Mjjy'iviiiir.'ri i I m UZ3T v--wA- . Vv C-Tifj -.- - t sjwae .o i. -7 ' . ' - -. st v B ' - . - .rns,- ; to sack IDrtlaad solder's kart ra Trt x kia clea. ! '3 -cobol of glory of pelde M tis id dacll a 14 a 6mU' kll is? 0 Or where taw wuciaf Taj, To r aaarar to the onfcwra star. Wbera seoww taw as oaataia tf wbl A ai tow-ria Ovaf Wltwr Uls; v' w .item peak of granite, frosts. ; , -j. i i srv country, far or Whare Uib24 ka Wua aoda all ttt oo. sal to ia Pttmwo'i itirrfef ftyic Oa maay a fon(a aaori. - - -7a UisiaaU daaa praa abij oo Ta TKtory. aa of yor. fru to trstLtluaa o( too paaf. Trt k CMf aJtctcftt fiktej r Mf Calfottfvc&MravraO ' fra xiortc to a Mat. lit: ha lit; ocmujpv - Tb or "Uviaioa.o( ibl N'tw uv voiii oeitar tuu dpnv kt - thrl4 6cribora Soaa bavo ia jr, ilr fi. Boota Skaita'a book oa :; a u Can W' U1. anif (-cif ri. " ii H P. Lhrttoo Co. will ()wa f Mr. Fraacaa RUyy ilavarxai ii iia t i N Vok por wtn prminr oriK ma HJ. Jarwa . Wbjr : , r in c'i err s6a ra artr- mat nmi rr4 J ua of lb Ues( pomiM ot - rtruiua cdool 'i6uUfL 8ft wa m. u daaxbiar o( a IopaJ dex- - The AtkeH'eiJt haviog rud .v , i vv&iuaa' rtcjoi rvovkacQoccraia - , .rra Aairrcaa'poef aaf l&tl ,ri ;ia ipa rm-7alLUfl ka ., tara out fc ba Mf.'Wlwtnaaa' ktaa- s.) . JaJiOjC from bia Utl effort, ia 4 -f f r fiogta. bat b co'i eveo r"yot' drama, -Th Oap," . t r mU 10 b favUIaaa ittUiU aaeaar . , j.. . if wj 4tscorar4 Ikat tb mob ,. i u- TetapM ol AftaU aboOTM il ci'" li wartfc ataatioalM: ikr I i L ''' prwJoaa pUy, FaJooo,'" 1 1 .title to ciNwaJ error of caniaf tk . i jr, juii u Liuogivuvw nova in mi i4 tiua of i tie oa story, tcun a ftailt. The boater 'a Shakespeare all read ia the lore of iatailicvat iartixkrtior !. 4J N A 1. - I h LokIoo World Aj8: If I... .i IV;4.-ooadeItl racoeara b will probe- ' nn ir risifa the cooaervsiiTe Ied- :n .p t Ift- cio o tb pteaeai eir of Say haa beaa taritrd ta r-4i.it er i b Mooatary Cocvaraacat al It ia xpctU be will eepaciailj B ' ra in AmerKraa d?rtlf 18 torsp i."i tnaaaar. .. i ' Th corporation ol . IlaYratd . . ?:it? be aekad Ba. PkUIlpa Brook, rv; an tba ekair ta b un vaeaal f i- :nriatai o D. Faabadf. at 4 ha? ka u-. be enur aaiaf coceWrratloo. - Qaaaa Victoria ia a boo l to par m a faatotxa blatorlcal tataxa of btbkt . ii woi toroqje iba aaaaaioei Lk t :y witb bar daahirr 0alr1c aa4 i - H y p!rJeJ with it. Tba pflCW Ml nQij oca graixlaoa of Oa otraj . y ta ia the direct onaia Oaa la now Taia ie EiaioavJ da LaJarttU. u r )r tbr of tba late Mtiqa.a. Ua i0!Ofri l, aal waea k tftaa tba a sea a i b- ttJin- eitinct. - Th Londoo lir.m yealardaj m .. i4: Mr QladatooaJa epaack laat a i-. oiwat two aware rfaaUoa. wta d0 i--.f aiiboot aay pareapdbla abaiaoMat f a cieractertatic aaarfj. Wa kopw It la am aeoeaaary la Uka kiea al kla word tkat -:- mar b bia Uet bwjcols kal If It ba ao ran awcaau wUT aot aM-froaf aoj da feet ' r"er. oi rncui ITEBk I'reaidaot Oat Said baa rvowived i iiutioa. eiicaaU y aarvral, tkoaseada u-cit-Kne of 5t ask rHJaL" to altaod tka paia of (hair ladaatnal Etpoaiiloo. Mr. Gworgw -L SwPwfof Niir Yjn cut. raiaca kia Kill U Eaotj CoUf o XX). Mof thaa Ikla. ha also tjraa M o to iba Wealrja Fecoaia Oofkf.of Vtc30. (it-AiUnU OnsCiiaUcm. 1 1 will doabUeaa . bureau Uia rotra of Uaryla4 tobacco to kobw tkat &e Frrock cootnet rof caaco tor tk cuoia aeaaoa will ba for 10.000 hoasheads of M try land aad 7JS00 bogasaadaol Ohio. Bliod Tom, at a rjoocri TBceat)x a dtaaatoo. Ve4 dltpZajad k Boat woadT f3l fei of BMtBOry. Twia(j-oaa years wbl la Pradtxick. Hd.. Pvf- E. L Me pUytd Gernaa wWJcb wma Uaa fpeaied by Toool II Ua wea present at ia" St u a too coacatv Bad aakrfif TorUtf femabrred ik tancexll3 YXUX U Ia eoawcx ka ool -oar ataaadt th- where ika eoacart took: paw? Hit 2 piared tba wajft. eotw for Bma.tocl3diDj :urtiocj ikat Hr. Ida bad parpoaa- T o.ie ta it. TWIKULIkGk - Tba fool hklh.Bak'r.Iuirtr: Va ooa caa whit tfor lb pes?ewaV Trr f Akv a , a. a fw a art a. a. - 'a, loot : txj it H--iLias yaawc A Boa ton aatilvority as 7 a Ibat a aad complato aar1 of Baraoxrapb Lrt? uw of tUsara oClba Pacta uUoo of Anaav r.a ladapaadascs) lav wortlv abooi (XIOlV Tb lombitOTU Gossip rriated "Qaia ocupoiita rwpakt Id tV eitawOfd' woum-JrsricaT W exebsaj 0 fptaUw Miehfgsa b4 a.ftcialt. tjpe ur wtio act op alkt Ikouttad tat. raa.lk ' 3 '- Ppwf. lock JdM!iIa OcTJM :l 45V "HPH4JCA, an4atXDaiA4V3r fotksaat orom.aa. mM lawlowof Oaf fm a'ksir. 