fi i i . . . i . . ; i r i v j i i i ii 7 i i i h v . i i v ii , i.,i i. i i x m r ill . Xi xj , m. - .- .- i i - ix . .-c u - -a. . x v c-?1 i m-.. w.-. . .... i - 4 . Yt J OUTLI!Kk ad lcutl oCSnn; R. &. Ilayt wit id ?nWl. Dm 2Dc wko atote f 10,000 froca IU Got trmal bJJ Pbi mMter l Mtttoo, Fl., M trrrs'eO Lib rrtf. Ttivi AbuiuuiI Onaioo foua4 o lb (kltwaik with lU lb ro I cur. ( JmSOO. Hln ; B(TO m txmitd cftrf-?t! with U Ctlmt. CUclAfitU, oaio. h IctaJ rVnxocTttic Mtyor. aomlaaud f,,r P rm-Mrof RIlb, N. C .by the I' r-uUfot. U U pcooacvj to Uy et . (url Uwlr property U YtrxiaU m The GTaraoiat of Greec , . tooaiaf id la rtltove the diautae caoeed ,r tb nhk i Colo; tfce eoaaberof 41 -qo13 eaflaaitd at X0OQ. Ta Matowl rtT cootiaaea to riae .i cri U thraetaeed. Mar L' lti Staua, froaa Ooaioo for T.9oa. aahora Cap Roeaale. !. .t nitMJo(i of th Puwera hare ."vJ apuo propcaal u b aaJa to ilrrc ia r(ril lo the froolMf. A cum j ay b t (ormU t coeatrect a , ,( cai cctuM ia Stale of Florida. N Yok aaailu: Uoeey 4Q8 per . euiioo qauil fiias U lClOUe; dear Sin aed qait at ft 7Z& ; poooa cptml c beitar aad , .mi -uk 1 bo aiae aty Uai ad a t r buMi.; uof ttmjcu lau f i lOfQI ZTXf; .cift; Mgradtd KCi; spirlu u !( loar aad d alias i30i caaW; ... .. juii i it Tdai 8a lhre were 112 failuies iu the iitr-J .Stabi aod Canada last week. Ii mm out that Forepeagh 4 ifuti lady ia oolj a variety ao i ra. Sold again. fhf. grand, solid old Democrat, Jij Thar man, ia off for Paris. Viian, ooble Ohioan. May a kind IVovtdano watch ovr and bring v oi tfiy bsck. fh Aognata Chronicle thinks lien lliil pok oocm too muobj wheo be iu1 hi Isat speech 00 the war and ... on. It saya bis eloqaeoce got the (tiff of his jadgmeot. rhe Isit a boot Cookling ts that 1 make "the great est effort of tii life" shortly, lie will cot an n Garfield, bat give Blaroe a n urihu Send for Sprague. A ry interesting and important -t nf tK 1.0 VLIfr Allan Pm'i, I before published, has come to I'. i bi own dsfeoce againat rhrg of drunken ores. We will . 11 iq our next. J'i Irgley (S. C) Cotton Fac- trj, according to tbe annaal report I i ih Praidot, earned above imom. ia 18S0, $48,633 34. all It paid tu 4,000 ia dividends, and has to ua cre-lit besides $173,092 13. Msj. J. W. PgTam, of Rich mood, Vs., died at Atlanta, Ga., Last Thurs day. II was a Major io the Coo rdrat service. He was a bo at 40 yasrs of age. Hla recnaia were iskm to Rich o on d for Interment. The Nw York dry good market, eordiog to a letter of the 2od of May, may be thoAgiven: WooCao goods coetlao eyelet Ia aim aaada. CuUo goods are In - ewedy but aoiJate desasAd, el eaehasgrd psicea. ratsaad UwaairaiJirraX bi glagbsm r avUisg frasiy by age asd joober. Tbe oldest living et-mecabet cT t'oogieee te'ri-Beprssenutive John C!any, now nearly ninety-two 7rsof ege..lie lire at Canal Wind cheater, Ohio. lief waa firat elected i 143, aad wsa reelected ia 1834 aod 1334. llajca is not a teetotaller, bat drink, champagne wbea it i tb other man's treat, and will ool refaee oaethlog atrooger wba preaAsd. He, howvr, never treata. The Phil adelphia 7Teu and Augusta Chron icU vouch for his drinking. Oa Saoday night last, the ninth Jscenniel ceo a as of Great Britain wa taken under the authority of Parlia tueot tAkeo, a w understand it, in very short time, daring that night, odina at midnight. It Is estimated thstthetoUl poPllko wUl euual I - IN.- tl v I j,UClAAJ. A Oat I fjaica. wwi, n is the only way to get a correct cseeosL I The Appletoca will publish, ex. rreeidset' Jefferson PavUa book in llay. Ia the , pcpecta of the forthcoming book the' leading Idsa of tha dlatlagvUhed Southron U thna set fortajvv - ' v, T -la all free gortramjatj the ocarUiutloa cr org vale law 1 rsrricae ct tie gov era- 1 ... ..-.Ml ...II '. i II i J- V ' Ii f i -".; T MM II . -'1 I X X I . 1 . m m I . ft ft I . - ML ,i " ft 1 ft ft r. 4 & m . ft I . , r- 1 - A WW WWM..ii.i,i . . . , i i - t ' w VOL;- XXVni.NO. . ihUacUy auktd bt tlaluiloiu aad frooiOlUOt XtUB4t til WBJC& U MfOad tba txpral jenuta of power to iha Oeaa ral Gortra total. Is ika f oraxroarn. Uitra fortr, 1 talc Ua poaiUoa Uat thoaa who : raataiac Tiouuoaa o tha compact were the uva xnaaca. ua thoes who Baalatelaeil tha naotpeHoa of the cadelentad powara ware , iae raaa caemJee or the UooitUoUooal Laioo.- CAanrioifa AnoavaastAKv or acts . . - . .i Of aujaiair f lftt. rtalelxh Nawa-Obaanrer. An to' intend cbapiar 04 of the Uwa of 1879.