.di MOEHIKQ STAR- 4, i ii. Him inn f . o . . . trt o.Ma ...... t ... awaat ' " i sa . " i , cnF m mi ii te at art m m f rr cas o cast AaM t ntao"" nun tar saa um Hm mmw Cat V.ra Craa ku b cocnpUtel. i'tuiMCoI. FlorWa. ft flJ.CC 6' Jte- llaaelbaru k 8o. Baltimore ,,n JmUi hev .poUd ; libiUte ijO.iXO 3tokbol4re ut the Wie'tra t 1100 Ttrptk Cocnpey r.i.fl.d Ibe coa- ,,nju.ja rrat. Toe Obso Lef 1- . urn & p4MJ e bill la prvv.et COttAolt- ivion of ttl(ro& cooapaale II as k c 'taaaoJU by be Cos gTeaarooaJ CO am tt tbi ta (over a aaat tb.mll g a tree tee , !r i un & booJs tor R-tJt'sbip railway t,:iMi ilt i itbsu. Uoim roJuliOO i i wcg ta itran(t end popi of K uC4 e I u tb Vorklowa co t,fa3 p"vl tbt tWoete: lb Pro ICO k r -ytntioa aal O" bf bill W,f debated nuoui eclioo , ia ib Uoqm lb tWo.le rrt iutioa f ' OOOOla !eCt3Bj TOUl WM ,.,pd itoeecaabip Batevie, of the rut j . WeaMwIag -Ltea, Ntw Y u.U $30 000 Are ytaerd.y TU i)o of IrtlanJ art urged tu form 0i Cfty lb Sglt.UoO ; . uuU. ( ib La ad Lmm beve bo k Fr.oc Great dcttitalioa .i. uff'io io toe f.iroiag U i(r icta of X ti.i'Ot rt ripuit(J-V( account of the ,i .n. end xrmIy cuid weather. - Yui on.ik: Jioa.y 43 pr . u -u..o ia.. II -i'jOtl 13 IS . 'uibiD Huur 4 V( 50. wbcl, u,.4r.id rwd ft OKQl 19, cwi, aagradad ,tAi,'i':- iri prnin qii l 47c; Kunhf that Judg UugbcA, v iioia, will n ddrv d- . ItvablicAca to corobin nM t ii Uosdjicter. VlthuT- rb lutU Rorml aid hi h J not rad ap hi mind how he m:J ol bat h woald vote he 1 J. .-cilj M:tbw ool bocmiog. Tfn eam pro-pt of defeftltog h( notQineiioo. Heory Wtutenoo it trying to btve htm contirnieO. ll.-nr: will 00 do lS t 1X i h Uom ibUke or Cepe Kr iproate of eenvaJl ioopor i ! jtgiag from ib emil ppro pMtxM aJWwed. ioibly Itpb i.ct'i lloa wilt b more IibertL i n. K cftraood DirpaicA W4biag- rrpooial mji Blaioe U lb iti-xl. pop ilw Upublica La CiMgre l!i:rsi. Thf bi the rlctorl tCQaL, mod iinuk it odi3tfd liberal pliy 4 rabr cf ib lir6ld CbUt. V hve b(rre. oe Ibe rpxrt of the Jprjrttodat Of CoQ giviog conpUu rwiefce of ibe popaUtioa mi J ie I, North Cerolioe, him 1400,07. We be eleo b MiMai of apportionment- If il n ie o a buu of 304, 804, 304 or joT member or higher, ap to 323, Noti fcroli will he 9 cjembere of ihm tloaae, a gio of 1. TlIK LKUIIUTIKK. Hrw ObTTrtMUp.itt Cartild. 3 EN AT H TllCUOiT, Feb. 3. u(ttiftih rtiroLmoM rr tt;uodal follow, tad ap vroprufttay riJerre or olherwi die- p j-irtd o f : Mr. S:ott, of ltockioghacn, bill lo nuourjge the college of tbe Stale ia extsblrehios librn. CAUSDAL Mr. l)4vidtoa tnoted Uj tbe raUe be a.-rpeoied, od 6Olte bill jo I be ukeo ep. The bill ptviVM for reiiog tnd digeetiog the pejblia ixmt of tbie iJlate. The bill wms read by etioo. Pa--d coQd redio5J. Mr. Kpj o2rd anaxaeodmeot i tecttoa 1, thai tbe name of Mr. Uvaatn be etrickeo oat. The yes aad njf were called up on the mollooto trik out the name of Judge Urania. Tbe Seoate it fea4 f Mutkm oat by a vote of 33 to 9. Tbe ty paawdiU thud rvadiog. Mr. Paneh moVd Git Ibe eot br wbtch tbebiH p ed brecooidcredt ad that tb taoiioo aw laid oo tbe table. Tbe motioe, prevailed. Senate bill 2T0 ea tbe oert epecial onUt, beiog bill to rtqaire tbt taie of evrtaio booda aad epplf ibe vto eeedi to tb cemxaoa tcbool 1444. Toe bill paaeed it teewod ni Ihird readioga. Tbe bill asjeadiog the chixter of the Oraorille Ilea I road Co tope ay waa tbea.tAa ap aa a a pedal oxder. A treaded by committee atnirgot pan of eectloa 4. AmeadmeaU offered by the cocn miUM. nai.ia oocflicl with that al ready adopled.were adopted, and the bill paeeed It eod reading yea 14. oay nonT UoaaeTUll tO?,&reaU bill 133, to incorporate) lha 2i orth Stale" Mining Cojapcaj, 4 At3dd bj oota tail tee. Mr. Scott, of Kockioghaa, mored hn the charter be forfeiteJ under The HoEMKi- ;;SiMi. : VOL. XXVII.