iV.;-- , W-"- 'J,. -.- - j-jt- w 1- - - - " J. , i - . y t aj --aaaa-aeaaaeaaa-- . MiMiWM Hart ."HlSCELLXNKOtJa." ' RAILROAD LINES. 5 1 : 1 1 A NEW ADVKRTIMENTS, ' - I1" 5 ,MAO NEVER FAILED tartrquotawiotltt israjd besjaemooa;rep Mt the wholesale, jjrlee c -J'r. l3'BUkll A null orders; lit-Ser trice lurst-ls cied...-: m i i i '"t r i r -s ' - '.I- j; i ...... . ThelHorhingStar ri ix."rypr.r?'Trt'mm.rrH::' : .. .v TTw! fcffortl t us prln-nl airartioea, t 1HI Bjddxelii2,OEO, IV IIOJTBJLI. A CO., ' 4ft RnmriStv- N.v Tork. VA leira loe axACt'eoat ,.raxeaac ; . 2? 1 , ,tk ao 1bv hi mtxYf a eat. ma ci'o.ax. aheAea hta dewy t-A. ,.im iAl rade for'tlvaa.?- w V Va.l tJ laplor yocr Eat ba alar. A laa . taora ,jt never Ca airc&aal bow ato l& aam" Uf, pluuamaa froan U mi ht aao laa; scili im jow vtMttra itttt7 Vb. loo for flay Ufof aktm wtkta. . Tailaof!, rn draw jwr cttMalaa bfia tLt Mr. VVbiiur i rporl4 'lo s,., rcaivl t3iO foe fcta poaca. :nffiJ ' S'. Jot, Mo. and la Auaifalia. - Mr. U!ttl9COO CAJ Co laaor , ,0.1 fat bati'ralTr.. oSIrjBlln .4 nj,ct ayv b b aa lajtrtd U kj ot ,,.. .,k'of . v - "" . ' - - rurtotff, ib IIqmUq oovcliat, s 4i t o' lit U a ftaal Earywn trair. wUft acroajc prftmocaa ,,r iv u m a faaWtaca. - Kx Secriry EvarQi gt -cto , .u m orpra eompiaJa of bla log .iaoei U aja Uotj ma ibo ob c j ota ara crtmtoalj; a ad ' via. ' r'1 .' ' ., - Thr hava bo oalj iwo CM ,. tDcr onarr taaa Rabr LiAofa, v. i ;- HmiUoa. ba k aa aaX' t3 ,, ,pp.iia'U by Wuiloroa 8crtUy i Troft-iurT. aaa Hiary Koox, lA. ftrai ,ht of Wridf lb CaatUtalloa. - tt Y. Sn allay talgrapha from l.aj j iu' "Lord B jo -aiakl'a Oiaeaa .. ! oJ ik cooairy aarv a!ply tbaa -.,r nrj. No aacAi at ha41a- imi i am paftiic ntad aiac H.. i3ll . w. daia ! aatQBB, .,. w uu may dUTr itttb Lo(t B . ,rt id putitica, bia lift fa oakjua aad 4 j ,T popwiartiy pataoaaiiy. lrt Oliphaot iDlinla . thai r , n.ctJ bia wiff, aad bad aoooa .,.. f.-r rtavM o"ftr dratfc. BJm . rr . U ail totttataoaa.to' graad .,,. , .i to nji lo roaka bitur rt . . "xuvupoo. fta puk of" bla Qrmmi" aa naa vmUar of ,u : -f Praoerkk," aad loo4ad opo , . ,ua" ttb a aurt of aCTtdloaaU - rh coQiacnpuoo of oplaaa bu ,. ,r,j TO pr ct ia iaia coaalry la i v io y - - 'hm drai tbra Wraaglar at 'r..i L'otwrai'y, Kalaad. iba yta jfiior (ruoa a:eoa4 aad tobacco. - Iat tirav arnat io Wiacooajo , .i-r a ati irtiaa! !aa aa oftba aaara .alitor f u Miiaokc ati0 Winm. m bi ' m m op" for a frtod Ub a iiKiri mm a taat eajc. - ThToria ara altaciiog GTad ! p pvUcy La AffbaaiaU aadiba T a-..l wb cratv1for la lb tkliab fbl of fc f " Oiadaioaa ia r -.gat Aia aaaaaiaa bao tL WaAlf - :ut (to proaacator) : fTheo v Nic t9m u! haadktrcblaf aa taa oa n-u .au? iroaa yon F r c iton - , tr lljjr." Coort i Jj4 jal . . niy batUkarcbkf of Iba aort la ..i-;d. v. tia oaa X iaa la ey poeb . -.ctiy 1 ka tt." Prwawtor : M Vary 4-i. r',"r Uaor j I bad tmo avotea" iiaoaaatarr Jiapoaiuoo i ...v ray boy. Wa ba vabiag mv . 4 t'f 1U a rarj Unt property ii j.i f r jxm. I a)rvfy vlatj u aab yaa y ju ay ti(tiioa to oiJrr ." Boa i ia'k kao ia4 X baaa. air a via " (poa44t) QtaJ'A la aa l.ti aowdaya. aronVt ilbabatur to h prvoany to tb obr flltr. aad . UUTILiL iwrs Uiddlbrgr maka aach a good i(at Siaator tbal aaaay tbtak Mabooa iU. I.. bm Srfaat-atArma. Orvritr- I; m vary ababby io tha Ka ? icaa au( to aaad Dvtd Da via a boo j u t a ao b wtad arftb tbata tba obr l - Wutt Eptt. . . ( . -Mihooa'a apaach vaaaa tffaoliva of Riddlaorrat facaavOaok ' J cito. aad 4baaaa4aJa 8oaota ct. v aioqaaaca. Jl Wl?1 DnmxrvL Mibsaa did ool difirtr Cook "u' vary n. Soar Wt ifabooa ru apcacb aa4 aaa) bow waO Coakl)a -a diiaaf It LmtimiZ Qmntr-JtrmoL Ttxa Vaw York lUroli naaa to f k iav add b9 Ptaaidtat Oaxflaldl '.riria ad rpUxitl. tba eoUxtd aaaa if MTiad ia aaarcbiaa: ea tba WbMa y iuo ia foca ta damaad Ibatf r1(bta' ta0act taa oflcta.'j j . aWLTTUSIZ! 1TEH I. Mary AoJaraoo acted aa aoi 3m a Waiai (taaa alaatfocaary to 5Jaa v itmt dafaaiav -aacdr DiA, i-.Wt Vtr- a aa jan UaaataaV i4C0 la a coaJ v. f at. baaVW acaaa U U!