t HE IIOHUHJQ STAB. ii wn. n. DCB.V1UD J'l 4 - f ui i..r I'.'f 'j"2 a: r,,..'"H i v. i ni . . ri . run It' f " S ' ' I - W M -4. .' IA dT. : i . .J i.Ali 1 TO - " ajisBvarr So3 M.8 i 0Bltilll ....... i. ! 4hUi Li it - - - SI a I a eca till iii-CT; s.-O v '. IV.""; .-1 : r at ri,i: mi a-tttu lw rrrr: 1 ZJi . I I I I I rv a- ... ft I ,' -; - - rr 4 vj in . . k .r?; ta Mfyrttl IM I f OtTLINKV rl fIIr U tkm Litrpout ccxioa trJ trt taacaci. .lieaj. l?ty. La. Weiia N- C, kxm tlm ago. a4 rarrao yUrni bimMlf; ala Iriai ta&ta ptca ta tfap ttntxr al aaocaa mt 4rta qi.lt coati a a d at Caio oo Taamiayt la JJ ra eItad at fnxa 4.0QO to 8,000; ta tojartd r tw(c aa aaMfoat 40000 wtUout br4. LorJ Dacoaa- rooditioa a4 taaprd al Uai ac naij KuMa givta aockvtaat Clraaca cuout cuuat a aattataac ia caaaol Ta Iriaat Laa4 bill gtvaa aalla- f.ii ih JJbafa) prty. Tba Boata Af'a B r ia rtpatad aalafnaclag r! pa ir. - TW Oxford craw w.a th UolTerxiy beat racaoa tba Taaaaa iUay. Ttta Ntw Jaaaj iicfiatf Lixn p a jr fcaa fallatl. A Oattaabarf bit: oW i N Yo.k for$3,0Ca Activ prpriioo ara batag asada al i: cbtnoa i. V... (ckf taa Torktowa c a Ua - 44L Tba SaaaJoaa Yaliar Rll- : tl co4apJtaU itataxdaj. Baaw rM iu Mitaaua a4 Iirwaj btavy raJa 'v..'t4 iDrj ia a mimwrm cm Bit. wtm-m u m mua, Ta trial .a Eapro brKaa at Ptursborg iii ja.trU.y; aUtjfwr Maaa arte 10 ba imiaU Fraaca Sa (1ta aaaa r.acaa of pvaccfal iaetiue to lb Bey of r,...". Moeay 4QS percaaL: cuttoa .,1. i 10 13-1SCH Me; aoataara flor at t CO- ha at, fQo lower, 'ri4-Tui rad f 1 I6Ot 37: coro H3 te lower. urraid yt038c; aplrUa iarpatta flraa .i 41 reals; roata eaaNr f 1 67Hai Tb Waahiogtoo Post places Golds ior 10 tttrorgia. IU Mr. Hamexieil married a Ito ru.ii i boitc lady aod the Preaby iry ,it Waahiogtoo ek to expe hi,n itr for. The matter ia beiog tally JiacojaaHi. A vott baa not b-eo roachaU aa jat. (f Saw Vork oa the 6ib ioeiaot, .Nunb Carolina special interval, third cUm, a; 3 3 -4 to i to 9; do. first jm at 9. N'orth CaroHea 6 iaaaad in! i:.ad U to 13. Th Ktchmood Dispatch's corres pondent aajs beastor Dayard oed - ir.r-at spewch," - Ua dsdared that h was wUliag to gp before the ooan uy oa the facta which this dbU baa Uvaiooed. and staad or fall with ihaen. lUra ia the slate of the Kei y ! market o the 6th : York l i or rmM daaiaa rvpxirt COtloo . -i. qa t iw am baa4a. bat pcicea eecah ...iv aanavaad. frtaia are aargtsa. r .runrua faecr will ba radaeed to stz sad i u aaorrow. Gtsxhaaa active' aad c Orvaa gowls -ad leee qai.t v . . u auwia aiow of aale." Ju.Ja Field. Democrat, waata laulej Matthews confirmed. Sorry for Field. JIe is, ,the same Jadg who had ao ratrcb to say aboot the atron-governoeoi teodeocies aod 4o oo. Matthews is ooe of the advo cate of the vary measures Field coo learned. John Sbermao aaya Alahooe aad hia t ara "boo of oar boce aod flash of tZiJb.n ' Jobfl aad Billy will make very good ooeapauaiooa with Riddle brgar to go aloog. Says John to Bill -"Asaddea thought strikee me, iai as swear an eteroaf fneodship, And they awort. . .fi. ' Tbe PhiladeipbiA JVt argea the iUpabixaaa ia the a ate "to suod by thaa g-arjav Thai U oorrioU They are right In ,froot of the moxilaa aad good Damocrauo gaoaera are at the toohbefe Dawaav aBjl aeverai others havV beeo blown' to atoms ' already. Let tbem grape. 44 stand " and catch tbe 4Iere ia farther teetimooy ooocern tag Edgar. A)rcVaT babtta. It U from the peo of Dr. W. Gibboo Car tar, who wriuav as follows to the Ilichmood SiaUi L,v w " 1 tV ii.wPue va. flJau I Aad ia t&a fUcasaoo4 DUpstdi of AprU 3 wbal the eicat peat aaens about hxmmlt U true. I kaaw Kdrr A. Few. wefl waa bia trtead atuaded ala as epbyaictaa repeatadly. Edgar A. Poe aavas waa a draakard- Aa I remartad a few hoars ago. draaa Foe la rata, aad tbe gantSsaaa as there." No man caa eory the poeitloo of tiao. Mabooav No man caa believe ibat he baa the approval of bia owo waaeatflJ21ia eld fxieW-We lost all coofiJcflcej ia him, aad bia sew alUee caooot rtapet hia yery highly. whatVvW'Ueycax'aay to the coo t rary. The f olio win jr. ffo tba Bal timerw 8Uiuir i Mbiasftoa, give a Bmpeworthe little 'rebel Brigadier I . - a at A daraoccaaals day peoiaa opiajoa is aoesdt to ter mcra eapeeOe la tbe e-xpeaw-aiom of . CMsroml ot the Mahoee bost aaaa. bwcaaaa every day the aiecUia Ught ahica the Peaeecrata are tanslag epoa U diacJeawj axort aid caora of its tru ehArao ir. To ofteerrtte act partlcetafly kseo It VOL. XXVIII. -NO. k alraa4j apparaot that Gaa. Ma&oM bm aalf bi 1a to faal tbat ba baa co plaad amjaii la ta tatUbla anitoda. ua real aad BaaaafacaaaraituapctllatTvrylaokor bk ejaa." ... baa na waat with tb. lata Senator Carpantar'a rataaioa Ua will raiaro by way of - Albany aod bv meana botificaa. Tba Naw York eorraappo deal of U' PhiladaTpbla Ledger wriuaonlba Ctb: Tba antTtl of Sanator COQ,kJ(njcJa town tbJa aanralax baa gltaa, tiaa to a. tailaty of rtporta aa to tba. particular object of bta tmad. mil polatlaz. bowtrcr, to freab com piicauooa la bia ooataat wiU tba Praaldtat oa tba Robartaoo aomlaatioa. Mr. Cook Uarta azcaaafraiy aaaorad at tba racaot aaUwTMaaaat p( uooartaoa br taa Ltclua tara, aod tba fact Hut ba baa bee a la coo aa!tatto wiitriaYtra! 