-NO. 116. the aarvej oow made and work begun aod eoorioued within two yeara from tbe graotlog thereof. Paaeed il third reading. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES anx. Mr. Sparrow, to regulai aod de fine the fee of the probate jadge aod regUter of deeds oo lien. Commiltae oo ealariee aod fee. Mr. Tooo, lo incorporate the lowo of Sidney, io Colombo ooonty. Com mittee oo corporation. Mr. Dnoo, to provide for working of tbe publie road of lb Slate by ta i alio a. Committee oa road. Mr.Bledoe, to amend the law re lating to the adoption of childreo. Judiciary committee. TUX CAX.XMDAK wa diapoead of a follow : Senate bill 210, lo authorize the oommiioners of Crareo to levy a apecial lax. Pad third reading. Houae bill 803, to pravent live lock from running al large in the coaiity of New Ilaoover, east of Cape Fear river, wa put on its econd aod third reading and pasaed. Uoute bill 307, to prevent altor neya al law from practicing in court of the Stale while member of the General Aaeembly, wa takeu up. The bill failed to pas it second reading. Mouse . bill 339, lo allow ibe peo ple of Edgecombe coaniy to work the pablio road by taxation, wa tabled. The House concurred io the Sen ate amendment to the bill to incor porate tbe Sooth Atlantio Railroad Company. Senate reeolulioo requeliog our members. of Coogree lo use ibeir in flatoce io exempt machinery used in tbe manufacture of cotton goods from import duty pined it cond and third readioga. itatk cmaseat. Tbia body oo lb third day adopted a memorial oa the subject ot lb Department of Agriculture, and og geciing a plan for the better promo tion of it objects and aims,wbtch wa submitted by lb committee to whom it had been entrusted, to be laid be I ore ibe General Aseembly, aod it favor able consideration at ihe present se io reaeeted : Tbe following wa uoanimouily adopted : AWxVeJL That the Mate Graoge of North Carolina hereby express us wrto appreciation of ibe recommen dation of hie Excelleoov Gov. T. J. JarvM lo the Legislature of our Slate to provide a hall or building lor oar Department of Agriculture, and we deeire hereby lo aaure him of the approval of hi view by all friends of progre, and for them, a express ed iu bta rvceul mmigr, we tender bim our aiocere l banks. H) followiog efficer were elected for ibe ensuing term ol two years: Master W. II. Cheek, Warren county. Overseer -Jobo rung, 1'ilt cuuuty. Leclorer Dr. J. E Newsome, Hertford oouoiy. Steward mil niog, uonow county. AiUni Sieward J. U iioun- tree. Lenoir county. Cbaplaio IUv. vviiiiam urant, Northampton oouoiy. Treasurer lit. U. . xeooow, Guilford county. Secretary It I. Beale, Northamp ton coooiy. Gato Keeper - tl 3tjrtimjK, Ca barrus couniy. Cere -Mr. A. M. tJbeK, varTea county. Pomooa Mr, llaccei ueauy, ti- barru couniy. Flora Mia Addie E-awaras, Noiihamptoo county. , LadTAssiiaotSuward-Mb Hal- tie Bryan, Northampton county. Rev. Wm. urat,oi nortoimpwu, n.i n c. Moore, of Put, were elected member of tbe execatif i committee. .