n f) . ijt- gonting -flar. thk nw erim r. TIKNCBk" , (r ihlbori't receipt for makiog a brj ,r'o ' h follow iog : U you "o receipt for that potior mystery ,t, K. n.xen to th wort J as heavy dragooo. rit eii ia rcJrib rHT bxorj. lt.t; extra Mi wjwpoiWMW iCt'Tf . ,raiu of l'.mrci Jeweis pUn r hj Huaor of Field ig. which aounrf ea- tralicwry. pui oece of Jatia. ta eaaTaeat mojico. Wit f llMialif. h wrot nf j jo Aaae. T'ic pth of Pa.JJy a roJ!rJ by Bou h4: tf tlio Bishop of Sx!or ai 5Io rs Ja of J'Ory. dirtied of qaack- ery r Nrrciv powsr of Dick tot aod Tback- V ct.'f Eaimeo wt, Peak huottog PirtriL r'j. m. aJ Doctor tcoverU, r , r j l luayoo. Ututei Dfo, ri f tao e'era-a: !! tht is fusible. M- taet ni 4 ia la a pp.o or cracibt. Hit t j4t o ttar ani uit c2 t& acuta. is ill tb Wbit I!ok, aaj ir rroajf iQuiacrciioa io : .M'-I u '!: ripUoo for tb Crtyl Mr ennof i wis, well m t:. -r- - V il itq4su, dtoaaaJ ,al iapl 'rat i . ppr upon ib roa t a n a U Rut occ atr: "I do oot ; y pr rcf t fi tibboo la h iU cDx)e ttcrle b5t baa ttc4Qia u; of ibe cala- Mr. (tirtntJ apch t the j ,ii'.:ai of lis Farraji (ata )rtrdj N it tu u'ficr pcb were tj looj. 5ut '. tTwiJoi" w.t Jat loe eooajb. .V i.iiti;(W iAm .M. ' . . lh atitnjf.oQ ;jr slate M ,1 -ry U nrl cfjjftjr wa prvvcatcil r uia :tecdic ib uareiUac ccrccaoolea jfttcr I.y !rcua : tramp Carr-.rd off bia iMnonn' "Ii all 00 acroaat cf 'i., -.,' tQe car!M oott rTaot. Hr roayioti b4 tMrca traatiog Mr. Ell it. :, plvaet:ci3. t carc.'ul rrJtog of bia ci f J .ct poctaj Mr. Ellia' pbooetic .'Utcnatof tbea rUiO wUl aaabl ir r.!er to reprtIttce Ht. Teooytoo't : i Q(4 ccat caily aa a roaaiciao u r;)rf act ratine fron aota LoxUnx rh f iq 1 tor iho l'uj tnomoriaJ i:iw;iuao'. io tatr. lrk. New York, 11 iu.juo' u J,'; 01H yet ioScial pur:b) a utab. puce of tlatuary. ) or iw ) addr.tuoal pffortaioce 10 t 1 r tTt faad aoJer'ct'Ml 10 t ta ";tf:aip;::oo Sir Jo.rnb JctTfruo Ue t -mil wi:'ioo'a act for it. ucder rniNULiNUv - I'he four ouioia lamer frora Ni or 4. oo T i?Jy tojk S.TA) letter. A i'riiiiol CabA jast compleleJ itua po-ultioo uf 9.'1).0. a co -:or-i i);-.u:aii Q of 4i.i,OW, ami t biocae i.j ;:a Yh aabjtfct of the New York V , ..' Fair i riio Mr. Vaoderbitt, a ii .'ersto'-nJ, wtil pratt fellow-cui- thr ihoa, a b ha of?srd - i. !. tbe reatrtctioo oo bia aubacnp I h- committee ay tbey will be att 1 i a n fS.OOO.OOO to bzia oo. A ti wly-tnArrie J Uily. who, as ii iuty Nmad, w Try foaJ of ber ban n.., uxit &.toJiOi ba ettreme ottaee .r ;:rt)o. ooce atd lo wjtty frteod: Vini do yoa tbtnk? My baabwod laid at tipy jqtoaa tar a Fanre b.boeo. Jaat to "i tne Wei, in Jat l;ke him " iir r-tiucrfpL Th New York priou K.)il of D-.ab joor." boc Ihe reeordofl73 my cCcera who have bcea trted, cooict- J md diamuiaed aiacw ISSTfor varioa of 'aM. t? for itesliof. 70 for ooctoUcmea ly cooiact. SO for drtaokktooew aod the riace for vaioua other cffeoM. Of the i ooiy j wr (TaJala froco Weal i'otet, 'lia mr I TO betaf aDpoiated from civil if Oay oo of the Wot Potot ftradaatre oroaed a thief. - A hoo pointer who i t work o a acaffjtdio threw eloriee from the ruuod falls from it apots the rdwaik. br t limp sad appareatly lifeleae. A crowd of beoeroieat folk aurrouad b im id labor with him ttll hie pales retoro ad hie tyvlids befio io flatter, wheo i'3ud accAitaa place a glu$ of water Io a hp. The SaSeret (feebly) "How maay ttoriee dee a fellow hare io fail la tale ward before he gra braadj. dara ye?" I'OLITICAL POI.MT. Ii bogias to look as if Garfield ad made Bp Bhi m'.od t Ba acrao lofla qcs wtta aa 43ilaistrUao. F!UL lirw, 1-uL An inquiry is bogiaotog to go truuaU the coastry as to bw this admio tratloo is goJoy; to ad en I outer. rii. 1 1 nut, IniL Sscator Cooklicg teu aj if be t nought the Mopla maJs a mUtaka in not eiectiai hlna Prssideotof the UattAi Sutee. Puestb T tbery did, bcrt lhy aavw foaad it out OlA. ta. Dm. G jrhaca i tb ebampiorn politic cai acrobat aad hsrleqaio.ex-QreODackir. x-Uoaarablw B4k aai prtseot candidal, for Secretary of lbs United State Senate. An hoflMt Bod able) BJmLDUtr iioq of tbs foramal. the procopt Uao tctioo of tha pa bite baioe, aod tb maio teoaaca of sound flaaacUI r'ca are tbw fonjtnost datiea cf tl tocr. Wttb tbAM It U matUr UuU wastber tha oOeara of th SQie remain Decnocfetic for a fw nooths Tooftr or oot. ULi0iukn lispvii A grtil frinod of Coakliog io Nw York has rtceaUj 0itd patsage t Europe?. Ue told Oakhof of it lb Hber day sad, waateU V in ll h eoald lotaytaioi fortb Utifl4-alj!i(3 9oator. Thera is a fat or, iAiJ CbokJiA.. "ihat I ouid itk u bati too da for m." "What thai? - fy ad ti frUod. 