r II K TW COI7TKtft9. ' .Ji;. ; , - r-,rw u Uo1 of I Taar U land tbat tr aad bitter I flaws Ub taUi wihn i aad booty V Ua.l oot like I Notlh COirUd Ur Jrear , o t aor-jtl ibsvsur lme koww, vm armi as r waa-iacru i &cb ai:r bean e .Nnos, IH ara.ttw.rt jtxt rS aktf- f taufly, -- iog. uooaa. coupons, Mot brow- oMt rur gio L)ouaJ wuh roa. Happy at tyM M UoJ peopled aibibttd, the t will nor- I cUnli; : I Noiiiir Joih (ia a r r itr lack Hi?) J i nt iii Tb nf V tbeir Toj J Lra- w Nit Tbiak uPM To Vh Jorgena nu( jfiorhitn N"c lriJit AnbnrHt o tattoo ... , oil io( aliitnttum. If tbe Dmoerau of the Senile j i iu AjC4",r " jioir Oca. Grsat ji' Hiittlor(f -M4boo cai. I. a ooJ iJe of eoior Uroo uj lo'fiiuc awppr OuoiU io arI ihiof uik macD mor lo tb "The couriy f Suin ia ;i i tii o. oo UMitt, but il cwob II, ml i ir bnr iu ku public at Ur( if. , tciition troa cHio b u4br fxj" L1 ,. -Wilnbi-yAi lnirT, lisp .411' I I IKK ITKJ1 nlor Hill h (JiainUutifil 50, Mr. trt 6hur b resumed riuo H4-Ct l0 1 Civil Mr ca rafijtia. I) JrnU h4 Lk?i rleMJ fr.ai cu-(iy io Dail', follow ioc bi , '( rt:i f iu cbr of marker, aol bu mi !.jr bit U joj ia Nortb Cxniio. H ,0,uM c!jiy wtcbJ m b b lUitr fi. al itr it oo Ulliof aa bu in irrm: tai my retaro. liitAmorut Mjm MiKireU ighler of "i uorl of U (ofadrra(v arm ma, wbo i v ''o p.aiu f Jay with lnoU pweii ga Uic iatr - i)r4Q wnk. A lrg oam -. r i etio aaiirv ptr tbjtir rrcptt i- 4 jbir o( Garl tV vtit0 the ,( .11 r. nj MlM rClei lt'f('HO' - V! I 'oiUfi f uiKia ar now H,- - ooi oku are ovtr mr m- . t f 1 tbaa wba iby aie aclf ,.--.--J I'rfaxrrt (.V. J.) UMtU rho liat of cammodorea in the iii. ba rtdacej H toy-0e hi u u ooJy abol lbr ao4 a ba'f .. u . I uaW 7rwvarr-l - Winter liogvrs io tfte lap of .(:r:uf. aad as aaTaral ptc taxes w ba , .. ir-r prtof aa a rttnaxbably praily ..unrvl if we bUffi w iu (er ! Lloetei - auity of vanilica: If a girl i prtiy i(b sb laafba ufuo, if acta' pr-uy foo abM war a abort dreaa. j r goc a f ear aaa? abw'a food of a a 4 bat: aal If lb raveraa ab dla- k .i tbe imtll affair. C'jtlwvn Pierr LorilUrUVeLcttnoVfottr-t-r ..i.j. Miaukt. opaoa IM Maaoo aajp- - uiy tor bta AjeMncaa r .ii. r,i 0n aacood ad?yafiT""kof baadlraa al tba itm cat oo WeOaaaO UornaliuaaJ baodicap at lb am ' c aa Friday. II ia catered . fr tbe A taira piaia aad other atakea at Xpaocn ti rtk, for two mora racaa at New iutktia May. aad foe lb Kpana and cupa ia Jc laoe. iu ot? ibe tuaaio nul ib ict clio i. tbawed. Auu tb flauer o( I bo wiae;Ul of ibe dove si ta abroad; 1 1 qaacklet of tbe Jack let ia ibe brnofc it we eaa hear. Va.l ia rootlet of tbe pic'et wilt preMoily rpr 4jJnw' (!r I'liKJIOKAL. Ma Frne4 HoUgeoo Buroelt rt?J onioal po ma before literary aocie- Ur. Mr. Thaxter, tha jooog Ameri :an tcutttoa; rwo baa ebtaiattafVU&Adbim-' f ia rwraaVe.-U tjttY dftierooaly tU1o 'has y. Mr. Tola W. ltac:aT, lb. "Bo ai aT4 thara la ao UHLb ia i a- cuaatieaa atortea aboot lia boylag ao nay coetly ibiaar la Earopw. Priocee. Sip&aaie will nobke nr bridal eaty talo iaoa Hay 9. ta a Qteodia" eJU'kX drawrrf by efibt ttorteav. Hr ma r Ure to HadoJpb wUi laia place A Dia ru; Mr. VaMJUoxtull' door bll yeatarday racrslxtf tad ao auunced tbat be co weeper froo 'J. aod Miav."Yi It ald tftliot tbe) po ca Probably It ba'd bailed froa tbe op posite directioa abe would beet tavitad bid a ad aakea) far rwa froo tbe lata com -air,j)re. BtCr f7W , ' 1 SerUfj BUio Unbata lhe antseroaaTvporu of V tat bealx to t tardea of diplumacy oa bia part ia arid "Uaiumee Uaerwarma of rial iocs al ibe to loipceaib tot Lc to control umt "mkta :tctt4.0 -tb VmIb4w tie wM al lie JepaAA tiatariij xail uaaded lb ajabtaelr aPawlLtg; aad j la ia fur heaAb tkaw foe aeaT aiowike peat diitic .VOTE!. lr aeaeoa oa laa 2lb c BjutLmooXb. ta axake ber eo-nWii Va, U-BeUaaTio, ll7 aait ea4a4bj aa rXa'aaUta "Uadaiii t ttaoaocflt- 4 . 7 l, ; , ' " - ' "BiL'ew TarW bai begti iu ll4t J EBoota al taw BZaadaJ Tbaaira wtlb aa.mnlaad pt&j&ZC btda fair to ia laia lb. di 477 '.JP Mil KaXeV aixUu, tba ttrte, ; aua pvnai bjt&. Ci CiadalS C cnn4 ax a Peeaa 4eei tbia ttaaa rjaliy, ataatT; gprxed 153 .fcan-Jbewsl of aa Jaceadiay."" " THE GREAT SAUCE of THE-;to: ;U I hittuilnito tb4 Vbmtx mm U blctUy Ttsn. MLTS, macmiiiMlmt ViU t saa4 tbraachont lb wocU. JOHN DUNOAN'S SONS, acres. roRTTix usma states. 