'iTaaa. mi, nV.x t .-,-94: t ;-r- Oocaj nor ,W'Tifilt5 tl$'tdrf. " a dadcil U lwvwarjsi:daslB t rajV "f of twwQtyor thirty mi;: loo a.- aa' aa i . t bar te- proba brryacrt tdr eocaa. ' a all iadicsfjotu f adi f)Q bitqra oat f v aot haw IsaiaaaU- -i .'jIaJ - A dArkay artIia .FIorids W84 uM thai if Wtmjawfal!imk!4rca fia eaoTnk taJIlTlilwrcwI5 u rbr q rvcociatasdsr f tk ra r-riaftri Aaf. -1 HAS flEVErt FAILED f ;bw eBa 6V"vIt or 13 nrcoioocmzD paoMiaOpa(rflCtbaww&Wraaed ra4eraj;y wnJi arerlMn r rT. t we tU ataoat Try t BEST LIHir.lENT MADE PAItlXlUEJl 'MM eV Caita Urmij Irlnri SeT amS par. ovascnt RTItf la all ?A!fl riftifiTS 4rfai and I Art alt rJajaaervanusar a eia ddmi WMtaw wajcn win alwara ta UjUoO,, can tm frwlr laiMri n reailr wrttboxrt aax of fcaxaa ami wUJk 3 A I r V H t Cn at a VarUotna Cbaat - Hilar ffU a,a,T. I ktawrf. anl few vaania O0 azvi ki;i,nrf aai AmjTUrrUtiae. I ta etary UMaabalaa4 fi&a?wlis no only for arnliliTiai Tiiai, Pi n la a. aacL. bat to rave of tfodden eicxneaa of Camlir raa Ubly ba wtlboot tXla tBrreio la iTCHuy la tia booaa. It pi acioc U .hh tow mnA cf aH. and It Va anntiaUiy nsajxrttaxa ia acaa la dector'a UiU. ftflVv cntgha ta Boa-, and POVlDSMCC, R.I. . Pmpriwtora dO0 eodAVXx aawarr . . am. . rg!.'f-.- ibox - ijrrrnriiiw b&iT irajoaaiacwdtfd fcrakH-eUwa'f rjuLIiig, a . ottUb-iaTRf rfldnft3api":ri idifftUori, iifreyxeiif; . Bill trot rcTrr.AVBeAiw- Ute, L of 8triiL5.r 6JSAnj fi4 MvcutJpttaBJarwJa --tLrarrrrx. ITwy act UkcarJottBLCa tha . dlfeadra oryiaa, maoviaanjtpetJc' ryaa peoawt, each aa UmLij tarj&oa fcVtaaa aVaf (a imaeA, iar&vrn,' tie Tld aaJy Prrparutoo tial 3 nil hideten iXt Urt or gir.ltadeU "Writa ibr jia ADC nook, 32 pajsra ammlng iod ttwrral readinx. ttntfrt. BltOWN CUEMlCAt. COMPA-VY, Baltimore. 3fL aa IS D-TWty . . ' . -.i La J Jg -Cr JV 1 For Yoti 11. Whose cmpl&Sori'lietrtJ tlnU of -coiapTVP?s4ir imadeUcrtoaj-J-SHii ' dcllgiitfril mrUdeVtTntfiigr tha most aXurslziSstrsnc' wWdi tcbamiaetect, mocanl U-tii lAwJIa IMm bJotUdonslT used. 3 . i ts k coMToaTAkLX tucktT OS CASZiAGt X atar1w-rTt acJ RiLaiisar aaaaoajsl the on aaaaaVlal a sjacXMA .,Wb sasaasotar bsaaiir. aaalkaaa- a-so?v-e Wre Uas ' of ua r4 aart area ta Tew save! Op as aacslaa. aad will Bar maaafaetory ta City. . RswiarsVac we , tasav ea t -awly Aral nt. rwaa.t Kimi.. aaA Trtemia ta tT 1 t,Wa!2li-A wtiiisMBbk vaaltf Chaaibac. Freataod WatarAU. '7 ttCA Chattel ntgafes ' A2H" ? : -.: ne-trraa tsiiotJi'-: CtopTaToiis j 3 - i fin I iJtiU aiuiaai ra ij fwawSaaw- ftp I la , . . . muna's - . .l-ifCMJLtl i . f At the STAB Office. A . W I pFOs ewaoccJ; ft ' sicejiba aji4too, sr Mai im waaisaaje rprjces gvatoraT. .u.,nuvi. ' small erdara hlrhar tmem Mnutx eharx-edJ I . atian. . aa.;, tiaoanroTiiiini .;ri.;: I :8boalif,;. vaa. 81a V in imwi Bur-uw hum n.'.; ... 8 K BIM BptriuTwq?taaab; 6 1 BO O 1 W v , 00 o i u 2?.o 5 60'.. Hortaara... ....... CTTH Nonfc OwpUaa,a J. Olr!ae ourras-iTa. k IT OORH wrro." TUf MM......... domm a-ncM gTtrtm.4 . ji co . too jtwr , rBW 4faeMT. Ho. 1 . kbI7. : Ho. Ut U bol . 18 00 O SO OO' M OJ0.0O i4 d ioo a so a too Mm kaML.S, V kaL.ZT.. mi taca. v ii. ...t t oa a u too do Fork tola. I ama,Eoklc...: 00 I w 6 o o o -I 4 00 0 rTTI liiainH rerar'aUaaaoTo 1,8000 t BT 50 O 64 50 . 84 tO'O 8100-i oo o ei oo- 00 00 O MM 45 00 Q 6000 90 oo oooo 00 CO 5 45 00 MM '3 67 00 uo. no a. Do. Lobo. M . Bmack'a Fbosphaxa. i Oaroaaa rertfiiaac, - " OroudBoaa. - ! BoaeMeal, rioar. Ooapieu Mmv , , , Waaaa Paoepaat 1 Waaaonoapaata. rr Be We fkoapn. i KxeaUacaaOoUoo. rarOUaac ruooa naet wbta ....... fqpov. aTorthera, bol Faaaily WbW . ' CUrftin Xxtra, e; bW .... rasallj. bM... t.Ui CltlTaT-Owm.f atora, ta aaca. . 1 Cora, cargot V boabal la ba a Oarm, Oup J aaaa.iabagt Oora,atia(lf wabelja bep. waia. aaaoea ...... BalaaaifrMiMM raaavOow, baabal . OZDK5 OraatU fc... "71 .. ........ .... HAT iaaWmtft la . I Weatara, 100 a ... i if ana tuTV.aj in a.. . IUIWNtAarm, V y Hortb OaroUsA. . LTUB bW ... ... .. WjaLBXA Ctrr ftraaaBa aip Btam.raaawed. M ft.. O 8080 P 18 M P1SP0 o st 00 P X5M Boara Xdc naak. fj M ru..; W eat tail UCarroaa.acoocdiax toaaatttT.fjxlt ... .. inoonna. mor. i narn New cp Onba,hhd wew crop uaaa, eoia 9 fax. . Forao Bloxhhda.M..'M. ...... - bbla..,, Barar Eocao. ahda. anL. " bbia,t sl.... Byrp,bla, Vgat. BXAlLSCat, lad Wla, 9 kaz.. . JIUJ Karoaaaa, w rai.M.M... ' Lard. ral....... Uaaaad, V ral....... Koala, w al. ....... ........ Tar per iral Deck aac Bpar.per (al rOULTKX CfeJeBaaaoi acrowa Bprinj.., Tarttrye FaTAJTOTB w aaaaal. FOTATOXS weesfl buabal.. blah. 9 bbl... rOBX SorUara. City Mesa. . rrtma, bbl Bto bbJ gBTB-Caronna.p Booch, 9 bash... U.e-Oo--ntry, . MM P 15 M M M P 14 M 6V 85 p 1KP IMP 1MP M p 00 p M A M p S8 10 p 1 40 Ik IX ss T5 CO no 73 ' Ctty, bofb aaXT Alaai. b aahal. U'varpooi.aiaacK, Uaboa. V aacX .... . ABterlcaa. j saak...... rorto Kico, -1 a Ooffea.fi B B f)y O aj ;Kx.O- 8 8..... Oraahad. J.. OAF NortW f) BmnOT WH OMtract. 9 M OotaaaoawVM .. ......... . CrpreeeSape 10 10 2 1? TOO a sa 5 6 9 p lOkP 6 P 5 M p 8 M p 4 M M 5 M 7 M vypr" riaerta m JL. I TA avxa v W..BbU M 18 M P 15 00 aOin4..tJl 18 M P MM P 8 It 90 p 18 00 13 OC P14 50 00 p 11 00 t 50 P 8 00 6 M p 8M 4 50 p 5M IMP 6 00 1 M p 8 M M P M 80 a 83 up SO TAJLA-JW m XUtBA-hlj tll( t.K BXtra BUDOtBa Mill rrtma, m a. Mill Fair, H . Oosxmoa MU1. UfertertoOrillnary.fi M.... fraBXjrr-Jkwtaarav Vral HorU Oerotaajv ft 81 . irOOUawaaaad V Weahad.- w m Barry wool... f witVixirjeTvn awn is Y habkei Sxeha&xt UlchU oa Raw Toxk, Xdlaat Baltimore,..., v BOCwOBa a u a a a a a a a it FUladalpala, M WaatamClttaa, H - , 80 dava 1 fJ east otHsw HsnovaiBtocB....... M 80 1S9 rxmHattontal Bank, M fravaaaaOaaaaOo. -M.a BonVa CKAAx-Ooapoau.....8t Do. Ipandlncl8ea.........lt Doc 1888M. .18 Do. Haw ,a......i..0 Do. BpaclalTax..,.......i 4 ; Do. to M.a Ranroad..-....08 W. aV V. ItaVrVwida T odeeInt).118 Oarallaa Oaotral SL M. Sonde, 8 V0...80 Wll.Col.4 Aar. K. R. . . IO8 .1 WllBinigtoa OtyBonda,arw $ aje....98 '. -1 a. 6 New Hanover County...'. a .-. 8TX W. W. Railroad Stock ..... ......80 Worth Carolina R. B M 80 fni.eaaUxhtOo. - .,.45 Wlimlaxtoa Cotton MIDa .. 85 Bank of Hew Hanover; Antborlzoct CapILal . SI, 000,000 Cash Capital paid In $300,000 orpins Fund 50tOOO. D I RISC 7 OKS. JOHN DAWBOM -IX R. MtTKCHlSOJ DONALD MoSAB ' C. M. BTkyMAS ISAAC BATBD.! AB. A. LEAK ' .A,F. LITTLE rr B. BORDEN XX, TOLLERS B. B. BSXXKiXRS 1. W. ATDNBON CttaBt M. BTEDMAM, Fresldant IAAAC BATES, Vice President 8. XX Waijlacb. CaAhlar . . (asgS0-tf ii - . - WnallBrttinn WA1M)4, 1IUIUBUW UWUU, BANS OF NEW HANOVXR BUILDING, CTUaeJjajTtaau N. C. lin. HarinB aitrUfer.CoiiiIaiiles. . M BaaaBMB- Capital Over1 1100,000.0001 -L Att ABOUT Wes t erillTorth C jlina If von wawt to know sU ahoet the arden Bpotof the Booth, aendfoc a apecime mpy ei. The -Western C7oTariert- It la a TWXNTT-Emirr OOUJMN WZEXtTV rail of laterestiax raadbut matter, and dented to the latareata af wesesra North OaroU&a. Addraaa TBJI OOURTER COMPANT, Handersoavllle, N . C. x it "'oVw; : J ujk'a it1 19 5 10K oo p . ia. ta .S 1 m s; t Oil mo roj' Th eXlo r ri i n fr C ta . ... fusl: DAILY A1TD WSEKLt : 1 sntscfijiiGiiBaresIa DAILY STAKr OB6 T .iwataepau,. .,..- .... 4 ts 1 00 - :Oae Month- V. WAJUXT tfTAJW Oaa, Tar.potepald, SI 50 . BlxMootha. " 1 08 TbreaMoatba- ' W Notices of the4 Press: Taa Stab u decidedly oae of this beet papers ta ut Btata, aa orixat and aewsr M over. k It SaUm Prttt. Tfce "Wnminfftoa Stab bu entered, on lti twelftn yearae Rood a paper. Carioiu Democrat, m any people snoaia want. The Wllmlsstsa 8tia baa entered on lta twelfth rear. Aa a dally Journal of news It atanda up bead." CbfMorxi Etguijtr. The WQmlnctoa Stab haa entered 1U twenty nfth rolnme. "There la -no better paper pabllahed In the Btata. Lmoir Tvt4e. . . The Wllmtngtoa Btax haa' entered npan its thir teenth year. It la one of the beet paper in the BUXa.Worrtnton GeutU i .' The WHmlsgton Stab has entered lta thirteenth year. It haa become one or the lending papers or the BoaVuQztord TorcVUjht. The wnmlneton Stab Is not only one of the best eonea papers in ins saua, oat lor ireennesa oi nesra and typocraphici lot mrUr. phical appearance cannot be beat- en- Ja&m The Wilmington Stab fa one of the very best pa pers ia tba South, in every department from typog raphy op to editorial ability aid Independence. We like the SrAa because It is thoroughly relia ble, candid, f earleea. and ao wall and ably edited, newry, spicy, and In fact a perfect newspaper. Long may thaBtABtwmkia. mi. aui gutter. Although si tba head of the press in this State- In all that makes a paper