-t J T. . ..n mi(in; of tb iiSAlel A um .. p. , Graoire wiU ba bald oo tbe secowd IT. 11 Toeeday of December ai eiaou. Tbi Uukeo frotq e prooetdlogs o the IUktgb AVpr Q6rvr. . ! ,1 . "I T-m: s MikWUma?iitS- Uzrxwsmvil4ciZij p J. H. IXutDCT KtSTTCU. J. C UM-Ctog, idEc r. M. Ecio A Cok-4ov. llmacw Imported sUltiogs PAaxxa.it Tatix 8tovs. ilAXxiaor A Aixxar HaU. A David Clerie oat sale. W. IL OxxxasOatdea seed. D. 7. Mxtckxxi. Jt Boa Oota. Bx Wbttx New siyke ibads. Ooxa fe Mcxcmiaosi Hardware. R M. McXxTtXX Solid comfort. J. W.0oaDOBao. Ioturaoce. L. J. Oitxmocm Cotblag, tfcc p. EL IUtwo Floe saddles, J. L. BoATWwamT lodecetoenu. J. W. Sovnrxaiujro Hon, 4c. Joaoi Dawoa A Co. Wall plowa Oao. Mvxse Paxkr House toap. p. Ccmtnr 6 CD. Hay, oats, Ac. Dm A 80s Winter roods at coet i(tT ig A Bowdxji Uarne, Ac. D. A. Bixmi A Obi Toldlof chairs. Yato Uaaifold order and latter book. McDocexxx A Wrrjisararm faUrtlot Axtarrxx, Paxcm A Oo. Se.tb.deer, A. nnaxirc A Co. Birxka, baxoet. Ac. Encxxu ACAXWDtBaoe- Moluies, potato, Ac. WILMINGTON, E1 oeta. Fifth Sunday after Epiphany. Day' length 10 hours aod 36 mloale. The guard house was empty yesterday. Receipt of cotton yesterday 343 bale. No case for the Mayor' Court yesterday morning. A lore feaat wa held at tbe Froot Street Methodist church 00 Friday algbl last. The Berger Family, who used to be old acoualBlanees in this city, are ex pected here 00 the 22od lost. Tbe Board of Aldermen and Board ot Count j Commissioners will meet In regular monthly session to-morrow. The Regtater of Deed issued four marriax licenses daring the past week, all of which were for white couple. It ahonld be borne ia mind by those Interested, that Ihe Criminal Court meet Monday, the 14th inst. Instead or to morrow, tbo 7th Inst We have already ex plained tbe reason why. Ia passing through the new maiket yesterday morning we noticed that It wa abundantly supplied with everything that can be had at Ibis season in the way of meats, vegetable, poultry, flah, etc. The first quarterly meeting lor the present Conference year, for the Front Btreel Methodist church, is now beiog held bv the Presiding Elder of the District; Rev. Dr. Baikhead, who may be expected to fill the pulpit lo-day. An adjourned meeting of tbe Ladle' Benevolent Society will be held at Hock and Ladder Hall on Tuesday after noon, at 31 o'clock. A full attendance is most erne:ly requested, the cards will then be ready for dlalribution. The mercury wa down to 24 decree al the Stax offlce yesterday morn ing, al T o'clock, being 3 degrees lower lhan 00 Friday morning, when it wa 27. and 4 decree higher than on Thursday morning. when It waadown to 20. We learn that quite a number of human bonea have been found under the Opera Houi. where workmen, under the direction o: CapL IL S. Hadcliffe, are ex cavatlog foi ibe purpose of making aome needful rcpara to tbe healer- Tbe poor ! the poor ! Remem ber them bit biuer cold weather and pto vide fu .beir preaaing neceaalties. borne there may be sofftring In your very midst. and much nearer lo your own pleasant and wedlocked domlcil than you may imagine. It ba been suggested ibat a pleasant evcoing once a moo lb migoi oe spent, by "those who wore tbe gray," by meeting: together aod iclaiiog incident or camp and field in which they participated; or. In other words, "flghllng their battles over again." xrmmm4mr Hlbu The New York World has thia to say of "The Pirates of Penrance," to be pre sented by D'OjIy Carte's London Opera Company at Ihe Opera House In thia city on Wednesday evenlog next: Th tort ta azeraelaiinclv funny, the plot more elaborate aod Interesting, and the satire more aeruy conceaiea idu mum n...n oniirkhii 10 iha evervdav expe rience of life than anything to be found In tbe works 01 air. uuoen. omnrt. wRit 'Pinafore ' it is iafhute- ly superior lo plot, language and humor. while, masicauy, mere caa 00 00 ton, the sirs and choruses of last year a wonderful succea being mere trifle, un worthy or critical attention, wnuo io mu sic Mr. Sullivan ba written for the Pirte of Penxance might have been written for grand opera. The bnmor of the moBic lie, in feci, lo the serious Imitation