art ft i-HE nomnnQ stab. OMBfaare 3 1'.T aavMik...i.i..v. ti aa two darsti. : ......... .... .. -1 1 rtaredara,.vr.;..i-.T....;.w..e a ;. root aavs,.,. iw ..ave Ura,.,t.(.4. ! If. Tw wwaka..i4.ii i ik.ii a at " Tbreeweaka,,., 'rwoBioatha..:i...:i...i .... it 00 z f . 1 I to Mt Hit i OUTUNE1. X m Utti BaU bfa Ut (onittt 3j aabJ to taoT ul tilt lodl. KdJf MeDoaald. aoiad dMprtlat,wu ;tita from M Sida7, r(b. 4 boax 3 ti Sot for to iclica of oScx&. Ga- (irat Ui com to Utxiea. e4U aatia la IrvIamS Mttrt prB t rir. bv( livea fln dijtitut b . ,4j.r mil of STill Spl. bet Bf a ttrthqittt t Caio, 3.000 pnau .uat b4 oa fofOMd la Naw York. Sew Yoik mfktU: iloavty 4fja pr c, : emtoo flrai at 10 IMftQlO 15-lSc; ,uihri aur firty aclita fira al $4 730 ; i. j4i H)H balur aa4 3iiic. iDinti tqrpoiadaU aad wmk a I'h Kiohmood S&iialimaU that ih wooJarfal Jlacovar? al York t ,n r a boax a firat of April fooling. t;.roarck waa bora on April lat. nij H i, tbrfor, 8& yan old. frni man vu born in Gartnany t' JT' H All Koola' Day. I'. i biivad ooofidaoily thai Ma- ti, !' m n Friday, om IUddlcbargar, rt u cbaao of ooofiftaalioa by lb a ntr. So ariib ibal fallow Gorbara. mc March lal twaoiy daalba tr wn carlet fever bava ocoarred al Chtriftoo. Soath Carolina, Tbara rt tt dealha YaJt wak from tbU Over on hundred aaaa re- MawacboMita woman t&ngi. ia a liilla wary of Thara w&a a bill ia ih Uoa fWioj to woman ib right ti voce hi aoawipal alectioaa. It m lfttby avvola of 122 to 76. aaiof Joboatoo, yborbtaav Bal irr and one or two otbera art booked . e for ofhte ta reply to Maboae. By tS way, iba LoalavlUa 'Courier Jtrxi iy Mabooa read badly tbe Cookliag bd writtad for blou It ibert Liooola la to be lakaa ap i . th (irani man aa ibeir candidate tor I'rvaitJeal io 18S4, provided tb r. NauoaaJ Mendicant caonot'gat ,t himiif. So Geo. Garfield may be wtrtniojf 'a viper" ibat may eiing Ijitn. There la great rejoicing al the ("oitrraitT of Virginia over Ita proe pcuu Eaoagb anooey baa been rid to gaaraaU lb aeearetnent of ih McCormick teleecope, ibe Van lrbdt ObMrvatVji. aid tba ebair of Airooociy. m1 . Tk negro cadet Wbitaxer ia far ig taJy in the atrial; Ha.waaju dr fire on Friday, aaf rariaUane froa tie former a'.atra eat were fttllj broagbt oat according to lb tj report ia the Kew Tork JlcwajUepaWV-' oa. He i ebtrjed alio wiiV. gTtjojf i ad tract ana If Cockling cannot defeat Judge KobettiaWi aOTiiaIoQ ia any ether way he will aa a dernier retort appeal io the coarteey of Seoalore, TbU coarteey a aort of on written law ia a mataal noderatandiog that Seoa lore have a veto oo all appoinUneota within their territory. Il ia aaid Klaine baa taken advantage of it in the paat. In the debate in the Senate on aaiarday Dollar and Beck toraed the tablet oa Iba 5 lal w trie by ebowiog the oaardera and ootraget ia North rn Sutet and by bringing onl the babitaal bulldozing and oorr option of of rage In Rhode Ialand and Jiaaea chaaetta. That ia right. Make them taka,Uietijauj thtwj ropoaalo the 5outh. The ChatUatoo Ifty4 jH Couriir ia t Jftd majontyof the malee ia South Carolica ar iCofocel.w II teaoksdtw A4erfoaa "title Ij wanl- d, bawaaaw w baa all oeootna MColo oeUeoi iIII. 'atnia for a higher title. Ia tbj$ Suia only thri a fortha of the VbUitoUxa ,ftra 'KaifaeW for that' la the 'oorr act orthography for mea wbaliifoB '.. their ipari M. oalllua'traablag.' Tha man of war he figbtere the geoalne are ad. VOL. XXVH1.-NO. sa Co!obU." Thera ar at laat tmraatj Capuloa la the State, ad a Tifj repcub!e'aprinknoff of Major lha lattar baing aoldiara in tbt lata war. The bona kind are writtaaMajih." . . .. caarrivna ARBaDafeaaata' or aoti oqfc iVettaaiarwtt aewe aeaelea r last. ' : J&iefxa KrwtHJeatTer, An act to prohibit the aanufaotnre and aale or amrltnoaa and malt" li- qaora. Prohibit the cnanufectore and aila of apiritaona liqnora, except inea and cider, olharwue thao aa herein allbwed. Aothoriiea the board of commlaalooera tolIoeaiodmgffUu, apotbecanea and phyaloiaoa to aell liqaora only oo , recommendation of pbyaiciana, etc.. for acientifie, me ohanicaiandmedicaiporpoeea. lhey are forbidden to keep on band more thao thirty gallon a of liquor, or to aell mora than -one gallon to anyone peraooat any , one lime. The act goea into ocrauoo oo tne lat ox October, bat ibe matter ia to be iab- milleu lo ibe people oo Ibe firat Thar ad ay ia Aagoat for their de- ciaion. If they rote erainat prohU bltioo the act ia lobe of no effect. An act to amend as act