4i ji HATE QW AUVEaTlIinQ;j ; i .." F0arait,, '(, .... f " . tkMIlm .. . . . til aa hi - ' m i i . . . a a .,.. a a v . m. i m a a 1 a a . i a a war. . a r m s . an- in, .... m. a . a i ri.. w .,......,. ...... a , a a . - MAT t. ........ I 1 , - V , -v - " , ;. . W , Tj .'I " ... r- . M I OMCttiiM VAT WTTT . T : UmmmI Y Jj A A VIII 1 I . n . .WILMINGTON !N. C. FRIDAY. MAY 27. 1881. is a To WHOLE NO. 4299 HAT torn, ltl. the colored rote r lot4rx ot Col. U. R. L-it, Tb IlIigh Standard of May 21, stronger in the matter of county 18C1, cltn ibe foftowfoff accoant lctioo kn'd. offioes, that it is ' the Is 'tiamericallv I day nixbt and is still in a precarious condl- a schooner with lumber at BtimaonVmlli. tha littU rmiii! f "ouow Miuuuiuuiuwuuu wim a piece or scaniuog, restuung suose North Carolina oa the memorable an. well and serve the best intereata of I struck the jountfman on the shoulder . I nivnn f iv. fuvui T.-i. I ik. v I and tnuoe. one ease nit nis risrnt temple. bm sar. I j v ""1,cuuu,s -"o uuiuwiMujj uvua uuy i A gentleman temporarily stopping in of millers io . . I UUUUf UIBB1UBUUJUW t4f u uiio ia Loodoo I israe, givee toe aates 01 ins secet i. n. uoopr.ana J. J. moil spore i The financial sutement of thecityof Goldi- sion of all of the State as follows: t)d: Orai Lolt of Oood Tuapttrs U ia mmioq t Top, the att mhIoi t A!!tar. N Y.. rcaais oa- ,svlfhl. dnrmot is r ported b- Lt Artaar aaJ Cootliac; aararal rt- inoatrac wrr prrmmiml la thn tinl a ia retara ot Mar. Cookliaf aad ptt. U(trnl tartan ratdta ia ! cuunif, S. C . destroyed Job ,Kt(iJr JuKUUrj; Alxadr at u..(i i cmp but aa firad at, oaad i u 1 capiarW- Tk Grk gtTa ,ufa( n JCHJd lu ratify ik boaadary w u"o"io u Tttrkty. T yix ,ntii r olJr uf iVa aaU-Jiaft VioU ,, iv J i b irwU by court-martial. :., (rv ta orr-crodiax oT tcalxraats ;.m t'. Aaaw --AallaJUa bark. . ia luoatMrf. boraJ ia Mobil By. - ouio Rtputlraaa tdoa OarfiaU! Itnouao Itt anQ f Coklt aikd rui Uea)oi u waa o6a4 ta U cam ;o.l. Va ,aiaJ; ialtia( Ctxav- of Kaai TapUr froa Boa Ptot Jcir(rd la atalMol i,.uli JackOMi aaJ laa Waajcto uuauau( Tb raJ rvwj rrom Etsa- C . to Hcxfoi. W. M f .irinvily pU ya4arJay. CMf aiae :,.i i AaiaaUrv a. , carmd by l..ut .crt Of Urfar oaaj irUf ia as N Yock aaaffcaaa caoi. . ctxioa qaMt aa4 ataady ') : ! l&tail mi cu: aotbra oor . i .t .i-iof ai 5 30; aat iOI caot u,n-t. viKradad ra $l lil 90; , a u.br. oraid QSQ CMta; !'; dris 3? caala; maaa 1 m a 1 OH ration of Independency May 18C1 colored men to office in those eoun-1 thU city, receired a letter from his home on ties. the Btraits yesterday ,tin which it was stated I JkmV9Hjmm J M WT AUBM TT W HWU I - . May 20th, at Cclock p. m., the recommend and desire that the Presi- ff."!?." the Ordinance of dent appoint none but efficient and J Broad fields of cotton and corn were utterly Dally WeatMer Ballaiia). The following will show the stale of .the thermometer, at the stations namedat 3.00 P.- IT. yesterday Washington ; mean lime, and also the amount of rainfall in inches for the twenty, four hours .ending daily at 3 P. except Tuesday, wheu it is 48 hours, - as furnished, by -Sergeant James W. Watson. Signal Officer at this Station: Convention pasted Seceasiool At 1 o'clock, accepted and I capable colored men to Federal office J destroyed while in some Instances human rauned m uonaUtntion of the Con- in sections where the colored voters "e was enaangerea. fedtraU Siatte, and become part of are in the majority. ' Goldsboro Messenger : Edwin lb Confederacy. For this resolution a substitute W. Kerr, Esq , of Clinton, will deliver the "Waa ond.r three governments io waa offeted, which made it PPly to y oca day. May 20 to, 181 the Fede-1 s.11 parts of the State. .w. urn -in, tTu.. th.t nr t.t. ral Government op to 0 d. m.: the In- I The next Question considered was I anted friend. R. B. Creeov. of theEiizabeth I Kev West. .""" dependent iUpauto ot Xiorth Caroli- that of prohibition. A wordy war taty iceonomut, contempiaus staruog a Jive Montgomery oa from 0 to 7 o'clock p, m.; the Con- I began over this, and nearly all of the federate uovernment after 7 o clock I committeemen spoke, speeches weie