i u2r. ex avaJ ya a, rw w7 f1r0 ..nuauuwp-T-'.ti fev - - . - umnsM P?LrTrc yTVS. ,!H!Tri-- eix; TTfTw .yjr.. N EKit wu rU-t tat-a, MIS .0wn4aa lasasUnav. i.. ritHlHIMH kMrtri t Ul Colajea at ay sriee. 4 H la 1 y o 1 1 nu m nwv tor la Daily will a , ma uim 4v rase. a. two um w sx .Tr!r LTIor t. yiMt. At tale no V u Ui 99 fu slesle -umt e Pearl AJwrliMTi to luOjrv reaiOaa .mpy say sgeeial elaea, wCI e baaix. axXra sc ttnluL ka the inaa osi Seeares. latU aileeil aa -Sew Ad te wMX ee en taMML A sad Qflil sdrartiaaaaaai ae tnat pes eusare fee As um eaarrs w3 W au H low; Onlav. tTar.a la Bifiiri Jr2rZtZ SSfSi ;rrr :4"rL? 7S rfu-M- i,w,lk . . . Cuatnct tTmrUmr wai M uo am jmi Met or T Ui rif to Ufl&r LdTmjlSpmr .corawtta f nOBUJ tf flaTWJ. ioruia4 mm ttey 4mU I OmUr. Wtav aa ajierm eaecrae go ml to tm avtaa: tae Bm ala i a la. um proortacoy U0 S I , oc Um papas W aia ar wiuua it. n 5ABD. vriLXIXGTOX x. a: Tt cnaAT Moaxixa. AprU 26; 169L thi mpaaraiica or watii THAKSrOfitTATIO. Tbr ia a aranaral taosraarMnt amoog the raxlroada of tia oowntry. N'asaad atartHog ecabiaatiooa are the order of tba day. Greatt laoor Mratioe aa baoocoiog snera gtyao ijo- Mooopoly ia oo tba lacrsssa. What will bei lha Soal apebolef all ihi ia more tbia we can foreee or foretelL New railroad lioee are being planned aod many are 10 course of cooatructioo. Ju: to proportion aa i he railroad line multiply aod rail road cQooopoly grows sboold be the iareaa to tbe agitation of improving aod opening op all possible water routes. Tbe question of water tnasporVa uoo iadeatiaed, we cannot doubt, to occupy a larger part of public atten tion than ever before. Tbe whole abject of water vena rail trans portation will beezamiad to tbebot loco mod all tba important facta evolved. Wilmington ia surely con I "ruw v9 ,u BI 4BC"WUU- I poeetble, and 000 of tbeao days it will I rs done, to open op new water routes that will add to the commerce and importance of our little city. If Wilroiogtoo doea not resolve to siaod still or deteriorate, abe mast be up and doing: she must coo sider every poeeible way of increasing ' . . . " br commerce. With twenty feet of water" 00 the bar so that aaipaaf V 000 or 5,000 too bardea cxa caxaaW 000 or 5,000 tooa bardea can coma gn I to oar wharves an4 tale ia their' I carsroea, ani with the Caoa Fear aad 1 v. a all of iu tribatarias made arailable to tbe atmoat extent for tbppc4 of trarisporUiioa, Wilsaiogtoo nraaC xtow ia popaLatioa and increase ia her commerce. Tbsa there mast follow the f lOorite of varJoas kiada, Soma aew view, coca o!4:'igriw. imt abaadooed aawLraly, are -confljqj to the front agtia aboat the mrpni onty of water traoaportatioB. The deatroo oeca started will oot down at tbe biddiagof railroad UagirWU miogtoa may sfeep.bat other towns aad citiea, aad maaylarg coffltaani tia are fullj awake aad at work. Water traarportatioo ia far cheaper than rail, aod that fact alone will give it the procaioeoce before .aa couotry that it desenrea. In the' Ktchcaood SioU we fiadaa Instract ive editorial ralatire to this very im portant aabject. It'aajs: "Wa had qiu coca to believe that sveo the crsai Jakateatppi t j aa( ncmt 0 iu imi ataoa Ua braaj etraaxa. a4 Jsa iriOQuriee had beea uppei tr so rnaar haeeof raUroad froea lh ILart, elrbtfaiinf the rVesa ai Ueai ia then, a 1 saUss aeaxa? iu aaarkat; bat we mom Ca4 te esw rarptlse that sot ooJy Ja jjala teisaj etrrttd from sit. Loaie W Jtl 0laaa tr tow 4" barn tot aaea awaia a boaaal, which U oaaKaaif I Cat than ue ru rocj;e iroca cnicaco loriewTbrk. la OtArwori. wheat xaa t?ow bw carried tov a ua irsiaaifpl, btAUitAajtA the Oust 1 -r'ta aifsalts.aa.iii ereea m ecaao to Ur?txi fornweatys. eaa, aaat tsrsUTwaa. giftsrnt.Angflraa crala at Liveroa taw eeots