lo change Iba lime of holding Ibe eoorta In the foarth judiciahdjairtol. Makea iiar- natt court come oo the third Monday io rebruary and Angnal, and U am ber I and eourt oo the firat uonaay after the third Monday in February and Anaroat, and to continue three weeka if oeceaaarr. An act lo amend chapter 210. aeo- tion 1, lawa of 1878-77. It la ameo datory to an act to protect deer in certain oounilee by elrikioir out "Le noir ia aeotioo one thereof. Kau Sad March 12. An act lo incorporate the town of Paotego. ia the county of Beaufort. lUlified March 12. An act lo incorporate the town of Jamettowu. in Guilford county. An act to prohibit' the aale of apiritoooa lie ao re in certain Iocalilie. Frohibiia the aale within one mile of a (Treat aumber of place. Ratified March 12. An act to reqoire clerka of the Saperior Court, in filing vacanciee in ihtoSetof juauoaof the peace, lo report the name of the appointeee lo the Secretary of Stale. Requiree the report to ba eo made within ten daya. Ratified March 12. An act to provide for Ibe election of an Aatocialt Juatice of the Su preme Con rt and a Jadge of the Sa perior Coart for the firat, aeoood, (bird, fourth, fifth and aix judicial dieuicie, and nine eolieitora, at a general eleotioo to b held. on the firat Tuetday in November, A. D. 1882. An act to allow parol evidence of Judgment,' decreet, c - Leaou county. An act toprtTeat liroatoca: from fanning at large in certain portiona of Lenoir county. Ratified March 12; - ' i - - An act (a regard to the. Saperior Court Clerk io New Hanorer county. Makea it lawfal for aaid officer to be abaeot from hit office any four oon eecoiive Mood art daring the year 1881. Ratified March 12. An act relating to bringing atock froax any.othar Statea iflto thtagiate. Make penoaa dririnz atocklntothia Slat between April lat and the Iaat dav of NovtmWr, and allowing them I Ln ma at larfftu liable f or. all dam- I aorea, Jic Italifitd March 12. An act lo amend chapter 22, of tbt lawa of 1879. being ao act Io relation to the probata of deeds. Makea valid all probate heretofore .taken by Jndffte of Iba Saperior Court. Rat ified March 12. : Spirits Turpentine. Greenville baa lelegraphio com ma oieeiloa with the OCUid world. Klnslon Journal: J amea H. Ciayrcetvtd $350 laat Friday trom tht Loalalaaa Lottery, drawa . several weeka ago. Klixabeth City Carolinian: It I a tUXtar of remark that there were fewer ease of laxcenyla tae count of iQorrttack, Camdea aad Paaqoouak ac this term man since me war. , Wa have received the Moorea vBle GOs. edited by Mr. E. L Pell, late of me Cbertotie Bern. Tbe fl rat number la readable aad well arranged. He has 'our vary beet w tabes. Concord " Regieter: Oa Tuea dsy, about half 'past tlx la the evening, a UrnAo borricane paaatd through mis ac uoa. It raaay placeaaa mitcoaaty timber was prostrated, ftactt blow down and roofs ot Buildings stripped. Tbe blow waa vary swart -la Concord, but no serious damage waa done. I Tarbord Southerner: We bate now a dally line oa bar riverthe steamer Ttrboro. Oa Taeaday morning a poate or foox aegrott oo tbe Mope Lodge planta tion eat lota aa alter cation and It ceded selioily by me culling of Howard Gray ce eJanacb, which may prove fata. -. 1 Ml Vis- .n. -nd haad. aad Joe Bell la the arm and hand. ; Officer Belrio, io attempting to aerve a capiat tpoa a big negro named Gtaur tt Ralaigb, was set upon and to row a twice. Wbertapoa BIvta drew a piatol aad a tcaS ntotd. Tbt pistol was discharged mt ball peatlag tbrough mt aegro'sflagera. Theirro is bow la jail, as w Uer frota the Xem-Ctmrmr. Fayaturilla Examlnery ; Oo Wadaeaday the dowa train oa lhaCape fter and Tadkla VaSty Railroad wis oe Urd at a potai batweea mat place aad Maachesttr by tbf coodWoot Jfif track. Tbe croaa-Ue of the road for eocas dlstaoc had eaaxht' tract tba . bars lag wood, aad me Ire warped; by iba affect of the heat. Tne mck waa repaired, tad the train cam la two aoara behiad Urn. Tbe flrta la the woods aloac the Cape fear aod Tad tin 12. ;XiiMS0OCmmf VaUeyaad Carolina Ceofral RaUrotdi ap- i pear to bare aiao acne maca aamace. Cbarlottft Oirwri :ilie nni cicl la Iba Uleat Chacloue livaaUoo. Mr. a J.'For tr enraged ; In perfecting it It baa not been Interviewed yei, bat la nader- atootf to be a Uod or a a oycicie uai uai a bTdde .Toat It to mt .ii it a noicicie. What we mean la that It la a byclcla with only oae wbeel to U. - -Mr.