ux. WLLXI2fOT0irt X. C. PfttD-k Y MOBJriXO, Fab, 4, 1831. THE LATEST NEWS. FROM ALL PA-UTS 07 TH2 WORLD NOON TELEGRAMS. roftiKst. ncronrs rtox ilxitk coiiurrrKr rcsocltio,4 orriast tx tui tlOCSB ItXitt DSS-kTB OS Tit K SLBtrTOBAt COC2CT BtOtfT10?r TB ArrOBTTOXMBMT BXtt TUB HO CSS. I Sy Tlr: a Kerala 1 vVvmuijto. Fsbray 3- Mr- Kirk. wuoJ, fruoa the cucaavtiee oa PoatoCces taJ PuatroaJa, reported beck Seaator L-a' Jot at rtaoiatloa provw!lax fr sa x:eaeioQ of ta frvalia privilege U coca eaaaicuioae received by mobr of Coo r frutn the esecaUva d.patmeau oa banaeM of tbeir coaetitaeota. He Mid tb committee wrv diviJed oo tbe merits oi tb propoeuuao. tad hJ cooclaJrd t report it bock wiibout rvcocameeUatioa. ad Mkad that It bo placed a pea the c:a df. which was to ordorvd. The bll lauwlacod by ilr. Plamb. to great ri$il of way throe the Port BIj reewrv.tioo U the Kio Oreads A 1 I'uo Railway Cooapoay. wa re.'crrvd to tbt committee oo Military Oa motioo of Mr. tfora. tie concur rent resolution lauodaccd by him Jaoe I3ta. tsao. decUxtaf that tbe i'reaUieat of iu 3asU la act Laveated by the cooatitu uoo of the. UaiUtf States wiia the rtal to couai the vote of electors for Prtaideat ad Vico Preside at of Lao Laitsd States, to at to dtrmiao watt vote shall be rtcoiTtd ad cuuated, or ail votes taeil bo rejected, m u a up- Mr. Morgta briefly ex pUiaid tao resolutioo, addiof that be wm prepared la vote a poo it. Mr. Ednaadt opposed the resolution a alf-ty mtuart. It did oot cover ooe (Qixd of tao whole qaeatioa lavolved. Mr. Thurmaa favored tcttoa oo the rta ;u:i3Q without debate. Mr. Edaaaada moved lo lay the rttola'.iuo a tao ubU. bat loo caotioa iu rejected tj party vota of 3d lo 3d. .txmt tao axpxrttioo of tao morata bour cooatdaratioo of lao coioadax wmj post puaod tad tao ditcataioa of Mr. Uofga' rvtuiatioo cootiaaod. AtUt t apeca by Mr- Cooliiof. Mr. EdcaaadJ moved to aaaad tao ratoiatioa to ta to read. "I a tbe opiaioa of tbo oto aeitbr tbo Soatta m tao Sooo: tod Uoojo, nor tba l'rcti daat of lao doaio, U tavttud by tbo coa autaiiooi wiLa Lbo ribl to mkt tat coaoL" ra aoxoodmaol wtJ rattd dowo aye li. atyt 3M A party tola. Mr Wbjto toad tat tba u:y of lha fr tidaot of lao Soatta a caioUurtai oa, tad tat laa cuo4iJts;V)o bad mad a oo pruv.aioo for tbo txcrciM of jadicitl power ia cut of twi) rtiarot fruoa tao taaaa Stale. Taia ooalaatoa b taoabt it wj tao daty of CoortM to tuppiy. Ht sboold vote aaioit tao rraoistioa. Mr. Coakiiaf. ia ren'y to Mr. Wbyte, lack tbo froaoJ ibtt loann bd iltiji trcMd Jidioti pwtt ia til mat- tttt prtjmoi iv ia coaat, aad taat tb toM butory of tao goTerameat roQtrdittioa of tbo id tbt Lbo Frtaidtot f tbo 3ooo!o coald decide aoytbtoi oa bicb aaibt b ait Lbo atcarttiaaieat aod Uciaratioo of tao Prttaidtaiuk! vote. ifur fartbor rtoatxkj by Mcaeri. Blaiae, Morma tad Tbarmaa lbo rota wu take a upuo wio to Mr. Moraa'a rraoiauoo. It rotuitod aft i-t, ate a 1 Wbyte, cf Md Tbo Hepobhcaaa, uLb lbo exceptioo f Mr Oook!i04T wbo eoced witb tbe IXc cq -;cru. refraiaea froca TXi3i. Tbe roil om iaa called lo ajccrtais wbetber a lioruax w d preaooc. aad forty o:ora aoawered to tboir aaaoa. Tbcro were ta- Jui:iuae i taie poiat of a protracted aea tike ttepubiicaaa tomio deUrcaioed t ad Wo to tboir obatractiva tactoca. Mr. Mjrfia, bo we ear, aoved to tdjoaro. aad be cootioo waocarnod. Mr Aaderaoo, of Ekiouj, offered a reeo intioo proetdiag tbt every day after tbe norotaf bour ooo boar tbail bo aal aa;de, donate wbicb mecaben eaty ut for aatat AkHt coomoi for tbo ciai Jrti.)0 aoi pM44 of bil.'e. Inferred r. wnai, o .iw jrey. oserevl a maoiouja rvqainatbo coaicaitteo oa Elec iioaa to report apoa coatcoted elect :co caaet ei!bia tbtrtaoa dy of lbo Mat of paper i eucb caeca. Referred. Tao Uoaao Lbea rveicttd c 3:drtioo of ibo JvpCHrtioameot biil. Mr. U, of Now York,cffered aa ecaead aaeni flxia Lboaaoxberof Kepresealativra at JOT. aad it waa ordervd prlated aad coo at itrd poadtaf Mr Sberwio. of I.iioou. oataaber cf tbe Coaaua cooaaitUe. took tbo door apoo tbo bilt. Tboro wm no rtuos tbtt aa ap oortjooaaeal aaooid act bo made at tbia ioo, tiaco til Lbo data ta oo wbicb to mU.e lbo calcn atioo. Cooiprta tbo earioue biila Ibt bad beea propoaod bo uud Ibat wita 301. lbo aaaaber flrat'anjr eted by Mr. Cox. of New Yck. iao Dem ocratic dutca would ua eibt Hepreoeot tiive aad looo iwo oet (ua of ttx; tA Repabhcaa Suu would gtia lea aod'looo eib4 oot gia of twoi. Witb lbo ooca bor aoioctod oy lbo majority of tbo com oatiue, 3iW tbo Democratic buu woald iia twelve tad loo aoce; lbo Ropablicaa rtt woald iia toa tad loao foor net rfaia of eu. JLi 3. tbo oambor rtcom aeoded bv tbe majority, tbo