; H IIOBinii Q 0 TAIL ;oj t V70 u - --pcrw T U 11. OBtL3tAitU. J , X m TiiJassr.H klirAinD,Aetfj. aVfeTSKia I J a..- rt ! ei waV X wM I ta say u ZTiw . . w r " Threa noaoia,. ft ..... . , , u ta f j CUT SaS" iw-aeC It cu OlTTLlNCA. rbeTtiaaJk Pacific Rtilroe-J aaaaeg i the protectioe of U. ?. rtop laafeae aaea who threalea Upe- juoai t tM waetere leraeiaua im The IstereaUoeel Saer R 4ary of Anutef Jam bu failed. Ed- rd TrkltMU lh Australian uarenae. Is cuovog to Ua!l4 Stale. :The Cbandler cvatioae to await Senate coo-d-feiwa. Two asnUmv cMtVcttd ,u.t .eaUoceJ et Willie roUl, Texas, CM i.. ao d i 10 thirty yenraMm- ,ul,o0nrt Th Nsw Ywk etcce; u, ..k.t.vod tower bat pricae advanced uitnoa !!.. f Qeoffia !u,t,oJ eoek el 160147; OtomU Ce- ir. arm i 143010 A hreah hM oc- curteJ io tb levte t Alsatia, La.; tbe j.n wtii b bty. TbN Totk A-ait)ly drlril e till U allow women , ,wir i K.OJ noting tUe occurred .t Viia.o. Km. where lb people at iclu trucp bed to to to their rrtC, Tbe Cbrii saa have rises itt Task st Macedonia; many r tb Cbiia4jlU4AjttoQ. . xr Bsdlaugb piolctU asaiSMl bia rcibij ctaaeei Irvm Moot ul Ocxomooft r0 KzniHrur ul AasrtU bu greeted ,ttjui r iaipfwuc4 far niaor iTu Kitocb prvcatdiAjc i Vuua itn ittliCBlNa ia t,.uiy uiKr if4j MiiUiuBl of iL i;,,r; qac(iuo to prtfcnlUh Qrtk rtro lutiy p"J ! iroaoO. ,, ioc of diodffc. Nw Yok Bord r rvot fUia cS U ftma r l tll(t M awquco of lh puoliag rj . a ! rrpfttiv WKiaillc to ,.rvo(uteU J Nw Vwf k BnuktU: M-ay JO4 P' rL ; CiHloo qawt at it 7 -lOtt ll-lfc; Kotkwi flow ataady .ju .t a $4 731 00; wl iHittar. M(rdti rd $1 SlOl cora l.ur. aagrmdeU 5-4 J; PxU lorpoUM i ,o t s4-Cc; roma fUai at $t 8SO! Sa Virginia do ool giva oo oot to id Yotktowo crlbrlioo that cocaw ,.ff on hr owo Hotl and ia lha moat ituporiAol avaot in bar hiatory. 1 Wt wtra oolj 178 arTaau bj tU polica io New York Iaat weak. 1 ht amall bowing ia bweaoaa tha niy m ao moral aod well baaaved. looktin a poke for two aol ooa haif hoora bfora tba itapublieas oacu taiuat Ilobrtooa oomioa itou. A vaat amoaol of wiod ax oJJ io a bad eaaaa. Uiagaoarally baliaveU ia Waab iutoo aad New York that aa a cooJ-irtnr Gaifield will prove a ik (ailura. ilia quarral witb Cook U1 Mul Kia baab1 it ia Tha Cbarfeatoo AVww Courier iutplajtd Tery com maud ab) aotar prta io tU Mao a of tba 1 0th. It waa Cowpaaa oimbar, aod wJ HlaaUa- with foar wood-oata. It waa all II tlQ. "wldad,"of tbwllkbmood xt wntaaootba 9tb from WaaMngVoo that it ia cartaia ererJ Daoocrata, hoa th Cookhnff pacplo coaot aa . naio to rota to reject Robartaoo, will vole to confirm bim. Tba two Norta Carolioa Saoalora will baxdlj -I nil with Cooklio. Not only ia it tba plan to lorn oat all Grant man in offiea ia North Caro lina, bat tba oewa from Washington a that lh bal Qnat oa holdlag offic in an j of tb dptxti9aU must uot, and at a wj dtj. Tba milla f Garfield pronIa to griiid fail aad aiglity iot- .ThtytaTa light of Th foreignera ara lUaraUj pouring apoo our aborta " If tfca ibmcfkeepa oq the Unitad Suu will 'cooUja more of foreign '.birth thaa atliTtw. On 3anday OTerC,000 laoded at New York. Thera ara large nonbarjof Garmana aod nearly all bT eotne mean. Ten steamera ara ex pact ao 4 bi freak, Tba Nev .York dry, goode curkft i ibae iflmtaariMd: . bre ia taiber : , raore actitiiy aaioog tba , wboleaaJa adrr gooda trade. Tba Vna make of oottoa good a, g1nghisi,'.'&c4 :26 raOTlcg taadUy aod prioaa arw moatly fins, tat, law gr)je -fabrc4r qaiet. i'rlau-i are ctniaL Iiswa aja4 dxeaa ipde ara . W. IrrfIar. dtmaod flaaey all-wool Aad cottoo warp caa imerea ara ia moderata reoeal. llcmxtrj aad ahirti sad draw era ara d allia tint baada. f t f : Tba Presidential party elalna thai iveoty-etghl RpahUcsa Sen a to re ill tou foiIIUUrtion'a oooflrms tioo. Tba folio wiog'srs aald to ba gaiaat: lleasrs.'- Rollioa : of New lleia)ablr)E4aafl5tjof yaroofit, Anthony of Rhodo Ielaad, Coakliog sad Piatt of New York, Cameron of PeenaylvanU, ssd Jooes of Kersd Io sll earen,- Meaaia.'