- Wm. H. BaUa-r returned-from Baleisbiyeaterday. He aaya that arftuaeata before the 8apreme i uoart - are cjoeea - ror : tail aeaaion.. jadsee are etiU ejttlog. for conaultatioa and ror tae purpoea-'or aeamnnjr opioiooa. They wo adjourn in about three, weeka. A 40 Mtrnuin z AJom ami con Uaoea to arrive In ;thU; city. In yait quantl- uet, and car ny aay-uouaaaue or Doaaeia are ahfctxd 'oref .theJ AtlaotlC'ifc ' North Carolina iUilromd (or poUUla the interior: -JmDroYemant U tbeorfler 61 lb Car; In New Bne. Kew tbuildlftjcaj arej being erected la every oireeuoaoid onea are be tog torn. down, and freab paint la dolof moch to add to the eeneral rood looka of thlojre. Radlahea are now being ablp ped la 1arne qnanUUee f rom Ihla city to polnU' xionb. Boon' recetablea or all Ta riatiea will be a drag la in la markaW Ralei zh Farmer cfc 'Mechanic: TooiaXa! Too lata tv Old feachclofdonx now inaTitablal The Leclalatare (made an of married men! lmooeed a tax dt 11 00 on all marriaz llcenaesv and CO cent to. the Betiatar. Now. when yoa come ' to add another fifty ceata for. the paraon'a fee, and a abinina'a worm or com orope ror me bride, where are each raiaoae expenaee to end? ii ia not raiiroaai we oppoae. but EaQrvat : It la not the actual woraisg unea we ceooonce, not me pnaer ground wlre-pelllax. t The root of the trouble Ilea in the fact that the State doea i4 owa them, except for voiitiaai and.taa aniw pnrpoee.' ir tbemau anooia aeu er pre a way every douar oz ner rauroaa ttocK, it would be a bleating to me people. . Hamlet Arous: A fire broke oat Jail eeet of Uue place oa Taeaday laat. The woods being Ttry uucx and tae wind uga; the flamea apread rapidly np Mark'a Creek, deatrortor nearly vrerything In then courae. waea anootone ana a nail muee from bare U sot ioto a turpeatue orchard beJonxtat to atr. Q. J. Freeman, ana da etroyed all but about 4,000 of tbe boxea, to- gaUer wttb tbe eatira leaeiog aroaaa one of Lie rarma, We bear or anotoer ore mat brolae out about aix or eight mllea aouth of bert on tbt eaxnt day. dattroyinx tbe plan teuon. dlttUlery and a lot of roain belooc- lax to Tonv Mamford. Alao that tbe dwelllex. outhoueee and tverytbinc de- atractiblebelooxtoxto Joba B Smith, Eq., and a larxt oaaatlty or fence, DeJOoxing to durarent paxuea,ware completely aeauoyea Atheville Citisen: Hiram Som- meroo waa a track on tbe bead Iaat Thara- day, with a very heavy piece of oak alab. by Bill Joboaoo. from wbicb be aiea on Batardar both colored. Occurred near Look's atalioo. Tbe authorities of the VYeatern Korth Cam Ho a itallroaa nave comDleted ibe road to tbe French Broad brldre, four mllea trom tbe ewaooaooa depot. Tbey are arranxiog to pain Iron lavtox oo down tbe river at once ana rapidly, iron baviox been purchased and en routr. Tbe rrame-wotx ror tne nnage acroas tua Freocb Broad ia beiog very ranidlv Drepared. ao that bv summer tbe road will be completed far down to- ward Paint Bock. We have alao been aa- rured that tareaieeed lexaiion between Mr. Beat and etberownera of the property will lo no wise cJCect tbe progresa of the work. We are pleased to learn tbat under tne ex cellent management of Ita preaent officers tbe baalneea of .the road baa ao Increased aa to laatlfr aDeclal frelxbta tralna lodepen- dent of tbe paaataxer train, and to greauy lBcreaee tae apnea or ut paaaeogex train. Snow Hill Advocate: Einchen Qiao, aa escaped convict, who waa een teaced from thle county to the penitentiary, la aaid to be at hie borne, about atven milea from thle place. Ha aires tbe following accoonttt in manner of bit etcapet; Hlm- aelf and another .convict were alck in the aame cell, the other one died and prepare- tloae made to bury him, bis coffin waa broagbt and be waa placed in it- They were then left together no til after dineer. during which time Ulan succeeded In tea Lac the dead man out of the coffin and pladog blm la bia ounx, covering mm very carefully, and then getting Into tbe coffin blmeeU. lie waa tax en to tne graveymra cofla. Tbia frlxbieaed thoee who bad tbe when be commeaced'roniog about lo tbe be rial la cbarge, tod they ran off. Be laea reiaea oe comov ua uu uuua u atcaca. Tbia oomee to oa aa a trotnfnl aa- aertioe. A terriDie storm pasaea over w ... . a email acooe of coontry about two tod a half milea from this place, oa the Goldsboro road, oa Taeaday nlgbt. Two dwellings. one of them a new ooe, were torn to pieces. bat fortunately noaa of the lamatea were aarlonslv hurt. Treea were uprooted and twisted off, fences blown down, aod things la the