M , m mm ,- " ' 1 ' 1 !- ia.iWwiii;iiiiiiinjiowyllT , mn-miiii 4 iLA-iiiiVi rang egiar. tdimrwr JiftuT. ricto eer wreaeeeease). : ;, meet sea I Teal le tne eneeaisc At Bertie le the eireet. nil lose ! wbee loi ai2 !!. V ;4,.J a esuoJr. who whet caeeesae We wart f the Agate 'r.UJ wtto leave Be vri IS rrow rwa. bj w ,r. wa wwjt tj Vi.i iaowia. wuae w wake upoo the as of row, Tu ooe belOVeU face. :V,n rl""l oa earth, ittould still rstaio A mom of esrtbly pa . 01rv ioubi grief, if the true brtl i&oulj oo the further !Mr l'a-r u no mow. j. m - irf. lte mulst of oof Sctina, die (! l ito tb Uakoowo. sr. m ocr!ap (t coqU of our roa. V ntt rrci rd tbtir Uad !v , l. l I0t fXkif IOC HMOO .. tr, Q.r btl w wnt ta vtio if t -. l, It ttrii. l'tirlJ war IOW f r I . ii-n. ctiM h puaaibly i a 1 Nrol Cuavaotioo .u) c J ! ua J 'wj "JUiBf to bo .V. r. fiU'T I'onkhnjj'ii l.t worda , . u'tl to to entem for Bo 4utfet. Tow ia a C'xxJ lima lo - On uiS.-- r of th StO! " Jlrt (7- - Kooo Cookli0( may get iba ! i) hi b:k ii a pciioo b hu oarrr . - i u' in' a iadoraa- onllmo pf N Yk totcra. A .orrrfpoudot who A4ka to . , a, ritcJ. u rwfxctfuliy loforoed Wii o ea to 0ioa to wbl tb y ru. ii cil th Lfi !fi oat 10 tb cold. T fFi. Ann. , .pvrw, N'orwich.Cono., v cvv'd Mtruooanca , . i tu trit Joc rtrriksWl V (noonrunt to lb rnaaory of '. L'acoia' ftbf will b ddlcted i .1 . m o. Ii iioui, oo Dcoftioo Dy. Kitts, I., May 10. Krieitaa . -.L:0i0 WHO (tt IOtt Uj ( 44 1 uf J S. Tbompaoo. aa oUl aad boeond . bta toM by Taar aa - . . r m bar tki iutit woaUJ curt ',4i-: iiaaotK b miatioi riur i r4t iac Mf 3 II likaa ajr sou w -. i-t eil tbc h propMc to kevp i - Kiui! ttinrdiQ ijied with nntcofo Ilia pbyucia . told n Die a w ktxHji to petpr - i c u ff b in. "No fool." b replied, i :i uvr. After all I mibt joat aa weli m in ytt' tim. " Tb doctor . vj.-mj tiii tkia piMtoi aoa! (o tbrouch 4 i-r p-'liticJ epia. IVul GtranSta - i J'cnttJ "Tb od baa cotDa." -t i "Tbaboarof rtpM baa arritad, t ' I rr djioi at tb cnorarol tnf roJ MlLTIIEUM ITKHt - ilra. Stooawtll Jackaoo touoda "r rvlaUTr la MoblJ Vefora rvtqraiax ' V.riai. liar fatbar ia iba Rav. Dr. f maua). a PraabyUfiao claffj caa at Coi-f- UocDtf, !f . C - Coolrrbalioc4 for lha Atlanta 1 vuhi Ea politico ara ao4ed aa foilowt: ICSOO. fioaUM. ii.(X0;Naw -4. pat). Pbiladalpbba. 133.000; On c nn:. flJ.CUO, Utj Noffoik. 3X- - IVichea ! Wby, thy r ttbt oMb aaia ia Soutb 0ojia- Ntrcr '-trw wttbis tba naoaory of iba oUlaat io i.iitaij wra tbara ao mao r oo ib traea, r baaltay looklac. At faat I wo-third J -rum boold bw bUo off to aara th tfr tad mew good fruit rTajroaa Ii- jvr'tr LITERARY CiOfllP. iir. HoartlU la writing a oew y 4ad a loag atria atory for otl yaar'a Mwa HraJdoo, it ia understood, c'To Bp fictioo, and ukco to wrttiog for m (. A QW hjTOlojrioA MfifT brm pab!1ibd at Kapha aader t& i f of frmpmt. - Tt9 TUr. Urarj Wtrd Baecbar i v-j tt work oa tA aecood rolam of bit 't. t ot Cblac -!V(r. Jim Pott baa the tecood lnam cfDr. Oailla a "lloara wltaU o tba crtia. Abbotufoni, ooc lha boci of "wi M'tor of "Wavarly. baa rajard lata ! baaUa o Mr. AJbart Oraat. M. Paul d RetaMi; wiUpab ' ibortiy. tbrctjiti OaUaoibo Lrry. of Cra. two aoiaaaa of' bia rn4a6tart t r. darts tba pTV4 lSHlJIV irftfcft i"u 4 b aa Important jppXa4X 16 4 ' Vf-Tnoixa." "Cariat and M2efO TLoaghK " i oaw aoincaa of tbw Uiatoo ilooday " itrra. eonraiatag adraaaaa by tba IUra. J pb Cook. T. M. Oark. kfaik Hopkiaa, ' ft Crookaa, a W. Dtka. J. B. Taomaa, i Jobs Cotton Sarur. fjaaacaCor Croaby, d Praadnta Bobtasam adl MlObil ""!- -1 - 1 1 Pianos. I J vixa IXQ ArTJlTtD SOLS AflJUT win. at t& catoorafait DMCXUL TIJLXO, -"nhi uuMsca m abav aaila laa lawy caaba ... . .. .... . . o t 07 Wararooaaav. Tnaaa Tl -"iU aa uitM, toaven enat talaa. We btvtta iiaaaaaMttaaOa to bmatra anta arlUealT. oMaJnaal wawm w aaavai a abaaaw aJ aa '"fan. ; run ta a Ttstf cw.TirtraooK vtoul CT BCCKUD, CAKT. W AGO S3, SAX UMnm, CMhara. Haawa. ta4 BrliTM. Me. OnBilfiT a CO. i f T0 - -P-T ft -r- y-v --r ft . t I . - a.n-ft . w i " II VU . - 1 - - ' ' ' ' ' ' ! T " I . i n ' " i WHT trrrXX SmiLl!WI.T Wli ta cavIala. aoBftodV (M.mr f.. trra ai ataiarlAl raw, wiu mJwi. A ao ataa ftmffrls f.. Ho Ua ffttva ta thla cwsUr- uu i.muna caaaa or eaoaupauoa. armtwii; utw rwpialiU rbaawtl . Ad la nstl dbU- wt aaai aortoaa TwUMft. To ! by J DraQiata aad