,hjb noBmngsjAg A 11 ' 1 m i i ii ii ! i i ii i -mm III i i I , ' . . riww"PPwwwwwwwwwlwtMwfWwi . i lui wmmmm i- i i n , , 1 U wn. n. dciwahd. daily mxcxrr moriui. aaeai i I .... I I "II ir I t . 1 . ..jf'I. l fl I I . II 1 W - ' K. ' V X I . n B M - II f , II lkv " "m TMmkL ' :. .V . m m m u m ' I a. mb i a m at - . - a i eaeasaaWaW"-' r ...a ,. mm.' n in a e 1 : iaa.Ts'Bi "- - - w -a m - - m m ma i (-mv t . ,i ... - - r - r . a .7i a . jor . ai ft ar i l'"Tr";eive , -.. ' at ar . aT . I r.mmi"KB . BT :. f IB a. . V X -i AMeaBaasae. m - H I i - , . : vi k rt vuri i in.? 4... i j ; . i i j i i r1 1 i i 1 1 i i u" ii i' ' J" y -. i 1 a 'iis,s'r!1 tirv ij iiuiii'V.ii' r Tbreeireeka, ....r..Aa aa. . .1" '2yamths,.;,w,.-.wki,M IT 00 f n a t SS t r" -n iti mil imii " TLS a LmI fee mm taaai Urea MUi OLTL1NEI. rn ! lift br ia wtmboi di- hx hadrtd excurioMM oa 5,fJ ad mJJaif eoup3 mau ome , uui wrct ; a eccUeai occurred i 9 , Tttircaic. iiJwu du to i ! ta ticurnoiM win iroca uiq Oitwio. ad rtprotd tboat oe inoiial fmth- Two mea KUJed ,.l thr wnouilf iajared by a bolW ex ,,.n n a tfoo fouedry el Ifempoi. r...u 5cn Notta Cro- , ( ur i UJia u b raoaoved lo ltli,aT.rn,orT.;ui.,ai.iuI. r iKprtai ia b ta flrtt tp towarda ,.,g,fil of ia a ura tnoe doq! two I tj,oaa c'o. Mra OafflaU oo- t.. I ifflj. iliicji diill I r,P,)rtrd o Oorn. Ca1 I :Qu:: wiiuoti editorial coctroJ of tbe Vufk &miu-j Ant Joha Car ancoi. of Aliadna. Virgiaia, baa bo ,t aaJf NjoJ foe trial for aadia vurn lout ntiur taroufb the oaaila, bU .,fa: (Miof mii to SaeaUir Vance oa , crl p.ad a yoar apacb , .it ist J i Mao." A a- ...i tu in u fx-tor j ciakMivaa aad bornbe . 0o J ruMfw aaar rria, f raac. ii ik. ' itppiMitiuo papra l Aibaoa ca r im CoUoa aatioaal d Hrr Moat.iaa 8ooaliat aditoc .r LnJ. a fouad (uilty uf tb cbaif t ac.ua niurdar . m aaaiaaca waa i.rrrU Ea-Saoato B. rrftatar Tr.iurT. ia uraiaad witb ,j,,in-ii )0 for odcrn. Typboid fever t Havana; bi faweaaaaof ir aa reponad. Cocaaao- i,, S t". ' J'f. dd a New York nif Ta baaiaaaa prt of tba ;, f llrriaa. Aikaaaaa. baa ba mrul . &r m!dia4 loaa $23.CX. ri c ai nat ricitrd aad bifbar ,-nctdy . piica adfad ivomll, bat :Mii obi Iwar ; b eoatiauad dry .i.l u iof wtiar ut cooaidarad oafarora- m ui cropf Up la 10 30 o'clock .4: aibt bodM ba 1 ba rt- : ,ru rr.a tfta tair at Loodoav, OaL N Vj markata: Moatay &Q3i par K -ttoQ 1 to ai 10Oll cu, acrolbara l.iir -f a.l adaaciac at 2 IC3? 50; tii. uardd ipriag ft lafQl 13; eora tiile Uar. 'iofTdd MQ.'S? caata; tpirita u ?otja Urm i 3!fOJ7 eta; roaia etraaf I oujii sooda in New York ar r sctiv ia first hands, and the '.,)i of tha market ja firm- Th l.t spalliog of the Conkliog iM'ip ia coop." There ia no rafer : to plucked rooatera io ihia. Wr. Abram Lincoln ia not dying roMjrte,l, bat ia ia poor health, she )mui aa she h aa ben aioc Christ- Ir luring, the new Commissioner ( ncultarv, goee into office July l Or. Loriog ia thought to bo 'itii&ad acaioeatly for the near poet. The ousted man ia Le Due, and baa i. to blame the lack. I )n K. 1a. !.. f .l.rr nhul I ... t w mm . i -. . , !on Albany that there was no doubt if ih re -election of tha er -Senator, ii that Conkliog and hia set were working to make it aa nearly nnani mou aa poaaibia. Aoolher special of Ui same day repreaeots the Stal est is as a little depreeased. It waa Mr. John Carmiohael, of LouilouQ coanty, Va., who lam pooned little Billy through the mail, if wrote to. Senator Vance oo a poetai card: "Please send me your pch oo the d d dog, Mabona," The poetai waa stopped t the Waab "jtou poatofice. Mr. C will be ar 'eted by a U. S. Depaty Marshal. The Raleigh line Obcmr report- the arrival of W. I. Best and 'o persons from Roe too, and says t ia "uadarstood that they coma to ia oity to dlacusa certain mailers rsUtive to the North Carolina Mid tnd Railroad, aad aleo so me (bin g ooceraing the Western North Car- iiaa and Atlantic and North Caro 11 a Railroads. Iioamaaia has a King at last. Prince Charles has been erowned Tbe Nsw York limes thiaka if the Hr-iLr $ account can be true Lad it 'ouat have beeo per face I y gorgeoua ban the coronation came off. It "That vsracioaa journal aaearee us I ihst white shirts were almost nmver ly worn by the nobility and gentry of Hon man i a who were preeeat at -Ae coroQAtioo. Not , coo tent with ihe reekkaa luxury of dresa, some of l Sueau also wore jacksta,' and though the fact la not man tioo ad, Uert may have been ooe or two ex- trasgsat aoblee who went the es i ... . laogva ol trooaers. Ia any at, there ie no doubt that last Saadav waa a ,rwt J h... waa a s "hsaia." ' - o j - - i VOL. XXVni.NO."56. Grni'i bkgrphtr, Bdeaav c bil ua...i i. i f .v. . uMB ot ui oro, very un- imetvonb . fHovt u wa bad oci - ioo to InlimiU reetntlj ia bii o- coQot of Grnl louet in the cxm- ptigQ iou Gen. Le. The ThiU- I delpbia Timet aayt "To make oat hie cUim bo bxc UbaralU falaified pablio docamenU. aad where a, point waa to. be gained ignored other. General Boynton baa fastened opon one .sgraTated ca. which llloatraCea mior. After lue Captor of rort . UooeltOQ Geo, t. r i. - i . u,Ml mmKu op in anono ea iiMMMlMnk an Wt. commander, II aJ leek, waa aetioutly w v a kvu .us. uh Alarmed for the army. Badeao claim in hia .o-calkd bUtorw.th.tnoeTi- deoc of tbil co a Id be loaod in Wab- lorioo. Dal Lreo, liOTnton Drodace from the War Department file the whnU rorirn.iT-,UK !. k wnoia correspondence, wtiicn it worto preotiog, Gram it n f i,:. r..K Grant K3t OO ooe of hia Old faah- toned druoka and forgot all about th Mfetj of hi army. We may gif ibe oorrepoDdeoo0 hereafter. In Geo. U.lleck'a lut letter to Gen. McClell&n, dated March 4th, 1862, h wntee: "A rumor has jast reached me a1 aiocw the taking of Fort Dooel- aoo, General Grant baa resumed hia loraar Ua oaoiia. It SO, 11 Will SO- r -.. T ... ooant for his neglect of my of t-re- Dvated orders. I do not deem it ad- viaab a to arreat him at Dreaenl. but have placed General Smith In com- in and of the expedition op the Teo- neaae. 1 think Smith will restore order and discipline." Iladeao trie to ign.i all this, aad lie about it. Grant waa so bad off that Gen. Smith had to be sub stituted. It ia to be feared that many editors who are not aa familiar with the old revision of the New Testament aa they might ba will make some very iccoosidarala and untenable criti oiama apon tha new revision. Al ready there) are aigns of such blun ders. He ia a very raab man who will eoodemo the work of some forty eminent Biblical acholara and crilica extaodiog through too and a half year, and that too after the moat superficial glance. The New York Times give ac count of some thefla in the U. S. Treasaiy Department, for which the I ehief clerk and the caatodian of the building are reepooaibla. Secretary. I v indom maue me aiacovery, ana toe i t . . . . ,. . .ca j. fcUe 1U"'K"UU V' I - - afL ..-..ii - - a 7 , I miaee "to reveal a scandalous oondl- tioo of affaira." Soppoee the Demo-I crate could get into power wouldn't I 4k.,. k- - rininn. em A ..nn.ini, w f"m. "" h i of the Iladical oonoern ? I ...... - I I! 1 1 . I i. ia rtportaxi toai tsouauiag; uau w i make a bargain with Got. Cornell to I a, - ... atenre hia saDDort. The understand- U, t .1.. u- Pm.;.. to be that Vice 1 resident 4 I ing is as a-.i. 1 . I t al. - I yt i n ii r au I r.iiu.r. cudliui ii i kiia uikT i lurrenders coot "machine" to save hia friend Conk- ling. Bargaina are in order. Gar-1 . . . , ... . I field once bargained with (Jakee I Aoea, and afterwards with Koaooe I vr. r . I Cockling. j.ww uji u Mnvvn itic i hia hand. spirits Turpenune. IUeenl sales of Granville to bacco: per ha ad red poaoda, $90, $73, f&3, $30. 5o; ffii rerson county tobacco: C. B. Brooks. 4 193 pease's fetched $962. Brooks t Saliarfleld, $oO, $73 parkland red. Ileleigh Former Jb Mechanic: Dr. P. P. Paace, a former citizen of Graa Ti3e has given to tha iliatoricaj Society the books of tUa, grand sires who were mer chants ia Raleigh before this ceatary was bora. Ilaieigh. VuUor; An aoti-pro-hibUioo nxaatleg waa held at Milhurnie Satnrday aaeaing last, which was addrtaaed bvMesera J. Rowaa Hosiers. Gaoria L. ToonoffakiJ. JL Renfrew, J. A. Temple I and George-A, Keith. Seieiby A urora : We learn that two men fought a dnel, with hickory sticks, in Rather fordioe last Tneeday. A tare aomber ol the farnaere of this county are either buLldlag aew dwalliap or ra- EBOddeiliag aad repeirlsf their old one. at mmm a at mm. a I uiioru a vtw .pfciu Jaaee IL Horner, next teok a class In Latia, and the way La which he raaheda iaoae boys made ua feel wslL glad we -were aot a boy again." W did not know A.aaasLr ana were av sivuua mt muc VIHW "sw ! wsde wtka." We felt that whst we had I kaowa was sot worth a conUoealaL worth a continental." I New Berne Hut Shell: Abo at 330 persona ware employed aheUJog peas at the cava ai of factory yesterday, and aa many more could find employment. Thousands nt tuwaai arara raaiai. If Mr. BTalr eocld get salScieat force to work them op, oar uaca raxmers woaia proceuuy reauise ou ceau per bushel Tor all their surplus stock. ilaoderson Review; The en tine, two