- - If Saoaior Uili ai vnOd Ontzaodao Utiart';aca a4rieat btai y tb Wtacooaia) 8acr. LA ta W aaa ''44aiaciy aaawarad. "Lord Aajra. Iboa t titi AugyjLA CirmmLU. Ta Tya4aai Daavaiy. Mr Torkr TtftttMi ; "TbackTjJt Ue of diodylt rap Voaad U ba giraa ia tba oikanax aota Uulr cnaUdia wTpapt 'ot Hull, Eoglaiid: w3Jy Day Edfrdr -A 'daaJy U aa . iadifldaAl who oaldb a Lad J If b a co old, bat, aA h eaaX doaa all tattbaeta tank oar th world ta'a aot: a rtAfy,,. T2aA .'la ay idaa, at aAy law. ;Tp ea!olnU i a a 'dxaijx xtv lay miadv aJcaoat aa abaard u Ian.! ? n'g a xf a ' tV.y rd (m' eoanaaj la.; Ko t EdfT0r t proTa a. laapac tibia taaobar'f aoovaty oot aA jaaor tO ibo vko a ioleat, imaAij'lifaV "ilaay alaira good, aoaod bad aeoar. ara ya tx) oa av- vovar o( thns. ia- Jd Wo4AU"WttotAiiiexAAa W. M. Tkackarat 'J Pi-:. !' " " , i 4 IS XLTOOmfZStDZD aiariaila froca paniaa a im i ha t 1 1 PAH; KTiiTiTTR. mtmttmiij will avar.ouUna; mu 11 ta i w rrtnaaa Or auaif arary , . . , PAlHTnLLEIU". mmxtMm.Wmmm.tu IMt TITH .BUT tlataallMkifatalai "''"iMaamlk. orarxsTiixa.Bi.T:Tm8 .". BEST LIIIIMENT MADE J o tffe MrjMa' barn wad. brtsc aywfl aad par mat ia ajt rsmm of CM, tlraXi rawMr. ruic, aaitae lfcb.amt aad ailXibtaMitaad a- rtaatuLa itMaUf.aft'rWB. Aliulils;v!ja ad bUAoaarr I la rrtry liwiaab aid, ra j txA emir torn jtceManav Oxfit. tx. aav, but ta o hoddea Mckaeai i Va amy eaa aaAly ba vTptoot Chia tanla- k in ihrimVi htmiK la xrV brtey ft Maaiaa Mah aa. a4 H vtit aonrukUy aaar Unra ft cnaa ta doraoca fwihjr mil CmtxjmU at ao, and PftOVlDtliiC. R. I. ProoaWtorf e ao aodawiy aawarr DrJHH rr 4 JBOX.rBX'JLTiatS , ara AUhJj lraaaoirodaii fcr.atl aHaerrcqjSdof aaat'aia -aai afioenl oulc t - erpadaUj rnlttcot FeTriYJtot ofAppe Ut Ixmb of Strciftartlx, LAck of tttmjlXfs la anucra, ao jfwi ana tyr at tk wrrrt Thcj ad like a c&rm oo tha dica(lra ccgxni rcxaorf of ' all djaprptlo jarptMMt, auci aa tamUj Limood, kDuft leal i t Xla Wovuti, aWi&ana, ie, T aWy Jrvm Prrjxtratioi llat 3 aot btaetm iXm ttX mr firm lmWA. Viritm or ba ABC liook, 31 pagt amntlcj oixl aaaftil trading $mrmt. unovm citemic-Uj cxdmpaxt. B . galtlmortv, Md. . )aapnr .f V JH 1. For Yo 12iidaiiia lion, whoso xntrrcrUiJ-Toa thai jpn jxiTk2jaM4JSalloir tiaU- of cfiinrltxkrajttov say cs Iltsxnli Xsjn;lLitC?te;; - It U a dUcatf,- hATpit w llio most nAXnral anal-entrnc fair llntxiliavallClAUlrof Had wliki ca mtper : xaalT4lwllisaoll Bala' fajadkiowly csJ. crfflrv ;tywun f' a Lisas irocxor. Bash. IJoors, BlindiB, . J tj. Uu ALL KIHD3 OPMILL WORK, LUMBER, JrasAe., t roil SAIA YXST CSAAJ. at .-. i. ALTAF7TB. PAIOI Oo.,- j i Orrwa: . - -BTatt. aaar Kad Oroaa at. yoecatf Waiaatat. aaau CO. . . . FOB 10 AHASXS OF Usae, ta it been, omtm Sal (or daod. MtmiBraarinTMai ataia aJck wilt miwm kar M fcmray ud cm aa ftiriyaul twaar rtyarw il vuaoaft r or feaxm aad Wtt talM T vtU4L - - - A IliUl- lUiUU.. IffiSS :&JhrAz$?n -? mmM Wsm 'linn al IWIk aa aa aM aa 0 "w - - - l- -i"-.- Aidant I 0 x ytf ' - : i a Dry Ut4- BI4a 1 5' 4..0- on o'iu aao-to - to o ai , t M O t 60 W A 14 Of -MO 3 'w'5 a Mr Lira atsM a.... WptriuTOT aaUiia,, navifrv xork. afe m aaa fflffma HmwthmrnWuiatjm 14.' o 60 O : ia iuul b 19 d 1- as' n ill" - mm TO ;.!v fYlrwnM arr fa am aatA a v i-a a ail i vwaaaat "9 ' XVlai , . 1 UwaAtW. Wak4 riAH-JCaeiacl.Mo.l. bbLM it Met ao.oqf IUoiiandPMa.t,abaU..;.. mi a t co 4 eo a :a oo Jarbbi..... rWo.a.fi Mallata.lbbl....MM rsrk mjj.a...... ft. O. BciUf, Boa, Drr Ood. A TTWTMilHKa ' rarTaUaaaTo 1, S0O9 ay i-oU6o . do i a a, " Do. Looua, " Baacb'a Fboapaata, OaroUaa rarttlaar. " Qroud Boaa, BoaaMaal. rvomr, Varaaaaemaao, Ooaa plaaa Maaaaa Waaaa rhoapataJ -j.- r Waaae Fsoapaata, " Barvaa A Baia'a faflapb. BxUaaaOotoa Jrarttttaaa 00 00 apar. bTortAara, 9 bbi ....... OJtraUIlaAztra, bU .... - . Frnmllj, bbL.. ULUI-a .u anilTl Onm la atora. la cora. earrov v oaaaai. xa oa a Oarm,Oaro. bak.tabac uoca,Buxaaw aaaaai.ni aaga, Oata, Sad Baaa rroor .M . rmOsv. boabal aipaa uriau V HAT-aatarmJ ToV a waataaa. V loa bi..m t Hon trr. ioa a.... HOO? LROS A toa....M..M.. LAAD Horttarm, jvortauarocaa, v .L.. LTJCB bbl ........ l ia aup BWH-.raaaaaj K ru. O aoM O iaa tAisoa onto aai i ii i a i iim w xiumn toaaailty, V ..... r. MOT. I H8 ia- Hew cp .Cba,bbda jtew crop uD,eouv gat.. kki. HAi?:: Jllaa aaroaaaa, v g.M... AaaaaTmak V CaaWaaaaa LatUa)aX. CaVt .,, . Koala, gal Tar mt arJ Dee aad epar.aee gal........ yOULTKT CVfaana.inragrowa " aprlag... Tararya . PAAJTtTrB W oaaaal.. POTATO aa trtraat, Irttt,v DDi rOBX Bortbara. aty roan, w ....... Sa.r bbL.. aaca -carol 1. a a...... Koagtt, a Aiea-Opr-Buy, a a jetty, a a. - AldVTAin'abaalval.!!! i Urarpoeu aaacav lJahoa,aj aacA AaMrfcaa. a imi...w., VDOAAOiba, a a..M. Pua ta jnea, a a... Aaffea. a a. ...... B - a a o a BjL O V alaeaaatoi UOrmaaad. y Ar-NorCWa. a . , IJIQIAa--Ooalraet, ay at s ao Oypaaaaaapa a Itj. '.I '. Crpraaa Baarta a KL TavA W. o. BbL, ax A Ollad. 9 A.m AXLoV 5 TIABXJt-BiWag, a A axrra oxuppinx auiiraAii..... Infartov to OnOLarr! "a bi " Y. TBiaAaT Zfortkara, Vgal.. MorUCaotmaaJral ....... aWU-CawaaW, A a Wool... latiTua aaaaacx Bxebaaga adgbUoaHew York, . Jdlsct. sajomora, m - Baatoa,... ............ m . . rmUadatphla, 5 WaaaaraOUlaa. S M Exchange M days 1 9 caaC Baaa ofAew aUaarar Stock. M raatlfaMmtal rUnk. M HatasMaOaaaoUo. 1 K.C Boada CTUM-Coapoa n Do. FmadtBglfrM -.H Do. - - M taaa is Do. Vmm Ta. so Do. Spaclal Tax... 4 Do. to N. C. Baftroad. tt L W. aULAoadaf Vsteold Int .111 Caroline Central A A Boada, BA...M W"IL OeL a Aug. & R. M 104 rUaYi&ste City Boaas. aw e....H - las S ewrCMsrr..,.ie srw W.Aa.EaUroadatoek 3 aorta Carofflja AS. - 10 ru.aaaUc&tCcw - .,.4 aumlartoa Oottoa XBla ..M..M..M Bank of TTew HaHOver. Authorised Capital 81,000,000, Caub. CapltAl paid tn f30O,00O Inrplaa Fond . a5O,0OO, directors: JOECt DAWSON D. a bruRcmsos DONALD McAAE B. TOLZJCBS A A EHXDQKRS a M. 8TADAAA ISAAC BARS,. ' AA A LAAX a f. LrrTLB B. A BORDEN j. w. ATxnrsoa CXXAA M. STADAaN. laatdant 1AAAO BATES, Ylca Fraatdeat. A D. Waixacb. Cashier . - angSO-tf AtMnBon & II: s IiAaxiraxtoe Xtoonia, BANK OF NEW HANOTXA BUILDtNO, UTIlaalaiartaav, t. lirt, Isrlie M:iIJf8 0i3iiiiailfis. Axif Ate CapTtal Over SlODvOrAOOa! leU-r JAL ABOUT 7e st em llortli Carolina If yoa'want to know'snVboet (ba tardea' Bvoi' of . tba BoatA, aaod for a apectaaa copy of XU.6 'jW QSt6AAl.v0tllA6r, :l I nisa TWfcrrtGQmCOLC,Wa3X2.Y. "-r full of tatsrasUaa readTny matter, aad drrcted to taatnsereataa- WeamaatforU. Carollsa. Addreae THA CUL'KIKR OOMPAST, RrsdersonvUIe. It. C. mf liOIH PUBLISH) DAILY AITD WEEKLY OyUXT JSTAB. Oaa T , . .... tTOO- ' - ' 8tz MobUls -1 TbreaMoatba - Oae btontb"- 4 00 100 WAEU.T OTAK. Oaa. Taar poatagapaid, fl M SJzMoatba. J nreabToatba 1 09 Notices, of the Press: Tbe Br am ) decidedly one of tba beat papera In tba State, aa Bright and aewayae ever. g life to 1W- Salem Pm. The WOmlngton Stab ha 'entered on ita twelfth year aa sood a paper aa any people ahoold want xl a paper i Democrat. VAartoU iX . Tba Wlbamatoa Stab haa entered on lta twelfth year. Aa a daily Journal of news It stand "up bead.n Ocmeerd Bsfftttr. The WllmingtOB. Stab: haa entered ita twenty -ftfth rolnme. There ia no better paper published in tba State. Lmoir Twic. .- Tba Wlbnlsgton Stab has es tared npan its thir teenth year. It is one of the beat papers: in the State. Warrmto i Tha Wilmington Scab has entered lta thirteenth year. It haa become ona ef the leading papers ef the SontV. (tabrd TorcMiakt. The Wilmington 8tab Is not only one of the best edited papera in tha State, bat for freahneea of news, and typographical appearance cannot be beat en JactMM JieporUr. The Wilmington 8ab is onaof tbe very beat pa pen In tha Sooth, in erery department from typog raaay n to editorial abQlty aid independence. PitmrttmrviVa) JmUz-AjiptaL ... . Wa like tha Stab becraas H ia thoroughly rella- Dia, candki, xearieaa. ana eoweU'Saa aoiy newsy, aptey, and la fact a perfect newspaper. Long may tha stab twinkle. At Airy TltUor. Although at the head of the press In this State In an that makea a paper Tamable to the reader. Kill It aoadaaaa .to tmprora. It ls- a Stab of the first magnitude. May Its lastra aerer wane. tm Jfrme wa&oxuc. Tha WOmfaitoa (W. O Momma Stab is a mo dal aewapaper. Indeed, we think wa do not exag gerate lta marlta when we Bay it ia the nnamUtt (eec alar) paper pnhlif hed in the South. Eiehmond(Va.) . . ( The WQmmgtoa Stab haa now entered upon its thirteenth year and twenty-fifth Tolome. One of tha beet conducted and edited papers m tha South, and. aa a North Carolinian, we are proud of it. Zmrwra SovtXtmcr. .... . . - ..'..