lloe or tne storm aemousnea gen erally. Raleich NetDt-Observer: Nero Jones, charged with the murder of Matthew Patiivraar - la KHrecomoe couoiT. in aa - cast fast, was placed la Wake county laii taatarday for aaft keeping. Judgo-rV. L Hhlno arrived in Ufl cltv veaterday, and waa aworn aa judge or mt eevenui oope- rior Conrt Diairiet bv Chief Justice Smitb. We leara that Gen. ifidwara J onea Mallett. of ' New York, who graduated at tbe University or Nurtb Carolina in lain. will be preaent at tbe next commencemeoi. Wa underatana mat juage uavia Scbenek wHI bereafter act as attorney for me Richmond & Danville Railroad Com- mot. He will . rtorestot that company, H la aaid, in the Beat in junction forejudge Seymour, at WUkeaboro eext week. Hon. Clem Dowd and Mr. Jonn n. Henderaon will reoraaent W. J. nest. Tbe receipts of cotton this paat week were 077 bales.. against 241 ror mia corre annndtnr week laat aeaaon. Tbe total re- rlnia thia aeaaon to date amount to 66,104 baletrWblleopto the-aame time' la 1880 thv war onlv bales. This xivee a total increase of 20,461 bales In favor of tbe preaent aeaaon.. About a. hundred Runnhllcana of the ultra aort gathered at tbe court house last evening to Indulge in tpeechea, etc., po ike question of J amea H. Harrla and ' ma PoeimeeterablD. Reaolu "P?J? VT JfaifJSS?. Srfot fof bU faUarftO apptrttt tlons praising and recommending him, and .present roaias aster negro cierxs-ana hie enathv as a Republican, were adopted.. Tbe meeuog was a Harris-Shaffer affair, o appeared to be so contiaerea. Wa learn that -Principal Haa- aeirs Female Seminary at WUaoa haa bad 120 atudeata darior tba year, . ineinaing mare boarding aad -more mualc pupils thao ever before- 11EADE BAKER'S CARBOLIC MOUTH WASH la a tragraot aad dellgbt- lai touet article. " dlseasea of the mouth andocxs, arrest de- Z ... ' . . .. t i . r I 1 1 I exit portiy me oreaia, ana preeerv me TXXTU. it wm taso reiiere osa. cocxaxBa, ad laea exeellentxarxle for SOBS TSBoat.. prlcaCX)caau abotut Kt'orMiaf.DJ qrcg( gists generally." Tha tree'eappfledbyj me wboleaalt druggists In Blob mood aod Bal- wboleaalt druggists tlmort. ah 96 8m eod ; qua: BroiTir: - ww;aovataTiaat(iiBPiTa arr3 P. : Cvaaasa & Co Stock. 1 LxaruBX-ReW Dr. Yates.' BxnjsaxsaxBEaater "cards. J. C. MuicD8--Soda water, etc. MuKflow Clothing to measure. ' aasaai i Xeeal ares. . Meeting of Ladiea Benevolent Society Ihla afternoon, 'at Si o'clock, at Hook and Ladder Ball. Mayor'" Smith dtapoaed of one trLOiag Case of drunkenoeee and disorderly conduct yesterday morning. WtisalaaioaiUia- Aletllv Sboc at Killed. - Tbe aad ioteillgeoce waa received in tbia city on Saturday night,, about 12 o'clock, througb a telegram to Mr. C. M. Barries, the well-known newt dealer, to the effect that bit brother, Mr. Thoa. C. Barriss, eon of Mra. Thot M. Barries, had been acci dentally ahot at Birmingham, Alabama, and that there wore no hopea of bia recoyery. Another telegram waa received on Sunday moraiog annoonciog that the nnfortunate young man waa dead, and asking for in atructions aa to what disposal should be made of the body. A telegram waa return ed, requesting that the' remaina ahouJd be Immediately forwarded to tbia place, aad it ia expected that tbey will arrive hereby Southern train ihla evening or to-morrow morning. The deceaeed waa well-known here aa a prlghtly, energetic youog man, and waa esteemed for bia many fine qualities. Be formerly worked in the W., C. & A. R. R. ahopa, when they were located on the weat tide of the river, and subsequently at Flor ence, 8. C, where they were removed, re taainlng there about two years. He next went to Montgomery, where he remained a ahert time, . and then re moved to Birmingham, Alabama, where be bad been employed about air- months in the ahopa of the South & North Railroad. The newt of the aa'd accident by wbicb he lost bia life fuli particulate of which have not yet been received produced a1 great ahock upon his family and friends, and es pecially upon his aged mother, who lost another aoa by accidental-killing many years ago. Theaubject or tore nonce waa about 24 years of age. Criaalaal Cart. Tbia Court convened yesterday morning, Bia Bonor, Judge O P. Mearea, presiding) and Solicitor B. R. Moore prosecuting for the Stale. The following comprise the Grand Jury: Cbae. H. King, Foreman; W. B. Orr, George Moeeley, D. F. Barnes, W. H Soeeden, W. B. M. Koch; J. W. Hodges, Allen Evaoa, Thoa. Brinkley, Waahington