box aad two flat cars for the Ox ford Hsadanoa Road, are here. The CTcee-ilee are being rapidly laid aad a large 3 naa Liiy of Lroe is aa route. Uader the ai eient management of Capt. DaJdy Wil liams the road will acoo be completed. Capv. Toes Arrtegioa is superts tending the Uyteg of the sills oo the road. Charlotte Otocrvtr: , Cob Frtak "LU rvcarisaoi aruea irom rwuayvt, lag the amateurs to present the "rl rates or 1 WILMINGTON, NiCi THURSDAY. I Feaaace ia Uul pUo on ibt 26tk I ntUnt, iwt unia or wi nuana u ui nuau. A member of th cut UsJjoln receipt of 1 crom um proprteior ox u Uroca- villa opera hoaae offerUif . to give the "riraiea- me tuo or it if they wui pretest tee opera mere. Hero are aomev more sales of Peraoacoaatr tobacco, which we flndiln the Roxboro UtraLd: W. P. Iteada, 4,000 Ef' iJ ?hJ' I r)C eUrt.. I aner told ooe load at $50 around or A f.w?PaM; X. b. -warren, one load or ft 7 JSttTZZ1! Tvi- iTri.1? rfrj! I 132. Peraon was once a cart of GranTilla. I M ... u wBKWiirajMB. T . I Q.lf.knn. TCs,lr. . If- TaIih riumwiwii iuu wvuui J Inlu, of tbia city, has jost returned from McDowell conotj. where he naa been JgJf. ?Slf ffiSf VrSarJi lereated in aa tubettoa mine recently diaco- I Texed. Tber ate deTeloputc the mine. Dp- Ev4mc v0!,8'1' I ealled on the 19ih tnataat, with Mr.William I oj.k -j -v.J -t- Eorltad. They ro oa bailoeu connected Wiethe oompaay. This oompany, by the ororhiVwM mora va real estate than any, other flw companies In North Carolina,,. :-; Sr.-:- ' Roxboro Herald: rMtv H. A, ham have nhactlbed 123.000 to the - stock wiwa aaava aaaaw aav sua mi aaaMwaiaj of the Roxboro Railroad.-: tpon condition that It start from Durham and connect with Uv 1IIIIBU ! KII.IIU MMUWU MVMKUra, Whiskey seemed to be plentiful ln4 Roxboro this week although its sale Is for- bidden -by. law. Armstead Caning - ?U itXSt -111.4 DJi. 1 -III. I UiU MM LIIUUII. MS WU1WIT' WIUI ono of Mr. flrMm Ktim' aLWti anddanlv I taken with cramp, -m the -middle of the I pooa and tnimediateir snax and was owneo. orai uom go oainmg oni I a r a w-k a... a. 7' ... aavuuwivuriito a& ia i a uctg are ia Hendersonvllle twenty stores, dry goods, groceries, hardware, furniture. books, etc. Five hotels offer the beet of entertainment to the tourist or traveller. Two and a hUf miles from Heoder- aoaville is the picturesque little village and surroundings of Flat Rock, the sammer resort of the wealth and fashion of the seaboard of South Carolina. A maaat meeting was held at Ruther ford ton oa the 18th inst.. to consider the construction or a railroad from Johnson, Tenn., on tha Sast Tenacateo and Virginia lUilroad by way or Itatherf ordton to some point oa Ue Air-Line. Thspropoeed road is tojvaat Cranberry Iron Works and cross the Western Xiorth Oarouaa Kaliroad at or near Marion. Greenville aad Spartanburg are ootn co a lending for us new road. Raleigh JVew-Ooen?r:. Mr. John Spelman will resume the publication of the tiai Journal this week. We under- sued the Journal will vigorously oppose II. rmKIKIiIa ,.l Til. MAl.n.tal erraded school now has 705 Dunns. It must be the largest school in the Bute. There are now mora murderers in Wake Jail than tver before at ooe time. The Governor baa reappointed the following notaries public, who have renewed their commleeione under the new law, which re- asirta tbeea to be renewed every two years: metre 11. Foster. Rateteb: W. L. Smith. Jr., Wilmington; O. D. Davis, Salisbury; George U. Roberts, New Berne Ueorre u. ttoberts. New Berne. ueo. W. It. Cox has appointed Mr. John- W. Hers, of Granville, alternate to Mr. W. H. Wilder, for the West Point cadetshlp iium uum uuum. mii. xiava wu m uiuao . irom uis autnet. air. xiays was a cioae m to Hr. Wilder in? the recent com- vs-aat 1 1 1 eaa aat aa In at I I 4 . . I " ag J "DO'r AU; Marti Hum, ttaa hn atftllina. nn In atMjita I q c-nu Mr Doand - The sanr I trees on Mala street, oppoaite Coffey's hotel, m "7am aa m Mwm wtt W warn I ahadA T a " " " M1 .7,"" am romior i mra ai 1 1 ma mars, un Ire4 abundance of grasa ia this cloud land is a reveiauon. it grows ererywnere. even la tha wooda. Knrt fImtmI hlllaMn that . .. . is not in cuiuvauon, is a meaoow. ne I have received from Dr. W. B, Council a 1??"