eee ef aae A t e -AaawL"""-" . Cattiotta Oteerrtr. lit atvi of the leaae of the Air Lin act aoexpecUd. Tha iwawra, who are were not lodtotifleJ d with any panic- Ml; they were oot ular railroad iiurtil hi ih,e, Delias iW i j to prelect ibem!?. They knew, nowever.that it aae to Important hok n. tb greet tbroagblirrw artiece, uj taee have eoatbi 'to bring ih property 10 aacb condition ee to make U iirabie. Hat leg oo par ticular iaimtf toiJS,)4cifc being u a tram a ailed. U u oaiaral to oep poee thai they woald Uu to the hihtt or aaieet bidder. I u moet itrikioc effect, to far ae Charlotte aad certain coatigaoae aec tioof of the Suu are concerned, will no Joabt, be la aatpecaJpaud per npv aoiMqoomai OI '-toe came to bnild the projected Hid land eooaeclioo froia Danville to t'barlotafpBvpcitioatk Air I.ia '4VWtww tbV control k aA Aae Liaiai aot,b--mt all .raUW tbt Vii"ja' Midfaod KJlrod or' to it back art, tb Baltiznor Jt Obio Ka:rod Corapaoy-. Cbrlott aod cwrtam tovoj and Metiooa of .optty ; ic by : bd ; -tpolad b-tdc f rocS ' tu&b a. Hair tbroagb ta advaaiAg wbicb would accrue iruto cocoputioo. Tot4 bQ6ia wi, w fl ait a art, ortr b r l i J, ti t tb iaa timt we do mi altar la ih lArm which certaio .i -'ir marcbam and batiaaan people ippar to appreciate aa a reanltoftbe Ntithr do w wboliy arte wi;.N tbe 'argu-maat, wnteh olbe'ra forward, tbat aicoply becauae i .n i icb mood tfc Oaovill uace corj- r-- f i or owned the Air Liae and aaffated h - il effeett, ia o-uwajoff bi good may be tpvicu now. iQi condition bare . i(r raxifely a face the Itat combi uAiitt exiaHrd. The Ricbmocd l)niile iiIroad baa prmed Dew i . i (lief idtoufiad itaelf with ...,'irr nirrCa aibce tbai lime. Tbeae e uy.itlr change ita atthade, and xHiutui mo nwmntew woaieeer aa tu wfcai i. codact will b ia th-e (a itic tt aaay be said in aapport of ;bi ponttioa whao the road waa firat projected tbeeoaetyof lleckleoborg aboenbed 1200,00 to aid the enUr pr.. We coald oo axpeot to cotj u ol a with that eonparmUf ely amail .-ui, and the aubacriptioo ereotnaily. . a,raed out to bw a gift. It ia aaeleea r i inqaire why thia ii ao. The k- ciixid vie DaviU road aided lib rjky complete the Air-Line aa .a fraxsUr, ao4 lit aMockboldere ereo taiMiir m to make Col. Doford, h 9A i'rteideot of the Hichmuod X Dior die, Pr r aidant of the Dew rtJ. Ho alarxa waa then felt by the iusi of Chxriotte, aod therefore mare ie aae of eriog, "wolf" be rihe wolf really appear. So far aa the eieot oo Charlotte ia avdtercedv wlri diepoced to look at imr amUer frwea a bopei al ataed cxxm', ami ool for iho reaaooa abovo -ftr4 ux. Saooeeafol oompelilion t rnbu u certainly a thing to be i for any place, bat injarie - ariae rather lhaa beoefita from ri.Jd and aobealtbfal contra: 4r 6 j There ia each a thing- o)oBpeutioa which ooi only 4mm eoC compel bl place the cuuieiiiora to a hoettle atUtade lo wrd a eonaervatire and aleady ap bmldmg of a city. Io timae of war (here ta no opportaaUyfo? railroad mxapaaiewto aadarvaLe lo carry oat a poiioy which look lo benefit they naj expect to dartre from the growth and deTttopmest of the coo o try. It may be that in the paat railroad codpantee 'hare been baay lryug io gat the fraju uf CharlotUiradea iha (hey ep'ixTd oot if they ao aleairtd lead their blu towarda dTcrffio abont the tree. The Uwho9od .Daolle Railroad baa eectaialy aiaa)'' bard fight, aod now that it ia ptTUticaily in command ,( the ait alloc, may we not expect Otai it twjaqdertClJjillf bv hiDto2 to baikl aa an? Charlotte oeeaptee. a aWaurai iod Atv at her io-j porttal poaaia Jp Ul ayua,i railroadather UUbmocd & Daorilte Railroad soar obstrola, ' All threw of ita important liae a eel here. Tbie city will certainly bo-ii grind trana fr depot! 1IfOt it'mtnral to aap poee that the ompaVr woold exert itaelf to bail I: tu . np7. Jt may be.' ajccdArx.BtciiWt irae bat it haa beeo playing that part generally for aoaae time, ao that thara will not be mah o a cbxim,lo thia reeeot. Ia aaraaaC We-ajVJoot dttjoeed tq to baje a prtdietioa aa to iu fa tare coodaat apoa ua paat poiwyr tor it now baa opportaoitlia which it oeeer poeeeeaed before, of enlarging and liberaiixiag thai potloy. Let ae if they do not Inland to do iL Oar intereat and their are In a tnea aar eomcum; whaVft riojare fhw one eaaVio'ih ItiafinA" injaraiha other, and if on i benefited, the other, will .eajoy frau of lu growth and development, i i alii Delight- of tho Pablic, WorxDtss nm ctut-tti TSl XX niwimi ot Hi riftt'n M Ut nM vttt At awratailTtfia Jatylfca Batsa. Bar naa tAa U4 m tAatt U9 aawaaa.Caaatarfara. Tm na nil aa uttf.tat r cany aora atock taaai 1 -v ' iou m ara yarracv. -wW aair aaiUa,a en Aa4aOeje M aCMUaa4ia. - - . r, .. r n T 1 1 ' if CatAlat J " "J f m TTXHWa . . . . 