of grand opera, the most outrageous perver sloes of common sense in tbe text being Utted with lh utmoel solemnity. This sppllcatlon or serious music to me aoauiu .tMi.iinna nf th tixt becrcrATt deacription. although It la ao apparent that every point niiiniinMiii t aeen or loo buu.cuvo. v..i. f Lnahti-r ran out every few mo eots dnriog the performance, and even . . . m 1 KaA when lb laugnier waa noi gcuc.. iuo .. . Mnilnnofli rattle of Isolated 'ha ! ha's !' from the riting of the curtain on the first act until it xell on me second. Oreier Sfcarplaa. We alluded a week or two ago to tbe ract that an oyster "sharpie" wa being con structed on Capt. Skinner's Railway wharf, said boat being built somewhat on a new aod improved plsn and to be noted princi pally for it strcoftlh and durability. Sbe will be completed In aboat two week and I Intended to be used 00 tbe Chesapeake Bay, lotlead of beiog taken to Boston, a we were at first informed. Tbe owner Mr. A. Tbomts of New Haven, Connecticut, ia to have two more of these "sharpies" con structed under bis own superviaion, Mr. R. H. Beery having superintended the building of the one now approachiog completion. The building of ihe additional ones will be commenced at once. tvarcear s UeaaaHel. Beete. A colored Woman named Polly A. Wil liams was arreted yeaterdsy for stealing bedspreads, quilt, sheet, crockery ware, class ware and various other articlea too tedious to mention. It seems that ahe rented a room 00 ta premise of a certain gentleman in thl city, and lb woman, a i alleged, took advantsge of a favorable opportunity lo replenUb her stock of household goods from ihe more, extensive and valuable one of. her landlord. She wa ordered to eoler Into bond In tbe sum of flCOforber appearance before Justice Millie to-morrow morning, at 10 o'clock,1 in defsult of whicbahe. was commuted lo Jail. Tbs robbery took plsce about the 15th of last month N. C. SUNDAY. FEBRUARY . 1881. XYalir Wtalktr BalletlB. Tbe following will ahow the atate of the thermometer, al the stations nsmed, at 3.00 P. M. yesterday. Washington mean time, and also the amount of rainfall in inches ,for the twenty four hours ending daily at 3 P. M., except Tuesday, when it is 43 hours, as furnished by Sergeant James W. Watson. Signal Officer at this Station : Tem. R. F. Weather. Atlanta 42 .00 Fair AuguaU. 49 .00 Clear Charleston 48 .00 Clear Charlotte 40 .00 Clear Corsican 61 12 Lt rain Galveston 61 03 Foggy Havana 78 .02 Cloudy Ieiilanola 68 00 Lt rain Jacksonville 32 .00 Uloudy Key Weat 72 .00 Cloudy Mobile 56 .00 Fair Montgomery 50 .CO Fair NewOrleaoe.... 52 .00 Ltraln Punta Rasa 71 .00 Fair Savannah 43 .00 Clear Wilmington 42 .00 Clear Cedar Keys 62 .00 Clear Pensacola 55 .00 Fair Tbe following are the Indications for the South Atlantic States to-day: Clear or partly cloudy weather, northerly winds, veering to warmer southerly, sta tionary or rising barometer. DeatmeilT Fire at Point Caswell. Friday evening, about 7 o'clock, tbe store house of Mr. J. R- Paddison, at Point Caswell, Pender county, was discovered to be on fire, and the flames spread so rapidly that io a very short time, and before the neighbors could reach the spot, the build ing aod the entire stock of goods were con turned, together with a lot of turpentine stored on the yard. At one time it waa thought that the stores of Messrs. L. Vol lers and D. Sherman would share the same fate, but by great exertions on the part of Ihe citizens they were saved, lt Is sup posed by Mr. Paddison that the fire wa purely accidental, and that it originated from aome leak in the flue from the stove pipe, as tbe flame were first discovered