-" VL V .ore froma tract of 1.600 acme of land Ivina- n ... . . . I dui uwoe 1 usp, ana oeionging to tne i In,n rn-n- i. I ..1 . - I -1 . . .w- . . I uiu ui lfo auuiiuao. uu uin uu;u Dr. W. B. Council. President of the Watauga & Caldwell Narrow Gauge Rail- road,Droposes to effect a consolidation wllh the Imboden road, and after securing a 0(X) sutcriplioo,whJch U pledged to ibe work, be tUl obtain 150 convicts and bein operaUocs assoon as practicable. The I m rwvien kiwviv aurTer wnirn nas nrrw greased nearly to Day's Gap, u reported to be turning out finely. A satiafactory grade win unaouotecuy ne oouinea. Wat W ADVBBTIIBJIIBnTS. Loot Chain bracelet Mrj580N8uIts for summer. Babjuson & Aixanc Straw hats. Found Goldrimmed spectacles. . P. Covington Oleomargarine. IItqxxa Hotel Old Point Comfort. Masonic Meeting St John's Lodge. Mxxtino Oak Grove Pleasure Club. CeaaiBBea. "Jwleameee. Frances Outlaw and ber daughter, Jane Outlaw, both colored, and the latter well known in police circles, were arraigned be fore Justice Millie yesterday morning, oo the charge of being common nuisances. The evidence was very slroog, a large number of the neighbors in the vicinity of their boaae, on Castle, between Second and Third streets, testifyiag to the fact of the ea aavae tat ee bw iveiti w ma v i rtle4 u- almost conaUnUy ia the habit r . , 01 041 D tbe m0at offensive language, both obscene and profane, to the serious annoy- 0f the public They were ordered to .1.. . l.iIKU Ki..4 I. II. mm .1 (A ...I. a10 Ju," wwmhiiii wvo.u i for ihelr appearance at court. District Ceatfereaice. The District Conference for the Wilming ton District convenes at Elixabelhtowo on . . aaaaiA . I Thnrsday. the 7ih of July. The Front Street M. . Church, at its' lut Quarterly Conference, elected the following dele gates: CoL Q L. UrsfKn, J. H. Msllard. Ashley Gilbert and W. M. Parker, with Geo. H. Eelley and Jna W. Perdew as alurnatee. Stagteiriae ceavtA Henry Bragg was arraigned before Jus tice Gardner, yesterday, charged with will ful trespass. -Defendant waa adjudged I (y and ordered to pay a fine of one gouty and ordered to pay a sne or one rwtnn anrl tha fVtaf a 1 TUB RICE HILIr BOBBIRT. waller Fartlenlare Baeaptara of iha '- t . . - . . acapeat TMIef TIte . Parilea Corn- amiitaal f er Trtat iet Ia oar leet we gare a hasty account of ao attempt to rob the Caroliaa Rice alilloo Taeadty oigbt At the does of oar report I it wu known that one of the p.rtieehad I eeciDed. bat the other wts in the guard I hoaae. It teem that when the partiee were I gnrnriged Peter W. 8mith. the engineer. humped oat of . window and escaped. I .k ,t.m ... nn I Wnn.m n.ni.t ih. mhr I ' " left In charge of only one officer, tbe others I . . . . . : . Dan el was chased as far as Fifth h RstrurHm ih n salllnap .I,-. -o,i , , h. . three efforts to cut Officer O'Brien, who was cloee after him, with a knife. This officer succeeded oace, in getting hold of the fugitive's coat tail, and a piece of it was torn off. A report of the escape was lodged J e station nouse, wnen umcers ureen. Everett. Latham and Skinner went I to tbe house of Daniel, in the I !:.- xr..i,, ..P..ir.K -ti- I ,. a . v-' a . . . I as aoor. WDICQ WM answerea Dy a wo- I man. who asked what was wsnted. She I wgt Mked if Daniel was at home, and said I .t, . Mlnt.,. nt T11 trn mnA o.ll Kim " - I Daniel, suspecting that the officers were 1 after him, jumped out of clothing and sprang out ol bed, in his night I W"""" ' M.Mv.w., . . . I Unamg in tne arms OI vmcer X.vereu. lie I was thereupon taken to the guard house I .mi inrkmi nn I w ar Tm n. Rmllh .fr-tl in I this wise: Sergeant Bender, who went on duty at 4 o'clock, having received informa tion of the escape of Smith, thought he might take a notion to visit the engine room at the mill. lie, therefore, with one or two other officers, posted . himself in the vicinity and keDt a look-out. About half past 4 o'clock Bmitb made his appearance and went into the engine room, when be was immediately seized. He professed great surprise to find the mill open, lights burning and other evidences of something unusual having occurred during the night, fie was slao lodged in the guard house. Yesterday morning the case was turned over by the Mayor to a Jos tic i of the Peace before whom a preliminary examination was held at 10 o'clock. Smith and Daniel were both ldeutifled, the letter's coat, with the piece torn from it, being exhibited in cmrt and found lo fit together to a nicely. I Smith finally admitted that he was at the mill at the time, but said he was there to fill up hia tanks, etc It was furthermore in evidence that while Smith, the engineer, had no key to the main portion of the building, it had been discovered by ooe of the proprietors since the attempted robbery that there, was an easy mode of access from the engine room to the main part of theJ building, which