a ECOBmno btah. J.' . ' On a STiaft on6 day, ..r .f 1 0 " lfOUTI,. ', ...... 1 IB ft.' j 'it rouatji,!,.,,., v. i J w flTB y8,..,V.'i... ;.,..... ... M Twowaek,....,..;,;.',,.'..: 1 M TbraewMks,.,. Om month, ;...-.u, i JO M . ThiM montk,.........'....t. M 00 81xiBOnU)i,..,M4.;......... 40 OP On year...... ...... fcO M Ut DAILY Ml 1 . r 'i - vAI-- II . r I' f rt 4 ev- 1 1 .. ' S : I ee VCkntnet AdTertlaamecU Ukta 1 fTrr SK VOL. XXVII1.-NO. 81. . w .l.i- u . . . . i a ' ( .J.t-.iN'v" rl ,p w"3 XAr 11:1 Till II I ,11 I Ik .1 .-. I ! J rr-l- ill... J 1 , V.r J i I I ll II t MB lITII- fl I'-Vm A " jy I. 1 aV i.' I I 0. 4 I Itn 1 L I IN i ltllll V k V i -.aV - I V .1 ,V J IV If . 1 1 U- UI in omriiNK. juctiT who ia2!4 proc4 Is 1W 5a trrtactJ la Sa IYmcUco. a norm MjoJj Jox t 1U ol 3 Joapti t Wttttra rUro4, Kam4 ,jj jia moca otS.tr duoajt. ucioaftii SoaUera rilro4 U offartd for ,,..! for t of lwaty-flT i port jo a of lava of Tecabatoo ir t 'u. t datOT4 b? fi. , ):r :.ix) tcraa of ftaia Ua4 bra4 vrar f Mrc4. CJ ; aaaay farm booM. etc . datruy4. Ta aaaoaac- Ur,,lt ;f jiacoTtty of a brijtbi eooaat U u,,.jj ltfa.Swft aad SbapUa,plialy , ., iiaioa of t& So of Taaprac .n ;na Amr-.c met ai Saraioara yaatr i,, : JD d!tea prtaaai; rpou abow a , ,! coaabratp dahax tba jaa; graat ): t ba eia4 la Sota Caro- ti"f 4 Floci4a. Tfca , ,- i!i Krnci JcQ3ootraLoa la Paicrao ,,i w veral rrt ia Napla for boatU jkoi )0;rnoo afaiaat ia Fraaa; qaar . , .i i ib0ta bv occarrrd la aTral f .nucii tu w a Dim o(ltt ao4 Itallaaa. 1" c3iut uf Oraal Bitaia aaoa tba i t -p'i tioo b iUiv 3,000,000, , , of or 4.0CO.00O wiiaia ia ,( 't( J. 5ia Ro4i'. 04y mada lt)w.. ..mo yirdy for aa Icaaaadiata uf ax cua la ta grad Jary .(:;. i 'ncaioai Court uf tb Dwtrici of in -.. But ta D-JtiKt A.tturay Ov- . i iu too of ton oai aa4 ta coart --, w.i tb act to Jari. , . !..-; wr tt;a frwca ta Jil of - 4 - : 'on'T. N C, aa4 feaac by , , . , , in a'Cki of Tua4ay. t& till S V .t nrtta: lfy . . tt o imm4j ai 11 l-lOtt 5-14 . : t33o biaraa4 ftrly activa, ii,r, ita lt Joioc. a4ra4r4 &329 - loinit ii'pja qait at 4i3i4i eu; ;. trao4iM tvtryboJy axpactad '.:u: h- !l.?'j-r Tihbm, of Cali ,r-u i, 1 aa taipotor. 1. rportJ ibat ttarfialii baa ir .rl a Cbii eatiag to ba bald .. I. 11 Urah. Thua ia tba old Y VV trthiegltso caoaral ia now : 0 -.. hi V Saca tha apnag b ; .! ; t4c aa bQ addi. It i . iji) ft. if aar coot V Jitaiioo of wbita and colorad ; DiiNiiona froo 1rgiala aa bill ad Kit la UarHald ia tba ialareal h Madooi rapadlatioo rvahlioa. l ai tha apac to morrow n.Jaiirlo pabluib aa ioir- Mil IU4U4 f bow Garftald ilto "eolorad man and bar" aaJ llu Soalbata wbila. Vi. car rau thiavaa will bare a '-wit- lanld ib Fall. Tba Goara-- t. rvportad aa read yto procawd, ;'. a m obliged l waul apoa lha -art. Tha airowgeaV kiad of I -ii.-h baaa btaio-ad. John O r ico m, 00 hia ?3d day, iif .i 400 pounds. Ha is to fast tjn.j - d v days. Ha is galling 00 td asys ba will wttgb 150 V"in ia wbn ha ta throegb. He thad 00 tba Slat 184$ pounds. ii dnoka from forty to fifty oaoeca o( mitr a dj. Tba aleoiioo of Cspt. Samuel A. Ah, editor of tha Raleigh iVirvs-O-Wrrrr, as Freaidaot of the North Cirolioa 1'reaa Conventioo, is a fitting tribute 10 the ability, usfulneea, and hih moral qualitiea of 00a of the leaders of lha editorial profeaaioo in our Suta. According to tba Baltimore Sun's pcial from Washington Sanator lUoaom, now in the latter city, ia credited with saving that "the anti ahlaksy era a ad a baa nodoabtedlv ocoewhst torn up the Demooratio pirty io North Carolina, but he be Urrea not materiallv. and be baa no 4ubt of the access of the regular Democratic organization." Mr. Allan R Magmder, of Vir ginia, has published a rtply to that mouthing infidel, notorious Bob In geraolL Mr. Msgrader U giving that fallow mora importance than be merits. The press Is responsible to great extent for the eucoeae that his attended the blasphemous mono tebink. Messrs. E. J. Hale A Soc, IT Uorrsj street, N. Y., arc tha pub liahen. It la a book of 142 page, excellently printed, with stiff paper back, price) 30 oeata. Graat la raid. Ha aaya ho will cot-eeo Garfield soli be baa apolo giMd. . Two ltUm:pu4d Uiwnb rral4tni a AppointBiaota. v Gaxfiell rraa to poblisb them now. Grant rill rcir lit tuUsana parsa of 230.000 ia few diTt In tha mean- fMVjvwwaiBwiun. a me mean- ma it is reported thai Garfield wrote . 0 . Ivn. .1. . .L OorxepOTdentf theldaboro . 