: ! " ' - . 1 . -.. , - -. 2 L ir.ttu. mm LnrHnViK-KIADJCiTKO. , tV ill tads Al4hO W COM MM 4f tie !ierv. rti.-oujbui the wide border lb I: (bleat bit -., iu beleocieg vo he weapoe bad ... A A eiooe. A4j the baa it bcue.vvd to ru WUTUa :i tteytd not for WW, eed he ewfpd uot for JOaei f r, r - v a, crossed Pxt7 ha lhrocb Urtaabka a4 ttoa; ; ; But trt b ii4lti 4 Cptlol fvi cooaaaiUt wtrt iltia(u UttcraJ KrJj40rJa pc ia lb SaAl atone. Uonf . C- w J. .a SooAtor Mill, wtva bU Atal op bU ;r tb oaa woo bJ boabl Uica id of word). (3. cuu you i pce b, yr f QlU tu cuoJoof, lad ti "! &. 4 , 'OJ wy .j ca4, Ua o o m aJy njUl, UU ao o m aJy- - v .,1 gu I CD 1, v but uoc tucur lba tu rtaifa ; , . o h fvVm aol bxama bU fc i', u. tt ti) iut bail ux(i aacb a Utt- .v ;i, A ' r Logo did UIU V ..i i)iiiu(r uucnrO ail uTvrtba I0OC0, I i0,! L'ofvO waiapvftU, alaioat nila a iroao. T a bia price paid for Wtlll&a ruera io4 !morf bravaa f ia Tickr, tiualuoa ad DafltaJa, tbtj ruJa fUara aa ractag aod cbaata by Job a at oa ad La, ai: Uilly Ma&oaa o'ar mora dtd lbT ! Tj plunder a SUM tad fctr dtbl to diaowa. !. r H aaitate a Olar. TVIkLl0. The CiDcinoau mtdiaai collcgea . iod oui uu .- baiKliaO aad awvalj-ibr 4rdaatea tba txitr day. Tb paper dort 3.t ay wtkj livaf dil c Cartaiaijf DH fur i e-rubbio iV. t). Aewyn. - Their coar reclU Svifi'a pi- Ualiutd a pOj( of ixiab Koac, tlr ImQ wt ta aeeo . tV ao all ia luat Hal's arwtb dafaaca r&y itfd a mttta.'' - l'b 6 veiih 7Uun of Chicago ,.; otui iba oomber of a waiiea, 2iorwrf 1 , Uto ia tb LoiUd iMaiaa al 40U.- M' Fas are prlaCfpaJJy faraxra rt .iu4 u Siooia, WiacOatio. Miooeaola - .Utmlt of painUuga al Kirbj'a A i !ry. 7f Txs. rrtUat oibl, ao . ita- v a UoaaU ticL by CUrab .( ujvJi. a wtfared-, amn ooa bl . Q:clVaa tafttaftO. It waJ Qaai .. .ej i fXi aJ waaavtM for Toe poplaUO of lh Uaroto u u lUa lat oi Decaxabex. 1890, baa i . HiraiiT ajcettalaeo. Il affioaoia . u. i 4S.lm auala, aa atia -43,7X7, JtMJ -Qt praeioot ceoaua U .19S TU is ave l tbertfora 3,44911 "Drunk agato, h? tiid the .u-. cx(ruiag aia boara luoc- iiy at ib priauoer. "1 ia, jax . cudidly raiuioad Pat, I waj .yu-.no' aioud at jtr Uuoor'a boaae. ir.IJy aaked wad I uki tatbla. 1 mm I. add I tab two tlaaee, but If I It au. lauaa r ilooor kept aucb bad wbia .y n car ol I a4i'i baa luk but rtKaVoSALM Hot. C a Horn, of Ilhnow, ia very .1 fru arwaxk. i i . m Kit Carvoo, Jr., la Reported to )4it '1 J ii Cbaltaaooga, Taoo., oo tta i i j - . j( nail-pox. W. W. Corooraa, lh Waahio a poitatbroptaC, La tfalo qalta Ul. aad sr r r oa racoeerj ar eotariaiaed. A grapevine roeaiAge to itie :t c u Jniaaa aaya? Bw - Hill to kaowa o r'oca eweiea aa Oui-Ma-Wbo-PauUia' Ia It-Ue-To-UieotJtiMtr-BiaJea. JoT.Liul&tkiff RtcfeIataod, i accepted tx-cb (. Kapoblicara aad Pro a.vt oa oomroaiiooe for r-fetjoo."" Laat ar ti waa Tia.eeoajJf oyooxd by tbe Pro '.:! i too lata . . ir Jnliaa Jleoedict it famoaa -o.l o cumpoaer. wbo, aa piaaUc aad dl-r-ttor. accucopaalad Jeaay Li ad oo ber Amancaa toor.IavISaO baaV ntjUaav bh rpaxai aad critical peper'oa lb Bwedlab N &uai for lb Hr S0r'fc ' Tbe rv.c: ir-taid to coat aia iatareailac com saraoaa of bar vita Mall bra a aad otber CO- 'ajpwrary axuaUa. ., lOUTUESJ ITSBaV Kar. J. fftsrf arpromiDeo; Bptiat talaJatar o(.HaHIax coooty. Va, i d ai btaaeeidawcar at kLradrfirTOaToar iT. nr a pruuacted Ulaa. Captain J. S. AYba endona Hiooe, out, tart tbe FarnrviHa Jfifrwry. 'He people of Ricbmood Ihatxict Trr da cMedly rartiaed to eadorva J. S, Wle. SrrfnX Virginia. Mre. L. Virgiola Kreoch died t &r bocae, "NaatJedow-B," or HcLio- iU, Toa .. veatardar nor aloe. Sbe waa )ora oo tba EaattcB biorfuroi Virfial la i tad waeIciied--ti DutaV-Al ba aa of eigbtaeo yeara abe beva to teaca acbooi ta Mampbta, Tina., aad la iVJ aba became coaaected wUb Ibe SexiX- Z-AnwUcblWM Jnbrkiiad U N'wOrieaaa. I a tbe follow Lat ytax aba med Mr. J. IL rrtocX of llcLlavUla. 3a waa far a Uom adttoc of . ia:aUUata r ) Cvjub1v 8b yaTafted a'ToltCst. f p.)emT?Ia4-W645e--U46V-4A r "liuilJLa" aad :LawrtaiU of tb. utb DRAMATIC. NOTES. .