DaaJara rnmlr. y t DaodAWly Uttaa arm mad f tftaU. A Delicious and Re freshing Fruit Lozenge. Wliicli Serves the Purpose of Pills and Dis agreeable Purgative Medicines. Mc-rmcrr bvaxatitk ta tt tt ta kw wwM ar CtxaKlMlioa. Bill- , ntan. ml alt ktrvdml Om it 1 jntna UoroacfeiT. I laBSarta r(W ao mlrxft mmtl kda and ill. If 1 MaiaJKboiy. Tlr(nriMMMM. Ac. trial w- wgtasaadtacn. sou it ah omjcsistt ah S DaodAW ta tbaa letarj r Hooa, 1 a DaaUo.IU ii ta 1 mnttrm tmmmm TftiTjSf Tti I piOOJ Puftf1r, Litar -a 1 in m n a Trtd aad part o4 art thalr TU7 r saw ft 1 n pA r tSa aat USn T fti baa I trw ia k.nk( IMnatOTaajl wttiort Irrtox- a vtutt ia ftlMaartUW mmm Bop Baa hM-. uaanMaMi4ISitkalU nir fwl aa ar i 1 1 aar ma f IWft K harl 4 4 so-'a a aM Wa V aa mmM P M l"llmf fra rnrnt. r.Mt jm aad W tH 1V MO B bet'Mof. II Man a aol ncv4 . a a 1 . u ia r'ftriaftw a -...r:. U U aora- r 1 t hna or tmjmVy PI. 1 - J v; tm r r 4 T 4 IT r.-V-.f-t air 1 atxllaAVr ta th aa -af Tfl III "y 11 Vm I JJk-U' K fDUrTnmr. H A iriUL 1UJUD. MTO1E IBOK inTTURS axe higUy rrcofnnMTnJl lor all ! Loa..-s ixttiring a frruio .in.1 efficient toalc; especially In41j?rtlon, Iyrpsla, Inter mittent IVvcr, Wiantof App tltr, Ixmw of Htrt-nirtli.Xack of KnrriTy, ctr. Enru't 1X4 bkod, $tmjtAf (ra yurs nrv life to Lk wnrt Tlxy art like n charm on the digriTe crpiw, rrmoYing all dyspeptic iTrnptorrw, tticfi s.a trtttsnj tl food, beieAtny, Irai wa 41 afoau., Amrtfrwrn, cfc. Tk tmiy Iron Prrpnraiion ikat rul not blaclen Ma Uik or girt ktut&xei. Write for the ABC Lk, 32 P05M a ui rising And narfil mlijlg. ra fr. mtowN Offiic.VL, cosrrAXT, JM TS DAWlf c a AW OPEW . SgORET tints pr ConrpIerJon fqr tti1c1i flcUL ava4 nil irhlll laid the trtt&W niuesTf' them. Thoftxosciie, rbeidiIiixiJi hnea tollxTjrthft.cso of llmjfr JfLtg fioILk BAl6-tlf IirarUw Ii arm ij0crtltle. Sold br- Tiro lunuiti iSsinrcQneesLis tot WeriilslirmTjTW lownes&t&wz tUdness Errrp Hons, tU I iMWeucoa Cf cxclXe meat rjts7Tftetlon2 I Q'cXTavCli crolzaatAlxt and -go mlcral ttettno h-rrnan being can delUt lt pplicatlon. 3' ayl 1st They Have Come ! seae. aVaddM. BridJae. . Oetlars, Whips , J s seAsrevytssec ta U line kspttaa rtrst- fiiirt Etai)ati"""' Jaat arrived, end. wta seU hseas taea ewy S4aer a MmbaeaS tatee Pais uord one aaort notice, uUrr tweaa Mat tat aa4 PTiacses t Third, oe- Btrseta. aa i l w v alW P. H. HATDKN. faT-Wt qaciauaata; tt tAoold bkUarttoo4. anitl t4trr k1o4L kmu'1inHii W i i MtM Hn M W WM(W4 BACXIS-iiortACWoiiaA, V Uaaoa. aXnrw) -ttooaJiera. fc.f. ; Mdea.M.dcaoloe, W Buss, Htdaa. aj to a 4 HboaMera... uty Ml 14- bliMf-t... shoaJoara-.'. BUf-Urt w aatebt ptrtta: aHBinj e TarpeaUAa, S rL. '-- flPTTXii AorthOmmYtft. y Jft A.daAaatiaa.l B . BtatauW to oujrr a -a aaa Klo.W m I Uuraayrs. to. C!-6'iWa ac4 I "M risH-kaSoi:ko:y;vbbt7. W-Ma4 S W O KJ.00 i Mo., LbbJ ..! KaekWVo.C bW MalJau. fbbl.x.... do Porkbbia. 8 ao O aa 4 50 tt S0. 59 O 7 00 V s 00 o sts co o toe tfO O 400 6 O H.O.Bamax.Boa,a kaa;.. urw voa. w J raraVnUnanoJTck 1, tooo toai 7 64 O U 60 84 CO O 87 00 io. Ma , X)o. Lioboa, Baaxh'a.rboapaaM, u Oarotlsa raroilaor, " UroosdBona. " BoaaMaal, 00 ft 61 00 00 M 4ft 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 to 00 00 00 00 00 MOO 't0 00 40 00 4ft 00 700 CCI'aTaaaaOaanc, M 48 00 uompjoM Masara WaaAna Pnoapaata WandoPboaphata. Barxr Bata'a Fnoapb. KxeaUanaa Cotton. TarttUnar 07 06 70 00 tooo" 0 00' 0 00 UM O 80 0 ruovnrim. m bw IN Q 4 S3 5 00 oT ft 39 60 O 7 00 T 00 O 900 00 O 4 60 ta o e to 6 60 O 673 Baper.Hortaarn. bbl Kxtrado. bbl.... Family - Wbbl.M... tBty Milla-Kxtrn, bbi..... iPantUy, f bbL.. Xx.raiaUy. h bbl... QLUK to tt&ATN Corn, la atora, U aaca. U O IS 00 O IK) O 41 O 60 O B7MO 00 o WW 61 68 ta 60 00 IL&o 6 Ja il ICO 1 60 1 S9 86 09 1Q 1 li Oora, cargo, Daanei, la Doik Uorn,CarVo, bnaaula bags OomnUxadaj bnabel.ra baga. Oats, V noahe. Ked Rosa Proof PoaavOow. a bashal 195 O OXUIb eraen. 4 10 00 1 40 1 13 80 00 00 00 1 19 2 o s SAY iaatani: " Voo toa J.'. Waatara, 100 toa.... Horth aiTar. 