d HOBHIHa STAR. ; WJI. II. UtttSAUD. nU4Ult DAILY EXCEPT MOIU4Y urn o sua imi ilium w r-. ML. Hi , -nuatna. oooia. " - - 1SS MaU " T. A TO CJ aWBlTIIITlW Wl ! Uk U OS IM HWMimMnuttun aths Inwrwl at la Poa OOc at Wllmlacto. !C C. OlTLlNKk. PrsiJnt Hays vstoed the Fuadio. bill. Freacisco Calderoo tu bee elected frovmooal PmidQl Of rV. T A p port loom a I bill ped lo tloue; total aainiXf of RspreseotaUvca lo b 3I9; North Cruiio'o have ola; la bill f lo the Sot for coocurreaos Aaothtr rs ao cora io the No(UiU; al Chi- ci'J th MTtriat of the seaaoo. Acol- ,m o on ths Cb-Mpek Jt Obio Railroad, nr taaatoo. Va. ; Civ pervoas killed. U. Giaituo ha rvappeartd la lb llrui.u HuMuf Coaacsoaa. Tb Boers r.uH ipx4 coodolooe itli Lady l ... i ft r brfasial. YVeshieg- . ,,i k iirvju(d wit a visa. to elteod lb ii tuuriko. iiwv auxoj act la ytsicr iy dd bracta to isterfsrc with tu er r iana. - Secretary Shsnnaa's r ti a baa La accept id by las Prtai- N Yxk meiketa: Moaey &3 pr en i . c-Jitoa y at 11 7-190U 1110 ;:utj, tuutCkcra flour ataady $4 75' 20; Jlc bur aad fairly active, un-- id rl f I I6jl ti,; Cv, uograded S i.Vcts; tpitu iarpntio wck at 45c; ruaia uucbaa(d Otiice skrs by thousand are marcbtog lo Wasbiogloo, aod a hno hard il ia. Uichuoad, Virginia, favored al ready with ogt(tmcou for an lean '. tit rical eights dariog Lot. The Colons refused lo graal aoy t.j tbe Cap Kar aod Vadkin Viiry ri!rud. Will Ihey alao re fu io ntl ih Sialr' iolrel in il? e will ar. I't bill eatabliatuog Criminal i ouria tailed lo m. We aappoa ih LxMiu' ibr iocrJ iu Superior Cvarl circaila or creal lute nor Couria io couolica overrun wiih aaiall aaidffiiaor. lb preM hxs power ceriaioly, bat u in ooi tqaal lo acunog a proper 1 4 ij rtnliu lgl adrerimog. I'nu UUUtor hl4 SO idt of pJlog i bow-ever atefal avaJ oeo4ry. a in any way lb paUiabera of oewa ppr ar io b bcaefiud remoiely. lA-UTavkingtoo correwpoadaoi of .!..: UichroonJ iSfa4 rtprwaU Blaioe t Mi.loctog Hayea to call iba eieco- of iba Saat- !! mji: - !!! raily advtacd aa lmadUi iwun thai ta pny eoctd sot af urtarv aoSabru4a bsw .f pca c mrrj fifltj Mit of lb poaaibl of XV ufa o' doabllal pro , i i tfcuf fa oxai3ika of ib - j . 1 1 i kao l bat fur aoactime Mr. K i u . a tp o If txprtd doba of t ..i ui of ist Jliaace biwo tb H , ; oJ Gav lajijoa." T01.4 i tbe Iat day lb fraodulenl Prtiideol will ail in Simael J. Til .la'a cbiir, t wbkb b bad been cUd by lb popU of lb IT oiled .rt. ilayea will go into ralire iuni .b bal few good wiabeaA, bat will have mors lb an a boodrwd ibuand dollar of Mr. Tilden'a cooawy lo conjole bim aod feed bitn. iVe rl wroog of 1976 ia yel oo r bted, ba lb country b at lat nd of ihe ebief recipient of tb frmod- suodry correepoodenu y It i pracucilly Milled that BJaioe, Bob Lincoln and Morion, of New York will bin lb new Cabinet. Peon-' ijlnoii will have a repreeenialiv io uher Barker or MoVeab. Tbe Waabiogton letter in tbe Baltimore aya : "Tb aetectioe of a S)oalbra man for lb Cabia. firva ret deal of iroubl. To ry maa to tbat ectka wboea Qaxfleld h a.noQly cooaldered Ibere bare bn o6i-ciiooaraid. U baacooaldared Broc. ul Oaxut asd Uaal aad Morxaa, of Loaiaiaaa. aad otbr. At yal IbU mailer t oot bo Miid. allboob U can b ptiely auted ibat a (3oQtbrB man will lata tbe CabiMt prewal pro rajoa le cbaactd." TUB LECJILJkTUttE. R.'ib Newe-Obwtrver'e Report CoruUed. .TravaDAT, MJXh 1, 1831. SENATE. Mr. Soott, of Nw Hanorer, to lo corporau tb Son and DaogbUiof Cbanty Boroleot Aid Society of New llacover eoaoty. CeieodAr. Mr. Joo, to axaeod the cbarterof lb town of Jackaoavil!t ia Ooalow CaJaodir. Kill S7i. to amend ma ftct to provide (or tba working of eooricu on ibe Capw Kear A Vadkla Valley railroad, paeeetl iu aecood reading. Tb qaeetioa waj diecweed atleogtb. Tb previoae qaeetlon wm 0lle4 .n.4 iK- kill failed to paae TaJ 14, naya 2. A motioo to recooaider Tb 6ea ale now proceeded to the cooaideratloo of lb bill toeeUblUb lb new ooanty of Vance. Tbe bill wae apoo iu third reaJiog. Tb bill pud iu 10004 reiding yeas 24, oya 20, aod wae made lb epectal ordar for Wtdoeeday at 12 Senile bill 