jflorninn -Star: tJf a Hn A aa - ta Trs a tea M.ifcr MesaelilHf DeUioaor GaajMe. What, tbv, U the langtaaga in whicb Judgv Toorgvw olotbt bit o( "Southern reeponeibtlitv?" Afff etplaioiog that ibtr wu oo iarth of whita native) cao.iidatea for offic under rtooetruoUoo, tad iliue trtifi tbt wlttingoma of iorne na tive wbite- in the South lu j.jiu the hni of banded plaoderwis bo were faateotog theroeelvre upon the Saaihero people bj mean of solid, ijaoraal oogro vol juu admitted to tbe fraachie. aod whioh ioeed bu; on td aboat politic to vote i:n liepublicao tttktl by boin that ia North Carolina, under the re ontractioQ acta io I96-J, tbr rr :t ru than twenty rnacabwra io thr I'.HHUtutiontl Coaveoiion Lo hJ wfvl ui the Confederal arrav, J j! roirur declare that when ich (" them remained after thry i,. r..-id lb drift of affair, had j o-'i lb Uepibtico "th vial ,.f infamy were poartd upon their society abut tie door u you iV'ii To b Uepablrcao ti to. b. ,pr. A while Kepablican m i'iiir JenouQCd, tuj itu 4. . iin-w.eiy iower and ca or uu worthy in' nero." Oar Republican ip .t i.. eoarraiy gel leu word be , , ..I ihf teteraent bfote be admit i i li rry meu, the native ruir h hlJ out their band to a . t poiiiici a who bad ootoriouvly i..Mje ko ll ;i uth for vlitt tbey .j.il J ruW t r it, ami who led it i iu"nit thev (uod that ibvy i . l in wery ihm,j and thl the - iu . h m Statve wrre bankrupt, i.irr'ptij a in J took Adao .t the corruption m which 44ii.0i; that thy becarue the ll. t d'eintn j men aud pruved a t" not more depraved tbao their t. I) re Jade Tourjpt i -toe country to behev that these r h)it in their iliaoce .' crpt.-baiier with whom -tii. for the poiU of office? ii.-'. th Southern people, who III - I I . .J-rtod lh. mentn o( the uc-.-.-4 t ji tr lm politician, wcio . ir ..- J uoii thr ,oiith from il i rrc-i n. tuitur ftrr crrioo, t . inn lor what 'irpo theae tie Southern meo, who became orrupt well corrupting," were i-'i'ini hero? - Tiinyott cootiDaca to be io til i ijf, Kiiot h ad cocnpleted the C aw ao'. -y Lbou:a;r Mr. Teonyoo t. reported to be ., utel btyoo4 aijf at t&e ucceof . . play . " Vft Cu? Tbw will of the late K. A. S j-ra Uve ail tbe tetlo' prutcrty. ia- c UeJ la Nw V Jtt. to ii- itr. H l'..wr. - U ben the Kev. Heory Ward Urtr-.ir iu. ?ui.jf Cook! o li Mocsiay . u- i.tn ti ic Cao(xu t,&4 i. .! . .j.j.i H ra COC1iCA.1t C J at cl iiDKil JC jw. .u ) n w i. i i -O"- I'iiiUdelptti A Pi-hj, A ciruot' i;v' MJ J jf lift ma i r-. io tSai, &irf!f it r tuiKu i b t4 jiM.t frtjm a '. (. k J ia vtfjict fr m ti.j-o v -!.': m E!tiBe M pr jiJ i:mj M i; . ia ')ain ti coat. : I 'iti ui ij .. rt A -.iu l cttrpa j utr iiiirim ). tn)ta & w Afe . .Jv J Mri Lntrv t; rs'. jrned to t.twa). jJ. A4 ueut-. i 'i c-tri object liatr tlu aui &iki . Lh it m Jjou or out. 5be U couO-ut.o uf b'ck 6.r. .)it y. crm mi'iito. ao f .r- i . otk ot. prf-tt flu-. icca I . i biv2. o -ul, f At oi ;tiT tiort a4irt. aa i amber culorvi it . --t wita bct&t lid cloctt T W I VKLI ia V Mentor dupatcb m tUu 7 j t ( ' rure i u'.aoni , .r tte t.Ktuaui. ibat I'eaaay lai w h Ue rrri- i r 4 14 tbe CCiMt - Mr Davenport, the Hrr.itb ..!; i tt :bobi. t tier is Utile ..'i .i. u.;ta aJfal famae wtiicb r i u i t tcirre year atfoarii the North ( n -t-k tny bt attnbutt4 ta (real at i tbt prvAi of pvppy culttvatioo. rhiy wcat to and eatlr broke t'.- - ; ur tbt br bd'oU b J beo III tr by tft C f V All! bl OO U'SCUt t :lr 4nf ti :rribt to witoee ir;l be0'r &e criJ. " bJ bi i t truuwr oa aod t c urw tbey're V fi ' " iXat. vv. m.ru tut oaaay fault.; M 'ti inn uoly two; r inn i ootltiox nbi tby ay aj no' bio r-(bi tbey '. 1 1 if ifuli'j oa eo J Q-KOiojt rtbt .1 il ar v wbai' tm". V n; . ;:tin f x t w wosta are 1' ' it.fi) i& at Jo' Mr XMt;i ? Scot: t 4)1 I I U l. -. I . T(t lowt depth of recent oom H.ioat u beea toucbed ia ibal uf Mr. ' r. be LorrM rtaiw ( tribal for eJuiaro dietrict of Nw Vork .V Y. Preeideal llayee continue to ui !4a:or Coolia' fneai out cf iTlc.m, inindal tba: CooiUoj wlUcoo- '.nil r imli Vxe Prveideotj aod Ooetro r deat0r ot bie jTcbrfd ffleoda. - P1.L Irewe. ItuL A fcteat many ;ood people, Mr. '!, caay of taeva yeur aiocere fneoda. mor I baa ever coevteced of tbe wu- i u of oar rveoluthvQ not io take a m o i., j i to, Ad tbe wiedoea of lie faibcra i o your 3 rat term but toor yeae ",t,iirU. AAjt'iiMA. 14. 11?