bursting through the roof. Mr. P. had closed hi store and gone borne but a short lime before the fire was discovered . At this time it is impossible to Bay what the losses will foot up. but Mr.P. thinks they will aggregate between $5,000 and $8,001). Mr. J. R. Paddison has inurarca on atock to the amount of $2,000, in tbe Liverpool, London and Globe, represented here by Messrs. J.W.Gordon &,Bro., and ibebuijdr ing, owned by Cnpt. R P. Paddison was insured in the same company for $S90. Tbe lot falls heavy on Mr. J. R. Paddiawn, ai tbe insurance we are informed, will wot cover half ibe loss on stock. "It Navar ftalaa bat It Fours." A hoi se attached to a delivery wagon, the property of Capt. J- L. Boatwright, got frightened near tbe corner of Fourth and Chestnut streets, yesterday noon, while the driver was temporarily absent delivering a package, and dashed wildly down Cbesnut street. Turning the corner of Third and Cbesnut streets, in the direction of the City Hall, be wagon was capsized aod the ground waa strewn with a mixture of sugsr and floor and soap and pickle and coffee aod bacor, etc, etc. The capsizing of the wagon cauaed the shafts to break, which freed the horse, when he continued to run for a abort diataoce and waa then halted. Damage to wagon not material, and the goods were quickly duplicated. Fordca Expert for JTaamarr. By reference to statistic 00 record in the Custom House, we learn that the foreign exports from this port for the month of January jutl closed footed up as follows : Colton 7,848 bales; weight, 3,459,739 pounds ; value, $S95,957. Spirits Turpentine 91,586 gallons, val ued at $40,378. Rosio and Crude Turpentine 47,201 bar rels. valued at $78,481. Lumber 2,384,000 feel, valeted at $38. 332. Shingles 149,000, valued at $941. Total valuation of foreign exports for the month $535,109. Unmallabl Letters. The following is the uomallable matter remaining in the city postofSce up to this date : Two cards, illegible; Wm. Batie, Bruns wick, N. C; Willie Council, Red Taps, 8. C. ; Simon Scurlook, Piltaboro, N. C. ; Bell H. Hall, no address; Cbas. D. Jordan, Stag Park, N. C; paper, Mrs. George L. Norton, 63 Bourbon street, N. O- martaarr. There were two interments one adult and one child In Oskd ale Cemetery dur ing the week ending yesterday. Bellevue Cemetery report one interment an adult for the weekl' Io Pine Foreat (colored) Cemetery there were three interment two adults and one child during the week.. Ftac Law. House bill No. 303, known aa the "$to fence law," to prevent live stock from run ning at large in New Hanover county, east of tbe Cape Fear river, has passed its final reading in the House and now goes to the Senate. It is understood that there ia a provision in the bill requiring it to be sub mitted to the vote of the people. naetlar oa 'Ctta). A joint meeting of tbe Chamber of Com merce and Produce Exchange la called to assemble at the - rooms of the latter body to-morrow at 12.80 o'clock, to take action 00 the Regan bill. In regard to Inter State Commerce, now before Congress. "B4B-refwja-- r-- 7" A reliable savings bank! One box of Dr. Tatt'a Pills will save yon many dollars in doctors' bills. They will surely; cure Chills and Fever. Syspepeia, DiabWered Liver or Bowels, Sick rHeadacbe; Jaundice or Cbroolo Constipation, and expel vry mpunty from tbe system. ' t IIABBIED, MacRAE PABSLKY. On Wednesday evening, the M instant, by tbe Her. A. A. Wateon, D. V.. AONXS. dtogbter of Donald Mac Bae, to WaLTKR &.PABSLET. Hocaraa. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS; Corn ! Corn ! Cgrn! Just arrived and now landing. ExBeh'rs Mjatery, Seam and Kanice Reynolds 6700 Bushels Prime White Oorrjj ! To arrive per Sail and Railroad. 