a. - f" . -w ,aa ,ar a-sV - aJk mi w W Tf """" . . ,'; Vjvj,ai-,nrra 1 ... Miiir imri ... a I eo 1 UIMrtIU4 cm cur im oinrtiNRik. -rswtrt E. nfy.ol OkWi. k ke niiiw I - -r . : ... ..t.o p..k..m bakaia ki &. uuo: Joif Milk bJM ,ai ! b o ol t ttjl fot coav. w ao iooaat4at4 U IA r Tu-Utaly a bMO ld, . ocuTTa U Boat lirtca .Taiiraa aiiiiiuv wav w ,.rd.7 tca.alo. Uo Tlui MU Ti. uwit.p eo-paatoau. aaual I u Fof drTaaa la Mtaaoart, . ... kill . Mas a aaill a a a liU- fili saiboaWi a o-f -.l;io t--1 aT-jatad ass ' ' . todbvtJ oo Ih-s posts; . , pcsaj DHct - ,.a -urT-t-4r--J. (Hit waa tAA ny I -. 1 Will IM u . . 1 r a-aa 11 rv-ii atavaaav w w skwaaa. a J-- . 1 . 7 "Jl raailei. ib dktl a t., rohJ-a. ...1 A3A fioaa oaks- i - '" ' 1 ai V . m.j ...wj . " at lww. " J'- at S P. M- yaaur. ,,f - Mr OutlaM. la wife liUao. AmUw a.-cot-J by Prof- ttsiard. sf Na..l. Tsaa. New York ataikaax - a, IAI t : .n..ai.MM .-,3-3tp.'-t:eouo jy t e Ofc. anothera ooar : lM. w.i c Kwar. aagrtMled tad l li 44: i: r.ra k&U lowaf. nagradad SSQ 4lt. Hriu tarpaouae Ana a H eta; main .5..-. t ", a lf a. t a?. rw ia an effort to compromlaa .nria aa r M aUrt bt maktag lUbartaoo and rnaadlar'awap pl-- Tbie ie in- 1. -bw- .-.dby CookUaga aat- It ta D-- . .c 1 a mti Kair tA It. .,. . -i rae Uat jooroaiiaU rtaieoi. tow prv- ,.iVoa. I Vi.Cor llendnekabaa bweo tnUr- 1 .,aw.L He think. Grant the d.adeai us uiini ia. I .tical eock in the pit, aad that T .KatLtota bar. i iiuaiiua m mvw ,ht ta AitiAi omiaaijooe U a I ... . i.rfy Of co a raw it ta. tie j I 7 w. - I ,4tora are atmpay a inry ymmm a V a aw. t-wAa. iK nAanirLallooa. Thai t all I . t iheCooaUUUoaaadpaU ba the saUeav - om am i.lniiy if are to ..t.n.r o-tK . a A af Bl .as " T rJ I rTW . .K,a... .j- . La an iLS-m Waa eatIa a It BiCB I .... I ar iha eooexderauoa at dOOOtara bto i . vi I 1 .V, that RPAlI LaXJaaVSHtti Ol I r.Ktan millini?. Hich Hera, are ra , - t Irwbmg rcAding aad a good oJlaet to I ihaalaad.reof Northera go-aupa aod I 1 b "lera. U M" thara war 437.750 1COCD.I- I ... . . ma.!. 1 rtants to tbe U ailed tate. the largvet la any 00a year ap to I ..... I isio. hto thw naabar reaohed sw,- -.vi ir . . 1 a a 1 aaa m inrniii I I it ttar. if the atreara coottnnee I tr...Sn tbe year aa tt baa bwett thoA J y mw . Ur. Stvca .the jrar 1881 iwtoty . " - V. - - a . yar tea Mnor kHIvhm'm. - I UtiWs.f- T wV-k,. ye-Wd.yfrWrfW "iSS A .uga driV.,a Kew York. f "d hab! BS - !uV-aa?InrTa,.. Bans.' Dana iaa i i Vba groaeda fir. Henry nwhK PD P0" named XTUrtWf. V Sfr c.fy. b-e p-,f.ed ...p- tog town of Wloatoa. Tbi.-wa. bUdim SiWltS iai who bought an old trait .from an peae W eatehiag.wb-h eeutbe tUil tQ wunUgtoo. aad we hope be car- ' tocurntoVA:& N. -4rrom tocMtofilI ? -b wagon, P.ying50oenU lor tt. JJ jtg. ttSTuS! .SS!?3 ried ewey with blm pleeaaaUmpreeelone. SrSI instead It retained a. PAAkage Wtapowd p It i.r.i. aaiaaiZ . Bouthern mail, for all point. .Sonth, daily. South, dWtTMS M. ,a tiswa. paper. Iu rain. Urtt-out 'Kb Xb, The Portogueas brig" Jrana 7.. we. jol; to poMp Sfflav?' ... ka -.-ti, It la a WiJ lKJr!Vt-ad b book -aad -nab at tbe f-Wed from thi. port for LUboo. yeeter- Md Oharleaton, 7ASp. mpenfor JVtyiVtUiV. " wwa.. vimvv " - I T T- i.l..atinthllf I . .. . ; JWa.aa'l . -r.-at L.v'-W a.