. Mahone and Logan ara claaaed ,aa doobtf al, bat Iogsn will certainly go wllh Conk- ling. Tha DeraocrsU - will aettlti it, j n.i .'11 i el a 'J VVillism W. Seatoa was it" printer boy st Ralelch and worked in the office of tha first Joseph - Galea. In that old Register office were trsioe4 each well known joarnalieu as Joseph Galea snd William W. Seaton of tbe Jiationed InUtligencer, Edward J. Ilale, Wcstoo TL Gsles,'snd, we be lief a Lamedeo, wbo foanded the New. Orlesns JHcayun. CoL Sea ton mar ried Miss Galea, sad with her brother established tha great organ of . the Whig psrty. We note this to men tloo tbattbe children of the District of Colombia are railing s .fund to erect s monument to the memory of CoL Seston, That excellent gen tlemaa was long Msyor of Wsshing ton. Forty jeers sgo "be eoaoded,w ssya tbe Mthe key-note of edu cational sdrsoce in an address to the city coaocil oa the propnetj of, ez- teodiag more widely the means of edacatioo to the indigent children of tbia city, either by applying the pro ceed a of tbe school f and, or Introduc ing the ejetem of common schools adopted io tbe New England Ststes, by wbkh tbe benefiu of education were plsced within riaoh of every child io tba community." There were 400 children at the free echoole then; now tbere are 20,000. Tba faleehoode that haTe been told about tbe Sooth are as namberless ss the etare. The North lies sbout ere- ry thiog ia which tha Soutb is con cerned tba exodae, tbe mo tires snd perposes of tbe whites, ths trestment of Nortberoere, the treatment of the aegroaa, tba extant of abaaaa of the ballot, tba Kaklax, oonteated eleo- tiooa and so oa. Here u tbe latest whopper" we have aaan. Il ia from tba luch mood StaU letter from Waabiogtoo : One of tbe carioeitiee of tbe Cap itol now ia a large green hickory elab or cans aent by tne negro ex-4xm-irreeemaa S malls, of South Csrolins, sa a pan oi toe crtoaoca ia aim con teat foe the seas ia tha next Congress for which CoL Ttfmaa has the oertlfi- csta of election. Tbe elab socom- paoiea a Urge handle of sfldsriU and tha coQleelsnl probably claims that it waa aad to parsosde negroes not to you against Tilman. it ia soont three feat long, nearly ss large in d lame tar ss a rasa's wrist, and ebst- tared st tbe amaller and. Il is duly Labelled sad bouod with red tape to the pscksgs of sfidarjts snd locked np in a sale at the CspttoL spirits Turpenxine Leooir lopUi We nnderstsnd that Wilay sod Clinsrd sold 100.000 pounds tobacco last week. Sslrebnry Mxaminerz The fifty emigrsnU wbo srrired bere a few days sgo, bsd no difficulty in getting homes. Rsleigh Record'. One of the coo vie is st work on tbe curbing sround Capitol Square, msde his escape from tne gusra tnu morning. Rsleish Ne-Observer: We noderstsnd tbst Jades Baxton is at Wsshlngton, aeeklng the poeition on ths Court of Claims, which was ten dered to and declined by Ron. S. E. Phillips. - Asheville Citizen. A genllemsn wbo bss travelled daring the. past weak tbroofl this snd adjoining coooties, ssya tfis wheat -prospect has not bean better in (oar yea re than it is st present. Chsrlolts Democrat: Colonel Moses, sgsnt for the Csswell Mona menl fand was io this city two weeks sro, and rsised a- fair sabscnp tionia aid .'of the? jmonamentr which is to be erscud at Kfnitoo, N.Ci : : :TheTosnolSimjat Home esys vfrn air-Tesra-old son of Wo B. Cooper, of Nssh county, fail down a well 24 feet deep In which the waur was 12 feet deep. The little fellow canffht oa the cnrb andr was rescoed by hi father. Li Y OXL x -.Newton Enlerpritez Since tbe inaog-orstioo of the prohibition cam psigwthe price of liquor ,-has; been falling every wssk.' We are 'told that load was ukento. Charlotte Isst weak, aad not finding a purchaser st sny price was brosght back home. Ara -there aar tUUget or towns in North Carolina r'Ifao where are they sitastadr : If. they are on the maps