iuwas Xaaa -wfoT, aad waica also mar acccaotfor u ta aua erf if 1 1 1 in . - a JMlI,iairt faiiamirt bafwe the Um soe jH ftw exalted, dtfr4 taw si an rases er inula. sacs tmiiiHl1 to MBKl ia cues. outia ysara ago, box t.t Uranbe ahiopaaS taroaca tjUa roofie oo atasvpaara ivrgacw tnxa. tss. lccj at lata decile la railroad fraltbta al Celcafo." Ll the water;,troata. be opened, aad loan let thaejfeir cpmpettf Uoo between wayir aad ?0lb will fee fouoLarviceiUeiad iadia- i - ... k. . blessed day for Wllmlagtoa wheo water comrau- I gallon a,wUbalxe4 .Jftf rjdirw- I tioo possible.' There ia said to,U a graad reee naxad a of worlds gmng oa 3 ail bow aomewhere over oor keada. Nothing likaithaa bn aeen for agt. Aa trooomera ar now. . raardlng tbe graat avaat. Tn raw. Aor w txjn laaaata to i tJo aad prJcte4 Hfbt oafd for mlUMoa apoa caUHoaa of caiwt,; 1 ptM( Jopitex. bajood iaitbriad pia 84tni aad tlU furUtr oulib. plAaat Ntpoa, l ba raajed alraaat aa if laay wara atmaf vfafitr. Baiweea iha tana aad Ua aaa, Vtoaa u twiof og ibio it. hDndih ana. and ban It al Jaoitar. mu Hxcal U aW) agSoafiB Ia4B.Ua ol aiaraa. Bat-baioeal loUttW bafw Jotaad llavtajHlW dmapaxada. tta Tt iJbj altaadr aiaat to-4 la in cuxlia aaoQt U wa. Tfc eoajoacUoo rill caate thia arwk aotsa Una. Wanotlw.tbU the. old qaotation about "The milla of God, diC is agitating tba Washington mlod. Trr LrUA to aaota ltro .UMfiaaaU ll voted it wroag, gWbgplaral form to God. Wa poioad oal tbia rror arajio. and wbara beu 7" i - ' I ojgjftAUU. A WtHbiT 111 . ibe I WaAhinrton Jfbai, aignad "Kortb I Caxoliaa," givaa tba.oorreoud rd tog, bat say: "PrrbeDe Mr. TeasTtoo la partly , re- X)QaibJ fur us Irtijoaacy el tba . error. wakaw by taa way dues suts pxAVa a" aaaa a mvmv Ottrer peeta bar crntu it couecf?y.M Mr. Teooysoo doea not ate tbe saying, we think. Mr. Longfellow baa given ibaoxiglaal a free trauala- Uoa in lioee that are well known, aad rhicb we copied in the Star aoma trrae ago. In tba Washington correspondence of tbe Dispatch there ia aiatament of tbe way diifrancbiaiao mod bull- Here are tbe facta: I virwiaj. uh nar: tiM the fxmaia- I the ncMt eadda ttoa of Coanecrtcni, tu only 3.563 make I authoritatively for tbe adminiatra-overtweatr-ooaaaivotera, wbCaCoanec-I tio, jf jjp. Blaine and President ticat kaa.Si.eia wbo-ara aotpetera, Ala- I - -, tfl. v nAr,nnal IlWtv v v..Oiriata: .km .k. tweatT oea aad 203.000 votera. wbUa JitUa I Baal a mm Venawat kaa 19.009 ma aNJYe; the. of I tvrnxy-otM vnoare aot aUowsd Aoffita. I ttswasmraaje aaa raa . Aoora twsoty ewe waoare not voeera, wbHaMlt- I i. i mo Mw.hrB haj n - I 000 who caaaot vote aod Florida l.ooa I A ;like dwperity axuufbetreea otker I rionaera aaa oaiseni - cm tics, in a vr ktrraaasafrer jlafraaajaatf la- ifsiaaenqv awraauemeer aainwaimi 9- m n i aett. aad R&od Itlaed bm repeal f ucvu ov w tm m mimj debate " I According to tbe Waabiogtoo let- I Una Um KicAaaood VaX there la aoma little ground for believing that duelliojj will be inlrodoced alxeaba a part of Congressional pmcccdlgij At any rale tbe following read 'that way erven though there ia no troth in it: "Soesapody baa alerted a story tbal Co- creasmaa 8epbeas. of Georxla. rtceaiir too sator lirowa or teat state to 01 s- doalllag froaad. remarklaf that la vjew of tae frroaeoey of miaaadarsUadrega 10 tie Seoeie it wm wail for blm to know Ibe placA3gVar to OAs.' Uaioa Square, Hew York, ia to bo Dtarinud from . lr wver .ou ieet nign. xoe 'xtmaa E2etrro Company la doing it. Tbe lighting apparatus will consist of an. triancU Gn each noint of whir1 ,roa I,age n eacn point 01 wnicn, wU1 iwo electrio lamps of 6,000 candle power each. Hence tbe lamps candle power each. Hence the lamps rnl1 nrniaiJJnmioatiBg powereqaal 10 tKX eanolea A