- DUIH4TIC JiOTEl rhe Bernhardt aaya tbat Mary vi jotaoo caeaoc aecoeoplib to aavek aa aa . trs beaaew ibe faded i ( tborootbly r r.a,l foe lae '' Loodoo JVui-i learne thai Clara H irrw. be 8ieal emotioa! actrcae aow o." will vtait II DrUib eap(l iarla 'be prvweol yea. Mr. Kdwta Booth baa bta Uuof wita BarwaeA Dafdetl-Coalta to ut Mr. Heory Iretaf. Mr. Boot b U e Id be ia every way traaew wi'.b bia tVa -' eafaaeaeot. MISCELLANEOUS. HA8 NEVER. FAILED wajo nd Mwrtlm to U prinM dUvcdooa PERRY DAVIS' PAirJ KILLER IS BZC0101Z3CDI By rt-irriM,. by Xlmicmarit, by JTnuikrv. by Jfcc W-, by Awm a 2JLviiU, BT 1TV ER TBO DT. We hr taooBWTmbi tMttaoetUU fVra pte is aa o lb woru who hre ul PAIN KTLXER ot tli-t rw of aiBua rvry mum PAIN KILLER in Tit Fl BEST HEMUirkam tm a WarM fcr Saek Hw ularfca, fkmat WfcnM,Pla la tava Bk.Plai la taw rvftrmiosiHLT tiie BEST LINIMENT MADE PAIN KILLER mrcofapji ' t o ( ata, BnUn, Iprtlaa, Scaltla, AIM VII I CD w Ch won-trled &nd Mill IVILLCil trnatnl frtotul of th fwt all ciiM) vtotlfif a aarw ftid 4t0ta wHlei will JwTe b At hul. I ran be ftwljr win! latormallr aalljr vt&hoat (xu of barm wlta ttmy niur. AIU VIM CD UaUfildn Oirt !n .111 rVIILan tolt an.J few caacie pmt rithoat m nrcty AIM KILLER, r of It. t-t bar a piare tn rr-y Farter D(T. Uachto "w no errry Farm and rVacialioo. ciarr UiXiaeboid. rrtr ar ImmedlAi ti't only Ibe ActV)e4 Cut. Bratawa rtv"- bat la cam of uddeu aickceae of ' lnd. !milT ca aaiitlr b WtlhOQt thta tnTAla - rm.Jy ta th hon. If prfT brlrf It vr la) rri;h of a;i. arti It will Annually ixuuty tteam Ita ri in d--tura biiu. f or a1 bj All clrucziCa At dOc, Aod PERRY DAVI8 & SON, 4 PROVIDENCE. R. I. Prooitors Tf R U a TRUE TOIUc. IRON' IHTTIIItS Axe Mhly rvroRiiactidtfd ftr a!1 di-woiMre rruirinjc a cvr'-ua Aod c:int toiiir; esprcUily Indlcrttion, I)jppsla, Intor mittrnt Fever, Want of Appe tite. Ia of Jtrcnffth, Lock of Ilawrxj etc. EmrwA tX Uc-i, j d-vi&'wie Lie nururj, eiad tune tie wmi They at Ua a chrm oa tiie ij4-tive otxva-, removing all drtpeptic ijaptoxsi, urh X UiJtiitj tXtfxxl, buXm-j, ktai i lltf ffr.'wujtf.l, irt:riVr, fr. 74 Wy rva Vvputiioa tUli rt bitiirirm tie fawti r y.r L-oJLu.U. Write Ur the ABC Lot.it, S2 pavfva Amtteir.jX And twful ralin;. W frtt. KnoWX OIJflCALi CDMPA.W, Haittnaorvx Id. laaSDavir im Ladies Do jou want a pure, bloom Ins Complexion I If so, a Tew applications of IIagan MAGNOLIA BAL3I will grat ify yoa to your hearts con tent. It doa away with Sal lownf?&3, Ikdncsa, Pimples. Blotches, and all diseases And Imperf eetlons of tho sUn. It OTercomM the flnshfd appear ance of heat fatljrna and ex citement. It makes a lAdyof TniETY appear but TWEN TY: and so natGral, gradual, and perfect are its effects, that It Is Impossible to detect its application. (tklla km Fresh Oysters I If ! Iff w lTmry, iw Uws&ina JpTMT DAT AT Hozart Saloon. Btf tStf prOttr qwniwimioii ftomaaeretooa eaiU boleeJe pelcea ceaaxaUy.; la auiiii t exiAn ordar htctMr prioee fcAee to be eJUarsM. BAQQQIO Oaaay Btarwlird... .... . BACOS octti CaroUav fttnev) Hkoaidr. k O a o (U4eM.O. caoke,f Wl It O Sid, w . . S&oeidara,... . .. Ore 8ltd 0ldae ft SaoeJoere .. Bur-kin welcfet BaKRTTH F ptrtu Tm poatlB 5ood H&ad. oacb. 1 8S 00 00 SI 7 a IS ts 18 O g o ta O O O 1 75 1 eo 1 w 9 SO 14 00 to 16 It 10 Mew New Tor, aacb New City. ana. tKWAJC-w k BiUCKBWlbalactoa. f M Nortaora dtTTTXK Norra CaroitnA, Ta. Ca-XDf Hpm, V Tailw, f t adamantine, CHJLKaS Hoztbera Factery 9 ft te. V V O nx 3 o 14 O U 00 Q 15 10 Q 14 16 O S iHQ ie 15 O 17" 10 O 7S 1 73 e t t3 7 a 7x 1 " J 1 10 u 00 a ou 6 B0 tt 10 00 s aa o co 4 i0 a 6 00 A 50 Q 7 00 5 CO O i to o "00 aa o 4 00 so 0 ueary.erwuav RtAt, ft CUrru-Jave, ft Kio, 9 ft ..... .. LCayTAi ft.- OO RN1( LAX .beaaeida wrm.i Tia2 w ecia DOKianaB bCnx.4-i. aj rd Tara, a baaca K'HIS .. Flflrf Maeaarai.No. 1. bbL..I wo. I. H b6i atacaevwl. Ne. 1, bat Mo. I, v Mbbt.. atacaarai, Ko.I. bbl Mmlleta. f bbl do Pork bbl a.U.&amas.Koew tm... Dry Cod. V ft raatTitaiKR farav'aUaAaeMo. 1. 10DO fta 61 60 36 10 00 00 04 45 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 BO 00 66 90 0 00 600 S to T 60 5 00 6 00 6 60 11 ea so DO. NO 1. Do. Lobc Beajb'. PboeyaAta, CarodXA Fertillaer. 37 00 ei oj 60 0J 50 00 40 00 Oroaad Boaa. BoaeMeai, Flocx. Mavaaaa Quno, Otto place Has axe Waaaa'a Fkoepaau " WaaaoPaoepbAXe. Betxr Bala's Faoepa. M KxeaUenaa Cottoa FerGUlaer ruOVH Ftae, bbl 45 00 67 00 43 00 67 00 TO CO TO 00 00 00 60 00 415 5 IS 7 00 900 6 EO 613 6 73 s o o s o Sapr. Hortbera. bbl KTr An. - at hhl Faiallr bbl . . aty illlt-artra, bbl .... FaaUy, bbl... Ix.FamUy. bbl .. oLtra-w ft QRaXS Ctora.ta atore, la eejo. g IS 70 Oora.CAnro. Daaaei. Oora.BUiadfJbaaJiai.ta bAf. Oata. v bsabal Kd Ra Proof . . . reA,Oow. V baaeJ 57 O MX ea O 57 e 00 ti 80 o 4 o nxo 00 o 1 40 O 1 4i O 65 00 Q 3$ 00 O 1 10 o 1 60 87 8J HXUkil Oraon. w ft Dry, ft HAT aUatam, C 100 fta 13 1 (0 Waewra. V iw 1 to 1 Si HorU arvar. 