. tS 5I0BHIHQ STAB. II, IVH. II. BERNARD. it j:;MS:iBi DAILY SICXPI MONDAYS. BATES OF SOBSCiSIPTMMI CS 3VAXO uc yrar, (by mail) postage paid, 4li months, t M r&r months, m f 1 JO 4 2 25 jc monui 1 00 ' ToOity Sabseriber, delivered in any part of the itv Fifteen VOIIUJ P woon. wui vi.jr Aomevc , j t authorised to collect for more than three months n advance. Butered at the Poet Office at Wilmington, N. C, as second class matter. OUTLINE. Iuva Republican Convention nominated "Sherman for Governor, and O. H. Manning for Lieut. Governor. H. I. Kimball, Director General of the International Cot ton and Industrial Exposition, secured large subscriptions to the capital slock at Chicago, St. Louis, Louisville and other Western cities; no apprehensions are now entertained of a lick of funds to carry the exposition forward. A passenger train un the Southwestern railroad.of Georgia, bJUQd for Macon, was wrecked near Gene va; the accident was caused by a broken rail; Kov. Mr. Cook, of Columbus, and Rev. Mr. GlEzebrook, of Macon, were amjng ihe passengers seriously wounded. A cyclone in Rockingham county, Va., on Saturday last, did great damage togrow iogcio;9, buildings, etc. ; hail fell to the depth of six inches. The Cornell crew were ues'.en in the boat race on the Thames yesterday: coming in a bad third. Allrsys have occurred in Prague be tween i lie populace and German students; several of the Utter were severely wounded. Tbe Irish agitators issue an appeal to I'.hh voters iu Eugl'uh towns to organize in the cmto of lrelaud. Four iegimenti of Turkish troops are under orders to start f oul Constantinople for Tripoli, where a uv! Jetnaustrtttion is threatened by Fiai'te Contacts for the Southern f ist mail scivice via the Richmond & Dan ville ItiilronJ, expired yesterday, and the road declines the service longer. A e'.asie coach from Lke City to Alamosa, .:,,!., wa-3 robbed by two matkd men; hi ween $80 and $950 was taken from the piieugers and the mail and the treasure. Russia is making arrangements for a Urge addition tj ber flaet. The plan turihe Voiktown Centennial has been ap proved; it will cost $100,000. The nalioual debt sWtement will show a de crease of eleven million dollars. New York markets: Money 35 per cent.; cotton steady at 11 1-1C11 5-16 CeutS Of 132 appointees to West Point the physicians rejected 12 and tbe examining board 58. Tbe tail of the comet is long enough to satisfy a Pasha of many tail". The last estimate is 35,000, 000 miles. iioscoe Conkling paid Mrs. Kate Sprague a mysterious visit the other lay. She was stopping at the West minster Hotel, New York. Montgomery, Ala., has organized a cotton factory company. We like to record such developments. Where shall we find the next one? Tbe Virginia Republican "black and tan" got possession of the party machinery. The vote was close, bnt the Wickhamites triumphed. The following couplet might be applied to many an old stager who "lags superfluous:" "Old politicians chew on wisdom past, And totter on in blunders to the last." Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, desires that the remains of tbe great Wil laim Pitt shall be removed to that city. The Britishers will never agree to that. William Gale, an English pedes trian, is now endeavoring in New York to walk 6,000 quarter miles in 6,000 quarter hours. He began on Tuesday. And now Prof. Kleine, of Ken tucky, claims to be the discoverer of the comet, and that he saw it last September. He says it is the comet of 1783. Next. The talk in Washington is that a new and. elegant Presidential man sion will have to be built and in a more elegible and healthful part of the beautiful city. We have received the catalogue of the State Colored Normal School at Fayetterille, N. C. Everybody is "Hon." There were 109 pupils males 63, females 46. Senator Johnston reports the Yir- giniarDemocracy in splendid condi tion and spiritsr He. says he has ad vices from every section, and the debtpayers will carry the State by at least thirty thousand majority. Ah l Ah! Is that so, old Simon? The New Orleans Item is responsible for the statement that Simon Came ron pocketed 130,000 in that city some forty years ago and departed for parts unknown. Old Simon Ma gusjs a trump. The Chicago Saengerfest will be a great thing. It will be held in th Exposition Building and $70,000 has been subscribed to pay expenses. Il s estimated that 150,000 visitors wil 1 VOL. XXVIII. NO. 87. attend. Societies of singers assemble there from St. Louis, Cleveland, Cin