7""' ..war waa ia aiexMo, -to the enect that when he . r . appointed J ode Ilobertaon to the uoueotorsbjp of tba port of New llofk ha enppoaad thai the appoiot- mwt woald bo Mtfectly atlsfaetorr tt J- K:!2 " VJ wu.iu5. iu Al thar. J n are discussing Secretary Windoxa and mum imai aa luotnuM oonneciea with tba Treasury Deoartment. There waa msch seal ehown at first . oy tna new secretary 10 ierreung oat crookedness bat rumor save that tha crookedaeaa got to be ao crooked the . A . ft A A L.J tL c,li0 Su one puv hi, seal on ice and locked np hie nosers. It ia no doubt a fact that tha ioveeti. gauoo hM been abandoned. It is no doubt true that the Secretary ia very mum aa to bia discovert ee. lie re- f uaa poai lively to tell what he knows about the U. 8. Treasury corruptions. If ha would have the confidence and reepal of even booeet Republican! ba must no leod hia aid to aoppreae propar ecrauoy or to prevent the ex- eliminate. The New York AWa nti: A pwpaUr tide as ai la I hat farors taa aauaiiay wf auapicioaa idcJel affairs, aad a cKe vi ei win D tept 00 memDcrs or ta unef "Ko aacsa oepoaao 10 cover 117' -.'1 7 !T:k-T7!:lf 171 ' " . plk of 1 a cnaalaaJ ia thai deprv aviai la tk r precadtag amlaUtxadona kaf aV-J.I 1 aa Vaw a aa a a aw t 1 4 a eaan nf 4a ! ITS fWa m w a. a. v 1 f m " "au,alu" win(HUiu tba Boatoo Jormai aaya that it is a rvKtr uuuoiai id mh.mujvwu cat olace ander the Government for aw r applioAota, tba pric varyiog from ItOOtotlvO. Thia ia lovely. The ehif agvnla ii tbaa work are woman. aba arw tb stoat partinactoaa and a aoblabiflg of lobbyiata. Tha cor- rfoai4nt aaya that ooa of thia class "mad oaarly, it ool quite, 12,000 laat wmiar. by ebtaieieg the sign a-I larva of Coograaamao to applications for placaM by parsons represented by bar to be her rvlalivaa, but 'who, In lact, pau her lor tne piscea tnus oo- ... . a .a al La is ad. Ia oea InsUncw tha dismissal oc a iasv eiars was ootaieao on tne i complaiot that she had denounced ;ba adatin'tatratioo, and a young girl wMptlo the vacant pl w-oe friaoda paid ?0O io cash the day that her appointment waa signed. - It a - is wall for the people to understand some of the many ways by which frauds are praoiioad upon them. Here la Sarah Bernhardt! opioioo of this country: X LU V I IU tm m iau vvwuj, ooloaeal. extraordiearyft fabulous; a veritable ooa n try of Jules Verne. The aodieocaa al American tbeatree are brilliant. Sueh rich toilets I The ladiee know bow to drees. The publio aedersUod very welL Their appre ciaUoo ia qeite warm and sympathet ic The women are charming everything that ia lovable but the men are not ao nice aa the women." TBI rrM Convention. From tbe Raleigh ATeics- Observer j we copy: i I i .j w:. j i-rv- iittnp I livered hu adrew on "The History I of Journalum iathie State." It waa a comprehenaive statement of the I leadiotr iournala of North Carolina I from 1749 ap to a eoroparatively re- I cent period, the Governor leaving his I own connection with tbe press and .. . .j -.v .v.j. t I tne ieoent penoa w owier uaaua. i. Chmtet Qilmer,upon the person of adaugh waa a very instructive and valuable I tcr of prioge Winchester, all colored. This contribution to onr meagre history ol I North Carolina papers and editors, and received the hearty approval of every one preeent. Io thoroughly good taste and In fine diction, it won applawee - and elicited praise on all - - , r . stuaa. r ". 0mmmm. m a a a m T0m0rrOW ryftnOg Will OS epent m I TUiung; tboDOtowoTlhT point of SaJetn aod Wlostoti.tiaaat .nlfhlm Diil wxu, oo , given oy vua uwou. On Tbartday night thi preat wiiUt- und a baaqe and on Friday morn- iaz tber will Uke a special car, kindly placedattbeifdl7J.by CoL An- drew a, and visit Morehead City. I Spirits Turpennne. Rockiogham Spirit'. Anti-Pro hlbliloe ta itroog la Anaoo mock more so than we sxpecieo end iba oooaiy wiu likely give a large majority that way. 'Henderson Tobacconist andJle arw. Plans for a seven thousand dollar bote!, to b erected In Henderson, are being made. The aotet will be built of brick, aad ke to be finished by the 1st of No- Hickory Pr4ss: -A bee atung a I Mr. Yooac aoavia-law of Her. f . U Heckle! taa effacts of which he died Wednesdsy. I I Jnao 13. ; TbU U th flrrt Ume w ?er Laorlabarx ComaUy . Oompaar mado !U dta 01 ttw .17ih lost., at I andiaact coxopoaadof lb ellu and tntelll l portion of our oommoxilty. The ora I . , . T , T , . 