Democratic d HepubUcaa duu woald eacb eaia tbuteea Ueoreaeouuvea. U wyaej 0 Mpport of tbo Utur bill, coaeoadio tbat maibomaticaUy. m well a poJtucaily it meted oat ejact Jatico aad fairoeee' to every nortioo of tbo coaaty. Mr. Crawley, of Sew Yoefc. opp.od aa nwrvjMo ia tbo a amber of repreaeaiauve a Coareaa. lie tboabl lbo Ilau wM 1 reedy iaie tooub. He aljo poioted oat uaaer tectioa 3 of tbo foarteeatb ameadaaeoc. voters a weij M membera mmat bo Ukea iato tccoaat ia epportioa- a rvoreaooutioo. aad wbeaevtr aav State Mr. Htaimood, or Goorrfa, tafcotted tbtl tf Mr. llorr'a pho were adopted tbt boat way for tbo Republicans porty to sue coed lo Oeorxi waa io rtfuao to vote at all, aad tbui rcduco tbo representation from tott sxtto. Mr. Uorr It comet ao nearly to ibl already 'bi it doe oot make coucb difler eaco. Ia coocJudiof bla ipeecb Mr. Ilrr tid b boliovtd tbat tao maioritv bill btd boeo drawa Bp for iba parpooo of flviog; creatrr Kr&gtft to iba fioatb. Fat ooo bo n fally determlaod to oppoao tbo measure. A brief collcqav followed between Meears. Uorr asd McLaae at to tbo tlleted crusb lo oot of ibo colored vote of tbo Soutb. tbe latter maiattJatec tbai aioco tbe elec tioo of Hayee at leaat, tbo aeror of tbe Soalb bad voted at tbey pJeaaod. THo subject wia flatlly laid aside tod Mr. Kin, of Loaieieoa. introduced a bill appropriation 120. CCW for tbe pare base tod dietrtbotioo of Med cane. Referred. Tbe Ucum tbeo adjoaraed. Taaiii.f a ro.t. WAYS AXD M SANS tji c iiv&D TBirr Acrtox or tub COMWITTIE OX RBJOLCTIOX. Or Taicrapa U U Kerala 9 Las VV'ASJXixoTOJf. Feb. 3. Wbeo tbo Wtye tad Metai committee of tbe IIoqm td aroed Tucsdty a molloo was pcodioj to recoosider tba vote by wbicb ibe commit tee decided to report tdverMiy to tbe House lbo Hard itriff reoJutioee. Tbit morning Mr. Frie renewed ibo moiioo. wbicb waa earned yea. Feitoo, Kelly, Coe;ar,Frye, Duaaell aod McKioley : oaya. Tucker, Ml lit aad Cailisle 3 Mr. Pbelpo, wbo would btve voted yea. waa paired wilb Mr. Wood, tbasot. Mr. Frye lbea moved to postpone til fartber cootideratioa of tbe resolutions till foar weeks from to-day, wbicb wis also carried 6 to 4. Mr. Morriaoo, wbo did -oot vole before, voted oa Lblt proposition ia tbe negative. Mr. Frye, from tbe tab committee, re ported a tabulate for Mr. Keliey'e bill, to abolub diacrimiaa'ioji duties oo Roode from iui of tbe Cape of Good Hope. Tbe aubexilate cooleios a prottasoo ta effecting aimply goods comus it roub ibe Netber laada. Mr. Morriaoa moved ibal tbe committee report tbe original biil as a aubatitote totblt subelilate. Lost by t vote of 3 to 6. Mr. Frye tbso moved tbat Mr. Keliey be iustruc'.ed io report to ibe House ibe sub stitute agreed to by (be sub-committee, tod aaked a auspensioo of tbe rules to put ibe bill apoa iu pauage ia tbe House. TbU motioa wm carried wuboat divlsioo, tod Mr. Keliey wm to iosuacted. Tbe committee tJjoaroed till to-morrow. wbeo tbey will receive aod act apoo ibe re ports from Ibe sab-committee on internal revenue matters. FIX A MCI A L, Er YOKE STOCK MARKET AD -VAXCE IX E N'T! BE LIST. Br Talexraoa to the atocnlaf Star New Yoax. February 3, 11 A. il Tbe stock market opened irregular, bat io tbo miis weak aad lower, aad before ibe first board specolatioo wm aoaellled. witb comparatively alkgbl fljctaalloos. Uabac qaealiy, bowever, a firmer tooe prevailed, aad aadergood buying ta tdraoce of I to 3t per ceaL wm recorded, io wbicb tbe eaiire hit participid. Western Uoioo leading tupeod If. Paroell waa olilmalely voted apoo, tod rtioited la bli uipeotiun by a vota of 403 to 7, tbo Home ftulere oot otio. , Hx. PaxneU decllolog to withdraw, ue1 wm forcibly removed Irom ibe Houto by lbcSergflaoUal-trma aod five other officers tbe Home Itulert waviog tbeir bats m do paaaed oaL Mr. Fiooesaa, Liberal, tbeo peraiated io epetkiog, aod waa ".removed" by tbe Speaker. Tbe moiioo fur ibe auapeusioo of Mr. Flooegao wta earned bj a vote of 40-3 lo 3. Tbe Home Rolert again refuted to vote aod tbe Speaker btd ibeir oames, numbering 27. taken dowo. Tbe motion lo auapend tbe tweoiyeeveo Home Ralera waa cart led by a rule of 410 to 0, wbereupoo tbey Indi vidually declined to leave tbe House, only ykldlng lo topreme force. Tbey were re moved tiogly by tbe Sergeaol-al arme. After Ibe vole impending Ibe Home Kuiera, Mr. Oltdilooe roee to move bit re solution to preveot obilraciioo, wbeo Mr. O'Donoell moved ibtt Mr. Gladstone be oot beard. Mr. O'Donoell wm immediately "oamed" aod Mr. Oladaloce moved bit tusptosioo, wbicb motion wtt carried by a vote of Sll lo 1. Mr. O'Doooell decliuiog lo wi:bdraw was removed wilb two oiber Home Ralera wbo refuted to leave ibe House