WILMINGTON X. C. : Tm rsoiT Moswrwa, April 31, 13S1. THE LATEST NEWS. FROM ALL PASTS 0? THX WORLD ITIt OLD BOCTIXB WOUL COSTIXCSD US. DA WXSCOCX-AX-BCIX STORY -HI. JOSAS TEBATS IT AS RIDICC-tOCS-PETS, BtEXSiDB, BROWS jkXD CCTLXR EX3A0S IX THE Dt rcssxox. ByTlraps,otMo',8, ,t'-1 Washis. April 20.-Tha Vtcrrts !jeat tid Color Ue Senate the uaflalahed o seaa. h-ic raeolatioo Cor the elec u j of Saaate oxScerv Mr Dswts. sUa4Jf W suumeot maUt bj blm tow days s as to U Pr aUoocilMMcHajetijmaio Mnai ippl. mU tAsl Ua story oC thi Iaausj pjra fhi story corroooraial Us st.te- locafcty. Taa tocidct bad ftsppaaed la hePaxiah. ol CaUiwall, la LcaUlaaa. aad not Mississippi utoUd sutaxl Tha SlmaaTama waa Charles H.ath- Ha Dawas)aassithi a gaoUamaa t meat aa paoliaaad la th papsrs shoaU b pciataU la tha rrfwi Mr Joaaa demaaded lh rsediec of the erticla tad U was raed by tba dark. I rt lu tu pamcutioas to bica Usaih states aa was subjects ia Louisiaaa, txcaose he was ft TtakH. aad flrae accooats of vartoca markers committed there, to show tbe coe .litioa of society la that Suu. Mr Joea Mid thai Lb Saoaxor from UuMchuMUJ had tmaafrred tie scene of hi eocE-tad-ballstory frees Miasiasippl to Loaiaiaaa. Wheo It was contradicted la thai locality. U waold probably ba ua Uttd to Txa or Georgia, lie beard of um eiiegad peraacaiiooa aow for the flru Tr 4A aothiar la tba articla aico oowadthas Uaata had lwa pm- caud oo eceouat of ftia pouueaj opmwo Ua caad uttanuoa to the fact thai the oal raM alladad hd baaa comxaliud oioa II a fiwtJ mala aooaa rtiaark apoa lb ,w, fruca ia hxaiity. lit aaat U taa cir&' daak aad bad raa4 for parpen tAat mardara aad robbria nAad in ihm Scataara Sutaa, a accoaal of taa IdUa of ooa of ia roa- ur orotaara la MiacattJA a ccxa enittio bari'ftry. vr . sv inu ajitl iJJ laal taa saoa r..-m PaaaMttiAU Jft2Qroa) bad oo ywvuj - - r - - i.u m h hrara maa- II irrmm h .! UTf a La blA UI n.. n..r r...i in ail aia dt of Draw caa tbaa wara io-lay a laa odt aula of ia Caaabr. Utra waa ia ranaia is ti- tra kmioo wua tba CooaUiaiioo otm li, wilb ita Julia bafara it Tb DaaoerUc part 7 waa La tba wroo. aad kaowtaf Itaaif tlJ cm wroat. bao-wtaf lb Cooatilauoa to adiaiaat ibam tb Kapablxaa pyty ,..i,.t.vn t. tA datv bb ibaCoa- 4tttatiooa praacrtbati aU laauad of tba ah' oa taa autar aia pui Mia oa tba dafaaaiaa, lby atood aad caxriad tba war lata Africa, .jay attar da, aad tba npbljcaa Saaalota ara o6iid U pat lbaojala oa tba Jafaaatra. Taara waa braaary aaoagb la ii- taaior fruea Garl (Browa) wbaa ba roN la ba pic aaJ wtia emi diUy. aa4 wita ia Cooatitatioo ia bia baad, raad df attar day lactaraa UJ tba Rapabacaaa iikair rfniiaa nadar Lba Cooatitotwa. Cuafaaatoa waa rvaat for tba aoai, aad jat coafaaaioa auaaUmaa raqairaa aior jr of braaary tbaa aaytba aia. aad it waa a braaa act oa tba part of taa Saaa ur wbaa ba la era a Saoata adaittad ibat aad baa a a RtpabUcaa La tba SiaU of (iauriia, aad taA am Ufa bad ba ia parti; taat ba bad ibaa becocaa a Daaaocrai. aad tba from Ibat day ba bad tsjoytd rfact aaiatf . Mr. Broa I Mid ao taeb ibiac Mr Try I aadaratoad tba iaaaior to tbat lbra waa daaar wbaa Ba waa a (fcpabticaa. Mr. Brow a rtpid that ba bad atd tbat '.boufbat tba cioaa of tba war ba Ufa Mtibt at ooa Uaia baa beca ia parti, tbat irttJ baJ eaaaad two yaara bafora ba bid ruatad wttb tba Daaocracy. Hia ratara to Daicracy bad oocbiox to do wita bia aaty. Mr. Fr?a, caauaaiaf biaapaacb. rafarrtd u taa "boa aialztci" of Miaaitaippl, aad .lit ibat (raat fr3la bad baaa coaaailUd ur. aad taat aiactiooa la tba Sootb wara n.jt frr. act witaoot fraad, aad a ran lo t.y aot wit boot vioiaaca. Tba Hapabli--ta4 rcoca:iad la tba cocaio flbt ia V 'irjiaia taa aauriaa; wtda lo break op iu aoiid So a Lb, aad for ibat raaaua a loo a r viatarmiaad to ataad by It aad (iaa tl tbatr ftmaa, bopiag tbt aoooar or Latar tba itb mifbt rtaa to tba dically of frea .Htaiaa, aad fir ary nil. wbllaor blick, Mr- Browa. ftlladiaf to tba remark mada by Mr. Fry a al tba cocaaaacaoaat of bta nMtacb, tbat ba waa tba roataatjaeanber f tba swoftta. remiadad bia tbat ba occa ff.d aa toportaat pcaiiioa bara aa tba iac eMMur of tba praoakr of taia coaraaist, ad mutt ba aappcawd to apaak wiib iaapi-ratioa- Tba Soatb bad beaa told tbat tba tfe( adalatouatioo woaid traat bar wltb r.raaaa, kladaaaa aad good wtU, bat If tba wcb of tba Saaator bad beaa loapirtd by a Jmiaiatraiioa ha Uoabt tbat tba ttooib would aadarataad it- ila daalad i bat tbara bad baa aa laiimidaUoo prac- ed ia Oaoryta, aad raitaraiad bia fortaar aiamaou aa to tba