A wjzMmqrowir. a.- Wedsxsdat MoiamrqC April 6, 1831. THE LATEST NEWS. raoM all TAsra or thx world rue arrvAXioJC csaiAatoED--collc-sicr turrwEXX messes, vcrnrxjox 90 HOUlOXTBSQCMTlO.t OFTSE stctmox or a fettxiox fob the CtUEF Or AST AMEE1CAN crmsx. t bt Tit? ta ont4 tut. i WiLUUSdToa. April 3. Taa Vice Pesi j4fl uoti bafora la Senate a coomaalce tloa from t& Beaicarr cX Saata. treasmil ilat a copy of U reepooaa of taa Itassiaa towrvmcot la a cocainaaJcailoo mads to t rr taa UaitaJ Staiaa itlaiaur. of ta- Beaata resolution) oo U danta of ta lata Lapror o Rossis. Ortaredtobaprtated. Tna paeoHag basin1, being taa reeoltt woo for tie tlaclioo of sCcara of lae Saaaia, m taaa ulo ox waa taa onal motion. tnal oy Mr. Harria, to go into exicativa marioa, wts oaoaJ roted down- ye:?, Mr aadrt stated that he aJ tmaefsr. red to Mr. Maaoce, wao was temporarily 5moi from taa cttabr, the pear mhtch ed pmrwasly axieted btwMO Mnuelf aad kr. Wllihuna, and that he C3osdcr) woo id there far, vota nx" Mr. Beck daairad lo say that ta transfer we not mJ thA COAM8C of hi col- ,gue ao had referred to bias aU matter of tsiakiad. aad he protested agaJaettaa traasfar la Ua way. Tea appanraaca cf Mr. Uaaoa ia the chamber at Lai moment put aa end to fat taer discassioo. aad the roll call was coo-, ci tided. Mr. MePaeraoe asaed War a to prvaeat the mUUoo of camia citixeo of Ntw Jersey aad 2far Tort. Mr. Hoar objected. Mr. tf ePhausoo laoarnt it a scran r pre ceediag to deny the right of petlttoo. Ua had a palitloo rsciaeg taa fact thai aUcaael Boftoa. a ciUzaa of VM UaltaU Staxto. ba4 ba arraac4 aaJ l&rowa lata priaoo by h Critic OoaraaMQl oa Taroa ctaxsa of lacitiaf erlma tad t tokaca, aad bad beta Amaimyl tsm ttcal lo a trial bafora a jary of ai pn aad caillag a poo Coacraaa to da oiaaJ taa L&a failed titaua OoTaraisaat i&oolJ latarftra for b!a erocactjoa. Tba nmtitian via aixaatl br tba aaaaabar of ear uia Laad Laacaaa la Nw Jaraay aad Nt Tork. DUi taa Saaatar itili oOfect? Mr. tloar Tb SoaaU dalra to eict aa icet to racord ail boaiaaaa, aad aa aooa aa ibt la doo. tba patiiioa caa ba tecaired Mr. MePbaraoa l voaM Ilka to aa tba niot vatbr wa bar acta rtcordiaj uCcii? It ihtrt aar lack of cCcara la ik Saatc Mr. Uoar I iktax that b tba ibia to ba Jftaraxiaad br Ua 3aa:c. Tba beoator tbiaka tbat Uia ta to ba detaralatd. ia loUtioo of tba CooaUtotioo of tba Ualttd Statea. br a auaortty of tba Saaaxa. Mr. McPbaraoa I do not balkTa it ia joa ia riolatioa of tba CooarJlaUoa . bcliaT tbat tba Cooatitatioa pro tec ta tba rizauof Ua otiaority. I belUta tbat Ua raiaa of iba Saala vara araad to for iba parpoaa of protecUai lagialailoo. I tab mtt taa patiuoo, aiaad by carvaia ciuxaas .i Haw York aad N Jaraty. caJlior al- ceauoa to iba fact Uai a dllta of Ua L'aV- ted Statea ia bid a rrlaooar cootxary to law adjaatice. Tba Senator rafoaaa to bara Ua paiiiioo eooaidartd aad nferrvd to Ua coaiaaituc oa rortfia uaiauooa. inaewn- ator riaea ia bia pica aad declarea tbal va Ua caaa of Uia poor naa aball not ba coaaaiarad aatli it piaaaea Ua majority oo tC aida to 8rt dlaorraUa Ua beotta aad tbo raorjraaiza M. Tils la Ua itraaxrtt proccodlax 1 bar acea ia Uia tncat uogv- lar of ail proceecia ja. STirsJ dilatory motion t baviox beaa votad dowa, afr. Korraa took: ta floor. Ha called aiteatioa to Ua prraeat coodi noa of ua Saoata aad pradietcd Uat if tba tame spirit wbica now praTtiiad aboQld coouaoa for Ua east twoyaart, Ua Seaala woald Had iurtf ia Ua presence of diflcnJ- tiea of Ua soat aarioaa oaxara. Ua could act tea by wai powtr Uaaa diflcaltlaa er to ba noofad oUarwlaa Uaa by Jot boaorbla cooaidaratioo of all qaa .uoe wblcb iarolrtd Ua wtlfare of Ua i:uauy. Ua proceeded to anroa axalaat ilio cooatiuitiooal r1bt of Ua Via a Preal dat to fall poo Ua qoeetioa of reorgasi ua Senate. Paaaiaf or Ua qaaatioa ijf a coo tract betaraaa Ua treaty caakiag )Mt(ti, fcr be did aot kaov rba circna waxicaa, ba aaid. tba rtoUeaea wbo bad eaaufcaaned Ueoaalrta to Ua acquirement f Betjcal power ao mailer by what aeiaa aittbt ba abla to Jaatify Ua maaaa by Ua reaail; bot ba coaid not wear Ua tkora5Ie cbaraater of a V. & Becator aad for a moment bara it aappoaed Uat ba bad been concerned la tba Tilieiaooa barfaJa about Ua otScara of Ua Seeaie. Ia Ua rworM of bis ramarka ba alindad to Rid dilarger aa "Biddiabajrtla," aad la cor rcda bia mbfaka autad Uat ba kaaw tan was a "RiddW aboat it, aad tboogbt taeia waa a Mbaila too. Ia coociasioa, oe asid Usl wbea Ua Repabiicaaa com 4ad tba Dean ocr au to yield, woe a tbay OHietad Ua QapoblLcaa coa tract derofa t)tj to Ua boaor of Ua Seaala, uay alxbt cry aad demand aad cherga trtaaoa opoo ka Democrtu aaul dootsadiy, aad Kill b Oemocratj wooid ba foaad opoo Ua & tut. Se-rerai rull calls were Uaa ordered oo rtrloui aotloaa, al! of wbicb wera rotad ! a. Mr. Bi9i44 tiid Ua prtcadaat bad awe a tat abllabed two yaart ago, aad ta isted apiia tba riaittt