wben a divlsioo was taken. Mr. Gladstone tben moved bit retolutioo Loxdox, Feb. 3. Al a mee'iog of Con servative at Lord Betconfleld a residence ibis evenlog. lbo Ex-premier pointed out tbe gretl decline in decency tnd dignity of ibe Houae of Commoot since tbe retirement of bit cabinet, and it was otceaaary that ibe Cooseivativea do all In Ibeir power to re lore the dignity of the Commons by sup porting the government as far as ibey are able to polling dowo obstruction ia ibe House. NBTIDA. DL'IUTIXU OK AN IUtfENSK QESERVOIB A TOWS ALMOST TOTALLY DE STROYED NO LIVES LOST. IBy Telegraph to the aforolna tttar. Sax Fbjlscisco, February 3. A d spttcb from Carsoo, Nevada, says: At 3.80 this af ternoon tbe dam of tbe Fraokiown reser voir burst- Tbe reservoir was a mile loog, three quarters of a mile wide and fifty feel deep. A few tours before the bursting the people of Fraokiown moved their house hold effects- The Virginia Tuckse Rail road, apprehensive ol danger, lapped the dtm tnd were drawing tbe water off wben it broke. It went all at ooce and a dozen men were twept down by the turreut tnd escaped by being cast up the aide of a ra vine. No tires were lost. Tbe water at the narrow porlioo of tbe ravine waa one hundred feel high. Wbeo tbe towo was reached the bouses weot before the flood like chaff. Tbe (own was only a cluster of houses, and it was almost totally destroyed. Nearly a mile of the railroad track was washed away and some of tbe rails were soapped in two. I COM MERC I A ! VV J J. M I N TON M A JI K E T. The official or opening quotations below re posted at tbe Produce Excbove dily at 1 P. M., aod refer to pilots it that boor. STAR OFFICE, Fbruiry a. 0 P. M SPIRITS TURPENTINE The market was quoted firm at 43 cents and held higher. Sulea U'erof 100 cask 9 at 43 cents per gal lon ROSIN. The raaiket wis firm at $1 S?t for S'raioed and $1 40 f. r Good Straiued, wilb sales m offeied. TAR Mttkel fiim at 1 50 per bbl. of 230 iba. .with sales of icceip'S at quotations. CRUDE TURPENTINE Market firm, with sales reported ht 41 80 for Hard and 3 00 per bbl for Yellow Dip aod Virgin. COTTON The market was quoted quiet, with sales repotted of 100 bales on a basis of 11 cents per lb. for Middiioit. The fol lowing were tbe quotations of the day: livery 6 7-16d: Fobruary od March deliv ery 6 7-16d; April aod May delivery 6 9 18d May aod Jane delivery rjd. 5 P. M.-Uplands. 1 m c, May aod June delivery 6 l-rS2d. Futures easier. Corn 8a. 8d.- Ltog clear middlings 40?. 6d. Spirits 41a, 0d. ' Sales of Americao cotton to-day 7,900 bales. - ,i MAHilNE. Port Sun Rises. laiatnoc- Februorr 4. ....... 6.58 A. M. Sun Sets 5 30 P. M. High Water (Smithville) lL45ven. (Wilmington).... 8.45 Morn. Day's Length .... 10b. 32m. ARRIVED. Stmr Wave, Robeson, Fayetteville, Williams & Murchison. Stmr Elizabeth, Wilkinson, Smithville, Joseph Uisbee. Steam yacht Passport, Harpr,Smithvilie, master. Scbr Argyle Lewis, Shallotte, naval stores to Kerch oer & Calder Bros. WEW YEAR Has passed, but not the desire to continue t please my kind patrons, and to sell the Best G-oods at the Lowest Prices. Balance of Winter Goods selling off very low to make room for Spring Stock. Ordinary H cents lb Good Ordinary 9 Strict Good Ordinary.. " " Low Middling 10f Middling 11 " Good Middling PEANUTS Sa!es lepor'ed on a basis of 2030 ceDU for shelling slock, 40 cents for Ordinary, 50 eta for Prime, CO cents CLEARED. Wave, Robeson, Fdje'teville, Stmr Williams & Murchison. Stmr John Dawsou, Paddison, Point Cas well, R P Paddison. Stmr Elizabeth, Wilkinson. Smithville, Joseph Biebee. 8team yacht Passuort, Harper, Sinith ville. master. Schr Artle, Lewis, Shallolte, KerchDer 3aal6 en uaiaer xiioa. in Cloaks. Shawls, Embroideries, &c,, &c 36 Market Street. for Extra Prime, and Meiktt quiet. 70 cents for Fancy. nKOBlFTS. Ooiiou 4G3 bales. Spirits turpentine . 131 bbls. Rosin 2117 " Tar 57 Crudti turpentine 143 " AN MIDMGIITSPARKS. ruacBiov i.ireLHUK.iiR. ACTIOX OF TIJC CO.13rRVATJ.TES OH MB. OLADSTOXB A RtSOLCTIOH TUB SPKAICIS' ACTIOX TO BE BXQl'IRKO IXTO. By CabU to n HottUr 5U 1 Losoox. Feb 3 Tbe Au'y JNVwe has the follow ief: "At a meeliog of the con-. airvauea. yeaieraay. It waa determioed taat wail direct opotitioa to Mr. Olad stooe'a reaoluuoo saould oot b eocoaraf ed, aa aueeapt thould be mads lo aaand it! Lord IWaKwoafltld baa sanctioned ihit court, tad advised the opposition to rr fra.'a from hsjaperlog themaclvca by piedfeajto support ihe covernmeot. There u-auco diversity of opinion althe meeliog Mr. Gorit atroogiy oppoauaf iht coorae propoawd by 8.r Stafford Northcoie, Mr. Paraell will move to-day for a select com mittee o eaqolre