. . - . -1 - - . . .. . - - && riouiiiiitirui'iiii. ncaara oaa aty, v,, ... U MXCMtt WUJtlMV Tbraaweaka...i...u.r;iiA ,S ea ci I've moauiaftvwf.'i i v "' xaiaa numiaaM.,i.AjMu-.w m vajn-t' : nr? ff.fi h?3UAg i ll 3KFFW ,1 : , n j vajfio vVii: Ml 'SinfiVbJ i in f mv "tv .::or f faardaya7..l,T.iliiA.S.ia J. wea..J;.IX-j.i-5'.4 CtWa U aayMri a Co Oif Ari Xtwlad M ft) UMM(U a('i'tMi,Mt cae iswrimteo,w. fc. M aaauayl aaaal MUM I ouyliwk. iu iltbfBieoeCbovrvtifiw la eewloa at h-. Liuu eJjoeraetl Hatorvlay. t.i meet at Cvcru eeeoaJ HkliAiji aww Bcn wire lastaa.J eaU rseolatiooa de 4Jaic.o the tWitea govaeaaneol 4pu0. u!iroa freight beje at nff:. N. V .ruck for ee e4raaca of wsgve. ia.lar wm dtcoeaitoa day le Memphis, r.oa . tT Yoao delivered lh oration. T NKlr of a aekoowe murder J tu.n l ia h woo0 near QeUecbarj. j ra IWy ol Tueie eigeed the . Freace 4tl protest; greet j,.: o'ttt prevails ie Teals; the trealy k ..! fc iUnr u Freece. cupe , ...a . llw fMU tiJ , t. t i.-a Mei "Uet pure. ft, ijMl er f.lta ff teyn.eel of lb putlc ,1- -i o! reureoat ebrvaJ ty Preach) a. ' Cjola 0aure c ufc:m a t run. l "New Yk, tea tbir rio ia tb t. S Seoaie ,,(r U . o miv ot cipUeattuo atveo f ,. i icir t:'mo, -a .oBoaacecaaat creeled , . .! ioi. ltojcVe ewaaaeie will bw ;U.uUi y coeekleroi aawi ta tWeete .n ..lj.i J' ta waek. New V rH, nke: M 34 p wL ;Col , n ,;:ti ID 9 teJJO t3-tc; amjlWo 1, . ,r --i o.l uoiaU: bal a aUa a70-18 ct; rtxio Bra Uloo JoJged whan the vola on M4iihwa cina on. S" lnl ome k ntfliN of tha two pagilUtio irivCr'h operator ara lUjjioaM Da Kir ChariottA, and John Coint, ir iv ilia, !. H jtat L'Hidoo Siil4Tfiiy iV ,,4 h&4 oouceU aj?prf!a.UTw4 jMUnola Uan.' b'H vr.bOil fiadiog out thai t b3oa of humor. I m haoiri m iboaand i. ur. b-u 4abcxibJ for the ..icra of tba Siblay Milla, ai Allan , Bth Nr York an. I lloatoo 14k 4Uk. iu tboataoda of ppl Mni - ib iioial llmaaanck, Naw Y ...4 u itnM "Kirtiil" I)IiQcy ktiM Jri a loar-hora aig. Wfcat ,.uy it u tha "fpol killar" lid not uk Li apcaraac about that tun. Th moafcianog ompaign in N .riU Carolia prapra. R-alaigb ia l a coltoa anill, anJ woolen imhI will aooo b in operaiioa at iiiuic. Thara ant ollvar cailU in fwpaci. By th anJ o lhayear iuit iHioobt at lraat a doxan railla iilbavalaa com pi at el or will Lava tan. So b it. ilarautha coodilioo of tba Naw York dry goodi mark at oa Friday lt: -I'otton good a tydy qaiat in inu haoda, ,bat laading maiaa .-oatioaad avaady. Ixw gradea liacbU ooda war iU ami oa ulad. l'nau wtta ia ligbt da mand. Spraguaa faaay priau war rwlacad to fira aod half (5 J) cant a. (iabama aatWa aod lawet jobbing mora fraaly. Heavy clothing wool lo vera ta (air bat irragaLai da min.1." Tb Ioiarilla Crur-Journal . a papar no Soatbarn man aboold taka aa a gaida, for it lacka, wiadom oftao and perlup 0 t-Laf qaalitina. It baa cnlidaiug cx-FrnMtst Jil rerton D U V II Ulk la wy quit apt to pltaa th nbid aditora ia ih North. W iiinlbw wxplid , If It ttttraoca art not esagbt- np gUdJj by tha Kapablicaa prtaa and pxiadad aa a fair azpooeat of Soathara thought. Torniogloiha KairYork limn, wa find apart of tha artkla copied beaded, MHow iba Habal Ubltt caiaiourpraU tha paal and miajodgi lha preaaot." t Cookliag vaadafaatad by tba miaiauatioa afidaotly. II vaa afraid ia uka a rota ia eaacaa. Tba oawt y tt aria j vaa liaahed oar tb wire that KaarTovk vaa wftlvoot U. & Saaatov. BcU Coakliog aad Plait naa raaxgaad ibair pla aa Saaa tor. Tbta vaa taddao and wWl taka Oafiald and company by aarprtaa, aa U doaa ea aod atary ooa alaa. Tba parpoaa of Coa-Whot probably : tha Lg1aUr of It Yort U to aaaaioo, and haaaa eoatrol majority of iL Ha wiahea to b indoraad at hoorria hia fight with tha 1'realdaoU Ha will L rvlcud tad will rttnra aaatatoad and atraogthaned for a 3oaiiaaaa of tha war.' If not tb'ia, Ukaa wa eaaoot gatM what. , blroio iaa ia aad wLbIlV raaignaiioo aaaaaa. HaU followatL: Coo kilo jr. ow- b)lhO 5I.fT8 o:nJ vol: xxvni.No. 48. 