-mallf I aui a.v yr " : trTTTP J7 ! n ir .U ninety dlac.da Md belo to lf Zorr VV.H.Vand.rbn wltoaainitix. J i dyeryopen fromo.80a.m to7p.m;;; f; 00 ,u The honeft father aeothU-oti . J 0 Hamburg, hf MesA DeRoeeel & Co., witl d0B,Bonday.frooa8Oto 9.80 a. m. r feVLSyf to tall all aboat iU It wae loat if cluxaaa of Iredell la behalf of ptobibl- 3 bam of rosin ; and the British j ;,,,;e.n e,,,, yr---i;-VL!ra ,.ar..ga .Nowleithahaetlr -vTili 0 ViJiSZ manUprotnoUdU- - eaadlori carried off. - tfaa B. Kidder fe Bona, with 83,143 feet of lum- I iUdrew Judgt colowho z v r n 4 racikaijeiowera-af -OraaTUle county bare 4-4 83,550 ahlagle. ' jaii here for some time, under a commit 7. diate 6iacBrMonaayijajid s. . a. . -r 771 ooocloded. after matnre (Uliberatioa and a a a fneai-rom-oda-ol our iiaaglv.ntea.-tgBd. Tburidayi.-..ir. Tbo Kfff XoT-c' Jlirald ia now the StSo c.peie-Aion..io-'Tent 4lcease 9mn.mj. r.,rt.r-fw3 wSS!nSiSfWM 8rbithTille' toailaKbr organ of Iloacoa Conkling. It 000- Suq" r dsaWwho msy appJ-,rte at . Joha G? t5ldenbutteMefr yeaterday - boat;daflTleept8tta 3tr SutM Snts bfcadaUaad lithe rrceldu It SKlC Smrtffi 1 a- etreumatantlAf-talnola and oa- Bny ot aefwty-a doilere lay ettod la the . jiaTMla' Germany.' 'He ex- i uwJvii. a.wa:aw!. . ; .r WiWfibgtoEaiBlaTOf neetadiaiuof -haa tr 01. by lb8 and Cookllag titmtittUtbwIaffad to Vodtaaalercthl. on their heads & B2VKE1T8 OARBaLIO 'nd to tlwir eeyerallnteresU an, m,p(au af T vwan.ff.i Mitaawa ., , . i - - -- TV AuU awpfcui'i ; TT i. " IWlT OB Wiaua, aunt, auvna i -i . puumwa mm, . lJL j . - Wita-aar;. -If. Qorhai ta .a'pp to bar. yr-:W $S$$l JJffi Vlm doaa tho trriUacv It i. iaU tola la 2Strar.Vltrt-tt dtitroyt wmt UtCiii Uroe to. meet prompHy, Jt, half d..W .v , CP i -a ;.a". " .-a-aik. tiiSallTfa Sa Til boJv waa tUcfleaatf odor cauaed by decaying 8 o'clock thi. eyenlng. at theofflce of (&eiieTta''oldiT . La. c Connng'. caacnA .pach. oflcdj-d oa 5 DttBruuiJuU- Oill llaoaWkane ia WAihingtoo oanaot JtAfhifTnAira boy alxt Jfl yaar, old. breath. Ued aa T.Z i a aa' 'T tVY- 8:80AiiH 52irT aeAthetahl.oaUoc:. buiui JffiSS of the itrinWUt5 (JiiWJ w4 iff ,or rT. fSS5 ad a rnSuig er wdhlabeen wed el Dxkxitt.tboh tBisxiKauaBd. nUfffAt . . . - -f , .V ha''0wa,N BI wli benUra cee- for the cttre ot Sk." noraforda Acid Photphateio. two eaae. of IatolhMRla- Coakliag. ItUaalgaUreaUng not BOOfat gfSWfal airtrA; O00 ha ajxeedbollt a fm For efle tryPp' Peod, p.Jn, 1 . , Aid a bo at tb Uoitertur, th lU-1 l!h JVnhsrrrsr "', ' "f'; r r v ih I .F . I mw f"1 ."Pod5'dl rra.lWj . - - t - . id nothing CCt mirb! umnioo.. ..H U wotWcoo. tria - Boi w iw'doo,ltfcJlh Mr It uialw a uj.-n Qmcaboro ---7 - ' ,- 1 utr now, tofarutU of eplr- itaoaa lioaora -U coooettvad. - The iinoaa injiyii iwuwiu-m. I MM .iMad i ai . 13 - 6'dMt AI. 00 at 1 n rna w - -a n n 1 .uj ui . maxima . aviwaWa su w an a ' ..r:r. -17,T. r.i r A-J- " " "V , I v . . .- I unaetwro n oqhs-itiisu. iww . 1 a ypmia -Tnrpununa. ; Italeigh bad nio4n tlaalba in AptU. . , l a-i.? Alamanoav . Oleaneri Air. John O. Daily, ot Alasaaae conaty. killad aa wgalar Alny-ali pooada OS BUI pUca Uat weak. -Tha ooctraot for boildiog ai the Oiford Orpbaa -Aaylam baa not been awarded yet aad ao brVek-maklsx has be- geaMHportad. . . Uro of Uf. VV. La Lindsay. mt McLaaJurUla, QaUf ord co-an- ly.wltb aboat a,000 pooadi af flee tobacco. WM deatroyad by Are recaally. aaja tbe Grwasboro Kiri. Maa.attentioo u now being drm(,a (0 lB4J iro lda of fiortb Carina ci -t vlMi'iMf TCm tCk. Z.iZ7m.TmTtnmi.l Itvo raUtj I T"'fMt .