Oae.BQatta.Oaa A&'(i.l4l'f I ltV4t)tft, . HtiiKifi duit A-icarr Mdartiar. ae maonat fa AM KM fT q 79mm 9mH. r oe t t U aay art U f I - - - ' 1 . 1 ! 1 . ' 1 1 1 . ' - . - - . . -. ,;' : - : 'i J? -.'. Oai ITMr.l..U...l........l...l 0 lOUl laM4 at Uk OtTLIHK. Th ic-foii la tl l(koorl river :44i grt tfaaaxa; botUxa Uoi wrrt ljodiJ, lava aa&AMmi aad etaaxaara erua4 -aJ eaek: tow of Grtcd Uad. oppoiU laafttoo, U.. wumpl r a. sra) at ear v port La-. taoraa o,CGa Oa of Ui 1 MitrMC ioiw acorns or ta wlaur ha ba rasiaat la la; t kalataalaw nr U braaia naaa4 great tluiif U faxJ Taa rrtxaiar of Orea Ulo- Tpo ia tb propcaaJ of Torkty eaaaot t-t accp(U Aajry a4 xcii ad dt- !: took pUc La taa U. & 8ai :rUar; a aJrarcaUoa b4 fianalora Voorbai aaS lao vccarml. Aa laUactloo waa laaaaKt yaatanSay. la ta 8o . ' v " .aiaai io mim 01 iaa Aiiaata ca uxar 10 u Ar-Liaa lUUcoadi to t Ricboaoad dk D....1U R.iiMaa caiMBi i " naiatia: jwafj o per wiu, ana ... j w . v,-w. it commuaio; coUoa qolat aad itaady . n . ... . . . ... It ii; cof, uagraoca soou cu; epmi 'P" mwj in towtir a VUH Cia; roaia Jull at Al 77tAl 83 f Jubo K Owaaa baa a new olay called "That Mao froca ChalUrau -u," md a poor play it is, accord irn; to tha New York paper. Lart year the total arrival of for- imtnigrenu at New York were j .'7,.i? I. The Srcretary of the Com iinMiooen think tbey will reach 00,000 for 1831. Th -lerrner tt JtlecAanU oopie a hurt pirsgnph from tb Stab in wtmr.h it aaid that the sore way t" kp tb d&ai Dam ocr alio U to D'U hoaaats. capable. faithfaL sober iuo in otSce. It tbao aakr: Hat ifth Uacktabeooaall Pjwerfal, I n that ca tha people oaght to n tip aod ao a 01 rah that Machine ihn a piece can nevtr be gathered .tin and mad to run. omeof the Repebliceo papera ar n altogether well pleased at the al iunde of their Senator in regard to ih Mahooe bargain. They do not uke the idaa of affiliating with rape -battoairt end aay that it will Injure I txr party. Thia la the poeitioo taik bv both the 1 hlladelphia JMXUV I 1 4 .vM1..ttV. fLmJk "I "r, -.vw. . LcUer from Virginia pour into 1 VaiKtagtM) thanking Sen a tore John .tor, II ill and Browo for their a (-c ha. It is believed the Demo- rv. r ill stand like ao anvil. .V rotlaman la UU city U tn receipt of a irat letter from a prominent 4tratie nD a Wtlmiogtoes. la which be mcident i 1 mcottoaa the aala of the Air Liae Bail r.iaJ aad tn rtfarruc 10 it be xprvee bU lotaetwe of levtaa: WUmlngvn, a ah h aow. by UU coneammaiton, verUtlagry od etrreally de4. dsriiCs Vitrwr. W rather think Wilmington baa been hurt about aa much aa tt caa be, aad w still hope for growth aad de velop meat. Open np oar important -aratar-wayr, buUd factories, aae pluck -in-l eorgy aod enterpri, and Mtb . v.xuf ey the sew will hay a "future tract 9 Mliabfe than cotton. Cioethiogta aaid to the credit of oen half docso Ilepubllcaa members of the iocse of lUpraeeuUtivea, namely: lliaooc:,- nlaaaoe, Keifer, liobeaoo, DrU and KUy, that they woo Id all lake to to Bpeaksta and any on of them would b Mcceafnl if he woaTTieek it. We hope thia ia true, bat it does not sound Cke the truth. When did Karroo, Robeson and the remainder of the Radical crew; ever becom the victims of modest j? It ir a great virtue but U of extreme rarity. ' Xbe Republieana prof to be in ceteciee because Ben Hill was not boro dumb. Tbey ssy hi speeches Jo theoa immense good in the North. They pronounce him a great and on disguised blrlcg. to their parry. Wair, Bea' iaow how 1 dig lhci and expose thm, and show tbsm up gnaralir.'Tbe aoatlrero people have not been 'encouraged by part treal caot to bold tb sir too gum or to peek "with bated breath- Wbo they ar siUot they are abused ; when they apeak oal lihey are) oaly abased; bat then they have the eoeolatloa of knowing' they bvgivo a Holaod for ao Oliver. A large "Trailer of thoroughbreds are 00 the sesv. bound for this coun try. ' Among theci axi tha celebrated tainoa XbamV by Koowslsy out of Yiolit;B:aa Mano:ao;Ajoot wis ar, Aad .Jrfby 'Klfl'gitoo; Ma-, covey; a descendant of Stockwtll; Ufif 'flima,' a snocesafal blgb- LfWI vol: 'Xxvm.