. i ., . . .,, , , , . '. -i- - . - - nir M. -r-,. , , , , .. , - . . ...... . .. ,.. j 1L.i.immni-i-r cyJyj-:rvg'y.t-y tar. Ll A1 M MATTY. ) Ma bi was floatisf oa tb breri. ir tte.j latoeaasye true-love Laoi ; ai aarlle bnbl ih beams tbel am fr'i-.o IttM o(l WbOM Iihl SH uOr a see l.-rch.oe 14 bal s lovei'e fast. Vi sweoBeti I ia ibtt te fir u trace The tloaitot f mors tbe tuurt race. .Vuti wooder that I borvci ocb'e. I k f .Vuti wooder that I bowcl oc kf r.4it oai bnb". ii'o fi.a pt il V il-r iiry voc. la sorrow or la oinl, K-ll lk ea eaei w h:per oo the ear. . jid I recotii ita beeveeJv birth S owneU cay strtckca beart tbel -rtiatv dear. (teaeral (vsrtletd i "oot at i, m" or "best to be excused when .tf.Ition of Virtoi Republican , ;k '! ;ct!iir advice concerning office. r,,M iu.in that GirfieM stick to . !.f4Mu with Maaone, and aoob vii (h oll iroioo men md Itepub i, n m fror of th iidjoatert. for ibe parpo of bjiog IUvj(it th: b ffu mide chairman ,r -n l c jrncailtej od ivea a ,i hi iht l'i4totlic Coamiiiee, vici.-rr be vuIJ cootrol potm4ler 'u. Mh-n ileotes ibal he made i nrin, bui the more caodid Gar fl . -; . i hor ihit there wm s bargain, hv taming bi4 bck upon the Ke- tbiicaQ to keep faith with repadia : r-. - J'dlt. Gazette, Dtm. ' it cot near! lime for the l'i.len t to exert bia ioflaeoce, by P.r4nl attodanc id the chamber, it iiJ b, to inJuc the Senate to -ii. I to the b u.i met for which be intn oed it, and for which it ia paid ij , i;.)'jniry: indignantly inquires Mf .V'i?-i. A jreat many people, (..aSucSf, thiuk it L. The i'reaideol ijirH totalled by the Senate; that lie h the riebt to re i ut', and po4ibiy he hould lake ili"u; o( it. 'l'he pectacle pre i-. uvJ .-f President (iarbeld, aeated i.v iir of Vic I'reaident Arthur, ,j m -tin -x Senatorial majority, led iv M h. n. Cunkliog aod Sbermao, hr dixbare of ita duties, would b ihri.iirtg in tbe eyes of the present -uerv tou and interesting to poteri- Tte rirtt noevting of the elock n h1t ot ib S'folk J WHfO Uil- CoiQptnr 1 oit ia tbe Atlantic U trt. N'arfjik. oo tbe tbird of My. The new Mull aod road will aleo lotx by ute OTff !1 tb i-' tu'tjpia by prupr coooectioo in- aaioir! wtltb of W-tart Nortb M;jw Ielty Taylor, tbe ecood iairof tbe Utetlto ltcrd Ty!or. r l. -j'-:av w to b m trrWvi on tbe 31t N' Orleo. lo 5Ir. W.Iter H ..7 r of tbt city. t eo. J arret, (colored) wa ahol -i u Htb. at BeilSeW. Va.. wbile iryioj -.i r boa. of Hr. Wa. A. Il?ee, -, i : atratly killed. Reeee, wbo it a law - . r ateot aiteodioc o'bcap(on ' ri j ftxtl guo al tbe wiodow trrn nle I-Zrpres: Our town .vn-li-.l ru tarday raortlo by tbe m ' . e hcace of ibe J io deelb of Mr. I'll, wife f Caps. IX H. Dill, of tbU New ieroe rV : Fire m : from tbe Jtll lb; city yee- UMiy turtjy a ctooor arrived from low. tbe captata briofles tbe td at loc tbl bm bed ea ibe cbooocr l.n.UrJ Bor o !toy 1 8boN, Tbaraday i4t. tte? bee dneeo tbere by tbe jrale. Tbe Loriltaxi ,Koard to be) deserted, ad we a daefe of toa& to pece Tbe ljriUrd. eoaaoaaJded by CepC D. M. It 6ert, of New Beroe. witb a caxto f ra, (XiOO boe-beleX. for J. A- Meadow. o roate for tbe city. "31ST; rooetr aoat&i DratrtDi of Ibe CrannieaiU DislritatiiJi G6H?mt. .41 IlavcauJey'a Xnea.lr, ia ia cn e L!ffi. o Saturday, April 30th, 1881. Hum dxawtac eaaae eaoelh'ty (Swaaye tzep 1) aaa prwtaMaa ea aa Aa Lo WvtMrai A, of EaBtacM. tacerpactn tbe Www lar-'aia is a aFxcxal act. aso UaA a Vt bvx?it;.Af). Tae Caitad r uim CfieaJS Coort ea Harrb U ra irml tAe CMlowl&aT 4ei leheia ! Ua. TttAT-T -JU MoWWlXLTS DCSTKI' BUTtOM COatTAJTr U LXOaJU W. ITS D4AWUI08 AJLB F AIX. ra Cxiipy aa a am kaaat terse, taaarra rin4. Xaad tbe Ba aa oneea fee ram xrsn. Duwct a i 1 rtlM . ...30JX W Fllaee fi eeeb t W.0O3 I maa ... MM Mfrfcai MeaeA 14. t Trrmm ftjOOe MMaM aA IKXO . rrjnm I'.JOO Id. LJUO frj laaacb 10.IM a pi iaae aua axaJ i rVjM tJiM aaea, Apveoetaaatioa Pirteae, XX rttM aMaacb, - Pw tiWeaeo. - - WaoiaTVIta,. tl. UarTVftaia, i r TViata. $3. TtaAaa. 