-flA . Jto- awr MKAAMtc . . it . n - .-...I Uoi. woaxtoo J. ureen maue i M aicallat IfaoaoriJd Addreee at Fayetu-I a JU. W ninnn UKETCXl UiBUfl 1 -r-'cTla l2 kmaatat. a tmaaaOaiAl ceca- peurtotic ta Its I I2b aaiaesd by taa frccaeet applaaae. ii u laaaur accauuvta. waai i w.jv rr u. w II I w.rw, M adnata kfflad -.-aawav, - -v i sm.4m ass wa v-. m a w a via tbe utbeff day. It aMeanred atTea I 7 I feat aad ! two iacnee rrooa up to up,eowei axeuiid. Jadca Merrtoa aad other ktt wU irta. tL. ppl oT Aaaow, a Weiaaaoro oataaSOia opoate tmnject o( Proetbittoa. . Memorial Day paaaad. arai lqU. JadM It arrtasoo aad other I '"'r..w1 M - - . .-aT -il a..ai 1 1 aafir T -a. aSTBL faBll w SiBlI K BJa BLautaST H - 1 " La 1 ......k. .i..tamhi. Up Tall "" - '"irIT... wT7kw I waa as aga iw-a-. " I tetaaaiad. u aao aeea cwix ixx a gxaa 4SftS aataaaaao. us naa wsam cms mm m i -n 1 t .n-nii at ttia I Kay U aaflassiso ai auu,t. at, .as uw Bata La thai eectloa win add ahoatfi 10 wci 1 v-f iaa aa . a ya a-a n wa - a wrfuT as irii ZLTZZZ.t tA .r Bu aaaaa f I ILB kUU Baf ttSi fatss a MV1WVSV B I IISW: W 7- - I . r. ih. nmivlrt aad I noJacaLsnd I . n.rvrin rarrr Uva wet taloAf-l .1 Tw. I aa ai Ia aaaafca an artraaalTt I . T-r " - " : I I 4a.iwa rak i em A AJiaB utMauai a.? wv-m aw w,-aa-aa-----aa, -jr. . a - I Caaspaiga. 1 a va optaMja o juvu vm- rvapoaoaat they would b far more aao .a .. aM aa nratai nmntlra. a aVaa aaaa aVaaa 1 aa. W a B SWaySaa Bfl i"naa a',,,. probibuloa depends on a ...n a. a " aali a thoos htf .1 maa tome aaaiarday. "and aa active, epaa campaign r Ki . - foil oa.- La Grasge dot: A probibUJoa .g wlllba itUi m thla place oa l he 19th lost. -The (ry,aaa uf the mo-amtnt letted to; baye aAn4 trvaatirf. r hv vvii. -r - WW uiautB wwuwi, h uw uM ,,(,), juuj. j tfftiur morniBK. - : Tern. it. jr. weaiaerf w ww . . - .l.ii: ..- ...i nhahin i - . . . t i n r:: .-ri'HJiii jioi- 3'-" Ymf' ;ihij;sijw SSSSSSw wwi-hjww" jwww - r J. - i- '27 tcoa sit botm torn tgo. -Mr.lUoo?, ooapalror pann.ana in P o iBdiaB:ia4,.J..U iOO?FMM hol nmoot rt4 Ml ;whmt Jn; . pttprtf lk? . Or-flBl -m reared found, i skelalon J.ok ondgr oot of lU rich gmdaun- onffU to norm wrJf.JWJ toyl Tb.eidnei m 'CoocloBite, to Kr West:; . . ;V:,Jfr Tbay .odatandoUdth. total lom pi jmrytblogta nJdafaultbf :wbictiba -M OedSKe7..; J Va.0q i3Fair ... six .r. ....a-! W-W th. t eaaure ol a call oa.?womee. AVfi, iio j.iiivLmotm .r' : -4 1 AcTit? rrniiXair? ' : from wilminjtoa tJAUanUS thrt illiey hare ittdtaoI tabtsey aflflam JetcrtaVDe4 ttrni-. a iht I . v; "v7 . . .:. t intra At rrer 'tha trDCta.r0rJO0ca . .. , m . -r.- i- Krftmiruri J Mm. f : J. nmiiapiworthTof kbl lowa. died on I riutBtaxtJaT xObe wa oomc1-o- I ... lot Ka TfcSS? ttaid haloit hbi tot, ton gU tad ngtM by V tl " 7 -Uemit A." J: Joyner tod T. ;T.'