Atlanta. Augusta......... Charleston Charlotte Corslcana. Galveston Havana.......... Indianoia Jacksonville p. m." Th ConftdsraU Almanac for 18S4, poblUhed at Mobile, Ala., by II. C. daily paper in connection with the weekly edition. Success to him. Our towns man, W. 8. Farmer, Eiq.Iast week made Punta Rassa. . . . . Savannah Wilmington made by L J. Young, T. B. Keogh, the triD to Snow HilL a distance of 23 miles. iCedarKevs' W. A. Moore and D. A. Jenkins in I and back to Goldsboro. on his bicycle. He I Pensacola ... opposition to the idea of declaring msdethe distance in 3 hours 55 minutes. Port Eacs - ..... I anH tAnM K ai waa A Ana mr I sa tiaatl I Viaif timn I . against the prohibition movement. Tern. R. P. Weather. 79 .00 Cloudy 85 .00 Fair 79 .00 Clear 73 .00 Clear 85 .00 Clear 81 .00 Cloudy 81 .00 Cloudy 84 .00 Hazy 79 . .41 Fair 85 .00 'Fair 84 .01 Fair 78 .01 Lt rain. 80 .00 Fair 76 .00 Cloudy ; 83 .00 Fair 84 .00 . Clear 84 .00 Clear tJS-StSST Tbe 'ollowingare the Indications for the allrttaalay Celebration of an aeed Mrs. A. H, YanBokkelen, the mother of Mr. A. H. VanBokkelen, of this city, re- cenuy celebrated her ninety-third biithday tat Brooklyn, New York. She has had thirteen Children, thirty grand-children, eight great-grand-children, (thirty-four of whom: are living.) and thirteen of her grand-children attended the celebration. Supper was served on china that was used on. board of the ship Cadmus, Capt. Allen. when Gen. Lafayette was a pesrenger, in 1838. Tne Operetta. ' - The sale of seats for the operetta cf "Golden Hair and Jthe Three Bears" will commence thisJmorniDg at HeinsbergtrV. We advlee our readers to call and secure their seats fOr.what promises to be one of the most charming entertainments ever given in cur city by home talent. rsu4a7a,.;w.... I.v. M . tva ara,...w........J.,,.. ... laa oae week,...; (Hi. Two weeks,.... M. S M , Three weeks, ...... a SO Oaa month ..10 do ' " Jwo montna,. . . ,. ..1 17 OS " Three auntka, ti 00 2 Slxmoatha,... ................. as One year,,... ..;..,... W aarCoatract AdvertlaeiaeaU .Ukea at proarr ttonatalylowrataa. J .. !', -, Ten lines sella Sonparell type make oaa aqeaa! NEW" ADVERTI8KMKNTST OPERA HOUSE. Monday Evening, May 301 It tClVBR inn nittlNE. jyjR. A. B. CnASSHAS TBB DONOR TO AN- noance a reprearatatioa of TDK BEAUTIFUL KOM ANTIC JUVENILE OPERA OF Golden Hair and Iho 3 lleara. m 8eventy-flVeonDg Ladle, MUaei and Boy In Choras. Eeaalifnl Scenery, Splendid Ocatnmtt, appropriate Stage Betting and action. Triple QaartettS of G antler en yirtt ihae la Wilmington, la Balect Male Cboraaea. Admission 60 cents. Children ts cent 9. M- Nor. brig Brazilian, hauled out for re I "enred SeaUS5 cenu extra, at Belnibet car's, pairs, has been stripped of her copper, re- I my ss eod en we fr 8oib Caxolioa. ftUanaeippi FVstida aJabasaa Ocorxia , aiaiavaa Texas 1rxlaU TMae Alkaavaas Nor a Carolina. Uiaaoori slaaliKky .December .January . February .April Hay . .October . . .NoTsmber 20. 8. 10, 11. 1. 1. 17. C. . 20. 2S. 19. 1800 1801 South Atlantic States to-dav: in favor of 00 mine oat atrainst the I boro for the past year, published elsewhere, Slightly warmer. Dartlv cloudy weather: movement. W. P. Canaday also I presents a truly gratifying hlbit, and northerly to easterly wind and local rains I caulked, and s again afloat took the same view, bat waa not quite healthy condillorJ We le4rn the $uoo j in the southern poriion.and in the other por. I The last one of the three oyster shar- The Rockbridge ( Va, ) Alum " o . . 1 uuw oa ucpuett m uo uaat uoic, iu us yam nuuo iuww uarumeier. five, uuiit n mis place lor tne laltimore It WW ejident lMt eight thmtth,loatlaLluain trad., b7 o.pl. Alfred Thorn.., of Conoec 1 v " " I ti n. .fprH.tr. W im rled to hear I "ouuoumo uv wui.m ouiu yauu, 10 aats tjajw ar 1 3 tn uta eta waaAwaaMwa Springs, And the late "JORDAN ALIJH1,' r I an to MPr I j , ... - . u.. kr. v.u I ft X HKhM in latiffth ,rr r1 htm nn lha I ' "uw-u ttbo UUJ- nounced the idea, and declared that, I with Capt. Howell for some time to come, last New York steamer and will be carried I CDase? at Portsmouth, North Carolina, a uwuui ui mu oiuco, uy iueBsra. james . NOW CONSOLIDATED IN ON PfiOPKBTT AND UNDKB ONE at AN AQ XII KNT. although the matter will again be The Doctor Is a native of Person county in to Wrighuville Sound in a few days and month or two Bl1 throueh. A committee, consisting mmmrmJ r Him.w i.Dt ..Mr th pamiina v.fht ninh sh ia ih nrn. wntcn got ashore 1 ign. a commiuee, oouaiakuiK I m Ln RiinMaw i.at Mr m r t . if .. - I - v.