1 iigtlVDi'.'.'"; ' M rrximcAra mc , rc io arri xxr or I ia laaaaal aaork f TM 7!a Itw Kaaifif, U I i aa aoc r.j o4L. hartal Wrt ka(. evuaacwrcesi3ah aA Ueadf mmm at n mLrvm u a.a froaa Aata I Unit. ataaaaat aotv. baam a aaoe. 1 frt '-v ' vko ktr )o bt An rvcoTcrt&x rtui . KM' aajy m4 n lmpft Mmttk to It aorrMU as knnijr add atattai aMa.aks u ao-vai act al preor UurrsJa. kMay nwbki u4 anaMMra aa wU aa emuu 'W aa uid Baal hr ail VwrnfjmU ami Tfaltrt faoaraOy. a i Pawfcawir utaaa m tr Isthe Best and Most Agreeable Preparation in the World. Poc CoaeUpetfJots, Xttllowjracwe, SIcetatAcxaaH TwpJfl Utct, new eetatalcle, XiCU4ixoailtHo.'xic3 mil XHeoetlanw autatWjr ; fom aa ob trmclaxj atattw of taw ayatata. Laaiaa a4 eaH4rv. aad tboa who dlaUka iia ftu aa miiiwi ar Mpt- muncvrRtrrr niATrvi; ur k hi la all not I im! U aU of a MrnlJn, nX-kArli. rartir KMHev. aa4 wfcUa H pro aea lb iu raavK aa tfe aaaia aaaaad, II la UcaiT ftoaa ttv uiul eirtioaa mbboq aia. naaAaf rianHaawa ly. Price 25 eta. Large bokcs6oc. POU BY ALL FIRST-CLASS DUGC!STS. aft S Dw4JW HOPBITTEES: (A SfarflctMt aC XMmk.) oowaxxa nors, Brcnr, waxduake, DAXDXXIOX, nnifwt ua tatKftKuiQtui Ttaa VAU rou ftmu. THEY CURE 1 D(MiMirUlmck, Bowla. IUoo4. Linr. Udm.aa4 trnaary Orraaa. Nr- SfOQO in COLD. wm ba tar a caaa ttr vfB b aara y,TfTi)ai'n taipaiaprtanoaa Aaft pw aranlaa far Bay Btaaraaad trf tam bf ora j aiaafw Tkk a acker. D t C. ta aa afcaehifa m4 trrwlaerbia cure for Pri 1 1 , aaa o f o p ua, tobacco lm raa Cnmu. at aodii RUM 1 1 : . . .r-r 1 V 1 1 . Iron BrrrERS :. a hicUy . rtcornmrDdd kr all dioaar reqtdxinf a crUia ad eSciccJl iouref capecUll Indigestion, Dyappsla, Inter mittent Fevers, Want of Appe tite, Loaa of Strength Laclc of UTSJ, etc. EkricUt Vu Mwd,, itrrmyd tk mwcLm, amd yiaea avew L4 to lid arfwa.' Th7 act like achArm on the digtttir ory rrmoTin all dyrpeptic ytcp-TflX, ufa'h a Lta iJmJ, bkMg, inai t'ja IA aaw ifltf AaiMAVMa, tU, The If Inm lWyarttfic Lkal irvZ w. black (Aa irvA or pea AaiacAe. Write for the A B .C Book, S3 ivx tmwung and uiiovrx nrmriCAii cxDrp.A-W, lUTflHioew. JattDAWlT c 3 sor.iETHirJo EVERY LADY ;Tlicriexlst3ftnie&Hsofse cnrlnr a 80ft;'and brilliant- Complexion, no matter bow pwr It: may1 naturally be. ; iXafan's Magnolia Balm la a delicate and harmless art! e le, which instantly remoyes -Pre elrte n .Tan, Bedness, ' Eoilcfine,-E mp t (on s, Tnl ' -; JR4Ahinsrsetc.VeU. So deilctte ana natriral are iu effects' that Its use. Is not snspeeted by anybody." o lady bas tno right to .. present a dfrfred facer iaU society when ttfcHsicr?tolIarx" Balm is soldi -II draglsta-3'j for 75 cental. -jX' v ; .... ...1.. '..r ..Pleasant Hide ,T9 A COMrOlTTABXa BTTOOT OR CASXliOt I ' A An Tvavnavar waaiaarm T la f ia Zh - iailUltaaJLadU Waara aaaaactar. aeaW; hire -tm . rtojCa Tarra lUe of Uf I iApu-uTrvup-Bi. and. watt u U airr. BaxaaWr e tara oat oar Xrt 1 rora. Xawaanef. raiatla: aad TTlamlaf ta a a. 1 tft . WX - imuoira A.LL A WTTT T wnH ahtTtr CaaatnU bet. rreetaad Water Sta. X t" aadpUala. 3 11:11 aaav r e 1 a- 3etu ouinatioaa, it be tuusartuiooj re iutSta' whoiaaAr V-ce gij2y la-aaAteg a aaiAa oruaa AAgna pnce HHWJK WKIW. !-- BAGGING OuflSf .T?! -tAadare.Ht V. II jo ,. w -aoaidr, bv..X; ...... i- audaa, ALU, cue, - - - ' . t ' - . 8 O 4X ita a t so ,) U 166. '-o 1 ao at WJ. m; 5o O 14 00 1 - n o, ''-Bin! sx . IB fSc M ;: jivo i . w:o ia.. ; J ,9 7 M . WtO " 1 r$ , Jt) .0 !l tVfJaV .17 -O r uruan. ' OOJrru-5a, 111. " icaayra4V ...... w;.M.. OORf 3..f MSjLI-aj bahaUa UcU DOkBCBhaatfwg.lXwVi fai waf" - xt 18 0. Atai-a.M. ai bp a a a aa a do 1 J fLjx&amaj.SoatVJ ka.... Drr Ood. .. rakTfuaaaw remrAraaaavJo Ktooe t M' 1 Do. tit ia a. Do. LoboaL Baaga-e raoapaaaa, Oaroilna rartniaat. UTOUtBO. BoaeMaaJ. " rioax, VaraaaaOoaao, ' Ooapieta ataamre M ' Wkml PhavpAat) " WaadoPhoaphaa, Barter A BaU'a Pboaph. SxeaileeaaOottoa Pertaiaat UM'UUOD earp 4 is FLOUat Ttaa, bat ........... . bT rv aa arv BW tXPiI Cxtrado . , a w atae " vbbl ... Fazaur " ' 1 CJttMjUleKxtxBV awj avaxi - Family. bbl.. J zx.raaurr, w bu QLOraai ... oAXM 00ra,U atora. la aas, UorB,uarro. W