1 fIora ara aoma itamv of Wajhtog- toa goaalp wo plot oat of "BildadV latttr to tb Richmond ,Star. Blaioe baa oo latanuoo of raaigatog aa re- portad. Mra. QarSald ia seriously sick. Chandler baa no hope of being confirmed and talka of withdrawing Sa teral RepabTicans ara opposed to bim, aad all Democratic Se-oalora ob ject to oonSnaiojf bim .for , Soltcitor Qeneral. aa office in wbicb be would " i bar cool rot of marshals for election purpo, and would probably under take to spply in tba Sooth bis pecoliir political mslbods. Robertson will b oon firmed thja week, it is btlieved. Senator Tku is trying to induce him to withdraw. Matibews. ia being complimented,, by .cetUio. persona living in rartoo sections Members of the Judiciary 'Committee are cot pleaded, to ssy tho least of it, that their report against Stanley Matthews waa overridden by a majority of the Senate. Mallhewa'a auccea waa doe to lha iofluence of Secretary Blaioe and (Jov. Foster, aod the earn eat ad vocacy of Senator Lamar. Conkliog, in hia long speech (bis sacond) before the Republican caucus, gave np that Robertson would be confirmed by a vote of two to oo. Tba Waabioslon Post of Saturday thus reports him : "Ha would, however, tell those who favored the nomination that they were diefrinir a pit in which it was' not unlikely the Republican usrtv woald bory- ue!f. He bad vodeavorad to avert tha danger by gaiding Saatora in a differant direo tioa, bat bia oouoaol had been diare gaided. Tharafota be waa relieved from all reepontibility for the diaaa- tra that might eoeo to the Repub lic i party from thut action ot the I'reaidanU. In conolution, Senator Conkliog extended hu thanks to I boa who had ao manfully stood by hiro." The Richmond Mate's letter Bays of the performance. : MConklioge apeech waa very offeo- ! ti maoy ! nia auauora. oomo lUpublioaoa hav to-nighl privately xprvaaa! regret that he has been allowed to tnfl with the party so uoar. Ou aaid : 'What made me o cnad to-day waa that Conkliog eemed to control our conaciencea veo.'" 1U aaya he will eudeavor to get van with GarQald hereafter. ii ts Turpentnicj Prof. F. W. Simoods, of the fjaiveraitv. ha reaigd oo accoaal of coo Itauad bad aaailb. Wilson AdoaJiee: There ia a atiaaoi oa foot to establish a col too fac tory la Wilaoo with a capital of $50,000. Tba Charlotte Observer says tne Hav. Mr. Cbaablre. racaatlf of Cbapel Hill, aaa accepted a call to Bt. Petar'a Epircopal cbarcb ia Cbailotta. Iaanoborg EMtryrite: A suffi- cmoI aaoant et moeey to bay tbe iroa ana 17 iba irack of the Florence road from Fav uevUle to tba Boulb Carolina line, la al ready io b baoda or ibe ueaaurex or me road. Charlotte Oburvtr: Posters be a been pat op ia tale city ia villa re cralta for tb aevvJce of Uacl Bam. Tblr ua dollara a eaoetb ia tbe cempeaaation offered ptlvataa.witb aa open flak! for pro saotloa. Greensboro Patriot : While a oumbcr of youag eaatlamen war out sere aadiBK last aicoi, Mr.W. R. Botart.oaeof paxty, bad tbe eitsfonaoa ta fall from a pile of boxee oo tbo aut Jttat ia front of ala faiber'a atore,aa broke bis left arm. Winston J&publican : , No w the reiwrt tomes tbalSv. P. flaaderson U to aacceed Cot. DoaflaaasU. S. Marshal. Ia tbe eaaUer of ajnaloraeot wabave one oxxcailoo to make ia tbe lour eat of tbe eteraal fliDesa of tbfsS, ihtt is, turn oat Col. James Boyd now. aod appoint Jamee Madiaoa Laaca Dletrtct Attorney. AsbeviUe Cilize: Ooe night last week Mr. J. Tweed, deputy marshal of ttadlaoe cooAty, wall passifls down Mais atreef. Ia tbla place, received a blow froca some abtrp , loatroaeat oa tbe head, a rock It wa prssaBed, which caoaed a aavere fradare af tba akall aoma locbea la jb.. A trueey" eaeaped from tbe railroad works west 1 ibis place, last Sat tudey. 0c clothed himself ia aoma clll aaaVcKHBie; aad atarted letotowa Ban d.y irurnooev wbea be aa aaea by two vf ib award Wao were oa the lookout for bim ao4 oroafalto a halt liter reeelvlac two balls lo ooe ot bit ansa. Norfolk Landmarks Tha faying ct the track of tbaXlixabeta City & Norfolk IXaUro4 waaecenpfated Tburadsy. tbe last nt1izg dxirca a 1X43 e to., at a point Slf a mUalba otbat aide of Bblagla Lead; Si Creak. Tba track bytn from tin end worked sil Wsdaesday nlitt and crossed Bkla!Uadlaf creek (tbe half-way point) at si aa i yesterday, before the otbr party. Tier war bo formal ctrsmoole attending the drifiaf Of b last apiks. bat ralresa taeatS war take ot, aad tbe occasion proved-a. very eejoyabi ooe. Tbete bu bae bd c jctualoa ovsr tba road ysl,M la are U sacaa ballsaUgg aad other saattera yet to