tvn. II. UCOMAHU. Hi l.4Hlt DAILY EXCEPT HoSDxY- XaT ii rM. cv mQ tit soak. . ... i s 1 M ta eat part e the wnU Ml Ctty Ajwtt xrx euatee far a. ntr4 H the) Tat OSUa at WT&KmftO-l. S. C. OUTLIMKI. Pxiiea litiuJir waa killed by ttghtatoc ur He. 3pfid Ark., oo Wedaeeday ,Mc. -Saeemer SeedegoD Ojo frees Caarleatoo. 3. C. w dieabled end re turned. Tbe Society of ibeCieoeaaii closed iu aeaeioo at Charleston ; oQcevi were iecuvj for the eaauieg term. W.J. " rl0 Hom ol R.praauuvaa from I'Mi i.)tn. l pu on Jtoeday wHn toe f at J. II. Jjoo. of Woodvilia. ltr- uj jicao ccmif. carried off a lafa ,tu mm of oor tWofof to Ur. Jooo , , A U'lo hodf of Uo4 bM twfo ;;UrC&MrJ 10 UttJ CW09ty. SJ . Iu SCUCb wtl ir Goo Frulay waa ei6rmtd .N Voak; uaa4allr lta cugrta r. u uoJti ia ctkarch arvtca. i naa), Taaa.. daawa hia ml) Pi Prioc B amartk doa Du ijm- pitMt Kb tb aatt Jtwiatt aiialka; the i;rmj uraiual wiil eoajMrsati exiaU af u a2cuo( tb- Ja to ba aM trad or rpaU- Taa Cat reiuaed to liaito up- rf otrcf to Raaaiaa NihtSlets: ... . - . , o( rx 11 wwiw itt. coouitioo ur ia crop ta (muv ti of I fr Daaa(iac Tata. Fraitbt ralta i t L 4 KaabtiHa Railroad sad noctujua t"rj. & Uca lacraaacd A u4; 4j atocta ia iba New tojr.- ,n i yvruaf. Oaa. Oraai'a ,rr . t ! Oca of Mtnco t rtpoic3; nit iavtna m rgrvlU wub apprtc- Tk r rui ttcHaac el V i(. '.. cooiiaa; tb prpu of the i cuniaU'a ia to kad t.S C5a ClyJa ti.f iVotlletOo's speech ia apo ku ot in b-ti itrma by the corraa pond n L of th Hachmood ZHfxtXtA. The MuMiaauppi Valley Cot too Pianirr-' At.aociatioo ia preparing lo a grat coiion roetiog el Mara- ph-t on May .'jlh. l b Doctor- of New York held a miM raatin on Wednesday night. lhy declare that Na Vork ie Uirvtod with plileacw. HrohiJ'. ou to-morrow uighl u a piece- her ISO nights with Mtoi r Ablxy. IUcipts over $430,000. The K reach woman's ahare is said to u il 00, 0OO. O.J Dawes gets flattened every 1 .y now. His charge that the Dam- cru haJ made overtures to Mahooe - oiet with the noqaali5d denial 1 I ia tier, Harris and Peodletoo, and Urnto.l for the name of the Demo cri. Dtwea dodged and finally Jjwo fairly mashed and aa flat t a ery flat floaoder. A T. Stewart'a body ia again the topic, lbta ume it is reported mat Memorial Cathedral at Garden City. There are stories ef a midnight train, ( atrange doings in the Cathedral, 'xi of alarm wires leading to the chime. "After life' fitfal fsver," to booea sre not allowed to rest. Hah for Baffalo BilL He played Philadelphia the same night that lUrnhardt and Saivtot did. li. D. ti.l crowded boase, wbitst the s'f-Ai Italian aotoc aad the gifted I'maiin had smalt aadieoces. So it i evident tbe American taste, eveo in the biz oitiee. runs in the direc- of the rUkalooAly high-wrought 1 10 and exeiubla.. I Afi.r r.menk. Tirinni av-nonte , x a of Cameron behavior in the Senate .ub t. SMU,n koUta, bio d... b y tbe coat-tails, sod Others trying .0 ,..., bim do,, MMuq ieeprau, the only ioferencw that can be made is that he had been Imbibing k , ft -4. bea.tly of rtnosTlvania "long- range." It is pity tbe coat-tails bad not given wsy sod be bad not bn allowed lo get near Ben HilL a? I Two atadeots, eoos of highly re spectable parents, at Phillips Aoade my, Lawreoce, Mass., attempted to burglariously enter tbe bouse of Abisl Wilson. One was killed. His name was Arthur Foster, aod his twin brother Lother, was bis accom plice. Tbe following is sensationally lotsreating: " Farther lavsstlgsuoc. of the crises aad na tragic rssoil shows that Arthur Foster aa a ihKlir3oaJ atadeat, aLodyiag for ths tniaiatTT. aad that oe computing his stadias at the Phillips Academy be intended to our the Aadovtr Theological Seminary. Uy the eooaaaioo of the surviving brother ic appears that the pair ea tared eel robbed Wrcaoe's place alx months ago. seennag tt.OOOia mooef asd gold watches. Mr. Wilson had. la his room some 73.000 worth ef stocks, boa da aad other sacs" rinse, the property betag aader ao other protsc uo Ciaa the owner's xlfla. The object ol thesasawaeta awssra, tf paoaibia, ail Uk booty. hvrMg ta rseort to TloUacw, tf aeceaaary, to iccoopllsh their sad." ."'J THE fkBSEIf VOL. XXVU1.N0. Mr. W. C. Ileoeher, too of the venerable Hon. Abrara. Ksncher, an , ... j v L a. j clan or 18CI, and WHO bu retlded in Earop eix yaara, baa addreaaed a circular letter to Ihe Slate Board of AjTicaltare and Imm5ffrationt wbiob . . . . Zs . . meeu.t on next. Mr. Kencher preaeots at