iato the precedeou for lh Spetker'e actio a. Mr. Cowea will tak Mr. Gladstoae for to etrly dty, oa which to dscuta the conduct of the Speaker. It U uaderetood that sovernmeal la la favor of such a proposal, ihlnkloj It due to the Speaker, aad I hat the Uooie should ehare ia Bit rvapoosibiuty. The JV'ewe savs aot wiihsltndloi; the ftct that the term -'Letve." haa beea applied to Kovernmeat'a precaution, lha laformalion . i . k. . i . . . . . . owuriy rcacoca is aninoriuet Is so srtous thai ihey caaoot deapia Il All pah lie baildiofs the retideaccs of many oSciala. aad lh radar ay stations in Lon doo are cloaely watched. Draxxx. Feb. 3 At a meeUoa: of ibe Laad League y eater J ay it was resolved lo hold a oalioos! convention between the pasaiex of th coercion bill and ita becom 10 operative aa as a law. Michael Dariit, the aj tstor. was ar rested here to day under hit licket-of-leave. Loxooj.. Feb. 3. 6 3) P. M Ia the IIoue of Commons this eveniasj bir Ver- boo tlarcourt. Home Secretary, replying to Mr. Paoen. siid Mr. Davfti ...rr.. ed becaae bis action was considered In compatible wilb bis iicket-of-leae e Mr Psxnil asked wbai coadiUons Mr. Dsvm had violaied? There was no answer lo this question. The Irish members shouted "eaame," aad the other members Ceered tremendously. The acene lurpaeeed all description. The speaker called upon Mr. Uladsloo lo move hie rrsolu uoo. Mr. John Dillon rose, but the Speaker refased to hear him. After repeated wtrmog the Speaker named Mr Dilloo. aod Mr. Gladstone moved his sns posioa ttniJst enlaatitttio cheers and crie of order, th Irish members iboutlng " A notioa for tbe suspension of Mr. Dilloo was adopted by a vote of 39 to 33 Mr. Dillon refased io wither trnm ibe Uaeie aad was forcibly removed by the ker. m- KABTUQUAKK SHOCK IN TUB WEST- XHS PART OF TUB 8TATB. iBj Talecraph to tbe Morelaf Star. MoxTOOMRRT, February 3. In this lo cality, early yesterday morn log, there was a second earthquake shock, which appear ed more like a heavy report. Many people imagined il to be a heavy blow oo the roofs of their bouses. The report was so loud as io awaken them. The thermome ter at the lime stood al 23 degrees below aero, aad the temperature wis I trip same as a week sgo, when the other shock was felt. KLKCTHIb IMBKI, The Penntylvsnia Legislature btllolted again yesterday for U. S. Senator without tn election. A vessel has arrived at Plymouth, Eag Itnd, with the figure-head of ibe loti train ing ihip Alalanta. A London dispatch aajs, tbat no hope is entertained for the prolongation of ibe life of Mr. Thomaa Cariyle. the Eoglisb histo rian. Geo. Smith and Catherine Miller were executed al Williamapon, Pa., yesterdsy moroiDf at 11. 3d o clock. Tbey died with out a itroggle. Judge Barrett, of New York, baa denied the lojaoction asked for by Rufus Ilalcb, restraining tbe Wealern Union, American Woion aad Atlantic St Pacific Telegraph Compaolea from consolidating. Tn Tennessee Leglelatar has taken a recess of ten days, and in the meantime a committee will investigate chargea of cor ruption and bribery against members in tbe election of Comptroller and Treasurer About midnight Wed need ay, the boiler of tbe pleaaure yacht Carrie, of Philadel phia, exploded In Baltimore harbor, mak ing a complete wreck of the vessel, and killing three while men aod acolared men. A delegation headed bv ez-U. 8. Sena tor John F. Lewis, of Virginia, has gone to Mentor. Ohio, to urge tbe appointment of 8- M. Yost, of Staunton Valley, Va to tbe place of Postmaster General in President Garfield's Cabinet. KkThe Board of Trustees of the Peabody Food were io session al Washington yester day. Rev. 8. L. M. Carry, of Richmond. Virginia, was elected General AgenL Grat ifying progress to ibe causa of education throughout the Sooth waa reported. Th Western Union Telegiaph Compaay baa completed the purchase and taken pos session of the Americao Union aud Allan lie d; Pacific lines, and announces that all offlcers and employes of the companies named will be retained in service until far ther notice. By Telegraph So Ike Morning Star. Financial. Naw York, February 3 Noon. Muney weak at 5Q per cent. Sterling exebaoge 482435. Stale bonds dull and quiet. Governments dull. Evening Money 4&6 per cent. Sterling exchange 482i482f Governments gener ally firm; new fives 100J; ne four and a half per eta 112; four per cents 112r State bonds quiet. Osmmarciai. Nbw York, February 3. Noon. Cotton easier, with sales of 333 bales; middling uplands 11 11-16 els; Orleans 1115-10 eta; futures steady, wilb sales at the following prices: February 11.20 eta; March 11.45 cents; April 11.01 ceats; May 11.75 cents; June 