-NO. rihi - nam i MidloibUa, th win- str of ttTtrftl vftlaAbtttftkec, and tirtd bj IUuplan: Tb ctbrooaa roygr ar Tftapftatiin, Ketilr- , - oor eunoi wu i imtgtnea Dalaacardocb, , am.n hora., bj IUt- aplas, oat of Majoealsaand eloaelj related la blood .to the famous Don carter, that coat the Dak e of Wert- minriar 14,000 gnioear, and Const! tauoov bj IUatllaUon..: Ttera is a glorious pro pact of a big boxst op ia the Radical party. Ooakliog baa abarpned bis toma hawk ha ia not tbarxaao, wilb the Iiitie fcatohat'-attd pot on eta war I ? m Li t . 1 il paint and hiehigbeat tnrl I r ' i ana peaooct: leauiera : aoa meana aad peaoocK fcataara ana meana I IT. U ara lajn tDCkeo aad 'wah.n He ia aery plain spoken and I . . . . . . talks of Garfield in I . . . . .... tono of tjimnt ha alwa.a inrfnltr " : r- j- o iwnan n v rm nil hi " in v n m I m an I it n r.. - . i m0 on awaeeer. and tblow-wind I anl rnrV.vnnr.ohuV Tt mna be acknowladged be baa Teryreat I power somehow with bis party. The Washington special to Baltimore 8un aaya of the aitnation : Mr. Got bam, who, it la Quite arrured. it not kkrly to aay aayUlag which does not meat tha approval of Mr. Cookueg, ww - - -7-- - - says i pnat ukt moruwg at toe rrw - dent ha wrecked hi adnualstraiioe whll saihag oat of tb harbor, aad farther: 'We waxa t riealdtat that th road to oeace doc not lie in tha direction b U aow go- lac The are stroex wore, and thev co far tovaJtdcoofirmlag tb pt edlctioa made by ae ccaiaeat RapablicaB, abortly al tar tha. Xfowabcr elacuoa, that Gen eral Qarflrld'a admialrUailoa would not be la poerr thirty days before difference would arlaa betweaa it and tb Great Ie meet. Thar I ao qoecuoe that Geo. Gar flaU wtai into oflo with th idea that aaattara could be so shaped a to larur him two tax ana, and it la raid thai Mr. Blaine baa convinced him that th way to help at aaablUoo would not be to put into place of power and laAaeoc men who are allied 10 Lb Grant wing. Thia ia true ia a certain aaeee, bat th lrrtdsat win not be wire to forget that although a Domination may be oould without 1 be aid of Grant's (rated, an election la vry different tblsg. The aoarlaaitoej which Blaine aad bta ftiaadr gav bira waa only th abadow. bet fur the ciecUoa the raoatrcc be aa li aa every one elae knows that be it ladabud ! the men who stood by Grant to the last, do it would oe- qoerooeebiy be la 1884, and forty nomlna iioea wuold da bin ao good tn care of the aliaeatloa of the Grant inflaaac. It baa bn noticed that Mr. Cockling ha take ao open pert la the struggle to turn 0t the prseeat fleers of tha Senate. It ia arid that hi preeeet policy of rlleoce la tbie 01 a uar la prom peed by a wirh not to camoaailv nffiad the Democratic side, ar I It waeid be taapoaaible for hlca to defeat I MJ oooozVoQ, .omieatioe without Demo tt at le aid. la new or xaa isct 01 air. 1 Coeklieg'cooMt aad bluer mUreprraen uuoo of the sooth aad or the Boutnera DeoDt. tt haa always seemed remarkaol iaai be awooJd bate been able at any Us to secure the cooperation of Bo them fiaa- tor te aaaiat htm 10 perpetneong- an dyearry i rirw York.- . The DrmocraU sboold take no step to bal the breach, and they I should be very careful not to aid I very Roecoe Conklinz and hie tribe of South-baiera and malignera. casTie)Ms arb ecsaiiAtav ACTS er aVeartaleinre, anaeeA nt Beeetesi ( Ittl. Raleigh New-Obeerver. An act to authorise the county eommiaaiouer. of the eoonty of Ear- ...n I... a. inM i tar. . Ratified I March 11. An act to enable the county com- miaaionera of certain counties, in their discretion, to regulate the amount of the sheriff's or tax collector's bonds. This applies to Columbus and Frank lin counties. Ratified Maroh 11. An act to incorporate the bank of Craven. Ratified March 11. Aa aot.to repeal section 4, chapter 117, of thfrlewaof 1879. Repealaso much of aaid act as requires ' an analysis to be made at coroner's in quests. An act'to amend cbapter7, Bat tle's Rev Era 1. Relate lo county com missioners, and substitutes the words December and June" for "Septem ber and March," wherever they occur in aaid chapter. Ratified March1 11. An act to Incorporate the Raleigh Street Railway Company. Ratified March 11. " An act to protect fish in Lumber river, in the counties of Columbus and Robeson. Makes it a misde meanor to take fish ia said river be tween Maroh 1st and November 1st. by any other tusast than-hook and Dne. Ratified Marob.U: ; Aa act to amend the charter of tha town of Beaufort.' Ratified on the 11th of March. - Aa act for the support of the Pan ItentiAiy and convicts for the ysars 1831-82. Appropriates .