be eocjpiattd. Tba ros4 will b opssed to tke pabiia os'ir aboet Jtta 1st, aad tk evaei wlU be observed wilb approprUU mm aa tea. Tha road Is about forty-elx aaika la leactk. aad does not vary raaurial- j froca aa alr-lia, lu coarse irom Dewey belsf almost do aonib. New Berne Nut Shell: While tba Uala was f olag ap tbe road, a colored boy. sboal eii htyaaxs of are, f waa Wag .r aortas tha UUt. nstf DJTir. sod be- fora tb saxioaer xoild atop tba train, b 4a h. dmi and dsureroesly wooeded la ike side 'aU UjI'scootou tb boy, wa alive, but waa aoaxpacta to recorax. r:v.T!l r.r:7r:r77 ih. amtar t(i cdortd tain, protably yfsn of aUemntedto cross tbe Kreckv ooJiA few mtles duuat fxoea .Ibe point at which the accident occurred in tba ' morning, -i aad falllae to do aov was rod over it belnr. im poaaibla to stop the traia alter hia : :tuh. at tempt was made. , One leg vw cut off at lbs hrp and the other below me - knee.-: us liogared In great igooy' tinui,' jeaxeraay. wbsn deaut leiierea mm ox xua auuenst;. Salisbury Watchman'. Last To ead av evenlar. while Cablz ia Grant's Creek, jail below the -Western Railroad image, aieasra. . j. ai.urown' ana a Bkabsa discovered sometblng In tba water. Hauling It out it 'proved to be an infant. Oa last Friday at noon seventy-seven more Germans arrived here. It Is gratify- to state that ot these all exceptleg four families have been placed mostly in Row an. aomefew la Cabarrua, Tbe farmers axe vsrv-XQUoh Meajed wllb them, and they. are yrf racaTle'Wher proper. 1adg-. meat baa been bsea la tneir trtatmenu. -Great attention is , now.i being ' crvea lo tbe road-bed. aad new t ties and iroa ara belsg ; laid all ' along from, Ballxbury to. Morrantoa. aod tbe old road-bed is now ia better conaivloa tbsnioryeart back. About tbelCib of May itbeywlii run oo a new schedule to connect with tb night trains. Elegant Pollmao cart will be put on at that lima.' Two men claiming to do inaiaa Doctors, &c'f hired a horse and bug'sy from Mowerrde Bro.i last .week for a day?4ad have not yet ; been . beard froeoV It Waa a; liaht rrav boraev holds a blah bead a top btiggy with . Wpi.J BmltbdesV Ballabttry,1 H. U, . on ta plat v uae ot in men oaa a daen aear nnder tbaTzlabteva.' There ia a reward offered f or thr; recovery of ta turaont . ;;v: jI '?VcX? Raleiehirto-Oitfrer: Four hundred thousand young shad have been placed In tbe Neoae by" Mr. .George H. WlUlsms. Tbe fry were brought from Avoca. There is to be an anti-prohibition meeting at Milbcxaie oa Saturday eves log at 3 o'clockv Captain Lancjey Taylor, of Hertford county, last year raised oo seventy-five acres bf land eighty-two bales of cotton, averaiajf 415 pounds , to the bale. This Is good farming. r-Kemp P. Battle. Esq., will deliver the annual ad dress on Tburadsy, tbe 19th Inst., at the close of ibe flourishing school of Prof. A. R. Johnson, at Marion. McDowell county. Rev.- W. R. Gsraltney, pastor of the Second Bsptlst Church, will this morning dedicate Swift Creek Baptist Church, near thla city. Days Long Ago ia a pleas ant Hale tale written by our friend, Mrs. Elliott, ot Oxford, ao well knowa through out North Carolina, and will afford pteae ore and amusement - to - thoae i who during these hot dsys may choose, to turn from mora serious tklsga to romance and fieUon. Tba book. Ilka all the work from the press of Uzxell & Wiley, is admirably printed. The stockholders of the FayetteTille A Florence Railroad Company, on Tburadsy. unanimously ratified tho agreement of traosfer of its property to the Cape Fear & Yadkla Valley lUilroad, which was ratified by tee atockholdere of tbe Cape-Fear A Vadkla Ve ley, at its annual meeting la April. All the deeds and. transfer bar been signed, aad the property delivered. Mr. Gray, tt Preaident or the Cape Fear d. Yadkin Valley Railroad, will at once proceed to tbe couslructioa of tbe railroad from Fay-ttkrUl. to lha Sonth Caroline lioe. ami to tak xneaatuea for its farther exteeaiwa leto ftprnk Carolina. Tbe first lnauhneot ot iron to tbe railroad from ibe Oaif to GrMnebofOiOMbeea abippad from London and wUI soon arrive in Wil mington. We are requeeted to pub lish tbe followiog call: "On consultation wilb tbe Liquor Deelera Association of tbe State, it b4. been decided to bold a