-.jSA ! am ill t--- Madiaa MoJIcli':.ippa"aed ia Loadoaoa Setstdif elxbcm Joiiet crtor ! Mr. JoaewV'ifrUoftV Lcmdon pubiiabett oacbac rwA't?iaiaeaoo Aajt A cavCa work la expected . frocr Vrcbld Pxjrbe. Ikm oia, i k WTTIax ibf fi re ! neaaa wTJatr I acftliC coaapaayof o aad dauttfrar rt iMcaaafizt aanara. lie baa eaciceal W9.9mtJiGt&i -AtaTalwttriTtSM ' of LlilATSAr-iW -iaJbla r41l mSM?i l &??fri SXrOjfrk&s XT rrta .h rttitN thmreatsauce rt? TUT? tTrorvT r . j i ri r vi j a k a a . . h ry fcot of OtLlt'lH! If UateoA aIidou at ana mt to O&ATIKM. nonr jl k tLi X5 tteL Ibair xt K la epa it RAT'S bX aa va aa laa I I CA.TtE, A r. stoat Soil aad oaad taroc&oa tlx vorU. JOHN DUNOAN'S SONS, QXSTS FOR TTTK l1 SITED STATES, 020OT15O CHILUB DOWT1 fai BACK, DaU paia ia U Uaaaa. aaaaaa. rriranaaaa. are araaptoaae el aoproacAlac farar aad a-aa. Uae vttaoai Aelay Hoetattae'e atmaeli fitttare, wbleb aabatintaa foeUaecaJity naaatlua a r-aiat aranaia. Tae aoaraia. a aaoaaacA mmA thm aillarv rlnil babiaatoredtae beanay eoadiUoa. tbe ALaeaee U attaeoataet. For sal rsaiabyaJl DranlaU aad Dealera renarallr. IDeodAWly tatbaa arm P Isthe Best and Most Agreeable Preparation in-the World. For CoeaaUpMatJota, BlUoaaocaa, HraMlacTaar, Torpid Uver, Hem rrnotda. XxkS la poavl ttoa, auMl mil DLaortlaVra eariatna; from an ot a(rcta atate aW t&e aryatexm. LaQaa aa; rbildrMC aad tkoa wbo dlaUka BncdldaM, axa cape- euuiy f imad araa tta ae aaMa eeavUi alltaa TRorxc-rRtrrT ia M eM raiAaxtie. tnaM ui oijmloaia alaaaabaiai rawrwly rrw from tna aaoaJ ta lAeao. Price 35 ct a. "Large boxes 6oc. VlLD BY ALL rTRST-CLASS DWJCCISTS. ah 8 DsodAW , W tbaa YftTTEKS are LigbJj . ireomroevalcd for all dWaaee roirinf a rertata and vEcuut tOtUciVJsptcJalJj Indlfxtlon, DyspcpaLa, Inter raittcnt FtrrwwWantorApi-. Ute, Loss pTJitraVttfftk, Jj&. of Enrrffr " " Erbes 'JU Uood Urwjlkenm fa mvtcim, and tjitrt new hfe ta tit avrrr. TUry act like a cbarra on tha dlgvative orgaa-s removing all djrprptic rvmptoma, sucb aa UuLmj tWxxi, bcLcXinfy leai in tt tlom tek, Itttrtbum, tic Tkc only frvn PrrpnUion ikat rill not blacken, ti tertn or jit iemaarAr. Write for tbe ABC Hook, 53 pr amoaiagAnd urtal Trading, fl re. BUOWN OCEMiaIi COSfP.NTT, Ilaitlmorcb Md. jaattDAWlr c 2 For You, WboM eotnplearioii "betrays some hrallUUng imoerfec- thAt-yoa-axe TinruHly-aAilow and disflTired Inoiintenaiice, cr hAT9 Errjp(kiAsVS,Wlns, Kcjniisy 'criTirwiioleBome tlat 4jf -orrrTIeoTiir;wy the most calcral and entrxrjf Ins tint-tiiry-tullfldAlitr i -vbleh no obserrerxan 3etect, and jubJclk soon becomea rper mAneiitit.ihe JLasnolla Falm isjndlcrgnslynsed. rrr aa I Ua : A Pleasant Bide w ACOBTyTAiSfJti CARRIAGE .ik.iMt m a aawrraa' unnni U tAa oat baevadclal o aaaakiad. rWj ere meafaetar? kaf aaJy. srMVVTar-mV s-o 1 ( lrre tpm clti i etiaa-tarTCa t&d CpaaBfixzlAa, --Mujaii Lib Uta sii nart'it rri ITtavVSmAmaaa I eaaeaa4.tt.rre4aa WaJvtatK i . . r - " jl LASE j j X e-aia j aedaiaaaa. 3 L A A ATI V K asay be oad ra ttjt aaia (be aM or a aauvaalTai, ee Mlaa artartWif. aad whil It are aaona raamli aa (Aa anal earned. It ta PrOar qaounonaTm&oaid be aademood. rap eaatua waoteaale1 rte cwaacaltf. sla a aa&aXI ordara tigb& pnet bare to be ebarxait t w -mm,t 1 1 - ' aatuaaa, 11 j if., q !)Ua21.VcbeJaa.Wi B) ;ii-0 10 . , Waatata AoMaea--.t .- ; vt 11 tt i8 - ejftfaaianra,;.,.;;, 1 ;:rib ' t ' I " Q rjJ ev I 1 WO - ; 8X Shaaidtea BUIira arefffbl.... BA-KKTt HptriuTttTpacUaa, . . r oaaaiuaa,aKi.Mtv(wi lt0O 1 M . A 00 O .1 M '00 O N : to o - f se o. tu DO O 14 00 . 83 .18 Q to "XQ It -19 $ 103tf i' 14 O lJa- jiaar xra xorx, aaca. nawtjirv. aaoa jsassw&jL-af . t - larger maaa a ' ' 2 trrraHoria6ant nnrr.n a a.. Cai'DLaA-dpacm. ... AUaiaaua.-aj m.V f.. :.. Off Mi B. fattaaca Factary 9 COFTaiaWaaa. ..!.... 10 Q 14 as o ia UO -MX . la.Q, 17 ' to 5 wx Ii a. jUva. ..... ...... ."I DoRXMiilL fj tmabaUaaaCaa LVT-rUJI TIKW It'll ' I I , d o I'M! (b .7X t oo Q .110 (M b U& U I 00 O 90.00 tat .tck.... -tM OlOjOO 4 M O S 00 a 6aV A TOO raib'bn'j it.iia. .lit 1 . '(!(. cJVark bo la rsi. . 00 O TOO K. C Eatxiac.Boa.1 aetf.. .. K.tXHamax.Boa,fJ in p 4 00 DrrOod.aJfc a 6 9 Farav'a.UoaaavKa 1, tooo aa BT M TV, Nn a " I M rrt o ota Do. So. a. M CO 8 87 00 6100 Do. bobot. 00 Buik'i Fboepbaie. CO 00 O-B0 00 40 00 O 60 OO OaroUaa FarttUaar, I Ground Bona. Boae Meal, :Floar, -I . SavaaaaQnaao, Com place Mancre Waaon'a Pboapaau " - WaadoPnoepfcate, - -Barge at Bata'e Paoapa. MicaUaaaa Oottoa Jarttnaer FLO CTB Fine, 9 bbl...... Sapar. Sortsara. f) bbl 1 Mxtrado. JbM....k. Family 9 bbl atyatma-Xxtra, a bbl .w. - Family, bbl... XxvFamlly. bU. QlAX9 MM Q 40 00 00 00 Q4S00 00 00 6 700 oo oo a 6100 00 00 O TO 00 0O00OT0 00- OTOOO" 5 oooo O 60 00 aoeo BAM tAHACT . Oora,la atora, la aaxa, Cora, earro. V Doanai. la Da k Cra,0arxo, 9 baab.labaa oora,auxaaw painai.in pap. oata, 9 euaaai. ...... Bad Baaa Proof ... . Peaa,Oow, boabal HXPaa uraaa. w I iZl W v I 11X1 ZZ?' Z i oo . CM TW. -a