- : 01 iuessra. jeuxina, aioiw wwjpr, Einih Edwards was coming totnis Love, of this city, and in the Sound near there corn tit (iPlN It tn tha nn Ml m. T TT M 1BH - u I k . ' - - v . .w . . u uuci iiwin. pervlalon of MB. WILUAM ' FKAZIKit. who wn is city. nnv of Mppr Ttfor-onH nnanrt P-m. n o different occasions, has been finally e.'1 i?TJl "?.rV. .,n Gaau Ban Butler ia playing the YoQ.nS. and Keogh, was chosen to having hit .wife "J! is intended sirictty for a otlen off-and ia now lying at Beaufort, p?c win and hfm th 1SasVib5Mp,c- r j o rAnri in rnmvA tn iK miliar nrt I buew with him. when near ola wsynes-1 . .. I ntk r-.i: . :.s. 1 . I . suj arFiNOAB. ArtM- twelva -vftara ahajmra f Mtnm it fVl. or dnty. It is haraly Beceerary to dilate to the MoiT batag performed at Albany. Is it catdy or tragedy or farce ? A paMal froca Washington of the 24th ta lb OalUmone Sun says: ,s. y v a v v-., u vi tu runaway turned over the baggy, throw- committee again meet. I iBg Mrs. Edwards to the ground and break ing her left arm.- We learn that a very 1 ta & . W"v T" T ..a Tra.BM oaatv. I serious acciuent to ur. uea. xi. xaaeti, a Raleigh Visitor - I weU knQwo physician ot Carteret county, nn trVIrav last h, lh mnnlnff . viv it hia A Diivate diroatch reoeived 'from J liitfM whit, nn hia rfltnrn home from Ons- r the item of gossip float- I Uenderson at 10 o'clock '(alt night, how. The horse got frightened at a bog. Lag aroaod in political circle to-day I aayf that at the election, held yeateiv I dashed off and threw the Doctor out of bis aaaa aKLh ia MtmnlmA -ill. mnoK I V..M . a. rV.a h I OBaaTi onilllOZ Ola Iie.U uu taue uauiy. , r r-, , 1 ,mJ. w . . . I and bv aotne means iataffoi that Gen. Batlerha put I The election waa very fpirited Both I be entered in the regattas "just for fun," and with.no idea that she willout-fiail any of the faster boats of the fleet; of course not. The boat has been named Ihe Glide, and is CITY ITaUtl. A RABB BARGAIN. A well established and uuaperuaa weejuy newspaper, located in athrl- uern panue bdos the virtnee en ralna of thia nin eral water. It has in the last halt oratory Bade a record of cores In chronic cases which for varUu and aaaravation of the caaea hmno-ht huIm h loeace is nnapproached by any known mineral wa- rigged with a mainsail only, but that is of E J lineofTpromtoSni 7. the "sky scraper" order, having 19 feet dtopa?& r yivyiMwiw iui uua pr lie I would aay a few m dragged him for aome The Wgioi Uepudiaiioouta mnt Mr. Cookliog in pcaewion of facU I aide worked nncWngfy daritiix U ... . 1 lnwni iaa ti KloIi mA T u I I an.liner In lha nral ifimis. nf lha I mm . 1 I - J : . .Jl.l I ih ln.1 prut. Mat offiers notnintled. rill b- V.i.xhar Farragat statu i to b iiafetkrd eiXMI, thi tin ia Madaaoo r.are. Sew York. Th North aj- .-rnia th great Soalhroa. admioutraiioo, but more particularly lojunoua to Mr. Blaine, Vhn Geo. Hrirt TY-mr, rif.fi- Batlcr was her last week be had an I - " "'T " I address utibaiby. was good. Taewwert tum laiariu Dim acrioaaiy, in tneiaomaCn nasaanrs in it arm its una was ureeooc of othtrm. that h not only I excellent. TSTE CITY. Among the Cdts at Lrg for the lridoi has sppoiatad thala Lyraao, of M iMtaai ppt, aad A (tarn air, Kagh Swiotoo Legara, of S.tili Caroiiaa. Ahrtanier ?tTbn never aar t uoklm until lh day of lb Icto- ttl c a 1 vbts Gar6ld and Arthur r cboaaro. Very rmsrfcabtt, b axl u b a feci. Alnaier IIL of iinaaua is ia great itryaduo for hi Ufa. II caaaea at tf-aordtaary pwcaotioca to b takso aai eaaaviia ia aoarty apprehaoaioo of aaaiaataatiOO. and With CZellt&t ea Tn. Sir Frdrick Iloberta gU i i,)0 for hi aervices la tha AlftM a. Iadia ma to Pr .U, Gx9t aaM rwcwJfwd a asiQloa PC iTO rxrmm eoaroava f ot hia awnrScda 1 pa "late an Saw-tary Fliaa k Ta lsw Tsfk, t i blavw4 h a .M Jauatat