cinnati, Philadelphia, Buffalo, Colum bus, Milwaukee, Louisville, Fort Wayne, Richmond, Dayton, Bloom ington and Pekin making a male chorus of fifteen hundred voices. The soloists are Peschka-Leutner, Cary, Remmertz, Whitney and other great singers. There will be four night concerts and three matinees. Ex-Mayor Huff, of Macon, Ga., is responsible for the following which he refuses to retract, and says he is responsible for it to Gen. Gordon, if he so demauds. It is bitter and very personal: . "Gordon, having robbed Georgia of all that he could, has now orga nized a company for the purpose of foraging upon Alabama and robbing tbe people of that State. The people of Alabama will get euchered out of their property and will never get the road should Gordon fail to get the titles. It would not be a surprise if he should issue bonds without them. A man that will issue an insurance policy after the company is insolvent, will issue bonds without any secu rity." Hugh H. Gordon, the Generate son, will publish a very severe card in which Huff will be denounoed. A fight ot some kind is expected by the Georgians. The Philadelphia Press, an able Republican organ, is well pleased with Mr. Ben Hill's talk about "a Federal Nation," aud inquires, sar castically, "how is that for State sovereignty ?" It says further upon the Hill text : "What, then, becomes of the Democratic howl against Republi canism in tbe face of these declara tions by Southern representative men ? The party was right then and it is right now in its leading princi ples and its plans for making the South peaceful and prosperous. It never had any other aim or purpose than to make this a great and glori ous nation, and the people have felt that was true of the party, no mat ter how much individual leaders might now and then deserve repro bation." The Northern Stalwart organs are praising Mr. Emory Speers for his "independent" course. They like for a Democrat to bolt and vote with them. They call that "highly honor able" and as "showing a manly inde pendence." If one of their tribe dares to think for himself he is pelted with all sorts of foul epithets aud kicked out into the cold. They call that the "essence of meanness" and the "foullest traitorism." It does make a difference whose ox is gored. Spirits Turpentine. Dr. Richard Blacknall, of Dur ham, is dead, in bis 73d year. Rev. A. W. Mangum, D. D., of the University, has a sermon in tbe last Nashville Advocate on "The Pre-eminence of Christ." The Raleigh Visitor learns from the Secretary of State that tbe Old North State Fire Insurance Company is no longer licensed to do business in this state. Trinity College, North Carolina, at its recent Commencement, conferred the decree of D. D. upon tbe Rev. John W. Heidt, f resident-elect ox Liaurange Female College. R. A. Evans, Agent at States- ville, June 29, 1881, writes to the Charlotte Observer that a terrible tornado struck my depot to-day at 13 o clock, doing grea damage. Tbe north end is partly gone and nearly all tne sneeting and tin blown off. North Carolina sends fewer postal cards and letters than any other State. Stab That is-easily accounted for. Our people are using newspapers. telephones and telegraph wires. Oxford lorcuigM. Tbere are fewer papers circu lated in North Carolina than in any of tbe thirty-eight mates, bo mat does not "ac count for" the fact stated. Warsaw Brief Mention : We are glad to hear that Hod. A. S. Merrimon has consented to address tne people of our county oo tbe question of prohibition at this place. Our friend, Capt. J. M. Hartsell. of Magnolia, beats the State in raising onions. He has measured from one-thirteenth of an acre 47 busbels.which is at tbe rate of oil bushels to the acre. Can any one best it f - Goldsboro Messenger'. Prof.. J. B. Brewer, of Wilson will take charge of the Chowan Baptist Female Institute at MurfreesborOyjA thai successor of the late Rev. A. McDowell - Mr. W.? L.SPear- soc, of this county, will leave shortly for Germany.to complete his theological course of study. He contemplates remaining there about a year. Majl John Cam eron, a former well known citizen of Golds boro, died at his residence near Faison, in Duplin.counly, Monday, the 27th Inst - Greensboro Patriot: A tele cram from Mr. Julius A. Gray, President of the Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley Railroad to tbe Patriot says: The first cargo of iron, one thousand tons, has arrived at Wilming ton. This is certainly very pleasing news to the friend of this great work, and Mr. Gray certainly