valuable to the reader, still It ooatranee to Improve. It la a 8tab of the first macaitada, May its Metre never wane. TM tret WBlBosO. -r. . ..: . j The Wilmington (W. OMobhtbo Stab la a mo del newspaper. Indeed, we think we do not exa tjerate lta merit when wa say it is the netMietf (sec ular) peperpabllehed In the South. Bickmcn4 Va.) RMaiomtSSraU. The Wilmington Stab haa now entered noon ita thirteenth year and twenty-fifth; volume..' One 0 the beat conducted and edited papers m the South, and, aa a North OaroHnUn, we are proud of it, Twrooro AmtUmar. :; The Stab la ao well and favorably 'known : in this section of tba Btata that wa can say nothing; -of waicn ua tnoaaanaa or reader ae not aa ready know; It la In every respect one of the beat daUlea.ia the Booth. EvtoKMia. Tba WTlmlagton Stab has entered oa lta twelfth year It is a moat excellent newspaper, well edited a compendium of an the news or the day, and an honor ts tta aty, to North Carolina and to North Carolina jooxnajiam. CkortotCe Oimrctr. .. - - That marnlflcent beamme Stab has cOmnleled (Its tieuty aecrad'volaniai It-la one of the most brilliant, eradita sad -aparklffig daluea noath of the. Potamao. The (ratem 1b the get up of the papef sarpaasesthem all. 7&rtort SoutAenur. Tba Tmm cannot say a word too apod for the WllmlBrtea8TAB. It haa jnav reached one of Its many urthdayv AS' a newspaper n is a favorite with the Btata press and is aoarht after by the peo- pie. U ?!e. Lonr and proeperons life : to It RHdnUU Why to It that all the oasera with the name of Star are such bright little oamalS f The WIlmlnc laomethur The Wflmfngton Stab, we are pleased to notice, sttih coBtlanea on the hlzh road to rucceea. We es teem tha Btab very highly, regardbg It aa one of the Terr beat of oar exchangee, and consider it the peer of" any journal pabllahed in, the Booth. Ox font Frtt Lanct, Taa WOBtihgtoti Btab la now taking' the regular nidalght Asaodatad Press repora, and baa besides incisaaea ua amount or. ua raanmg maixer. 1 ne oTaB ia an excellent paper. - its pn rorprtalrgr. riace it ia so deaerTing.- Ita prosperity la not: arTing.CAariotU Ob- Tbb MoBHXira Btab, ane of the beat dailies we know, and aa a newspaper, in our opinioe, the very beat, has entered upon its twelfth year. Ia every particular tha Btab comes fully op to the mark aa thaprlaripal daily ta oar chief commercial dty. bens may it twinkle. Atamanet GUanmr. The WOmmrtoei Btab haa entered upon Ita 13th votoma. aad wa arapleaaei to notice atfll eontlnnes on taa road ts socpeaa. W eateenx the Atab vary bJjcitry, jesraing it as one of the very best atnwapa-: pets that coavas to this office. .Ita newa are always aUttie fnllar abaa, those of- any other of oar errti angea, and Us editorial department Is con ducted wjUh mach tWttMorgmto Bi&U. Hnsablen ba batfaatnta. as was mseparable from snaatarpriae berua amid the wreck of fortune that attenaea taa collapse or tbe-Boathem oonfaderaey. It now beams stahUy brlghv aafewaqnals. ine btab nas sxeaairy " waxea ' nnni u now raaplandeot ia theTall tiow of a eoBStahUy anuzpeeaperity. Aa a aawaptwjar.it haafewnals, aad ao anDerior. for armrODrlate selection, and-tu- dlcaoas arrangement, and we are' proud to rank it aaaoair our moat acceptable exchanges. HUliboro r The Wilmington Momenta Stab haa entered upon tha thlrtaanth year of it wrtaUinray and we take tola opportaalty toeongratnlate It upon lta proepe- rltv aad. doata red tobalaritr.- The remarket) ' oa. aeeervea popaiaruyr vneremarBaoie case of the Stab w doe to Ita atrtet attention ta I bnelneea. The boast or - the Btab (rightfully-too), la that it always haa theBewa. and this is the first thina- ta lournallam, : Otherwise- the Paper- ta all uaa pre verm: or rooa arwapaT impuaa. ana its corps er eaaera ana reporters axetseroMiuy. eau-; eatad uewrDaoer men. Mat the-healthiaL.moral tnflneaca of, the ftA&aever t be retarded.' esif may ita imiaueBterpnains; propneror eavioy many more happy years of naefBlaesa Goidtboro MtsMnotr. ' , , 'rr, I,,,; ; ;; ,r r - -. THE RALEIGH christian Advocate, Edited and Pabllahed by BUCKSBEIDJ It. C Istheorgaaof abeoKJC.OOO Methediatsin North Carolina, and haa thalarsest circulation of any na-- per in the State. ItRtveathd markets, secaiar and religiooa eawav ; Is a weekly, eight page, religions." family newspaper. : uniy as. .00 per annum. ; Sub- aenbaat once. Adverflamg rates nheral. Ian 34 tf 1 The laincoln vFrpgress PuNiiXad Bcstordofr'at jAncptofrniir. 