aaabara of votara la MjMMbaictta wbo wara diaqaalload. The paupia of tba 8ota wart taaatcd wltb puavrty. wttb aaVctlaf tba tdacalioa of tnorio. Taa, t& TCortb waa rka aad i u uuta poor, bat IX iba wara paid for tba .aa wbo bad baa a coajcaud tba woo! J cr u appropriala titty dollar of It to tba ar Jucat!oa of iba colored maa. Tba reaJ 4 )uoa waa bad taara baa a a diaracafal oria ia Lata tiaoaia by wbicb tba oficara of ta Saaau wara to ba taraad oaar lo bo it wbooa ibay do aot baioaf. Mr. Boraatila Or wbatbar tba majority a 1 1 r Im at rt-it Mr Uatlar Tbat bavt BOtatox to do witb Mr. Baraaida(xcitadlj I aay tbattbara baa baaa ao barraia. aad aay maa wbo tkra baa baaa aava wbal ia faW (t ubaaqaaoUy repealad tba remark that iacb atatcmaata wara faiaa. aad addad: I do aot aa aa boaorabla aaa propoaa to ail bara aaJ liawa to It. Aay maa wbo lay tbara i corrapt anna oo tbta tide of tba cbambar tail a falaabooo'. Mr. Oaflar (qaiatl) Tba Seoaior may cbaracuriji It aa faia aa macb aa b plaaaaa. I aay tbat taaamocb aa tba Saaa ift baa aaaa fit to av ibat lha cbarxa la 'aiaa (attar apaaM V I wtll aot maka Ii la tbla cbambar. Mr. Baraalda, cootlaaiac. aai4 if eai daaca cooid ba broacht to prora a barxala ba would rota to axpal aay mam bar of tba tfaoata who bad baaa taiity of tba tbloc. or ba voaiJ fatora rtaolaiico lo lniu O'a tba m attar. Mr. Botiar tbaa taraad bia attaalkm lo Mr. Fryfe tpaaca. ila daalad tba cbargaa repadlatioai tbat wara mada aaiaat ta cVHitb, but taqulrad wbatbar. adoalttlof tbatr trotb, tbat waa aay exca aa for tba (taat Hapabllcaa party Urawtaf Ita pow. rfal waabl oa tba aida of repadlatloa la Vtrtfat; Ua viraad Uat party Uat la taapartair wua repudiation lo tbat fluia It waa daailat wttJk dt aaatta. Tfcaaa uetica wara aot ffoia to dtaaoJr tba aolld 8001b. Jaat tack apacba aa tbat of Iba Baoalor from Malaa rlvattd tba South mora tbaa crcr. aad droTa tba paoplaof thai aecUoa tccatkar. Thaaolli Booth woold nol ba d aoired by aboae, ailoparaUoo or mUrepre eatatloa; It would aot ba bullied loto dUaoiatioa. Altar aocaa fortaar dlacoaaioa betweea Mr. Hoar aod Mr. Browo, coocarolojr. of rraa la Maacbueiu, tba Saoale "ad joaroad. - tTAaa moron. X0MIXATI0S3 TUX BAXJCXMORS TOST omCI ASAI3TAXT POSTMASTBR ORSKRAL BRADT'a EISIGHATI OX DtMAXDRD. I By TaiTa to Lha Moraiac tur. t WAsaixoTos. April 20. Tba Preaideol eat tba followiof oomioalioaa to tba 8a ata to-day: Ricbard A, Elmar. ot Mew York, to ba Secood AaalaUot Poatmtater OaoraJ, ylca Tboa. J. Brady, reaigaed; W. A. M. Orlcr. of Pa . to ba Third Ataiauot Poatm alter UeoeraL, yica A. D. Qazee, ap polatad Aaaiataot Alloroey Qaaeral for tba Poatoflca Dcpartmeat; Oao.B. Erarclt, of N. C. to ba Collactor ot IotaraaJ ReTeooa for tba Fifth DUUict or North Carolloa; Abocr Ttbbaiia, to ba Collector of Coatoma for tba dUulct ot Paso del Norte, Texas, air. Orler la tba geailemao who cut tba Aral aota la tba Chicago CooreaUoa for tba aomioatioo of Geoeral Oaxflald, aod p rented la tbaa rotiag oa erary billot froca tba aecood to iba laat, aJihougb for a lAsrilmi bo other dalerala loiaed him. ila U a reaideal of Uaieltoo, Ta., aod 10 far aa caa ba ajcartalaed here haa nerer bald aor Dab He oClca. It ia aaid oo good aalhority that the Poet' muter Geoarai. br direction of taa i-reat deal. lo-daT damaaded lha raaicoatloo of Tboa. J. Brady. Becood Aaaiataat Poet maater Qaaeral, to tale eifect immediately. Tba ataiameal la correal to-night thai do other coorae waa opea which would etc a re a ipaady aeeraaca of Mr. Brady's conoec tioa wttb the Poatofflca Dapaxtmeot, be caaae of lha Seoata de id-lock, which might lodeflaitely poatpooe tba coaflrtnaUoo ot hia lacceaaof. Tbe facta explaoalory of thia ammary axtioa oa the part of the freai daat aad tba Poet mi iter Geoeral will. It la aid, b paedily made public Foor delearauooa, agxregaitog alxty par aooA. from BaJUmore. called oo the Pre I deal to-day, to preaeol the claim of rarl- oaa caadidatea for tba poetmeitereblp 10 tbat city. Later ia tba day Gea. Tyler, the preeaet iocambaot, called, with two or tare frieodJi aod alio bad ao ioterview with tba Preaideol- Dalegatiooa of Iba iroo aad ataal maoa fact are re were gTaated a heannc thia after aooo by Sacraury Wiadoco. Tha priaci pal qaeatioa aoder diacaaaioo related to the rata of daty Lmpoead oo tmportao cotioo tiaa. Tba maaoractarera claim thai they caa aot compete witb foraigo govaraaeou aalaaa tba Treaaory Department girea tbem relief by carrylag out wbat Ibey cooteod I Lba aptfit of taa law. oamely. tbat all hoop Iroo ib ill ba