deserves, and will receive the thanks of the people of North Carolina for the zeal, energy and enterprise dis played in pushing the Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley Railway to Greensboro, and on to its terminus. Warrenton Gazette: Mr. Edward Alston, of Forkf township, this county, is a most fortunate man. He has long known hat there was a good deal of gold on his 17 HI WILMINGTON, N. C. FRIDAY. JULY 1, 1881. place, but has never systematically worked it. Recently Mr. Irwin, from Onslow county, this Bute, has been prospecting there without machinery of any kind. Last week, between sunrise and sunset Mr. Irwin found what miners call a pocket, 26 feet in the ground, and took out in pure gold 1,113 Dennvweiehts. A Deonywefeht is about 96 cents; so there were found ia less than six hours over $1,100 in - gold. ' During this work he took out one wash pan of dirt in which was $150 infold. The largest piece of gold! found weighed 49 pennyweights ana numbers wen iouna irom ten to twen ty penny weights. Oxford Torchlight'. We under stand that the new building just contracted for with Mr. Held at the Orphan Asylum will contain twelve rooms and three stories. This will be a very pretty building. Let Mr. McGhee and Prof. Eerr set their wits and energies to work and have North Carolina represented in her best cotton cloth at the Atlanta Cotton Exposition. The railroad is expected to be com pleted on or before July 20th. Yerily a bright future is in store tor Oxford. It is no mere assertion, but an established fact that the bright tobacco of Granville county has in the main, given to that com modity its State, its national and its conti nental fame. It went to the Paris Exposi tion and the Centennial. It was sent to Prof. Yoelcker, in England, and returned with the highest commendations. He found that it contained comparatively but little of the injurious elements of the other tobaccos. Raleigh Mechanic and Farmer'. Among the most gratifying of the signs of new life and advancement in North Caro lina is tbe steady growth, and improvement of our schools A' colored college is to be constructed "tiear Henderson.. The Idbacconist says Northern parties have donated $2,000. "The Commission ers" after inspecting the W. N. C. B. R. decided to give Mr. Best, (or his assignees) until Nov. 1st to complete the road. The trip must have been dreadfully fatigu ing. Gov. Jarvis hastened to the breezes of Beaufort; and Gov; Vance will take a two weeks cool off In the neignbornooa or "Blowing Rock," Watauga. So far as is visible to the naked eye, Mr. W. J. Best is really in earnest this time. Three corps of engineers started on Monday to survey the central trunk from Salisbury to Raleigh or Goldsboro. Col. J. B Yates is in command- m the field. Tne trial of Win. Parker, the alleged mur derer of Gen. Bryan Grimes, near his plan tation in Pitt county, will long stand in tbe annals of so-called "Justice" as without parallel. The prisoner was acquitted, but carried out of court the remark of presiding Judge Gilmer that he owed thanks to tbe jury, as upon the evidence, they might reasonably have hanged him. JED CITY. NEW AOVKKTISTBTSTKNTS. D. O'Conhob For rent. Hetde& Co. Ship notice. J as. Bbutxxet A rare chance. W- H. Green Mineral waters. Hints & Johnson Dissolution. Heinsbergeb Hammocks, etc. M un son Chevolts msde to measure. J. E. Sampson Schedule B tax.; Brown & Roddick Nobby things. Local Dots. Nothing doing in magisterial circles yesterday. No cases for the Mayor's Court yesterday morning. The steamer Vesta is now in complete order and ready for business. The new round house for tha C. C. road at Laurinburg is approaching completion. A. K. Walker and H. M. Bow den, of this city, have been appointed no taries public. Another dredge boat is being fitted up at the Portsmouth Navy Yard for work on the Cape Fear river. The big fire in Brunswick on Wednesday afternoon was in the swamps and did no particular damage. A mad dog was killed on Mar ket, between Front and Second streets, yesterday morning, by Officer James. The thermometer registered as high as 93 degrees at the Stab office yes terday, and 94 degrees the City Hall. The Sumter Light Infantry ex pectto go into annual encampment at Smithville on or about the 19th or 15th of July. The Grand Lodge of Good Sa maritans was still in session at a lata hour yesterday, though many of the visitors had returned home. Mr. Alex. Sprunt has received two handsome Shetland ponies from Glas gow, Scotland, by way of Montreal, Canada, together