W . MtXP ISOJH9 toa.... LjULU Hortaara. V Morta Carolina. a LTMB aj bbl.. ..;. ... :. XXTXfiXa Crrr BvaAasA 0 hip Stag,raaawaa, y MftM 18 00 Booxb Sde PlaakTv M ft.. J 15 M Wart UdtaOarfyea.iarrrt fait O MM a M 08 til8M O MM toqaamy, 9 M ft . .J S3 aad Boaraa, M ft MULABA2S It aw cp rCoha,khda If w crop Cab, bbls 9 fal.. Porto raco,baia,. bbla.. araxHoaaa, bbda, 9 fal... " bblaTw al.... BvTaa.bbla. 9 rai..;.. ...... HAiri-Oat, lOd baala, 9 keg.. . JtL8 Xaroaaae, V gal....... aCaaaVrA V llltaiaaaaiaaa Tlnsaar1, ral Tar, par ral Deck and par.pcr ral POULT KT ca.lcsena.iivajtrown Sprtox..., 1 irxeya PAAKtJTB V aAal POTATOES oweet, 9 baabal.. Irlah, 9 bbl POBX northern. Cltj Mesa.... Prima, V bbl Baas, V bbl K1CS CarcUne, V Kourh. 0&A& aAOft-V:atry, City. 9 BOP ALT Alam, baabal Liverpool. 9 LUboo. aac American, V aaek..... BUOAa Cuba, Porto Rico, 9b..M A Coffee. 9 B p a o w a x. C 9 Oraahad. J .... aOAP Northara, a euinALiAa craasracs a Cypr aaaSape 9 M,.... Oypraaa HaarU M M. . .... BTAVIa W.O.Bt)L,1M TALLOW-eTa nMBKaWng. 9 M Extra Shipping Mill lrljaas fjK.. MlUFaliTf M. Oommoa Mill Inferior to Ordinary, 9 M... "TBISXaT Ncrtbera, gal North Carolina. 9 ral . . trOOL Uawaaaad. 9 iwtauo, m m ' Barrr Wool riiaainuTon nunax a. at. n. an .XdlACU Ertbange (algbti oa New Tork, eainmara, BDaaoo,. ....... ....... PUladSpbla, i cause, , txahaara Id dava 1 al eeat Sana of 2fsw UmaovarBtoca-...: M rtrat MstKaaal Bank,.;.. ...... M Xavaaaa Quano UQ, .'V 15 a. q Bonds oidAx-Obaoa......ra . Do. ; roadlaclBaa.u. ll . r Do. " ISoA..... 18 Do. New 4a,...A.... ;.W Do. BpadalTax.... 4 Do. to N.O. BaUroad..... 3 W. A. W. B-RBoodsf jtc (Gold Iat. 116 OaroUaa Central B. B. Bonds, 6 c. .80 traCot. AAug.B.B. " 106 ayiimlagtamCntyBoadA.aww 6 e....95 - 8w4..:.....".9o (Tew Baaorar Oounty..6........ S1V ay. A W. BUllzoad Boek k.M aat-U OaroUaa B. B SO am. Oaa Light Co. ..,.48 eruaalaatoa Oottoa MlUs ..96 Bank of Hew Hanover. Amhorlzed tTapltal $1,000,000. Cauli Capital paid fn 300,000 farplnt Fund f50,0OO. DIRRC1 ORS. JOBS DA WBO N C. M. 8TXDMAB D. a MTTBCHISOlf ISAAC BATES, DONALD McBAE JAA A. LXAX ' H. TOLLBBB 0. F. LTTTLE K. R. BBIDGEBS A B. BORDEN J. W. ATKINSON GBAE. M: BTEDMA5 . Prealdeat. IBAAO MATES; Vase Prsatdant. ' A D. WaxxAoa.Cawblar ' ' tag0-tf . .". i 1 ' AtMnspn & Manning's . . IiiaiTran4c laVeomj, BANK OF NE wr&aNOVXB BTJILDnio, ; wiiBaXaartaau N. J Fire Kiuiie .iMS-PjEi Axxregeta Capital Re pies anted Oisr flOOOCWOI ALL JUiOVT WestomHorthCarolina If yoa want to know 'sH about tae "Gsrden Spot' tbe South, aead tor a. specimen oopy of of iTn. T5rToT-Q'vri f!miTiOr liuu,.ii.wuwu wwiw, "TI" a TWaaTI-BOHT wuuaut wmali, fmliof tatareatlnjr reading matter, and dercW to tmorauvma,- --- - - THE XtfRTEB COMPANY: - Haadaraouvffla, N. C. aUH3XaiOUOmiiy;2.;j... ' : B. am-, aj aKaswr.. i. .... ,". : t akoaidae,1 w V. .'j nan MtniraraJ t.2f..t.atM ;aTaearairma.i. . a a am an iab e 00 O 4 S3 6 00 (J 5 S3 660 p 7 00 7 50 & 0 00 IN Q IH 6 M Q l M O 6T5 V 11 Q IS MO 10 61' 9 6t 64 O 65 63 Q M 6TXO 60 MO M 119 O 1 15 4 O X M O 13 M Q 1( 1 40 6 I M 1 S3 O 80 M. O 85 09 .00 ii 11 00 5 10 lit 6 1U : MiaciLLAinioirs. V TheuWomingSta PUBLI JHEIJ PAH.Y ADD WEEKLY Macriptiin Rates-iQ Airaiice DAJLT STAR, Oae Teax. poataga paid,.. ....$7 00 Six XoBtba "i 00 TbreaXoatha Oae' Monti ss 1 DO WftKSXT UTAH, One, Tear poeURe paid, $1 50 8lxX0Qtav " 1 00 TbreaaTonth" " 8C Notices of the Press: The STAaia decidedly one of tbe beet papera la tbe State, aa brlgbt and newsy aa ever. Long Ufa to It. Salem Pnm. , - Tbe Wilmington 8tu baa entered on ita twelfth year aa (rood a paper as any poople sbonld want. Ch9rttt Dtmocrak .Tbe WDmmgtoa Hvaa has entered on Its twelfth year. Aa a daily journal of news it stands "up Lead." Concord BtouUr. Tbe WDmlnstoa Brim has entered lta twenty flfttt volume. '"There ia ao better paper published In the State. Lenoir Topic. The Wilmington Sua baa entered upon ita thir eentbyear. It ia one of the best papers in the teentb rear. State. Warrmto OoattU 1 Tbe Wilmington Stab has entered ita thirteenth ryear. It baa become one of the leading papers ef the Bout. Oxford TorchlUjfU. . Tbe Wilmington Stab la not only one of the beat edited pavers in the State, but for freshness of news ana typocrapnicai appearance cannot ots oeat en. aefaon2MPorter.. The Wllmlnxton Stab Ia one of the very best pa pers In the Sooth, in every department from typog raphy ap to editorial ability aid independence. We like tbe Stab because it is thoroughly relia