$71,000 per annum for the support and guarding the convicts. , Ratified March 11. r Aa act to Amend section 25. of chapter 104, Battlas RevlssL Re latee to ditches and drains through lands of adjacent owners. Ratified Urrii 11. Ao act concerning representation in the House of Repraeentauvea. Change the former representation by givlog Msokleoburg three mem bers; FranUia -sad Northampton two members, and' takes . from Caswell, Creveo, Duplin, Row An and Wilkes, eoo member each. Ratiflsd March 11. ; Aa AOV.tO"proTidi,foT additional servant fa the ?Ar!oa departmrati. iol 1 y ty 373,'Att ct to designate tho-HOU- dir to U 0lMrTidja4d:dte.when ilk i ouiujj ,u, . wu, ::r t7: ; r'- 1 tfrZmncStfnken SSSliBBS SSS 1 1? An ct to extend th time to re deem Uoda told for taiea. Eitendr the aame to'JMuary'l.'ies; ,Hatl- tita Aiarea 11. An act concerning representation in the Senate. Thia aot retries the t - e Jar Miixtii I. pou Pender with. NerUauoyer in the twelfth dirtrict; triroa-to the flf- ..---., ..IT I twnth diatrim. mmnAMd of ' the . : Z . r . v. V : amoua ana ikOoeaon, two . Senator: makea the . twenty- second dirtrict oonaiat -of Chatham . , . 1 . " o 1 I 7 . " .TP " 1 uu gives umug awuo us uwawu 1 1tlne March, -11.. ..; I Ao act to iQCorPor&to the YV eaiern . T ' . . 1 I J ' f 7 ; tst-.. n. t - A-wim ,n4r i 4 - Zi- I crnutB m uuiiu ui uiun ua wimb w I ita :maJDaireQeQt.' to DO uiTidea into I ...... t.no( e q - Spirits Ttlipeil"ClIie I - ; Tobacco ia leaf recentl 7 aoia at Oxford for tl aad tl 25 a ooandJ - Wm Oarlai -Rmarrr one of the wm. uarie.-urowv, one 01 w w beat portrait nalntera la A merifta, ia now paiauag a portrait ox ue later jairnopAisin- aoa lor the Epireopei cnurcn at AaaoTUio. - rr ------ 7-. 1 ir as fln atlha ronejpaontea aere wm be or nnrnmsssnii excellence. .. . t . The Kinston " Jbtcrnal aaya the s to aarch of aoerro child haa been taken to Chapel Hill for aaaiyala. It U supposed to have been no tanned bv Its father. He Intended, it la thought, to poison his wife, bat she rave it to her child. His name Is Usury Andrews aad Uvea In Jonea county. CharlotU OSjercer: The PtopU. a new naner davoted to tne interert 01 I Greenback and aaU-prohibilloa principles, made iu appearance on the street yeatej- , day. Its editor and proprietor w. s. VL Brltton, who haa long been identified wlih the pabllrhiag burloeas tn rtonn oliaa. Raleigh Visitor: Large fires are rarlnr ia the wooda on the Cape Fear Ya4kln Valley Railroad, between Baa ford and Fayettevtlle. We learn that one Arm aloee up there lost $10,000 in the hornier of their tamentine tree. The real naiion f Jndre Bcheeck had not been received at me Governor's office up to 13 o'clock to-day. Charlotte Observer: It haa been reported that the new management of th Air Line will dlrpenre with the services 01 Col. G. J. Fortacr. who now holds the poaitloo uf General Manager 00 that road, aad ia eoofinnalloo of the fact. Henry W. Grady write to the Atlanta Constitution from Dal ton. ueorrta. as iouowi: -1 am Informed on the train thrf Col. Foreacre, of the Air Line road, had requested a gen- Uemea who had bnaineas relations with the road to make nohia account aod have it in by Saturday, a he would leave the road on that day. Oxford Torchlight: Matt Gil- liam, th ex-Oxford bUckrmith who was shot some- tun since oy a woue man earned WeaJv Harrt. ha died from hU wounds. WbUe we regret to - have to chronicle such a tarminationfto a row, we cannot blem Mr. H. for defending him. elf. Matt GlllUm was at times a danger qqx railroad seem at hut to be a certainty, Cpt William, the leasee. Is hard at work naianier no ui aeuTerr 01 aim ties. a.u bed U reported in a good condition and the iron has been purcbaeed. Mr. W. A. Barnes, of Balti- more, publishes a card of thanks in the Kalelrh New-Obmsrvar. praising Dr. J. W. Dunn for the timely ata ne renaerea 10 . . m, m a himself and lady in the accident on tne Weatern North Carolina KaUroed, Friday, the 23th March. He savs: "When the ear turned over I became wedged in be- weontt.aeau, and was In. very painful r. u. . .r by him. I also saw him release Mrs. Mo Do well from a perlloua situation aad assist her from the wreck, and. regardless of hU owa Injuries and the first law or nature self-preaervatlon he was the last to climb from the car: r 3 . t D.Ui-l, vvommpouuBUfc ui . m, rnTin i rr h SfL l Pa 1 1 -In lookin? over Moore's History of North Carolina, 1 find no mention of the Thirty-mira rtegi- 52f ? 