4U0O, Matats Men? a ktca VmA ta Laetae. or mt bj traa. tMT MJlO alTKUfl U f T OH rOeTVFftca UKD&B. Ordara of 1J aod a9al.f Knraaav eaa ea eea loaa A4dxae aJionJari to S. M. BO'f??"2' .Conrw-JoaMl MtldietjJ iOClVUX, ay-. t $ cv) a a raro no, n -. n. r. o t aor ta Ut a Tnrpontine Tools. W OA TV jvwt JaCaTrao a ukoi as- V aortaaatef Cboeav aad Tratioe Tooia of 1! aMav Pa M Bawo aery Ml tbe baa rvaraa WMMt braadA. tt yea treat tbe ftaat noairty ot tbaae CTxxia aad hmt eaab pdcae eaad yoar otdare to tb0(d aecabtlaftaa ILaeer Ifroaaa f W!Tlf JJIO. DAW8C5 CX Our Warranty. WaJ oCAXurrxs ttli Brrr aobt- . - - A j, i Ma w r aaata aaruea'waee, sbjwwj aort rrtna Lhrtjr7c4 by ee.taraa belter aad tara t aim coorie t&aa tboa boeftl Jforta. aae rvcaa tbe eaava. We taeue oar Jaarcbaata to try uoa tpoa oar Warraaty. taiLbtt a W0aCHlO. HfV.it aaeakUnaieeaBaca. rOR THE LOCAL JL POLITICAL NEWS OF TH1 n3T DtmUCT. abecrtbe tae THE FALCON. A rtrnTjaaar at- innirrfi crrr. !. C nrMl ta aay aU-tM to Jaaaary Ll1. roe ONI DCHXAJI. b ;U 4 msCF.T.Ti k TJEQTJS. t i " L Aft Lo anooTiJca chllls dows the Birr Ha peJa la tbe Uabe, uim, bCiooaseae, axe rm9m tt a&prockl&f rr aad ifu. rjee wltaot dUy HoaCtar'a llrauca BKtare, whic! Mbtuuut foe tbe eATHjr eaa tat too a r aJal warati, recaiaM atoeaacaw ea4 Uipaxu toe U tbe U er. Tae bowtjia, tae atoeiacb aat tbe bUUry Ua4 bata raatored to baaJUy ecauUUoo. tbe dleeaea U Fdc Mi by all DraWutj and DeaJert ceaeraTly Isthe Best and Most Agreeable Preparation in the World. For Constipation, tollloaameaa, Heaulactitz. Torpid Urer, Hem orrboMa, XadlepoeilUon, and all DtoexlM-w arlelns; tVona an ob (rnctcel state of tnc: yilcm. l-aatoa aa4 chlldrva. aad thaa wbo dUllka takia pilla aa4 aao rnu taadlclMa, ar espe cially ! J wttb I LB tfntahlt qoailuaa. TROPIC-rRCIT LAXATIVE my be nal la aii (mm tb aid oa a pornUn, raxaanle. o aparlaat eaadMn. aixl whit It pro Jra ta hoi raraU aa Iba aaata najnad. It la niiraj r r Ut anil o)-lloo common tatbo. lMfc4 U braaa Ua baifa aaJ. Price 25 cts. Large boxes 60c. LD BY ALL FIRST-CLASS DRUGGISTS. ab S DaodAW ta tbaa ana -a TRUE TOBic. BSffElRiS IltOX XlITTCItS are highly rrvrjiun TuKl ior alt uimuxj rjuiring a certain and rtricin; toilic; especially Iiullr-itioti, Iyspopkia, Intcr mittrtit Fo rn, Want of Apie tito, of Strength, Iick of l'nrry, etc. EtrUke ike Uotl, ttrr-ntt. tt I ; Ltwjru't, P'fl 'irvj HTC i' A vw. The axt like a chirm on the iii,rv to cr-a-w, n-f.jo injj allJvpcptic v ru jtunv, Ii .v. tui. i"j l.Wjoixl, Ofir.'na, -t ' j.i-A, i-T.-'iura, r. 74 et'y l'-rtir:tiotk tSt i7 c blncLtn fa Utk c- fir LtiuLrkr. Write (r the A 1 C lW)..fc, 3i psr smxttinj and uroayx rnjMirL costtant. Hait i mores. Md. taarSDAWly ana II TOW I Wli it I taw awaia of r totL. .arovcraohi- I lata aad a . Mop ;ttae . ,IT Jiwa nrrl-'j- Hal aaU.t or saw feaalt kara1b M-a. rM OA tlOm a-aat. Hop 8. tr m may ta rya ar mar IBvrtnff from oa a aad I ataamT.?!? aa y oar Jia MB cImmM. ca aauyfraaa ana a fma of Kldrtey aa ua aalat Itara tun prUa4 by-O) taraalr oaaof taaa HOD raop a irxera Bitter. or afca'jura 1 1 1 in 1 la. MMi ti it mayl lli.four life, ft hae awetl rnier drwda. ap 1 eodlavaW U U M Whose complexion betrays acme humllUUnc irorverfec lion. fhos mirror teJU joii that yon are Tanned. Sallow and disfigured In countenance, or haie Eruptions, ltedness, Konghness or unwholesome tints of complexion, we say nse llsgan lliisnolla Balm. It Is a delkat. harmless and delishtfal article., producing the most natural and -entrancing tlnt;'tb3 txrtfflelallty of whkl noobserrcr can detect, and-whlch iwomea i per- .EUnent It tJ JliioIIaJ Dalm ht Jb MchJnslr used. apt la A Pleasant Bide IS A OOMFOBTABXa BVOOT OB CAR&IAQI tartadtba aprtaf aad Maaeter aeeeooe la tbe moer beaedctal ro ir-" are maaafactor -b 411 f. ad bee ta- ebon, a Urya ttaa ol tbe iuAat paoarar lb Top aad Opaa Balaa. aad-will aaU tbemXS par eeat. tower tbaa aa vaaaafactory latbeeny. Remember we tarn out only am ciaae work. Bepeirtaf. Paiatlaa aad Trtauaiaf ta A Ro. 1 Style aad Cbaap. J..-L MoOODOAlX a jnUUAlfAON, ap H U Xbeeaat, bee Frost aod Water Su. arrkwtrn 1 II a. In CTD II UM I if C rtfara. 1 1 I taaat 1 I 'a aa alaaotata ! 1 BUM"! N2 Taa will cwrad irfoaaaa Hop mare f ' unM-n I SwwtXer I ff HEYER llCUraUr. fHri tl I "or arraaa sj , J a t om. FBIC (TOtt aotadoaa, n aaoald beastfentood. rap aeatUte waoieaiie pticee caraU7. . Ia aaaklAf amall ordea bUier price bar to be cbazseav n-aUiilO Oftflay . abundant 4leMaOuollaa ee.--fw).. SuoaJdar. t - B!d,N,d cboicc,W ; Waaxarn Bmoa-ed II o 0 o . 814.ajt. ' SbouMars,.... Dry UaJleeV , . BJdea m 1.... SboeJdara Cur-Un wetfbi B a-M Ht!i HaoTuTttrpeatta. Oeeond Band, rh nfle York, eecb B aj CK WTIalaftoe , p M BtTTTiK North CaroUna, j . xauow, w a IMim.rt.. CUAJCia Mortbarm Faeterj Bute.) a OUFTXaWaTa. w &10.W a lUllaalLTB OOTTON TIXS m bdla ... IXJaTlCS-aiiaii.4-4, m yd ' Tan. a Doaca. rTJakcjtirij; NoLl.il " bbL.". I Xl.W K bU MKAorel. If . t. a bbl.... 1. ne.1, 9 No. a, ay w bM.y......... bUebrOco.iVTIbbl btolleta. bblT..T do Fork bbia n. O. Bemar, Bo,aj kor... .. Dtt Ood. J X FKHTILiaKKA FaraT'n OuAao,J?