wiih tha lUZ-DoU: TU -gat grow -sWoar aad kacSYaHCKfiJ rj hoar. Casvlals flStlt lu igtve tatkary twsk taaW a as Kat, at ta th froat baayahtTTmc hie ome what denoraiixad layosai for tha fijht. Whj baa bo ot cropoaad a dlanar t Cookliax ajvi Flau? Can it ba paaibl that tha dissar 1 fading oat f American pclitaos? Tha abonld inquired S c to. CinHjtaH JSv i'irtr. " That New York dinner givea to Dorwy, of th- St Ilool eteai, waa noajrh to kill all alaukr attetnpU for iwelf e month to cotxte, pially in York. Cornell University ooc had aa acommooly fin faculty. It baa now nncommooly fin building. It h a lovely exterior bat it inaiJsa empty. Tha distingoiahed Eng-. Iiah Prsfssaor and author, Gold aria Smith, says that Cornel!, whil it has rscnty spent half a million oo new bailding, eanoot afford to pay iu ofeaors a dcwot salary. W ara glad to aot the appraoia- of W. If. Vanderbilt as maoi ftd ia his car for the hooeat lad ho found th diamond brooch and r-atortjd it to Mr. V. He is now ployed at the Grand Central D f"Hor th New York Central Rail road in New York. His father, for whoa welfare ha waa so aaxioua, ia i" b provided with an a2r nx. pU)jmnt than suga-driving in tha fIL This ia crediuble to all ooo-eTnd. had nothing to do with the nomina tion of Jueg Iwobrtaon for col lector of th port of New York, but thai ho know nothing of the Presi dent's intsntion until after the nomi nation waa aenl in. In story is now that uen. isullar baa found out a great deal about the star-route ir- Lumberton JRobcsonian: The county Probibttlon ooaveetioa wQl assem ble la the court boos oa the first Monday io Jose. We regret to announce that Mr. J. McD. French is seriously ill of fever. Charlotte Observer'. The regular aaoual commencement -or the Carolina Military IaaUtul will begin Wednesdsy. MBW AUVKBTISKn KItI. Muhson Dusters, etc. A. David Must be sold. Pors & McLkod Fur sale. P. O. Box 282 Loan waou d. a B. Wbtght Cape Fear Mills. B. F. Hall Reductions in pi ices. Hkidb & Co Irish linen shirts, etc. Hazxsbbbskb Revised Testament. Cactioh Noticb Crew bark Israel. W. FRAzrER Rockbridge Alum Spg's. hoist and being about 30 odd feet on the boom. IJie Glide is very completely fitted, furnished and finished in every particular, and is a decided acquisition to Commodore Wiggin'a Squadron. The new comer will greatly increase the interest in the Fourth f9 Tnl as aahaaam a a f Kaffa !e sa 1 AlSte tTm! rtMnaa --j . . u.Sui uu.- . tfcj. regular medicine. That '-etaff " Is Hbp Bit tainiy existing as to just wnat position sne i owiuara, will taKe in the contest naper. DON5.WANT THAT STUFF," Is what a Boston lady said to her husband when he brought home some medicine to care her of sick headache and neuralsia which had midn her miutnihia tnr fourteen years. At the first attack thereafter lt was administered to her with such good results that she continued its use until cured, nod was ao enthusiastic In its nraiae th&t aha inw.Mi hnmt. two of the best families in her circle to adopt lt as the new i the pub! A great work of sow going on at The Commander of the Qui Vive, particularly, is notified in ' WHO IS UBS. WINSLOW J As this question i ""h""" aaKso, we win aunpjy say mat sne is s proper entertainment of w words. of expurgation aad renovatloa Is the old Alnm BDrlnm. lnclndin a thorough system of drainage, a new aad abundant water supply of pore freestone from the mountain, repainting and new loofing, a very large introduc tion or new furniture, and la general a thonvgK overhauling 0 th entire premitet. - The elegance of the new .JOKDAN ALUaT lu spacious and commodious "GRAND HOTKL" and COTTAGES, and the BBAUTY OF ITS GEO UN DB. are widely known to the Spruua going public Xy aim and earnest effort shall be to keep this now combined establishment lm a 1 manner to tire satisfaction to all reasonable gueata. n axuaLLBNT LIVXBT la engaged, nnder a b. prep.u .0 t.d,m ait, or .c- SJSSSSlSSSsJS S2Tiffiowii!Si allowed. Koowieage aeieat, as no excuses are to oe 1 numerous ciass, ana, as a result of this effort, and iHw.wwu uuwisugg oouunea ill a uieume spent as nurse and physician, she has compounded a Sooth- ins; oyrupior cnuaren teetmng. it operates