latj ict to H caaia per pouad. aad aot aJmlitau aa maoaiactored uoa al 4 cast oar oooad. merely becaaaa a ritel la dui tbrouib ooa aad of iba lapa. Tba rivet. It waa cooieaded by ail preaaat, waa of oo valae whatever, aad did sot lacreeee Iba valae ot the tie. Dr. L. Raalet, ot Ne OrWaaav art aad tba caaa la behalf of the coeeumera. He laid thai it the Depart- aaat aboald reooao the aaeeuoa al thia time H would ba a great bard ehioa to iaoortara ia tha Sooth, be caaa they have beaa actio g aoder the d partmeat'e laat ralieg. aad are lovolved ta aaaeroaa cootracta baaed Ihereoo. I a aay evaal tba I ni port ere tbould ba givea at Uaat tlx moalba' aotica of aay chaage, la order that ibey may hare aa opportunity lo ret oat of their cootracta. tie aald tbe d ciaioa would affect foor aillioae of people ia lba South. rJccretary Wladocn aaid be arbald giva tbe aubjact hie attealioo. LoctaiariA. ACTIOX Or TBI STATS BOARD OF HEALTH RXXATITRTO TXIXOW 71- VRR STRIKR OF L-ABORKRA IS ST. BRRXARD r ARISIt. By Yaia?ap to ta X oraio- Star. ) New Orxrak. April 30 The Stale Board of iieelib. al a meeliog Laat eight, adopted a reeoluiioa reuaeauoc tbe Gov- eroor to iaaoe a prcciamauoo froca Hay lit agaiaat tba follow lor porta, known to be iafecud witb yellow fever: Rio de Ja neiro, Vera Crux, lit ran a aad Arpla wall vcaaala from such porta lo ba subject to euch d eta a uoa aa tba Hoard of Ileal Lb nay dl recL It alee adopted a reaololioo laviUag tbelocaJ laapectorof tbe rtallooal Board of Lira! Lb to be preaeol al all meelloga of tbe State Board, aod lavitiox tbe coo per a Uoo of lha ageat of lha National Board la lba iaveetigatloa of all caaea of a doublf ol or auapicioua character. Tha qaeatioa of iaviuae: taa laapector of Iba It alio a al Board to the qaaraatiae 11x1100 waa aob mltted ta the Goveraor, who la favorable lo ibe preaeece of aach loipector. aad If ap proved by tbe Governor tbe Slate Board will cbeerfally coocar. Laborer! ara oa a atrike lo St. Bernard pama. aad taa leader ot taa atrike la a white maa. A committee of plaaters yea- larday wailed oa the Goveraor, who wiLLlf aeceeeary.order out troope to qaell dutorb ancea. Ooa of bia ataff baa been ieot to Sc Bernard lo iaveatigaie lha trouble. tub .nsruoDHTx vxrn.Tu or bxrcuttvr cohuittbk OF TUB MOKTUXXX SRCTIOK OF TUX ECrjMRXICAL COXFXRRNCR M. E. envzeu. By Talafrapa to tba Mora la Sutr. CtxcnrsATt, April 30. The executive eoeaatuea of the waa tern eecuoo of Ibe Ecamenical Conference of tba Method!! Eplacopai Cborcb. lo meet la Loodoo lo Saptcmbar ocxt, bed a acaaioa here yeeterr day with four member praeeat, oamely, LTibop Simpfoo. Rev. A. C. George, BUbop McTyeira aod Rev. D. B. By era. Thia ecUoo embrace all of the breaches of the MeihodUt Cborch lo America. Tha object of tbe meeliog waa to aeatgo oioeteeo peak are aod the ame aomber of eaaayiata That work waa doae, bat the lut will not be made pablic ootil Ibe accealancee are received. It La oaderatood ibat Biehop Simpaoo wtil maka tbeopaalog addreai. Til SI WBATHKR. SFBCtAL BCIXRTlw FROU THE CftlKF SIQSAL orricxB." By Taaactaph to tba Keraaa: Star J Washuiotox. April 30. 10 A. M The Chief Sigoal Oflccr forolahee Ibe following: The ladkcaueoe era that a storm will de velop la Texas dorieg to-day or to-mor-row, caaaiag rala La tbe Wait Golf State to-day. aad la lha Ohio Valley and Teo eeeaee to-morrow, aod tbat fair weather ill 000 tl ooa duriog the day la New ag- laod and partly cloudy weather wltb occa aioaal rata la the Middle Allaolic Sute. The Mtaaoari aod Miulaaipal river will probably cootidae tortae. VIRGINIA. FORCCL06t7RX SALS OF PXTKRSBUR6 RAILROAD rOSTPOXXD. lf Taaagraab to tba KormLaf Star.) Richmond. April 20. The forecloeura la of tha Petersburg Railroad, which waa to bava takes place uadar a decree of the L. S. Circuit Court to-day. at Petereborc baa beaa Doatpooad by aa order from lbs teae court to the 10th of Hay oexl No tice of the poet poo ecoeol haabeea giveo tbe panic laiertateu. BTOSiKIBIf IRTKl.S.IOSIiaOf', - Tng LtTI LOXS BXA.COXSTIELD -TUE OBXZX nOXUXM - QUX3XIOK XH - - TXJUriTIOSAL koxxtabt coktb- SJCXCZ. By Cabla to tba Moralag BUr. Loxdojc. Apnl 2a The liWsstya: II is oaderstood that lha fileoda aod relation ot tha lata Lord Beacooafleld are willing to aaeeot to a public funeral sod tbo burial of the remxloa la Weatmlnaier Abbey, if no direction ta the contrary are found'amooR the papers of the deceased . A Loodoo oorreepoodeot of the Mu cbeaur duardia autea tbat many perton acqoaloted with the will y tbe wealth which Lord Beaconafleld leave ia