ble, candid, f earleaa. and so wall and ably edited, newsy, spicy, and in fact a perfect newspaper. Long mar the Ataa twinkle. Jft Aim YUUor. . Although at the head of the press In this Btate in all that makee a paper valuable to the reader, still It friir.mm to rmprove. It ia a Stab -of the -first tnagnltnde. May its lastre never wane. Th$. Frt The Wilmington (If. C) Moame Stab is a mo del aewapaper. Indeed, we think we do notexag reraielta merits when we sav itia the natotiaff (sec- alar) paperpabllshed in the Boath. Richmond (Fa.) RtMtmt Herald. The WHmlnston Btab baa now entered noon ita thirteenth rear and twenty-fiftb volome. One of the beat conducted and edited papers m the South, and. aa a North Carolinian, we are proud of it. Tarbcr BovUumtr. , The Btab Is ao well and favorably known in this section of tbe 8 tale that we ean say nothing of which its thousands of readers do not already know. It ia la every respect one of the bast dallies In the South. BoStmmian. - ' Tbe WOmmgton Btab baa entered on ita twelfth year, it u a most exeeuens newspaper, weu eoitea- wDpawnnsi u ue uw uj, auuu honor to Ita city, to North Carolina and to North Carolina loornallam.- ChoriOU Qinr. er t That magnificent beaming Btab haa completed ita twenty -eecond volume. It ia one of tbe moat brilliant, erudite aad sparkling dailice sooth of the rotoraac. tm system in tne get no or tne paper surnaasee tbem4 tan. 2 a Torbor Souffumtr. Tbe Timti cannot say a word too for the wiimlngtan Btab. It has lusa one of ita many with t ' Dtxtnaa: ,yv Aa a newspaper it la a favorite with the State pteeeand ia aoaght after by the peo- pie. Long Zlaeea. and, prosperous lire to it jutanut Why ia it that all the papers with the name ef Star are aucb brightlittle journals f Tbe Wilming ton (N: O.) stab, the Washington Star, Fredeticka- Durt star, new x or autr, ror -example inere muat be aomethiag la a name after all Richmond The Wilmington Btab, we are pleased to notice, still aontinaea on the high road to success. We es teem the Stab very highly, regarding It as one of the very beat of our exchangee, and consider it the peer or. a asy your m Lane. Journal pabHehed, In the South. Ox- fardFrm Tbe Wilmington Stab la now taking the regular midnight Aeeoclated Preee reports, and has besides incr eased the amount of ita reading matter. The Stab ia an ex cell eat paper. Ita prosperity la not surprising since it la so deeerving. charwtt Ob- Taa MoBxnra Stab, ene of the best dailies we know, and aaa aewapaper, in our opinion, tbe very beat, baa entered upon ita twelfth year. In every particular the Stas cornea fully up to tbe mark as the principal, dairy fax our chief commercial city. Leag aaay It twinkle. Aiaaaayw Waaaan : The WCmtsrton has entered trpon tta 11th volume, and we are pleased to notice etui continues on the road to sueeeea. we esteem the btab very nirhly, regarding U M one of the vsry beat aewapa. pera that cornea to thia omce. Ita newa eolumna are always a little fuller than those of anv other of our ATchawges. and Ua editorial department u eon ducted wiab much iMnMromtaniad4 Bumwe mrtAbagtrmTngaaa Was to separable from an eaterarlae begaa amid the wreck of fortune that aUBcdad the collapee of the Southern Oonfederacv. tbe bta baa steadily waxed", until it now beama reepJeadoart ta the fall glow of a coaataatly hright aalngpaeperlty Aa a aaatraapsr it baa few equals. aad no suoertor. for: aoBtonriate. aelectloa And la- didoa arrangement, and wv are- proud torank it aaamgour most acceptable xcbaagearfiaoro JaaaurtfarV '!" t-- - .;'- The Wilmington Moaxrxa Stab baa entered upon tne tameenui year er ita em thia opprataB&y toeparratulata ritv and deaerrad DODularltT. T late It upon its proepe- I . The remarkable ano. I ceae Of .the SiAaia daa-to Ita atrict attention to wisineaa. me ooaax or, tne btab rngatnmy. too), ia that it always haa tae newa, aad this ia the first tiling in -journalism, '.otnerwlea :the paper la all that (be term of ."good aewapaperf' impliea, and its . corps or ecoxora sua reponera -are laoroagiuy aa eatad oewapaper-asen. - May tbe bealtklui, -moral lnflnenoaof the BTjanarer beetardeov aad may Ita saUaateaterarlaugaToarJetce ealoy many more happy jaars of. jfulaeea. 3Ui6cro Mfoencyr. ' THE aXAIJQIGII Christian Advocate, Edited and Published by PLACK 4 BEID ' ' ' fiaJsili. C . Is the orgaa of about 6ft,0M Methedlsta in North Carolina, aial has the laxrest circulation of any pa per lathe State. It glvee the markets, secular and reugioua news' u a weexiy, eight page, religious, family, nawapaper.