5.VfB"ffi atrikeeme as belog Hamlet with Hamlet left out. The Tbirty-tbira waa nrst com maoded by L. O'B. Branch, arterwards coratnded by CL Aveir iu the battle of New Berne.- In-that engagement tie Thirty-third did most or the ngnting, ana .i. I -n mnM than an anaeroa a iuuuu. j trrvnna unnnd. UoL AVSrV vu taken nrUoner. with many of bis men, end a a dared lor many mouths the hardships of oriaonlifa. Goldaboro Mtssenaer: The pres- am of WiTM Inferior Court I ullv I vindicates the wisdom of establishing Said I eourU, :TbeaocaeiJS a nenvy ?u nnm-.i berios about 100 cares, aad it is tnougui the entire week will be consumed indis posing of It. A taree-year 01a cuua or hraul Ran la. colored, living near : Yeiverv ton's church, was burned to death Tuesday evening. ' An illicit distillery . war eaptured by Mr. P. Maasey, representing the U.ID. MtSVsnue service, pearajeuuB- . a n .a A !. m.M ' t mm. naakW 4 aTTDZ. hall-from Randolph, county, was srreated and car- rtmA tn RaWffb for a Dreirminsrvj neanog. 1 ruminS have wver been so prevalent in the Mount OUve section ss I for the past rw moam. "TJrirU .ZlZht torether wiihtds ' furniture. Loss about I Loss aoout ipposee to be i.-.-.v. fruer : Mr. 9 yesrs,dlsd $1,600.' Insurance $1,000. Bupposeetobe lacaadiary... . . - Raleigh JVix- OUerver S?v0C. tvnhnid fever, V The. annual, com- mencemeot of Wske Forest College will be I on the fits 6r June. The orator chosen to SdMss 1 the two literary societies U Rev. J. r,.. r n Af Ridimnnil Va. I . ttnwm. tta errAnkintT plasa I rr TLi 1 1 r. e T.i wmkiar. i n D of Marion. AlabamA The address I - . . . . . . . , im.. jr. haFAM tn AJUnDI AHUUIUUB WU1 DO WO I ltvare bv that able gentleman. Hon: John I ,T(aTON,.'N.C:::SATtmDAY.(APBITi!2i881. I u. DC&iDoroaxo, Baptnoienaeot oif ntuic 1 n vaV. , i tug uiT TCixruir. oa du wit aom. ; farmitlot came to na f root a perfactiy reU, P 0B.KUI? "r -relei V7VUoo,acc -S1 Stt mmm wwu wiu0ua. Hill iuit era of aonr . who ;DroDOse to Attend the next, normal school - will bis, de. lighted in learn that ProM Charlaa H Wfl Son will be .the teacher of' vocal 'marie? Oen. Cox requests ua to say there" will no a compeiiuTe exammawon ueiqantnia nn lh 15th of Mi Ornn tn all vnnnv I men in his district between the ages, of I eerenteea and twenty-two years. -The I examination ia mr ino porpoan m aeiecuoK I I aeadatta the Wt Point Mllltarv Aeada i ah,n lv, .uid .will h I oected to reDort eirl in June. r We I yesterday gathered a few additional polnta anont the accident on xueadar moraine on thA railrAEil htwMn ham and - Ooldahoro- i gog. Turnout, nine miles. tbi side of I Goldiboro. .The wreck of the engine and I cars was . complete. The engine was I IhmiiI MiaitUf.l nrtmw Engineer White waa scalded on the leg, but not otherwise I th. W hntnnt ntfi.nlu tnrt, though badly shaken up." Fireman i -a t.. uAnnM maiami iha mM I serious injarier. being hurt in. his eye. arm I injured on the leg: aftet the accident, by the sllDDing of a block: aod tackle. The train waa a mixed one. , ne enciue. ten der and six box cars only were wrecked. None of the other freight cars on the ; pas- 1 mini ujo . a u viiius - - - TlfftA AMtM A I of murder is one. hanDil. not common' in I Wake or in this immediate section. But a .a. a . I cenJ two negroes nave commiiiea . mis i . . ..in-r i-w Afll hnhniiv. and both now lie in one cell together, whild with them la another negro whose attempt 1 ai mnraer waa ao Dare, ao nenaiso. .aai n a a .e a a. Mm. u , .aaalied bv the extremitv of the I rri...r.v n U1LUD1IK11. 1UCH blUOa U1DU. Oil UUKlVV.i I two murderers In fact and one at heart, are Morgan, who, last autumn, orept up to a cabin and ahot Monk Bunch, another, ne gro, in the head, with a full charge or buck shot, aa he lev bv the fireside: Rufua Pur ler, who. on the 13th of the present month. took-the life of Isaac Taylor, aoother ne gro; and Cherley Baas, who attempted to crush the skull or Mr..v;aivin raier. TJECJB3 CITY. It KW AJvauTiaacfTracri J. (J. McHDe Soda water. 