onanoi... .. Oom,alxadf haahai.fa baxa oata. 9 aaaaat , . Red soaa rroor .. .. ... ' Peaa,Uow, W aeAbaJ - . . flrjaa cieea;w a HAT-aaatara. W loO a ... n wmtmtm v awv .... afOOP LKON W ua . . -LABD MortAara, B ... nortacaxoiiaa, V -V bbl . xa-Cirr U7M araAJCtA aaip HtaS,reaawad, M ft.. Souk Jde PIabJuV at a... 18 00 OWN 15 00 O IS 00 It 00 O 18 M 18 W OttOO WaaiUdUCaripeaaeordlAi loqaailtr. V art rwormx. naaoneo... MULAJBctSS Hew cp Oaba,hhd Hew crop Oaba, bale gaL. Porto apccanfia. bbia azar Beeaa, aAde, raL. bole. rai HAilY&VSiivKi:;: JLUI a aanaaaa. w sa ea o 14 10 6 148 Lard, Ltaaaa Koala. Tar aar ral Deck aad opax.par f ai POULT H X CnWanne.nTerowB ' 8 petal... Turkey .... PBA2TTJT& oaaAal PUTATOBcW-reet, baahai.. . Irlah. b&l POaXNorUarn. Olty Meaa Prime, 9 bbl Bump, y bal............... BlCSCaroUsa, B Booxb, 9 bcah HAOa ooajory, Oltf , a Jae4 aeee BOPB BALT Aiaa. f aaaaal Ueerpoot, ajaarr,. LUboa. VaacA .............. American. aack UQAJt Cwba, .... rortoaoeoj w a . A Ooaa, f B " W .. ii Bx.C MJAP rtorthara, BtuatX2)--coatraci, CyptwsaSapasj M. Cypree Baerta IK,... STAVBSt W.O.BbL,WM . B.O Hbd., J M . Tallow a a ttMBJTBolrftaa:. W M Cxtra Bale MIA Prima. M Mill Fair, WX. OnanmoB Mill B W W r.: IU lafartor to Ordlaarr. W M . WlflXBT HBAara, Wgal Borth Caroirna, a rai .... WOOL CawaaW, ... waa&ao. j Berry Wool eriLrxiNUTun aianat v AAaaKari Bxchaage UlghQ oa New York, Jf dlacT. . . PhSadalpiu ....'... M Waatarn Cttlea. H Bxchaaxe 10 day r w eanL Baaa of Haw Baaovar Stock M Ptrst National BasAV 80 BavaaaaQuaaoUo. US B-G n aside OidBx-Coepoa ..n Do. rnoaiiM ..U DO. . : 18S8 11 Do. New A 80 Do. B peeler Tex.-... 4 Do. to N. a Ballroad..... 88 W. AV W. BJLBoods 1 e(0oldln0.116 Carolina Central B. R. Bonda, 8 Be.. .80 WULCoL At Alt. B.R. ....108 WUaiagia CUyBoada, a aw Je ..96 ' 9 w a. , . . . .iy Bew Hanover Ooasiy ...8 Be 9TW W. M W. Railroad Stock 80 Berth CaroUaa ILwL M 80 WU Oaa Ugh Ook -, ,.tt wuaiacton cotton Buua , ,V3 T7 Bank of r ireT7 Hanover Anthorlzed Capital fj ,000,000 Cault Ctopilat paid In f 300,000 orpine Fond. $50,000 DIRBC1 OH8. JOHN DAWSON D.'B. BTUBCHIBON a M. &TXDMAB ISAAC BATES, JAB. A. LEAK B T. LTTTIJI ' ' a &obdjeb DONALD MoBAE 8. YOLLKBB , . B.Bl BBIDGKKfl J.'W. AtKlNBdJ J CBAfl. M. 8T2AH. PreeldenL ISAAC BATES, vTce President. S. D. Waxaacb. Oaa&la - laug 80-tf Insorarit IXooma, BANK OF NEW HAHOTKB BUILD INO, WllaalHBtewa N. C. Fire HsrteB: aii Life . Coipanle., RregAUCanBal Bepreae&ted Ovar tlOQOO.000! AU. ABOUT WatemiTorthCaroto If Vna want tA kndw all about tha Garden, frootoi The WestenilCoTiTier. I XtU a TWENTI-EIQHT COLPXN WETKXY, fall of tatarawUnr iwadlnar matter, aad dattfaraUo Um Utaraata a WeetermMertav Oaroilna. Addreea 1 raa coltkixb company, HeaderaoovlUe, B. C, j rsiiiiB Daily aed1 weekly T I 1 Snlscripfion Ea!es-Iii0AtTaai;e. r: !;; I; : mil ,'; ;t; - ;"T . ' 1 DATXT 8TAS. Oae Teaj. eoMaga puW,. .....fT 00 w Mx Jfoatia .. 4 00 Thraa Month " ..... 8 , - - Om Vanth n, . - . 100 WIXKX.T ST AX One, Tear postage paid, ft SO 81z Kontna. " 1 00 Three Month : Notices of the Press: The Stab ta decidedly one of the beet paper In the State, aa brtckt and. newer aa erer. Long rue to vu-eaum rrtm. The WBmlagton Stab baa entered on ita twelfth year aa rood a paper aa any people should want. CkmriatU Democrat. The WttnlnstOB 8 tab baa entered on ita twelfth year. Aa a daily Journal of .news it stands "up The Wllmlnrton Stab haa entered ita twenty, lfta volume. There is no better paper published ia the State. Lmxoir Topic. . The Wttmtnjton Btab haa entered upen its thir teenth year It la one of the beet papers in the state. narrtnto paawrt . The WumiBjrtoo Utab has entered ita thirteenth year. It haa become one ef ithe leading papers ef the BtmVi. Oxford ToreiUaU. The Wilmington Stab 1b hot only one of the beet edited papera ia the State, bat for freshneeaof new and typograpnieai appearance cannot re oeat an ' Joetio Etportdr. The Wilmington Stab ia one of the very beat pa per la the South, la every department from typog raphy np to editorial abOlty a d independence. - Wa like the Stab because it ia thoroughly relia ble, candid, feerleea. and ao well and ably edited, newer, spicy, and In fact a perfect newspaper. Lone may the bVAB twinkle Jrf Aim VUUor. Although at the head of the Dress la this State in all that makes a paper valuable to the reader still it eoaulnuea to Improve It la a stab of the first magnitude May Ita