-..' . - . Tha Stab ia ao well and favorably known in this aectaon'of tha 8tate that we can aay nothing of which tta thoaaanda or readors do aot already know. It la tat aeery respect one of the best dalllee in the South. Awaajaaaa. Tba WOmtagtoa Stab hai antered on Its twelfth year It a aaaost exeetlent Bewspaper, well edited' acprapendmm of all tha newa of tha day, and an honor to 1U city, to North Carolina-and to North Carolina loaxnaUsin, CtarioOa Obmtrvmr. Thai magniaceat beamtag Stab haa completed tta tweaQr-aeeond volume. It is one of the moat brilliant, erudite aad sparkling dalllee south of the TheBTetemta the gecun of the paper autpsaaes them aiL Twtoro SovtAemtr. The TlaMV cannot say a trord too good for tba OTUadni JsgteaBTAB. It haa tost reached Stab. It haa yust one of ia aaaay buthdaya. daya. Aa a newspaper it la a lav it a a favorite with the State preea and ia sought after by the pie Long and prosperous life to VLRtidt peo- RtidtvUU Wnvkslt that ah tha papera with tbe name of Star ara such bright little 1 oornala f The Wilmlng- no (xl. u ) eTAB.ua waanington tsar, rreaencxa bara Star. Hmw York Afar, for example - There mast be eoraethiag in a name after all Richmond iVJ Staid. The Wllaxingtoa Stab, we are pleased to notice, aUU aontiaBaa on tba high road to aucoaaa. .Weee team tha Stab varr hlrklv. ecardijia it aa ana of the Tary best of our exchangee, and consider It the f peer ford rr of aay Journal published la the South. e- -m Lanet, Tha WTJaTngtraATAB Is now taking the Tegular midnight Aasoriated Preea reports, and has besides tncreae ad tha amoent of .ita reading asatter The Stab la aa exealleat aaner. Iu prosperity Is not surprising linos it Is ao deserving. Ckarwtt Ob Tn Xoxjmra Br An, ana of tha beat dallies we know, aad aa a newspaper, ta our opinion, the very , best, baa entered npon- tta twelfth year. In every parocalar tha Svab -comas fully up- to tha mark as iba principal daily la aur chief commercial city, latag may it twlnkia. Alamcm Qlmamr. 1 .Tha.WT6amttca Stab haa entered lta 1Kb volume, ana we ers pieaed.t. aoaea mntlnnea on tha road to anoceaa. We esteem the Stab very .rdxkly.lagaTdiBgltaaonaaf tha very beatnmrepa lera that comae to tha ottea..-: lta uewa columns are always a little fullec thaa -those of any other of oar etcaangay aad Its cdUortal department la con- eactea wna maca aointy. -aiaryawioa juaam. ahavraBhaaateadlryf waxed pntUU now beams kaapiandant'lB tba full glow at a constantly bright- rmmbim luaaaaxn tta tt Am a aauwumaVIt IlaJI f ew Mlill. aad no aaaclosv tor- appropriate aelection and Ja- ent. ana we ara proua to ran: it aataaffoar moat acceptable excoangea. uuuooro JSscordsr, . . ebrrsiw- Wri-na... .---: Aha thirteenth year .of. lta axiateaoe. cme aiiMRnsT ta eoaeraiaiaEe nnaa rity and deaarved pipaiarUy; . .Tha feaaarkaMe auo- casa or vta oTAB is aa to na .stnev aoenaon to bOAinea. The boast of the stab (rightfully too), la that it always baa then e news: and ' : this is Xua first tame u. lovaBani."4)tarwiee-the pacer is all that taa terBvof Tgood aawspaaar lmpllea, and iu eorps of edittxre and reportera are thoroughly dn- Catxeor Bewspapermrn. . mat ue neaiurux, moral eaat JtaewTa Its gaalal. aaterynsmg proprietor enioy many mor happy years of usefaiaes. Ooidtboro Musmotr. TIIE BALEIGn christian Advocate, Edftad and Pabllshed by : BLADE &BEID EalEUU. N. C Is tba organ of about 6,000 Methodists ita North Carolina, and has the largest circulation of aay pa per tn tba State.. It gives the markets, secular and fatlxtoesnaws. la a weekly.' eight page, religious. family aswspaper. uniy aa. .00 per annum. Sub orlbaat once. r . - Advertising rates liberal. UnMtf The Iiincqln Progress 1 IS tha-only ' paper-' puMisbsd to Ltncoln county -Sndkaa an axteaatra drcnlatioa among the Mar ' ahasts. Farmers aad all clusra .of basiaeaa men in estateuw -. -- -. tt.paaratd tAa Aarchania ef WI a de tlxablat taedlum 1 fos - advertiatng their tnudnesa throarhout Western North Carolina. t lAoerai Terms -wm oe auowea on yeany aavar tiaemeau BueacnoooB price, s w per annum a H. DxLANX. Editor aad Proprietor. TbOGOnlxalPrbteatant r '. - I AW EXALT KBXJQIO US AND F ABUXiT NEWS paper aad the Organ of the Methodist Protes taut Cnnrcn ta aorta Carolina, is published at . a.- u r I" r. ' ' i : j ;.