25,000 Bushels, For sale low in lota to salt by B. F. Mitchell & Son. rab ft St Mrs. Gen. Garfield, ON HSU KJTTKBJNG THK WHITB HOUSE baa decided to have Crimson Holland Shades for Parlor, Bern ' " 'or Sitting Roam, aad Olive " for bining Room, all of which are new styles, and can be foand at; BSN WHITK'B.the Paper Banger, feb 6 lt Market st. , between Sd and Sd. Monday g ELECT A SUIT OF OUR ELEGANT IMPOR TED SUITINGS, made up In first class style and oaeaceptionable cnt. MUNSON, e 6 tt Clothier and Merchant Tailor. . u , Hats! Hats! '. Cy?P AND SOFT HATS I UMBRELLAS 1 IMPERIAL GLOSS, jast the thing for your old or new Hat. 23c per bottle. ; HARRISON ALLEN, feb 6 t! Hatter. Do As We Bo! B UY CHEAP AND SELL CHEAP ! That's the way oar Furniture goes BBHRGilDS 4c nCNROE, a S. Comer Market and Second Streets, feb 6 tf Wilmington, N. C. Garden Seed. Garden Seed. -pBA$ BRANS, CABBAGE, Radian, Tomato. Sqnaab, Turnip, Melon, Ac, Ac. For eale Wholesale and Retail. WM. H. GREEN, feb6tf - Druggist, Market Street. Fleur Def Lis Cologne, JAVENDRi WATER. TOILET SOAPS AND Powder, Hair Braahee, Tooth and Nail Brashes. Oriental Toath Paste. For Bale by JAMES C. MUNDS, Droggist, feb 6 tf 35 North Front St. Watt Plows. THE MANUFACTURERS OF THESE. CSLE hMt1 Pino. )tvtt eri von n a tVi nrnlm nf them in thia section of the State for the paat. foor years. I nil TBnn Trn nun jnirim n-ii nutgnmuw them that enables na to sell them lower than ever hufnra and ordflr direct to na we gnarantee to give you the lowest cash prices. feb 6 tf 19, 21 A 33 Market Street Solid Comfort. , JpiNB ALL WOOL UNDER GARMENTS FOR Ladies, Gents and Children. Also Tsxioos grades of Merino, including Salts for Children of all sizes. MONDAY we will receive a large assortment lof DRESS and CLOAK BUTTONS, Corda and Tassels, Colored and Black. Hosiery. In thia deDartment all mav be suited, both in Style and price. . . we areaowx a urge iraua iu uuaun. SILKS. Only ask to give prices; the prices will toll. . " . B. H. HcINTIEE. feb 6 tf Opposite the Opera House YOU CAN HIRE A NICK HORSB, OR A FAIR, with a COURTING Baggy or net, as you prefer. There yea will also meet with fair dealing if ypu want to bay a HORSE or a MULE. Boarding by month, week or day. -feb 6 tr JAMK8 W. SOUTH BRLAND A CO. Fancy FoUini Chair. ANOTHER INVOICE OF THOSE CHAIRS AND Rockera which ware ao much admired, and aold ao rapidly daring the Holidays, received to day. Black Walnut aad Cottage Chamber Suits, Hat Stands, parlor Bnita, Marble Top Tables, Ac.. all to be sold at low prices. . . D. A. SMITH A CO., feb 6 tf Furniture Dealer and Manufacturers. Manifoli Order, and Letter Boot D OSS AWAY WITHTHB OLD AND CUM- bersome system of press, brash, water. Ac, and la done In a tenth of the time heretofore re Qoired, aa the letter and copy are written at once. So ink, no pen required. Complete stock at febfttf ; YATES1 BOOK STORE. 1 At Dyers'. gELLING OUT OUR RKMAlNDKR OF WIN- ter Goods at cost, and making extensive arrange- menta for tho Spring trade. Gloves and Underwear at cost, to close oat. New styles FumlBhhigs. feb 6tf Look to Yow Interest ND.STOP AT MALLARD BO WD EN'S, where the largeeVasortoent of Harness. Bridles. Saddles, Collars, 'TiaMsa,- TraTeiing Ba ever brought to this cUyrara to be seen and booght forthe least money. Try them and be convinced. Mann factoring and repairtnia idone withvneatnesa ana dlfebto1tf "' Ho. SSoomFronlSi. Fine ; aiileii, Haiiess ani- Biniie,! t AT P. H. HAYDEN'S CARRIAG2 VAC- LtORY, where all arttoiee in the above one J SAairiiurnd Trimmms -done ahort Wtied oa ran bbbm uuiur ua