- Th la mUw the datr I of racara aael.ea la oreioribed'-ln chpur of Iba Uwi of 1874 Md aad 18T3. ioatead of, aa preeoribed in BalUa'e IUtuaI, chapter 109. The provlaiooe are that the rangers ah ill taxe cArat. of .'eatrajs; "that ibe aald eatrajs .ah all .be Appraised and the property veal in the finder titer twelve months: that the raneer ehoold pay Over all money that h may receive on account of unclaimed eatrajs. An act sapplemenlal lo an act to amaod chapter -183, pnblto laws of 1879. lUtlfiad Febraarv 18, 18811 bringing CamberUad within the pro- vlaione of the atock laws prevailiDtr in oertajo coo ntiea therein mentioned Ratified March . An act to regulate the probata of deed a and other. Instruments when the grantor, maker or aabeoribing witness resides without the State. Provides that inetrumeole raj u inner regutrxUon tmr be proved before persons qaaliflad to administer oaths L lVl. .v by the grantor, maker or sabecntaug witnese tosucn inauument, wearing that to aia aignature. Section 2 pro- videe that any of the officers haviog power to administer oaths as above ah all have power to take privy exam i a alios of married women toucbine; their free aad volaotary assent. It provides farther "that the certificate of the clerk of any court of record aodar thm aAAlafsaid eoart. or other MwiiwftuB p,uv,t 1 dec., aad made before them ah all be registered aa deeds made by grantora. IUufied March 12. Aa act providing 8100 extra foi the benefit of the reading clerka of the General Assembly. Ratified March 12. An act fixing the salary of the pri vate secretary of tbe Uoveruor at 17 0O, and fees aa now allowed by law. Ratified March 12. Ao act to define the representation io the county of Dorbam. Pro tides that it shall vote with the counties of Person, Orange aed Caswell for two Senator, -and ah all vote with the coaoty of Orange for two Represen tative. An act providing $100 each for the assistants of the principal olsrks of , . . I I vitn-m ibu.t .wr I vice. Ao act to prevent the crime of abortion. Define the crime to be th. deetroying or attempting to de- stroy the child, whether the mother be pregnant or quick, and making it a falooy witb a punishment mat tne peraoo guilty of each offense shall be impriaboed in the penitentiary' for a term of not lees than one year nor more than ten ysarv, and fined at the discretion of the court. Section 2 make it a misdsmeanor to attempt by aey mean whatsoever to bring about a miscarriage, with a punish ment of not lesa than one year cor more than five years in the peniten tiary, and fined at tbe discretion of the court. : An act for the relief of the stock holders of the Spartanburg fc Ashe vllle Railroad Company. Give power to such persona or corporations a ah all purcbaee tbe said road, under a decree of the United Stat Court, to form themselves into a corporation with the name and atyle of the Charleston A Asheville Railroad Company, or any other name the ma jority of the company shall adopt. Ao act to amend chapter 135, lawaof 1879. Strikeout section 20 of said chapter an 4 Insert the follow- I tog provision: That upon tne appu catioo of ooettxrd of the qualified voters of certain oountlee the county commissioner shall pot the question of whether or not they will adopt the local slock lav. . . - An act to . incorporate . tha Aahe ville Oas and Water Supply Com pany. Ratified March 12. Aa act to incorporate the North Caroline Phannaoeoticat Association, Kaufied March 12. An act to amend chapter Q7r pri vate Uwa of 186S-87, aod to author ize the construction of a branch road from UayeefUls, In Clay county, to or near Abiogton's mill, on the Clay ton roAd, in Meoon ooooty. Rati fied March 12. Spirits Turpennne. To'uoot Horn: We learn that the wood la the eppex section of Neeb, near Fraaklla county, took fire last Tue- day s van lag. caaaieg much dsauoctloa M tlaabsr, f.sJw. The Charlotte Ootrver pub lUh a wonderful story about the murder of ose brother and the act of another la becoming his avenger bot without know lag lt It read like a very uaprooaouyaxa. Greaoaboro Central ProUstanf That truly able and excellent paper, tbe Wilmington Star, entered tmonlt 23th balf-yverly Tuiurae March Sard.-Irda-eervee to have a toeg aad prosperous life.'