lustre never wane. Tk Fru WBlBcmtUL. The WUmlaston OX OMobbiho Btab ia a mo eai aewepaper. inaeea, we tniaK we ao not ezag- gerata Ita merits when weaay itw the nmoHut (sec alar) paper publlr hed in the South. Rickmondi. Vo. The Wilmington Stab aaa now entered upon Its thirteenth year and tweaty-flfth volume. One of Um beat con ducted and edited paper in the South, North Carolinian, we are proud of It. Torior SottOlmmm: The Btab la bo wen and' favorably known in thia eeetkm ef the Btat that we can eay nothing of which Ua thoaaandaof reader do aot already know. It la in every reepectone ot the best dalliea ia th South. RoSdfcmum. The Wilmington Stab haa entered on Ita twelfth year It ia a moat excellent newspaper, well edited a compendium -of ail the news of the day, and ari honor to Ua ate, to hortb Carolina and to xxorth Carolina JoojnaUsnk&ar4oa O&jereer. That magnificent beaming stab has eompleied ita twenty second volume. It is one of the most brilliant, erudite aad sparkling dailies south of the Potomac Theayatem in tne get bp or tne paper them i . an. Tarboro Southerner. The Zlamar cannet ar t word too for the WUmlsgten Stab. It has, just reach one of Ua many ouxnaaya, Aa a.newepaper u la a favorite : with the Sate press and ta sought after by the peo- pie U Xtwwa. Jl Long and prosperoas life to it BHdeviBi Why la it that all the papers with the name of Star are auch bright little Journala t The Wilming tea N- C stab, the Waahlngton Stat, Fradericka burfc Btar, New York Star, tor example ', There must be something In a name after all Richmond iVJStaU. The Wilmington 8tab we are pleased to notice, till eoBtinuea on the high road to succeaa We es-. wes the Stab very highly, regarding It as one of taa-varv best ot oar exchangee, and consider U the psar o aajlooTiuU pnbiiahed in the South. OaS -The WBalngton Btab la bow taking the regular midalzat - Preaa reoorta. and haa beside mcreaaed the amount of iu reading matter. The Stab lean excellent paper. Iu prosperity ia not aurprialng t lnce tt la ao deserving. Charioti Ob- Tsa MoKmra Btab, ene of the beat dalliea we know, and aa a newspaper. In our opinion, the very, beat, baa en tared apoa tu twelfth year. , In every particular the BtaB cornea fully up to tha mark aa tMptiaatpai esuy ia.oar waier commercial city. Leag may it twinkle. Aimmamat Maawar. . The Wilmington Btab haa entered upon tta lzth volume, and we ard pleaaed to notice etill continues on the road u succeaa; t Wa esterm tha btab vary highly, regarding Itaa one of tha very beat Bewspa- . car that cornea to thlebmce. IU news columns. are always aBttie fuller than those of any oher of oar errnangea, ana iu aquonai aepartaent is con- -dlacUdwiU much ability .AfaroxiaJort,! , Hnmbia tn la sgtanmra aawae Inseparable from an- anitrprtee begun amid, the wreck trf fortanethat: attended the collapee ef.tbe Southern Oonfaderacy. the btab haa ateadflv Waxed" until It now beams I eaylaad enrla the fill glow of e- eonatanUy brigfat asing prosperity.' Aa a waasnapar u haa few equala,. aad ao aupriorfor appropriate selection ana )a aUclOal arrangement, and we are proud to rank it among oar moat acceptable exchanges. ElUsboro 1 Taa WTlmrnatnMoawraa Stab haa tha thlrtaeath year ef tu existence, and we take una ODaarcnaixv toeoasratuiaia it anon lianrocDa rity and deserved nopBlarlty. The remarkable auc ceaa of tha htab is "due to tte strict attention to bealaeeav -The boast of tha Sxab trightfully toe), la that It always haa the. new, and thia la the first thing1 in " urn aUsm. . Otherwla the paper ia all tha the term e Jgood newa paper" implies; and its corps f4 diters'kad eeportera are thoroughly . edo bated newspaper aarn May the -healthful,, mora) (nlaanc of the Stab never be retardeo, and may he genial, eaterfntaizrt; proprietor ealoy many more happy-yeara of BaefalaeeA-OwVt&oro Mmtnow4 - ' TOE KALEaGII ': Christian ; , Advocate, . : 'AOelandPahllBhedhy BLICK&EEID Raieign. H.c -!: la the Organ of abeut 69,000 MethedlaU In North Carottna, and naa the largest xireulatton of any pa per la the State. ' It glvea the marketa, aecalar and religious news.; Is a weakly, eight pegrellglouB family newspaper: I Only $5.00 per ..annum, ..Sub acribe at once. " " '-v-'v AdTertilnarataa liberal, v lan Sdtt ' The laiiwin JftOaonh' cazei . trobllahadln Lincoln countv-' and-haa an: extensive eircnlatkm among the Mer ehante, Fagberaandanclaaaea of busiaess men in the State. ' j ; - , p offera-tq the Marahaau ejr Wllrnington a de- Uabla-f madiaav : lor advartiaiag T .their . buslneea w" v a lf t ' i Libaralterms will ie allowed yeaj tuemeou Bunscnouoa, pnee as uoper annua lr a : i : - .