(. 1, 1000 bi Do. Loboe, " Beagb'a PbcepbAte, Carolina Fertillaer, Qroaad Boa. Boae Meal, " Floor, " HtTaeeaQaaac, Oomplete MA&ar WbAaa-a FaoepbAU WaAdoPbonbAte. - -Berger a Bate' a Fboapb. M KzoaUenaaOottoa FarUUaer FtrOUH Ftna, f) bbl Saper. Sortbexm, fj bbl V bbl FamllT M V bbl CTtyMin gTtmt m bbl Faaily, bbl... Xx.FmmUj. bbl... QL0aajt a ...v ... wAAI2(--Oca-a,ta atora, ta eaxa. Corn, cateo. v baabeL la bulb Oora, Cargo, f boab. la bags Oora,alxed baabalja bac. uaia. w aoaotu... .- Bad Boa Proof reaa, Cow, baabel . HIVB8 Green, f) a HAYiaatarn," fi Vdo WMtera. tt 100 Korth Blear, a 100 .. aoOP IRON ) toa.. LABD Jtortbam, a a .... Nortb Carallaa.fi a 00 & LXHK bbl LUbtBXa Cttt BraAKSawi alp atag.neawaavy M ft.. Koorh ad-i PUni, Tbt ft... WaetradUCane,aooordlax SO 90 U 00 18 00 00 to a a amy, n. PreeeinFloorina. aoned.. tiraa aad Boaraa, ol w r UOLAAAXZ Kew cp jCaba bbdj New crop Cuba, iuj V gai. Porto aUeo,bbda bbla afarHoaaa, bbda, a ral.. bbiaTlP gal... yraPj bla, gai HA1LB Cat, lOd baata. kef.. vIU9 Keroeeae, V gai lard, f ral. Unseed, a 0.1 oeia,w gai Tar. per gal DcJtaadpar.per gal POULTKY Cnlrena.iiTaJcrown spring.. Turkeys PaAJTUTS fi oaaaei POTATOB8 eeet,J bashal. IrUb. tt bit rOBK Northern. City Meae Prtae, bi Kama. V bM aUOt Caro.Loa, J Bodb. V boab HAOb CTzatry, , wtj. a aopi SALT Alam.ttbQshtl ueorpoot. VAa, Usboa. tt sac....- Aavwleao, V aack SUOAB Cob, rorto icto. p a A Ooffo, tt a . . . B - 11 & C t Kx.C 4 a rMkoA a OAP NorlAera. ' aaXNQT.n Ooo tract, a M uommon. p a OypreaeSepea K, Crorese Haarte a M. TAVaVl W.O.BbL, M B.O Had., M - TAUVOW TXMBaYaJpatng. M artra tuuppug MfflPnaeTtt M.... Mill Fair, a Ooauaoa Mill Tn f MHyw tr Ml. . m W WHISKXY Sorthem, tt gal U' North Carolma. ral . WOOL On waa had, a Washed, a a Barry Wool WlLniNQTOn flOHBl flABI XxchA&xe (aightroa New York, .. Mdlset. BAinmora,... Boston,. .. . Philadelphia, Western Cltlea, ...X " KxehAnre 30 dava I w eeat. Bank ofNew HAaover Stock Frrat National Bank, favaMQanoOo. H. C BodA Oldax-Coopcai .....tt Do. Funding 18 13 Do. " 1888 12 Do. New 4'a 80 Do. Special Tax 4 Do. to N.C. Railroad S3 W. Av. W. R a Bonds 1 ttctGold InU.lK Oarotlaa Central R. B. Bonds, 6 ttc. .80 wu. vol a AUg. K. tt. 1D wuminrtea oity Boads, new o pc .- WJ 8 V 96 New Hanover Coesty....S ttc 97w W. a W. Railroad Stock 80 Kertb Oaroiiaa R. R. 80 WlLGaaUghtOo. ...46 wuauartoa txxum buhj w Bank of Hew Hanover. Authorized Capital 81.000,000. Cash Capital paid In 9300,000 Snxplns Fond f30,0O0. DIRKC1 ORS. JOHN DAWBON O. W. WILLIAMS, DONALD McRAX H. VOLLXRS R. R- BRIDQKRS C m. BTZDMAA IBAAC BATES, JAB. A. LSAX T. RHBIN8TDN, K. a BORDEt J. W. ATKINSON CHAS. bt. 8TEDMAN, Praaldent. 1 ISAAC BATBS, Vice President. 8. D. Waxxaob. Caabtor Lang tO-tf Atkinson & Manning's Insarance Iloomi, BANK OF NEW HANOYXB BUILDING. WilaelaAfien N. C. Fire, Mariie aiPlifs Compaiiies. Arxrerate CaplUl Represented Over f 100,000,000 1 ALL ABOUT Western North Carolina ir yoo want to know aU about the "Garden Spot" of the Sooth, send for a rpedmea copy of The Western Courier. It ta a TWXNTT -EIGHT COLUMN . WZSSXT, fuB of telateetmr raadmr matter, and devcted to I the Uterest of weatera North Carolina. Addrea ' THE COURIER OOMANT, Hendersonrille, N . C. WUOLUALB IOIIXIaANEOUS. The morning Star PUBLIi IHKE DAILY AND WEEKLY Sntiscnption Rates in Adyance DAILY 8TAA, One Year, poetage paid,. Six Months ThreeMontbe" " . One Month " .$7 00 . 4 00 2 25 1 00 WAXAXY 8TAR. One, Year postage paid, $1 SO Btx Months. " 1 00 Three Month " M Notices of the Press : The Stab is decidedly one of the best papers in the SUte. as bright and newsy as ever. Long life to lt.SaUm Pre. The Wllmtnrton 8tab has entered on its twelfth year as rood a paper ss any people should want. Chariottt Democrat. The Wilmington Stab has entered on its twelfth rear. As a daily Journal of news it stands "up head." Concord Rtgxsttr, The Wilmington Stab has entered its twenty fifth Tolome. There is no better paper published in the Bute. iMoir Topic. The Wilmington Stab has entered upon its thir teenth year. It ia one of the best papers in the Bute. Warrmbon Gazette . The Wilmington Stab