190, to ex lend tb time io redeem, land told for Uxet. Amend- fir n i ' -KV-rl VOL. .XXVII. NO. 138. ment wm adopted, giriog two yeara propoeed in tbe original bill. The bill p&aaed iu tcond-nd third red iogs. Amended by Mr. Richardeon tbat tbla be poblUbad in four news paper of the Stale, to be telected by the Secretary of State, To those lo oaliliet moat interested. Senate bill , to incorporate tbe Clinton fc Faieon Railroad Company, passed iU third reading yeas 33, nays 0. Senate bill 60S, to enable the cfty of Wilmington to provide for iu bonds maturing in 1882, paaaed iu third reading yeas 29, naya 0. ilouae bill 834, Senate 678, to char ter tbe Looisburg Railroad Company passed ita third reading yeas 31, naye 2. Senate 473, lo amend chaper 90, Battle1! Rerisal, section 15, entiHed jadgee of probata. The aubeUtute proposed by lb committee provides that tbe clerks of the Superior ConrU of North Carolina shall be required to be io their office during the months of Joly, August and Septem ber on tbe first Monday only of the month. Tbe substitute offered by lb committee w a adopted. XY&xixo ax&siox. Tbe unfinished busiocss of tbe morning session was taken up, which was a bill to allow clerks lo be ab sent at certain time from their of fice. Mr. Harper offer an amendment striking out July and September, leaving the month of August, which was adopted, aod ihe bill passed se cond ana third readings 21 to 8. Mr. Davidsoo mored to enter a motion to reooosider tbe bill dona ting $600 to the Colored Iodustnal Association. Prevailed. Ilouae bill 582, Senaie bill 595, to in corporate the Cotion and Mer chants Exchange in the town of Goldsboro, paaaed second aod third reading. Ilouae bill , to incorporate the Alatn Ja Little Rock Railroad Com pany, pissed second and ibird read ing. Ilouae reeolalioo 71, Senate reso lution 602, askiog our Senaiors aod RepreenUlires in Coogreas to use tbeir influence to reestablish the bea con light at Halteraa, was adopted. Hon. bill 362. Senile bill 553. to regulate lb board of commission for the navigation of Haiieras Inlet, paed its several readings. Senate bill 656. lo amend the char ter of Saul X Roads in Wayne couoty, passed its second aod third reading. Senate bill 724, to incorporate the Carolina Ocean Steamship Company, passed iU second aca inira reauioga. Smte bill 697. to chaoee the time nf m akin it returns to the Secretary of Slat of vacant lands by entry liken, passed IU second aou tuiru reading. House bill 767, Senate bill 679, to establish a graded school in Golds- . i boro, passed il second reauipg 3 4, navs oone. .nt bill 350 -for the relief of certain disabled Confederate soldiers. An amendment was proposed by tbe committee. Adopted- Tbe bill paaaed . . m iU second aod tnira reauiug. Mr. Spear moved to sinxe ouv rvnf4armta soldiers and insert "late war, Motion withdrawn. Mr. Suple, resolution to prim i rw rnirf of the testimony taken before tbcommittee on internal im provements, with regard to the Weeteru North Carolina Railroad. Tbe rule were suspended and toe resolution was adopted. HOUSE OF REPRESKNTAT1 V 13 Oo motion of Mr. Manning, House bill to establish three additional judicial districts was put oo iu secood reading. House bill to reguiaie me saio oi liquor was announced as the special order lor 1 1 o cioca. Mr. White spoke against the btlL Mr. Manning offered to amend by ;v;n nnt mciian 16. which makes "'"a " - - - , . . :. ;nii(KU tn ba seen drunk in a public place. Mr. Maooiog said ne IVIVJ'X. . ... was in sympawny wimj . V if section 16 was retained in it be would be compelled to vote against t. Mr. Carter offered an amendment providing wbat lb county commis sioner shall bave power to revoke license for es.