190 ft rfUOP IROS4 LaKD Northam, ft 90 09 10 Mortb CaroUaa, ft ft 1U 1 85 UMM bbl LCMBUCttt SeaAJrtAwvo satpBtaS.reeAareC, m at ft.. BoajraftdjcePlAaa.fl M ft... WatladUCJT?vAOoordiajt toqaailty.fl Xft Oveaeea Ploortna. seaaxmed.. -.tiim aad Boaroa, eoa- aoe. at ft - 18 00 IS 00 o o 90 OA 16 00 IS 00 18 00 11 00 00 CO 00 00 as 00 40 000 00. 1 10 90 IS 00 00 to 8 73 40 40 0 f 00 00 00 00 o o 18 TO n 00 IS 00 miii.h.pi Hrm ea KTabe. aada 39. New crop Caba, DO la w Porto Kloodibda bbla hat noeae, ahd, jaj.. . bWA.fl V.A1.... Rttid. bi. V CAl 41 O o o o o o 4) 46 n n 80 s ts 14 MaJXa Cat,10d baade, ke.. . JlLB Karoaaoa, gal LlaaaeJ.V f- - Koein.f) !.- Tar, per iraJ 145 100 18 ca 8 o o 89 Irck aoC spar, per 88 FOULTHY ClUcaaaaulvejrrowB spring... 18 1 00 70 80 Tvey PaVaNUT- auiwJ. POTATOES -., baabel.. Irlah. v tai POHX SortUrn, City Meet rrixae, V bbl Rama. fJ bbl .... BICB Oarollaa, fl ft Soxurb. bcAh Kiea-C iatry. ft City. i ft ROPB bVaLTidan.f barbel Liverpool, ieack, LUboo. ar.Sc . . . AJaarlcan V ck . 8UJAH-Onbe. t . . rwto Ke, ) ft . i-tt-a- , . B ft 0- W Bx.C- Craabad. V ft . HUA.P Morthera. fl ft PIU5QLJC9 CfcatrAft, 9 M Oocaaoa. M Cypreeaftape fl M. Crpre Baerta W at. BTAVfa W.O. BbL, M K.O Bad.. V M TALXOW ft TIKBaTl ftlpalag. M Cztra Bblpplcf in Prtama w M MLU Fair, f M ComaKia MQ1 lafator to Ordiaary, fl M WB.19I.XT-NorUura, V tl North Carotma, cl . -WOOL CawAAbed, 9 ft Waahad. W ft Barry Wool 800 16 50 O 15 00 CO 00 00 O I 1 eo 6X 40 ia 10 1 -1 140 00 o 73 85 00 00 00 0 0 13 F5 75 10 10 8 9 IPX 9 13 5 3 00 I CO 4 50 00 11 00 10 00 5 If 00 11 w 9 00 7 50 6 00 4 50 1 00 1 00 to so 18 7 UW 1 30 5 00 7 60 1500 00 00 6 13 0C 14 50 11 00 8 00 6 W 6 Ot 6 00 t 64 16 31 to o o o n O (9 6 O 8 O C n O 'iLnnQTo.v st on k t an a iia&in xehaare (a-'cbtl oa New York, Baltimore, m-ft Palladalpbta. . Waetam CI Lie. gxckAcx- 30 days 1 W eeaL Baakofniw BAaover Btock PuatMatloaai Baiik, Mai a a Piano (to ' w. C. Boada old Kx-Coepoa Do, mading 194 Do. " laa V disci. " . H " . 96 80 ltfi .11 .18 .11 .80 . 4 .91 Do. New 4'a. Do. 8c Special Tax. Do. to N. O. Railroad. W. aa. W. B.aBoedT fie (Gold Int) . 116 Caroilaa CBtral K. X- BocdJ, 6 f)c. .60 WU. CoL A All- R- K- " no W12saLagtaa City ooaaa, new ife.... - 93 New Hanover Coon ty ...afJe 87 W. A W. Railroad Block fO North Caroilaa R. H. " M WlLOae Light Co. 4A Wllaarnartoa Cotton Mills 93 Bank of New Hanover Authorized Capital I ,000,000 $300,000 50,000 Caaah Caoltal paid In Kurpla Fund D I R K C 7 O R S. JOHN DAWSOji tX U. BTEDMAN ibAAC BATES, JAM. A. LEAK il. r. LXTTLE 8. B. BORDEN D. K. ML'RCaiSON -DONALD btcRAE U. VOLLER5 B, B. BiUDGlULB 3. W. ATKINSON CHAB. M. BTXDMAN, President. ISAAC BATES, Vice President D. Waxaacb. Caablev ang tO-tf Atkinson & Manning's Insurance Rooms, BANK OF NEW HANOVKR BUILDING. WlisalnartOHu If. c. Fire, Marine aal Life Companies. ArgregaU CaprUl Represented Over iiw,uw,iaaj i J 11 tf ALL ABOUT Western North Carolina it yoa wftAi io know ,0) fcboot tl Qird4m Spot" of TaaB BagtKLsaVa, WVm IUT SB SJ tlaTSm,! IllSJSa WVJ W The Western Courier, Ilk a TWENTY-EIGHT COLUMN WEEKLY, fall of la Ufa tin jC reelrng matter, and drvtted to the latareeta of Waaaara North Carolina. Addreee THE COrRICR COMPANY, nendereonville. N. C. MISCELLANEOUS. The raorhingStar JOB : PRIWTIWG. "X 1U 15 8 10 14 PUBLISHED DAILY AHD WEEKLY Subscription RatesIn Adrance DAXLT BTAJL Una Tear, postage paid, $7 Six Moatb " .. 4 Three Mo&tAt'' i One Monti - " . . 1 V -a sx 8 WaCKLY 8TAK- One. Tear poatage paid, fl SIxMouUib, " ! Tbree Mouth " Notices of tbe Press The Star m drclded'y one of the bet the State, a hrleUt and newy aa erer. papera in Long life to H.