leogtb his . views and opinions regarding tua beet tataos of promotinir immiffra- oa 01 promoting immigra J wwu iivh Aurupr. tie proposes' 10 the Board: "in. The fitabiUhcasat of ao offica and aa afaecy for Earope la London, because it la tkr beat locatioa la reepaot to Oraat BiiaJa aad Iralaed, Fraece aad Holland, aad U la to thoaa evaiaUUa we do at chiclv look for aa income to North Carolina of prod active capital asd dtalrahle Usmi graaui aad ' - - ' '"3d. The appototaeoa by voor llooora bJa Bord of CocaaleeSooer or Af cot of Icamtraiioa reaideet ia LMdoa, and la charte of sl J oflea." He saya this office need not coet morw win tuv m year, toe primea matter to be distributed abroad to be aol from North Carolina. Mr. 1 I ... . ineydfMnre cocaideration at least. I ,1 I may prove a more advantageous I investment than the agency the Board now has in England. Mr. Rancher insists that his plan is the ... mot and the cheapeat. Then try it, w. a.y, for ,t cannot do lee wall door. thai) the old system has Doo Cameron, tbe red-beaded Senator from Pennsylvania, got ex cited a day or two ago and shook his fiat at Ben. Hill. If he wishes for ao me one lo "tread on the tail of me coat" we hoc-e he will be e ratified. t. .. ..;. r iK. vArtK-r n.;. w" " 1 cala are ebowicg bad temper. They I I will not mske any more in that game I thao they have in making terms I with th Virginia midget. Bullying never pajd yet when Southern men were to be dealt with. Here ia tbe &a7'jt aetionnl of the Cameron cir ca: Eeijtdy looked eulemo or excited. Bat warn Doa Csroa auddeary jamped to bi feet ;4 if his aeigkbof Oocham bad a-ock a Medw ihroush tne chair not toes) aad with eoiy voice aad threatening eaoar ioierrnpud Hill with the exdama- te. "Yi bat do 70a mesa by in air tne refUtias broke iato a broad gTla. All eyes to reed quickly toward ihe Paonsvlvanla Saoatur. bo dropped beck iolo bis seat wbeo 1 til oertly eJeaced at blm and said be waa ooly dealtsc with the Seeator from VifRtora. Nobody knows what atlrrtd up tbe boc-beaded Don, but he Is reported to bee aaid that be dUel tbiak it waa right to let Uahooe be lapuead upon by every body " s;rits TnrpenLine r- Hiahop Lycean confirmed three at Hartford, two at Newhefua Chapel, aad three at Elisabeth City, the I laat colored. I Knfield Sentinel: CbaxUe Sykes, ... 1 ir. nu, q.... . I iV. I laat. and so badly iolorad that he died Mooday moralog. Wioaton Leader: " What is friendship?" aekeihe Whitehall 2imm. It ie a Hiiwa uo um ai . n. n. va duiiviu. rriaaioe ia lajcieeieu om looa-oaii. It I f rrqoantly played 00 oar atreets by old aod yooof. and en joyed wiia great nuartty Winston Leader: We ?L: -.M.4 nnoa ia CLhroakela lha daavth Mania, who departed this life etbusraeideece a this p Ue 00 the lltb, Ha waa born at Maxtlo'a Lime Kiln, Blokes couotv. A artist 84. 1814, sad was tbe H,X . 5lT He too na-cat aoa of Col. Jamas brother of Gov. Alexander Marti baa filled several important offices in the gift ol the people. Kinstoo Journal: Tbe Kinston R. flea, Co. K., have reorganised end will commence drilling preparatory to the nn- 7VaY TlSf. Patrick, mail carrier from Elusion to Rich lands, was 00 bis roots for tbe latter place wbeo aboot fimr mllea tbls aids, his horse took fright at tbe falliog of a burning tree top aa(j l&rew him from bis baggy acroes a 1 "aSZ$L7oT$.mx. n Cburch at this place, baa been holdiog a 7r.BrSS2 ftfKS m Cuoveraioos up to this time. Weldon News: About four mllea from town, at TUgmaa'a crosi roads, T' 11.. ...I iin 1 DfJPJUBr a a M as w aaw e 1 ivm vvrviw wocdan named Sarah Cole, was supposed is have killed her new-born babe. We regret to anaoanoe the deatrocUoo by Are of the residsoce of Mr. B. J. Gary, aoool etsht miles from Halifax on the En field road. ottjTaaraday, the 7th lnat. Oo atght laat week aoeas pereoo or persons broke Is to the store of Mr. C W. Faccett, af Halifax, aod stole a quantity of good a. The fact was cot discovered notU next morning. We are requested to state thai there wOl be a large mass meetiog of the friends of prohibition st Halifax oo Wed need ay. the 30th inst Winaton Sentinel: Over six hand red dollars was Invested ia imported baggie upon oar streets Tneedsy. This is the wsy ear money goes sad with It our home Industry. Alice Osles and her dramatic troupe will be hers on the 23d. Davie county will hold a prohibition mass meeting at MoeksTUle on the 23d In it. Mr. Lotus Pobelraea, aa employe in the wood aad work shops of Messrs. Miller Bros , received palnfol injuries upon his tight band and arm oo last Saturday, by having it accldsstally caught in tbe surface plaaieg machine. It ia a kind of a narrow gauge stnmp-taUsd State pride that woeld lay the whole Bute nadar tribute to the R&D. Road, oc the MN. a Division" of thai road, aad atlhe risk of making his joy at that Idas short lived ws take pleasure Is stating thai the North Caroline Midland project Is aeither dead nor sleeping and doat yoa forget ft !, 22. WILMINGTON, N. C. SATURDAY. 