aaai - - - m. . TbteJ Street between Market and Princeaa. ; febfttf ' P.H.HAYDEN. WHOLE NO. 4,205 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. IMDUCErJlEPJTS ! I am offering this week an ATTRACTIVE ASSORTMENT ! of the FINEST GOODS! Consisting in part of The Celebrated FARINA OYSTXR CRACKER, "WUlson'a" assortment of FANCY CAKES, Ferris' small SUGAR CURED HAMS and STRIPS "LORD BALTIMORE" HAMS, Momm's and Piper Heldseick's CELEBRATED WINES, ANOLO-8W1S4 MILK, CRUSHED INDIAN CORN, and A FULL LINE OF JUST SUCH NICE AfcTI CLKS IN MY LINE AS ALL FAMILIES DESIRE. I WILL SELL THBM VERY LOW, AND DELIVER PROMPTLY TO YOUR HOMES. Jno. L. Boatwright, Xos 11 & 13 N. Front St. feb8tf New Crop Cuba, Potatoes, &c. 225 TIERCES and BBL8, NEW CROP CUBA MOLSASES, 400 Bbls SEED POTATOES, s EARLY ROSE and PEERLESS, 200 Bb' FLeUR aJ1ankde( jfjQ Bags COFFEE, Bbls SUGAR, all grades, 2000 SSCk E,lverPo1 SALT, 4QQ Bash Water Mill MEAL, - pJQ Bbia RICE, 2QQ Tabs LARD, gQQ Bushels OATS, 300 Kegs NAILS 200 60X68 80 AP' "JQQ Casee LYE and POTASH. Boxes CHEESE, Ac, Ac, For sale by feb 6 tf KBRCHNEK A CALDER BROS. Boston Parker House Soups ! TOMATO, MOCK TURTLE, OX TAIL, JULIENNE, PEA, MACCARONI. VERMICELLI, COS80MME, BEEF. OKRA. ANDERSON'S MINCKMEAT, best in the market, For sale at GEO. ttYERV, f eb 6 tf No. 11 and 13 South Front st. Liverpool & London & Globe Insurance Co. Assets - - $30,000,000. LOSSES PAID WITHOUT DISCOUNT. JNO. W. GORDON A BRO., Agents, feb 6 tf S4 North Water St. Look ! Look !i fjHB LIVE BOOK STORB CONTAINS THB Largest and Choicest Stock of; I POPULAR LITERATURE, MISCELLANEOUS WORKS, MUSIC, AND GIFTS IN FANCY ARTICLES. Pianos. Organs, GUITARS, VIOLINS, and all other Musical Instruments, For sale at f eb 6 tf HBINSBERGER'S. Positively rjJHB LAST YXK OF OUR IMMENSE CLBAR ing Out Sale of Winter Goods. Only a few more Suite aod Overcoats left, which we will dispose fat 10 PER CENT less.th&n cost. This 1 no pap"er advertisement, bat positively do as we say. un jaonaay, eoraaiy in, uraoa uiwuuij ui oar Spring Goods. We extend a welcome to the public for an inspection of same. A. DAVID, feb 6 tf Wholesale and Retail Clothier. Full Supply NO. 1 TIMOTHY HAY. . FEED and SBBD OATS. CORN, And the "Best Bolted Meal in the city." PRESTON CUMMING A CO., Millers and Grain and feb C tf . Peanut Dealers. All Sorts QF STOVES. WAREHOUSE AND STORB piled up fall. Mast redace slock. Price are lowecnow than ever. Write f or Catalogue and prices. . F. M. KING A CO.. feb 6 tf . Wilmington. N. C. Here We Are Again AFTER A GENERAL TXAR UP AND A NEW Stock of STOVES of the last steamer, w are tow ready to sell anything In oar line, at email advance above coat, eepecially Cooking and Heat ins: STOVES, having an aaaortment frosn wkicb tie most faetldlba can select. Come and see for etfetf" PARKER A TAYLOR. rrttaVTCJ OF A 0VBII lalrve. .6ae 'ttMr dm daF.1;.;';;;;:.;:..;:. t; f. ... .,. oiraay,...fc'. foot day a,.. ...... ..... S a ftra daya,.. ........ ... . 8 ttf On weak,.,... " TVSVMkl, S 6 Three waeka...... t " One month, 10 wi " Twomontha, II tv " Three month, J Slxmontha, , W" One year, v ... a iarContract AdvarttKAmeaU 'uka mi vrtr" Uonately low rates. Ten Une alid Nonpareil type make araara. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OPERA HOUSE, Wednesday Even's, February 0. d'oyly"cartes London Opera Comp'y Composed of the principal members of the ORIGINAL 6TH AVE. 1HXXTKB COMPANY, in the Melo Dramatic Opera, la two acta, writ ten and compoaed, expreaaly for prodae tionlnthe United Htatea, by An bar Sullivan and W. 8. Gilbert. Aarhor and Composer of "Pinafore," entitled The Pirates of Penzance Or, The Slave of Duty. THE SCENERY IS BNTIBKLY NEW t ELABORATE NEW COSTUMES t AN ENLARGED OMCHBSTHA. and A CHORUS OF 40 TUAINKD VOICED I The sale of Scats will commence at H eln.hr r gar's Book Store, on Saturday moraine, Feb. a at 0 o'clock. Reserved Seats 1. 