. Greanabord CerUnl lTrUtcmt:: The d w.mag how aHuated on tbe outer cogs ot vows, c awwiv pled by Air, A. K. HaU, ,lff.,d waa coeraasd aht oee o'clock on 13. WILMmGTON Pituboro'dcorcJMrs. MUdred D. WaddeH, wUe of ICQ, Waddell, Eq.. waa the oldaal oatlre bora realdeoV of oar town, djioff la the MTeaty-eaTenUi year of bar ace aad the flfiy-aeTentli year of her married lire. : Washington iVew: A rumor it aloat la oar town' thai Mr. Joba'elby. a former citizen of thla place, baa been mar dared aomawhere la the Weatera Btatea, where he bad coce for the potpoee of pur cbaalflf boraes. Aaherilla Citizen: Dr. J. E. JWeat, U. B. Oommlaalooer (or Swalo coon ty, waa drowsed on the 19th nit. while at UmpUafto ford the Tnckaaiege river in a anlky. Hi body bad not beea recoTered I at I &it aficoaata.' I xrr r... tt :r eaWlAbedl will bejrtaWnew l.fe aider rather unfavorable elrctxmateocea a debt I fj pcooeoiy 110,009 or pyx. uow wui Natbaah aad Bandy Creek f Fayetteville J&caminer : Rev. T. W. Ebeltoft, of Mobile, Alabama (for merly of llanafleld, Loulalana), baa ac cepted a call rrom the Baptist ctanrch of this town, and will preach hla first aermon on the aecond-iianday la April. Loaiabarg Timu: The services are atlll jeolng on in the Baptist caarch, and the paator baa preached a number of vary impressive eermoaa. Several persona have profaaaed faith. Ada! a llay, aq , who left thia coaoty a boat four montha ago to Irve lo Texaa, haa retarned. He aaya be liked Tax ia, but couldnt ataad the people. Guton'iA Gaxetto: We are in formed that Dr. Garrett of Eastern North Carol! oa, la erecting a large hotel, at a coat of $10,000, at the well known mineral all-healinc apring at the base of Crowder's Mountain. It will be of easy access from aay of the following atatione on the Air Line: Gaston I a, Wootea's and King's Mountain.' Gaston I a, Wootea's and I , -,r r r I Qoldshoro 3feAevaeT. Thelofe- rkr .k. . Baiarday last, afier a good week's work, I The following were sentenced to the pent- I tentiary all oolorad and 'sent up for lar Caroline Bowdea, 4 years; William Klog. S years; Henry Richardson, 0 years; Neacy undeoo, 1 year; Allen Atkinson, 8 years; and Char Us Williams, 1 year. Charlotte Ob$erver: The num ber of Interments ia the cliy cemeteries during the month of March were as fol lows: Elm wood (white), adults, 3; children. lait: haa givea way to prohibition. It Is generally acknowledged on the streets that the prohibitionists bare made an excellent atari. It la thought that Jndge Merri mon will consent to make a speech here In the interest of prohibition. The Milton Chronicle is nine years aod two weeks old. Iu editor ia ranch older. Itobtah Tidier. Tbe Chroni- eU baa been puDllaaed for more tbsn thirty Ieara, to our knowledge. WutmnftotiBUxr. I reads VoL 9, No. 3. Bat it doot make much difference. Bro. Erin would like to get young again, anyway. RaL Visitor. Yoa bet t But we are VoL 9 New Series. Old Buries makes ue pan out 40 years. MUion CJkroniete. Warrenton GazelU: Mr. Jack McCarthy, liviog about five miles from town, cut a negro's throat a few days since. The negro's condition ia coosidered danger- 00a. Snow fell qolte briskly for a abort while last Saturday; some hall last Tuesday night, and a alight fall of anow Wedaesday morning, which makes tbe fifth snow for March. fifth anow for March. Uo usual, certainly. If foraaed, Vance county will take from Warrea about one fifth of her terri tory aod about one-fifth of her beat citi- XSTS: t. -pn, 34 in o? May. Aa ovsrwbelmleg majority or those ' are oitteriy oppoaea 10 election takes place on the 5 OIT r ADTausrriaatnBrjiTs- Mcssoa Neckwear, etc. J. CL Mesne Soda water, etc: H EstxantoxA Popal ar literature.. Hixl& Pi-hat.t a aDd syrup. TaisTsx saBaiarj gssJar. Section 26 of the new Revenue act makes all persona who sell spirituous liquors In MA.llltu U.a SVsa mm Jm17am t MMIrl All 9 m 9 and reaulrea them to take out a llcscss as such aod pay a tax therefor of sixty dollars per annum in advance. Ia addition to thia, the county of New Hanover levies a tax of sixty dollars, payable In advance, making one hundred aad twenty dollera the sum total of State and County tax for one year, ao person beiog allowed to take out a license for a leas lima than boe year. Every retail dealer of malt liquors only Is required to pay a llcenas tax of thirty-six dollars per year io advance ins wesiMer. We are having remarkable weather. In deed, we have not bad anything decent In that line, to speak or, since "Old Probabil ities" died and Gen. Ilazen took charge. Yesterday morn log there was plenty of ice in and about tha city, and we noticed a thin skim on the pavement in front ot the Court House as late as 10-80 A. M. Some of the pom pa io the city were frozen op, and peo- pie geoerally were talking about the singu lar temperature for such a late period in the season. In the meantime fruit and early vegetable are the greatest eufferers.