ti ia fJ Ukr euae, H -- r iii. ul ha hmcami u -nil fiixiT rrxx uhwj rry rrU Uka. M . a.aa- e a. tlU k, Ta aw, sea-set H i Tl 1 rm te fuUuw ftm sktw. o m 4 yj!- ojf M pnniTn . mum foT it fu Im x9imi. Oarr inutai ni fw kaDada lt of A4 a iUM 9m wiurt to wca GaMrtio. A.U H.I.IIMWIM H4 Wi lift rr ma. smO la mm aoa of i mat ' it u aciMrvtMB. Mil M Aargmt aiirfmi aui U T caea. Drn, r- nnnLify- tat iter UU tawtal i j i n. mm m uud. aaU. U ecvtaAi ta awr njm Ut 6aartat7 rictmt U U Ouacract klWMn Ui a wow aa un my iniwe turat-a to tatf ItWtlBa aa a ",u,u" rimMaiaM 4HtM'tu'w ac- a to klaa ttarta im Um at trfiiCMfH. I ana t-pomr-n rxwi Im nap to at Mr wiLiux aa. rh.iaho. WILXIXGTOX, X. C: TcaaoaT Iloa-Tuto. Jaoe 21, 1931. wursR.i .learu ciaoLni ome time ago we recaived an ad- iri of the ilxtcnive Cocamiltee of i. . v . . ta Agrtcauarai ana aiecnsnicat si- -xiauoa of North Carolina. Ar- tboogh Ute we deeire to refer to It, It aeta forth the parpoaee of the organisation to be to dlsca. matters pertinent to their interests and caica Itted to stimalate the productions of that aectioe. The object of aach aa Aaaoetetioo eaaaot be too wenslv comaaeoded. Il properly conducted I I it ianot well fail to exfite more in- . . : ?i . w . . v. ir. I ot the firair, and, therefore, all that . . w 3. .,. r ; i. I w iinuiinn tbe baeie of all prosperity to any peo- pie. The creotleaneQ who have ueotd the addreee ere f ally informed, ae their addreee shows, ae to the great importance of having farming coo Jaded apoa a truly scisotifio plan, aad 04t aeoordiag to the ra! of ihiV forefathers who knew nothing, h. heard nothing of hillside ditch ing, twrixootai ploaghiag, or chem Mtry ae applied to the sotL They aay : "The time be peaeed for or1a at t..ik fartaiai. Tbe prtjacM aftiaet it rm aaw eoeaeeil lo tJe keermel aed sAifl laaa. waa aee eerjuaiec la leer aad aii hi at: to Impart ra retara. Tbetlaewas oo far dieteet waea e farmer wbo devi mtmi from tae e!4 reie became toe laa blag tock of ais aeicbeare. Usretbeofftterttre aair drvaoMra. The study of tbe cloaet U te wuet of tee a Id eeU aboo stmat la baad ta Hmt valuable reealie. Oe pn oA xaewtedce or Ue tadosttlal arte ae Vea aaeiery scisired tbroex) eitodica od taowtcbt with taoexbl, aai tbe eiMatwwoti of eteerteeatml multa. If Ibe wruf waa deprrred of Llia laowdrt, l&e amoual Ufft wooU becoopeatiT! ssmaiL' The sddrtee aeU forth the marked aid manifold advantages of the Wura Mctieo, trtate of iu climau, oil. peculiar adaputioo to the cere ale, fruit, garden prod a eta, aheep a. V ft m . aeavimzry, axasiactanng(stc.XQej I r. j. uo uouut.tntneirseo- .c w., pnKam.cc.ior frm grow av. long known 141 to any grown ia any Sute. As to ana we have nsvsr seen any to compare, with thexa. The cultivation of tobacco, a new crop with theta, comparatively, has Ka m s.a I . I . -it a .a . - 1 -j it iTTjTniyT K - Wt nf w1n Ihil hii niiMi. a -!rItt& The LezuUtore might UXa" .artct,l,,M- 1 dl tottiiaalata aad foter,.thia im oedtotbJ(lapioiuworktyJbpforce iMM aa rao" . , . , . n(3 enco&reemeot of pabllc cploloo. "Tbe u,q fo ti tmy . l u g portaal braaobof lodattry. , Aaloag PattIBmref ooerIeod th Atioraey Oe muuui. i ,,.!,,.,.., ir atlAwd ld I r.ifBftv BotDMd it ionerreibeif rflouapr I m., mmmk - I " ' I Tif ihftir ml hnt theT do oMd.to foel i want ot dteonniiBation becara , . to u-u, d I depredate upon flctl of i&eep inert i ,mp.thr of publlo aenUment and to apparent. Thia worship, i ,(M.(iu . I cn b no creal p'rocreM lo eheep I btre tlxrfftTleooperatloa and opportof tbe haaneouiedito oulsiders. 