of Ua majority to Mr. ifin faataxkad Uat Ua Democrats taOemttcd to Ua appcaatmeat of cocaalt. becsase Uey wera iadlsfenaabla to Ua iraasactioa of basis, bat Ua appoint arot of calceri waa aot oecaaaary, aad if tft DeaaorraU yielded to Uat appoiataieat Uey woald become a party to wbaterar Oartaia tx'Mtx. Mr. Oorasida asked Mr. II .11 wbatbar ba b4ied Ueta waa a aiagla Seaaror oo Ua ltspbfka9 aiJa wbo woold accrpt a coca- tea obtained Uretigb fraud or wbo -von Id eocag la any fraad or transaction of tbat kind. Mr. Qui replied, 1 wH glva aa improper aaearer to aa taprapar qesdoo. I My to Ua Seaaur Uat I do la my coosaieaca be Kava Uat Ua oajority oa Uat aida has been prucored by Ulacitiaau maaaa." Mr. Saermaa aaid Ua back of tba coa tee lavoleiaa: raw cCcea aras a pr tacipla wbica waa rtcoiniird ta artry drliOerallra body ta taa warvj. Tbat waa Uat Ua m jorttf mast dscitfe sTery qaeetiow wbicb caaaa bef era H. He argaed at some length ia oppoeiilea to the rtgbt of miaoritka to llliOostsr by wluaoldt their rotra, aad criticised taa actio a of bu own pny asso. eiataa ta hatiag at Tariooa limes resorted ta Uat practice, Ua waa gUd to co-operate wlia Uaaaator fxom Virginia 'M. bonelL aad aeiiavad Ua moTrmsot woald ba Ua dswniag of a saw day for Ua SooU, Tba aobd South woo Id ba brokaa, aad Amaricaa rollUca waald cease to b kc tajaaZ. aad bacoane aaUoaaL a, coaisiderabla d iscuaaioa followed, pax ticlpaxsd la by lasers. Bayard, Logaa. Oec aad XIawlry. aad at &.U,oa aaoiioa of Mr. Da waa Ua fiaoata adjoaraad. Tat lobscco avaaafacsory of W. 8. Mat- tbawa 4k Bona, at LoauTUs. Ky. waa dam asradry fin yrttarday t tAa aaoaot of . CMKIGNNTK,I.iaat.lC lXBJt alUCOS0yiXXX-TIIS G&XSX rcosnxi: jcisriojt--B2rroa n VAXCXS AID TO TttK OnaARTH IMf rbm ta tba Xarami star f hasxxat. AprU 5. A." bolklla Isaoed a l(Xli "clock: to-dsT aara tbat Lord Dea eoeafitld passed a tolerably qolet Bight. Bocaa trtab rout baa acueared ia bis kaeea. wbtcb czplaiaa bia f arartaa ijtnptomt. hat Uafrrerts sow taltlxted.;Tbo patient coalinoea to take Aoorlsbmeat. aaa nil sues rib Is maintained. . Mr. Gladstone, at tba aad of bia speech ia tba Huoaa of Cootaoaa ls aigbu aaid tbia waa hMtlaraotb aad probably laat badfat. Ia enforcioj hia arrumeeu to fa yor of a mora rapid redoctloo of tba debt. ba pointed cot Uat during Ua two yeara to afarca, walle tba popaiatioa ta- ci rased 1 per cant: aad tba expend Korea 2 1 18 par ccoL.ue r eve aaa actaairy oecuoea ooa-baii cr cent Tba coTeramant will introdoca two billa la Ua ilocse of Com moan oo tba land qneatioo. oaa amending Ua act of 1870, aad Ua oUer providing for aa extension of Ua Dorchaaioa: power of Ua roTtrnmeut oader tba Crtrbt clanaea of Ua.act of 1370. A aooaratiooof Uatao propoaala wlU ba aeceaaary. becaaaa Ua power to ad ranee money cao oaly be granted la a apa elal act. It ia acaioCcially announced tbat tba Power barn finally spread opoo apropoaaj to ba mada to Gieeca ia retard to tba frooUer. aad tbat Uelr (ew will ba form ally communicated to the Greek fOTara- eaeaL ....... A Si IateribarrdUoaIcb taja: Ataa ex inordinary meet! a g of Ua Siaropbli Soci ety, u. Alaaaon. eattor ot ua aaoacow Zftoa. malataiaed Uat Ua coantry did not rrqaira a coaatitotioa oa accoaat ot tba in- Uaaata coaoecuoa oetwaaa ua moaarca aad tba paopla. wbleb did eot exist In Wetter a Europe. Atbssta Aoril 5 Tba Gotemmeat ia sendinr a nomber of tomoaa and aoaa mo nay to Cbio, to reiiete tba ovenrbalmiag distrcaa caaaed Ure br Ua eartaonaxi oo Sand ay. Tbrea tboasacd la at ill maintain ed aaUa estimated number of persona killed aad woanded. DAKOTA G&XAT 1SUSDATIOX TOWXI SCB- XtiatD AXD Y1IXAOK3 WASHED a wat loss or un rxtoktkd. IBj Talscraph to tae Moralax atsr. Vnrnw Anril Tba water baa tiae to a point a foot biffber uaa Ua rise of UiTC-t 4tb I aw ft VAkton ia anb marred to-day, aad Ua people baa beea remored to Ue UDoer DOfUoo ot ua city, laieui- rvr has heea received lO-dST Iioca Boon bocoma tbat oot of foorteea per toot tao . ii M ft Bare oeeo rescoea auim ua wsu. fsmil nsxned Bsiea. aad oaa named Hold man. are undoubtedly drowned. Sotco mhr famllUs ere Dftibsblr lost. 8lX ail this aids of Green Island Iba Deoole bare been ia oart removed to Uia place. Ho wtfra lost there, bat Ua Tiilaxn la coca pie tely washed away. Water aad tea to tba depU of tweira feet lit acroaa ilea etlTavn Thm leal bsA DTObeblT KnmA nn iKa rhinn1 of I he river a abort diataaca below Yankton, tornlog tba great votu ma or water acroaa ua iow isjus on the rwvnis aide and esoaior it to Dow east ward Ulrty miles before it re-atara tba old channel, at Verm ni loo, at a point oo Ua rtver bank wbicb it Is teponed isauried kwbv with th kas cf tliirtT Lives. Tba re port aeeda cooflrmaUoa. Tba river Jtt tbia point la about six canee wiae, lia aauaca la covered wiU broken ke. Forth a r east tK wirs hrasulfia ta afieen mLVsa. reiala-' lag tk Is wcadtb wliboot exception for forty- ore auea. TflXAI. ilxction or ornckavsor the ixtke- XATIOJTAL A OKSAT WSSTXsUr SAH SOAD AtUtKaT OP A TTJlXTnCO roans a stxil IBy Talscrmsa to Us stami&c Bur 1 GsXTnTO, April 3. Tba A'cie baa tba followiac ruU'tu. lrxuK Arril 4 The atock- boidtra of tba Internal on ai & Great North era Railroad, at Ueir aa oa al meetlag yea terday, elected tbe following cfSeera fur Ua enaoinx year Directors Jar Goold. aUm'l Sloan. 