'Take Uarfieid witib yoa." saal Oooalta;. nP-p.ehly-l ji tf 2-7W. Jmd. Hotice W I OFTYS TBI LAROX3T ATOCX OF BID luaaa. ataeisaBMa. aOe Boards Baay Ca- as. WavdsBea tow. UawM. Ijuior. Bbsr. Library. C SU sad IMamA-Boosa Farat at 1 1 at BrIM. aawf veeul to be 4- tlUw rAia ea4 sasd a 9M tf tltabar. J -B, - . r m aooTiso chilxjs Down Tm nAcx. Oa pl ta Hi Qab. uutt. vi'i rmomt, ct aponMcAla( rrr u4 Un wtttemt 4U Bottar'a Kmicl BIttara. hk-H nownuirMiMauMMXioiiftiiiinmiA bac fMord to kltAy coodlUoa- ika dlria u ror t ail Drojxt and DmIct rncraDr aotDoiLftWi7 uUm am Is the Best and Mosi Agreeable Preparation in the World. Kor Coeaatlptlon. BllIoaittieM, Meji4lavc. Tot-plil Utw, Ilcrm- orrtaoi4l, In31spottlon, and call Diorf3erw avrlalns frotxi an ot trnrle?3 state or tne jrtena. I rl1 aad ekiUrM. aad tao who diallka tla pOJa 14 lliwuii madldsM. am mw. clllr plMtd wftA lu imlili qnailTlea TKtjrTC-FRCTT LAJCATTVr xa&J b ui " to nj u aja or a 1 mi carrallT. , aa4 wblJ 1 pre tola nmd. It U tna ta IUM moll m lb axon la ax Price 25 cts. Large boxes 60c. Sold by all first-class Druggists, cab 3 DtodAW UUm r tar 4tmtkuMii, Taa llt k rrrf I fo mm Moo Brctera tro Kv . . k It I It may eaa voair life, ft riae ssi ail Imm arwde. I rUbTi-Bai- NEYO FAIL ap I eodlaiaw taUes o aTRUETOIUc. IRON' IIITTIIRS ar hlgblj muninxtuKl Ur all di.eea.vs rcTjuiring a cvruia and rfiicicnt tonic; mrwciAilj IiuUjrcstioii, DysjwpsLa, Inter mittent Fevrnt, Want of Appe tite, of StrengtL, Lack of Uncrjry, etc. Emriciu (is blood, stre'j.iens te sikjt&j, riui oirr new life to (A tma They act like a charm on th lirive organs, removing all dyspeptic svTaptocRS, uch a lasttng Lieooti, bUtegt kf'U Lit t.BKvrA, inirfi'sne, tie. TM tmly L 'Xi Prrparatim that will not bheLen t.U UrtX ar ffic ktttdaeke. Writs for th ABC liouk, 32 peg amoaing and aacfal reading, tenifrtc 11IMJWN ClIKMICAL. CX)MI.Vy, Daltlmorc Md. aa DAWlr a madam Whose complexion betrays some hrrmllUtln imperfect Uoo, wltoso mirror tell yoa thai yon are Tanned. Sallow and disfljTTrred In countenance, or hare Ernptlons, llfidness, Bonghncss or xmwTioIeBome tints or wmplcrioti, toy use Hasan's llagnolla BAlm, It Is a dellcatet harmless and delLshtfal article, producing the most natnral and entranc ini? tints, the artificiality of which no obeerrer ean detect, and which aeon become per manent ir the Magnolia Balm fa Judiciously nsd. ap 8 let X XXV J AAA w waaaw A LARGE AJSOSTYD rTOCE OF B AB . gaddiss. Bridles, dollar. Whip ead everything bt th its kept m s First- aUtabhaasMoA last arrtred, sad will aau bm thaa aav other establishment la tbs ear Bepalrtai l Bouca. ss g. Trtmala ar sad Palauardoa al faesory. oa bird, a at abort earns 31 a4 Utm, 3 rr T rrwTtV 4 hy trmlm t f rm tcrt&K uui mi 7 i ej . ut 1 Mr -oc k. to r Moo ttar . I a Hop B. B fs arc )im Mfc jh UTMtna fw h- rtJa' M a efci o I nam, artn rrom fMkaakatnM UeM f cs a iwt MOO w ittea wwnr y ", rA. Tknuai 41 aa tinn T.a ti f I ll aeMkUyrrom mm aV y zfmtjv JJJ j tJJ r t jjt I d n oy ta or lliiii''l. I T t ttl ! ir ii r-r--tf. f 1 k?e hbb Mop J A Mopeltttsrs Ittsrs. 1 It y . ae arrnas arrw ccv, j a t ii ot. sVMtf r. H. HATDET. :i .)' 'r,'taal gar-oar raaaocud b UMezstoM. rep ?ZXZ2SSSSS3i BACONNorth CeroUaA, IS O 13 OO to 1 Vl-Q 14 10 o iom 0 6 s . . X o o X 4 O 6 ....... Man. V -. . wtca BBioki- CLUBS.. ......... . 81dM.ft Btoaldart..... w.- .. . BiHRTCT HptriiTarp UD BU9WA.B . B&lCKwttalactot, K.. iiwwcra.. VorUMffB. CLND Tallow. ft ut,9 oorruliTt, v wo, v OO RN MEAL .tmhU McXf wnvii Tin 'fixm.. I IMXaTI-8bjttM4.y4 I fan. buA Z.. I ruo.. riAH KacAeraJ. Ho. 1 . txaL.. wo, t, v K Mi MacAarl72f a. t. V bbL Wo, l 9 M bbl.. BeteaaTVl.!, J btxL.. do rwkbblj... R. O. BarrtBr. Bo, ka.. DrrOod.fJ O ft co a o oo a too a i v rarmr'a toaaoJto. 