11.85 cents; July 11.96 cents Fiour dull. Wheat heavy. Corn dull. Pork dull at 15 50 for new. Lard heavy at 9 92, Spirits turpentine 47 cents. Rain $1 7?f. Freights dull. Evening Cotton dull, wilb sales to-day of 485 bales; middling uplands 11 11-16 cents; middling Orleans 11 15-16 cts; con solidated net receipts 31,709 bales; exports to Great Britain 19.013 bales, to tbe con tinent 500 bales. Southern flour steady; common to fair extra $4 505 15; good to cnoice ao so auoo ou. wheat opened ifc lower, but subsequently the decline was re covered and closed firm, with a moderate export ana active speculative business; un graded red $1 12tl 19. Corn a shade lower and dull; ungraded 5455c. Oats a shade stronger and moderately active at 4343Jc for No. 3. Coffee quiet and unchanged. sugar ami ana entirely nominal; fair to refining 7i7ic; prime 7fc; refined quiet and weak; atandard A 8f8c. Molasses quiet and unchanged. Rice fairly active and steady. Roein unchanged al $1 77, 1 82,. Spirits turpentine firm at 47 cents. Pork again lower and dull; old mainly $14 60; new $15 25; middles dull and treak; longcler$3 1?1 asked; short $8 50; long and short $8 25 asked. Lard a shade lower and less active at 9 85. Freights firm. Cotton Net receipts 490 bales: cross BP AAA S I TSi . - " o.iVKj oaiea. r umrca closed arm, with sales of 128,000 bales at the following quo tations: February 11.3011.33 centsi March 11.50 cents; April U.a?U.6S cents, May U.fr0ll.81 cents; June 11.8911.92 cts July 13 0013.O3 cts; August 12 0612.08 cents; September 11.57ll CO cents, Octo ber 11. 1711. 19 ceots, November 10 08 ii uu cents. Balttmorb, February 8. Flour steady wilb active demand for low grade Palapsco mil la. Wheat southern and western lower and active; southern red $1 14l 16; am ber $1 201 23; No. 3 western winter red on spot and February delivery $1 llf 1 14; March delivery $1 161 16; April delivery $1 17tl 17J; May delivery $1 18 1 18i; June $1 18l 18. Corn south ern steady; western lower aod dull; south ern while and yellow 53 cents. Oats dull; western white 4343ct; mixed 4041 cts. Provisions firm and without buotable change- Butter quiet aud unchanged. Coffee dull; Rio cargoes, ordinary to fair, 1113 cents. Sugar duil; A soft 9 cents. Whiskey dull at $1 il. Freights unchanged. iQARlNE DIRECTORY. List of Vessels in lbs- Port or Wil mington, ft. C. Feb. 4, 1880. This list does not embrace vessels under 60 tone. BARQUES. Leo (Nor.). 576 tons, Andersen, E G Baiker & Co Thordbierg (Nof.,) 298 tons, Harraldsen, Heide & Co AodrietU(Swec.), 265 tons, Bernotsen, Heide & Co Runer (Nor.) 380 tons, Lngfeldt, Master Gambetta (Nor.). 303 tons. Eltveldt, . Heide & Co Edmond Richardson (Br.) 292 toos, Turner, CP Mebane Flora (Nor.) 296 tons, Krceger, C P Mebane Glacier, 312 tons, Small, E G Barker & Co Camilla (Not.) 433 tons, Sorensen, CP Mebane Exprtes (Gcr.), 273 iocs, Frelwurst, ' Heide & Co Margante (Dan ), 188 tons, Hansen, Heide Co BRIGS, Malaga (Br.). 268 tons, Wasson, E G Barker & Co Wagerland (Ger,), 215 tons, Rose, E Peschau & Westermann C F Maae? (Ger.)267 tons, geplio, E Peschau & VVestermann John bhea, 390 tons, Nickerson, Geo Harris8 & Co Mary E Penoell, 351 tons, Mitchell, Geo Hartisa & Co Marie Louise (Swed.), 237 tons, Jensen, Heide & Co SCHOONERS. Clara, 275 tons, Cramner, rep'e. r Geo Harriss & Co A D LamsoD. 448 tons, Smith, T ,. . Geo Haniss & Co Julia Elizabeth (Br.,) SO tons, Ingram, t , -r. Master Ida M Eldridge, 830 lonsFisher, m Geo Harriss & Co W H Knight, 137 tons, Tawts, Geo Harriss & Co Chtriolte Jameson, 330 tons, Jameson, . Geo Harriss & Co G M Brainard, 242 tons, Kuneston, E G Barker & Co ljucy M Collins, 167 tons, Curtis, m EG Barker & Co William Jenkins, 105 tons, Redding, E G Barker & Co Mahaska, 118 tons, Merriman, E G Barker .fe V Lotta, 210 tons, S:rod, EG Barker & Co Geo a Marts, 442 tons, Marts, Geo Harriss & Co AddieE Snow, 103 tons, Thorndyke.. m , E G Barker & Co W H Bordman, 149 tons, Richardson. E G Barker & Co Index, 338 tons, Garrison, Geo Harris & Co W A Dubcsque, 86 Ions, Gates. E G Barker & Co Carrie Al K:chardsjn, 283 tons, Richardson, EG Barker & Co Eothen, 102 tons, Themis, Northrop & Cumming Carletoa (Br.), 08 tons, Albury, E Kidder & Suns A Scotch Treat! I COFFEE. RINNAN HA.DD1ES JUST BBCBIVKD, WITH instructions for cooking. LOCHFYNJS HBRRINGS, wlthlnHrnctiOEe. SCOTCH M ASM A LADE, in Porcelala Jara. BDINBURG OATiMBAL, BARLEY, & c. COFFEE. COFFEE. Have also just received, Soused Pig's Feer, in barrels, for sale by the dcaen at 50c; California Boneless Hams, Sugar Cured Shoalders, Ferris Hams, and other nice brands of Bams; Apples, Cabbages, Turnips, Sweet Oranges, Butter, t