like mwliumliia raat. ini) KMh wA la Pienl.aanettac.at LosgOrsek. toTeg'Mwelk: "SSSSSWiZ rriK : : . t n.w r a I ticle Mrs. Wlnslow is becoming world renowned as x uc (vui at lAiug viw, x tuuet vuuu- i a beneTactor of the race; children certainly do kiss ty, on Wednesday last, was attended by I YlZiflL L.K6 ia , ... I clly. vast. quantities of the Soothing Syrup are ahnut thrfn hnniirnH nArartn. Th ktmU I nuiT sold and naaj Iiam. Wn think- lira. U7 XNO Cases lor the Mayor s UOUri I j., rv, Q Q Hthii AUmAA i a I , ner name oj tais invaluable artl- .w w i dent jjr B B satCbwell, delivered an ad I cle, and we sincerely believe thousands of children and BILLIARDS, and all that: bat I do not "bank' much oa these thlnrs. My main efforts shall be di rected, with the aid of an efficient staff, to make the patrons ot the place COM PORT AH LB aad "AT HOltB." and regain. If possible, for thlaattraoUre summer resort. Its old popularity and prestige. Please send to PcacaXL Ladd St Co., Richmond, Va., or the undersigned, for descrlpUTe panbajni. board, routes, and medical taatlmoay. Local uota with rates of my 27 eodlm WILLIAM FRAZ1BR. fr sa we Gen. Sept. waiaxili. and that b baa comma- I Jon 5th, at 10 o'clock a. m Th annual " I a . i . . ...it . i t t . r aioalad all th facU to Mr. Cockling, who will take good ear that they be fatly known at Albany in good time to bare affect oo th Senatorial elec tioo, aad thai Mr. Blaine la In gieat uibulatio) about it, aa It 1 aaid it will not help th adminiatration eauae.', Hv. 8- Taylor Martin, soo-in-law of th I at Hoo. Abraaa W. Venable, ia fiharg of chnrchaa in Western Korth Carolina, made a two hoar's I colored, favor probibitlon.whkh la gratify lag to tne proniotuooists. address Is to bo delivered by Hoo. M. C. Baiier, and tha commencement sermon will be preached by Rsv. J. B. Cheshire. I to x boro Herald: An average yield of bright tobacco to the acre In Per son county is 1,500 pounds. The seme to bacco wilt average, at - present price, $20 per hundred. Monro Stanfield. co lored, was seat to tha penitentiary for 15 years by the Superior Court for burning th sables of Mr. Charles Woods, of this cooaty. Perquimans items in E. City Bconomid: The rice crop looks welL The clergymen of Hertford, Including the yesterday morning New moon this evening at 22 minutes after 0 o'clock. Capt. A, B. Williame, of Fay ettevrlle, is here on a brief visit. Farmers' aay tha cool weather is having a very Ted effect on cotton. dress of welcome, after which prayer was iT 1. 1 Must Be Sold. 'its timely I Sahara itm onerea ny itev. j, a. maca:. ana juagel YJ-o mo-1 tkgardlkss of prick, our la rob and Cantwell was then introduced and made a I one.In cr opinion, until she has given it the bene- I yaried stock of speech appropriate to the occasion. Ar- SerfS HX, ESr'cS boys an ranffemenis were made for a Prohibition 1 M'- BwvjmUMtmgpnM. as cents a sotue. VAnalli rt Ttfitw aaloKvatiAn ar -Rnaaa- atirl av waaa vaa va j ai j vsaataaawaa aa Atuaaini auiu JDMBD a committee of arrangements was appoint-1 kvans. in this city, at 8 o'clock p. m.. ssth in I aa.Ma. tmt rrs mtr a. ara . ed. consiatinir of Messrs. R. P. PaddisOn. I o.-awty-n7e years. - There wmi a partial eclipse W F. Walker, Bnce WHUams, a 8. jT SttZLt of the sun to-uaynvah in this latitude. I Satchwell, William Hand and W. T. En-1 Wooetcr and Dawson, thence le Bellevue Cemetery. . . - ' . , . , I net t, who were Tequeated to invite Gov. I Friends and acquaintances are Invited to attend. Strawbernea,ar -abundant, and . n.nTln rnAtr itrAimn ' were selling yesterday at froolthree to five .Rt3 nthMtL tft Afttina a rthkinn was ADVERTISEMENTS. quarts for So cents. The route passed asking the County Commissioners Regular quarterly .meeting of I of Pender to decline to grant licenses to Wanted, AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. Parties desirous of purchasing iho shore will do well by calling at an early dale, so as to secure the sizes and styles. SUIT8 NOW SSLUNQ FOB ti.10 AD UF. A. DAVID. " my S7 tf Clothier and Merchant Tailor. 