iocoo alderable. A dlipalcn from Pari ay there ia a ru mor correot lhai a corp will be landed al Gelette or Biaerlks, TuoU, to cooperate with troops marching from Algeria. A Constantinople correapoodeot : Tbe Ambaaaadors have pre oled lo the Porte a aoie deecriblog ibe frontier line agreed opoa. The oote aays all Ibe Power having approved tbe deciaioo. it should be cootidered tbe supreme deciaioo of Europe with which tbe Porte I requested to comply. Paris, April 20. Tba looe of the Mone tary Cooference yeaterday waa very cordial. It was arranged that there abould be steno graphic report ot the proceeding!, but proofs mail be submitted to each member, aod cothiog will be pobliahed without tbe aeseol of Ibe Conference. A dispatch from Bt, Petersburg aay thai Russia Intends to sak England to extradite Hsrtmsno. TEXAS. A SHOOTrKO AFFAIR GROWING OUT OF AM OLD FEUD TIIK KILLED AND WOUNDED. tBy Talaarapb to lba Morning Star. Galvxatos. April 20. A terrible hoot log affair Is reported from Rippoo's Camp, nir ITvalda. Oen. Ravlor aod his BOD and Hr. Gilchrial and hi two aooa be in? the prioelpal actors doio partiee reaiae la Neucea cnoa,and tbe ehooMoe: occurred rtifflmliT which aroae from ao old feod. Tbe GilcbrlsU bad beeo arming themselves and miXlog toreaia against tue Bsylora During lha day Geo- Baylor, en tirely ignorant of ibe tnreiis, entered toe camp to aearch of hia horses, cloaely fol lowed by young Baylor. The GilcbrlsU Nn flrln which waa returned bv the Baylor, resulting to the death of the elder Gilchriat aod the ratal woonaiog 01 one 01 bia aooi, wbila the other eacaped. also wounded. Youog Biylor was slightly wounded. fSK'TKaXn FLOODS. UIOU WATERS IN WISCONSIN AND ILLI NOISGREAT DAMAGE TO PRO TERTT. By TaiacraoS to tha Moraine. Star Chicaoo. April 20 Diapatcbe from aloog Rock river, ia IIHaoie aod Wiacoo- io. aute thai ilia nigaer taao ever oeiore, sod ia CAuaioe- aa Immeose amount or dam age. At Starling. IUioola, it ta twelve feat ahova low-water mark ana etlll rill or r - tha Daat Iweoty-four hours the Urge manu fact art og interests of Rockiall, Illiaois, eearly ooDoeite cUerllnr. have been icreat- eoed with cotBDletc deatructloo. The lower Dart of Sterlloc I already flooded. Tha Chicago & Northweateru Railroad track for five milee re completely covered with water, sod much of the road is wstbed away. Tbe track betwaeo Clio ion aod Dixoo ba beeo abaadooed aad there ia 00 cocamaaicailoo with the outside world except by telegrsph. FINARCIAL. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET WEAK AND LOWER AT OPENINO AND UP WARD TENDENCY AT CLOSE. By Taiasrraph to tba Moralag Star New Yorx, April 2011 A. H. Tbe etock market opeoed weak aod geoerally lower, aad prices declined t lo 1 per cent. La the re n eral lut. iroo Mountain aoa tSO- ada Bouthera leadiag ia tbe downward moVemeat. Heiropolttaa Elevated roee li per cent., bat aubeequeotly reacted 1 per cent Al Ibe Aral board the market aa aumed a firmer loee aad price showed ao opward tendency. klbk err sal, sraaai. Tha winter crop of wheal io Kansas is ia excellent coodliloo; belter, lo tact, loao usual al tbla seaaoa of the year. Tbe Saltan of 80I00 Island is dead, and civil war has broken out smong the native la connection with the election or nis aucceseor. AJmoet the whole boainesa part.of the town of Sao Marcial, New Mexico, waa deatroved bv fire veau.rdy. 1mm 00 huildioga $10,000. A delegation from Teooesaee waited apoa General Lisocock with aa invitation for himself and staff to attend ibe indus trial ExblbiUoo at Nssbville. Tbe damaare Inflleted at Elgin. Illiooi. by the oveiflow of the Fox river ia placed aa high as 170.000. Baildloga were awept down the stream like shlogles. Whitelaw Reid has arranged with Col. 11. Hay to edit the lime duriosr tbe ab sence of the former lo .Europe, pit. tca will not be absent more than aix moolba. Thomas Dejaroette, who was acquitted of the murder of his alaler because he was insane at the time be committed it, waa yeaterday set st liberty, sod socompaoied by s kiosmao st once left for North Caro- llni Preamalare Laaa af tka IJalr Jfaoadayt may ia eniirtly prevented by the use of Burnetts Cocoaxsx- it has been used Lo thousands of caaea where the hair was 00m Log out m handful, aad has never failed to arrest Its decay: it promote a healthy aod rigorous crowth. snd it ia st the same Urns unrivaled aa a toft and gloty drttting for tbe hair. BURNETT'S FLAVORING LX TRACTS are the beat, strongest snd moat healthful. Bold everywhere. f Maw Tark Naval Biaraa narkei, April IB. Spirits Turpentine The market ia better aod closed firm si 40o for merchantable or der, with trade quiet, but southern sdvices mora encouraging. Roslos sre quiet and steady. Latest quotation: Common aod good traioed at f 1 671Q1 72; No. 2 EF $1 85Q1 80; KO. 1 U 11 S3 0O3 15; good No. 1 I $3 80&3 83; low pale K $2 624a2 75; pale H $3 0OQ3 12; exUa pale N $3 25 03 37.; window glaas W S3 50 3 75. Tar at 13 253 50- niw Terse Paaajit nirkii. (Journal of Commerce, April 10. Price are xenersIW steady, with a mod' erate Inquiry. The preseot quotation for Virginia are &f3tC for prime; 8f4 cts for extra Dnme: 4HZhil ct for fancv. and 4f04l cu for hand-picked. 