moked and Pickled Salmon, Bacon Strips, Mackerel, &c. Call and eec Goods and get prices. Jas. C. Stevenson Market treet, Notice. NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD CO., SECY AND TREASURER'S OFFICE, Company Shops, N. C, Jan. 31, 1681. THB DIRECTORS OF THE NORTH CARO Una Railroad Company have declared a Divi dend of Six Per Cent. Three Pc Cent payable on lat March to Stockholders of record on 10th Feb ruary next, and Three Per Cent, on lac September to btocknoldersof record on 10th Angast next The Stock Boeks of the Company will be closed from 10th February to lt March, and from 10th Anenst to 1st Septemberl8Sl. , . , . P. B. RTJFFIN. r 1 Secretary. rjpHE LOVERS OF A GOOD CUP OK COKFai would do well to try a pound of Choice laguyra before purchaaing elsewhere. Roted wpcclli, for oar trade, and received FHKSH twice a wrt k In stock and en route Two BuDdrttf BirrrH ud Half Barrels of our Process Flour, which we guarantee to give etiractlon or motif)! refunded THE UA LCI Gil Christian Advocate, Xdttad and Pabltabed by BLACK & REID Balfilli. H. C Is the orxaa of abat 09,000 MetaUsta la Norta CaroUaa, aod haa Um Urceet drealatlon of aav pa- rtoa saws. Ia a wakly, aight pao, reUrlooa. famLy awppr. Only M.OOperumtBnb: to ucb 4 tnd to any nil ctusaaowr ll in of 31 ribt U vote, la bis JaJi-meat tbat on aeateu rtprvMatatioa jm ia proponiua wbiab it daolad riitbt ta toe. Mr. Thompaoa, of ftw York. aJU t la fatoe of taraaia rtbr thaa da T4ia ih aaaartcal ixto;b of tbe tjjuM. Allodia io ih cot wctioo of tba raartM:b amodajot. b aMrtad tbat ;t waurly t9Mmb .oforca II by liUlioo ta aay pucl way. Us tbeo procaJd k cocapr tb Trkas appor-Uoana-Q! ,aJ aruJ ia faror of iba aaajorur biU aa bia4 ta biat al faireat. It waa fairia awry aa4 sctioo. If ay metlon eaooid tacatT aay adTaatax rroaa ikm apportiooxaeot. lb4 adraata ft-aia tm givea tb Soatb. tcaaa tbat ctioa ba4 fjVf kw ytara bo d peiTtd af fair rtprtMmuttaa. M. Uorr. ( MMebi(aa, lacQgbt ibal aa out-Uoamaaa bUl foaadd oo tb Uas ot 99 woaM bmi tae rtflulraanaij Ua aajtiiaaoa.macb Uuat taaa oee M-vJ oa U oc2a, fla poatJ oai ibat VU TOto ta, 8catb.ro MpMoaauatlawo. UmiVJi b, wui oalj to cf ad j,9. 7 aoIJ were -"" " m i uicjuiy rem ore a oy t tirceaat-al Arms, by order of tbe speaki amidit cries of "abatae,- by tbe Irisb raei er. Mr. Oladitooo, rplyiof to Mr. Cowen Kidwral, said II was due to tbe Uoaao aod to bi (OladJtooe'a) actloo of ytatardey. tbat a few . 1 a. ..aa. tum (Buvioa aooaiu oo oiacasscd as early aa potabl;bat tbat tbo llouie caoootgiTo tbo motioo oa lbo subject priority orer tbe obatrucuoo resolution oo tbo Protection out. too rtrosrks of tbo rreraler greeted wub load cheer. Mr. A. M. Salhvaa aoooaoced that be withdrew b; motioa retttive to tbe Speak er, aa bo r'ad to bo a party to a farce Salltvao proteated asaioti Mr. Dilloo's forcible rtounl as ao aci of violence aod iui(a.iy . Tbottpeakar poioted oa( tbefac; tbl Mr Dilloo bad dtfieU lbo cbair. Mf-9',ajloo addre tbo Uoo. nr. ODooaotbue. Lihfi m.K. . mm t " - M V WM W t IUI ira.ee. roeo to move ao adjooromoat of ibo lloj. Tbo Spoak.r ruled tbat Mr. OUdjiooo wu io porl0Q of tbe Uooao. Mr Pron movtd Mr. Oladatooo bo oo Ujo board- Tbo Speaktr dtclared tbat Mr. Paroell wis dtfyiojc tbo cbalr, aod opoa h a prtiatia tbo Speaker declared tbai bovaa wilfaliy obatruciios; tbo pro csodlo aj -aaood" blm. Mr. Parooir wm mored. bat apoo tbo ?pakr mkia aa order tbat bo Hoqso bo cloartd for a dirtsloo, all tbo Home Ha tr rrfsaJ to !ave Tbo motion Io AirmniMlMM rateo llbormL laaM tf The Lincoln Progress PutWud Baivrdayt at Linccinbm, Jf. Q. IS tbo only popor pobUabod la Uaeola cocntv - uimuuus mmmr Us Met U o&mt to tao Marefcaato of Wnmbaxton a a alrablo aMdlaa for advortiatag taoli bain tbrocaoat Weotcra North Carolina, Ubwtl torma will bo aUowad rtwrlv adver Umiu BahMototloa prlco, $s 00 pox usu . r H. XfeLAITlC. OVUtoT aid Pro rt or. WILMIHQTOK MERCHANTS wnxriND THE LAT7EDTBUBG ESTZBPILI8E THE BEST MEDIUM Taxouoa which to advxrtib FAU. AUD WINTKA GOODS axaoai tbo pooplo of Robmmm, Slchmoad ul Aa- e?at?S. to Noct OaroUaa, aad ta the border eoaatleo ot boot CafeJlaaTTao XNTBRPRiaB kao a lartw aa4 tacroaalae drealaUoo la tho vJl vm aaaoapo Foar aoctloaa ot Uda SUto; havlnr Chicago, February 3. Flour 6teady and unchanged. Wheat unsettled and lower; No. 9 red winter 9899cj No. 3 Chicago spring 8Sic cash; 9Sc March; 90,99c ApriL Corn in fair demand and lower- oofc case; oc-fc fliarcrj; 41t4SC May. Oau quiet; 29ic Pork unsettled, lower and ery weak at $14 4a Lard acti?e and lower at $9 37i9 4a Bulk meats dull and tending downward; shoalders $4 75; rib $7 60; clear $7 85. Whiskey higher. Cloalog Whet, No. 3 Chicago spring QSio February; 998Jc March. Corn Sdic February 41i4lc May. Oats 29c March; 34c May. Pork $14 274 asked. Lard $9 49 45 Marph. 