100 toa... HOOP 1KOH toa.. LARI-Mortharn, to ..... If orth caxouna, a to. . LDII-a bbl O I Jin Bin era- Bmi&i Ship staff. raea veoa m a.. Bouk Bdsw PlanZVM ft... 18 09 13 09 8 SO 10 99 00 WaasOndUOBrsnaakOOOtdlnc; to qaaUty, M fl... ....... , IS 99 a 18 CO 18 00 o tt 00 ussaainrtoonng. tUUtx and Boars. UB an Jan A akaawoa I MULAnoXS Haw cp ICmba, hndal Maw crop Onba,bbU gnU.l portO KlCO,PBflB..... M bbla., ........... BngvBonaa, hAd. a gnu.. I UIU8 laroaana, agaL... Lard. gal iiinsaan, a g ... Koain, gal Tar. per gal Dock and Bpar.per gal POULTHX CDiftTia.tTagcrown tsprmg. Takers PatAKtrTH jcaaal..... POTATO K3 roat,a baahal.. Irish, a bbl POKK Wortta e.Clty Maaa..M. 00 00 O 18 50 00 M O 1600 Mai, a ten Satan. If t6l 0 00 O 14 00 aUCaV-Carollna, W to 8oX8 1MO 10 14XO 00 o oo o 00 o o 0 o 10 o Sx8 o 10 o o s oo o 3 00 O 4 90 00 Koaxh. n boan nAG 1 -iry, 9 to Cllr. v. t ROPK 8JO.T Aian. baahal Urarpool. Vaacav, Lisbon, 9 sack .. Axaarlcaak. a aach..... UQAJt Caba. a to Porto Kleo, a A OoSea.9 to - I Kx.o- a rmm m ana) Van vtaauvn. aw aO A.P HorUMrm, a .. . ... BHXaOT rs Ooncrnct, M.. oonunon. a a Ornraaaoapa a M.. TAV"te0.TBbU?T ii..'"! TAii!owHI,p " 5luprtii;::;:::::: Inferior to OrdtaAi-r. a nt . It 00 10 00 Inferior to OrdlnaxT. a X iraUHMT-Northan, a gal ITorth Onrotma. a gal.... WOOL DnwaW. a to .. waaaed. V to Barry Wool riLBHrfOTOrT IIORB1 iTrhaajre slht) oa New York, X disci. BAiUmore, m - Boston,. S " PhQadatphla, X Western CI ties. u - gxchanjra SO dava 1 9 cent. Bank of Raw Raaovar Stock 100 rtrstNatiooalBank. 80 HavsneaQeaaoOe. Its X. a Bond Old ax-Coepon St Do. raaAlux 1664 -.11 Do. " 1863 13 Do. New 4a. 68 Do. BpedalTax 4 Do. to N. C. Ballroed 99 aV W. BR.Bondsf C(GOldInO.H6 Carolina Central R. X. Bonds. IVC..K5 WlLCoLa AU2.K.R. M 100 ffllaUaxtesxClty Boada, new 9 e . . . . 96 saa w New Hanover County... .9 f BTjf W.a W.RaUroad Stock 80 worth Carolina R. B, M 80 WU Oaa LUntCo. ,.4S wununsrtoa oottoa suns Bank of New Hanover. 9 Authorized Capital Si, 0O0.0O0. Cash Capital paid In 300.000. Snrplao Fund 5,0OO. Dili JSC! ORS. JOHN DAWSON C M. BTKDMAS ISAAC BATES, J AS. A. LZAK K. RH EINSTEIN, K. B, BORDEN Q. W. WILLIAMS. DONALD McRAE H. VOLLSRS B. R BRIDOEKa J. W. ATKINSON CHAS. SL MTKOMAN, Preaidant. ISAAC BATES, Vice President. 8, D. Waixacb. Can laug W-U Atkinson & manning's IniuTanco Doomt, BANK OF NEW HANOVER BUILDING, OTllaafaslea, If. C. Fire, HariEe ail Life Companies. Axrau Capital Represented Over $100,000,0091 at.t. ABOUT We 3 tern-North Carolina If you want to know all about tha "Garden B pot" of tha South, send for a specimen copy oOJae Indep endent Herald, ULs a TW E.n T I -EIGHT COLUMN WZXKLY. full ef tatstaMBX rsedinsT matter and oret to j tb rntarrMta Of W wawastsfL sssJaTSjassTE UasaTSBs!kUe I Address 18 O 5 0 O 8 O 1 no u to o loy 0 O 8 0 $ x 1U O 1.70 o o t w 00 u 1 wo 30 O tl TN O 9 B0 . ao o 14 00 11 o ) t o n is 5 u lijvo it 10 6 io 14 O 143i 00 O U 10 O 14 i o is 15 5 17 xo . I 65 O t 00 7 O 7 1 00 o 1 10 00 ls ia 00 a to 00 U99 O 15 00 31 A 88 39 5 4t 00 O 43 00 p 46 S3 O 97 00 O 39 49 O. 80 0 00 o j IS oe p 14 1 19 5 14ft 90 O 100 15 O 18 00 p to 00 (Ta 33 I 0 O 83 18 O 30 73 O 133 40 O 70 0 O 80 8 19 r sts 1 40 m IX S3 75 80 00 73 10 10 8 l! too 380 ft 00 em at A it oo o is oe 10 00 O 00 00 6P 6 IS 00 O 13 00 13 09 P 14 60 .7 00 ea 8 60 00 p too 4 64 p ft 00 0 00 O 400 II 00 p 00 IN ft IM 18 O 30 35 a 16 io rp is INDEPENDENT HERALD, Henderson villa, N . C. rttf - i . t . .t.v.. , :: PUBLISHED DAILY ASD WEEKLY . SEliscriptioii Rates-In imiice DAILT STAR, One Tear, postage paid, $7 00 Six Months - " .... 4 00 . TbrceMonthj" " 3 35 One atoaU - " 1 00 STAR. One, Tear roiUrs paid. $1 50 Six Montna, " 1 00 Three Months " " 60 Notices of the Press: The Stab is decidedly one of the best papers in Long life the state, aa bright aad newsy aa ever. he Btate, aa bright tait.SaUn Pre. The Wilmington 8ran has entered on its twelfth ar as good a paper aa any people should want. UMrioCU vemocrat. The WQaington STAn has entered on Its twelfth year. Aa a dally Journal of news it stands "up Lead.' Cbrttwc RtgUUr. The WQmtngton St An has entered its twenty flfth TOlume. There is no better paper published tn the Bute. Ztnoir Topic. The Wilmington Btaa baa entered npan its thir teenth year. It ia one of the best papers in the Bute . Warrtnion GaMett ! The Wilmington Stab has entered its thirteenth year. It has become one or tne leading papers or Lthe BontV Oxford ToreMaht. ' The Wilmington St in is not only one of the best edited papera In the State, bat for freshness ot news and typographical appearance cannot be beat-en--yvto Reporter. The Wilmington Sta.b la one of the very best pa pera in