2000 Copies WW J I Of th railroad Will Cross Perquimans river I O.V nm Pfa.anra mnh at Wr4-r.r-mA I all Inlnriratlntr drinkn A fine dinner was I rrrv nnipnir tjttt, TTm.r.r.w. I 1SJT7 Aa7 T'T? CT A Af 17 XT HP I ia lavor of hia report at White's wharf, aad pass on the other ; 1 1 " " ."7 Z k" TkI " .7 I X " x , x , 1 1 xxxxuumii i ildaoearCoL Wood'a We welcome the I WUflU " , I , . dollabs, for twelTe months, security Real KsUte A new two-story dwelling is being erected on the corner of Fifth and (sonority) oo rtrncbmeat and re- IJJ1- ' tpfXwC. Baoa of hi aUtameoU are r Raleigh Farmer ct Mechanic: . . - . ... f t T I . I 1 I rr . a IT iL wrartB smwuoo. ne ia waa reponea inreo cm rp, wc,0.riu, . R;Rhird b..Mei varoiina laat wcu. me xxu n ih nosa i nth short abatract of the debate : - eves- a . a .a - fvaT flcnt1 mat mere waa no sarsoaaa Is) th present scheme to boast !m wbara ooly forty oeou per mem- Bt bad Do ooolributed to to De- gtarclaat objects of the Church. a. j 1 1 1 1 1. - J w(V Quoariu vuobuoj uoiisrs uiu awa collected at a cost of one nan- sUami and eighty thousand dollars. Lb tha primitive Church there was is secretary and all was laid at the Apostles' feet. II did not wish to abolish the secretaries, but to abolish their office and bring them to the mission arv oroood in the moanties of North Carolina. Men called of tha Holy Ghost had no right to give up their sacred calling and serve Labiee. Kvroviicans in council. atBXrisTO OF THX CKJrTBAL XIIC0T1TK coat Mtrru Tax coloxxd omex aaxxras claims coxsidxbxs thx pbohiwtiox quxanox discuss xd. Ralalgh Nswabsarrer. Yesterday the members of the Re pubfkan State Kiecutlve Committee met in thu city, in ere were present: will need to be revived if this sort of devil try goes oo. The lessons taoght by the Elan la 1871 have served for tea years to mace our Stat comparatively aare for virtuous women. But people's memory for aoy good deed, or pablic warning, rarely lasU above tan years. Raleigh Jfews Observer: At a memorial service In honor of th late Bishop Atkinson, held in Grace church .Baltimore, last Suodsy, Bishop Lsy repeated the ser mon delivered last Wednesday' at Raleigh. Deputy Sheriff J. 8. Long, of Person, yesterday placed io the penitentiary Mon roe Stanfield. colored, who gets 15 years for Incendiarism. Sheriff Dickens, of Halifax, placed in the penitentiary two ne groes, Goran Rinsom aad Sam Sh sarin, for larceny. Reidaville Times: Dr. Raine In Wentworth has io a bottle of alcohol some of the brains that came from a man ia this county, who, la firing off his gun, before the war, had it to burst and the breech pin driven into hia forehead so deep that when pulled out aome of the brains oossd with it snd eangnt oo a leaf. The strangest is he didn't die, but served through the war a gallant Confederate sol dier, was wounded, and is probably Irving vet we have never heard to tha eontrary. We are a hard headed set in Rockingham. Concord Sun: Oo Thursday of last week Dr. Hal Belts and Samuel J. Pern barton were carried through the falls The proposed cheap excursion to Washington on the 13th of Jane is now altractiog a goed deal of notice in the com munity. The Norwegian barque Forsete was cleared for Rotterdam, yesterday, by and at night there was a ball and dancing I'was kept up until early morning. Mr. N F. Thompson, of. this city, who was ex- j peeted to be present and speak, did not put in bis appearance. worth five times the amount. Address my 27 lt p. o. BOX 28S. . Revised Oxford Edition, In a Tight Flaee. Mr. Nolan and Capt. Horton, of the wrecking schooner Wave, sent for a piece of ice a few day- Bface, and in the very For Two Days, gTILL FURTHER t REDUCTIONS IN PRICKS JU8T RXCKIVKD AND CAN BX BAD IN IIGHT DIFFERENT STYLES, from IS certs and upwards, at will be made at Exchange Corner BARGAINS in reserve. mysrst;: Some GOOD my S7 tf COMB, SEX and BUT. B. F. HALL, Assignee. Heinsberger's. ' 'I runtrn of ' thfl hlnrfc- waa frmnA what in. Measrs. Williams & Murchisoa, withr3Q0Jtt0 of a barrels of rosin. , , k . glCvil llvf(, A&lUA TIUUN UUU J IUC : utuo Ul A new ice house will be opened In the alley near Messrs. Hall & Peat sill's store, in about ten days, by Messrs. W. El Davis & Son, a building being now fitted up for that purpose and a cargo of