ther have dissppetred f roxa the pa para. Ta England there- are Vil lsgss - of 10.000 people; In' North Carolina a watST-tsnk and one bouse twelve feet quart? make ia cllyf' j'jjXerolIU ansst ly printed paper lost aUrted atllei- dtrsonvme, rat XJroth'eti,, editAri aad proprietors, price, $1 a J' " Is a small quarto form and the first number,pronui7eTCe8diflgly'v,welL I( it Is kept to thjit .ftlsndard itwili be a ujeiQl and lixtere ttiogt Sutesyill lAhdnUurfcSyv Art glad to aimounoe that 850, 'tons c'' of new Iron are beinj distributed be- tween maiesvuie ana HaiisDury to rea e W the track of the Western North Carolina Railroad. The ixack, rokd- bed and ' rolling stock have all been rsjtl y InproTsd under the new man agement, and will shortly' be ia first- elasa condition. . Wilson Advance: One gentle-, man". has', already pledged vblmaelf to inresV $10,000, jr it is expected - that $50,000, can be raised, tod; with Xtnat amount a cotton factory, that "would carry on a rlarge'buslness , could be eatsbkahed. ItCT. Joeepli XK. Carter expects to enter the prohibi tion campaign 'with might and main. He' has already appoint menu to apeak. Wilson Advance: OnTueadsy morning, of thii weck;Mr. Thomas Amerson. together "with several others, was ploughing In Mrj J. H. DraughanVrfiel4 about" three .miles from town, when. itorm .caae np and they took shelter under it shed near by. The lightning striking - a tree near the shed, passed down a post within two feet .ox the place where Mr. Amerson was ' sitting; knocking bim senseless, burning his ahoulders and the side of bis head, and at the same time striking ahorse,' which fell on Mr. Amerson. The others who were under the shed were not injured.' . Fay ettevHle" - M&aminerV Mr.' John Brantley, of Harnett county, has recently patented a useful at tachment for steadying the running of a cotton weep. a gioom was csst , over our community ,on Mondsy by the death ef Mrs. Maria Myrover. wife or Mr. J. xi. Myrover, editor of the Moor Gazette. She waa formerly Greenville, N. C,vbut had been a resident of this town for tome years. - From the Com mittee of ArraniremenU we learn that CoL Wharton J. Green lias Accepted; sn invitation to deliver the address on memorial day. We also learn that the Rev. J. JR. Brooks has been sppointed ohsplaIn,and ' Maj. A. A. MoKcthan, Jr., chief marshal.' ' " Handaraonville Herald: Bat ter, eras snd chickens are in era demand in this market at tha follow ing pnees, to-wit: Batter, 20 cts; eggs, 12; chickens, from 22, to 25 oeou eaob. It Is believed by msny that not less than one thousand visitors to the "Land of the Sky" will make Henderson villa their permanent headquarters during tbe coming season. Asheville itema: Mr. Peter Miller, an old gentleman who died near here not many days ago, has br his will' oven : Jour tboussnd dollars to home and foreign missions of the MVE. Church South. We ere informed thst. the French Broad bridge for tbe W. N. C.R.R., is in process of construction, and the work ia being rapidly pushed forward. As to oar other railroad the Aahe- ville snd Spsrtanburg- there ia not much hope of its early completion. Raleigh Visitor: The Depart ment of Agriculture has moved into its new quarters at the .National xlo- teL The College of Bishops of the M. E. Church, South, have elected CoL Walter Clark, of this city, a delegate to the Ecumenical Conference of the Church, to be held in London dnthe'6th 'of September next. The State Board of Ed ucation met yesterday and recom mended the following named books: Webster's Speller; Holmes' Readers: Maury's Geographies; Sanford's Arithmetic; Harvey's Elementary Grammar: And Composition; Read & Holmes' History for Intermediate; A. IL Stephens Hiatery for Higher Classes; Mitchell's Map Drawing; Worcester's Dictionsry. The fol lowing copy books -were chosen: Reynolds; Psyson, Dun ton A Sonb nert; Eclectic; Appleton'e, snd Els worth's. ; Concord JStm: Oar