'JSUxabaUi Jj)Jtconomt : nai a new era U dawning -for Edenton. Two railroad nnea. urootf and stalwart, are arj aiitaoce wtiatu oeanunu oaroor. ids g. a N.rRalUoad tad tbe 8aflolk& Albemarle Railroad are both seeking a ter k? & &J?fgri5 thlapolat and Edenton wiU aoon become the pride of the Albemarle, a railroad cen- Ue, .&,T nm Cl trad.. Waahlng- ton county Items: Onr people hare rice cnltnre on the brain over here tbla spring. udmrrmui that has land suitable plaUnf thU week. nabermen are Tlahtrdt bQl la tlowlTt owinr to the hUh winds and low tides. They command a KOod price. Shad 75 centaper pair; herrinrs $L60 per baodred. The steamsr Oriole la runniog a daily mail from Edenton to Wllllamaton. Charles PetUrrew. of Colli na Lake reirion. we learn, baa 42Q acres planted In rice tbls season.- - . Goldsboro Messenger: The dwelllnj of E. W. Helvin,- in Turnbnll townshirx Bladen comnty. tORether with kitchen and dining room furniture, were consumed by fire on the 5th inst. Not withstanding all the efforts that were made the lire, driven by a a 1x003 wind from the hrvnM rvimmnnlrtliul to fenfilaa and an. imrA m ni. (nrMt whftr it hnmad ahnnt 1 1,000 acres or boxed pine lana oeiore it I aJd1JjttPIM MeWatBO InaaraBf I Several others shared a loss in the burning foreau Thoa. W. Swan, Iq.,baeome 1 no muil tmoBrinem to ATBruuicow. 1 I . r . - . . . - rr..t I spieoaia specimen 01 catue. vviuiayouog ' . . t 1. .1. ti-. itv nit oar iTerua im ai khuu, ui uiu dl Mp 8wao rt.jued from her in one month 1,180 pounds of milk, and as mnch "S?" The SSll? Oea iffin! Eq . sets np the following claims for the city of New bera: One cotton factory, one wood plate mill, plow factory ping to- J wo'fr aaw mills, three grist mills, steam cotton . .t.Li a. yard, box factory and broom factory, giv- lag employment to about iour nuaarea operatives. Raleigh Ncus- Observer : The machinery law passed by the late General Assembly, for the collection of taxes, cre ates changes in the manner of selling DTODertv levied on for non-Davment of I taxes. The present law authorises the to bid -off the property focthe' county, unless tnere be Individual bidders, Formerly tne property lo such cases waa HI4 rt tn.r IK. Ut.l. A a Ik. mniit. la made reaponalble for the amount due the Bute, It is not reasonable to expect that Uivvvi w bui fcau w luun u mm uiuwi Moleaev as formerly. Tbe Banner is the name of a new paper published in Raleigh, by John H. Williamson, a well known colored man. It is to be devoted to the iotercits of his race It is very well edited, preaots an attractive appearaoce, and merits tbe patronage of the colored Iuhmli:yric7mat rMwlntetov fellow, however, . a . tie. m - a . m . a -tAAM A kw nalaT-Kt M k k f-a a. e-aaW B ftf t K Sb I IflAhAS tVW t ll A t WSPatff VS firtl- fl rV AllrlllKV k""c. "TO i'-k 1 ."v-.j uv... I industrial classes, and excites tne tnanas 01 1 Kiver, Mondays and Thurs own here at the Capital. The price of the dailv at 3 P. M except Thesdav. when it I the neoDla of Pender. As some evidence I dava. .nn a vr psper ia 41 50 per annum, $1 for alx months, 75 ceo is for three months. Tbe lollowing is a list of offices of the Roanoke Lirht Infantry (Third Regiment), elected at Weldon onTnesdsy: Captain, W. U. Capell; First Lieutenant, R. 6. Hall; Second Lieutenant, W. H. Harris, J. G. Latham. Companies are preparing in all parts of the Slate to go to Yorktown. It la understood that twenty-seyeo companies will auend. These will be organized into three regiments and one battalion of in fantry, and a battery of artillery. One band, aad ooly one, will be allowed to each regi ment, and only one State color and one na tional color will be allowed to each. Tbe carrying of flags by various companies will not be permitted. A series of encamp ments, as required and provided for by tbe new militia law, will. It is nsderftood. be held during the coming aummer. Tbe First Regiment will encamp at xvloatoo, tea gecood at WrighUvUle. 