8XCOND ROTJNB OF QUAKTXSLY MSSTlNGS for lha WCmlntton Diatrlct of tba Methodist K. Charca, South : WaitartOa. at Carrar'a Creek... Waeeaaaaw.ai Cypcaaa Oraak... April 1817 ADA M Wtlniaxtoa. at TXflM Btzaat April SS 34 ifuanrai.HrnuKiH. ad 1 sn Mv 1 BaaUATflJa May 7 BrmMwkJt, at Sioav. .May 1415 Topaall. a Hart-tor's Cbaaal Mar H m Oaaiow, at 6aa craacb May S3 J iaa Jaaa a 5 g5aejary Jua 11 11 Coaana. J ooa IS IB I B. BURKHEAD, PreaUlaf Elder. COMMERCIAI,: VV ILMI NQTON.MA HKKT. STAR OFFICE. April 20. 0 P. M . SPIRITS TURPENTINE The msiker opeoed firm at 3S cents bid, with sales re ported or 200 casks at 89 cents sod 25 do at 40 cent per galloo. closing firm al tbe ad Vuce. ROSIN Tbe market opened firm at $1 42 for Strained and f 1 45 for Good 8traiofd, with sales reported of 700. bbls GjoJ Straiuid at $1 45. and 3,000 bbls Strained ami Good Strained at (1 47 1 50. aod 203 do Hoe rosin at 3 25 for K. Low Pale. TAR The market was Aim at $1 65 per bbl. of 280 lbs. with ealea at quotations. CRUDE TURPENTINE Market firm al $1 40 for Hard. (2 40 for Yellow Dip aod $2 60 lor Virgin, with soles at quota tions. COTTON The market was ateady.wilh small sales on a basis of 10 ctnts per lb for Middling. The following were the quotations of the day: Ordinary 6, Good Ordinary.. 7i Strict Good Ordinary. Low Middling 9 Middling 10 Good Middling cents $ lb PEANUTS Small sales reported on a basis of 2080 cis for sbelliug stock, 40 els for Ordinary, 50 cts for Prime, 60 cla for Extra Prime, and 7075 cents for Fancy Maikel quiel. CORN Msikel firm and demand good al 63Q61 cents in bulk, 6358i cents io bega, and 7072 cents per bushel from store. k scobs arrs.. Uollou Spirits turpentine.. Rosin Tar Crude turpentine... 82 bales. 22 bbls. 223 " 30 " 7 " .. m auia BCJ . am it, a . Financial. Nkw York. April 20 Noon. Money strong at 54h6 per cent. Sterling exchange 4S0i 62483. Governments doll. State bonds quiet and unchanged. Evening Money 2J5 percent. Sterling exchange 481. Governments quiet; new fives 112; new four and a halt per cents 113 ; four per cent 114. Slate bonds in light demand. OommrreiaL New York, April 20 Noon. Cotton easier, with sales of 967 bales; middling up lands 10 13-10 cents; Orleans 11 1-10 cents. Futures are steady, with sales at the fol lowing prices: April 10.49 cents; May 10.55 cents; June 10.63 cents; July 10.72 cents; August 10 73 cents; September 10.47 cents. Flour stesdy aad quiet. Wheat moderately active.. Ooro a shade stronger. Pork firm aod quiet at $16 25 for old. Lard heavy al til 77. Spirits turpentine 40 cents. Raeio $165. Freights dull aod weak. Evening Cotton quiet, with; sales of 334 bales; middling uplands lOf cent; mid dling Orleans 11 cents: consolidated net receipts 14,699 bales; exports to Grest Bri tain 4,751 bales; to France 3,584 bales, lo the continent 2,274 bales. Southern flour unchanged. Wheat 2c higher, with a fairly active export demand and a moderate busk nessoc speculative accouot; ungraded red $1 141 27. Corn a shade belter and less doing; uograded 56&59c. Oats heavy aod iQic lower; Na 3, 44J45 cents. Coffee dull aod unchanged. Sugar firm and in fair demand, the firmness checking busi ness; fair to good refining 77fc; prime 7vc; refined active and firm; standard A 8f (to. Molasses firm; refining 34o. Rice firm. with a moderate business. Rosin lower at $1 60421 65. Spirits lorpeollne higher and atrong at 41c. Pork heavy and about 10c per bbl lower and less active at $16 25 10 75; middles lower aod dull; long clear 8fc; short 9jC. Lard about 20c lower and fairly active, closlog strooger st $11 65 11 75. Freights firm. Uoiton met receipts lo3 bales; gross 8.322 bales. Futures closed steady; sales of 50,000 bales st the following quotations: Apnl 10.52431U.o4 cents. May 10.5710.58 cenla; June 10. 66 10. 