IIOENHIG STAR. U WEB. II. CEUJMA11D. -J-x. .a 11 (BUSHED DAILY KXCXFT MGMUAYn. eatcs or BUBflGOUmOS m ADVAXOa ; merear, (by mall) postage paid... SI i monlUB, " ' " ... 4 0u .t,re month," S8 mtaonth " 1 00 To City Subeeribera, delivered in aay part or the it v. Fifteen Cent per week. Ow City Agents are jot authorised to collect for more than three muothe u advance. Entered at the Post Office at Wilmington, N. a, as aeoon4-claas matter. (I)TL1NE. It is denied in London that Mr. Glad stone said in the House of Commons that the shooting of President Garfield was the result of a political conspiracy. The last official bulletin from Washington re ports the President's condition as favorable; while bis case is still critical, stroDg hopes aro expressed of bis final recovery. Two ballots were bad at Albany, N. Y., yesterday for U. S. Senators, but there was do choice. Advices from Tunis aay that the French have commenced shelling Sfsx. and are replied to from the town. Senator Conkling writes a letter to Attor ney General McVeigh concerning the pun. isbment of the attempt on the life of the President. The New York Chamber of Commerce have subscribed $250.000 o be presented to Mrs. Garfield as a token of ettteem and sympathy and to relieve the miud of the President from anxiety aa to tlie future of his family. New York markets: Money 35 per cent; cotton t-tendy at 11 3-16ll 716 cents; southern fl,ur dull at $5 257 50; wheat opened i lc higher; ungraded red $1 001 27i; corn a srbsdti firmer, ungraded 475&J cents; -pints turptDiiue steady at 4242 cents; rosin 2 052 10. We have no travelling agents for the Daily or Weekly Stab. TEe Charleston cotton mill, capital 8tock$5 00,000, has been subscribed. Baltimore is having the Brush E t-ctric Light introduced as fast as possible. Reports from Washington are that there is eeriotrs talk of lynching the attempted murderer. But suppose lie is insane in fact? Dr. Basil Norris, U. S. Army, think the President will be in dan ger until fifteen days have elapsed, from secondary hemorrhage. Vice President Arthur has or had a body-guard attending him. Until ho gets to be President there will be little danger for him. It is only the innocent who die young. I is evident that in all this great laud there is no happier, more de voted household than that to be found in the White House. In this the country has something to be thankful for. The favorable condition of the 1'iesident continues, and his recovery may now be regarded as almost cer i:iin, uuless some very unexpected lfvrlopments should follow. There id every thing to encourage hope. Furt Fisher was named in honor of (A1. Charles F. Fisher, of the 6th North Carolina, who was killed at the first battle of Manassas, by the builder of the original Fort, Col. S. L. Fremont. This is history, not guessing. Whilst Baltimore had such a fear ful array of accidents and shootings, Philadelphia, more than twice he size, had but one accident and not a tire on the Fourth. The Mayor did it by his orders concerning fire-crackers and such. It is thought in some quarters that Garfield's recovery will end the Conkling set at Albany ; whilst the shooting will tend to put an end to the Presidential showbusiness at Fairs, etc, and end forever all the Stalwart business by which extreme men get up cheap reputations. "Stal wart" will be a stench in the nostrils of all decent men hereafter. The poor imprisoned and threat ened Czar very naturally takes a deep interest in the shooting of the . Presi dent. II is own life hangs by a thread, and he sits eternally with his feet in a man-trap and fear gnawing at his liver. But the attempt upon our President has nothing in common,but deviltry unmixed, with the efforts to destroy the Czar. The New York Times, ablest of Republican papers, speaks favorably of Mr. Davis's very able work, and, strange to say, compliments espe cially his argument in defenoe of the right of a State to secede under the -Constitution. It admits that he "unhorses" certain "Northern pub licists." The Times thinks that tnight makea right. We have received the annual cata logue, printed in Charleston,' S. C, of Asheville Female College. Nearly all of the scholars were from North Carolina. There were 130 pupils during the scholastic year.' We have received also the catalogue of Oxford VOL. XXVII1.