00 the sound be low Wilminnton; the Third at Greensboro, "d the Second BatUlion at Cleavelaad Sodnsa. The First Regiment will be a ument to Gov. Caswell, probably, which will take place at lunston on August otn. Granville correspondent: Mrs. Ade line Paschal, of this county, has, we are In formed, four sons three years old. They sre ss well grown op to their sge as any children. r mUtZ 1 arm TlTii von with what 1 I wad th" Choline papera. York, Interest A.Fw2f iSLSw I lSZX7wW Jf discern from m presentsition . JI Slw oh rCn.. T..TIi irp7fi irm Tionm Carolina Inquiries at our office are becom- " wt ucvum- log more and mnre frequent for advice as o Southern mines, wair powers, timbers, etc. and several Dartles have been nuletly S respecting in your Bute at my suggestion. ne company alooe. having a paid up capi tal ot 13,000,000, have sent their agent to consult me, and desire to invest it all lo North Carolina mines. T&LEl CITY. N BIS? AUVKtSTIStCfflKN ft. J. C. BxEvaHBox Drop In. Hethsbsrokb Easier card. Mvkbon Five dollar suits. J. C- Mtjitds Sozodont, etc Mb. Fasstho's dancing clats. Braaiawiek; Caarl. The 8heriff, Oierk of the Superior Court, Postmaster and other witnesses in the case of Brink va Black, arrived from Smith viile on tbe steamer Passpjrt yesterdsy eveniog, and report that tbe case baa been compromised. No cases of importance bave been dis posed of oo the criminal docket yet. The case of a colored womao, charged with Infanticide, haa bees contlnned until the next term. Court will adjourn this evening, and I Judge Gudger wiU axnve here on the iW port the same night. Several of the legal fraternity came up yesterdsy evening. 1 aw The last term of Mr. Fanning'i dancing classes will open at Rankin Hall on Mondsy next, and continue for two weeka. the afternoon class to commence I at 4 P. M., and that for gentlemen at 8 P. M. HORSFORD'S ACID PHOSPHATE IN NERVOUS PR08TRATION FROM uemtaTi OVERWORK. I have found Horsford's Add Phosphate to be of signal benefit in some cases of Nervous Pros tra- Won. the mult of mental overwork, and tJLMlfl isome forms of Dvsrjepsis. WM. D. ANDERSON, M. D. New Haven, Conn. ' arr, Chief of Police Brock received a "postal" I j.- i j.. ri: in oar last, lUUng that one Haody Baas killed Adam Bass and escaped, and re- Questing that a lookont aboold be kept b, the officers here for the murderer. He is described as beini'aboot SO years old, five fMthUh ofadk complexloQ aad of B dlWBPMt armearance ,nuai downcast appearance. la I Since the above was written we bad a visit from Mr. A. J. Groves; who arrived here Thursday night to watch the trains, who gives us fuller particulars of the mur der. Adam and Handy Bass were half brothers, the farmer aged 24 and the latter 30, as already stated. A feud had existed between them for the past three months about a colored girl whom they were both in the habit of visiting. On Wednesday night last, Adam Bass, who was at work with Mr. Charles Matthewa on the Magnolia section of the W & W. 11. K.. went to the house of the girl, about one mije from Magnolia. About 9 o'clock I Hand v Baas also arrived there, and com- 1 menced cursing and abasing Adam. The 1WwflnllJ told Handy he understood he I WM going to shoot him, upon wbicb I Handy, with an oath, replied that he did imgnurvuwin u..j . Adamthen caught hold 1 or Hnar. wnen ma lauer arew a razor 1 j and flashed It across his throat, cutting It from ear to ear, and then fled. Adam,c- comp.hied by the girl. -tarted immediately for Magnolia to get the services of a pbysi- clan, but the wounded man gave out when lboat wty. He was taken to a house near by. aad Dra. McMillan and I were summoned to bla bed side. There I and he breathed his last in about one and a 1 balf or two hours after the wonnda were ing ted. Groves stated that the affair created great excitement in and about Msgnolia, and that Deputy' Sheriff Math is, with a posse of about twelve or fifteen' men, scoured the country a round about all day Thursday in search of! tbe murderer, He haa a brother living here, and also one in South Carolina. Up to tbe time of tbe murder he worked with Mr a 1 r nri TTni. lioga worth, in Magaolii OaIIf Waiftr BwijtlsBi the thermometer, at the stations named, at 3.00 P. M. yesterday, Washington mean time and also the amount of rainfall in 9 is 48 hours, aa furnished by 8ergeant James W. Watson, Signal Officer at this Station: Tem. R. F. Weather. Atlanta 60 .00 Cloudy Augusts 60 .00 Fair Charleston 63 .00 Fair Charlotte 57 .00 Fair Coraicaaa 83 .00 Clear Galveston 71 .00 Clear Havana 74 .00 Cloudy Indianola 77 .00 .Fair Jacksonville 67 .00 Clear Key West 69 .00 Clear Montgomery 73 .00 Clear Pnnta Rasas 65 .00 Clear Savannah 67 .00 Fair Wilmington. 