: H noanniQ STAR. IN 1 1 tt H. 11. OEHNAUD I M T-TTa ill: fV... fooriCT"' rM IIS ! v w 4 . ThHtfirakfc-i.v"M'. M ,i (..-:'S";iir' ..ii...t ..in urn f " J IT VV C 0 yip al. f HI (!, " " fr- uata. " ., mamt " I as T ttty Baft fa wa. Barw4 U aay pari W th nt.rjwtOiiitwtiit. ovdnifwuif K.C. la C&io, III, Oaiki, Nl, oJ CcJam ba. Oaio; St- Look, Ho, tJctctl R pabllcM mjf. t& malt of bitur co teal imecg tii Itaortj A pK iioo rpctisf lit IIcU jul coifls Jao(ca b cllal lob citlsco of tb L'aitii Su!e wm nlimd loU coamit h Jbt oo ib ntotetioa for tlcctloa of tUytrJ pXia. T Ootraoc of TtoeM icJ iba bi!l for Ilia aa(Uoaaat tl debt t par and 3 par caat. ,.. Taa MiiuaaJ i'oatai.oo U ia wtioa ai Cbkfo. In coo ilex bat w taa policaaiaa tad woiaca. ia cuuat j LaUrioa. Iraiaad, a jixl Uuly ad4 aaU aaolaar woaaded. iUrbcuala tikockt al Chio coaiiaoa; ,t imfMMubU to cater tba tow a . it U retd tbai tba am bar of killaU and vouadi will Droa tactmooa. Tba t)rb Gotfenat ia caxX( iblilaU oX' 4a twf keabalaaca aar'ai Tba 1oi pmpcaiitwc vf tba Powaxa waa pre t aitU to Orcc oa tba &b laat. Sb'MT Xaooa aa pfaaated ttb a Coral f c . jwMfl7, bf color ad VifflaLaaa. Jkbaaiooa Bijtba U ba aomiaattd A ew railroad comblaatioo, ebracieg tba . . , ... - . i . . . w . n . Am r b LAroitn.. i am ihiil ,u i m mw iaj-aitrvd. ba b formed ia tba later ( of tbe LooiaetUa Jk Nabill coeabiaa- t , Tba Soathera Vrntt Aici iw od(. Bt Aaxaata, Ge . yacerdey. ii-.. ir i)oftr. i4ti 14. abo( aad killed m r Ltj. earrd 17. at tiaabary. Pa. .iobi. Toeter JL Co.. eotloo coosaaia- iarrcbbt, of Mobil, bare apeaded. Tu sue Jitlra of Lord Baacooaflald ia fry njco if 4'o New Yoik oasikets: Si oy 4Q1 per ccol ; cut too firm at 10 2lle. euQtbera flour qaiel ead uacbeaftd 4 737 CO; wbaal opod a sbeda bt- r aj dued siroager; aagraded tad f 1 IS tt M. com wKboal i no porta at cbaege; aa rvU! J.-Si)t ; soirits iarpotio aoeet :si aJ wak at 41Q41 ceale; roeia qaiet Yi cotton crop of 1990-81 ia now ttn4ttv! at 6,100,000 balea the Urgeet aver growo. J.-rJ UfscooeueJa waa born in isik;. Mr. Gladstone waa born io i ")), and Mr. Bright in 1811. Nearly all of tbe Republican papers ot New York are said to favor to confirmation of Judge Robert .n. Foar ooly are to oppoeitioo. r ,(a Jfftroa w ta oaly skeptic ia .i ( Amertcaa Preeideote; bat oaly . . .. i arm. Waaatafioo aad Gaxficld, Sttia cuaisaaaKAau. Jackaoa, Qar- .... PjU aovl Graai wr U el bod lata, aad .t biosvd ta differeat deaoraiaa- V not (ieoeral Jack'0 a Pree jirrian? Wa have that impreaaion. Ol -l lha Praaideoia ooly two were merabera of 4 church. Piety aad the Prveideocy do not seam to ait in ib ana a pew. The Char lea too Jt'fte J Courier je of Jadge J. F. Simmooa's vol a me of poems: "Tbe chief iatartet of Tba Weldad L ab' aaJ tb ober erra la tbl voiaoaa ia n iair espraaetoa (f tb raawakaaed aealP aaai of brotbarbood beiwewa tbe North a4 tb doatb, wa cb graw eat of tb gv ruu sysBp4by sbewa by law Nona ia tba ip of Uftad cowutbatloaa la aid of tba fr-ncke Svtb. aad ia tba hwroie self endee of Nortbara sua aad woeaea wbo ireoaally bravs Ue Mat lleaca ta caryiag uccor ta tba ad cd JaJge Stomooe ta a native North Carol tataa. ITha Asbeville and Spartanburg lUilroed was aoU oa the 4th to a aamber of bondholders for 1111,000. Th Cbsrleetoo JS'ftte tt Courier ssje : "IaaaediulT after tba ea.'w a aaea.tiaf w b4vl m& a aw eoenpeay orgaaixad vaajr tba utl of tba Aaaaeille aad pr taao ftMlroad Cuoipaay, wtta R Y. MeAdao, PrwdeaL W. H. faaaeo, Vca PraaideaL ima Aaderaoo, DapartataadeaL N D-il a, Traaaarar. It Y. McAJrn. rraak E. Taylor. W. U. laoaaa. Jpa Walker, W. m Tboas peoo, Aifrvd Aatill aad O. R CKiacaa. direc tors. 5ipa will be tekea at aa valy dey to ccoapi(a tba road la Asbvill " The depoeed priest, Jamee V. Mo Namara, wbo figured al Raleigh oca a eight or nine years ago in a diarvpu table role, U now knowa as "Bishop" MoNamara, of tbe Inde paadeot Catbolio Church. He waa stoned at Hartford, Coooeotieot, last Friday, night. It ia stroogtj sus pected that be ia of "aoeouod mind.1 The saspicioa is no doubt nnfoanded. IU ia m mad of tery violent U caper, lie lit ao organ called the lmlepe Unt Catholic Mjgatlnt. The Hart ford Tlanes of Saturday says : "Ele taei waat la for syetaautle woek aad ofxad tbe 'Xadepaadeat Catbol Cbarca.' In whja bar urrtZ the oCca of 'Biaaor by tba vote of bia eoeetlraeeu, (xiadoax several other ' priasts la New York wbo bad, nks bio. beea saleaead' for ae caaaw or aootbar. Qa proooawa to eatabUab one peer, ta son ace ansa movemeet epoa tbe VOL. XXVUL. NO. Pom. bera