- Bssasr rrae eiaisre el Merer. The Bisters of Mercy aid the ladies of El Thomas' Church are making extensive preparations for the grand bazaar to be given for the benefit of tbe Sisters on Easter Mondsy,' Tnesdsy and Wednesday. We understand large contributions of fancy art Idea" have -been received i from A cities- north and south of us. The fair promt aol Te aoocessfal but very attractive m m Tbe brother of CptMthlsea, of the Norweglsa barqus ilorrtg, who mysterious ly disappeared from bis vessel aoout o'clock oo Monday morning, is still missing, and no dobt' u ' now entertained that he fell overboard aad drowned. frir l the teajsurrv ff (i (7 " i - - The stablei. and barn on . the premises of KHr. Tbomaa Edlas, about awo : and a naif rauei xxon,uis utjr umuwto j oa Mendsrnlfht last;. It rl not know how the fire originated. N C.. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 6. IQ81; Tarner'a Almanac rreporw fre-. qnent ehowera for to-day aod to-morrow, The moon enters her first qaei- ter thie morning at forty mlnuiea . after 10 O'clock. --'; ; Beef ia very acarce in VVilmmg too jaat now, and ia aelling at from 4 to 5 centa per poand on the'boof. The thermometer at this office yeaterday morning, at 6 o'clock, registered 2 dereea, and at 6 P. AL- 48 degreea.- It is reported that the barracks " BmiihTiiie, rormerv c at SmlthvUle, formerly occupied . by the ?0.n?n' wiU be tamed 10 oifoai rterrtce. jr. Pntohard will deliver an address thia evening, at 8 o'clock, at the First BapUat Church, on the history and needs of Wake Forest College. The pub lic are invited to attend. Dr. Fairfax Irwin, of the U. S. Marine Hospital service, accompanied by hla wife, arrived here yeaterday morning. Be rellevea Dr. Bailhache, who baa been temporarily in charge of the hospital here. t -The only case for Mayor Smith! consideration yeaterday morning waa that of Jobo Witberspoon, colored, charged with disorderly conduct, who waa ordered to be released, no witnesses appearing against him. A press dispatch from Wash ington, received last night, aaye: "Assistant Surgeon Fairfax Cowan, of the marine hospital service, at Charleston, 8. C, will eoon be relieved, and ia ordered to pro ceed to Wilmington, N. C We are glad to learn that a let ter waa received in this city yesterday,. from Clinton, to tbe effect that the report that Co). W. N. Peden waa atneken with paralysis waa a mistake- He had a severe attack of colic, bnt la now imprqviog A substantial fence should be built around the Pauper's Cemetery, just beyond the southern outskirts of the city There are perhaps more than five hundred persona bnried there, while there is not a alga of aa enclosure around tbe graves. Gen. R. . Colston has been spending never! days here with bis son-in-law, Mr. A. D. LippltL We regret to bear that he waa confined to Lis bed most of the time with an attack of rheumatism. He expected to leave for Bsltimore last even ing. A Mr. Lamb, of Pender county, with his family, consisting of his wife and several children, and accompanied by an other gentleman and hia wife and children. passed through here on Monday on their way to Kansas, taking the Carolina Central Railway. Urlaataad Csari. The following cases were disposed of in this Court yesterday: State vs. Delaware.Moore, charged with larceny. Case continued. State vs. Benj. Robinson, charged witb larceny. Case continued. State vs. Maria Loftln, charged with per jury. Jftl pro$. with leave. But vs. Fred. Hill aliaa Fred. Kitchen, chirred with larceny. Defendant found not guilty. fc Bute vs. Edmond Moore, charged with larceny. Defendant found not guilty. State va. Jerry Palmer, charged with false pretense. Defendant found guilty.. State va Peter Davis, charged with as sault and battery.