61 .04 Clear Cedar Keys 66 .00 Clear Pensacola... ... 63 .00 Clear Port Bscs 66 .00 Clear The following are the Indications for the I South Atlantic States to-day: Stationary or higher' barometer and tem perature and westerly winda and fair weather. Abaaata ef niaiL The absence of mind under certain cir cumstancea. which ia ao characteristic of 10 manr of lhe nuBn fwnil7. u seldom more apUy illustrated than it was inthecase f Certi' Prm,Dent member f 1Cgal fraternity of the city a few day. ago An old member of the police force.who thought k .nViMtinn h th nnH rt I AMerm. lnd k. m1irht .ccidentallv be I Aldermen, and he t fT ; , " , r 'left 00 1 luihe cold went to the lawyer in I fc J I c,-.- . I Question, who baa the reputation ol being a .,m?at m.l.m.n anrl I j uwMwa.-6 6y-.v...- - Mumu uiw y Vvuw K-" I an aonlication. . Onr legal friend unheal-1 , P,P ' ' , " . vl taungij oompucu, aa.iug iuc uuuutiwio Board to retain the policeman in tbe posi tion whicb he bad endeavored to Bll With I . . . , . i.x- -t. a creuit to Dimseii anu mo cut, uu-n hU oxen name to it. The lawyer didn't find out his mistake until the next day, when the I . l i , i x x: Siayor accosted uim ana uiui tut uio . nnn k. m.ntf..t- mnch anr- bsdge,upon which be manifested much sur- prise, when His Honor drew the applies-I Hon from blsipocket and showed it to him, , . . . , . ,, . I with his own signature at the bottom in place of tbe poUceman'a Laiaa ifataray. We examined a somewhat remarkable freak of nature yesterday in tbe shape of a chicken with lour dutinct, ruiiy maturea and Wellf0rmed legs, with feet, etc., com- I piete. xt w. .i.T wutuur,. u.u, m-. T. . 1 U A... L.l.l..,! lint died soon arterwaras. it was in tne pos- was a mistake, and it may be that the Con session of Coroner Hewlett,' and a num- stitution of our State Is all wrong. This ber of persons were crowding around him dream of a free government may be s i myth. n1 It man hi that IhA minvahnnln toil Tor fly yesterday morning, in the neighbor- 1 . m it. n.aa TTa..a. .umIaInai tx . I hooa 01 me vvoun xxouse, examining tun cunoua turw woaura,, woen a wue uaBJ came along, saw the object in the hand of r0-e "V 7 and gravely passed on, "TfcS holding an infuest over a thicken - The hen that hatched the chicken was the property of one Hampton James, colored. Preamatare Eioea of itoe H atr Nouadayt maybe entirety prevented by the use of Bubnstt's Cocoaine. It has been used in thousands of cases where the hair was coming out in handfuls, and has never failed to arrest its decay; it promotes a healthy aod rigorous growth, aod it is at the same time unrivaled as a soft and glossy dressing for the hair. BURNETT'S FLAVORINQ EX- TRACTS are the best, strongest and most healthful. Sold everywhere. t APRIL 16. 1881. liBCaj OMSK,;'.: .-j'j There are a great many timber rafts in the river jast now: .! The quarantine, regulations go into effect on the 1st of Hay. There waa only one trifling case for Mayor Smith's consideration yesterday morning Thanks for an invitation to at- tend the third annual "hop" of the Oxford .... Ternaicharean Clnh. to tuba nlnrn at Onvar Hail, in that town, on Friday evening, May Cln . . Yesterday was a lovely day, wn pared-with its immediate predecessor; ul " n,"ni a uercB WIDa irom V ouin weBl flel lD IO"owea by rain, and thunder and ''Khtning. A colored man named J. H. Johnson, a brother of Zack Johnson, who waa in the lock-no for stealing hrri hnfln I few aan a arratA iiMtr.o tnr acting disorderly on the streets, and locked up to await a bearing before the Mayor this morning. The body of Mathiesen, brother. to Capt. Mathiesen, of the Norwegian barque Morvig, who was accidentally drowned Off that vessel in the neighborhood of the upper Compress wharves, on the morning of the 4th inst.,. was recovered yesterday and interred. Early risers report oonaiderable frost and ice in the city and vicinity yes terday morning. This 00 the 15th of April, the thirty-second anniversary of the great snow storm in 1849, might be suggestive of a somewhat remarkable