theatre is bftildiog la New York that will be aa improvement. Tbe orchestra ia to be elevated, there ia to be a doobte stage aad when the spectators, at the conolaaioa of tbe prformaaae, arise to go, they can I caase the chairs they . hare occupied to diaappaar by touxhiog a simple spriug. There ia said to be a million dollars backing tba enterprise. Some of the ablest Northern papers igo forFrye. The Philadelphia Time' mania h!m,aod tbe Springfield Itepub licajittjt: ''rrjaVapaack Ja.0ae 8eoaia yeaterda was wuaoot Droeecaoa-or eicose. ,waa aallxaly lxisuvsat tOAaythlnr ibal wse color oa la that bod r and oocalle4 for by aaj recent ?a tat the SoQlb. Itwaaslra plyrvxad Into toe proceed or for aa uo worthy peMlaaa pcrpoea.' ' North Carolina baa twenty iron farnacea, mUIa, dsn., representatiog a capital of $40,000. There is no rea sou why it ahoald not be aiity times tba sara.- Iron orea abjooad ia many of oor cDootiee aod the iroBbesinesa oagiit to be an irsportaai iodattry of. thett.- , , -r.V.ul It is saM flsrilsM .1 fnlarfflfflll aod that the dead Ipck will bo broken. It U thooghtby Jodi ibat be I yield log omwhat toAbeiTmare-Tbe i unumors poatomcwappoiatment was a Qraainkilig.;trfompb, it la staled. - . I, Got. arTiawill attand the York town cenlennlai So will many other tf ort darollciana.' V i itui ratsia)Oiuat.r 4 baatpdatad,'moa(artlaUo Uuaa dollar mg' xlna la thla country. Ita contenu for My la rArt ara aaf olio wi: Oraaada and Iba A.1- bambra, by a jeitett.,(afcBttr4lUi W by faUzX OtWaJ4lloaitatad);Ccaqaa o Doom, a story, (Uluatfated); Tbe Hooe of Commooa,' by -Wax H. Ridelart lo eoh of AflooW a alory. oy JL Qrajri Ojtier Colture, by W. P. 0. tibaoki. (lliuiuated); Tba Iodlaoretlooa of Utdamo Jaubxt;Tbe TrU About Florida, by Loula8. Hoagb laa Oor MoaUxly Topic: Public Toplct hTba Praaldtofa Policy: Ad Old-Fihlooed Hatui AilMilUra-FurColorio!Dra- maUc Art; AntcdoUcal aod aiiceuotioiia 2(ofia Ujtba and NtgroFolk-Lore; Lite- xature of tba Day. J. B. Llppiocaii & Co., Pblladelphla. paUUheca. 2X4 JioriX Amtrican RnUw for May offera the fullowlflf article: Cotral izailoo la tba Federal Government, by DTid Dudley; Field Tbe Old Vet aLoa and tba Ntw. by tba Ke. Philip 8cbaff. D. D., LL. D.; Tho Need of tba Supreme Court, by Wm- Suook, lata Joatice of tba Sapiema Court of tbe Uoited Slate; Utah and It People, by George Q Caoaoa;Sb all American Build Ship? by 8.8. Cox. U. C; Tba Ralna of Ceotral AmarioA, Part VII . by Deaire Charney; Wbl Morality UTa We Left I by a New LI(bt Moralist. Two of tbee paper we hav commeoted upon already editorially. Ptic 3 a ,aar. Appl.um 4Ca, Dubliabed aDonihlj. D. MY.k nBbll.hiri. 1 f .k 11..V f Jk. .ho aomber for Iba ery liul flk. wbo Iot picture and caa spall or read. Uaiiooa art adairabia, aad tbe oooieoi as follows: A UuU Oot'j Waloume; Huw a BatUlfly Car; PUy .Wbite; Betb aod Faye; Tbe Pearl 8ell; Prlac Fuzx; Tbe Fira BeeiletiOeoUe Wor.Us;Tbe Frele'a Pic nic; Asleep UndUb Lilac Busb; Mtod aod tba Kobta; Shall We Take it for Us Summer; Tae Wild Turkey; Tbe Little LUr Writer; Bow a 8camp Bad bis Pic tare Taken; Linto, Little Streamlet; Jen aie's PeU; Ltttla Mi at JTidxet and Tot. and tkva Turkey Gobbler. Price $1.60 a year. Riiaacll PobUebiog Company. Boston. ccBhthtnT conn bnt. Our Waabimgton di patches 1 SLe aLal a W a. am 1 tal ealiAA aaa Ukinjr alarm ,at the elate ot thinga an editorial from vbiob ia aent to us In advaoo. U io position to speak . . - . . ana tne ngnu or property are en- dangered they can very easily put an end to tbe wretched travesty that ia wKirotnn If thm d- . , . .. ... ? miaauration wUl atop trembhng at the) bellowing tbreata of the Senator from New York aad the lofty passion of Mr. MitcbeiPe superior officer and . . . . ArymnAm .f :, I V 11 w - - ever, we hardly think that Washing ton ia throbbing, with incipient rero- Utlon or that an extra aeaaion ia the remedy demaoded. PhiL Times. Ind If it be true that Don Cam eron is in tbe habit of attending the sessions of tbe Senate, day after day, in a state of intoxication, somethiog should be done to prevent him frcm thus exhibiting himself. If it be true that be baa a fashion of keeping a brace of loaded rervol vera within easy raaob when engaged in debate on tbe flrw, the eergeant-at-arma ahould bold hiiaaelf IB readioeae to prevent I a I Any SSnOUS OOOSaquaOCeS. If It De true that be ia accustomed to conduct blmaelf. in a moat disorderly manner whUo within' the precincts of tbe aSeoale Chamber, the "courtesy of 1 . - - - JS. - rtSSS bi ;inroM hOttld be invoked tO re- I fatrain bjm. Don Cameron is not an ntareatinp: firmre in the arena of I .merkran sUteamanamp, and as a KT"reTm pruen,-Mi wunwy inoitpowed to bear with him to any gp4t degree. Oe aits in thbSenate ;tb prodnet of the most thoroughly ;tbaj prodnet of the most thoroughly diarepatable political "machine'' ia the land, and tbe epeoial renreaenta tire of the political reprobate now a a grown gray ana veneraoie wno founded that "machine" and who happena to be hia father, Wash, I'o$tx JJenu OKBlliTATKJD DIGKSTION. "ow voltaieji oubjcd- the decay of HIS STOMACH. In the "memrtrTOfrnint Segnr" there is the Joila wing ' i anecdote: 4My mothtrj the Concteaa.de Segar, beiagj aakad. : by Yoltaire .respecting bjRaaliba.told .bim.tbat.lhe .moat pAinfqJ fueling., ahw ,d ."aroee .from tbe decay- c4br .araacb7 and the difficaltv.bf finding anv .kind of ail- meat that Unfabear.. dt wav.,oi .oonaoutioa. .aasarea ner i that he wM once.' for nearly a year in tne jam e state, ana , Deiieyed to be in CQrible," bat that, bererthelesa, a very simple remedy "had cared him. It consisted in trying no other nonrish mentthan yolas of eggs beaten np with the floor of -potatoes and water. JFbogb ' this oircamstanoe took laee ai far back as fifty years ago,.avod- reapectea 1 eo extraordi nary ai person aa -Voltaire, it-is as ton -labia gbqar. little ia- knows and how rarely tba remedy baa been practiced. Its efficacy, however. . ia . oases : of debjlitvj cannot bo qoaatipned, , and the. following ia- tba- mode of bre b'aiiDZ thui raloAbJe "article of .'food aa recommended by . Sir Jobu Sin- "Beat up an egg in a bowL and then add aiz tablespoon fnl of cold water. mlx3DtbewinjTe " well to gether; '-then'kad4 : two' tablespoons f al of tarina oTpoCatoe; let it' be mixed thoronghly iwitbth liquor in the bowl. Then pour in ee much boiling - A - t a 1 ell v. nd mix it well. It may be. -takers alon ox with he addition of UttW milV in 'me1 atmaqhio oiouiiy jor ponanmpuvr'fy'i?" Bread or biaonit may be taken wiih it aa the atomapb geta atrqoger." f "AAWAfetrcarlfle; s One of the moat etrikmg stonesof MrUaziyle-wmon i4iayejBYpr.e,, aod whib,-l tbinkvlbaafcoiever. yet made ita vway iptQ printi; waHDe fol lowing : Some yeara' ago a 'new his tory of England,' gireetetrUtauoh shouting, had appearfKJetoaa or iojadioioaa- frieydsr-thkM)g to please Mr.-Carlvl.-akedbla opinion; o f i t. Yea" aid b e-iattVxbo-iicyj dialeot nnfortdnaulY.Irio-rBLrjodiioi-i Die in print' accentuaUd -bW wprde i have read it, tNtU;t.