with a colt. The steamer Elizabeth brought up about one hundred sturgeon yesterday afternoon, which were caught in tbe neigh borhood of Fort Anderson. Merchants and other dealers are notified by tbe Register of Deeds to list and pay their Schedule B tax during tbe first ten days in July, as the law requires The excursion down tne river Wednesday, under the auspices of the C. M Stedman Fire Company, was well attended, and quite a handsome sum was realized by the company over and above expenses. John Williamson, colored, de livered a Prohibition address last night from a stand erected at tbe site of the old market house, to a mixed assemblage of white and colored people. While the crowd was not a large one, tbe colored people present were decidedly in the mi nority. Bilaa Calboata, the Aecroae. From a private letter received in this city we learn that Miss Eleanor Calhoun sailed from New York Wednesday, June 29th, on tbe steamship Canada, for Havre. From tbere she goes to Paris. She expects to re turn in about twelve months and resume the pursuit of her profession in this country. Gem. Lane's; lsetieol Closing mor els. Gen. James H. Lane's School closed its first session yesterday, with the following announcement of distinctions, which were conferred upon those of the pupils who had attained to or surpassed a certain num ber in the order of merit The list is ar ranged alphabetically, and with no refer ence to the degree of merit attsined by any pupil in the various studies mentioned : First Algebra HL" Borden, H L Fen nell, E E Thompson. Second Algebra H Rosenthal. First Natural Philosophy H L Borden, HL Fen nell, EE Thompson. Second Natural Philosophy Ike Bear.R S Collins, A P Hallett, James D Hedrick, R Moore. Rhetoric H L Borden, H L Fennell, E E Thompson. Book-keeping H L Borden, B W Davis, G L Morton. History H L Borden, H L Fennell, E E Thompson. First Arithmetic H L Borden, B W Davis, H L Fennell; E E Thompson. Second Arithmeticf-E H Bernard, E Daniel, John J Hedrick, RB Lewis, QL Morton, W E Perdew, F C Poisson, B Roberts. J O Robinson, U M Robinson, H Rosenthal, W R Shaw, C B Southerland. C R Welton. Third Arithmetic Ike Bear, C B Clowe, R S Collins, A P Hallett, James D Hedrick, Ike J Hedrick, J S Johason, R Moore. Fourth Arithmetic H B Robinson. First English Grammar E H Bernard, HL Fennell, FC Poisson. H Rosenthal, EE Thompson. Second English Grammar Ike Bear, W B Davis, John J Hedrick, R B Lewis, G L Morton, W E Perdew, U M Robinson, W R Shaw. Third English Grammar A P Hallett, James D Hedrick, Ike J Hedrick, R Moore, OR Welton. Fourth English, Grammar C B Clowe, H B Robinson, A S Williams. First Geography Ike Bear, E H Ber nard, A P Hallett, James D Hedrick, John J Hedrick, R B Lewis, R Moore. G L Mor ton, F C Poisson, B Roberts, J O Robin son, U M Robinson, H Rosenthal, W R Shaw, C R Welton. Second Geography C B Clowe, R S Collins, Ike J Hedrick, H B Robinson, T R Southerland, A S Williams. First Spelling Ike Bear, E H Bernard, H L Borden. B W Davis, H L Fennell, A P Hallett, Jaa D Hedrick, Jno J Hedrick, R B Lewis, R Moore, G L Morton, W E Perdew, FC Poisson, B Roberts, UM Robinson. H Rosenthal, W R Shaw, EE Thompson. Second Spelling R S Collins, Ike J Hed rick. First Reading E H Bernard, H L Bor den, E Daniel, HL Fennell, A P Hallett, Jaa D Hedrick, Jno J Hedrick, R B Lewis, R Moore, G L Morton, W E Perdew, F C Poisson, B Roberts, U M Robinson, H Ro senthal, W R Shaw. E E Thompson, 8 YsnAmringe. Second Reading Ike Bear, Ed Cazaux, CB Clowe, R S Collins, G Haar, Ike J Hedrick, J S Johnson, H B Robinson, C B Southerland, T R Southerland, WHWuS lard. A S Williams. R L Williams. Writing Ike Bear. E H Bernard, H L Borden, R S Collins, E Daniel, H L Fen. nell, A P Hallett, Jas D Hedrick, Jno J Hedrick, R B Lewis, R Moore, GL Mor ton, W E Perdew, F C Poisson, B Roberts, J O Robinson, U M Robinson, H Rosen thal. W R Shaw. C B Southerland, T R Southerland, E E Thompson, O R Welton. No Lates H L Fennell, R B Lewis. No Absences No one. No Demerits No one. A. Sharpie tor tbo Bonad. Mr. H. H. Heide has purchased a hand some sharpie, which he has named the Soger Moore, and which, under command of Capt. James Brinkley, Will take passen gers to and from any part of WrigatSYille Sound and tbe beach en the 4th of July, when tbe regular regatta of the Carolina Yacht Club takes place. She will com fortably seat forty persons. . Committee meeting;. The Committee on the Organization of the Immigrant's Friend Society, appointed yesterday, are requested to