8, W. Psaraall, W. W. Pbalpa, of New York; IL B Hayes, IL U. Uoxie, U.B. U. ttmlth, ot Paiesune: Jamea A. Bkar. JT. A. Rica. ofUoaatoo. rreaadaat, R 8.Bayta;Fvat Vaca rresideat, H. - W. raartaJl( awcoad vice tTsaideat aadoeaeru oapennienaent, Q. W. Uoxia. Atpeclal m sell or of Ua atockboldara baa beea called for Jane 13, for Ua porpoaa of cbaogiag Ue character of second tacnraxa boada. Tba JfM aaya Ben lamia Klnx til OeajaaaiaB. Franklin, wbo stole f 10,000 or postsj lands waua roatmaater at AUitoo. Fl., and wbo flsd to Texas, waa arrested at Liberty, yesterday, by Inspector Booth of tbe rostoCca Department. TOM 'IATUIR. srccist. Bcixsnx rsost tub emir sigxal orrciB. LB? Tateejapa ta tbe Knralaa: Msr.) Wajhxxotov, April 3. The Chief Sig nal Officer tarnishes Ua f olio wis g special balletla to the Associated frees: "fslr weaUer coetiaoaa la Ue district of Ue Rocky MoonlAlas, wlib temperatare tsrlow r reeling ia tba ooruera poruoa of Ua Eastern Golf Buica, aad Ueaca oortb ward over New Eaglaad aad Ua Lake ra (Vio, aad tba tempcraiora below aero la Maine. Ia Ue regloo aootb of Ua Mlssooil aad Uera are ladlcatlooa tbat a atorm wui develop la Northern Texas aad tba ladlaa Territory daring Taeaday algbt or Wed- needs v. The temperatare coo Ua nee from 33 to 80 degrtee below meaa la all of Ue districts ot tbe Mississippi aad Mlsaoorl rirari. Tbe iadicsiloaa are tbat allgbtly warmer weather wui prvrall oo tbe All an tic const daring Wednesday. rToatiDsU A COatrAXx cnAJtrxacD TO cox- STkCCT A SHIP CAXAL ACKOftSTUK STATS. tBj Tsltgrana to the storaiaa Star.l jALXxamtLZ, AprU 5-A compaiy baa beea formed and a charter obuloed froaa Ua Btata ot Florida to coeatruct eatpcaael acroaa the cketa. Tba route will be by way or tbe Celoceaiachee river. Lake Okecebibea aad Ueaca to tba Atlaatio oceaa at or Dear tbe mouth of ue 8C Lode river. Capital ftSO.000.000 This ia obetaaUaUy Ue tame company having a coetractwiib tba State todrslo Okeechobee Laka...Tbey will cotnmence at once. Advance aorvey Log partlea leave tbia city to-morrow for the everglades. niaaiauirri. A U1X rOCXD OX A glDXWALK IX Acxaox wmx ma thsoat cvt a XXXJRO CZIAsUSKD WITH TUX CBIVtC By Talecrapa to the Moratag f Ux.l Mcmro, April 5 A dliDalcb to tba J tnLukcAs from J aekeoo, MJaa, taytf "Last atgni a maa eamea jjrennoa waa lodna hingoa Ue sidewalk with bia Uroei cot. Baspicioa pointed to a oeerro, wbo bad beaa seen near Ua Bordered maa jaat pre vtoa to Ue dlicovery of the xaardcr. Bearxb for Ua mardarar waa mada. aided by blood boaada. aad rtaalud la capturing Ua aegro wao waa toaaufiea aa ue . nana eeea ar the bodr. . The Dnsoaer waa caa ia jalL III ftirtd tie nrrro will be lynched . WAtniNaron. ' I'fiiSIDtlAl. X ATI OK8. ' ' i IBy Talagrapk ta tsa Moraine: Star.l f Witorj(STox,t April 5. Among tbVriorBii aatiooa- seot to the Senate to-day were AVi W. Uolden, to be postmaster at Raleigh, North Carolina; aad Thomas II. Prion postmaster al Gallatin. Tennessee. .'t fCAI.irefttlIA A 'nAVlSttKS A3TD AtTJRDIBKE IIAXOKD BT. CXTTZXXS. By talscrsph to tbe Mornisg 8tsr. Sax FHAXcaco, April .5. A Santa Bar bara diapatcbatyt Uat a abeep-bearder, ar rented oo atuptcloo of rariablog and mur dering Mr. Sargent, wu taken by tbe citl xsaa after an Inqueat and banged by tbe neck for a fsw aecooda -Oo being taken down ba aaid tbat eocoe other man bad. commliud the crime, bot tbat be bad aeeo It. and aa It waa done near bll'Cabio. to divert lOJDicJon from blmeelf, be pot rope around tbe aeck of the woman and draxred bar to Ueolaoe where her body was foaad. Ue weot over tbe ground with the cltixena aad alto dog op a cinb with whicn tbe murder waa committed, and produced some arttclee taken from tbe murdered woman. Ills story as to tbe perpetrator waa so conflicting Uat the cltizena cooeid- ered bis guilt beyond donot ana oaogea blm to a tree. LUUialANA. 8SXTKXCS OF MUJtDERXBS AND SUIP BCRXXE3 AFlTRlfED BT TOE SU- TBSUS COUKT. ... 