la Hartford. Hla Uaraaxa tad Buaara ara wall calcnlatad to pruToke, wbat ba ao arWaatly aacka. tba aotoriaty ob4aiaal1a by aacb tcaaca aa tbat of lut aixbt. lie aoaooocee aaotber metifBrtbu Ttaia. It via oot lha radbaoded mur derer of Corri aflar all who wta killed. So aorry. Poaiaeript : Siooa the abore was writteo, wa rejoioe to learn that it ta Carrie tbe murderer of Porter, the actor, who had NemeaU after hica. A special from Chicago,' of Anril 'ad. aara April -oa, aays . Ota IdaaillT has bcaa ixovea bv iatar- d Dereoae wbo have UvaaUiatad the ir. ilar craTLV.! vaa M VMt I bo mmn am WMla hooaarof Ill-fame, became Involved In a kcapar. killed Currie. Ellbrltbt claimed ibi taa abooiiar wae done la aelf-defence. Tba oxirt acquitted EUbrlabt oa the avl- deace of bia wife aad b I as eel f, tbere being no cxber wtic President Garfield is said to be extremely annoyed at the oooditlon of matter in tbe Senate. Conkllaff ia the leader of oourae of tbe Stal warts io tbe eSeoate. He is a very able man and knows tbe material he it to handle. In tbe Republican cau cus be was mister. The Washington !' the Ricbmood State of the I arK iKraai li rrh t nn ln ninrnt V i " - jv w a n.r.r.r.n. nr a.- in rrrar.l In 'J or O Conkliog and other matters: "He said be agreed with tbe views already expreeaed, but bad not even remotely urged them upon any one. If anybody desired to recede from tbe poeitioo the party bad so dslib- erately taken by the preceding can- cue, ba waa not (be said) of tbat nam- ber. If anybody deeired to relinquish SJeoatOr MahOUe Or Mr. Kiddie- I v . l . : : 1 - - I twrver, ws commgDest puooipiw vl i good faiib would require that the control of tba committeee be also I I given up. I Tbta speech eeecaeu to overwhelm I tbe Conservative RepubUaans, of whom they are known to be at least I twelve, and the caucus reaolved witboul a disMolies: vote to continue I th. struggle for tb. Senate offioea, Ooe pot.nt cause of beaitanoy amoog Senators wbo desire to break I bia legs orokea. Mrs. .Elizabeth Ne tha deadlock ia a fealincr thaL if th a I Till, of Cbapel Hill Township, Orange R-nahli.nS .tr. .howia nnw mm their backe upon the Independents of ff k sm. tk aaftaaa Kavmre f a. an ana I the South after having for so many years appealed to them to come out from the ranks of the solid Democracy of the South, Republicans could not expect for them any fate but utter defeat in coming electiona." Senator Saolsbury, of Delaware, n;..i ; tKa. made a ratber original speech in tbe Senate that waa a a access. Staunch nm.at a. h. u Vi m tv iK. Democrat aa be w, be took the part of Garfield, and, personating hits, made ao appeal to tbe Senators wbo bad deserted him by name. The Richmond Dipatehy letter says: "After aayiog that Mr. Garfield is worse treated than any President who baa eves occupied the White uooae. oa maoe nie exoeuenoy maxe I . II , I a speech, in which he appealed to Senators by name. To Mr. Sherman be said: 'I nominated you at Chicago j j v.t j t " anddidmy beet for yon, and lex- peeled you would stand bj me; bat ins ia ad of that you have refused by voar vote to eoosiaer nr nomina uooa.' io air. uoar besaia:'lou frvetded over the convention that se acted me, and your face grew radi ant when I beat the third-termer.: and yet you, too, have deserted me.' To Messrs. Hale andFrye bis appeal waa pathetic He told them that be had made Maine's favorite son tbe Mat a a w a m -mr premier of bia Cabinet, and bad al right to count open their support; but tbey also bad refaaed even to aid '.i v i. j io opening tbe messages be had from day to day sent to the Senate. Mr. Dawes interrupted the Delaware Sen- ator while he was persooaliog tbe President, hat be declined to stop the solemn appeal. ThU speech waa r a I a bit.' Major Charles Maurios Smith waa kilUd near Port Royal, Va., by being thrown from a spriog cart. He waa io bis 6Mih year. The State has a very warm editorial eulogy upon bis merits." Much of bia Ufa was adven turous. From aa interesting biograph ical sketch io tbe ttate we copy tbe following: Maf. Smith was tba first lawver wbo ever prosecuted and Judge Sin- cl sir the first jo dffe who tried Bri- bam Young, tbe leader of the Mor- mona, and tbu writer baa heard both , 77 ., . .k;. of the gentlemen in their grapbio accounts of the trial. BngbaoaYonog am a came into oourt with hie bead tied op I in a red bsndkercbief. Judge Sinolair in a red aaKac''J,v . rV ordered him to uncover bis oeao. TV . Vf . A Mwla mmtA n a nmr I . L Um diVI Uivy nrvaMw " - I uooorered his head in tne presence oi the Dwoole. whereupon the Jndge .in dlTnrtmaTir wbatier ha told him it did not matter wbelber be uncovered bis head in the presence of the people or not. but one thing was I certain, he had to unoover bis head in the preseaos) of the United 8 LA tea Court, aad if be did not do it at ones . lit . rv . . j.j ne woaia mae oinx. a urn aposus uiu not hesitate longer. I - I Qranrille county has four weeks I of eoert la Af rtt. ' -WlliMINGTON, N. C.i THURSDAY. 