8UOOTLSQ CH1UJ DOWH TB- BACK, 311 pl tn U Rata. maaa, bmoojaaa, art araiptoaM cf aproacAlac fc aad a-a Caa tt&ot del a 7 Moatatiar'a Btoroach Blttara, whica akaUlsM taclbacAiUY aoaaatJoa a e alal wrmth, rflmtam atn x-h. and laipaxtg toa. U ta U m. TVaiia Hi. ta main fcaatfcaftUba-rtUixl blag rtatooU toa, kaaUtay coadtUoo. tba iJaaaaaU csBMaa4 ax ta oavlaaa. roral 6y ail DrajxllJ tad Da.crt ftnerajly. ap I OaodJaWlT talaa. am Isthe Best and Most Agreeable Preparation in the World. Foe Cocm 1 1 1 I ten, BJllowint, lIeMlavctir. XorplcS XJvcr, Hem rTto4laj, ImUapoaUtlon, and avll PLaortScrw aurtatngc from so ot atracted wtate of" ft ayatrrti. LulWa aaf rhildrva. a4 iia wb dlaUka lakina' pui tnj iimh mdlcflMa, ara rp cteiir pii & ita nmh aiiailit TKurirmriT la jcati vi aa,y b nxt In tU rM ttiat botU lb ai4 oT a poraaUva. raxartJ. or pt-lm aintViaa. ad wvllta It w Uuraa ia moi rvauli a. law inon narrml. 11 ia nunif fra rrooa tit iml aaitUnkMW mwi nw totbviu. ria lmi tl aiaiy. Price 25 cts. Large boxes 6oc. $OU BY ALL FIRST-CLASS EhtTJCCISTS. mb 5 Dao4.avr ta lb aa a TRUE TQllic. mjHl H j h Ci 1 fU.K iat'i IRON niTTini-S n highly rrmmmrtMlcil for all dUeaaea repairing a rertaia anl efficient tonic; esiwally ImHjrtion, Iy!pila, Inter lulttent J Vvers, Want of Appi tltr, of Strength, L4K?k of Iljirrsry, rtv. Kmrirkn fie jfrrnVaj -ir waart-a, ami owe nor to tit rrrL TIm-y at-t like a charm" oo the diT-Circ orynrr, rrmnrinr all drpeptic ayokfauaia, U oa UuiUj Acocxt, UieOmf, I'll! jonarA, ksartbHrn, etc. "Tie ay ro IYrprrraiim tkai not Uatke i4 Urti or yire ksiutu-Ju. Write fur the ABC lJk, 32 pages arousing and wetbt trailing, mX frrr. BHOWTJ CUIK4ICAJ. COMPANY, Baltimore. Md. la n DAWIt am Madam, Wtosft ccilAtiicii btx(rAys soae1 ilQrtmaflBS imperfee--Uon. nfbiwlnilrnAr.telTJ yom .tliat-rwfcjxe zn&xA , Sallow UU p,4eU&t harmless and dcHjtfn) rtlihT prodnclng the mosliutoril nd . entranc ing iate7t:rtifldilty ?! which no obeerrer can detect, . and wWrJi soon lraea per tnAnVnf irUie MAOTOLtA Balm hJu(UcJowjPscd, .Ml. am A Pleasant Bide IV A CCXTOSTASUt BCOQT OB CARBJAOB darUBortSf aad tammrr seaaooa la Ue aaoaataaveeeiAl b BUakAdVwa are aaaa aattar aTdaUy. aa aar ta Ooy a tarre Haw wf tbe Hi peuams IA Top Aal ftpea Berias,. aa wtO USua as e oaaaT lwt taaa aa maafetory ta Vke cut.- KraaWf we Ura oatoaly rl alaaa week. KaeeJriar. Palallai and Txtmmlsg U A No. t 1U. A WILLIAMSON, . a?t1tf' Cbeenat, bet. Freat aad Water Su. l N ,l tiipi,H iBOO)d f anorttod, iipufl pW tlgwy ptlOM tT'M t cliaiyea. v 4 y.1 Bams. ej tKare) . aaoeJdawu-ej avLiila.;. IS e 10 ! 4 o a o o o o Wera5BWajal-.'.; , Bidaav, .... Haoo kVarS... . - ..... u s DrytUltaaW ... . .. 10 8 3 28 4 O Bur Uva waiobt. am...,) iwiitui npirmTaxpaanaa, aacoed ILaad. cb New Mew lock, aacb 1 60 00 00 '-to TM M 15 ti 18 O s 1 60 1 b5 1 M 1 M NWV?Vf. eacju.. BKKUWAX- 8K-..-. BJU0X3tThalngtnis. M jfwrrivinu.i....t....,,..,. BCnTKNpetaCroilaa. y. Nortbera: .:..:.-.. O 14 00 o o SO IS It 10 a 14 td 17 73 I bO 110 CAynTaTH.rfril-H k 11VO 10 o 14 O Uimintliia U OLlifafl ilortbora ractary ft JJJr7.aaai .-.... coy ruJim COBJOajCaXV.baaaa OOTTON hUe 60 10 ts 1 13 - rX3Xfcmc-8b.vUait.4-4, V yd 7 1 00 ' lft IM1 M 8 60 4 ttO 4 60 5 U0 CO 8 00 6 vara, ay DQaeo BOOH FISfl-kaJreLMili'bU t& au uu o iooo O 9 CO HO.1,1 WbU. ktackeralVnec t. bbl. No. t, J M bbt... ... Kacaerei, Na.lk obi- Holleu. a) bbl do ' Pork bbU A. U Bemnritoa,1l katt.. .. Dry Cod, 7XBTILlS8Hb Partr'n Oaano.Na. 1, SOW a o o o o o D U0 7 00 SitS TOO 400 9 a M M O 87 00 8 B0 00 WOO do. No. a. Do. bo bo a, Baab'a FboupbaM. Oaxodaa rerUllser. OroaadBoaa. Boaa steal. " rioax. MaTaeeaeaaac, M OoaaDlete atanora 40 00 43 00 67 00 45 00 87 00 Waaaaa rboepbaae WaadoFboepnate. . Bercw a Bau'i fboepa. BzeaUaaaa Cotton lenlUaar rtOUB Jlae. V bbl..M - Bapr. Mortbera. fl bbl Kxtoado. u fjbbl O TOM O TO 04 5 00 00 O 60 00 O 4 3 ramlly " " ajbbl ..... CUT aUUa Bztra, ft bbl (Family, w bbl... Xx-Tamlly, i bbl... OL0X ft k tUUJQi Coru,la atora, la eaca, - cora,carKO, ooaoai, ia oaoa Oora.OarVo, baab,lBbag OorD,BiUad baabelja baa. oat, w, aaaaat Ked Roaa Proof . raaa,Oow. ft baaoi H1UBH Oraeai. 