tne noatn, m every aeparnnent rrom typog raphy np to editorial ability at d Independence. Pitenownj iVa) IIex-Ajpial. Wa like the Bran because it la thoroughly relia ble, candid, fearleaa. and ao wall and ably edited. newsy, spicy, and In fact a perfect newapaper. Long may tne otab iwinxie. Act. Airy vtnior. Although at tne head of the press la thla Btate in all that makes a paper valuable to the reader, still it continues to Improve. It ia a Stab of the first maenitude. May its 1 astro never wane. The Free WaBmtUL The Wilmington (N. C) Xoaxixo Stab ia a mo dal newspaper. Indeed, we think we do not exag gerate its merits when we aay it is the newiest (sec ular) paperpubllrhed In the South. BiehmondCVa.) ReikmeBtrold, The WDnilnston Btajl naa now entered nnen its thirteenth, year and twenty-fifth volume. One of the beat conducted and edited papera in the South, aad. aa a North Carolinian, we are proud of it. Tarboro Southerner. The Stab la so well and favorably known in this section of the Btate that we can aay nothing of which its thousands of reader do not already know. It la in every respect one of the best dailies la the rth. Rtrttcnian. The Wilmtnjrton Stab has entered on Its twelfth year. It Is a most excellent newapaper, well edited a cocapendluntof all the newa of the day, and an honor to Us ctty. to North Carolina and to North Carolina loarc s n wm. Charlotte Obeerver. Thai mxralflcent beaming Stab has completed its twenty -eecood volume. It ia one of the most brilliant, era di te and sparkling dallies south of the Potomac Thorntons In the- get no of the paper surpasses thara-aiL Znr&oro Southerner. The Tbmee eannet aay a vord too for the Wilmmgten Stab. It has Just one of ita many nirtadsye, as a newanaper it la a favorite witl the Btate we pie.! Long and i aVaati ess and iaaoaur at after by the peo- prosperous life to It. ReidjvO Why la it that all the papera with the name of Star are such bright little lournals 1 TheWilminf- ton (N.C) Stab, the Washington Star, Fredericks- Dnra taarjiem ion aar, ior exampje. l aere (fsjjBuu. The WUmington Stab, we are pleased to notice, still eonttauee on the sigh road to success. We es teem the Stab very highly, regarding It aa one of the very beat of our exenacgea. and consider It the peer or any journal panusaea tn tne soutn. 1- fordFrm. The Wilmington Stab la now taking the regular WtMptght Aaav4atd Priiaa report, and haa bftwidea increased the amount of ita reading matter. The Stab ia aa excellent paper. Its prosperity Is not surprising since-tt is so desenring, (AarfotU 00- Tn Measme Stab, one of the best dailies we know, and aa a newspaper, tn our opinion, the very beet, has entered upon ita twelfth year. In every parttcnlaiho Stab eomea fuHyjip to the mark as the principal daitr in our chief conunerelal city. Leaf may it twinkle. AJamamoe Gleaner. The Wilmington Stab kaa entered anoa Ita 13th volume; and we are pleased to notice etui continues on the reed te aueceasr We- esteeaa- tha Stab very atghly, regaaMng tt aa onset the very; best newspa pers uiaAaEoer tn tAlsemca. Its news colarsna are alwaraA Utla ftUier Uutn. those ot any. other of our exenantea, and rtredltorhU department Is eon dncaaraamiichahlittafoiwontsiri? - HsjnbleTn Its aa was maerjarable from an enterprlae attended the i the wreck of fortune that Of theBouthern Confederacy, the Stab has rwaxodJ'-untu rt now oeama I glow of A .constantly kright- resplendonf. hvt&A TneaHxarVt. 'As 4 mwivwm it has fey ednals." sad be aapsrlfictTneapptotTiata seleotion and jn- dlaorTangene, -aad-we are? preaa to rank it amotiKoiu.moat acceptable exchanges. HUlebon jieearaer. 'i.J-rA-. . w t TiWCmington Mowrixs Stab has entered upon he jMrqitt year of Its existence, and we take the this pepertuaity toooogratulate It upon ita rity ana nteei ied. populaniv. - The resiarkable auo- cess oJLthavSTaais due to its, strict attention to business. The boast of the Stab (rightfully too), U thai H WwsTShae the news, and this is the first thinf jn ournaJism. Otberwlee-the paper Is all that the terra ot ood newspaper" topUea. and Its corps Of edU4rs and reporters are thoroughly, eda cAted newsiwtyer men. May the healthful, moral Influence os: tne Stab never be retarded, and may Us genial, enterprising proprietor enjoy many more r manyraor Meieewjer. nappy years or useroiness. ttowuooro