could be effected by the mere pressure of a bolt with the finger, lhere jj,,. a defect jn fastening. The disid uichuib ui m uun wiui uio uum. v stealiog of rice in this wsv it wassuDDOsed had been going on for some time. 8mith and Daniel were ordered to give a jastlfled bond in the sum of $300 each for . .... . m "ir appearance ai me approacning term 01 the Criminal Court, in default of which they were lodged In j all. Dally weatker Bailatiai. Th9 following will show the stale of the thermometer, at tha. talk mermomeier. at tnesiations namea, at a fu n , r . l r .li . omv r. . yeatcruaj, TraaaiogHui mean .: a ..n I inches for the twenty four hours ending! daily at 3 P. M., except Tuesday, when It I is 48 hours, as furnished, by Sergeant Jamaa W. Wataoa, Signal Officer at this Sution: Tern. R. F. Weather. 74 .04 Cloudy 82 .00 Fair 75 .00 Cloudy 77 .00 Fair 85 3.80 Cloudy 80 .00 Hazy 83 .00 Cloudy 85 .00 Fair 73 .50 Cloudy 85 .01 Fair 83 .03 Fair 81 .01 Fair 75 .00 Cloudy 75 .00 Fair 79 .00 Cloudy 79 .00 Cloudy 81 .00 Fair Atlanta Augusta Charleston. Charlotte Corsicana Galveston Havana :. Indian-ita Jacksonville Key West 85 Montgomery runts Rassa Savannah Wllmingtoo Cedar Keys fensacola The following are the Indications for the South Atlantic States to-day: North to eaat winds, local .rains and partly cloudy weather, with a slight rise in temperature and stationary or slowly falling barometer. Episcopal Vialiailea. The RL Rev. Theodore Lyman, D. D., Bishop of North Carolina, will visit St. Mark's church, corner of Sixth and Mulber ry streets,snd administer the Apostolic rite of Confirmation, on Friday evening, May 27th. Services to commence st 8 o'clock. All are cordially invited. Seats free. aawaaeaT"eaWMaSaBwa-Ba, . CM archi Notice. Tha BIshoD of the Diocese having ar . . . "! r rm poiniea Aaceoaioa iay, auurauay, juy isotn, ror a vieiieuou oi du wonn e w Rectors Of St. James' aad St. Paul's, io re sDonse to an invitation extended by the Rector of 8t.John's,believing that they con sult the wishes of their congregations oy doing so, have agreed ta recall theappoin a a Jl aa wm K SBiSM Aa S V Sk f 1BW Sin1 ta I menial miao ur uiom lur uimb umjm miu w i o. m,.i.a.. n m.v 26th. Morning Prayer and'Uoiy uom- munlon at II o'ciockt jsveniog rrayer ana i fTflrmatlon at 8 o'clock. I IOOnrmauon ai O o Ciocau I - The Magistrates of the county meet ia this city oa the first of June to I elect a School : Superintendent. This. I A hereafter to be an office of some inpor- nereniws w uo aa .vucsui avuio i fence in the various counties Of the State. invite their congregaUons to unite with the w-p, for gAje insmldl quanUties atge Blshop and themselves In the serviceat St. ne?2 delivery when stsmp dlflce isclosld. John's. - - A. A. WATSON, Qt-mnOfflca onen from 8 A.M. to 121L. MAY 26, t i881. Ioea,pu 5-.' This ia Ascension Day, . Receipts of cotton yesterday. 185 bales. ...... - Mr.. E,. W. MoGano, who, takes Mr. Watson's place as Chief Signal officer at this station, arrived last night. , Bishop Lyman -was expected to arrive in this city last night, fie will be the guest of Col. J. W. Atkinson. We are glad . to see Mr. Josh T. James, of the Review, on our streets again, af ter his late severe illness. To-day being Ascension day, k 7J & T , T " I there will ha aarv ce n Ihs Lntharan Church lhlB afernoon l 3 o'clock, in the I uerman language. ""u lauguat. m, i The German barque Atlantic wascleared from this port for Trieste, Austria, vesterdav. bv Messrs. Paterson. ... o co t. , Jw , Downing & Co. , with 3,818 barrels of rosin, -Mr. W. L. Smith, Jr., of this " V1 city, nas Deen re-appointea JNotary ruonc under the new law reouirine these officials to renew their commissions at the expiration of every two years. memorial Service, We have been furnished with the fol lowing statement and programme of pro ceedings for the National Memorial day. " " May 30th: Rooms National Memorial Association. ATI0N, !5th,1881. ) Wilmington, N. C, May 25tb, Th1 annnal eervina of dernrAtinir thA I graves of, and paying a proper tribute of I respect, ana doing reverence to the nation's I a i i jt ueaa lurouga wnone ueata wo are tp-aay ous republic will take place at the Na- tional Cemetery oa the 30th inst. ra JntedbroC ?SS?jS requested to assemble, in . such manner as they may Choose, at the National Cemetery on JSlBt Market Street St 4 O'CIOCK, on MOn- day, May the 80th, when the following .er- Vices Will be held. uon. w f. uanaaay wilt direct the services. PROORAMMR. Music: St. Stephen's Choir. Prayer: Rev. A. M. Conway. Music. Address: Senator H. E. Scott. r, "- Decoration of graves. Capt. Gabrielaon will fire minute guns! irom nevenue steamer vwjax aurtng me evrviue. E. R. Brink, ) Geo. L. Mabson, j- Committee. J. C. Hill, ) military fllatiera. The members of the Wilmington Light Infantry are making an effort to increase their membership to at least sixty rank and file, and it is hoped that they may receive proper encouragement at the bands of those of our citizens who are able to contribute to thai end . It is understood that they can easily swell their ranks to the required I "tandard if they can secure the requisite a . AI m . flti a. S number of uniforms. They need about $500, about one-fifth of which, we learn, has already been pledged, and now the question is, how are they going to get the remainder ? Wilmington should certainly be able to boast of one first-class military com pany, if no more, and the only wsy to ac complish this is for the people generally to be come interested in the matter. Other towns and citiea brag of their citizen soldiery, and why can't we bring ours up to the bragging 1 , . . n .1 sianaara ana ao tne earner Au tuecom . .-.-,, u.. jnu unw u mu ihih w who n lug uiDt in the State, and the material is not lack-1 ing. It is to be hoped that some plan may be adopted to bring about the desired end. Perhaps the ladles could be induced to lend a helping hand. THE At AILS. The mails close and arrive at the City Post Office as follows: CLOSK. Northern through mails, fast, 5:30 P. M. Northern through and way " mails 5 :40 A. M. Raleigh 50 A.M. Mails for the N. C. Railroad. and routes supplied there from, including A. & N. C. Railroad, at. 5:40 A. M. Southern mails for all points South, daily 7:45 P. M. Western mails (C. C. R'y) daily (except Sunday). .......... y .-0U A. M. Mail for Cheraw A Darlington Railroad.......... Mails for points between Flo rence and Charleston, 3.... Fayette ville, and offlceson Cape Fear River, Tuesdays and Fridays. 7.45 p. m; 7:45 P. M. I 1K)0 P M. Fayetteviile, via Lumberton, daily, except Sundays.... 9:00 A.M. Unslow u. U. and interme diate offices, Mondays and Thursdays. ... ....... .. . . . Smithville mails. : bv steam. .-oo a m. boat, daily (except Sundays) 8 :3Q A M. Mails for Easy Hill, Town Creek, Shallotte and Little River, Mondays and Thurs days....... 6:00 A. M Wilmington and Black River Chapel, Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays 5:00 A. M. OPEN FOR DELIVERY. Northern through and way mails.... Southern mails 7:00 P. M and 7.30 A. M. Carolina Central Railroad. . . . 7:15 P. M Mails collected from street boxes every day at 4.00 P. M. to 7X) P M.Tand on Sundays from80to " V - . General delivery open irom o:hia.ai. a a a vr and from 2 to 50 P.M. , Money order and RegiBter Department open same as stamp . - T:. L..f l - MI DOJTT WANT TBA STIOT,niamwhat a nt - i.v tA h- hnahand when he hrourht iJiJ noma some ineoiCXneTO coxa ner wi mvmumam waa adnmietereAherwa smthnaiaatie in ita praise the ahelndnc twenty J 'gJ their regnlar ter.-Staadard. WHOLE NO. 4298 Biahapxyiaaa'a Appolaimaata i May 26, Ascension Day St John's, Wit mington. ' - May 27, Friday p. m St. Mark', Wil mington. ; May 29, Sunday a. m.St. James', Wil mington. .! i May 29, Sunday p. m. St. Paul's, VViK mington. - ( May 81, Tuesday Clinton. Jane I. Wednesday Faison. ; Jane 2, Thursday Smithville. June 5, Whitsunday Fayetteviile. Or dmation. ! June Hi Friday-r-Wilson . June 19, Sunday Rocky Mount. Con secration. . i June 20, Monday Halifax. i June 21, Tuesday Scotland Neck MEADE & BAm-ToARBO LI C I f-0 T OAJXJJjn O ttJ A K Ji U L 1 W I WANH ia . mirranf ml l.i;.il ntl-4 I Ir which has, by its intrinsic merits. P800 nniversaUypopolar wherever it has w.w uu.w viaauj aui vv lie I C TCI Ik USUI I I been introduced. It arrests and destroys J the offensive odor caused by decayinVi and imparts a K't!?; U8??. amMij3emjigayongy,uiceraieanim ceding Chums. It is unsurpassed as a rem- J has been ueedfat Sea With entire success for the CUT6 Of accicness. it is used and prescribed by the 1 168 physicians. Price 50 cents a bottle. I Uiyia .aVm. II .1.. i'ui ujr jLr ujjgieifs. apsvmeoa CITY IXUBla. THK MORNING STAR can always be had at tha ""wwiuKpiacea m ue city : Tne fureell uonae turns news stand, and the Stav. Office. A RARB BARGAIN. A well established and PrOSDerOUB Weekly Kemuiwr. lnraitArf In tliiH. ying, growing town on the Una of a prominent Railroad, la offered for sale. Terms easy. For terms una particulars apply to the editor of this WHO IS MRS. WTKSMW A. tio