0. . ra the only .naP' 'pMMied and haa . 'Hf. mn Hi. Mer ' chairta,FarmeCT and all classes ef bnalncaa mealp tha8Ute. "".",' '',.u.;-tx'.' i. it offers to tka Mereha&teef Wllmmrton a e- alrabla raedioa- for ' advartfatas; - their business tl4roaghout Western North CarotLna. -.... Ubersltarma will be allowed on yearly- adver tises eats ; BabacrtDUoa price, S3 PO per i . .SMraM - . t :H. DbLATHC. Editor aad. Proprietor. The Central Protest ant WSKSLT SSLIQI0U8 AND FAMILY NEWS- dit STiu'iSt reanaboro, N. O. , I M per annum, m aavanoe. if, litv of tta roeatioBL tha Bnmbarand ae tfritvef agents, and the constantly In creaslna de-aaaewa- tka aaoreobd classes of readers mandforU ta various sections, give, tha CENTRAL -peculiar alatms npoa ua patroAugear tne Sdveraang pahllc. Tanas very favorable. OcaisiUtyoaxbusineea later aax i, ajiaaaaress taa aai tor i . -.-lMlCHAUX,:' ; : ..v. '.j.. Greensboro, N. O I Stffl'-lnoiafc- - . . j- , .. -j i rtTYAJCSOT'atEtaf QaiMiBjaHB. . I . j t- -' - -v r '-, r" 1 batobabe fAam ini ssac tobee Is Ae dtyj J M v Saloetf saav tl wava waf oamdeat .Bad eomlor. table, aad polite Workmen who are ever ready to wait on my patrons ana xnenas. i Respectfully, H. OL PSEMPBRT, Jan 18 tf No. 9 B Front st TtT0?i r ia maiftMMlMwt LIUJilillllT 'f :.'!: t; iiRcs "fJC "t';;T .- 00 U08T 01 , THEATRICAL POSTKB ffiOpSAlOlBa - tickets. tifouBAircK Pzurmro. ' BILL HEJM3 CIBCrOLAB3 ' , . CARDS DODGERS. STEAMSmPi BTSAMBOAT;AJtfD RAILROAD WORK EXECUTED UT QUICKER TlMht ; A 2tD BETTER BZZZJZ XKAir Bl ANT OTKEEO&FZCE i FIRST CZARS' WORKLim LOW PBICSS 4- r UORirWQ 'STAR' STEAM IfRINTINQ H0U8E-JPRmbssk STREET WlLKmOTOSr,N. C. -f ! - ORDERS BY HALL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO AND WORK RENT TO ANi PAR T OF THE UNITED STATES, : C. O.D. SMALL WITH 1B yfiTAlfj: PROMPTNESS AS LARGER ONES. The Best Paper- Try It lkfautifally iUTislTated. The ScientcAmericaAA nnBB SCrSNTlFlU AMKANla alarmt? A. - cuasa weekfy f Newspaper rjfBlxteeo'Fagea t baanliful. stylel POFUBLT ; WITH SFI4BNDID KNRAV-f printed, m the most b ILLiDHTiiATBD WITJ LNGS, repraaentdhg tba newest Inventions and tha most recent advances in the Arta and sciences r In cludlna New sad Interesting Facta in' Asrlenltare, Jlorticultnre, -the .Jlome,- iiaaiafoATesasoclal science. 1, antral .uuxorTeoioffv Aatronomv. The most valuable practical' paper ry eminent wri ters in all departments c-f selenccrwill . be found in the Sdennnc American. t- - . m x TermB. $3.80 per erodes postaee. D pies, 10 cental Sold by all Newsdealers; Kemlt by postal order to MTJNN A CO.. PaDliahera, 37 Park HOV..MW York. . . f . . . DArpn wjrn rt in' conhectlon with thr JrilXJClXl AO. SCIENTIFIC AMKRIOAK Meears. Mobb Ua are. Solicitors. of .American and foreign fatenta, bave had 8a years' expeneace. ana now nave we larEesv estaoiisnment ln tae world PatenU are obtained onAba-beet terms? Ar -oecial notice is made In he SCLSNTIFIO am gRl 1 CAN of all inventians patented throasb this Agen cy, wun tne name ana residence 01 uie lenteev By the Immense clrcalatkon thaa jven.poild-a-- tenuon is airectea to toe-mECttr oi: tnaiiawipaienv aad aalea or introdoctloa of tea easily-effected. Any person who haa made a he,dloirery ortn' venuon, can aecerta n, vbbb ; or esABaibetaer -v Detent can probably be. obtainMd J: WriUmc 3o Mdub A Oo. We also send rauonr Ilaad Book about the Patent Laws, menta, Caveats. Trade Marks, their costs, aad how preenred. with hinta for prOCUrltig -gnv. rm tliwmtintu, -. Arirtmm t(X the Paper, or concerning, Patenis,-- ' - . , : at UNm A CO., 87 Park Bow, New York. . Branch Office, cor. F. & 7th Bta., Washington. D.C. aov 1 tf i .. ..-.y v FTJBLISBSD7AT ' J 81A1K8VILLB, 1SSDSLL CO.IT. C , IS THX- -- teadisg Hewipaporin ; Weatern BTortli . . lV H- i 4. Vfc.42. -wi. .i. i It Is the only Democratic Paper aabllsherp ia Ire' dell Ooanty-one of the largest and WealQilest coon? ties in the Bute and has attained a- larger Iocs' circulation than aay paper ever heretofore published in the county. ..u;. itoaa ' . . . -. .j Wfi!ia-:i-T. u ononHum ia Aieaatv, wuBee, I ghany. Yadkin, Davie and -bedell ia -larger than I that of any two p4tpers'lnthe- State- combined; and I la rapidly acquiring a strong foothold lni Jorsythe. KniTT. howui and mwtani af arlrlanhnn, ' ... .... ...... . . 