iBrate CoavenUon of these engaged fTn tbe trade and those opposed, to the prohibition movement, tbe object being to organixs a permanent Btate Liquor Deal ers' Association, for the.promotloa and pro tection of our commen Interest- Raleigh has been selected aa tba place, and Wedaeaday, Jane 1. as the time for holding the conven Hon. We trust yon will at once set to work aod organize in your county, aad appoint delegates." The plan of lacoTporaiion for the erection of a cotton factory on tbe site where the Walnut Creek Mills were re cently destroyed.bss been filed In tbe office of tbe Clerk of the, Superior Court, and Judge a D. TJpchurch has Issued permis sion to open books of subscription for tbe capital stock of $100,000 in shares of $100 each. The corporators are J. A- Jonea. A. M. Powell, D. J.Ellis, W.G. Upchurch, Gray Jc Btamps, Bamuel C. White, P. A. Wiley aod Joaepb G. Brown, The plan la to use both water and steam power. Tbe site H within one and a half miles of tbe city. ' -JBWADVBKTIiKnBNTI. W. L. I. Excursion. . , Aroixiauua table water. B. F. Hai Aeahmee'a notice. Aokiah '& Yoxx3taCigaxttee. Muhson White duck Testa, etc. ExcTjMioTf First Pre. Cb. 8. 8 Mrxrnsa Liquor Dealer Aasoclalion. Masoxic Meeting Wilmington Lodge. Death ef mm A(t4 ! Mrs. A H. Parker, mother of CspL'Wm M. Parker, of thla city, died at her home in Hamburg, Connecticut, on Frldsy night last, aged about 78 years. .She bad been in feeble health for tha past three or .four years, and wss finally seized with an attack of pneumonia, from Which she had not strength to relly. Capt. Parker received tbe ssd announcement of ber death by tele gram on Saturday arternopn, ben It was too Iste for him to go to attend the funeral, wbicb took piece the ssme dsy. Mrs. Parker's maiden name wss Marvin, she hay leg been a connection of tbe late Bishop Mamn, of the M. E. Church South. She was highly esteemed in the community in which she lived. ' Tee nneta lee Water. A colored man by the name of Jama 2flxon, living in the xuighborhood ''pt Eerenth and Dock streets, iiaxrowly -caped desth on Satnrdsy last from theex "cesalva drinking of Ice water. He was in aeoalble from its effects for some time, and the most strenuous efforts wsr required to prsvent a fatal raralui;") i irci!! jir: . - MEADE & BAKERS CARBOLIC WASH 1 a fragrant and deUghtful 2424 ArticU. which has,-' by It latrinelo merits, become universally popular wherever It has been la trod need. It arrests aad destroys the offensive odor caoaed by decaying. 2eeih. and Imparts a fragrant odor tq 4ha breath . Used as a remedy it will speed Uy heal all Bbedinff. Syongy, Ulcerated and B udtna Gums. - It Is ttnsarpaaaed a a rem-, edy lor Sort lhroai and has been used at Bea witn enure uwcaa w It ts naad ana preecnooa oy u I beat Bbvaklsn. Price 00 cents a Dottle. Por ssle by Dmaisu. sp 292 m eod Nj C;;E5SDAy i; a - 11 No session of the Mayor's court yesterday - r iU- ' The Liquor Dealers Association meets to-night : ' ' ; The crops -and gardens in tbla section hkve beeb greatly benefl'tted by the late ralos. ,-. A committee f rora the Board of County Commissioners,, together with the Clerk to the Auditing CQnrtlepaldavlsU to tbe County Poor House, yeateraay. Tbia .aectioar,wj visited heavy rain. Some hail and an abaodaoce of electricity, about half psst 0 o'clock Snn dsy niht. and a good many of the church goers got spi inkled. - r. v - -j-The receipts of ootton at thi poit for the week ending yesterdsy footed op $30 bales, as agalnrt 255; bales for the corresponding period last year, showing an increase of 805 bales in favor of 1881. :. C'l Rey. Dr., E. A. Yatea has ao- cepted an injritation to deliver bis leoture on the Relga of Theory" on tbe occasion of tne closing exercises of the school at La Grange, Lenoir county, June 2d. J 4- Our friend J. A.lBoniu of . the Goldxboro JTsirirA.has commenced the erection, on hia property, in the neighbor hood of BoniU'a Hotelj of a large: brick building, to consist of four stores below and an opers house above.