11m .o ru I ,.:;. irtof oar favored I 7Trrrr.rvTl T1 , kh. .. much for a simple aoldier w TZZL!LT1 staie Velone .liil tbat .omethiog SScTaff &? fa JrTta;: ff bed middle life with but li 3Ut D P . roaoTwX bradraad bta aaaoeiuet hire oial expience and it has -1 tMPirfHwtiTtiM ai I to all be dooe. . . ,, I gacaiedMotroiertbptewla WMblogtoo I uaMvaoa. AJt i aflwi .aaaiit ar aaf M m UMAMtra to tiMiaJa wfcarMtMJ T,rX "Py. w- region since aboat A8I0, f4d. was ap--nl . found to be well adapted to pUa lo ,lormJ lZtoJtii anew toe growiA ot tbe Caeet aa well ae the eoeraeat. The crop of 1831 will doable pvobaWy that of 1830. They -a tremenJoua discharge" of an old do aot think their laade eaal to the fMhiooed Asusrlcan muiket," aad f fx av . a a a. I wtwi iot me cereal, and yet they aay "that mora thaa one hun dred baabels of corn to the acre and fifty bufhela of wheat have not la frvtjeeUy beeo obuioed by CXTiftl tillage." Thia would be called xcel lent farming ta any ctioo, even io tae rtOrtAWSSt. Th.v era tn.d . . . ' ''I proeid or taeir vtxt water-power j eaoagh to move the mtehiaery of tbe WOfM- We have only space now to: refer to ooe other point preeent4 is the addreee, that of sheep husbandry. V J elu AuX 00 8uu in w w " wwr 3P tban North Carolma to the growth of sheep, tod that the Westers portioa matt be specially adapted to it. The address says: r - ' ' A ' T "Wool.iTOit!oli ae interest d rmandioK oaf attentive coajldaralioo, AVbv bta taoeld aoirove eprofitablalacatr7fcecdi u be explained.: All ibrnnaa. WJeiero Norta Carolina are uncoaoee ooaies ot itou, wbica wocld Mpport lerra flxli of ebeep aad are of UttU value tor aay otter pur pose. It wucJaaddmocAtpxbesfirefeie wsaltii of ootmcUdo.it Jtoi tuner tn- I fIl wnoM kn small flacks tO" Wblcb n.i,A..i. Z.TZ ;attoa . fifi coaaUee of the aioety-aix, we hU Dot i.ited the eaoantain-.eectiaBAe w , oar Sute. It ilaa jct comparttlTe- ly aa uaknowo land to x. Aod'jtl . A . - 1 A it u ia many reapecia a moai a ,L Hmiiv Morihaa abl. poruon of the Sooth. !"? wruy jr .aua Atkinson toM os tbat ne baa never beheld any eceoery io ocr oouotry fairly com parable to ome portioa a of North Carolina wbiehha iiad vta- . . . . T." I L 1 . . ii ..i utA. minmv9mm linn, m uiuifa " " " . praie worthy and oaeful work. in. taakini? better knows tb WabiifaE and romaalic, or ibe bUno. aod ..--.-r .,r ririin of Up4.do0-aa.ryrf thai poruoai of oar otaie. tier gr.-iai I pea wi oworpairroucally em-; kl t K )i. nnal nn In I r"w7v. ,w- -r "J i the oauide world cl HcU uaaanei that lie bid away tmoeg .the moo n -talna of North Cttrelioa. The time i u DoL far distaat. we raav bepe.waeo - w - thoaaaoda of to a ruts will fleck to oar Sute to behold it marveUoaa feataree aad explore aa yet reveal ed beaatiee and attractions. Bat be t- ur and more important than thia, we hope not loog in the future "that thia; whole aeclion will begin to bloaaoca aa the ro, when wealth and tsrtrwiJl' go band-in hand, and' highwaja ,of travel and commerce will be cod- straeted io many directioca, giving j IthaLnnc lan3-lv.kiJ nODle of that r V . . ' I olia ,uca "P,u comraBn,CBUOa ,M4 1 the clkiD9 bevoad as ahall gito I . . ... , .v I vosm miricu tor iu toe prtwuce uiej i nmtt trmwr an.l fnr all rf tha riatftVM . . . . I aod abeep ana oirrer siocr Tney can I . ...... We may not omit mentioning that the vary beautiful sketches of West- I ro North Carolina, published by I a t a l onator ance a nan aoxen or more reara aero, have done no little In draw- ioS attention lo tbe Switzerland of I tbe Uoioo. Some cf his sketcheaara I , I cuieu wuu one msrmry euwa, ena i oetier man any similar wora we i remember to have seen from a North Carolioa pen. 