--NO. 92. Female Seminary;,: (Baptist) but the numberof pupils i not given. There are niue instructors. - The Philadelphia limes suggests that Charles Guiteau should be thrashed severely, as he oannot vbe hanged. It gives an illustration of the. reformatory or checking power of the rod. It says: "Young Oxford, who made an at tempt upon the life of Queen Victo ria, years ago, was actuated by no other motive than morbid vanity. which was gratified by the notoriety he gained and the distinction of be ing tried for high treason. He was pronounced insane and4confined in a hospital, but this exercised no deter rent influence, and for some time after there was & continual succession of young men who sought distinction in the same way by pointing wea pons at the Queen. But when an act was passed declaring this a disgrace ful . act, punishable by flogging, the thing was stopped." Hanging would be preferred by most people,especially as the Italian's madness is marked with so much method. Vice President Arthur is thus da guerreotyped by the roan who man ages the glass of the New York Eve ning Post'. "The worst has since happened. The awful tragedy at Washington found him still busy witn the details of a contest in which charges of adultery on the other, and in whioh suspected perjury was being foiled by peeping through bed room keyholes. It is out of this mess of filth that Mr. Arthur will go to the Presidential ohair in case of the President's death. The spectacle is certainly a great ag gravation of this great national ca lamity." Mr. Carl Sohurz is the supposed picture-man of the -Post. The President has borne himself throughout his very trying ordeal with singular fortitude and patience. He has developed hidden qualities not suspected of him. His marked cheerfulness, hopefulness, under the extraordinary circumstances is akin to the heroic When all was dark and the physician saiel he had a chance, then responded cheerily the President, "Let us take that chance." At another time when all was very gloomy he was asked "how he felt?" With a faint smile, but briskly he replied: "You keep heart; I have not yet lost mine." The ability of the South in the U. S. Senate is above the average. Senator Voorheos thinks it bet ter. Senator Voorhees is reported in the Little Rock (Ark.) Gazette as saying of Senator Garland that "des pite the legal reputation of Thurman, McDonald, David Davis and others, he is universally acknowledged to be the best read, best equipped lawyer in the United States Senate." When Abram Hewitt and ex-Gov. Morgan, of New York, have nothing more importaut ana . prontauie on hand than eulogizing the administra tive talents and moral qualities of V. P. Arthur, it would be well for them to join ex-V. P. Wheeler on a big fish, or lake up quarters with Barn urn's big show. It is very cer tain no one will believe them. The venerable and venerated Rev. Dr. Drury Lacy, almost an octogena rian, contributes an excellent and long article to the North Carolina Presbyterian on the subject of the choice of books. It is a very sound paper throughout, it strikes us, and shows that the theologian has not neglected the masters in literature during his protracted and. useful life. tspu'its. Turpeinaiie. Thomas-Emry, Esq., of Weldon, kss made some 600 bushels of wheat on 12 acres of laud. On the 21 st inst. there is to be a grand tobacco sale at Oxford. Twenty nine premiums are offered. There were sine offersd -at the sale on last Friday. Here rjs some of the prices that Granville tobacco- fetched at Oxford last Fridav:-t77rnrv56V0 0 ,75, 75, 60, 61,. 34 YO, VO, W." I, OU, 0, 40. WW, oit W, 108k 05, 64. This by the 100 pounds. piford Torchlight: Wo are glad to hear from the Danville Bsgister that Ma j . Buthern is pushing his projected narrow gauge railroad. ' He says be can pay its ex pentes by hauling wood and lumber alone. We oellsvertbefie narrow-gauge roads are the levers that are to prize up the prosperi ty of our country. ; -i Lumberttra Hobesonian: The revival in the Baptist Church, which closed last Friday olght, resulted In the addition of six new members. Refreshing sea- too and fine crop prospects. Miss Katie HcRaS died at the residence of ber sister-in-law, Mrs. Margaret McRao, on the 1st Jnst., in her 90th year. She wai blind for twesty years previous to her death. . Winston Leader, Wilkes county U infested with a queer kind of a worm. - I i " i I li i 1 I i i i " I' I I I li 1 I' 1 I rf I I i rl I I . I it I i . i i i fi - i i ; - ' -." f - I -: w WILMINGTON, N. C. FRIDAY. JULY & 1881. It somewhat resembles the tobacco worm. and Is found principally on the sowerwpod, literally stripping the trees of their foliage. The -Wiikeaboro 'iw2e thinks it will no doubt cut ' short ther crop of sowerwood honey. - But as an offset for the loss of the honey, the hogs have grown as fat aa butter on the worms. -'$i?