nnn la fraaaeBtlTaaked. m win iimni. .h. . . imuj wuo xornpwaraa or rorty jears has untiringly devoted her time and talents as a Female Physician I nnmeroos class, and. aa a remit t .. v 5 I practical knowledge obtained in a lifetime spent aa pPfor I magic mvinz rest and heaittLiSd ia mASSt! J to regtOate the bowels. In consequence of this ar- I J" 1ff'"w " econung worm renowned aa JbSes. hehlu I city. Vast qnantitiea of the Soothing Syrup are oaxLT sola ana need Here. Weth nitUM wtnain. naa immortalized her name by this Invaluable artl- &.'lt, nae, ana taat millions yet unborn will share its beaefita, and unite in carting her bleirari Nn ma. ther has discharged her dnty to her suffering little rvir Baa nas given n tne Dene. mm. w iuBBw s Boouung eyrup. Try it, me. luers tbi it how. iMauss1 Visitor, New York cu.j. piu oy au Aruggiets. as cents a bottle. DIED. FRENCH. In this city, on the mnrninir of th 15thmst.,at 10; itn mst.. at lOX o'eloelr. ORnffnn annnf tv, m j . ' , - 3t - , .vuii I montha. iiomoc rrencn. a area one Tear and two Friends and acquaintances are invited to attend I ranetal eervicea this afternoon at 4 o'clock, from the residence of Mr. W. A. French, on Fonrth, be- tween Dock and Orange streets. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. . St. John's Hall, Wilmington, N.C., 26th May, 1881. B BOTHER. THK REGULAR MONTHLY meeting of St. John's Lodge, No. 1,F. fc A. ja.,' wui ne . neid this (Thursday) evening at 8 o'clock. my 36 It JAMES C. MUNDS, Sec'y. Oak Grove Pleasure Club. I Thk regular quarterly meeting of this Club will be held at the nun a! nl Wrltrhta. v ill e Sound, on Friday, the 87th inst, at 8 o'clock tr. m. x-uncKoai anenoance is requested. By order of the Vice President, my 38 2t F. A. 8CHUTTE, Sec'y. Found, flkmington, n. c, on thb 24rn INST. a pair of Gold Rimmed SPECTACLES, which the owner can have on application at the STAR OF- jtxvb Dy proving property ana paying ror tnis ad vertisement, my 16 it Lost, r.N may mth, bs?wkkn ann & market, B)av I on Front, or Market between Front and Second, a CHAIN BRACELET. The finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving at the STAR OFFICE. It Oleomargarinea VEST FINK ARTICLE OF OLEOMARGA RINE just received. ri small tubs. Try it and be convinced of its merits, my St 2t th su E. P. COVINGTON. Straw Hats ! ATKV7 STYLES I Al A FULL LINK OF LADIES' GOODS ! HARRISON ALLEN, my is tf Hatters. THE HTGEIA HOTEL. Old Point Comfort, Ta. OITUATBD ONK HUNDRED YARDS FROM Fort Monroe. Onen an the year. Kanal to anr noiei in iae unuea otaies aa a duuxcb xUBOkt. - Bend for circular describing hygienlo advanta ges, etc HARRISON PHCEBU8, my 281m Proprietor. The ''French Sastiste" "IVfAKES A DELIGHTFULLY CPLEA8ANT SUIT FOR SUMMER. Try one. MUNSON, my 23 It Clothier and Merchant Tailor. Ship Notice. ATX PKR80N3 ARK HEREBY forewarned not to trust or harbor an; of the Crew of the Swedish Brhr CA any I CA- I will I 'BIN. aa the Master and Coniienee.'will jT not be responsible ;for debta of their contraciin my 25 St SCHMIDT. Master. L. S. L. 1 NEXT DRAWING OF THK Louisiana State lottery TAKES PLACE JUNE 14. PRIZES FROM $30,000 to $100,000. Price, Whole tickets, $10; Halves, go; Tenths, 1. . Address Lock Box 272, my 13 tf Wilmington, N. C. Jolin H Hardin, J3RK8CRIPTI0N DRUGGIST, NEW MARKET, my2Stf Wilmington, N. C. ' j Slx moatta,.,.-.. 40 Of j "i y . " ypaa year,.... 60 et , sv vnunn MTWiuenwui taaea at.prar4 tlonatelyiowrataa, - ' ..-' - . I Tea' lines aalid MonparaU type auka ana aqaara. . NE W ' ADVKRTISKMKNTS. For Kent, From Jlta July ta lt October, a fur nished HOUaC, oa Maaoaboto Soaad. At teanrooma, two kltcheai and anraatt rooms, two fiaa walla of wair. tMiainv haaae. thirtr feat aanmivt hnat iumim .! atablaa: wonld anit two f.miiiM: ih. nni iMiMk . Seaidence on the eoast, . apply for term a to myawiwT. ...... ,r DK. AWDM80N. ! They Have Come ! A LARQK ASSORTED STOCK Of a A M. aeaa, Saddle, Bridlaa, Collars, Wktpa and every thlnij In the line kept la a riratt Class Xfltabllahmant inat mrrivMi. nA will aell lower than any other eatabHahmentln the city. Kepalrlng, TrimmleK and PatnttDrdone at short notice, at Carriage Factory, on Third, be tween Market and Prlnceee Streets. -my2Uf P. H. HATPIN. THK JUSTLY CXLXBBATXD - A 1 " . 