- - 00 per annum, tn advance. ltv of Its location, the number and ue ttrity ef its ageata,aad the constantly increaainr de aaad forttameog tha more aobdclasaee of readers to varloaa eecUona, give the CENTRAL' peculiar - claims tpon the patroaan ef tha advertUTng public. nanus Terr favaraale sraaia wmauityour ousineas inter aai it aad adarase taa aoitoc ; J. L. MICHAUX, . areenaberovN.O rstulVln.ist rriOATl Alt NOT QESkAN tBARBER, v viTyjivk ivsjfv.:- ' -" r. hoi oaa or thanr. aad aeeonA,t. none nr. tha dtTi My aaloon may always be found aeai and-comfort. tahM. and pouts -Workmen" who ara ever ready to walton my patrona and friends. - Respectfully, B. O. PREMPBRT, . Jaalltt - No. 9 S. Front st ; Humble m Its baglwnlnga. aa was maeparable from aa aetarprtsa began amid tbe wreck of fortune that attended tha collapse ef - tha rkwihrt Confederacy, wtreeas-oro. Tarma,ai Tneenalhil THE LIOHIIHIG STAB Steam Printing House, FINS BOOK &XW8PjjBR & KBBCAliTILti CHBL&P TOB Cd&n. i -..-j? ir? p vr JMi TS10AL rOSTKl A:' tickets im3irics :pRmriN9, BILL OSIADS, giSCULARS . CARDS. D0B&BRS. STRAMSffTPj 8TXAMB0JLT AND BA1LR0AD WORK EXSCXTTEDyDr QUICKER TlMJb4 ) ' AND BETTER STYLE TEtAN BTr r- ANY Q TEER OFWICS IA WILMnStOTON.'. " FIRST CLASS WORE: AND LOW PRtCBS- THE - MOENLXQ STAR STEAM- PRINTING HOUSE, TRINCES3 STREET . . '.' : WLLMZN0 TON. N. C. ORDERS BY MAIL. PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO AND WORK SENT TO ANY PART OF THE UNITED STATES, C. O.D. SMALL ORDERS EXECUTED WITH 2 HA SAME PROMPTNESS AS LARGER ONES. r-i i Ta ; ln- TAV xne JDesi r aper. iry iii Beautif oily Lllnstrated. 35 Ui TEAR. The Scientifia American. riBSCOXNTIFUJAAtERICANiaaJargB Flrafe X cuaaa .weejuy. newspaper ,ol tux nrlnted in the most1 beanufuletTie. P J PSOFtJ8KL.Y iLLDHTRATaJa . WITH hPUtNilI- ANQ& RAV- VHQS. repreaenting the newest Inventlona and the mon recent advancee In the Arta and Sclenoast in cluding New and interesting Fact in-Agriculture, Horticulture, tha Home, Healthy Progress,, Social Science, Natural History. Qeoiogy, Astronomy. The most valuable practical papers ay eminent wri ters in all departmenta of bclenee, will be found ia Terms. $&J0 per year, $1 60 half" year, which In eludea poaiaga. ' Discount to- Agents. - Single eo alealOoema.; Sold by all Newsdealers, itemlthy postal order to MUNN A CO.. Publishers, 37 Park itow.'New York:',-- . ; r ' r r -'.""1 TJ A ralWTTrlTQ " iB-oonnaetlon- with-the lfIL Hill J. DSULBNTIFIO AMERICAN Messrs. Mdmm a Oo.- ararSoliehora of American and Forelirn Patents, hava had 8o years' experience. mmA n hn tha awaat- aatah H,hmil In thA world .. Patento are obtained on-the best-terms. . A iTedal notice iainadeinTheTSCI Can of all Inventions nate&tfld tiuonsh-thiaAfen- i.tanjl,M4ri,.rih rfaktA Ajypereoawhobaamadaaawalaov u rm . ,xH m ; natent n nrobablv be ontalnjd...bv wrmna; to kmndOo. We also send bb oiir Hand Book about the Patent laws,itente,' Oaveata, Trade Marks, their coeta, and how, precuredv altb bints for proenrihg advances on inventions. Address for tha Paper, or concerning Patenis, , . MUN A OO., 37 Park Row, New York. Branch Office, cor. F. A 7th Bta., Washington. D.C. novi tr - - : , THE L AlfDM ARK, PTJBIdSHKDAT 82A2BSVZLLB, IREDELL CO., if. C! IS TBA Leading Hewipaper in '.tTetteni !ffortb ; Carolina. . ' Ills tbe ohly Seiaocrstlc Paper aubUshed iB.ire- aeuounty'-one of the largest and wealthiest poun ttes In- tba State and Aas-attalttad B-larger lIoea;! drcnlatioa than aay paper erer Aaretofore pubQshed in tbe county. .,, ! Its eirculatioB In Alexander, Wilkee, Ashe, " Alle- I Surry, Rowan and western . burg i n la tba osfir paper lh-Westeflr'Korth Carelm I that employs a Baaaxaa OAwyABBiao Aaaxc. and I tnatomiMoypa oweuui vuitawsuio aaaax,- ana jthua kept constantly before the people. Undetthlt a?&asLaa I ;thus kept constantly before the people. UndatthK TTELB BEST All TjjkimMM"1 IK WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA. ADDRESS, LANDnABK,H - ; IJtateaville; N.C. Forest and. Stream, COD AND GVN THE AMERICAN - 8P0RT8MAN78 JOURNAL : . U-":V?;:J iulaaaaaaO3CA03 Sil -:-T i ' A WUBlYAPBA JXSTOZXD TO. FIELD SPORTS, JPBACTICAL NATURAL HIS - TOBYiFDiAXTULTUBAFaXeFEOTlOirOF QAMA PRESBRYATIO OF aORESTS. . YACTTmtfANpTtoATlNGK .RIFLE - PRAOTlCEv AND ALm vV ' OCT-DOOR RECREATIONS AND STUDY. .. .-.ifffia - Ty.