14. Spirits . TurpentuioV The Oxford Torchlight hat im prored conilderably of late- Olad to aeeit The Kenaaarilla -XTew, T: A. Lyoa, editor, baa begoa lta- career. Price fl a year. Bocceea. Greenaboro Patriot: The frnit crop la tbla aeetloa baa not been Injured by Uteiate ooldweaiher. 7" v Dr?r7Lffl7 a P10.?0.8 end two Tipresldents, ;with twenty out dresa bat been cheered ' from Charlotte I .m. .M.nrMi..Bt. Xm nitp Amnn. addresa toJooeaboro, N- C Oorreepondents will please note. The jFVopit Greenback and AnU-ProblbiUoo acmi-weekly paptr bM ba started at Charlotte. ' Price 3 a ye ar I E. H. Brltton, editor. T-K-.v.x. rt. Vt r- m. , m T. JT..J fciLJVi0! ?1 I . . ' : . . . I .TtTlTVt rv .uammgw. io JU,J Winston Sentinel : Riohard Gwyn, Br., Eaq , died at El kin, Monday. March 7th, la the eighty-fifth year of hie age. Mr. Gwyn was one of the oldest members of the widespread and Influential Gwyn family of Wilkea, Surry and Cald welL He was one of tbe original foun ders of tbe Elkia factories aad was a busi ness man of experience and integrity. Edenton Clarion: We rejrret to learn tbat Mr. Fred. Bunch, an a ted ciu- aea, feU into an excavatioa for Lee's build- log on Broad street. Tbursdsy night, breaking his leg and dislocating his hip. The meetings of the Baptist church closed this week, with an addition of over Mmambera, tba reault baa also aeeo ad vantaceous to tbe Methodist Church. In fact the entire community has been bene- I Utieu. I IVOCXlDgOaia OpirUZ Mr. An- I avna TjmS Aii at Kla mMmm naap r.,n. rlnburg oa tbe S4tb nlUmo, aged about 61 I?" fTla V wlVi 2? f0 ,f lj. EaJi.oTaVrlved in town Thursday. I He aays tbat be will be retained la hie pre. I sent, position. If be ao deeiree. He will re- bare but a few days before his return oaiuoury Mamwicr: a wo ne- EXSS." T d Fnk llenU ... .hot la th- Inmh h Henrr Walk-r nr . . . . . . . . rve couw notiearn wneioer too woaoa waa forr I-at F iaa ' ow. lulin worc iea oi uh (ruuau, maa mugs vj My, two horses that were la the bara at the time, escaped serious iojary. They were dragged out from under the pile of fallen ambar alive aad are now doing service. liillsboro Observer : Uy a let- Ur ttcnued from our young friend. Mr. rL ffieaS 'SXtS baa bean ao nnfonunata aalo have one of county, died on Last Thursday, the 24th in- 8he VaV the 'moVher of 10 cbildren."' Jm it Ctf mm--. A fa.l . . a. a mm NI O 4awa grand coildreo, 60 great-grand children, and 6 greal-great-grand-cbtldren. Total, 110 children. Salisbury Watchman: Mr. Wil liam Brandrein, general manager of the North Bute Miolog Company, was in tbe city Mooday, and atartad oot la com pa or with Dr. Eameaon an losoectine tout over tba propoaed line of railroad from here to Jefferson. Some few of our people do not u,al uto e-rulaly to be built tbe fact la beyond creation. Mr. J. B. Laoler'a lock box at tbe poatofflca waa roD bed lest week of iiacoateau. Among others taken wss a check for $300. The caeca waa aiiarwarua picKeu up oo too street, where It had beea dropped. iliokory Drue: The shingle factories or Mr. G. M. Whttener, south west, and Mr. Robert Winkler, northwest of town, are both doing a good business. Tbey work a number of hands, and each tarns out aa average of about 150,000. Tbe surveyors on tbe Georgetown & Lea- A Aiw mmM w OI vm m Narrow Genoa Railroad reached Lancaster oo last Moadsy. Tbe directors oo this road Intend to connect with the TrtKmS sa Lancaster, wbten wia give them a coo- uouous Hoe from Lenoir to Georgetown. A company Is new surveying a line from Leoolr to the Grayson iron works in Vir- a . - w u. New Berne Nut Shell' Died, at tbe residence at Judge C R. Thomas, in this city, oa tbe mora log of the 4h Inst, Mrs. Elizabeth K. Thomas, aged 73 years 8 moatna aad 8 days. A difficulty oc curred about oooa yesterday at the boose of Mr. Jobo Thorpe, near Rlverdale, a few miles below Newborn, which result ed ta the killiag of Mr. Jobo Gibson. From what we can learn Mr. Thorpe was attacked by Mr. Glbaon. who bad a hatchet In bis band, aad the latter was abot down by the -d Plred om"' Hf' Thorpe at once came to Newborn aad sur- olnMtlf l0 ah9XiS Haha. ataUng that be did the killing In aelf defence, and be was at once committed to jail. Charlotte Observer : Senator Vance returned to Washington Sao day afterboon, endwlll resume bis seat la the Q.a.la TKjS. I f SkPhPlrlcF WT SSSkt 1 fl tW tJWmM aW aByaaseM afaaajp w M en of Concord Presbytery was in session at Rocky River until yesterday. Tbe congre gation In attendance on the services Sunday ie said to have been between 1000 aad 2000, including a number from this place, " Squire West, colored, was a train hand on the freight train oo tbe Charlotte, Columbia & Aagusta Railroad, In charge of Cspt. Allison. Yesterdsy afternoon ha attempted to climb on top of tbe train white It was In motion, near Colombia, and fell. Tbe remainder of tbe story is quickly told. He was cut to pieces, and of course died in stantly. Oxford TorehliffhL' There are 131 cases on the Trial Docket. 85 on the Criminal and 15 cases on the Appearance Docket for the oext Superior Court Mr. J. IL Horner Is buUdieg a large Hall 60x30 feet which wiU be used as a dining f-?in?Eff the school will be held la this new butldlag. SsvaBty-alx caes are docketed tor trial at tble term of tbe Inferior Court. 1 srw'HFk iik naanv udab uuuvniua uua Ba. - Tbe Orphan Asylum at present gives homes to one hundred and fifty-one chll- dreo. 63 boys aod 88 girls. We bear .... r..f. rv.n..n 1. n h.trt . ... m. w.. I I KJHOTXX a. lu aiij U.J. A UO BU1UUVI 1U attendance at oxror a remaie Bemioary ia HO. Mr. T. T. Graodr, after an honorable service of 85 yesrs, baa realgned m uap-rtntendent of tbe BapUet Sunday MchocJ ta tnla Disce. We have cot learned 0e asme of bis successor. IUlelgh News- Obsirver : Tbe following prisoners from Wayne county, eesuncsd to the penitentiary, all colored, tnt int b for larcanv. bava beea brought - .nlnm BowdarL'4 veam William ' vearst Nasey Hudsbo. 2 year: Al-1 ia Atkinson. S years; Charles WUUams, 1 1 year. Mr. Benjamin O. Smlth, who I lived Io this city, snd wss wen eoowd cere, Ccideotally abot falmaelf at Little Rock, Artaoaai, on Sunday. ile diea irom tne effecte of bia woooda. air. Smith was a nephew of Major O. H. Clarke,, who Htm near tola city, and a grandson of Mn. Tompkins. - ue was at ooe time a cadet at The TLenoir Smntyeople Bioebam'i are making becoming preparations for the erection of the monument in - memory of Gorernor Caswell. - The here organized a Caswell Memorial Association, and at a meeting held in the court boose at Kins- a, . a 1 aAa H t .9 tbe twenty outside rice-presidents are the follow! ae: Goldsboro. H. F. Grain eer: Ra I John Galling; Trenton, E. R Page; Tr"t Don. George Howard; Wilson. W. Blonnt; PayetteTille, Col. Wharton I Green; Greenville, L A. Sugg. Governor I .?. we learn, is expeciea to aeiiver tne 1 addreas on tba occasion when tbe mnu- X.1' to d Kinston will be tbe place. JE3 CITY. KKVT ADVBBTISBiriBNT. Mtnreosr Clothing. Fouxd Brass door key. BLaBBisozr & Alleh Hats. J. C Mchps Sozodont, etc. Local Data No cases for the Mayor's Court Mt-rrf. , The Produce Exchange elects offloera for the ensuing year oo the 13th , 1DK m- w v r,i. rtf fKa I ' I of Pbelps, Dodfte & Co., New Yotk, is at the Purcell House. Miss Frances E. Willard is ad dresalng crowded houses in Savannah on the subject of temperance. At a regular meeting of Cape Fear Lodge No. 2, I. O. O. F- held Tuet e day evening. Past Grsnd Beej. Bell was elected Representative to the Grand Lodge at its approaching session in Goldaboro on the second Tuesday in May. A Caiareel tVaaaaav Harrjbly Burned. A colored woman by the name of Martha i v.t tt-i i -h.f t. knA.n Pri.' I ' 7 . """7 ao wastia sixecia, agtsu auuuk uv jewB,wwi I .f.nf.ti- Knrni .t-rriv tftrnonn I .... .."V.. , 7 T! uu " BUO vuuu " I appear that she was lying on' the floor in iront or tne nre asieep, wnen sne wss I aroused by her little daugbter.who was tbe only person io the room besides herself.and found tbat her clothing waa oa fire. Her cries, together with those of the child, brought several of tbe neighbors to the scene, but before tbe fire could be exiin- gulahed nearly every vestige of clothing I a m aa was burned from ber body, and ber person was ooe mass of scorched and shrivelled flesh, from her head to her feet. Dr. Wloants bsppened to be passing about the time tbe flames were subdued and did all be could, assisted by Officer F. M. James, for the comfort and relief of tbe sufferer. At last accounts the unfortunate womsn wss still alive and conscious, but very little hope is entertained of her recovery. Tbe accident occurred about 8.80 P. M, and was tbe occasion of the slsrm of fire which was sounded atthsthour, but which was quickly stopped by the report that tbe fire wss out. ejrlaataal Canri. Tbe following cases were disposed of in this Court yesterdsy : State va Ed. Sanders, chsrged with carrying a concealed weapon. Defendant found guilty and sentenced to three months in the House of Correction. 