coincidence, but for the fact that winter has lingered so long I in the lap of spring this year that what I were formerly considered strange nappen- ings in the weather line have ceased to be classed as remarkable. r Bdxgaw, N. C, April 4, 188i. Major Charles 21. Siedman, Wilmington, If. U.: Dkar Sir. Tbe heated contest over your supplemental hill for the relief of fsrmers and fishermen has excited much interest and widespread attention. It I marks you anew as a man of the people and jor tne people ine ooia stana. you nave taken tor mis measure or aeiiverance, tne - i a. a 1 1 k I very emcieo. aou ugnu wrTic? yua iTe. Wilmington, and thus standing by the I rights of labor and securing for farmers and fishermen the benefits of a free market, en-1 I rlaftorei trnn sat ill mora tra f haa nmnnMPa siriri I w v ntit utva v tv wa W vmuvk mr huvi I . . . . r . .1 I of tn,a grateful appreciation we are an- tborized to tender you a public dinner at Burgaw at an early day. Please notify us of your acceptance of this cordial invita-1 tion to meet, socially and around the festive board, the people of our new county, Very truly, your friends. W. 8. Larkins, Daniel Shaw, Jas. W. West brook, KL Porter, R. O. Cowan. P. Montague, Geo. F. Lucas, James H. Moore, Geo. A. Ramsey, James Garrason, T. H. W. MclnUre, John D. Powers, G. F. Walker, L. P. Bell, S. S. Saichwell. Committee, &c. Wilminciton, N. C, April 13, 1881. Gentlemen: I arrived in the city last I nignt alter n aosence or more man a wees, 1 and found your very kind letter awaiting me. This will account lor tne long delay of my answer. I wish it were possible for me to accept an Invitation, so courteously extended, and so grateful to me in its terms and spirit. But 1 cannot make an engagement to be with yon at an early day, being unable to foresee with any certainty that I can keep it. I have never received anght but kindness from the entire people ot Pender county, and I am deeply sensi-I bleoithia renewed evidence of their re gard. It is always, pleasant to hare the approval of one's own conscience; it is still more pleasant when to that to added the S-Sw-SSSi my Spon tMs Market House .S-Uonx had J n d serted by myn every friend and neighbor, Knowing full well, as I thought, the meaning of the contract which was sought . h nrWri .rainat th nannUnfthi. " -w -o . r r city and tbe surrounding country, realix- I , J . . y.? I ,n inaL?" iT.., . ' I .nH nnlnit T fihnniri hava nAAn m. frattnr I - -. . 10 ifia neoDie amongst wnom i uve. i - ..'ri XA. . I and nqence, naa x nesitatea. ine contract, i with the ordinances intended to en-1 force u which I thick were destroyed I by the Supplemental Act, drafted by my- sen, was not m my upuuuu twmpauuw i with the rights of a people living under our , tk. !j k ,t a vocetes,that the Act interfered with the pov. lice and sanitary regulations of the city of I Wilmineton. was but the flutter Of the I : . M - . ' lh hnntpr from ita I Prlr,dfi decoy tne nunter irom Its I young. It had for its basis neither the I sanction of law, of reason, nor of troth. Yet I have never ;J)lamed any person ior an nouesa auzerence or i opiojon on tni8 question. , Freedom of I thought and freedom of speech upon public matters, as iar as is .consistent witntneitle. None Genuine nnlesa the fae-nmileof CUR- feelings and rights of others, are guaran-I teea to ait citizens in mis country, a nearo. i many years ago, irom toe tips ot my stgea and honored father, and I have read again d again from the ConsUtution of North VJaroiina, mat monopolies are contrary to i tue Eeniua ux a tree Diate, auu uueui not tu 1 filoyfei. Perhaps the lesson taught me lhe few, I do not so think, and all I ask at 1 lit. 4. . at Aaam. ...I.tism ana ix t U for is the liberty of my own opinion, which I shall exercise, please whom it may. With a profound sense of gratitude to the people of Pender county, for the feel ing whicb has prompted their expression of approval of my conduct, and regretting my inability to accept their offer of hospitality at an early day, I am, Very truly yours, Chas. M. Stedman. To Messrs. W. S. Larkins, Daniel 8haw, and others, Committee. ; D&Wlt We learn from Mr. James Bagley that at last accounts the steamer Veda waa still lying in an easy position where she went ashore, near Portsmouth, N. C. , but it was expected that she would get off Thursday; as it wa1i;iortedxnatUie offloa that the wiwC was ttawtlieijta 46 miles