fsrmers, es pecially those .of; the Rocky river leotion, are seriously icoonvenienced lor want of farm . haads, nearly all the negroes are leaving them to work in the" gold mines. - Messrs. Car penter and Russell, Northern capital ists, hsve been in town this week negotiating- for, the purchsse, of;jthe Christiso 'mine, '.! in "Montgomery county, v Yesterday we learned .that they had closed tbe coniraot, pay ing $100,000 for.lhe, mine. 7 Two of our town grocers, Swink Bros: and Will Cress, concluded lsst week to encourage thaNorth Csro lins Syitem, inaugurated sometime Ago by Governor JaryH And ordered each 9 worth' of potatoes trom'New bern. The poUtoea -came -promptly and with them came a freight bill to each grocer or $10.55. Freight from New York leas than' $5: --Our friends s John Wilson and .Fayette Stafford pasaeourdepol Wednesday, for,' Hsrrlibnrgv: with,1 lonpf ;,Gtr pisnsWInclading-: men,--women Ana chUdren.) vThese GeTmansygo' to do farm work and it ia expected that in a rery abort tim. they; will b Able to folly supply the place of "our for mer lahoernow kVtotti'-Tip'foc the 'sdalltonlrj0'jae. water pipes,' to bslflg-put In order agala.f KelioggTs Higher Lessons: lie ad av Kellogps Graded Lessons'; Goodrich's Pictorial; Children's First History: , ., HIW ADIBHTI.lUnBri IS rAtaaalstratrlxnpce, a .Bssszsoh & ALLsa t-ADsTzn-rHow IVaeal 'Data. il-r?No cMes for tto MsyqrXCour yesterday morning-n i :!TW dog1 ordinance goe into ' vw. i JUfi U.lt eaecton ina iwn aay oi juno ncu . , The - pipe-lsyersare on Third and are-vwoikioc like beavers.". ;i attect. it the Pirat BaptUhuexcureion to Waccaf mkakaaaatanlaV:ad allealbvedlhem- p iijwumig tVC, Y - - proved Order of ' Red Men, celebrate tbe birth of St. Tammany; thetr patron 8aint( this evening at 4 o'clockv : : f ' ; . ' . -,It connnes' very. dry and diiaty. We bsd caiculaAed auongiy opon , a raio laatevenio our German -friends; having advertised a;pic-nic at ,the WilmlniEton Gardens; bat for once even -that failed to produce ths desired result. oi which was msde, la the btjlr: ine re- port came , from a prominent ayetieviue etanllatwan wavhi nv Hririlt atbIva it eiQ Ka hsisl vvMatvutawi we aw aw www awsai w m m w reeeivediU ---- -Thes German - brig Cromarty cleared from tbia port for London, yester day, by Messrs. Chess, Carley & Co., With 069 casks spirits tnrpentine and 889 barrels of rosin; and the Norwegian barque dto, for Rotterdam by Messrs DeRosset & Co., with 3,100 barrels of rosin. The ' Hbrth Carolina Medical Society meeta io Asheville on Tuesday the 31st of Msy, sad not the 23d as stated In an Asheville paper. The wosra or ivxammers meats oa Monday the 20ib.. aad the North ...... .. . Carolina Hoard or Ueaitn on tnesisui Aabeville papers will please note the change. Oar friend of the Robesonian io copying an extract from the notice ia the Stab of what be terma the vsdnuraDie lec - tore recently delivered; by Rev. Jos. At Wilson, D. D..n ssya be doea so "for tbe doable purpose of adding oar (his testi- monv to the.' Web compliment paid to the eminent lecturer snd to endorse what the writ r save nhont the difflculties of reDort- iBrft aw aw at t rnt sphering of Catholic biabOpa Ylcar Apostolic for North Caroliriaisto amooaT-4Jatbolica. -The- first-name- in the list thus nominated is selected, it being a nutter of form to send v three There well-founded report that Rev. Father O'Connel baa "been the first selected, and ill therefore be the Vicar Apostolic of North Carolina. "Father O'Connel was educated' at tbe American College, Rome, for this Didcese, and came to tbia country with the Papal hnii annointina? Biahoo Gibbons to the tO.baV' boyVcl0lhini& s uu"Irr.Mif,' VT' 5??JI. : . 'v.t, .1! ; yincod that 'Mia,-WinaWs eins a wm ivvt: ..l the wsntsbf all-aatl flIUladly receive the I Mztumi. V,.v, .Oa.