1, tOOO io. wo. a. Do. Loboa, Baofb'a,Pbopbates " OaroUaa Farullaar. Uroond Boa. Boa Maai. " nomx, - WayaaaeQaittc, . Ootaplcaa Maaaxa Wbaoa'a Pboapaat " WaadoPboapbata. Barrar BaU'b Faocpb. " KzeaUaaaaOottow WmUl&u FLO UK Una. 9 bbl. ........... apar. Sortaara, 9 bbl.... Bztrado. ' bbl...... Family " bbl.M... C3 ty MiHi Xrtra, ai.t... iFaaUly, bbL.. Xx.FaaUr. bbl... OLtrm w fc. AKAXH Oora,la atore, la oara. Cora, cargo. V oaaaei, m doik Oera.Oarxo, f bmabjtabaci Oora.auxaaw ssasei.ia ssca. Oats, W baaaal. ...... Red Rase Proof Pass. Oow. baabsl . aiDd Oraa, HAT-BAacaVtioa'. S Waetara. w loo ........ a oop I som e) too LAKI Mortbsra, . WortbCamMas.fi M. LIMB bbl LDMBJLa-OrTT BvaAxflA Balp Bts-g.rasswsa, w M n.. Roaxb Xdxs Plaak. M ft... o toot O IBM a is n onoo Waat LaAUOai li"' aa , -i as ii 1 ex to qaaftty, W Mft... i tcsauiar sad Boards, KOLABaXB Ww epiOsbs, aadj Maw crop OSbs, bbis p cA.. Porto Eteoybbds, bbls.. Itnt Homss, aids, 9 ral.. . " " bbls, eat.... Brrap, bls, ISA, SAXto Cat, lad basis. 9 bag.. . 1L Kerossas, V Cai.. Lard. i T . U V. I Koala. v) cl.."."" Deeit aS5p par. par gal POULTKT CfctrSans,nsxrowa Bpriai... Tarrey PBAJfTJTB V taasl potato a wawt, 9 baabsl. . . Irtab, aj bbl PORX Rortbera.Ctty Mess rrtms, 9 boi Raws. V bbl .... SUCB Carolina, 9 Boaxb. 9 bean ... A&3 C -utry. 9 CUT. ) BOPK ALT Alam. bathsl Lrrerpool, vascx, Lis boo, 4 sacs... Aonertesa. 9 aacA.. . STJOAii Caba, ., Poeto Rteo, 9 ...-... . A ooaes, w a b - S3 a C"" Sfc sS e XX.O- Crasbed. 9 SOAP Northsra, 8HPOT IH Oneitract. 9 M OypraasBapsw M. Oiprss Haerts 9 M. BTAVfa W.O.BbL, M B.O BTwL-W M TALLOW lb TIMJ1B2 Bbipwtax. M atraasjppias;... MU1 Prims, It. , MlUFair, J H. am am 1 1 MM. . . . . WBOBXEY Northera, J gal. North Carotma. jral .. . WOOL Unwashed, 9 ...... - - - " - w waabsd.s a Barry Wool LBXIWOTOI ONKW AABI Exchange (sight) oa New York, X disci. uaromors, m Boston. 2 " Philadelphia, Cities.. Errbsnre SO days 1 9 eent. Baak ofNsw Haacwsr Stock M 100 80 its FtretHettonal BaaAv. Wieaee QaaaoQo. ' N- C Bonds Old Ex-Ooopoa Si Do. FunoaglS64 .11 DO. 1868 it Do. New 4'e. et Do. Special Tex 4 Do. to K.O. Railroad 93 W. A w. BLBood T watGoid Intl. 11 6 Carolina Central B. JL. Bonds, ifJclCK WIL OoL A Aug. B B. " 10 Wlnlnrtsa Olty BoadA, new f c....9S 9 96 New Hanover County....! e fI3 W. A W. Railroad Block 80 North Carolina R. B. M 80 WIL Gas Light Go. " .,.45 WUaUactsa Oottoa MSls 86 Bank of New Hanover, Authorixod CTaplUtl Sl.000,000. 43ajh Capital paid In $100,000. Sarplnt Fond $50,600, DIREC1 OUS. JOHN DAWSON a M. BTEDMAN ISAAC BATES, JAB. A. T.EAE F. RHErjfSTKXN. K. B. BORDEN G, W. WILLIAMS. DONALD MdBAB H. VOLLERS B. B. BRIDGERB J. W. ATKINSON CHAB. M. BTEDMAN, PrsldaA ISAAC BATES, Vic Preeldaat. 8. D. Wat tics Pashlsr ' fang 80-tt AtMnBon & nanning's Insaraiio) JtKsmsv BANK. OF NEW HANOVEB BUCLDING, WUBBiBUrtABU If. 4V Fire, HariiB ui:W ConjaMei. ArroraU CaDital BsDresented Over S100.00(LSOOI I Tilf-U ALL .ABOUT Western-North Carolina If you want to know all about th "Gardes 8pot"of the South, send for a specimen copy of - i The Western Courier. It U TWENTY'SIGHT COLCatJt WEEKLY,1 fall of latereeeiBjr rsadmy mattsav iand deewted ta ths Uterssts U Wish rs siortn OssotmSV -, Addreew V : ' ' TUM CODTKR-COMTANY, HendersonvUle. N. C. The!' rl birttl hg Star 4' t ii sVgf-t i PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY SnliscrijtiflH Rates-la ;Atracc ; , :. i . DAILY 8TAJC Oas Tear. postage paid..... ..$7 00 . " SIX Montht " 4 00 - " TbxeellOBtfcj" " 2 Oae Kontb " " 1 00 WXXKXT STAR. Oae, Tear poetage paid, $1 50 BlxMoataa. ' 1 00 Three Mouths " " 60 Notices of the Press: The Sraa is decidedly one of the beat paper la the Stats, as bright sad sewry as ever. Long life to 1L Saltm Prtm. The WOmlagton Sraa has entered on its twelfth year m eood s paper as say people should want. ChariotU Democrat The WHxalnstoa BTaa has entered on Its twelfth year. As a dally Journal of news it stands "up head." Cbwcord RfUtr. The WHminrton Braa aaa entered Its twenty fifth th TOlome. There Is ao better paper published la the Bute. Ltnoir Topic. The Wlhnlngton Stab has entered npen its thir teenth rear. It is one of tne beet papers in tne Stat. Wamnton Gwttt ! tw wrhntaflim Braa has entered its thirteenth year. It has become one of the leading papers of the Boata. Oxford Torcfiuqru. The Wilmington Braa is not only one of the best edited pssers in ine oiaie, mu