67 cents; July 10.75 1076 cents; August 10 80 cents; Seplem ber 10.5O&10 51 cents; October 10.15 10.16 cents; November 10 0410.05 cents; December 10.0410.05 cents. Baxvxtmobs, April 20. -Flour steady.quiet; Howard street aod western super $3 25 4 00; extrs$4 255 00; family $5 256 25; city mills super $3 254 00; extra $4 25 5 00; family $6 60 6 62; Rio brands $5 50; Patapsco family $7 00. W beat- southern stronger; western easier, closing firm; southern red $1 18125; smber$125 1 30; No. 2 western winter red oo spot aod April delivery si 22il 23i: Msy de livery $1211 211; June delivery SI 201 1 20; July delivery $1 17; August deliv ery $1 14il 15. Corn southern white easier; yellow stesdy; western easier ; south ern white 57 cents; yellow 58 cents. Oats stesdy; western white 4748c; mixed 44 46c; Pennsylvania 4B17c. Provisions un settled and io buyers' favor. Mess pork old Bia uu; oew f iv w- tfulk meats loose shoulders and clear sides, none offering; packed 69t cents. Bacon shoulders 7 cents; clear no sides 10 cents; hams 11 12 cis. Lara renaea lc. Uoffee dull; mo cargoes, ordinary to fair 10! lie, Sugar strong: A soft 9c. Whiskey dull aifiWti iu ior J jD lots. Freights quiet Chicago. April 20. Flour steady and uncnangea. vvneai unsemea ana gene rally nigner. closed weak; no. 2 Chicago spring $1 03tl 03 cash; $1 04tl 04f nay; at wt(ffli uojjune. uorn unsettled and generally higher, closed lower: 431c csso April, Msy sua June. Usls active and a shade higher; 341341o cash: 854c may. rors active ana lower, panicky, an mar wa, m . 7 - settled, irregular aqd fluctuating wildly. closing at lioi&i i cu. Lara unsettled and lower at $11 60. Bulk meats weak. dive and lower; shoulders $5 60: rib sides $8 60; clear sides $8 90. Whiskey aicaay ana ancnangea. fST. Louis, April 20. Flour firm and unchanged. Wheat opened hiaher. closed wesk; No. 2 red fall $1 08 cssb; $1 08f 1 09 Mav and Juna. fVirn hlaKar. a)5,ao i J M MlH, cash; 42i42t0 May aod June. Oats hish- er;S5ic cash; 85f35c Mav. Whiakev quiet at $1 06. Pork dull, lower aod lob biog at $18 5017 75. Lard dull and nominal. Balk meats lower; shoulders $5 50; rib sides $8 50: clear sides s8 75. Bacon dull aod lower: shoulders s6 00: rib sides $9 25; clear sides $9 50. UorrON IBABKBTli. By Telegraph to te Morning star. April 20. GsJyestoo. wesk and lower to sell at 104 cents net receiDts 1.620 bales: Norfolk, nominal at 1 Of cents net re ceipts 634 bales; Baltimore, aoiet at 104 cents net receipia vz oales ttostoo, dull at 11 cts net receipts 92,443 bales; Phila delphia, qufet at 1H CBUts net roeelrjtfl AAA Am JL wj 38 bales; SaTannah, doll and quotations rs vised at 10f cents net receipts 727 bales; New Orleans, easy at 101 cts net receiDts m rtrtM , J i . . ..... r,ooa Dales; aiooue, ami at lUf cents net receipts 413 bales; Memphis, easy at 104 cents net receipts 1,082 bales; Augusta, dull at 10 cents net receipts 137 bales; Charleston, dull sod buyers offering lower, st 10 cts net receipts . 1.252 bales. HORSFORD'S ACID PHOSPHATE or physical and nervous debility. Try it. , ! Br cable to the Mendag Star.) LryEBFOOt,rlAprii 20 Noon. Cotton has 'moderate inquiry which is freely supplied: oplaods 6d; Orleans 6 l-16d; sales 8,000 bales, of which 1,500 bales were for specnlatlod and export;, receipts 3,600 bales, 2,800 bales of which were American. Uplands, 1 m c, April delivery 5-15-16d; April aod May dt livery 6 15-16 5 29-32d; May and June delivery 5 8i-32d; June and July delivery 6 1-160 l-82d; July atd August delivery 6id; August abd Sep tember delivery 0 3-l6d; November aod December delivery 529 -82d. Futures weak. Meats Long clear middles 44s 6d; short 45i6d. Lard 58s 9d. 1.80 K M. Uplands 515-16d; Orleans 6d. Uplands, 1 m c, April delivery 5 29-82d; July and August delivery 6 3-32d ; August and September delivery 6 5-32d. 3 P.: M- Uplands, 1 m c, May aod June delivery 5 1516d. 5 P. M. Futures wesk. Sales of Americsn cotton to-day 6,800 bales. Lard 58 6d. MARINE. Fort Almanac April 21. Sun Rises 5.18 A. M. Bun Sets 6.40 P. M. High Water (Smithville) 1.30 Even. " (Wilmington).... 5.30 Even. Day's Length 13h. 20ra. ARRIVED. Steamship Benefactor, Doane, New York T E Bond. Stmr Elizabeth, Wilkinson, Smithville, Joseph Bisbee. Ger barque Elsie Metzler,373 tona.Dahm, Daolzlc, E G Barker & Co. CLEARED. 8lmr Elizabeth, Wilkinson. Smithville, Joseph Bisbee. Stmr D Murchison, Roberts, Fayette- vilie, Williams cu Murchison. ITIAllIltTE DIRECTORY. Uat of Teaaala la tta Part or wn- amtnKtoo, Iff.O.. April 21. 1880. Thia uat does not embrace vesaela under 60 tons. BARQUES. Eltie Metzier (Ger.), tons, Dahm. E Peschsu & Westermann Atlantic (Ger.) 398 tons. Bbesiine. E Peschau& Westermacs Erstatningen (Nor.). 