15. AdmiK.lon 15c. 75c and fl-OP. feb 5 i OPERA HOUSE. MONDAY AND TUESDAY, February Till and Stlt. MATINEE, TUESDAY, t P. M. PERINE'S AMERICAN JUVENILE OFIKA OOMPAN T In CINDERELLA, With splendid Costumes, gargeons Scenic fleet, Dazallnsr Transformation.. The Knrankln cIiiii.m Into a GOLDEN CHARIOT, DRAWN Bt LIVE i-upiakb. 'Ana guttering naiiroom scene. A Feaat of Fun and Deliclona Music The March and Ballet Divertisement, arranged by Slgnorita Bosa Cerllo. Daring the BaU room Scene the Lambert Chil dren and Muter John Dona, a pocket edition of Frita Emmitt, will appear in their Mnaleal apecl.t- uee. Professors. G. Lambert. Maslcal Director. Admission 75. 50 and 85 centa. Beaerved m.ii without extra charge, at Helnsberger'e. ieo at rr sa ta uTimely Cited Poetry," etc. A trae man of business attends to his own, And deems it beet to let ethers alone. While those who feel hart by a new enterprlie Will eaaeal like a niar and oDea their eve.. Bat time roll, around, aame aa before, Alike to tbe 'Speaker." the "Poet" and boor; And the Men's Wear Depot ia exactly the same. w un its customers sausnea ana no one to biani.. Next Week TREMENDOUS INDUCEMENTS, BRILLIANT Offers and Rare Bargains In Clothing, Clothing, Clothing. Otterbourg's Men's Wear Depot fully appreciated. Likewise the Speecbei and Poetry springing therefrom . This space ia leaaed for twelve month m I For further information Inquire at Otterbourg's men's Wear Depot, 22, 24. 28 and 28 North Front Street. feb 6 It L. S. L. NEXT DRAWING OF THE Louisiana State JLottery TAKES PLACE FEBRUARY 8. CAflTAL prize. 180.000. Whole ticket. 3 CO: Halve. $1 Oa Address Lock Box 27. j an ia tr Wilmington, N. C. Great! Reductions Hamburg; Edging & Insertions ! Brown & Roddick 45 Market Street. WB WILL OFFER. ON MONDAY. JARUAHY 81st. oar whole stock of the above, at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES t From leper yard and upward No comments are necessary. Give as a call aad we can satisfy even tne most rastiaious. BROWN A RODDICK, Jan 30 tf 40 Market St. A LARGE STOCK OF Sash. Doors, Blinds, AND ALL KINDS OF MILL WOltK, LUMBER, LATHS, fcc, FOR SALE VERY CHEAP. AT ALTAFFER. PRICE A Co., Factory: Omn: Foot of Walnut st. Nntt, near Bad Cross at . febStf Hardware, Hardware. TTK HAVE NOW ON HAND A TUIXS1 STOCK of Hardware nsaallyaoJd at thia eaaon.coif.UtlBf of Hamea, Coilara, Brldtee. -Ttsci Mack Band, Back Band Webbing and oc -Plow MoUa, He paring Links, Ac ,- Ac, which -rear oOerlag at price, that will- compare favorably with-cither Baltimore, Philadelphia or New .York. ' GILES A MURCH180N. feb6tf . 88 and 40 Front bt STIRRING. Carta in constaat repair. Carriages and Bagglea for sale. Drays made strong and fine. Timber Wagon, made to order. Horseshoeing a specialty, feb S tf MODOUGALL A WILLIAMSON. Allan's SOLUBLE MEDICATED ' BOUOIES. Bv. Jacob'. Oil, Tatt'a Expectorant. Wlnchetra Congh Cordial. ' Pore, - Cod Liver Oil. Caticara Soap, Marahall'aCnbeb Cigarettes, and a. fall aa aortment of Flavoring Extracts, For sale tow at . ' t.' H. HARDIN'S. . Drag and Seed Store, feb 6 tf . . New Market. Buggies, Harness, &c. THB. LARGEST AND -t 0S8T VtLJtcTBD Stock of finggiea. PbnUma. Cart. Trmya, Sad dle, Harneae, Coilan, Baaaea, Brtdlaa.krpa, Ae. ever offered can be aeen aad bonrbt at lowest DrtcesfrOm - OKRHARlVr A Co., 45 N. Front St. Wilmlnetoa. N. a ' T. 8. Particular attention give to Rapalrmg aad ' PainUag. febitf