yrxLMnroTOir.ir.d.: Tucbadat MoBjrxoMaT 19, 1831. THE LATEST NEWS. f&OX ALL ?AXT1 OT THX WQXXD raisRiM-THiao astaatos. t iu BVaUlstXtft CA1XB Cr TMB IXTBB- oc basic caxal nsoLtmojr, Y"icn t4 orrCeisx 8T mb. ixoAixar r- ty -relaereph K atlac 1 SILHATE. WAixaTTXf. JUy U-Mr. Aathony. ctk;rmAa f lb commi us oa Frta Uag. asked that that ccmailUee be cLscharreO rn lha farther eoesMaratJoa of the reo luiioa ealergta ' U oeieJ raster. aas so ordarvd. Mr. Baraside UnalM cplNe resolu te., reported from V ccmsiuiae oa Tor . x, lUletiooe relative; to UUr-ccaJc cs o. Lit hoped thAl BaCAta wool J act a ooa Ue rreouiioa tiWTnaa1 Hiy. Mr. legal MMtXSwu wrflo b.m thet irwuiot wor szpedleot for , he Seeete. at tail plod of laiHl pm tha resolutioa oa lha subject Muri U .specially la tha term the were to. ployed la the preeeat reeotatloa. Mr. Bayard's raotaUoa for the epochal nai of a ccsrtTntnaa of two benetcc. to apoa Ue FmlH and laqaJxw whe ther he ku farther bnifw to communi cate ia th 601 U beea adopted, and Mhui Bayard sad Cauneroa were ep poisfced m each commits. and to mediate ly prceeded to the craeuurt i&aaatoa. fas Senate taken a receaa for aa After some dJacuseioo the consKJeTetioo of the Iaier-Oceeaic caaal resolution was ponpooed aatil the first Monday Do- rtv sUaaie thea lack oo th resolution offered vestsrdsy bf Mr. tiaaaders, direc- ... . it nunmittM m ih JidieUrr to te .nitre lata the relatione of the Central Pa i,-. ira UaMil line and Other CCrpOTA- ,004, and report at the neil session of Coo- trees what ia proper o accaaMry io p- .t iauraata of la Lauau aia. w jrt occnmd. bat La raiatio waa, oo moiioo of Mr. Datia, of Miaol. laid upoo Wao U commitu rataraad Lrooa la tcau maaaioo Mr. Bajard rportl taai tao lraidat aad ataled u la ooaanit ... hm h&d otaar acmlaalioaa mill to mk. aad ta door aariax ba raopaiMd th ot ataSO aJJaoxaad. wiiHiMaron. j D.JB BOBmKTSOS UOMIXATIOX COX nwtD wituoct boix call mbb- RITT ALSO COXrtBMBO XOMIJTA- TIOSA CABJTELD UBBATLT WaixoTO. Mat IS. Jadra Robert- a wta coadratd wttaoat roil call, ia la rttfcntiva teaaioa of la SaaLa. Mtrrilt m also euaarmad. Oadeau wu with- TtM traaidaat aaat laa faHowlaa- aocaK acioa la la 9eax todaj: AVack Dora a u t V. 9L Diaeict Jadra for ta Mra OuKikt of Looiaiaaa; lloaa WU- aiq;o. U. 5V. Mara&aJ for la Wcatara Dia- trct of Looiaiaaa: Taoaaaa LL Raarca. U. h. Ma01 for Ut tUaura Dwtrtct of Taa aM; Gor M. Tbooiaa, U H. Auocaar fr Kaatocat : Kaar AJsalrml Edward T. StcbaUCtobm Chiaf of Oaraaa Yard aad Ikxai ta ta KaT Dapartaaol. Pwat- nMwrt W. A. Utt, at Clark aaviila. riaa: Mr. Grwa O. CocArma. at Aadr o C. IL. . C. Mr. OarflaJd nattd bUr UaC atat laa af aicata dariac aar Ulaaa Sa aa vary iitua favar lata taoraiaf. oar 8xial la pr-f-cUy elaa. bar ttxaacla taaprorad aad bar ituauoioa la avary way sacra uroraai. Tba fuilowlag addiUoaal Booiaara aooai- auoa war aaat to la oanaia to-day: if a Tallafarra. to b Laitad Staua Av- t.roy fr U Waatara Dtetrict of Loaia n; JaM C WaaXa. to b Uaiud Staua Mtnoai far La Wcatara Diatrict of LcmV ia, aad Madiaoa Dtria, to ba 5arrjor ( Coatocoa at AUaau, Oaortla. Tb foUowia aoaiaaxioaa of Eto? K4trorv2iaary aad Mlaiaiart riaaipoiaa i ft j wrra aaat to la Saaata lo-day: Taoosaa D. O6oro. of Kaaaaa, to Braxll, tiilliard. rccallad; Jadaoo Kilpalrk. of Saw Jaraay. U CbUU vie Oaboraa, trafrrl; Scapbaa A. Uarlbart, of IlU nuM, u Para, vie Cbr1aUaar. racaHad; (ihi Wallace, of Iadiaaa. Mlaiater ra-i-ot to Tttrlay; Oaorra IL Maaa. of Tao . Mloiaur rcaidaottoColoobia; Jert ma lioat. of Wiacooaia. Cbarga d'AJlairva t irny aad Uneasy, vica Caldwall, r,rnU; IIorca K. Taylor, of Wlacooaia. 1 1 nul mi ManaUlca, Tic Ooold, rteaJlad. Waaa la aooaiaatioo of Edwia A. Mar mi ta ba Cooaal Oaoaral at Loodoo wu c M J ap from La Ubla ia txtcaUra e i'. ibia aflaroooa, U waa laataatly coo iirmd witaoat dabala aad witboat aay oatfutioai of daml Tba coaflmatioo j effactad by coaaaioo coojaot, ia taa rMoca of objactioo. Taa aoeaiaalioa of Waa. II. Rabaruoo a CoCactor of Coa u at 2fw Tort city waa laaa cailad op a.t cooSraMd ia praciaaly Laa aaaa maa -r. wttaoat daaaaad far a vota of aay a ia J or a word of djacaaaioo. A tpacial naetlaf of Laa Cabiaaf will ba txriu u-morrow ta dacida what aaal! ba ta wtth rvfard ta taa raaaiaiac Naw Vrh aocaiaaAJoaJL. It la baliavad that Lha rar aaaiaa which wara witadrawa wlil ha aia aaat to ta fcwaala, Aboot two hoa li! aoalaaliooa rvaiaia ta b made, bat u in ih iataalio of laa IVraidaat ta aaod tiMta ail ta lb (Waata to-morrow, ao that juraaiot ww Lt may b had Friday or riSAilCUL evr TOBK STVXTl KABXBT IBBBtif I it, aCT 8TB0XG AXD tttOaXB. .avTUrwa to Uf Xarsiaa: Sts. 1 New Yoax. May 1911 A. M. The tock market opened trregulax but ia Lb mia siroog end higher. The chief featnree f ipecoUtloe were 22evatd RaUwey haree. MaahatUa sold ap 2t per eeeL to : Metfcpolltaa S per cent, to 93. aad New York 1 per ceaL la 107. Tha geaeral Ium moved withla a very a arrow rang, ex rrpt la Claoaaatl, Saadaaky aad Clavtlaad. 