0y Talagrspb to tba Morning Star Nkw OnLkxxt, AprU 5 The Supreme Coart vesterdsv amrmed the sentence oi Charles Jobnson,convlcted of setting fire to the rot ton on the ah Id "Iron Cross." ue wsa ae ote need to twenty years' bard labor. Tbe Coart alio affirmed tbe seotescea of Martin Nolan and Alexander Gils. con victed of tbe murder of Alexander Meade, la Algiers, wbo bad Jeen sentenced to tbe penitentiary for life. The Coort also af firmed tbe aenteoce ot Dick Richards to four yeara la the penitentiary, for tbe kill ing of Uaodridge KODtosoo, coiorea, in Anrll last. The cases of Maurcie, Alpbonae, Cblvil- loo snd Ferrari, convicted of tbe murder o Robert Burton, and Ue Derrance brothers for tbe killing ot Mix, bare been fixed for argumeot on the appeal oa May 7ib. CINCINNATI- PKMOCRATIC MAYOR KLKCTKD. tBi Talempb to the Mornisg Star. CiscrxxATL Aoril 5 Tbe election of Wm 1Isbs. tba Democratic nominee, is nniMded. with a Drobable majority of 1,500. It la thought two or three otbei a oo iha TW)mocraiio ticket are elected. Tbe QoxiU, wbicb bolted tbe nomination for Mayor and supported aieans, says nis suc cess does not mean a Democratic victory in rMnnnnati bot s vlctorv for Uw and de cency In the administration of tbe city go vernment. IOWA. muxiopal xutcnosis dkmoobatio AXD BXTUBXJCAX SUCCESS W. By Telegraph to Ue M orator Btsr.l Chzcaoo. April 5. Ia tbe municipal election at Dobuoue, Iowa, yesterday with three ticketa In tbe field, tbe Demo crats were successful and elected Louli Flnaaner Maenr. In Michigan, Ue Democrats carried lpsuanu, abb aiimi, niin"ii Saginaw aad Holland. Tbe Republicans secured Lansing, Nllea. Grand rtspids. Grand Hsven, Adrian and Seat Saginaw. risfpiNia. 8sxx of ram jtattjbal bbidok pbop- XBTT THJB OKOUXM TO BE LAID OUT AS A PABK. (By TeJecrasti to the Morning Bisr. RichmjOD. April 5. The estate in Rock bridge county, Va., embraciog tbe cele brated Natural Bridie, baa been porcaaaea by H. C Parsoea, Vice President of tbe Bichmoad d Ailerbenr Railroad. Tbe pre pert y la within one and a bait miles of said road, ana it is proposed to isy out too grounds aa a park. FlUABjCIAf. XW TORK STOCK MARKET SPECU LATE! OX YJCAVr Q7IET, AND DEAL INGS SMALL. IBy Telegraph to the Morning Btsr. 1 Nrw Yore, April 6W11 A. M. Tbe slock market opened irregular, and In tbe early dealings there were slight flactua Uone. At Ua first board a somewhat steadier tone prevailed and an advance of i to per cent, waa recorded. Speculation waa very quiet, and tbe dealings were on a small scale. lbotmIv ar ass at. a. Tbe Democrats of Keokuk, Iowa, yester day elected Louis lioemer, Msyor, and Ilsery Banks. Ueoorder, by a decisive ma jonty. Tbe steamer United Stales, from Boston for Savannah, wlU a general cargo, went ashore oo Cape Romaln Saturday night laat. Tba veaeel baa sprung a leak and the lower bold la roil of water. Tbe Republican majority oo tbe Michi gan State ticket for Sapieme Court Judge and University iiegeou. at the election Monday, Is estimated, from tbe returns thus rar received, to do zs.uw. A bill lo escheat to Ue commonwealth the properly of telegraph companies who violate Ue article of tba constitution for bidding Ua consolidation ot competing heea, baa passed tba Pennsylvania Senate. Tba tote reiecUng the fond Log bill to fond tba Bute debt ot Teoneaeee at 10 per cent, end interest baa been reconsidered and passed Ua Senate or uat State, it la now a law, oaly awaiting Ue signature of tbe Gorern ment. - Rev. Ben. Arbogsra. President of tbe Vslley Female College of Virgin is. and a distinguished member for years of Ue Bal timore Annual Conference or the .Metho dist Episcopal Church . S-mth, died at bis leatdeoce la Winchester, Va,, Thursday af ternoon last. Aebeville Citizen: On Saturday last a maa named Hoots killed bis brother-la-law, named Jackson, on Blue Ridge, bear Edaeyvllie, In Henderson county, by cutting blm across tba abdomen. Boots Is a very young man, aad Jackson was much older and larger. They, got Into a fight, aad while Jackson bad Ebola down and was over blm Ue latter drew bia knife and used It wlU Ue aboTO result. Jackson died on Monday, and Hoeta waa put In " T7. . " Tea years of experience baa firmly rooted Tun's Pills lo public estimation. Their wonderiul adapuomiy to the various forms of disease ia a marvel to medical men of all schools. They are largely need in hospitals lojsarope ana 'America as well aa lathe army aad savyv Cuba eod other countries where yellow lever prevails, consume mil lions of boxes annually. t OTTTEa TOTTTB TKAD a PEjCTTT A8SOKT saau oT Casmser fceta. Tea Sets. Dianee Sets, Toilet NU, Vases, Tla Glssa, both Itoreiga aaa Domnio, sM all trades - of - BcUeawrr Trias U leral M S7 Biore la tse eity. - ' aa 1 1 ".tr-'. .a W alajthieoa jaock." M7 I L M I NQT.O N-Al A II K: K T. r- Ci xsTTt'rf ntBtrn a nVTi fiil' Pi M ' l J. mi -n 's 1 s : SPimTcT TURPENTINB--Tbe tnirket opened dull and ; nominal, bat ..later Bales; wereitsde or 61 caikt at-'SUlicentsaod later still 100 casks sold at 37 cent p. ROSIN. The market was firm at $1 45 for Strained and $1 50 for Good Strained No sales to report. ' ' '"' . TAR Tbe market was firm at $i 55 pet bbL of 280 lba.wiib sales at quotatloor. CRUDE TURPENTINE-Marktt quoted firm at $1 75 for Hat d and $2 75 for Soft, with sales at those figures. COTTON The market was quiet, with amall sales on a basis f 10 cents per lb. for Mtddliog. Tbe following were the quotations of tbe dy: Ordinary , Good Ordinary. ....... Strict Good Ordinary. . Low "Middling Middling , Good Middling. i 1 10i cents IP lb it u PEANUTS Sales reported on a basts of 20 30 cents for ahelline stock, 40 cents for Ordinary, 50 cents for Prime, 60 cents for Extra Prime, and 70 cents for Fancy. Market quiet. CORN Maiket steady at Cl63centa in bulk,- 65 ceots in bag, and 70 -cents per bushel from store. mscElrra. j. UOllUU Spirits turpentine.. Rosin Tar Grade turpentine... 