8x. Lorjia, February 3. Flour dull and unchanged. Wheat unsettled and gen erally lower; No. 2 red fall $ I 01 cash; $1 OlQl 011 February; $1 03Jai 04 March. Corn lower; 88i38fc cash;38a 88c February; 38&Hc March. Oats lower; S031c cash; 82i32ic March. Whiskey steady at $1 06. Pork lower at $14 2515 00. Lard lower at $9 30. Bulk meats lower; shoulders $4 55; rib $7 30; sides $7 55. Bacon doll and unchanged.' COTTON HAHK.UTS. By Telegraph to tbe Morning Star! ' February 3. Galveston, dull and nomi nal at llf cts net receiDts 2.757 bales: Norfolk, easy at Hi cts-net receipts 1,100 bales; Baltimore, quiet at llf cents net receipts 215 bales: Boston, ouiet at 11 cm net receipt! 1.353 bales; Philadelphia dull t(i cts net receipts 483 Dales; Savannah, quiet at 111 cents net receipts 62 bales; New Orleans, quiet and steady at llf cts net receipts it.ooa oaies; Mobile, quiet at lit cts net receipts 468 bales; Memphis, quiet at Hi ceotsr-net receipts 1,808 bales; Augusta, steady at 10J cents net receints 445 bales; Charleston, quiet at llf cts net receipts 2,304 bales. Notick. If the signal letters of any ves sel in port are displayed by the U. S. Sig nal Office, the vessel so designated should sena aanore lor telepram. Mostly Gleaned Out ! TTS HAVB BBSN N&ARLY CLEANED OUT TT of COOKING STOVES the paat week, but have a nice FRESH STOCK, In transit, which we propose to shove rigbt off at a LOW FIGURE. uuui ui uooaa moving oat ana rresa lots In by every steamer. wow ia your una acd we can satisfy you. Ja 3 tf PARKER & TAYLOR. For Sale, A DB8IRABLE TRUCK FARM, SITUATED about three mllea from thla city, on the Wilming ton & Weldoa Railroad, adapted to tbe culture of Strawberrlea and other Fruits. For further partic ular? apply to w. L. KELLY, 'eb 3 Iw At SpriDger'a Coal Yard. New Crop Cuba EV.olasse$. First Cargo of the Season. 441 HHDS-) Choice New 49 TKCS- ) Crop Molasses, Ex British Brig "Malaga," direct from Matanzaa, Now landing and for rale by. reb 8 tf WORTH A WORTH. Musical Instruments. QUITARS, VIOLINS, FLUTES, ACCORDE- ens, Tamborlnes, Fifes, Harmonicas, and a variety of others, For sa'.e at HE1NSBBRGB R'S Live Book and Music Store. A large stock of ROYSTBB'S CANDY fxptclfrt dally; 35c per pound; three ponnda for ft. Large, fat No. 1 MA0KBRE.L; three for If PICKLED PIG'S FEKT, TONGUES A 8TKIPN at I?ew York prices. A Gallon of oar WHITE SUGAK DKIFS, :h Buckwheat, would not go amies thene cold idtb- Ingd. Give me a triil before pnrchatlng etaewbr. P. L. Bridgers Co. jan 23 tf North Frat Street. :29THi Pianos and Organs T7OR CASH, OR ON THE EASY A. feb 2 tf MONTHLY INSTALMENT PLAN AT HELNSBBBGER'S. Butter. Butter. Butter. Tube Choice Gilt Edge BUTTER, do do Goshen do 2Q Kits Mountain do We Q.UARANTKE PEL'S CORN 80LVENT TO cure a Corn In Eight Hours or money refunded. jan Twenty five Cents. J. D. NCTT & CO., Draggiata. FOREIGN StARKBTS. The Central Protestant A WEEKLY RELIGIOUS AND FAMILY NEWS paper aad the Organ of the Methodist Pro tea tant Church in North Carolina, ia published at Greensboro, N. C. Terms, tx 00 per annum, in advance. The eligibility of ita location, tbe number and ac tlTity of its agents, and tbe constantly increasing de mand for it among the more solid classes of readers In various sections, give tbe CENTRAL peculiar claims upon the patronage of the advertts-'ng DubUe. Verms very favorable. Consult your business inter ests, and address the editor later J. L. MICHATJX, Greensboro, N. C The Camden Journal. Puiiuhed Every Thursday, at Camden, 8. 0.t IS THE OLDEST-ESTABLISHED PAPER IN Kershaw county, and has an extensive circulation among tbe Merchants, Farmers and all classes of business men in the county. ui It offers to the Merchants of Wilmington a desir able Medium far Advertising, theunta which wubpto wimwifcou witn mat city by steam er on the Wateree River, and the WilrninatomTco lumoia ana Augusta naitroad. Crackers and Cakes. gODA, LEMON, ASSORTED " - , ' i and FANCY MIXED, For sale by HALL & PEARS ALL. Jan SO DAWtf We Have no Time JH) CITE POETRY OB MAKE A SPEECH, AS we axeiept busy selling the balance of our Winter Goods at sncb low prices that every one muit buy as soon as they see the Bargains Offered. New Stock fV SPRING WEIGHT SUITING JUST HB- ceived. The balance of our Winter Stock wo will make up at very low prices. SOtf Popular Monthly Drawing of the Comonwealtli Disfflkntion Company. At Macauley's Theatre. In the dty of Louisville, op Monday, Feb. 28th, 1881 These drawings occur monthly (Sundays except ed) under provisions of an Act of the Generml ai eembly of Kentucky, incorporating tbe Hewport Printing and Newspaper Co.. approved Ai rll 8. 