4 Cbosxt & MoRBis For rent. MuJteos Clolhin to measure. CBOXltT & Mobbis Rockaways, etc. C. A. Wood & Co. Sewing machines. K.eeel Dot. Col. L. W. Humphrey, of Golds'- boro, ia at the Puree 1 Houae. Rev. T. H. Pritchard, D.D., re- giitered at the Purcell House last night. We wrote that Mr. Huggins was boro November 28th; 1808 not 1808, ar it appeared in. yesterday 'a paper. We learn that, from present ap pearances, there will be very few cases for trial at the approaching term of the Crimi nal Court. A heavy gale of wind prevailed I here all day and clouds of dust filled the j streets, to the serious inconvenience of pe destrians. The reoeipta and exports of naval stores for the crop year ending the 81st of March. 1881. will be found in our commercial column. . - fltaceereieaieel Report. From Sergeant James M. Watson, Signal Officer at this port, we' have the following I xeport for the month of March: Mean barometer, 29.845; mean ther mometer, 62.1 degrees; mean humidity, 52.9; highest barometer, 30.372, date 15th; lowest barometer, 29. 405.dat eOth; monthly range of barometer, 67; highest tempera ture, 78 degrees,' date 25 tb; lowest tempera tore, 81 degrees, date 7th; monthly range of temperature. 47 dezrees: greatest daily range or temperature, 27 degrees, oaio 7th and 25th; lowest daily range of tern-i perature, 8 degrees,' "dale 5th"; mean of miTlmhm . tmrvirtrii A1.3 deoreea: " : :? . . ' of min mnnl lemneratures. 48.6 de- I Peer; mean daily range of temperature,. 1 17.7 degrees; total rainfall or melted enow, i &14 inches; prevailing wind, northwest; total movement of wind, 6,360 miles; maxi- I mum velocity of wind and direcuon. ou 1 miles, west on sota; numoer 01 zoggy I days, 0 .mnber;of cloudy days on which I "In fell, 6; number, of cloudy days on 1 which no rain fell, 2; total number of days on which rain or, snow feU, 11; dates of i 1 v.t. u.s x Htm. x.t.. nf frnat " "" "BU .""" '""" w """ I 8th, 24th, 27th and 28th. I 1 Jwrere fer tke C 8. Dlatriei Court. rouowmg name a persons nave Deen drawn as lurors for the U. d. JJistnct court, and summoned to be present on . u.M at KVo'doek: . ' " " V. " Duplin county Martin Robinson. New Hanover county SoL W. Nasb, Charles Stemmerman, P. H. Hsyden, N. W. Scbenck, George Sloan, E. J. DeBer- neir, Nicholas Morris, J. K. Brown, Char. 8-Love, W. W. Campen, Jsmes H. Ckr- raw.y. R Greenberg, Jrmes.W. Collins, a H. Morton. Henry Sweat, Jotmaon Hooper, xxr n iMkm,. u. u mit R' r. Hall, Dan. Elliaon. Hiding Johnson. Jos, B. orth'Chrlstian Hussell,. James lK. Cutlsr, N. tL cprust, j. U. Stevenson, j no. J. Guler. R. a Rsdcliffe, Joel W. Wool- vin, Aaron Kellogg. j . vi n, Aaron jveuogg. ; Brunswick - cousiyL. ' K Skipper, Asa jjw.SniithTj.W. Taylor... , j obiatNw;oAveBe on Monday, the 2nd . .w .n( :,: m AlotLr . - w - " Providedne great organs of the bodyAre 1 not Irreparably injured,' there are fewdia- j eases that Tuu's PUIswIU not core, : -They Mnnntrt th- vltatitv of the avatem. The I T.tvar tha Sten. th Heart, and "the' Kidl v n hrontrht lata harmonUm action I and good haaitb. long life and vigor of I 1 v- ..11 tUmt- rm ti,mi I UliyU.llW wwujr. twiww mjbu. hvb. smw dose often astonishes the patient. f 1 I mr waiMr BwiMnj . Tk8 fpUowtorwiU;,how the .uie of toathennU atthaaia 8.00 P. liTYeiteraaF. Washlneton mean l u. rr-rt jrloaa performanceaof i 'jr f?? feee I I r lem. R P. .00: .00 .00 .01 ! .00 -.00 r00 .00 Weather. - l AtlaauA ....... . 38 AtlaauA........ Augoatn: Charleston Charlotte Corsicana........ I A,aeort: ...... . . 60 ' air-f Clear8 I Charleston 53 42 48 ' 59 63, ; 64 47 t 68 64 48 63 57 .Cloudy uiear I OalveetOn.i. ' Hazy Pair Pair' I Indianbla........ j Jacksonjille.:.... .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 hPair' I new unease.... , Clear I SaTahnh:....t - Clear Pair, Clear Clear I WilmiOTrtOn. . ; : i ueaarjeya. I cuaacoia . . The following are the Indications for the South Atlantic States to-day: ' r : ..