has entered its thirteenth year. It has become one of the leading papers of the South. Oxford TorchUckt. The Wilmington Stab ia not only one of the best edited papers In the SUte, but for freshness of newa and typographical appearance cannot be bcat en Jacttcm Reporter. The Wilmington Stab ia one of the very best pa pers in the South, in erery department from typog raphy np to editorial ability ai d independence. mertourxj ( va.) jtuux-Ajipeat. We like the Stab because it is thoroughly relia ble, candid, fear lea, and so well and ably edited, newsy, spicy, and in fact a perfect newspaper. Long mar the Btab twinkle. ML Airy YitUor. Although at the head of the press in this -Bute in all that makes a paper Tamable to the reader, still it continue to Improve. It ia a Stab of the first magnitude. May its lustre never wane. The Free WBlBaMeC The Wilmington (N. C) Morions Stab ia a mo del newspaper. Indeed, we think we do not exag gerate 1U merita when we aay it ia the neweieet (sec alar) paperpubllehed in the South. Richmond(ya.) neuaiove Hernia. The Wilmington 8tab has now entered upon its thirteenth year and twenty-fifth volume. One of the beat conducted and edited papers m the South, aad, aa a North Carolinian, we are proud of it. TarOorv Bovtener. The Stab Is eo well and favorably known in this section of the State that we can aay nothing of which Ua thoaaands of readers do not already know. It ia ia every respect one of the beet dailies ia the South. BooetomiaH. . Tbe Wlbaington Stab nai entered on Its twelfth rear. It ia a moat excellent newspaper, well edited a compendium of all the newa of the day, aad an aoc or to its city, to norm uaroiina ana to norm Carolina Jcarnillam. Corfctf Observer. That magiilncent beaming Stab has completed iU twenty-eeeond volume. It is one of the most brilliant, eradlte aad sparkling dailies south of the Potoraao. The avstem In the get up of the paper surpasses them A1.Txxrt)oro Southerner. The Tleta cannot say a vord too good for the W Urate Ran Stab. It haa Jam, reached one of its many birthdaya. Aa a newspaper it la a favorite with the Bute press and is sought after by the peo ple. Long and prosperous lire to t.ReidenOe Titer, Why la It that all the papers with the name of Star are such bright little Journals T The Wilming ton (N.U.) btab, the Washington Star, Fredericks bora Star, New York Star, for example There must be something in a name after all Richmond (Fd.) State. " Tbe WUmlngton Stab, we are pleased to notice, till aontinue on the high road to success. Wees teem the Stab very highly, regarding it as one of the very best of our exchanges, and consider it the peer of any journal published in the South. Ox- ford Free Lame. The Wilmington Stab la now taking the regular midnight Aaeoriated Press reports, and has besides In era aad the amount of ita reading matter. The Stab la aa excellent paper. Ita prosperity la not surprising tlnce It is eo deserving. Charlotte Ob- Tax Moaxnte Stab, one of the beat dailies we know, and a a newspaper, in our opinion, the very beet, has entered upon tta twelfth year. In every pamcnlar the Stab comes fully up to the mark aa the principal daily In our chief commercial city. taag may it twinaue. Alamance meaner. "The WBmlngtOB Stab has entered upon its 11th volume, and we are pleased to notice still continues on the road to success. We esteem the Stab very highly, regarding it aa one of 'the very best newspa pers that cornea to this office. IU news columns are always a little fuller than those of any other of our exchangee, and lu editorial department is con ducted with much abffity. Iforguafcri Blade. Humble in its beginnings, as was inseparable from aa enterprise begun amid tbe wreck of fortune that attended the coliapee of the Southern Confederacy, the btab haa steadily ' waxed" until it now beams resplendent in the full glow of a constantly bright ening prosperity. Aa a neuepaper it haa f ew equals, aad no superior, for appropriate selection and ju dicloaa arrangement, and we are proud to rank It among our most acceptable exchanges. HUltdoro Recorder. Tbe WOmlngton Moajmrs Stab has eatered upon tbe thirteenth rear of tta existence, and we take uus opportunity to congratulate it upon us prospe rity and deserved popularity. The remarkable sac cess of the STab la due to Its strict attention to business. The boast of the Stab (rightfully too), la that It always