&aUin Prtu Tbe Wilmington Star haa entered on its twelfth year aa rood a paper as Any people should want. CharUMU Democrat. The Wilmington Star has entered on its twelfth year. Aa a dally Journal of news It stands "np head." Concord RtgxeUr. The Wilmington Stab has entered its twenty fifth volume. There la no better pAper pnbllshed in the State. Lenoir Topic. The Wilmington Star has entered npen its thir teenth yrar. It Is one of the beet pepers in the State . WarrtrJon Gattle . Tbe Wilmington Stab has entered its thirteenth year. It hAS become one of the leading papers ef the Booth. Oxftird ToreMiclU. The Wilmington Stab la not only one of the best edited paper in the BtAte, bat for freshness of news And typographical appearance cannot be beat en Jactto Exporter. The Wilmington 8tab ia one of the very best pa per in the Booth, in every department from typog raphy up to editorial ability aid lndependeace. PiUnibvrq (Fa ) Indtae-AppiaL We like the Ktab becaaae it Is thoroughly relia ble, candid, fearless, sad eo well end Ably edited, newsy, spicy. And In fact a perfect newspaper. Long mar the at am, twinkle. Ml Airy Visitor. Althooeh At the head of the press In this BtAte in All thAt mAkes a paper vAlnable to the reader, still it continue to Improve. It ia a Stab of the first magnitade. May Its lastre sever wane. The Free WUlBoDtUL The Wilmington (N. C.) Moairnis Stab is a mo del newspaper. Indeed, we think we do not exag gerate its merits when we aay It is the newtiett (sec bIat) paperpabllched in the South. Richmond (Fa.) RetXcAou Herald. The Wilmington Stab hAA now entered upon its thirteenth year And twenty-fifth volume. One of the beet conducted And ecu tea papers in tne Hontn, And. as a North CArolinian, we are proud of it T arboro Southerner. The Stab Is so well end favorably known in thie section of the State that we can say nothing of which Its thousands of reader do not already know. It is la every respect ooe of the best dailies ia the South. RobeeoHia. The Wilmington Stau ha entered on its twelfth year. It is a most exoalient newspaper, well edited a compendium of all the news of the day, and an honor to its city, to North Carolina ana to North Carolina loornallsm. Charlotte Obeerver. ThAt magnificent beaming Stab has completed Its twenty -second volume. It is one of the most brilliant, erudite and sparkling dailies tooth of. the Potomac. The system In the get no of the paper saroasses them all. Tarboro Southerner. . The Titnee cannet say a word too good for the Wilmlnfftan Stab. It has lost, reached one of its many bLrthdays. As a newspaper it is a favorite with the State press and is sought after by the peo ple. Long ana prosperous life to It. Reideville lima. Whi Is' it that All tho DaDers with the name ef Star ar each bright little oarnAls T The Wilming ton (N. C ) bTAB, the Washington. Star, Fredericks borji Star, New York Star, for example There most be something in a name after all Richmond (To ) State. The Wilmington Star, we are pleased to notice. Ull aootlnnes on the hlzh road to sncoesa. We es teem the Stab very highly, regarding it as one of the very best of oar exchanges. And consider it the peer of Any Joaroal pobllehed In the Sooth. Ox ford Free Lance, The Wilmington Stab is now f Aking the rcgalAr midnight AseoclAted Press reports. And has besides lncreAscd tho amount of lis reading matter. The Stab la An excellent paper. Its prosperity is not surprising ilnce it is so doserring. Chariotie Ob Thb Mobmiho Stab, ene of the best dailies we know, and as a newspaper, la our opinion, the very beau baa entered upon its twelfth year. In every particular the 8tab comes folly op to the mark as the principal daily In our chief commerdAl city. Leag may It twinkle. Alamance Gleaner. The Wilmlnrton Stab hAS entered urxm its 13th volnme. and we are pleased to notice still continues on tbe road to sncceaa. We esteem the Stab very highly, regarding it aa one of tbe very beat nnwspa oers that come to thta office. Its news columns are always a little f oiler than those of any oher of oar exchangee, and its editorial department ia con ducted with moch ability. Marganton Blade. Humble In Us berinnlnga. aa was Inseparable from aa eateraise beean amid the wreck of fortune that attended the eoUapee of the Southern Confederacy, the Stab baa steadily 'waxed" on til it now beams resplendent in the full glow of a constantly bright ening prosperity. Aa a newepaper it has few equals, aad no m Deri or. for aoDroDriate selection and la- dldOBS arrangement, and we are proud to rank it among our most acceptable exenangea, mueooro Recorder, Tbe Wilmington Morhth Stab has entered upon the thirteenth year ef lu existence, and we take this opportunity to congratulate it upon Its prospe rity and deserved popaiaritv. The remarkable anc- ceaa of the 8tab Is due to its strict Attention to boslneaa. The boast of the Star (rightfully too), Is