-,u Generally fair weather; north to west winds; rising barometer and lower tempe rature. A Terrible Tornado nt Clinton Kp raW copal Charon mown, Down See, We learn from a private letter received in this city from' Mr. Moses Hanateln, of Clinton, SamMon county, that a terrible tornado passed over that town on Tuesday. evening last, about half past 9 o'clock, lasting about ten minutes, and which de molished in ita course the Episcopal Church and several carriage shops, with loss of the ahopeand carriageaof over one thousand dollars, to say nothing of other damages about town of a less serious character. Some of the people left their houses and concealed themselves in their flower pits. Mr. Hacstein describes the scene as fearful in the extreme, and during the few min utes that the tornado lasted the terror and consternation it inspired was almost uni versal. Among the incidents related, as having actually occurred during the preva lence of the storm, is one to the effect that a window of a room in a certain house in the town was smashed in by the wind and a man aod his wife and child actually blown out of bed-on to the floor.: : It is also stated that a good many clocks stopped: working from the shock, so fearfully were the houses shaken. Iterber nnaier'a rXeporr. From Capt. Jos. Price, Harbor. Master, we have the following report or tne arrival of vessels at this port, &c., for the month of March: AMERICAN. Steamers. 65.637 Brigs. 1 800 Schooners .808.616 Total. .8718,958 tons. FOBSiaK. Barques.. 258,647 Brigs .. . . 72,212 1 70 Schooners Total. , 3310,929 3713,958 Total vessels. ... . . .7024,882 tons. SOUNDINGS. The pilots report soundings at the mouth of the river, at low water, as follows : Bald Head Channel ... .13 feet 03 inches. Western Bar.... ........ 12 00 " Carrrtnc. Coaeenlea freapOB, 4ee. Edward" Sahdera,7 colored, was arrested I yesterday, for carrying a concealed weapon, and was ordered to give aJustified;bond in the sum of $50 to appear before J..C. Hill, J. P., this morning. He was also required to give a justified bond in the sum of $100 for his appearance to answer to the - charge of resisting a law ful officer in the -discharge-of his duty. I Failing to. enter into the necessary bonds i Sandeiswas committed to jaiL Prevent na Aeeietent. Mr. Robert C. Applewhite, of. Brinkley's Depot, about eighteen miles(from this city, was walking along the trsckj of the. ., 0. ok Al R. R.a few nights since, when he discovered a large bar of iron arranged across the track, with one end fastened in the embankment, and snatched it out of the. way, at the peril of .hia own life, lust as a train came, thundering by ; being just ip time, in all, 'probability, , to prevent a serious accident; with its &ttendaht loss of life.-I' w w- HiaorieaVeeity, 1 Thai next meeting of the New, H anover HistorieaT and Scientific ' Society will be hefd oil the list ' llonday ; evening ' in this month,' on which occasion Mr. Robert H. McKoy will deliver alecture on "Wilming ton As It Is and As It Should Ba"--a very fruitful4ilhemel The meeting to" have been held:'bn ' the last 'Monday.1 in March' was postponed or ! dispensed with- in conse- queace' of its becurriag In the height of the theatrical seasont;:: : , 1 Vi- sir taken, vriUi f aralyau. , ... ... The many friends in. this city of CoL W. N. Peden will regret to learn that a private i.tter was received here vesterdav to the r.:.i .v.. w. u. .tv..wtv .i. tiaa home in, Sampson county. No further particulars were givenv Cot Feden WM tot many years a resident -of. WilmiBg ton. and is held ia high esteem here. It is to be hoped thatihe attack Is not of a seri to Deihopea tnstine aoacsisnotor a one nature. ui t, -1 . 'Sf' - WII?WWt-o The Governor on Wednesday appol the; foUowing aamedr geoflemeo to com- ppaetheBoard of Audit land Finance for the city, of Wilmingtoa: ; Mesrrr. Wm. fderv Rtehard J Joneal" Norwood Gfle SS&ySMP VI UA JHOU19 u vcwwiuajnw fllKKina. 1 ; F -aawl . .j Time ia; money :n emphatically to when DrBnlTacCough SyrapSfreqeatiyl'Ourea rniila .Vina-lia mjf i In loa than a. n,; r 1 1 . Z lce 85 cents, sold everywhere. WHOLE NO.' 4.252 OPERA BOVSff. SiiA,., 1. .t . - I far, "Bhn4 Tom." The entertainment. which met with tne warmest f.vo,oi the audience thrbnghont, consisted of musical recitatious, vocal imitatioas and 'songs; all calculated to- exhibit in a jmore;or less degree the. several wonderful peculiarities of the powers of . harmony aod imitation possessed by the Vperformer. The enter taitrment, as wss to be'expect'ed from the world-wide fame- of "Blind Tom' was a great success. There will be s matinee Ibis . afternoon aod. another performance to-nigKt. . ... .. , raanaeriai Etmy. : The ladies of the Memorial Association I hare decided, inasmuch as the Legislature I has made the" 