- ') i, . ,. drM . . .,tt.DBLANB. ...... editor ant prpnrietor.. Tie Central Protestant WEEKLY BKLIGIOTJS AND FAjOLYNKWi. Dane? sad the Organ i of the MethodutiProtes tant Church in North Oaroilna, la published at , Tataau00 nrasBaBi. iai TheelixihUity of Ua location, tha number and ac 1 ttvity ef tta agents, and the constantly increasing de mand forlt ameng taa more eofad elaeaee of readera In varioaa aeetkma, give the CJCN'fSAXvpecallar dalma anon th patronace ef tha advartla'na- Dablic Terms very favorable. Ooxualtjrpurbualneaa Inter .c j: -i4 :.- J. L. anCHATIX, ' r. .r Oreensaero, N. o- a '.'.. ' aaa aw aaaaai saraww. w . - bllt i'Aic not ;teat QBBatiiBJiBBSB.' butane of them, and second to- none in taa city-, t I ar aaiopa may aiwtys je rounaaeu sou, wnuur. and rUteWerkmeawbO are ever ready to taoie, ana peut n i. m turn.. ,,Am .. n..r i Raaiectfnllv H. O. PRKMPEKT. I Jan 18 tf No. 9 8 Front at I3U It. .. -J! . ; S 5 ? i. oat 4 ; owm$ mAAmMi&HXQ s : i . . fJtUTOJSSSrBTSKBT. . dgK .;vi! ; JfOr THOBOUQKLY SQVXPPXD P&INT1ITG) FINS B OOR, NEWSPAPER A JtSSOAJfTftM i SO BILL SSADS. OIBOVZAB8 STBAMSBZP, STEAMBOAT AJfD BAII.SdAp woBKjoiwjmm ANP 'BETTEB: aTTZJS TSAN Bl ANY VTEBROPEIGB IA 1 - WILMZN0TON:. - FIB8T CLASS WOBE AND LOW PB10B8 TEE MQBNINQ STAB STEAM PRINTING BOUSE, PMlNGEBS BTSEBT, ' WLLMINQTON,N. CL ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO AND WORK 8 ANT TO ANY PART OF TEE UNITED STATES, O. O.D. SMALL ORDERS EXECUTED WITE 2 Hi SAME PROMPTNESS AS I LARGER ONES. The Best Paper. Try It. AutifidlylUQatrated. wStbfEAB. The Scientific Aiiricaii." ' TUB SCIBNTlFlu AMBRICANw a large First Class Weekly Newspaper of Sixteen Pagea printed m the moat beanuful style, PKOFuBBLT, LLLUSTUATitD WITH SPLENDID BNGfiAV INGS, repreaentlng the newest Invention and the most recent advances in the Aria and Sciences: In cluding New and interesting' Facta In Agriculture. uorucuiture, tne tiomettearra; rrogreaa, social science, Natural Ailstory;! itteology, Astronomy. The most valuable practical capers by eminent wri ters in all departments of science, will be found In tne smenunc American. Terms. $3.80 per year, $1 60 half year, which In- eludes postage. wtage. - iTiacounx' to Agenta, - Single co- I plea, 10 o I nnatl nrr plea, io cenia sold by postal order to M.ONN lea, 10 cenia Sold by all Newsdealers; Bemltb; Remit bv a CO.. Publisher. 87 Park I now. New Tork. I ra- a mnTfrl a : In connection with tha I f"a 1 AXl J. D. SCIENTIFIC AMBRXOAN aiesaia. aaoita ef uo. are ooucuora or -.arnqnean and Foreign Patenta hara had 8a yearB' experience, and now have the largest eatannahment in tha world Patenta are obtained on the beet terms. A special notice la made ta the 8CIBNT1FICT AMBRi. can or all lnvenuens patenieatarouen uus Agen- cy, with the name ana reeiaence oi toe patentee. By the immense circulation thua given, public at tention U dirocted to the merits or the new patent, and salea or introduction often easily effected. Any person who haa made a new-disoovery or tn- ventl0n,caaaaeertarBBB of obabb, whether a patent can prooaoiy De.oouinea,. ay wnnng-xo knaco. We also send tbbb our Hand Book about the Patent Laws, ratenU, Caveats; Trade- Marks, their costs.' and hew aecured. with hints far procuring advances on inventions. Address fox . the Paper; or concerning Patenta, MUN a OO., 87 Park Bow, New York. Branch Office, cor. F. s 7th Sta., Washington. D.C ovltf THE. PTJBLTBHXD AT ' 81A1E8VJLLE, 1SBDSLL CO., 2T. M - - ijsTjkav- ' Leading iTewtpaper i& WelUrn Horth CarnliTia, - it Is the only Democratte Paper publlahed la " Ire dell County one of the largest and wealOiieet conn chain the Stateand has attained e7 'larger Joea: drculatlaa anaay paper erer heretolore published :tn u county. ' iUclreulsttonitt' Alexander, WflajAahaFkne- ghany.Tadkin, Davie and Iredell, i' larger than that of any two papora in the SUte: combined and U rapidly acquiring a attong foothold in Forsythe, Surry, Rowan and weter4 Mecklenburg. I It ia the only paper in AFeetem North Carolina thttemployaa Baeei CABAaarjtgAdBOT,'! and 1 thua kept constantly before Jhft people.