- Defendant found 00 guilty. State vs. W. J. Pen ton and George Mc- guilty of larceny but guilty of trespass. Judgment one penny and the coats. There were also a large number of tsi u disposed of. magtatrates Csarrt. Allen Pettiford, colored, wits arraigned before Justice Gardner, yeaterday morning, on the affidavit of Jane Pettiford, hia wife, charged with assault and battery, which was dismissed on the payment of one pen ny and the costs. He waa also arraigned oa a peace warrant awora oat by hia wife, and ordered to pay the costa and give bond to keep the peace until the first Monday in Jane, in default of which he was commit ted to jail. TOIoaihly Mertwarr Beport. From the report "of Dr. J: C. Walker, Superintendent of Health, for the month of March, made to tbe Board of Alder men Monday night, we glean tbe follow ing: WhlteA Males, none; females 4; adults 4; children none. Total 4 Colored. Malea 8; females 11; adulta 12; children 2. Total 14. V Total white and colored for tbe month 18. Aiarsa o f Firs. . The roof of . a frame dwelling house on Seventh, between Church . .and Castle streets, occupied by a man named Wil liams, caught fire yesterday, about noon, and the alarm was sounded, calling forth the department, which got -the engines etatioaed at the nearest cisterns, but, for tunately, the fire was subdued without their services being called Into requisition. Dam age slighr. j. ' -;, , v, " Ferelgm kltarasmf. The foreign ahlpmente yesterday consist ed of the German barque Orion, - for Rot terdam, Hcilandby Meaars. Alex. Sprout & Son, with 2, barrels" of rosin; and the British ach'r;. ; RoHaUe,-. jtorXNassatu; ,by. Meaars. E;KIdde'& Soniilth 88,649 feet of lumber and 10.000 Bhrogles, : -The Ger manlbarque CUrt2tf2tr,alludedto yetteTday, cleared for Genoa,-. Italy,- instead of 8wltz crlsud, as It was nntboughtedly stated. r if - OPBBA HU17BS. vfi-:: . T 4 i .c ; J ;isr,;i.h ' . . . . Laetnre ! the stT. ir.'Taia. Theaecond "of the'eertea of lecture, to be given under; the auaplcea of the Wil mington Library Association, was delivered at the Opera House last night . by the Rev; E. YeaesX)nror the Front Street M. E. Church The speaker was very p!eaaaatly and appropnaiely presented by Mr. Chas H. Robinson, President of the Association,' and in his ' introductory pef marks at once placed himself en rapport with his auditors. . Ihe Reign lliMrp was eelected by Dr. Yeates as the subject of bis discourse, and be handled this fruitful and interesting theme in a masterly and most entertaining 'manner. I ' i :"' He touched upon the issues of life from youth to mature- age, theology, politics, science, liturature, education, &c, &c, and gave a few of the' numerous theories held upon these questions, many of which are widely - accepted, and showed how clearly false and ridiculous large number were and how equally impractica ble were others. Urged that the need of the age to a large extent waa more practi- Bf labor oppo8ed t0 IndoleDcef nrea. 1 aonable complaining and idle theorizing. Tbe lecture waa replete with important truths, bits of humor, and original ideas, and gave evidence of profound learning and much careful and intelligent study. It waa excellent in matter, admirable in con struction, and delivered in a graceful, force ful and finished style. Dr. Yeates effort created a deep and most favorable impres- sion upon all wbo heard it, and was universally' praised. Dally wsatsier Balietiaw The following will show the state of the thermometer, at the stations named, at j 8.00 P. M. yeaterday, Washington mean time, and also the amount of rainfall in incbea .for tbe twenty four hours ending daily at 8 P. MM excent Tuesdav. when it is 48 hours, as furnished, by Sergeant - - - - James W. Watson, Signal Officer at thia Station: Tem. R. F. Weather. .00 Clear - .00 Clear .00 Clear .00 Fair .00 Clear Atlanta 51 Augusta... 55 Charleston 54 Charlotte.. 48 Coraicana. 78 Galveston. 09 mo Mazy 75 .00 Fair I 68 . .00 Clear I Indianola. Jacksonville Montgomery New Orleans 60 .00 Hazy I 66 .00 Clear I Savannah. ' 07 .uo Clear I SI .00 Clear I Wilmington...... Cedar Keys Pensacola 52 .00 Clear I 58 .00 Clear I The following are tbe Indications for the 1 South Atlantic States to-day: Warmer, south to west winds, fair wea- ther, and slightly rising, followed by fall ing barometer. Oar Fire Depariaaeat. In his last report to the Mayor and Board of Aldermen, read at their meeting on Mon day night, CoL Roger Moore, pur late very efficient Chief of the Fire Department, takes occasion to pay tbe following deserved compliment to our firemen : "I cannot dose this, my last report as Chief of