-8aj; lPOK it up, and I saw thai trese wa a yooniaan whoOjaail-iPainaAooui hia subject, and perjiaiilkjaew some thing about it. But 1 sawinai tneie was a great deal about the British constitution, and a great deal about liberty, and aa I don't care a for tbe British oonsii'.otion, and as I don't care for liberty, I thought it would be a waste of time to go fur ther." We I apeak for the great multitude of; Mr. Carlyle's English admirers, who maintain their freedom of judgment knew what to make of this; it is not too much to hope that others will know what to make of it, too. From "TAo ZUerary Work of Thoma CarlyU"; George SainUbury, in Srribner for May. ea Wires. Carlyle aaye of 'hi Jeanie;". Not J J cohue of 'celebrated scribbling wo men' that have strutted oyer the world in my time, could, it seems to me, if all boiled down and distilled to eaaenoe, make one- soon- woman. But remembering Mill's similar wife" worship, it is a Blight shock to one's foelings to read Carlyle' disparaging allusions to bis. friend's bride. It would be interesting to know en re vanche what Mill thought of Mrs. Carlyle. Scribner for May. cetteav. N. Y. Financial Chronicle. Friday, P. M., April 22, 1881. The movement of the crop, as indi cated by our telegrams from the ??lh !2bha" ? ?T reaohed 60,718 bales, against 66. 579 bales last week. 85.696 bales- theaprevious week, and 78,514 balea . L. . n A n m.aLS.. t.M. .a.aI receipts sinoe the 1st of September, 1880, 5,303,619 bales, against 4,608, 009 bales for tbe same period of 1879-'80, showing an increase sinoe September 1, 1880, of 695,610 bales. Tbe exporta for the week ending: this evening reach a total of 87,307 bales, of which 52,341 were to Great Britain, 9,143 to France, and 25,- 823 to rest of the Continent, while 00 tu 1 the stocks aa made np thia evening are now 627,396 bales. . Mr. Bjornstjero Bjornson, the Norwegian poet, asiied for home yesterday. !3 1ST! Popular Monthly Drawing of the CoQmenwealtli Distribution company. At Bffseauley'a Theatre, In tbe city of Loolsrilleroa LSaturday. April 30tht 1881. - 1th1T rsnnnaraAxeW. ed) under prorlsiooa of as Act or the Oeoeral aa. at aan Til rv K eWkf AaTV. frMVrraaarat4,n tP tKaa .TaTalisafiWajH Prtntli r and NpaVer OaapproTed Anrfl 8. 1878. ffTJ .V-lfS' ACT ajno ba& its- Theuaiseastaxesctfcattcowten Kareh siren - ''SSSmJmi nTOTOT. I bdtion company ia Oau lu ma tda wmna mi vim . The Company has new en land alarm reeerre awtheiistof vriata lor thm apbxl ohawug.. tPtlxe 4SIMW0 IPS Prlaea J100 each ai000 1 PrUe 10JX. 90Q Prises , M each 0.000 i rna 6,000 eoopria. aoeach ii.000 is pnes $1000 10,000 1,000 Prues loeach 10,000 . plSee eJS? elcn?ApprpxiiaatUm Priaea.$.7O0 Jgg - w UBeOPrlsea. Whole Tickets, fiS. Half Tickets. $1; tT Tickets, $50. . 05 Tickets, $100. Remit Money or Bank Draft In Letter, or send by Express, DON'T 8BND BY RX3IbTEREO LST TBS OR POaTOFFICS ORDER. Orders oT$3 aad upward, br auwesa caa be sent at oar ex pense. Aaoress aiiioruers to it. au suakui Ooorler-Joaro al Bulldins.) LOUISVILLE. orders toR. X. BOARDMAN. LUUlBVIiiliK, -B.T.X ocT. J. COMMBBFORD. 11 Broadway, N. Y, apl eoew tu th aa We Offer 1500 BblJ Good FLOUR, " Bags COFFEE, j Q Q Hhds NeW OrleAn M0LA8SES, 1 A A Hhds and Bbls CUBA' do 1UU 300 BleHAT 2QQQ Bushels WHITE CORN. HALL &T PEARSALL. ..Mnir s- Over KYlBtaiilto! QVERFTVB HUJxDJlED DRESa AND. BUSI-- NESS PANTS to be sold In tba next thirty deysv J7 rtrerm) axtuau ,ms,sjss a We LiATe an Immenie stock of Pavnti and mnit - V, . close them out. ; . .. . . t -, ., . . . We invite spocial attention fco our alocJt.of CHUi DRXN'S CLOTH IN hich is file largest m the city, aod as we are anxious to move them will' effer some big inducements THIS WBSK aasv.' in-. A. OAYIl DAVID.. ipMtt .The Clothier. Chal es IND Crop Liens At the &TAR Office. 