& Adopted. Mr. Leak moved to strike out that clause which prohibiu tbe sale of liquor IO DaDlluaiamua.u. Kir Tak moved to amend so that county commissioners should bave the discretion U levy tbe aame tax miAmA Kv the State, and to .. v. nm tk elapse DrobibitiDK tbe sale to persons who are in the habit of fretUng ioloxicaUd. On motion of Mr. Sparrow the m r a . . ameodmenu orfflr. i-eai were voieu on sepAraUly. The one giving the commiseio-er power to impose the ux in their discretion passed yea 62 nays 44, and the on prohibiting the sale to drunkards paaaed by a Toteof 271 to 31. Mr. Manning amsodment waa adopted yea 74, naya 29. The bill waa pat on lU third read ing and passed yea 61, nay 46. Mr. Glon, of Stoke, moved to re consider the vote by which tbe bill passed. On motioo of Mr. Bowman, the prvioa qoeatioa w. ordered and the bill ped iu third reading Bye 45, oaya 47. ' On motion of ilr. Day, the apecial order rf dUpUced for the ptirpoa Wilmington, n. c.. Friday, maech 4.j$a of coQsiderinff the unfinished basi ness, which was the bill increasing Sopenor Court districts. - The bill failed to pass iU second reading yeas 49, nays 52. xYxxisra ixssion. Bill to incorporate. the Alam and Paint Rook Railroad passed iu second and third readings. Senate bill for the better govern ment of the North Carolina Insane Asylum. This bill had been made special order for 8 P. M. aod was taken np under that order. Mr. Rose, the chairman of the committee, ex plained the bill,'whioh theu passed tu third reading. Senate bill to incorporate the East ern North Carolina Insane Asylum. Passed and enrolled. Senate bill to enable the city of Wilmington to fund certain bonds. Passed and enrolled. Senate bill for the better protec tion of farmers and fishermen. . After some discussion the bill pass ed iu third reading. Hnnia hill to incorporate the North Carolina Fertilizer Company. Passed iU third reading and ordered to db enrolled. Honse resolution directing the re printing of "The Woody PlanU of North Carolina." bv Dr. Curtis, pass ed its third reading and was sent to tbe Senate. Spirits TurpenTone. Charlotte had 14 interments in February. Mr. Hannah T. Oliver, of New- beroe. Is dead. ' Tbe Laurinburg J&iterprue has entered upon lis secood yearly volume. Hr. McOufl la Riving bis patroos a reada ble aod uaeful .paper, and" we bope be is .a wen susiaioeo. Raleigh Recorder : Dr. J. B. Solomon, a. native of North Carolina, is now pastor or tbe rst cnurca or u boro, Ky. We .learn that there ae now about one hundred pupils in the Ox ford Female CoUefe. Greensboro Patriot: We are told by our -country friends that tbe late cold-weather, in addition to destroying young fruit trees, did considerable damage loyoancploe. oak and : other trees of the forest. Mat R. P. Atkinson saysin.ua Cut is now tbe safest place on the road. Charlotte Observer: There are, perbape, mere cases of a capital nature oo tbe Sapertur uoari aocaei ana in couno u progress towards that stage than have ver bee a known before lo this county. There are oot less than seven distinct cases of homicide, io connection with which parties are criminally implicated, impending in this cou i Raleigh Pisifor: We hope tbat as many member of both houses as can possibly do so will remain until tbe Legialature is formally adjourned, and taereby aid in properly dispatcblag the public business. We notice that some are burrylog off before tbe time. This is wrong and il may cause much confusion aad doubtful legislation. Lumberton Jlobesonian : The Legislator Is nearing IU closing days. Bome of Its acts bsve been wise, a few otherwise, but in tbe mam we believe it has been as near pleasing the people ss any Legislative body we bave bad for a number of years. After a long interregnum Z. T. Millsaps. Esq., baa been elected Mayor of our town. We hear of a f;ood many cases of pneumonia, fever, etc., a Lombertoo and near it at Ibis time. PitUboro Record: A lady of this place has the oldest and most vain able piece of silver lhal we bave overseen. It Is a coffee urn of pare, solid silver, weighs one hundred sod thirteen and a half ounces, aod is nearly two hundred years old. It is so old family relic, bsving belonged to the ancestors of Its present owner all that time. It has been bidden In three wars, having been burled daring ibe revolutionary war, and again la tbe war of 1812. when tbe British threatened to attack Wilmington, and dariog the late war it was thrown