T1TE RALEIGH Christian Advocate, - Edited and Published by . BLACK & BEID EaleilLN.C Is the organ of about 69,000 Methodists in North Carolina, and has the largest circulation. of any pa per tn the State, It gives the markets, secular and religions news. Is a weekly, eiht paire, religious, family newspaper. Only fit .00 per annua, Sub scribe at'Onos. Advettislna rates liberal. tanS4tf i The Lincoln Progress PuiUthtd Saturday at Lincolnion, JT. 0. is tne onry paper punuanea in Lincoln county i and has an extensive circulation among the Mer I chants. Farmers and all elsssss of business men in tsesuta. - It offers to ths Merchants of WUmington a de . sironle medium for advertising their business throuxhout Western North TJarolina. LlbeMkl terms wiil be allowed . on yearly adver tiseaeataj ; SaJcriBtonj)rice,.t3 00 per annua SMreas .H.DbLANE. Kditor and Proprietor. The Central Protestant A WBSZLY RELIGIOUS AND FAMILY NEWS- AX. paper and the organ of the Metaodiat frotes tant ;Gnereh- tn -North; ' Carolina, is published at treensjiero,N.-0. siii TeraaajS 99 jer annum, a atvaflee.: ' Tltfjrlllt?nflt1'litl1 narnrmr and ae UvitT sf Uugsnts,and ths constantly Increasing de- Btandroraaateagiaesaoresoiiaciassea or rsaaers In vartoej aeetbons, give the CENTRAL peculiar alaima soon tha patronage ef the advertising public. Vamts very favorable. Consult your business inter aana, m. i v , . i J, L. HTCHAUX, Greens sero, N. C I Still Insist THAT I AM K0T .TSS GSRMAN BABBSB. , - ; . - v,. ... Knf rmmnt tnem. and aeeond to ; none In the City. T?1JZJ "ZZZt aUl3rl av. IT wsa. itia.ua- wraav eea -www- - w tnvnalMMteanrl tyffida. Respectfully, H. C PR KM PERT, janlStf No. 9 8 Front st pegTnnTtiga. bet ml amid mUapae ateaauv fil MISCELLANEOUS. - u;A,f ;:m :a f:n'-' Steam fmtiruse. HORSING STAli BUILDING, PRINCESS STREET. MOST THOROUQHLY EQUIPPED PRINTING OFFICE IN THE CITY. . : FINE BOOK, NEWSPAPER db MERCANTILE PRINTING AND BINDING, CHEAP FOR CASH. ALSO, THEATRICAL POSTERS, PROGRAMMES & TICKETS, INSURANCE PRINTING; BILL HEADS. CIRCULARS CARDS. DODGERS. STEAMSHIP, STEAMBOAT AND RAILROAD WORK EXECUTED IN QUICKER TIME. AND BETTER STYLE THAN Bl ANY OTHER OFFICE 12 WILMINGTON.. FIRST CLASS WORST AND LOW PRICES THE MORNING STAR STEAM PRINTING HOUSE, PRINCESS STREET, WILMINGTON, N.C. ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO AND WORK SENT TO ANY PART OF THE UNITED STATES, C. 0. D. SMALL ORDERS EXECUTED WITH 2 Hi, SAME PROMPTNESS AS LARGER ONES. The Best Paper. Try It. Beautifully Ulustrated. 35th TEAR. The Scientific American. riABS SCIKNTIFIC AMERICAN is a large First- I aflaaaaaa T17uiMw, WntMnanashvf fllrtaaflaa . A Class Weekly Newspaper-of Sixteen Pages eea, VitoOB Vf tKMBhA W v V n Df4Blraa wi wiavwis ak skvv i printed in the moat beautiful style, PRQFUSKLip uuu mjio, iiaftu. UiLUinaATlUJ . WH1 BrAKAUA INQS, representing the newest inventions and "the most recent advances in the Arts and Sciences ; in eluding New and Interesting FactaJn Agriciiltnre. Hortlcolture, the Home, JttealtlPrOffler,"Bot3aI Bdence,- Natural History. Yieology Astronomy. 'A as most vaxuaaie pncacai papera ny euuuciu.wn-. . tersinaiiaepanmentaoi science, wiu oe renna in tne ipoennnc amnncan. . . .- - 5ff?rfiia eludes TMStage. 1 Discount to-Agents. Single co plea, 10 cents. Bold by au newsdealers, itenutby postal order to MUNN CO.. Publishers, 37 Park stow, new xorx. I Tb ft fltyjl IJf10 In connect! I JT j FrM X Da CSNT1FIC In connection with the AMKRICAN ateeera. aews uo. -are Bonouors of American I sad Foreign Pal I and now have " the I world. Patenta are I special notice Is made ia toeSCIENTjIFlb AMJBRI- i oaxioi ailinvenuenspatentea.iurQueniiiia Agen- r, with the name -and jesianee or me patentee, y the immense circulation tnaa .given, public at tention is directed to the ateribsjoT the new patent, and ealea or Introduction of tga eatiHyeffected. By tne immense arcn isiion mna Aay person who has made a WTpBcovery or in- about the Patent Laws, Patenter Caveats, Trade- Marks, their coats, and bow procured, wltn ntnta- ir procuring aavanoes on inventions, aaaress ior I tV ppar nr wynHn Putjmt I MUNH & CO., 37 Park Row, New York. Branch Office, cor. F. & 7th Sta., Wa&hington. D.C. novl tf : ... .