8tate vs. Jno. Thompson, charged with illegal voting. NoL pros, with leave. State. vs. Edward Sanders, charged with resisting an officer. Defendant submitted and judgment was suspended. State vs H. Bently, and M. F. Bently, charged with conducting a lottery in tbe city of Wilmington. H. Bently? only on trial. Defendant found not guilty. State vs. H. Bently. charged with con ducting a lottery. Defendant plesd not guilty and former acquittal. Defendant was found not guilty. oar Lteiare tsasea. We hear the lecture of Rev. Dr. Yates, delivered at the Opera House on Tuesday night, universally praised and commended. We hope the Doctor msy be Induced to re pest it at an early day. The Wilmington Library Association, or ita Committee rather, are entitled to .great credit for pro viding such rare intellectual food" for ' the delectation of the public taste, as evidenced by what baa already been "dished up" for their gratification, as well as wbst is still in snticipation in tbe promised lectures by Rev. Dr. Wilson snd Rev. Dr. Deems, under tbe ssme auspices. By the way, we t learn that, Rev. Dr. Deems will be introduced to his audience, on the occasion of his proposed lecture on the 21st Inst., by Hon. Gsorge Davis, of this city. 1 Tba Law in BecarS) Corenere. We have already stated that the new law in regard to Coroners' duties requires tbat only six persons shall constitute a jury, and that they shall receive the same pay ss other jurors. A still further amendment " V"", " " before ui, provides that a Coroner shall not 1.. ,n ki4 ,nnn.. n..r th. . body of aay deceased person unless It is made to appear by tbe affldsYit of some responsible party that the deceased proba bly came to his death by the criminal ac or default of some person or persons, nor shall a physician or surgeon be summoned except at , the request of the jury investi gating the case. ' HORS FORD'S ACID PHOSPHATE acta as a brain and nerve food. ' It is not a quack medlolne, but is prepared according to tbe directions of tbe well known Prof; . a. uorseiora. 7 APRIL 7. 1881. r JPJBXI DEB CO IJII X T. ., . Bacnlarf XUaatlilr ; naattiaa at tfca Boar ol Oonntr Coaomlaaioaara. The Board met at ; Burgaw on Monday last; present, Daniel Shaw. Chbirman, and Commissioners Alderman and Cor belt. Much business relating to school and the deserving poor was transacted. ' The following persons were appointed Township List Takers, in accordance with section 1 of the new Machinery act: C. W. McClammy, Grant Township; W. - I J. Plaver. Hollv; T. J. 'Armatronr RnAirv I Polnt. R T Sanders. Holden-J E Ri venbark, Union ;T. H. W. Hclntire, Co lumbia; C. P. Moore. Lincoln: James F. a - i f v a ahaMajwaas wsiuvkuvske The Sheriff, Register of Deeds and Clerk of the Superior Court . presented their monthly reports, which were examined found correct and ordered to be placed on file and epresd on the book of official re ports. Dr. G. F. Lucas came before the Board and declined to act as Coroner. John Moore, of Canetuck, qualified as County Surveyor. " The County Board of Education and the I County Board of Justices of the Peace will meet in joint session on the first Monday in June next to elect a County Superintendent of Public Instruction. Arrlvai and iBteranens of tbe He mains of ilia LateX. o. Harrla. Tbe remains of the late T. C. Harris, wbo met bis death by an accidental pistol shot at Birmingham, Alabama, on Saturday night last, arrived here on the 6.20 South ern train, yesterday morning, enclosed in a neat metallic case, and were met at tbe depot by a number of the young friends of the family and of the deceased, and escorted to the residence of Mr. C. M. Harris, on Fourth, between Nun and Church streets. Tbe funeral took place at 11 o'clock, Rev.' Dr. Yates of the Front Street M. E. Church, officiating, after which the remains were taken to Oakdale Cemetery. Rev. Dr. Wilson, of the First Presbyterian Church, Rev. Mr. Taylor, of the First Baptist Church, and Rev. Mr. Ricaud, of the Fifth Street M. E. Church, were in attendance. Pander Conaty maslstraiee. The following is