8uta Beaatora and aaMnbtyxQaodarloc -iba day airea color to tba aUagaUoa Ihtt ba la makiag a tptdal SotX to baraUat jadxaaial rvrerted. Lt tba aaaa tlaia tbata ara wbiaparlaga la aad about tba Ualoa) Laacaa C3ot to tba effect tba! a coaaproaalaa bctweaVtba Senator aad tba Eftcaurala aodar way:" Waihingwt - IsLlcr -writers -rtpre- , ' j . ' . 1 we w, r"r-""tt "WM4V .... I placed by their owe blaodering folly they are talking of ao extra seaaion agaio, - Tbe correapoodenl of tbe Richmond Dispatch writes oo the 7lh: "Tba Rapablicaa aitaatloa ia the Senate daily grows more aabrraaaiar.aad not oee of tbea caa point to a way oat of their di tto ma, a xcapt a poo tba euppoalUoo, to watch they adhere, that taa Democrats will abendoe tba contest or cooeeat to soma oae of tba cosBprotalaee heretofore mentioned lathi corrtapoadeacfl, which bava since tbaa indirectly bean proposed ia debate by 8bersasa aa4 other Repablicaaa. Tbey bava bee throws oat la tba form of incl- daatal Mxxeettaae, not as uScxa of coapro nlaw. , V" A pecnliar faatnre of Iba cootroverty bat waa a the iw part lea ia tbe unanimity with watch the Democrats are punning the ccxifaa snaiked oat for tkemaelyes at. the befiaatag.of.tba fixht fot 6oaia oSces.' SSaJiraaA Caaraai 14 atlas.. SpaclaJl to .tabooed DUpalch. KAT-rrTairxuj-, N. C, April 6. At a coQiaranoe of the directors of the Cspe Fear A Yadkin Valley Railway aod Fayettcville Jc Flor two roads were consolidated the r ayetteville ca Floreooe transferring I all rigbie I tbe other company, aub- th. antral of ih. aiikhM. 4" n vi wutu wnijjioiw, wuicu wiu ondoebtedly be given. Mortgage bonds -to the axnoant of $180,000 I ;n ...a :n ikin. a. i work will begin on the extenaion of the Florence road to Floreooe, where it will oonnect with roads to Colum bia, Charleetoo aod the whole Son th em con ntry. It Is also' hoped that eveotaallr the present Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley road will find a Northern oonoection, which . will - V - J caaka it a great throe go, freight and I . . . ' passenger route. The compleUOQ or Ik- fnrM rA wninMfi nn a naa the Florend road will open op a new aod deeirable trade for Fayetteville, maxiag it a f(raav.traaa centre lor tne l Cat Fear.' Yadkin" Valley aad Pee I Dee sectiooa. opirits Tixrpeiiune. A pole-paachiog at Selma on Frldsy. The Episcopal ohnxob, Char- I lotu. has secured a new 'and elegant or o. at a coat of f900, and which, aaya the GosaVarr, baa beaa paid for, . . Greensboro Patriot: Geo, A. M. Scales has sccepted ao lavitaliob to de Uver the Laarary addreae before the Phllo maiheaa Society at Oak Ridge, la Guilford cocaty. oa tbe 14th of May. Concord JUjuUr: The liquor dealers ta the North are contributing money to carry tba State ot North Carolina agaiaat prohibition- Twenty-flvs thousand dollara waa so beer i bed la New York in one day. Goldsboro Adoance: Dr. Cloaa Is reported lo bava preached nine times witbla tbe last algal dsys: ira Jan ounaay ba dedicated a aew eaarca at Moreheed City. We undersuod It was an occasion of much iatereet. .. Ktsston Journal: We much re- arat tbe loae sesteiaed by Mr. l.xE, Duffy. of Oalow, la a are weak before last,whlch coesaaed bia bar a aad stables, isciudiog core, fodder sad bis fanning oirstHe. Mr. Daffy s baada wars badly Doreeo ia trying to save bis horse. TbeGoldsboroJxwteviffer credits the followiag Staa luxa to tba Alorganlon ELals: Ia 1890.. accordlag to the censoa, tbara wers fiTtv-ooe papers and periodicals published: ia North Carolina. Ia 1550 the I. i.l ltn.il.vnn IS. facts eeec us sctDfJsae-- v c Tarboro Southerner: Oar&iwtia W.S. Battle. Saq wbo has racsnUy toorad ear far Sooth as Nsw Orleans, so- jooralsg awblie ra oaa ana wamiawip. ... - ... . i fl&JZlXZZTttiZ 1 wwyw. . I lat thai amproyaa aao uoortrs gat oa new tart and thai ear - crepe sren more certain aad gaeeral progreas superior to say Bute ikroogb which be passed except Georgia. , Mr. J. W. Harper, on account of Impaired health, baa retired from the editorship or tae auastoa -atr-u, wnica