- Cleae af tha ipaatr. Haeilai. , The camp' meeting which baa beep in seaalou about aixteen niUes below this city since Wednesday of. last week, under the auspice of St. Stephen's A. M. E. Church, was bxpugbt to a close yesterdsy, The at tendance from New Hanover. Brunswick and Pender hss been very. Urge, and sere ral visitlsg colored rniaisters -have been present end assisting in conducting the services. On Sunday 4ha Rav. Tbomaa, of Ralelgb, ia said to have preached quite an able; sermon, and it wss estimated that there were about twa - thousaod tir tweqty flye huadred persons on Ibe grounds. The converts dunog 1 the meeting 'are ' said to have been mostly from tbe townships, out side ' of. the city, hcuco (here was not as much excitement ' amout tlie crowds re turning on the boats as usual. , Tbe rain of 9uoday .nigbu which. aa so heavy her,' aad ' which 4 jrai au(Hd to have caat 'a damper u poLeaagp meet;, ing folks, dwindled dowajjjferitkli before reaching ibe camagjptndf, en4 tr suited J bat Hule incon All 4lsy Buoday cro wSd- arriving and departing, or watch (Vibe retorn- lag boat at tbe loot of atreet. An laaxnena crowd easaeV D lh steamer Jb2AneaiMBoaoaya about 8 o'clock, and a still larger one; yhsferoy eyening; wbea jhe'mottwfatn--hy neighbor, hood, of PrinceH iadWster1 street were j ' j. i ' i J blockaded rot sn bonr of more. 00 4a I - ' Deny Weataer BamerteV The followiog will show the state of the thanaometer, at tb ataUona named, at 3.00 P.- M. yesterday, Washington mean. time, snd aleo. theaaQaaif, rainfall la inches, for ) the iwenty-fonr hoars ending dally at 3 P. IMt, xcer'Tueeday, when it ia 48 hours, as- futbisbsdjliy Sergeant James W. Wataoo, Signal Officer at. this Station: r-i -v.' " Tm. Rf,FrrWealbft Atlanta.. j . 'w3 WuaJ. r-l. 4VJi-' 1 .vu viear August..... ..i. -i. 86 1 .,0 .20 8 M .00 .50 .00 .00 Clear Clear Cloudy Fair Clear Clear Charleston.. 85; Charlotte v. .71 Corsicansuj ... Gal vasto. . . . . 88j Indiarvbta.'.;.....1 75 Jacksonyille. . . . . Key Wast....... Montgomery -8ft Pun la Rassa. . . 8tX Savaanab. ' 84 Wilmington. 83' Cedar Keys. . . ' Pensscola 8JJ PortEscs 83 Clear UQQj atFa y00 Clear .09 Clear .00 Fair VThe f olid wing arij tfab Indications for the Booth Atlantic State Joday: , - ? ., s Generally fair 1 weather,! oorlheaSt to northwest winds, rialag . barometer aod slfehl change in temperature. ''' aaa 'aa 'ea Arrest at aa Baeapaal Convict. ..-An' escaped colored convict from the South Carolina penitentiary, by the name of Simon Gregg, wsa wealed by Officer J. WBryan, on a warrant Issued by Justice McQaigg, on the affidavit ' bf one James P.' SDan, colored; 'the- officer also having a 'requisition signed .by,-Gor. Jarvi for hia sireataod delivery Jo the authorities of Sdath Carolirja. Upon, taking him. under arres bear' the corner of Jrooit and Cbes nut streets, Officer Bryan Wa proceeding to. read the warrant to him, when he sad. dsnly, said "Good morning' and stsrted to rani but was oon Overtaken and recap- tufeM. He is s al a to 'have escaped some four or five years ago, and, has been living lnWttngtoa:ibwitWaear. A pre-; ilntfniry xamlnaiion of the alleged con vict will tak place before Justice Mcaigg this' afternoon. ii 1 m m m lavoroToaaeaia. v -Workmen, nndsr the superintendence of Hrvfjphn OUowsy, have commenced ex cavating for the foundation of a large three story ! brick building for, MrB. H. , J jLlireitaC on the northeast corner o'f Front and Dock streets. It ia to be of pressed brick.! 44 by Zi feet in dimensions and about forty feet high, with a store on tbe first floor aod two halls Above. Mr. J. O. Heyer Is getting f esdy to erect a fine resi dence on the corner of Fourth and Red Cross streets. , HORSFORD'S ACID. : PHOQPHArjS IH DkFBXSSlOK FBOlf OVTOWpBX.j-1 find Hortford' Add pncaplutte-lniffo1alt to nervous depreaslon and aaxjety, refUltlDK i Sandusky, Ohio. MA;: lTf? 1881. sirocc.iUtsjatsitBatl blnz-.lz lb v Durlog tbe, severe, thunder storm wbicb passed over this city Sunday night the house of a colored man living Vh tbe eastern portion of the city wss street? by lightning, but no damage was done beyond the tearing loose of some of the weather-boarding, up? setting a lam p and slightly shocking the in- m-tea- I vtaamgtaK ttwariere. Stooe wall Lodge No. 1, K. of P., moved to their pew quarter in the hall in the Bank; of New Hanover bulldiog, yesterday.. We learn that . the new colored organization known as the Knights of Wise; Men, have lake the