a list of the new Justices of the Peace recently appointed by the Leg islature for Pender county: John E Durham, Rocky Point township; John D. Powers, Uoion township; C. P. Moore, Lincoln township; T. H. W. Mcln- j tire, Columbia township; M C. Collins, Holden township; William J. Player, Holly township; R K. Bryan, Jr. .Grant township; I w- a-r ai a . t v a E Hawes, Caswell township; J.J. Pridgen, D. J. Corbett, B. F. Keith, Canetuck town ship. The last named is a new-township. On r market. Dressed turkeys were selling in market yesterday at 221 cents per pound; dressed fowls from 00 cents to $1 10 per pair, and eggs at from 15 to 16 cents per dozen. Beef was very scarce yesterday morning and re tailing at from 12 to 15 cents per pound, and there was next to no bacon or pork on the market Bring in your "prowisioas." A raret.ry. An early riser yesterdsy morning reports a trail otWood stains, in what must have . , , . J- .11 ,V. wmwrnmm unu aiici uakc yuuxa kuu uiuio, ui iuv hbj from Fourth to Eighth street, on Princess. Whether the stains were produced Ty hu man gore or the blood of some wounded animal, is- a question not yet evolved from tbe realms of mystery. ttlVBBE ARE SIARINB. Nor. brig Carin, Schmidt, sailed from Hall on the 4th Inst for this port Schr Wm A. Getsner, Decker, hence, arrived at Baltimore on the 4th inst Nor. barque Mania, Albrethsen, hence; arrived at Trieste on the 1st inst Schr. Gettysburg, from New York for this port, proves to be the vessel tbat was run Into and sunk off Kitty Hawk on the 30th ultj The vessel in collision: was the schr. Harcu A Davit, Wharton, from Bar ren Island, at Norfolk on the 2nd, where she landed the crew of the Gettysburg. Capt. Wharton denies tbe report of the signal corps officer ithat he refused information about the disaster. The number of vessels belonging to, or bound to or from ports in the United States, -reported totally lost and missing during the past month is 42, of which 18 were wrecked, 18 abandoned, 4 foundered, 1 was burned,' and 7 are missing. . The list Comprises 1 Steamer, 1 ship, 22 barques, 0 I . . . ,o ' .. , I uriH ibu xo Kuwuen, uu taeu iuhm $530,120. I n .1 . . . . 1 By a regulation adopted at the recent annual meeUngof tbe Board of Supervising TnonnAlAva Af fivAeitva Vaaaeiala. i tiaaM ! WaaaiK- I auouwkVi wj wa slaves aaa w aasawaa? uwm aaa v f easjaa s ington, and approved by the proper autbori ties, it is now a law thai all row boats, as well as coal bostB, trading boats, produce 1 boats, oyster boats, fishing boats, rafts or other water craft, navigating any bay, bar- bor. or river propeUed by whatever power. or which shall be anchored or moored in or near the channel or fair-way of any bay, harbor or river, shall carry one or more good white lights, which shall be prescribed by tbe Board of Supervising inspectors of Steam Vessels. ', . ?.. Pranaatnre Esan sf tlisHalr Jfowtaayi may le entirely prevented by the use of Burnett's CocoAinb. .. It has been used in thousands of cases where the hair was coming out in handfuls, and has never failed to arreab tu decay it ;rjromotes: a healthy and rigorous growth; nd it t is at the same llmt vnrivaled a 'a$cflandglo8y dressing fonhe haJrir v- " " : " BU R K E TT S 'FLATORINGr : EX- TRACTS are the beat, strongest and most healthful. Sold everywhere. f WHOLE NO. 4,256 I Daily iraatfeer Baitetia, ? The following will how the atate of the thermometer, at the stations named, at 8M P. M. yesterday, Washington mean 1 "me Jao moan of ninUl in inches , for the twenty four hours ending daily at S P. M, except Tuesday, when it is 48 hours, as furnished by Sergeant James W. Watson, Signal Officer at this Butioo: i Tem. R. P. Weather. Cloudy Fair Hazy Clear t Cloudy Fair Cloudy Atlanta......... 64 .00 65 00 70 .00 61 .00 75 .00 70 .00 78 .00 74 .00 71 .00 77 .00 75 .00 78 .00 68 .00 72 .00 60 .00 65 .00 67 .00 J Augusta. I Charleston....... - 1 Charlotte........ Galveston.. Uavaoa.... a ar a-e 1 lodianola. .Jfair Clear Fair Fair Clear Cloudy Clear Clear Clear Clear ,. " Key WestI 7.7." Montgomery..."! New Orleans. .. . Punta Rassa Savannah........ Wilmington...... Cedar Keys. Pensacola... ... The following are tbe Indications for. the South Atlantic and Southern portion of tbe Middle States to-day: Generally fair weather, stationary or a slight rise in temperature; a slight rise, fol lowed by .falling barometer; northwest to southwest winds, becoming variable. Wllnalnctom mutual lasnraaee Com pany. The annual meeting of the policy-holders of this Company was held last night. All the officers of the Company were re elected, as follows : President W. A. French. Vice President J. K. Brown. Secretary and Treasurer Samuel N. Cannon. Dhectors Wm. Larkins. J. H. Free man, R. E. Heide, H. VooGIahn, R. J. Jones, R. 8. Radcliffe, R. E. Calder, W. P. Oldham, H. M. Bowden, J. H. Ohadbourn. Charged witn Raaataat Iioitery. Tbe case of H. Btsntly, charged with con ducting a lottery on Front street for the psBt three or four months, who was arrest ed Tuesday afternoon, attracted consider able attention in the Criminal Court yester day afternoon and evenins. Messrs. M. London and Marsden Btlla my appeared for the defendant, and Mr. Solicitor Moore prosecuted for the Stale. Mr. Bently was tried in two cases and acquitted. For the Star. Pender Leads In Orsanisinc for Pro hibition. Burgaw. N. C. April 4tb. 1881. The friends of Prohibition in Pender Sn wasffet7d" wltra'iXwSKf- 1. rallied here to-day. A permanent organic fleers: President Dr. S. S. SatchwelL Vice President George Z French. Secretary and Treasurer Wm. T. Ban merman. The following gentlemen were appointed as an Executive Committee : Grant Township Maj. C. W. McClam my and George Shepherd; Holly Daniel Shaw and J. R. Banaerman; Union Col, JobnD. Powers and James Alderman; ttW a a ara v . a -a mwm a UOiUen A. XI. r-auuison anu A..X.. layior; I Rocky Point John E. Durham and Wm. I H. French: Lincoln J. OninoV Rail And I Charles M.Taylor; Caswell J. R. Peddi son and E. A Hawes; Columbia R. H. Murphy and Benjamin Cos tin; Gum G. W. Corbett and William Keith; Burgaw James H. Moore. The following gentlemen, including offi- tl akMM. m-wimm. a.J B tk. SSL h": I " ' " . B I State Prohibitory Convention to be held at Raleigh, on tbe 27th instant: Dr. N. T. Eo nett Rev. J. 8. Black and Messrs. W. B. Hocutt, T. H. W. Mclntire and William J. Herring. After further proceedings looking to tbe support of tbe Prohibitory Liquor Bill pass ed by the recent Legislature, the associa tion adjourned, subject to the call of the President W. T. Bannerman, Sec. Pender Co. Prohibitory Association. Ten years of expeiiencehas firmly rooted ! Tutt's Pills in public estimation. Their wonderful adaptability to the various forms of disease is a marvel to medical men of all schools. They are largely used io hospitals in Europe and America as well as in tbe army and aavy. Cuba and other countries where yellow fever prevails, consume mil lions of boxes annually. city Trtsias. A BARS BARGAIN. A well established aad prosperous Weekly Newspaper, located In a thri ving, growing town oa the line of a prominent Railroad, la offered for sale. Terms easy. For terms and particulars apply to tbe editor of this paper. PROFIT, $1,800 To sum It up. six long years of bed ridden sickness, costing $00 per year, total $1.800 a 1 of this expense waa stopped by three bottles at Hop Bltte a, taken by my wife, she baa done ber own work for a year since, without tbe loss of a day, and I want everybody to know it for their benefit. N. B. Farmer. If tou feel dulL drowsy, debilitated, have fre- queot headache, month tastes badly, poor appetite Liver or Biliousness, and nothing will care yom so speedily and permanently aa to take Simmons Li ver Krsmlaior. Take a haif table anoonfnl aftr ana tongue oeawea, you are ausenag rroaa l orpia each meat Increase er reduce the does as will be ftiund enough to produce one action from tbebew self aad in my family for 7 ears, and pronounce it one car. um moat saueiactory mroicinea mat can oe I need. Nothng would induce me to be without It, JteiWSfSLiS want to I "HUN. M. !. MUTT, tkalntnhna flsi -- - -- nursery. The following u an extract from a L"7I?li& "P? Reformed Meeeen. ger." attmambersbargbrPa.i i f - . a BBNBF ajCTBjbjj. Just open the dsor far Florence KTofEe Nn'ofuSrwt V&2&7& sur-ire and escape the griping, colictiug and teeth- mar siese. MRS. - winaiiuw's aourt HING BY RUP relieves the child from pain, a and cares dysen- tery and diarrhoea. It aoftena the srnma. rcdneaa inflammation, cures wind colic, and carries the in fant safely through tba teething period. It per forms precisely what it prof eseee to perform, every part of it nothing less. We have never seen Mr. Winalow-kn-w her onlv throuch the omnia tlon of her "Soothing Syrnp for Children Teething." If we bad the power we would make -tier, aa she is, a physical saviour to the infant race. Sold by all druggists. 