'RLIXZtH aa. The New York NatixU AtHling op the ongio of "blixxerd." Its ety mology doe not seem lo be known, althoogh the term cao be traced back sixty years or more. A writer from Baltimore aays: "la a sketch ot oae ul tbe oaovo. bora ia 1333. ia the Biorapbical CyclopwJU of lfayUad.' It U stated tbettbe father waa bora ia tbU locality la 1801. sed that lbs creed father. Isetebi Blrxaerd. wbo rived hereloec before that Host, was ef Freocb ilocraeaot desceot.'" Bat what connection this man had with the word in uaedoee not appear. A I'enosvlvaaiaa writes , - 1 "There has beew ee exteeetv oae of ibe word la Peneiylvenla for many years, as witaese tbe folUrwiaf: (1.) A drUl tf eey i ifcua, jKMraTjr Tfid I wlebry. 8j noeyoaooe wMh ibe uag e eit''e smile.' e Jixr.' beaitw..VhUasapies .'JLsx'e take a bLmanL Tbe word has been used la thaa aaaaa nwaada- Aff mi rt-a - wra f3 ) Ldi. U as djiu. A coDpealoav pbraee wltb 'Let ber rPp 11 her fly.' Example: A er editor three Uree ie erteg sail eraiast a debtor wbo beUteabebaea dsteoaeiaibe elala. aad rvpnes, 'Let ber Uiszard; I owe yoa otata- .Used fer r- wards of tbiny jeexv certainly. (1) p,.; .fy aad 1 liU- I ju mruMMtiljarm. Tali was lo I -J J pit, wooJd JUU coejnJULTASL word la (IX aad pjaenje ItaiULia nae. Ia tie I i. i um uwu vui iwc nun y ysars. li ws latrodaced bare; with cbarcoal furosce about tbe date meaUoced." Other writers from Iowa ssv that I the word haa been in nae in that I tow in the face, blinding one. One Iowa- man aavs it waa used first tn dasnriha afterward waa.appied to 'a aweec- - j I ing weeteva atoraa of miogled'inow and hail, with Uie accompaayrae driving wind." Old Daw ss evidently struck "a blizxard" ia the Senate when he trotted oat bia favorite Massachusetts liar. . , I... rz. rrtrrx There moat bevconsUerabU witU eoiug io the GoyeTOf WathVJ proeecution of tbeTiecaTtrtf tire Sttr' IlouU" fraoda, NoV and IbeArA Northern paMVmeUmea. it is a IUpabUcaesafll5 to con- "J o ImrrnajtoalJiiV'rV there waa doubt if the thieve. VcbTtf be brought tci poiilahoVhSioer tronsr the moral conviction of guilt or comtivebe evidence. The great ". nt P'Xi5S i IT.. Vi-w- t.. wrrV lelyahiPwioked,andIdraaxfielaa 'Tsaof.ttparty, the .Sew- lork tnialfaujo ispsibforhe Wy. iao editorial ofThariayi isaaterd If: anlictiorfvwte toj be binlaloat the hope of (He raiaa1r' ,hel4 toorroVnoi aeifgleUoulifal M 'lu. L;;.,i7. NbxtheinLSute calie xairiedv T . I , t . t t. ..wTT-aTfc. the AdmInUtraUon, .Itaaya, and tbe ' rordi are iignincini: Tbelr hope. iidLiiu!cevgitbato r.rntlnir inn Attorney General frcm IB-.. 1-vitbitb exeeDUeo of a aiaale newapaper, JESSKJ wtbat will conuibnte to aave : -' 1 ! . Bf refaxnag to :tbe report of tha leollo!,fBtrrel; for the last week, aa I . 1 i nDOtlbx inathe New York financial I TPoriea ,D ""j? T Chronick, a Very potrceable point I ocoors, to whiph we would t call thfrallentioa of aU interested in cot- tou growing. It la thia: WheaU wae ascertained that the , .... ' ... - . . ,. crop of 1381 would not exceed the c " . i . lA.An.Ar loan hn rannfi aa 1 narf vwj v -Ukfr- r ; ciei. oouoa auvvf sv auu vi wv, . r t l a Ml .wnen. oaoreiaroraoie reporwr in ahowlntrtntmaed favorable f . . - wlh-r broagheat lhe envire cotton, 1 1Mlioo lhoo wh-t ? Tnere WM . rB.cLion -nd cotton dtdintd. I ... . I WbT lu r lieaa our two reoeni I aitoHaU oft tbJ cotlon orop. of the past and yoa will eve. Knowing that favorable eeasons promised an in crease of production prion at once fell. Think of iu TbatNew York Radioal Senator who bolpa ran tbe "Half Breeda" I machine, is a rather oice represent- tive man of bia party and time. He It k model maoipolator, and is jost the kind of specimen that a corrupt politioal organization nurturea. When be was before the Investigating Com- mittee he tealified a follows: l. .i.ik.. j . wot a. uu iu mt Offlce bill- tcng efie tbai I acted a lob- bjUtofl aad on. I acted aa each aa or TD unnnrwaiume lcame nere ae a ioNyiai aooaaiir- 1 adoooaUd ruch M not "I bare talkeat to member of tba Legte- Uxan u g0i ytt for Mr. Depew. i toid Vxxtm't)uigltofa$$tAfJ tlai I had tcxnd a wvu. 1 thought I had got Mr. Bradley to for Afev- r After thia can an j one doubt aa to Bradley's alatement of the attsmpt aa.aa to bribe, cum. i M jUbnjnie, people bate ad- drdotsml rrajons for 'Teehnc profoundly Uaaatal IbaC tbe Preaideat of ibe UaUed- SiUa m naae. and with a fair pruapi ui a ion mi.-ii. . Rxi. Organ. After the Radical parly, by the use of bribery and corruption, baa suoceededuin dUgrmciog the Vice I CO I preaidential-office by electing a cor- nipt, machine; pothouse politician to fillit, te organa ajre, turning upon the fallow and rending bim. Well, after the NoTtherttpeopia, have been made foola of - and tool of a few more timss3 they " will awake to the eonvlctfon that a freeman has I blher and higher dut?ea than to "run -ra r- u hopea tor. the North.: A big disgust may act io after awhUe.it tf V..a . M.t.J I ve. i w ai awu sa eauaaa a ica a arv j k 1T1U5 I in Iowa, waa nominated recently for I the State. School Superintendenoy. I la ber, deoUaatuio aha aaya : .! am e. wife aad.a,jDaotber- and bays a bona to take care of. wblcb occaplee or, enure time aoa.rorbide aji tboufbtoi neg red Id j It for spy political ban or." We Kava nffljrl-' Xfra Va.ri jg the moet sensible irouiku In ber State. No one will d5 sp air of the North when it is found-that there is one man Who daoiioeato.Uoome. can-I fr office- (aa- -J odge- Tbarmsti. I" r-""-"- vy.T-.- -rr--. oaght to be erectedTd Bothr! V Ex-Sec retary acofc cfsociof J HPP1. . . SW:a53SJIWl tJ thiMtrtoOttnlfld has visitedtVVc4e9rr,' WbiIet So tbaf irh fA& ftftw-; viewed. nisSSvMiPWS that 'tW aestleavef-orooafjV ve ry stojsgln that "it wonidtlte lion of .thje c4unuy'p"sef'e4e!,. " ''' The NatirijTBM tion will meet at Attaotav Uactrirtajon dava. Id the IbarahhsMso of axsrW1 'ciaeafoTOiid signed to Northxira4iiift. eawaawawawaySBaBsaaaaaejs I f AoaaKicax--WK id A tr.: lflj ,U 'I ir.rT7 aiTeai nw: ;;. li-arta surraieRFolrlrtiflari rariatGd Misastrcus alternative. The lotted I toaaad Virto"V-rK Wrfl'aKtV't fad T 1 T .'.ti ili tJ- ' ' YZUni I r rTVy? 'aRywmwft SMlaeUl . V- . K-TV," -1 ' l -r.)r- ania iMnunmBViawM VI.t , I the party to attempt to. conceal the lhe Rpablioan. It may be said that lhi. jmocraio lineral 1 t, bat thefpunderea snip is a ie. glOlae:eJcJolOlir,loalx?TIl ) as blundered from the begjnojpir Bait. - GasetUiiQtmt T,dim nua J ' Geu; Qraot'ii"l.h -'victim of the parasites add flalteferwih6!