- Oaly fj.00 per annum, . Sub acribe at once. . AdTSrtiamx ratea UberaL 1an34tf The Iaincoln Progress PuttitJud ScOurdajit at LineoinSm, 27. O. IS the only paper publiahed In Lincoln county and baa aa extensive circulation -among tbe Mer chanta. Farmers and all cUaeea ef business men in UeBtataw. .'--'-- U oSara to the MsrcbAnta ef WQminrtan a de sirable medium far advertising" their- business throughout Western North Oaroflaa. '- ' Liberal terma will be allowed on yearly adver- tlaeaieata . Bahactintipn -price, $34)0 per annum dreaa , H. DaLANE. , editor aa Proprietor. . A WEEKLY RELIGIOUS AND FAMILY NEWS- XX paper aaa tne urgan or tne Meuotuat notes Chorea ia Morta-AMroima, U'puonshed at I A.. V. an pur anwuvaVai miywa:1 ' ' Jitv of ita location, the number and ac tct n i tivity ef ita aganta, aad the constantly increasing de a thTriTrt-arflid r7siiBOB nf rnadnrn La Tarioaa aeeUooa, givai the CENTRAL peculiar oiaima apob thepattonageef the advarHaag public. Verau very favorable. " Consult your buaiaeaa latex tavs, and addreaa tbeeditor-'-' : - H :i i J.' L. MTCTTAUI, it Greensboro, N.C I Still Insist rpHAT I AM NOT ' fctrSBMAN IRARBER, 1 ii sj .-.J:- iJi --.,- , - - butooeottbeia.aadaeoma to fabaa la tke city. Mt aaloon mav alwava be found neat: and comfort tAhla. aad ooMta Warkmed who are ever ready, to I an 15 tf No. 9 8 Front ct A Thaauruki JOB PRirJTIRJG. il 'VTOTifi,- ?t THE lUOItjnnOTATB : offics w tss am KlXiS BOOK, NSWSPATER d: XEUGAXTILS ; '-v" w.' -fcV" CHEAP FOR CAhU, .' aw-aWeai - . - THEATRICAL POSTERS, PB0QRAMXES A TICKETS, IlfBJTR AN CX ,PRJGTlN&i k . BILL HEADS. CLBCqLARS ' i ;-. CARDS. D0DOERS.I n STEAMSHIP t 8TEA KBOAT AND RAILROAD - - " tym QUICKER TLMhj WORK EXECUTED Iff QUICKER AND BETTER STYLE THAN Bi ' ANY 0THr0FFXCE L wiikm&Tox.;" FIRST CLABS WORK AND LOW PRICES THE MORNING STAR' STEAM PRINTING HOUSE, PRINCESS STREET, WILMTN&T0NN. C. ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO AND WORK SENT TO ANY PART OF THE UNITED STA TES, I C.O.D. SMALL ORDERS EXECUTED WITH iHh SAME PROMPTNESS AS LARGER ONES. The Best Baer. Try It. lteautifaUyllltutrttted. 35tbYa3AB. The Scientific AmericaiL . rrHB SCTBNTIFIO AMKBTOAH la a Urge Flrst X Claaa Weakl-r Kewanabec tf .Sixteen. Paeaa - - . a. - t TiTr OTTO t r XT " I Elustbatbd with splbSdId - bngravH amu, repreaenong uie newest, inventions ana nam I most recent advances in the Arts and Sdflneesm I eluding New and Interesting Pacta In ' Agriculture, inevi Horticulture, the Borne, ttealtSTProgress, Social science, natural, Jilstory. tieoMigy,-Astronomy. Tbe most valuable practical papers by eminent wri ters in all departments of Science, will be found in the Scientific American., . Terms. $8J per year,. $1 60 half year, which in- ciuaee postage. ; Ansceunt to Single co- pies, tt cent a Sold by all Ne itemitby postal oraer to aiurut Row, New York. A CO.. Pnbliabera, 87 Pa ark 1A rTITWPO " 111 connectlOB with the iria.X illXl X Da SOIBNTIFIO-AMBBICAN: Meeara. Moaa A Co. are Solidtorav of, -American. connectlOB wfth the and Foreign Patenta, have bad 85 years' experience, and now have. the. largest oatabHahiaenl in tiie world, Patenta are obtained on the best terms. A special notice la made In theSClBNTIFIC-AMBBI--CAN of All Inveatlana paten tedVthroaaAtaia Agea r, with the name- and reeldena otj tba Patentee, y the immense circulation ,thua given, public at tention ia directed to the merita 67 the new patent, ana saiea or mxroaocuoa ojtejtaaawv: anecsea.. Any person who baa made a new discovery or in veution, eaa asertw'B, jtq or QHAaaaj whether a natent ean Drobablvrne ohtamadli-writiri aoout xne rateni jjawa, raienta,: vvveaia, j.Taue-j aiarKB,meir coses, ana new precurea,' wren nines j fer procuring advances on inventionav -Aldreea-for tae .raper, or concerning rat MUNM & CO.. 87 Park Bow. New York. . . Branch Office, cor. F. sth Sts, Waablngtouv p.C. aOV A u -..i . i Y.i.-j : . THE LANDMARK. PUBLISHED AT - IS Leadinar KfrwiDaper in Weitem North It is tbe only Democratic Paper publlshed-Jlal Ire?:.' dell County One of the larreat and weaithleat conn: ties la the Stste and: haa attamed-a-largelaca::! wauBgn taaataay-papei eiei ameuaure uunnani Intaa-eanntaL- Io a j? Ba drealatloaln Alexander. Wflkee. Ashe. AUer gheay. Yadkin Davie and edelT,' la larger abaa uasoxasy two papers in me state comoinea; aea. Is rapidly- acquiring a -Strong foothold In Forsythe, .any two papers in tne State combined; Surry, Bewaa and westers Mecklenburg. Itia tbe only paper Tn' Western' North Carolina that employe a Rromj,:CAaTAsanro AanrT, and thus kept constantly before the people. Under thl sy sterna rapidly innroaiiin aVQlrCaiatiott. U tbereanlt - s"4.". v?T;,.a: TASBBaTinVKB't lr ofl a iwaifT?mwc THE BEST ADVJERXISINafllKDlIjn ! "TNWESTEBN" NOBT-CABOLTNAi' - - ii e.