has the news, aad this is the first thing ia Journalism. Otherwise the paper is all that the term of good news pa per" implies, and its corps Of editors and reporters areathoroughly edu cated newspaper men. May the healthful, moral influence of the Stab never be retarded, and may Its genial, enterprising proprietor enjoy many more happy years of useftuaesa. Gotdeboro Metsenoer. THE RALEIGH Christian Advocate, Bolted and Published by BLACK &EEID RalCHi. N.C Is the ergaa of about 6,000 Methodists in North CarollnX and birthe largest circulation. of any pa per is the Bute. ' ' It gives the markets, secular and reBzioTZS news. -1 a weekly,- eight pare, religious, ; family newspaper. Only $3.00 per annum. Sub set, oe at once. Adrertlslfig rates" liberal. Ian 24 tf The Lincoln Progress PuSIitfod Satvrdayt at Lineobfton, N. . IB tab only paper pubftshed in Lincoln county . aadM eat sxtonatre' arealatioh among the Mer 'caaits. Farmers andaU eiasses of basin eea mea In r8Ute. . nr-detere- tt tta a6rVfcata"f WTrtnlhrton a de- 'slrablwiraedlura ior bdvertisinr their business thraghout WeetenrNcCarolinA. Vlilberal tenns will be aHOwed on yearly adver jnrnta Subscrintion price, $2 00 per annum addreaa r H. DsLANK. Editor aad Proprietor. The Central Protestant AWESKLYRKLIGIOUS AND FAMILYNEWS 'eapar sttwOrraaef the Metljodist Protee Uat Cfmrch in- North Carotin a. is published at reessbro, N O. ' I Terms, tt Offper annum, itt' advance. 1 l Tbe-lmilty of ita location, the number and ac ttrltyat f&agantSi and.theconaUatlymcreasing de xaaaa for it among-the more solid classes of readers to yWotUTscttoiiavgive the CENTRAL peculiar clA&naupoo . trepatrage ef the advertising public Veralsrery favbiable.' Oonsult your boatnees inter eats, rod adores the editor J. L. MICHA.UX, Greensbero, N. C I SiiU Insist rpHAT I AM NOT THE GERMAN IBARBBB. but one of themaad second to none in the city. My Saluou autf aTyb-pgfbmaea.and.comfor- tubie. and polite Werkmen who are ever ready to wau.oB my patrons and menos. j ' Respectfully, H. C. PREMFERT, Janl6tf No. 9 8 . Front st. f mSCTEXLANEOUS. wlQlTiaiuIWG Sieam Printing House, MOBNmO STAR BUILDING, PRINCESS STREET. MOST THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED PRINTING OFFICE IN THE CITY. FINK BOOK, NEWSPAPER A MERCANTILE PRINTING AND BINDING. CHEAP FOR CASH. ALSO. THEATRICAL POSTERS. PROGRAMMES & TICKETS. INSURANCE PRINTING, BILL HEADS, CIRCULARS CARDS. DODGERS. STEAMSHIP, STEAMBOAT AND RAILROAD WORK EXECUTED IN QUICKER TIME AND BETTER STYLE THAN B I ANY OTHEROFFICE Ih WILMINGTON.. FIRST CLASS WORK AND LOW PRICES THE MORNING STAR STEAM PRINTING HOUSE, PRINCESS STREET, ' WILMINGTON, N. C. ORDERS BY MALL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO AND WORK SENT TO AN1 FART OF THE UNITED STATES, C. O.D. SMALL ORDERS EXECUTED WITH 2 HA SAME PROMPTNESS AS LARGER ONES. The Best Paper. Try It. Beautifully Illustrated. 35 th TEAR. The Scientific American. rrHS SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN is a large Firat X Class Weekly Newspaper of Sixteen Pages printed in the most beautiful style, PROFUSELY: ILLUSTRATED WITH SPLENDID ENGRAV INGS, representing tbe newest inventions and the moat recent advances in the Arts and Sciences; in- ; eluding New and Interesting Facta in Agriculture, Horticulture, the Home, ileal th, Progress, Social science, Natural History, ueowgy, Astronomy. The most valuable practical papers by eminent wri ters In ail departments of Science, will be found in the Scientific American. - Terms, $8.20 per year, $1.60 half year, which In cludes postage. Discount to Agents., Single co sies, 10 cents. Sold by all Newsdealers. Re rait by postal order to MUNN & CO.. Publishers, 87 Park Row, New York. TJ A falTl aTfnci In connection with the JTaX JLtri lOi Scientific American Messrs. Mokn A Co. are Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents, have had SS years' experience, and npw have the largest establishment in the world. ' Paten U are Obtained on the beet terms. A pecial notice is made in the SCIENTIFIC AMERI CAN of all Inventions patented through this Agen cy, witn the name ana residence oi we rateniee. By the immense circulation thus given, public at tention is directed to the merits of the new patent, and sales or Introduction often easily effected. Any person who has made a new discovery or in vention, can ascertain, max or ohabsb, whether a patent