-tiia.'T.s iiso-i'-'f-Thisis the only Journal to the Country that fully supplies the wants and neceeeitiea of ha . t . GenUeman riartaiiiiini if - : ' ' , . ' . ' TERMS $ 00 a Year. Send for Spettoen Copy Foraat A Straate WibiWaJaK . V 111 FULTON ST., (Old No. M8J- - "i Hew York. " Post Office Box 8888... .. aeot S7-tf Tie Biblical Bocorder ..yi'i 1 fcllgPW48BaTPyi.ca:u i ' ;' EdwardsV 1 3k Co. TUJJGf&B; K. GL ABV. Qj T. BALLSY. Editor. -: '--BEY- Hi HATCHER, Ahflociate Bditar. 0r 8lK"Jlm'laiM In Ita Aatn Year. EVERY BAPTIST SHOULD TAKE IT 1 - ?v v 'uaaaaawiaaajaiaaai- V,j4-i- As an - --, -: i.-. -i ... 9lF t'OO aar XaajpA: :' Addreea'1 -;: BIBLICAL dccSS-tf . : - k; . aleicb, K.O. nrtBXftLBESlEWltfA A; the Pee Dee secuon. enaol thewwltM moe.tiroapereua4tf -the? tate.1 -3ok I and-WholewJeMefehar-andH a-'' wkndU' totnosewne'caveaaotiterteT -i tw aampiev aa--xoeii'-ik tiunr;cr-w uoa. with a large and inCuetiddAofsaierr.i.a-itir,mev 'tianlM n1a,nt'ai,ninnr ateA MH. srhnaat ML ronagels-rorsoltwltatwitr Advertiaemeats and Address THA STAR, septfitf . MarioaTs.G cy, witn ue name ana reeiaenceoi.vae. raieniee. i irn n l . oTr1 rttr By theimmenae drculation-thua lven;-puiHc at- I SrJfSrSJ iV?- R'a 8ttlns, Aiken June -tenttonisdlreetaato the merlta-ofthe-new patent. I eyond, should take No. 40 ' oavioa- ov Oaai. Jtu hihwmmwj .V I v uauaKton.1 Al 1? SL55 P. Hi. PaeaenKer TraUU an tha Wibalnff- una i waidoa Baiiroart wmmnaatouowa: pay mall aav4 Bxpreaa Tralna, Daily u v -.floa, 47 Nortbiand48 oatb. 1 'jjeava wuzoiBgum, jncont tH. jjepoi, Anmw Woldoa..M.... ...... u:40 r. au tVaaia Wddoa..;.;V.. V.: ..; 4:44. 11, Amva ai Wilmington, Trout St. Depot, UUb P. M ; Fait tTHBooQH- Mail Asa- PissmeiB -Tbaiks, ivi uajx.iHoa ot b w oui. ... t iaafefrUmlngtnh. Front St Depot, at 7.00 P. U ; AirtToat-Weldon,.... ..,... 1.C5 A. au &.481 1 1 ArriTe at Wilmington, Front St. UepotlS.Oft A. bU Ipiyrraln'lSfo 4 Nortb Will atop' only at pocky - - .... - -Jill... Cteldsboro. WUson. Bocky Mount.: Xndeld; and and Halifax. : ,,'. , . -.. ? 'Train Ho.' 40 South " will stop only at Kocky Xount, Wilaon, toldaboro and Magnolia. - - f- MMHT rASSBHOXBi' BLACb AaO ; HXTBBSS XBAMIJ ata' VlhiaSagUm. Front St. Oepou at tJSS P.' A AtTtfa aa-WeldbB.:. . .-. ; ...... . . 10:48 P, M ; toaraWaldon;. i. :.. ...v.:-it:05 A. M, Arxtre at Wlimmgton, Front Bt. Depot, s. it a. at ? Trainp on Tarboro Brancn Koad leave hooks Mount forTaxboro at 8 09 P.M. OaUy.and Tuea-i dav.ThnradsandSaturdaTat6.t1irAM:Betun Xarbore at A60 AMUDaily. and Aon day. Wednesday and Friday at a JW P. Ma xt. ' Train No. 47 mAkea cke , oonnecilan at Wel imli con -for alt oolnta North dallT. --All rail viai Aicnmond, and daily except Sunday a Train No. 45 ntna via Kichmond r via Bay Line., and Washing-, dally, to Jtlch-r fnn tiA maikAat 'aIaaa mnnw.rinn Aaiv mond, aad dally except Saturday' nights for all pointa north ot Richmond. : Train . Ncv 45 runs daily, and maces. dose connection; for a1! points North Tta Kicnmond and Washington r A4 trains Ton aolid between Wilmington and .Washington,: and have: Pullman Palace -Bleepera attached..':-. --.-rf-f - -; -:, JOBA F. OrVJlSiA, . j A. POPE, Qen'l Passenger Agent, mh 13-tf . .'. , : ' : ,. . .. General Sup' ts Office, . Wf ABIINOTOII, r COIaUWBIA A AD-J WILMINQTON. W.; C. Feb. 19. 1881.: Chaiige of Sclledtile. YN AND AFTER FEBRUARY SO, 1881. at .35 1 vr, anwiiMnngK rurogw BraHnis nm j bo ron on tuis roao Dat FASSKmns, Vail akd Expbksb Trains .Datlt Hos. 42 West akd 43 East. Leate Wilmington 8.3SA.M Arrive J'lorence.. :0O P. M. veJlorence..- SSP.M a-e a a a. Arrive at Wilmington.. . 8:40 P. M. NIGHT EXPRESS XBAIKS (Dally)- ,,.7 Jffoa'48 Weil and 4T Bait., Leava Wilmington......... ........ ... 11:35 P. M. LeaTe:Florence-.... 4:20 A M. amveas v v. s a. junction saw a. a Amvaatffialambia.. 8:15A. M LaavoCalumbla 10:00P. M. Leave u. c A A Junction 10:80 p. a. ,ve Florence... , s:00A.M. Wilmington.... .... 1MA.M. NlOH.MAarAKttPABBUK8SB TRAJK. NO. 40 WEST, .. -jc Asa AocosoioDATios Tbaxh, No 45 Bast, Leave Wflmingten at. 18.-i5 A M- Atrlse at Florence... 4 10 A, M' Leave Florence.... 