'fl rose 3 aad reacted ls par cent THB 'ATflBH. IBy TaUsxrae ta the ateraSas: Star. Washdwtos. May 19. 10 A. M. The Chief Signal OCcetforalehee the follow log apectaJ haUetlai Ta ladlcatloa axe that alightly warmer seetarly ta ewatherf y wtade, light raia aad partly clondy weather wUl prevail la New Cag'aad aad ta Mlddte 6utea darter Tharadsr. aad that decidedly colder aortat lf wtads wta pcsvaU ta the Miaeiealppi alley from Iowa southward to the Galf. mum MinriHiB. BABTWQCAKB SIT OCXS AT COSTvXK'OOK. UtyTst SSTC tetae XorsJBg Stse.1 Ccroejeocar, May 19. Two i hocks of axthquAke were f ait here Uat Bight; oaa about tweery miauUa pest 13 o'clock, aad aaotharbetweea 3 aad 4 o'clock. amBiKfiro-Aiio rtiTT, AbMIXUTBATIOX MBVBBBB OT TUB xxw toxx x.BaisuircxB A uartx AOA1XST TUB RSSIOJIXES T n X rBXWDBXT BXDOBSXO HT TBB B TCBUCAX COMMirrBB or 1830 BBsoLtmo.xs or rnx sxpubucam GBXBBXL COUHimf Or ALBANY COUXTT MATTXB3 AT AUAJtT TUB BXXATB WILL SOT AOBXX TO AJC BXXCTI03T TOB tT. 8. BXXATOBS COXTXrXO ATD PLATT DrXOCJTCXD TUB PBXMDBXT SCSTAtXXD BOD IBTSOX'S COXFLBMATIOX UAILBD wrrn bxjoicixo, btc., btc t8r Tatacraah to taa Korataf Sur l Auu.it. May 18. Tba admlalitiaUoo Bvambart of th Legialalor ara a oait la thair datarmioalJoo tu vota for OO B3A0 for tJaaator who la oot kaowa to b to hearty japaihy with Lb admiaiAtraUoa, aodlbay will aadtr ao circamataacaa vota ior maa who haa aaUroolxwl Gaearal Garfield or bu avowed fci porpoaa loooao. Tirtv-flva mambera of the Aaaeably. iadadiaf Soaekcr Sbaro. met laat ollhl ia lb room of the RepabUtaa Oaaeral Oom mittaa. Tba oLmoai acrtCT waa mala ttinrf aa la tha orticaadlBf a. The 1880 Raoobllcaa Coram It tea adopted a rtaolulioo aadoraloc tha actloo of Prtal- dat aaiflaid oa tha Ilobartaoa BomlaaLtoa. The followiac rraoiutioo baa beeo adop tad by ta RapabUcaa OeecraJ CommlUe of Alhaaycooaty: JJwiitd That wa deeply deplort tba coora recently paieaed by tba Prtaldeat la auaosDUoc to tore lha 8oateof the Uaitad HiiiM La ADorova of lha Doealoalioa of Wa IL Robenaoo to ba collector of Lb port of New York, wbeo ao vacancy eiiated la ,a nr.r and wit hoot other caoaa Lbaa to rat a oereooal do li Ileal obliftlloo. which obllfailoo waa created tbroocb tba treachery of aaid aornlee to tba regular Republican orvaatxaUoo ia the State: aad that w caxaeetly aad coofldcoUy ezpreaa tha bop that tha Lestalatara of the 8ut of lie York will DrocQDily tuop lta coedemoa Uoa apoa lb act by ra-eJectlag Ban a tore Cookliai aad Piatt to lha poaiitoae tbey hva fait called udoo to reaira in lb Bea Nrw York, May 19 Tb Bcene IUC$ Albaay apedal eaye of mauera ta Lha lfl lalara:Two papera ara ia circalaHoa to-day for airs at are a. Tba flrat paper.na raaeral trmA. Arreea to etaad by tha Preaideatttha aecood coaiDiU tba aigoera oot to vote for Coakliog. Plait, oc aay other caodidata who will act la oppoaitioo to lb rreaioeoi. i ao r)nr ara bow recelvloc aiioaturea. It U aaeerud that they will receive about fifty name this aXtaraooo, PeiiUooa, lattera aad doaicbea bv tba car load ara comlag lo. proteatiea: agaloet th reelectioa of the ex- Auaxt. May 18w It i preUy well eetlkd that Lha Saaata will oot ere to go Idto aa lActioa to fill tba vaeanciee ia th Uaiteu 8Lata Baa it. PanenAr baior circulated la tba Aaaem hit ooa aojuiaia Preeideat Qaiflald aad eeoLher dcaouadag Coaklleg aad Plait. Oalr twealy eavea aamea are oeceaaary to defeat la eJecLioa of Oookllng aadPUlt, aad it ia aald that over forty have already bea a eecured. Nrw You, May IS Wbeo tba newa of J ad go Robeneoo e coo or ma uoa dtldo eea ate aa Collector of the port or it aw lorz waa received la lb la city ibia erteraooo, tba mem bare of the Kepublicea Central una. of which Sberldaa Shook U Prtaldeat, fired a eelale of ooa boodred gone ia tba City flail Park WATxarows. N. Y.. May 18 Tba Ra publkaae bald aa aalhaalaatlc maatlog bare laat olxbL Reaolotioaa ware paaaad eeoaorlaa Cooklia aad Piatt aad toatala- lag the Admiaiatraiioa. It em bare ox taa) LegiaiAtare from Lb la eecOoa war eased to labor for the ratuia or oaaaiora ia aacora ith the AdmlaUtralioo. Ooa