-:have been haogtbg 'aboat-blmr-iiooe hW first term, and have crown bolder as a a tnor ridkmlou was Ld bp ha ttle so Mod wav to dpntrov & 8Dlendid:eOtt I .,,iAn ,i,. fl.A A.n.viA--A'riL pebtanoe for any thing by. wbioby did "'j0" oney, theywou AJr a irood deal in readmcr lhe talEOf tae once "Silent Man," but they probib'fyj I regret nothing about it except tKatj I K A sQAn AMl'a a am I a a v ft i Ana ltAA.4aJ! luUJDY'owv"a r r t stroyed their own chances of another! heik a8 they would say, at the go-i vernment. Nation, Hep. ye diadaio to believe the re- port that President Garfield has cori- olo'ded to aid the Virginia repudiators; with all the inflaenoe of the adminis-i . v. tration. lie knows too well how I complete failure me Maoone rnoTe - I . . . . ... meofc win ue, wilu n ieniwrano 1 atarncarit aliAn.tiul fmm it Kir Rannh. i ..v. .. j , l1.0" !teren05 to care to jdentifyj I Dimseit witn a uisreputaDie cause, o: cerUio of defeated be ia booshrewd! a D0liucian not to-aaa the ffeot which reooEnittpn of repadiation.by the nffiial hiarl nt tha H.nnh1ini Tnrf.Vi' will have on the independent glance of voting power in the Selections of this fall and next year. We. predict;!. nnv ann a ra nMniran tn mkintiin it i " r'r-"- . : that an open and active participation! bv leadiot? Republicans in the Ma-; hone campaign will make the Forty - eichth Conirfess Democratic in Iwthi branches. PhUa. North American, Rtp. iSsIYarkiowa Battle. The Congressional Commission, of whioh Hon. John' W. Johnston is chairman, and C61T, John S. Tucker is secretary, ia busily engaged in per fecting the arrangements of the cele bration. The liberal action, ot Con- I u...vt:. ..J ii..-.:,! j : i iwuuiiu, auu iua wiueejirvituiuiureBW among tbe people mdioate that lhe celebration will prove a vast success!. The ceremonies begin October 18, 1881, and will be conduoled accord ing to the following programme: - OCTOBER 18. The meeting will beoailed to order I by Hon. John W. Johnston, of Vir -fu oh.irman of tbe Concessional v s i r ennn ew innnaawnn arar u a I Commission. Prayer. Muaio by a quartet and Chorus of one hundred . voices. Introductory remarks by Mr. John ston. Music. Addresaf Welcom,e by Governor Holliday, of Virgin a Musio. Laying of the corner-stone of the monument by Peyton S. Coles, Esq"., Grand Master of the Masons of the Stale of Virginia, assisted by the em i II ... . . I .a rna oiasters h me twelve otner origtQBf otate. Mnsitv octobbb 19. -Address by the President of the United Stales. v, .. Oratiop by Hon,: Robert C. Winf tbrop, of Massachweetta. , Poem by Jameb Barron .Hope, of Virginia --'Odeby Paul U. Hayne, Ejq., of Georgia. Grand Review, of the Military. . OTOfiB 21. " ; Grand NatioPafcjitgyiew in Hainp- ton ivoaua. . . ' JJ7 t : " . ii-;A'oew. XtjXfmiViM Atlantic and Ocearfcoumlea is the; ga,ther intof wtateiaraaKteiberry ) leaves, wbksb axe sold for tbe extraciioa of tbe oil. -:ObiK dren can earn -fluitejau, Ineome. 4 I a,"i SEED -RICE. 1000 Baahela BEST LOWLAND, z j eoo: do. WHITE- UPLAND ' ForsaJaby ' -' ' ' k - ... . . . -. WOBTlf M w6RTfi.: tnh 18 tf ... ftfPfw Eettf..:-. ;CHaUftOBWilalt.ilS At TlaalTfef9iil,heatre. o'nstnl Jtlsra isnfi.'iU'ff In the city ef Louisville, or -. .fV.S it.' ,-1 ,eici.n.-;:a I - ; ; ,T-.(!r I O tvl edJ ot IfettoalJa "ir KraVrfSw1lS& i Hw iuw 1115. yu ,iuvuuujvoiuiui UWU. iw a.-aa area ofiss wenerai as.-' Eeptackx, Ineorporatlng-the Net 1 Newspaper CO.. arJorovefl Xntir a " Ar rma is AlrNfCL it BBJtNuBEPEaaD. Tad Vvitri.VU&vlJvmi Ceext eadaarth.xi nai- Jk - - - tka AllAaHnv A awH a i nn si T " " BKTiQH COMPANY, IOAL. . ,. . Tf,. T I . . k rial arrKJrr . mt- '-. l.i.n : L &VteMfiK l una. xw3m w y fwi iux 1 1 text nsffi inntasB feUiMUaJUSKi It-Priaes TWiifl 1 5-Jr : i apward. by fJHjbe tAfB-, : , "inT ft I fi'I aSa - iaraa toll J JCQMMMmMiti l BBy81eOWaH -MlT " w -7 a 7 it JL . an aiwi:r v.-t ' ! . . -: '. c-nfl nitii :r-..'