'rnr-m Mmtr: nera u consiaaraDia ix"nz rtT; v " TnTTT w,i JKT; Vh I P rew ys paat, is ever greatec inan I wwuon"oeatloa. la nu county. Ah(Mthen known. Yesterday aootberflre laneral Impreatton U that the lannere and rSn near Hamlet, aid the srioke KLiTOaXJr are Terr much U favcr of .and. working I raXotlt - 'V - Graham rJWr: -Foot thou- aud tDladlai vu u ODerttloa in Bt ep ana's mills aadooa hcxtdred and aaveati five looms -were deatroyexi, fifteen of which 1 nid been woven on trvem. una aay iasi weekMr. Bwepeon waa offered f 173,owfor 1 great dlfflculty. Leakrville ffazette: The narrow f0 grsimhaa oecn compiatea. excepi i oaiwacij . jajLBTLua' anv ouuumm' hhi. I The broad gange haa all the graaug I coau1 Irom "iJ.llnlurearonthetwoiquaieaveaM I I . t . J Y - 0MM I frlma line. drove of moles, from SuSU- I vtUe. I Greensboro Patriot: The dam I M tia S 4.11'' ka tka who Ivnched Taylor, the negro I fleadramouated to between thirty and forty dollars, and the people of Rockingham county promptly paid the Dm. 11 is probable that the Bute Execnilve Commit tee of lha Democratic party will take some action 00 the prohibition question during the comiog week. Stateeville Landmark: The fifth - t . rv - m .w. V If 1. christian Association of North Carolina I coavanad la the Preebyterian church or I iki. 1 j -.v. a ... I iktoaTexsrclaes the addraee of welcome I wss dallverad bv Mr. B, F. Long. Revs. I t d r id r - - - . & a mi I u. uwjbv. n . xj. x naur ata a a u- I lianir alao welcomed lha visitors toBuies- I villa. Resnonsea were made by Mr. R. EL 1 caidwalL of Oreensboro. and nr. welkins. 1 secretary of tha lntarnaUonal association. Charlotte OUcnxri The Hornet I ry ti h. .lai . I wyvj w - o eioca ror ureeavuia, to parucipaia ia ua I firemen's tournament at that place to- I t"v s4. r iK- lavsve v w aaw a v aaw a Ml awwaana morv hoc w muut uow m qowowvu tea A mmm mm I am C) It. aa k si Va4 W tOAlasaak ye-vy ua i.wn 1 im w w? attavA awu. va wa iaaa Qold Miaa ahaiaa, aa alao la Ooarad 111U I ock. Tha highest point reached by the I fAenA ana a at ArX wavKllaa tVa I at nriAf aliAria I are K3 63. Co arad ma waa up to 91 70. 4 has fallen back to II SO. Jfnodtmiani The last Legiala- lara approrriatad S3.000 to aaublish four addlUoaaJ ISoraial achoers for white teach- era. sod tba same rum for foot additional schools for colored lea chars. Oaa of these colored N vtfflael schools has bee a located in Hewbarr. The selection of this point Is wla. a It La lha ceaue of a vary large colored popalaiioa. The 8apertotesdeet of Ptablw laatrecUoe haa appoiatad Kav. C. L Vaav. aad Measra. Oeo. Ahea aad O- tt. Flskar as Directors. Amogemesu wui Da asaoa promptly ror t&e opening or this school at aa earry dsy. JTeae Utrnlcm: The truck ship pad fruca this point by railroad dnrlog this w-aieii aa aa v awaa iMiymwa sr evwaawai a aa saw I aaaal ft1 nav W aw4 taaBv4 a w I n n foot Bp tubals asfollow: Psaa, 24,439; baaas, 4.114; potatoea, 15,o3X; turolpe end I 1 wrr ftnntih 111. ninmPMir ui. LvatiMa M makia total of 17 2?s bushels. The trw freight by steamers ftr m footing of 6831 bushels. The lha vegetables aow offered for rail ship meat, at this point, will avers re from eight to tea dally, thoegh oa Tuesday last it re quired nfleea cars. Greensboro Patriot; We have Juat learned that Mr. J. J. Boakk, of this county, race ally lost a valuable alore aad stock of goods by fire. So wa are really going to have aa old fashioned 4lh of July celebration In Greensboro this year. We learn that steps have bee a taken la that directioa. Mr. J. M. Leach. Jr.. of Lex ington has been aeJeeted as orator for the occasion. Oa boo day night last. sir. Gear, a worthy citlaen of Durham. N. CL. died at about 9 o'clock. Sometime during the same eight Mrs. Geer died. He wss 83 aad she 70 years ox age. The had been married 53 years. Both were borrted at the same time yesterday afternoon. ZL Hills bo ro Observer: It n said thai a rape was committed on Sundsy last by Bill raucett, colored, on the person of Lizzie, a child or Jenny Faucett, a colored woman living near Upper Eno bridge, above Hills bo ro. The girl ia about tan years of age. Freeman ilailb, a eolored man living In Cedar Grove town- and oca of the finest tobacco raisers J in rorin uaxoiiaa, soia a iwonorte wagon load of tobacco in Durham last week for eight hundred and fifty odd dollars. It tTnM?ej eji .67 to the hundred after pa B- wtrhonse charges, etc And yet a negro at the South donl have a fair ahow- log Greensboro Pattlo-Ground: The peaceful citizens in the neighborhood "" auempieu rape, mane oa xaursusy jest, oy is tha third offsnse or this character by Charles, and he shouJd.be quickly. dealt JJi .ttimpuTrspVand senteced'to nine years in jail, but snoceeded in . having the sentence shortened. He was again np on a similar charge, convicted and sentenced to twenty years in the penitentiary, where 1a sWav V aaaaa V j avn naea nnaa naaaa a) a a ,mmmmA Tt,- ffood rwonla ara hnntino him I bnt d0 not talk of jjnehing. Goldaboro Mmmger: The stockholders meeting oi the Athtauo ds 14. 