into a deep well to escape Sherman bummers. Messrs Tiffsoy& Co., the celebrsted Jew ellers of New York, have recently offered a large sum of money for it The Raleigh Farmer tt Mechanic: Gov. Holdeo's "Song of Ihe Telegrsph" is copied by the BalUmorean aod other North ern journals. About 80 new msm. bers bave resulted from tbe Baptist revival. The Legislature gave Bhaw University sn acre of Bute land for a Medical College. Rev. Dr. C R. Vaugban, formerly of Raleigb, is prepsring a reply to Touxgee a "Fool Errand." He haa accepted a call lo New Providence cburcb. Virginia. Few persons bave any idea of tbe lumber business tbat has sprung up along tbe line of tbe Raleigh- Hamlet Railroad. Whole tralra are kept busy, and the bozz of ibe saw is heard at doxens of polou. Tbe bill to regulate official advertis ing has been killed. " We knew it would be ; yel so long as lb question was pend ing we said not a word on the subject. Now we feel free to say that some such ougbt lo bsve passed. It Is not Jaat to allow helpless minors or widows, to be cheated out of their property for a son, where proper sdver tiaing would csuse It lo sell for a good price. Raleigh News -Observer: An as signment was yesterday made by the firm r.ii Pnrfnv A Brewer, to W. H. Pace. Esq The amount of the liabilities is not exactly known, but it la said to be something like 330.000. Grsnville county items: Warren Whitfield a ten-year-old son of N. G. Whitfield, has laid Dr. Tanner In the shade by fasting forty iilnff or drinkiog any thing, and has gone iwenty-seven days longer, partaking of nothing but toddy and tea. ft Is fair io elate, however, that the fast was not volaotsry but superinduced by fonctlonel derangement from measles. Granville Is now in a perfect furore, In ibe vicinity of E. T. tfork's,over bis recent discovery of a reputed " bona oza" gold mine onSmlth Creek, In Brassfleld's township. It is free gold within from six Inches to thre feel of the surface, and as no digging bss been done. It is not known bow deep. W understand tbat one or air. York's bricks assayed $30. If 'this is so, farewell to the chimneys built of these brick: but this w do not know. Mr. York refused $5,000 for three acres from Hatchin. amine operator. in. Western North Carolina. Goldsboro Messenger : A son of Mr. J, W.Taylor, residlog In the Bull hlad aeciloo, had the misfortune to have bis band badly lacerated I a cotton gin one day Isst week. We regret to learn me tbat Mr. W. B. Fort, of Pikeville township, t,m itiUrnpinnA tn Iran hia ffin and sin house by fire last week, together with about fifteen bales of cotton. We failed to lesrn bow the fire originated.' Insurance $1, 000. On Tuesdsy a fine blooded cocker spaniel dog was run over aod kill ed by a dray in front of Messrs. Murchison & Williams store, in this town. The dog wss the property of Cspt. D. R. Murchison, of Wilminaton, taken care of by Mr; H. P. Dortcb. We learn that Cant. Murchison paid 'one hundred dollars for Ibe spaniel. Capt R. D. Lunceford, tbe popular Register of Deeds of Johnston county, had the misfortune to lose his barn by fire on last Wednesday night. It contained a quan tity of corn, fodder, hay. shucks, &c. The loss was about $1,000. No losurance, -H. D. Porter and Jamea Wiggans were rid ing ia a cart, when their horse became frightened aod both were dashed heavily to the grouod. Mr. Porter was quite serious ly hurt, it was thought fatally, but we learn that he is recovering- Too much benalne aboard, we learn. TJE3TJB oit NEW AUVEBTISamiBNTS. Mcksok Come now. J. C. Mnds Medicines. Meeting Improved O. R. M. A. David Cloths and casslmeres. XtOeal Dots. ReceipU of cotton yesterday 208 bales. , The storm flag eras hoisted .at the signal station last evening. Capt. W. S. Norment, formerly of this city, bul now of Lumberton, is here on a visit The East wind which prevailed yesterday, was neither pleasat nor condu cive to good health. Rev. W. M. Kennedy requests us to say tbat be expects to fill bis pulpit at Masonboro on Sunday next, tbe 6th iost, at 11 A.M. We learn that tie city election campaign will open ooWednesday night next, when the First ifVard Republican Precinct Committees ae to meet at the Court House. 