4 . . .;I.,L 'it is theoiirypaper ta WestSif irebBr that employs a- auseaxiAB OABTAasrjreArfrika-aJaa tnua xapt constantly before tae people.: jJnaerthl system a rapidly inereabiing circulation is theresttlt maUxtg-theXABSXABX - -Z' t-7,X."VT". THE BEST AOTEUTlSINQSIBDirjiri TM WltSTJUUf MOBTH CASOLIMAV ; ' ADDBIS8, : ' ' h aa &ANmf r Statcwfilto MJ.-y Forest aicl i ' -' ::'-jaBl: llOD AW1XJUI AMTOTCAW 8TOBTSMA3!r& JOTJBMAE. ; THJE ! . i . ! - -r-P A WKKJLiiX PAFBR OSVO FIELD-SPOBTSi -PSACTIOAL-W TOBY. OTSa CPLTTOSBVtp- GAMS. PRXSSATIO?r OF . ; YAC32TTN& AND-BO&T : f -ri; ';: FHAflTTnB. jllVTIf QDTlt-BWTRgATlOMa AjrjBrrjjr - This is the only Journal ine tJutfuifir supplies the wants-and nocesstttes , nUeinan Spomrnan. - TJJRMS $4 Qftwt. Bnd for Specimen Copy FOraat dc laBaabirehinc isiai MVti-mai new -v w a . Post Office sept 37-tf The Bihlical Eocorder RtiLEJGH, Ni C. - - ; REV. H. BTOHSS,; Associate Bdltss : bfean of Kom -Caiiliiia' Baitists In lt44tll iFear. EVERY BApiTtoUl-I T AKE IT , , , . As an MTwxtilJIediTAm .- . v:::a. - ' Addraaa i1' .... .. J mi: rr. ;.JJ., lit-1 i TloMISiai. rrrHS OLDEST 'tr X ' the Pee Dee sectli onaoftheWeiuk moet proeperous in the State, oners to ( jkbu rr noieatuo atarcnants ana aumnraci tOthoaewlio have adopted the plan of sample, aa exeeuens-4nmlm ofeeF and WholasaJe-Msrchants and klannfaetareirsv'and with a Urge andtaauaallaiclaas of -aMtet, ijts.. cnaniraijuuatara ana naval swre men. wuoaa pa ronsfeis worth solicitation. Advertisfttaants and BosineBS uaros lnsertea on nBerai terms. - -Address THB STAB, sept98tf MarioaVB. C ORDERS EXECUTED i ....... TKCTTO JJtESTK akki andn jomiago l arneo an ii j-. ' OttniB o Ga,i 8craaminwnff tftf:i WUmUmton, N. C, March It, 1881." itoB Wetdon -Eallroid irltt fan as follows: , lHty SlaU and Expreii Train i, S allr Noa4T.li0rtb aaa4s ou4B. - FspptS. Depot, t , .5 ianivaaY Weldoa...... . ............ . JU:40 r. Azmaat vsmlagtonFront St Depot; UUR n n: iriMi Ttraivnaa .nin. run runmn xnuav' 1 1 i li a sDAr?mm m obth aaa. u oonT4 o ws Leave WflmlnRtaBisSfvIlepotgat ! TrattSro? iKoniewmatopolfHKOeaT,' QoldsborovrWUsoni'BockyjJnatWJ Halifax. ,; v- tfr:ii..,-iir 1 Train ho. w ooum iwiu srop oiut .bi, autj fewf,WUaon43Qldaboroand41ag :- 4k - j NWH jLBiBBMADi AHT IPB ? TBAnT " iMiWffiSfuL Ppont'St'lJepo at . 8:55 F.M.; Ajftkimi&:v:. . u 4. .... :a ioms jp AxrimaWilmjiigton, Front BUDopot, r8it7 A.L;; 2 tp-aina i'flir)iiim' Tbwidi .Raid Iajlva Boelrc; Mount forTarboro at 8 05 P. M. Dally, and' Taea-. day. Thnnaay ana Datarasy at i.uu a. m.. fteiacs lngJeae3aartr at 9.50A. Mi.DaUjr,aind Mod day, Wednesday and J"riday at 8 Mio V Tralii Ko. 7 makes close ebnneetlon at.;wol don' for auTMJtota' norm oauy. r -aji rail yia Sicbmond, ana daily except Snnday via Bsy Line. TralnNo. 45 ronsTla Richmond anaiwaahlnc ton . and maJEes close .connectiondallr. . to itlch- mono, and 'dafi except Batardav nlta for all Tmtata InbrUlJ of Riciunond -Train o. -43 tans OfUIJi awi JMHoa 'US cimuniwu MtK.m'i ,wuiw Aonana oicnmona ana . w aaaingioa All ".trams, ran solid between . Wilmington ana Washington and have Pullman Palace sleepers attached. ..; 'j.: : m;.- .;. c f-. ' JUULH F. DIY1I4JS, : (General Bno't ; A. FOPS, Qchl Passenger Agent. Generskt Sup'ts WILMINGTON. COLUMBIA at ATJ- OU8TTA R B. COBIPAN - 1 ' .; WrtJanNSPON, H. C Fefr, JO 1881. Change of Schedule. rN AND -AFTBR FEBRUARY 80,1881, at 8.85 VPvM.fhefellowiBff Passenger Schedule will ha ran on uua roaa: Nos. 48 Wbst abd 43 East. v. " Iva Wbnlntrton'. .. 8.85 A.M.- arm rrlve Florenee,... 14:60 P. M. Leave Florence 8:85 P. M.: Arrive at WQmingQa....... ........ .t &SKI-P..M. SIGHT JBXJPBBS8 TBAIN8 (DaUy)- I Nos. 48 West and 47 Ease. . lieavo Wilmington...;. ........... . . ... 11185 FM, Leave Florences. ............ 4:0 A. M. lArrtve at CA.unctlon... ...... . 8:00 A. M. -Arrive at? Oeiombia........ 8;15 A.' M. LeavBrlnnihia;.... ....... ...... 10:O0P.-MV LeaveO. Caa. Junction... U... 10W fM Leave Florence.. ....,........; :00 A, M. Aniveat Wilmington . ... 6:20A.M. NlOHTMiXL A3T0 PASSKSfiXB TaAlN. Ho. 40 WBST, f '4.ApoaCKpATtOB TBAIS. NO 4&XABI. . Leave' Wfimlhitten at 13:;5 A. M Arrive at FloreQce..... ... 4 10 A. M Leave Florence...;....