1 a Railroad next wawmobUeMD latereetlnr one. Wa. learn that atleast two lrT Tine.and the other by Mr. W. J. Best, Both propositions are said to be much bet ter taan tnoae conaiaerea isst summer. We learn from the'Kl&aton Journal that at the last meeting of the Caswell Monument Association it was finally de cided that the monument should be un vailed on the third of August. The Grand Master of Masons of North . Carolina wss requested to call the craft together and Join la the ceremonies. It was decided that Gov. Jarvls. Mrs. Got. Swain and other relatives of Gov. Caswell should be especi ally Invited to attend the unveiling cere monies. - And now the newsboys are not permitted to sell papers on Bandsy in this dry. There is such a thing as VoTtr doia reform inseearca.n: Might, aa well etop the poetoncw irom aejiyenag- mau on i tsyaT Thuxsdsr night some burg- lsf eatered U)e Q&ce of the Western Union I Tdcmph COTaptay, lasawd UL tLe Gre- cumVadeak of sixty-one dollars and fifty cents. it iu"-i;v.iiti i& yrx 3o i . ' m i .a ' rm 'j.J'' fjni I I -7 gn'tfiiww.;? temberto Friday .last, were '74,839 . bales. I Xinst 48,728 bales up to, ma aame aaie utMt Th dw an inrreaaa of 25.B1S I baleala favor of Uxlsaeaaon. -Welesrn tha decUon by tha w forest firei BeAf Manly, which deicribed in thia Carolina, are working very industriously to I have him made Marshal of tba Western Dis- tricV In place.of Robert Douglass. The, uidk uer vtu min u nusr uugo.o I vr.Tonrgee Is endorsiBif 4Lf. LJocrery. Two atore houaeain Chapel Hill are advar tiaed for aala, Mr. Thomas Wl Battle. son of Mr. Kemp P. Battle; Mr. James Manning, eon of Hon. John Manning, ana and Mr. Charles C HoldeD. ton of ex-Oov, W. W. Holden, wlU all sail from New Tork on Batnrdav .next Zox. iSnciaoa. A aopplemenl to the Warren ton uYeto 1 Myi that the late fire reached from Row jeti e comerto the old xtorwoon xiouse io 1 t dUUnceof 200 yardi), leaving nothing I " J . . "T . . T&enumner oz nouses aesirpyea were seventeen in alL The actual loss, accord ing to the beet information we can get, Is $75,000, and the aggregate amount of insu rance is $40,000. njfW ADVUTIIinBNTt. W. H. Gbjcxk Medicines. Muksoh Pants to meastire. . A. DaviD Just what you want. Hkctkbxsgxr Sommer reading. W. 8. Butsxa Female high school. Excubsioh Front St. Meth. 8. School. MceiOali Soibm Pupils Mr. E Van Laer. I. seal Data. f . . - Tbla ia-St. John -Baptist's Day. Receipts of ootton yesterday 16 balee. . , . No session of the Mayor's Court yesterday moralng. Up to yesterday afternoon 3,312 persons hsd listed their taxes, leaving about 500 delinquents. Yesterday morning, at a quarter to 4 o'clock, the thermometer at tbe Stab odea registered 61 degrees. The armory of the Wilmington Light Infantry, In the basement uf ibe City-J Hall, is belog painted and otherwise im proved. The brig Angelia waa cleared from this port for Progresso, Mexico, yes terday, by Measra. Northrop & Cummiug, ith 300,515 feet of lumber The FayettevilJe excursionists who left here on Thursdsy last did not reach home until the following Sunday, on acoooat of the low water ia the river One firm of cigar manufacturers on Hsrket street expended $68 yesterdsy in revenue stamps. This, for one dsy, would Indicate that the boats ess is looking up. Quite a large crowd participated la tbe excursion on the steamer Pattpori I yesterdsy, under the auspices of St. Thomas' selves delighted with the trip. We bear that Dr. Cloud, the Water Wotks contractor, offers, if the authorities will suitably enclose and turf the aitd of the old market house, to furnish a ntee fountain and tbe necessary water. Jtxteaei ve Panaaalna; Vereat Flree On Sunday last, the 19th lest., during a severe storm, lightning struck a pine tree at the head of Colvia's Creek, near the di viding line between Sampson and Pender ecus ties, when the tree became Ignited.and