hall in the Odd Fellows' building vacated by the Knights of Pythias. -... ' aaBfc-p"1 i HIVBK AND nSHINE. ; Brig Wanderer, hence, arrived at Hull on the 16tb Inst. Schr Zeta JPst, from tlifs port for New York; before reported, December In 1st. 80.10, Ion. 72.10, abandoned in a sink ing ; conditon, was boarded April 14 and found full. of water, by brig Corinnc, from Portland, at Barbados 27th, which took from her 40,000 feel of spruce, 14,000. feet of white pine lumber , and 45,000 shinglee. t aav-4aav4a Bornett.e coeoalne for LSiiol Hilr Chicaqo, OctAll, 1880. Three year ago my hair was coming out very fast, and 1 was nearly bald. 1 was also troubled with dandruff. 1 began using Burnett's Cocoaihk, and my hair imme diately stopped coming out, and has con stantly been getting thicker. My head is now entirely free from dandruff. My wife baa used tbe Cocoaink with equally as gratifying results. P. T. PLATT,.with F. MacVeagh & Co. , Bdrnett's Extracts are the purest fruit flavors. ' ! t CITY IXJUfiXa. I DONT WANT THAT STUFF." la what a Boatan ladv said to her haeband whan ha brooeht borne some medicine to core, her of alck headache aad aenzalgla which had made her miserable for foorteea jeara. At the azat attack thereafter it waa administered to her with each, good reenlta that ahe continued ita aae Oatil cured, and vaa ao enthaaiaatlft in taeniae that ehe indaced twenty two of the best famines ia her circle to adopt it as thair ; regular medicine. That tuff ," ia Hop Bit ters. Sundard. '. v A DOWN TOWN' atESCHAHT. haTtmr Daaaed aereral-ateejBleaaiilghtaf'oJatnrbed by the agonies and criea of ; a taSerlng eMld and becomincicoa inced thai atra. Wmalov'a BoottUagiBjrap waa Jaet tbe ; article needed, procured "a annply for the ehOd. On reachiny home aad acqnaltiung hia wife with what he bad dene, ahe refoaed to bare if ad xnaaisterad to the child, as ahe waa strongly iafavor ot Homowpethr. That -night, the hild passed in aaseriiig, aadthe parenU wttaont alaepi-itetara ins heme the dax?e41ewineVthe, father fooad the - 1 - MliUJ.Mltl.. w,n,mm Many m.iii wvaw, aw wuuo wnwunyiBi iiik miiiiwiiii aieep)eaal4 the mother atepped from, she room w.aaeaa to some oomesao aaaesy aaaien aeia- with the ehlid. Daring Her aoaeaee he aamin- a portion or tae' aontnTng ayranto me oa aaid nothing. That night aUjaande slept tkeL.yreamr awoke in the mornine andhar T-TCetwS deUrtted vith ikm.wo renew avoae in tne sudden " - t dage, and aitaougnat flratoSeadWau apractice npon her, haaeorttmaed to-- ectv9- - ', and. anffering cry ing babies and alev i.i. - ibaye olaappeared. Aeingle trial of the .pt rTt trailed ito re liere the baby aad wercom .ejreteeaof .-the mother. Bold by aU Drati-KarCwi a bottle. : , 2SEWa ADVERTISEMENTS. - , ;-319A?F. this -7r pjMiYnn., Vlstemg hreaf eeeaiaJ3l'to attend. Byordeeof thaw!.. T W. 87 WAHBOCK, my 17 It ' SecretarTi - MXBTIa OP TBI LIQUOK DBAIKS' ASSOCIATTOai will ba held This Brenlag. 'at S -o'clock. A full attendance la requested. ' " :: By order of thVErealdent. - my 17 It ; ;Eycuiioii to WaccamW BY TBI 8TJNDAT SCHOOL' ' -. FIRST PRKSBTTKRIAN CHURCH, i 8ATUBOAT, MAT S1ST. . Train leaves sf 8.80 A. at. J ! - . Tieketo 60c, to be round at Yatea', Helnabemer's. Dyera1 andMunaon'a. , ta fr .my 17 St , Mte!Eiciinu(itt of tliB.SmoH. SanTBtYILLBAND TUB FORTS. ON FBI- DAY, SOth If ay, 1881; on the elegant Steamer PA88FOJ&T, liven by the Wlhningtea Light In fantry; ... BoatvQl leave wharf foot of Market street at evo'eloca:. ,.. Qrtman's String .Band will fonnah mule for dancing.'' : . . . - - Tickets for the round - trip 75 cents. Servants and children over 8 years old. 50 centa. . - Special ratea for familiea of hoc dver-v Committee reserve the right to .exclude objec tionable persons. - Kefreahmenta at city prices. Tickets for sale at the boat and by the Cemmlitee. No liquor allowed on the aoat. - x- B. H. BBXBY, my 17 It Chairman Committee Arrangementa. I The Inventory OF MXIXTJJimY A5TO FAKTJY goods stock i v. at Kzchaure Cornar; ii now contplete aad subject to the examiaatkav of i bay era, who i arerequeatad lo hand in their prepositions on or before toe Slit instant. r -ii B. F. HALL. my 17 5t ,,':.'.nvi-'.