9 BlkaUetara, f ' 1 00 a Waetara. ft 100 . KortbfilTer.fi 10 a HOOP IJtON a) torn.. LAKI Nortbarn. ft a ... Nortb CaroUaa,fl ft... LTMB bbl f ,n al nift TYrr SraajcBa.' BbJb Staff. raea wad. ft X ft.. O to 00 O 18 00 a is m BUM Boacb Bde PUak, ff X ft... weatiaoxa I I inll raiimea.au reillai iqaaUtj, fl Xft... i to iPiooma. avttiiT aad Boaraa, Baca, ei at ft. atoLXBBZa Mew cp JOaba, bbda New crop CUDav, DDJJ fl cat.. Porto lOeo.bbda. bbU aarHooaa, kkda, tal-. rreis ibla, ra NAXUi Cat, lOd baAia, fl kav. . OUJlroaeaa, ft ol Xafafd V X aU aa-- a Uaaaed. V gal. Boala.f) ral Tar. per ral Dock and epar.yor raj POULTRY CaicaaaauiTejcTOwa " Bprtar... Toxkry .... PBANUTB ittaaal POTATOES a weet, ft baabel. Irtab. ft b&l TO KX Norllru. City ataee... Prtjna, fl MU Rasp, v bol ItlCZ Caro i aa, fl Kocjrh. V bub BAGJi O .atry. fl cit. a BOPK , BJLLT AJaaa . ft baabel LlTerpooU VaacX, Llaboa, fl ac. ............ aaencaa. ft ack.. ....... BUOAK Cuba, ft 1 Porto Rleo, 9 A Coffee, fl ft B " fl O ft KX.O- fl Craabad. ft ft aOAP NorUera, ft ft.' , BBIKOUa-taairact, ft X..., Coeaaaoa, ft X CrpreeeSape ft X, Cmraaa Haarta W X ITA VX3 W.O.BbL, X... . X.O Hbd.,fl X TALLOW ft ft TlMBXa-hJpeinx. ft X BytraBblaplne Mill Prime, fj X Mill Pair, fix Ooeameat Mill LarleetoOrdmarj, fl X... WBXSairr-NorQieni, p gal.M NorU Carolina, ft ral . . . . . WOOL Uawaabed. ft Waebed.fl ft Barry Weol wiLBxirroxon axoifsv aabkbt Kxcaeare (algbt) oa New York Baltimore, Boston,. Philadelphia, .... WeeteraCUlea,... Bxcbaare 30 days 1 ft cent. Beak olfew Hanover Stock Pint National Bank,... X disci. M " H X " . - 100 80 125 svaaaa uoano vo. N. C Bands Old Kx-Coepoa . St 12 68 4 Do. FMdinclSM... Dow 1888. Do. New 4'a. Do, BpecUlTax Do. W N. O. Railroad.. 93 W.AW. R.R.BoodsT fie (Gold Int).lJ Carolina Central R. S Bonds, 8f c. ICS WO. OoL A Aug. K. B. " 108 wiimlnrteei City Boada, uw 8 fie. ...95 . - 8 96 New Haoover County. ...6 ftc trv W. A W. Railroad Stock 80 warth Carolina R. R. " 80 WlLGasUcbtOo. M,.45 WUaalaatojx Cotton XXUs 93 Bank of New Hanover. Authorized Capital $1,000,0H). Cauh Capital paid In 300,000 Sarplni Fand $50,000. DIRKG7 ORS. JOHN DAWBON O. W. WILUAM3. BONALD XcRAE B. VOLLERS B. K. BRIDOERB a M. STEDMAB ISAAC BATES, JAB. A. LEAK F. UnKINBTETN, B. & BORDEN J. W. ATXTNSON CtXAB. X. BTEDMAN, Preeldcnt. ISAAC BATES, Vice President. 8. D. Waxxacs. Caabler sag tO-tf Atkinflon & Itlannins Initiranco llooma, BANK OF HEW BAN OVER BUILDING, WUBmlataTtaai, N. C. Maaaaawaw Fire, HariK aiilafe Gompaiues. ATvrate Capital Bepreeeatad Over $100,000,0001 AIsL ABOUT WesternHorthCarolina If you waat to know all about tbe "Garden Spot" of tba Booth, send for a specimen copy of The Western Courier. I UU a rwENTT-XlUHT WLVM-WCCKLY. fall Of Interesting resiling matter, aad devoted to tbe mVareet ot Waaaara Moxtk tOaromia, ' m ; it ree - : - - -. TaE OOURXER COMPANY, Hendcrsonville, N . C. rep1 TKe admjhgStar ,40m tmmim ,; i 113:: IU 15 8 10 14 PTJBIISHD dally and weekly SiHiscrijtioii Ratesln Adjance 1 z DAILY STAR, One Year,'poaat:e paid,. " Six Xontha " TbroeMcmtba" " . One Month " " .$7 . 4 . 2 1 WUILI BTAK. One, Year postage paid, $1 50 six Mourn. " i oo f Tbree Months " ' M Notices of the Press: The Stab i decidedly one of the bet papers In the State, aa bright and newsy a ever. Loug lire to It. Saitm Press. Tbe Wilmington Star has entered on its twelfth year as rood a paper as any people ebonld want. Charlotte Democrat. The Wilmington Star has entered oa ita twelfth year. As a dally Journal of news it stands "np bead." Concord Reoutf. The Wilmington Stab has entered its twenty Aftb volume. There is oo better paper published In the Bute. Lenoir Topic. The Wllminrton Stab has entered npon its thir teenth year. It is one of tbe best papers in the Bute. Warrenion GautU Tbe Wilmington Stab has entered ita thirteenth year. It has become one or the leading papers of the Bontb. Oxford TorcXliaht. The Wilmington Stab la not only one of the best edited paaera in the State, bat for freshness ol news and typographical appearance cannot be beaten- Jackson Reporter. Tbe Wnmlnston Stab la one of the very best pa pers in the Sontb, in every department from typog raphy np to editorial ability aid independence. PUertbtrqVa) IndeX'Appiai. We like tbe Stab because it Is thoroughly relia ble, candid, fearless, and ao wall and ably edited, newry, spicy, and in fact a perfect newspaper. Long may tbe Stab twinkle. Ml Airy Visitor. Although at the bead of the press in this State in