iur iisoutssa ui news and typoerapnicsi appearance cannoi De Deac- ea jacttom jt&oner. Ttui wnwiinatnn flfit ta out of the verr best Da- persla the Booth, la ererr dapartment from typog rmin nn to editorial ability aid Independence. PtUrtovtv Va-) JMUZ-Afpecu. w irks tbs Rf is beeanse tt Is thoroaebly relia ble, rsndMt fearless, and so well and ably edited, newer, spicy, and la fact s perfect newspaper. Loajt mar the Stab twinkle. ma Airy ymtor. Although at the bead of the press in this State in all that makes s paper Tsrasble to the reader, still it continues to improve. It is a Btaa of the first magnitade. May Its lastre Beyer wane. TTu Free The Wilmington (N. C) Moaxnre- Stab is a mo- eel newspaper, inaeoa, wo uuu we aw nut cuk rersie its merits when we say it is the newtiett (sec- olar) -paper pabliebed m the South. Eic$nonU Va.) RtUgioui Htroid. The Wilmington Stab has now entered upon its thirteenth year and twenty-fifth volume. One of tbs bsstooadacted sua edited pas ere m the South. and. ass North Carolinian. we are proud of it. iuTwT oowMsnMr. Tbs Stab Is ao well and f STorsbly known in this seetloa of the Stats that we can say nothing of which its thousand of reader do aot already know. It is la svsry xespectooe of the best dallies la the Boats. Jjeommnm. The Wilmington 8tab ha entered on its twelfth year. It is s most excellent newspaper, well edited s ooapeadmm of all th news of the day, and aa honor to its city, to Morth Carolina ana to Harta Carolina JoarnallKin. Cfiariotte Otmrver. That maralncesi beaming 8tab bas completed Its twenty ssrnnd volume, It is one of the most brilliant, erudite sad sparkling dallies south of the Pecomae. Tbesyatem in tne get up or tne paper aarpsssesthem i 1 all. a Tarboro Southerner . The Tfans cannot sav a word too for the WUmtngtsa Stab. It has just reachi one of its maay birthdsya. As s as newspsper it Is a Tavome wita. ta BtAka dhu man la sotuti :S4srer by taat peo- pis. Long sad prosperous life to It RtidmOs aTsaaa, Way Is It that all the papers with the name of Star sra each bright '. ittle oarnals f The Wilming- ton (N. O.) BTAB,ths Washington Star, Fredericks bort Stmr, New York Star, tot example There mast be eomethlaz in a name after all Richmond IVaJStaU. The Wilmington Stab, we are pleased to notice. till t"-""-- oa the high road to snocess. W es- tarn the Stab very hizhry. renrdins it as eae of the very best of our exchangee, and consider it the peer of say loarnal pubnshed in the South. 0& for&Frm Lmeu . Tha WQmington Stab Is now taking the regular auamgnt nssor iron rrees report, sna nas oeeaaes moreeeedths smoant of its reading matter. The Btab ts an exceUeat paper. Its prosperity is not sarprlsiag sino It Is so deserving.- ig. VAorwat oo- Tas Moaxrsa Stab. ne of the best dallies we know, and as a newspaper, is our opinion, the very best, baa entered upon its twelfth year. In every perucahu tha btab come ruiiy up to ue mark as the nnacipsi aauy m our cmex commercial aty. tieag may u twinaie. u uwtisate vmmtr. ' Tbs Wilmington Btab ass entered upon its lxth volant, sad ws are pleased to notice stUl continues en the road to success. Ws esteen the Btab very bighrft residing it ss one of the very best newspa per that comes to thisomoa. Ia news columns ar always a Bttle fuller than those of any. other of our exchanges, ana its eoitonai aepanment is con- ouetea wita mncn aomiy . jrovwwon jhoo. fiombl m iu begtanlngs. as wac Inseparable from an enterprise began amid the wreck of fortune that attended the collapse of the3ouuern coniederacy, the Btab has steadily 'waxed" aitfl it now beams resplendent in th l enmg presperuy. sad ao semerior. 1 dicsosa arrangement, and we ar proud to rank it tour most acceptable exchanges. auuooro Th WUminaton MoaSTN Stab has entered upon the thirteenth year of its existence, and we take this opportunity to congratulate It upon its prospo- tnd aeserrec, popuisnty. Tie remarkaDie i of the Stab Is das to Its strict attention to is that it always baa the news, aid this is the first tains in joumanem. utnerwia tne paper is au that th term of "good newspaper" Implies, and its coroaof editors sad reoortara aa thoroughly edu cated newspaper men. May tts healthful, moral mammf. of the btab asver o etaraea, ana may its genial, eaterprlslBg propnetoi enjoy many more nappy years ox naemaeea. uoutooro jtettenqer. THE RALiElGII christian Adyocate, Edited and Publabei by BLACK & EE1D Raleigh. N. 0 Ia th organ of about 6i,000 Kethodista in North rmwa, and has the largest drc&lation.of any pa per In the State, It gives the markets, secalar and religions news. Is s weekly.eight page, religious, family newspaper. Only AS XX) per nnnnm. Sub scribe st ones. -AdrerUslag rates liberal. 