--- THE LANDMARK, PUBLISHED AT 81A1ES VILLE, IBEtiELL CO., N. C IB TKB Leading Newspaper in Western Korth Carolina. Itis the only Democratic Paper published In Ire dell CXnty one of the largest and wealthiest coun ties In the Btate and has . attain fd a . larger .Iocs, circulation than any paper ever heretofore published in the county. '. Y.V'"." Its circulation in Alexander, WOkee, Ashe, Alle ghany. Yadkin, Davie and Iredell, la. larger than that of any two papers in the Btate combined: and lsrapldly acquiring a strong foothold' In Forsythe, ourry, rtowan ana western atecKienourgv It Is the only paper in Western. North. Carolina . that employs a KBstrtAB uanvabstno asbnt, and I thuakept constantly before the "people. Under thi 1 aystem a rapidly incre&Bing cirenlatioa is the result I akiiut tnelAKDiiAax. - -. t -en . THEBntsT AD VKUTISINCJ MEDIU1TI IN WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA. ADDRESS. MLAIfDSIABK. "Statesvllle.N.C. Forest and. Stream, AND ROD AND GUN. TBS AMERICAN SPORTSMAN'S JOURNAL A WEEKLY PAPER DEVOTED TO FIELD SPORTS, PRACTICAL -NATURAL HIS TOBY, FISH CULTURE, JEROTECTION -OY PRA( OUT-DOOR KBCREA e oai r ni.f - XIONSAND STUDY. This Is the only Journal In the Country that fully supplies the wants and necessities of the Gntlctman . Sppjinman. TERMS 14 00 a Year. Send for Specimen Copy Forest ex Streana PabUaJalna; Co., Ill FULTON ST., Om No. 103,) . ' New York. Poet Office Box 9889. sept 37-tf. mwn nSJtS.t T A Til ft Kl hllftal - KfifiOrflfrT prmMRnim rV -" Edwardj. Drpiisliton St, Co. . R3V. C. T. BAXLXY. Editor. REV. H. HATCHER, Associate Editor. Organ of Norm Carolina Baptists In Its 44th Tear. EVERY BAPTIST SHOULD TAKE IT As an AdvextisirigllediTiin Unsurpassed Only fS.OO psrYsar, Address BIBLICAL RECORDER, dec23-tf Raleigh. N.C. The Ilarion Star. rpHB OLDEST NEWSPAPBR-1TJBLISHED IN A the Pee Dee section, one Of the wealthiest and most prosperous lu jhBBVile?o&erv3Vommgfax and Wholesale MerchA&ta an Jtsjuaactmervand to those who nave AdTte4tn plan, prtelling by aamnlit.' en exeaienS '4ndiUra -of voenrmunicalion with alargflandinfinfartlBl aJaMbr wmhaiaa, itfe cnariica.pianters'ana 'navai soreiDBBose-nat- ronage is worta Bouatason. - AurBrueementa and -Business Cardsinsertad on liberal terms. -Address THE STAB, sept tt tf Marlon, S. a RAILROAD LINKS. if; ' wtiBamstcM, h. e.,' Mayia. iesi 1 rVN Airo lirTBH may isfi.'Vssi. at VJ 6.40 A. MJ, Passengef Brftiafl on the Wiiming- ton A Weldon Railroad will ran as follows ; Day mnll aad Express Trains, Dally Noa.47 NortUand 48 uoutb. Leave. Wilmington, Front St. Depot, at 6:40 a, ai AjriTeat Welooa..... 12:50 P, M. Leave Weldou..'.. 8:30 P. M. Arrrrast Wilmington, Front St. Depot, 9:45 P. M. Fast 'Thboush Mail asd Passkkoib Tbiiks - Dau.1T Kos. 43 Nobth and 40 Soutj. IVeave Wilmington, Front 6t. Depot, at 6.35 P. M. Arrive at Weldon... 1.35 A. M. Leave Weldon.. 6.15 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington, Front Bt. Depot, 11.31 P. M. Train No! "40 South will stoD only at ROcky Mount, Wilson, Goldeboro and Magnolia. - ' Trains on Tarboro Branch Road leave Rocky Monnt for Tarboro at 7.40 P. M. Daily, and Tues day, Thursday and Saturday at.5.00 A. M. Hetura- rne, leave "Tarboro at 9.50 A. M. Dauy, and .mon day, Wednesday and Friday at8 30P. it. Train IKo. 47 makes dose connection at Wel don for all points North daily. All rail via Richmond, ana daily except Sunday via Bay Line. 7 Train ro. 43 runs dally and m&jces close con nection for aU points Morth via Richmond and Washington. All trains run solid between Wilmington and Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleepers attached. . JOHN F. DIVINE, -. ' . general Sup'U A. POPK, Qen'l Passenger Aitent. my lu-ii General Sup'ts OUce. WfI,9IIN6TON, COLDSISI1A & AC . QUSTA R EC COMPAN1, WILMINGTON. N. C. gey 13. l81. Change of Schedule. iN AND UAFtSr MAY 15TH, '1881, AT 1.05 J P. M,, the following Passenger bcneauie wm be run on this road: NIGHT EXPRESS TRAINS (Bally) Noc. 48 Went and. 47 East. Leave Wilmington 10:05 P.M. Leave Florence . . 3:40 A. M. Arrive atC C. & A. Junction. Arrive at Colmnbia... Leave' Columbia. Leave C. O. & A. Junction . . . Leave Florence Arrive at WUmington.... .... 5:43 A. M. 6:00 A. M. 10:00 P. M. 10:30 P. M. S:00A. M. 6:30 A.M. Niqht Mail aso Passbnokb Train. Daily. No. 40 Wxst, 'and Day Mail and Passenger Train, No. 43 ast, . Leave Wilmington at 11:45 P.M. Arrive at Florence. 