all that makes a paper valuable to tbe reader, still it continues to improve. It la a Stab of the first magnltade. May its lastre never wane. The Free WUBcaotUt. Tbe Wilmington (N. C) Xobhino Stab is a mo del newspaper. Indeed, we think we do not exag gerate IU merit when we say it is the newsiest (sec ular) paperpaDiieaed in ine souui. jitcnmona( ya.) ReOakm HeraiL Tbe Wilmington Stab baa now entered npon ita thirteenth year and twenty-nftb volume. One of tbe beet conducted and edited papen in the South, and. aa a Nortb Carolinian, we are proud of it. Tarboro AmtXemer. Tbe Stab la so well and favorably known in this section of tbe State tbat we can say nothing of which tta thousand of reader do not already know. It is In every respect one of tbe beat dailies in tbe south. jcooesoma. Tbe Wilmington Stab haa entered on Its twelfth year. It is a most excellent newspaper, well edited' a compendium of all the news of the day, and an Kama a I j.w ti lUnpfk fuvilln. and ia N.rth Carolina journalism , Chartoite Observer. That magniflcent beaming Stab has completed IU twenty-second volume. It is ie of the most brUliaat, erudite aad sparkling dailies sontb of the Potomac. Tbe system in the get op of the paper aaroaaaea them alL Tarboro Southerner. Tba Times cannot say a word "too good for tbe Wllmmgten Stab, it has jost reacned one or its many birthdays, Aa a newspaper it is a favorite with tbe Bute press and la sought a after by the peo- pie. Long and prosperous lifi a to i.ReidsvUle Why is It that all the papers with the name of Star are aach bright little journals T Tbe Wilming ton (N. C. ) btab, the Washington Star, Fredericks burg Star, New York Star, tor example There must be something in a name after all Richmond iVa.iStaU Tbe Wilmington Btab. we are pleased to notice. still eontlnues on tbe high road to success. We es teem the Stab very highly, regarding it as one of the very beat of oar exchangee, and conaider it tbe peer of any Journal published in tbe South. Ox ford Frm Lames. Tbe Wlbnlngton Btab la now taking tbe regular midnight Associated Press reports, and has besides increased the amount or iu reading matter, xne Stab is an excellent paper. IU prosperity is not surprising cince it Is so deserving, G4rto& Ob- Tn Xobbtbo Btab. erne of tbe best dallies we know, aad aa a newspaper, iaour opinion, tbe very beet, has entered upon Us twelfth year. In every partlealar tbe Btab comes fully up to tbe marie aa tba principal daily la our chief commercial city. Leag may It twinkle. AUsmance Gleaner. Tbe Wilmington Stab has entered upon its 12th volume, and we are pleased to notice Btul continues on tbe road to success. We esteem the Stab very highly, regarding it as one of the very best newspa per that comes to this office. -Its news columns are always a little fuller tbaa- those of any other of our exchanges, and Its editorial department Is con ducted wltksjnnch ability. Moraaton Blade. Humble in Ita beginnings, aa was inseparable from aa enternriae begun amid tbe wreck of fortune tbat attended tbe collapse of tba Southern Confederacy, tbe Btab has steadily ,-waxed' until it now beams resplendent tn tbe fall glow of a constantly bright ening prosperity, as a newspaper n has rew equals, aad no superior, tor appropriate selection and a dicions arrangement, aad we are proud to rank It among our most acceptable exchanges. Hilisdoro Recorder. Tbe Wilmington XoBjnxe Star has entered upon tbe thirteenth year ox 1U existence, and we take this opportunity to congratulate it upon iu prospe rity and deserved popularity. Tbe remarkable suc cess of the Stab is due" to Its strict attention to basin eaa The boast of tbe Btab (rightfully tooK Is that it always baa the news, aad tola is the first thing In journalism. Otherwise; tbe Danex is all that tbe term of "good newspaper" implies, and its corps of editors and reporters are thoroughly, edu cated newspaper men. May the healthful, moral. Influence of tba Stab never be retarded, and may its genial, enterprising proprietor enjoy many more happy years of usefulness. Gotdsooro Metaenqer. TOE RAtEIGII Christian Advocate, Edited and Published by BLACK &EEID Raleilll. H.C Is tbe organ of about 69,000 Methodists in Nortb" Carolina, and has the largest circulation of anv pa per tn tbe Bute. It gives too markets," secular and religious news. Is a weekly, eight page, religious, tastily newspaper. . Only $8.00 per annum. Sub scribe at once. Advertising rates liberal. . Ian 24 tf The ledncpln Progress PtiKiihed ScdnrdaytiU Lintdnion, N. C. IB tha only 'paper 'published In Lincoln county and baa aa extorsive circulation among tbe Xer chants. Farmers and 811 rlasses of business men In the Bute. It offer to tha Merchants of Wilmington a ie alrtbia medium 1 for---advertising - their - business tnrearnoat Western North Carolina. " ' Liberal terms will be allowed on yearly adver tisements Bubacrtotloa price, $3 00 per annum In n .