meet at the Pro duce Exchanee this (Friday) morning, at half past 10 o'clock. A full and punctual attendance is desired. A FU from a Xroo. A little son of Mr. Michael Dowland, living on Castle, between Sixth and Seventh streets, accidentally fell, out of a tree yes terday afternoon and cut twoesvere gashes in his head, besides; receiving other pretty serious bruises. hiveb; aud naBiNB, The steamer D. Murchison, Captain Roberts, which cleared for Fayetteville yesterday, will be laid up for some slight repairs:and will not return under about ten days. Capt. Roberts, of the steamer D. Mur chison, reports that the river rose about fif teen inches in the neighborhood of Fayette yille, under the influence of th late fins, but has since fallen off about six inches. From Willis' Creek, about twenty miles this side of Fayetteville, down to Wilming ton, the rise was about two and a half feet. There is at present plenty of water, and the boats can all go through without trouble. QUAKTEBLY MEETINGS, for JtheWilmington District of tho JCsthbdlst & Chart, South- Third Bound, la part : Bladen, at New Church..... July P Elisabeth, at Klixabettatowa. WhltevUlo,at Whttevllle..,. iJT UrS waccamaw, at iienanon.. 4uur za-ra Bmlthville Motion. yjuy Presiding Elder. Star IJIiniGKATION .AGAIN. THE MEETING AT THE PBODUCE EX CHANGE YESTERDAY ADOPTION OP THE EEPOET OF THE COMMITTEE INTERESTING ADDBESS FBOM BET. MB. CHABBOUNEL, &C. An adjourned meeting of citizens in the interest of immigration was held at the Produce Exchange yesterday morning, at 10.30 o'clock. Present, Mr. B. G. Worth, Chairman; and Messrs. H. Nutt, A Sprunt, Robt. McDougal, W. L. DeRosset, F. W. Clark, DeBrutz Cutlar, T. E. Bond, Jno. Colville. T. D. Love, A. M. Waddell, R. Hicks, Jno. McRae, A. J. DeRosset, Sam uel Northrop, A. L. DeRosset; and Rev. T. Charbonnei, of Sherbrooke, Canada. Col. W. L. DeRosset was requested to act as Secretary. The "report of the committee was read and received, as follows: loB. Q. Worth, Esq.. Chairman: The committee of three appointed at the meeting held on Monday, 28th June, re spectfully report and recommend: 1st. That an association be formed under the general incorporation law of North Carolina for the purpose ot collecting and communicating information in regard to lands in North and South Carolina in the vicinity of Wilmington; of obtaining au thority to sell such lands and securing pur chasers therefor; of protecting the interests of immigrants by securing proper titles and conveyances.and advising, and when neces sary assisting, such immigrants as may de sire to obtain homes in this section. 2nd. That tbe name of this Association be tbe "Immigrant's Friend Society of Wil" mington." 3rd. That all persons present at this meeting may become members thereof upon payment of the membership fee, and all other persons who feel an interest in tbe prosperity of the city and surrounding country may become members by applica tion to the Board of Directors and payment of tbe fee. That the membership fee be $ 4th. That the officers of the Association consist of a President, Secretary and Board of Directors (of four members) who shall be elected annually.. tbe President to be ex- ofBcio member of the Board of Directors. 6th. That tbe duty of the Secretary shall be to conduct the correspondence and keep the records of the Association and superintend such transfers of land as may be sold through the instru mentality of the Association. He shall re ceive a salary of $ per annum, subject to such increase as the Board of Directors shall think proper to make. He shall also perform the duties of Treasurer. otn. .Every person owning land, wno snail empower the Association to sell the same, shall pay a fee of $ for each parcel of land so authorized to be sold, to defray ex penses of advertising, and shall, upon sale of such land and payment of the purchase money, pay a further fee or commission of per cent, upon amount of such sale; and iu case any alternate sections ox land shall be given by the owners to any person through tbe agency orchis society, then tne donee shall pay a commission of per cent. (half ot the commission on sales as above provided). All persons purchasing land through this society shall pay tbe cost oi searching titles, and an attorney shall be employed by the Society who shall attend to necessary legal business at lowest possible rates. 