4 We are requested by the Chair man to state that there will be a meeting of the City Democratic Committee this even lag at 7 o'clock, at the usual place, for busi ness of importance. Mr. C. W. Oldham, who waa run over and knocked down by a runaway horse at the corner of Front and Market streets, some weeks ago. has made bis ep pearanc on tbe streets again. The street parage of Arlington's Minstrels, ala Mardi Gra. yesterday eaprn ing, beaded by an excellent band of music, proved quite an attraction, The elephant was gotten up in the highest style of tbe art. In the list of officers of the Wil mington 8. F. E. Company No. 1, publish ed in our last, the name of the Second As sistant Foreman abould have been J. H. Davis, and that of tb First Assistant En gineer W. 8. Newklrk. The body of Richard Johnson, the unfortunate colored iian who died from heart disease at the elation house, Wed nesday afternoon, was Uterred yesterday in the psuper's burial ground, no friend or relative appearing to take charge of Ihe re mains. TaKlos; Tblna-e for Gra.a. Borne country carts, losded -with pro duce, their owners taking things for grant ed, backed up at their "old stamping ground," near the corner of Second and Market street, yesterdsy' morning, but Msyor Fishblate came along about that time and notified them that if they at tempted to sell there, in violation of the city ordinsnce prohibiting the same, as they threatened to do, he would have them arrested. Oar country friends should ua derslsnd that the authorities as yet have received no official information tbet the act which seems destined to go down to posterity under the name of "The Poor Man's Bill" has become a law. Some of tbe police were stationed iu the neighborhood of Secood and Market streets for some time to see that the May or's orders were respected. nayor'a Conn. John Williams, colored, commonly known as "dummy," though he is anything else when he gets started on the opposite tack, was before Mtyor Fishblste yesterday morning on the charge of indulging in loud and boisterous cursing and swearing in the neighborhood of Sixth and Walnut streets, on Wednesdsy afternoon last Being an old offender he wss 'ordered to beent below for thirty days, when he accused the prosecuting witness, Martin Adams, of de liberate perjury, and hazarded the state ment lhal "no justice could be had in that Court," whereupon the Mayor added an other thirty days to bis term of imprison ment and ordered that be be locked up in a dark cell and fed upon bread and water the latter penalty for contempt of Court. A Drankan Flctii Between Femalee. Amelia Bradley and Cella Rsyner, both of the colored persuasion, were arrested for being engaged in a drunken fight on Surry street on Wednesdsy evening last, and were recognized in the sum of $50 each for their appearance before Justice Millis this morning, at 10 o'clock. We learn that the parties acted very disorderly on the oc casion referred to. and defied the officer who arrested them. He hsd not slept a wink far twenty-four hours, coughing all the time. His sister bought a 25. cents bottle of Dr. Bulla Cough Syrup at the nearest drug store, gave him a-dose, and the cough was bro ken at oace, and he slept quietly during the night ' t Stam, A.rlln;tona HUnatrela- This company, the first of the kind that has visited us recently, hsd a large house at the Opera House last evening and gave a very full and satisfactory performance: Billy Arlington' oration and bis various delineations were all very good and won much favor readily with the audience. Messrs. Lawrence, Marr and Winter each sang ballads delightfully, and afterwards, with the addition of Mr. Lee, sang several quartette pieces quite creditably. The clog dancing of the six daneera was the best we bave ever witnessed, nor have we ever Seen the performance of tbe song and daoce sextette surpassed, or even equaled. A cornet solo was well given by Mr. Harry Hardy, aod the performance