Bowe, R. L. Botchlna, A. X. Love,- S. B. Morton, Jno. W. Hewlett, Sylvester Bur rise, J. B. McOarity, J. W. Strauss, S. B Mallard. The following cases were disposed of: State vs. Mike Peden and Robert Toomer, larceny. Judgment suspended and de fendants turned over to their parents to be bound out. State va. Ella Sheppard, nuisance. Con -av .aw- - - tinned uotll next term. , State va Wn Phlnney forcible treapaas. Defendant examined bit own witneasea, plead hit own cause to the jury, and waa found not guilty. . . Piprrtsi trtr ivarKe. Tbe Bchr. Jmph Sontiur, Capt. Watts, arrived here Bondey from New Yotk with t cargo of 'five fiondred tone of iron pipe for the Wilmington Water Works, which is beiog discharged- at the foot of Oraoge street; and tbe next New York steamer is expected to briog the remainder, together with the hydrants and a portion of the ma chinery. The work of laying . the pipe, we learn, will be commenced immediately, noderthe superintendence of Dr. J. A. Cloud, one of the contractors,. himself a civil engineer, and Mr. ' J. Kent Brown, of this city, Who has been' engaged in running me linee for the pipe for tome weeks past It is proposed, if possible to complete the works ln three months, bat there msy possibly be some unlooked-for delays which msy retard operatione-ani put vit back a month or eo, - Dr. Cloud is expected here to-day or to- morroWi ;- rr r : ' netlaSTf nasnecraiea. In accordance with " previous notice, tbe Board of Magistrates of the county of New Hanover met at the Court Bouse yesterday, at 12 o'clock, for the purpose of electing a member of the Board of County Commits sioners to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of CoL Wm. L.: Smith, John Jsmes,1 Esq being InTbe chair;; There were' twenty-three members pre- teat. . CoL Roger Moore and O. G.' Parsley, Jr., were placed in nomination, and on tbe first ballot CoL, Moore received 16 votes,, Mr. Parsley 6 votes "aod Mr. Walker Mearesl tote; whereupon CoL Moore waa declared duly elected," ' ; ' Oa motion of Justice C. W. Myers tbe election ot Col.' Moore' was made ananli moos, aod the meeting then adjourned. nciirat fjaru.v.:; Jerry Palmer, colored, had a hearing be fore a magistrate, yesterday on the charge of obtaining goods under false pretence. Be was ordered to give bond in tbe sum of 0f the Criminal! Court,--In default otwbicb "? -T2tt-TZ?xc w 'SJ BORSFORtrB ACmPBOSTflAW aett aa a brain aad nerve food. It it not quack medicine, hot la prepared according to me cirtcxiona oz me wea Known rroi. E. N. Borseford. t APRlU 5.; i881 COTHTT oonniaaionBR9 . Aaatre otj PreeatiaK la :Rajair "j eaia. .,,," The Board of County Commisaionera met in regular monthly aessiolTyeaterday after4 noon, Oommiuioneri Wortb BaggV Pierce, tnd Montgombry bemg preaent. "; : Tbe reaignaiion of Commissioner Smith made on the 25th of March,;waa read and accepted. .. ...f . j -;v?--j i CoL Roger Moore, who waa elected to fill the vacancy by the Board of Magia. trates, appeared and tool! the oath and wa . duly Inatalled : The Board then proceeded , to the elec lion of a Chairman... Commlaaioner: Bagg waa put in nomination and was elected by acclamation. . ; . Commiasioher Moore waa appointed on the Finance, p Pablib Building, Board of Managera, and City' Hospital committeea. The application of sundry persona of thia county .for reopening Negro-Bead road was considered, and the following was ordered by the Board: That proper notice be given to tbe land owners through whose lands the road pasaea to appear before this" Board, at the regular meeting on the' first Monday in May, and abow cause why . the petition ahould not be granted. The report of Messrs. Brown and Mc Rae, surveyors, relative to the boundary lines between the Poor Boose and Qarrell's land, waa accepted. ; The Treasurer aubmitted bia monthly re port. Balance of general fund on band 137,522.09; balance of apecial fund on hand $890.20. One bond of $500. Ne. 108, with all coupona attached, and 62 coupons of $3 each, and 32 coupons of the denomlna Hon of $15 each, were Surrendered and de stroyed in the presence ot the Board. The Treasurer's report showed balance on hand of educational fund of $8,288.29. The Register of Deeds handed in his re port for the1 month of March, showing $20.80 paid over to the Treasurer, and ex hibiting his receipts for the same. The Board then made a levy under Schedule B and U taxes, which were about the same as the State, inclading the $60 license upon