5c water aa will oonrert the wnoie mio 111BCELLA1010IJS. ) "PHYS1 CUriS, C LER QYM EN, AN D ArrLiuicu ficniwncnc THErTEftTEST-tlEDII . . SYMPTOMS OF A' ! jpainiatftgTTaai !tha'beir parti 1 gattuaxxaiisepsajaoaun-. r- atinr. witn. a AO of rciyf "or4 jdqIBBG '. , gtl liOW Spirit. I0g8 of aaemofy; vitH a aeniarornaTwigTxeg' :aefidrKestieas-: - ; (triBZSSAiOTet'is sPRinits ntsFASfs wmsooN Kitf EtePEt. nVi'mwg VTTitA frire especially adapteAo' i5cVeaetaoBUsuchAcfta3ge f feellnsr teftsgoatsk theawdarerer.s They iMreHa U" Appetite, and cause tbe body to Twit oetonto y8tm-4s uowrlanea. ana oy peir ioiccwfaii we 11 Okay Hair or Whiskers changed td.aGMSSY Black bjr int?l avpHoatien or this Dtk; It Imparts a natural color, acts Instantaneouslj-. Hold by DruggiU),or sent by express ou receipt of l. Office, 3BMurarSt.; Hew York. ' tBr. TCTTS -M1IC 41. ttJmlnAlt 1WntI K EhW KXrfpto wlU b A'BEE on apyUcattoa.a .apis eodDWlT ; ; Wjsa" t arm our auiiQs .tuuj Hep.Bitter . ra tici hum n If jtmarayannar aa ueretien - or -riftaiprt ried or alng-le, old or snuBoneiT m any, in tkm f iC yon tmt tMn young, BUiIeriutr from (oornetoaori on a soa i eicjr- aeai, rely oa It OO ra FhoOBands die an. Whoever you naolty f r in - salnef -taat tout 01 aaeda teaadng. xebfenpraottted.J stopaitttora 1 I'Ml V'Jii 0 U . oi wi inorv eout- of ts'jtoeuiki is an 'abaolnta. fand -Irresiirtai- jtmtli, blood. btoj ar tot idrunkennesa ttse-oooiam.- Mr.rarMa.ii Ton will be -eared If jroanie KeMeco.oiH . " ' H stopauTterai XrsnaaiaatBM 8eldbTdnwi.ri J mi it mii savs yoiLr Itfe. ft toat aaveo-sian-t axta-r;:j,rv gVAToraAoOBU q ap 1- eodlmAW tu.isa' Sundries. 2000 B5te,,3'IIB ,nadr3 ' brands, 250 8IJaAR, Trl0?8 S?&e 300 ssa CQ"yiB fair to chcice 1OOJQO0 tt-D" 8 and smoked kkat?, I ' rf-V T1V J. J Dkl. r 1AA Hhdaaud Bblfl N. O. 1VU CUBA MOLA88K8. 100 Bbl N MOLASSK8 2QQ Hhds and Bbla old crop CO BA, 125 Bl1 MULWBT8 Bbla halves and qntr.lMACKKRKL 1 fl A 'Bbl POTATOKS, 1UU B. R. and Peerless. CA Bble PORE and BBSF, 25Q BWaaad Boxm CSACKafiS, g Q 80X68 SOAP, Laundry and Toilet, Lard,- Batter, Cheese, Rice. Salt. Tobacco, Snaff, SegaiB, Ac, For Bale by ADRIAN VOW.BR8. Wholesale (kroeers, asSStr 8. B. Cor. Front and Dock: tits. miew Crop Cuba. lhe Finest Cargo tins 536 J1HDS. SELECT KD NBW CROP CUBA TIERCES SELECTED j ' NBW CROP CUBA . Jnat received and now landing ex Schr Maggie Dai: ling. I, . For sale. low by WilHamS mhl3tf 1000 Bushels BEST LOWLAND, . do. . . WRITE .UPLAND, For sale by WORTHS WORTH. mhI8tf IjcfAjaB homx iNSTrrunoNB. iEHa? ;OR3M' CAROLINA :;noaii?a : jj '.' ' .RAjiKTOHi ia. cf. ,, '. l JBtm Cempany contlnuee Jo wnte Policies, at fa; rates, onaRlasiof ina i All loasos are aiomatlr adiasted and riald. Th kHflME "J Xapidiy grwriM. in pshlic. favor, aa4 mpeatavwronc ejaTLAganttlnailatts of the State. J:v it . p -.urn aEjw:o moieM?-- ..n l ! j jfuamirai. mwrwaiaro u-ux peat tmc - J nil a m . : goods anjoweetcaspri orders to anrtmont nt ninnatbinvaHiiaraMr.nf; i ar34tf j JMO. DAV80Nano I in fA. ZZ' ajal; bee.' ailOr." IHt mm mi 1 1-. 1 are. rjafi toaf Y Vv a w a an mm a Kill awjar v WUUWII t-fiEVER T '. VI tol:M3I see d i? ice aanQeace.insurrs.er I i..r i 3M1JIB1 BSOT.' ' riaWArdro I A A. scary; OmoabaadvDin awarnt tureet lowest prices, and wswnmrtfhemi JUHae-dtty. raoiaann minx or aeaaonM-cimDer . - . . i sp-4 tf BBHRBNDS- MUNROE. MISCELLANEOUS. HOTTdod Tlis Week. ElSUCZOUS PSipHES AND TOMATOES J- - , jftll varieties of Choice Preserves, in one and two poond Cans; the best Hi the market. Our Elegant Family Flour, Parole de lioneur. " Pig Hams. Breakfast Strips and Small Shoulders, These gooda axe all fresh, this week. Our prices aad quality of goods wfll convince yeu If you will try as; ' '. - ' : Try the prepared Soaps. For sale at GSO. MYKJK', feb 13 tf Nob. 11 and 13 South Front st. WEV7 LACES. Br 0 wn Rod die k 45 naxket St. jg-AVK JOST RECEIVED AN INVOICE OF the LATEST STYLES in the above, each as - POINT RUSSE, jj POINT ALBNOON. DBBOSE, DENTALLE VERMICELLE, DENTALLE VOSGES. Sun febades and Parasols. We have nst received the lartceet and moat cam plete assortment that has ever been offered in any Southern market, embracing MANY NOVELTIES, at prices ranging- from 15 cents to $15.00. Just Received, . NSW LINE of HAMBURG EDGINGS AND IN SERTIONS, medium width, and prices so low that even the most fastidious cannot fail to be suited. Brown & Roddick 45 market Street. mhSOtf Bananas. 