1878 SETHIS IS A SPECIAL ACT, AND UAH XB VEK BBEN REPEALED. The United States Circuit Court on Mar:h 31 reo dered the following decisions : 1st THAT TWE COM UuN WBALT11 UI8TKI BUTION COMPANY 18 LEGAL. 3d. ITS DRAWINGS ARB FAIR The Company has now on hand a large reserve fund. Read the list of prises for THE FEBRUARY DRAWING 1 Prize 130.000 100 Prisea tlOO e&eh tlO.UM J Prize io,000 tOO Prises MeacS lO.COt .1 Prize 6,000 800 Prises SO each U.OUO 1 Prizes $1000 10,000 1,000 Prises 10 each 10. WC' 20 Prizes 600 10.000 9 Prizes $300 each. Approximation Prise., tTa 9 Prizes 200 each, l.HOt 9 Prizes 100 each, " vou. 1.960 Prizes. Whole TlckeU, $2. 27 Tickets, $50. $112.40X1 Half TlckeU. il. 65 TlckeU. $K- Remit Money or Bank Draft In Letter, or wod tr DON'T SEND BY RSUIbTBK&l) 1 I Exnress, TBR OR PObTOFFICE ORDBB. Order! ot 5 ana upward, bv BzDresa. can b wit it oarei- penae. Addresa alljordera to R M BOAKDJf AN. (Courier-Journal Building.) LOUISVILLE, Kj.. orT J. CO MM ERFORD, 212 Broadway, N. fob 1 eoaw tu th sa Look to Your Interest AND STOP AT MALLARD A itOWDEN' j an ; A. TAVTn Wholesale and Retail Clothier. where the largest assortment of HaraeM. Brldi. Saddles, Collars, Truck. Traveling Bir brought to this city.are to be seen and boneht for tka least money. Try them and be convinced. Masa facturing and repairing done with neatnwa aa dispatch ian 80 tf No. 8 South Front St. Black Walnut Furniture. T,f" MANOTACTURBRa OF THESE CELE- TX7E ARB CONSTANTLY RXCKIVING LABOR a v additiona to our atock of Walnat and other ktodt of Fornlture, which we offer at extremely low prices, and Invite an examination of stock before purchacing. jan 30 tf D. A. SMITH A CO. Watt Plows. ilmingtoa, Co J J30" xvb,raJplowbvS8lTen B ae control of them u bwuuu ui vae state jot tne past - four years . SL011 we,nave Perfected arrangements with Uiem that enables ns to sell them lower than ever before and orders direct to ns we guarantee to Rive you the lowest cash prices. . , JKU. DAWSON CO 19, 21 & 23 Market Street. obtained a Urgm drcalaxloa ia the latter dartna th. Ux mouths U wm Mbusaed ta rayecuvtlle before wriwai A4umt, wta be Inserted by tbe month qrur aad yw at reaaoaable rate. Address n. i. Mcduffie, Dw Inrlaborg, N. c. IBt Cable to the Morning Star j LrvsBpooL, Feb. g Noon CQtton flat $od lrregqlar;upland8 0 f-lQd ; Qrleaos 6id ; sales 10,000 bales, of wbicb 500 bales were for speculation and export; receipts 21,000 bales, of which 19,800 were American. Uplands, 1 m c, February and March de livery 6 13-10d: March and Anrll del (Hd; April and May delivery 6 17-82d; ilay and June delivery 6 19-S2d; July and July delivery 6d; July and August delivery 21-83d. Futures dull. 1.80 P. M Uplands 6 7-18J: Orleans Md; uplands, line, ejd; good ordinary ofo; oruinaxv Ufa. 5Jd; ordlnsrv 5IJ. Pdtnres steadv. 4 P. M. Uplands, 1 ra c, Februsry de. Liberal terms will be maila orith Hmu u.. advertise. """ls-lu Subsariptlon price, $2 50 per mmnm v' FHANTHAM A HAY, W7 tr Editors and Proprietor. The Marion Star. THE OLDEST NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN the Pee Dee section, one of tbe wealthiest and moBiJRroilperoiw 1x1 tQ State, offers to Commission and Wholesale Merchants and Manufacturers, and to those who have adopted tbe plan of selling by sample, , an excellent me dram of communication with a large and influential class of merchants, me cbanics,planters and naval store men, whose nat rpnagels worth solicitation. Advertisements and BuslneesCards inserted on liberal terms. Aaareat THE STAR, op1"" MarioaTs.a 5 00 St-ed. rpHB -HATTER" IS AT OUR STORE, AND will renovate, dye, and press, your old Hat, making new' and "aS t least five dollars each Jan30tf DYER ds SON. At Yates' Book Store BEAUTIFUL VALENTINES ABE They are said to be the finest All Sorts WAREHOUSE AND 8TOK reduce slock. Price, are "F STOVES piled up full. Must lower now than ever. Write for Catalogue and prices. F. M. KING CO jan 80 tf Wilmington. N. C. JJRANU'S quite an attraction ever gotten up. A COMPLETE STOCK of School tionery, Ac., constantly oa hand. Books. 8ta lm 30 tf Hardware. Hardware. yX HAVE NOW ON HAND A FULL STOCK- of Hardware usually sold at this season, cooiltln of Hemes, Oculars, Bridles Trace. Back Bandi. Back Band Webbing and Books. Plow Boi .. He pacing Links, Ac , Act, whieh wo are off -rlDg ' prices that win compare favorably wkh either Baltimore, Philadelphia er New York. GILES MURCHISON, tan SOtf 88 and 40 Front bv

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