that it always has tbe news, aad this ia the first thing in Journalism. Otherwise the paper is all that the term of "good newsDaaer" Implies, and its corps of editors and reporters are thoroughly edu cated newspaper men. aiay sae neaitaioi, morai influence of the Stab never be retarded, and may its genial, eatery rising proprietor enjoy many more happy years of ase f ulneM. Gcidteoro Memnaer. TIIE RALEIGH Christian Advocate, Edited and Published by BLACK & REID, Raleiib. N. C Is the organ of about 63,000 Methedists in North Carolina, and has the larKeet circulation of any pa per in the State. It gives tho markets, secalar and reiixioas news. Is a weekly, eight page, religions, family newspaper. Only $3.00 per annum. Sub scribe at once. Advertlalng rate liberal. Ian 34 tf The Lincoln Progress Published Saturdayt at LincciLrdcm, N. 0. IS the only paper published in Lincoln county and has an extensive circulation among the Mer chants. Farmers and all classes of oaaicaa men in the Bute, It oners to tne aterchanta ef Wilmington a de sirable merit mn for advertising their basin ess throughout Western North Carolina, Liberal terms will be allowed on yearly adver tleemeuta Suhecriotion price, f 3 00 per annua ACdrwu v u. dbuank. editor And ProBrtetor. The Central Protestant A WEEKLY RELIGIOUS AND FAMILY NEWS. paper and the Organ of the Methodist Protes tant Church in North Carolina, la published at Greensboro, N. C Terms, ft 00 per annum, in advance. The alMhilitv of tta location, the number and ac tlvlty ef us agenta, and tha constAntly increasing de mand for it ameng the more solid classes of readers In various aecttona, give- th CENTRAL peculiar alalma upon th a patronage ef the adrartiang public, 1-erma very 1 avoaabl. Oonant your basinese Inter aaxs, vna aaarca vm waiter J. It. BUUilAUX, Greensboro, N. C I Still Insist rpriAT I AM NOT '.THE GERMAN .BARBER. bat one of them, and second to none in the city. My Saloon may always be found neat and comor table, aad poilta War km en who are ever ready to wait oa my patrons and friends. Respectfully, H. a PRBMPERT, Jan 16 tf No. 9 8 Front St. MISCELLANEOUS. THE MORNING STAB Steam Printing House, UORNWO STAB BUILDING. PB1NUM33 STRMUT. 00 00 to 00 it OST THOROUGHLY EQmPPED PRINTING OFFICE IN THE CITY. FINE BOOR, NEWSPAPER A MERCANTILE 50 00 V PRINTING AND BINDING, r CHEAP FOB CASH. ALSO, 2 'HE A TBI CAL POSTERS, PROGRAMMES A TICKETS, INSUBANCE PRINTING. SILL HEADS. CIRCULARS CARDS. DODGERS 3 TEAMSHIP, 8TEAMB OA T AND RA1LR 0 6.D WORK EXECUTED IN QUICKER TIME i. AND BETTER STYLE THAN Bl ANY 0 THER OFFICE ZJV .WILMINGTON. FIRST CLASS WORK AND LOW PB ICES THE MOBNING STAR STEAM PRINTING HOUSE, PRINCESS STREET, WILMING TON, N. C. ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO AND WORK BENT TO AN1 PART OF THE UNITED STATES, C. O.D. SMALL ORDERS EXECUTED WITH 2 HA SAME PROMPTNESS AS LARGER ONES. The Best Paper. Try It Beautif ally Illustrated. &Hh TEAR. The Scientific American. THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN is a large First Class Weekly Newspaper of Sixteen Pages printed in the most beautiful style, PROFUSELY Illustrated with splendid engrav ings, representing the newest inventions and the most recent advances in the Arts and Sciences ; in cluding New and Interesting Facts in Agriculture, Horticulture, the Home, Health, Progress, Social Bdence, Natural History. Geology, Astronomy. The moat valuable practical papers by eminent wri ters in all departments of Science, will be found in the Scientific American. Terms, $3.30 per year, $ 1.60 hair year, whicn in cludes postage. - Discount to Agents. Single co pies, 10 cents. Sold by all Newsdealers. Remit by postal order to MUNN & CO.. Publishers, 37 Park Row, New York. Tl A rn T71TfslCI in connection with the A Xill X Ot SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Messrs. Mckh & Co. axe Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents, have had 35 years' experience, and now have the largest establishment in the world. Patents are obtained on the best terms. A special notice Is made in the SCIENTIFIC AMERI CAN of all Inventions patented through this Agen cy, with the name and residence of the Patentee. By the immense circulation thus given, public at tention is directed to the merits of the new patent, and sales or introduction oiten easily enectea. Any person who has made a new discovery or In vention, can ascertain, rasx or chakob, whether a patent can