1 tm BUNCHES BANANAS ON HAND. GOOD XtiU sized bunches for family use, and for sale at reasonable prices. Those who do not like Bananas can get Sweet Juicy Oranges or Fine Red Apples, At S. Q. NORTHROP'S ap 10 tf Fruit and Confectionery Stores. Removal of Law Office. T HAVE REMOVED MY OFFICE TO THE A - suite of rooms first floor old National Bank Build ing, corner Front and Princess streets. Entrance on both streets. J. I. MACKS, mh 19 2w Attorney at Law. FURCELL HOUSE, UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT," Wilmington, N, C. B. Lu PERRY, - - Proprietor. First Class in all its appointments. Terms $2.50 to f 3.00 per day. ieb b tr Timothy Hay. JUST RECEIVED. A XOT OF PRIME TIMOTHY HAY. For sale low by mh 8 tf C. B. WRIGHT. Agricultural Salt. Onn TONS CLEAN SALT. For Agricultural Purposes, For sale at "WILLARD'S.' feb 3i lm Cotton Seed. 500 BUSHELS COTTON SEED, For sale at febsaim WILLARD'S." TT7B HEREBY BEG LB AVE TO INFORM OUR v T eastomers and the public In general, that we nave been appointed Bole Agents lor Jules Mumm & Co., Rheims, CHAMPAGNES, FOR THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. : ADRIAN A YOLLER8. Wilmington, March 4th, 1881. mh 15 lm A Positive Cure Without Medicines, Allan'a Solnble Medicated Bougies ! ' Patented October IS. 1876. One box N al will cure anv case In four days or lees. . No. will cure the most obstinate case.no matter of hbwtlontF standing. t H nauseous doses of enbebs, copaiba,' or oil ef sandalwood, that are certain to produce dyspepsia Byaeewoying the coatings oi tne stomaca. -Price $1 50. Sold by all Druggists, or mailed on receiptor pnee '- For further pwrtlculars send for circular. P. O. Box 1533. ; J. C AXSiAN CO.. dell eodGm sa tuth 83 John St., New York. Sundries. 2750 SACK? rjcy??tp9?.L sAr,T 25 Bbls SPANISH BROWN, SO Bales COTTON YARN, 20 Car loads Prime White CORN. For sale low for cash. mh,mr G. BONEY & SONS. I HAVE JUST RECEIVED ONE CAR LOAD of Yoonsf. Weli-Breke Saddle: and Harness HORSES, from Western Virginia, and among them some FAMILY HORSES, to which I call special attention, and which I effer for sale at mv BtaDies en etn street Between AniDerry ana wainnc: apSltf ri . BENJ. SCOTT. ULHIllGTDN KERCH AHTS c ; WILL FIND THE LAURIKBTJRQ ENTERPRISE THE BEST MEDIUM rrHROUGH WHHJHT6 ADVERTISE Jrr ' ; - FALL AND WINTER GOODS , among the people of Robeeen, Richmond and An son counties, in North Carolina, and In the border comities of South Carolina; The ENTERPRISE has a large and increasing circulation In the Pee uea- ana cape .rear sections or wis state, navmg oMaued a large circulation in the latter during the six jaonths was published in Fayetteville before tn Ianrfnbnnr. and in the termer wrann tuo last fcWU muuuu. -T tii. . n..i..a n..i. mill tin in.mtn.vn. iw M.ntvi H. : I, ' MCDUFFIE, - Jwtr.' . . LaunnDurr. . v. ; Southern Dramatio Critic, , 7'Warv rii n mrruwiT. navrv. ; ted to Dramatic and Society News.' Send stamp iHi'. mi u.uiiio . Al UAH 1 A) QA.S LIBERAL OFFERS ! FOR 1881. TWO YEaRS M THE PRICE OF ONE THlfi UEPUINTS OK THE BRITISH QUARTERLY, (Kreiiuelic.l) LONDON QUARTERLY. (Conner valivt) EDINBURGH, (Wh.). I AND WESTMINSTER, (Liberal REVIEW. A NO Blaciw ood's Edmtmnb Magazine Present the BEST FORB1UN PKhloDH.Alj, , convenient form and WITHOUT Ab(luuM rti i OR ALTKKATION. TERMS tF SUBsCKlPTION (lucladlOK PoniaKe., Blackwood or any one Review $4 00 per auoum Blackwood omf anyone Review.. 