7tb. Should any surplus exist after pay ing the current expenses of the Society. such surplus shall be invested for the pur pose of assisting such immigrants as are not fully established in their homes and may need pecuniary aid. 8th. Tne Society shall, when requested. make such arrangements with railroads and other transportation lines as may be to the best interests of immigrants. 9th. The railroad companies centreing in Wilmington and tbe steamboat companies navigating the Cape Fear river, being more largelyand directly interested in immigra tion than are individuals, should be applied to for assistance in carrying out the objects of the Society.until such time as it msy be come self-sustaining. ALEX. SPRTTNT, W. L. DeRosset, Thomas E. Bond. On motion, the report was then read by sections, and the following action taken thereon : No. 1 was. on motion, amended by in serting "endeavoring to secure proper titles, in place of "securing proper tities," and as thus amended the section was adopted. The discussion on this subject was partici pated in by Messrs. Waddell, Nutt, Cutlar and others. Section 2 was adopted without discus slon. Section 3 was read, when Mr. Clark moved that the blank be filled by inserting $5. Mr. Sprunt suggested $3 and Mr. Cut lar $2.50. A motion was put and carried that $2.50 be inserted as the membership fee, whereupon the section was adopted. Section 4 was adopted without amend ment. Section 5 was amended by making tbe last clause read: "He shall receive such re' muneration as the Board of Directors may agree upon," and then adopted. Section 6 was adopted, after amendment as follows: Fee for receiving and adver tising lands for sale, $2.50; fee for selling. 2i per cent, &c. ;.fee.from donees of land. li per cent., &o. ' Section i; after substituting "applied" for "invested," wss adopted. Section 8 was passed without discussion or amendment. . Section 9, after adding the "New York & Wilmington Steamship Company" to the list af corporations interested in immigra tion, was adopted. On motion, the Chairman was requested to appoint a committee of five to secure memberships arid proceed to' organize the Society under the General Incorporation Law of the State. The Chair thereupon appointed Messrs, Alex. Sprunt, T. E. Bond, F.W. Clark, Du- Brutz Cutlar and W. L. DeRosset as said committee.- . . . Mr. Char bono el then, in response to a call, proceeded to give an interesting aco count of the people who propose to look for homes id this section, and of his visit to the western part of this State, expressing nimi self very pbsfrively in preferring this sec tion to any he has Been. ' ;V The meeting then adjourned. WHOLE NO. 4329 Dolly Woollier Bnlietin. The following will show the state of the thermometer, at the stations named, at a.w r. sol. yesterday, Washington mean time, and also the amount of rainfall in inches for the twenty four hours ending dairy at 3 P. M., except Tuesday, when it is 48 hours, as furnished by the Signs Officer of this city : Temp. Rain fall. Weather. Fair Fair Clear Fair Cloudy Clear Fair Clear Fair Clear Fair Fair Fair Fair Fair Cloudy Atlanta 98 Augusta 96 Charleston 94 Charlotte 91 Corsicana 97 Galveston 91 Havana 89 Indian; ;ia 93 Jacksonville 97 Key West 92 Montgomery 97 Punta Rassa 95 Savannah 97 Wilmington 95 PortEads 87 .00 .61 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .26 .00 .00 .02 .00 .17 Pensacola 81 The following are the Indications for the South Atlantic States to-day: Partly cloudy weather, local rains, vari able winds, stationary or lower tempera lure in northern portion, higher barometer. A lions; Journey. Under this head tbe Fayetteville Exami ner says: "Last Tuesday Miss Isabella Leete, of this town, late teacher in one of the public schools at Wilmington, took the train of the C. F. & Y. V. Railway, bound for San Francisco, where she will take pas sage on a Pacific steamer for Tokio, the capital of the Japanese Empire. She' goes to fulfill an engagement to leach in a fe male seminary in that distant city. Her niece, Miss Lena Leete, formerly of Fay etteville, is a teacher in the same school. jine journey is ten uiousana miles in ex tent, and with the aid of steam and with uninterrupted progress day and night, will require a month in itsr-ferformance. She was accompanied to thedepot by many friends whose best wishes accompany her in her journey." XBSS XDIAIIiS. The mails close and arrive &t the City Post Office as follows: CLOSE. Northern through mails, fast, 5:30 P.M. Northern through and way mails 5:40 A.M. Raleigh 5:40 A.M. Mails-for the N. C. Railroad, and routes supplied there from, including A. & N. C. Railroad, at 5:40 A.M. Southern mails for all points South, daily 7:45 P. M. Westernmails(C. C. R'y)daily (except Sunday) 9 :00 A. M. Mail for Cheraw & Darlington Kauroaa 7:451 p. M. Mails for points between Flo rence and Charleston, 3. . . . 