10th of May a legal holiday. I to have memorial services hereafter on that day, as before tha recent change to the 26th of April. ioviution to act aa Chief Marshal on the approaching Memorial Day. UIVBU AND in A KINK. The whaling scboooer E. It. Hat field, , lying at anchor between the bar and rip, was reported dragging her anchor yester- day afternoon, and had telegraphed to the revenue cutter Coif ax for assistance. . ! The schooner Wm. H. VanBruni, from New York and bound to Jackson ville," Fla.V arrived here yesterday in a leaking condition. She is loaded ' with railroad iron and will probably have to discbarge her cargo and go on the dry dock for repairs. The steamer Wm. Nyce was rendering her all the assistance pos sible. Through reports from the Signal Station and other sources. we learn that a terrific gale prevailed below yesterday. The ElisabeiJt arrived all safe, but Capt Frank Wilkerspn reports that he bad about as much as he could stand under, and friends tried to prevail upon him not to risk the trip: The boat plunged her nose under water at every jump, and part of the glass in the pilot house was smashed by the heavy seas. Col. B. R. Moore and Mr. Marsden Bellamy, who were at Smithville, intended coming on the ELiuCbtiht but con cluded to remain over until this morning. HORSFORD'S " ACID PHOSPHATE tkNxbvous DaBrxjTY and Dyspepsia I have used Hereford's Acid PhusDate to a considerable extent, io practice, during the past three years, and have found it a valu able remedy in Nervous Debilitv and atonic Dyspepsia.- D. H. UHAPUAX. A. M M. D. Physician to the New Haven Hospital, . Disoeosarv. Lecturer on Throat Diseases, Yale College. X ClTlf 1XKJF1S. THB MOBNIKQ STAR ess alwave be had at tha following places In the city : The Pur cell House, BARla'Mews.8tand. and the 8ta Office. BABB BARGAIN. A well eatabliaheii &nt Pjorperona Weekly Newspaper, located In a thri Tlng, growing town on the line of a prominent nanrvau, a ou-oroa ior saie. lerms easy jror terms -and. particulars applT to the editor of thia Pper. PROFIT. SLS0O To anm it nn. afv Inner v.ara of bed ridden sickaesa, costing $300 per year, total AIJOS a 1 of thia expense was stopped br three bottles ef Hop Bitters, taken by my wife, aba has dona her own work fer a rear since, without the loss of a day, and I want everybody to know it for their benefit. H. B. Farmer. "a mm aaaBnBSBJsagSajBjnBaesK. v THB FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE OF TBS NURSERY. The following is an extract from a latter wjltten' te the "German Reformed Meseeh gOT."atOhamber8burgh, Pa.: A BBNAFACT&BSa. Just open the door fer her, and Mrs. Window will Drove the American Florence Nightingale of the Nursery. - or this wa are ao rare that we will teach our rSuBy" to aay, "A blessing en Mrs. Winslow," for helping her to snrvlTe and escape the griping, coli eking and teeth tagsiege. - MRS. WINS LOW'S bOOTHING) SY RUP relieves the child from pain, and cares dysen tery and.diarrhcBa. . It softens the . gums, reduces Inflammation, cures wind colic, and carries the In fant, safely through the teething- period, it per. forma precisely what it professes to perform, every part of it nothing less. : We have never seen Mrs. Window-knww her only through the preparation of her Soothing Syrup for Children Teething.". If we had the power we would make her, ssshels, a uujfbigm saviour tv . ut lniant race. . noia oy ail sgglrts. SS cents a bottle. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, ia. CROIKL, Auctioneer. BY CEONLY MORRIS. JOCKAWAYS, PHEAT0N8. " BUGGIES AND WAGONS. We can sell Opaa Boggles at $17 60, $60 $TS 50 and $05. Ton-Buggies at $67 tb. $70. $T8 60. $75 and $30. Phaetons at $90 and $100. Rockaways at $140 and $163. Wgonrat$30. Now at Depot, from the Standard Works of flie Louis Cook Manufactory, all of the new Spring Styles and latest improyements. ap l It ; Tlie Henning Place, QN MASONBORO SOUND, IS J-0R RENT from thia date to erst inext November. For terms and parUculars apply to . ap 3t 6 10 CRONLY At MORRIS. Soda? Water, "TyrrH fruit juicbs, DEEP ROCX MINERAL WATER, At JAMES O. MUND8, Drue Store, apS tf , 3S N Front 8tr . . Fine Woolens, QLOTHS, CA8SIMXRES AND WORSTEDS, London Buitlags and Trouserings made to measure. fa UNSZCEFTIONABLB STYLE at i: MUNSON'S. ? ap 8 It Clothier and Merchant Tailor. , "jswe ',Sa'!'sLa '. NEXT DRAWING OF THB . Louisiana , 8UiteIoftery . , TAEES PLACK APRIL 13.' CAPITAL' PRIZS $30,000. . Whole, tickets, A3 00; Halves, $1 00. 