28 bales. 107 bbls. 1894 " 478 257 . rT KM f I CI nKliKI '.By Teleirraoh to Ue MomingStar.) Financial. Maw k'oua, April 5 Noon Money active and firm at o6 per cent.' Sterling exchange 4Wt4fiJ. ; UovernmenU dull, except for Tcnueesees, which are active. State bonds quiet and ateady. Evening Money 46 per cent. Sterling exchange 4804 Governraenu In fab? de mand and firm; new fives 112; new four and a half per cents 1121;. four per ceots list The activity in exrainern State bonds continued Uioughout the alternoon, espe cially in tbe Teonesseke and Virginia de terred sixes; Tennessee sixes, old, reacted to 71, new and new eerie to 70, and Vir ginia deferred sixes to 15, with a later sale at 20: South Carolina nunfuodable sixes rose from 5 to 5, and no special tax, 3d Cl j, from 6 to of. Ommtreidi. Nkw Yorx, April 5 Noon. Cotton firm, with sales ot 1,314 bales; middling up landa 10f cents; Orleans 11 cents. Futures steady, wiib sales at Ue following prices: AprU 10 GO cts; Jttsy 1U.71 cu; June 1U.T8 cents; July 10.80 cents; August 10 91 cents; oeptemoer 1U.U1 cts. nour arm. w neat moderately active and quiet. . tJoro dull. Pork weak at 115 00. Lard weak at S10 95. Sptrlia turpentine 42 cents. Resin fl 70. Freights firm. Evening Cotton quiet and firm, wilb sales of 392 bales; middling uplands 10f cents; middling Orleans 11 cts; consolidated net reoeipta 13.035 bales; exports to Great Britain 6.935 bales, to France 2.631 bales. iqtbe continent 12,836 bales. Southern flour firm and quiet; common to fair extra $4 75 et5 20; good to Choice do S3 25h7 00. Wheat cash scarcely and firmly held; op tions opened 4c better but closed wiib tbe advance nearly lost and a fair business; ungraded red tl 164hl 20 i. Corn less active, opeped a shade better and dosed scarcely so strong; ungraded 553594 cts. Oata ilc higher, doting dull and weak; No. 2, 4848f cents. Coffee quiet and steady. Sugar dull and unchanged; refined quiet aBd steady; standard A 84c. Mo lasses steady and tn fair demand. Rice in good demaod and firm. Rosin dull at $1 70 etl 80. Spirits turpentine lower and dull at 43&424 ceota. Pork dull and nomtoally in buyers' favor; old $15 25; middles dull and nominal. Lrd about 74o higher and very quiet at 111. Freights steady. Uotton net receipts 2,010 bales; gross 7.415 bales. Futures closed Quiet and stead v. with sales of 38,000 bales at the following quotations: April lU.J710.5y cents. May 10.68Q10.69 ceota; Judo 10.76Q10.77 eta. July 10 8410 85 cts; August 10 88 10,89 cents; September 1068Q10.59 cu; October 10.26 10.23 cts; NoTember 10.1510.17 ceots; December 10.loQ10.17 cents. BaIjTZMoxb, April 0. Flour steady; Howard atxeet and western super $3 25 4 00; extrat4 855 00; family $3 256 25; city mills super S3 zoa UU; extra 4 85 Q5 UU; family fo 00; tuo oranas ft) 00; Pstspsco famuy $7 00. Wheat aouUern higher and stronger; western firm; aouUern red tl 18Q1 22: amber al 25Q180: No. 2 western winter red on spot $1 21Ql 211; AprU delivery fl 21; Uay delivery l 0 1 1 1 Oil. Inn. H.liwsn 1 OAlMlt Oll . uly delivery fl 16J; August delivery fl 14 1 14f. Corn southern steady and firm; western firmer; southern white. 55 cents: yellow 56 cts. Oats eulet and absady; west era white 454Q474c; mixed 44Q45c: Penn sylvania 46c. Provisions easy and wiUout quouble change; mess pork old f 15 00; new tin ua Haix meats loose shoulders and clear rib sides none offering; do pack ed oK&Stceota. Bacon s&oulders 6f cts; clear no sides 0Z CU; hams 1112 cents. Lard refined lie. tJosee steady: Kio care goes, ordinary to fair, 10Q120. Sugar firm; Aaort9c. wniaaey outlet fl.09Ql 09t lor job lota, jrreignts unchanged. St. Louis, April 5. Flour steady and unchanged. Wheat opened lower and ad vaoced. but closed with advance lost: No 2 red fall f 1 07 l 074 cash: fl 07lai 084 May. Corn easier; 4l42o casn; 41J 424o June. Oats higher tor cash options: &r37ic casn; ootc April snd May. Wbukey steady at si Oo. Pork dull and jobbing at f 15 70. Lard dull and nominal. Bulk meats lower; snouiders f4 85; rib sides' $7 70; clear sides t7 95.' Bacon quiet; shoulders 5 60; rib sides f8 60; clear sides s a ew LotTVN ffiAfxsisrr, By Telegraph to Ue Morning Star. April 0. uaiveston. steady at 10 cents net reoeipta 279 bales; Norfolk, firm at 10i cents- net receipts 2,155 bales; Balti more, quiet at lOf cents net receipts 737 bales: Boston, dull at 11. cts net receipts wk a tn. ei a V a v . cw oaies; rnuaaeipnta, steady at 11 ets net receipts 132 bales: Savannah, quiet ana easy. at iuf cenis net reoeipta .l.loo oaies; new urieaos, nrmer at lOf cents net receipts a.ircu oaies; Mobile, quiet st 104 cts net receipts 117 bales: MemDhis. steady at 104 cts net ' receiDta 1.214 bates: Augusta, steady at 101 cents net receiDta v oaies; uoaxiesioa, urm si iuf cents net receipts ou psies. , - : FOnBlUn DARKBTS. . IJJv Cable to Ue Msrpiag ?tftr.J Ti - ' Lxvxxvocxh April 5 Noon. Cotton nrmer ana irncuonajiy oesrer: uniandaedi Orleans 0 l-16d; sales lOjOOd bales, roi which 1,000 bales wera for speculation and export;- receipts 11.100 bales, of which 8,150 were American. Uplands. 