8:15 A. M. Leave Florence 1 :05 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington 6.C5P. M. TrainNo. 43 stops at all Stations. No. 40 stops only at Flcmington, Wbiteville, Fair Bluff and Marion. : Passengers for Columbia, and all points on Q. Jk C, R. R..O..C. & A. R. R. Stations, Aiken Junc tion, and all points beyond, should take 48 Night Express. separate ruuman uieepersror Charleston and At 1 r "uu uclweea vnaricaion ana w u niugten i . jvaa jr. mviss. 1 - Qen'l Sno't. f. z cnJ POPS, Gen'l Passenger Agent. . my xo-ix IflinniiiTi rmiTmn i t nmnnin nn nAiiifiUftu uu. r oOrnax QsNxnAn SrrrxBDnxHDBKT ! Wilmington, N. C, Dec. 12,1880, Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER DSC. 13, 1880, the follow! Schedule will be operated on this R all road: ASSRNGBB AND EXPRESS TRAIN: Daily except Sundays j- , I Leave Wilmington at ao" J Arrive at Charlotte at ..9:10 A. M. ..6:10 P.M. Wo . I Leave Charlotte at f Arrive at Wilmington at. 6:20 A. M. ....3:20 P. M. Trains Nos. 1 and 2 stop at regular stations only, and points designated in the Company's Time Ta ble. PAS3RNGKR, MAIL AND FREIGHT 1 Leave (Wilmington at 6:30 P. M. No. 6. Arrive at Hamlet at 1:26 A.M. J - Charlotte at 8:15 A. M. Leave Charlotte at .7:30 P. M. No. C V Arrive at Hamlet at 1:36A.M. J H . . Wilmington at 9:45 A.M. No. 5 Train is Daily except Sunday, bat no eon -nection to Raleigh on Saturday. NO. 6 Train s pally except Saturday. SHELBY DIVISION, PASSENGER, MAIL, EX PRESS AND FREIGHT. I Leave Charlotte..: a ( Arrive at Shelby. . . . I Leave Shelby 1 Arrive at Charlotte. . .... 8:35 A. M. 12:35 P.M. 1:35 P.M. ...... 5:35P.M. Trains Nos. 5 and 6 make close connection at Hamlet to and from Raleigh, except as above, and at Charlotte with Trains 3 ami 4 on Shelby Division. - Through Sleeping Cars between Raleigh and Charlotte. V. Q- JOHNSON, de 12 -tf General Superintendent. CLYDE'S New York and WUmington Steamship Line. The Steamer A B"EJSTEF ACTOR, Capt. JOSES, FiiL sail wok nsw fork, Saturday, rriayil4.J ay Shippers can rely upon the PROMPT SAILING of Steamers as advertised. For Freight Engagements apply to THOAIAS E. BOND, Superintendent, Wilmington, N. C Tbeo. G. Eger, Freight Agent, New York. W. P. Clyde Sc Co., General Agents, dec 9 tf 35 Broadway. New York. JNCeURAGB HpME 1NSTT1TJTIONS. 8eeaTity against Fire. THE NORTH CAROLINA HOME INSIUMNCE COM PAN J RALEIGH. N. C This Company continues to write Policies, at f s rates, on all classes of insurable property. All losses are Diomntlv adjusted and paid. Tht HOMB" Is rapidly growing In public favor, aad appeals, with confidence, to insurers ef property ir ZfertbCarollna. 1397 Agents in all parts of the State. J0 JOHN GATLING, President - W. 8. PRIMROSE, Secretary. fXJLASKI COWPEB, Supervisor. " '. ATnJtHHon a SLa-wxiutw, abxhts, -aug 1-tf Wilminarton. s. f ;. i ' ( . 1 1 1 1 VUi NEWSPAPERS. SUITABLE J for Wrapping and other ourposes I Can be hod at the STAB OFFICE: I W ANY QUANTITY i.awT iftii 1 'ey 1 Warr SWJggJ Mftmttfc mwiiiftiiiimw.n',5yjiiaiiiii a-hmiim FAIUCY..CARDS FOR COTCm)rtFHlNtiRiXCiJ'J DaUL-. . KR8 AND AkD VKRTISKRB . ham plea of 63 serial , , with price per set, 100 and-1030,' plater and prlDUd ' sent to any address far 00 cents, sumps or money, which will be refunded on retnmof tba aeapteas - Catalogue nnd vtweive' aanptca lot two t-eaat7. 15, 30. t5, 80, 85, 43, 60 and 60 canU a doxan. Ciau Album, all prices, from g 1.25 to (10.00. Card Wa fers 500 for 25 cents. Tbifst's MoirrnxT, sire of New York Weekly, one year aad 100 cards, all dlf ferent.n1 00 namniacotr free.1" - i F. TBIFETt 27 Scnool it , BoitoiMnaT. c A Chromd CArds, 10c," or J5 large, new Cbromo JU cards, birds and flowers; or 90 lovely Gold-and silver Chremos, witl name, , 0c.- iNassao PnumRo , Co., Nassau, N. Y. 1 t(lQ0 ye&r to Agents, and ezpensea. Oailt WJQJ free. Aaaress jr. JSwaiit A Co., AhgnsU,Me. myl4wD4W. (THE BROVH COTTOHGIH) Cleans the Seed better' Vtrn Ifftriter, sin faster, and eoats tbsa ' money tnnn any othorGln In the market.''."'' r " The brush Is adJustaMe) and It hoe driv ing; pulley and belt at both ends. Bvery machine made of the best material arid ' fully and legally guaranteed1. f , --jjL;-',T''tf,tr,y,'',v .lot 1 j ; r. f Pr , .... i I Ox Cr..r''llllTT.;"!-"'.!!'"