.P6p left ifnfiv ni)tirti-j ialv'Wlt-lVthem MondAyfotBaltmo -vw- - . "riTTo 1.. I qot. Vane, to bw '-atetd 'tftti'.8 icei.? ni Lop taey wm; wia tiio ia 1 trrr ' ..1" u t.V. Wn rwrkl& Ifr. 1 Aummora w.eowpw . ... . - - w am. r-aan saw w eiUEmeraon receed tb aeatnum WcJced by fcliorae, f01 I m. -kuk k. l n aioadaT morn-1 -.. - 1 ni. wa. a. y.n in rnmmna 1879 aad 1830 6,374 baiee ; coooa anippwu UtulitglbapaatiBTt-a aeaaoa 7,870. bale Tbe- I ceVuwaff - ' u ' - I -l i I T. K,FAaojrA: cart ;rfT; ; . v : .ArouosAxn labia water. . HuitaOT Llnea Testa, etc a O. KoBJUwyjeal Irnli. . : Acjoas & VoTTirte Refety oil. . P. CTjxxrsa & Co- Peanut,- etc. ; U! C J. a STTYxaaoH N. a bams. etc. Nonca To truateee Eciacopal Cburtnea. l OohI Oo-SummeUAlcbookx I 0Diraon & ua-oummw ibi . i a.eal otsw Capt. J. W. Kllia,of Cblttmbttv: U at tlw Parcell Hooa. Fine shower of rau aoootnpa-1 rv thunder and llcbtnlnc. early yea-1 -- 7 : - :. terdsy morning. .1 . . There are areral change. In Ute . .1 OHnorrow -oralng. ,i a Col. Walter I. Steele, ex-on-1 Col. Walter Is. Steele, ex-v,oa-1 frrw ts rtixth District, dropped I , i wi"jj. -I aa a saw w aavw a a " .- ' , a -1 r.uij ,a,Wa-w y ..nlv, mnA rrhMnnt atraata. has bad. a nne I tenlk. ,Cbeanut atraet, ha. bad. aflne ement pnt Ia TWnity of brick paTement put aown ia t hU store. i store. - . . a ' a .Br- tt,A a - On and after June 1. 1881, poa aaaaaar 1 Baa , ... B jt..u-- I ; Jastioe Gardner naa not jet 1 I . ..Wal . - -wui-xed hie oecisica ia w bsh , toiUauum.a-1 . ranaerea ni. oeciaimi ia hwumvi i 1 f ... i.ii 1 it ia newoieBa-sor j " v. it.. . . . n aaap wn ar. a Henry Iwn azreated Idr dealing, and . ' ' a . B a. av aiaAl1 B a in a i a-w mentioned In our (.at issue, is.no w. L.A.ik.i.a . i kaoWD baibar Dy that Otme. - I 1. . .1.- c- m AUB UlCIUWluara. ... ..... a.ta...oi it -cent mnrw rrwiaaniiM aaaw aa-sa, aa w aa I I . a a a - B. Tl auV a IHA I-daVoniwi ln. aoTar warmest day of tbe ieajOtt, ap tar. v? - - - . I Several boja wero ln .wimming I at tbe foot of Princeee atreet, yesterday af . .- . J 'j li-. ... I .IW. I . ... Mkira ivia a-amn 1 1 irvui w a lji aa urnnin aui d uib .niy p. dKoitcli6l u offlor le wa ibem 001. diapatcbed an officer to warn them on,. tne noors ior m?2"' oic foUowar - - ;. AkWaw im . Raafka.r- . -r . - - I Bananas ..' r I paBrowj, ibe Ipang . colored mid who wmaaxrcaiou w v"1' " --T-T l lTinranii btbhiqit. uivilcu ui ana wcaiujg r- rvrr: i'. I ciotfilijg f W.tha4jelBwBB?niP5 June Dl-DrjoafieCPnAiUeet, on Wed- aedaTnkbWJapraUmlnMr examiaa- rtogaoPrbwn,bad 1R re.ice uaraner on cu- i lof Uig.U.e. a.or.W , or -l" Jnej; I the woman, from, whom, the money wa it rni-- iMitflM) that ha substantially coo-. I Q-. laated ina larceny wncn wwncu -- ...j IT??? LZJ, rmirsd to enter ww . 2" , -aa. I 1... .Miflaw tumi ln-tha arim of 1100 for I , th - sr ar . , - r . 1 yeert of age,' wits JJeToy nai 00; DaB, WBr-lr--srT -rrj - .- . 1. .i,.ria nriimftenr Kicn- nmiDuou ui jiii.ua t . eiown Antra ylr-- "J , c Toii iibe' corner Oablrd. be l: a-axket to Fourth atreet; when he : ... , .1 -.1 m main at I Wae DfeUy IWUI OO. U19 1V u falt.wayJ at LMtaccounte to- ojsiaacaia.i pinraiideeapei3 ru-Aa: ,t: ! - I Hw at market atreet, jaaaiwae. i ""V VV a--7Jj A Mtxket atreet friend oi oura, wna;,a exceedingly fondf a:good bone 1 1.-. n. k m HAtlirdSV DIEOl 1MI 4 WolCn COevntm raioer o p w-- ? .-r-.i a ai&a&a hi uaj' iw...y ' J ' " l .vi. . .. !: mMi "inianei. ' -aiitxr wi-uiu -r - . proceeded to bate hi. market basket filled wlTejret&bUB ,nd other arUclea for hie J a .. i i.r ,uk k had heen Teaoested to I farnliy. vbkb be bad been queated; tol pajfcaaae, and aboatT 11 o'clock, after ex I pending aoont f or fo, - f -r i eeetaeHee. being about proylded and . J,il. rrfhn I . i .! ..w1!,. fcf.wli nliat.Rai flnatlnor t hrnnffh ! bla brsiin ntlHUBT UWINt ItwiMP. , fc went t0 fci- piceor bualncas to-Ieave l ki.haailradenbaAkfctwniie neproceeaoa i fm? . " ' : ti. aiM I Watakettoltetaboxo .Ma imab t m a nnrwr noon, auu no nsui Z-yZZwJi'utt hasket od the - .