-JPaiit.f -l . Ano W im waa Honnet)Miea Lettia Green 18. Mtes Josie .,k- V T V l - ,V mtotbetoepbSTgy Um!iSWSSi no truth io he reported:, murder near Myera3 &c , "w the only, agent of the Society In notice wiabapieiai FayettevUIe. a week oi tWoVgp. mention - -Oraan 14W E. m' tJnahin 0 Mra. iff. North Carolina(ithe commissione of: aU my l' X" " -':MT M. hahh. Xdmjx. Archbishopric of Baltimore, aad has been I ''Nier-Head" commission, returned du in this Diocese ever alnce." . - V I ring the afternoon, having discharged the eaaraslaa cattasi JBeporta. . , Mr. James Petteway. who has charge of tha Potter plantation, near this city,' says be has about fifty acres of cotton, 4hat the stand is good throughout, that IV; ia. now making its third snd fourth. leaf; and tbst workmen are engaged in chopping it out. wi.uicu am vuk.kcu w M.Fy.e This U considered more than usually for- .ha weather h.Tinc so far been very "- r- xavoraoie tor tna crop, auo wwi UB rm.- iv. farmera hereabouts have 'noi finished plant- - lns -i... X..J.-J a.W..'lv--!- - "4' ' Hi aaeBreasuaa; anal aariansTmraata. v w ttt ii - ' i . J . . ...o.fnH voa. rflCVU ff UWVUilMUKWH texday. charged with pirlug open a shutter and breaking Into the house or i nomas Bishop, colored, and threatening tbe life of idant waa ordered to give bond in the sum of 100 for his appearance to undergo, a preiiminsry I ; ; . i Investigation, in default of which he was lodged injeil: ' " ' 'fK wmmwM aaaia ' ? i : I Tha New Hanover Countv Board Of Health met In regular session last night, The principarsnbjects brought up for die- tsry condition of the city! The latter re-; I L jv.MTj r L iit' if:L Jill.-1 .'it.niiA.' I the Board..and,various measures were sag- gested looking to tbe Improved healthful- ness and well-being of the community. . The - Wilmington'? branch . of ' the Land Uigue held a;meetlngJ lairbtvjkSt Joseph's Msiis Academyi on Sixth - street Mr. James Madden anMlJbnDjead? aeased, the members JeH?-KlMi??& j,fiia:ireiart the Land LeagsriTberetwasa tendance, much Interest . wssmsnlfested; and swerldTiewniarabera wereenroUedL lata ceawimaatery ar BC laa Temp I latv1 The GrendiOommandery;of iKnigbts Templar ended III, .leasioaa io this city waaterday afternoon,- snd adjournea. Lne. I ysawruay auwtBwu, tsu -uj t r? ,t onivL busmesscJimporunce uubuku Anns yeiterday'i session was thisdopUon wf1tcoBstttutlon:VThs wssawlected U tbeiext co of inseung" I 4t;.o 5ff"?r1':M h9rhhn-v41'9tib9 WW-WW-W eT- tBeairtaVkWenylbeR JohnflChnrcb. and the affair was' hlchlrl I -r-rT-r - w -r-v. - T-ar - --5 T ' frienda jWilliniF. ta aaaiat In .1", il7 : rrr: -z. TTT;" thia or aav other oarticoJar. l We nave not UMinim. aanAlt bertl time nor Bpsceodetsiltbei nameroQ8at I :' , - iSiT:jMFiZ& i tinned aa an immensa mrBfl. that must be seen to be kpprecMated, .eSbsiXUtisi j last night decided Mr.jro'rwoo'd Hoske I to-be 'Hbe laalest man In dby Isige iori nd:Uie eofa piUow, wee: duly warded lum. , fl a M ?, s The balloting for: the beslowal of. the! nthpT nrips will enntinna dnrinp tha enter- vialamenTr"n' at the close last1 hight.stood as follows: " " Toilet set-for me 'most populifU' yoaog lady in WilmmgnMhu Josie' Myen 20, Miss Lonla Parsley 7, Miss J anie Paisley 5, sod so oa scattering down to one tote; Pair pf vases-rf or the most popular mar : ried lady- Mrs J. E.. WppittSX, Mrs. G. G.' Thomas 13, Mrs. IS. H. Fishblate 5, and .. T. , ' . ecvcrui ecaiiciiuK. Jewelry case (the gift of Mr. George I p, Taylor 3. I are asked to say that the doors will I a j r ai ei. t :, nn nriHn nuriDP luh iibv. mmmencmr at 11 l'oTelockl when 'W extent' oOtMrtanitv will be afforded the ladies and children of visiting the entertainment. Nurses . and children 'will be admitted free in the day time.. . V.-i.vr: '' c; : ImpraTameaia, . A toe three-story brick building is going . .u ,J. . uk op on the same lot upon which the new Congregational church stands which .was recently dedicsted,? onthe ;. north aide of Nan,, between Sixth and Seventh streets, i teacners employ ea ia wnat is anown as tne I ivr . TT ; v: v....t.l T..i:i.i'. it.'. 'ninmua .numw. . auauwy,. I axgeanu uouruuitog acuuui lurcoiurnuw. pie, located on the. corner .of Seventh and Nun streets, in charge of Rev. D. D. Dodge. This bnildine ' which fi how need both & a I ,1 nouse and dwelling for the teachers. 1 t. to k- rawe1etf'a7d. madsT'-'into a firat - I cjia. school edlficel T I important improvements, it is nnderstood, I are to be supplied by the same0 parties In I Boston Mr. J. -J Howard :.Grecorv and I others who donated the money for tbe I erection of the anlendid XJonerejrational I churcn DUuaing reierrea to. sir. o. a. I Weston, tha btmder of the latter. 18 also Uon of &TheselmprovemenU g a good deal of innney into oar midst, nomisgofthe moral and inteUectual I Nicxarnaaeimeaal': I of formally opening what is known as I "Nigtcer-Head Road,", in accordance with I an order of tha Board of County Commis- I sioners passed at a recent session of that body. The Toad commences at Hilton I ferry and. extends to the-Pender county I ' ine. about eieht miles from this city.. The duty impoaecL upon. them. jmd. report the , country , through which . the said road passes as being: exceedingly sterile and un inviting, itb not a eoiitary house 'to be seen. r ' The road Willi however; make msr- Keung more acceaswia ana convenient to a nnmhar nf ncnnla mnt mao : liawA a tan i AmtM tn imnrnffi matters alonir the line of ency tompr0Ttte!8 ,ong he lin? 01 h061000 - v i . -w- ghsatd ba Lssktd lata. ' :i -I I - .wrnT,0"ti, nnnnino It iiuw, - w-5 I f l.'iit.'Aimhhl.. AfU. T fl Mnnils inn. I AA SB) AltlAW UOUKUaVA VI AIAI V We Jia.UalUB UH ripg tuo . uicuiunai - ncirwva a vrajkuaao t PsmMam' ivn Tnooa fltnuvin' k a haltli j, w ' 'I J .from a phitol cr r earned that thewifeof, ooe.of ouresteemed itizens was also struck In a aimiiar manner : ... -a-- r. ?-- rrJ"-Jr-. While standingon me raiiorm witmn we failing of Ptbe Confederate lot, receiving a Blight though painfuliuaion aon.: At isto pe noi effort Wiuoemaae MWBinmoji tira tn ferret nnt the nemetrator of this and I the other ontraira'alrfiSdw recorded. Wbe- I ther the acta were1 the;j res carelesaness they re'alM6flt "equally repre-1 .hen.ible. '.MsMt .Kould be annlahed aceordiaglv. u i -'-r - -y ! - - - srreet of a city paeUi. si i; 'f : j CapfFM.; Jarhesi one of the health offi-I der.awamnt.issuedbyJasUceGardner,! the affidavit of JG. Herring,; a. dealer In I ftah rherffWrl aHh fnreihla treanaaa. Tha 'Jt act upon which .thu charge is; based wsa Captamesofrly-ffWibuBCheaiof flah, j werkpeflthlchithel complaIarantdetiIes waltlMflaH9jBrttavt Is set for this morhlhg. Jsmes gave bond f or htt I sipeirshce.? Mrs. Joaenh CJhadwickOT ScOtlV .HilL' 1 jrenwr cwyiTaHioj , Jn - vv?-------- The: inothwltdbmi weTl.ci givin fifth to trlleis? f tiooa of 1 deUcaciea , and edibles, which 1 oauy t s fi m exc&Dt Thmh V - ithATn ft 1 Twjwxm a-Jwuns aiaerrmiacaaa as. xaajuqnaoieauaws, 1 jih ?;Ji I 0, , I and cries of a nfferin' ehiid.Mii anmjBiT A fury oi six men is charge ot xieputy i The Norwesian brifir . Sdtiero. . Cant. I ? 57 205? i i . . i i -.j r ? i car or uiouuiur. m- a i jsnertn w. u. anaw, went oat ia an emeu-1 Hoyer. consisned to Mr. C. P. Mebane. I know tbia to be a D. J. Manna, veaterdav mornincr for the nnmoset ,.. k w i''ii::.JVi--1 f52P.i !P?"S ibeaInfotIcSGa stW o'clock, and Officer I ii8tiwm-ole8jmsayAa not i'WHOLteNO U286 ri'is j ija Ini'ji ho I mwaewpat:swaa f TheifollowisjtlWiU sbQwaibeeatat' of f aldaii.-v :SlaSnX: ' time;'. aad' also'Via -sjnomtt-of 'nf nKir: "in I r " T w"f 7 fcssMaasaj 1 nk.r1a.tnn 1 w- . ...... rtX.W&r83"& .00? "ClOOdy I fuff erlnx, and lh parent wllhou tZtmrm l. . . -r. V 87 ,C0 . t nionrf I 3 r loUowlBj. Uta father foaad U au .inr a .iaaaa I vnanotte Gorsicans EStivsr. E Vlr'tBy i ".00 1 Pair -f rro ' - 1 ?i t xajr-J I Jacksonville. .... 78 - ,00 Fair 1 -MtSajiseSimJ" S - - uSS S!eirr:V I Panta Rassa..' .T 84 ' ; 'no '' Fairer J Bavsnnstt.". 