ne foaedad. Cadar bis management the pa per bee manly, able aad eaterpriaieg. We resrret te pen from, blax tbe more - be eaoaw el the aalforas- com tea which- We have always received from blm. . We shall be gjadtokaow be prospave 'la whatever be andarukra." Mr. II, a,Ctma succeeds bia. who baa alacr that beat 'wishes ot the Hfll. - . ' 1 .2Ai Stateavilla American There ia a orohlbliloa law.aomiaal only, against salting spirits la JSuiasviuia Township, and yet It IS GUTVa iuarrKruau aaa ui .w- Ulj. - Dld, "arihe reeidabce of bis taotbef la thle place,-Ust fiatardayerter aooav after protracted Claaaa, Mr. vmilam I. Aiexaadar. U, U to oe Tegreuea fses tbe etitatloa) of Prohibition) ts lower lag the pnes cx cxa owing 10 ui uncar-. tsfstyot fanarr, wbsa that product wai ; ml. vn n- 16. .tR3UY3P, fl'lL' ME :riW ;v;vcav dliafaa low kilt prodaeiion -would jan tlfr. aad b'ot abytnod4y aKna coal la tbe pocktu of Cto:XaXBitt4;jU) f7' ei with, etc. AXfl 8MOTMYC -a-r BeVvUle 5TFf TABeidaTille byX0S!A waa aa folio wa : WJDear , If a Tbe old caaa baa 'licked ma for flfhtlog BIU Sjkea, ba bit BUJ a) aod ma lo. itn aim bead to tba dsettoaarr. keet ta rood cheer If . I did rat a next nr. xoora. &&; - uarr ' uompa. That boy's, on; line,:: Bat , hii ; UtUe aUter rjleaaa .'cot to wrtta ot ructt tiahllo matters oa rxjataXcarda. 'EaUrrJyabrand aewren araxion we are raJalng. op f or the text cea- Weldon-iVew: There are aereo specTaa ot ! maoJlskldjowato botanlats, aad JIoxtlLCaroJiaa bu ihcm all, Of oaks wa bare 19 tiada,!cpioes8. of, spruces 4. of elm 3, ot walnoia iCof : birches 8, of atplea cr bjekortea 6. ' "Oa Friday alrbt last a aerro named A. L. Saaapere, applied to CoL J. B.- Darla, proprietor of the DstIs Houte,, for supper, sod was re fased. :An boor or 'two afterwards .while Col. Darla waa alttiagia hla pxirala office, aoma oee threw a rock through tbe window, shattering the glass and narrowly missing CoL Dsris'head. Tbe negro wss arrested I aad bad abearioc before Mayor Emry. He r Qoldsboro " Messenger : The I AtianuoiR ri. U. Kailroad aanounces a re-1 1 . , . . I recenUy gave birth to triplets gxrle. At last accounts mother and children were do log well. Tbe 'little boys of Smith- field, will have a Tournament and Corona tion party at Smithfleld on the 9th Instant. Tba riding to be done In acbeeae box down a hill 200 feet, oa a track laid with plae atraw, time, 5 eecoads and rings taken with a iaace 8 feet long and held as you please. The directors of tbe Eastern Insane Asyiom will meet In Go Ids bora, .Friday tbe 13ib Instant, to organise under the new act incorporating that Bute Institution. Tbe directors are: J. W. Yck. Johnston; Theo. Edwards, Greene; E. B Borden. Wayne ; Matt-Moore, Dnplie ;M. M. KaLa, New Hanover; W. F. Bountree, Craven ;J. N. V a I li WtlJ aVjasMaaVlwWa a V a t fca AWMiUit Wayne; A. D. McLean, Harnett, Tbe Caa well Memorial 'Association holds week ly meetiaga la Elaatoaeach Monday night. The orranlxatloa is as follows : President " yvj- aih Va awaaa. t Aaai I t a ' uah trav E. F. Cax. Vice Presidents Dr. R H. Lewis, Goi. G a Moees- Secretary A. NlcoL Treasurer J. A. Pridaen. Raleigh Farmer cC Mechanic : Now. we caa name a town, twenty milee from the Bute capital, that offers a site for a cotton factory right alongside of the rail road, freedom from taxes, plenty of fuel aad material, and a dally purcbaae of 3.500 yards or doth, aa ao inducement rar some- body to atari a factory. Nay. more: tbe I a ehanca f.. aoma wida-awaka Northeroerf A glacca at tbe United Stales postal fP0" bow mtnT faonT tblnK- Th.ere for instance, an old county, formerly famed wealthieat county eas poettiflce. The county Is New nanover -wthe poa'office is Wilmington. Therein snotaer county, wntca oy nature is tne widatAttd la DODalation'oneof the thinnest of our counties ; yet the good people of Wilkes have thirty-seven offices, and we wish may soon have a dozsn more. An other county, which is nearly as rough phys ically though a good deal more prosperous la development, la the coanty of Randolph, which is a perfect square, (aa beeomeih all wbo bear tbe name!), has rortyeeveoomcee Raleigh New?