the flamee continued to spread until they had awept over some six or seven thousand acres of land, destroy lag box trees, fences, turpentine, timber and other property,- ie eluding a large part of the growing crop of corn belonging to Giles Hayes, colored, which happened to fall within their devas tating course.' The principal sufferers are Messrs. J. R. Hawes, Vollera, G: W. McMillan, Archie Corbett and Geo. How ell, the latter of whom lost about thirty or thlrty-fiye barrele of turpentine, some in shipping order and some in boxes. The fire waa still raging up to Tuesday night, but our informant, Mr. O. C, Woodcock, thinks the rains of the last day or two have effectually stayed, the devouring flames in their onward course. ttaateeJ JBaitertalnaaant. : Mn VanLaers pupils will give a musical soiree at the 'Ooera Hdttse. on Mondsy aTeiiin. June 27th: The second Dart Of the programme Will be rendered by MraD. KahnweDer, Messrs. N; Mayer arid R. Grant; and the' Aribn Ouartette, consisting f Mesirg- iTmey Thome. Welsh and Free-: OI ""fT-A.nvorPt eisnana iiree raont.' whose retmtatlona aa delirhtf nr sine mmwm' w - - rm , am im fen wftfl AataKKaKAVt tat it la n lesstosaohe wordln'this mtimtyas to their cspabtlitles. The programme: we nilliMrfiI1(i -in h . rnnuV An and w apmar. one. and we an enjoyable affair. . Thejidmlssidn will be only 25 cents, including reserved seats, this small charge bemg made in order - to. par tially cover the expenses. PaneTar saparier Cnnes. So far no cases of much importance have been disposed , of by I Pender: Snperior Court, now In session at Burgaw.. Yester dsy, however, the caie of Abbie Howard,; colored; charged with Infanticide, : was- set for trial,' to commence at 12 o'ctoctf,' a ipe clal venire of fifty men having been' or dered from whfah toselect a Jury. Messrs. Bland, df PeadcT, and Powell, ol Sampson, were'asslgned by Judge iSraves aa( conniet ' ' J - . t ! ; . ... wvL U -i-' m'LiiZlilHJ? "J probable the Court wH remain ftn sestton daring tha balance of the week. aily waainar Bulletin. The following will; show the state, the thermometer, at the stations named,1 8.U0 1. !M. yesterday, Washington mean time, and also the ..amount : of . rainfall inches forMthe. twenty;four. hours ending daily at 3 P. except Tuesday, when is 48 hours., as furniabedpjr the SIgna Temp. Rainfall, weather. Atlanta 81 .00 .00 Fair Augusta.'..,..... Charleston. . .... . ' Charlotte.....,., Coraicana Galveston... -Havana.......... Indian.iia....... . Jacksonville...... Key West Montgomery Puau Rassa. . .'. Savannah......... Wilmington...... PortEads........ Cedar Key s...... Pensacola ... ... 98 79 80' 104 93 87 90 78: 89 92 85 79 79 ea 84 91 Fair; Clear Fair Clear Fair .29-: . J00 . 00 .00 ,.00 00 .00 .79 - .00 .00 .15 . .57 .00 .00- .00 Cloud w-L-? Cloudv Fair Fair Clear Fair Th'tng Fair The following are the Indications for the Booth Atlantic States to-day: r . Fair weather, winds mostly north easterly, stationary or higher temperature and barometer. Tba Visit af lha Cnmrloite ammtanra ' to WHmUtciom The Charlotte Observer, of yesterday, has the following concerning the recent visit of the Gounod Club to this city : m aRa mmm,m m " mt "ine uounoa uiuo returned irom Wil mington yesterday evening at 6:45, and from all accounts met with a brilliant suc cess in the city by tbe sea. The club, on its arrival in Wilmington, was met at the depot by a delegation from the Dramatic Club of that city, who escorted the Char lotte club to the Opera House, and then to the Purcell, where they were entertained in royal style during their stay. Tbe presen tation of the "Pirates" Monday night waa followed by an informal reception at tbe furcell Jiouse, after which one portion 01 the east was invited to the club room where refreshments and cigars were served. . On Tuesday mornins the whole party, accom panied by a large number of Wilming- tonians, were taken to wrigbtsviue sound, where dinner was served, and yachting and surf bathing were indulged in. Tuesday night a ball was given at Germania Hall in honor of the Charlotte club. This is a oner outline of the manner in which the club waa entertained. "The members of the club assert that their entertainment while in -Wilmington could not have been surpassed, and speak In the hizbeat terms of tbe courtesies ex tended by tbe citizens generally, and by tne Dramatic Club In particular. There was not tbe slightest occurrence tending