1 m c. April delivery 60 l-82d; Apt II and May delivery 1'lodtMky and Jon6 delivery 6 8-S26id; Juoe -and -; July- delivery 6 3-LM:July ai-dr AUgptt. deliveryC 7-82 7d; August and September delivery 6 9 8a8 5-ifid ; September and October da s wsa w en i rn rm ne-ern nst Btete e smak aw 1 J Orleans edT Uoiands. 1 m June and July delivery 6 7S2d. 'BreadstuZ quite and steady except cprn, wbtch 15 d ullr Ht 5s 8td5 4d lor new. 2.60-P. M. Cotton Uplands, "1 m c, June and J uly delivery, 6 3t32d. VvHabcbeater market for yarns and fabrics quiet end steady, ' i1, 4 P. H.-Cotton Uplands, t m . c AprU and May delivery 6 l83d..- Sales of American cottoo - to day 8,600 Walesa? ; Lonbox,; April 5, 4 P. M Spirits tur pentiue 81a 6d, ; : v . 5 P,il. Cotton Uplnoa, 1 m c, Octo ber and Kovember delivery, 6 l-82d; No vember and December delivery, 5 :1516d. JTuturef quiet.; MARUSEM PertAlmanae-April 6. i San Rises!. .1 . . . . . ;Z . .PB59 A. M. 8nn Sets. 4.... v.. i . ... .'.'- 27 P. M. Hieb Water (SmlthviUe)..... .12 45Mom. 4 i t WilmlnKton) . . ; 440. morn. Day's Length 12b. 48ua. 4 ARRIVED. I Stmr. Elizabeth, Wilkinson, Smithville, Joseph Blsbee. - ; J ' .Stmr-rAJP Hurt, Green, Fayetteville, Wortb&Wortb. -- Steamship Benefactor, Jones, New York, TEBondi . t 4 CLEARED; r:. ; Stmr Elizabeth.. Wilkinson. Smithville, Joseph Blsbee. 1 ; Stmr John Dawson, Sherman, Point Cas well, R Pjaddi8on. Steamer A P Hurt, Green, Fayetteville, Worth & Worth. Ger brig Orion, Clausen. Rotterdam, Alex Sprunt & Son. Be scbr. Rosalie BulUrd, Nassau, E Kidder & Boos. , ,swsaai gswm saSBBsem- EXPOKTR. I FOREIGN. Rotterdam Ger barque Orion 2,822 bbls rosln Nassau Br scbr Rosalie 38,649 ft lum ber. 10.000 abingles. MARINE DIRECTORY. Stlas of Teaaela In ' tba Part of wii- aalaa:san ff.C April S. tS80. This list does not embrace Tessels oader B0tons.l i BARQUES. J T Smith (Br ) 396 tons, Lockhart, JS Ai Barker fit Co Kobe (Nor.), 348 tons, Josepbsen, Heide & Co Providentia (Ger ), 235 tons. Holz. a Pesohau B Westermann Credo (Nor.). 371 tons. Cbristopbersen, JC Pcschau ds Westermann Lydia Pescbsu (Ger.). 881 tons. Bremers, jq rescnau as westermann Orion (Ger.). 832 tons. Clansen. - IS Pescnaa s westermann Norae (Nor.). 446 tons, Hendricksen, - U P Mebane Atlsntic (Nor.), 420 tons, Knudseo, U p Me Dane Maivie (Nor.). 200 tons, Mathiesen, ileide oc uo BRIGS. Leonard Meytrs. 300 tons. Hicks, Geo Harriss & Co Clara (Ger.). 364 tons. Voss, K Peschau & Westermann Fred (Nor.). 420 tons, Jensen. IS G Barker & Co Stella (Br.). 445 tons, Robinson, K G Barker & Co SCHOONERS. Clara. 275 tonB, Cramner. repV, Geo uarriss & Co Mary A Powers, 497 tons. Watts, J a Chadbuurn & Co Charles. tons, Ireland. A Snrunt & Son traonie iummey, ?uo tons, vvoir. ueo uarriss s uo E H Drummond, 396 tons, H'ggins, JSG Barker ds Uo Stailkbt, 155 Ions, Webster, lieo Uarriss & Co Alice Hearn, 347 tons. Pennewell. Geo Uarriss & Co Taylor & Matbia, 280 tons, Cheesemao, tieo uarriss ess Co Demory Gray, 401 tone, Brewster. Geo Uarriss cs Co Thomas Sinmcksoo, 240 tons, Diekeraon, Geo uarriss & Co Jennie Mlddleteo, 822 tons, Hughes, - Geo uarriss as Co Rosalie (Br.). 70 tons. Bollard. Jfcl Kidder & Sons Ridgewood. 298 tons, Hand, ueo uarriss S Co Cartie Belie, 274 tons. Levyy. IS G Barker ds Co Alice Borda. 354 tons. Dukes. Geo Harriss & Co Mamie Reynolds, 312 tons, Tilton, Ueo Uarriss ai CO Fannie E: Lawrence. 316 tons. Bowen, Ueo Uarriss Jc Co Geo Churchman. 281 tons, Risley. Geo Uarriss ds Co S C Hart.! 258 tons, Kelley, Master U Gibson. 94 tons, Sturgis. Ueo uarriss as co Wm H Van Brunt. 260 tons. Houghwont. repV. ' Geo uarriss & Co John P Eelsey. 180 tons. 8teelman. Geo Uarriss ds Co Joseoh Souther. 380 tons. Watts, j as uunadoourn as uo 8 8 Bickmore. 