of Mr. Thoma Young on a common harmooican was real ly wonderful, and his skill elicited much applause. We have at present nothing booked to appear here before March 28th and 29th, when we are promised a first class attrac tion, viz: M. B. Curtis, in "Sam of Posen, a Commercial Traveller." Reclatrara and Regiairatlon. The Registrars of the various Wards of the city will meet at the City Hall this afternoon, at 3 o'clock, for the purpose of qualifying and receiving instructions. They consist of Messrs. Archie Alderman and E. Schaff, for the First Ward; J. C, Lumsden, for the Second Ward; W. L. Jacobs, for the Third Ward, and H. E. Orr, Jr., for the Fifth Ward. Tbe books will be opened, on Mondsy morning next, at places in the various wards hereafter to be designated, and an entire new registration will be required. Tbe election takes place on Thurday, tbe 24th of March. a-w"aw 11 Tbe Committee. Messrs. A. H. YanBokkelen, President of the Chamber of Commerce; R. E. Cal der, President of the Produce Excbaoge, and D. G. Worth, of the firm of Messrs. Worth & Worth, comprising tbe committee appointed to look after tbe interests of Wilmington in connection with the pro-' Dosed sale of the Stale's interest in the Cape Feat and Yadkin Valley Railroad, ! are in Raleigh in attendance upon the ses sions of the Legislature: Nothing has transpired as' yet in connection with tbe object of their mission. Foreign shipments. The foreign shipments yesterday consist ed of the following: The British brigantlne Signal, for Glasgow, Scotlsnd, by Messrs. Alex. Sprunt & Son, wilh 2,808 barrels of rosin; and the Norwegian brig Ebeneur, for Bristol, England, by Messrs. Peterson, Downing & Co., with 2,650 barrels of rosin. m mm m Intlcattone. The following are tbe Indications for the South Atlantic States to-day: Cloudy or partly cloudy weather, with occasional rain; colder, westerly, succeeded on the North Carolina coast by easterly winds, and generally higher bmeter. Schr. IdaM. Eldridge, bene for Ar royo, was spoken Feb. 28th ia It. 40.26, long. 69.05. It is obvious that when the bloodbecomes corrupt the whole system is corrupt also. Tbe large ms jority of female disease pro ceed from ibis caused Tho true policy t to direct the remedy to the eouroes of the dis ease. Dr. Tan's Pills has a speciflo effect is on the blood. It purifies, vitalize It, eaf pelling all distemper from the styaena, v ' Ttxir nxjaxur: The mail close aad arrttsv the City Post Office a follows: CliOSW. Northern through mails, fast, 6.-00 P. M. Northern through and way mails.... 50 A. M. Raleigh S&0A.M. Mails for the N. C. Railroad, and routes supplied there from, including A. & N. C. Railroad, at.. 5:30 A.M. Southern mails for all points South, daily. . . .8 A. M. and 7:45 P. M. Western mails (C.C. R'y) daily (except Sunday) 8:10 A. M. Mail for Cheraw & Darlington Railroad 7:45 P.M. Mails for points between Flo rence and Charleston, 8 A. M. and 7:45 P. M. Fayetteville.andofflceBonCape -Fear River, Tuesdays and Fridays... 1-00P M. Fayetteville, via Lumberton, ' daily, except Sundays.... 8:10 A.M. Onslow C. H. and interme diate offices, Mondays and Thursdays 6.-00 A M. Smith ville mails, by steam boat, daily (except Sundays) 8:30 A. M. Mails for Easy Hill, Town Creek, Shallotte and Little River, Mondays and Thurs days....... 6KX) A. M Wilmington and Black River Chapel, Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays...'.... 5.-00A. M. OFSK TOB DELIVERY. Northern through and way mails........ ....... .... 7:30 A M. Northern through mails 9.-00 A. M. Southern mails.............. 7 "SO A. M. Carolina Central Railroad. ... 