probably be obtained, by writing to Mush & Co. We also send raxx our Hand Book about the Patent Laws; Patents, Caveats, Trade Marks, their costs, and hew procured, with hints for procuring advances on inventions. Address for tbe Paper, or concerning Patents, MUNN A CO., 87 Park Row, New York. Branch Office, cor. F. & 7th Sts., Washington. D.C. bov 1 tf THE LANDMARK, PUBLISHED AT 81A2ESVILLE, IREDELL CO., N. CJ IS THE Leading Newspaper in Western North Carolina. It is the only Democratic Paper published in Ire dell County one of the largest and wealthiest conn ties in tbe State and has attained a larger loca circulation .than any paper ever heretofore published In the county. Its drculatlon in Alexander, Wilkes, Ashe, Alle ghany, xadkin, Davie ana ireaeii, is larger than that of any two papers In the State combined; and is rapidly acquiring a strong foothold in Forsythe, Surry, Rowan and western Mecklenburg. It is the only paper In Western North Carolina that employs a Rao flab Cast ass ins Asxjtt, and thus kept constantly before the people. Under thi system a rapidly increafdng circulation- is the result making the Lahsxauk THE BUST ADVERTISING MEDIUM IN WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA. ADDRES8, FJANDMARIfc," Stateaville. N.C. Forest and Stream, AND . ROD AND GUN THE AMERICAN SPORTSMAN'S JOURNAL A WEEKLY PAPER DEVOTED TO FIELD SPORTS, PRACTICAL NATURAL HIS. TORY. FISH CULTURE, PROTECTION OF GAME, PRESERVATION OF FORESTS, YACHTING AND BOATING, RIFLE PRACTICE. AND AT.T. OUT-DOOR RECREATIONS AND STUDY. This is the only Journal In the Country that fully supplies the wants and necessities of the Gentleman Sportsman. TERMS $4 00 a Year. Send for Specimen Copy Poreat & Stream PnbllelilnaT Co., Ill FULTON ST., (Oig No. Post Office Box 3833. sept S7-tf The Camden Journal. Publisfed Every Thursday, at Camden, & 0., Ig THB OLDEST-ESTABLISHED PAPER IN Kershaw county, and has an extensive circulation among the Merchants, Farmers and all classes of buainees men In the county. It offers to the Merchants of Wilmington a desir able Medium for Advertising, the country in which it circulates, being connected: with that city byateam eron the Wateree River, and the Wilmington, Co lumbla and Augusta Railroad. Liberal terms will be made with those desiring to advertise. Subscription price, $3 50 per annum. AAAr ss, frantham a hay, fob 37 r Bdltnrs and Proprietor. The Favettevilje Examiner, Weekly Democratic Newspaper, Pnbliahedat FAYETTEVILLE, NORTH. CAROLINA, By Terms S3. OfSyi year In advance. Send for a spe my 5 t Cimen copy RAILROAD LINES. Wilmington & Weldon RAILROAD CO. Omoi or Gaat ii 8 u pkkui TajLoainr, WUmlnjjtoo, N. C, Nev. 97, 1880. Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER NOVEMBER 8, 1S80, AT 4.15 P. M., Passenger Trains en the Wilming ton St Weldon Railroad will ran aa follows : Day fllafj mod Express Trains. Dally Nos. 47 Nortb and 48 soatli. Leave Wilmington, Front St Depot, at 6:40 A. M Arrive at Weldon M:40 F. M. Leave Weldon 8:40 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot, 9:55 P. M. Fast Tkboush Mail and Passexskr Trainb Daily Nos. 43 Nosth and 40 Soxttk. Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot, at 8 03 P. M Arrive at Weldon 1.48 A. M. Leave Weldon .f-80- Arrive at Wilmington, Front Bt. Depot, 10.10 P. M Train No. 40 North will stop only at Rocky Point. Borgaw, Sonth Washington. Magnolia, Mt. Olive, Goldsboro. Wilson, Rocky Mount, Enfield and Halifax. Train No. 40 Sonth will stop only at Rocky Mount, Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia. Nieerr Passkhoxb. Mail and Expbkss Traih Nos . 45 North and 42 South Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot, at 4:15 P. M. Arrive at Weldon... 4:15 A. M. Leave Weldon . . 1:43 A. M. Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot, 8.33 A. M, Trains on Tarboro Branch Road leave Rocky Mount for Tarboro at 6 33 P. M. Daily, and Tues day, Thursday and Saturday at 5. CO A. M. Return ing, leave Tarboro at 9.50 A.M. Daily, and Mon day, Wednesday and Friday at 8 80 P. M. Train No. 47 makes close connection at Wel don for all points Nortb daily. All rail via Richmond, and daily except Sunday via Bay Line. Train No. 45 runs via ruenmond ana wasning ton.and makes close connection daily to Rich mond, and daily except Saturday nights for all points north of Richmond. Train No. 43 runs daily and makes close connection for a'l points North via Ricbmond and Washington. All trains run solid -between Wilmington and Washington, and have Pall man Palace sleepers attached. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Snp't. A. POPE, Gen'l Passenger Agent, no SS-tr General Sup'ts Office, WKIi HI INGTON, COLUMBIA & AU GUSTA It. B. COMPANY, WILMINGTON. N. C, Nov. 27. 1880. Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER NOVEMBER 33, 18S0, at 3 45 P. M., the following Passenger Schedule will be ran on this road: Day Pa9sesgbr,Mail ao Expbkss Trains, Dailt Nos. 42 Wist and 43 East. Leave Wilmington 8.40 A.M. Leave Florence 1:05 P.M. Leave Florence ... 3 45 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington 7:43 P. M. NIGHT BXPBE88 TRAINS (Dally)- Nok. 40 treat and 47 Bast. Leave Wilmington..... 10:35 P. M. Leave Florence 3:00 A.M. Arrive at C. C. & A. Junction 6:00 A. M. Arrive at Columbia 6:10 A. M. Leave Columbia 10:00 P. M. Leave C. C. & A. Junction 10:30 P. M. Leave Florence 5:00 A. M. Arrive at Wilmington 6:30 A. M. This Train stops only at Brinkley's, Whiteville, Flemlngton, Fair Bluff, Marion, Florence, Tlm monsville, Maysville, Sumter, Camden Junction and E as ton. Passengers for Columbia, and all points on G. A C. R. R., C, C. & A. R. R. Stations, Aiken Junc tion, and all points beyond, should take No. 40 Night Express. Separate Pullman Sleepers for Charleston and for AHgusta on trains 40 and 47. All trains run solid between Charleston and Wil mington. JOHN F. DIVINE. Gen'l Snp't. A. POPE, Gen'l Passenger Agent no 28-tf CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILROAD CO. Omol GxhxbjQT SfrBBTHYaarDHHT Wilmington, N. C, Dec. 13, 1880, Change of Schedule. VN AND AFTER DEC. 12,1880. the follow 9 Schedule will be operated on this R ailroad ASBENGER AND EXPRESS TRAIN: Daily except Sundays vv. i i Leave Wilmington at 9:10 A.M. JNO- ) Arrive at charlotte at 6:10 P. M. w , I Leave Charlotte at. 6:30 A M. NO" Arrive at Wilmington at -3:20 P. M. Trains Nos. 1 and 3 stop at regular stations only, and points designated in the Company's Time Ta ble. PASSENQER, MAIL AND FREIGHT 1 Leave .Wilmington at 5:30 P. M. No. 6. Arrive, at Hamlet at 1:26 A.M. I Charlotte at 8:15 A.M. 1 Leave Charlotte at 7:30 P. M. No. 6. V Arrive at Hamlet at 1:36 AM. I " Wilmington at .9:45 A.M. No. 5 Train is Daily except Sunday, but no ccn nection to Raleigh on Saturday. No. 9 Train ia Daily except Saturday. SHELBY DIVISION, PASSENGER, MAIL, EX . PRESS AND FREIGHT. tj- - (Leave Charlotte... wo- f Arrive at Shelby. . . 8:35 A M . 13:35 P. M. . 1:35 P.M. . 5:35 P. M. I Leave Shelby 1 Arrive at Charlotte . N0.4 Trains Nos. 5 and 6 make close connection at Hamlet to and from Raleigh, except as above, and at Charlotte with Trains 3 and 4 on Shelby Division. Through Sleeping Cars between Raleigh and Charlotte. V. Q. JOHNSON. iie 12 tf General Superintendent. CLYDE'S New York and Wilmington Steamship Line. The Steamer r B'ENEF ACTOR, Capt. JONES, V1LL SAIL IR0M NEW TORE, Saturday, February 5. tarr"Shippers can rely upon the PROMPT SAILING of Steamers as advertised, aa For Freight Engagements, apply to T IIO ITI AS E. BOND. Superintendent, Wilmington, N. a Theo. G. Eajer, Freight Agent, New York. W. a. Girdle Sc. Co., General Agents, dee 9 tf 35 Broadway, New York. FOR THE LOCAL & POLITICAL NEW OF THB FIRST DISTRICT, Subscribe for THE FALCON, A Democratic Newspaper. PUBLISHED AT ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. eiy-Sent to any address to January 1. 1881. for QNE DOLLAR., m y36 tf BaftaaaftsaaBBBBhtaABMaBVBB 'MKCELLA1OC0U8.V. THE SUN FOR 1881. awaaawBwaaBB ' Everybody reads Tbi Sou. Ia the edit U-n of tbl newspaper throughout tbe year 10 come tveryboey will find: I. All the world's new. S3 presented ibal tbe i reader will get the greatest amount ef information with the least unprofitable expenditure of t'rae and eye sight. Thb Sou long ago discovered tbe geldtn mean between redundant fallnes aod aaAtfc tory brevity. II. Much of that sort of news wblcb depend lees upon its recognised importance than upon ita In terest to mankind. From morning to morning ThxEuk prints a continue 1 ttory of tbe lives of real men and wonun, and if trelr deeds, plaot. loves, hater, and troubles This eu ry la mart varied and more interesting than any romance tbai was ever devired II L Good writing In ivery colami auJ freh ness, originality, ace i racy, and decrrun in ti treatment of every subject. IV. Honest comment. Tb Eva s habit I to speak out fearlessly about men and things . V. Equal candor in dealing with esca politic! party, and equal readiness to cemmeod wbat praiseworthy or to rebeke wbat is blamabl in Democrat or Republican. VI. Absolute independence ot paitlaan organlsa Hons, but unwavering loyalty to true Uemocraic principles . Thb ixnt believes that the Govern mea t which the Constitution gives us ts a good one to keep. Its notion of duty is to resist to Its utmost power the efforts of men la tho Republican part to set up another form or government In placo r that which exists. The year 1881 and the years immediately following will probably decide thl supremely important contest. 