-rtvj--:' Raleigh JVetos Observer. Three murderers,' all negroes, now -lie ia.Wake j an, ana wnnut m- wees: au axe u us mwi A few-days since -Mrs. Willis Whits ker. mother of Mr.4 J.? D. i Whitaker, was thrown from a buggy, the fall fracturing ner collar none. un oaturaay me team of the Raleigh Gun Club, composed of Messrs. John T. -Pullen, John D. Creech, Edward B. Engelhard, J. - Iredell J ohnson and Samuel L JohnsoD.-lef t f or Asheville to participate in the matches at glass balls. The first match was shot on Monday at fifty balls to each team, or ten balls to each man. Monday night the following tele-, gram was received: "The Raleigh Gun Club won the first match and sweepstakes; breaking thirtynine balls in the match." Tuesday the following was received from Asheville: The Raleigh Club broke forty-seven out of fifty balls to-day, the finest score ever made in the South in such a mateh." Charlotte Observer. A double male quartette, with Dr. A. Bidez, as musi cal director, has been organized among the young men in this city. At a meeting of the citizens of Charlotte at the court house to express their disapproval of the article in the Charlotte Observer of to-day, concerning the attempted assassination of President Garfield, Gen. Thos. F. Drayton was called to the chair, and Wm. li. Griffith and Thos. M. Pittman were re quested to act as secretaries. Gen. Dray ton stated that the meeting was called to express the disapproval of an article in this morning's Obieroer, regarding the attempted assassination of the President. Refer ring to the editorial 'in yesterday's Observer in regard to the attempted assassination of the President, we spoke only our individu al sentiments, and made no pretense to represent those of the community. Mr. W. S. Brown, a prominent farm er, who lives about three miles south of the city, made a trip to Pineville last week.and onjfils return, not iar irom tne latter place, was caught in a severe thunder storm. He took shelter under a large tree near the roadside, and his horse becoming restive he dismounted and held him by the bridle. Soon tn unusually severe clsp of lightning struck the tree, and glanced from this in two forks, one of which struck his horse, killing him instantly. The other passed through tut rim or. Mr. Brown's nat, ana striking him over the right eye crushed him to the ground, where he lsy in an uncon scious condition. He was found by the roadside about dark, and carried to the house of Mr. J. T. Downs, where measures were taken to revive him. In a few days he was removed to his own residence, where he now lies in a critical condition. Mr. R. II. Laveroombe. the gentle manly manager of the Singer Sewing Ma chine office in this city, was out gunning with some friends on the f ourth or July, when, in passing through the woods, be suddenly felt a stinging sensation in the Lcalf of one of his legs, and on investigating the nsture of it discovered that he bad been bitten V a snake. In a minute the leg was swollen nearly double its natnral size and tingling all through with the sensation that usually results from one's extremities "go ing to sleep." lie drank a quart of liquor and some cherry bounce and is now getting well. Goldsboro Messenger'. A young negro lsd. about 18 years old, was drowned in the Neuae, while bathing near Smith's bridge, on Monday last. His name is not known, as be had but recently come to the city. The Goldsboro Rifles happened to be on the river bank and saw the boy's dan ger. Four or five of the members rushed quickly to his assistance and made a very heroic effort to rescue him, but failed. Within the oast month we have seen in our exchanges