377 tons, Lydersen, Heide & Co Star of Hope (Ger.). 236 tons, Hamann, E Peach au & Westermann Jerbuen (Nor.). 271 tons. Svendsen, C P Mebane Soioimanden (Nor.). 368 tons, Overlan, Heide & Co A M Schweleard (Nor.). 468 tons. C P Mebane Lvdia Peecbau (Ger.). 881 tons, Bremers. E Peschau & Westermann Atlantic (Nor.). 420 tons, Knudsen. C P Mebane Mai vie (Nor.). 206 tons, Malhieseo, Heide & Co BRIGS. Oberon (Ger.), 242 tons, Westphal. E Peschau & Westermann Zingu(Br ). 200 tons. Burns, E G Barker & Co J Willi me (Br ). 352 tons. Nelson. E G Barker & Co SCHOONERS. Clara. 275 tons. Cramoer, repV, Geo Harries & Co Fannie Kimmey, 400 tons. Wolf, Geo Hsrriss & Co E H Drummond. 296 tons, Higgins, E G Barker & Co Stailiibt. 156 tons. Webster. Geo Harriss & Co Thomas Sinnickson. 240 tons, Dickerson, Geo Harriss & Co Canie Belle '274 tons. Lesvy, E G Barker & Co Marcia Reynolds. 312 tons. Tilton. Geo Harriss & Co Geo Churchman. 231 tons, Risley, Geo Harriss & Uo John P Eelsey. 180 tons, Sieelman. Geo Harriss & Co S S Bickmore. 224 tons. Long, E G Barker & Co Irene E Mes3eivey, 245 tons, Messervey. riorthrop Uumming Samuel Hart. 210 tons. Uolbrook. K G Barker & Co John Somes. 13? tone. Walla. Jfi G Barker & Co Jennie R Morse. 460 tons. Anderson. JS G Barker & Co Edward Lameyer. 143 tons, Kendal, E G Barker & Co H W Anderson. 395 tons. Babcock, Geo Harriss & Co Jesse Hart, 255 Iocs, Wail, - E G Barker & Co A1U V Co!o, 303 ions, Mitchell, Geo Harti3S & Co John J Ward, 236 tons. Inman. Geo Harriss es Co Notice. If the signal letters of any ves sel in port are displayed by the U. S. Sig nal Omce, the vessel so designated should send ashore for telepram. Sealed Proposals WILL BB8BNTB? THE NEW FURNITURE More of BSHRKNtS MUNROB. S. B. Cor. Market and 3d Bt.. Wilminaton. N. C. to partiea deairlng to forniah Bumaaer residences. We oner me largest BtocK or jnmutore in tne state, w noiesaie ana ueuu, at oottom prices . ap ntr Notice. QBRT1FICATB NO. 1S1 FOB SO 8HARBU OF tha capitol stock of The Bank of New Hanover, in tne name or moi. Bear Bros., navinz oeen lost, application will bo made to said Bank for a dupli cate of same at the expiration of SO days from date nereor. ma o sua suit, bkam ? jsuus. Good Flour. 500 BARRKLS QOOD FAMILY and EXTRA. FLOUR, 50 BARRELS MINNESOTA PATBNT. Persons wit king to USB THE BEST will be pleased with this. HALL & PEARSALL. ap 13 DAVtf They Have Come! a. A LARGS ASSORTED STOCK OF BAR- Sr aess. Saddles. Bridles; Collars, Whips rri"v and everything in the line kept in a First' ri t ... KHthliahinmc 1nat arrived and will sell lower than any other establishment in the I city. Repairing. Trimming and Pain tin gdone at snort notice, at carnage Factory, on Third, he tween Market and Princess Streets. ap 17 tf P. H. HAYDEN. 500 Bales fj ASTERN HAY, ex Schooner Jessie Hart, dia JkJj cDarging at our wnarr; 15,100 Bush P. W. CORN, 1,800 Bales HAY choice Timothy, 3,009 Bush OATS, And Beet Bolted MEAL in North Carolina. PRESTON GUMMING CO.. Millers and Grain and apSOtt Peanut Dealers. Fine Rattan Chairs, LOUNGES; TBTE-A-TjsTES, SOFAS AND Patent Spring Rockers, . with the Improved noTBi una seat, we are receiving aaliv addi tions to our already, lam Stock ef aeaaonable kooob, mna are aeuing inem at vary low prices. li. A. BJ11TM tAJ., Furniture Dealers, ap 17tf - 43 North Front St. SPRING ARID JUST OPENED THE BEST ASSORTMENT OF ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES IN Dress Goods, White G-oods, Laces, Hosiery, Gloves, Housekeeping Goods, Curtains, Towels, Men and Boys' Wear, AND HUNDREDS OP ARTICLES TOO NUMEROUS TO MEN TION, ALL BOUGHT AT THE LATE Decline in Prices ! FOR EXTRAORDINARY GOOD BARGAINS CALL AT 2vl . HVL . KATZ'S. p 3 tr 36 Ularket Street. Spring Goods. JURINOTHIS SEASON, WHEN IT IS Ex ceedingly difficult for housekeepers to find any thing suitable for their table, I have on hand upon the arrival of each Steamer a full supply of VEGETABLES AND FBUIT8 OF jSVERY KIND, fresh from the Northern Markets. ALL WOULD DO WELL TO CALL AND IX AMINE. ALSO, BY EACH STEAMER A Full Supply OF Staple and Farinadous Goods. Always Fresh and Sweet. I guarantee all goods sold by me an J take back whatever does not suit. All goods sold at lowest prices. Jno. L. Boatwright, Xos 11 Sc 13 N. Front St. apl7tf, Wilson, CMlcLs & Co. Wapns. -yAGON8 OF ABOVE MAKE, AT MANUFACTURERS' PRICES For sale by ap 17 tf KERCBNEB & C ALDER BROS. Corn, Meal and Hay. 1000 BnBh 00 RN QQ Bush Water Mill MEAL, 3QQ Bales No. 1 TIMOTHY HAY. For sale by ap 17 tf KBRCHNSR & C ALDER BROS. Bacon and Molasses. 