to mar the pleasure of tbe trip, and the occasion will ever be remembered as one of tbe par ticularly pleasant events in tbe history of tbe club." Cnapinaeatary Hep A bop was given at Germania Hall on Wednesday night complimentary .to Mr. and Mrs. S- Hanstein, on tbe eve of their departure for Hew York, where Mr. Han stein will go into business. A large num ber of thfiir friends were nreaent. and the affair wss an exceedingly pleasant one. Mr. Hanstein's family left for New York last evening, and he will follow them in a few days. Mr. H. was a good citizen, and leaves many friends behind, who, while regretting the necessity that calls him from their midst, will wish him a prosperous career in his new quarters. aflame p Keen a. Our Catholic friends will regret to learn that there is little or no improvement in the condition of Bishop Keane's eyes, the sight of which has been failing for some time past, lie has been forbidden by his phy sicians to visit cither the springs of Virginia or me sea snore, tne simospnere ol tnese resorts being regarded as too moist for dis eased eyes. The Richmond Dispatch says he has now gone to Harper's .Ferry, where be will spend several weeks. Arrest ol n Craxy Woman. Emms Nixon, colored, was arrested yes terday afternoon, by Officer Stone, of the police force, charged with acting very dis- nrderlv in "Brooklyn " The husband of . . ' " thn woman anhseanentlv called at the ata- tion house and declared that his wife was crazy, and that he. had been compelled to remove their children into the country in consequence of this derangement of her mental faculties. She will be held for a hearing before the Mayor this morning. THK XDLA11.8. The malls close and arrive at the City Post Office as follows: - CLOSE. Northern through mails, fast, 5:30 P. M. Northern throriffh and wav mails. ................... o :40 A, M. Raleigh. 5:40 A. M. Mails for the N. C. Railroad, and routes supplied there f mm inolndinff A. & N. C Railroad, at. . . . 5:40 A. M. Southern mails for all points South, daily.......... 7:45 P. M. Westarnmails(aO. Ry) daily (except Bundayl. ........ . . v.-uoA H. Mail for Gheraw & Darlineton Hallroad. 7.-45ZP.'H. Malls for points between Flo p m. rence and Charleston, a.... Fayetteville.andofficeson Cape Fear Kiver, xuesaays . ana Fridays. 1:00 P M. 9:00 A. M FayetteviHe, via Lumberton, dauv. except Sundays.... Onslow C H. and. interme diate offices, Mondays and Thursdays..... i.. ........ 6:00 A M. Smithville mails, by steam- . boat, daily except Sundays) 8:30 A.M. Mails lor-Easy Hill, Town : ; Creek, Shallotte ; and Little a , ; ; : :- . River, Mondays andThurs days... .. . ......... . 6?00 A- M. Wilmington, and.- Black.River- ; " ChapelV Mondays, 1 Wednes . - days and Fridays. . . ... ... 5:00 A. M. OPEN VOB DSUVKXir.; : t - .; Northern . through and ? way V . . - P. . . . mails........ 7-30 A.' M. Southern mails 7.-00 P. M. and 7.80 A. M. Carolina Central Railroad.... 4.-00P. M. Mails collected fromstreet boxes every day.at4.00PMi; sud General delivery openfrom 7D A. M, to 7:00 P. M., and on Sundays from a 0 to t Stamp Office open from. 8 AJSaLjo 12M., and from 2 to&:S0P,2t. Money order and Register Departmentopen, same aa stamp office. j 1 Aaaauil and raaca Warrant. of i Dick Boston, coloredLwas arrested yes- at J terday for an assault, and also oq a peace warrant, and Ordered to give a, justified In bond in the sum'of f50 for his appearance I before Justice McQaigg on Saturday, at 4 it PM;;ia default of which, he was com"- mittedto jail. " HIVBR AND BISBkNE. , Bexque AJfen, hence, arrived at Ant werp, on the 22nd Inst. tt- The Steamer A. P. Burt finally sue-' needed in reaching this port from Fayette- I viUe Wednesday night Sheleftthe steam. I M rrW iKTOHsiazy. murcnison in m le. m mm a a m . . . tne neignpornopa oz JCiiiztDetntown trying to make their way to this city. The water is exceedingly low. Steamer D- Murchison , Capt. Roberts, arrived last night about 11 o'clock. The captain reports the rrver distresinfi;ly low The balance of the fleet the Wave and the 2Tor& State will probably reach here thia morning. . The MurohUon left Fsyetteville- on Tuesday last. There have been fine rains along the river below Fay etteville. FLIES AND MOSQUITOES. A 15c . box of "Rough on Rats" wiil keep a house rree irom mes. mosauitoes. rats and mice. ... . a .'