haadred gnaa were fired over Rabertaoo'a cooflrtaa- uoa. Albas t, N Y.. May 18 At twenty miaotae of 2 o'clock, while the Be o ale waa ia Comaaiuee of lha Whol. a telegraph operator eiered aod headed Senator Rob- artaoa a leierram. A can or ezciiemaat raa aroaad aad bualaaa waa eoapeaded. The comaiiiue rose aad the Senate too a recess of five en loo tee, aad Seealor Wood- ie read aloud lha followieg telegram -la Win. IUrU0.YoQt con- firmatioa joat made aoaoimoca. Accept aay coarratalatioaA. The wildcat tidUmtol eaaoed. Amid cheerio g aad clappiag of baada Mr. oce- ttoaa lamped apoa hlecbalr aad gave ihrra cheera for I lobe rLaoa. whU air. uoatao. who had come from tba Assembly leaped rpoo a chair aad aided la cheering. Mr. Local thco called for three cheera for Preeideat Garfield, which were gtveo lib a wilL A general haadabaalog fol lowed, amid which tba Senate adjooxaad. Colo Srmiso, May 18. The Repabllcaaa of ibia city to-elgbt fired a aeJateor one haadred gooa la hooor of the Prtaldeat for aomtoeiiof for collector for tha port of Xaw Yerk Uoa. Wa LL uoberuoo. RocHxaTxa. May 19. The aawe of the coenrmatioa of Robertaoa aad Merrltt celabratad here Ibia eveoiog by firing oaa haadred goo. Uctmox. May 19. Tha AdmlaUtraUoo Rapubilcaaa here to-aigbt fired a aaiata of ooa heodred gaae la bobor of Robertaoa a coefirmatloo. Petitlooe are being circula ted protesting agaiaat lha re-election of Coo kh eg aad PlatL A Cooaualtaople dispatch eaye the Porte has spoiled to tbe Freech authorities for tha aurreoder of Mldhat Pasha.; James McCuUoogb aad E. W. Ney, who were implicated ia laaa treads, escapee iroea lha pa a lis a Usry at JJaoteravilJe, Texas, oa last Aiooosy aight The DsJUglss euble at Fraaklio, Teoo. were barai y eater day with fifteen boreee. iaclodiog iwo thoroughbred troltlog etsl- liooa: lose 315.000: oo laeuraace. At Tyler. Texas, in tbe ease of Mrs Nel lie Corey vs. tha Travelers' Insurance Com pear, of Hartford, Conn, the lary reo- deied a verdict for the plaintiff for $3,000. IU1I road i locks at Augusta, Ga . yester day were higher aad atroog. Ueorria 185 Q187; Ceairal 1810165; MemphU CnaxUatoo Coarlotu, Colombia fc A a goats 62 1 A farmer named Arnold waa found mur dered la hi field scar Black Spriogs,Mont- gomcry county, axk. ue hs4 been ahot aad afteewarda koocked lo the heed with a hoe The aaaasaia Is unknown. A Milwaukee dispatch states that Arch bubop tieaoi is very IU and cannot live many days longer, tits condition Tar id ay aighi wss somewhat improved, but he has growa very weak aod hie death may be ei- pecied at aay ume. Attorney Geoersl Ward has commenced sctioo lo the Nsw York Saprems Court to diseolve be Msnhstua Elevated Railway Company. Ue obtained so order return able oa tbe 77th lost., from Judge Dooa- hua, dirtcUag tba Company to show caoee ray a receiver eaoold not b appointed. "wssBe4iB"aajeBAiWssBSBSBSB MEADE Jt BACEOSIOARBOLin WASU la a fragrant aad dellrbtfnl 7aZri atoom. wnica o as, oy tu uinailo merits. otowm natTrsijy popular wDersver it has been I o trod ace d. It arrests and daa Lrava mm uihii Wtft csoseq dt flCMi or w - - J . . m,, ug uapini irsermnt ooor la Lba breath. Lead as a remedy it will aoeedil heal all Bttdtna. Wary. Ulamxitd aad FU uiQ umu. ii u uoscrpsaaed aa a rem- edy for Sort IXroai, aad has been ttsedlat Sea with eatlre aocceas for the cxire of Aa raacaa. It h used and prescribed by tha beat ph jskiaaa. Price 50 cesu a bottle. ror sai by Dmfglata, BDWaeod sTCSCXCn XXT2U.XXOSAClt TBS OBKXJC QUX3TION TUBKISH IF- " fAlK3 SOOALltrS TO. B XXTXIXJCD TBOir GMitAirr--Tia BKxnsffPA LXAMXST A2TJD . THB LA2TD ILL LBAOCX htXXTZKO AT DTJBL1K BUS IA9 CIBCULAB DBIIOSaTBATIONS AOAUSttTTUX GO YXS3M X3T IX 1TALT. By Cable to' the Xoralag Star. Loxwar. May 18 It U ttaled that tbo Porta' changed altitude In regard to the Greek queanloo la tba reatilt of a threat of the Powera to aubmlt aa ultimatum -if further obalructloo wee practiced. Ii le uoderetood that thta step was taken lo the initiative by Eoglaod. The frontier commiaaioa at Cooataotiou pie yeaterdaysat five boora. Good pro greaa was made ta elaboration the cooven Uoo. Winery attaches met last eveoiog to eoasider the practical deiaile of the evecuatloo of ceded territory. A d La patch f rom Cooataaliaople eaya the military convention for the ceaaioo of Tbeeaaly is expected to be signed to-day sad the enure arrangement completed to morrow. . CoxsTAHTEROPLB, May 18 The ttultao has seat aa ald-de-camp to aak the views of foreign am beared ore relative to cooeular protectloa