- B1",tr?r . . ---v"--'! atair-atepa. , : aa ne came ou taww w w i rtiAMM muti atnndtaiT.at U6 aoor.ono oil a i. , eianlintf taw a nea fllHir hud aja, cowroww. --rr .7:";, doib ppwwnuj wu,i u u- , . k Mnsant u if to make a reconnot- i sauce, and be had to take the fellow by the I ".. . . . ..a ) .w.-t -lahoolderajid ptxan Jtimiow w .wo w-,.. Oar frtend men 7;.-"- tTA . - JB Via ilAKB al HBI ft B eeedingia lew'stepa, wtea uvu a-i - . . ' - . - than I went acrcea to atjt, jnade hlap.archse, WBHa V4Wa. "" T- " . I u aDOat fiTO or ten minutes, anq ... .a wwraw . . . . ariia w Wt m iu.ir a nil il araa uui ana sppwH"-" tff TrrrrTL M a... at tak a-tn a . v aAB St rt'Bl 1 nil Tl IK W . UUa-a nap anil all th' Utile Xtra WniCa KCpV 1. I Mt IDQ UI uw iiiuo uaa . .1 (wmnsBT.' 1 It WM tbentOO late to dO mUCa - -- i.- l ...r.'L. . i hal -j.fr. or MAntaat bimflall W1LJ ACUULMOiU. wliuy-w ia- -f if. . ' .Vm a. a r Bt.sa aaafin saa; UUMfcaB a -. T . a - - - gnir white' be; flainy rr im Hii lloealee hucksrer,e securing ironv -i - t.tie 4:V??J3if: . ;- -. : . .v -s..-.. - au.iaK talrfcr . . rwm a m a 1 a . . . .. . i u. ooot. lor cioiiot w . m.. ..s- ioHi'r3 -ntiiv muuf-juuiiua. Ida iharmninator 'it (hfl ttlllnl) nimed. ftt lb thermotneter. at the Btauooa. ntmeu.AC gp, yjtedajE. ?WaabogtoadeaD lime, ana aiao ids ;nioaa ui- riuin- iu mcnpi inr init iirRnrv innr - iiuurn euuiuic afUijai.iifiiPffeft Ui3b0ttraaaiabedtoy3 Sergeant jae8?WWaia,.iiaJ JScefimabi o-tkln;; . it. r Clear Tbe following irelhe-IadBsAllons for the . statei ' ' yar" ; temperaturaintbe. north ,4 Tlie B.r,i The Bazaar Io in The Bawar giTen btbectory ub ot p.. oon a.nufcu wmw y 6h -?, 'UUi S hrvWa i? JrfuJ . V .i T-"Vi- TV . Thi nVt nt visM :-forthe moat - . ber of Yote,.and WM: WMd?d e;Mgnaa . w v 'r?TZr?? . declared Vibe she baying ret least ' .' ' i recinient of a? naeasome naeaKercaiu caoo . uw v..-.. ttt ladyatJBaiaaTiic - j n elegant table cloth was giyea Mta, Q-r , -.j.aij. . . .1. . t).... iiumu IVOICuanilOmiU W JJaaiaia aa -awi-.f i The tadiea deairejiejoBajmeu for the j?atronagertoirjd, 3PdaJao to state that they, J uuyraPPectaxe dmSS" . - ih.rwlsW, Wir ii moTed'to do Ukewi CSSSSH T ' ' "f ,t - , . , aa. , , r hi n...,Mraavi., . w. -r' f riti r - . - . .. -. i ' tnree ,coivu:au3s, ia u.;, .h . vMr:n; rfnrA tha Maror raa- Kauev. haa a neaxine oeipro vap iu.aju . . . a .tt-. .tak tK " -h. ftSvUBarer dite - M .gifiaigTiborl Hessra., Kidder & SOns'tnius on Anuraaay hThey wiliaebitgedIaii ad- , K - r : r . . - - - KIVB Arl--rULaj6Ul?. i- ; ;v - ,fn4i3Ji5M nA- ocuuuucr 'i.. yeateiday, tzry t:nox K . j j w - , WaacxHaTOH, N.;C. Hay 13..188W . - - mrtrfitetofito: , rl.Thaatalnaf the Ttai OrtaL Thai atatna 4if tha STAB. :iU ZT?Zm . i - u v 4a aaail Ww ia AVftjrl nodentood to bo. m the ;.funeat sympathy iav ).. ' Ahaananma' flf "-HfftmrtTiai DaT. w tS-the two, axpriasion. iit,tbe Iklitoilai 111X41. U1D wT A AfcnDA ayasKaj awaaai wasva " l-.. Aihafw. has been: ao - - - ----- liana ail aj at 7 j, F, ThA wrttar. one or tne iew. naa' uvvu- mu . . . ' .m.... w. k. ilaint obaerred tba wjahea ol .ther Udlea. ;of t Jhe 11 .i.l A umiI.iIah anl talrAtt thA ' TtlaAA rfta uia w uuur. mtmw 111 1 li . ' - . b . - . . - m .ri aalaaraafSf M AAajTi " "-rrrilV.