tbe fire Department, without can ing the attention or your nonoraoie uoara to the magnificent service rendered by tbe different companies composing it, and pay- ing to them the highest. tribute for efficien cy, good order aod discipline; not a distur bance having occurred since I have bad charge of the department every order obey ed witb alacrity, and, without question, un der tbe most trying circumstancea, while exhibiting power of endurance which have called forth the admiration of thia entire community. Commending them to your fostering care, and urging your honorable Board to encourage them iu every way possible, con- A JAtIsi Prsgrai e far .Sprlasr Be ersalloa. The amusement-loving, public will be glad to hear that steps are being taken to inaugurate a series 'of dramatic entertain ments ,by talented amateurs of our city. for tbe spring, under the management of Mr. George R. Dyer, the first of which will be presented soon after Lent. Among others it is proposed to put on the stage the following popular and entertaining pieces: MComrades,n "Better than Gold," "Down by the Sea," The List Loaf." ' "My Brother's Keeper," "Bread on tbe Waters,?' "Above j the Clouda" and '"Among the Breakeral" l bs Bamaiaa el tM aVate T. c. Karri A telegram was received by Mr. C. M. Harris, yesterday afternoon, to the effect that the temainaof his brother, Tbomaa C. Harria, who was accidentally ahot and .. i:.i-:i Jl Aiik. A.'a.tnr.l a,uicu a. UUUUUKU.UI, nimu., vM , dav evenintf last, had naased AueUSta and 1 would arrive here on the 650 W., C. & A. R. R. train this morning. .- The funeral will take, place from the resi dence of .his ; brother, Mr. C. M. Harris, this morning, at 11 o'clock. No particulars in regard to the deplorable accident have as yet been received by the family. ts Itseatlosw Chio, where an earthquake destroyed so many human lives, reference to which waa made in our telegrapbic columns yesterday, is a city of 15,000 inhabitants on the Island of Chio,! in the Orecian Archipelago,: off tbe coast of Asl4 Minor, about; eight miles east ofrfimyrna, and claims to have been tbe birth place of Homer. Personal.' T Mr. George P. Cotchett haa accepted the position of head clerk at the Purcell House, an office fo which he lsiadniirablj.ell qualifled.v; The hotel and the -traveling puhUeareMauytdl ihla latest alsittoo to cleot stsff.'' r" 1 4 WHOLE NO. 4i255 -Norwegian barque Braekka, Neiisen, sailed from Amsterdam on the 1st ins?., for this port. , The signal observer at Halterae, North Carolina, reports that the schooner .fifeafc OrM, with a cargo of guano, from Balti more for this port, went ashore seven miles south of Hattera Inlet on Monday The captain and crew were all safely landed. The vessel and cargo will probably prove a total loss. A curiosity is now to be seen at (Japt. Skinner's shipyard in the shape of a portion of tbe gunboat Raleigh, which was built here in 1863 and soon afterwards sunk on the rip off New Inlet . Mr. James Nolan, on the wrecking schooner TFiaas. under command of CapL Horton, was cruising in that neighborhood a day or two. since, when they came across aome obstacle 00 the bottom, whereupon Capt. Loriog, an experienced submarine diver, -donned his suit and went down, placing two kegs of gun powder in tbe midst of tbe obstruction and setting it off. The result enabled him to ascertain that it was the wreck of a ves sel, and he next placed a thirty-five pound package of powder under tbe wreck and blew it apart, when a portion of the sunken gunboat, which proved to be the front of the turret, was brought to tbe surface, hitched on to the schooner and brought lo this port, where it was dropped on tbe railway at CapL Skinner's yard and hauled up out of tbe water, it is chit fly valuable for tbe iron which is attached to it, but if it was in some sections of tbe country Mr. Nolan and bis confrere would be overrun with applications rrom relic seekers, aod tbe en terprise might eventually prove an exceed ingly proutaoie one. LIST OF 1 SETTERS. Remaining . in the City Post Office, o, 1001, unciaimea: A Mrs Beckv Anderson. B Wm Busb. TT Brooks, C Barmey, Charlie Brown, D E Brown. C Alexander Cox. Geo Cberrv. M G I Groom. W H Clark. Claia Chancev. E A I tt r-tl T ! i- r, t . vuruiso. Ajizsie uodo. ijouvenia uameron. Miss Kitty Curry, Nora Carroway, Nellie uioiion, o jt uoieman. D Dangel & Hunter. Edward Dixon. Cloa Davis, Lula