ice be lagontbeway. The more the merrier. We learn that sixteen lawyers are employed in the case of Mr. Hunter, the Supreme Court Clerk of Lenoir county, chsrged with the burning of the court house, records, etc., of that county, now on trial at Eenansville, Dapiin county, where it was removed. We acknowledge the reception ot the programme of the Graduating Ex ercises of the Tileston Normal 'School, of this city, which take place this evening at Ship Notice. ALL PERSONS ABB HEREBY cautioned and forewarned from credit' j lng or harboring any of the Crew of rine Bweaun jsarK "issajuj." v. b. Talfln, Master, ae no debts of their contracting win oe paia oy jassieror HKIDB St CO.. my 27.St Consignees. life that could be compressed in so small a space had long since taken its flight. The apparent lifeless lump was taken out and put in a warm and dry position, when it soon began to show signs of life, and in three hours from Ihe time it was taken J?Qr gale ill LotS tO Suit from the block, of solid ice. to all appear- . FINK IRIgH latjn ances as aeau as anytntne could-oe. . it I x. jumped from the deck of the vessel into the Cane Fear river. Tha reasonable annno- I . The above Goods. sre a .consignment from Bel- C0BSET5! CORSETS ! CORSETS! Brown tc Roddick . 45 Market Street, SOLE AGENTS FOR ROTH'S PATENT DOU BLE BONE CORSETS. They are made with two rows of Bones placed one upon the other, on each aide, giving it double tha. strength aad elasti city usually obtained In other Cot sets; doing away with broken aad- rusty aide steels, and Basking it absolutely unbreakable in those parts subjected to the strain. Ther have . an extra lona- flva double Cl&SD.and sre cat Dronortlonstelv Ions on the sides and-back, thus meeting a popular da- DRIRD SHIRTS, something aeldam if erer brought to this market. Also, a lot of IRISH LI NEN MOSQUITO NETTING, very fine. mand for long Corsets. mySStf Sold only by BROWN RODDICX. 5 MsrtaH BL 8 o'clock. Wa have also received the Latin - . . - T,r remMruD were cunwi uiruunu uio laua i : r T. N. Cooper, chairman; L J.Young, of thaTadkle. Dr. Bett was thrown out Salutatory of Master W. H. Chadbourn, W. I". Uanaday, w. A. aioore, uavid opon a rock but Mr. Pamberton was car- jr wn0 DOt oniy composes Ihe speech, but l t V T If... it.... ar I I.Jt ..((tela ttimnrh tint oama. nn In tha I A. J eoaioa, . flaova, vuawu j 7r" "TT .roes to the case and sets It on in workman HIS M(IV. X UTJT IUU urcu uaUIUlK tUUTO I sition is that the frog had been frozen up in the block of ice from the time it was taken from some Northern lake or river last winter to the day it came into the hands of Mr. Nolan and Capt Horton, and the question now is, how long can a frog exist under such peculiar circumstances f Children's raeqaorlal AssoclaUen. - At the annual meeting of the Children's Memorial Association, held at the school house in the rear of Bt. James' Church, on fast. Ireland, and will be sold cheap. HBTDB CO., myJT 3t No. S South Water St.fs Cape Fear Flour & Pearl Hominy Hills, WILMINGTON, N. C. C. B. WRIGHT. - -Proprietor. FLOUB, FKARL HOMINY, HAT, GRAIN of all kinds, and MEAL ground from finest Virginia Com constantly on hand. my S7 tf we betray our ignorance after the manner I lowing officers and managers were elected: ; . . ar l , mm ltogers,!. a, lveogD.aiananeia Aaorn- talotha nt01J carreol I He is fifteen years of age. Lest Wednesday .evening the 25 th inst.. the fol too leoioreu, ana v.. x. nam, of carried, on. Dr. Belts wl Mr Jenoranco aft tha manner secretary. wu severely urjared by his contact with' Th qaesuon of the Africaa 2ica- lie rocks. That they both escaped with seeker appears to hive been first dla- their Mves Is most wonderful. cdsaed. and In a vary llTely manner, Ktrgan. are handed down to history as the too. It was aodarstood by members only one, wfi0 have gone through the falls. - of the comoiiUa that Y. P. Canaday, Hickory Carolinian: Miss the tall member from tha Cape r ear, .jBll4 Qrogf 4 yooog lady about grown was had arranged tba lata negro conven- awvarely, if aot fatally burned on list of some editors we will say nothing about the Latin, but will take it for granted that it U all