- ? JW. XflS WWUUSBW' Vl uaBSW- ..... .1 k. nutrad nkKArvinor 1 tJ i kM rami that thA ahaoliBff Ja.a ..ji.kil. um la 4aalif.th 1 aa I In atV 1 BUtuuvu. I . ) a a. . . w 1 !r.!t "..k- iVn-ihat not a "few" I .111 tiaraafiar aid thamin fntnra. anniver- -TWI11 ir ":T . . . .r.ii sfrres. i ; .-. nrvitf lit AILS. close -and arriyi at the City , --r-7,, f;:6 - il irU, .t9v -nid; Jif-iLri T, i - i i f t-5 " f ? J7 fS ii i J i 1 1 ' " f f r -' J 4 BiWt BAEGAIN.-A Well Published 'and prosperont Weekly Mempapei1 toeated la a thri ving, growing town on the line of a prominent BaUroadV;1a offered for '-aale. tiTerae y.T jPor tenna and partlcnlars apply to the editor or thla 1 V VOTI8IHOSCHisAmftliM 'become 'eo miaiaonwiiTiieuieDeeinnineoi ui tucgsuk, iuw; ieattnx article, and then ran itlatd aoue advertlM! ment, that we avoid all anch cheats and imply il attention to the merite of Hop .Blttere la a plain honest terms as possible, to indnce people to give them one tiiai;-as no one who knows their Tame will ever use anything else. Providence Ad' .veral sleepless nights disturbed by the agonies and tries of a suffering; child, and becoming con-; Tuum nu amnnaiw-i douus mi wm Inat.thM utteiA Meded. nrocared a snDDlr for the child. On reaching home and wnalnUng. his wife wun wnatnensaaone, sne reiuuea io dbto u- mlnistered to the child, as she was strongly rnrsvor or nomn saffertng. nsme to aue&a w sonie aoxDeeLic aaueav atiuv ret wiw 4 Akaaaa-Ula Afaaa aVlM i tt-iatnr - akaABAa tSB BtlTBiiT.. AmWOA WiWl tOSa VIIIW ' iUalua aaM avmavw aav a. . a - --.-- n JlahUai a--a 4a 4k A . kaL IMw-vU UVAtLtUiA iu aaatea DUUUIU15 DJiuv wv waav wa- a . B aaaklaa. . IDV a4-. -ar aa t . a 1 1 hatSa1ab,ailaMrW y4 and said nothing. ; Thstc night -UAands-slept ihe morning hana Tha misf har araa 11 ted with the sadden ana wonderfal change, and althongh at Arstaffended at ; the decen tion nraetlced noon her1. kiaMwHiuia a naav-.ha .flmn. anfl anfFarfno. ing babies and sleepless nights have disappeared. a. single unaiwi uie oyrujr never' yev iauea- vu ra bevelhe baby and overcome the. pielndices of the mother, i Sold , bj all Qrqggiflt8.f-; 3 cents a bottle.: HBlWr-iDVEBTISEMENTS. v fuSI I" af the latest styles .of Gentlemen's Hosiery, plain wear, and 'aska an examination of his samples. 7 t . . - : T: B. F ARSONS, -w .3 r n na-Dmaaaw a. anvt . . aM faitaa : - -a laaa-a a aa- am I an w at aaatwmatit Ar rki A tr. my 14 It ! " Baltimore. ilJoticeu."' Dto VW1U a afaaaw sgat, .wasas am ffpjpasayvyw.' a-eAwaa4 a. tIiaI .i.miAm1 InrAMMta Ima rKa, Tr4atA"tara. 1 ies. e.WsWf W WWW t-M-aa. aaiWIWISI - sTlsw.i-aa. flrwaaa-tft - li ss.'aisifi t.hft:tePTRfinPA hr. on BK8I- A1riar 4kai awanina at-. fSA . dltrBM Af wlr , ilYtTtwntx I- W VVi' aaaatj - -"--a-. - y - vw ya aap . CutlM. on lMncess Btreet. . . , , ' . my 14 lt.y 7a GOLOBED LINEN VESTS, : Good White Duck Yeats, only 76 c (warrantee an :cottdni)::euhA t. . a-Hi-AAt ' w-.rn v?..-. 