.. iv t , MISOEIIiANEOUS. p;pATSAUK if tfllWHE WORLEN 4 V ka9 rise, AfflVW VfV WR , WO RCESTERSH I RE SAUCE. X Th&Hiok deadens test i taste and zest to OOmvJ f asnrrtr! aJ iH" J vaBauDBM :.c mot ci: ynqaroapf im.JaIII fed Jvr i .i II... . U -i 4 ! I - Neuralgia, Sgfqtlca, Lumbago, . i ii.i i r rvhw x J r.v. s..1! iuiui J:." ':-.:-flrr;Y.: Au-auaaAaA yjixx9 ftiaeejr ' (aha dT$ natI 'OaavAie twiitS o-M-ra ffwcf-r"." , iipraipsIiurBZ ana scalds, 'Gm&mt Bodilf Painty andarsf ana all. other. Pains i . CO V No FTeparati orrtm e h art rrT-rtemal Remed-g. I toaHtfweiV uinnw-ouuav f.orjiufFrtog vrftb fmn mHwoof-of its'calmB: . xan have vTTeOToj)sfn HeVBtr , DEAL2E3 HI I - i.rTJ".-v : LPOGI3Zlt CO , ; V ' '" ' jB4M0f e, Xd., IT. 8. JL iuWpKif : : urm j0Jl, ffyiif; ..anmpaTiy, v WflrBAVa THB BBaT op Testimonials In the State of Virginia for Good I Workmanship and Honest Material, are, we use the I Beot, Mineral Paint, the Seqoa Oxide of Iron, which -'Is the" Doable Oxidation of Iron, which proves to be the beef t , There are various grades, of - - . . - - that material, the same ns with lather commodities lathe market; -the same way that oils and Other material axed in painting are adulterated to Bolt the price foe woek, ; . Now .we use the bestand make it a point to stop all leaks . with our Cement, teat alves the beat of'Satisfsctlbnto those we have done work lor. whore' otb era have failed, it is not the simple fact of danhOn jcertaio. amount of. ma4 I thMproteelnTi I tint Stem war to mrwii frnA-m arul rmwA btKIK aaerAa ' to soder ap almoat every month, end your astern water not nt to nee nan tne time.. By care and attention to square wort: "we have gained the best of testimonials, and nope to secure yoor patronage.- .-- ' Please send postal card to . . - , Jackson a txjtLENS, .post;Offlce-Boii,Di.C58... my 18 tf Wilmington, N. C. NOVTBBApY THE NEW" EDITION op WORCESTER'S Qaarto Dictionary, WITH SUPPLEMENT, zi; Library ueer,$lO. YfTrieers. Beaders and Students of all classes will' lV and it superior to aBy other Uiotionary. SSVuL .?fnund-on Tegarde4 by Scholars in - both America and Ens v i&TOdaethe Standard Authority. TMrtalnethoa sands ef words not to be found In J any other Dictionary. . Excels all other works in the completeness of Its vocatuliry. ;T':' --- ' Qapplementary to the general vocabulary are vai-- : Wable Articiee.ListHi Bares; Tablesfetc mhBProBnhciation. Ktymolosrr and Definition of pver 115,(;00 worda are correctly given. .......... . "TJlinnracea S0S8 royal quarto pages, with over 1100 Recommended ia the stroneest terms by the mqsti i made of ' PURE SUjt-lTORED VtRCtiNlI TOBAC oompetent lodges as thepc8tT)lctionary of the : i: i - ti-i . Englisbr Lajignaser "SJ- , - ' . latadeatsof all classeewflt ftwftbe-sieeialadd1. 1- . " U uon&t matter 01 great value ana practical use. Tecidedly the most satlafactqry and reliable work . SJbf lUkmd. . TDuatratidns are introdsccd liberally throughout Uge comparison with any work of like cha- VTMSdpplement places It in advance or ;aJl other t 1 auallnr works. jTs independent of all sects, parties, and idiosjn jAnaclaaor every aind. !mHa nothing toaJs essential ttf a Standard Una J bridged Dictionary! hrYew Word, to the extent of thousandi Can be it vocaboiary of Synpnymes of 26,000 words la a IU reateze or tne new eainon. S.eviewera JjL edition J iliave..aBlronnly; commended tbeaewd i ta the highest terms. , ,i ivfWdidJ examine and teslthe work at 1 ! fTTcra are invfted A . any Bookstores -i' - it FOR SALS BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. W uorrt taVSn nimiiima. -S vaj&iwLiii SktiSiai ci ei o AUJSDEffiNEwMtNiAX3EMENT T fpaElwistANb ftiiM srLtsH iwthb pdiod;I &JL M'bvd0tcil .