77 i6'jOOOIesJ9; SS' J Pecola j& 83 'H00- Patr i.$Ji ir?J ,0Q j! .Paif ?2 I - Tha followinir are the Tnlinatinna fnr ttiA I ooatn AUsntic,Wates toayt. . Fair weather, winds mostly southerly, ststionary or higher harometer and tem - 1 perature- mi Tatefaoaarieaai Tract Soeiatr. Capt W. J. Potter baa been recommte - sioned Agent of the American Tract Soci I A. . ' ... U! t. jt "-vi itn wwuaiw uio .uckutuaiiciB at the . office of Mr. Farrar. next, to jEx- I RhlBITA (!nrnor nhurn ha nrill V.on' lnt nf I rrnT r r 2 having been cancelled when the: heavy tax was . imposed which was abolished by the lsst .General Assembly. Others, . beside --' r t : - I W'Y8 heresfter be sppointed. rronibiuon maetins: anat Picale at SiOnsreraaK. We are requested to state that there wlb be a public meeUne at Lone Creek. Pender . WaAn.,ii. o"r,i. t pSVr V' f Pender County Prohibition Association,tOT with a grsnd picnic on the same' oc casion. Good sneakers will address the I i..alia.bs4kel aiDners ' m m to tbe Interest and social enjoyment. Itis I expected that one of our lisht steamers will I .b... k.-w I TtT.s'sTTt 7T.. ii.iu..sum.v, tfie same dsy. I isaauie Bobbery. I Oar Chief is io no cheerful mood this I laTfcV rocking-chair 'was stolen from the 1 plasza of : his residence, on Fifth street.' entire . detective and I poike force of the city have been Jt work I on the case, that rocking-chair Is still rum I tnvenhu est. It is ead to see our Chief I bronght Sown to the degradation of sitting 1 on a cneese-oox, out mat's tne nest he can i u ju tuese presents. -.The barque GyUer, Neilsen. hence, arrived st Hamburg Msy 9th. . , -Oen sauare-riggers;. names unknown, were reported io below . yester day afternoon .' - Prsnce, for some days, Arrived up yester day. .: .v . : - CpPattersonVof the Brilish barrju George Walker, (pf Liverpool,- at Smithville,' ..f; ei, r oa oa ;T. ",JB) . tuuo North and longitude 61.08 West, on . the 28th ult., the ship Golden Sea, of South ampton, from St. Thomas and bound to Greenock. All Well and desire' to be res ported. . : LIST OF lilSTTBBS. Remaining in the City-'Post Office. May 11, 1881. unclaimed: . : A.r T AMmXn TW intir F. A A nolin i xuilza Anderson, Henrietta - Andrews, lioa- I VOnia AdamS. . ; - I a uiia a. twii, i yy xryant, x reaenca BrownJoo P iBarnet, John N Rennet,, ToneyjBrown, I - . - -; viiK j ctrneniflr neine w t:arir vir. eiuia Geo Crate. I D Msrv D Drake. Jno H Dixon I 1, . 'n. v cn:. i :f- I '-! w v. u... F Maria Farmer. WmFenderann Maria i jt'oy. J CAIeBtef Ura VfiS. Irene UOOdSOb. H Li I I fMm " I rMW f - I iW Blunter, ThoaHwnpton, BomeoHsrr . I w AJi: i Geo Hunter, Alexander Harris I J Reaner Johnson,- Fsnnie Johnson, I hv uaii. nauioa, 'oenrj: xuuiaer "ey Jacxson, Aoranam K Lena' A KeeX; "Billy Kelly, Sallle j.yj,-; nuaa vsiOairki Kelly. ., -, . ' L oanry liainoni, ueoj Ang, awrenco & Cabbie, Caleb ilCRoy, B T Mason, Wm MlddletoD, McMillan, Cora Morrisey, Rosa McNeU, i r suns rowen, jj; rommsn. tennis PerkliRobtPlckeBS. ; ; 8--Albert8tocktonXJhas1nT8b0ber,SIp-1 pie & Frances am!L , Sootherland J. C . I SbephSTa," -Slsy Sanders, A J ' Banders, Jsronaa Swata'&A BwBataV Saadem' MP-, Fannie Turner . hiAnnie, WoodXJbsrlotteWilk M MfiWescotSusansI fMotrngmen hip . Lietters mrque uieopotra, ecnr i caJledforwilMntbIrtyday?,lheywm Tjf rna loan saTTsai smeam-v-rj? r -fiv--" iV.Valv ayvwTfvvfyfi vvvt ? . o jm - -..