1 , - auflBuna, my 14 It . Clothier and Merchant Tailor. feGiriM CO; DEALERS IN JFaJSiUtS J MEiAiL: GRAIN ; PEAftLV UUJnliX I, UAI, f JV, wc. ntyMtf-'-1 1 cj-la i-i 't Fresb Fruits; nfraT REOKIVED SOME ..CHOICE SWEET U- '- - "'V- Orangea. Bu&eet Apples, Banaaaa and Lemons. -1 i Cold Boda water and iiome. Matte tsnay aways . . JU B. u. flVKinovr D,. my!4tf ic Fruit' aad Confectionery Stores. VERY NICE LOT OF ALL SIZES; ALO A few BIDES and SHOULDERS. ' DBS8ICATED COCOA-NUT, yery fresh; de- llghtfal for makiog Deserts. FRESH .CRACKERS ANp .C4B.ES; SS varletlea :ifJi reeelved weekly. FLAVORING EXTRACTS, full strength, and best quality guaranteed. I SOaVi?lal0ittlBi-eXlrfnuilCc,'- -joai Ms ' l:de. .yaattla,' 15e,' : ; v,-f 4 oa. do. . Lemon, 0c . ' : . . 4oz. do. Vanilla, 25;. . - ORANGES', LEMGNB, and all seasonable goods. Jias. C St e y e h s o n my 14 tf ! . ak atVadaMX W . . St AiMlllOvI iitf i4W Adrian oVYoilergcor. Sock ftlroittti ; - -5 Agent, fw -Wilmington aad Tlclnlty. -' 1 Slimmer Music4Bo:olj ' LiLut. J- . ... aaaafrw AP anaattla rest. .:-Wi"".UTia-rail-AOf TOCal HBIll 'aH tlHW-VI IHU "jaWaavaa wwaaa - - - - andtrumentsl music. Send for descxiptl ve csU lOgUeS, Or CUOUaa una m wo w"vn a 1 ttvnra 09 fiTRA.U8S. ttbosrds.1br At 60 doth. j feEMS OF THE DANCE, fj Jbcajds, or" ga.60 cloth;.! nsu ' - These two books include nearly all the Des 1 new araitcMi Ttolkmai raloDS. C 7" ?". 'V' o GEMB OF ENGLISH SONG, it boards, or fXStt 1 8UN8HINE10F 80NO.l boards; tSL60 clothe rhe ahova haye eptendld: general cpueetuma 01 S0Bg4. " , OPIRATIcf PEARLS $Tbosrti; W0 ctoto; This la a standard book, containing tne smmV; moat of th better known operas, and iaywry con venient to hsve on hand. But tske :Jao a copy, ar "eeehofeea'papBlaelanghti ui ' SilBltA80U MUSSBTaERS, at,, jTha J&haahadattMrtol tha more SOlia reeens operaa: auwn va, 1T CARJtB; $3; MJCFISTOFKLE, $i FATA iltjB)4!asny .; tarst-hbmeM people will And the aboye equal ly Valuable and utereattng. i in book rnaOed. post fre, retapt4ce. 'V-' . " . . r. - . - -- rr ..a .-. ars. x "jay- m.14 flaw bl - ?. -r-a ... Tig UNDHHStGNED BEOS' LEAVE VTO KO tify his friends aad customers, aa well -as the r ..VII. W. 1i. t. a.V a fall Mna rrax ITBUSTEXS BECSNTLT APPOINTED A by the Congregations of St. James St, Paul's, OA .Ta1ik9bb awtaw al4 aaTa-ialr fa 1nf aiwwal .affknavaltaaa 4a-a VaUaValWai W J iBa.!V eixIOIiUa,.r.'.ii.iffli'i.'r;7' ' ' urti''iS"jt''ti onyearw.vi.i.4.....v.,., tv . . 3yContrsct AdyertisemenU t-eat Iroara , elaaately tow rateat'; p?tjfi4'tv v: . J a M. .IM r.ian Ima niiaMiH an Sara. . . a va mm avuu aivhc- v vr WnEW j AD VERTISElIIilJ T3. 'U ' ' .,.....,,. t-.k.-a " 5. "The fjuEEri of TABLi wjinki,,"! Mxctbtionaur favoured. ntr 4nt . y egheablcj A great boon tc continental ' irwellers?--Ylzw York LXedlcal Hecord. r, a ANNUAL. SALE, 0, ttllU02CaV?;: o-v'-i it a" ;."' . CGroctrsDrvsgttxbliTitw W&Dwtrfi f an i eod ltav:- .-.-t-v&-t- wifr 5" ''K.bawiitd F.!'Tel,, Ianlalanai ln.lAA lAf llarv ' TAXES ' PLACE 1 JUNb 147 'PttlZIS . FROM $30,000 to $100,000 Price, Whole tickets, .10; JIalrea, fA; Tenths, fL-r ? -n f ta . - .' iutp'- v. Addreaaiock Box m,-tf. "'i.Ti'' 1 13 tw! ioj.t.-fct: cu .kw Waimlngtoe. K, V. ' ti , . .r aa-aa - i .. haai J W .IC. J1 i 1 id. .1 II III." B Wmm. I j T'BE KICHHOFS. . t : ii'r 1 nce.finj1thaCistmaB:.ti. ' 71. f; miss pa rlou's New cookbooE .'.T'" j ..v-'V: AND MAPXXTTHG OTtiDS A FAIR BARBARIAN. s '. ;y ''''sByFrSAcssH.''Baraettl'Vl,-!M Jest recehrra st - MOi f);. Mf. Y r.-.' t vBEIIIaBXBCrXA't ' - .1 .1 , 6: my 19 u. ,- LiraJtoek aad Masts Store. liiaim;' A LPACA ; UUTEBflJUii-4 MENT sad st Ihe LOW EST PRICES. A large astortment, sad to r3ARH BUT BBS low prices will be gives. 