr In which itdxctiiav e4jftedwlth that city byateam area the Wasas t a myer.aaid tha witaninfftoa. rv lomhia and Augusta Rafiroad. Liberal term will be made with those desiring to adverUae. Subacriptloa pries, ft 60 per annum. SB, rtiAMTOAM. a HAY. b vfr Editors and Proprietor. NEW ft Has piped, but not the desire to continue to please my kind patrons, and to sell the Best G-oods at the Lowest Prices. Balance of Winter G-oods selling off very low to make room for Spring Stock. m Cloaks, Shawls, janlStf rriBX LOVERS OF A GOOD CUP OF COFFKE would do' well to try a pound of Choice Laguyra before purchasing elsewhere. Roasted especially for oar trade, and received FRESH twice a week . In stock aad en route Two Hundred Barrelsland naif Rarrels of oar Process Flours which we guarantee to give eatlsfaction or money refunded - A large stock of ROYSTKR'S CANDY expected dally; S5c per pound; three poands for $1. Large, fat No. 1 MACKBB&L; three for 85c. PICKLED PIG'S FSBT, TONGUES & STRIPS at New York prices. A Gallon of our WHITE SUGAR DRIPS, with Buckwheat, would not go amiss these cold morn tags. Give me a trial before pnrchaalcg elsewhere. P. L. Bridgers & Co. janS6tf North Front Street. Still Greater Inducements QFFERED FOR THE COMING WEEK. ONLY a few more left. ANEW AND ELEGANT LINE OF Spring Overcoats, AT BIG BARGAINS. The only House in the city for a genuine Knuckle Down Bargain, at A. DAVID, Leading Clothier and Merchant Tailor. jan 33 tf Straw. Straw- Straw. JICB STRAW, A GOOD FORAGE TO FEED Horses, Mules and Cows, for sale at my Barn Yard, near Little Bridge, right in the edge of the city. Put up in good neat Bales, at 5 cents per hun dred, or 25 cents for a cart load, CO cents for a dray load, or (1 for a two horse wagon load. " The Stray; Is bright and dry. Respectfully, janSQSl J. F. GARRELL Watt Plows. TM1B MANUFACTURERS OF THESE CELS. X bra ted Plows have given us the control of them in wis section 01 we state lertne past roar years. This season we have perfected arrangements with them that enables ua to soil them lower than ever before and orders direct to us we guarantee to give you the lowest cask prices. JMU. IJAWSON CO . ja23tf 19, &1 & 23 Market Street Chandeliers, Lamp Groods.&c. 1 HAVE A STOCK OF NICE CHANDELIERS, 2 and 3 light. Also, Hanging Lamps, Perkln's House and Stand Lamps, Burners, Chimneys, Wicks, Ac. , for sale low. Window Glass all siaes. Hardware as cheap as the cheapest, at de 11 tf GEO. A. PECK'S. THE RALEIGH Christian Advocate, Edited and Published by BUCK & EEID, BaleigL fl. C Ia the organ of about 69,000 Methedlsts in North Carolina, and has the largest circulation of any pa per in the State, It stives the m&rketa. aav-W and ricloua news. Is a weekly, eight pagaf reJgiaas, c7 newspaper. Only $3.00 per annum. Sph- Advertisiug rates liberal. ffahSiV T For the Inner Htfii. rpHE OLD AND WELL KNOWN CITIZENS' MARKET is still supplying .its customers with the finest Beef, Pork, Sausage and other meats.. Lowest prices. 