1an24tf The Lincoln Progress : PuWsTusd Baturdayt at Linobiton, N. O. ' IB th only paper published h Lincoln county and has an extensive drcn 1 atlon among the Mer chants. Farmers and all classes e business men in thaStet. I It oSara toths aTsrdianta at tllmlngton a de- sirabl meaiarn ror advaxttsuu then Dusmesa throngnout Western North Carolla. Liberal term will b allowed n wearly adver- tlsensests . Baoscnsuon price, i oo per annum L KditoBBd Proprietor. The Central Prctestant A WEEKLY RELIGIOUS AND 'AMTLYNBW8- XX. paper aaa to urgan or the letnooist notes. .sX." Tbs eugiMiiiy or its location, to, numDer ana ac tlvltv f its agents, and theconststlyincreaaiiig de raand rorit amsng usMnsoiiauasses or reaaers in vaiioua aectiona, give th CkHTKAL peculiar claims upon the patroaaMvf th dvartismg public. Terms vary favorable. Cmsuiyr business inter sat, and address ths editor j J. IMICHAUI, . Gfeenssero. .c- . I StiU Inost rJtBAT I AM XV TEX QEEtAN PARBEB. nt mu of thana. and anhnA In Bn In - the cltV. My Batooamay always he found nat and comfoW table, and pout Yversmsn, wno as aver reaay io wait on my patronsand friends. " ' , ; ' ' Bespectully, H. O. REMPKBT, JanlStf No. IS. Front at MISCEIXAKEOUS. job PRiwTirjQ. THE nOENING STAR Steam friiitiiigHoiise, AIQBN1FQ STAB BUILDING, PRINCESS STREET. MOST THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED PRINTING OFFICE m THE CITY. FINS BOOK, NEWSPAPER it MERCANTILE PRINTING AND BINDING. CHEAP FOR CASH. ALSO. THEATRICAL POSTERS, PROGRAMMES TICKETS. INSURANCE PRINTING. BILL HEADS, CIRCULARS cards. dodgers. steamshlvi steamboat and railroad work executed in quicker time and better style than bi any 0 ther office i a Wilmington:: . FIRST CLASS WORK AND LOW PRICES THE MORNING, STAR STEAM PRINTING HOUSE, PRINCESS STREET, WILMZNGTONfN. C. ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO AND WORK SENT TO ANJr.PART OF THE UNITED STATES, C. O. D. SMALL ORDERS EXECUTED WITH 2 Hi SAME PROMPTNESS AS LARGER ONES. The Best Paper. Try It. Beautifully niiistrated. 35th YEAR. The Scientific American. rrHJC SCXBNTIFIO AMERICAN Is a large First- Class Weekly Newspaper of Sixteen: Pages printed in the most beautiful style, PBOFUBBLYt ILLUSTRATED WITH SPLENDID KNGRAV INGS, representing the newest Inventions and the most recent advances in tne Arts ana sciences; eluding- New and Interesting Facts in - Agriculture. Horticulture, the Home, Health, Progress, Social Bclenee. Natural History. Geotoev.- Astronomy. The most valuable practical paper By eminent wri ters In all departments of Science, will be found in the Scientific American. Terms, $8.30-per year, $L60 half year, which In cludes postage. Discount to Agents. Single co pies, 10 cents. Sold by all Newsdealers. Remit by postal order to MTJNN. A CO.. Publishers, 37 Park How. New Yorki and Foreign Patents, have had 85 years' experience, and now have the largest - establishment in the world. Patents are obtained on the best terms. A special notice is made in the SCIENTIFIC AMERI CAN of all Inventions patented through tola Asen- r, with the name and residence of the Patentee, y the immense circulation thus given, public at tention is directed to the merits of the new Batant. and sales or introduction often easily effected. Any person who has made a new discovery or In I venuon, can ascenam, nan ar chasms, waetaer -a patent oaa probably be obtained, by writing to Muxx & Co. We also send rasa our Hand Book about the Patent Laws, Patents, Caveats, Trade Marks, their costs, aad hew procured, with hints for procuring advances on inventions. Address for the Paper, or concerning Patents, afUNN CO., 87 Park Bow, New York. . Branch Office, cor. F. 7th Sts., Washington. D.C. 2 tr THE LANDMARK, PUBLISHED AT . 