-,-i AssJgaeeviJ ; LiaHTSSBOB SUITS, " v BLTJB B1BQK 8TTTTS, 1 ': ' j.paApTD'BTJB 8UITB, v ' . my IT tt Clothier and Merenant Tailor. IF, YOU WISH A' QOOD'SMOKB FOR A LIT tie money, try onr . . ::. . - if made or HAVANA TOBACCO, Tobacco Wrappers, and Pateat Cbia-Huek ataath-Piece: ' ; -'.J-OBr':;. : -:; , ,. , . " -t ,. .- -' , ; ,. - V t'. '-' U ' ( - - - 1 -. "- ' made of FUltK SUM3ija3B ihiQtStjh I CO. with PifedMou-Tieea? 'it cfot sale ay. i.fdi.$mizv;S. & ADXttAel V6LLSBS,S 1 ;.t .wlfcolaSaie drOeers, myWtf . 8. TS. Cor. Front and Dock Bts. issaea T.aaa hbidi.and -briabt - .... rt ! n I .ft lNEiiVERT!SEMENm arts i:. "TKE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS." , ; " ; British 'Medical Journal. ."Pure, WJwUsome, Pleasant, and I J . Ejfervescent" ( . f. .Prof.T.L. Brunton, M.D.,F.R.S.,Lond., Eng. ANNUAL SALE, 9 MILLIONS. , I? 5 CfCrocert Druggists, Sf Min. Wat. Dealers. SEWAHK OF IMITATIONS. 'pl9eodtm tatbaa 1 Greenville Sounds X?OB 8 ALB OB BBNT . I have three neat a comfortable Cottages, good water, oat houses, C- Also several nice Bafldinft Lots which I wish to sell. - TSe Cottages If not seld immediately will eerorrent. apply to V. c autus, . i .. ; .' t . Qreenville Sound. i or to D. O'CONNOB, Prlnceas St my8I4tlO 17 24 . . - V American Boot EiclaBie , rOZ CHEAPEST PUBLISHING HOUSE IN America. All Books published by the American Book Exchange are for sale at HEINSBBRGKft'8, Live Book Store. :t Pianos and Organs, A LAKOK ASSORTMENT JUST RECEIVED, utjv. ana ror aaie oa tne popular montmy inataii- ment iriaa at . - HEINSBEBGER'S . my IS tf Live Book and. Music Store. Pianos.- JTAVING BEEN APPOINTED SOLE AGENT fortlWaaleof the Celebrated DECKER PIANOS, I woald announce to the public that they can be Seen at my Warerooms. These Pianos are an- rivalled aa to tone, touch and flniah. We Invite Mnslclana and the public to examine theBe instra- meats critically. They can be obtained fer less meney tnan any otner inret-ui&sa jnano. we win also have In stock: a cheaper snade of Pianos In a lew-oay. myutr . c. w. xatks' uvox. BTOoav Hour.t Flour. Flour. 1200 BblB VLXJR, aI Kraef . 1 . :ay!5 tf ' KERCHNBR & CALDBKBROS. Corn, Heal and Hay.. iooo Bn8n crn 1 400 BA&aW&tet MUl mbal' ; j C A A Bales No. 1 TIMOTHY HAY, - For Bale by KBRCHNBS A CALDBKBROS. my 15 tf I Hew Crop Cuba. i(TA Hhds. and Bbla lOV New Crop CUBA MOLASSES, For sale by KERCHNBR A CALDER BROS. my.Wtf Nails, Glue and Spirit Casks Kega NAILS, 125 BW" GLUB 'K Art New New York CASKS, For sale by KERCHNEK k CALDER BROS. my.lS tf We Offer Q Q Bbls Good FLOUR, 3QQ Bags COFFEE, JAQ Hhda New Orleans MOLABSES,: . 1 AA Hhda and Bbla CU B A do 1UU ' 300 Bales HAY, ' 2000 Bn,bel8WHITB corn- HALL & PEARS ALL. I ' 00 I my aw Mineral and Soda Waters. EEP ROCK, VICHY, - ApoUinaria. Hathorn, : ' ' eeyser. Aeaaingen, Bitter Water, Ac., Ac WM. H. GREEN,. , my IS tf . ' -Market St, bet. Front sdSecond Seasonable. J' C. FREEZERS, ' WATER COOLERS, RK mntnn Tee Cheats. Bath Tubs. Kerosene Oil Stoves. Steam Cookers. Fly .Traps, Diah Covers, Bird Cages, water vans, sec.-, at - Send for Stove Catalogue. . - my 15 tf 1 Dyers.' FOR FINK FURNISHING Goods. Gauze, Balhriggan, Cashmere wooI,.Qoa samer, Angola, Nainsook, and Lisle Thread.Uader- wear. Largest assortment m town. my 10 :FrentliBllm nTHK NSWEST AND MOST STYLISH IN TBS X' - j ey at Miss. S. A. STBOCK'S, in Uie Leasman House, between Market and Dock streets, my 15 tt If You Need si Tonic V.-- USB , ... 7: Ors . J o e Person's r: Indian TOWIC BITTERS :'. tsii -R-ri .- .- 'f-lt r ' -, :,-: 7 ! f A. Oxford, N. C, Feb. a, 1880. V MrAioe -Perion's Remedy eared oar little girl, who was badly aflUcted wiU Scrofula iu the eyes, after aH etjwraeailable maans bad failed.- - - - 1 . - : i;;-;,. ' i K. aUaLlOTX. , Bneie atamp foVrteetomonlals f remarkable T&tom 1 .. 3 prepared by Mrs. Jo4 Persoh;yr-mHIhton,N. C. ' inhlslT nae ,-.r --Vitanlnan.C-r yiiFrealt-DrngsK&c-'; t -TOUGA'S STKCTFIO FOBHSUAWil44 AWVi-i audi md af nil stock ef Fresh Drugs Just received, - i I mylStf W Market. ',' l 1-. 4 :JL ' ', ., .'".'-; ,,jt tarCoiitract AdvertuwaMata- lafcc at araat W n NEPRTISKMENT -)? ' Auction. Auction:' J WILL SELL AT f UBMC AUCTIOW, ON Fftl- daytheiOth. beginning at 11 o'clock A. It., the balance of tao ... .'.-..',. . w'" j.. '.-fit '; ".-. t.