6:00 A. M Arrive at Wilmington .12.00 M. Trains Nos. 43 and 43 stoo at all Stations. ' Trains Nos. 4 7 -and 48 atop only at Brinkley's, rienuneion, wniieviue, rair mun. aiarion, no I V5". """o,m.ajsvuie, eumier, camaen nee, iimmi I Diuiwuu anil aagwa. I 5I"aa Flemington, Whiteville, I 5SLfl?25?ii,. I iOr4i etopsatail stations. or as nucnt I ,?eilImn Vf?!0 Charlestoa I for Aafosts OB trains-40 and 47 and I ui ui iuu wuu nirEea vuinesKin ana vvu- I mington. JOHN F. DIVINE. ; ...v.; Qen'l sup't. A POPE, Qen'l Passenger Agent, f eb 80-tf CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILROAD CO. 1! Oratca GaaaatTi StrraaiaTaainaT WIlmington,"N. C, Dec. It, 1880. eJfSbqie. r-rTAND AFTER DEO. It.a880. the following .vw -trnmrnmmx araiar... isia awAsvi .eaawvf atasw avuva Schedule wm be operated on this Railroad ; ASSANGEH AND EXPRESS TRAIN Dally except Sundays Na. 1. J Leave Wflntmgtoh at.- . 9:10 A. M. 8:10 P. M. Arrive at charlotte at.... w o I Leave Charlotte at., SdOAlL - f Arrive at Wilmington at '8:!I0 P. M. Trains Nos. 1 and stop at regular stations only. and points designated tn the Company's Time Ta ble. . , PASSBNQBR, MAIL AND FREIGHT 1 Leave Wilmington at. NO. A Arrive at Hamlet at. . . .... 8:80 P.M. ...1:18 AM. ....8:15 A.M. y ;... . . Charlotte at.. c i IaveCJhwlotte at........... .:..7:S0PrM: No. & ArriTe at Hamlet at..... 16 AM. : J Wllmlngtoii at.. :4S A M. 1 No S Trato te fi 8uaday,but no con' nection to Raleigh on Saturday. - ; .Xvo. a ATaut is jiauy except oaisrosy SHELBY DIVISION, PASSENGER, MAIL, BI PBJB8S AND FSSlQET. w e 1 Leave Onarlotte.'.. 88 a: m, lOiOKD U Tr 1 ArriTe at Sbelhy aa a aa Wi ar Xtaara Bnalbyv. ....... laBPVlfc . . . J .. 1 w ... , iiiM.v....... .......... w .WW . . mmm Trains Nos. 5 and' 8 make dose connection at Hamlet to aad from Raleigh except as above, aad at Charlotte with TraiaaSandd on ehelby Division. - Through Sleeping Cars between Raleigh and Charlotte. V. Q. JOHNSON. -de 12-tf eenerai si superintendent CLYDE'S New York and fTilmington JjS-i "Jt-ui amT1" """t' 'llBteamer B'E NE ESOT OR, J Capt. JONES, V1LL BALL tROM NSW YORE, '2 1 -- Saturday Blarea 1. IThippers ean rely npon the PROMPT SAIIJNO ; pi; Staanaa aa aftYrtiaed..af3 - For Freight SnPagementa apply to . ', . . ' THODA8E .BOIID, Wilndngton.N.0. Tbss. O. Bear, Freight Agent, -1; s ;;j oaj. j;j:ay .- , WrFCly4s A 4D4'eneri fdeottf- ? ?iri5aarBraad' at3T. aw York, v TRnOH Ai iray. rLD news: Vf. forWra and other ourooaea Caa be bod at the ST AS CE- m ANY QUANTITY R-J !:r--r araaaiaaimapiii rnaivtitianMai ..a ail t.Mai a - a av ttxnresa. caj5&ewatiwrt.Tl2tl O'aaclFauiTiijal.' O JC m am a ' - ii!. ATBAB andexpenaM taavaafa." Outfit Yaa.T -Ai&rm P. O,,YjCK.-, AiTi Angoata, bUlaa. -l 7 1 r . . - - . la flail ipa US rea. Addrcaa f.8wAis a Co., A&cata,ae,. ..!.-. it:; Grave Stones. T&-ctiss woitr fctmtst wrir tor PBIOBS.- 4K8IONt8rNT BY HAIU' WORI K PACKKD AMD 8HIP1KD, AT OUR EISA. ' HlOllAttb WAftlAN 'A CO,. ' ., 'Sf Xateyatta riaWlfaw.Yark. Wathana Itonamental DansnAla book fofiaLfot feo4,0Wt uawu n. a. BTEDnan; Jr. r Attorney and Counaellor At Law. UXABKTHTO, .BLABKN COUNTY, M. O. I . i I- -Offlce up stairs. In Brick Building; occupied b -' i-.i. ...... of SlOO and upwarda made for, Five Par Vent, if wunoui auiu urawinc. ueeoa. aLongagea. me. jb apeeialtTi b-DAWtf EiSGLIjSH,' IKISH AND dORDOlTv&rTKRV, Of the Choicest Breed, with guaranteed pedigree 1 ror aaie oy . a. naxaK,' b7 pawir Tftrk. Peaa. For theapeedy CarearaerTeasTtakaaaa,' Loat fltallty, PrematareDeMUtyiKerTeeaeeaa, veapoadeaey, Coarloa riaaa. ATtva te . SoeietyjAefMtlTe AaaMNryjtaad.all JMaordara brought oa by Iadlncreet U 'AaTdraeaiaV haa the leeredtedta iaSIMC" SEALED ESVELOPt 'AOORESS DR.WiA J laa, 0HP . , 130 West 8ixth St, CIIiOIlaA' BAXIf mh JtDAWly fci, ..i..w3iiiVi. ti uiJ Health is Wealth ! TVR.-'K.-'O. 'BEST'S' lfEKYB ANlr, BRAIN i-4. ewt:sri'i)t A- TSBATMENT t- Rpeciae- for BeSterla,4Xia. yalstonsrNerTonf Beadache Mental Depressloa, Lomo' Memory j Impotency, .Prematura old. age. caused by Overexertion. excJsec ocpyer Jnflui- pence, which -leads -to -mtsery, decajr and- death. Ona box will cmajoent caaes.'Aa b box . con tains one month's treatment. One dollar-a- box. or six boxes for five Jjollarsi aefit by mail prepaid on- receipt of price.' 'We guarantee -six -tduxes to cureany case. .With each order received by as f r six boxes accompanied with- five i dollars, .we will send the ou' chaser our written guarantee to re turn the monev if the treatment a oca uox enact a euro, mmiwisi wiun vj tt m.. u. uma.au., - .