81A1E3VILLB, IJtJEMCLT, CO., N. CJ IS THE Leading Kewrpaper in. Western. Sorth Carolina- It is the only Democratic Paner Buhliahed in Ira- dell County one of the largest and wealthiest conn ties in the State and has attained-a larger loca circulation than say paper ever heretofore published in the county. Ite circulation in Alexander. Wilkes. Ashe. Alle ghany, Yadkin, Davie and bedell, is larger than that of any two papers in the State combined; and ia rapidly acquiring a strong foothold in Forsythe, Sorry, Rowan and western Mecklenburg. It is the only Daper In Western North Carolina that employs a BaounAB Cahvabstko Aobht, and tans aept consxanuy oerore tae people, u naer tni system a rapidly Increasing circulation la the result making the Lahdxabx . THE BEST. ADVERTISING IdEDICin IN WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA. ADDRESS, LANDISABK' Btstesvllle. W.C. Forest and Stream, AND -ROD. AND GUST, THE AMERICAN , SPORTSMAN'S JOURNAL A WEEKLY PAPEB DEVOTED TO FIELD SPORTS, PRACTICAL NATURAL HIS TORY,; FISH CTLTuRK. PBOTECTION OF GAME, PRESERVATION OF FORESTS. , YACHTING AND BOATING, BLFLE -, PRACTICE. AND ALL" w- OUT-POOB. TtlffTRB A TJONS AND STUDY. This Is the only Journal In th Country that fait supplies the wants and necessities of- th - GentleBian Sportsnian. TERMS $4 00 a Year. Bend for Specimen Copy Fowt de 8tratm Pnbllslilnc Co., , - ui evitwa BT.j(ULDXo;ius,i: . . i v . - NewYbrk. Post Oac BOX 2889. : sent 17-tf The BibHcal Recorder . i . : FDBLISHSD BT -' Edwards; Broiightoii &. Co. RALETQH, N. O. BEY. C. TTBAltJfY,' Editor. . BSV. H. HATCHER Associate Bditer. Or.an of Hom Carolina Baptists In It 44ttt Year. EVERY BAPTIST SHOULD TAKE IT -! As an Advertising .. OnlF 2.00 pr Yar Address BIBLICAL RECOBDEB, doe23-tf Kaleighi N.C. The Ilarion Star fTTRK OLlH&tT JgWPAPgg PDBxJSHED IN X thPee-Desetionvoae oif tha wealthiest hnd meet DBosnerens in ths offeraAoCoBusissioCv and Wnolesale Merchants and-Jaannfj 1 Manufacturers, and totnoeawno nav aaoptea to ptsn- i senmg ny sannle. an Bxeelleat medinm f - eommnnication with a large and mfiuehtialassof mercnaatsy me- ohanies,piantera and navai store men, wnos pas roaage is worm aoucitanon. anverBseaents ana BasineBsCardstaserted en liberal terms. Address-. TttKHTAjf, sept 22 tf Marlon. 8. C. RAILROAD LINES. iu. mammm a I..K omoior noa of Gax BcTnnTXKDXxr, , l WUaiiagtoa, nTc., March 1. 1881. f Change of Schedule.; - ON AND AJTBB MARCH 113TH -1381, AT 8.55 p.M, Passenger Trains on the Wlhning- ton Weldon usurosaw wUl raa as follows: Dar. SIa.ll and Express Trains, VwllF 90S. 47 North am 48 sontn. Leava Wilmington, Front St. Depot, at 6:40 A. M Arrive at Weldoa M:40 ?. M. Leave Weldon...... 4:44P. M. Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot, 11 :15 P. M. Fast Thbotjoh Marx, akb Pabsksoxb TbAihs Dailt Nob. 43 North and 40 South. ' Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot, at 7.00 P. M. Arrive at Weldon 1.05 A.M. Leave Weldoa 6.48 P. U Arriye at WUmington, Front St. Depot, 13.06 A. M. - Train No . 43 North will stop only at Rocky Point. Burgaw, Magnolia, Warsaw, Mt. Olive. Ooldsboro. Wilson, Bocky Mount, Xnfield and Halifax 4 ' . 1 Train No. 40 South will stop only at Kocky Mount, Wilson, GOldsboro and Magnolia. NiaHT Passxhokb, Mail and Bxpsbss Teais Nos. 45 Nobth and 42 South. Leave Wilmington, Front St Depot, at 2:55 P. M Arrive at Weldon. , 10:45 P. M Leave Weldon.... i:06 A. M Arriye at Wilmington, Front Bt. Depot, 8-.lt A. M Trains on Tarboro Branch Boad leave Bocky Mount for Tarboro at &05 P, M. Daily, and Tues- lag, leave Tarboro at 9.60 A.M. Daily, and .Mon day, Wednesday and Friday at 8 30 P.M. Train No. 47 makes close. i connection at Wei- don for all points North dally. All rail via Biehmond, and daily except Sunday via Bay Line. Train Dto. s runs via juenmona ana wasnioK- ton. sad makes close connection dairy to a rucn- mond, and dally except Saturday nights for all points north or Kicnmond. Tram AO. 43 runs dally and makes dose connection ior aU points North via Biehmond and Washington. All trains run solid between Wilmington and Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleepers attached.- JOHN F. DIV1NB, General Bup't. A. POPS, Gen 1 Passenger Agent, mh 13-tI i General Sup'ts Ofiice, wii.raiN3TON, cotuaymA atj- OV8TAR.B.COHPANT, WILMINGTON. N. C, Feb. 19. 