7 00 Blackwoed and two Reviews 10 00 Blackwood and three Review. 13 00 Any two Reviews 7 00 Any three Reviews 10 0J The four Reviews IS 00 Blackwood and the four Kevlews. IB 00 " These are about UALF THE PKlCEtt charred Uy the English Publishers. Circulars giving the Contents of lb. Periodical for the year 1380, and many other asrticol.r mi be had on application PREMIUMS. New Bubscrikera may have the cambers for IH80 and 1881 at the price of one year's subscription only. To any subscriber, new or old. we will fyrih the Periodicals for 1879 si half arlce. All orders to be sent to the publlcatloa office. To secure premiums apply promptly. The Leonard Scott Publishing Co , 41 BARCLAY ST., NEW YORK. THE 8TJN FOR 1881. Everybody reads Thb Sou. In the edition of tbl. newspaper throughout the year to come everybody will find: I. All the world's news, so presented that Ox reader will get the greatest amount of Information with the least unprofitable expenditure of Ua. and eye sight. Tbs Bxm long ago discovered tbe geldao mean between redundant fullness and unsatttfar tory brevity. II. Mpch of that sort of news which depend, leu upon its recognized importance than upon Us Iu tereat to mankind. From morning to morclug Thx Suh prints a continued story of the lives of real men and women, and of tbeir deeds, plan., loves, hates, and troubles. This story 1. more varied and more interesting than any romance thai was ever devised. IU. Good writing In everv column, and frerb nesa, originality, accuracy, and decorum In the treatment of every Subject. IV. Honest comment. Taa bum . nabit I. to speak out fearlessly about men and thtnn . v. Aqaai canaor naeaanc-wita eacn pontics! party, and equal readiness to vemmend wbai i praiseworthy or to rebeke what is blamabic in Democrat or Republican. VI. Absolute indeDendence ol nartlsan orranUa tlons. but unwavering loyalty to true Democratic principles. Tn 8ra believes that the Governmeat which the Constitution gives us Is a good o.a to keep. Its notion of duty ia to resist 1 its atmoat power the efforts of men in the Republican part? to set up another -form of government In place or that which exists. The year 1981 and tbs year, immediately. fDhowtag JrlU probaety decide ibi. supremely important contest. Tan Son believe that the victory will be vtttt the people aa agalum tne runes ror mononoiv. tbe Kin?, for Dlonur. and the Rings for imperial power. .. our terms are as follows: For the Daily Bp, a four -page sheet of twenty ight columns, the price by mall, post paid, is 4 i cents a.month, or SB.SO a year;. Including tbr Sunday paper, an elar-it page sheet of fifty "li l umns, the price ta cents a asoath. or $T.T0. year, postage paid. Tne Banaav eaiuon or m Brm is also raraisbrd separately at I eparately at i 1 .20 a year, postage paid. The price oi the Waaaxx htmi eiaht pages. Sft Ix columns, is $ 1 a year, postage paid. For rial six columns, is S 1 a rear, costam oald. For clni.f of ten sending $ 1 0 we will saae an extra copy f rtn auing a 1 1 we WUl seaa an extra cop v rrr Address I? W -KNeLANU. Publisher of Thb Boa, New York City. Spring 1k Summer STYLES. AM NPW RECEIVING DAILY A LA BOS andweU selected stock Of all TflBLATaaT STYLES in Ladles and Misses': ChiidrM and Men's Ladies' Button Boots, la Rid, Fex'd, Pebble sad French Kid Hand Made. TarnknA saeahias Mass. of the best make, such aa Voa have been setting st my place, aad whiftbneee no XuitherEecocafntJHli Uon. Aleo.the same in Infants, CMirea, Youths aotf s?y MEN'S WEAR DEPARTMENT will not b surpased by anv store ta the city. A call Is sit i ask to convince yoa of b same. Prices that defy competition. iespeetfnWy i c. a i!.":'n'1jrT 33 nAUlACT ST. mh7 tf WSOaiaJa K'o22 spttw

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