7. 7 v IV. ' stivaw mattings: A variety of Patterns, snd as cheap as csa be aad In this or any market. , . ; v . , OIL CLOTHS ALL WIDTHS. - 4 - a a. ,-a .a". ' ' 1 la aj I ' Y. '' B. II. IIoIIITIBE. my 13 tf . h- ANTED. Xsanfs saursctarlng eoaeara wsata a 1. nritx4yai ..J la a a rata ' r a.ii-iii 1 .a,-. . . . v . .1 a m knil Jlnllaaa IBDI aUOHl !. a aww a.awM. -w-mmmm.mw - - aarv ta Darr for roods on dellvsrv after ordar. hsva been secured for taa same. , IM per month profit, guaranteed.. Jha moat sasrsMng lavat-Uoa aor Del ted. A. S. ARNOLD A CO., corner lrtt street . a. a. w. at aa 1 1 11 .a Ci ata FasAiionable Straws ! pEARL STIFF HATS f v':-: 1 ' HARRiaON is aLLAm, mylttf c- ' Haitera, TTOW TO BUT BOYS' CJTOTHXSv-r-ople are , ri ant ta think that If they were only rich enough to be Indifferent about the coat of a thing it would , be easy to obtain jusi wna uwy wan m tw ter -of Clothing. ..If yoa,ve evt trtad.lt. yoa . " 7. .C . . i.-, V 4 ia ail- Ihaa la 1 spend a lot ot mower xa dressing your boy, bst the dSacnlty is in the clothing.- " I Una mouer COVSioera uia mwivj v h a"" . . aakm..' wni La a Hani,- awiuw nwnin-i. -- , third estimate, how win kak after a. wpnth's wear.- - ' '! . J .. . .n. . we are watcniui or au une amia m va t-,, Brienee enables as to determine what will wear bet . .v.- aa M aa. a-rnart. Vt rive VOS the henent ofour skm aad labar, and It U aafa to be raided by ear Judgment . as to goods, while exer clslng your own taste aa to pajAerns and style of garment. That we are k la jm .?l'Jj2;. Serve yeA efficiently, ear resAlaeen te take bach - .S. . W ..Jt.a niaaSklaa i; BidsInvited v - tOB THE ENTIRE STOCK' OF MILUNEHI Fancy Gooos ana B (ore Fixtures, wK-ar waa unexpired Lease of Store en Erchsnga Coraer. ' Many of the Goods arV qalte new aid af the la- . test ttylaa, th4tahd the most aearata la the city, and ttWpafroaage first elass; -1 .')p;: '' 1 . . I . a1. . . f . a. ' a'- I AD. parties disposed to 0a)nattlaVr tWeopw-aroaMy of DUVinK a once a kiksu "a , f Zil .SVllTl ama III lllM aDDiV fOt taitlCB 'i I on lars at the Store, or tor - - ..f ." mvllSi : 'J-'- If .You NeedjTpnio j WJojerson's : ;INDIAiS QWIC BITTER0 7rZ,m..T:-i;t.r' . -.. i'''! L. . n I. nalaaiM" nlr.Wlli M1 ' ' who wsVbaSramictsd wtta acrofuiala the eyes, ( a-ter au omer .v- - '2. " Eneloaa ttamir for :toatnaoAlala ! of yetaarkable ! er. . 7. .7. .i. : .'.-. ' .-.1 PPbVMrV'Joell . , rorsaiaDy w. . --J71SrVv mhjajyj -t'r- ii-ri. Parasols and Sun;-SMdes.u ' -!U "Mi -! ... . ,.-' " B ro vn :C2bd dick V -TITEHAVE MOW ON; HAND A-BXAUTlrUL s V aaaortmentof the above at prtcea raaglag laACWAiqJlLlKBUtUiS.. J Si line' hrlaeea sad Bsaaerga laA sweet 'S. teyao. A'awLiaatustrecalvad..lr r.t' ! urvl ) . BROWN Js RODDICX, , ' ap.tflftiJ i. .j a., 1 44 Market St. T . . r ..-..-. . .. , ijj mUi 1!J-j -u..a. t, -iSeep root. vicht, . . ;; . , ,,.. ; 1 1 TTii v u naoiuaarta. Mafhesa. i. . .'' :tll ol -tttteWaTae 'au v lirtVafW' . w aii y - . . . . -iiiT lifl iMil'a lJraJTa,V ni; ii tf Msrket St.. bet. Fraat sad Hfgae ' -t..!g-",'-J-- '--J 1 "" t!"'' " r i.. ';s airfl8t tiki .! !AtnaPearL"aaa4Bald.'r Vi . ft-J.Jwn. tha SaaaB SoaAC. : :'.iv . ,J i , iS gfgT aaaoa the ssasoa tkroagb. . i; , .r 1 By taa Hatter of DyerSoa, '-'.. i myitf.;, .. fl ... I i . a."