1 mb Bub believes that the victory will be with the people aa agtleat. the Rings for monopoly, the Rings for plunder, and the Rings for imperial power. Our terms areas follows: For the Daily Btra, afonr page i-hcet of twenty eight columns, theprlce by mall, poet paid, it 6 cents a month, or 96. SO a year; or. including the Sunday paper, an etgjt-page aheet of fifty six col umns, the price is 65 cents a month, or 7.T0 a year, postage paid. The Bnnday edition of Thb Bom is also fnrnisb.l separately at $1 .20 a year, postago paid. The price of the wsbkxt huh. en bt pages, nrn fly six columns. Is $ 1 a year, postage paid. For i clad. of ten sending 1 0 we will send an extra copy frv Address x. w. hiniani Publisher of Tux Son, New York C II y. MABBLE ri o w u r.t e im t s AND Grave Stones. FIRST-CLASS WORK AT LOWEST NEW VUKA PRICES. DESIGNS SENT BY MAIL. WOKS PACKED AND SHIPPED, AT OUR RIBK. TO ANY PART OF THE SOUTH. RICHARD WilTHAN A CO., ST Lafayette Place, New York Wathan's Monumental Designs, In book forra,foi sale to the Trade. dec 4 DAWtf PRESCRIPTION FREE Thr thaaaaad v Care of Seminal Weakaeaa. Lost JD Maahooa;PrematareDblirtr Kervoasaeea, Despondeney, Confaatoa Of Idea, Averaloa to Society, Defective Memory, and all Dlaorders Drought ob by Secret Habits aad Exeesses. Any druggist baa the Ingredients. Address, DR. JAQUE3 A CO., 130 West Sixth Bt, CLOUTS ATI, OETA feb.15 lyD&W N. A. STEDMAN. Jr. Attorney and Counsellor at Law. KUEABETHTON. BLADEN COUNTY, N. O. Office Up stairs, In Brick Building, occupied by Rlnaldl A Co. Special attention to CI alma Col 'ecUena on samt of f 100 and upwards made for Five Per Cent, if without suit Drawing Deeds, Mortgages, c,Ja specialty. ape-DAWtf High-Bred Dogs. E NGLIBH, IRISH AND GORDON BETTERS. of the Choicest Breed, with guaranteed podlgrem. Por sale by B. P. WEL8B, nov7 DAWtf York, l'enr . Lowell Machine Shop, Lowell-, Mass., MANUFACTURERS OF EVEHY DESCRIPTION OF COTTON MACHINERY Of most ' Approved Patterns and with Recent improvement. Paper Machinery ALSO, TURBINE WHEELS, Shafting and Cjcariug;, Hydraulic Presses and Pampa. Elevators, dec. PLANS FOR COTTON AND PAPER MIU- C. L. HILDRETU, Snp't. LOWELL, MASH. WM. A. BURKE. Treas., mh 3 tf 8 Pemserton Square. Boatoa. JNCOURAQE HOME rNBTITUTlONb SocErity against Fire. THK NORTH CAROLINA UOSIE INSURANCE CO.tai'A t RALXIGB. . a This Company coattnuea to write Pallet ea, at u rates, on all classes of Ins-arable property. All losses are promptly adjasted and palA Tba "HOME" la rapidly arrowing In pabllc favor, aa appeals, with confidence, to lnsarers ef property t North Carolina. 19 Agents in all part of the State. ja JOHN GATLING, President W. 8. PRIMROSE, Secretary. PULASKI COWPEB, Snperviaee. T&XNBOM A MANNING, AeBBVa. augl-tf Wl'minstoa. M.C The Biblical Eecorder PUBLISHED BY Edwards, Broufjhton fc Co. RALEJGH, N. O. REV. C. T. BAILEY. Editor. REV. H. HATCHES, Associate Edlter. Oman of Nortl Carolina Baptists In Its 44th Year. EVERY BAPTIST SHOULD TAKE IT As an Advertising Medium UnaTpaaaed alr 13. OO por Year. Address BIBLICAL RECORDER. dcc33-tf Raleigh. N.C. WILMINGTON MERCHANTS WILL FIND THE LAUBINBTJBQ XSTESPBIBB THE BEST MEDIUM THROUGH WHICH TO ADVERTISE FALL AND WINTER GOODS among tbe people of Robesen, Btehaaond aa4 la eon counties, in North. Carolina, and In tbe border conntlee of South Carolina. The ENTERPRISE has a large aad Increasing dreolatioa la tbe Pee Dee and Cape Fear sections of this State? fearing obtained a large circulation In tbe latter f nrg it '!, six months It was published: In Favettev c trore .: . 1U removal to Lanriz berg, aad -tat ta naer ,' witbia tha last two months. . . . ; - Js'A -CJt 1 Advertisements will be inserted by ibe.aaontb, quarter and year at reasonable rates. r Address ii. i. Mcduffie, 0 4WU laarfpbnrg. N. C.