- Under thi 1 eyatem a rapidly tncreabing drcuiatioa rs the result ': Z : mWTEBN NOB QABO ADbRKSS. la.naotajim;, ' . - stateevQle. N.CX -Forest? ttr$fGfflXi THE ' AM3IB1CAN: SPPBikjrS JOTJBNAL A.IWSBKLT 7APBB 'DBWOXBD: TD -' r FIELD gPOBTS, PBACTICAL, NATUBAL HIS T TOBTilFHLTTJBBiJraOTK QAMiPBBBBTATroNO FOKBSTSi YACHTING AND BOATlNGk iBIFLS . PRACTICE. AND ALL OUT-DOOBBJmBATIONSaWsTtJDT. a rr.- ! This u the only Journal bttndOeuiitry supplies the wanU and neceeattjea f Qm -v .. . .. .,- .f ' GenUeirt Sprtaxaan, TEiStS $ ,00 'a.Tear JBend for Specmen Copy. : Foreat i-BtFelaaa' iruiMmtUmii C6mtf - Ill TTLirON-H'P..OlJiNcut0a.V - : 44. , , c- ! " r. - -' vNow.-Tork. : Poat Omcf.Boz t888r , , ; , , aept 8T-tf Tie Bibucal Becorder '4 BEV. C. T. BAILBT,' Editor. BBV. HI TTBIaaaecM Oiiaa .tf 'HfJariiia ' BajlUts EVERY BAPTABls?8Hpl7AlAJQt:CT AjanMrextitiTieiti Addresa' ;. .jBIBLICaLiSECOBDBB, r docas-tf :rVKaa3aNUA: ;ThebII: JL the Pee Dee section, one of the wealthiest and aoBtpyarperTjBaiff ogotf trynoTrtwartou; and Wholesale MerchanU and Manufaoturera, anal to thoaewhtt have, adape4-tne plan aaatpIflganaaxceBeat- aa ttliiiBi aTrebinamiteaoBaj with a laxjaamaJnaQaBtalaBanei' wtereaaBtB,iao-l ehanica.Diaatera amtaaBvei Mate BMBUwhaa nafc ronaUworthtxdldUtlfm. Advertlaementa and I itiiaiiiiiasi sins iniiinsi nn imrrst liiima -avi Address THE 8TAB, I aeptWtf Marion, 8, C. anonaiiar.. tfBv -. - - a- RAILROAD, 1 CO; Z 1 4 I...' V.' 8tt Wilmington, Jt. March It. 188L 1 i!a:i kck. .".s'-f tif - tj-:t.l . .11' I' 1 On and Arrant march; ?8Tra. ,js8i. at . P. m. Ienicer Tralna sen the WUmlxig ton WeldcwEaUroadamirnnaarouowa; uaf.iaau ana Kxprcii rafa, wu iil Soe.4T North and 48. fciooili. , ! LeATe WUmlHgttm,i,t 8t. Depot, at :40 A. M Anlveat Weldoa : 13:40 r. JC. LeaTe Weldon. 4 :44 F. M4 Arrive at Wilmington; Pront St Depot. 11 :15 P. M pAflT 'THBotraH Mah. Iwb PASssireKB TsXxkb: f -DAILT oa. 43 NORTH ana W SOOT v toTO WUmiTfgton, Front St; Depot, at 7.00 P. M, Airtve at Weldon . .jiV. ............... i 1M A. M. Leave Weldon ;........... 6.48P.M., 'AniTdat lhainVrton, Front 8t Depot, 13.05 AM.; Train' Kol iS North will atop onlv at Bocky! Toint - Bargnw, -Magnolia, Warsaw, Mt.' Olive, Goldeboro, ; Wilson, Eocky: Mount, Xnfleld and; alifax.t--3.- . i; ;f - ...nHJL CW- Wl BUUHI WU- .WJI VU1J At) M V. Mn sin K.nn Jtolw A, UfUtlW mount. Wilson, aoldsboro and Magnolia. KkBT PAflSBHeiB, Mao. ahd ttxpasas Tbju , Noa' 48 North AHi48 South j MvelWIlmmgtoa, Front St. Depot, at S 65 P.I ; AxriWat-WeSm... ... n........ 10:43 P.-M laWeIdoa.. .--....- .... .a:05AM ;! .rainB :0a Tarboro. . Brahch Boad leave Bocks t Mount for Tarboro at 805 P.M. Dailv. and Tuea-: day, Thursday and Saturday at 5. CO A. M. Return- ing, leave Tarboro at 9. 50 A. M. Daily,' and Mon-! day Wednesday and Friday at 8 88 P M... ! liaJn.No. 47 mafcee eloee connacUon at: Wei-: doa for all oointa Kortb dailv.' AIT rail via i Bienmond, and daily except Sunday via Bay Una. . : 'iTaia tfftjaozana via lucnmona ana waamng ; too, and-makea close;, connection dally to iticn , mond, aad daily except Saturday nuthts for all ' points -north of ftlcnmohd. ' Trala eo. 43 runs daily and maJcea close connection for a1! points North via ttlco mond and Waeatneton . 'Ail trains run .olid between , Wilmington and Washington, and have Pullman Palace aleepera attached. - :' JOHK F. DIV1NB, General Sup't. A. POPB, Qen'l Passenger Agent nglS-cr General Sup'ts Office, Wf IJIIINCTON, eOL.I7aiBlA 4k AD' 6TJSTA R. S&. COMPAIfT, WILMINQTON, N. C. Feb 19 1881. Change of Schedule. ON AND AFT BB FEBRUARY 0. 18S1. at 88 P. M the following Passenger schedule villi Be run on this .road: Dat Passhsobb. vcail Atn SxrBxea Train a , D ailt Noa, 4 Wbbt ahd 48 Bast. Leave Wilmington 8.S5A.M Arrive Florence................ 1:60 v. M. Leave Florence 8:35 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington 8:40 P.M. BIBHT BXPBE8S TRAINS tDallri NoW 48 tMt and 4T :fet. - JMveWlhiilngton... 11:85 P.M. ; Leave-Florence ..... ......... 4:0A. M. Arrive atO C & A. Junction.-. 8:00 A. M. Arrive at Calambia 8:15 A M. Leave Columbia.. 10:00P. M. Leave C.-O A A. Junction 10:80 . M Leaw Florence...... S.'OOA.M. ; Arrive at Wilmington.... ..... ... 6:80A.M. NiohtMaii. ahd Pasbbnbb Tbaik, No. 40 WlIT, ABB AOOOXX jDaTIOK i BAIH. NO 45.BA8T, Leave Wilmington at. 12:. bam. Arrive at. Florence...... 4 10 A.M. Leave Florence 6:00 A. M. Arrive at-Wilmington .. . ....... 