nearly a dozen notices of rapes or attempted rapes by negro men. in Ran dolph county a respectable lady was chlo roformed by a negro nana to ename mm io consummate his hellish designs. Is there any wonder that people visit swift punish ment upon such villains t Prohibitory public meetings will be held in Greene eounty as follows: Ephraim'a chapel, Mon day, July 11th; Hookerton, 15th; Bull Head, 23d;' Barrows, 27th; Seminary, 28th; Speights Bridge, 30th; Snow Hill, Aug. 3d. Miss Southgate, of Durham, gradu ated last year at the Wesleyan Female In stitute, of Staunton, Va., bringing home with her three gold medals, awarded for proficiency. She is now attending the conservatory at New York under the best teachers. At a recent public exhibition in that city nine pupils were selected, Miss Southgate among the number, to perform, and we learn that of the nine she was the only one applauded. Mrs. Mary A. Best, the estimable wife of N. W. Best, Esq., died on the 25th ult. . The wheat crop in this section is rather light this year, owing to the small acreage planted. ; A meeting of the citizens of Wayne county will be held at the court house, in Golds boro, on Saturday, July 9th,' for the por pose of organizing the county against pton hibition. Speakers have been invited, and are expected to address the meeting. From Raleigh letter : There is general satisfaction at the lease of the Atlantic road to Mr. Best, and a desire to see a successful line working from Morehead to the Ten nessee line, with Raleigh, ef course, as a leading point in the route. Mr. Best, it is understood, will personally visit the coun try between Raleigh and Salisbury during the months of July and August, after pre liminary anrvevs for routes are finished. It is thought that the obstacles to the control of the Western Railroad will vanish after the first of November next, in spite or the tenacious efforts of the Richmond ess Dan villa Road to continue to pour our riches into the lap of Richmond. THE O I TIT NEW ADVEHTMUITlKNTS, Notice Schedule B tax. . , ; P. MoNTAGua Lost mule. ;;'T : Mdhsoit Linen dusters, etc. W & W. R. R- Co. Dividend. P. CmcMiMO & Co. Inducements. Dtkb & Son Crown collars and cuffs. Unmallable natter. The following is the unmailable matter remaining in the city. postofSce up to this date: .'. R. H. Hoggins, Mears' Bluff, N. C; Ha chael Giles,' Jeffrey's Creek, S. C; Mrs. Eliza Butter, corner Eastern avenue and BL Caroline street; Jenkins & Csldwell, Lumberton, N. C. ; Thomas & Flake, Polki ton, N. O. Forty years' trial ku. proved 11 BLACK- DRAUGHT" the best liver medicine in the worlds . i For sale by J. C. Utmss. Local Dota. ii-ui : ;J.';.- ; - The Bank'of 'Now; Hanbver is receiving a new coat of painU . Only two days, more; in which to list taxes under Schedule B.; ' i Jas. Wheldon, who was arrested Wednesday on suspicion, has been released. ; The thermometer at the Stab office registered only as high as 91 degrees yesterday. : l" :' ';"' ' .'"" 5 Rev. J, C. tiAei poioted orator. Is announced to speakr en prohibi tion in this city on next Moadftjs Sight. '- Election tickets will be pointed at the Star office at. the asuai prices' You pay your money a jeu take your choice. We forgotmto?) state that ' the blackfish excursion-Wednesday Was quite a success, not withsta'nihng that it was : rough outside. .. ,io-juw i ...,, The ;pieotcK&V W?)4liaff! ton & Weldon Railroad- h?(lred -a dividend of 3 per cent., 4ayaWe o the 15th inst. 1 . J .u-'i ; - i Quite a large excursion party went down the river on . the ' steamer Pass port yesterday. The excursion was given under the auspices of Rev. J. P. King's church. They reported it pretty rough out side. A family excursion down the river will be given on the steamer itoqwrf on Wednesday next, the 13th inst, under the management of Messrs. John W. Strauss, A. Adrian, H. A Glaymeyer, Jno. Haar, Jr., J. W. Gerdts and C. Von Kam pen. Further particulars' by advertisement hereafter. We acknowledge the receipt from Mr. L. L. Polk, Secretary, the Rules and Regulations and Schedule of Premiums for the 21st Annual Fair of the North Car olina Agricultural Society, at Raleigh, Oc tober 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14lb and 15th, 1881. They are printed in pamphlet form, and are from the press