-t,i.dvl a WiuaS; B. A.ttVJl3t ia me- taemaa.i w., Mooae, between Market and Dock streets, my 15 . " "i ' '(-1 x MISCELLANEOUS, SiSUJVfMER QUILTS. Browri Roddick Oar patrons will find tbe Above very deefrabla for Sammear Wear. We canlsnarattl the prices to ke as JJOW as any la the country. They are ea&ilr wasnea wnen aouea. ana mo most ft opnlar Brands of IJomestic Mannfactijre. : cll-4 LWBN 8HBSTINQi , a : . i . ! ' IX.-; do- PJIW OASINQ, ' , 9-4 COTTON SHEETING, 23e pe yard. . CORSKTS. '" '-' K ' ' " ; THE COREUQATfBD- GORSET Very aesirab'.e -' - for Satomer Tear.- I CHILDREN'S HOSE. j A beautiful. lino of the above in 601) d tlae and Fink, Silk Clocked. Very desirable for thia season. ; ....... j Brown & Roddick 45 Slarlcet Street. 1e 17 tf 1 CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILROAD, GENERAL PASSENGER DEPARTMENT, ) WILMINGTON, N. C, May 28, 1881. Excursion Tickets rjV. ALL PLACES OF RESORT IN THE MOUN- taia section Of North and Bonth Carolina, villi be ... i on sale at the offices of thia Company, on and after . j . .-. -' r ; . Jane 1st, 1881. Quick, continuous schedules will recommend this. Route to all. . Passengers leaving Wilmington at 8.45 A. M., arrive at . Cleveland Springs same evening, and Aehevtlle next morttinR at 9 o'clock Farther information, on application to . my29tf P. W. CLABE, G. P. A. TinnrAl1 TVTaWlWvi a QTt-rt t .n Ttyr ojuwoii, lviaoia., manufacturers pp every description Of most 1 Approved Patterns and with Recent Improvements. Paper Tlachsriery also, -: TUUBINE WHEELS, Shafting and Oeartng. Hydraulic Presses and Pumps, Elevators,, die. j plans for cotton and paper mills. C. 'j. HILDRETH, Snp't, LOWELL, MASS. WM. A. fiURKS Treas., " S3 State Street, Boston. mhatf PREMIUM SAFETY OIL. l .FORSAWBBy :. .. - Adrian & Voller s, cor: Dock ft Front sts- Agents for Wilmington and vicinity.. CigaretteSa JF YOU WISH A GOOD SMOKE FOR A LIT- -,-5 . : tlmoney, try our , . u ,. . u. . . . .. "Little3rbwn Jug," made, oe HAVANA TOBACCO, Tob&cco Wrappers, : and Patent Cbm-Hnai Month-Piece. " '' " '' " OR Uncle Toby, For sale by ADRIAN 4 yOLLERS, ,v Wholeaala Grocers, . my 17 tf 8. B. Cbr:' Front anol'Dock'Sta. . J Tlifi Biblical Recorder i. U tii) ts il t (..! . .: Hd,waria SroiigntaiB, 9 U. . HWf. Etttirf 'iL ' V?-. r'tnrrTffA fnTTit TJ-V l .. :.tfn&.9UFm'rAoM9Wlt.k l,n j lm B aJMPM9gi ;..i; ,;;.. At an Advertising Mediuni.tyniurasa I Lad uHWtTrKii Wl i 1 AddreBai btbiJcal atacoaDBR; : 4paMr" 11 i i rV i lj liSmt IB . 1 u V, , ,'iu- sotllia fo jasASih, saw yed;il a til sally. i wlraesftft.-!' b9ia bft wsH s baa I ,-ssva se tJts'xt (Hit tt j edl ... w . c : i: lij ..i't1. IO SaO ii. ;iii BWjauBi. T .sa I 1894 1 Ilortsracr P. I. Bridgers Co. ARB NOW TBI Largest Retail Grocers IN WILMINGTON. Aek any of the Eioktr. and tbey ) t HI y,,0 that they now bay nearly twice whai thi j dm .jf year ago. BRANDY. : A small lot or that FINK OLP COQNac left and,$7jper jjaljon in two gallon lot and ow Don't forget that this Brandy was bought at a net inn nr less than half Its cost; has been relailcd here ir years at $10 and $U per nllna. FOR THE CURIOUS. o If may one will take the) I rouble to limine ih, rcnrdu, thej wUl find that P. L. Bridgers & Co. bought more Liquors, with one exception than any house In Wilmington. They hive noV ,..ic sale Liquor License so that thl immense