- 6:00 A. M Arrive at Wilmington 13.00 M. '. riTains nos. u ana 3 stop at ail stations. TraJnaNoa.-4r. and 48 stooonlv at Brinklev'a. Flemington.Whiteville, Fair Bluff, Marion, Klo rericevTimmonavilie. MavavUle. Sumter. Camden JpAC&m and Sastoa. -o. stops onty, at Fiemtngton, wmtevme. Fair Blaff and Marion. INO.-45 stops at an otSHona. . tSa3Sa& taakBA4ril:jomts -kaxpad,' aboold -take .Mo, 40.1 or 4ff T?fcht Separate - Putlman - Sleepers for ' Charleston and for Augusta ob trains 40 and 47. All trains run solid between Charleston and Wil mington. . .. jOhnTf. DiyiNS, 5 Gen'l bup't. " A. POPS, Qen'l Passenger Agent. f eb 30-tf . . UHOlmliiAL RAILROAD CO. Mfsroa ei izlzv stii 'bar. t jMPgJk: . .a , g. , - OyTioBGanBBAi. S t " j- Wtfigton-, y.' qAlec. .18, 18S0. f ; Change of Schedule. ON-ANDlAFTKa CBC. 14, 1880. the following rJchedaie will be operated on this R ailrosd: r r A88SN0SS AMD EXPRESS TRAIN : .- - i' s .:: :J Dally except Sundays y, ' -" Leave WJUnington.'at, f rArrtveattharlotteat. .9:10 A. M. 8:10 P.M. j?X a 1 Leave Chariotte at. ........... . ..(dO A M. 0, ; f Arrive at Wilmington at. . . .. . '3:30 P. M. t Trains Nos. 1 and 8 stop at regular stations only, and points designated In the: Company's Time Ta ble ,a.. j, pi iy -j, S,!' - ' P ASSENQER, MAIL-AND FREIGHT - l Leave WiiniMgtonat Mo. fi. V Arrive at Hamlet at.. ..5:80 P.M. .1:35 A.M. 8:15 A.M. .7:8aP, M. ltW AH. , i r cnariotte at J; Leave ChAfl6ite"!at.., ..,..,.... Arrlva at Hamlet 'at. 1 1..... .. 9:45 A.M. as1 ii No. 5 Train la DaUy exfcepilBanday, bat no con nection to Raleigh on Saturday; No83BmisDally.ekceptsatsjdky. ilHELBV DIVlONPABSBGSR, MAIL, BX- .PJSBS' AND tSIGHTq ' WJ i" t Leave Ohsrlotte"..; 85 AM. ...1335 P.M. i as p. m. ..0.85 P.M. Arrive at Shalby larroSbalov.?.1:' ' ? '-- " i ir a.i.' nil, ii-i.- A wmwuj . ..... Arrive at Charlotta.... .4.. . . ? Trains Mas. 5 and 6 make close connection at Camlet to and from Raleighvxcept as above, aad at Charlotte with Trains 8 and 4 on Shelby Division. t Throurh Sleeping 'Oars between Raleigh and Oharlotte. xi t :. V. Q. JOHNBOM. ' ;de 18-tf ' . General Snperintendent Steamsh ip Li ne . The Steamer B'ENE F A GT O R. , . - - - r - f.-j:.,-.--::.j- - Capt, JONES, FORK, Saturday. lVarcir 12. bippers can rely npon tha PROMPT BAILING of Steamers a advertiBed.dCl Tor Freight Snnfments. apply to. : THOHAB B&j" xi Superintendent, ti-ssv'i f-ul'-r.--' .i;yilnjLlBgton,lI.O.' laisirV flaCl' .iai. "---rrewiorss. . Generali Broadway tl lew York. iUD NEWSPAPERS, 8UITABLS vy tor wrappi for Wrarminc and other purposes caa be nea at tne s t Art vrjrivMi. . , Ma HTt K AIM- IN ANT QUANTITY on I ws jro i decrtf 5 adorl'oi'Vub 10 autiica gurjarr raik. oaa lm th axaeft com of aaTsropoaed line of A0VttfI8ISQla Amerl- S6-cam ' A TEAR and ezpeaaea to areata . . .-. jOtttfltl.Aidrea.F..O.yjCj:i jmrtAngnata,aiaane. 6flflQ ayeartO Aijenta, and expenaea. Oatft . tPsyj j raevAddreea ywaxa a Co ARnaia,ale. mi -. . .v v : G ra v t S to n e ow- k. i ; - AND BHIPl'KO. AT OIJK RISK. 1 ' avHa-rAjcx' va,'itia owv BIcnABD WATIX AS W co; x ;T liBfayatta Ptaean Jfrarorrai. "Wathan'e Moaomentaj DeaiinaL fnbwfbmoi aaletoTraaouu Jtjaa4.DAWtf ' Attbnieir and WtflloT at latwi K 'jtLilABKTHTOJrp BtABBJ O0DHTr; lit! o.v L I f'pertafattentionto Sat Ool 'ec8"na on aaaii of lwano apwaraa maaa ror ma rar oaat. xr - :l wlthont emit Drawing Deeds, MortaMfc j epeciaity .-,,: ..,.. -.., w-uwg 1 v , . , ; r - - ,- ' - I j -BredDocTs, 1 , I I tir NQLISH, XK1SH j j fit the Choicet Breed, with goaranUed padlgreaa. fit-'; !.. . Foraale by f j.: 'n: :v . 5 1.- - !- J , ; P.'WELSH., , ifljnm.J.ir - fniifinlrt. rvlfrnaav 4iw .kta Am SotfetyJwflktava' aTaadrfpaa all iDlaardau . broaaaft qm bjaataereea ataatw-aaa aaaeeeaa, ' Aay oraa-Kim aas ae . jas;BeauBia: .jdeni ji i 8UU0 ENVELOPE. MORESS U .JWm 04iia 130 Wert Sixth BU ClNUlSHATI, SV mh 9 DAWly 1 Healtlxis oaltbi - - iicuj cock; i.