- Observer: Thirty- threw dra aimers' Uoe'naee were issued from we ouie treasury ounngaisrca. aix te convicts were sent np to tbe Western Nofth Riiroad a few dsys since. It u n,more4 that a wealthy citizen Is about to purchase some or tbe property on Fayetteville street, where wooden buildings now staad. aad erect la their stead several handsome brick stores. The UtrtX CarotnalYoAiil&mut is tbe name ot a oewa- pa par, tbe first number of wbich made iu appearance yesterday. It is devoted to the cause ot absolute and unqualified pro blbition, and la edited by 11. V. rauL Tbe Board ot Directors of tbe Insane Asylnm met at that Institution yesterday. A. S. Merrimon. li H. Smith. W. & Ma- eon, E. Burke Haywood, W. 8. Battle, R. L. Steele, VY. 8. Harris, A. J. Tomlmson and J. C McRae, . This was tbe first meet- neaa tranaacted was the elecUon of a 8tew- ard of tbe Asylum. , Mr. James H. Moor has filled this position since tbe Utter part city and county, who were members of the Infantry escort which received General La- John J. Christophers, wbo is' now in tbe I 79tb year, of hia age, having been born J in 1803. Mr. Christophers at the same Urns e a joys tbe distinction ol- being tbe oldest male cltiaen of Raleigh. Gov. Jarvis, as we slated yesterday wealXoKIostoa oa Tuesday, at tbe requeat ot the committee of arrangements in charge of tbe monument to Got. Caswell. In com paoy.with axmmherjot gentlemen.' tbe Uovernor visited toe spot wnern tne remains rell sre said to ire. Tbe exact anv sort to mark tbe resting place of the illustrious first Governor of North Carolina. A venerable negro declares tnai tne oouy a - at a--.. aWHa waa uierrea at in a ipoaot aa oa we, i taa n not at aii oeanwe.- since ai ma eu. sued three oaks, in a dozen feet of each other. Tbe grave of a daughter of Gov. Caswell is shown, and tbe gravea of other asabers of the family are also there. Rich- ard Caswell was flot only tne nrst uovernor I ofliorth.Carollna under tho. consUiuUon.r IBJA Al UI AAA LiaUUll U wM Gr.Bd ' Master of Masoaalath. State., , ,rn- afa arsijEQ git new AavaxatriaanawTs. J. U Mrroe Soxodont, etc McEaoa Clothing to measure; O. Dxtson & Co. For organist. La Boctxxlixh Bsos - Dry goods. Dm & Scar Tailors aad fornishers. aeaktaaT tMe1 feratelera. ' -'- - Mr. C. M. Harris was expected to leave for Birmingham, Alabsma. last night, to ascertain the facts In regard to tbe acci dsntsl killing ot hia brother, the late T. C. Harris, the Darticulars ot which are as yet ,,51 u mystery so fsr as his fsmlly and friends la Wilmington are concerned. HORS FORD'S ACID PHOSPHATE ecu as a brain aad nerve food. It. is not. a quack mediclue, bat. is "prepared according to the directions of he well known Prof. E. N. Honeford. t QTOV N; . Cr. SATURDAY.: IacaJ Data. . . Good Friday and Memorial Day ara bota approaching " I - The atcrtnflag waa displayed at :: The hour fof eveniof aervioes baa bees changed In aoma of our churches to 8 o'clock. ; ; The weather yesterday was somewhat stormy and dUigteeable, and I durlcc the afternoon soother considerable fall ia temperature was experienced. Mr. N. F. Thompson will, deliv er aa address on the subject of temperance at the Fifth 'Sireet' lIethodist church on 8unday night, commencing at 7 o'clock. ' . The City Clerk, and Treasurer gives notice that tax-listing will commence at the City Hall on Wednesday, the 1st of June, and continue for twenty working ... days thereafter., SergeanttDavia received instruct Uona, yesterday morning, to kill a vicious dog belonging to a party in the Southern part of the city, which bit a little child a day or two ago. Rev. Dr. Pritcbard left for home yesterday mornings His visit here l uuuig ieu(j uiwiutuKii um viati. ug I many friends la Wilmington, and especially to the congregation - of the- First Baptist Church. ' " Dally treaiteer Beltatlta, The following will show the state of the thermometer, at the stations nsmed, at 3.00. P. M, yesterday, Washington mean time, and also tbe amount of . rainfall in inches .for the twenty-four hours ending daily at 3 P. Hn except Tuesday, when it is 43 hours, as furnished i by Sergeant James W. Watson, Signal Officer at this Station: Tern. R. F. 1.43 239. 1.48 .69 , .00 .00 -oo .44 .00 .00 .oy .00 1.61 1 32 .71) .08 Weather. Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloody Atlanta,;. Aognstn. . . 59 57 65 43 70 75 86 79 86 76 79 7G 75 61 CO 69 Charleston. . Charlotte.... Corslcana........ Clear Clear Cloudy Fair Galveston.,... ... Havana.'.....'.... Jacksonville Key West Montgomery.,... New Orleans..... Punte R&asa Savannah. Wilmington...... 