of Messrs. Edwards, Broughton & Co. Many persons are misled by the term, a "fair" day, in the United Btales Signal Service reports- It does not -mean clear and bright, but cloudy, though neither stormy nor threatening stoim. It will probably soon be replaced by some other term, such as "overcast" or "neutral," so as not to convey the erroneous impression it has hitherto caused. lUAlu naPorpoH. The general purposes of the corporation to be hereafter known aa the Immigrant's Friend Society of Wilmington, and the nature of the business which it proposes to do, are, as laid down in the plan of incorpo ration, now in the hands of the Clerk of the Superior Court, exclusively social and be nevolent, and to provide a suitable place of business in Wilmington to collect and communicats information in regard tb lands in North and South Carolina, 40 obtain authority to sell such lands, and to endeavor to secure purchasers therefore; to protect the interests of Immigrants by endeavoring to secure proper title and conveyance and to advise, and, when'' necessary, to assist such immigrant! t as may desire to oitaiif homes io this section, v Tbe Alarm or Fire Yesterday. There was a narrow escape from a! fire yesterday afternoon at. the house of; Mr. Barrentine, on Church, between Second and Third streets. It seems to have origi nated from a stove-ppe, sad caught among the lattice around the chimney, finally com municating with a ran of kerosene oil on the hearth. The flSsaes were getting uhder pretty good headway , when dhicoyejred, having burned through a thin partition into a room ad joining. Several .of : the neigh bors hurriedly gathered and sdbn; extin guished the flames. The fire-alarm was Bounded and the fire department was out, but fortunately the services of the engines were not needeci, ...' ..' Propoaea Incttshnativo SieetiDa In cd- The Commissioners of Coluinbus cotihty have called for a meeting of citizens, to be held at the court house in Whiteville on the first Monday in August, to giye.expres sibtt to their f eeliogs of indignation tf the cowardly . conduct of Cue wicked, assassin who lately made an attempt' , upon the; life the suffering and pain through Which he has thus been called to pass. The clerk, Mr. J.-W. Dickson; was instructed to make advertisement ,qt the proposed meeting in every township in the county. raoonilclit Exeitrslen. r The excursion down the: river -last night on the steamer itatsperf was very much ien- joyedhy those whV participated in it. The: night was beautifully .clear and the fresh breeze tempered jtbe A warns evening most delightfuV sbae ad ill speak in com plimentary terms -bf Cspt. HaPi tho generously, refused to acbept any faref rom the exdttrsfonlsts because the moiio who were to furnish a part of the evehifig's en tertainment through some mishap failed' to attend; ?v 9V-r?:li ! , WIirteaT'e I7a.; T Rev. Mr. )OiarbjiswU')iib hare for the past eekjw two In the. interest of immigration, 'expects to leavn lor Nes? York on the next steamer, and by "Taelayj pi Wedsesdsy h$t jriU prohaoIyisiaUi TTaw Snirlaiid fitaleSr, in DnrsuaBCft Ot biS misdon. dians from his section are -now amploy sd aiLbwslLManche;te InanMacturinr cities ! tn NJffiire Daily Weattter Rulletm. The following t will show the state or tfie thermometer, at the stations named, at 8.00. P. .M. yesterday, : Washington mean time, and also the amount of rainfall in inches for the twenty four hours ending dairy at 3 'P..M., 'except Tuesday; when it is 48 hours, as : furnished by the Signs Officer of this city t , : . : . j : Temp. Rainfall. Weather. Atlanta 92 -.00 Clear Augusto... .... .. Charleston..,...,. Charlotte..."..... CorBicana. Galveston Havana..... Indianoia......;. Jacksonville Key West....... 191 91 9 98 92 86 92 .96 '90 101 88 95 90 90 84 91 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 Clear Clear Clear Plear Clear Cloudy Fair Clear Cloudy Fair Fair : Clear Clear Clear Fair Fair Montgomery. ., .. ranta Rassa. . . . . Savannah........ Wilmington...... Cedar Keys...... PortEads........ Pecsacola Tho following are the Indications for the South Atlantic States to-day: Fair weather south to west winds, sta tionary barometer; and stationary or higher temperature. A Hara Caae of Feminine Gender A white woman, sr., stranger in the city, and who insists upon it that she' has just arrived here from the city of Rome, was arrested and lodged io the guard house, yesterday afternoon, by Officer Marsh Walker. She is evidently a victim of dis sipation, and would very readily be taken for a man if dressed in the proper apparel, having quite a well developed beard on her chin. She threatens dire vengeance upon those who restrained her of her liberty, and: is especially severe in her strictures ; upon Policeman "No. 9," who arrested her Wed nesday, but subsequently let her go. She farther says that she intends to recover damages to the extent, of ten dollars a second for every moment she is called upon to endure what she terms "false imprison ment." She will form an interesting sub ject for investigation before His Honor, the Mayor, this morn Id g. jnavot'a Court. Moses Scott, colored, was arraigned on the charge of acting disorderly on the street Wednesday night and was required to pay a fine of $1 50. John Pascucci and R. J. Herbert had a hearing on tbe charge of having engaged in an affray. The evideuce was to the effect that the latter was in fault, and John Pas cucci was thereupon discharged, while R. Herbert was required to pay a fine of $2. BED BUGS. ROACHES. Rats, mice. ants, flies, vermin, mosquitoes, insects, &c, cleared out by "Rough on Rats," 15c boxes St druggists. THE JOtAlI.8. The mails close and arrive at the City Post Office as follows: CLOSE. Northern through mails, fast, 5:30 P. M. Northern through and way mails.................... o:4ua,jo. Raleigh 5:40 A.M. Mails for the jm. J. Kauroaa, and routes supplied there from, including A. & N. C. Railroad, at........ . 5:40 A.M. Southern mails for all points South, daily 7:45 r. m. Westernmails(C.C. R'y)daily ' ; : (except Bunday). . . . ; . ..... unXi A. M. Mail for Cheraw & Darlington i Railroad. . . . . . : 7 ; M. Mails lor points between Flo- ; rence and Charleston, 3. . . . . iAa r. M. Fayetteville.andofficesonCape . Fear luver, "mesaays ana Fridavs. ' . . . w. w . . ' 1 :00 P M. Fayetteville, : via: Lumberton, daily, except eunaays. ... :w a. ju. OnsloW C. H. and interme diate offices, Mondays and Thursdays. .-. 6.-00 A M. Smithville-mails, by steam boat, dailv (except oundaysio isu A. sa Mails for Easy Hill,. Town Creek, Bhallotte and Liittie ' River, Mondays and Thurs davsii...,i.............. 6.-00 A. M. Wilmington and Black River Chapel, Mondays, v eanes- davs and Fridays. 5:00 A. M. OPEN FOB DELIVEKT. Northern through and way mails .... 7:3U A. JO. Southern mails 7:00 P. M. and 7.30 A. M. Carolina Central Railroad .... 4 :UU l. sol. Mails collecteazrom street ooxes every day at 4,00 P. M, ; ;,: General- aeuvery open nam o:tm a. ju,. to 7:00 P. M., and on Sundays from 8:80 to 9:80A. M: , . i fttamDs for sale in small auantities at ge neral delivery. when stamp, office is closed . Htamn Office onen rrom s A.-JtL. lO iz ML.. andf rom2 to5:3Q P.M.. '. Money, order and Register Department open same as stamp iuv.. . i .-;!.. . -!-.: v. .' .urn m .r ; O.UARTEKLY ItKETINQS. f or "tho Wilmlagtoa . Third Hound, ia part : WUtflule,at WhitavOle. Waccamaw, at Lebahon. , Rrktttivllla MtailAA.i . . i . . . ..id...... July IS IT .......... Jnly S3 4 1. S. RTTRKH BAD, . ! m m ' PreaMlngaier' a ftARR BAkGATN. A well established and prosperous Weekly. Newspaper, located ia a thrl vln?: growing town on , the line of a prominent Rmfourf,' is offered ' for- aale ' Terms easy. For term and parttajlars apply to . the editor f thia rf A KOMAUCK PFJ4 POOB XOTOO MAN.- A.rennrter ot xna vnuaaeiDnia necora. reevnux AturiTtWafc Mn flarmkli MMT nlker' la zhat city named Delaware weozeue, ox no.: oo North 9th street, and found him with $5,000 In greenback preparatory to opening a bank ac- onnt and going Into business for himself on the Titer fronlT This came from expending one dollar for S hairtlBketia the May drawiag of thaiot ana State Lottery. There will be over $110,000 tribuUdin like manne July lSthi A venture 6 or: ine jjouimi- aim often - hb lobencB' ' znoHridiALB' of; the tittrrery. The foUowintf is all extract from, a latter wiitten to the "German, Refbrmed Meaees- gw."soaamDersBaaB,s' - i her,', and Mrs. WinsJow win. prove the American Florence. Nlghtmgate of the Nursery. Of this we are so sate that