4:00 P. M. Mails collected from street boxes every dayat3.80P.M. . General delivery open irom o:w a. m. to6KK) P. M., and on Sundays from 8:80 to 9:30A.M. ..... Stamps for sale at general delivery when stamp office is closed. Stamp Office open from 8 A.M. to 12M., and from 2 to 550 P.M. - Money order and Register Department open same as stamp office. . ; : THIRTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE OF AN OLD NURSE. Mrs. Winslow'a Soothing Syrup ia tha prescription of one of tae beat Femal PkialcUna and Noraee in the United Btatea, aad haa been ued for tblrty years with nerer-f alhn af ety andjme eeM. br millions of mothers and children from the feeble infant of one week old to tae adolt. - It cor rects acidity of the Btomacb, relieves wind colic, re gniates the bowels, and gives rest, health and com tortto mother and cnilT We behere it the Beet and Barest Remedy in. theyforldaa easeaef DYSENTESYiuid PIAKRHQEA. IN CHILDREN, whether It arises from teething or any other csue. Full direcfiooa for nain will aooomsaar eacbbot tle. None Genuine anises the t Se-enaJl of-CURTIS St PERKINS la on the outaide wrapter. Bold by aUMedieiae Dealers. 5(5 cents a bott&. WHOLE NO , 4227 THE MORNING STAB can alwaya be had at the louowing places in tne 0x7 : ine rarceu uouae, Harris' News.8Und. and the 84 Office. A RARE BARGAIN. A well established and prosperous Weekly Newspaper, located in a thri ving, growing, town on the line of a prominent Bauroad, la -offered for iale. Terms easy. For terms and particulars apply to the editor of this paper. , - MAINE NEWS. Hop Bitters, which are adver tised In oar eolnSJtas, are a sore core for ague, bil iousness aad kidney complaints. Those who use them aaytbey cannot be too highly recommended: Those afflicted should give them a fair trial, and will become thereby enthusiastic in the praise ef their curative qualities. Portland Argus. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. HODBNOSAUNBB OF WYOMING TRIBE, No. 4, IMP'DO. B.M., 4th Sun in Worm Moon, O. S. D. 890. MEMBERS IN GOOD STANDING OF ABOVE Organisation are required to meet m Council, This Bleep, at the 7th run and 83th breath, for De gree work. By order of S . C. H. CAPP8, mh41t C.of RofD.C. Come Now JND TAKE FIRST CHOICE OF THE SPLEN DID SUITINGS opened yesterday. MUNSON, mh 4 It Clothier and Merchant Tailor. Hy iroleineHyurateu Oil. gCOTT'S EMULSION, TROMMBR'S EXTRACT of Malt, Hudnut'e Soluble Crystals, and a full line of Patent Medicines and Perfumery. For sale by JAMES C. MUNDS, mh 4 tf Druggist. Eeceived JO-DAY OVER ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY different Styles and Patterns or CLOTHS AND CA83IMERES for oar MAKE-UP DEPARTMENT. Come early and secure Bargains and Choice of Goods, not from sample cards but from the Geods themtelves. A. DAVID, Leading Clothier, and mh 4 tf Merchant Tailor. Hinson & Blount. rjHB UNDERSIGNED HAVE FORMED A partnership under the firm name, of HIN80N & BLOUNT, and will carry on a General Commission Business In Cotton aad Naval Stores, in the office formerly occupied by Hinson St Camming, at No. 89 Pearl Street, New York. The old business of the late firm of Hinson St Camming has been transferred to us; and our pat rons, whether old or new, may rely on prompt teattoa. . IJ. W. HIN8ON, A. tt. BLOUNT, General Partners R. H. ROUNTREE. f eh ts sw Special Partner. Agricultural Salt. QQQ TONS .CLEAN SALT. For Agricultural Purposes, For sale at feb M lm "WILLARD'S." Cotton Seed. BUSHELS COTTON SEED, For sale at 500 feb 83 lm "WILLARD'S. Hew Zlusic Boxes, iHBOMOB, STEEL ENGRAVINGS, and ORGANS, Just received at HSINSBBRGBB'S Live Book Store. J LARGE LOT OF POPULAR BOOKS, PUB- lished by the New York Book Exchange, Just received at HEINSBBRGER'S . feb 86 tf Live Book and Music Store. L. S. L. NEXT DRAWING OF THE Louisiana State Lottery TAXES PLACE MARCH 8. CAPITAL PRIZE $30,000. Whole tickets. 00; Halves, $1 00. Address Lock Box 273, feb 11 tf Wilmington, N. C. Capt. A. Garrason, JpORMERLY OF THE STEAMER D. MUR CHISON, has opened a . FIRST CLASS GROCERY Next door to John D. Williams & Co., in Fayette ville. He will keep the best class of Goods, at low cash prices, aad give GOOD WEIGHT. feb 84 lm Arriving at Dyers', New styles in Neckwear for the early spring. And gentlemen's Jewelry, just the thin?; Hats and Hosiery, Shirts and Collars, And a Salt to measure for a very few dollars. (Clerk wanted.) febSOtf Timothy Hay. TCST RECEIVED, A LOT OF tf PRIME TIMOTHY HAY. Fer sale low by C B. WRIGHT. mh tf For the Benefit OF OUR