-.r: it.i 'iniMjayj. iaav ' ' ADDRESS, i L ARDttARata Forest and Stream, : 7 ;;AND.fc- ;." THE AJfERICAN BPOMSMAK'a . JOURNAL A WSEEXY PAPER JEYOTKD TO . fFTBtJj sports. PHArrrTOAtNATTmr. ma GA L'PBEaEBVA PRACTICE. . darradsassil St OUT-DOOB BOItBATaoNB'BfrrJ,- This is tbe only fhtOhAplij ippuea tao wanta Anajaxsssa TERMSi'fefle Foraat Ac Streaaa ;f abllaliina; om ui vAvA-Etuiiaeaa OAJiOEissa f l Post iifjict'.ciG f -i . i aattiTiroq .loft-' AeBilflcM- PUBIJAHKD BY? Edwards, BrouffJUon V Co. ltAJGHagfaa -J REV. C, T. BAILEY.' Editor. REV. H. TCHER, AaeOCiAU Edi ' lUAtiautauM nn.arvM: AYani oiiarAApAiOiiuujAirAAO aa; ...... v .. As an Myeiliiing llediua TJnarTaaed Addreaa dcc38-tf BfrtLtCArRjBARDER, .Raleigb, N.OV ' TBOinnilon rtlnod ox, sua utfiuasew-aJ rrHE O LDEST- I V 1 ' the Pee Dee sectiOrr onex moat prosperous la theStateOf ?rt 1 1 C andWlioieeajeaiercji&iitS-ABarrl totboMyhomvaadopt sample, aa-e-tcelleBt-mcdiuta jdf. trUtealamaad)tafitteBtmlaBla ebaaica,plantADd -ttSTalTil nP rdnaceia wortir-aoHcltattc Adverw" tiaod THE STAB. KartoaTs.C septtttf RAimO AD LINES. KALLROAD 'CO." . Omcl ov Qaax. Borxaumronrr, . i i - WOialiyttOB,' JtsU., March , 1681. f r, i nOi!5!3 i 'A. - iqai BUWa .;. :i KCIiatgeiofcliediila3j j ON AMI) AFTKE.MARC3H.13T3. 1S81,'AT; JSi P. M. ; Passenger -Trains en the WOming-, toa A: WeldoaKallioadTrUl roaasfollowal!1 Day BKaUln4xpreaa iTralaa, a) ally -f-Hoa. 47 Hortnant48 soatn. , 5 Leave W , Front St. .Depot, at 6:40 A. JA- Axxtvaab ajtrveat' WumrnEwn, jrronipk iepoi,iiu9 aa. . Fast Thboush Mao. aitb. PABasjjaia ; Tkas ; v. i. Oaiss Nos. 43 Nobth an o ou . lve-WflinlnKloA Ft St, Depot, at 7.00 P. M. Arrive at :Weldoa . . .;. ..... ; . . . . - 1.05 A. M Leave Weldon.. ...............0.48 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot, 13.05 A. M. f TraM "48 or''vrmato6Bly'':tf3Uica7 Ooldsboro. Wilson, Bocky Moontj Bafld and PHfax. ....... ,, ; j- rTrata No. 4d . Soatb . wm atop only at Bocky Wnimt. Wllartn OaMahoro and Magnolia. '. 5X8HT PABaawara Ma Am.;srTaAtaT a uAtiofl 45 NtotH uii 4? SoTJTH.J : " J ' Leave Wilmtaetoai Front St Depot, at. 8:55 P.. Jfy Airavea Weldoav.tv.U;. -.'.A;..-: '10:45 Pi M Leave Weldoa.'... ....... .. . .. . ..w :05 A. M. Axxlre a Wilmington, Front St. Depot, 8 tl A aV r Traina -on Tarboro Branch Boad leave Bocks atodnt foe Tarboro . at 6 05 P. M. Daily raad Toee- to; . OTmraday and 9Jlt9MSr I; ins, leave Tarboro at 0. 60 A. M; Daily,-and- Mon- I dATiWedaeaday andr.rttWfiS.oj , , No. 41) tnairem eloaa eoziiKwtlnn it Wtl i don for aJfoints -HorJJt daily; . All ran .via Bichmondi and daily except Shnday via Bay Line, rTm Ma '45 rtu1svia Klchmond anfti Waablngi ton, and makes close connection j dally to litiob- mond. and daily except Satarday nUihU for all II points -nortfr of filchmond. T " Train-ft ov48- ntna dailvjaiidmaaeBiolosei connection for AU polnta liNaMbviATkictmaBdand!.Waaainfirton .1 -,-'. an., ccaina-rua eoua. oeuwean. . w umington. axiu. waanington, ana nave rauman raace eieepera '.a- JOHN F. DIVUSTB. . General Sup't. A. POPS. Gtett'l Passenger Aent mhlS-tf " I Oeiteriil Sup'til Office. WIIOTINGTON, COtUMBiA ATJ 43USTA R. B COMPANY. - WILM1NQTOK.- If. C, Feb. 19. 1881. Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER J'BBRUABY 80, 1881, at 2.85 P. M.. the followine Passeneer Schedule will !bo rhn on this road: i . -.) - , Pat PASBKKoan.aTi.n. and Bxpbxss Traiks.Dailt Nob. 48 Wist abd 43 East. Leave Wilmington,.. 8.35 A.M. Arrive- Florence. 13:50 P. M. Leave Florence.. 3:85 P. M, Arrive at Wllmlagton.... ............. 6:40 p. M. J". KlGtlT EXPRESS TRAINS (Daily) t Noa. 48 Weal and 4T Baat. SveWIlmlngtoiu. ...11:38 P.M. ye Florence..... ...... ......... .... 4:80 A, M. Z&Zr, ate u A. Junction 8:oo a.m. 1 Arrrm a.tr rininmMii VftMnmMaA I rnAriAf 'h'XU'AA ' aSi 8:15 A. M. 10:00 P. M. Leave OKAAi 'Junction.. 10:30 P. M. Leave Florence.... 2:00 A. M. xrty M.!WBmlngtoa. . . . jB :30A.M. ItoVPAlfaVaBjt Teaik, No. 40 Wist, r.toAcWaippATiojr Tbain, No 45 Bast,- . Leave Wllmingion at, I3:S5 A.M Arrive at Florence!. 410 A. M, Leave FloreacoVJ...... ......... 5:00 A. M- Amve at; Wilmington..... 