7:45 P. M. Fayetteville.andofliceson Cape Fear River, Tuesdays and Fridays 1:00 P M. Fayetteville, via Lumberton, daily, except Sundays.... 9:00 A.M. Onslow C. H. and interme diate offices, Mondays and Thursdays 6:00 A M. Smithville mails, by steam boat, daily (except Sundays)8:30 A. M. Mails for Easy Hill, Town Creek, Shallotte and Little River, Mondays and Thurs days 6:00 A.M. Wilmington and Black River Chapel, Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays 5:00 A. M. OPEN FOB DELIVERY. Northern through and way mails 7:30 A. M. Southern mails 7:00 P. M. and 7.30 A. M. Carolina Central Railroad. ... 4-00 P. M. Mailscollected f rom street boxes every day at 4.00 P. M. General delivery open from 5:30 A.M. to 7-00 P. M., and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30 A. M. Stamps for sale in small quantities at ge neral delivery when stamp office is closed. Stamp Ufflce open from 8 A. M. to 12 M.. andfrom 3 to 580 P.M. Money order and Register Department open same as stamp amce. DECLINE OF MAN. Impotence of mind, limb or vital function, nervous weakness, sexual debility, &&, cured by Wells' Health Renewer. $1. At Druggists. Depot, J. C. Mtjnds, Wilmington. f CITY ITEms. THE MORNING STAB can always be had at the following places In the city: The Parcel! House. Harris' News Stand, and the Stab Office. RARE BARGAIN. A well established and prosperous Weekly Newspaper, located In a thri ving, growing town on the line of a prominent Railroad, la offered for sale. Terms easy. For terms and particular-) apply to the editor of this paper. HONORED AND BLEST. When a board of eminent phyaidans and chemists announced the discovery that by combining some well known val uaDie remedies, the most powerful medicine was produced, which would cure such a wide range of diseases that most ail other remedies could be dis pensed with, maay were skeptical; but proof of its merits by actual trial has dispelled all doubt, and to-day the discoverers of that great medicine, Hop Bitters, are honored and blessed by all as benefac iors. .Democrat. A DOWN TOWN MERCHANT, having passed several sleepless nights, disturbed by the agonies ana cries oi a unermg enua, ana Becoming con vinced that urs. wmalow'a Soothing Syrup was Just the article heeded, procured a supply for the child. On reaching home and acquainting his wife with what he had done, she refused to have it ad ministered to the child, as she was strongly in favor of Homoeopathy. That night the child passed in suffering, and the parents without sleep. Return- ins; home the day f oUowing. the father found the baby still worse; and while contemplating another sleepless night, the mother stepped from the room to attend to some domestic dadee, and left tbe fa ther with the child. During her absence he admin istered a portion of the Soothing Syrup to the ba by, and said nothing. That night alljnands slept won. ana wo juue jeuow owoko in tne mornii bright and happy. The mother was deliefcted wi mg ith the sadden and wonderful change, and although at first offended at the deception practiced upon her, has continued to use the Syrup, and suffering cry ing babies and sleepless nights have disappeared. A single trial of the Syrup never vet failed to re lieve the baby and overcome the prejudices of the mother. Bold by all Druggists. 25 cents a bottle. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. For Bent, THAT DESIRABLE TWO STORY House, situated on the west side of Third street between Walnut and Bed Cross, at present occupied by Mr. NewkUK. Apply to D. O'CONNOR, Senting and Collecting Agent. Jyitf TVTOTICE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. The Norwegian Baraue 808TBBK" arrived from Newport, with cargo Balls, on the 26th June. Notice was given In due time that vessel was ready to dlsxharge. No one having, applied, this shall serve as Information to those concerned, that cargo vjill be discharged according to law after expira tion of lay-days. T HEIDE CO.. jy 1 It Consignees. ! TL jilji 1 One Sonar One Oar...... . ..Vi..... v.. Sl M"' u t i (WO UJI), it ... it.. .... i.v u I TV -- " threedaara,,..:.....,........!.. ; S 60 foudays.......... ...... --'300 Sb fl-.Tr an 14 One weekv...n"!!:.. 60 Two weeks. & no Three weeks, 8 56 Onemonthi...ii .10 00 " Twomonths,..s..ij; .17 00 ' " Three monthss... 