Davis. - E Wm Evans. P Easterling, E Ekman, Burd Bps, Ella T Evans, Alice Ellis. F Luciuder Floyd, Nathan Fails, Len- dul Fredericks. G Frank Grundler. E P Georee. James ureen, nancy uause. H A R Hurat, C W Hudgen, Charlotte Holmes, Madam Joseph Hall, Isabella Houston. Louvema Hooper. J A A Johnson, Alfred Jones, David J ones, Joo VV Jacobs, Fannie Johnson, Mary John. - K Cornelia King, Dallas Kirland, Geo W Jttng. J VY Louis. Charles Lamb! D H Long. M Frank McKoy, Isaar Moses, J W Maxwell, R Maxwell. S P McNair, Abbey Murpney, jsian ueitoo, lenora morns, K a thaniel Moore, Silva Merrick, W J Martin. J u Norcum, Ida Nixon, Nancy Nel son. P Mary Pace, Rosa Pearsall, S Powell, Philander Picket. Jerry Patterson. - Q Julia Quince, Allie Robeson, Squire ttooeson, w a rtaspus, a L Russell, A J Robeson, Catherine Randall. S Macilla Spencer. M L Shavers. H H Sanders, A T Sykes, Julia Sbilds, Dina Smith, Beverly Scott. T Wm Talor, Wm Thompson, Mollie xnompsoo. -W Joseph Williams. Willis & Honkius. Benj Wortham, R S Waller. Robt Wright, Sandy Wallace, Higgina Washington, Isa bella Wright, J H Williams, Elsy White, E W Wilson, Kesla Williams, Mrs M White. Persons calling for letters in the above list will please say "advertised." If not cauvu xur wiuuii uuny oaya uiey wm do seni to tne Lieaa Letter umce. Ed. R. Brtkk, P. M. Wilmington, New Hanover Co., N. C. cixy ATisias. A RARE BARGAIN. A well estebUshed and prosperoas Weekly Newspaper, located in a thri ving;, growing uwn on ue line or a prominent Railroad, is offered for sale. Terms easy. For terms and particulara apply to the editor of this paper. fc PROFIT, ft rOO To sum-it np. six long years of bed ridden siekaesa, coating $300 per year, total SUW-m i of tnia expense waa atoppoa ov uree Dottles sf Hop Blttee, taken by my wife, she has dons her own work for a tear since, without the loss of a day, and I want everybody to know it for tneir oenent . a. rarmer. THE LAST CHARITY BALL8.-MChartty rar- I rath long and ia kind. There has arteen a fierce I Tenth diacuasion amons tne avowed! t relirlou. newaoa. nera. taalns a. a text the oreDrietv of stvlnc danc ing assembly baUa to maintain soepitata la the diiee or Mew xortc, rniiaaeipnia ana euewners, doing evil It la alleged, that goot may come rrom lu- In fact, aa one of the leadlne tloua orraas atates it, it ts better to at once m 11 two dollar, to M. A. Dauphin, at No, 819 Broadway, New York cuy, or to tns aame peraoB at new vrieana. u., for a ticket In the next grand monthly diatnbatton of the celebrated Louisiana State Lottery Company to taxe mace anru is n. as ew vrieana. ana eraw 30,000, thereby aiding the Charity Hospital la that xity. THB FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE OF THB NURSERY. Tn following Is an extract from a latter written to ths "German Reformed Meaaen- ger."atChaaDenbnrgh,Pa.: . A BENEFACTRBSa. Jast open the door for her, and Mrs." Wlnalow will -prove the American Florenc Nightingale of thsNanery. - Of this we Nignnnsaie or waarsor are ao sure that we will teacn oar.' ire ao .ore was we will teacn oar rsusy" to say, 'A bleselnK sa Mrs. Winslow. for helping her to sorvive and eacape the griping, Mucking and teeth- lngalege. MRS. WLMSLOW'! SOOTHING 8Y Rrrp rellBrea tha child from Daln. and cores dvaen. tery and diarrhaw. It Mftens the gi aama. reduces inflammation, enrea wind colic, and carries the In fant safely tuoagh the teething period. It per forms precisely what It prof eaaea to perform, every Dart of it nothineleaa. We nave never seen Mrs.' Winslow tmvw her only through the preparation of her VSoething Byrnp for ChUdren Teethln g. " If we had the power we would make her, aa she Is, -a physical aaviour to the infant race. Sold by all druggists. 19 cents a bottle. FCNIUtAI. NOTICSS. The funeral of the late THOMAS O. HARRIS will take place from Ue reside' oe of Mr. CM. Harria.' hia brother, on Fourth, between Nan and Church Streets, this morning, at 11 o'clock, theses to Oakdale Cemetery. Friend and acquaintances reapectf ally tnvrted. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Soda Water, i VrTTH FRUIT JUICES, DaKTBOCA HiHaKab waxaa, At ap tf ';. JAMES O. MUNDS. Dro Store,: 35N. Front St. WeTJiinkl ,TTTE EXHIBIT A VERY HANDSOME STOCK Sf NECS.WBAH, a large jot or uuivaa. bub no at' . . mcnson. apS U Clottilerand Merchant Tailor V j oss month... i.. ....... ..vylO 00 '' Two months,........ 