224 tons. Long. EG Barker & Co Nones. If the signal lettersof any ves sel in porf re displayed by the U. 8. Sig nal Office, the vessel so designated should send asnore ror reiesram. Fresh Oysters J VKRY DAT AT Ilozart Saloon. noSStf i Notice. rpHB ANNUAL MBKTING OF THB HSHBERS Insurance Company, will be held at the office of we uoaipaDy, on r rout street, secona swrjr ui uia mrnpr. nuira ni j. h nuvneia. an it ennBB day April 6, at half past 1 o'clock, P.M. pact ba ij w. fja.rtvt'v, pec jr. Wanted 1,000 Men, TO BUY BUGGIES, CARTS, WAGONS, HAB- nes, Baddlea, Callars, Hanee, Blind Bridles, Ac. Beat soods and lowest prices. ap 3 tf GERHABDT ft CO. Furniture. S TRAW MATTUIG, WINDOW SHADES, Curled Hair, Mobs and 8hnck Mattreeaea. Tin and wire aares. Tne largest aaa.o&iy complete biock or me sona in ue state. ..For sale low h j : apStf D. A. 8MXTH ft CO. -farter & Taylor lm rPHK BEST OP .COOKING STOVES, FINE JL ,, kihbv. vhwt mmuMyot AVUO DWt oer Mate, french Coffee Bipirins Keroaane Oil a) tores. Pare Whte Oil a ipecialty. Extra Fine 'PbL Oil Cans. Lamp Chimneys and Shadea. All 'Or smal) proflta. : . , apStf f Eio Flantor3. FTEB MAKmG ; EXHAUSTIVE EXPERI mants. wa hiva st Taut .rArfMtAil. luiA unrkllMl tnf letters patent for a soiid one-piece, abarp-edged DITi R KiXKJP. wtmnted to wsr lika s nade a. ImpleaMiit. Sendforaaaiple. k : apsir . JMtai WCYgers and Stove Desierr. ' , - ... r.. . .. . , . . CJ" JUST OPEN fib THKbESTASSOUTAlENT OF.iALL tTHE LATEST NOVELTIES IN Dress Goods," White Qoods, Laces, Hosiery QlovesvH6iisekeeping Q-bods, Curtains, Towels, Men and Boys' Wear, AND HUNDREDS 0P ARTICLES TOO NUMEUOUS TO MKN- . t.- . . .. . TION; ALI BOUGHT AT THE LATE 7 Decline ii FOR EXTRAORDINARY GOOD BARGAINS . ' - :;v-;. - i aapss'BBBBBF w e .aaaaMaFBBsi ap3 tf A SPLBRDIDOPPOBTCNITY e WIN A FORTUNE. FOURTH GRAND DIS TRIBUTION. CLASS , AT . NEW ORLEANfe , TUESDAY, APRIL 12. i8Sl131st ITIontbiy Drawl oar. Louisiana State Lotterf Goipany. ThlslMtitallonwas regularly incorporated by tn LefOalatnre of the state for Educational and Cnari table purposes in' 1868, FOR THB TERM OF TWENTY-FIVE YEARS, to which contract the ir violable faith of th&Stato ia pledged, which pledge has been renewed by an overwhelming popular vote, securing its franchiBe In the new constitution adopted December Sd, A. D. 1879, with a capital of $1,000,000, ta which it has since added a reserve fund of over $350,000. ' ITS GRAND SINGLE' NUMBER DISTRIBU TION will take place monthly on he second Tues day. H never tealeg or pottponet. Look at the following Distribution CAPITAL PRIZE, $30,000. 100,000 TICKETS AT TWO DOLLARS EACH HALF TICKETS. ONE DOLLAR! LIST OF PRIZES. I Capital Prise 1 Capital Prise 1 Capital Prize 2 Prizes of $2500...... 5 Prize of 1000...... SO Prizes of 600...... 100 Prizes of 100 too Prises of 60 600 Prizes of SO 1000 Prizes of 10...... .$30,000 . 10,000 . 5.000 6,000 . 0000 . 10.000 . io. oho . 10,000 . 10.000 . 10,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES; 9 Approximation Prizes of $300... 9 Approximation Prizes of 100. . . 9 Approximation Prizes of 75 . . . S.700 1,800 900 1,857 Prizes, amounting to .$110,400 ResnonBlbie eorresnondine areata wanted at all prominent points, V wnom a uoenu compensation will be paid. For further Information, write clearly, giving full address. Send orders by express or Registered letter or saoney uraer oy mail. Aooxeasea oniy to in ay. da i resin, , New Orleans. Louisiana. or M. A. DAUPHIN, at SiO. 319 dUOAUWAi, flSW XUSa. All our Grand Extraordinary Drawlnzs are under the Bupervislon and management of GENERALS G T. BaAUaSOAKD and J OSAJu A. HAJUdl. mns-inmwsw: r we sat !31STe Popular Monthly Drawing of the- Coiioni ealtii Distrilintioii Company. At Slacanley'a Theatre, Lithe dty of Louisville, ox Saturday, April 30th, 1881. These drawings occur monthly (Sundays except ed) under provisions of an Act of the General as. semblT of Kentucky. Inccrnoratins the Newnort fnnojganaewspaper ux, appiovea s.im y. uno. 1X11S 19 Sv OrjHJLAt AITI, ADU SLAB StSV The United' States Circuit Court en March 31 ren dered the roilowing dectaioas : 1st. THAT,te COMMONWEALTH DL3TRI- BUTION COMPANY IS LEGAL. Sd. ITS DRAWINGS ARE FAIR. The Company has now on hand a laree reserve rana. nesa ue list or prizes ior THB APRIL DRAWING. 1 Prize... ...$30,000 100 Prizes $100 each $18,000 1 Prize ...10,000 300 Prizes 60 esc 10.000 1 Prize ... 5.000 eooPrizes SOeach 1&.000 IS Prizes $1000 10,000 1,000 Prizes 10 each 10.000 SO Prizes 600 10,000 9 Prizes $300 each, Approximation Prizes, $S,700 9 Prizes iSOO each, " -1,800 Riaes iw eacn, " vuu 1,960 Prizes. $113,400 w noie Ticicets. as. uau xacitets, si . 97 Tickets, $5a 63 Tickets, $108. Remit Money or Bank Draft In Letter, or send by KxBrees. DON'T 8 END BY RtCttl&TRRBD LET TER OR PO TOFFICB ORDER. Orders of $5 and upward, by- Express can be sent at - ear ex pense. Address alltfSrdera to R M BO ARB at AN, (Couner-joumai Buuaing,) uuuisvxuuk,- zy., or t 1i, ixiMMKKiftimi, siseroaaway, . x. ap l eoaw tu tn sa lillarl Hotel Lo tery Postponed M April 7, 1881, For a FiiU V Drawing. rpBE DRAWING WILL TAKE PLACE AT J. LOUISVILLE. KY manner aathoritT or eos- cialact et the Kentucky Legialatnre, and will be ur.der the absolute control of disinterested eommls- aionera appointed by the act. ?. ::ns ; ,r LIST OFsFRI2ES. f ; The Willard . Hotel with all Its I tfJOKH f(( Fixtures ana rumiture..,-.... ) wouviUUV One Residence on Green 8treet ... . . .; ....