to Mldbst. Pasha, charged with complicity la the murder of Abdul Az:z. The AmDessedora, after conferring to gether, decided that the consols would ex ceed their functions by granting to Mldhat Pasha an asylum, aad that they moei await Inatructiooa to the matter I rom taeir re- spectivs Governments. Lohdox, May 18 A Berlin diaptcb eaye: "A large number of Social ten will ebortly ba expelled from Leipaig. locludiog probably three leading membere of the Rekbatag. " Sir Stafford Northcote will apeak on tbe land biH io tbe iloaae to-morrow. A auoog ttt'iti will be madatolake a diviaioo oa the aecood readlog of the bill in the early houra of Friday moroiog. although It may fail, aa many members atill desire io apeak. A divieloo will ba taken oo Lord Elcho'e moaroo that the leading provtsiooa of tbe land bill are economically unsound, unjaat aad impolitic. Tbe government anucipatee a majority of over 100. It is believed thai 27 l'araelllles will adhere lo their determination to leave the Bouse be fore a division oo the bill is taken. At a meeting of the Land League at Dub lin, yesterday, tba attendance waa larger lbaa usual. It was announced thai tbe week'e receipts amounted to tbe turn of 386. Casual reference by one of the speakers to the question of the advisability of a general strike against the payment of rent elicited applauae. 8t. Pxtciuburo. Msv 18 Gen. Igns tleff. succeeeor to Gen. Mellkoff, baa ad draaaed a circular.dated to-day, to the Gov ernors of Province explaining tbe princi ples of tbe Imperial manifesto, and announcing tbe views of tbe Government oa the internal condition of the country. It refers to the dark side of tbe present stale of society, tbe irreligious education of ?outh, inactivity of the authorities, iodif ereoce of many holders of publio offices to the ceoeral welfare aod their msnsgement of public property, ilereia, it aay a, ia to ba found an explaaailoa of the peinfol fact that Lha great reforms introduced by the last gorernmeat did aot yield tbe full bene fit tba deceased Emporer bad a right to ex pect. Pabxs, Msyia. Several eveoiog papers publish rpcir dispatches from Jiome re porting Lha existence of extreme agitation throughout Italy, ia consequence of the Kleg's hsviag Intrusted Bigno Bella with the formation of a Cabinet. There were demonstrations last evening at Florence, Naples, Plea and Milan- At Milan the military charged oo the mob, and a num ber of peraoas war woaoded, Tbe Ex treme Left ia tba Chamber of Deputies have resolved to lasoe an appeal to the peo ple protesting against tha transfer of power to the Right. A grand csmoesirauoo is announced to tax place) la Borne to-night. The guard at taa irnsl, tha resldeoce of the Klog. has been doubled. Tba esse of tha United Sutea against Black and others, at Philadelphia, indicted for conspiracy to defraud tbe government by means or uut poo as ior chat romp contracts, baa been ooc tinned unui toe next term to give the defence time lo pre- pare for trial. ss A aaw Proteatant Episcopal church one of lha moat elegant edifices in tbe South wss consecrated at Daaviue, Vi, yester day, by Bishop Whittle. sesBassfaV eaTaaasaaaii TSaac BtAitva. Tbe mails doea and arrive at the City Post Office as follows: CLoex. Northern through mails, fast, 5:30 P. M. Northern through and way mails 5:40 A. M. Raleigh 5:40 A." M. Mails for the N. C. Railroad, and routes rap plied there from. Including A. A N. CL Railroad, at 5:40 A. M. Southern mails for ail points South, daily 7:45 P. M. Western mails (a C. Ry) daily (except Bandar) 8:10 A. M. Mail for Lheraw dt Darlington Railroad 7AS P. M. Mails for points between Flo rence and Charleston. 3. . . . 7:45 P. M. Fayette ville, and offlceaon Cape Fear River, Tuesdays and Fridays 1:00 P M. FayettariUe, via Lam barton, daily, except Sundays... 8:10 A: M. Onslow CL XL and Interme diate offices, Moodsys and Tbursdsys 8 .00 A M. Smitbville mails, by steam boat, daily (except Sundays) 8:30 A. M. for asy liilL Town Creek, Sbailotte and Little Rivsr, Mondavi a&4 Thurs days 6.-00A.M Wilmington and Black River Chapel. Mondays; Wednes days and Fridays.......... 5.-00 A.- M. orxx roa dbutbbt. Northern turocgh and way mails 7:30 A. M. Southern mails....... 