right Cloalaa Kxerclaee. - The graduating exercises of the Tileston Normal School will take, place at the Tiles- Inn TTnnr Room thin avpnifier rnmmencinir U?tl. "IwlSrWSaTSa SUi'f. Sa. A"Tiried altttctiw pro that he was very pU.ir m.Q. poariag ksrosine oil from a can on the fire, gramme haa been arranged for ihe occa br certain easmbart Who did DOt like tcrntrmA mnA bnrtrterl tb can in her .Ta. . . ..4am. tfm. i.n aafaW ha eveai w -sa - a sa4Vlal SB Ua aaaa vu aviw itAAW Vrfaaaa J Ji2 Poised all who m.y attend. Mr, D. .TT f" V:,-: rinded the f a Kahnweller. Prof. E, Van Laer, Mr. Na- ,OTW, - a- a..ww- ..j. humotheI. haai ing tenor wa tatrouooaa: vifrWW bumlnff cloihea could be torn Wbarwa, Toe warad voters In f rrom bar. both mother and "daughter were the Stale ot North Carolina, cam- J badly barbed.' It is feared the mother will bariair 70.000. a Ixrsrer ebsra of the 1 loaaher hsad. aad the daughter U not ex- nhllM. wAtat In . tbia Slatsv avra l Pa io fimtaVi m mnA matys avrrraalarl New "Berne Ntit SAetir Th anaravaf tSm nslvnia9a of thsotrtT- many InSSdS OI ALTS. Alary J , UaHey.WiaoW sharaor.tpatroTisaoi tn party, 1, townsman. BoMoson ICereiOT Da U . ' I Ualla-r Tsn will ltam with Hrr.l that this I on than Mayer and Mr. R. H. Grant have kindly consented to appear and will assist in the entertainment of the audience. No charge of adrnisalon will be made, and the public are cordially invited to be present. n "ROUGH ON BAT8.W The thing de sired Eexived1 That In all case where I lady was atricken with paralysis on SatuN 1 bedbugs, 15c boxes d found at last. Ask druggist for Bough w23hSnTW Rata. It clears out rats, roaches, files, Wjche, North Carolina, and mm. . I I tTf!11 m, TTf aaaaS ara S A President Miss Roberta French. Vice President Miss Mary Cowan. Secretary Miss Carrie Price. Treasurer Miss Mary Chaffin. Managers Misses 'Sarah Xippat, May French, Bessie Ledfbrd,. Gennle" Bernard, Johnnie Quince, Belle .Anderson, Msl Cowan, Mary Cassidey. Mrs. A. L. DeRosset was elected Hon orary Manager. ;i . t .7 . v : . Trinity .Clles. ; The Commencement party, oom'plimen tary to the Class of lcl,: oV Trialty Col lege. 4 will take ' place. Jane Sin; f; Chfif Mansger, T. E May LumbrttMhief Marahat' Joel Hines; Point . OaseOt Mlfi sgers; Albert Anr Pate, J. u, Dnamourger, w. i reqauig, Wmiams, Virginia. Dustersj JjROM ONE DOLLAR UPWARD, WHITE DUCK VESTS from 76c upward. BUSINESS SUITS at $5.00 and upward, . At MTJNSON'8, my S3 tt Clothier aad Merchant Tailor. For Bade, STEAM SAW MILL, PLANING MILL. COTTON GIN AND PRESS. Engine 0- and Boiler 40-Horss power. All the ma chinery new and In first class running order. IB MILLS ABB ON LUMBER RIVER .AND If You Need a Tonic USB lYlrs. Joe Person's INDIAN TONIC BITTERS Oxvobd, N. C, Feb. t, 1880. r Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy cured oar little girl, who was badly filleted with- Scrofula In the eyes, a'ter all other available maana had failed. R. B. XLLIOTT. Enclose stamp for testimonials of remarkable cures. Prepared by Mrs. Joe Person, Fraaklinton, M. O. For sale by WM. H. GRKXN, Draggtet. mhieiy . nac Wilmington M. C. For Bent. in three hundred , yards of Carolina Central R. R. Depot, at Lumberton. - A large lot of Round and Square Timber now on a win be sold with the Mills. A rare opportunity for an enterprising business an.- POPE McLKOD. LambertonN. C. myiniw lio 1 JjW H Hardin, fpRMCRIPTION DRUGGIST, , V NEWMABKET, mySitf Wilmington, N. C. ISSI IIS ISfl From 11th Jslv t 1st October, a fur nished HOU8X, oa Mason boro Sound, tt-, teen rooms, two kitchens snd servaau' rooma, two ane walls or water, baihiar Ihense. thirty feet square: noatkoaseasi stables; would suit two families; tba moat desirable Residence on ths coast. Apply for terms to myzSlw )B, ANDERSON1. L. S. L. NXZT DRAWING OFv THX Loalslana State Lottery TAKES PLACE JUNE 14. ' PBJZtS FROM tao.000 to $100,000. Price, Whole tickets, tie; Halves, $8; Tenths, BL j Address Lock Box ITS. my 18 tf WUatingtoa. N. a THX MOBNING STAB caa al ways be had it lbs following places la the ctty t The Pur cell Mo ass Harris News Stand, aad the Bras Office.

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