1 Cedar Keys...... ' Clear Fair. Clear Fair Fair Cloudy Clear Clear The following are the Indications for tbe South Atlantic States to-day: Areas of rain, followed by clearing weather; nottbweat to eonlbwest winds, rising barometer and.statiooary or a slight rise in temperature. Baarcaataatiast or tba Beard of Addle anal Flaaatee. We bavo heretofore omitted to state the fact that the Board of Audit and Finance of the city of Wilmington, at its last regu lar meeting, was re-organized by tbe elec tion of officers for the ensuing term of two years. Mr. William Calder, the newly-elected member from the Second Ward, came for ward and was duly qualified. Mr. John S. McEacbern, in order to re lieve the Board of any doubt or missppre- tension as to the existence of a vacancy under the recent action of the Governor, tendered his .resignation, which was ac cepted by the Board, and he was thereupon immediately re-elected as a member of .the Board to represent -the Fifth Wsrd, and wss duly qualified. . MrV OctaviuaJAi Wiggins, eke newly ap pointed member for tho First Ward, also came forward and qualified, -which waa immediately followed by' a lender Of his resignation, upon' which, however, the Bosrd bss not yet taken action Mr. Norwood Giles, member from tbe Fourth -Ward, was re-elected Chairman, Al 0 Bachelor,w , wriUng : ua Irom his "Bancbe" in old Sampson, under date of enjoyment wblcb took piece in a ouuaing netr Mr. Daniel Robinson's, on Friday, the 25tb ult, under Vie auspices of several of Ssmpson's fairest daughters, and in wbich qaite a number of young folks from Simp? son,. Duplin, Blades and Pender counties participated. Among the . attractions be mentions'1 good music, sumptuous fare, plenty of. dancing and! the prettiest of .MBachelorn. friend has been dangerously smuten in hia old age. kivkb and nABinls. t . . Tfte boier Jennie B. Morse, with a f lfr n tt j AhraBa waa cargo of lee for Mr, B. H. J Anreas, was reported aground oo- the Bar, but was ex- peeled to get off at high: Water. r..i . Vt lUO KUVUUEi rcyuri.ou muwib.um ingPsn Shoals "got off - yesterdsy -at 12 oclock. :CapC G C. Morse, of1 the Pilot Boat Wriah limmon, erasing off the light ship picked up 4Q.barrelapt kerosene oil and 80 boxes of sdepj whicbT were thrown oyerboard from the" schoonerC The vessel wasbouad'to Charleston and proceeded pn her way. Heraame wits unknown; Capi. Morse wJU furnish any" particulars desired by parties Interested:'" ' ' -,fr PreMiwrSteae pt ase Malr kA0ddavfirayU eitiretii pretexted by ' the use of BuaNETrg'CocoAnnc.Q"It has been used laHhOusahd j of "cases where the hair was horning' out lahandiulsiand haadever failed to tarresi.vlu -decay; it promotes a healthy and vigorous growth, and it is at tne same lime untftvz&i as a aofland glosty dretrtng for tbe balw - - - BURNET-T?8FlJLYOBING ex TRACTa are the best, strongest and most ealthfaL Sold every where. w; 'fi j . auafaaaaaa aaBfaasTn t "CT TEX MOBNINri BTAB cam always ba aad at the feUowicTDlaose ia the eaty: The PureeU Hoaae, Bsrris' NewajBtaad, aad the 8taa Office. APRIL 9; ,1881. vrimiaai cenrta The following -cases were disposed , Stateys. SUs Conoiey. charged with PAIIV TlofonI.nt fnan Hf .ItK . "" Kin . ,tur"ift commgndatirtn" tamnrr.v: .InAirment andAi,co.tfro biolf : s;;sH State ys. SmUh Eonett atid Mlnerya En nett, charged with harboring7 an escaped felon. DefeodantS '' found guilty and sent eoced to two years' each in the State Peni tentiary.'! i . . :;. ,; State ys. C. H. Gilbert, cbarired with vi- olating a city ordinance. Defendant sub ' - - . - mitted and judgment wsA.suspendedlupoh thAnamntir onata : , State ys. C. H. Gilbert, charged with vi - . olating a city ordinance. " pefendanl sub mitted and was required to pay one penny and the costs. State vs. C. H. Gilbert, charged with vi olating a city ordinance. 'Case dismissed 1 at tha nnrt ft tfiA liMaaanlAw . T - ' ' I State va. R. Rentlv: rhftroAd with .n ducUng ant submitted and. judgment was suspend - ed upon the payment of costs. In thirteen cases 7ioi. pros, was entered. State vs. M. J. Bently, et al.; charged n.!lh MnMl... !ltam -KT,1 ..la vvtiuuvaiwaj swaj Atyit svsh sie .W. A. Bently. Others continued. State vs. Jerry Palmer, convicted of flae pretences. Defendant sentenced to twelve months in the. State Penitentiary. Maj. John W. Dunham, Clerk: of the Court, tendered his official bond, with sureties, which bond was approved and accepted by the Court. ' ' The Grand Jury came into Cort, an nounced that they had concluded their la bors, submitted their. report. and were dis charged. . ; . . . . A Flowery Bbbbery,' : The flower garden of Mr. A, Adrian, on Orange, between Second and Third streets, . ... . ' ' ' nraa rlcinni la1 .of coom n rr rT In.nln A was despoiled last evening of twenty five or thirty beautiful double hyacinths, in the growing and possession of wbich the owner had taken a great interest and just pride. The theft was committed in tbe early part of the night, and "was dis covered j almost immediately, as Mr. Adrian had had visitors, and when tbey were leaving took them oat into