7:00 P. M. Carolina Central Railroad 4 KW P. M. Mails collected from street boxes every day at 8.80 P. M. General- deUvery open from 5:30 A.M. to 7d00 P. M and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30A.M. Stamps for sale in small q a an titles at ge neral delivery when stamp offloei ia closed. Stamp Office open from oA. Ax. to 12 H.. and from 2 to 5:30 P.M. Money order and Register Department open same aa stamp fflca. Blahtea Lyasaa's Aapalatoasois.. May 28. Ascension Day St John's, Wil mington. May 27, Friday p. m St. MerkV, Wil mington. Msy 29, Sunday a. m. St. James', Wil mington. May 29. Sunday p. m. SC Paul's, Wil mington. Msy 31, Tuesday Clio toe. Jane 1, Wedoesdsy Fslsoa. Jane 3, Thursday Smitbville. Jane 5. Wbiisundsy Fsyttte ville. Or- dlostloo. Jane 17. Fridsy Wllsoo. Jane 19. Bandsy Rocky Mount. Con secration. .'- Jane 20, Monday Halifax. ana si, xoeadsy eootisna xteck iUleip-h Visitor: - Qoitn an eo- tbuai astlo maetlns? of fTtrsunt of Waka. eon. slating of xootlamaa frocj vsrious portions or the county, was held la " tbeHollemsn buildlDg, this dry, on Ssturflsy list. - STAR OFFICE, May 18; 8 P. M. SPIRITS ' TURPENTINE Salis -: re ported of 2d0 casks aV 83 centa par gallon, being a d'ecliue Of c on last report, the market closing steady. ROSIN The market was 'Him at $1 65 for Strained Sod $1 60 for Good Htraibed, . with salea reported of 300 bbls Good Suainrd at quotstioos; beirg -.so adyaeee of 2f0 on each grade since last reports. TAR The market was firm at $1 00 per bbL of 280 lbs, with sales el quotations. CRUDE TURPENTINE Market steady at $1 25 for Hard, $2 25 for Yellow Dip aod $3 50 per bbl f r Virgin; with fca'esat quotations. COTTON The market waa quiet, with no salea lo teport. Tbe following were the quotations of the day: Ordinary 6 cents lb Good Ordinary 7 Strict Good Ordinary. " " Low Middling 9, Middling 9 " " Good Middling " ' PEANUTS Silea on a baaia i f 2535 centa for ebelliog alock, 45 centa for Ordln- I ary, 55 cente for Prime. 65 cents for Extra Prime, 7580 cents for Fancy. Market firm. CORN Tbe market was firm at C263 cents in bulk, G6&G7 ceota in bags, and 70 cents per buabel from store, for eastern county cum. nKOElFTk. OOllUlJ Spirits turpentine. Rosin Tar Crude turpentine. . 45 bales. 81 bbls. 414 " 104 " 895 " i:t ttna at siAitnt. By TeUraph to lha Morning star Financial. Maw Yoka, Msy 18 Noon. Money strong at 4 per cent. Sterling exchange 4350487. Governments dull, nomigaland steady; fires and fours tic higher. Evening Money 3Q4 per cent. Ster liog exchange 484 J. Governments higher and strong; new fives 114J; new four and a balf per cents 11C; four per cente 117. Stale bonds in light request. Oommtretal. Nbw York, May 18 Noon. Cotton quiet, wrtb salea to-day of 933 bales; middling uplanda 10 9-.16 cents; Orleans 10 13-10 cents. Futures quiet, with sales at tba following prices: Msy 10.35 cents; June 10.41 cents; Jury 10.46 cents; August' 10.62 cents; September 10.93 cents; Octos ber 9.86 cents. Flour quiet and unchanged. Wheat iJc better. Corn fairly active. Pork firm ai $15 75. Lsxd strong at $10 05. Spirits turpentine 37 cents. Resin $1 85. Freights strong. Evening Cotton slesdy ; sales 1,720 bales; middling uplands 10 9-16 cents; middling Orleans 10 13-16 cents; consolidated net receipts 5.611 balea;'ex porta to Great Bri tain 1 1,596 bales ;to the continent 5,295 bales. Southern floor firm with a moderate trade; common to fair extra $5 00Q5 40; food to choice do $5 507 (XX Wheat opened K9 fc higher; afterwards the idrsooe was lost, and closed about slesdy; ungrsded spring $1 15. Corn without decided change; op tions better: ungraded 458 cts. OattKh c lower; No. 3, 4444 cfs. Coffee dull aad unchanged; Rio 8rlli cents.. Sugar firm and ia lair demand; fair lo good re fining ?7i cente; refined firmer and in good demand; standard A 9 cts. Molasses firm and and quiet; New Orleans 8085c; Porto Rico 8555c Rice quiet and un changed. Rosin firm at $1851 90. Spirits turpentine wesk at 37 cts. Pork a shade atrooger and rather quiet; old $16 00; new $16 75Q17 00; middles quiet and. atroog; long clear 8c; abort 9c. Lard fairly ac tive, doaing weak at $11 0511 07. Freigbu firmer, Ootton Net receipts 820 bales; gross 5,836 bales. Futures closed steady, with sales of 70,000 bales at tbe following quotations: Msy 10.45Q10.47 cents; June 10.50 cents; July 10.561Q.57 cents; August 10. 62Q10.63 cenu; September iaS310.34 cents; Oc tober 9.95Q9.97 cents; November 9.85 cents; December 9.85 cents; January 9.95 97 cents; February 10.05f10. 