can probably be obtained, by writing to Muaa a Co. We also send rasa our Hand Book about the Patent Laws, Patents, Caveats; Trade Marks, their costs, aad now procured, with hints fer procuring advances on inventions. Address for the Paper, or concerning Patents, auflfl b w., s i x-stk now, new xorx. Branch Ofllce, cor. F. fc 7th Sts., Washington. D.C. bov I tf THE LANDMARK, PUBLISHED AT 81A1E3VILLB, UtEDELL CO., iV. CJ IS THE Leading Newspaper in Western North Carolina It u the only Democratic Paper published .ia Ire dell County one of the largest and wealthiest conn ties in the SUte and has attained a larger Iocs circulation than any paper ever heretofore published in the county. Ita circulation in Alexander, Wilkes,. Ashe, Alle ghany, Yadkin, Davie and' Iredell, Is-larger than that of any two papers in the State1 oombinBd; and Is rapidly acquiring a strong foothold In Foreythe, Surry, Rowan and westerd Mecklenburg. It is the only paper in Western North Carolina that employs a RxadULB CAHVASsnts Aokxt, and thus kept constantly before the people.. Under thit system a rapidly increasing circulation is the result tnlrlnT the XiAHDBARK THE BEST ADVERTISING ITIEDIlTiri IN WESTERS NORTH CAROLINA. ADDRESS, " &ANDIT1ARK, Forest Und Stream, AND ROD AND GUN THE AMERICAN SPRTSMAITS JOURNAL ' A WEEKLY'PAPEB devoted to FXELD SPORTS, .PBAOTICAie NATURAL HIS TORY, FISH CULTURE, PROTECTION OF ' GAME, . PRSSSSVATION OF FOHE8TS, YACHTD-AND BOATING, RIFLE . PRACTICE ANIT ALL , OUT-DOOR RECREATIONS AND STUDY. : This Is the only Journal in the Country that fully supplies the wants and necessities of the Cfentleitiaii Sporiamaii. TERMS $4 00 a Year. Send for Specimen Copy Forest & Sireaai- Pnbllsblna; Co., Ill FULTON ST., (Old NO. 108,) '..New York. Post Ofllce Box 2882. sept 27-tf The Biblical Recorder PUBLISHED BY Edwards, Hroiiglltoii &. Co. RALEIGH, N. C. REV. C. T. BAILEY, Editor. REV. H. HATCHER, Associate Editor. Organ of Nortn Caniliiia Baptists In Its 44tli Year. EVERY BAPTIST SHOULD TAKE IT As an Advertising Medlnmirnsnrpassed only BS.OO per Year. ;' Address ' BIBLICAL RECORDER, dec23-tf Raleigh. N.C. The Hario THE OLDEST NEWSPAPER PUBLTBHSD IN the Pea Dee section, oneof thevealthieefc and Acfttprospexoukin -theBUtevofferSj4?emmlSBlox . andwnolesideMexchante and' Manufaetejers;jand to those who . have adopted' tae plan1 e effing by sampler an. excellent- mtdinm of-oom mWri fention : with a targe ana inuuentuu owes w- mercnanis, me-, LehaiiicajiIanteMaDd naval store mea, whose pat ronage ifl - worth solicitation. Advertisements and Baslness Cards inserted on liberal terms. Address THE 8TAB, sept 22 tf Marion, S . a RA11VROAPXINES. Wtton & 73lclon "RAILROAD CO. Oiroa of Qmh BurajturraaDaat, i Wilmington, N. a. March U, 1881. f Chatt8T of Scbedule. Qir iiiTJ1 at :5 . M.PbaaefflKCT rralnH etf the Wilming ton & Weldon Railroad will rnn aa follows: , Day Mall and Expreaa Train. Di No. 47 North and 48 soatu. HIF Leave W: i, Front St Depot, at 6:40A. Mf 1S:40"T. M. Arrive at W on Leave Weldon............ 4:44 P. M Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot, 11:15 P. M. Fast TtraousH: Mao, ahb Pabsbnokb Taa ins Dally Nos. 43 Nobth and 40 tioxrtt. Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot, at 7.00 P. M. Arrive at Weldon 1.05 A. M. Leave Weldon 6.48 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot, .12.05 A. M. Train No 43 North will stop only at Rocky Point -rBuxgaw, Magnolia, Warsaw,, ML Olive, Goldsboro. Wilson. Rocky Mount, Bnneld and Halifax. i Train No. 40 South will atop only at Kocky Mount, Wilson, Ooldsboro and Magnolia. . NlSHT FASSKHeZB, MAO. AKS tfXPBBSB TBiW Nos . 45 Nobth and 42 South Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot, at 2.55 P. M; Arrive at Weldon... . . 30:46 P. Mi Leave Weldon . 3:05 A, Mj Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot, . 17 A bv. Trains on Tarboro Branch Road leave Rock) Mount for Tarboro at 8 05 P. M. Daily, and Tues day, Thursday and Saturday atS.CO A. M. Return ing, leave Tarboro. at 7.6O A. M." Daily, and Mon day, Wednesday andraaay. wo au r . m. Train No. 47 makes cloee connection at Wel don for all points North -daily. All raQ via Richmond, ana daily except Sunday via Bay Liae. Train No. 45 runs via Richmond and Washing ton, and makes close .connection daily to Rich mond, aad niaily except Saturday- ntehts for all pointa north of Richmond. Train roo. 43 runs dally and makes close connection for aU points North via Richmond and Washington All trains ran solid between Wilmington and Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleepers attached. JOHN F. DrVlNB, General Sup'L A. POPS, Oen'l Passenger Agent, mh 13-tr OenBral Bnp'ts Office. WILMINGTON, COLftBIBlA. k AT OTJSTA R. BU COBSPA.NY, WILMINGTON. N. C. Feb. 19. 