w will ' teaci V8nay, to say. t "A Dlessing en Mrs. Winslow," for helping her to survive and escape the griping, couetang ana teetn ?n tlAcrTM r WLW'ft SOOTHING SY RUP relieves the cjjld frontpata. and cures dysen- lad OiarnxBa. it BOfWjim, un gumo, rupoe xmation, cures wind cone; and carries the ta- th .teething priodi It pr- wnat oroieaeea to psnorm. every part of tt-Maooilng less. We nave neyer Been Mrs.; oi ner "uocwung pyrui yuwwm xccuixuk waiUkaiae rMmet' wewouMmaae aer, aesaeis, a '"1 WHOLE NO.5 4334 K1VBB AltO niABlIIBw Capt. Gjeruldsen. of the Norwegian barque . reports . having spoken the Ausyian barque Jtampier off Flume, in latitude 25.30 and longitude 46.00, on tbe l2thofJune. All well. ! NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ITdtice. STRAVSD OB STOLEN, AT BUBGAW.on the night of the 4th inst.. a Black HOBSB MUJJB, lona and slim, with the wild appearance of a colt, about eight years old. A liberal reward will be gi ven to any one who will give me Information of his whereabouts. p. MONTAGUS, .- Long Creek F. O., Jy8DAW3t Pender co.,: N. C. ' Schedule B Tax. :LL PKBS0N3 TNTKBBSTBD ARB RJEMIND- edthat ONLY TWO DATS remain in which they can list their Tax nnder Schednla B. JOS. B, SAMPSON, Jj 8 It Beg. of Deeds. ff iMDiton & Weldon B. R. Company. TBSASURBB'S OFFICB, WILMINGTON, N. C, July 1st, 1881. TIB DIRECTORS OF THE WILMINGTON ft Weldon B. B. Company nave this day declared a semi-annual dividend of Three Per Cent, on the Capital Stock, payable, at the office of the Treasu rer, on we iota or imy, icoi, to au wno are stock holders of record on the Books of the Company on the 11th of Jufy. J. W. THOMPSON, Jy 8 3t Review copy. Sec'y aod Treas. . Linen Dusters. THITB VESTS, White and Colored Ties, Lisle Gloves and Shirts, At MUNSON'S. Clothier and Merchant Tailor; 3l81t Special Inducements. HAT, IN CAR LOAD LOTS, AT REDUCED figures. We have 1000 Bales. ALSO, CO Bosh Black and Clay PEAS, 10.C00 Bosh P. W. CORN, etc., etc. PRESTON CUMMIN G A CO.. Millers and Grain and jy8tf Peanut Dealers. Grown Collars ani Cuffs- For style and Beauty they take the lead, And are worn by every one The "Reinforced Band" is just what you need, And are sold by DYER A SON. ly 8 tfll Meeting of Trustees of tbe Uni?ersity. TIERS WILL BE A MEETING OF THE TRUS tees of tbe University of North Carollna-in the Executive Office, In Raleigh, on TUESDAY, the lftth July, 1881, at 4M o'clock P. M., at which a Prafcssor of Natural History will be chosen In the place of Dr. F. W.psimonds; resigned on account of 111 health. Applications should be addressed to PRESIDENT BATTLE, Jy 6 D&W2w Chapel Hill, N. C. Dr. fortuiigton's Ctolera leucine. P)B DYSENTERY, DIARRHOEA, CHOLERA Morbus, Summer Complaint of Children, and all Painful Derangements of the Bowels, this old body's" Pills, the best, mildest and safest Cathartic. Oaml tar "AhtIwu1 aiwl RnnhiriT.H K Everybody." For sale by all dealers. BO , CAttJ Proprietors, Baltimore, Md. e IS eodSm nac bu we ir Q.UM CAMPHOB, Alcohol, Copperas, Chloride Lime, Fly Paper, Ac tsr'Prescriptions' compounded at all boors day and night. - WM. H. GBEEN, Druggist. jy8tf Market, bet. Front and SdSU. Straw Hats! HARRISON A ALLEN, t Hatters. JyTtf Wanted. JX PURCHASE A HOUSE WITH SIX OB more Rooms, in desirable locality, Nice yard, 'good water. Terms CASH UP NO TIME. Address Jy2t B., STAR OFFICE. For Bent, THAT TJKSTRABLB TWO STORY House, situated on the west side of Third as street oetween wainut ana nea ww, at present occupied by Mr. Newklrk. Appiy w D. O'CONNOR, Renting and Collecting Agent. Jyltf Seed Peas QF ALL BINDS, HAT IN SMALL AND.LABGE bales, Oats, JBrafa, Grain of all kinds, MeaL at bot tomflffures. at C. F. Flour and Pearl Hominy Mills. C. B. WBIGHT, e36tf Proprietor. Fer Geraan Bart Japan, : W TB ABE DAILY EXPECTING ANOTHER lot White Granite and C. C. Ware, direct from the English Potteries. We are offering "Special In ducements" to the trade. Send usypur orders. GILES MUBCHISON, Jef6tf S8 and 40 Murchison Block. Still in the Front With Biggest Stocky Nobbiest Styles u and Lowest Prices. THIS WEEK WILL CLOSE OUT BALANCE OF those nice Bathing Suit at 60 eta and 75 cents. worth a great deal more. The big run on oar stock last week did not break our sues, ana we are suit aoie io nt mjowj. ; Call and