1x1611 AlPlIl BTJrillSrS . &o9 a?l? wafers nave proren or inestimable Talo efficacy in a wide- range of diseases, vis : to Tll er disorders peculiar to femaJea. . Salubrious Climate 1 Magnificent Beaaery I Price of Board Greatlr Kednced. Pr n.. a . per Week, $10; per Month, 180. Vlaitora should take the western Nortb Cnkin,. juuiroaa to uien aupin imi mat. aurht mllea from th. Springs, where Hack Backs from the Hnrlnra from the Hprlnga will marl every train. For farther Information addrraa JSNKUfS A KNOTT. my 31 eodlm ta th ta Proprietors. W S OFFSR AT BOTTOM FIQURIS 20,000 Bash Prime WBITX CORN, Z,UUU DUU U&1Q, 700 Bales Cbeiee TIMOTHY HAY. 300 Bash 8KKD PEAHK. RAt Rui.Tan sf m. .- j .i . i " . "yM. ... . u .u IUU WIF KI1UUIUK U.IIT. PRXSTON CUMMIN Q OO.. Millers and Grain and my 25 U Peanut Oeaiera. At Our Stables, U VS I ror uIe nice lot of SADDLE AMD HARNESS HORSES, for Lae.cs or Gentlemen I I mrsstf JAS. W. SOUTHKRLAND a CO 2000 Copies NEW TESTAMENT ! Revised Oxford Edition, JUST RECEIVED AND CAN BE HAD IN EIGHT DIFFERENT STYLK4, from IS cents and upwards, at Heinsberger's. my 94 tf n I mu. r i n.n -r ... m I Tilu if ISC dUQ nil 01 1116 UODieilCraiC I n x iioycrcniciii. By Jefferson Davis. In two vols octavo- PRICK $3 00 PER VOLUME. THK UNDERSIGNED, HAVING BEXN Ap pointed Agent for the sale of this areat work. is now ready to receive aabecripUone. The great interest which l is felt i in all parts of l he need or tha country to read wi what the distinguished Confederate Government has to aay about the causes which led to the War, and tha reealt of the great eonnict, is already manifested by tiie eager ness for early copies. WALKER MJCARKa, mysuanstwu sum in Agent. Grand Excursion ToWaihlngton City sic net urn. FROM WILMINGTON. LEAVING FRONT ST. Depot at 8 P. M.. MONDAY. JUNE I3TH. and arriving in Washington, D. O., Taceday Moralna at 10 o'clock. Remaining ia Wasblnrten two Says and nights. Special Cars reserved far white paopia. Mt or oraer wui oe preserved, iterreebment Car tached. Fare from Wilmington and return only L50: from Golds boro and return only $6.00; from eldon and return 14.00. Redaced rates will ba given from Florence to Wilmington, Newbern to uoiasDoro, xarDoro to uocay atonni. tickcm ror sale up to Jnne 6th, by Capt. John L. Boatwrlght, Mr. O. W. Yates. W. H. Howe. Anthonv Manlubr or Elijah Lane. For further particulars apply to W. H. HOWE or ANTHONY jlaultbiix, atana- gers. my la li COBSETS ! CORSETS! CORSETS 1 Brown Cc Roddick 45 market Street, SOLS AOENTS FOR ROTH'S PATENT DOU BLE BONK CORSETS. They are made with two rows of Bones placed one noon the other, on eacn sioe. giving n ooaoie tne aveagut ana ei city usually obtained in other 'Corsets ; doing i with broken and rusty side steels, and ma&l: loable the strength and elastic city usually obtained in other 'Cor sets ; doing away wunoroaen and rusty aide steels, ana making it absolutely unbreakable in those parte subjected to the greatest strain. They hare aa extra long flva hook doable Clasp,and are cat proportionately long oa the sides and back, thus meeting a popular de mand for long Corsets. Sold only by BROWN A RODDICK, my 21 tf 49 Market St. i If You Need a Tonic USK Tilrs. Joe Person's INDIAN TONIC BITTERS Oxroan, N. CM Fab. S, 1880. v Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy cored oar little elrl. who waa badly afflicted with Scrofula In theeyts, after all other available means had failed. R. K. ELLIOTT. Enclose stamp for testimonials of remarkable cures. Prepared by Mrs. Joe Peraon, Fran kiln ton, N. O. . For sale by W M. H. GREEN, Draggtst. mh 16 ly nae Wilmington, N. C. Commissioner's Sale of Lac.. JN OBEDIENCE TO, AND PURSUANCE OF. an order of sale made at tha December term, .lSSO. of the Superior Court of New Hanover Coanty. la the case of William H. McRary. plaintiff, against F. A Bwaunand others, defeadaota. I will, oa Monday the 6th day of June, prox, fl being the fi rat itaT of tha SuDerior Court, at the Court Hoaae door, in the city of Wilmington, at the hoar of II o'clock. M.; expose to sale to the hlgbaat bidder, at public anctlon,that Lot ct Land and sremlaea la the city of Wilmington, on the Boathwest comer of Nun and Fifth streets extending sixty -six feet on Fifth Street, and 1S9 feet oa Naa Street, betsgM. end of Lot 1, Block 108, and the residence of the late Miss Mary H. WaddelL Terms cash. . myI5ta . ' Oommiasloaer. At Cost and Less. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, 23d lnat, the stock of Millinery and Fancy Oooda at Aohaaga Corner will be offered at coat for Freeh Oooda, and less tor Old Stock. , Call early and get tha beat bar- B. F. HALL, my 22 lw , . Aaslgnee. Wanted 1,000 Men, rjyo BUY BUGGIES, CASTS, WAGONS, BAR- nesa, Saddles, Collars, Hanes, Blind Bridles, Ac. Beat ftwodA and lowest prlcea;- my22 tf OEBHARDT A 00.