- 1 J - nu ti nbvM ist. (successor to Green -lrunneri. wiimtogton. O. oraers oy mau win receire prompt auen. tion. mhl -PAW ly WE WILL PAY TB B A BOYS REWARD FOR any case of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia. Sick Headache, Indigestion. Constipation or toa-lre ness we cann-t core with W est's - Vegetable T 1 ver Pills, when the directions are ablet I y eeapUed with Ther are purly Vegetal le,- and aever. fall to give atiafactkn. - ngar Coated.- Larse boxae, containing - 0 Pllla. J5 cents. : For sale by all I rug gists. - Beware of eoaoterfelU end inuUtloae 1 be genuine mannfactured only or VoBn o wST a CO.. "The PHI Makera.'( 181 A '81 W. Madlaon St ; Chicago Free trial packago sent by mall pre paid on Tectfpt of a 8 cent stamp. mh 88 DAW ly - THE SB if FOB 1881. Everybody reads Thx 8oh. In the edition of this newspaper throughout the year to corns everybody win find: , . . . i ..... - - I, All the world's news, so; preeente. hat the reader will get the greatest amount of lnformstion . with the least unprofltabla expenditure of time and eye-tight. Ta Sua long ago discovered the galdsa mean between redundant fullness and unsatisfac tory brevity. . . ; - . IL . Much of that sort of newa which dependsless upon Its recognised importance than upon iu In terest to mankind. -From morning to' morning Tbb 6 tor prints a eon tinned story of tba lives of real men. and women, and of tholr deeds, plans, lores, bates, and troubles . This story is mora varied and more Interesting than any romance that was erer devised, , . ILL Good writing to every 'column, and fresh-ness,-originality, accuracy, and decorum to too treatment o every subject, - - IV. Honest comment.., Taa Spit's habit la to speak out feaaleaalt about mea and things. V. Equal candor In dealing with each political party,1 and equal readlneve to -commend what t praisewortny or to reocxa wnat ia oumaoie in Democrat Or Republican. - . ; .. VL Absolute independence pt partisan organiaa-tlon.-bnt unwavering loyalty to tre emocra ic pnaciplea. .TaaeoBbelMTeethatthetJoverameat which the Coastltudoe give ua is a - good one to keep. , Ita notion of duty ia to real at Utu atmoet power the efforts of men la the'. Republican party to set up asotbar form of governmeat In place of that which exists. : Tha vear 188 1 : aad the years Immediately . following will probably decide i his supremely Import ant contest,". aa Mr believes that the victory will be with tbopeople aa aglnat the Rings for monopoly, tha Rings for plunder, aad the kings tor imperial power. , ; , uur terms are aa roiiowa; -w -. . For tbe DsiLr tt a four-pace sheet of twenty- eight ecdumna. theplee b mail, poat paid,' la eeats a mouth, or f 6SO a year; or. imlodlnf tbe Sunday paper, an eigAt-page aheet of af ty six col umns." the price Is 65 cents a month, or iT.TO a year. poatare paid, j - '-'-j .vi.uu .... - r ing BuuQir eai iuu ni i aa cum naiww.iurai.o-ii separately at a l .xu a year, poatage paid. . -8tnr el bt pages, fifty wtagepaid. For dubs tb price or tna waxaxT six columns, bill year, postage paid. of ten sending ing io we wmsena an extra copy n Address - L W. ENOLAHD, i Publisher of Thb Sua, New York City. Lowell nacMne; SIiop9 ! ljbwell, Mas MANUFACTURERS OF EVERT DESCRIPTION ... '-...of:' ', cdTTOifa I dt most. Approved Patterns and altb Recent Improvement, Paper uachinery j .-: ALSO, . ,.,' TfJUBINE WUECfJI. Shaltlng andJoikrtnf.nYwIraull i lciaea - and TO mpg, I Elerratara, dca. PLANS FOR COTTON AND PAPER MILLA - O. L. HILDRETH, SapX - " ixwiZi,aUao. j WA AkURXE,Tras., ' mb8tf . - 8 Pembertoa Aqnara, BoHoa. ENOeURAGX HOMA 'fnBTITUTZOHA -p Ecirlty aj alim nra.j - Tbia Camtant eonttoim at fa ratoa, on all classes of lnsnrahleprcperVy., ..... i t H'iC ti ,-jf jl in. fw . -!- .' ' AJlloeaeaaraffcaiy-ad1saeft a4alA Tas fBOMA Is rapidly growing in public favor, aad appeala,wrbbconhdenoe,to Uasarersaf moaaiVf t erthCaaousa. v -- w.m .-.. U part of the Su-.sf y , JOHN GATLINO, Premdant . W A PRLMROSa!, Secretary. PrJT-ABAl COW PER. 8enerv1rnr' --t . ATajJHMOa t af AWWTHA raacldt . WllaUcjclon. nTq. PRESCniPTIOrtfftEE

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