07 cents. Baxtxmobb, May 18. Flour firm and active; Howard street end western su per $3 &04 00; extra $4 25&5 00; fam ily $5 25Q6 85; city mills super $3 60 4 00; extra $4 255 00; family $6 606 62; Rio brands $6 00; Patepsco family $7 00. Wbeat southern active and firm; west ern firmer and higher; southern red $1 2 1 ?8; amber $1 S01 82; No. 9 western winter red oo spot $1 26fai 26ft May delivery $1 251 25i; June delivery $1 23 1 23; July delivery $1 17gl l7j;Au guat delivery $1 13K&1 13. Corn aouthn ern lrregnlar; western easy for spot and firm for futures; southern white 61 cts; yellow 63 cents. Osts firm; western white 54 cts; mixed 62 cts. Provisions quiet and steady; mess pork old $17 00; new $18 00; bulk meets loose shoulders , and clear rib sides nominal; packed 6f9i cents; bacon shoulders 7 cents: clear rib sides 10 cts; bams 11 12 cts. Lard refined, in tierces, 12c Coffee dull and weak Rid cargoes ordinary to fair 8rllf cents: Sugar firm; A soft 9J cents.' Whiskey dull at $1 10. Freights dull. Chicago, Msy 18 Flour -steady. Wbest active, firm end higher; No. 2 Chicago spring $1 02J cash; $1 021 OSiJune. Corn active, firm and higher ;43c cash ; 42io bid May. Oats essier; Sfijc cash; 37c May. Pork unsettled and generally lower; $16 40 cash; $10 40 bid June. Lard active, firm sod higherjat $10 65 cash, June, July and August. Balk meets irregular; shoulders $5 50; rib $8 35; clear rib $8 05, Whis key stesdy snd unchanged. St. Louis, May 18. Flour steady and unchanged. Wbeat higher; No. 2 red fall $1 10J1 llicsfih; essier at close at $1 09il 09 June. Corn higher; 43c cash; 43t43C Msv. Oats higher snd slow; 37 o caen and May, Whiskey steady at $1 06. Pork dull and lower lobbing lots $16 50. Lard higher st $10 50010 00. Bulk meats dull and nominal. Bacon easy; shoulders $0 25; rib $9 10; sides $0 250 0 35. rirriVN flARKBTS. By Telecraph to the Morning Star. May 18. Galveston, stesdy at 10i cts net receipu 627 bales; Norfolk, dull and nominal at 10 cts net receipts 236 bales; Baltimore, quiet at 10 9-18 cents net re ceipts 515 bsles;Boston, steady at 10 cts net receipu bvo Dales; rhiladelphia, quiet at 10 cents tret receipts 29 bales; Savan nah, quiet and steady at 10 ceols net re ceipts 418 bales; New Orleans, quiet and steady st 10 cents netreoelDts 2.082 bales: Mobile, quiet and firm at 10 cts net re- I eelpts 137 bales; aiempnia, arm at 10 cents nst receipts 322 bales; Auguflta, steady at 9 ceota nst receipts 67 bales; Charles ton, stesdy at 10f cents Det receipts' 889 bales. ' ' . "' - ' ' c" - ' FOBBlVItnARKBTS. (Bv Cable to the Morning Star. Liverpool, May 18 Nooo. Cotton Io moderate ioqeiry, which .la; freely sup plied; uplands fid; Orleans 5 15-1 6d; sales 10,000 bales, of which 1,000 were for spec ulation and export; receipts 11,200 bales, of which 9.450 bales were American. Up lands, 1 m c, May and. Jane delivery 527-1 i 32d : ' July acd Acrt Anfftiat and ' ueDiamDer September and October delivery 5 29-33dt October and jHovemoer oeiivery of a ; No vember and December delivery, 23-32d. Fntntealdnli: '.r 7 ' Lard 55vf 1.S0; P."Cotfon Uplands 1 m 0. Juoe and Juljr delivery 5d. . . , 5 P. M. Uplands 1 m c, August hnd September delivery, 6 1 33d. Futures dull and steady.: : Bali 8 of American Cotton to-day 6,850 bales. T' ' & -r: Spirits turpentine 32a 6d. Lard 55s 3d. Hew Vora Naval Stores market nay 16. Spirita turpentine Tbe market . rules essier and is quiet; sales of 100 bbls mer chantable order, at 37c: quoted at 37i 38c. Rosins are beld firmly; demand mod erste. Tbe following are tbe quotations for: Rosins Common . and good strained at $1 851 90; No. 2 E F $1 952 05; No. 1 G H $2 102 25; good No. 1 I $2 37 2 60; low pale K $3 87i3 00; pale M $3 12iS 25; extra pale N $3 S73 50; window glass W $3 754O0. Tar at $3 75. - Charleston Naval Stores Market, mar 16 The receipts were 300 casks spirits tur pentine and 850 bbls rosin. There was a fair movement in rosins at sustained rates. Bales 500 bbls, at $1 55 per bbl C D; $1 60 $1 65 forE; $1 70$175 for F; $1 85 for G; $1 90 for H; $2 00 for I; $2 50 for E; $2 75 for M; $3 00 for N, and $3 25 for window glass, sod $3 37 for water white. Spirits turpentine in demand. Sales 800 casks, at 33c per gallon for regulars. Crude turpentine is valued at $2 60 per bbl for virnin. $2 25 for yellow din. and $1 25 for scrape. . Ntw York Peanni narsat. (Journal of Commerce, May 17. Transections are' moderate and prices steady. Tb6 quotations for Virginia are 33c for prime; 4 cents for extra prime; 44 cents for fancy, and 44 cts for hand-picked. MARINE. Port AlDianae-may 19. Sun Rises....... 4.52 A. M. Sun Bets 7.01 P.M. High Water (SmithviUe) 12.11Fveo. " (Wilmington).... 