CUSTOMERS WE WILL KEEP UP a full stock of GRAIN, HAY and FEED at lowest figures. , . One or two good MULES for sale low. PRESTON CUMMIN G A CO.. Millers and Grain and mh tf Peanut Dealers. Good Hattresses, WELL MADE, ABB DESIRABLE. We make them, in first class style, of SELECTED BLACK MOSS, t urled Hair. Excelsior, and shack and Cotton. Send in your orders. Fall stock of FURNITURE of all kinds at low prices. " O. A 8MITH & CO., f eb 87 tf 43 North Front St. Fishing Poles ! rrHB FINEST LOT BVltB X BROUGHT TO THIS CITT For sale by GILES A MURCHISON, Murchison Block. feb 87 tf hates oar asj v kbt . ! Ob g3i Wlay,i....,. ri -. two days,.... .......4 -' ' thraedaya,.. -four cars.......... ....... k av aaya,,...... . .... i. . OMVMk,..,... s 1 8 AO OBmOBtb...........'-i.4 w 108 Two months. 4 M . . J. -w V A 00 Thre montaatrt....w.'.r Six months.., 40 W CO M One year,.. 'Contract AdvagrUsemmte take at ror ttoaataly low rats.;. - y; , . , Ten lines lid Nonpareil typ make ona square. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Llatkerel ! ANOTHER LOT OF TBObE FINE Extra No. 1 mackerel Just arrived, which I. am selUDg from the barrels la quantities to salt any one ALSO IN HALF BARRBL8 AND KITS. These goods being of. excellent quality I can ts- commend them. JNO. L. BOAT WRIGHT, 11 A IS North Front 81. Catsups, Sauces, &o. "Gulden's" Tomato Cattup, In Plata and Quart ; The Finest Tomato Catsup ma4e. Cross St Black well's Royal Osborne Bauca. " Athenoum Bause, " Beef Steak Sauce " China Soy Baace, Mushroom Catiup, " Walnut Catsup. All Standard Goods. For rale low by Jno. L. Boatwriglit, Xos 11 Sc 13 N. Front St. feb37tf Beceived By Last Steamer. JjMNNAN BADDIES, Twenty Barrels Baldwin and uui appiea, Early Rose and Peerless Potatoes, Valencia and Messena Oranges hy the box. Extra quality of Minced Moat. Martin's Gilt Edge Butter, Ferris' Hams aad Beef Tongues,; New and fresh London Layer Raisins, Evaporated Apples and Peaches, Bunker Bill Pickles Inoce and two gall, buckets, Do. do. sweet, in glass jara, . Hexagon Glass Jars Pickles. Fall line of Confectioneries, Walnut Taffy, Wal nut Clive Creams, Jordan and Burnt Almonds Ma laga and Pestache Paste, Sultanna Figs and Dates, Cocoannt Candy, and a large assortment of attrac tive Fancy Goods. Call and see Goods and get prices. Jas. C. Stevenson Market Mrcet, Chattel mortgages 'AND Crop Liens FOR SALE At the STAB Office. feb 6 DAWtf Hydroleine, H"o ARTHUR'S 8YRUP OF THE HYPOPHOS- VI .li.tu riilii.. Dwt Mt JiVlh1. Oll l.vril. K. rinkoam'a Vegetable Compound. Boyd'a JCleo tric Batteries, and a foil line Patent atedlclnes.ac. at J. H. HARDIN'S. Drug. and Seed Store, feb 87 tf New Market. F. m. King & Co., ILMINGTON, N. C A strictly Btova, Tin Ware and House Furnishing Goods Establishment, carrying the Largest, Meat Varied, and Cheapaat Stock iu the Carolinas Send for Illustrated Cata logue and Price List. febtTtf Blank Books, gUTTABLK FOB BVEBY LINE OF BUSINESS, in stock and made to order. Ladles aad Gratia men's Fine Stationery, large stock Pictures. Frames and ttaeels, Ac, Ac. School Books and Schoosupplles. at 8T0RI. For Sale ! For Rent ! J1HE ENTIRE STOCK OF CIGARS IN STORE next to and adjoining Mr. F. W. Heyer, on Market Street, will be sold on reasonable terma. Store for rent ; possession given at once, a KrlTm mhlSt frau MORRIS Bl I A BROS. Nobhy Styles ! Spring Hats ! HARRISON St ALLEN, HatUra. mh8 tf Hydroleine, -gXTRACT OF MALT WITH PEFBIN, BNO'B FRUIT SALT. DEEP ROOK and VICHT WATERS On Draught. WM. H. GREEN, mh 8 tf Drugglat, Market Street. We p UAHANTEB PEL'S CORN SOLVENT TO care a Corn In Sight Hoars or money nfanded, Twenty five Cents. J. D. NUTT A Oa, Druggists jan Flows, Traces. &c. pLOWS OF ALL DIFFERENT KINDS. . Trace Chains, Plow Hamas, Steel and Iron Bees, Bracket Saws and Woods, Foe sale by . feb 18 tf ' OBO- A fECX. Dixie Plows. B HAVE CONTROL OF THESE CELB- have entire control oi vm vuw r,v r Se Avery Plow. We carry ttttXargw Stock of General Hardware la the city.. Goods and ptloss guaranteed In every respet. ' JNO. DAWSON AOO . febKtf 19.81 A Mlaarket Street.