per iionr from the eaBtward. :4" . .1 tr. i ". tiJi ' ,-..1 1 ' A Fanallr Reunion. - Two brothers of Mr. Oeorge 11. French, Sr., one. of onr prominent and venerable citizens, have been on a visit here since the 13th of March last, and the only other brother is expected to arrive to-dav. These' I gentlemen present remarkable instances of I that bodily vigor and activity which in- I dicates a life of aobriely and prudence, I C0Pl6d with a proper attention to the re- I MwaSanMaWaBaM a J 1 il rrt m r "CU1. Wl luuu uea,ia' 1 ao e,ae8 01 wvuruiuera, air. .sa I . r rencn, WDO 18 is ,hia 8l8t year: Mr' Qeo- R- French, our townsman, who is next in order, is in his 80th year; Mr. Ste- pben A. French in his 78th, and Mr. J. B. I French in his 76th year, the aggregate ages - 1 or tne rour Brothers amounting to about 318 years. Mesara. Stephen A. and J. B. French reside at Fall River. Mass., and the eWer brother at Mansfield, Mass., about m? miles ,rom Fal1 River- They will I probably remain here about a month I longer. KIVBK AMD IT1 A KINK. Barque Ebenezer, hence, arrived at Bristol on the 14th inst. We. learn that the schooner Sarah Wttb has gone to pieces and that the vessel and cargo will prove a total loss. Capt. Roberts, of the steamer Murchi ton, which arrived last night, reports a rise of ten feet in the river at Fayetteville. XHtC A1AIX.S. The mails close and arrive at the City Post Office as follows: OT.OSTE. I Northern through mails, fast. 6:00 P. M. I Nortnern through and way I Ins1 5:80 A, M. MailTforthe N. a Bstoid. - . . 6 uwu xv. at. and routes supplied there from; including A. & N. C. Railroad, at. 6:30 A. M. Southern mails for all points South, daily. ...8 A.M. and 7:45 P. M. Western mailsXO.U. K'y) daily (except Sunday) Mail for Cheraw & Darlington Railroad Mails for points between Flo . rence and Charleston, 8 A. M. and Fayetteville,andofficeson Cape Fear River, Tuesdays and 8:10 A.M. 7:45 P. M. 7:45 P. M. jmaays 1:00 P M. 8:10 A.;M. 6.-00 A M 1 jrayetteyiue, via jjumoerton, 1 aauy, except ounaavs. . . . I A l 'r TT j i uiuuuw u. mx ana mverme- I Smithviile mails, bv steam- I boat, daily (except Sundays) 8:30 A. M Mails for Easy Hill, Town 1 ripnnlr Cl.aa1lAttA amwal T ;-i1a, w Wa aa MUBUSVaWV CAA1VA UlatlC aWWW I Wilmington and Black River I Chapel, Mondays, Wednes- I davs and Fridays 5:00 A. M. ofkh fob dsliveht. I Northern through and way f mails 7;30 A. M. Northern through mails 9.-00 A. M Southern mails 7 :80 A. M. Carolina Central Railroad. ... 4 :00 P. M Mails collected from street boxes every rf.v .t. a an p m. .eE12eliveJyopi?n ?om.6:00oA;M- 9:30 A. M. Stamps for sale at general delivery when stamp office is closed. Stamp Office open from 8 A. M. to 12 M., ana irom vioooh) r.M.. Money order and Register Department open same as stamp omce. SECOND ROUND OF QUARTERLY MEETINGS for the Wilmington District of the Methodist E. Church, South : Wbitevnie, at Carver's Creek. ...April 18-17 ...April 30 ...April. S3 34 ...Ap'130, My 1 ....May 7- 8 . .May 1415 ..May 3133 ...May 38-39 ...Jane 4 6 Waccamaw, at Cypress Creek wiimington, ac mrtn street... Wilmington, at Front Street. . . Hmithrftle Bronawick, at Zlon xopaau, at uemng's rhapei... pow, at Gtm Branch Clinton. jCakeebnry.... Jane 1113 Jane 18-19 uonane L. S. BURKHEAD, freslalng aider. CITY 1TU81B. THE MORNING STAB eaa always be had at the following places In the city : The Poreell House, Harria' News. Stand, and the 8ta Office, A RARE BARGAIN. A well established and proeperoua weekly Newspaper, located in a thri- vine. BTOwinir town on t.h llnanf a nmmlnmt irooa Weekly Newspaper, located In a thri growing town on the line of a prominent mA 4. .ay-j n ..1. rIrm. . A Dab Railroad, to offered for aale. Terms eaay. For a i .1 JU .vi- vhwuiw w uo euiwi ui tun paper. PROFIT. LS0O. To anm it no. alx Ions veare 0f bedridden eickaeae, costing $300 per year, total l00-a.l of this expense waaatopped by three o"r nop mttet-, iaxen oy my wue. sne naa ?Xr a dl dlwt everybody w taow H lo? taeir oenwu. . js. jrarmer. NURsE-MraTivvi TaSSStog 8raFla thi prescription of one or the beet Female Physicians ?no-.',,'ses m f e. Tnlted States, and haa been need ir tniriyyeara with never-railing aaretyand anc- ceaa. by millions of mothers and children from the reeWefcfantof one week old to the adult itcor- recta acldltr or tha stomach. rnllRvna win A colic re. gototea the bowels, and glvea rest, health and com- iort to motaer ana cnua We believe it the Beet and surest Kemedy in the World, In all cases of dysentbrx and diarbho.a ih children. lI?ZLl TIS PERKINS Is on the ouUlde wrapper. Sold DIED. r-nK. I tilLett, daughter of Rev. John TUlett. of the I norm varoiua uonrerenoe at. js. onorcn iror many years aha had been a aealona aad devoat member of the Methodist B. Church. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Notice. ICE. FANNING'S DANCING CLASSES, RAN KIN WAT.T., Last Term, opens MONDAY, APRIL 18th. Afternoon Class. 4 o'clock; Genta Claaa. 8 P.M. For Two Weeks. Private Lessons at any time by appointment. ap 16 St Easter Cards. FRESH SUPPLY OF THOSE BEAUTIFUL Perfumed, Silk Fringed EASTER CARDS, Jast received at HETNSBERGBR'B. Easter Presents. "DBAUTTFUL AND NEW, IN LARGE VARIETY, For sale at HEINSBERGBRa Live Book and Mailc Store. ap 16 tf Oaa qaar oa 4ytu a a a; i.vzM..f at twadin. . l ?fl .mmuil,,i,,l.MliHnl,i ; -w !( ava uyjP.P.; . a Two waeks,' t M Threawka,......:.:..i.. M " One month, .10 at " Two montba... ........ ......... IT Of i " " sumoatha,. aoar : " " Oaayaan....f at at ' aVCoatnd AOvartlaeaiaate takra at pmpJ tlonatalylowratea. . ; , . ' Ten Baes aalld NooparaQ type auk one aqaart. NKiy, AUVERTI3KMENT8. DROP IN AT J. O. Stevenson's I AMD TASTK PEKsa&VlD CHlft- I rie. Applea, Peaches ait Orance Jally. wkkh he retails at U eon taper lb; 300 lbs. Choice Corn Vad N. O. Hams. Dried Peachea and Applea. New Prunes, IS lbe for $1 03,. . New Gilt Kdge Batter, Old Gilt Me Bn'ter. I Rich Sweet Butter. t cenu pr i In j Ooed Sweet I Bntter.ieeeaU per lb. I allow no one to heat rue la price, oc quality f Flour, at wholesale or retail. Surars are aoldao cheap they aatoalah every one. A, very choice lot ef Freeh Fancy Crackere Jaet received. Call and exa&lne Stock. J. C. Stevenson's ap 16 tf Sozodont. QfilSNTAL TOOTH PA8TM. CASH at ARB BO- qoet, Roae, Brown Windsor, Elder Flower and other Boapa, Cheraller'a Life for the Hair. For aale by Z JAM1C8 O. MDnDS, P 16 ICaaSW. Front at. 95.00 Suits. QBOICB CASSDHBX SUITS AT LOW PB10K8. FRESH GOODS AT ap Clotblei and Merchant Tailor. CHEAP AND GOOD R. M. BIcINTIRE. ap 10 tf 2000 Barrels JlMK AND CEMENT LOWEST MARKET RATES, SPRINGER'S COAL TARD At ap ia at Parasols and Sun Shades. Brown Roddick 45 market Street. WE HAVE NOW ON HAND A BEAUTIFUL aaeortmentof the above at prices raofflnt irom ia cenie to $10 uu. LACES AND-HAMBURQS. Oar line In Lacea and Bambnrga baa neTr be n so complete aa at thia time. We are opening many novelties. NECK RUFFLING, A New Line just received . BROWN A RODDICK, ap 3 tf 45 Market St. Wanted 1,000 Men, rpo BUY BUGGIES, CARTS, WAGOBS, BAR near. Saddles, Collate, Hanea, Blind Brldlea, Ac. Beet goods and lowest pricea. ap 10.2 GEBHARDT CO. L. S. L. NEXT DRAWING OF THE lioulslana State Lottery TAKES PLACE MAY 10. CAPITAL PRIZE A $30,000. Whole tickets, gs 00; Balrea, f 1 00. Address Lock Box 873. ap IS tf Wilmington, N. C. Try Mrs. Jog Person's Indian Tonic Bitters. CURES SCROFULA,' RHEUMATISM, HEART Dlaeaee, Chronic Bilious Colic, aad all klade of BrnDtions and Skin Disease ariatmt from Imparity of the blood. As an AJ tenure Toalc and rnrtfler of the Blood It haa proven Itself nneqaalled. SEE GOV. HOLD EN'S OPINION. RixxioK, N. C, Dec. Id, 1880. I taKe pleasure In slating that a member of my family haa need Mra. Joe Person'a Indian Tonic with good reaolta. I ball ere ber remedy exoaileat for the parpoaes for which It la Intended. W. W. BOLD EN. 18EB JUDGE STRONG'S OPINION. Balbobt. N. C Dae. lit, lsSO. Mrs. Joe Person : Madam Soma moatba ago 1 waa In bad health, suffering from debUlty, Indiges tion and lose of so petite, when a friend lad seed me aITimdTmo happy rean raanlta. I take creat olaaanra in reeommeo- ding ltaa a valuable and efficient regeubte Tonic. Very respectfully, GEQ. V. sTROaa. Prepared by Mra, Joe Person. Frankllnton. N. C. For sale by Wat. H. Qataara. Drserlat. mh 16 ly nac Wilmington, N.C. Good Flour. 500 BARRELS GOOD FAMILY and EXTRA FLOUR, BARRELS MINNESOTA PATENT. 50 Persons wishing to USE TBE BIST will be pleased with thia. HALL & PEARSALLe ap 13 DAWtf Hotice. CERTIFICATE NO. ltl FOB SO SHARES OF the caprtol stock of The Bank ef New Haaorer,ta Senator Hoi. Bear Broa.. bavjna beeit lost, anallcattonwlllba made to aald Bank for a dapiU eaMofaame at the expiration of SO dayi i frorn date hereof. mb 6 80d SOL. BEAK A BBOa, se ' oo t

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