- ' 1 . - - araaa v. H. Da LANK. . . , ,BQlUra4. Proprietor. TlieCentrai Protestant AWEEEtiY RTfr.TQIOTJB AND FAMILY NEWS IV. paMcaadtaeOranef the Methodist Protes tana Cnarcb - In Nortb; roT'. Is published at ' reenaborev N. C . - - .. j Terms, $t 00 per aanuui.ln advance. ' Tbe eliribflitv of iU location, the number and ao , Uvlty t USAgenta, Bndthacoriatantlyincre&sing do- maaa ror it.amm vn more aeua classes oi readers la virion section, give the CENTRAL peculiar. -t npeil the patronage ef the advortlang public. Terms very favorable.' Consult your business inter aatad addresa tbe editor V. rf i . : - .. ' - - J. U XICHAUI, " . tSreensbero, N. C I Still Insist rpHAT I AX NOT 1 THM GERMAN BARBER, w...,t h '..J A .J .la In 4V- fTH. - Xy Baloon may always be found neat and oomo& ubla,and ppUte Wexkmen- who ace ever, ready to Janlfltf No. 9 8. Front st. 00 00 25. 00 ,!l PBWCESS STBEET. ... MOST THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED PRINTING OPTlQgf W.TH:ClTr. . 1 ; 7.VA' BOOA', NEWSPAPER db MERCANTILE rRINTLNQ AND BINDING, !l CHEAP FOB CASH. i :; ! ALSOy . i : U ii THEATRICAL 'P0STERS PROGRAMMES dk TICKETS. INSURANCE PRINTING. BILL HEAPS, CIRCULARS CARDS. DODGERS. 1 STEAMSHIP. STEAMBOAT AND RAILROAD WORK EXECUTED IN QUICKER TIME , AND BETTEB STYLE THAN Bi ' ANY OTHER OFFICE I A WILMINGTON. . FIRST CLASS WORK AND LOW PRICES THE MORNING STAB STEAM PRINTING HOUSE, PRINCESS STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED i, .... j TO AND WORK SENT TO ANJr PART 0V THE UNITED STATES, C. O.D. j m m m- - SMALL ! ORDERS EXECUTED WITH 2 HA II'- " SAME PROMPTNESS AS I LABGEB ONES. ! ) - L The Best Paper. Try It. ! I i ' Beautifully Uliistrated. V ' ' " 35 til YEAR; The Scientific . American, j rrHB SCIENTIFIC AMSMCAN is a large Flr - Class Weekly Newspaper of Sixteen-Pages printed in the most beautif ul style, PSOFUBBLE ILLUSTRATED WITH SPLENDID ENGRAV INGS, representing: tbe .newest inventions and: tba most recent advances In the ArU and Sciences; In, eluding New and Interesting Facts in Agriculture, Horticulture, the Home--aealth, Progress. Social Science, Natural History. Geology, Astronomy. The most valuable practical papers by eminent wri ters in aJQ departmenU of Science, will be found in the Scientific American. 1 Terms. $8.80 per year, $L60 half year, walcb In cludes postage. Discount to Agents. Single- co pies, 10 cents. Sold by all Newsdealers. Remit by. postal order to XUNN A CO.. Publishers, 37 Jfark JttOW ow, New Tort. the and Foreign Patents, have had 85 years' experience, and now have tbe largest establishment -in the world . PatenU are obtained on the best terms. A special notice is made in the SCIENTIFIC AMERI CAN of all Inventions patented through this Agen cy, with the name and residence of the Patentee. By the immense circulation thus given, pablie at tention is directed to the merits of the new patent, and sales or introduction often easily effected. . Any person who has made a new discovery or In vention, can ascertain, raza or chars a, whether a patent Can probably be obtained, by writing to Mukh & Co. We , also send raxa our Hand Book about the Patent' Laws, Patents,' CaveaU, Trade- Marks, their coets, and new -procured, with hinU far procuring advances on Inventions. Address for the Paper, or concerning Patents. . VTTVN Am 9t H.vb- -KTn Tn.V. Branch Office, cor. F. & 7th fits., Washington. D.C. nov 1 tf j . . - i THE LANDMARK; PUBLISHED AT' 81A1ESVILLB, IREDELL C0.t JV. CJ !,.' . jj IS THE ! Leading Newspaper in Weitern Korth " Carolina, It' It Is the only Democratic Paper published In Ire- dell County one of tbe largest and wealthiest conn ties in tbe State and has attained a larger loca. circulation than any paper ever heretofore published in the county. IU circulation in Alexander, Wilkes, Ashe, Alle ghany. Yadkin, Davie and Iredell, is larger than that of any two papers-la the State combined; and is rapidly acquiring a strong foothold in Forsythe, Surry, Rowan andvrestern Mecklenburg. ..