retail dealers in spirituous liquors, to be paid in advance, and for no term leaa than twelve months. The following were appointed Tax Lis ters : Wilmlngtoo DistrjUjt CoL J. O. Burr. Cape Fear Iredell Johnson. Harnett A. A. Moeeley. Masonboro J. A. Montgomery. Federal Point J. H. Boree. J. W. Dais, John CarrolL R. B. Bor- deaux, A. D, Wessell, John C, Beyer and John Taylor the latter of Federal Point aod to sell malt liquors only were granted licensee to retaiL . Bev. Dr. PrKebarat. '' J ;-; Rev. Dr. T. B. Pritchard,' President Of Wake Forest College, who ia here on a brief visit, delivered two very able, inter esting and convincing discourses at the First Baptist Church on :8undsy afternoon aad night, which were listened to by large audiences. Last evening Dr. Pritchard was to have delivered an address on Wake Forest Col lege, its history, etc.,: ant waa prevented by sickness. It is expected that 'be will do so to-morrow ( Wednesdsy) evening,, at the Firat Baptia.f Chtwch. - UIVBB AND flSAIRtl. Schooner LamU CbU," Cobbr hence, arrived at New York on the 1st inst. - . Norwegian brig GaaeUen, Wiebye.sailed from Cork on the 2d inst, for this port ' Schooner BaJXy Jf. fiedns, Willetts, hence, arrived at New York on the 2d last.. '-SchoonW ICcUiie A. WMe. Bailatte, sailed on the 81st ult., from Providehce f or thiaport. : :.::..', . Schr Jessie-Edrt, from Belt sst, :Me., for this port, pot Into New London, Ct., April 1, with7 loss of jib-boom by collision with an onknown; achooher bear Dutch Ialand. She repair. and proceed. . . Schooner. Gettg&vrg from New York for this portKwitbgoano, was ran into and sunk March 80th, off KUtyjBawki The above is doobUesjt tbe jaobper which was reported, sunk oo the eight pf the SOtb, and wu aabsequehtly jrtripped. ; : . o , The" schoonei Wniin.VmBruiit from New York for Jacksonville,- Florida, which put In here leaking badly, on Friday lastis discharging her cargo of the wharf Opposite Mr; 3. H.. Ne9a, prepa ratory to going on the dry dock, iff oond necessary. ::;:" U-Vir" The; schooner IL.. B. Gibwn, rCapt. Sturgis, which left here Sunday morning for Elizabeth City, colUded rwith tbe Nor wegian barque JcVd&fcr neai what la known as Five Fathom Bole, -near the month of the river and carried away the barque's jib-boom and lost . her own jib-boom and fore-topmast The GCttion returned to this city forrepaira.: - -The .ateamer ; FsaJo,; Capt. Patrick, hitherto reported aa bavlog parted chains at Northwest Light Boose on me 26th nit, and dragged to White Shoals, four miles norih west of PommooUp J0" stranded, is reported Ib'SIgnu bmcer Wat son, at .th.U aUUonal being pretty moch in the 8ame;condiiion; as when I last reported. The 'waa purchased by . Mesara. E. T. Love and James Bagley, bf tbli city, who werei bo her when aheaf"ashore and was Intended to ply orr the Caps Fear Biver,A4wtween mie'cfCao'dcP Bbe'ls a Vternwesteamer tialWi ten off when good weather aets in, accom- i panted by favorable winds. Laerindbhatpretiy: mbcWftef thisiMe I a Tt t. h.Wfl fht .y, ;a,tti Ki"iinVv a m it eaw -w saaerrwvw y w w mmm aw saw a WHGtE.Npr4;25f - BO ABO OF AI.OatBflIBIf i - i. 1 .ii ii ii t t i - kti " Proceeaince or, Bcaiar meataiv ; . : ntlac , . I ' The Board of Aldermen met In regular monthly session, at the City Ball last night. Present, Mayor Smith and Aldermen Bow deD, Northrop, Chad boar d, Worth;Telfair; Sanipeon and . Willis. , . ... , ;.-.c:..'5. ' ' : On motion of Alderman Jrtorth the mat ter of removing the portico of the 'First National Bank bailing, on :Froot atreet indefinitely poatponed.' ' 1 ' i In the matter Of opening Chestnut street dock,, Alderman Worth read a report of a committee of the Com missioners of Naviga tion recommending that said . dock be npt re-opened. ' " " - Alderman Bowdeh moved that the mat ter be deferred until the next, meeting of the Board,! the city attorney: to be consulted in the'meantime as to the power of - the Board In the matter. ' Alderman Chadbourn :moved tbat'lthe raid, wharf, be immediately repaired and the committee oo Streeta and Wharves be empowered to act in the premises. Carried. :J. The conuttee on Streeta anal rVv'harvea recommended that the aite of the old mar ket hoose, " on Market street, : be paved. Alderman Worth moved that t be balasted. The report aa amended was Adopted. ' The application of the Cape Fear Fire Engine ;Company was granted. T Several applications for gas lampa were not granted, the gas mains not extending