18.00 M. Trains JMos. ana 43 stop at all Stations. Trains Nos. 41 and 48 etODonlv at-Brlnklev's. Flemlngton, Whiteviile, Fair Bluff, Marion, fio rence, Timmonsvllle, Baysvllle, Sumter, Camden Junction and Baa ton. BO. 40 BtODS onlv at Flamln?tnn. Whiteviile. Fair Blofl and Marion. No. 45 stops at all stations. Passengers for Columbia, and all points on G. A O. B. B.. O.. O. A. B. it. Stations Aiken Junc tion, and all polnta beyond, : should take No. 40 or ao TUgncsxpress.' Separate Pullman Sleeoera for Charleston and for AugusU on trains 40 and 17. All trains run solid between Charleston and Wil mington. , JOHN F. DIV1NB. Qen'l sup't, A. POPK, Gen'l Passenger Agent, f eb 80-tr CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILROAD CO. it:: . '."1 y.','OyBC0i"SBTTBBAri SOTBlUaTJJUtBirT , . Wilmington, N. a, Dec. 18, 1880. f Change of Schedule. ON AND AFT KB DEC. IS, 1880. the following Schedule will be operated on this B ailroad: ASSBNGEB AND BZPBKSS TRAIN: Dally except Sundays v , I Leave Wilmington at. 9:10 A. M. .....6:10 P. M. f Arrive at charlott otte at. . I Leave Charlotte at. .............. 8 :8l A. M. "fArrtve at Wilmington at. -8:20 P. Mv No.; ' Traina No. 1 and 8 atop at regular eUtlons onlyt and polnta designated in the Company'a Time Ta -bid.' ' '' 1 FaBNGBBv MAIL AND FBEIGHT ' leaW-Wllinmgtonat....... . No. 6. VArriva at Hamlet at . 6:80P.M.? :.1J6LH. t.8.15 A.M. 1 ILeavo'Cnartotte at.. .....I. ......7:30P. M. No. 8. Arrive at Hamlet at ;.. 16 A. M. Wilmington at .9:45 A. M. : NbVSTjriln-hr Tial no con necuoa tauueigaon Baruroay Na Train ia. Daliy except 1 :6n, PiS8'aNGid,TMAlL, KZ- AND FBBWHT. J Leave CharJotse...... vorJ Arriveat Shelby ILeave8heIby:..;.;i.... rM' f Arrive at Charlotte. . . . 8:88 A. M. 18:86 P. M. .1:86 P. M. . 6:85 P. M. ' Traina Nee. 6 and e-meke close connection at Hamlet to and from Raleigh, , except as above, and at Charlotte with Traina Sand 4 on telby Division. 1 Through Sleeping care between ualeigh and Charlotte. . - Yo. JOHNSON, r uela-tf : General Bcpflrlntendent CLYDE'S 1 Niqlrtantl Wilniington -ine The Steamer bNEFACTOr, Capt, JOXES, VILL SAIL JfBOM NEW FOUR, saitoralaT RIereb IS. gF"8hippers can rely upon the PROMPT BAILING 1 of Bteamars as a4vertised.asl ' For FTelghi pagehtenfei, apply to. r-" THBJIA8 JB.rBiOraDj . '-' ' ', Baperiatendeht, " - " Wilmington; N.O. TMee. S. ler. Freight Agent, '- '.; Vf miV, Jl4le Co.. General AgentB,'- - : . r . ideetr-.i-f r. ?-.ireaaway,ew Yoravi fX LD NBWSPAniB8LfrlABXJI for Wrapping and other purpose eg anaot riCE Can be hed at tha STAB O IJTS1US- IN ANT QUANTITT i" awo-w "aaawaww-i W4 s 1 wsj a . BiLBlPBl ' " ! i"PBKSS' r- 1 ' , . ' . , a u Villi I tCfiai : . ". Bya4dreaelag;tolWa; t CO., 10 epraoa fit Ww Toxa, 116 leafa lha Vxaet eoat xt atiy protoaad line of 1ADY& rialMO tt aairi can Nawapapera, ari 0 Of Paa raef i el, 25 cenia. - - ;i ' '". r 'aata aa " a a a A .aha. - ' - - A TEAS and exbenaee'te vea Outfit free. Addraa P. U. VlCK- w aa eytw a T; Aogiuta, Maine. :nAQaaarCo AintAan.kXa&aak pMlt re itddreaa r.8wAaCo, Aaueia,Be maalmoaw AND ....( i t; . v. i -4 . . F1B8T-CLA88 WORK ATLOWIST MBW TORI PRICB8. DB8ION8 SffNT BT MAIL. WORK PACK BD AND BBIPPXDAT OUR RISK, TO ANT PAST OF THJt BOUTH. BICBABD WAXDAfl CO, ' Leyette Plae, Wew B-erk. Wathana Monumental Deaigna, ia" book formjor sale to the Trade. dec DAWU 1 - - ' - ' - Health is ! DR. B. O. WKSr8 . NfRVB AND. BRAIN TRKATMKNT t A ariedaa' for bvaiena. ia. 4 TBlalbna. Nervoua -Beadacha Mealal AepeakB, loss or memory, tmpovenor' rremaure wia oa ca vised by over exertion, ezceaeea. or over tadaJ ience, which leads to muery, decay and death. One nox will care recent aea a-h box cm. taioaone month'a treaiaent, On dollar a box, or tlx b xa for five oliara; sea ; by mall jprepald on receipt of prle . We goaraate alx b xa to care any case ' With each orderrecervod by aa . six boxes accompanied with, a v dollars,: we U1 send th- pu c baa or our' written guarantee ti re. turn the money if. the treat men V duea not efluot a cure. Uuaraotees iaened by WM tt whlitN. urog gist. (succeaor to braen : riaBner), Wilmington, it v 1 raera or mail win rea ire proaptatten- lion mhai. A-aw iy C50aitewaid! riLL PAT T B A BUY Rt TjrTiCiWtUj .PAT T B ABOV RBWABD FOR IT Bovcaaeof Liver omolaiat. nvppernla Blok aaycaaeor Liver ompiaut, ypepla sioa Headache. I ndtseatltta Got tttuatlon r oativ. nes wacann-tcore with Meet 'a Vrgetab'e 1 tvar Fills, when the are at leu y aini led with... Th. are par ly Vega' el le, and av fall to give ttisfactl.n - sgr Oosied "i arw b' a , cntalulng 0 HHIa Bena Foraale by all roe filsts. Beware of oTer1U and Imir.