-. ; ; j It ia the only paper in Western North Carolina tbat employs a Rbshlab Cahvabsiko Aobkt, and thus kept constantly before the people. Under tbla system a rapidly increatdng circulatfou is tbe result making the Landkabk : THE REST ADVERTISING BIEDIUR1 ' IN WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA. ADDRESS. " LANDKIARK," ; " ' autegyflle. N.C Forest? ajici StreaiAiJ ,r.';-"it AND .. : . ":' 3 -'- j! JEr;ASl,OUJI AMERICAN SPORTSMAN'S THE JOURNAL . IP' : " I! . A WEEELF PAPER bSVOTED TO FIELD SPORTS,: PRACTICAL NATURAL HIS TORY, FISH CULTURE. PROTECTION OF GAME, PRESERVATION OF FORESTS, , YACHTING ANDrBOATTNG, RIFLE ! , -PBAGTICB.AND ALL OUT-DOOR RECREATIONS AND STUDY. This ia the only Journal In the Country that fully supplies the wants and necessities of the Gentleman Sporsirxtan. TERMS $4 00 a Year. .ii : -'l!- : f Bend for Specimen Copy Foraat 9c stra pBbllsklnsr Co.. - if 111 ST UAtAVM-DA'., vLD aO. 1UO,) - ' -1 ;l (t --- New York. Post Office Box SSSt. r aept 27-tf The Biblical Eecorder : - ; - rPBtiTBrTETTB ; . Edwardi, BronffHton A. Co. BALEJQH, N. C. . I T (t --:. REV. C T. BAILEY, Editor. H. HATCHER, Associate Editor. ; REV. Oman of Kortu Carolina Baptists ! In It 44th Year. j EVERY BAPTIST SHOULD TAKE IT At as Adyextiaing JlujlvM TJiiaunpatied Onl, 02.OQ per Year. ,1: Addreea dcct8-tf - w - Raleigh; -S.C. ; ThcniLlcBti qnHB OLDEST NEWSPAPER PXfBLISHED IN X - the Pee Dee seetfontnatba wealthiest and moMnioaianmBirr thaSUtaiOfferaOoBamteBa: and Wholesale MerchaatSJ and 'aarae&ismdc to tnose wno nave, aooptea me pianpr-aenmaj sy samnla. an excellent m rtlTrrra 7 rf " V iimTifi ih li 'artmr ' with alargeand Intnwitlal cJasstiBerchatttk;-e-J cnanics,pianiers ana navai store men, wnosaBE ronageie worthrsollcttation. iAdverttseatehta ar 4 Bnslness CardaUmertedonilaeral terms. ,'-s f ;' ' rMt.iAddresa ii : THE STAR, 1 sept S3 tf Marion. B.C. RAILROAD LINES. : onus ow QaVLgimaia vatioxxT. , i - ""Wlrmltfe CVXarcb: 11831. f J 9.5SP.X4 F! er Stains an tbe wtlmlng toaJk j Waldos bay Mall 'sini l Leave Wilmington, Jfroat sCiiepot, alL 6W ''JC- X Arrlyeat Wiad;,v;....; Leave Weldon-.A. .) i-. i .-. . . . .v.-, . . . . . . '4 " 444 p4 -M. Arrrre a -WilBdigton, Front St. Depot, llrlfi r. Xj Fast TkBOOeH Xatg aitb Pabsxitsbb TaAika Daelt Noa. 43 North aad 40 Soirrav , ? Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot, at 7.00 P. M. Arrive at Weldon,....., ............... l.OS'A. M. lW WaldoH;...... ... 6.4i P.X, Arrive at Wihnington, Front St. Depot, 13.06 A. VU Train No. 43 . Nortb will stop only at Rocky Point. Borgaw, Magnolia, Warsaw, Mt. Olive, Qoldsboro. Wilson. Rocky Mount, Xnfield-and Halifax. i : ; J- . : -t : Train No. 40 South will stop only at Hocky Monnt, Wilson, Qoldsboro and Magnolia. . j Night PAflsanaB, Mau. ahd Bxpaasa TaAiaj Nos. 45 Nobth and 42 Booth. - ; Tmm Wllmlnotnn Vrnnl St Tttrnnt' t. . 8 KS P.. M Arrive at Weidon - . 10-45 p, Xj Leave Weldon,... ; . :05A. Ml .Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot,' B.17 A'X Trains .oa Tarboro . Branch Road leave Rockj Mount for Tarboro at 8 05 P. M. Daily, and Tnea- day, Thursday and Saturday at 5X0" A. at. - Return- ing, leave Tarboro at 9.-50 A. M.- Daily,- and Mon. day, Wednesday and Friday at 830 . ak; - ' : Train No. 47- makes, close- connection at Wei don for all ttolnts -North: dailv . " "All rail vial Kichmond, and dally except Sunday via Bay Llae Train No. 45 runs via Klchmeaa. and Washing-, ton, and makes close connection i daUy to. Hicn mond, and dally except Saturday nights for all points nortn or menmona.- - Train ao. rune daily and makes close connection for- ail points North via Richmond and Washington.; ' " i 1 All trains run solid between .Wilmington and nosuuiuiuut um uaio muuitu raiwv .piccjicis, attached. ,. -C JOHN F. DIVINK. j General Sup't. A. POPB, Gen'l Passenger Agent,.- - V ., mbl3-tf : General Sup'ts Office, WILMINGTON COtCMBI A AU GUSTA B. K. COMPANT, WILMINGTON. N. C.. Feb. 1. 