the yard to give them some of tfie fiowers only to find that he bad none to dispose of. He was naturally much disgusted at finding the result of his care and attention thus appro priated by anotherf and we trust this notice will result in the detection Of the robber end a stop being made to similar depreda tions. "!.:.' Gatkapietaly Recovered. James Marshall, the seamen from the Schr. Katie CoUint, who was attacked with smallpox and sent to Mt. Tirzah Hospital, below this city, about a month ago, where he was nursed by - Mr, Dan. Shean, com pletely recovered from his malady, but was afterwards prostrated with other diseases, though of a less serious nature. He has, however, finally come forth irom the try ing ordeal perfectly restored to health a somewhat remarkable fact, considering his age, which is said to be upwards of sixty. Rlayor'a Coart. Tbe only case for Mayor Smith, yester day morning, was that of , a small colored boy, named James Johnson, who says he came here from Wadesboro about two weeks since, and who Was found by the po lice asleep in a box on the street. He told such a pitiful story,! saying he had no fa ther or mother, was anxious ' to get some thing to do to to support himself, etc., that he was discharged with suitable advice and admonition. , , Ttaa jniAix.s. The mails close and arrive at the City Post Office as follows: 1 Northern through, jnailav-fast,- 6.-00 P. M. Northern through and way mailsil . 'IS.. . .i 5:80 A, M. Raleigh. 5:30 A M. Mails for the K. C. Railroad, and routes Bttppliedthbre- i rom, including A. & N. C. 0 Railroad, at.... , ,.f . . r ; 5:30 A. M. Southern mails for all points . South," daily. . . .8 A.M. and 7:45 P. M. WesternmailslO. C. Rdaily (except Sunday), f. . . : 8:10 A M. MaU for tCheraw& Darlington Railroad......... m ererarw uai 7:45 P. M. Mails for points between Fib-, rence Had' Charleston; 8 A. " ! 'IsUwad-. .V?A?i?,.x.5aJ'7if45- K- M. FayetteviUedoceanOapene ;. -.; , , r FearvlyervJfuesdaySi andvi- rfv ' . Fridays. ...v.... m ...... : 1KM)P M. Fayetteville, via "Lnrhberton, ' ' daily1, except Sundaya. . ' 8:iO;A. M. Onslow C.Hwi and Ifiterme- --: diatb offices, Mondaya . and . - .Thursdays............... 6:00 AM Smithvillq mails,, bv steam- .. . boat, daily (except Sundays) 8:30 A. M Mails for Easy Hill, Town'1 . Greek, Shallotte and Little i : - River,- ;Mondays and Thurs-. . . days. ...... ..... ; s 6KX) A. M Wilrnlpgtbri' :and ' BlackvRiTer ; ; ' Chapel, Mondays, Wedhes- ' days and'FridayB;: . . 5:00 A. M. I -1 -.bjOPEN FOB TJXLXVBBT. Northern-ittxougit.and way c mails. . .v.. .." . . . . . ..... 7:80. A. M. Northern through mails...... 90 A M. Southern! mails.......;.....- 7:80 AM. CaroIinaCentraL'Railroad. . 400 P. Jf. . Mails collected from street boxes every 'day at'8.80 PM. -. .".,:-,.t ? . General delivery open from 6. -00 A. M. to6 KX) P. M. ,: and on Sundays from 8 0 to Q:80A.'M.--.Jn- I-V-v '- i-- Stamps for aale at general delivery when stamp office is closed. , m-;?? - ' Stamp Office open from. 8 ATM. to 13M., and from 2 to5i50 P.M.I Honey order and Register Department open SAme sa -stamp Office. . ; ' easi '"' " MEADE B AKER'S J CARBOLIC MOUTH WASH la a tragraht ind delight ful toUet article; ia4 'posWyely core all diseases olthe3iarjro.ma cay,' purify the breath-aad-preeervetbe teeth, J It will.also , relieve Sba icenbss, and is an excellent gargie ior jjokk xsroat Price GO cents a bottle; Fctf sale ; by drog gista generally iTJitf trade supplied try the wholesale druggists in . Richmond andBalt timore. n . mhSOSmeod WHOLE; NO.;4,258 oicw I Tea n nf nainM k a.i. a of j .Tutt's Pills In public estimation. Their luAit M I Xk'IT J. w .?.ij . uvop.... ..v- jBtucupe aqa America as weu as i tbe tlfl 1 army. and BaTV. Cuba and Other rnnntrli inr!;9- -I - ' :J - - ' ':U ' ' i-' ;,f SKCONS SOUNB Or QrjABTBKLY MKBTINQS t fOT the Wilmington District cJ the .Metipdlst S. . Charch, South : , . ; V. Wiale4haA'iiea....-.ir;;;...A 4-10 wuaerme, at Carrer'a . Creek. ...,; .April 16-17 I ZtESZZZlV w Creek...... u April ao '. Ktnwt inrll o - iiminrwtt.Mii - 1 ZJSfiKf M7 1 I BraaawiearMMt' 7:n:::r::;iiay''': 'ii-ia i J Sx fi1!? 8 inapei.... ...... May ; Si S3 Mvwt vruiu Axout;ii. . May " 3 89 Clinton... Cokeebnry. Coharie.,.. .Jane , , 4 S .Jane 11 IS .Jane 18-19 L. 8. BURKHKAD. : , Preslfllns Klder. ' A RABaV ' BAR8AIN. A: well MfAiati at. 4 prosperona Weekly NevrBpaper. located in a tari r BaflHMd. i rA, ..1. m..i.rT: a r J ' - - . - - . 