. . . me entire season. Druggists. QUAETKBLY MKBTINGS. for the Wilmington District of the Methodist K. Church, Sonth Third Round, in part : Dnpnn, at Richland's. Jane 3538 Bladen, at Mew Church. JhIt 2 s Elizabeth, at KHzabethtowa. .. July 6 wniwTiue,at Whttenile July 1817 IT KCUOIW, U MDUOB duly iid 24 Smithrille Station...... jiy S3 14 U. s. dUKMI ba i, ' Prwiirting Elder. CITY 1X12 in . A RARS , BARGAIN. A well eatahllahed and proaperooa Weekly Newspaper, located In a thri- W pwwmg Town on tne lino or a prominent road. - Is offered for aale. Terma mn. For terms and particulars apply to the editor of thia paper. PRFJUDICB KUXS. "Klevcn veara onr daneh- ter Buffered on a bed af miBerr under the cars of seTeral of the bast (and some of the worst) naval. ciaua, wao gave ner disease various names out no relief, and now aae Is restored to us in good health oj aa Bimpie a remeaT as nop uiuersuiat we aad noohed at for Tears before uain? It. We e&rneatlv hope and pray thai no one else will let their aick auffer aa we did, on account ef prejudice agalnet ao , Kooa a momonB m uop jDiners." xne rarents. -AVMsnun. XBS. WINBLOWS 8COTHINQ 8YEUP Rev Sylranua Cobb thus writes in the "Boston Christian Freeman" : We would by no means recommend . any kind of medicine which we did not know to be goon parpen lany ror uuanta. oat or Mrs. wins low's. Soothing byrupwe can speak from knowl- ia our own family it ass prored a blessing ML by tdvine an infant troubled with eolic pains, quiet sleep, and lis parents unbroken rest at ugnt. slobs parents can appreciate tnese Diessincs. Here is an article which works to perfection, and which ia harmless; for the sleep which it affords LUev be without it from the birth of the child till it had finished with the teething siege, on any considera tion whatever. Sold by all druzzlfita. 35 cents a Dottle. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. j O P E K A. . HO TJ S Ea npHB PUPILS OF MB. B. VAN LAKH WILL give a MUSICAL SOIRBB, at the Opera House, MONDAY EVENING, JUNK 37th. at 8 P. M. In addition, there will be a CONCERT (Part II.), in which Mrs. D. EAHNWEILBR, Messrs. N MAYER, B. GRANT, and the ARION QUAR TETTE, consisting of Messrs. TILLKY. THORPE, WJUUi ana trsjULvnx' win taae part. T Admission 35 cents, including Reserved Seat. Sale of Beats commences Saturday. June 35th. at ueinaDerger's jsook store. ir eu je 24 n I FOR "WACGAMAW. I JTJJEE ' EXCURSION ! - TO THE . Front Street lethoiist Snniay School, Tuesday, Jane 28, 1881. Train will leave Trent Street Depot at 8.15; re turning at 7.S0. Parties not connected with the School are inn- ted and promised a pleasant time. I -. for Bound Tripsoc. collected atthe gate. I JeS4 3t frsu Front bu Meth. s. s. 1 vTRMmm , iiin I axxi. rvBiliu orsaauo FEMALE HIGH SCHOOL. I Highest point B. g. b. b. Property owned air. ' VUajuait tarns- trraetlcai school. MathematUs tpecktfly thorough. Good food. Tuition, accuUmic course, with Music and Board, not to exceed flip per session so weeas. jso extra, vx-siad AU GUST a, 1881. Catalogue sent oh application to Principal, w. B. saanaB, je84DAW4w Kittrells, N. C. J-UEB HART'S EXTRACT OF MALT A HOPS - at. Jacobs OR, . Mellin'a InfanU' Food, Gum Camphor, Hop Bitters, Ac. s9FrescrlDtlons compounded at all noun day adafcn . waa. jo. ttuaa, inauuw JeS4tf Market, bet. Front and 3d 8ta. Edi. CW Cassimere Pants - JADETO MEASURE FOR $7 50, Handsome Plain Case. Pants ror z bo. At MUNSON'fl Tailoring Establishment. Front Street. eS41t Just What You Want. JF TOTJ GO TO THE SOUND, X)ii TU IELH .KUUOT'ALKB, OB IF TOU STAT AT HOME, Ton need LIGHT ETYLISH GARMENTS to give yon tone and comfort. Just what yon want you 1U find at A. DAVID'S, Leading Clothier and Jetatf i Merchant Tailor. Summer Beading. -nrRS.:GEOFFRBT, A Novel, by the author or Phyllis, Molly Sawn-, Airy Fairy LOliaa, etc. A LESSON iN LOVE, of the fioand-Bobin Se- THE BAILIFF'S MAID. 1 v TttK EICHKOF8, frbn the German, by M. A. HiTPT -GO tUCKT,:by author of Bntladge. Fori HauNBBKBSKRB Je 34 tf Lire Book and Music Store. uemiam lapenecuy natural, ana tnentuecneruD awakes aa brighi as a button." And during the Eroceas of teething its value is Incalculable. We aye freauently heard mothers sav thev would net NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ; JJY LOSSES BY THE FIRE TUESDAY MIGHT have been repaired, and I am prepared to deliver Gcoda with Dispatch in say park of the eityV I shall lose no time 'trie Ting, but am prepared to offer BARGAINS to all who call an ted, I bay for CASH whon any advantage is offered, aad I can al- most always offar iadacementa Hare noir a large lot of CANVASSED HAMS. maU sss,' WhlcV I can cell cheap. 