-tiona 'the genuine manufactDredont. bv JuH C w T JO. be Pill Mak-r. 18' 8' W. Madison St rhlcavo rr e trial pacaage laut by mall pr paid on-receipt of a 8 een Mmp . mh 88 Haw; iy , , . . : PRESCRIPTION FREE Tiortheapsedy Car orVsrvea rVMkaeaa, Leat X Fltalltjr, Prsieatnr Debility, lerveasaM, Vespoadearr, Ceafualea of daa. Arrla to Society. Defect I re aremnrr. aad all Disorders broneht oa by ladlsereet Habit bad Kxee. Any druggist haa the larredlenta, 8uT ttr fUia SEALED ENVELOPS. AOOREM DR.W. 8. JAQU C8, 130 West Sixth St, 0IS0I5I1TI, OEF mh S L Wlj N. A. 8TEDMAH, Jr. Attorney and ConnaelloT at Law. KLiiABBTHTOH, BLAfBN OOUNTT, H. OfUoe Dp stair. In Brtca Bull dice, aocapiad o Binaldi A Co. Special attention to Claim. Col 'ecawna on samt of IlOO And apwarda made for Five Per Cent If without salt. Drawing Deeds. Mortgagee, A.,t specialty m a-TAW High-Bred Doge. ENGLISH. 1B18B;AND GO BOON eKTTBB. of the Choicest Breed, with guaranteed pedigrees For sale by B. P. WELSH, anvT BAWtf vw Panr THE SUN" FOR 1881. Everybod read Tbb Buw Id the edition of this newspaper throughout the year to come everybody will find: ' I. All the world's news, ao presented that the reader will get the greatest amount bf ' information with the least unprotuble expenditure of time and eye-iight. Th Sub long ago dlacovarad the geldsn mean between redundant fallneaa and unsatisfac tory brevity. , II. Mnch of that aort of newa which depend lea upon IU- recognised Import o than upon lu In terest to mankind. From morning to morning Tbb Sub pnts a continue! atory of the Uvea of real men and women, and of their deeda, plana, love, haves, and troubles Thia atory la more varied and more Interesting than any romance that waa ever devised IIL Good writing lor every colnmu. and fresh ness, originality, accuracy, and decorum In the treatment o' every anbject. IV. H nest comment. , Tbb 8mt habit is to apeak Out feariessl. about men ana thmg. V. hqaal candor in dealing with each political party, and equal re diner to commend what i pralaeworthy or to rebeke what la blamable in Democrat or Bepubllcan . VI. Absolute tndependrnce o partiaan orgauiaa tloDB. but unwavertbg loyalty to true emocra ic principle. Ibbcb believe that the Government which the ConnltU'toa gtvc u la a good one to keep ' It notion of duty la to resist w its etmnet power tha elf Tta of men U tha KepebUcea party to setnp another form of government la place of that wbtch exlata .Tha year 1881 and . tne year immediately following will probably drclde hls fupremely lmponant ontt, .' bb tra eeltevee that the victory wlU be with the people ag tost the Kin for monopoly, th Bug for pleader, aad the hi ting mr imperial powc our terms are aa fo 'ows: ror the t ally t-rs a four page sheet of twenty - etsht oolamna. the p tee b. mall pm( paid. UA centa a mooth, or $0.O a year : or In ladtag tbe 'Hnndav oaner. an etujt tun aneai of 8f V tx ol umna, the price la 6A eanu a m oath. or T.fO a year, poet aepld The unday edl'ioa of Tbb tb lsa'ao-farnlahed separately' at f I . aea-,'pH.ugepahl : The price of th WbbBXT Btra t hk page, tttj six column. b $ t a year; potawa pale , Cor craba of ten Benuing $10 we will send an extra cpj fret Addr8 ' . .' ZL W. aN4iAfn. Publ aher o rra Bew Tor Ity. -i i . i i , i i .ii i i I, ii i i i Loweil nachiiie 8hopf Low MANUFACTTJBEBS Or BVBKT' DtBc WPTlO . ;': OF COTTON IIACHINERY . Of aaoet Approved Pattern and with Becent Improvemeau. "aaaaaawaaa aw . 0 ( Paper: r.1 ac h i ii e r y ALSO. . TUItDIIeD WIlCCl-B, ShafUna; and dJeaxiDa. Uyalraullc " aeaaea and lutxtpa. ; 'EIcTratra,r4a;c. ' PLANS FOB COTTON AND PAPEB BULLA. . C. L. HILDKETH, BepX, ' x LOWBUMAaa. W1C A. BtlKaJL Treaa.i ' '. mTi8tf : ' tPemhartOB fnara, tWton. JHOBtdBAAaX BOXa INBTITDTlbBB. Tmc; S0RTHr OixROliNA DOEXB DnUlUSCQ COBPAJI1 Thia Cempany eoatiBael to with rllmaa, acre ratea, on all rl a a of taaarabla property ; ;-' ,; j Ajji toeaeiatf 4HOMB? la rapidly growing .IB xaaane favor, ami ippeala, wiahooaadence. tar faaarera ef ptoperty tt r' fjr AAwhta taan parte ef tae MatavgSI; ? f- f JOHN GATLtNQ Preaideat: W B PBIMROsrf.'Bwcraaaryi5' '- ' PTJLABKI OOWPKB, BeparvHaw'. rj;t; I, vv ;(. ATaUNSON aCANNDVO, Aamrra, " augl-tf WPnmgVoa, H, Q,

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