to the localities where the lights were desired. The Mayor called the attention of the Board to tbe list of delinquents for license tax amount to over $4,000, and : bh motion he was Instructed to enforce the collection of tbe same, as well aa -the Butchers' monthly tax, io arrears, amounting to $250. The Chief of the Fire Department, Mr. F. Q. Robinson, submitted the following recommendations, which were referred for consideration to the Fire Department Com mittee: : "In addition to my estimate and recom mendations already submitted, I would te cOmmend that your Board of Fire Com missioners inspect, condemn and sell what hose, reels, &c., (tbe property of the city), that they may find unserviceable. "1 also recommend tbe placing of a hose reel and about 500 feet of tbe best of tbe old leather base (no w in use), with -Messrs Hart, Jiajjey, & Co., to be used by their steam pomp In case of fire at any point that can be reached from their foundry it being understood that if the hose and reel should be required by me at any time, it will be su eject to: my orders. "1 would further recommend tbat 'xate waye by constructed at ibe runs on Market and Fifteenth and Dawaoo and Fourth streets. This recommendation was un- thonffhtedlv left ont in mu trnnnral iatl. 1 mate, bat I think enough can be appro- priated from 'miscellaneous' to construct these gateways, wbicb I deem very necessa ry to the further efficiency of the Fire De partment." The Finance Committee submitted the following report of appropriations for the ensuing fiscal year, which report was adopt ed and ordered to be referred to the Board of Audit and Finance : For Streets and Wharves, . $8,600; Police, $15,500; Public Buildings, $2,500; Fire Department, $9,000; Prisoners, $200 ; Lights, $5,740; Printing, Stationery and Advertising, $600; Sanitary, $3,600; MiswUaneoas and Extraordinary, $1,000; Water Works $2.000. . : ;A report from Book and Ladder Co. No. lwassabmitted throagb the Chief of Fire Department and referred to committee. The coatract for printing the City Laws waa awarded to Mr. 8. G. Ball, and the contract for city'printing to Messrs. Jack; son & Bell; their bids; for the same beiog the lowest. - The contract for feeding prisoners was awarded to York Moore, at six cents per meal. . '.. The privilege of removing night soil was awarded to L. Perkins and Geo. Robinson, at schedule pirioes. Reports from the Saperintentendeht of Bealtband the Chief of Fire Department for the month of March were read and or dered filed. Alderman Bowden offered the following resolution, which was unanimously adop ted: ; . - - ; Beolwl,: That for the ''able and efficient manner in which " Col.: Roger Moore has discharged the onerous duties of Chief Engineer of the Fire Department, he is en titled to the gratitude. ' not only of the Board of -Aldermen, but alao of the com 'munity at large. Oh motion the Board adjourned. aappoeea Accident tf brawalos. .; A. seaman, a brother of Cspt. Mathieaen, of the Norwegian barqueJcwTt now lying in the neighborhood of theopper compress wharves, has been missing since 4 o'clock yesterday morning, and is supposed to have fallen' overboard ' and drowned i At the hour named he was seen, on deck in his night clothes, complainingof being on weH, ahd nothing has since been teen or heard of him. Or. Dttaat to Visit Ce. . Hew Dr. C. F.; Deems, formerly of ihla State, but now paetbr-6f the Church of the Strangers, in New York city, will deliver a lecture ia this city on Thursdsy, me 21st Inst, being the first Thursday after Easter, under the auspices , of the Wilmlogtoi li brary Association. In; a letter to1 as Dr. Deems writes " that he anticipates ' great pleaauTe in meeting many of his old friends oik that ioeaatooii ??-.i'il . ,7 n XeetarVToNlKbvt. , f t a Wo woold Oiice more remind dur city raaderav and Visitors who 1 msy be preseor," Dr. Yatea WW deliver a Jectart be Opera iBoosti mil -eveoiog,sato: ockpqjjhejmyecjh ai : T . a Jt 'w f . a m. a p a I. TheorytMflnder the. auspices, pf Ihe ?Ilr J mlngton Library Association: 'Tbe price of admission is small, and we are sore tbat those who attend will not regret the outlay. l" 1 - ViM,vaVaa4eMMaaMft4fae V WW m WonpafC type auk ana eqaare. Dtlr,WeatberBBiietla. .... . ,. The! following .wdl tjihbVi;hvi.'tatt' of the thermometer, at the atatlooa , tamed, at S.00 j. Mr yesterday, Washington, me ao time, and also the amouat of ralafail la inches.. for the twenty four hobrs endlog daiiy at iPi lT,' except Tueadayr 'when it la;.48 hbttrs, ;as.iforolshed :by Sergeaat Jamesj W. Watson,' Signal Officer at ' this Statiot; : . T-em. R. F. Weather. Atlanta - 43 Angoatn. . . . . t . . . s - 57 Charleston....... ', 60 Charlotte. 