'J 10 Tierces best LARD Juat received. ' SO Tuba BUTTER, all grades. A very choice lot N. 0. 8 ID S3, SmeU lot large N.C.HAM3 at ltjfc. Store on Second Street, Carr BoQtfing, ' Jas. C. Stevenson NEW UACES. 7' ; - Brown tt Roddick . . . 45 Majrket'.sltrooi,.' Z '" WE HAVE JUST BXCZTVKD AND af ARKKD off a beautiful hae of very daalraale 1AUB4, and at e offering the aame very cheap. PRINTED COLLARS. Another invoice of Ladles and Children's Printed Cambric Collars juat to hand, embracing many w stylea. DlLK UA.VS BUTTS. Very desirable and cool for thia warm weather. PRINTED MUSLINS. A full assortment of the abova. - BROWN RODDICK, t - Jell tf 46 Market C For the Sound. rpHE WAGONETTE WILL LEAVE CORNKK Second and Princeta Streeta. EVERT EVENING (except Sundays), FUR THE HOUND, at S o'clock . Returning, leave the Boand in the morning, at ? o'clock. Fare. 60 cants each way. - Je 17 lw . . . T. . bOUTHEBLAND. .Dissolotion of Copartccrstip. TIE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE BX. istintr under the name and atria of JOHN DAWSON CO., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. John Dawson having eold hia entire Interest Io the business to William E. aad John C. Springer, who la authorized to collect all debts due to John Daweon & Co. JOHN DAWSON, WILLIAM B. SPRINGER. Wilmington, N. C, June 11, 18tL . Copartnership Notice. WILLIAM B. SPRINGER A CO., suoceraora to TlDM ft A VXTwrtVa Mr fVI l 1 1 IV. V V V VA " BJWi'a W VV, Will wutivua uo HARDWARE BUSINESS in all 1U branches ;.wll I enaeavor to maintain tne ceieDratea reputation tne Senior member of the old firm enjoyed bo many years. Soliciting the most liberal patronage it re ceived, we assure all who may patronize us. that we will do all that is possible to give entire tads xacuon. Buying goods aa formerly for prompt cash. Bell - ing same at lowest cash prices. Wilmington, N. C, June 11. 1881. A Card. TV) ALL MY OLD FRIENDS AND CUSTOM - X er era. buying ttaraware. i solicit their calling en and patronizing my successors, who will eonuna the Hardware Business at the old stand, on tha same principles that an experience of over fifty years has proven to be the only sure and lasting ones to success. My office will be in the atore. where I can be found most of business hours. JelSSw nac JOHN DAWSON. A Card. I WILL RESUME ON NEXT MONDAY, CTU last., the practice of MECHANICAL DENTIS TRY, using Celluloid as a Base Plate. mce run set su uo. Do. half aet 80 00. J. H. DURHAM, Dentist, je 1 lm Princess St. , bet. Front andjMcond. Wanted 1,000 Men,, rjv BUY BUGGIES, CARTS; WAGONS, UAH- neas. Saddles, Collars, Hanes, Blind Brldlee, Ac Best goods and lowest price. Jel9 tf GBRHARDTACO. Now Ready. LISTS OF CRATE ' ASSOKTJINT8 i"iUR EARTHENWARE AND GLABSWAR are now ready for distribution, and will ba mailed ta reliable i arties upon application.. GILES A MURCHISON. J e 19 tf 18 and tO Murchlaon Block. Drive Wells . AT HALF THE COST OPEN OBES. AND A thousand tlmea better, tend for special Ulna- rated circular. COOK STOVES CHEAPER THAN EVER. Write for catalogue and price Hat. jel9 tf F. M. KINO A CO. Cottage Clailer silts TTANDSOMELY ORNAMENTED,, qUEEB Anne, Beat Lake and other design. Straw Mat ting. Loungec, Spring Beda, JLaUrea.es and Saltan Furniture, for sale low by V. A. Ban a m JelOtf . - j 41 North Front SL Notice. TO ALL WHOM IT MAT CONCERN, , that I have a Flrst-Claae A No. 1 Car- . riaae Painter. Those wishing to neve their Carriage, Baggy or Phnton painted, will so well to give us a trial We gnarantae eaUafaetloa at low prices. On Third, between Markat and rria cess Streets. " - ' ' JelStf vAivaru Cool, Did You Say IF YOU DESIRE YOUR mKBJt tu ill com fortable and healthy, send them to board where they will be Oeou mM Persons living on tne atomoaa wui oo wru to ut their Horses fed with ns while la tbe city. t , , JAS. w. Buumani.si'u w., je 8 tf vppoalta Taeatr. Sundries. 970 8fCKS IEBPOOL BAIT, ' ,v SS BhU SPANISH BROWNr ' ' 0 Balea COTTON YARN, .. :. SO Carloads Prime White CORN. ,..,., Few sale low for esab. .' , : . ;. r " ' I' ' - ::: ..".Hew Cargo.Icp.!' r, gCHB. D. B. ETEBJaTT JUST AhJ WITH CARGO OF ICS. For sale at oar ladependent Ice Honeea, on Water between MarkM aad Does; abv. dNnUbetwe.MuibaandW w I

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