4.11 Even. Day's Length 14h. 09m. ARRIVED. Stmr Elizabeth, Wilkinson. Smitbville, Joseph Bisbee. Stmr D Murcbison, Roberts, Fayette -ville, Williams & Murchison. Schr Euoity R Dyer, 109 tons, Pardee, Fredericksburg, with 6,500 buBbels corn to PCumming & Co; vessel to Geo Harries &Co. Nor barque Agatha, 360 tons, Rohr, Bremen, C P Mebaoa. Schr Minnie Ward, Moore, New River, naval stores to Hail & Pearsall. Schr Annie, Dennis, New River, naval stores to Hall & Pearsall. - Schr Argyle, Lewis, Shallolte, naval stores to Kercbner & Calder Bros. Schr Ontario, Morgan, Tub ha' Inlet, navsl stores to Kercbner & Calder Bros. Schr Snow Storm, Morse, Little River, 8 C, naval stores to D L Gore. CLEARED. Stmr Elizabeth, Wilkinson, Smitbville, Joseph Bisbee. Stmr D Murchison, Roberts, Fayette vllle, Williams & Murchison. Schr Minnie Wsrd, Moore, New River, Hall & Pearsall. Schr Annie, DennLs, New River, Hall & Pearsall. Schr Argyle, Lewis, Sbailotte, Kercbner & Cslder Bros. Schr Ontario, Morgan, Tubbb' Inlet, Kercbner & Calder Bros. a 2 Schr Snow Storm, Morse, Little River, S C, D L Gore. AXAJrXINE DIRECTORY. K.tat or Taaaala lsa Ska se.rs or WIl aalagtaa, N.C.. irisy IB.. 1880. This list doea not embrace vessels under 60 tons.1 BARQUES. Albatross (Ger.) 315 tons, Hannesj, E G Barker & Co Frank (Nor.), 337 tons, Christofersen, Heide & Co Emelie (Ger.X 419 tons, Knutb, Heide & Co Signe (Nor.), 358 tons, Bacbe, EG Barker & Co Biakka (Nor), S63 tons, Olseo, Heide & O Anna (Ger.), 337 tons, Peter, E Peschau & Westermann Nor d cap (Nor.), 438 tons, Aaronsen, C P Mebane Anna (Ger.), 294 tons, Seiwerts, hi Peschau & Westermann Eleoe (Dan ), 481 tons, Dahl, Heide & Co Agatha (Nor.), 360 tons, Rohr. C P Mebane Rsbnhild (Nor), 198 tons, Hansen, C P Mebane Resolve (Nor.), 400 tons, Spielberg, C P MebaBe Marie (Ger.), 580 tons, Permien, E Peschau & Westerman: Elsie Metzler (Ger.), 373 tons, Dabm, EG Barker & Co Forsete'(Nor.) 348 tons, Knudsen, Heide & Cq Sito (Nor.), 366 tons, Neilsen, Heide & C Atlantic (Ger.) 398 tone, Shearing, E Peschau & Westermann Stsr of Hope (Ger.), 236 tons, Hamann, E Peschau & Westermann Lydia Peschau (Get.), 381 tons, Bremera, E Peacbftu & Westermann Msryig(,Nor.), 20Q tons, Mstbiesen, Heide & Co BRIGS. Havana; i380 tons, Reed, Geo Harries & Co Albert ioe Meyer (Ger.), 239 tons, Zilke, E Pesdbau & Westermann Second of April (Dan.), 247 tons, Sorensen, Heide & Co Gqstav Adolf (3 wed.), 253 tons, Olsen, fatersoD, Downing & Co Soltero (Nor.), 332 tons, Hoyer, C P Mebane Brazilian (Nor.) 320 tons, Berge, CP Mebane CongaI(Nor.) 332 tons, Danielsen, C P Mebane Smaragd (Nor.). 323 tons, Andersen, EG Barker & Co SCHOONERS. Clara, 275 tons, Leek, rep'g, Geo Harries & Co H A DeWitt, 259 ions, Mansoo, EG Barker & Co ! Paul P Kellet, 204 tons, Henderson, Geo Harriss & Cc Hatli Giies, 231 tons, Outten, Geo Harriss & Co Rachel Jane, 110 tons, Cashman, ; E X Barker & Co NoTicx. If the eienal letters of anv ves sel in port are displayed by the U. S. Sig nal Office, the vessel so designated should B end ashore for telerram. POR THE LOCAL & POLITICAL NEWS OF THB FIRST DISTRICT, : Subscribe for THE F AX C O N . A Democraae Newspaper. pub: -SVP, XLIZABBTH CITY, N. C. It ta'inriHnwa ti Jannap 1 . 1881. fnr ONE DOLLAR. ! i -1 JUST OPENED THE BEST ASSORTMENT OF ALL THE LATEST ' NOVELTIES IN Dress G-oods White Goods, Laces, Hosiery Grlo vesHorisekieeping Goods, Curtains TdwelBMt&'and Boys' Wear, . ANja'JrlUNDREDS OF ARTICLES TOO NUMEROUS TO MEN- TION'ALL, BOUGHT AT THE LATE Decline in Prices ! FOR EXTRAORDINARY GOOD BARGAINS CALL AT ap3 tf .Cigarettes. JF YOU.WI8H A GOOD SMOKE FOR A LIT- tle money, try onr "Little Brown Jug," made of HAVANA TOBACOO, Tobacco Wrapper, and Patent Corn-Husk Month-Piece. OK My "Uncle Toby," made of PURE SUN-CURED VIRGINIA TOBAC CO, with PateLted Month -Piece. For sale by ADRIAN A VOLLBRS, Wholesale Grocer?, my 17 tf s. KCor. Front and Dock Bts. Flour. Flour. Flour. 1 0AA Bbls FLSUR, all grades. ivv For sale by KERCHNBR & CALDER BROS. my 15 tf Corn, Ileal and Hay. JQQQ Bush COBN, 4QQ Bags Water Mill MEAL, 5Q0 Bales No. 1 TIMOTHY HAY, For eale by my 15 tf KERCHNKR & CALDER BROS. New Crop Cuba. 1 Kfi Hhds, and Bbls lOU New Crop CUBA MOLASSES, For sale by KERCHNBR at CALDER BROS. my 15 tr Nails, Glue and Spirit Casks 300 Kega NAILS. 