examine our SI SO White Vest, worth The Pearls have come, jyiif ' L A. DAVID, - The Clothier. French Ilillinery. TIHB NEWEST AND MOST STYLISH IN THE . r ; - . . ; ; ; . city at Miss S. A, 8' ia the Lessmaa House, between Market and Dock streets, my 15 Clerk Wanted. a- TOUNGMAN IS TO 80 TEARS OF AGE, Jt, as CLEBK aa General Merchaadifle. Store.: nn. who baa bad experience preferred., and must .r grrv gwuv crre 'Seoa leierencea. jrcnaasan empmyment . r i gooawagi JM1 lw Peacock's, N. G la Ja Ssu S - ". Sixmonths,M....,...,....;U. 40 W uneyear,... ..v. .fit;-..... ev we, Subcontract "Adverttsements take at proper' ttoaately low rata,r : ;i ;s 0: , Ten lines salld Nonnarell tvna make on aaaarai : NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ' Fresh jCandiesi f QAKBS AND CBACKEgSg'j-- ',' ' JUST RECEIVED. Finest Chocolate Creams, Marshmallow Drops, ' Peppermint Lozenges and Drops, Jordan Almonds, Walnut and Cocoa Nut Tally and other Candles. Vanilla and Lemon Wafers, Butter Scotch, Gin ger Snapps and Bread, Jumbles, Wafer Soda Crack ers, Nic Nax, Animals, Kindergartens, and other fresh Cakes and Craers.''v4' ljl, I am selling the Sweetest and Whitest Flour la the city. Iam selling an Extra Family Flour at $7 00 per bW. Old Gov't Java, Laguayra and Rid Coffees Boast ed and Ground Daily under my own sdperrision. If you waat something nice try it, - -N. C. Hams, Ferris Hams, Spriagneld Hams.Can vassed Hams, Small Hams, Large Hams, Small Su gar Cured Shoul tiers, at J. C.Stevenson's, jyBtf SECOND STREET. Blank Books, JJEDGBRS, JOURNALS, .CASH BOOKS, DAT Books, Bill Books, .Invoice Backs, Note and Draft Books. Memorandum Books, all kinds and sizes. Just received a large stock and for sale cheap at HEINSBKRGBR'tt. . Albums, Albums, DTHOGBAPHIO AND PHOTOGB APHIC, IN large variety. A new lot Just in at jy 7 tt Live Book and Music Store. Wilson, CMUs & Co.'s Watrons TTTAGONS OF ABOVE MAKE, i v AT MANUFACTURERS RICES For sale by KEBCHNEB A CALDER BBOS. Jj7tf Flour, Corn, Hay. 1200 Bbl" E'LOUB,'allBTaae' 2000 Btt8h wuteand mx& corn, Si A A Bales No. 1 TIMOTHY HAY, $ For sale by KEBCHNEB A C ALDER BROS. jy7tf Cuba Holasses. 1RA Hhds, and Bbls Extra Fine 1DU CUBA MOLASSES , For sale by Jjttt KEBCHNEB A CALDER BROB. Sugar, Coffee, Rice. Bbls SUGAR, 150 B8" coyFKB' Jp? Bbis RICSi For sale by KEBCHNEB A CALDER BROB. JT 7 tf Brown & Roddick 45 Blarkct Street, ! The Nobbiest Thing Out IS CUB '! -,s "DUKE OF ARGYLB" LINEN COLLAR AND TIB COMBINED, ; " For which we are the Sole 'Agenti In this city. GiveusacalL V ' BROWN A RODDICK, jyl tf r . , !4 45 Market St. L. S. I.. NEXT DRAWING OF THE . Louisiana Slate' LrOUery TAKES - PLACE JULY 13. PRIZES FROM $100 to $30,000. Price, Whole tickets. $S 00, Halves $1 00. ' :- afi dreas Look Box 872, : Je 15 tf r? Wilmington, N. C. 7Tt" School SqqkSe A FULL STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND.: Head quarters for Text Books adopted -by the State Board of Education. ; LiberaL discount to Teachers. " ... ORGANS For Church. School sndwParlcr use. Pianos of the best make always on hand, at Jy 8 tf C. W. YATES';BOOKiTORB. Cotton Gins !U... npHOBE IN WANT OF THE CELEBRATED A, Brown Cotton Gins should send in their orders at once; time Is now full short ( Guaranteed to be the best and cheapest Gin made. ' ' . WM. B. SPRINGER A CO., Successors to John Daweon A Co., "Jratf ,Jl Si ad Market St. The rrHE HUMAN RACE NEED COMFORTS THIS X warm weather. warm weather. We have them In the way of Coolers. i, Freeaers, ' vdu want a freeaers. Lemon Squeezers. ; Bath Tubs, Ac. lfy Want a good Can opener we ! i nave u. IU for your interest to buy oar White OiV.jJ ;K'. Jy3tt , . ..y, PARKER ATAYLOB. Ulsters JUST BECEIVBD, ALL SIZES. "TUBKiSH BATIP? SOAPS, ' SIX CAKES for 15 cents. CIRCULAR GOUS, ; Nice for persons visiting the mountains, have them plain and iaplaida. , CLOSING OUT MATTINGS at very close prices. ' : Bespectfolly Jy6tf ,?, THE HYGEIA HOTEL fi: -ii. r-dHviHfvf )j-i3Tsl . 1 viu ar vaaaa mw.w f CiTUATBD ONE HUNDRED YARDS FROM p Fort Mcmroe. Open aUtoe year..- Beast to aay hotel in the United States as a Stnuka Bjmokt. , rdforcirculardegh i faiy SSSm'-iii nniitii i tv JAopxlBtor. ' THE MORNING WaR can S ways' at the feUowlng places in the dtyjt Tha Purce House, turns ftews etano, ana hi vn lift .