1 - Address Lock Box STt, mh9tf WItmlngton, K. C. ' '. Ten ttaat etlld Itoapaxeii tpe auk ana f '. NEW ADVERTISKMENTS. R-'HrO II S E. f V xv, , V. U , y Two Ifightt and Saturday Zfatinee The Woaderfol Negro Boy rtaaiat, '.fiaaowned tarvagDoat Uia worid as acme THBMOST ltaMARKABLe MTJ810AL IHOOIOr or TUB AUC - AdmlMloe 50 ctvt Seaarred 8ata YS Cta. eau aecoreat uenubargw'a Book etote. . T t9No Reaerred SaaU at . tha Hatlaaaj v TiokeU SO eta) Children SS eta.- Madaaa at o'clock t -Bl& conort at 8 o'clock. raatiat :.. I Mil. I ... ,h -,yiuy rkVa-i 7 '"1 , wr ' Mtj. t . Thltthama l .'r Mi )Ataa mall fur toO. l .IhoIiiim-i wanrnutuS Car .i ya.-a. .v-ud for Illustrated Clr f-tilnr nnd TratlmooUU. , AddrNa Cn.VKLE8 A. WOOD A CO., r. nxisatiniulwfkf. -.7i apt Sir Prime White Corn, I IU9UUU tooo Boabaia oaTS, I ia t A aana . mm I 1. 1 Car Load TINUrilY HAY, ui oninoiATDiuN, ' 1 And "BEST JSOLTBD MBAL.IN TBB (JITT." FBABTOM UUHJUMU UU.. ... JtUlata and Qrain aad mh0tf " ' " . " Paanat Oaalan. WflnfArl 1 CMC. Mon - " 1 1 . nest, Saddles, Collars, Banes, Blind Bridles, Ac. Beat goods, and lowest prices. .. mh37tf t QKRHABPT A CO. ':.i'i9Cryr:.':.:v.:--. Mrs. Joe Person's IiUalcclc Bitters. CURES SCROruLA, BAXUM iTISM. BAART lilaeaae, Chronic Bilious Oollc. aad all klads of Eruptions and Skia Disease arUing from Imparity of the blood. As an AJteratir Toalo aad rutlfler of the Blood It baa proven itself unequalled. SEE GOV. HOLD EN'S OPINION. RaIxiob, N. CU "Dec. 3d, 1880. , I take pleasure in stating that a member oi my family haa used Mrs. Joe Person's ladlaa Tonic with' good results. I believe her remedy exceileat for the purposes for which It ia intend, d. r: W. W HOLD IN. I SEE JUDGE STRONG'S OPINION. - Baxman N. O., Dec lit, 1830. Mrs. Joe Parson : Madam Some months ago I was in bad health, suffering from dsblllty. Indiges tion and loss of appetite, when a friend ladaoed me to try your Bitters aa a Tonic I did ao with tha most happy results. I take great pleasure in reeommea diagliaa a Ts'uable an efficient vegetable Tonic. . Very respectfully, GEO. V. eTaOQ. Prepared by Mrs. Joe Person. Franklin ton. N . . rer sale by mhUly WM. H. GKJtKN. irarxlst. nac h Umlpgton, N O. W E IV BUTTER. First of the Season. VERY CHOICE FINE FLAVORED. Smoked Salmon. Herrings and Bloaters New Genuine Cofush, Large No. I fat Mackerel, Fat Ne. 3 Mackerel, six for U ets, Preserves for sale by the pound,'. ' . Cherries, Plne-Apple, Peaches, and Orange aad Apple Jelly, The very finest quality of N. O. Molasses, Also, Porto Rico aah New Crop Cuba. At J. C. Stevenson's mh SI tf 1 ' BUTattingB. LARGE LOT FANCY MATTINGS. COM pare Prices and Patterns with any thing la the mar ket, if jou please. CORSETS. A variety of styles. Extra slaee, 80 to H Incbea. BLACK AND COL'D SILKS, Plain and Brocade, light and dark colors, with Spa , nish Laces fer Trimming. , LACE CURTAINS fc CORNICE. These goods we have la lari quantity and at extremely low prices. OIL OLO-i Ho la all widths. K. II. IIcinTIEE. mh 81 tf ' Snndriess 2750 SACKS UVERPOOL SALT. , . 25 Bhla SPANISH BROWN. - SO Bales COrrON YARN, SO Carloads Prim White OOXH. For sale low for cash. mb37tf. a. Bomnc a sons. ; Another ''Poms" pOB OURDAVE," DOCTOR. BE G AUNTS mightily over those numerous heavy Coek Stovee which he hauls, and which w are sending out at BOTTOM FIOUBBS. New Goods by every steamer. mbS7tf .......... PARKER A TAYLOB. BUNTINGS. "-I Brown U Roddick :. fj IS Slarket Street, : , ARB NOW FULLY PREPARED TO SHOW A FULL LINE of BUNTINGS, la single aad do. blcwidtua, or American rreaca a angiiaa nfaeture. We sell all goods by thalr proper a aad DONT represent veLaiaes aa Bnnuaaa. QUILTS. r Call and examine our 83c Quilt. They ARE cheap CALICOES. . r All New Styles 6, S. 7 and I eeata. BROWN A RODDICK, : ' ..4A Ma he At. mhSOU "Beady." Ready to give yea stylish clot bee, a i a price mat ww sareiy end to sail yon. aa .vary sareiy please; Bead: oMaaows,; And ready to Si you with Bedy our goods, to show every oee. d s .- wne are reaay to vuudutui ox rut m SON . mhsotr- Fresh;,Oystero Hozart -OalotXLia5 v tt r BOSStf

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