1881. ; Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER FEBRUARY SO, 1881, at 2.35 P. M.. the following Passenger Schedule will run on this road : Day PA88BtaB.it, Ma rfi and Erpaiss Trains, Dailt Nos. 42 Wkst and 43 East. Leave Wilmington.4.... 8.35 A.M. Arrive Florence.:.. 13:50 P. M. Leave Florence. .- 131 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington. ... ; 6:40 P.M. NIGHT EXPBE88 TRAINS tDmllT)- Nes. 48 IV est and 47 Bail. ! Lsawanlngton.... ... 11:85 P. M. LeavsFlorence...... . 4:30 A. M. ArriTe atO. C. & A. Junction 7. 8:00 A M. sat Columbia............ s:ioa. m. i eWnmbia...... 19:00 P. M. aveO. C. & A- junction. lo:ao p.m. aye Florence...... 5:00 A.M. Arriye at Wilmington 60 A. M. ' Nisht MAnj and Passxnssb Tbatn, No. 40 Wxst, AND AOOOBB-ODATION TRAIN, NO 45 EAST, Leave Wilmington at 12:35 A.M- Arrive at Florence. i 4:10 A. M- Leave Florence. 6:00 A. M. Arrive at -Wilmington 12.00 M. Trains Noe. 42 and 43 stOD at all Stations. Trains Nos. 47 and 48 stop only at Brinttley's, Fleminsrton. WhltevlUe. Fair Bluff. Marion. Flo rence, Timmonsville, Maysville, 8umter, Camden Junction and Bas ton. : No. 40 stops only at Flemington, Whitevttle, Fair Bluff and Marion. ; No. 45 stops at all stations, i Passengers for Columbia, and all points on G. St C. B. B., C, C. A.' B. B. SUtions, Aiken Junc tion, and all points beyond, should take No. 40 Separate PuUman Sleepers for Charleston and (Vt saifvtaoyesi via weuun st auu W. 1 1 All trains run solid between Charleston and Wil mington. ! JOHN F. DIVINE. Gen'l Bup't. . A. POPE, Gen'l Passenger Agent, i febSO-tf CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILROAD CO. OFFICBGBWaBAnSTfraiUHTMllAirT : Wilmington, N. C.. Dec. 12, 1880. Change of Schedule. ON AND ' AFTER DEC. 12, 1880, the following Schedule will be operated oa this B allroad: ASSBNGEB AND EXPRESS TRAIN: . Dally except Sundays' w , I Leave Wilmington at. ... r i Arrive at Charlotte at w. a i Leave Charlotte at a0, i Arrive at Wilmington at.. ...9:10 A.M. ...6:10P;M. ...6:20 A. M. ..30 P. M. i Trains Nos. 1 and t stop at regular stations only, and points designated in the Company's Time Ta ble. P ASSBNGEB, MAIL AND FREIGHT Leave (Wilmington at. . . ... .6:3(1 P.M. .....1:28 A.M. ....8:15 A.M. 7:30 P.M. .... 1:26 A.M. ....9:45 A.M. , No. 5. Arrive at t iiamiet at I Charlotte at. 1 Leave Charlotte at No. 8. V Arrive at iHamlet at.... . i Wilmington at. No. 5 Train Is Dally except Sunday, but no con nection to Raleigh on Saturday. No. 8 Train ia Daily except Saturday. SHELBY DrVTSION, PASSENGER, iMALL, EI . PBESS AND FREIGHT; . I Leave Charlotte... Na f Arrive at Shelby. . . rir.A (.Leave Shelby.....'.. ao' Arrive at Charlotte. , ........ 8:35 A. M. 12:85 P.M. 15 P.M. 5:85 P.M. Trains No. 5 and 6 make close connection at Hamlet to and from Raleigh, except as above, and at Charlotte with Trains 8 and 4 on Shelby Division. Through Bleeping Cars between Raleigh and Charlotte. V. Q. JOHNSON. de 12-tf General Superintendent. CLYDE'S New York and VVilmington' Steam s h i p Line. The Steamer bvv T-1 T-l a m y-v T- I J3'J!j IN Jit 27 A; J VJ 'XXt. I Capt. JONES, V1LL SAIL PROM NSW FOBS, SatnrdBF April 16. faf-Shippers can rely upon the PROMPT SAILING of Steamen as advertised..! For Freight Engagements apply to THOIHA8 E. BORD. Superintendent. - j.-W41mtagton, N.O. Tlteo. a. Egcr, Freight AgenV ' ' 1" -' - Mew xorsv w. Ar, Viyoe s veu awmi Axews, )h imnoi AxciuB, 85 Bread way .New York. dec9tf Xdt WEVysAPEBS, BUITABLB . for Wrsppins- and other ni ) ig snaoti HCB- Can be hod at the BTAB OFFICE W AST QUANTITY a vt w vk - - ' - . . -, yaddresalnCinTfffllC 10 Bprac 8t- New York, caa lssra the exac$ cost of intjttpcmrittntnt'XYIRri&T!XQn AwTi' caaNewspOT. "aoriOw-Pc rsupiUf, $777 A YEAR and expenses to ts. Outfit Free. Address r. IB7, August. Maine. . ICE- 4000 a year to Agents, sad expenses. $6 Oatfi $UJ; fro. Address F.Bwam eb Co., Augusta, Ms. sp 8 lmDAW (THE DROVIl C0TT0I1 QUO Cleans the Seed better, runs lighter, gins faster, and oosta less. money than any other Oln In the markets - - - Thsbrushlsadiustatlsartdlhaadrlv ina pullwyj ami bait at boitn ends. Beery machine) mada.of .tha pasb matartal and fully and legaUy a;uarantssN 4 T