!"'V!w Price List of GI58, Fssden and .Ceadeassrs.' . Prto with i Prtoa'vUk' m,iHi Prices of Si ll I Mt Blze9 Qlns. Feeder or I rwdr and Oondennrr. Ooadtinw, SOaaw S7S0O Si 00 00 Sltft 00 85 " 87 M IIS 0 IU M 0 " 100 0 US 60 if 00 5 " IIS SO S 00 J7 So to " ms oo loo oa ii o 60 " IM 00 ISO 00 00 to " iso oo sus oo sra aa so " 180 oo aa a aw ot The above prieeare for tba machine bnxisl rvady for shipment and delivered at our factory. Wiaiiaat. price delivered at any aceeakiblD point, fraa of freight. It desired. Established 1813. at Columbu, Ojl, uSdor aajna of E. T .Taylor A Co., removlntf In 1S5S to New Londoo, CL, where the present firm have since carried on tbo business. In addltilon to our already onequanod facilities we have erected another large faotory, thna doubling our capacity of manufacture. Get your orderam at oneo and avoid a poaalbUKy of delay. Kxtra inducements to eartp bayera. Bend for Illustrated pamphlet filing new toatlmonlala from hundreds of enterprising; planter Freaaea, Rnginea, and dempleta outfit rarnlabad when desired. Addraaa BROWN COTTON CJIN CO New LobiIod, Cenn. JOHN DAWSON A CO., AsenU, ap 10 DW5m Wllmtngton, N. C. ' MARBLE ulONUT.T E NTS ; AND Grave Stones. FIRST-CLASS WORK AT LOWEST NEW YOHk PRICES. DESIGNS SENT BY MAIU WORE PACKED AND SHIPPED. AT OUR RISK, TO AHX rAKT W Tfllt BOUTU. KICIIAIID WATIIan ft CO,, ST Lafayette Place, New York. Wathan's Monumental Designs, in book form.foi sale to the Trade. dee 4 DAW tf .Health is Wealth ! DR. E. C. WE8TS NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT : a specific for Hysteria, Con vulsions, Nervous Headache, Mental Depression, Loss of Memory, Impotency, Premature Old Age, caused by over-exertion, excesses, or ovenlndnl sence, which leads to misery, decay and 'death. One box will cure recent cases. Barb box- con tains one month's treatment. One dollar a box, or six boxes for five dollars; seat by mall prepaid on receipt or price. - We guarantee aix buses to cure any case. With each order received by aa for six boxes, accompanied with five dollara, we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to re turn the money if the treatment noes not effect a cure. Guarantees issued by WM. EL GREEN, Drug gist, (successor to Green planner), WUmington, N. C. Orders by mall wilt receive prompt atten tion. mhsS-DAWly 8500 Reward ! WE WILL PAY THE ABOVE REWARD FOR any case of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Hick Headache, Indigestion, Constipation or Costive- ness we cannet cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are atilcUy compiled with. They are purely Vegetable, and never fall to give satisfaction, sagar Coated. Large boxea, containing 0 Pills, 15 cents. For sale by all D res gists. Beware of counterfeits and Imitations Tba genuine manufactured only by JOHN c. vTKST a CO., 'The Pill Makera,'' 181 181 W. Madison St, Chicago. Free trial package sent by mail pro paid on rectipt of a 8 cent stamp. mh 33 DAW ly PRESCRIPTION FREE Fortheapees'y flare of Tlerveea Weaaaftae Leal Vitality,. Premature Debility, Xervesaaesa, Despondency, Cos fusion sf Ideas, Aferaioa te Society, Defective Memory, aad all Disorder brought on by Indiscreet Habits and Kxeessea. Aaydraggist baa the laa-redlaats. 8rT is nus 8EALE0 ENVELOPE. AfJORESS DR.Wft 8. J AQU E8. 130 West Sixth 8t, CIIIOlsTHATI, 0H1 mh 3 DAWly ' ' . A. STEDHAH. Jr. Attorney and ConnieUor at Law, KLIZABETHTON, BLADEN COUNTY. N. C Office Up Stairs, in Brick Building, occupied b) Rinaldl A Co. Special attention to Claims. Col lections on asms of ilOOand upwards made for Ftwm Par Cent. If without suit. Drawing Deeds, Mortmree, Ac Xs specialty. apo-DAWtf High-Bred Dogs. English, irish and Gordon bktteks. Of the Choicest Breed, with guaranteed pedigrees. For sale by B. P. WELSH, eov7 DAWtf York. Ponn Lowell Machine Shop. Lowell, Mass., MANUFACTURERS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ,.- OF - COTTON UACHINERY Of most Approved Patterns and with Recent Improvements. Paper TJachinery ALSO, f TUUBINE WHEELS, ahafltlns; and Uearlnc Hydraulic tresscs and Pumps, . Elevator. &c. PLANS FOR COTTON AND PAPER MILLS. C L. HILDRETH, Bupt, - r LOWELL, MA8S. WM. A. BURKE, Treae., mh 8 tf 38 State Street, Boston. Southern Dramatic Critic, WEEKLY SOUTHERN JOURNAL, DBVO- ted to Dramatic and Society Newa. send sump . . 'or Sample Copy. Address. ATLANTA, OA, mh 8 1! y UU

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