1881. Change of Schednle, ON AND AFTER FEBRUARY SO. 1881, at 3.85 P. M., tha following Passenger Schedule will bo run on this road: !..: i DAT PAMXKSKB,HAIIi ANO EZPBXSB TRAIKS.DArLT Nos. 42 West aito 43 East. Leave Wilmington 8.35 A.M. Arrive Florence 12:50 P. M. Leave Florence:... 2:33 P.M. Arrive at Wilmington... 8:40 P. X. NIGHT EXPRESS TRAINS (Dally)- -. Npa. 48 West and 47 : East; Leave Wlteington.. J....... ...11:85 P. X. Leave Florence......... 4:20 A. X. Arrive at CO. Ak Junction.......... 80 A.M. Arrive at ColambU 8:15 A M. Leave Columbia..... 10:00 P. X. Leave C. C. AA. Junction 10:20 P. M. Leave Florence. :00 A. M. Arrive at Wilmington ...... .... .6:20 A. X. Nioht Mail aho Pas8znxb Train, No. 40 Wibt, akd AoeoxxooATioN Traih, No 45 Bast, i Leave Wilmingten at. 13:25 A.M. Arrive at Florence. .. 4:10 A. M- Leave Florence 5:00 A. X. Arrive at Wilmington 12.00 X.- Trains Nos. 42 and 43 stop at all Stations. Trains Nos. 47 and 48 stop only at Brinkley's, Flemington, Whlteville, Fair Bluff, Marion, Flo rence, Timmonsvflle, Xaysville, Sumter, Camden Junction and Easton. - . No. 40atopa only at Flemington, Whlteville, Fair Bluff and Marion. - Na 45 stops at all Buttons. Passengers for Columbia, and all points on G. A CvB, R.. C, C. A A. R. R. Buttons, Aiken Junc tion, and all poinU beyond,, should take No. . 40 or 48 Night Express. , Separate Pnlunan Sleepers for Charleston and for Augusta oa trains 40 and 47. All trains run solid between Charleston and Wil mington. ' i ' - JOHN F. DIVINE. Gen'l Bunt. A. POPE, Gen'l Passenger Agent. feb.20-tf CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILROAD CO. It u 5 OmoaOxxBBALt Wilmington, N. C, Dee. 12, 1880, Change qfrSohednle. VN AND AFTER DEO. H, 1880. the follow! f Schedule will be operated oa this R all road; ASSSNGER AND EXPRESS TRAIN: Dally except Sundays M . Leave Wilmington at "'v1 ! Arrive at Charlotte at kt- ) Leave Charlotte at W0, f Arrive at Wilmington at . . . . ..9:10 A.M. ..ft-.lO P. X. ..8:30 A.M. .3:20 P. M. . Trains Nos. 1 and 3 stop at regular stations only, and points-designated In the Company's Time Table.- '' PASSENGER, MAIL AND FREIGHT 1 Leave .Wllmlnrton at... ...5:30 P. X. No. 6. J. Arrive at Hamlet at... 1:26 A.M. 1 ' .Charlotteat.... 8:15 A. X. 1 Leavo Charlotte at. 7:30 P. X. No. 6. V Arrive at .Hamlet at 1:26 A.M. f Wilmington at... 9:45 A. M. No. 5 Train is Dally except Bandar, but no con nection to Raleigh on Saturday. No, 6 Train is DsRy. except Saturday. SHELBY DIVISION, PASSENGER, MAIL, EX PRESS AND FREIGHT. w. ) Leave Charlotte. wo- f Arrive at Sbelbr. . 8:35 A. X. ..13:35 P.M. .. 1:85 P. X. . . 55 P. X. Leave Shelby.. j Arrive at Charlotte.. . No.4 Trains Noa. 5 and 8 make " close connection at Hamlet to and from Raleigh, except aa above, and at Charlotte with Trains 8 and 4 on Shelby Division; Throurh Bleeping Cars between Raleigh . and cnanotte. -de 12-tf V. Q. JOHNSON. ueaeraii CLYDE'S Mew Xdrk and Wilmington' Steamship Line, The Steamer B'E N E F ACT O R, Capt, JOBTBS, ; WILL SAIL FROM NEW- FORE, sat nrelar April 16. say-Shippers can rely upon the PROMPT BAILING "--it-vi-i-" of Steamers as advertiseLf : For Freight SnFagenienU apply tat,, . : THOntS E.' BOND. BnpermsendenV - - i iWilnitegton. I'.C. ;Ttieo. G. Bcarv Freight Agent, I ; ' " --NewYorkV 1 General Agemta,v idee tf ,t .. , 8&Bre4wajrMew,York.. leeway, j PARLE. LCtNEWSPAPERS, BUXTi forWranninr and other ntrrnoass be bod StUeBTAJI OFFICE: - M ANT QUANTITY Change oreduIc, v' t ; : I - it - ' ; .- A - APTI3 II TI ill R iab-tr y By addresslRK qBOMJStxit: ak CO. 10 Spruce Bt2 KewTork; caaaarrCn exact cost ;o( any proposed Hh of ADXfRrnyw la Aalrl. can newspapers, tw ltrva-asia raaapaiai, A TKAJt and expense to areata. Ontflt Free. Address P. O. VlCK KHTrAUguala, Maine. diflflrt ajreaxto Arenta. and htperiael Otrtl 9999 free. Addreea F.SwAni ACo.. Avgnia,M aptlmDAW. r. , . ; CTIIE DCOuH C0TT0:i OtfU OlMnatfMaadt)ea,"euA llKAtarsrina fastert and ooatav ta rnoney tteaw any other OIn In the market." Tha brush ia aajuatabte) auMf H tiaa drhr fnaj pvttay:M:teRaAlort tiala vary .maohin madwof thai baat matartal una tuny una la-ally sruiirantaao. Price Lift Of et58Faedert aad Coadeaaer. J ----awTft 'a suf eaaaaaw - aL ' W R R ; i - j I . " Prloe wtta I prloa uj aim Prlof Belt 81T Due"' Olns. Paaderor Paater aad Copdanaw. Omul it