200 BoxeB Sm0 110(1 D" s SIDES- 20Q -Ehds and Bbls New Caap CUBA MOLASSES, For sale by ap 17 tf KEBCHNER C ALDER BROS. Coffee, Sugar, Soap, &c 5Q Bags Prime RIO COFFEE. ijp Bbls 8UGAB, all grades, 100 60X68 SOAP Q Bbls MULLETS, September run. For sale br ap 17 tf KERCHNBB & CALDEK BROS. Laces ! Laces ! ! JUST RECEIVED QUITE A VARIETY IN White and Cream colored. FINE EMBROIDERY Just received, with Fine White Goods to match LACE CURTAINS. Quite a variety of patterns. Will send samples to persons at a distance. STRAW MATTINGS. Some very Choice Styles and a large stock, at low figures. Something new in Dress Goods almost aauy. CARPETS, A gook Stock on hand at all seasons. Oil Cloths in all widths. Respectfully, R. H. HcINTIBE. ap 17 tf SEED RICE. 1000 Baahel BKST lowland' i 300 dd WHITE Yr,AND' For sale by WORTH A WORTH. mh 18 tf WILMMTtW MERCHANTS WILL FIND f HR LAURDTBUllG ENTERPRISE THE BEST MEDIUM nnHROUGH WHICH TO ADVERTISE JL . FALL AND WINTER GOODS among the people of Robeson, Richmond and An son counties, in North Carolina, and in the border counties of South Carolina. The ENTERPRISE haaalanre and incre&sins circulation in the Pea Dee and Cape Fear sections of this State; having obtained a large circulation in the latter during the six months it waa published in Payette vilie before its removal to Lauriiburg, and in the former within the last two months. Advertisements will be Inserted bv the month. quarter and year at reasonable rates Address h. i. Mcduffie, D AW.tf - Laurinburg, N. C. Southern Dramatic Crit ic, A- WKKKLY SOUTHERN JOURNAL, DEVO- ted to Dramatic and Society News. Send stamp for Sample Copy. Address,, mh 3 ATLANTA, GA. SUr.ir.1ER, 1881. ENTERPRISE WILL WIN ITS REWARD ! Two months ago we commenced band I lug ROYSTER'S CANDY. Since that time we have been xlhog from THREE TO FIVE HUNDRED LBS. PER WIEK If yon wiah to save your wife Uooble keep your cook In a 'good humor, snd the way to do It I. to buy.a barrel of our celebrated. "PRIDE" FLOUR, and we guarantee she will have ne causa far trou bling. We are receiving weekly a large aaeortmtat of CANNED GOODS, from the well and favorably known honae of JNO. T. MITCHELL CO. TOMATOES, two and three lb. cans; GREEN CORN, ENGLISH GARDEN PEASE. LARGE YELLOW PEACH BS, CALIFORNIA PEAR8. FRESH PINE-APPLE. A cordial Invitation is extended to all to call sud examine the contents of oar MAMMOTH BVTA B LI8HMENT. P. L. Bridgers & Co. ap 17 tf We Keep Them PARROT CAGES, BIRD CAGES, CAGE Springs, Cage Brackets, Cage Cupa, Bafrlgera ton, assorted kinds aad slaee, water Coolers, Cru Freeaera, new style; Feather Dnstara, Ooaatar Brushes, Whist Brooms, Tea PoU, BrlttanU tad Polished Coffee Biggins, Tea Trays, Children Trays. White Oil. ap 17 tf PARKER aV TATLOR. Dyer & Son J ATE J08T RECEIVED A FINE MM OK Furnishing Goods and Suitings. Finest line of Trowserlngs ever brought ta tais city. Call and aee them. ap 17 tf H O RUCK'S FOOD FOR INFANTS, Extract and Essence of Beef, St. Jacob's Oil, Magnolia Balm, Mustang Liniment. Horaford's Add Phosphate, Ac, Per eale by WM. H. GREEN. ap 14 tf Druggist. Stoves ! LARGEST, BIST ASSORTED AND CHEAPEST Stock in the State. Sena: for Catalogue and Price List. '-. Tin Roofinc. aad general Sheet Metal work st st tractive Sgurea. been ear Mew Patent Ultra Scoop T Very cheap. ap u tr r. at. avinu w- Do You Want An Organ ? JNSTRUMSNTS OF TBS BEST MAKE Al ways on hand, aad sold oa easy Installment. Croquet and Hammocks. Large Stock Books and Stationerv alwavs on hand at low urto i at jow. ap it u x aru vwa o iua. Sundries. 2750 LIVERPOOL SALT. 2a Bbls SPANISH BROWN, 20 Bales COTTON YARN, aO Carloads Prime White CORN. For sale low for cash, mh 37 tt O. BONB1 SONS. JgNOOUHAGS BOMS UIBllTUTlOnB. 80SXit7 ftitlBSt FUw THE NORTH CAROLINA RALEIGH. N. a This namiiuiT eontinnas to wnU Palldaa, at fa rates, on all classes of Insurable property. AH losses are ptomptlyj adjarte and paU. Ta HOMB" la rapidly growing ia pablic favor, aa appeals, wltfc confidence, to Lasurere er property " orth Carolina. T Agents in all parts of tha State. ) JOHN OATLING, Praaidaat. W 8. PRIMROSE. Sacratary. PULASKI OOWPER, Saperriaor. ATKINSON MANNING, Aaawve, aag l'tf WHaatnatoa. V. l. Hathorn, Congress, ND FITTER WATER, St. JACOB'S OIL. Hydrolelne, Eno's Fruit Bait, EJdaay Wort. Bro m'dta. Iodla. Iron Bitters. Ac. For sale low at J. B. BARD IN V. ap 17 tf Dragglst, New Market.

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