1881. Change of SchednlB. ON AND AFTER FEBRUARY 20,1881. at 2.35 P. M., the following Passenger Schedule will be run on this road: DatFassssokb.Maii, and Expbxss T rains, Dailt Nos. 42 Wzbt and 43 East. t Leave Wilmington 8.35 A.M.' Arrive Florence 12:50 r. M. Leave Florence 2:35 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington 6;40 P. M. NIGHT EXPRESS TRAINS (Dally) Nosrf 48 West and 47 East. Leave Wirrntngton '. . 11:85 P. M. Leave Florence 4:20 A. M. Arrive at C C. & A. Junction 8)0A. M. Arrive at Columbia . 8.15 A, M. Leave Columbia 10:00 P. M. Leave C. C. ds A. Junction 10:20 P. M. Leave Florence 8:00 A. M. Arrive at Wilmington 6:20 A.M. Nisht Majx. and Passxkoeb Train, No. 40 West, and Accommodation Train, No 45 East, Leave Wilmington at. 12:35 A. M Arrive at Florence. 4:10 A. M. Leave Florence 5:00 A. M. Arrive at Wilmington 12.00 M. Trains Nos. 42 and 43 stop at all Stations. Trains Nos. 47 and 48 stop only at Brinkley's, Flemington, Whiteville, Fair Bluff, Marion, Flo rence, Timmonsville, May sville, Sumter, Camden Junction and Saaton. No. 40 stops only at Flemington, Whiteville, Fair Bluff and Marlon. No. 45 stops at all Buttons. Passengers for Columbia, and all points on G. tt C. B. B., C, O. & A. R. R. SUttons, Aiken Junc tion, and all .points beyond, should take No. 40 or 48 Night-Express. Separate Pullman Sleepers for Charleston and for Augusta on trains: 40 and 47. All trains run solid between Charleston and Wil mington. JOHN F. DIVINE. Gen'l buu't. A. POPE, Gen'l Passenger Agent. feb20-tf CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILROAD CO. Onnn Gxhbbaxi Simaiii TaHDnrr Wilmington, N. C, Dec. 12, 1880. Change of Schedule. 07S 'AND' AFTER DEC. 12, 1880. the following 1 Schedule will be operated oa this R allroad: : ASSENGEB AND EXPRESS TRAIN: . Daily except Sundays w . ( Leave Wilmington at. . . (Arrive at charlotte at 1 Leave Charlotte at wo j Arrive at Wilmington at. . ...9:10 A. ...6:10P. M. M. ...6:20 A. M. ..3:20 P. M. . Trains Nos. 1 and 2 stop at regular Buttons only, and poinU designated in. the Company's Time Ta ble. PASSENGER, MAIL AND FREIGHT ) Leave Wilmington at 5:30 P. M. No. 5. Arrive At Hamlet at 1:26 A.M. ) Charlotte at 8:15 A. M. 1 Leave Charlotte at 7:30 P. M. No. 6. V Arrive at Hamlet at 1:26 A. M, 1 " Wilmington at 9:45 A. M. No. 5 Train is TJ ally except Sunday, but no cen nection to Raleigh on Saturday. No. 6 Train is Daily except Saturday. SHELBY DIVISION, PASSENGER, MAIL, EX PRESS AND FREIGHT. Wv o tLeave Charlotte 8:35 A.M. H0- f Arrive at Shelby 12:35 P. M. T Leave Shelby 1:85 P. M. I Arrive at Charlotte , 5:35 P. M. NO.4 Trains Nos. 5 and 6 make close connection at Hamlet to and from Raleigh, except as above, and at Charlotte with Trains 3 and 4 on Shelby Division. Through Sleeping Cars between Raleigh and Charlotte. V. Q. JOHNSON. de 12 -tf General Superintendent CLYDE'S New ni$rml Wilmington Steamship Line. The Steamer BaSNEFACT o r, Capt. JONES, V1LL BAIL FROM-NEW TORE Saturday April 16. 3r-8hippers can rely upon the PROMPT SAILING of Steamers as advertised. ja For Freight EnagemenU apply to - THonia e. bond Superintendent, Wilmington, N. C. Ttteo. G. Beer, Freight Agent New York. -xfl p. Clyde dec 0 tf CO., General Agents, 85 Broadway. New York. OLD NEWSPAPERS, SUITABLE for Wrapping and other purposes Can be bed at the STAB OFFICE LM ANY QUANTITY jagljjp ag JF irawAJxXBTismitTs. 1 t - ByWdreealng BO.'v CO., lO SpraceBty HewjrerJ Caa learatbf exact coal or any proposed Uneor ADVIB ri8INa In Aaterl canNewspaperf. I0w-PaVb Parapfalel, eenta. n : f ''.-. A YEAR andexpenaea toajreat. 2 Outfit Free. Addreaa P. O. VlCK- BUY, Aogaata, Mape. djfjflfj a year to Agents, and expenses. 