17 00 v " Tares aaonta,... U OS Hlvismitha.. r.... aa nr. a ;OflTr.. .......... to OS AAvartlseneBts taken at pr i Tan Has awlld NoopanU yp aaake ss square . NEW 'ADVERTISEMENTS. Ilolaosos and 8yrup. NEW ORLEAN8 MOLASSlV CUBA MOLASStS ' mi fiuaajt arRUp, 8UQAB E OUSX 8YBUP, Forsalalowby .... HALL & PEARSALL. atf ,6 PWU v A Hew Supply . QF THAT POrrJtAB UrXJUTCEA. FOB- Uaaid bf tbtf AMERICAN BOOK tZCHABQI. Jaat received at UKIfiRBSROKB'B . Live Book aad atotlo Btova. Pianos and Organs, TX)R CASH OR ON THK 1? I KAaV INST ALU SWT FI.1M Moslo Boxea. Gaitar. VTeltna,a'd ' all cm bar Musical Ioitrtmactl, j For taia at - P 6 tf HEIX8 BIRO SB'S. Simply Immense I QtJR STOCK or Milt's CLOTHUJO, OUK 8to0c or Tenth's Clothing, our Stock of Bora' i - Clothing, our Stock f Children's Cletblog, oar 8tojkor Piece Goods, oar Block of rurslsbinsj GOoda. JCverv Denaitmeat la fall and all th !. .n leading 8lea are exhibited oa oar counter. We can fit amv and mrarthadv. and hM Malta from tne toweatpoaaible price totha Blgaeat. Ba aura to examine oar- Htnr.k ttmltwm ua hn . the price wlU a made to salt yoa. ' t .A. DA Yin. a8tf "the Tailor and Ootlriw. Boarding. WS WOULD CALL THB ATTENTION Of owners of Horses renerallv to oar verv PLEA SANT AND HEALTH? HTABlS. . Board by day, week or month. Give as a trial. Satiaraettnn guaranteed. I JAMK8 W. HO UTIi KKLAlf D SCO., an 1 tf Oppoatf tha Tbaatm aLa Sa La REST DRAWING 07 THE Loulalana State EtoUcrr TAKES PLACE APRIL IS. CAPITAL PRICE S80.000. Whole Ucketa. SS 00: Halves. SI 00. Addreaa Lock Box 871, . mh 9 tf Wilmington, N. C. i Stock. C0W8 AND CALVES expectod daUy), O SParmMCLBS. - uuge mvusa. raiuoie ror Timber, S Very Pine HOB88, Several Good HOKHEb. ' 1 TIMBER WAGON and HARNESS com Dlete. readv for hanllnv ohaao. a 6 tf PRESTON CUMMIN G A CO. i TELOM A CROPHONE I Instant Onrnmnnlcatioa I by tha WATTH PATENT TELBPUuMBS . In miles. We will erect lines, or Mil material, with fall Instruction. Prices Phones S7.00 each t Wire 80o per poand. Guirantetd to work If properly put up. EDWOB.HULT. uenerai a rent ror Kortn oaroiiaa. B. U. MORRILL A HON. mh S3 eodSw a we fr Arts for WUmlngton. Parasols and Sun Shades. i . Brown tc Roddick 45 Market Street. WE HAVE NOW ON HAND A BEAUTIFUL assortment of the above at prices ranging from IS cents to $15 00. LACES AND HAMBURGS. Oar line In Lace, and Hambnrra ha. mtk De-n bo complete aa at thia time. We are opening many novelties. NECK RUFFLING. A New Line Jast received . BROWN A RODDICK, aft Market at. ap8tf Paasr Easter Egg Dyes. NO A FULL ASSORTMENT OF PATENT . Medicine. . Al one of tha moat eleraot line of Fancy and Toilet ArUcle. In the city. Cologne a apecuuty ; try tne irsum anun, it ia panaeuy eie-E"- . . i tt. nanum, ap I tf Drotelat. New Market. Try to. Joe Person's Indian Tonic Bitten. i 1URE8 SCROFULA. RHEUMATISM, HEART XJ UlaMe, 'aronlc Bihone Oolle, aad all klad. of raptiona ana bbib uucun mrax rrom unpuniy tbe blood sa an Jteranve Toaie aaa ratuer the Blood it has proven itself uneqiaMed. SEE GOV. HOLDER'S OPINION. . . Eums. N. CM Dec. Id. 1890. I take Dleaanre in atatlna- that a member m my famllv haa need Mr. Joe Penon'a la4Un Tonic with good reaolts I believe bee remedy excellent for the pnrpoees for wtdeb U la Intra V BEE JUDGE STRONG'S OPINION. Biuiai N. CL. Dee. l,t. 1880. Mr.. Joe Person t sUdam Some montba ao I waa In bad health. Buffering from debUlty. Indigea-' tloa and Ion of appetite, wben a frWnd Induced aa tetry yonr Bitter aa a Tonic. 1 did ao with the moat bappy ta. I take great pleaaore la reeommea 6Uag It aa a va'aable and efficient vegetable Tonic. TTery reepectfaily, GEO. V. sTaOaG. Prepared by Mrs. Joa Peraon. FrankUoton. rl. C. Feraale i oy WM. H. OABBN. DrnsxIM. mhXS ly sac . Wilmington, M. C. Aspinwall Bananas. LOT OF LARGE CHOICE A8PTNWAU BANANAS end FINS SWEET ORANGES jsst . i . . received " i At b. U. MOaTJiaujni mhtStf Frott aad Ooafecttooery Stores, Hats! Hats! t EADING SPRING STYLES 1 LOW PRICES t HARRISON A ALLEN, Hatters. spstf William H. Green, . j ....... Successor to Gresa Jt Planner, WHOLESALE & RETAIL DBTJGQI8T, Market Street, bet Front and Second, apstt 5 :V: ' WILMINGTON. N.C.' Pianos and1 Organs XjSljf LOW FOR CASH. OR ON THE IN8TAL- , School Books, Blank Books, BtaUoaery, Fraa aa. Fancy Gooda.e.. Ac - Call and, see for rocrself. . 'j.L . apltrT TATtE BOO at STOKE, wet, as4 Is ocr Fedaral Vsiee isvs ay a if bt use