-u .v... STOCK OF Til OS; Jl, MrKOV, at Noa. 3 and T North FroalBtreet; ' aiae - - . ALL THK8TOR FlXTUItii. The stock Is it'll large. I Invite pnrchaiers to rati and eximlne. " W, B. aTcKOt., "my 15 5t nac Align. TN OBEDIENCE ' TO;J AllD' 1 FURSUAWCI Q, & uiuu vi miv luwiv id. iriuupr larrni, I0)3U. of the 8aperior Ooartof Mew Usaover oooatv. la the caae of -William H. McBary,- plalnUg, agalBM jr. a. swans ana oinerst eaianaaats. 4 wui, oa Monday the Gth day of Jane. brox. At belneiha firat day of tha Superior ConrtT, at tba Coart Hon door, in the city ef Wilmington, at the honr of IS oxiocjc, m.., expose to saie to tne Bigness Didder, tt nubile- aactkn.that Lot if Land and t rami ana la aha city oz.wumininon. on tae tMmtaweat ear Hnn and Fifth atreets extending alxty-alx I Fifth Street, and 139 feet oa Nan Street, be featoa lata. end of Lot j. Block 103, and the residence or .lbs late Miss Mary H. WaddelL -Terms cash. mylSta Commlafloanr. ' - , if ... ' ' -I- t-)! H Grand Excursion To Washington City Ac Return. FROM WILMINGTON, LEAVING- FRONT ST. Depot at 3 P. M.. MONDAY. JUNK 13TB, and arriving in Washington, D. C, Tuesday Moraine at 10 o'clock. Remaining is Waahlajrten two Says and nlgnu. Special Cars reserved far White people. Best of order will be preserved, Refreshment Uar fa. GO; from Golds feoro sad re torn only taoo; from Weldon and return $4.00. Bedaced rates will be given from Florence to Wilmington, havbara to uoldsboro, Tarboro to Rocky Mount. Tlcaeta for sale up to Junefttb, by Capt. John L. Boatwrlsbt. Mr W.' Yatea, W. H. Howe, Anthony Manltaby or Elijah Lane. For farther parttcalars spply to ror janner parties wrs 1 tWlinH7 WAITfilHiai w. u. uuvraior axiTiiujix aauiaaflii ai gers. my ii In TaniD and RecairiDZ Pianos. JOSEPH DENCK. FROM COLTJMBU. -.C. will remain in Wilmington a few daya. He lJra pared to Tune ana, Repair Pianos, Meiodeona, Bead and Pipe Organs. Orders left at Mr. Helnaberrcr s Book store will meet with prompt attention. my 10 at To Let, A COMMODIOtfc HOUSE, ALL PUR- nait nlshed, In a pleasant part of the city. lit litem first of July to Srit or middle of October.- Enquire at thla Office. my IS St Boiler for Sale; ; QNB THIRTY-HORSE POWER CPRK1HT ( Boiler, nearly new, for aale vary cheap, with grate I I bare, smokestack, water and it tarn gang, Ac., AcJ mylSSt J. A. SPRINGER, i, Lime and Shingles. 1 KArt BBL8. FRESH LIME AND CEMENT ItJUU at low figures. OK AAA SHINGLEf, very low. WOOD, 5Cc to 10c per lead. my 15 8t . . J. A. SPRINGER. ForEent, rpHE BANK t AND BEACH OPP08ITB Wrlghtsville. Also 'SneedoB,s Hammock" or Iiland. Apply to GEO. HARRISS r CRONLY A MORE 18. my!5 3t For Sale. 0 GOOD MULES, SIX TO EIGHT TEARS old. SnltTnrnehtine or Timber boalnria. Apply to , T. J. 80UTHERLAND. mylStf . Snd Street. LINENS. Brown 0t Roddick 45 iriarkct Street. t inen table damasks, . J NAPKINS. DOIUES and TOWELS. we are oSerlntr some Bare. Bamui la this use all New and Fancy Novelties.' KEEP COOL AND SHADY. FANS 1 FANS t FANS I for the million. Also. SUN SHADES and PARASOLS, Id aU faalltfei and styles, frem 15c up. , Give us a cau and see ror yonrae ivee.- ' , uauwii m kuduiua, mylStf 45 Market St. 1 r . . a . . - L. Sa, Li' NEXT !DRAWINOr bF TBE 1 . 1 , . Louisiana Btato Lotto ry rpAKES PLACE JUNB . 14. 1 PRIZES FROM A $30,000 to $100,000. Price, Whole tickets, $10; Halves. t5: Tenths. $1. ires, fo; 1 Aaareaa lioca jwz rn, my 13 tf Wilmlngtoa, N. a UNDERWEAR. Brown M Roddick 4513arketSt. .... ... ft :-r I ' I TTTE HAVK NOW ON HAND A COMPLETE LINK of 'LadieV and Gents BUMMER UNDER- , . ... " WEAR, at prices that will came within the reach of all. . BLACK STLK MrrrS- Ladles' Lisle Qlove.'Lace Top fa alt (Colors and 1 Qualities. " ' ' V LADIES' TIES. Without exception wa ara offering the aaost ArUatic Line of LADIES' 1 TIES we have ever shown slace our firat. opening. HAMBURG EDGING 8 'AND INSERTIONS. We are ahowing a very large saeerUaeat, aad'lbry embrace really aome works of art la that llae. 1 ' ' Brown C: Roddick 45 Market Street. mylStf, i P, iuil. c::: i ! 1 ' i . - a. nnMa n a aa iilales, CoUars, Baaes, Blind BrWea, At. . 3 Uestsjooda and lowest prices. myl5 tt tlERHARDT A CO. rroiBUT BUGGIES, UAJtTS, waww, - .r ... 1.11; I 1. il ...I

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