94 00 " Six months... 40 CO One year,... v OS 00 ISF"" Contract Advertisements taken at proper tionately low rates. Ten lines solid Nonpareil type make one square. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Dissolution of Copartnership. THE PARTNERSHIP UNDER THEWAMB OF Hintze St Johnson is this day dissolved by mu tual consent. H; Hintze will attend to all matters Each of the business individual accounc 1. llliX 1 Zi J, jy 1 It THOS. H. JOHNSON. Schedule "B" Tax, JULY 1ST, 1881. ALL MERCHANTS AND OTHER DEALERS are notified to list and pay their Schedule B" Tax, the flret ten days in July, as the law requires. ... J. K. SAMPSON. Jy 1 It . Register ef Deeda. A Bare Chance N THB FOURTH TO OBTAIN THE PULL benefit of the real luxury offered to WrightsviUe visitors. The Sharpie ROGER MOORE will take passen gers from any part of the Sound, and vice versa, at he going rates on the Fourth . This boat was built expressly for the Eoand, and can go at any time of the tide. Comfortable seat ing capacity for forty persons, jy 1 3t JAMES BRINKLEY, Master. G1 BAY, BLACK A?TD OXFORD MIXED CHEVIOTS SUITINGS and TROUSERINGS, ' Light Weight, Elegant Goods. Made to Measure. MUNSON. Clothier and Merchant Tailor. jyllt gODA, DEEP ROCK AND VICHY WATERS ON DRAUGHT ISfcTrescrfptions compounded at all hours day and night. WM. H. GREEN, Druggist, Market, betFront and' 3d StS. jyitr Brown & Roddick 45 Market Street, The Nobbiest Thing Out ISIOUR "DUKE OF ARGYLK" LINEN COLLAR AND TIE COMBINED, For which we are the Sole -Agents in this el'y. Give us a call. BROWN A RODDICK, 45 Market St. Jy 1 tf Hammocks. jfNOTHER LOT OF THOSE MEXICAN HAM MOCKS, white and colored, just received and for sale cheep at HEINSBBRGER'S. Violins and Banjos JLSO, THE BEST ITALIAN STRINGS FOR the same, just received and for sale cheap at HEINSBBRGER'S Live Book and Music Store. Jy l tf Greensboro Feraale Collegfe, Greensboro, N. C. rpHE 51ST SESSION OF THIS WELL KNOWN Institution will begin on Wednesday, 94th Aaguet. Terms Ber Session of Twenty Weeks Board and Tuition in full English Course, $75. Charges for extra studies moderate. For particulars apply for Catalogue to Je 29 lm T. M. JONES, President. BINGHAM SCHOOL, Mebaneville.N C. Is Fre-Eminent among Southern Boarding Schools for Boys in age and numbers; and its area of patronage for 1880 exceeded that of any other school in the Union. The steady growth of the School is shown by the following totals : For 1876, 103 ; I for 1877, 138 ; fer 1S78. 142 ; for 1879, 166 ; for the scholastic year ending June 3d. 1880, 189 ; for the year end ing Dec. 15th, 1880. 247. The 175th Seesion will begin July 27th, 1881. jeS9 lw Superintendent. Wanted, NURSE. Apply at je 29 tf 23 MARKET STREET. Clerk Wanted. A YOUNG MAN, 16 TO 20 YEABS OF AGE, as CLERK in a General Merchandise Store. One who has had experience preferred, and must give good references. Permanent employment at good wages. Address for one week, enclosing re ferences, A. PBIDGEN, Je 29 lw Peacock's, N. C. Special Inducements. HAY, IN figures. CAB LOAD LOTS, AT REDUCED We have 1000 Bales. nun E0 Bash Black and day PEAS, 10.C00 Bush P. W. CORN, etc., etc. PRESTON CUMMIN G CO.. Millers and Grain and jo 23 tf Peanut Dealers. Notice. WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. The Norwegian Bark Liv, Capt. R. Munsen, from Bremen, with cargo Kamlt, is now ready to dis charge. Lay-days to begin from date, of this notice, je 23 tf HEIDE &. CO., Consignees. mm So La NEXT DRAWING OF THE Louisiana State Lottery TAKES PLACE $100 to $30,000. JULY 12. PRIZES FROM Price, Whole tickets, (2 00, ti aires i w. Address Lock Box 272, je 15 tf Wilmington, HL C. . , . j 1 Grain Cradles. WE HAVE NOW IN STOCK A FULL AS80BT mentof Grant's Celebrated Southern Pattern Five Finger Grain Cradles, tbe best and cheapest Cradles a Farmer can use. There Is a cheap com mon article en the market ; we don't keep them. A good article is always the cheapest. Send you erders to the old Established Hardware House of WM. E. SPRINGER A CO., je 0 tf 19, 21 and 23 Market St. Dr. WortMngton's Cholera Keiicine: F)R DYSENTERY, DIARRHOEA, CHOLERA Morbus, Bummer Complaint or Children and all Painful Derangements of the Bowels, this old household remedy Is the xnott reliable. "Every body's" Pills, the best, mildest and safest Cathartic, Good for MAnybody" and Everybody ., For salo by all dealers. BOYKIN, CABMEB A CO., Proprietors, Baltimore, Md. -: je 12 eod 2m , nac su we fr

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