qnanilty was sold by the bottle. Comments am none'., eary. ROYSTEIl'S CANDY. j One Hundred and Fifty Pounds rca-tver1 l.t night that was made on Mondiy. ( all early, a. we are unable to buy one fifth as mor.h a mr r.iul.t sell. P. JL. Bridgers & Co. Jo 9 tf SCHUTTE'S SEA-SIDE PARK HOTEL, AYrlghtavlIIo Sound, IS NOW OPEN FOR THE RKCBPTIi N (-K GUESTB. The Table is supplied with lk4 prodocia i f Ui Sonnd a id Sea. Transient and regular boarders taken at ronton u ble rates. Je 8 tf F. A. SCntJTTE. Proprietor The Eookbridge (Va.) Alum Springs, And die late "JORDAN AL.UJTI," NOW CONSOLIDATED IM ONE PROPERTY AND UNDER ONE MAN AO EM BNT. A joint stock company having bought tbe.c iwo contiguous propertia, to be known under tha o:d tlUeof MRUCE.aKUOK ALUM SPklMUH," will orKN it to tne pibneon juas ist, onder me .u pervlslon of Kit. WILLIAM JttAZiBK. wbo on before the war, and for four year, aiusr tbe war. In charge of tbe original AJata Uprlngs. Watblukih. pabllc will find him tbe right man In the right pIm o . J. tfKKU KWtNOKH, President Kock bridge Alom springs Co. After twelve years' absence I return to Ibis poi Ot doty. It la hacoly necearary lo dUata to Iba boa thern pabllc upon the virtue and valoa of tbi. mlu exal water. It has In tbe last- half century mad a record of cores In chronic cases whtch for varitt and aggravation of the cases brought anoar iu iu floence is nnapproached by any known mineral w ter in this ctnmtry. The (UUfeaslOBaT tapUmony m this effect la distugnished and anlmpeacbable I propec entertain meet of w words. " A great work of exnorfatlon aad. renovatlou u bow roiegon at the old aium Bprlnva, lncloelng a thorough system of drainage, a new aadabondani water supply of pure rreeeton' from tbe monnuin. repainting ana new HMAng, a very Jarge jmrooDc tlon - of new furniture, ana to general a thorough overhauling of U14 ent in pntnise. The elegance of the new :"40ROaN ALUM." II snftr.lonn and eommadkni 'ORASD HOTEL" aud COTTAQB8, and the BEAUTY Ot 1T8QKOUN lis. are widely known to the Bpriars gotcg public. My aim and earn eat effort shall be to keap tbi now combined establishment In a. manner, toglv. satisfaction to all reasonable guests. AN aXCEMraM'tHUVBV--ts engMed. node- 1 contract imposing a reasonable tariff of cbargti. All the eoatomary Orveilene ate provided fr, such as BAND and BALL ROOM MUSIC, BOWUNW and BILLIARDS, aad; all that' bat I do not "ban k " much on these this ee. Mv main efforts abal) b di rected, wUA the. art of an eflldeat staff, to mak the patrons of the place OOatPpRTABLB and "AT HOME,!' aaaeoffam. If aaiibiaAar talsaiUtellve summer jpeeort, tts old popnlaiity aad prestige. Please ena to Ptraoxix. lusttt at C&, Ricbmoad, Va.. or the undersigned, for descriptive paapbli. wltb fate of eer tootaa, aad meeieal tasU moo y . WILLIAM FKAZ1KK. .myS7eodlm frak'wS ' 'en. bupt G-ood New iB utter, RESH AND BWiET1' ' F COOKING BUTTER, MOUNTAIN rBUTTER, r la: Kits aad Bazas, For sale low by . & KEARSALL. Je 16 D 5$ .GJjQRGEMiYERS, Sf 1 and j ': . -fi. ' IS South Front fttrcrl. .l( ''.!'.' .ill:-: . - : Fresn I Cfajitfly .1'- li J '' ' ' i. .i ; ,k: i-i I Groceries, n jhk; dioioasw teaxxcorioN aae alwaih , j; lTBtJfiwiair paitci.' ' 1 at GXO, MVEK1', j lw.ii,,l iolMQJi;nraaeaaoj.tat hereUa UrevstaasVaaaai ef Baraeaa,' BrMlaa. ladeiaskiaaaweiTreBs.tBwea Baca: aver roagbt to this oityjara to be sees aadaoaf at er tas least money. Try them and be eonvlaoea. aw; aatmrlBgandTepaJrtatr-eoae wlU eataeaa ana Liaawtch. 1 lltt fiHiroij la. JelStf Nd.SeU front Si.