125 BUs GLUK KAA New Hew York CASKS, For sale by KERCHNBR CALDER BROS. my 15 tf R!. C. Hams. VERY NICK LOT OF ALL SIZES; ALSO A few SIDES and SHOULDERS. DESSICATED COCOA-NUT, yery freah; da Hghtful for making Deserts. FRESH CRACKBRS AND CAKES; SS varieties received weekly. ' FLAVORING EXTRACTS, fall strength, and beet quality guaranteed. S oz. Vial (naaal size) Lemon, 10c, 3 oz. do. do. Vanilla, 15e, 4 ok. do. Lemon, SOo. 4 oz. do. Vanilla, 35:. ORANGES, LKMGNS, and all seasonable goods. Jas. C. Stevenson ray 14 tf Mineral and Soda Waters. DBEP ROCK. VICHY, ApoUinarie. Hatho'rn, Oeveer. Keesinen. Bitter Water, Ac, Ac. WM. H. GREEN, Druggist, Market St, bet Front and Second my 15 tf Seasonable. C. FREEZERS, WATER COOLERS, RK- I, frigeratbre, Ice Chests, Bath Tuba. Kerosene Oil Stoves, Steam Cookers, Fly Traps, Dish Covers, jDira uages, water vans, EC, as - V.-M. KING. CO'8. Send for Stova Catalogue. . ",myl5tf "Dyers." TTEADQUARTKRS FOR FINK FURNISHING JLL. , , . .-, i ... J Goods. Gauze, Balbrlggan, Cashmere WooL Gos samer, Angola, Nainsook, and Lisle Thread Under wear. Laiest asaorbnentatowiu mylotr James W. Southerlai&Clo. RE AGENTS m THIS CITY-FOR SHORT & SMITH'S BUGGIES, ' CABRIAGKS, and- other .vehiclea of their numafactare; Persons In want of renable work will do well to call on us at our BOARDING, LIVERY and SALE PTflPhaa, opposite ue upera nouse. ;- ray is.u "TB OFFER AT BOTTOM FIGURKS- 30,000 Bush Prime WHTTB C0BN, r 3,000 Bash DATS. . Z- 700 Bales Choice TIMOTHY HAY, SOOBasbBBBDPBASK; -ivi ?-- "Best BOLTED MEAL In 'the cltygrindmt PRE8TON OUsfsOSeavd . : r Millers and Grain and , myl8tf ' Peanut Dealers. Tbe Camden Journal, IB THE OLDBST-ESTABLISHKD PAPER IN KershAW county, and has an extensive circulation among the Merchants, Farmers and- all clasaea of business men In the county. It offers to the Merchants of Wilmington a deeir1 able Medium for? Advertising, the country ia which Itcirculstee, being ecamectodwlth that city by ateam er on the Wateree River, and the Wilmingtoa, Co lombU arid Augusta RAilrosd. - -" rrt Uberal terns will be mAde with those deairtng to advertise. - j:--: ' s- Bubeeriptloa price, gt 60 per anaam. ; i t KA as, FRJTrHAMAVHAY ; e 1f ' Bdftnra aad crietors:. 36 market Street. ENTERPRISE WILL WIN ITS REWARD! Two monlha ago we commenced haDdltng ROYSTER'S CANDY. Since that time we ha tb "been selling from THREE TO FIVK HUNDRED LBS. PER WESK if yon wish to ssve yoor wife Uoable keep your cook in a good humor, and tbe way to do It I. in bny barrel of onr celebrated (I PRIDE" FLOUR, and we fjuarantea the will have no cense far grum bling. We are receiving weekly a large aesortmt-nt of CANNED GOODS, from the well and favorably known boose of JNO. T. MITCHELL A CO. TOMATOES, two and three lb. ran.: GREEN CORN. ENGLISH GARDEN PBA'SE, LARGE YELLOW PBACHKS, CALIFORNIA PEARS. FRESH PINB'APPLB. A cordial invitation ia extends to afr re tmJi u examine the content of onr MAMMOTH BSTA H LISHMENT. P. L. Bridgers & Co ap 17 tf Summer Arrangements QN THE FIRST DAY OF JUNB, OB SOONER if necear-ary. I propose to establish a rgular By atem of PslTvary For THB CONVENIENCE OF RESIDENTS ON THA DIFFERENT BOUNDS. I will deliver free of any expense, whatever, all goods bought of me, at either M aionboro, Urecn- ville or Wrightavllle SoondA sly Wagon leavlsg ray Store every Tuesday, Tburtdsy snd Bstardsy. This being rather a new departure, aad ef the greatest benefit to the many families tain marine It on our Seashore, I hope my undertaking may be rewarded by receiving many orders from ait Beeaectfally. Jno. L. BoatTWTitfln, 11 Front ft. my tf An Elegant A SSORTMENT OF FINE AMD MEDIUM. ii Chamber and Parlor bUUa. Bast Chain and Rekers of the latest dealgna, J art what is seeded for thta warm -weather. aUnresan of oar ows msnafactoxe. Spring Beds snd Wire MaUm. .... Baby OsnrUges of various stylos. For tale at low prices. 1. A. SstrTH CO., mylS tf 43 North Front tu. uitoes A RB HEREBY WARNED TO TAKB DUB HO- tlce. The New Furniture Stora of BElLBXNDa & MUNROE. 8. B. Cor. Market aad 3d Sts.. W- mington, N. C., has received a largstock of Neva, Frames. Ac. Ac. Ac. which thev will Sod la pregnable. A large stock of Furniture, Louagee, naoyuamagea, ac. Ac, Ac, at lowest prices. my J if Grain Cradles. WE HAVE NOW IN STOCK A FULL ABiOBT ment of Wrant'a Celebrated Boathera PaUera Five Finger Gram Cradles, tbo beat and caeeoest Cradlea a Farmer can sse. There Is s caa com mon article oa the market; wa doa't keep them. A good article Is always the cheapest, send roar orders to tha old Batahllsbed Hardware Ooase of , Vi JNO. DAWSON SOU., mylStf 19, 31 and 3 J Market BU Fresh Fruits. JUST RECEIVED SOME .CHOICE 8WXBT Oranges, Basset Apples, Bananas aad Lemon.. - Cold Hods Water and Home Made Caadr alwsrs on hand. t At SL Q. HOSTHBOPB my 14 tf Fruit aad Ooaraetloaary Btarea.

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