1o WdSnfSa 1 CitfrJf. "fi88 "PJaT : botUea of Hod BlttaiL tAaTATI hv tnv aaHTa Hha haa done her own work for a year since, without the l.4v3L, Z "Si w CYWjruuuy l HOW 1C JOT tv I vuou inah'lla Js JTSTIIlcri - WHO IS MRS. WINSLOW f As this question wo wiu Bunpjy say uuu sue is a Joy who for upwards of forty years has antiringly devoted her tdma aad talents as a- Female Physician and nana, principally among children, bhe has namecoasclass, and, as a result of this effort, and practical knowledge obtained in a lifetime spent as nurse ana puysicias, sna nas compounded a booth- uu Djrcupiur duiaren teeuung. - is operates Ilka niaglc giving test and health, and is moreover tore to regalatethe bowels. In consequence of this ar ticle Mrs. Winslow is becoming world renowned as a benefactor of the race; children certainly da ana trrandbleas her; especially ia this the case in this wj. uv. Huaniiues OI ue Boouung byrupare dailt sold and used here. We think Mrs. Wluslow has immoEtalized her name by thla invaluable arti cle, and we sincerely believe thousands of children have been , saved from an early grave by its timely j use, and that millions yet unborn will share ita siuB, wa uuw iu caning ner blessed. No mo ther has discharged her duty to her Buffering little I one, in oar opinion, until she has eirea it the bene- I flt of Mia. Wln.law'a Hnnt.hino nnn ow I l : i uw- inera tkj: it how. Ladies1 VirtCor. New York city. Bold by allProgglata. 25 cents a bottle. : NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. If..U&TAATD I SPR IHG CATALOGUTE 1: -iwM y. I Sent on. Application. I Special Department for Mail Orders. Le Boutillier Bros DRY GOODS, Broadway and Fourteenth St., NEWYORK. Dyer & Son. RS AND rURNISHBRS." Bafora mitehMtnir in fnn ot out of town, It will be ta the advantage or every wn w ui uu ui 1 tib oar une or nece uooas. Butts made to order from $18 60 upwards. Fit and workmanship guaranteed. Fine line of Furnishings Goods just received. apStf ' 1 1 Blue Yacht Flannel, rjpo MAKE TO MEASURE. Pants to order $4,00 and upward, : . At MUNSON'S, . apfllt Clothier and Merchant Tailor, g Sozodont, RIENTAt TOOTH FASTS, CASHMERE BO- tuet. Rose. Brown Windsor, Elder Flower and other Soaps, Chevalier's Life for the Hair, For sale by JAMES O. MDNDS, Draegist, P 0 tf 35 N. Front St. For Organists. ORGAN GEMS. $3.59. By F.'L. DAVENPORT. ORGAN SELECTIONS. , $1.60. By PETERS- sATIBTSrS SBGAN VOLUNTARIES . , $3.50. i BATISTE'S LAST COMPOSITIONS. fS.50. ORGANIST'S RELIANCE. 10 Noa, each $135. Complete $8. By EUGENE THAYER. ZUNDEL'a ORIGINAL ORGAN COMPOSITIONS $1.35. In these six well made books will be found a very large number of voluntaries, some clasaical. some new and light, but all good. Organists will be glad to use the longer ones intact, and to adopt the a norter compositions as themes from which to vary. 51SJTATLPB' Prtee reduced to to cts. OUVETTJE, price reduced to 60 cts. JOHNSON'S NEW MaTHBD FOB HARMONY. ?JM- ,T7. R JOHNSON. "The beat book in theworldr' (for its object), waa the commendation aastowea ay an enthnaiaatic pupil on a former book by the same author. . However that may be, this Is US newest tnali. and nail h.rrtlv ha -rrahaA trm plainnesa of erplaaation, ease and thorauabnesa. It doea not. attempt Counterpoint, or any ofvthe fivymoim oe cempoaiuon ; out connaaauaeir tO thOSe thlnm ' th! Avm-r nru.nl.f trmm onrul Player, and every composer of 'th e people's ma- mil It nnivhf ,A W ...... yw : wwa". www ;.i ; w , Oliver Ditson & Co., BOSTON. CHAS. BT. DITSON A CO. I J. E. DITSON A CO. 843 Broadway, N.Y. "92; 933 Chestnut St., PhiL ap a aw u wea eat A, David T3TA8THB LARGEST STOCK OF THE BEST and cheapest Clothing! Shirts and Furnishing Goods for Men, Boys and .Children; also ef " Flee Goods for custom orders. A. David Employs a large capital and is managed with brains. Our gains are all mde bn the simple policy of pro ducing the beat sarments at the least eost and Bell ing great taanti'ies at the sinallest profit. Before buy! rug your spring uiouung can oa - A. DAVID. ap8tf r ' Leading Tailor and c lothier. 10,000 BUSHELS PRIME WHITE . . CORN JUST RECEIVED. ' 300 Bush best OATS, ' 300 Bush. HEED PEAS, 100 Bushels.PafARL HOMINY. 73 Bales TIMOTHY HAY. ' " 'V.-:'iTfiVi ' ' Tlt; And "BEST BOLTED MEAL IN THE CITY." , :'. " PRESTON UTJMMJNC St OO.i' " Millers and Grain and ap 8 tf ' Peanut Dealers.' Li Si Li NEXT DRAWING OF THE Lonlslana State Xoltery 7. rfAKBS PLACE- APRIL 12, CAPITAL .PRIZE X $80,000. Whole tickets. $3 00; Halves, $1 00. Address Lock Box 273, - -i; mh 9 tf Wilmington, N. C. it"ai.i.Mtiia' r T - 'jOoBttaet Adrattlaemaata i Ukaa a troo MNoaparall typa aaaka ana aqaara. WWRTISMENTa lU .EVB'U TT E R . i i..ir. :-.