13.00 M. - I Trains Noa., 4a and 43 atop at all Stations. ' 1 Trains If os ."47 and 48 atop only at Brinkley's, Flemlajrtoni WhlteviUe; Pair Bluff, Marion, Flo rt Timmonsvllle, Maysville, Bumter, Camden Junction ' and B&s ton. ;No. 40"stops only at Flemington, Wbitevllle, Fair Bluff and Marion. Na 45 stops at all stations. ! Paeeengers for Columbia, and all points on G. A O. A B., C.,C. AA B. B. Stations, Aiken Junc tion, and all pointa beyond, should take No. 40 or48igbtaxpresa. i Separate PiUlmau Sleepers for Charleston and for Aagustaou trains 40 and 47. L AJiTramB run sqii4 betweea Charleston and WU : : : - JOHN F. DIVINE, 5 Gen'i sup't. A. POPE, Gen'l Pusenger Agent. .febSO-tf CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILROAD CO, ?a:Aa.. OyfnrmUaaaAb SnyaaiBTiBiiasiT 1 W11mingW,'N. ci,Dec. IS, 1880. f Cfhange of Schedule. tN AND AFTSB DEC. It, 1880, tbe following r Schedule will be operated oa this. B allroad: - ASSENGEB AND EXPBESS TRAIN: Daily except Sundays Ne. . 1 Leave Wilmington at. i Arrive at X. barlotte at. , ...9:10 A.M. ...6:10 P.M. ...6.-S0A.M. ..avto P.U. Nd, i o 1 Leave Charlotte at......... I Arrive at Wilmington at... Trains Noe. 1 and 8 stop at regular stations only, and points designated In the Company's Time Ta ble. , PASSENGER, MAIL AND FREIGHT IXieave Wilmmjetoh at.... ... ....5:80P.M. No. S. Arrive atHAmlet at .......1.-36 A. M. i - r Charlotte at ..8:15 A.M. 1 Leavo Charlotte at 7:80 P. M. No. 6. Arrive at HamletJat ........... 1:36A.M. I wiimingtoa at-..- A. M. No. 5 Train is Daily except Sunday, bat no con nectton to Raleigh on Saturday . No.' "Train isDaDy except Saturday. SHELBY DIVISION, FA8SENGBB, MAIL, EX-YJ- PRESS AND i"RHGHT. Wn . Leave Charlotte....... - I t Ada At siienrr 8:85 A. M. .U:35P,M. . 1:85 P. X. . 5:85 P. M. iav, . i Jieaye onei Dy f Arrive At Chftrtotte. (nit Trains-Nee. 6 and 6 make close connection at Hamletltaaadfrom Baleign except as above, aad is above, aTh ntvii u unarione witn -jTains a Ana on enemy umnon. Thronrkj Sleeping Can 'betweea Raleigh aad CTbarlptte; ' V. Q. JO HNSON . General Superintendent ' CLYDE'S ; New York and Wilmington The SAIL XR0M NEW FORK, satarday, march 13. lafShipperB can rely upon the PROMPT SAILING A rA Steamers aa adyertiaed.-aTJI ' -" FretEainBjtemm apply to ;a;., -.'t.'.A-w -.-Mi--.: Snperlu tendeut,- .'" '- u urn wlmgton,N.a ti-mfm ClyA A Co., Gen Ata, K j dec t tf ' - 85 BTC.adwy,New tork. , T i mi"!!'' i. ' j) 1..IHJJ I .mit At. V-iLli NEWSPAPERS, BUTT ABLE I Oaa be hod at the te niAg urrwa: A- W ANY QUANTITY is wiaaa1' I jawanaBaaajl't"'" fft ' ' '-u"' 1 ' "'idittji" Steamer j -1 ADTEllTI sllltS . - I Bj addrewlng OBO, P. JIO tVjBf- b A OOw, f 10 spraee jSt., saw xorav ean earatae exact ooai of anf proposed Uaeof JDYKROBISQ la Aart canKawBraperCaT-lOaPare ram ph lei, ( ATSAK aid expeaeta b'aia-'t. ' ' OBtiit fteevaadreu T.VtXiCSLs li "t ,r aUtJiAwiata, Maine. v ..... 4 , tCIlull Tear to Agcnw, ana xuupu. a vuui (StJJJ Ad4re78w.eJ8 e) Co. afata,Ma. ap a lauaw,.. 1 1 111 ABBLE -4 ; r " . AMD--: : ; . ; Crave.iStotics FIRST-CLASS WOBk AY LOWXST KBW YOKs , FBICB&r DBSIGNS BINT BT MAlLv WOBJK ' PACKED AND SHIPPBD, AT OUB RISK. TO ANT PAST OF THa SOUTH, , uica arp .w a thah coM T arayette Pl Iea Vara . Wathan's MonumAntAlDeasriiL in book form Jot aaleMtbe.TraAe. -r 'J, . ee DAWif irfflAi: 8TDlAH:Jr. V Attey kid (ttAAilttIaiw.. aaJSABarrHTON, BLADBN tX)UWTT,'ltj 0. t..:;atii i : . .i u;X ' OJBce Up Stairs, la Brlek Bnlidlai. ecapled by BinaldlmOo. . . ... , Bpeclal attention to Olalma. ' Collections on smau of $100 aad'apwarda made' for Five Par Gent, tf without enlt. Drawins- Deeoa. Jtortiracea. Jaess specialty ' apa-DAWaT English, ibish and gobdon bettwo', of the Choicest Breed, with gnsranteed pedlgraas f For sale by ' !.'.. B. P. WBL8B, BoVT-DAWtf Tnrtt Pans: PRESCRIPTION FREE "Par the apeedy Cart ofaarveaa Veabaaaa, Xaat f Titallty, Prea-atare DebtlKy, Aerraaaaaaa, PespoadeaeK Coafatloa of Ideas, Areraloa ta Society. Defeetlve tteaiery, aadf all -Wsordara broaaht on by ladlaeTeatlUklUaad Kx Aay drarflat baa tbaawredlMta,-. 8rp.wfuw SEALED ENVELOPt : 130 w IVOOPE. ADDRESS U K.W.B.WAUU b3. 