85 cents a bottle. - DIBD. ' ' ' ' ' HEWLBTT . In this city last night of consump - tlon. Mr. WALTKB J. HJSWLETT aged 38 years 6 months and 9 days. . Tbe funeral will take place this (Thursday) after- aocaateo'cicea fiomtbereawenee orMr. T. A. Bbepaard, ea Third, between Walnat and Bed Cress streets, from thence to Oakdale Cemetery. Frieadsand acquaintances are reapectrolly invited to attend. - Tbraa sMatka V 4 .''Oaayaar,....a,...........r4" M .sOoatraes AaveAhweaXtakaa as ttoaataly low tataa, ; ;. ' . !' . fS. . ' ; . 7". Tea naea eUd Nonpareil tjpe soatv oaeaQuare. I NEW 1 ADVERTISEMENTS. 7 Found. LARGS BRA.B8 DOOS KKT. Can be bid at tba ap71t 8tajs orricx. Hats! Hats! -..- jjATEBT 8TTLKS I lowest rsicx I BaJSBIBON A ai.T.KN, SUtart. apTtf ! Children's Kilt Suits, - QHILDRKH'8 SAILOR SUITS. ! Boys, Tontns and atea's Bolls, ! Wedding aad Business Bolts, At StUNttOli'ai, apt It qotblatand Mercbaat Tailor. Sozodont, QRISHTAL TOOTH PABTX, CASHatARX BO- aet. Rose. Brown Windsor, Xlder flower and other Soaps, Cheraller's Life for the Batr, ror sale Dy JAJUCB-O. AlODS, DrasvtaL ap9 U 88 9. rruntSU The Henning Place, QN MASONBORO SOUND, IS FOR RENT from this date to first next November, for terms and particulars apply to ap 1 8t S 10 CROKLY MORRIS. Elolasses and Syrup. NEW ORLEANS .MOLASSES. CUBA MOLA88KS, FINE SUGAR SYRUP. SUGAR DOUSE SYRUP, For aale low by HALL & PEARSALL. ap 6 DAVtf A New Bupply QF THAT POPULAR LITERATURE, PUB- llshed by tbe AMERICAN BOOK IICflANQE. Jnst reeeired st H aiN BERQ KR'8 Lire Book and Mule Store. Pianos and Organs. TTtOR CASH OB ON THE J? EAHY INSTALMENT PLAN. Music Boxes. Gnitars, Violins, a d all other Statical Instruments, For sale at ap 6 tt HEINSBERGER'S. La Sa La NEXT DRAWING OF THE j Louisiana State Lottery TiAKKS PLACE APRIL 13. CAPITAL PRIZE j $30,000. Wbole ticket, gs 00; Belree, fl 00. Aaareas juock box sts, Wllm mb9.tr limlngton, N. C. TELOM A CROPBONE t Instant OommnnlcaUoa by tbe WATTS PATENT TELBTUufl S . la cue or Accident, fire or Burglar tbey are beyond price, own four tblepoONb finis i be INDEPENDENT Effldeat a dUUaos of two mtlea We will erect lines, or sell materials with full ins tractions. Price Phones S7.00 each: Wire 800 per pound. Oairanteed to work If properly pat up. EDW'D B. BOLT, General Scent for North Oarollaa. B. It. MORRILL OON, mb SO eodSw en we fr Acts for WUmlngtoa. Paraonlo. onrl Run Sr.nHA A CM WMVlkl MUU WUU MUMMVlaP Brown Cc Roddick 45 Blarket Street. WB HAVE NOW ON BAND A BEAUTIFUL assortment of the abovo at prices ranging from u centa to $18 00. LACES AND HAMBURG 8. Oar line In Lacee and Hamburg hss never been so complete as at this time. We ara opening many nereides. j NECK RUFFLING. A New Line Jast received. BROWN BODDICE, 4S Market SL ap 8 tf Baas' Easter Egg Dyes. A NO A FULL ASSORTMENT OF PATENT Medicines . AUo one of the most elegant line of Fancy and Toilet Article in the city. Cologne a specialty; try tbe FACI NATION, It Is perfectly ale gant. J. H. HARDIN, ap tf Dmnist New Market. Try Irs. Job Person's Infiian Tonic Bitten. fKuRES SCROFULA. RHEUMATISM. HEART J llaeae, chronic Bilious colic, aad all klads of Eruptions and Skin Dleeaaee arising from imparity of the blood As aa AJteratlve Toaie aad raiiaer of tbe Blood It bas proven Itself aneqnalled. i SEB GOV. HOLDEN a OPINION. j Raunsa. N. a. Dee Sd. 1880. I take pleasure in aiaung that a amttt ex aay family bas a red Mr Joe Penon's InSUa Tonic with good reeulte I believe ber remedy eioeilemt for tbe purposes for which U is intend d. i W. W. HOLDEN. j tSKX JUDGE STRONG'S OPIHION. Baunsa N. fM Dee. lt 18et. i Mrs. Joe Person : audam-eoma months ao I waa in bad-health, snfferlng from debility, tndiree- tlon aad loss of appetite, when a friewd bad 'ben a mewa tadaoMI me to try your Hi tan as a Tonic 1 aid 1 so with the moet harm raanlta. I laka mat Dlaaaara In maommaa. SfiJ aaT&aablTanTOSe rVary reapeetfaily, eo.. sToa. Prepared 1 lb- Mrs. Joe Person. Franklin too.. N. C. rersaM rah 18 ly . ..i. k. urat u ant. imhIii USB. Druggist, nac v limlngtoa, a. C, j Asplnwall Bmanas. LOT OF LARGE CHOICE , A8PIN WALL BANANAS and FINE SWEET ORANGES jest i reeeired j At 8. O. MORTBJKFS I mh S8 tf Fruit aad Ooaf eetkmery Storae. William H. Green. - Successor to Green A Flaaaer, WHOLESALE & RETAIL DRUGQI8T, Market Street, bet Front aad Secoad. apStt WILM INGTON, N. C. Our Orpckery Department OFFERS TO THE TKAD8 FBaTTTT aSOKT ments of Obsmber tats. Tea Bete, IMaaer Beta, ToUet Hats, Vaeee. line Glass, both Fwrwlga and Domestic and all gradae of tarthaaware. Terms as liberal as any Store tot Oteeity, 011. Ll.at mm mm 'IIIPVW. 38 40 Marthlfoa Block. a- m. rra-.T(farkW apStf 1AM