16 Oatfl tree. Addreaa F.Swaui a Co., Angus! a, He apalmDaW r , . ... , . :.oViircono:i cm) ' blearts trie fte'ed betterV Hine I lifter, sine tferteran4:ooeta lea. money than any other Gin In the market. The brush l adjustable and ft has cJ Hy ing pulley and belt at botn ands. Kvary machine made of the. best material and fully and legally guarantee. Price List of GUTS, Feeders aad. Ceadeaaan. gTKErE if c.tf j-.at 11 ijX. Taaaabwataaawaaaiwaacat' im.wtimitmiiiiinTHiniil' ""rT"" 1 - . Prloe with I Frtca U Blrcs- Gina. Feeder or Fadaraa4 Ooadanaar. Oondaeaar. so saw a m oo " . $100 oa aia o 85 " S7M lit 00 MM 40" 100 00 ISM MOO ta " 1U (0 MN 17 M 60 " 135 00 10 00 MH 60 " HO 00 1W 00 M 04 70 - so oo ae oo , sm oo so " I 18000 an oo at oo The above priocaare for the machlnaa bond rtadx for shipment and delivered at our factory. Win nama price deUrered at any aooeaUhle point, free of rralsht, If dealrod. ErtnhltBhed IMS, at Oommbna, Oa., tmder name of K. T.Taylor AOou,rmovlnr In IKS to Hew London, Ot., where tbe pi stint Una haV stace earriad en the buirinea. . Ia artdttHon to our already onegnatlfd facQltlea we bare eraotad aaothar lanra taotory, tboa doubling our capadtr of maonfaeture. Get yoer orders In at once aad avoid a poaatbiltty of delay. Extra inducement! to early Imum. Band for Illustrated pamphlet glrtng new twatinwinUlt from faondreds of eaterprlslna plan ten. . Itbssm, Bnaiaaa, aad oomplete outfit Oaraiahed wbenrledred. Addreaa BROWN COTTON GIN CO., New Ltaedea. Cans. JOHN DAWSON St CO.. AsenU, ap 10 DAW 5m WUmlnrton, N. C. MARBLE El o I! 0 TJ E W T S AND Grave Stones. F1B8T-CLA88 WORK AT LOWEST NEW YOKk PJUCE8, DESIGNS SENT BY MAIL. WORE PACKED AND SHmKD, AT OUR RIBK . TO ANY PART OF THE SOUTH. RICHARD ivATIIArt dc CO., ST Lafayette Place, New York. Wathan's Monumental Designs, In book form, rot sale to the Trade. dec 4 DAWtf N. A. STEDLIAN, Jr. Attorney and CotmselloT at Law. ELlZ ABETHTON , BLADEN COUNTY, M. C. ' Office Up stairs. In Brick Building, occupied by Rtaaldl A Co. - Special attention to Claima Colectltma on ioici Of f 100 and upwards made for Five Per Cent. If without suit. Drawing Deeds. Mortgagee, Ac.,; specialty an 6-DAWtr PRESCRIPTION FREE TSor the speedy Core offfwr oat Wrakaeas, Lost A: Yitality, Prematdre DeblUty.Kerveataesa, Despondency, Confealoa of Ideas, Arersloa to Societr, liefer tire STemorr. aad all ' Dieordm brought on by ladlncreet Mabltt aad lCxeetsea. Any drug-glRt has the iBrredleaU. 8rtT m main 8UU0 ENVELOPE. Aooress DR.W8. JAQU E8. 130 West 8ixth Bt, CIHCINHATI, 0H1P mh 2 DAWly 8500 Reward ! WE WILL PAY THE ABOVE REWARD POR any case of Liver romplstat. Dyspepsia, Hick Headache, Indigestion. CoDSttpatlon or I Retire ness we cannot cure with West's VegeUble i iver nns.wnen tne directions are suictiv compiled with. The? are pur ly Vegetal le, and never fall to give aatlsfaction ugar Coiled. Large boxes, containing 0 Pills. 15 cents. For sale by all ro le gists. Beware of counterfeits and imitations 1 he genuine manufactured onlt by JuH O W mt a CO,, "The PU1 Makers. 'f 181 A 18 W. Madison St . Chicago. Free trial package sent by mall pre paid on rectipt of a 3 cent stamp. mh 22 DA w ly Health is Wealth ! DR. B. C. WB8TB NBRVB AND BRAIN TREATMENT t a speclAc for Hyaterl a con vulsions. Nervous Headache, Mestal Uepreaalon, Loeso' Memory. Impotency, Premature uld Age, caused by over exertion, excesaee. or over Indul gence, which leada to misery, decay and deatb. One box will cure recent case. Ea b box con tains one month's treatment. On dollar a box. ot six boxes for five Collars; sent by mall prepaid oo receipt of price. ' '"We ruaraata alx boxes to cure any case.: With each order received by as for six, boxes accompanied with Are dollars, we will send the purchaser our- written guarantee to re turn the money If the treat net) t doe not effect a gist, (sucoeesor to Green a Flanaer), Wilmington, w. c tion. C. Orders by mall win receive prompt alien- mh 22 -PAW ly High-Bred Dogs. English, tbssA and cordon bstterb, of the Choicest Breed, with guaranteed pedlgreea For sale by E. r. WELSH, aov7 P AWtf Tore:. Pane . Lowell Uachine Shop, Lowell, Mass., MANUFACTURERS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION OF COTTON HACHniEEY Of most Approved Patterns and with Recent Improvements. Paper Machinery ALSO, TUttllllVE WUECLS, Shaflinff and Csoaiing-.nydraullo Presses and Pnmps, Elewators, dtc FLANS FOR COTTON AND PAPER MILLS. C. L. HILDRBTH, Sap't, LOWELL, MASS. W1L A, BUREE, Treat., mh3tf 23 State Street. Boston. The Favetteville Etaminer, A Weekly DOmoeratlc Newspaper, I Publtahed at FAYETTEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA, Terms $2.00 a year ia clmen copy. advance. Send for a ape my S tf