r. ' a0Bw 75 00 rrfioo 0 ' 0 , ' 38 ' I7W ila . IU M loo oo latao; 5 - lit SO " ) 00 17 t 60 - 12& oo. inn . . new - 60 " 140 00, 1W) 00 . BO0 70 10 00 4 00 -aM to " . . iHw aasao. m o Tbe above prioaaare for tba manhma boaad ready for shipment and delivered at oar factory, vrmnaaae nrlee delivered a any aoeeatibla pointy tree ot fraht. If desired. Established 1843. at Ootambus, Oa., ondar bum of K. T .Taylor & Oo removma; tn last to New London, Ot., where the preeent firm Ita'ameo canted on tba bustneas. In adTTTWhrn o opr aiready aneqoand facilities we have aaseted anoabar iug factory, tbna doubling our capacity of-manufacture. Get yw orders taat itut sail avptd a yoaribfllty of delay. fytraSndneemeit to estiy eera. Bead for lllUBti'atpd' paliuSteB' string MBW-aaaaaantilal-froni - ; Iumflrpa'if ot eBJEtae aaaatera. rreaaaf, Thiglasat aad eomplate outat foralahad whanealred. ' Addreaa BROWN COTTON GIN CO., New tjoadoa, Caaa. JOHN .DAWSON A CO.; AgcnU, ap 10 DAW5m . Wilmington, N. C. HAEBLE r.ioiui;i its Crave Stones. FIRST-CLASS WORK AT LOWEST NSW YOUA PRICKS. DESIGNS BENT BY MAIL. WORE PACKED AND SHIPPED. AT OUR RISK, TO ANT PART OF THE SOUTH. RICHARD WATIIAN A CO., $T Lafayette Place, New York,. Wathan's MonumenUl Designs, in book form.foi sale to the Trade. . dee 4 DAWtf PRESCRIPTION FREE FortheRpeedytTuj-eorNertov We akaeaa, Ioat 'Vitality, Pre ma tare Debility, Vervoaaaeea, . Besi iadaer, voaraaiea er, Aoeaa, avereiea ta Socfet brour! Aaydi r, Defect! re areaiery. and all Ilaorani ht oa by Indiscreet Habits and "Kxeeaaea. rarriat has tha larredleata. ' BfnT m film SAL0 ENVELOPE. A00REB8 0R.W.8. JAQUCS, 130 West Birtk St, CDI0TJIHATI, OHr mhSHAWly N. A. 8 TED n AN. Jr. ..' Attorney and Coantellor at Law. BLLZABETHTON, BLADEN OOUNTT, N Office Up stairs, in Brick Building, occupied t RlnaldlACo. Special attention to Claims. Collections on asm Of $100 and upwards made for Five Per Cent. If without suit, - Drawing Deeds. Mortgagee; Ae. a specialty. -. jao a-DAWtf Health is Wealth TR E. O. WESTB NERVE AND BRAIN U TREATMENT a apeUfio for Hysteria. Coa- valslons. Nervous Headache, Mantel Depression, Lessor Memory, Impoteney,. Prematare Old ate, eaased by over. exertion, excesses, -or' over- indat- Sence, which - leads to misery, decay and death, ine box will cure recent, cases. Karh box con tains one month's treatment. One dollar a box. or six boxes for five dollar! sent by mall prepaid oa receipt of price. t We guarantee six boxes to cure any case. With each order received by a f or six boxes, accompanied with Ave dollars, we will send the purchaser bur written guarantee to re tarn the money if the treatment does not effect a : cure. Guarantees issued by WX. H. GKBKN, Drug- t, (successor to Green m Planner), Wilmington, C. Orders by mall will receive prompt atten tion. mbit-DAWly $500 Reward ! WE WILL PAY THE ABOVE REWARD FOR any case of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, lndigestioa, Oenettpetioa or Costlve ness we cannet cure with. West's VegeUble Liver Pills, when the directions are strictly complied . with. They are purely VegeUble. and never fall to give eatlsfacticA. tmgar Coated. ' Large bexaa, conuining 80 Pills. 15 cents. . For sale by all Drug gists. Be ware of eounterf eKa and ImlUtion Tbe Snuine manufactured only by JOHN O, vVBBT "The Pill Makera, 181 A 181 W. Madison 8t; Chicago. Free trial package sent by mail pre -paid on rectipt of a 8 oent stamp. ; , mnsaujEw ly High-BredDogSs i English;- ektsh and Gordon better, of the Choicest Breed, with guaranteed pedlgreea For sale by X. P. WELSH. aoVT BAWtf York. Pena. Lowell Hacloine Shop. MANUFACTURER3 OF EVERY DESCRIPTION COTTOH.UACHUrERY Ui - Of most' Approved Patterns and with Recent lmprovrmeau. PeroUi nery " :jt ALSO, v TUnBINE WI1EBJL8, Shafuna; anal bearing, lTydraa lie Pretfca aatai- Pnmpi, Elevator, Ace. PLANS FOR COTTON AND PAPER MILLS. ,. C. L. HILDRETH, Bup't. ;' ' :- v ' LOWELL, MAB8. -. . WX. a! BURXE, Trass., tub Sir - 2 StateBtreef, Boatoe. '.".,' 1 . 'i" 1 i. i". The Favetteyilio, Examiner, i . i ' A ' ' " ' ! ' .... ..." Weekly Democratic Newspaper, . .",s v ;: PaMisaedat ' yATETVlLXE, NORTH CAROLINA, '.4ts. v.? :-' Bt:;r.--- - i'- Term $3.00 a' year1 In advance. Bend for m spe eunen copy. my 6 U

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