-mw cnaTV t " , , v ZZr r TuT 7 fciyC0T!,ttset ,S.dVartleioeiit4; tka at 1 fop r. eallattaattoa .to the anrlU of Hop BHtera U a bjitvj usvjbs ne trial., aa bo- m wbo know tteir ltaArhflfl)4w Ar 1 1 tfiTn awanri aim . hett--iw tk. .wnj a a I Zff! j ?,t?2?BO?? I thar with tha ehlJr I T;r"' "T"T wfcK wiu WI D la- i wwwiuuitcnua,, uuno(irum( tuinit laterad a portion of taa Boothtanr Syrnp to tba ha fcy, and aaid Bothtng. That alkt ailJtanda alwt wall, and Ua littla follow awoaa la tha atoraiar orient and happy. JTha asotbor waa daUfkteS wtUi tha anddm and wonderful chanxa, aad aiikoaaW at Srat offended at- tbe deception practioee npoa ber. baa continued to nao tba Syrap, aad enffertntr cry' ingbabieaand aleap!eaa-nicbu hava dlMppaarad. S aingle trial of tbe Syrap sere yt faUwt m rm Here tba baby and OTeroome tba praladksaa of tba mother. Sold by all DrosglaU.. il omti a bottle. NE W . AD VERTISEMENTS. TxrsjrTro.Wanifartnri 1 bnaineaa man la wiimingto eoncara wanta a (net already Uttn). A. few baadred dollar aacae aary to pay for gooda oa daUyary after orders have' bean secured for- tba- aama. aiaa m nik nmmt saaraatead. Tbe most aaarcblnf tayaaUraUoa ao uclted.j A. 8.SKNOI0 OO.j earner First street 1 and Urdadway, JWooxJya. m. Y. my net I OTK. Tat alUat as A'elatetratils of ju i ug estate or w. u, Mann, oeeeaaed. before tbe I iZ I Of Ba I to aU persona baring claims acalaat ; "'." Lost',' BABT'S GOLI FINEST THS CKMCTSHT, aear the Confederate Lot. Yhe flader will he Ube- rally rewaraed if teterncS to I my 12 it J. C. MTBVKKSONt FasHonlable Straws ! pKAJtL,SriP,i!: BATS HABJEUBON A ALLS. , - : : . Hatters. my 12 tf JAiotier' Lot . OB THOSB UNAPPROACHABLE -K.lna0iSBlBT8M jnat recelyed.' Tbe only TJalaaadried Bblrts with tbe PATENT 8LBKVA ADJUSTS B ia tbe market. HUKSON. my Hit . , Clotbler and Mercba Tailor. nans '.THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS." - . British Muil(o! Journal. ilMost safe, delicious and wJwfcseme." ;New York? World. 1 ; : ANNUAL ALE, SI MJLLIOS . ' O Crieers, 'fhwggfss, &f Afiti. ll'aL Dt&Itrt. BEWAEB, JOE ' IMITATIONS , apl9eodlm r 'tathaa HOW TO BUT BOYS' CLOTHA-People are iDt te think that If taer ware only rick etMmrh to bo indifferent about tbe cost of a tbia it woald wbat tbay want la tke mat ron're erer tried Jt too fact nothing la easier taaa to r in areas "s you boy, oat tke nemty is m ut vmuaag. r . u v . I JC'Stl, I third eatimates now tt will look after a moatk's I ter than any one not an expert. We sire yon tbe I benefit of oar akUl and labor, aad tt U safe to be i raided by ear judgment as to goods, wbUe eier- cialns yoor own taeta aa; bo -patterns sad atria af Sarmenu xnas we are noneet in oar eesire to serve - yon efBdently, oar readbiaaa ta take back gooaa ana rerana money is tne oest test. ; -A. OATtO. .. mylStf .. Leadins Clotbler. ir Bids Invited JpyJB TBS XNTIRK STOCX OT VIIXINSBT rancy QoOda and Store Itxtaras, tofetkar wiik tbe naezpired Jaae of Store an Xsekaaga Ooraaa. ' 4 . Many 6f tbeQeodaart qsita new aad of tbS bv " teat atylea,' the stand tha most desirable IS tke alty,' aid the patronage trat daaa.:- ii'. 1 v f rii-'- ; ' ' ' : All parties disponed io coaandeTtSlaoepartaaUy' of baying at once a good atocx ana gooa Dostnet r at once a coed stock and i on very Sberal terma, will pla berai terma. will nieaaaairoiy lor parun lara at tbe Store, or to . my llOt ;. eiz B.FnaM.Sae1gaee. 1 I . Y (111 IM HHll ii. A. (JJllL: , -fw ; w i I y.J0VJ Cslv, tjbb j . .a l )1,(. airSsJOeirUrUII -J1-' - JjL'r i'i'" ' t n BITTERS .,t: i, Osroas, N. C, FehV Aj ISSOL i I lira. Joe Perron's Remedy cared oar .little -firl. -Who was badly afflicted wtta Scrofala in tbe eyes, a'ter. ail other arsilable maans bad raUed, -. , ,i f ' -K. B. Bl.TJQTT. Xncloae stamp. Xor teatimonUla of Remarkable Cnrea.. .. . . , , . . . ' , i Prepared by Mrs. Joe Person, V rankllntoa, Mi C i ,, :,",- --I '.' w i viilr i rwaaleby WM. H. OBBCT, Dregrlsi, ? mbUly f ,T pav - : . WUmtaataay W. Qj yV ii-aWftAlei'ir1,-'-'vi Qridrfo5'- n :' jJmmm Drilrlinl O TO V fl V i k O Q U I C K ' i i.niJ w.Ci .-JaliM.-- i.rut. v I, ... 45 ,Mjrlcet;recC, ,,. ru' il , w.i-.- c1!11 T rm 15 eenta to $ia oe. r,S;. .,CJ f jj.,.. , lAcmAHDatAJiBrjBqsr ' manynoremea, A Hew lane Just received. ' K 0 1 r .- ., . c t 8 ,4 , ! ' , BROWN A RODDica, apatctwoc. o;iJ jo- n..,j.-.aa atua-keaafa't'i bis 'pti imi. o,J itiiivxu.fjittl. .;... . -.- ' -. - . - -, t 'VK aKXXT DKAWINO Ol i TUB , .il . Apolh it