-..; ,v:auj.jc:na- ;uf) . TVHv p C, Wg8T8 -IHtltVJk Alf D , .BSA1N 1J imA'MKTj lpbUfi7pl"il atafia, Ooa-. rajalona. Weryona Headache, -Mental- Peptesaioa, Loeao' Hattbxit Jmpbteao. iXhmutofe- tdda ge. caasedby wyerxertioja, axeesseaprfovar iadol cenoe.w wiucn leaoa, to. mierj. ocay ftis? death., One box will core r-casear--a-n eoa- 1 tatofonsBSDUV vwinwsvsvaMui'a 'iavi tains one month's reetne'UjiOae- aolli or flVB price. wit.' core any fas vwitheacb order rewvaayjj rr Six boxesiccepan4ed wlU- IviHair-w Will ' send tha ptttehaa aw writtaaftnuwartaTVrTre- - tarn the money if 'the tresjmanvteea-aoaanaeta Cure. Guarantees Issued Xf WM. B. OK8BN; trug gist successor to Green ; Flanner), wKmiegtea, Nr C. Orders by mall will reculrai prowptaaea tlon. , - mh8llAW.y. 0500 Eeward 1 R 'ttt' Fa TRi ABOk AlARD FOA' airv case of Liver Complaint' Dyspepsia' Bisk " w Baadacbe lndtgestles ConsttpaUoa or vi ostlva ness we eannt core with West's Vegetabla Aivar Pills, when the directions, are auicuv compnea with. - Thev are par ly Vege,al le, and aever fail to give aatlsfactloa ugar Onstad. 1-arce boxe, eontaining , 0 PUls eeat.- Foraale by all trua gists. Beware of aonoterf elta and Imitations The genuine manufactured only bv. druB" O if aHf m CO.. Who Pill Makers.1 181 181 W. Madlsoe St '. Chlcaro Free trial aackage seat by snail pre paid on rectiptof a 8 cent stamp. mbSSDAW ly THE SUM FOR 1881. Everrhodv reads Thb SttB. . Ia the edition of this newspipWtliroaghontthe year to coma rvybody wtfftnd'. : " f: -.:" fi".'.' I, AH the worW'a newsi ao preseatad thtt the reader wlQ get the greatest snwtnt of InfeHnatlon ' with theteast nnproltahle expendftufe if tbaaand' eye-tight. Tva Brrarlongago dscovered the yaiflen mean between redundant fullness sod unsatisfac tory brevity. ' ' ' ..',-,' o '.. .','.. , n. ;M?cb bf 'that "sort dt 'ktir Whifi Aepenasless uponlU recognised Jmportanoe tnan npon Its In terest to maultmd., Fron morning to morning Thb 8tnr prints a continued story 'of tha Uvea of real men and women, and of tbeir deeds, plana, laves. hatesJ and troubles.- This story is more varied and mors Interesting than say romance that was ever devised. .' '"' .V. (DX Good writing In every ool am n, had fresh ness, originality, accuracy, and decern e ' la tha treatment of every aubjecu -i-, . . IV. Honest comment. ;TBB ?8Wa habit la to apeak outt earlessl) about men and thine. - . V. ' : Banal candor In dealinx 'with: each political party,' ana equal reaainana u cammwiu wu praiseworthy or to rehcko ..wbst is . blsmable In Democrat or Bepubllcan. -- .--- . VI. Absolute tedependenea ot partisaa crrenlse- tfons, but unwavering loyalty to true emocraie principle's. . Taa nn believes that tha Government wnicn tne uonsutuiioa givea-us is a go00 mm keep Its notion of duty is tO realat ta- lta atmaet rista. The year. 185r and we., year Immediately following will wrebebly- decide ikU supremely impofiant contestC .Ian t7 belitvsa that the victory wiUba wUh tba popla as agalaat the Rings for monopoly ins Kings for planaer. and ne BUg-Mr ub penai power.- - Our terms are as follows!: c-.o-utl Vnr thn Hail tsxnf a fan naaa-aheat mt twenty- eight columns, the p-ice by maiLjtost.psld, - is cents a month, or $8.80 a year; or. tneradlng tha Sanaa -Daoer analeut-Bace aheet of AftV six eol- nmna, the prioe is 65 cents a month, as f T70 a year, postage paid. . .-. j. .',. . . . -. The Sunday edition of ThB Bfrsr la aba) fvmlsbad separately at B 1 ao a ye, postage patd. - .. The price of the Wbbbxt ktrauat nt parse, ftr elx colamns, is $ t a year, poatage paid, r Wot clubs of ten sending' 10 we will send adettr copy free. 4 Address - - - L W. BNOLAstb, 4 Pubhslierof THB Btib, New Tork City. . ; 'p.;, n ii .i 4..?. : ' '''' . "in. laOeU MANUFACTURERS OF EVERY DIBCStlTTIOM '- ' t'' OF cotton iiachiheey i :;: v. jf'most'-',;' " ' Approved Patterns sad with Recent Iwprovssaenta. Paper TJac h fnis ry 4 Shafting and UsHurtatf'. Ujdrsuillo ;P-esiB , and JPsunp. : . !: " ' EltWaiorf, kc,. . . ; PLANS , FOR COTTON AMD TAFSX - MILLS. 1 C. L.HXLDRETH.Bsp't, ',,;. ,V" . J '; IX)WXL,MAS8. ' mhStf 39 State "treat. Boston. . " 1 '. '! .'. .' 1 IE' MCOURAGS BOMS JLSIXITLITiUAai tC, . IIOEX11 D Uliaf5lT KaAil :; vJi iitld JMQSawiiUX oat 'ic fT.v. ThisOemrmybOntaoeatowfiW rateepnaclaaijwofiaaBtahleiaotaBl Lno ,ii;ur. Ana pr'tlr aB akd TUT. HOMSf mrtpidly grewlng Ao pablie favor, Bad1' sprjeeiWwttfceoafldeaos. toJlasBsaaaf . wopartf ttui ;iterttOsroltos3 Msacasf pit :I itkfisiOllpaa 70EN GATLIMG, President W mMROMLSaeretsry. AJsUNSON MANSro, Astsarrk, sntl-tt Wlharnslon,M.C, PRBCniRTiQMREE Uasl power toe anon oi aaen ta ' aa ; napnoucaa wz to set up another form of. govarumaot in place of that which e: . Mi,

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