130 West Sixth S OIiraiKJalT, 0KP mb 4 DAWly ,1 - Health is Wealth ! D1 ,B. i K. -a-WEST'S NEBVB'c. AMD. BBAIH ' TBBATMBNT i .a soeclflo for Bvstarla, Oaa. vaisions. rorTOOB aeaaacaa, jaoaiat ueproaawn, Loseo' Memory. Impotency, Premature -old Ate, caused by over exertion, excessaaj or ever tndul cence, which leada to misery, Aeeay wand death. une oox wm cure recent . cases. . aa-n oex con tains one month's treatment," One dollar a box. or six boxes f o Ave eoilarasesv by snail prepaid on receipt of prloa. WeIguaraatee six buxaa to cure any caaa , With each order received by aa for six boxes accompanied with five dollars, we will .send the pur ehaaer oar-written cuaraatee be re tnm the mopey if tbe treat saen does not effaet a glat. (successor to Green a , Flsnner), Wilmlogton, I N. C. Orders by mail will receive- prompt ataaa I tion. i mbtk-rDAW ty . 8500 Beward ! .lAJB Wlti PAY TaB ABOVE BE WARD FOB f v any case of Liver Complalbt, Dyspepsia: Wck Headache, lndisestlen. Constioatioa er Costive. ness we cannot care with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are atilcUy complied to give aatiaf action, agar Coated. Large boxes, containing tO Pills. iBxents. . Foe sale by all brag-, gists. Beware of eounterrelte aad imitations The genuine manufactnred only by JoH O vvasT m CO., "The Pill Makers.'' 181 181 W. Madison St. Chicago. -Free trial package sent by mall pre paid on reokipt of a S cent atamp. mhSSD&Wly THE SUE TOR 1881. Everybody read a Taa Butt. Ia the edition of this newspaper throughout the year to come everybody will find: I, All the world's news, so presented that' the reader will get the greatest amount of information with tbe least unprofitable expenditure of time and eye-sight. Ths Brfa long ago discovered tbe geldsn mean between rednndantTuRnfess and nnaatlt fac tory brevity. II. Much of that sort of news which depends less upon its recognised Importance tbaa upon tta In terest to mankind. From, morning . to morning Thx Bun prints a Continued 'etory of .the lives of real men and women,' and of ttelr deeds, plana, loves, bates, and troubles. This story la more varied and more interesting than any romance that waa ever aevisea. ' III. .Good writinr la averv eolamn. and fresh ness, originality, accuracy, and decorum in the treatment or every subject - IV. Honest comment. Tax BtnTs bablt la to apeak out fearleaal about men and thlnga . ' V. Equal candor In dealing wUb each political party, and equal readlne to commend what it praiseworthy or to rebuke what ia blamable in Democrat or Republican ; t 'VI, Absolute independence oi pattisaa drganUa tions, bat unwsverlng " loyalty to true emoora lc principles. - Taa era believes tbat the Government which tbe Confutation give ua ia a. .good one to keep. Its notion of duty ia to resist Ut tu . utmost power the efforts of men la the Republican party to set np another form Of -governmeotln place of thatwhichexlsta.. The year , lust and . aha years immediately following will probably- dacide tau supremely Important contest. ., 1 aa - ma .bellevaa that the Victory wlU be with the people as ag.inat the Rings formonopoly, tbe Rings for plunder, aad the Binga for Imperial power. . . Our terms are aa follows; , For tbe lially evil a four i lially era a tour page sheet of twenty eight eolumna, tbe laina. thepMceby malL?OTt aald, -la ii peat paid, -ia -cents a month, or : $6.aO a year; oa, inUodlng tbe Snndav. naner. an eliut-Beaeaheet at nfiv stx aol- nmns, the, price is 65 cenu a moalb, or $7T0 a year.poatejrep-id.. i ne eunoay eainoavor iaa sua isaiao turaiaaaa separately iparately w Bl.5(Oayeai,pMterepid., - 1 ' The Drlce of the wxxaxt Bira el bt oaarea. fifty. six eolamna. Is ft t a year portage paid Far clubs of tea sending $1 o we will send aa extra eepy free. Addreaa , -L WiiN9vAN O, Publisher of Taa Sca.New York City. LoweU nachino Shop. ' Lowellj :Mass.i MANUFACTURERS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION - j' OF ' COTTON IlACHIITEBY ,t Of Taoat : . i . ......... Approved Patterns and with Recent Improvamenta. Paper IVlachinery ' " " '": ALSO, " ! TCUBIIVE WnECUi, Shaltlng' and.Geajrfjrj AUllO ! PYeuei and Pdmpt, : RlanrmtsaM. Alt. ; PLANS FOR COTTON, AND PAPER BULLA. C. L. HILPRETH, Bupt - i " ' LOWELL, MASS . WM. A. BURKE, Treaa., "mha tf 8 Pembertoa Bquara, Boaioa. ENCOURAGE HOME INSTITUTION A : atoesxity afalsit : I1a,:( , ' ; , iQlallA0 :! noitejsra 1 I ' L- 'rj -'"fjy.-a? t.iA COli." ' Tbai Oampeny ormtmaAa to wrrUIoclea, at fa tatee,onaUdaAapaoflnaarabmt r:;",i AB lossea are pr omptry' MHOMA' laxApldlygraiilagi ta: pbae favor, aad . ' ' ' 1 appeals, wttronfldanoaAoiaairsrt sjLpsusaatj I -A . "PiSSTSJi V7 f if U'-i t.iff' . A tAgaaUmallrartafrftbeSJ ,tct; . JOHN GATLThGj Preaideai .,.-' ., r , : ' ATaoAJaOM at M MANNDG, Aamrra, WPatnrton. N.O. Aaug 1-tf r x