xA : .' S '. '-mm- MMnmawMiiiMaa!J Price List of GDIS, Feeders aad-Coa4aaaera. PriM with Trie wttir Prioeaof Holt BoU Bixe. Qina, Foederer Fvwdrr and Oondaoeer. Ooatfemmr. asaw a 76 oo auw be $im 85 " 87 GO 11 00 IM t to " 100 00 13 60- ! t& " 11 60 IM 00 17 60 E0 " 125 00 ISO 00 IMV 60 " 1MM mow M 70 " iro oo tnt oo m o so 18000 aaoo eat oo The above prioesare for the machines boxed ready for' shipment and delivered at ear faetory. Will ' priey- delivered at any aoeewttble point, tree of tntght. It desired. BstabUsbed 18tS. at Colnmbos, Oa., under mum of . KT.TajVor &Co.,removlne: in IK to Kw London, Ot., where the present Arm have alnee oarrled oa tha bastneea. In addtthon to our already snaquanM facilities we have erected another larg-e factory, that acrahllng" oar capacity of manufacture. Get yoar arden In at one aod avoid s paeelhtnty of delay. Extra inducement to atif buptra. Baud for Illustrated pamphlet firing new taeUmonlal from hundred of enterprising planters. rreaeee. Bnginesi aad complete outfit rarnlabed Waeo.leaired. Sddraee DBOWN COTTON OIN CO., New LosdoB, Comb. JOHN DAWBQN A CO.. AgenU, sp 10 DAW5m Wilmington, N. C. IIARBLE MOniUUE NTS AND Crave Stones. FIRST -CLASS WORK AT LOWEBT NSW TOK1 FBICSa DESIGNS SENT BY MAIL. WORK ! PACKED AND SHIPPED, AT OCR RISK, TO ANY FAST OF TEE BOUTB. j RICHARD WATHAN A CO,, 5T lafayette Plaea, New Yark. Wathan's Monumental Designs, in book form.fot sale to the Trade. uec uswu PRESCRIPTION FREE Tjior the sseed y Car ofBtervoae Waks Lest a. Titalltr. Prentatare Debility, ServosBsese, Desposdency, Confeeloa of Ideas, Aversion to Society. Defective aTomory. aad all Dltordert broarht en by Issisereet Hsblt. aad Excesses. Any drngsist has the lsrredieBta. 8eht nrum 8EAU0 ENVELOPE. AOPRESS PR.W.8. JAQUE8, 130 West Sixth 8t 0IH0TB1IATI, 0ET mh 2 DAWly IH.-A. 8TEDIIA1I, Jr. Attorney and CounUor at Law. ELIZABETH TON, BLADEN COUNTY. N. O Office Up lairs. In Brick Building, occupied b) BlnaldlmOo. . Special attention to Claims. Col lectiena on sam of f 100 and upward made for Five Per Cent, if without suit Drawing Deeds. Mortgages, AcJ Bpedslty ap g DAWtf ; Health is Wealth i TH, B. O. WEST'S NERVE . AND BRAIN U TREATMENT : a specific for Hysteria. Con vulsions. Nervous Headache, Meats! Depression, Loss of Memory, Impotency, Premature Old Age, caused by over-exertion, excuse, or over-Indul gence, which leads to misery, decay and death. One box will cure recent eases. Earn box con tains one month's treatment. One dollar s box. or six boxes for five dollars: sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. We guarantee six boxes to cure any case. With each order received by as for six boxes, accompanied with five dollars, we will send the purchaser our written guarantee ta re turn the money if the treatment doe not effect a cure. Guarantees Issued by WM. H. GREEN. Drug gist, (successor to Green M Planner), Wilmington, N. C. Orders by mall will receive prompt atten tion. mat -DAW ly 8500 Reward! 'VYTB WILL PAY THE ABOVE REWARD FOR I V v anv case of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, 8lck UOBBVS- le Liver nctiy compiled with. The ar purely Vegetable and never rail to givs satisfaction.- Bngar tOoated. Largs box, containing 80 puis, IB cents. .For ssls by all Drug gists. Beware Of counterfeit and imitations The genuine manufactured only by -JOHN o.-watST CGU "Ths Pill Makers.'' 181 A 18SW. Madisoa St, Chicago. Fro trial aackag sent by mall pre paid on rectipt of a 8 cent stamp. , ma n van it 1 "f i High-Bred Bogs. English, IRISH' and qobdon bettebb. Of the Choicest Breed, with guaranteed pedigree . For sale by a. r. welsh, aov7 DAWtf ' ; Torn. Pena. Lowell nacMne Shop. Lowell, Mas. MANUFACTURERS OF EVERT DE9CWPT70N " OF ' .. COTTOILIIACHIinERY Of Jaott Approved Patterns and with Eaceot Improvsments. "..i 1 1 i .... ' i Pape iXSko hinery ALBAV xciiniivE TnEnis, Shafting and Oeartny. Hydraulic PreBMs aad Panip, Elewators, aTco. .5 PLANS FOR COTTON AND PAPSB MILLS. C. L. HILDRETH, 8pX LOWELL, MASS. WM. A, BUBELE, Tress., , i ' B6 SUts Btrest, Boston. mhstf The FiivettQYiUe .Exam Weekly DcmocraUtf Newspaper, PabUshedst PAYETTEVILLE, NOltltl CAROLINA, PT ' Terms tlOO a year ta advance. cpnen copy. Bend fbrsap. BflU VXaRADS M MCNROt.