47u .00 " Cloudy .00 Fair - .01 - Fair .00 Cloudy .00 ... Clear . 140 : - Cloudy ; .00 v Clear .27'" Fair .38 . Clear' .00 Clear .00 Fair .00 Cloudy ,00 Cloudy .10 Fair .08 - Cloudy .49 Fair .16 Fair Oorsickna 63 Galveston 63 Bavana - 82 Indlattola. 68 Jacksonville.;.'..; 68 Key West..,.,.. 79. Montgomery, ;., ' 68 New Orleans..... 60 PaotaRasaa 68 8avanhab,....V:. 58 Wllmibgton...... 56 Cedar Keys 61 Pensacoia ... ... 61 . The! following are tbe Indications for tbe Booth Atlantic States to-day: Generally fair weather northerly to west erly inds, rising barometer and alight changes in temperature. Boeat aad Itaaleler Co. Ao. I. At a meeting of tbia company held laat night, :at their hall, all the officers of the company jeslgned." An eleotioa was im mediately entered upon with the" f ollow log result i . . Foreman Roxer. Moore. 1st Assistant R. H. Grant. 2d Assistant Albert Gore. ' - - - i " at ' aTorelc Bxpua. Tbe foreign ahipmentaesterday. em' brace'tha3erman brlg lfer Vrandertr, for Hull, Eng., by Mesara. Peterson, Downing & Co.J,'with 1,650 barrela of roain and 550 barrels of tar; the German barque Oar Max, for Ginoa, Switzerland, by' Messrs. Pater- aon, DownlDg & Co., with 2.650 barrels of roslnjaod the Norwegian barque BepUntrit, for Bambiirg, Germany, by Messra Alex. Sprunt & Son, with 3 900- barrels of rosin. Jailed for Aer cany of mu OX. ' Andrew yudge. colored, from Duplin county, charged with the larceny of an ox, was arrested. In this city yesterday, sod or dered to give bond in the sum of 200 for bis appearance be tore a Magistral oo tbt diblnst, in default of whlob be waa jailed. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Lecture. RKY. B. . TATXk D. D.. WILL DaV I !!S,l?1tw0ffr2iXH?''M.VOBTl,!d-,'i ine uetary aaaoetatton. Miblect-'-Tha Batara of Tkeorr." Admission to eeata. nac apt St ! Stock. 5 WaDae!" (6XCtod ! 4 Large HULKS, ntubla for Timber. t Very Mae HOBS8, i Several Qood HOaWX. 1 TIMBBKWaQON aad HARNXS3 coot i . plete, ready for baallDg-hMp. ' aB tf- FBX8T0N cUatatlWQ A OO. ' i Biagonals, I TEOUSBBUfOB of XNGLISH aa FRENCH maanfactare, mada ! ap In the VXBT BEST 8TTLX. ap 5 It Clothier and Merchant Tabor. Soda Water, i. . i VZSP SOCK kllHXKAL WATXK, At JAXXfl O. MtJWDa. Draa-atore. 86 K. front SL ap5 tf j Easter Cards, JgliTHDAY CARDS, , ) . A BXAUTirCb 8XLXOTIOM, Jaat received at ' 11 XUf B KKQXRB - - i . . . . Live Book aad Maite Store. ; Hfjyt's Gennad Cologne. f1BtX MOST FRAGRANT AND LA8THIO OF A t.- .- :-: ;. . r. ... all Ferfamea. Beware of eonnterfeita aad lmitatioBB. For sale at apatt ' . : : BKPrgBXTtQaTt'a. Parasols and Sun Shades. 'if Brown Cc Ro d d i c Ic ik. 4ft Market street " TXfW. EAV I KOW ON ' H AHD A BBAUTtFUL TV, aaeortmentof the above at nrlcea raarlaa- from lteente to $18 00. ' - - LACXa A1TD EAJaTBUROS. . Oar line la Laces sad Qsmtmrxs has nevar be a ap compute aa at this Urn. We art opening many noveulea. 1 i - - - irtoat BUiriiird. A Kew Line Joatreoeived.! T , BBOW9 BOODICX. apStr . - .'. -4 m aaiat. . Paaa' Easter Bgg l)jess A NO A FULL ABVOBTatKNT OF PATBNT ' at edlcmee Alt one of th moat elacaat Una oTVancy and. ToDet Anlelea U tbe eltyj , oblocee a specialty; try the FACIMATIOM, UU perfeeUj ale-' gaat..,,.;. : . " 3. H. BABOTW. apStf . t : : DraeelaU New Market, Mrs. Joe Penox Iilian TclUc Bitten. CUBES BX&OTOLA; KSXtTMATiaV, BB1BT Dlaea., iaronie Bilione Oolle, aad ail klads oT Braptkme aadtkla Oiataeea artaiaa frees Imparity of the blood as ea AJterattve Toaie aad rarlAer Of the Blood It baa provea ltaelf aaefiaUed. if 8KB GOV. HOLDKN'8 OrUtiQW. ,. , . I aupieaatren ataung- tbat sameer ot stv famty haa aaed Mra Jo Fafaoa'a ladlaa Toaie wun- cooa reeute 1 Believe aer rsmasy 4 fortiie Dwvosee for which It la intend d. ' ) 1 i ' r t ! ' "i W. W. BOLDXX . ' j 1 8KB JUSOX STBONQ'S OPUtlOX, , ? IU4fCO .if,BAiB M.OUDt<t.lBaa. ., Mra.' Joe Peraon 1 M.rt.m Boiaa SDeettie aeo 1 waemimarbeaita, Nsenogm; eaoiuty, uaigae . . . a loadsa bW (VI Itl aoi the moat ManltSL I take craat Dlaaanra ln tea a vtftaMe aad imnt vecatal) Die Toaie, ery reapectrolly. ttKO. V. TOa WL Preparedly Mr. oe rersen. FreaklintoB, n. c. mhieiy ta W iimlioaTM . O. ' l(Wract AdvwtiMaunta take at acwy tteaaaiawaaaay. .4fi-.i.;.-. w r