-:'V-'. ,. ; VKRr CHOlpl FINS tLk;QRD, Smoked 8almon. Herrtnga and ' Bloat rm New GanninoOwrsah, ". Largejso. X rat Mackerel,; Pat NO. 9 Mackerel, six for 18 eta. Preaerraa for sale by the pound,- . - j --if Cherrle. Plne-Appl, Peache-, and Orangje aaA . . Apple JeUy, . ...... The irery flnert qaallty of N. O.' MolaMe. Also, Porto : Bice aah New Crop Caba. . .- ..- - :--:! .. 1.' ..i-. .:- .i"i..N. " .1 KZ W4Aa a . J Hats! T ATEST- STTLB8 1 Hats! L0WS3T PBICXS I HARRISON A AXXKM. 'V"-. -' -; :Battws. ap7tr A New Supply I C TJHAT POP0LAR LtTXRATURJt, POB I J I 'uaea ny tne amjskiuan boo A XXCUAhUE, Just received at1 ' - aaiNSBKRQIRtt Live Book and Music (Hon-. Pianos aud Orgitns. TJ10RCA8H OR ON THE -T. v EASY INSTALMENT- PLAN , Music Boxes. Guitars. Violin a. aad V' ' ' w othex Musical Inatramenti, ' ForYaleat -x ' ap6tf . .. BEINSBSRQKR'S. rrWLOMS CROPHONK I TnaUnt Omnmnntcattoa x. oyt the WATTS PATENT TEi.BruuM ES . 1 a cat a of ACCUent. rira or Bnral.ra thtrr ara kmnnA price. OWN YOUR TXLSPatONB LIMES I BK rice. OWN TOUR TKLEPuONa 'JNtl I nc inujETJCMUSEMT I-. smctant' a aiatanee of (A mues. we win erect unee, or sell materials with fall Instructions. Prices Phones $7.00 each Wire SOc per. pound. ' Gniraateed to work If properly put up. . . EDW'O & HOLTV ' General Agent for North Carolina. B. 1. MORBIIX. S$ BON, mh S3 eodSw su we fr Ag'ta for WUmlnttoa. Parasols and Sun Shades. Brown C Roddick 45 M arkct Street. - WE HAVE NOW ON HAND A BEAUTIFUL assortment of the above at prices raaglnc from 15 cents to $15 00. LACES AND HAMBURGH. Our line in Laces snd Bsmburgs baa nevar be-n so complete as at this time. W e are opening many noveliies. NECK RUFFLING. A New Line jast received . BROWN St RODDICK, ap 8 tf . . i5 Market St. Paas Easter Egg Dyes. AND A FULL ASSORTMENT OF PATENT Medicines . Aha one of the moet elegant line of fancy and Toilet Articles in the city. Cologne a specialty ; try the F AGINATION, it la perfectly ele gant. J.'H. HARDIN. spStf rrusKlst, New Market. William H. G-reen, Successor to Groen A Planner, WHOLESALE & RETAIL DRUGGI8T, Market Street, bet. Front and Second, ap3tr WILMINGTON, N. C. Try Irs. Joe Person's Indian Tonic Bitters. CUBES SCROFULA, RHEUMATISM, HEART Disease, Chronic Bilious CoUo, aad aU klade of Eruptions and Skia Diaeasee ariaing from Impurity of the blood. As an Alterative To ale and Purifier of the Blood it haa proves ltaelf unaeuaUed. ' SEE GOVi HOLDEN'8 OPINION. ;' " " " Haismb, N, CI, Dee. 3d, IBM. I take pleasure In stating that a member oi soy family- haa saed Mrs. Joa Feraoa'a Indlaa Tonic with good results. I believe her rameSr exceUeat for the purposes for which It is intend a. ! ... , ,,,W. W.BOLDEN. BKE JUDGE STRONG'S OPINION. Bsxbmk. N; Dee. lit, ISdff. Mrs. Joe Person : Mart am Borne months ago 1 waa In bad health, susenag rrom aebiuty, tnatgae tlon and loss of appetite, when a frland todnoed me to try your Bitters Maxmto. I did so with the moat happy results. I take great pleasure la neomman dint It as a valuable and efficient vegetable Tonic Very respectfully . . , GEO. V. eTttOaU. Prepared by Mrs. Joe Person. Franklintoa. N. C. poraaieoy mhlSly WM. H. G&aBNi Drasxiat. nac vVilmugton,N. C. apmwU A LOT OF LARGE CHOICE ASPINWALL BANANAS nnd FINE SWEET ORANGES jast At ' B. G. NORTHROra mhSStf Fruit and Confectionery Stores. Sundries. 2750 SACK iVBJrXMLSAIA', 25 Bbls SPANTSH BROWN, i . , SO Bales COITON YARN,. ao Car loada Prima White CORK. For aale low for cash. ' mh37tf u 'JrlCJ"? ; i-rQ. BONE? A SONS. Looli:t647ur .Interest A ND STOP AT VI T.f.ART BOWDEN'S, T' .ri.i where the largest aeaortment of Hamaea, Bridlas. Baaajaa, uouars,- ' Tra ka. - Tntvattnr Baca brought to this city ,are to be aeea and boogiu t or tba least money. - Try them and be eonvincad. Mana faeturlngand repairing, done with naataeea aad dispatch - - v - r. - . ap a u , . . u ;. . , , now a oouta rrom bu BK IT REMEMBERED t-The ' NeW- Furniture 8 tore of Behreads St Munroe, 8.' E. Cor , Mar ket and eecoad Bta., Wilmington, N. C Is aow exhloiflna the largeat aad moat eamplete Stock of Parlor, Chamber, - Dlnipr. v ofAoa ; aad Library Furniture In thaetate; wardrobes, klda Board. Lounge Oil Clotha, Mattraaaea, as., c. Aa.. all ofwlehmast ba sold. Wbolaaala aad ketall at price to compete with say North era Hoaae. t jiva us a trial before sending yoar orders North aad wa will convince yoo,t ) ' j: m v ap SOT: Par ticular : II otico. 1J i - FOB THIWTY DATS jrBwJi TUB rTUBT day or March, 1 wiu anu Baadie. Hanxtae and Collars at east. Alad Whips an Saddles asp tsarriaaea. oi Streets, at Factory 1 .',.1 !U P. H, HATDXN. MM a Jta

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