$15,000 One Residence on Green Street. . . 18 000 Two Cash Prizes, each $5.000. . . 10000 Two Cash Prizes, each $1,0)0.:.; ... r...... 4.000 Five Cash Prizes, each A 1.000. 6 000 Five Cash Prizes, each $500 ...... S.600 Fiffy Cash Prizes, each $100 ... ........ 6,000 one nun area casn razee, eacn $50 own Five hundred Cash Prizes, each $30. ....... 10,000 One bet of Bar Furniture....... .. 1.000 OneFIne Piano 500 One Handsome 8ilver Tea Set.... .... ' 101 400 Boxes Old Bourbon Whisky. $38. ..... . 14,400 10 saakets onampagne, sso. r. . ' aso Five hundred Cash Pnz8. each $10 ....... .6. 00 400 Boxes Fine wines. $30 1S,(no 900 Boxes Robertson County Whisky, $80,V 6,000 sou ooxea uavana vigars, - zio. . : . . - o.i-w Five nunorea cssa razes, eacaaio o,uw Amoantinff to 9369,850. Whole Tickets $8; Halves $4; Quarters $1 Remlttaneea "mav be made bv Bank Checkl' Ex- nreflit Poatsl Monev Order or Registered MaiL Kearjonslble asents wanted at -all Dointe For circulars giving rou miormanon asa ior ucuu, A.aarai8 w. v. v. nau-o. WUlard Hotel. Louisvillo. Ky. . AV4 It ta vv aw wv aaaaA - a J HUGH SISSON & SONS, Importers, Dealers and Manufacturers of Marble Statuary, ...1 . ,w,hihi, -mr a wmuT a XltlJM U MXln AO mauM AXiuo ?TJRiriTTJEE SLAB3, ALTABS, TILE T0HB&V 140 West Baltimore Street, And Corner North and Monument St a. Drawings and Estimates furnished free, li BALTIMORE, MD, mh8 - meA aat - "ilil 111 in Prices ! CALL AT i- KZATZ'S. 36 narket Street. Royster's Candy. Satulrday, Ularch 1281 JUST RECEIVED, TWO HUNDKSO ami. FIFTY-ONE AND ONE HALF (Sl) LBS. r.f EOYSTBR'8 celebrated Home-Made Candy, Given ap by all to be BETTER than u lxt French Candy. We are sellicg ft at the KXTBSMS LY LOW FIGURE OF FORTY CENTS PER POUND. Call early thl morning ftr your Bnnday'i supply of this delicious srttcle. so ss to avoid oar uiuai Satnrday night's rash. Owing to the demand being greater thaa IImmj ply, we save been unable of late to alwaya ep u on hand, but Boyater has promised as sot la than from Two Hundred snd Fifty ta Tares HeasrMi Pounds per week, for the next two wscbt. aad i- ter$hat time Five Hundred. Springfield Hams. A small lot left of thoaa fts 8PR1NQP1ILD HAMS, which so rapidly acquired raver after w introduced them in this market last year. Liquors, Wines, &c. As the State Leglslstare has psssed the Proa Hit tios Bill, we advise all of oar frlenda and caatom era to lay in a stock of CAPE FEAR, VIRGINIA GLADES or STEWART'S RYE. We alao Lava on a nd a large stock of MUMM and nKlDBEirn WINE and MOTT'S CIDER, preparatory u, the time when the Prohibition Bill will not allow a tu drink any thing elie, aad adviae evrry oseio custom themselves to these beverages Wore it bill goea Into .c ffdet . TrnstiDg.a'l will call before psrchMlai: tint where. Wears yours truly. P. L. Bridgers & Co. mhlSif NEW BUTTER. First of the Season. VERY CHOICE FINE FLAVORED. Smoked Salmon.. Herrtaga aud Sllrs New Genuine CorT Ash, Large No. I fat Mackerel, Fat NO. S Mackerel, six for 99 cts. Preserves for sals by the pound. Cherries, 1 Pine-Apple, Peaches, aad Oraaga at"! Apple JMft ' The veryfiueat quality of N. O. Molaasiti. Alao, Porto Rico aaa New Crop Caba. At J. C. Stevenson's mh 81 tf "Eeady." Ready to give yed stylish clothes. At a price that will amrsiy please; Beady to suit yoa, aa every one knows. And ready to at yoa wrta ease. l?A..jte n ssMaasI at s taatanv aaa sfkSvsk Whe are ready to visit JOHN DYER A BOX mhSOtf Sundries. 2750 BACKS UYERPOOLSALT, 85 BnlS 8PATTI8B BKOWS, . SO Bales OO PTON YARN, SO Carloads Prima Whtta COJUi. For sale low for cash.. mhS7tr - q. BONEY A SOWS. Look to Your "Interest AND STOP AT,' MSU.iRT) joWDaTTB. whef the Iar?et asaortmeat of Harases. Bridles. Saddles, Collars, Treoks, TnnUaf Bars ever bronght to this clty.ars t be seen aad bonxat for tae lesst money. Try them and be eoovlacss. atsM faetnrinc and repairing done with neataess and dispatch; . .Ji--- BE IT RBatEMBERED I-TM new rarpitare atonof Bahrmds A Muoroe. E. E, Cor Ma- 1 .1 .1 Jl fg ,1 Iwlim M I . maw exhlDiting the largest sad most ewapwte- Stoek of pricea to compete with nay Northern House Give ua a trial before ae)Qdlngypmr orders North aad we will convince yon. anfltf 11 1 III w . 1 mm I I 1 Particular IJotico. V ' f' FOR THIfTX DATS TB.VM. TUM WltUFT Vl dayofMssim,IwlUsUMdie, HarasM lr-v.l and Collars at east. Alao whips and la ,21. Bridles' BepeJriBgTrsBka.ParBsa and Saddlea aP clalty, . Alo Trinuaing-Banlse sad Osjrrlsges, on Third, batweea Msrfcst aAeTsViaosss atreets at Factory. i .t.;. . . . an 51 ft -"T ".Tl .- Parlor, Cbamner. . tiuub vmee aaa Maeary Furnltare In the state: Wardrobea, klda ' Boards. Lounges. Oil Cloths, Mattresses, Ae-, Ac, Ae., all or which mast be sold Wholesale end ksull at ai? 'in. 4 4:''. sii.iX'M tic:i.

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