7, A. WATSON A CO., de5 tf Proprietors. COFFEE. aw .aa SsikaSsi aswaws) aaaaaai awsawa t . . ""wXssaB YEAR Embroideries, &c,, &c 36 Market Street. Pride of the Pantry1 FRESH SHIPMENT OF THIS BX0EU.T FLOUR la Barrels and Half Barre'i. Just Arrived. Those desiring to um the Best Flour in tbe city at a low price, would do well to send In their orderg eoon. JNO. L. BOATWRIQI1T, 11 13 North Front 81. Mackerel, &c. JUST RECEIVED AN INVOICE OK No. 1 Mackerel, in Barrel, Half Barrels and Kits. Also QEORGS'S.BUNK, COD and SCALED HIRRfNu. I am now retaillDi? an Ix. No 1 MACKKKSL, very LARGE and FAT-J for 23 c;nts-an no-i lent Breakfast Dih Jno. L. Boatwnght Son 11 A. 13 N. Front Si. Jan 23 tf. Notice. APPLICATION WILL BE MADK TO THK General Assembly, at Its approaching seat Ion, fur a charter for the Wilmington Market Company. 4e 14 30t Black m inniiTi .ri Walnut vlvlvl I J C NEW ARRIVALS. AT.THB NEW FURNITURE STOhK To be sold. Wholesale and Retail, low for each. S. E. Cor. Market and Sd BU., jan 23 tf Wilmington, N. :. Prang's Valentine Cards N ELEGANT ASSORTMENT JCoT K ceived. School Books, Blank Books, stationery itc . ' jan 8 tf VATKS' BOOK STOKE Dissolation of Copartnersiiip. rpHE FIRM OF NEWBURY A CHASTEN 11AM been this day dissolved by mutual coaaeut. Mi. F. A. NBWBQKY assumes all liabilities f tbe I at. firm, and all debts due axe payable to hint. K. A. NEWBURY. J. R. CHASTEN. January 22 181 . A Card. HAVING DISPOSED OF MT INTEREST IV the late Arm of NRWBURY St CHAHTEN u Mr. F. A. NEWBURY. I respectfully reoaeal lor him the same liberal natronaso betitowed on the old firm. J. K. CHASTEN. Notice. I WILL CONTINUE AT THE SAME PLACE and respectfully ask all Indebted to tbe old firm to make immediate payment. Abt accommoda tions my friends have received will be as before &i tended. Lew prices aad quick sales is my trade mark. RefpecttuUy. F. A. NEWBURY. Wilmington, N. C, Jan. Si, 1831. jan SS 3i 100 2500 BALES SMALL AND LARGE, TIMOTHY 11 AY, Bushels CORN, 2000 Ba8hClS OAT8, Black nA White, Aad the "Best Bolted Meal in the city." PRESTON CUMMING A CO.. Millers and Grain Dealer. janlSStf and Deal era in Peanou. The Lincoln Progress Published Saturday at Hneolnton, If. C. IS the only paper published in Lin cola county and has aa extensive circulation among the Mer chants. Farmers and all classes of business men la the SUte, It oilers to the Merchants el Wlraalnftoe a sirable medium for advertising their baalnefa throughout Western North Carolbia. Liberal terms will be allowed on yearly adver tisements SuhscrtDtioa price, $2 00 per asaaB In - drc 9 u. jBUhNa. .Editor and Proprietor. The Central Protestant AWEESXT RELIGIOUS AND FAMILY NEW h paper aad the Organ of the Methodist ProU tant Church in North Carolina, ia published t Whvenaboro, N. C Terms, u 00 per annum, 10 advance. The elleibnitv of Its location, the number and ac tivity of its agents, and the constantly In creaalA? de' mand forit among the more solid classes of readers In varioaa section a. eiva tha CENTRAL Decallar claims upon the patronage ef the edvertU. ni public, lurms very favorable. Consult your business Inter ests, ud address the editor i. U. SUUUAua, Greensboro, N. C Sare Tour Motber-in-law. SUBSCRIBE TO The Evening Visitor rpHE BEST, THE CHEAPEST EYJaNINU ra PER In North Carolina. The Ladles Paper;, It has no politics; no axe vognna; uiapioty fT". good advertisInK medium. Send for apeclmru copy. Address, The Evening Visitor. Raleigh, N .C. California Fears. A FEW CHOICE CALIFORNIA PEARS LEFT, f. the season nearly over. . Malaga Grapea in large bunches. Pino Apple' Grape Fruit. Oranges, Apples, Candles, cheapest to. finest. Soda Water for those who caforit. At 8. O. NORTHROP'S jan 15 tf Fruit aad Confectionery Btorea. n

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